Body Image Booklet For CHN by DR Vivienne Lewis
Body Image Booklet For CHN by DR Vivienne Lewis
Body Image Booklet For CHN by DR Vivienne Lewis
Dr Vivienne Lewis
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Each worksheet includes the chapter and page references so you can
read the relevant parts of the book first, before using the worksheets as
an activity. Where page numbers are indicated, the activity is described
in more detail. Worksheets can be used in chronological order if using
the whole book as a resource in the school or home environment or for
cousellors addressing the issues with clients. The worksheets are made to
be flexible so the user can also choose to use individual worksheets that
cover a particular topic or change the order of material to be covered.
The worksheets are meant to be both fun and educational as well as
opening up further conversations around the issues covered.
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 1 Worksheet 1.1
Thinking about body image
(refer to pgs. 11 and 12)
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
No Body’s Perfect Chapter 1 Worksheet 1.1 Body Image Class and Counsellor Activity (Pages 11–12)
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
No Body’s Perfect Chapter 1 Worksheet 1.1 Body Image Class and Counsellor Activity (Pages 11–12)
What can you do to feel good about your body and self?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 1 Handout 1.1
All about body image and culture
Everyone has a body image, it’s the thoughts, feelings and behaviours we
have regarding how we think we look. Our body image has developed
over time with influences such as family, friends, media, culture, and
our experiences of teasing just to name a few. We can chose how we
feel about our bodies. We can say ‘no’ to teasing, including standing up
for our peers. By focusing on what we like about our bodies and all the
wonderful things our bodies do for us, will make us feel good about our
bodies and selves. Think about all the positive things people have said
to you about your body and self. Everyday think about the hard work
your body does to help you at school, at home, with your friends, your
interests and how it keeps you having fun and enjoying life. If you’re
unhappy for whatever reason, seek help. There are lots of adults who
can help including your teachers, counsellors, parents, carers, friends,
doctors, coaches and many other people you can trust.
The culture we live in plays a big part in how we feel about our bodies.
Following is an activity that helps you better understand the cultural
messages that are influencing you and what’s a healthier way of thinking
about people’s bodies.
What culture do you live in and what messages are you aware of around
what male and female bodies should look like?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
No Body’s Perfect Chapter 1 Handout 1.1 Body Image and Culture
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
No Body’s Perfect Chapter 1 Handout 1.1 Body Image and Culture
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 1 Worksheet 1.2
Body image over the centuries
(refer to pgs. 13 and 14)
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
No Body’s Perfect Chapter 1 Worksheet 1.2 Body Image over the Centuries (Pages 12–15)
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
No Body’s Perfect Chapter 1 Worksheet 1.2 Body Image over the Centuries (Pages 12–15)
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 1 Worksheet 1.3
Cultural change and body image
(refer to pgs. 14–16)
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
No Body’s Perfect Chapter 1 Worksheet 1.3 Cultural change and body image (Pages 14–16)
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
No Body’s Perfect Chapter 1 Worksheet 1.3 Cultural change and body image (Pages 14–16)
How does it feel if you don’t look like this cultural ideal?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
No Body’s Perfect Chapter 1 Worksheet 1.3 Cultural change and body image (Pages 14–16)
List some of the things that make you unique. These are
things that are very special about you.
How do you feel when you focus on the things that are unique
and special about you?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 1 Worksheet 1.4
General self-worth
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What makes you unique?
What are your aspirations (things you want for the future)?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 1 HOME Worksheet 1.1
Thinking about your body image
What do you like about your body? (add here what you like
about their body)
What can your body do? (this is about the function of the
body). Your body allows you to run and play etc
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Do you have any worries about your body? This opens
children up to talking about what might be worrying them.
Listen, but also try and problem solve without changing the
body, instead focus on how you can make them feel better
about the body they have.
What makes your body feel good? You can devise a list and
also suggest some things.
Reinforce that your child can always come to you and talk
about their worries and troubles.
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 1 HOME Worksheet 1.2
Your body beautiful
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 2 Worksheet 2.1
(also useful to do as a class or counselling activity)
Why do you feel this way? What has influenced your body
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Are these influences still relevant today? If yes, then how can
you deal with them and if not, maybe it’s time to let these
thoughts go.
How would you like to feel about your body? You might like
to write here some goals to work towards regarding how you
think and feel about your body.
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 2 Worksheet 2.2
Addressing negative thoughts about the body
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
How can I challenge them? What’s the evidence for and
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What complements have I received? Try and take these on
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 3 Worksheet 3.1
Positive role modelling
This is a great exercise for adults to make you more aware of the
messages that you’re sending children and young people. It’s
important to convey positive messages. So set goals of how and
when you’re going to send out positive messages through your
behaviour (what you do) and what you say.
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What do I do that needs change (i.e., my talk, my behaviour)?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 3 Worksheet 3.2
Dealing with emotions
(refer to pg. 48)
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
How do I make others feel better?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 4 Worksheet 4.1
Working with boys — Male body image
What are some of the things you worry about to do with your
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What can you do to make your body feel good?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What are some places you can call or go to for help?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 4 Worksheet 4.2
Working with boys — Positive role modelling
read chapter 4 to understand the background
to these questions
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What qualities do your role models have that you like?
(Your role model could be a friend, family member, teacher,
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 4 Worksheet 4.3
Working with boys — Male body image
and the media
(refer to pgs. 59–60)
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
How does this make us feel about our own bodies?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
How can you treat your body well?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Worksheet Chapter 5
Media Literacy
(page 70)
Is it a healthy message?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What are the lifestyles, values and points of view that are
represented in this message?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 5 Worksheet 5.2
Digital imaging
(refer to pg. 71)
Is it okay?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Are we all trying to look the same and why?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What’s great about being different?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 6 Worksheet 6.1
Refer to all of Chapter 6
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Who can I go to for help?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 7 Worksheet 7.1
(refer to pgs. 84, 85, 89)
What is bullying?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What can you do if you see someone being teased?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 7 Worksheet 7.2
Body bashing
(refer to pg. 89)
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
How can you treat yourself respectfully?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 8 Worksheet 8.1
The Dangers of Dieting
Refer to pages 96–97
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
How can you help a friend you might be worried about?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 9 Worksheet 9.1
Mental health and identity
(refer to pgs. 115–116)
What do I like?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What am I good at?
Who is in my life?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What do I want to be when I grow up?
What do I value?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 9 Worksheet 9.2
Working with adults — Helping children
with mental health
(refer to pgs. 116–119)
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What are some behaviours I engage in that I might have
to change or modify to role model healthy body image and
mental health?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 9 Worksheet 9.3
Working with adults — Mental health
and wellbeing
(refer to pgs. 116–119)
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Where else can you go to get help?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 9 Worksheet 9.4
Seeking help
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Who can you go to for help?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 9 Worksheet 9.5
Problem solving — Sam (refer to page 131)
Sam is 13 years old and she is being teased by her peers. She
feels alone and like no-one understands what she’s going
through. Sam doesn’t want to say anything because she’s
embarrassed and she’s worried her peers will call her names if
she tells an adult.
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What else might help Sam?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 9 Worksheet 9.6
Problem solving — Tom
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
What else might help Tom?
Who are the people that you trust to ask for help?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 9 Worksheet 9.7
Where can I go for help?
Use this worksheet to list all the services in your area and
school where children can go to get help.
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
How do I contact these adults?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
Chapter 10 Worksheet 10.1
Relaxing and having fun
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.
How do you have fun?
Worksheets for No Body’s Perfect: A helper’s guide to promoting positive body image in children and young people.