A Guide To Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 1
A Guide To Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 1
A Guide To Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 1
DETROIT, Ml College of Engineering
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 1
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control
FHWA Contract No. DTFH61-11-H-00031
Submitted to:
United States Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
HSA Room #E71-324
1200 New Jersey Ave. SE
Washington, D.C. 20590
Wayne State University
Transportation Research Group
Civil & Environmental Engineering
5050 Anthony Wayne Drive
Engineering Development Center – Room #0504
Detroit, MI 48202
Ohio University
Department of Civil Engineering
114 Stocker Center
Athens, OH 47501-2979
June 2016
The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the contractor(s) and not
necessarily those of the U.S. Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration. This
report was prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 2
1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient Catalog No.
7. Author(s) 8 Performing
Tapan Datta, Peter Savolainen, Deborah McAvoy, Timothy Gates, Jonathan Kay, Organization Report
Nicholas Nicita, Sahadev Parajuli No.
14 Sponsoring Agency
15 Supplementary Notes
16 Abstract
This guide describes the characteristics that are specific to urban work zones and provides possible mitigation
strategies to address site-specific safety issues. Urban work zones present unique challenges that are not
addressed specifically in great detail in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The urban roadway
environment encompasses many distinctive characteristics which need to be taken into consideration. A few
characteristics to be noted are high traffic demand and low travel speeds, frequent intersections and driveway
accesses, right of way and space limitations, on street parking and roadside access, roadway geometry, traffic
control issues, non-motorized transportation facilities, bus stops and transit access. In addition, special events
and compliance with the requirements of “Significant Projects” which require attention must be considered.
This document includes example plans and a table that highlights the important issues regarding urban work
zones and feasible mitigation strategies.
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 3
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Figure 3 – Closure of Right Lane on Roads with Multiple Low Volume Driveways ................................ 17
Figure 8 – Work on Far Side Right Lane Including Bicycle Lane ............................................................. 22
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control i
The design and implementation of temporary traffic control (TTC) for work zones requires a careful
balance between safety, mobility, and constructability. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
(MUTCD) presents a concise summary of minimum standards for work zone TTC. This includes guidance
that creates uniformity and consistency, thereby ensuring that work zones are easily recognizable and well
understood by the traveling public. The MUTCD Part VI includes a series of Typical Applications (TAs)
which illustrate appropriate temporary traffic control plans (TTCPs) for a variety of work zone scenarios.
Given the wide range of site-specific factors that may be encountered, the MUTCD recommends the use of
engineering judgment to adjust each TA as appropriate for actual field conditions. As each work site
presents unique conditions, it is imperative that TTCPs should be developed that account for the potential
impacts of these conditions on safety and mobility. This task can be particularly challenging in urban
environments, which present a number of considerations that are not addressed in great detail in the
MUTCD. Some of the distinguishing characteristics of urban roadway environments include:
This document describes characteristics that are unique to urban work zones and provides possible
mitigation strategies to address site-specific safety issues. It also includes example plans and a list that
highlights important issues regarding urban work zones to be considered in conjunction with the mitigation
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 1
Urban work zones present unique challenges that need to be considered in planning and design of a work
zone TTC, and may require special attention by field crews. Specifics of such urban work zone
characteristics are detailed in this section. Emphasis is placed on those aspects of urban roadways that
warrant additional consideration beyond the fundamental aspects as outlined in the MUTCD.
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 2
2.4 On-Street Parking and Roadside Access
Maintaining access to parking is a primary concern in urban
environments where the availability of parking is directly
related to maintaining normal business operations. Many
urban roadways include on-street parking, for which
coordination with the municipal parking authority must occur
before any changes to signed or metered parking is
considered as part of a TTCP. Where changes are made,
additional work items such as bagging meters, covering
regulatory parking signs, provisions for alternate parking, and
supplementary pedestrian wayfinding may be required to facilitate the temporary removal of parking
spaces. These work items should be addressed both in the planning stages and be documented in the TTC
plans and specifications.
