Introducing Datapower Gatewayscript. This Feature Is New For The 7.0 Release
Introducing Datapower Gatewayscript. This Feature Is New For The 7.0 Release
Introducing Datapower Gatewayscript. This Feature Is New For The 7.0 Release
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The agenda for this presentation is as follows. First, we will discuss the goals that
were set for the GatewayScript functionality. Next, we will go over the features that are
implemented towards those goals. We will discuss the modular structure of
GatewayScript, and how a customer can extend that structure. Next, we will share
some examples of how to configure GatewayScript, and how to use the GatewayScript
debugger. The next section will cover the APIs available to GatewayScript
applications. Finally, we will share some resources for additional learning.
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The first goal is to improve the overall user experience. IBM drives to continually
improve in the areas of application development, monitoring, debugging, and servicing.
With the addition of GatewayScript, the DataPower appliances incorporate a
programming language that has a much larger audience. XSLT is an incredibly
powerful tool, but it requires a more specialized skill set. GatewayScript is a
programming language that is familiar to the large numbers of programmers, especially
to new college graduates.
Security is critical to the DataPower philosophy. GatewayScript is no different.
GatewayScript follows the same principles that XSLT and the other transform
technologies provide.
Error handling is consistent in all aspects of GatewayScript. Logging is consistent with
the DataPower system logging strategy. But, GatewayScript also allows the developer
to use logging in a flexible and easy manner.
JSON is at the heart of most Web 2.0 RESTful applications, and it is the payload of
choice for mobile applications. In earlier DataPower firmware versions, several
features were added to extend the JSON processing capabilities. GatewayScript adds
the ability to work with JSON as easily and as efficiently as the DataPower XSLT
implementation works with XML.
The GatewayScript actions and behaviors are intuitive and consistent with all of the
other actions that the DataPower appliance provides. GatewayScript actions can
communicate with non-GatewayScript actions and vice versa.
Finally, the GatewayScript feature performance is commensurate with XSLT.
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The next two slides discuss the features and characteristics of GatewayScript.
GatewayScript is based on the JavaScript programming language. More precisely, it supports
the ECMAScript 5.1 version of the specification.
Why JavaScript? JavaScript uses JSON as part of the language itself. JSON is essentially the
data structure or object structure of the JavaScript language. JavaScript is an incredibly
popular language, and has been a mainstay of web applications for many years. There is
JavaScript running in the browsers, and in the backend servers, and now within the Gateway
or middleware tier.
On the DataPower appliance, JavaScript runs in ‘strict’ mode only. Strict mode provides a
more consistent and more disciplined behavior. For example, if a script attempts to write a
property of a DataPower API object and that object is frozen, an immediate exception is
thrown. The ‘strict’ mode behavior supports stronger error checking and handling and
increases security.
An ECMAScript 6.0 feature is supported in GatewayScript. That feature is “Block Scoping”.
ECMAScript 5.1 provides for only function scoping of variables. The block scoping feature
allows a developer the ability to provide better separation and visibility characteristics. To use
block scoping, a variable must be declared with the ‘let’ keyword instead of the ‘var’ keyword.
Security has several aspects. First, the execution environment for each script must be pristine.
There are no cases where one GatewayScript action can affect another action whether running
in parallel or running serially. There are no threading implications where proper locking is
required to protect critical sections. With the new GatewayScript implementation, all of these
aspects are true. Additionally, the Eval() statement is disabled.
In addition, GatewayScript limits access to the DataPower file system. GatewayScript provides
a series of libraries that give the developer access to specific APIs. All access to DataPower
facilities is provided through these APIs. Access to the file system, for example is done with
the urlopen API. And, that API allows access to only the local:/// and store:/// file systems.
There is no direct access to read or write a file with a GatewayScript application.
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Performance is very important in the GatewayScript implementation. All scripts are compiled
into object code. The object code is then cached and run. When a subsequent request comes
in that requires an already compiled file, the cached copy is run directly. The cached copy is
run unless the underlying file time stamp changes. If a newer version is found, it is compiled,
and replaces the obsolete cached version.
