Day 1: Monday: OPWOD (Operator Workout of The Day)
Day 1: Monday: OPWOD (Operator Workout of The Day)
Day 1: Monday: OPWOD (Operator Workout of The Day)
Day 1: Monday
Strength: Push Press – warm up then 5-4-3-3-3. (a hyphen between sets means to
increase weight each round).
Then, EMOM for 10 rounds of 2x Turkish Get Ups, Increase load on rounds 3, 5, 7 and
9 Stamina: 5 rounds, not timed:
20x Supine Ring Row (or TRX row), 15x sandbag step ups, 50M sled push
Durability: 4 mile timed run (Goal is under 30 minutes).
100x sit ups, 100x 4 count flutter kicks.
Warrior Yoga drills and Post-SOP recovery.
Tip of the Day: Stamina is a Chipper. Not for time. Pace should be around 60 -70%.
Day 2: Tuesday
Durability: 10x 100m sprints (:15 interval), 3 rounds – 15x WTD sit ups (45#/25#), 15x
back extensions (45#/25#). Warrior Yoga, Post-SOP
Tip of the Day: Pre and Post SOP (Standard Operating Porcedure) is your routine before
and after a workout.
Journal, Hydrate, Visualization etc.
Day 3: Wednesday
Day 4: Thursday
Day 5: Friday
Day 6: Saturday