Content Language Integrated Learning Glossary
Content Language Integrated Learning Glossary
Content Language Integrated Learning Glossary
Learning Glossary
Content and Language Integrated Learning
CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning
‘CLIL is defined as an approach in which a foreign language is used as a tool in the learning of a non-language
subject in which both language and the subject have a joint role.’ (Marsh in Coyle, 2006: 1)
Monolingual: Students in home country learning a subject through CLIL. Some students may be non-native
speakers. (France)
Bilingual: students learning curricular subjects in a second or foreign language (The Netherlands)
Plurilingual: students learn several languages, one or more of which may be through CLIL. (Australia)
CBI: Content based instruction (US) Non-native speakers (often from minority language groups) learning a
second language to enable them to integrate in mainstream classes
EAL: English as an Additional Language (UK and British Schools overseas). Learning and facilitating learning of
the curriculum for learners whose first language is not English.
ILTLP: Intercultural Language Teaching and Learning in Practice. Learning parts of the curriculum through
different languages to develop an understanding of one’s own culture in relation to other cultures. (Australia)
LAC: Languages Across the Curriculum refers to the study and use of languages throughout the curriculum. Its
purpose is to prepare students for the cross-cultural and multilingual demands of a global society. LAC is
appropriate at all levels of education.
CLIL terms
Additional language: used to refer to any language other than the first language
Home language: (Main) language used in the home. Sometimes referred to as ‘primary’ language
Immersion: programmers where most or all of subject content is taught through a second language (originating
and often associated with Canada) Common to all models of immersion are key factors: intensity, time and
exposure. Immersions programmes are described as early (pre-school or start of education at
5- 6), delayed (8- 14 years old) or late (14+ and adults) Johnstone, R.M. (2008)
Language demands: the language abilities which a learner needs in order to be able to use a language for
learning in a given subject, subject lesson or using a given subject textbook. Lessons, subjects, textbooks,
information technology therefore make language demands on learners. Learners need to fulfil those language
demands (possess the requisite language abilities) in order to learn the respective subject concepts
Language demands analysis: The analysis which a subject (or language) teacher makes of the language demands
which a given subject lesson or textbook etc will make on a class. Part of lesson planning in CLIL. On the basis of
this analysis a teacher can decide where in a given lesson a learner will need language support
Language needs: the language needs which specific learners in any group have with respect to a given subject,
lesson, textbook or website. A subject lesson therefore makes language demands on a whole class; whereas
individuals in the class have individual language needs with respect to those demands.
Language showers: Regular, short, continuous exposure to CLIL delivered in the target language for 15 or 30
minutes several times a week. They are associated with Primary schools and usually taught in one subject area.
Learners: CLIL covers primary, secondary and tertiary contexts. Learners, rather than students or pupils, best
describes this age range.
Majority language: the main language used in the surrounding social environment. This is usually the national
Partial immersion: usually 50 -60% of curriculum subjects taught in target language (regions of Spain, The
Netherlands, Gaelic in Scotland)
Target language: Language used in CLIL. This could be a second, third, fourth or even fifth language for some
Trans-languaging: when more than one language is used in the CLIL classroom
The 4Cs: Content, Communication, Cognition, Culture (Used by Do Coyle to describe a CLIL approach) are
considered to be a useful guide to define the teaching aims and learning outcomes in CLIL. Culture is also linked to
citizenship and to ‘Community’ (Mehisto, Marsh and Frigols)
Content: Curricular subjects apart from languages can be taught through the target language. These include: Art,
Citizenship, Classics, Design Technology, Economics, Environmental Studies, Geography, History, Information
Computer Technology (ICT), Literacy, Maths, Music, Physical Education (PE) Philosophy, Politics, Religious
education (RE) Science, Social Science.
Communication: Learners are encouraged to produce the language of the subject orally as well as in writing and to
participate in meaningful interaction. Peer feedback is valued. One of the main CLIL aims is to increase student
talking time (STT) and reduce teacher talking time (TTT).