GatewayScript also implements non-blocking APIs for asynchronous operations. An example
of an asynchronous operation is the urlopen function. A request is transmitted off box and a
response is received to that request might take a substantial amount of time. The non-blocking
API allows processing to continue doing productive work in the GatewayScript application in
parallel with the asynchronous operation. When the asynchronous operation completes, a
function callback is invoked to address processing of the response. This implementation
allows for a high level of concurrency and efficiency.
Debugging. For the first time, DataPower firmware includes a debugger. The debugger is
available through only the Command Line Interface (CLI) in release 7.0. With the debugger, a
GatewayScript program can be verified by stepping through the code and interrogating
variables. The debugger is Roll Based Management (RBM) controlled, so you can limit access
to these facilities.
The error handling for GatewayScript is simple and consistent. If the DataPower appliance
detects a programming error, then an exception is thrown immediately. If the exception is not
caught (that is, the exception is unhandled), then the transaction aborts and returns a 500
response code to the client. Asynchronous operations do not lend themselves to exceptions.
So, for asynchronous operations, an error object is returned to the asynchronous function
callback if an error occurs. The exception objects and the error objects are consistent. They
contain textual information as to what happened. They also contain more in-depth descriptions
and suggestions on how to remedy the situation.
The logging infrastructure is extended dramatically for GatewayScript. A large number of error
messages are available to help the administrator understand error situations. Script developers
have many options to log the information that they see fit.
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DataPower firmware implements GatewayScript with a modular approach. These
modules or libraries can be loaded on demand by the application. This implementation
supports an extendable system with a high degree of isolation between modules. The
modular approach is also available to write or include modules from third parties.
GatewayScript supports the CommonJS 1.0 Module format. If the module complies with
the module specification, it loads and runs. Modules must also comply with the APIs and
restrictions in the DataPower appliance. For example, a module cannot arbitrarily access
the file system.
The GatewayScript environment is shown in the diagram. The GatewayScript processing
action is the only way to invoke GatewayScript in version 7.0. The GatewayScript action
is shown as the green rectangle. From within the action, a running program can read an
‘input’ context. A context in DataPower is often the payload or body of a request or
response. Lowercase ‘input’ refers to reading the context configured as input to that
action. You can also access the ‘INPUT’ (all capital letters) context, which is the payload
of the request as it was received off the wire. Lastly, you can access a ‘named’ context
that was created for this transaction either by this action or by a previous action.
Likewise, you can write the payload to an ‘output’ context or a ‘named’ context. You can
also write any output to the system log through the console API.
Context variables, that are shown attached to a context, can also be created, read, or
written. The context variable is a typed variable and is easily accessed through a
synchronous API, whereas the context must be accessed through an asynchronous API.
But, there is much more required than just accessing the body of a request. There are
operations such as interrogating headers, checking the URL, digging through query
strings, and other operations. These types of operations work on the metadata of the
transaction. In GatewayScript, this metadata is accessible through the module interface.
More details on the modules that are included with GatewayScript are discussed in a
future chart.
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All modules that are included in the DataPower firmware are held in an internal
directory that cannot be read or written. Modules that are supplied by a customer must
be placed in either the local:/// or store:/// directories. When a module is requested, the
appliance first searches its internal directory followed by the local:/// directory, and then
the store:/// directory. You can override the search precedence by specifying the fully
qualified file name, for example “require(‘local:///utility.js’);”.
Also shown on this chart is a simple module and how to run it. The file that is holding
this module is utility.js, and it is placed in the local:/// directory. The module contains a
single increment function named “inc()”. The file on the right is a script that runs as a
GatewayScript action. The first line includes the utility module with the “require”
statement. Basically, the util variable is assigned the exported object where each
attribute is a function or an object that is exported by the module. In this case, only
one function is exported, the inc() function. The inc() function is run by the “var finish
=;” statement.
