Constitutional Law Cases
Constitutional Law Cases
Constitutional Law Cases
Constitutional Construction The Solicitor General, arguing in behalf of the CIR, states that the
decision in Perfecto vs Meer was rendered ineffective when Congress
1. Perfecto vs. Meer enacted Republic Act No. 590.
ISSUE: Whether or not Sec 13 of RA 590 is constitutional.
In April 1947 the Collector of Internal Revenue required Mr. Justice
Gregorio Perfecto to pay income tax upon his salary as member of the HELD: No. The said provision is a violation of the separation of powers.
Court during the year 1946. After paying the amount, he instituted an Only courts have the power to interpret laws. Congress makes laws but
action in Manila Court of First Instance contending that the assessment courts interpret them. In Sec. 13, R.A. 590, Congress is already
was illegal, his salary not being taxable for the reason that imposition of encroaching upon the functions of the courts when it inserted the
taxes thereon would reduce it in violation of the Constitution. It provides phrase: “payment of which [tax] is hereby declared not to be a
in its Article VIII, Section 9 that the members of the Supreme Court and diminution of his compensation fixed by the Constitution or by law.”
all judges of inferior courts “shall receive such compensation as may be
Here, Congress is already saying that imposing taxes upon judges is not
fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in
a diminution of their salary. This is a clear example of interpretation or
ascertainment of the meaning of the phrase “which shall not be
diminished during their continuance in office,” found in Section 9, Article
VIII of the Constitution, referring to the salaries of judicial officers. This
Whether or not the imposition of an income tax upon this salary in 1946
act of interpreting the Constitution or any part thereof by the Legislature
amount to a diminution.
is an invasion of the well-defined and established province and
jurisdiction of the Judiciary.
Yes, the imposition of the income tax upon the salary of Justice Perfecto “The rule is recognized elsewhere that the legislature cannot pass any
amount to a diminution thereof. The prohibition is general, contains declaratory act, or act declaratory of what the law was before its
no excepting words, and appears to be directed against all passage, so as to give it any binding weight with the courts. A legislative
diminution, whether for one purpose or another. The fathers of definition of a word as used in a statute is not conclusive of its meaning
the Constitution intended to prohibit diminution by taxation as well as as used elsewhere; otherwise, the legislature would be usurping a
otherwise, that they regarded the independence of the judges as of far judicial function in defining a term.
greater importance than any revenue that could come from taxing their
salaries. Thus, taxing the salary of a judge as a part of his income is a The interpretation and application of the Constitution and of statutes is
violation of the Constitution. within the exclusive province and jurisdiction of the judicial department,
and that in enacting a law, the Legislature may not legally provide
1.Constitutional Law; Taxation; Tax On Income Of therein that it be interpreted in such a way that it may not violate a
Constitutional Officers.—The imposition of income tax upon the Constitutional prohibition, thereby tying the hands of the courts in their
salary of judges is a diminution thereof, and violates the Constitution. task of later interpreting said statute, especially when the interpretation
sought and provided in said statute runs counter to a previous
2.Id.; Id.; Id.; Right Not Waivable.—The undiminishable character interpretation already given in a case by the highest court of the land.
of judicial salaries is not a mere privilege of judges—personal and
therefore waivable—but a basic limitation upon legislative or executive
action imposed in the public interest.
*In conclusion we reiterate the doctrine laid down in the case
3.ID.; ID.; ID.—On income other than judicial salary, tax assessments of Perfecto vs. Meer, supra, to the effect that the collection of income
may be levied for men on the Bench. It is only when the tax is charged tax on the salary of a judicial officer is a diminution thereof and so
directly on their salary and the effect of the tax is to diminish their official violates the Constitution. We further hold that the interpretation and
stipend when taxation becomes an infringement of the fundamental application of the Constitution and of statutes is within the exclusive
charter. province and jurisdiction of the Judicial department, and that in enacting
a law, the Legislature may not legally provide therein that it be
4.ID.; ID.—Perhaps the Legislature may validly provide by a law that interpreted in such a way that it may not violate a Constitutional
salaries of judges appointed after its passage shall be subject to income prohibition, thereby tying the hands of the courts in their task of later
tax. Perfecto vs. Meer, 85 Phil. 552, No. L-2348 February 27, 1950 interpreting said statute, specially when the interpretation sought and
provided in said statute runs counter to a previous interpretation already
given in a case by the highest court of the land.