Cognition: CLIL is said to promote cognitive skills which challenge learners. In addition to concrete thinking skills
such as remembering, identifying comparing, contrasting and defining, those needed for academic, abstract thinking
are also developed: reasoning, creative thinking and evaluating. One of the leading researchers in bilingual education,
Jim Cummins, distinguishes between BICS and CALP.
Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills. Language development for social intercourse. In Jim Cummins’ research
with immigrant pupils in Canada, most students were found to achieve BICS after two or three years of education in
the majority language. Language events are context-embedded (those which are used in everyday conversation with
visual contextual support). Tasks associated with BICS are usually comprehensible and less demanding. Cognitive
processes are linked to BICS – identify specific information, name, match and sort objects into sets.
Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency: Language development for academic learning. Cummins observed that it
takes seven to eight years for L2 students to attain a level of English suitable for academic school study. Language
events are context reduced (little support) and cognitively demanding. Meaning is accessed primarily through the
language e.g. listening to lectures on abstract topics, writing essays and learners require control over the use of
grammar and vocabulary. Language is more abstract and less personal. Cognitive processes linked to CALP are
identify criteria, justify opinions, form hypotheses and interpret evidence.
Content-based language teaching: Foreign language teachers import curricular content into language lessons and
use it as a motivator for language learning
Culture/ Citizenship/ Community: The 4 ‘C’. Learners are encouraged to think of themselves as part of a larger
group in society and to be aware of how others live and learn.
Chunks: words, groups of words or formulaic units which are context bound and which learners use to build language
often without explicit study.
Content- obligatory language: language needed for subject matter mastery in the mainstream classroom. This
language may be the primary focus of second language lessons.
(adapted from Met, M. 1994 ‘Teaching Content through a Second Language’ Cambridge CUP)
Functional language: In CLIL, academic language used by learners in classroom communication to express or
understand curricular concepts. Examples include: agreeing or disagreeing; asking questions; clarifying what has been
said; comparing and contrasting; demonstrating, describing cause and effect; describing a process; explaining a point
of view; evaluating work (self and others), expressing ideas; generalising; giving examples; giving information;
hypothesising; instructing; interpreting data; persuading; predicting and justifying predictions; presenting solutions;
presenting work; suggesting
General academic language: Language which is not very common in social intercourse, common in school and
academic settings, but not specific to subjects; it is often used across subjects. Examples are the use of passive forms.
Keywords, Specialist vocabulary: Words used for denoting concepts in specific curriculum subjects. See also
‘content-obligatory’ language.
Subject-specific language: Language which is largely specific to a subject; often contains items which are infrequent
(except within the subject) and have a narrow meaning. Examples from Geography are igneous, metamorphic and
sedimentary rocks.
Closed questions: Questions which require fixed responses such as, yes/ no or answers to when? where? which?
who? how many? how often? These questions usually encourage correct answers.
Open questions: questions which enable learners to respond as they wish. They have no pre-scripted reply. Examples
include, how do you know….? Why do you think….? What is the evidence…?
Response partners: a means of peer feedback. Learners comment on their partner’s work according to criteria
decided before the work is done.
Transfer: The ability to apply an idea or a skill that has been learnt in one context and use it in a different context
Thinking Skills: used in a teaching approach which emphasises the processes of thinking and learning in a range of
contexts. The list of thinking skills in the English National Curriculum is similar to many such lists: information-
processing, reasoning, enquiry, creative thinking and evaluation. Fisher, R categorises thinking skills into higher and
lower order ( see entries below)
Classroom Language:
Use of concrete questions to recall information, to check understanding, to revise learning.
Examples: dates, events, places, vocabulary, key ideas, parts of diagram, 5Ws (what, when, where, which, who and
how many?
Reasoning skills: enable learners to- Give reasons for opinions / actions
Infer from observations, facts, experience
Make conclusions
Argue or explain a point of view
Make informed judgments/decisions from evidence
Use precise language to explain what they think
Explain cause and effect
Classroom Language
Use of analytic questions
Examples: Why do you think this? Why did they do this? What are the reasons? How can you explain this? What is
the evidence?
