Committee Types and Roles: Valerie Heitshusen
Committee Types and Roles: Valerie Heitshusen
Committee Types and Roles: Valerie Heitshusen
Valerie Heitshusen
Specialist on Congress and the Legislative Process
May 2, 2017
Types of Committees
There are three main types of committees: standing, select or special, and joint. (Party
committees, task forces, and congressional Member organizations—informal groups—are not
addressed here.)
Standing committees are permanent panels identified as such in chamber rules (House Rule X,
Senate Rule XXV). Because they have legislative jurisdiction, standing committees consider bills
and issues and recommend measures for consideration by their respective chambers. They also
have oversight responsibility to monitor agencies, programs, and activities within their
jurisdictions and, in some cases, in areas that cut across committee jurisdictions.
Most standing committees recommend funding levels—authorizations—for government
operations and for new and existing programs. A few have other functions. For example, the
Appropriations Committees recommend legislation to provide budget authority for federal
agencies and programs. The Budget Committees establish aggregate levels for total spending and
revenue, via the annual budget resolution, that serve as guidelines for the work of the authorizing
and appropriating panels.
Select or special committees are generally established by a separate resolution of the chamber,
sometimes to conduct investigations and studies and, on other occasions, also to consider
measures. Often, select committees examine emerging issues that do not fit clearly within
existing standing committee jurisdictions or cut across jurisdictional boundaries. A select
committee may be permanent or temporary. Select committees may have certain restrictions on
member tenure or may include certain specified representatives (e.g., party leaders or certain
The number of total subcommittees is current as of April 25, 2017, and based on lists found at
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence operates, in many ways, like a permanent standing
committee; it has four subcommittees in the 115th Congress.
The number of total subcommittees is current as of April 25, 2017, and based on lists found at
standing committee chairs) as ex officio members. Instead of the term select, the Senate
sometimes uses special committee (e.g., the Special Committee on Aging).
Joint committees are made up of Members of both the House and Senate. Today’s permanent joint
committees conduct studies or perform housekeeping tasks rather than consider measures.4 For
instance, the Joint Committee on Printing oversees the functions of the Government Printing
Office and general printing procedures of the federal government. The chairmanship of joint
committees usually alternates between the House and Senate. A conference committee is a
temporary joint committee formed to resolve differences between competing House and Senate
versions of a measure. Conference committees draft compromises between the positions of the
two chambers, which are then submitted to the full House and Senate for approval.
Most committees form subcommittees to share specific tasks within the jurisdiction of the full
committee. Subcommittees are responsible to, and work within the guidelines established by,
their parent committees. In particular, standing committees usually create subcommittees with
legislative jurisdiction to consider and report bills. They may assign their subcommittees such
specific tasks as the initial consideration of measures and oversight of laws and programs in the
subcommittees’ areas.
Subcommittees may play an important role in the legislative process. Because few chamber and
party rules apply to subcommittees, the number, prerogatives, and autonomy of subcommittees
vary among committees. Senate rules do not directly limit the number of subcommittees each
committee may create. House rules impose a maximum of five subcommittees for most
committees (Rule X, clause 5(d)), but a sixth oversight subcommittee is permitted; several
committees, such as the Appropriations Committee, have been allowed—via House rules or a
separate order in the opening-day rules resolution—a larger number of subcommittees.5
Some committees create independent subcommittees with sizeable staff and budgets; routinely
refer measures to subcommittees for initial consideration; and allow subcommittees to take the
lead in framing issues, drafting measures and reports, and holding hearings and markups. On
other committees, most work is undertaken by the full committee. Some full committees repeat
all actions taken by their subcommittees, while others review only major subcommittee work or
even forward subcommittee-reported measures to the floor with little change.
Unlike the permanent existing joint committees, a joint committee established for a portion for the 112th Congress (the
Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction) was empowered to consider legislative proposals.
See House Rule X, clause 5(d)(2), 115th Congress, for higher allowances for subcommittees at the House committees
on Appropriations (13), Armed Services (7), Foreign Affairs (7), Oversight and Government Reform (7), and
Transportation and Infrastructure (6). For the 115th Congress, also see Section 3(p) (“Separate Orders”) of H.Res. 5,
115th Congress, allowing the Agriculture Committee six subcommittees in the 115th Congress. For provisions in other
recent congresses, see Section 3 (j) (“Separate Orders”) of H.Res. 5 (114th Congress), and Section 3 (f) (“Separate
Orders”) of H.Res. 5 (113th Congress).
Valerie Heitshusen
Specialist on Congress and the Legislative Process, 7-8635
This report was originally written by Thomas P. Carr, formerly an analyst in American National
Government at CRS. The listed author has updated this report and is available to respond to inquiries on the