2. Endencia vs. David
Constitutional Law ; Taxation; Interpretation of Laws, a
Saturnino David, the then Collector of Internal Revenue, ordered the Judicial Finction.—The Legislature cannot lawfully declare the
taxing of Justice Pastor Endencia’s and Justice Fernando Jugo’s (and collection of income tax on the salary of a public official, specially a
other judges’) salary pursuant to Sec. 13 of Republic Act No. 590 which judicial officer, not a decrease of his salary, after the Supreme Court has
provides that found and decided otherwise. "Defining and interpreting the law is a
judicial function and the legis lative branch may not limit or restrict the
No salary wherever received by any public officer of the Republic of the power granted to the courts by the Constitution." (Bandy vs. Mickelson
Philippines shall be considered as exempt from the income tax, payment et al., 44 N.W., 2nd, 341, 342; see also 11 Am. Jur., 714-715 and 905.)
of which is hereby declared not to be a diminution of his compensation The act of interpreting the Constitution or any part thereof by the
fixed by the Constitution or by law. Legislature is an invasion of the well-defined and established province
and jurisdiction of the Judiciary, .
The judges however argued that under the case of Perfecto vs Meer,
judges are exempt from taxation – this is also in observance of the Id.; Separation of Powers—Under our system of constitutional
doctrine of separation of powers, i.e., the executive, to which the government, the Legislative department is assigned the power to make
Internal Revenue reports, is separate from the judiciary; that under the and enact laws. The Executive department is charged with the execution
Constitution, the judiciary is independent and the salaries of judges may or carrying out of the provisions of said laws. But the interpretation and
not be diminished by the other branches of government; that taxing application of said laws belong exclusively to the Judicial department.
And this au-thority to interpret and apply the laws extends to the Rigos, that the salaries of members of the Judiciary would be subject to
Con-stitution. Before the courts can determine whether a law is the general income tax applied to all taxpayers. This intent was
constitutional or not, it will have to interpret and ascertain the meaning somehow and inadvertently not clearly set forth in the final text of the
not only of said law, but also of the pertinent portion of the Constitution Constitution as approved and ratified in February, 1987 (infra, pp. 7-8).
in order to decide whether there is a conflict between the two, because Although the intent may have been obscured by the failure to include in
if there is, then the law will have to give way and has to be declared the General Provisions a proscription against exemption of any public
invalid and unconstitutional. officer or employee, including constitutional officers, from payment of
income tax, the Court since then has authorized the continuation of the
3.Taxation; Income Tax, Taxing Salaries of Judicial Officers a deduction of the withholding tax from the salaries of the members of
Diminution Of Their Compensation as Fixed by Law—The doctrine the Supreme Court, as well as from the salaries of all other members of
laid down in the case of Perfecto vs. Meer (85 Phil., 552) to the effect the Judiciary. The Court hereby makes of record that it had then
that the collection of income tax on the salary of a judicial officer is a discarded the ruling in Perfecto vs. Meer and Endencia vs. David, infra,
diminution thereof and so violates the Constitution, is reiterated. that declared the salaries of members of the Judiciary exempt from
Endencia and Jugo vs. David, etc, 93 Phil., 696, Nos. L-6355-56 August payment of the income tax and considered such payment as a
31, 1953 diminution of their salaries during their continuance in office. The Court
hereby reiterates that the salaries of Justices and Judges are properly
subject to a general income tax law applicable to all income earners and
3. Nitafan vs. CIR that the payment of such income tax by Justices and Judges does not
fall within the constitutional protection against decrease of their salaries
FACTS: during their continuance in office.