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 3
phases, or shifting the signal head to reflect lane shifts during the construction work activity. Work zones
at urban signalized intersections may also require phasing and timing changes due to:
Changing the phasing design (i.e., use of a split phase) and adjusting green times for various phases can
improve traffic operations and safety during the construction phase.
Maintaining pedestrian access is an essential part of urban work zone traffic control, including:
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 4
These issues and other site-specific concerns must be addressed during the TTCP development process.
2.8 Bus Stop and Transit Access
Another urban work zone concern related to non-motorized users is the need to provide access to bus stops
and transit stations. TTCPs may require the identification of appropriate alternate routes if the work zone
inhibits pedestrian or bicyclist access. The closure of sidewalks or nearby crosswalks may limit the ability
of transit users to reach bus stops or transit stations. The impact of significant bus volumes in the traffic
stream should be considered as work zone-related lane closures that reduce work zone capacity. Alternate
bus routes or stops may become necessary in some instances and require coordination with the transit
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 5
The special characteristics of urban work zones identified in the previous section require the development
of TTCPs to address them. TTCPs for urban work zones must provide: (a) access for road users; (b)
access to adjacent properties; and (c) clear, consistent traffic control that accommodates such access in a
manner that is both safe and efficient. The following list indicates a number of strategies that can be
considered in regards to access.
Adjacent Houses and Businesses – TTCPs should be developed in regards to the impact of work
activities on adjacent access that should be maintained to the greatest extent practical, with
consideration given to the potential for traffic conflicts related to access restrictions. Driveway
closures may be acceptable for facilities that have multiple access points, and adequate information
is provided to drivers. Appropriate construction staging is essential to avoid long disruption of
facilities. Ultimately, TTCPs should ensure that the work activities allow adequate access to
adjacent houses and businesses. Projects with potential for significant impacts may consider
hosting public meetings to identify issues and mitigate concerns in advance of construction.
Parking Facilities – Urban roadway environments often involve on-street parking facilities that
may be impacted by TTC or work activity. Efforts should be made to maintain normal operations
of these facilities when possible, since their disruption may adversely impact surrounding houses
and businesses. However, these areas may also provide key space for TTC or storage of work
vehicles and equipment, and may also be involved directly in the work to be completed. If parking
spaces must be closed, channelizing devices, signing, and other TTC devices should be utilized to
prevent vehicles from using these facilities.
Intersections and Driveways – Urban work zones may also impact access to intersections and/or
driveways potentially resulting in higher traffic conflicts or queues. TTCPs should avoid the
closure of lanes that restrict turning movements. For example, a left lane with high turning
volumes would present concerns and a possible solution to restrict left turns during the construction
period, an option. The impact on sight distance should be considered when closing lanes.
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 6
Pedestrians and Other Non-Motorized Users – Given the typically increased presence of
pedestrians, bicyclists, and other non-motorized traffic in urban areas, providing safe access
through the work zone is required. Due to the limited space available, pedestrian and bicycle
facilities are often located close to vehicular traffic and/or the work space. When developing a
TTCP, existing levels of accessibility for pedestrians with disabilities should be maintained and
include ADA-compliant sidewalks and crosswalks, as well as the consideration of visual or
auditory impairments. This may include the use of audio devices that describe an alternative route
message. Channelizing devices with continuous detectable edges are required to delineate the
traveled way. Pedestrians should be encouraged to cross at intersections and marked crosswalks.
Work vehicles and equipment should be positioned so that they do not interfere with sidewalks.
