CP Caso4.h2o
CP Caso4.h2o
CP Caso4.h2o
The sulfate minerals langbeinite, anhydrite and gypsum are major compo-
nents of many commercial salt deposits. Langbeinite (K,Mg,(SO,),) is a
* Dedicated to Professor Edgar F. Westrum, Jr., on the occasion of his 70th birthday and in
honor of his contributions to calorimetry and thermal analysis.
major source of potash for agricultural use. In 1982, for example, 16 million
tonnes of mixed K,Mg,(SO,) ,-KC1 ore were mined near Carlsbad, NM.
The major coexisting phase in these potash-rich salt deposits is anhydrite,
CaSO, .
One of the locations selected by the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
which is designed to demonstrate the safe storage of high-level radioactive
waste is sited in these same Permian salt deposits near Carlsbad, NM.
Engineering calculations of the heat buildup in the surrounding rocks as a
consequence of this radioactive waste storage require data for the heat
capacities of the several mineral phases which comprise the salt deposits.
Accurate heat capacity data exist for two of the principal phases which make
up the salt deposits, sylvite (KCl), and halite (NaCl). There are, however, no
Ci data available for langbeinite, while those for anhydrite were obtained on
a somewhat impure mineral sample, and those for gypsum are over 55 years
old and extend upwards in temperature only to 302 K. Modern heat
capacity data on these sulfate minerals would therefore be of considerable
engineering use for nuclear waste repository modeling.
At room temperature langbeinite is cubic (point group 23 (tetratoidal),
space group P2,3 (198)) and is reported by Bond [3] to be piezoelectric. One
would suspect that at some higher temperature (i.e. the Curie temperature)
langbeinite would transform to the normal (non-piezoelectric) state and that
this transformation would be accompanied by an anomaly in the heat
capacity such as that exhibited, for example, by quartz or BaTiO,.
The heat capacity of CaSO, was previously measured by Kelley et al. [l]
at 23 temperatures between 53.5 and 295.7 K using as a sample anhydrite
crystals from Arden, NV which contained some gypsum. Kelley [4] also
derived values for the heat capacity at higher temperatures based upon the
heat-content measurements of Lastschenko and Kompanski [5] between 293
and 1393 K. Lastschenko and Kompanski’s sample was also a mineral
sample and contained 0.23% SiO, and 1.23% H,O.
The heat capacity of gypsum was previously determined by Latimer et al.
[6] between 18.7 and 302.1 K. Heat capacity data are apparently not
available for langbeinite.
to the crucible containing the MgSO,, mixed well, and placed in an electric
furnace at 1225 + 10 K in which it was held for 4 h. The furnace controller
was then turned off and the crucible and its contents allowed to cool to
room temperature overnight. This procedure yielded crystals which mea-
sured 2 mm on edge.
The sample was freed from the crucible, crushed to pass through a 10
mesh screen (1.68 mm), washed with cold distilled water to remove possible
excess K,SO,, and vacuum dried. It was then sieved and the material
passing a 35 mesh screen was discarded. The sample was heated in an oven
at 385 K for 1 h before loading in the calorimeter.
An X-ray diffractometer tracing using Cu K, showed only those lines for
langbeinite given in the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) pattern (Swan-
son et al. [7]). The unit cell edge of the calorimetric sample was 0.99196 +
0.00015 nm and was obtained using NBS Standard Reference Material 640
silicon (a = 0.543088 nm, Hubbard et al. [S]) as an internal standard, Cu
K,, radiation (h = 0.1540598 nm), and 12 lines for which 29 2 49”. Our
value agrees with that of Swanson et al. [7] to within f 0.014%. The molar
volume VG (298.15 K) of langbeinite calculated from our cell edge and using
Cohen and Taylor’s [9] value for Avogradro’s number (6.022137(4) X 1O23
mol-‘) is 146.95 + 0.04 cm3.
Anhydrous CaSO, was prepared using the procedure described by Manross
[lo]. Reagent grade CaCl, .2H,O (Fisher C-79) was heated in a resistance
furnace in a 100 cm3 platinum crucible to 1123 K and held for 3 h. It was
removed from the furnace while still molten and quenched in air. Reagent
grade K,SO, (Fisher P-304) was then added to the crucible. A typical
charge was 40 g of CaCl 2 (anhydrous) and 8.5 g of K,SO,. The crucible was
returned to the furnace and held at 1150 K for 3 h. The furnace controller
was then reset to 950 K and the crucible and its contents cooled over
approximately 1 h to 950 K and then held at 950 K for 16 h. The crucible
was removed from the furnace and cooled to room temperature. The salt
pellet was broken free of the crucible, crushed coarsely in an alumina mortar
and washed with copious quantities of hot water to remove the residual
CaCl, and KCl.