Nitafan and some others, duly qualified and appointed judges of the
RTC, NCR, all with stations in Manila, seek to prohibit and/or perpetually Statutory Construction; Intent of the framers of the organic law
enjoin the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the Financial Officer and of the people adopting it should be given effect.—The
of the Supreme Court, from making any deduction of withholding taxes debates, interpellations and opinions expressed regarding the
from their salaries. constitutional provision in question until it was finally approved by the
Commission disclosed that the true intent of the framers of the 1987
They submit that "any tax withheld from their emoluments or Constitution, in adopting it, was to make the salaries of members of the
compensation as judicial officers constitutes a decrease or diminution of Judiciary taxable. The ascertainment of that intent is but in keeping with
their salaries, contrary to the provision of Section 10, Article VIII of the the fundamental principle of constitutional construction that the intent
1987 Constitution mandating that during their continuance in office, of the framers of the organic law and of the people adopting it should
their salary shall not be decreased," even as it is anathema to the Ideal be given effect. The primary task in constitutional construction is to
of an independent judiciary envisioned in and by said Constitution." ascertain and thereafter assure the realization of the purpose of the
framers and of the people in the adoption of the Constitution. It may
ISSUE: Whether or not members of the Judiciary are exempt from also be safely assumed that the people in ratifying the Constitution were
income taxes. guided mainly by the explanation offered by the framers. Besides,
construing Section 10, Articles VIII, of the 1987 Constitution, which, for
HELD: clarity, is again reproduced hereunder: "The salary of the Chief Justice
No. The salaries of members of the Judiciary are subject to the general and of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, and of judges of
income tax applied to all taxpayers. Although such intent was somehow lower courts shall be fixed by law. During their continuance in office,
and inadvertently not clearly set forth in the final text of the 1987 their salary shall not be decreased." (Italics supplied). It is plain that the
Constitution, the deliberations of the1986 Constitutional Commission Constitution authorizes Congress to pass a law fixing another rate of
negate the contention that the intent of the framers is to revert to the compensation of Justices and Judges but such rate must be higher than
original concept of non-diminution´ of salaries of judicial officers. that which they are receiving at the time of enactment, or if lower, it
Justices and judges are not only the citizens whose income has been would be applicable only to those appointed after its approval. It would
reduced in accepting service in government and yet subject to income be a strained construction to read into the provision an exemption from
tax. Such is true also of Cabinet members and all other employees. taxation in the light of the discussion in the Constitutional Commission.
Categories: Constitutional Law 1 Nitafan vs. Commissioner of lnternal Revenue, 152 SCRA 284, No. L-
78780 July 23, 1987
set aside by the President. Upon the initiative of the President, the to Barcelon vs. Baker, 5 Phil. 87 (1905), and Montenegro vs. Castañeda,
Congress may, in the same manner, extend such proclamation or 91 Phil. 882 (1952). Justice Barredo, for his part, holds that Lansang
suspension for a period to be determined by the Congress, if the need not be overturned, indeed does not control in these cases. He
invasion or rebellion shall persist and public safety requires it. draws a distinction between the power of the President to suspend the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, which was the issue in Lansang,
The Congress, if not in session, shall, within twenty-four hours following and his power to proclaim martial law, calling attention to the fact that
such proclamation or suspension, convene in accordance with its rules while the Bill of Rights prohibits suspension of the privilege except in the
without need of a call. instances specified therein, it places no such prohibition or qualification
The Supreme Court may review, in an appropriate proceeding filed by with respect to the declaration of martial law.