Classroom Language
Use of language to investigate patterns, rules and conventions
Examples: What more do we need to find out? What is the idea behind this? How will we plan the web search? What
could happen if we do this? How can we test the results? How can we improve it next time?
Generate ideas
Develop ideas
Imagine or hypothesise
Apply imagination
Looking for innovative solutions
Think of alternative outcomes
Classroom Language
Use of language to explore and invent patterns and connections in order to suppose, pretend and adopt roles. Use of
language for precision, accuracy, conciseness and objectivity is also important.
Examples: What will you do if….? What would you do if….? What do you think they would they have done if…? If
you were a scientist, what would you say? How would you act in this situation?
Judge the value of what they hear, say, read, write and do
Develop evaluation criteria for judging the value of their own and others' work or ideas
Apply evaluation criteria
Have confidence in their judgments
Make recommendations
Classroom Language
Use of language to analyse, conceptualise and become critically aware.
Examples: What are the benefits of this design? Are these instructions clear? How useful is the new system? Does the
data give the information we need? What would you change? What should they move?
• classify: How many classes of X are there? To put things into particular groups according to the features that
they have (e.g. birds, fish and insects). Associated verbs: classify; categorise; decide which group; put into
• combine: To put parts into a whole. Identifying patterns, factors or elements which can make up a whole unit.
For example, planets, asteroids and comets combine to make up the solar system.
• compare and contrast: What is X and what is not X? To look for similarities and differences. Associated verbs:
compare; contrast; distinguish; investigate)
• creative thinking: What if….? To produce imaginative new ideas or thoughts. Associated verbs: imagine; build;
change; compose; design; invent; make up; plan; produce; suppose
• evaluate: What do you think about X? To assess value and make choices and recommendations. Associated
verbs: assess; give opinion; judge; rate; prove; what’s the value of..?
• reason: Why X? What causes X? What comes as a result of X? What justifies X to do Y? choose; conclude;
decide; explain; justify; recommend; solve
• remember: list; name; recall; recite; recognise; relate spell; state; tell
Concept maps: Diagrams which help learners organise information such as using a grid of similarities and differences
to compare and contrast or using lines and arrows to indicate and link cause, effect relationships. (see examples on
page xx)
Concept Mapping / Mind Mapping : Representing information in diagram form where key words are linked by
lines. The lines are then labelled to express the relationship between the words.
Enquiry: A systematic process for answering questions and solving problems after gathering evidence through
observation, analysis and reflection.
Higher-order thinking (HOTS): Analysis, synthesis and evaluation, abstract thinking involving open ended talk.
Lower-order thinking skills (LOTS): Information processing. Usually involves closed answers.
Making associations: Making links or connections between two or more objects, people, places etc to encourage
Rank: Put things in a position of hierarchy according to order of importance, success, size
Sequence: Put things next to one another. For example, put things in a chronological order, numerical order or
alphabetical order
Synthesis: Combining separate thoughts into a whole; reasoning from the general to the particular or from the simple
to complex. Examples: discuss ‘what if’ situations and create new ideas.
Activating Prior / Previous Knowledge: encouraging learners to produce language or ideas about a subject before it
is taught using knowledge learned previously
(e.g. Tell me six words connected with ‘electricity’. Think of three sources of electricity)
Brainstorm: a technique to encourage learners to produce ideas quickly without critical examination or evaluation
(e.g. in pairs, you have two minutes to write down all the words you know about spiders)
Cloze: text or parts of texts with some words deleted at regular intervals. For example every fifth, seventh, Useful for
encouraging predicting skills.
Display questions: questions designed for students to display their learning. They can also provide a framework for
logical thinking. Examples are: What are these called? What are they used for?
Genres: text types which learners meet in the school curriculum and which have specific social purposes, particular
overall structures and specific linguistic features shared by particular cultures. Every genre has a number of
characteristics which make it different from other genres. Genre forms include: advertisement, argument, article,
autobiography, biography, description, discussion, essay, explanation, instruction, letters, narrative (to deal with
problematic or unusual events) notices, persuasion, poem, process, proposal, recount (to retell events, not necessarily
in chronological order), report, review, song.