Work zones must maintain suitable access for non-motorized traffic and all TTC treatments must
be ADA compliant and provide the same level of accessibility as the existing facilities, per the
Public Transit – Public transit facilities such as bus stops are a common feature of the urban
environment. Maintaining access to these facilities is a necessary consideration. As part of
standard practice, transit authorities should be notified of any proposed work expected to impact
transit stops for longer than a very brief period. During planning activities, it is important to
consider whether bus access may be affected by TTC or work activity in order to avoid potential
queuing issues and blocked access. Care should also be taken to ensure that sidewalks and access
points to bus stops are available to pedestrians, including those with disabilities. In instances
where bus or rider access cannot be safely established, the stops may be relocated to an area outside
of the work zone or the route can be temporarily modified to avoid specific stops. This requires
close coordination with transit authorities as necessary.
Special Events – Special events or other unique circumstances might occur during a long-term
work zone that may require modification of the TTC in the field. No uniform set of guidelines can
address these sorts of unique situations. Special events generally require a higher level planning in
order to assess the broad impacts of TTC. Typically work should be scheduled to avoid these
planned events when possible. Work crews should be aware of, and be prepared to alter TTC for
any unplanned events as they arise. Often, temporary suspension of work and restoring the
roadway to as near as normal operation as possible, may be the only effective solution.
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 7
Significant Projects – The preceding
Significant Projects include:
bullets highlighted several unique issues
Section 630.1010 of the Rule
of concern for TTC in urban settings. It defines a significant project as
should be noted that due to the Rule on one that, alone or in
Work Zone Safety and Mobility (23 combination with other
CFR 630 Subpart J) published in 2004, concurrent projects nearby, is
anticipated to cause sustained
operations which are deemed as a
work zone impacts that are
“significant project” will require
greater than what is
additional documentation. considered tolerable based on
State policy and/or engineering
For significant projects, a transportation judgement. All Interstate
management plan (TMP) is required which
system projects within the
boundaries of a designated
includes the following components:
Transportation Management
TTCP Area (TMA) that occupy a
Public Information Strategies location for more than three
o Related to improving public days with either intermittent or
awareness of the project continuous lane closures shall
be considered as significant
o To inform motorists of the project
Transportation Operations Strategies
o To address the management of traffic demand in the work zone
o To address corridor or network level operations
o Specific to work zone safety management
o Related to incident management and enforcement
For further information on TMPs and the Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule
(http://www.ops.fhwa.dot.gov/wz/resources/final_rule.htm), please refer to: “Developing and
Implementing TMPs for Work Zones, Federal Highway Administration, 2005”
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 8
Development of an efficient and effective TTC plan for urban
work zones should follow a logical process, such as the one
shown in Figure 1. The process begins with gathering site
and work characteristics that are relevant to the development
of work zone traffic control. Using this information, an
appropriate TA that closely represents the work zone under
consideration can be selected using the TTCP Software.
Urban work zone TTCP development includes identification
of the unique characteristics and traffic control strategies
outlined previously. Modifying the appropriate TA to
address the unique characteristics of urban work zone
environments will aid in the development of an effective
TTCP. The complete process of developing a TTCP is
described in detail in the following steps.
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 9
Proposed work activity
Proposed work duration (lower and upper bounds)
Necessary workers, vehicles and other equipment
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 10
Table 1 describes some common work site characteristics that often create challenges that may require field
adjustment. Based on the work site characteristics, possible mitigation strategies are suggested. These
strategies can be utilized to improve selected TTCPs.
Table 1 – Urban Work Zone Challenges and Mitigation Strategies
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 11
The possible mitigation strategies included in Table 1 when appropriately used can assist road users to
navigate through urban work zones safely and efficiently. They include common countermeasures that are
either required or are considered best practices under appropriate circumstances. The following list
provides further explanation on when common mitigation strategies can be used.
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 12
Flaggers or self-regulating traffic control devices may be
used for a lane closure on a low volume, two-lane road. For
example, if a work zone causes one lane of a two-lane roadway
to be closed, a flagger or self-regulating traffic control device
can allow for two-way traffic to share the same travel way.
Other examples where a flagger or self-regulating traffic control
device may be used at is a haul road crossing, one-way bridge
operation, or sight distance restriction. However, they are not typically used in high traffic volume
areas or near intersections or driveways.