any citizen, the sufficiency of the factual basis of the proclamation of Justice Antonio, with whom Justices Makasiar, Fernandez and Aquino
martial law or the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas concur, finds that there is no dispute as to the existence of a state of
corpus or the extension thereof, and must promulgate its decision rebellion in the country, and on that premise emphasizes the factor
thereon within thirty days from its filing. of necessity for the exercise by the President of his power under the
A state of martial law does not suspend the operation of the Constitution to declare martial law, holding that the decision as to
Constitution, nor supplant the functioning of the civil courts or legislative whether or not there is such necessity is wholly confided to him and
assemblies, nor authorize the conferment of jurisdiction on military therefore is not subject to judicial inquiry, his responsibility being directly
courts and agencies over civilians where civil courts are able to function, to the people.
nor automatically suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. Arrayed on the side of justiciability are Justices Castro, Fernando,
The suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall apply Teehankee and Muñoz Palma. They hold that the constitutional
only to persons judicially charged for rebellion or offenses inherent in, sufficiency of the proclamation may be inquired into by the Court, and
or directly connected with, invasion. would thus apply the principle laid down in Lansang although that case
refers to the power of the President to suspend the privilege of the writ
During the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, any of habeas corpus. The recognition of justiciability accorded to the
person thus arrested or detained shall be judicially charged within three question in Lansang, it should be emphasized, is there expressly
days, otherwise he shall be released. distinguished from the power of judicial review in ordinary civil or
criminal cases, and is limited to ascertaining “merely whether he (the
Aquino vs Enrile [59 SCRA183]
President) has gone beyond the constitutional limits of his jurisdiction,
FACTS: The events which form the background of these nine petitions not to exercise the power vested in him or to determine the wisdom of
are related, either briefly or in great detail, in the separate opinions filed his act.” The test is not whether the President’s decision is correct but
by the individual Justices. The petitioners were arrested and held whether, in suspending the writ, he did or did not act arbitrarily.
pursuant to General Order No. 2 of the President (September 22, 1972), Applying this test, the finding by the Justices just mentioned is that there
“for being participants or for having given aid and comfort in the was no arbitrariness in the President’s proclamation of martial law
conspiracy to seize political and state power in the country and to take pursuant to the 1935 Constitution; and I concur with them in that
over the Government by force …” finding. The factual bases for the suspension of the privilege of the writ
of habeas corpus, particularly in regard to the existence of a state of
General Order No. 2 was issued by the President in the exercise of the rebellion in the country, had not disappeared, indeed had been
powers he assumed by virtue of Proclamation No. 1081 (September 21, exacerbated, as events shortly before said proclamation clearly
1972) placing the entire country under martial law. demonstrated. On this Point the Court is practically unanimous; Justice
ISSUE: The first major issue raised by the parties is whether this Court Teehankee merely refrained from discussing it.
may inquire into the validity of Proclamation No. 1081. Stated more Insofar as my own opinion is concerned the cleavage in the Court on
concretely, is the existence of conditions claimed to justify the exercise the issue of justiciability is of not much more than academic interest for
of the power to declare martial law subject to judicial inquiry? Is the purposes of arriving at a judgment. I am not unduly exercised by
question political or justiciable in character? Americas decisions on the subject written in another age and political
RULING: Justices Makasiar, Antonio, Esguerra, Fernandez and Aquino clime, or by theories of foreign authors in political science. The present
hold that the question is political and therefore its determination is state of martial law in the Philippines is peculiarly Filipino and fits into
beyond the jurisdiction of this Court. The reasons are given at length in no traditional patterns or judicial precedents.
the separate opinions they have respectively signed. Justice Fernandez In the first place I am convinced (as are the other Justices), without
adds that as a member of the Convention that drafted the 1973 need of receiving evidence as in an ordinary adversary court proceeding,
Constitution he believes that “the Convention put an imprimatur on the that a state of rebellion existed in the country when Proclamation No.
