Lense Iv Iii:: What Is Linguistics?
Lense Iv Iii:: What Is Linguistics?
Lense Iv Iii:: What Is Linguistics?
What is
It is the study of complex systems of knowledge and
Linguistics? abilities constituting language that enable speakers to
communicate, in all their aspects.
Historical Linguistics: Called Diachronic linguistics (studies language
Linguistics over time)
Generative (or explicit) Grammar is a theory concerned with the form and meaning of
expressions of this language. Its standpoint is that of individual psychology. It is
concerned with aspects of form and meaning determined by the “language faculty”
(Language Acquisition Device) which is a particular component of the human mind.
The nature of this faculty (the LAD) is the subject of the Universal Grammar theory,
this theory of linguistic structure aims to discover the framework of principles and
elements common to attainable human languages. UG is the characterization of the
genetically determined language faculty (L.A.D)
The L.A.D is an innate component of the human mind that has a particular language
through interaction with presented experience. It converts experience into a system
of knowledge attained. Knowledge of one or another language.
The study of generative grammar shifted the focus in the approach to problems of
language from behaviour or the product of behaviour (behaviourism) to states of
mind/brain (cognitivism) that enter into behaviour, which concerns knowledge of
language regarding its nature, origins and use. (What constitutes knowledge of
language (1), how is it acquired (2) and how is it put in use (3).)
Communicative Competence
By Dell Hymes
S: Setting, including time and place, physical aspects of the situation (when where) as well as psychological
P: Participant identity, including personal characteristics (age, sex, social status) and relationship with others
E: Ends, including the purpose of the event itself and the individual goals of the participants. (personal goal)
A: Act, sequence or how speech acts are organized. Speech event’s topics, form, content. (Q&A, applauding)
K: Key, or tone and manner in which something is said or written (humorous, serious)
I: Instrumentalities, the linguistic code (language, dialect, variety and channel) face to face, informal-formal.
N: Norm, the standard socio-cultural rules of interaction and interpretation.
G: Genre or type of event such as lecture, poem or letter.
These components of speech acts are meant to explore and explain human, social purposes in language. It is a
means to understanding of human purposes and needs, and their satisfaction, as well as a way of understanding
how language works. The ethnography of communication is not just a method but a coherent theoretical approach
to language.