This example is very simple, but you can see how easy it is to create a modular
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Configuring a GatewayScript action is a simple task. You must first create a file that
contains a GatewayScript program. Place that file in either the local:/// or store:///
directories. The only way to run a GatewayScript program is through a Gateway Script
processing policy action. The upper right diagram shows a processing policy rule.
Along the top of the display, you see a pallet of icons. One of the icons, new for 7.0, is
the GatewayScript icon. Drag a GatewayScript action to your rule just like any other
action. Double-click the icon in the rule, and the lower window opens up. Select the
file system where the file that contains the GatewayScript program is, and then select
the file. Click done, and the GatewayScript action is configured.
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Here is your first GatewayScript program. It is not a long program, just a single line:
“console.error(“Hello GatewayScript!!”);”. This line logs the “Hello GatewayScript!!”
message to the system log. But, a great deal of information is also logged. The first
field is a time stamp. The “gatewayscript-user” is the logging category. This log
message was logged at the ‘error’ level. You might, instead, use to log
the message at the ‘info’ level. There is a transaction ID of 136337. The action is
running on the ‘request’ path. It was received from a client with the IP address of It has a message ID of 0x8580005c, which is used for all GatewayScript
user generated log messages. It shows the service type (“mpgw”) and the service
name (“GatewayScript-Loopback”), and finally, the specified text.
A lot can be done with a single line of code in GatewayScript.
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The next few charts show how to run the debugger and what its capabilities are.
For the first time, DataPower firmware includes a debugger explicitly for the
GatewayScript feature. The debugger is a Command Line Interface (CLI) based
debugger only. To access the debugger, two conditions must be met:
In the GatewayScript Action configuration, you must click the “Enable Debug.” This
configuration option is not persisted, so if you reboot the box, all debugging is disabled.
You must have a “debugger;” statement in the flow of the script. The debugger
statement acts as the first breakpoint in your script.
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After you meet the two conditions on the previous slide, when a request is received
that runs that GatewayScript action, the request hangs indefinitely. If two requests are
sent, both hang. And, any other requests also hang, up to a maximum of 10. After the
10th request is suspended, all other requests will ignore the debugger; statements and
run as though no “debugger;” statement is present.
Each held request is kept indefinitely until the session is debugged, canceled, or the
box is rebooted. To find out what requests are held, enter the “show debug-actions”
command while in config mode. The command output shows you the current set of
debug sessions. There is one session for each transaction that is suspended. Note in
the screen capture that there is a session id of ’80’. The output lists the Transaction
ID, the Service Name, the File Location, and the IP address of the client. Also listed is
whether this debug session is in use, that is, whether the session is being debugged by
another user. If the session is already being debugged, the user name and IP address
are displayed.
The important thing to remember is that you need the Session ID to tell the debugger
which session you want to debug.
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After you display the sessions and pick a session to debug, enter “debug-action”
followed by the session ID number. You immediately enter the CLI debugger. It
displays the current list of code and includes an ‘=>’ indicator at the program counter
location. On entry, execution stops at the “debugger;” statement.
From this point on, you can enter commands in a similar fashion to the GDB debugger.
It is worth noting that the “debugger;” statement must be in the execution path. If you
have conditional logic around it, your debug session is created only if that conditional
logic is satisfied. This logic provides a key debugging tool. If you have something that
is failing on an infrequent request, you can set up special logic to catch that request
real time and then trace through the logic.
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Here is the main set of commands available through the debugger.
You can list source code, set or delete breakpoints, print the contents of a variable,
explore a stack trace, or step into, step out of, step over, continue or quit.
It is a small, but powerful set of capabilities for investigating your code.
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The next few slides give an overview of the modules and APIs that are supported by
GatewayScript. We cover the items in blue in more detail in this presentation.
The Assert module provides a tool for monitoring contracts or expected values. If you assert
that a condition is true, but when the code runs, that assertion is violated, an exception is
The Buffer object is a continuous array of binary data. It can be used for interrogating and
manipulating non-JSON data such as text or HTML.