proposition that the validity of a martial law proclamation and its 1081 was issued. It was a matter of contemporary history within the
continuation is political and non-justiciable in character.” cognizance not only of the courts but of all observant people residing
Justice Barredo, on the other hand, believes that political questions are here at the time. Many of the facts and events recited in detail in the
not per se beyond the Court’s jurisdiction, the judicial power vested in different “Whereases” of the proclamation are of common knowledge.
it by the Constitution being plenary and all-embracing, but that as a The state of rebellion continues up to the present. The argument that
matter of policy implicit in the Constitution itself the Court should abstain while armed hostilities go on in several provinces in Mindanao there are
from interfering with the Executive’s Proclamation, dealing as it does none in other regions except in isolated pockets in Luzon, and that
with national security, for which the responsibility is vested by the therefore there is no need to maintain martial law all over the country,
charter in him alone. But the Court should act, Justice Barredo opines, ignores the sophisticated nature and ramifications of rebellion in a
when its abstention from acting would result in manifest and palpable modern setting. It does not consist simply of armed clashes between
transgression of the Constitution proven by facts of judicial notice, no organized and identifiable groups on fields of their own choosing. It
reception of evidence being contemplated for purposes of such judicial includes subversion of the most subtle kind, necessarily clandestine and
action. operating precisely where there is no actual fighting. Underground
propaganda, through printed news sheets or rumors disseminated in
It may be noted that the postulate of non-justiciability as discussed in whispers; recruitment of armed and ideological adherents, raising of
those opinions involves disparate methods of approach. Justice Esguerra funds, procurement of arms and material, fifth-column activities
maintains that the findings of the President on the existence of the including sabotage and intelligence — all these are part of the rebellion
grounds for the declaration of martial law are final and conclusive upon which by their nature are usually conducted far from the battle fronts.
the Courts. He disagrees vehemently with the ruling in Lansang vs. They cannot be counteracted effectively unless recognized and dealt
Garcia, 42 SCRA 448, December 11, 1971, and advocates a return with in that context.
Secondly, my view, which coincides with that of other members of the
Court as stated in their opinions, is that the question of validity of Is BP 883 unconstitutional, and should the Supreme Court therefore stop
Proclamation No. 1081 has been foreclosed by the transitory provision and prohibit the holding of the elections
of the 1973 Constitution [Art. XVII, Sec. 3(2)] that “all proclamations,
orders, decrees, instructions, and acts promulgated, issued, or done by HELD:
the incumbent President shall be part of the law of the land and shall
remain valid, legal, binding and effective even after … the ratification of The petitions in these cases are dismissed and the prayer for the
this Constitution …” To be sure, there is an attempt in these cases to issuance of an injunction restraining respondents from holding the
resuscitate the issue of the effectivity of the new Constitution. All that, election on February 7, 1986, in as much as there are less than the
however, is behind us now. The question has been laid to rest by our required 10 votes to declare BP 883 unconstitutional.
decision in Javellana vs. Executive Secretary (L-36142, 50 SCRA 30,
March 31, 1973), and of course by the existing political realities both in The events that have transpired since December 3,as the Court did not
the conduct of national affairs and in our relations with other countries. issue any restraining order, have turned the issue into a political
question (from the purely justiciable issue of the questioned
On the effect of the transitory provision Justice Muñoz Palma withholds constitutionality of the act due to the lack of the actual vacancy of the
her assent to any sweeping statement that the same in effect validated, President’s office) which can be truly decided only by the people in their
in the constitutional sense, all “such proclamations, decrees, sovereign capacity at the scheduled election, since there is no issue
instructions, and acts promulgated, issued, or done by the incumbent more political than the election. The Court cannot stand in the way of
President.” All that she concedes is that the transitory provision merely letting the people decide through their ballot, either to give the
gives them “the imprimatur of a law but not of a constitutional incumbent president a new mandate or to elect a new president.
mandate,” and as such therefore “are subject to judicial review when
proper under the Constitution.
