The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge Discussion Guide
The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge Discussion Guide
The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge Discussion Guide
Brangwain Spurge
M. T. Anderson
Eugene Yelchin
Discussion Questions
1. There are many ways to tell a story, as The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge makes
clear. Who are the narrators of this novel? What does each contribute to the story?
Which narrator do you find to be the most trustworthy? Why?
2. This book has two authors, M. T. Anderson and Eugene Yelchin. Why do you think
their shared credit is fitting?
3. Why does Clivers, a proud member of the Order of the Clean Hand, choose Spurge for this dangerous mission
to the goblin kingdom? How does Clivers underestimate his old classmate? Despite losing so many fingers, why
does Clivers remain loyal to the elf king?
4. Take a closer look at Spurge’s transmissions back to Elfland. According to Clivers, they depict “whatever he
pictures in his mind,” his impression of things as opposed to reality (page 160). If Spurge were using a camera,
how would his transmissions be different? Would they be more honest? Why?
5. For the goblins, “hospitality was holy” (page 29). What risks does Werfel take to be a good host to Spurge? Why
does Spurge mistreat his host? When does he stop acting like a bad guest and start behaving like a good friend?
How does that transformation save his life, and Werfel’s, too?
6. Books that depict warfare, treachery, and personal humiliation tend not to be very funny, but this one is often
hilarious. What is your favorite piece of comic dialogue? What is your favorite comic scene? Why?
7. Spurge survives his many ordeals, so why do you think this book is entitled The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge?
8. “Werfel thought of the old saying: Elf and goblin, we all have pointy ears. So true” (page 81). Beyond their ears,
what other characteristics do elves and goblins share? What qualities set them apart?
10. When he finally sees them for himself, Werfel is appalled by Spurge’s transmissions back to Elfland. Why are
they so disturbing to Werfel? Why is Spurge so embarrassed by them?
11. Compare the rulers of the two kingdoms. What does each expect from their subjects? How does each hold on to
12. Like most elves, Spurge is disgusted by many goblin practices, including their devotion to discarded skin. What
do you think of goblins’ reverence for old flesh? Why is Spurge’s experience with his own skin at the end of the
novel so significant?
The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge • Candlewick Press Discussion Guide • • page 2
Illustration © 2018 by Eugene Yelchin
13. D
espite mounting evidence of the rot in his homeland, Spurge is blind to Elfland’s problems
through most of this novel. Yet Werfel clearly sees the corruption in the goblin kingdom.
Why is one scholar more open to disturbing truths about his country than the other?
14. M
ilitary strength is highly prized in most nations, but what about
intellectual strength? How do ideas and values contribute to a country’s
security? How do Werfel and Spurge prove the potency of brain power?
15. Perhaps you’ve heard the assertion “History is written by the victors” in a
classroom or on television. What do you think it really means? Does it apply to
this novel? Why?
16. At the end of the book, Spurge and Werfel are described as “friends who want to change the world
together” (page 516). What challenges do they face? Do you think they’ll succeed? Why?
The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge • Candlewick Press Discussion Guide • • page 3
Illustration © 2018 by Eugene Yelchin. Photograph of M. T. Anderson by Sonya Sones. Photograph of Eugene Yelchin by Roxyanne Young.