The Buffers (with an ‘s’) object is a collection of Buffer objects. The Buffers API contains a
subset of the Buffer API so that you can manipulate it as though it were a contiguous buffer.
The Console module provides access to the system log. It provides a printf-like interface
where you pass a format string followed by a variable number of substitution arguments. You
can log at any logging level that DataPower supports.
The Context object is a container that typically contains the payload of a request or response.
Contexts are read with an asynchronous function call.
The Error object is thrown by exceptions and is also returned in an asynchronous callback if an
error occurred. The error object contains a text string of the failure. It also contains stack
information, a description of possible causes of the error, and a suggestion on how to remedy
the situation.
The Header-metadata module is the API that a GatewayScript application uses to access the
headers of a request or response. You can access the original headers, which are the
headers that are received right off the wire. Or, you can access the current headers at that
moment in the processing flow.
The Punycode module is a collection of utilities for converting Unicode to ASCII and vice versa.
The Querystring module is an API for manipulating and interrogating the query string of a URL.
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The Service-metadata module is used to access the large collection of DataPower
service variables. With few exceptions, the service variables that are available in XSLT
are also available through GatewayScript. Service variables can be accessed either by
URL or by a convenient dotted notation.
The Session object is a container that represents the transaction. You use the session
object to access or create contexts, and reject transactions. Also, with the session
object, you can read configuration parameters that are passed from the GatewayScript
action configuration into the running GatewayScript application.
The URL module is a collection of utilities for processing a URL string.
With the Urlopen module, your script can send a request and receive a response for an
external resource. Currently, only HTTP, HTTPS, and accessing files are allowed
through the urlopen module. The only way to read a file from your local:/// or store:///
directories is through the urlopen module. Files that are read are cached in the
document cache for future reads.
The Util module is a collection of utilities for formatting strings and inspecting objects.
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The Console API is the mechanism of writing to the DataPower System logs. No
require statement is required to have access to this API. You can use numerous
methods to denote the log record's severity, for example, console.debug() is used for
debug log messages. Also, the log and trace methods are equivalent to the info and
debug methods. These methods are provided to maintain compatibility with the
console API.
The data to be logged can contain C formatting specifiers. Positional parameters are
also supported to format the same parameter in different ways. Positional parameters
can be used to have the substitution in the log text string in a different order than the
values presented. The following formatting specifiers are supported:
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The Service Metadata API provides access to DataPower service variables from
GatewayScript. This API is made available by using the var sm = require('service-
metadata'); statement in the GatewayScript code. Service variables can be accessed
with two notations. First, a URL notation such as what is used by XSLT style sheets
and is used by the getVar and setVar methods. The URL notation syntax would be of
the form var://service/variablename, for example, var://service/mpgw/skip-backside.
Finally, the dotted notation is used directly from the service metadata variable and uses
lower camel case notation. To translate a URL notation variable to a dotted notation
variable, replace any “/” (slash) in the URL format with a “.” period. If a “-” (hyphen) is
present in the URL format, remove the hyphen and change the following character to
uppercase. For example, the equivalent to var://service/mpgw/skip-backside is
Setting a service variable in GatewayScript enforces the data type of the desired value
for some variables and throws an exception if an incorrect type is used. Specifically,
the number data type, for example a timeout variable, is a number, not a string. Also,
the boolean data type, for example, mpgw.skipBackside is set to true, not a 1 as in
Also, a list method is available that shows all supported service variables in a JSON
format. This format includes the variable name, writable attribute, and data type.
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The Header Metadata API provides access to HTTP protocol headers from GatewayScript. This
API is made available by using the var hm = require('header-metadata'); statement in the
GatewayScript code. For each rule type, specifically the request, response, error rules, there are
two header types. First, the original header type represents what comes into the rule on the wire
and is read only. The current header type represents the current state of the headers for the rule.
It includes any DataPower injected headers, such as X-Client-IP, and any headers that are
programmatically added, removed, or modified by the processing rule. The third header type is
the response header. It is equivalent to the current header in a response or error rule. The
response header gives you access to the response header from the request rule. It was
specifically added for skipBackside or loopback firewall scenarios that do not have response rule
processing, although it is not restricted to this use case.