Tabular crystals of CaSO, up to 1.2 cm in length were grown in this
fashion. For the calorimetric measurements the material was sieved and the
crystals passing a 35 mesh sieve (0.42 mm) were discarded. Spectrographic
analysis indicated the presence of 0.09% K,O in the CaSO, sample.
Unit cell parameters for our sample were measured using NBS Standard
Reference Material 640 (silicon) as an internal standard. Our values are
a = (0.69893 + 0.00038), b = (0.69964 + 0.00030) and c = (0.62409 &-
0.00028) nm and agree to within 0.04% with those of McMurdie et al. [ll].
Our data lead to a molar volume Vz(298.15 K) of 45.96 + 0.03 cm3.
McMurdie et al.‘s [ll] cell parameters yield a value for Vz(298.15 K) =
46.008 * 0.006 cm3.
Experimental heat capacities (J mol-’ K-l) of K,Mg,(SO,), measured with an adiabatic
calorimeter; formula weight 414.9794 g mol-’
Experimental heat capacities (J mol-’ K-‘) of CaSO, measured with an adiabatic calorime-
ter; formula weight: 136.138 g mol-’
Experimental heat capacities (J mol-’ K-‘) of gypsum (CaSO,.2H,O) measured with
adiabatic calorimeter; formula weight 172.168 g mol-’
Standard molar thermodynamic functions for K,Mg,(S0,)3 between 0 and 370 K
Standard molar thermodynamic functions for CaSO,.2H,O between 0 and 320 K
30.203 and 30.010 mg, respectively. The calorimeter was operated at a rate
of 10 K min-’ and the sensitivity was set at 0.021 W. The results are listed
in Tables 7 and 8 for langbeinite and anhydrite, respectively. Our Ci m
Experimental molar heat capacities (J K-’ mol-‘) of K,Mg,(SO,), measured with a
differential scanning calorimeter
Experimental molar heat capacities (J K-’ mol-‘) of CaSO, measured with a differential
scanning calorimeter
with the present more accurate entropies support Posnjak’s [19] value for the
equilibrium temperature ( - 41” C). It is well known from the work of
Weiser et al. [21] that gypsum crystals in the absence of an aqueous solution
can persist metastabily up to - 333 K.
The pressure effect on this equilibrium can be obtained as follows. From
the X-ray unit cell parameters (Morris et al. [22]) and using 6.022137(4) x
1O23 mol-’ for Avogadro’s number, we calculate 74.58 f 0.02 cm3 for the
molar volume of gypsum. Using our value for the molar volume of anhydrite
45.96 ) 0.03 cm3 and 18.167 + 0.005 cm3 for vz(H,O, 314.7 K) we get
A,V”(314.7 K) = 7.714 + 0.029 cm3 or 0.7714 J bar-‘. From our equation for
A$“ we calculate A,S”(314.7 K) = 56.89 K + 0.39 J K-i, and thus dp/dT
= (56.89 + 0.39)/(0.7714 -t 0.003) = 73.7 f 0.5 bar K-‘.
Combination of our entropy and heat capacity data for gypsum and
anhydrite with the enthalpy of reaction measured by Kelley et al. [l] leads to
314.7 + 3.5 K for the temperature at which gypsum and anhydrite are in
equilibrium in aqueous solution. This temperature is in excellent agreement
with that determined by Posnjak [19] from solubility measurements and does
not support the higher temperatures obtained by Hardie [17] and Blount
and Dickson [18]. Our low temperature Ci m measurements on K,Mg,-
(SO,),, down to 9 K, show no suggestion of a transition and therefore
support Speer and Salje [2], who concluded from their structural investiga-
tions that the cubic to orthorhombic phase transition exhibited by Ca, Cd,
Co, Mn and Zn “langbeinites” would not occur in K,Mg,(SO,),. However,
the excessively high Cr& of langbeinite below 20 K might possibly be
indicative of a transition occurring at a temperature below 9 K. We believe
that this is most unlikely.
1 K.K. Kelley, J.C. Southard and CT. Anderson, U.S. Bur. Mines Tech. Paper, 625, 1941.
2 D. Speer and E. Salje, Phys. Chem. Miner., 13 (1986) 17.