(Adapted from Gibbons, P. 2002 Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning. Portsmouth NH: Heinemann)
Genre-based teaching: a process approach to writing which helps learners develop an awareness of how lexical and
grammatical patterns are organised to express meaning. It enables teachers to identify the kinds of texts learners need
to write, to see how texts are related to contexts, to see texts have a social purpose and to encourage the integration of
grammar, content and function. There are several stages in the genre process: a lead-in to activate prior knowledge;
modelling the text so learners see the overall structure; joint construction when teachers and learners cooperate to
write a text similar to the one modelled – the process of writing and the product are both important; independent
writing when learners write their own texts; finally, further examples of the genre are looked at. This process is a
ICT/ IT: (Information, (Communication) Technology) the use of computers to enable learners to improve
information-processing skills, to explore ideas, to solve problems, to access and investigate the Internet, to develop
collaborative learning with students who are in other places, to participate in video conferencing . The subject is
referred to as ICT. Skills and the lab are known as IT skills and the IT lab.
Learning Outcomes: What teachers intend the majority of learners to achieve by the end of a lesson, unit, module or
course (to know.., to understand…, to be able to…, to be aware of…)
Visual organisers/ visual tools/ graphic organisers/ concept maps: aids which help learners to understand and
remember new information by making thinking visible. They involve writing down or drawing ideas and making
connections. They combine language (words and phrases) and symbols and arrows and map knowledge. They include
diagrams, tables, columns and webs and there are several common patterns:
*Concept: information is organised around a word or phrase that represents a class or category of people, places,
objects and events.
Discussion or Reasoned argument: ideas for and against are represented by lines to show the plan of the argument.
Flow diagram: information represented in lines or boxes to show different ways a process can happen or how
decisions can be made e.g. farming
*Generalisation/ principle: information is organised showing a general statement and supporting examples.
Keys: (binary) based on splitting information into two parts. A progressive series of questions, each of which has
only two possible answers
Pie Chart: a circle divided into sections which show different amounts or frequency.
*Process/ Cause – effect: information is organised to show either a cause-effect network which leads to a specific
outcome or a sequence of steps leading to a specific product.
Quadrants: four areas divided by two lines to show connections between concepts e.g. a sound can be in the first
quadrant (high and quiet) or in the second quadrant (high and loud)
Speech and thought bubbles: shapes used to indicate the use of direct speech or thoughts.
Storyboard: a support frame for learners to plan and write a draft outline of events in a story or to write the final
version of a story, sometimes with speech and thought bubbles.
Substitution table:
Table: way of showing pieces of information by arranging then in rows and lines across and down a page
Tree diagram: often used for classifying words, e.g. types of rock – igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, or for
showing organisation relationships, e.g. a family tree
Venn diagrams: a way of showing the similarities and differences between two items. The similarities are shown in
the overlap between two circles. Differences are written in the parts of the circles which do not overlap.
Webbing: notes are written in circles: important ideas are in large circles while less important information is in
smaller circles. Lines drawn between the circles show relationships between the ideas.
(* adapted from Marzano, R. and Pickering D.(2001) Classroom Instruction that Works ASCD USA)
Word bank: List of key words required for learning concepts. Used to pre-teach and to support input
Lesson Delivery
Differentiation: Making provision for learners with different learning needs. For the least advanced pupils, provision
may be in the form of modified input, such as simplified texts or additional visual support. It may also be modified
output, such as answering fewer questions. For the most advanced pupils, differentiation encourages strategies such as
checking work, supporting peers and completing extension activities.
Display questions: questions designed for students to display their learning. They can also provide a framework for
logical thinking. Examples are: What are these called? What are they used for?
Enquiry Learning: A teaching strategy designed to develop learning through systematic gathering of observation and
Higher order talk / questioning: questions to encourage analytic, creative and conceptual thinking (Why? What is
the evidence? What more is there to find out? How can it be improved? How can we assess this?)
