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Day 1: Monday: OPWOD (Operator Workout of The Day)

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OPWOD (Operator Workout of the Day)

Day 1: Monday

Baseline: Pre-SOP, Box breathing, ROM Drills.

Complete 5 Rounds – run 200m, 5x strict press,
5x push press, 5x push jerk, 5x pull up (45#/65#/75#).

Work Capacity: AMRAP in 20 minutes of the following...

• 5x pull up
• 10x push up
• 15x air squat

Strength: Push Press – warm up then 5-4-3-3-3. (a hyphen between sets means to
increase weight each round).
Then, EMOM for 10 rounds of 2x Turkish Get Ups, Increase load on rounds 3, 5, 7 and
9 Stamina: 5 rounds, not timed:
20x Supine Ring Row (or TRX row), 15x sandbag step ups, 50M sled push
Durability: 4 mile timed run (Goal is under 30 minutes).
100x sit ups, 100x 4 count flutter kicks.
Warrior Yoga drills and Post-SOP recovery.

Tip of the Day: Stamina is a Chipper. Not for time. Pace should be around 60 -70%.

Day 2: Tuesday

Baseline: Pre-SOP, Box breathing, ROM Drills.

Then complete 30-20-10 reps of wall balls, sit ups.
Strength: Back Squat – warm up then do 5-4-3-3-3.
Then, EMOM for 10 rounds do 2x Overhead Squats increase load on 3, 5, 7 and 9th
Stamina: Stamina: Chipper, not timed: 10x Rope Ascents, 50x ring dips, 400m WTD
overhead walking lunge (35#/25#).

Work Capacity: Complete 5 rounds for time of...

• 15x Burpees
• 15x Hang Squat Cleans (95#/65#)
• Row 250M

Durability: 10x 100m sprints (:15 interval), 3 rounds – 15x WTD sit ups (45#/25#), 15x
back extensions (45#/25#). Warrior Yoga, Post-SOP

Tip of the Day: Pre and Post SOP (Standard Operating Porcedure) is your routine before
and after a workout.
Journal, Hydrate, Visualization etc.

Day 3: Wednesday

Baseline: Box breathing. ROM Drills. 20 minutes of grinder PT.

Endurance: LSD run, ruck or swim.
Durability: Active stretch or Warrior yoga.
Tip of the Day: Wednesday is “Active Recovery” day.
We suggest you do one of the following: Go for a 5 - 8 mile ruck with 20 - 40#. Swim
1000m or more. Run at least 2 miles Long Slow Distance (LSD)

Day 4: Thursday

Baseline: Pre-SOP, Box breathing, ROM Drills.

Then, 4 rounds – Barbell complex with push up chaser (75#-105#)
Strength: Dead Lift – warm up then do 5-4-3-3-3.
Then, EMOM for 10 rounds do 1x power snatch and 1x full snatch...increase load on 3,
5, 7 and 9
Stamina: 4 rounds, not timed: 5x max height box jump, max time handstand hold, Then:
800M Farmer’s Carry (55/35).
Work Capacity: Complete 5 rounds AFAP of...

• 10x Tire Flip

• 25x Sledge Strike
• 50x Double Unders

Durability: Row 2,000M. 100x sit ups,

100x leg levers. Warrior Yoga drills and Post-SOP recovery.
Tip of the Day: Work Capacity is the “Fire Fight” of the OPWOD.

Day 5: Friday

Baseline: Pre-SOP, Box breathing, ROM Drills.

Then, Run 400m, 15x sandbag squat clean and press, Run 400m, 15x sandbag squat
clean and press.
Work Capacity: “Fran”. Complete 21-15-9 reps of the following...
• Thruster (95#/65#)
• Pull up

Strength: Bench Press – warm up then 5-5-5-5-5.

Then, EMOM for 10 rounds do 2x Power Clean at 80% max.
Stamina: Chipper, not timed: 50x close grip bench press, 30x Weighted Pull ups (weight
belt), 50m buddy pull.
Durability: 1x500m row sprint. 1x 5 min plank, 1x 5 min wall sit. Warrior Yoga drills
and Post SOP recovery.
Tip of the Day: You can do 20X more then you think you are capable of doing.

Day 6: Saturday

Baseline: Baseline: Pre SOP, Box breathing, ROM Drills.

Then 3 rounds – 50x double unders, 25x air squats, 15x push up, 5x pull up.
Work Capacity: Hero WOD “Glen”
30 Clean and Jerks 135#/95#
1 Mile Run
10 Rope Climbs 15’
1 Mile Run
100 Burpees
Durability: Row 5k meters then Grinder PT with core focus for 15 to 45 minutes.
Warrior Yoga, drills and Post SOP recovery.
Tip of the Day: Glen Doherty was one of the four Americans killed in a terror attack in
Benghazi, Libya on September 12, 2012.
Glen believed in education, improving oneself and building skills.
He believed life should be earned by hard work and hard play.
Celebrate this beautiful world that we live in, recreate as much as humanly possible.
Help others, and surround yourself with people that you respect who challenge you and
make you a better person.

Day 7: Rest Day

Baseline: Baseline: Pre SOP, Box breathing, ROM Drills.

Tip of the Day: Rest day may be the most important of all days in your workout
regimen. Your body needs to recover.
Ignoring the signs of over training is dangerous and counter productive. Get out of the
gym, enjoy your off day. …. HOOYAH!

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