Finally, the political-or-justiciable question controversy indeed, any People Power Revolt
inquiry by this Court in the present cases into the constitutional
sufficiency of the factual bases for the proclamation of martial law — 1. Lawyers League vs. Aquino
has become moot and purposeless as a consequence of the general
referendum of July 27-28, 1973. The question propounded to the voters
was: “Under the (1973) Constitution, the President, if he so desires, can 2. In re: Bermudez
continue in office beyond 1973. Do you want President Marcos to
continue beyond 1973 and finish the reforms he initiated under Martial In a petition for declaratory relief impleading no respondents, petitioner,
Law?” The overwhelming majority of those who cast their ballots, as a lawyer, quotes the first paragraph of Section 5 (not Section 7 as
including citizens between 15 and 18 years, voted affirmatively on the erroneously stated) of Article XVIII of the proposed 1986 Constitution,
proposal. The question was thereby removed from the area of which provides in full as follows:
presidential power under the Constitution and transferred to the seat of
sovereignty itself. Whatever may be the nature of the exercise of that
power by the President in the beginning — whether or not purely Sec. 5. The six-year term of the incumbent President and Vice-President
political and therefore non-justiciable — this Court is precluded from elected in the February 7, 1986 election is, for purposes of
applying its judicial yardstick to the act of the sovereign. synchronization of elections, hereby extended to noon of June 30, 1992.
The first regular elections for the President and Vice-President under
Snap presidential election this Constitution shall be held on the second Monday of May, 1992.
Facts: Same; Same; Same; There is no inconsistency between the term of six
- The petitioner, Reynato S. Puno, was first appointed as Associate (6) years for elective Barangay officials and the 1987 Constitution.—
Justice of the Court of Appeals on 1980. Contrary to the stand of respondents, we find nothing inconsistent
- On 1983, the Court of Appeals was reorganized and became the between the term of six (6) years for elective Barangay officials and the
Intermediate Appellate Court pursuant to BP Blg. 129. 1987 Constitution, and the same should, therefore, be considered as still
- On 1984, petitioner was appointed to be Deputy Minister of Justice in operative, pursuant to Section 3, Article XVIII of the 1987 Constitution.
the Ministry of Justice. Thus, he ceased to be a member of the Judiciary. De Leon vs. Esguerra, 153 SCRA 602, No. L-78059 August 31, 1987
- After February 1986 EDSA Revolution, there was a reorganization of
the entire government, including the Judiciary. Defensor Santiago vs. COMELEC
- A Screening Committee for the reorganization of the Intermediate
Appelate Court and lower courts recommended the return of petitioner
as Associate Justice of the new court of Appeals and assigned him the
rank of number 11 in the roster of appellate court justices.
- When the appointments were signed by Pres. Aquino, petitioner's
seniority ranking changes from number 11 to 26.
- Then, petitioner alleged that the change in seniority ranking was due
to "inadvertence" of the President, otherwise, it would run counter to
the provisions of Section 2 of E.O. No. 33.
- Petitioner Justice Reynato S. Puno wrote a letter to the Court seeking
the correction of his seniority ranking in the Court of Appeals.
- The Court en banc granted Justice Puno's request.
- A motion for reconsideration was later filed by Associate Justices
Campos Jr. and Javellana who are affected by the ordered correction.
- They alleged that petitioner could not claim reappointment because
the courts where he had previously been appointed ceased to exist at
the date of his last appointment.
The Court held that the Court of Appeals and Intermediate Appellate
Court existing prior to E.O. No. 33 phased out as part of the legal system
abolished by the 1987 Revolution. The Court of Appeals that was
established under E.O. No. 33 is considered as an entirely new court.
The present Court of Appeals is a new entity, different and distinct from
the courts existing before E.O. No. 33. It was created in the wake of the
massive reorganization launched by the revolutionary government of
Corazon Aquino in the aftermath of the people power in 1986.