Lower order talk /questioning: concrete/ literal questions to check knowledge and comprehension (when / where/
who / what?)
Language support: The provision of forms of support in a given lesson in order to help learners meet the language
demands of the lesson. Language support may take several forms: e.g. the use of task types for supporting listening,
speaking, reading and writing within the subject; the use of visuals; the use of a highly comprehensible teacher talking
style; the use of L1 by teachers and learners, the use of varied forms of interaction.
Management questions: questions which are used to control and organise the class. They have a similar function to
commands. Examples include, ‘Could you stop talking please?’ ‘Can you work in pairs now?’
Pyramid Discussion
A negotiating task to encourage talk. Learners, individually, select about half of the vocabulary items or ideas
connected with a topic. They then work with a partner to agree on the same selection of items or ideas. An option is
then to put pairs into groups to negotiate and agree on the selection.
Revisiting Language: presenting previously taught language in a different context, using different stimuli or with
different media in order to encourage learner production of content and language.
Scaffolding: a term originally used by Bruner to refer to teacher talk that supports pupils in carrying out activities and
helps them to solve problems.
Examples include making pupils interested in a task, simplifying the task by breaking it down into smaller steps,
keeping pupils focussed on completing the task by reminding them of what the goal was, pointing out what is
important to do or showing other ways of doing tasks, demonstrating an idealised version of the task. The definition of
scaffolding also includes support strategies for writing. Examples are the use of substitution tables and writing frames.
Scaffolding is applicable to language learning as well as the formation of ideas and task completion. (adapted from:
Cameron, L. 2001 Teaching Languages to Young Learners Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) and (Wood, D.
1988 in Capel S. M. Leask and T. Turner 1999 Learning to Teach in the Secondary School. London: Routledge)
Sentence builder: writing a letter, word or phrase for learners to complete in order to create sentences. This
encourages learners to think of alternatives. A technique often used in ICT programs.
Use of L1: L1 used by learners or teachers within L2-medium lessons, to overcome short-term problems in L2-
medium teaching and learning.
In some CLIL contexts, use of L1 helps learners focus on similarities and differences between the target language and
mother tongue. L1 is often used by learners during ‘off task’ work. Examples include expressing problems, worries,
resolving conflict. Learners might use L1 at the start of lessons when teachers activate prior knowledge. Teachers then
translate responses. Occasionally, L1 is used to explain a concept when learners find it difficult to understand in the
target language. L1 can also be used in groupwork and pairwork where learners need in-depth discussion of a concept
and do not have the L2 skills to do this.
Wait time: Teachers wait for several seconds rather than expect an immediate response to their questions.
• Assessment
Accommodation: additional support mechanisms for learners who need to access the content or to demonstrate what
they know.
‘Can do’ statements: indicate to students what they are expected to do by the end of a unit, module or course. (e.g.
can organise factual information / can describe a process)
Modifications to the test: assessment in L1, text change in vocabulary, modification of linguistic complexity,
addition of visual support, use of glossaries in L1, use of target language glossary, linguistic modifications of test
instructions, additional example items / tasks
Modifications to the test procedure: extra assessment time, breaks during testing, administration over several
sessions, oral instructions in L1, small group administration, use of dictionaries, reading aloud rubrics in target
language, answers written directly in test booklet, instructions read aloud and explained.
Performance Assessment: systematic observation of classroom performance to assess learners using language for
real purposes and checking performance against criteria. Did they achieve the purpose of the task?
Performance criteria: the observable characteristics of performance a learner must achieve (e.g. uses appropriate
vocabulary / takes turns during discussion)
Portfolio assessment: a presentation of samples of learners’ work collected over a period of time which might include
written work, illustrations, project materials etc. It is a record of achievement over time with samples of work chosen
to reflect learning outcomes and course content. Teachers and, or peers give feedback then work is reviewed. Finished
work often receives a final grade. (adapted from McKay, P (2006) Assessing Young Language Learners. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press)