S11&S2 Operation Manual

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S11 / S2

Operation Manual
S11 Operation Manual


1. How to create and input patient data?

In the MAIN INTERFACE, press the key, to enter into the patient exam list interface. Then,
click “New patient” item to create new patient files. Patient data can be entered with PC
keyboard, while ach patient can get an ID number automatically.

2. How to enter the exam mode?

In the MAIN INTERFACE, choose transducer first, then choose and press EXAM icon to enter the
exam mode.


3. How to adjust the 2D basic parameters?

GAIN: To increase and decrease the signal of grayscale.

TGC: To compensate the gain in vertical levels.

FOCUS: Move the FOCUS to the region of your target.

DEPTH: Position your target at the middle of the whole screen.

4. How to optimize the 2D image?

In the EXAM INTERFACE, press (MENU) key, move cursor with (Audio) and adjust

parameters with (MENU) knob.

- Dynamic Range (20-320dB): Lower DYN for better contrast resolution, while higher DYN for
better detailed information.
- Frequency (2-15MHz): Lower FRE for better penetration in the far field, while higher FRE for
better resolution in the near field.
- Image processing (0-2): Reduce the speckle noise inside the imaging area
5. How to change the image orientation?

- LT/RT: In all image modes, use key to change the image left/right orientation.

- Up/Down: Press key to alternate the image orientation between up and down.
S11 Operation Manual

6. How to get the 2B and 4B mode?

2B: In the B mode, press button to enter into 2B mode, and use key to switch the
active image.
4B: In the B mode, press “4B” button on the PC keyboard to enter into 4B mode, and still

use key to switch the active image.

7. How to make panoramic imaging?

Press “P ” button on PC keyboard and start moving the probe to get a panoramic image.

8. How to make the basic measurement in 2D mode?

Measurements can be down not only after freezing but also under real-time.

- Distance: a. Press button next to trackball

b. Press button to enter into the Calculation List, choose DISTANCE under

- Area: Press button next to trackball.

- Ellipse: a. Press button next to trackball.

b. Press button, choose ELLISPE under BASIC MEASUREMENT

- Volume: Press button, choose Volume (Height x Width x Length).

- Angle: Press button, choose Angle.

9. How to get IMT and specialized measurement

Press button to enter into the Calculation List, choose IMT under VASCULAR measurement.
Other specialized measurement can also be found under this list.
a. Both basic and specialized measurements can be down not only after image frozen but also
under real-time.
b. The calculation list is fully opened which offers measurements in different mode; for example,
you can get access to OB measurement even when you’re in the vascular mode with linear

c. “Trackball” and key are used for choosing different calculation list or measurements.
S11 Operation Manual

10. How to change the B/M format?

In the 2D exam mode, press to enter B/M mode. Press (MENU), use

(Audio) knob to choose items in the menu list. Change the B/M display format with
“menu” knob including five options: V1/1, V1/2, H2/1, H1/1, H1/2.

11. How to make the M measurement?

Time: Press to enter the basic measurement, place trackball on the M graph, and then
move to the measurement list and click “Time”.

Acceleration: Press to enter the basic measurement, place trackball on the M graph, and
then move to the measurement list and click “Slope”.

HR: Press to enter the basic measurement, place trackball on the M graph, and then move
to the measurement list and click “HR”.
Items under Basic measurement – Time, Distance, Slope, T1/T2, D1/D2

12. How to make the specialized measurement in M mode?

Press , when place trackball on the 2D image, calculation list will show measurements for 2D
image. Place trackball on the M graph, move trackball to measurement list and choose the
cardiac measurement.
Items under Cardiac measurement – HR1, +LV, Mitral Valve, Aortic Valve


13. How to get the Doppler Power Image (DPI) and Color Flow Mode (CFM)?

DPI: In the 2D EXAM mode, press to enter into the Power Doppler

CFM: In the 2D EXAM mode, press to enter into the Color Mode
14. How to optimize the color Doppler image?
-- Knob on keyboard
D Gain: To increase and decrease the color Doppler signal.
PRF: To adjust the speed scale for the color Doppler.
Steer: To adjust the steer angle of ROI
-- Parameters in menu:Press “MENU” to enter parameters list, adjust WF for noise elimination.
-- Wall Filter (15-955): To eliminate the low frequency noise generated by movements of blood
vessel walls.
S11 Operation Manual

15. How to get the PW mode?

PW: In the 2D EXAM mode, press to enter into the Color Mode firstly, and then press

“PW” to enter into the PW-duplex mode, press to activate PW spectral display.

16. How to adjust PW image?

D Gain: To adjust brightness of spectral display.

Baseline: To adjust the 0cm/s baseline for better color and spectral display.

PRF: To adjust the speed scale for the color Doppler and spectral Doppler.

Correctional Angle: Adjust this button to optimize the spectral Doppler signal.

PWR DYN (20-200dB): Lower DYN for better contrast resolution, while higher DYN for better
detailed information.
Frequency: Lower FRE for better penetration in the far field, while higher FRE for better
resolution in the near field.

17. How to do the auto trace?

After pressing the button to activate the spectral Doppler, press to achieve automatic
envelope with or without frozen the image.

18. How to make the basic measurement in PW mode?

Place trackball on the PW graph, press to enter the basic measurement.

Basic Measurements including: velocity, time, HR, manual trace, acceleration, semi-auto

19. How to make the special measurement in PW mode

When place trackball on the 2D image, calculation list will show measurements for 2D image.

Place trackball on the PW graph, press to enter the cardiac measurement.


20. How to save image and cine?

After freezing the image, press to save the image, press for a while to save the Cine.
S11 Operation Manual

21. How to make the measurement on the achieved image?

Press to enter Patient Exam List, find and open the achieved image by double click .

Press to make measurements. Use or to delete the last or all measurements.

22. How to print image?

a. After frozen image in the EXAM INTERFACE, press for automatic print of image.
b. In Patient Exam List, select saved image and click on “print” item

23. How to create report?

After the examination, you can press to enter into the REPORT INTERFACE. On the one
hand, all measurement results are in the report which divided into different applications such as
Cardiology, Obstetrics and so on. On the other hand, it can insert images, description, graphs and
comments into the report.
TIPS: The color of report background and letters can be changed in the customized preset.
(Press “Menu”, Use trackball to select “Report”)

24. How to add images and comments to report?

In the Measurement Report Interface, click “image view” to add image and “Edit” to add

25. How to copy images and cine to USB?

Plug in USB disk. Press to enter Patient exam List, Open the patient file. Select the
images/cine, choose the wanted PC formats(JPG,BMP and TIF for still Image, WMV and AVI for
cine) and click “Export”.

26. How to copy the patient file or directory to USB or DVD?

Plug in USB disk. Press to enter Patient exam List, click “Export Screen”, select the
patient files, choose the formats wanted(System/PC/DICOMDIR), then click “Patient Export”.
Tips: This can only be done while all the exams are closed, or users have to close the exams first.

27. How to print report?

In the Measurement Report Interface, click .

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