COSTA Newsletter - June 2018
COSTA Newsletter - June 2018
COSTA Newsletter - June 2018
Upcoming Events
For further & Workshops
information on the SUSE+ project,
- COSTA ‘Charity Registration & Annual Returns’ ENGAGING RURAL COMMUNITIES
Information Workshop (every 6 weeks) (ERC) PROGRAMME
This is a new and exciting project being delivered by local
- COSTA ‘Open Door Support Day’ (one per month Rural Support Networks CWSAN & COSTA. This project
– dates TBC soon). is supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV
Programme and is managed by the Special EU
- Community Information Event / Funding Fair – programmes Body (SEUPB) in partnership with Mid
September / October 2018 – details TBC soon. Ulster District Council.
--- MORE TO FOLLOW SOON --- Community groups within the Mid Ulster District Council
are being invited to contact Community Engagement
Officer Jennifer for potential inclusion in this project. The
COSTA WORKSHOPS project has been developed for those groups at early
stages of development who are interested in developing
AVAILABLE TO LOCAL GROUPS their capacities to undertake cross community activities
and develop shared projects in the same area,
‘Charity Registration & Annual Returns’ neighbouring area or with a group of similar interest.
Information Workshop (practical support also A small grant will be available for up to 20 groups
available on request). across mid Ulster rural areas to work on a partnership
‘Preparing for Sustainability’ Workshop’ – The official launch of the project took place on 1st
Available to groups on request. (Helpful guidance March and local groups are being encouraged to apply
for groups and halls aiming for greater future for inclusion in the project.
The Rural Communities Programme will be run over a
‘Ensuring GDPR Good Practice’ Workshop – period of 2.5 years and will take groups through 4 phases
Available to groups on request. (Helping small of development, providing training sessions, facilitation and
groups to ensure compliance and good practice in mentoring throughout. Groups are most welcome to speak
Data Protection). directly to Jennifer Hamilton, the projects new Community
‘Good Company & Director Governance’ – Engagement Officer, who will assist you ascertain how and
Available to groups on request (particularly if you might fit the projects criteria. It is expected that there
suitable for Directors & Ltd Companies). will be huge interest from rural community organisations
and thus there will be a process of selection at early
‘Committee Skills & Roles’ – Available to groups stages. Those groups who are from marginalised sectors
on request (particularly suitable for newer / grass within the council area will be prioritised in selection.
roots groups). Jennifer has been appointed as the Community
Engagement Officer and has a wide range of experience in
‘Funding Readiness’ – Available to groups on single identity and cross community work, working with a
request (suitable for all). wide range of groups and funding bodies.
‘Promoting Social Inclusion’ – Available to Jennifer can be contacted from Wednesday to Fridays
groups on request (suitable for all groups / orgs). only in the Crieve Centre, Stewartstown on
028 87 738845 or via email at
Can be held in out in rural locations
Contact COSTA
Tel: 028 855 56880
COSTA Newsletter 3
0800 138 1678 (new number) The next phase of work will include a range of projects in
Upperlands, Swatragh, Churchtown & Lissan, Moortown,
Helpline Hours have recently been The Loup, Desertmartin, Clonoe, Ballinderry & Ballylifford,
amended - please see the below Orritor and Broughderg, Killyman and Eglish.
COSTA can assist groups in identifying
Rural Support Confidential Helpline
match funding and reviewing Village Plans
0845 606 7607 Tel: 028 855 56880
Available from: Monday to Friday or email:
9:00am – 9:00pm & Voicemail
COSTA Newsletter
Musical Instruments for Bands
This programme is designed to increase the quality of music-making in the community by helping bands
to replace worn-out instruments and purchase new instruments.
Online Applications
Applications for this scheme can be made using the online form.
A new Local Action Group for Mid Ulster has now been
CDM Community Transport offers flexible, affordable community
formed. Mid Ulster Rural Development Partnership will
transport services for individuals and community groups. CDM offers access to
vital local services: post offices, shops, doctors, local health services. CDM also take forward the delivery of Priority 6 funding under the
offers Assisted Rural Travel Scheme (ARTS) - only available to rural dwellers who new 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme in
have a valid Smart pass on CDM’s Dial a lift. For further information contact the partnership with Council.
Dungannon Branch Office: Tel: 028 877 29714.
A range of Support Measures are available includ-
ing support for capital investments in creation and
The Farm Families Health Checks Programme consists of a mobile development of non-agricultural activities in rural
screening bus which will visit local farmers’ markets and rural community events areas for all micro and small enterprises.
to offer on-the-spot health checks consisting of blood pressure monitoring, BMI,
cholesterol and diabetic screening. In addition, individual lifestyle advice will be
given on a range of health issues and onward referral to local support services as Capital grants are available for start-up or expan-
required. For further information Contact sion of rural business, including farm diversifica- tion and private tourism businesses.
'a welcoming place where our people are content, healthy and safe; educated and skilled; where our economy
is thriving; our environment and heritage are sustained; and where our public services excel'.
The Community Plan for Mid Ulster has identified 15 outcomes encompassed in 5 themes:
Economic Growth
Education & Skills
Health & Well-being
Vibrant & Safe Communities.
Download a copy of the Community Plan here: Community Plan: 10 Year Plan for Mid Ulster [4173KB]
National Churches Trust - Community Grant Funding is available for projects which introduce
facilities to enable increased community use of places of worship. Grants of between £5,000
and £25,000 are available. Deadline for applications is 2nd July 2018.
COSTA is funded by
Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs through DAERA’s Rural Community Development Support Service
Tackling Rural Poverty & Social Isolation Programme and Mid Ulster District Council
The European Union’s PEACE IV Programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)
Registered Company in Northern Ireland No: NI 42832 Charity Registration in NI: NIC101598 ISO 9001:2008 Cert: FS 536859