Channelizing Devices - Type 3 Barricades (MUTCD 6F.68) are more effective than smaller
channelizing devices in restricting vehicles and pedestrians from entering the work space. Where
space is limited, vertical panels (MUTCD 6F.66) provide effective channelization and present a
larger and more visible target, especially at night.
Portable Changeable Message Signs (MUTCD 6F.60) are useful in urban work zones to convey
unique or special messages not easily communicated by static TTC signs, such as closures to cross
streets, information on active work times, or other atypical scenarios.
Arrow Boards (MUTCD 6F.61) effectively provide warning and directional information to road
users concerning lane closures.
Temporary Traffic Signals (MUTCD 6F.84) may be very effective in certain urban situations
including areas of increased traffic volumes through unsignalized intersections caused by diverted
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 13
4.3 Ensure Guide Signs Are Conspicuous and Well-Marked
Urban highway environments often involve complex navigational tasks, which may be further complicated
by the implementation of TTC. The visibility of existing street signs with block numbering should be
maintained where they exist, or temporary signs added where none exist. Advance signage should be
provided to notify road users of any alterations to existing traffic patterns or to closures and detours.
Existing signal timing plans, including phasing, should be analyzed and altered if traffic operations
are likely to be significantly impacted.
Alternative phasing or cycle lengths, which may reduce the potential for queues to develop within
the work zone, should be considered.
Traffic operations should be monitored in the field once TTC is in place.
All signal heads and other traffic control devices should be clearly visible.
Pedestrian walk times are an important consideration and should also be adjusted as needed.
Work vehicles, equipment, and TTC should be located where they do not obscure existing signal
Signal heads not in use as a part of the TTC should be covered, including pedestrian signals.
Maximize turning radii of affected intersections or driveways. This will help to improve
maneuverability through the area, but care should be taken to ensure this does not encourage higher
Minimize the space needed for the placement of work vehicles and equipment, allowing for
maximum utilization of the available space for road users.
Maximize optional buffer spaces where practical to protect highway workers.
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 14
4.6 Impact of Working Near an Intersection
Highway work activities in urban areas often take place within or in close proximity to intersections, which
may significantly complicate TTC and require special considerations.
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 15
In order to supplement the TAs in the MUTCD, several example plans are provided which address work
zone scenarios in urban environments.
Note: Lane tapers (L) and sign spacing (A, B, and C) are determined based on the posted work zone speed
limit as calculated in Tables 6H-3 and 6H-4 of MUTCD.
If sidewalks are adjacent to the work activity, ensure that they are shielded utilizing Type 3 Barricades
and other channelizing devices which meet the MUTCD accessibility requirements.
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 16
Closure of Right Lane on Roads with Multiple Low Volume Driveways (Figure 3)
Moving the lane closure further upstream helps to channelize and stabilize traffic flow prior to the work
High right turning movements into and out of driveways may limit the practicality of moving the lane
closure upstream.
Use Type 3 barricades as shown to keep road users from entering the closed lane. However, if these
large devices interfere with sight distance at driveways, smaller devices such as vertical panels or
Type I barricades may need to be substituted.
The optional arrow board shown on this plan may improve positive guidance to road users.
Figure 3 – Closure of Right Lane on Roads with Multiple Low Volume Driveways
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 17
Closure of Two inside Lanes near an Intersection (Figure 4)
Closure of lanes on the far side of the intersection complicates driveway access. Providing alternate
routes to driveways should be considered if driveway volumes are high, especially if alternate
approaches are not readily available.
o Provide Type 3 barricades around the work space to reduce risk of vehicle intrusion.
Provide arrow boards at the start of lane closures, especially if traffic volumes are high.
Prohibit left turns out of driveways throughout the closed lane and work space.
o Where space permits, full lane closure should extend a length of 2L before it is reopened as a
left turn lane.
Consider left turn queue build-up in selecting lane closure points and length of lane closures to allow
adequate storage for left turning vehicles.
Figure 4 – Closure of Two Inside Lanes Near an Intersection
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 18
Work on Far Right Lane near Signalized Intersection (Figure 5)
Closure of the right lane a considerable distance upstream of the intersection will be helpful in
stabilizing traffic flow and allowing reopening the closed lane as a right turn only lane.
Provide “Road Work Ahead” signage on all four approaches.
A “No Turn on Red” sign may be added on the right side approach to reduce the risk of right turning
vehicles intruding into the work space, especially if traffic volumes are high.
Prohibiting left turns at the downstream driveway will help to reduce traffic conflicts due to vehicles
exiting the facility and turning left, considering the potentially reduced sight distance due to the work
Figure 5 – Work on Far Right Lane Near Signalized Intersection
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 19
Sidewalk Closure Involving Minor Street in Urban Area (Figure 6)
Certain construction or repair activities may require closing or relocating pedestrian facilities in urban
Accessibility features existing prior to the work activity must be maintained.
Use portable plastic barriers or other suitable devices such as a portable concrete barrier to shield
pedestrians from adjacent active traffic streams.
TTC for pedestrians are shown in this example, but additional devices will be required for the vehicular
Figure 6 – Sidewalk Closure Involving Minor Street in Urban Area
(85a – Minnesota MUTCD)
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 20
Pedestrian Facility Rerouted into Traveled Lanes (Figure 7)
Construction or repair activities may require rerouting of pedestrian facilities.
One option is to reroute these facilities into the traveled way. However, the mobility impact on the
existing traffic system must be considered and alternative solutions, such as a pedestrian detour may be
an option. The MUTCD provides a discussion of the pros and cons of pedestrian detours.
Shielding the pedestrian facility from the traffic stream is a key consideration in this application.
Where traffic speeds and or volumes are high, a temporary traffic barrier is desirable to prevent vehicle
intrusion into the relocated sidewalk.
Figure 7 – Pedestrian Facility Rerouted Into Traveled Lanes
(85b – Minnesota MUTCD)
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 21
Work on Far Side Right Lane Including Bicycle Lane (Figure 8)
Bicycle traffic, a common characteristic of many urban roadways, must be considered when developing
In this case, the right-most lane is utilized as an exclusive right turn lane with the lane closure
implemented on the far side of the intersection.
Additional “Share the Road” bicycle signage should be located upstream of the lane closure.
Figure 8 – Work on Far Side Right Lane Including Bicycle Lane
[California MUTCD Figure 6H‐104 (CA)]
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 22
Shoulder Closure on Urban Location with Bicycle Traffic (Figure 9)
Work in urban areas may interrupt exclusive bike lanes or bicycle traffic.
Where possible, adequate lane width should be provided for bicyclists and motorists to drive side by
side, otherwise “Bicyclists May Use Full Lane” sign is recommended.
The temporary traffic barrier and lights are shown as optional and may be appropriate for long-term
work zone scenarios.
All temporary signs should be placed such that the path of travel for bicyclists is not blocked, while
maintaining good visibility for drivers.
Figure 9 – Shoulder Closure on Urban Location with Bicycle Traffic
[California MUTCD Figure 6H‐101 (CA)]
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 23
Refer to Wayne State University - Transportation Research Group Work Zone Safety Website
(workzone.eng.wayne.edu) for copies of this document, other products developed under FHWA Work
Zone Safety Grant, as well as the Temporary Traffic Control Plan Selection Software and Work Zone Safety
Compendium of Documents.
Further information on highway work zone safety can be found in the following resources:
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 24
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 25
Work Characteristics
Urban Commercial
Rural Residential
Midblock Industrial/Office
Intersection Agricultural
Traffic Characteristics
Moderate Posted Speed Limit
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 26
Determine Typical Application
Multi-lane ________
Can selected TA be applied at the work site as shown? Yes ____ No ____
A Guide to Urban Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control 27