You can get all original and current headers as a JSON object, and can set all current headers
with a JSON object. You can also get and set individual headers. Headers might be coalesced, a
string with comma-separated values, or non-coalesced, an array with separate elements for each
value. Setting a header as a coalesced or non-coalesced header is controlled by the script. On
the wire, headers like set-cookie are presented as non-coalesced, which on the wire are unique
headers of the same name with different values.
The header API gets and sets the backend protocol status code and reason phrase. To get or set
these values in a request rule, use hm.response. The status code and reason phrase are set with
the hm.response.statusCode variable. If only a status code is provided, a default reason phrase
is assumed based on the HTTP specification. For example, a statusCode of 402 assumes the
reason phrase of “Payment Required”.
Note that hm.response is not the same as x-dp-response-code header that is used by XSL style
sheets for a similar function. The x-dp-response-code header is not supported by GatewayScript.
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Parameters are useful to externalize literals that the code requires for the action or
service, which makes the code portable between various lifecycle environments. For
example, a target URL for the urlopen API might reference a development server or a
production server, and the parameter can be modified during deployment from one
environment to another without touching the code. Session Parameters can be
specified at a service or action level. These parameters are available on the session
object. The action level configuration overrides the service level if both are present.
Also, the service level might be changed by a service variable. Setting
session.parameter.varname is only for this invocation of the script. However, modifying
the parameter within the script does provide a mechanism to provide a default value if
one was not configured
The session object also has a reject method. This method acts like the dp:reject
extension function in XSL. The script continues to completion and causes an error for
the action in the processing policy. If not overridden by an on-error action, it drives
error rule processing. If an on-error action is configured before the GatewayScript
action, the rule processes the error based on the on-error action's configuration. Unlike
XSL, there is no mechanism to change your mind as there was with the dp:accept
extension function. Instead, keep a mutable variable with a boolean state and
conditionally do a reject if required. The method also takes an optional argument of
text that shows up in default error rule response, in error related service variable if
needed in custom error processing, and in the system logs.
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GatewayScript provides APIs to access context and context variables.
Context can be thought of as the body of a request.
The following diagram illustrates several different contexts.
To access the original body of the message that is sent to a DataPower service, you
can use session.INPUT.
To access the Input of a GatewayScript action, you can use session.input, and to
access the Output of a GatewayScript action, you can use session.output.
The following contexts and context variable-related APIs are supported:
- look up the context with the ‘context_name’ name
- session.createContext(context_name): create a context with the name
- context.readAsJSON, context.readAsBuffer, context.readAsBuffers: read the body of
the context as a JSON object, Buffer object, or Buffers object
- context.setVar(), context.getVar(), context.deleteVar(): write, get, and delete a
context variable from the context
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This slide shows an example that illustrates how to use the GatewayScript context and context
variable APIs.
In the following diagram, a service is configured with two GatewayScript actions. The source
code that is associated with the two actions is shown at the top of the slide.
Look at the code of the first action -
- On line #10, it reads data from the session.input context and tries to parse the read-in data
as a JSON object. In this example, because the input is a valid JSON string ({firstName:
“John”, lastName: “Doe”}), the readAsJSON() API successfully parses the JSON and stores
the parsed result into the ‘json’ variable.
- On line #16, the code adds ‘processLog’ property to the json object and sets the value to
“action1”. In the diagram, the intermediary output from the first GatewayScript action contains
this new property, “processLogs”: “action1”.
- On line #23, the code creates a new context that is named ‘ctx’ and stores a ‘jsonParseOk’
context variable that indicates whether the first action successfully parsed the JSON data (line
#24). This context variable is examined by the second GatewayScript action that is explained
Look at the code of the second action -
- On line #11, the code locates the ‘ctx’ context and examines the value of ‘jsonParseOk’
context variable.
- If the context variable contains ‘true’, it assumes that the previous action successfully parsed
the JSON. Then, on line #13, the code tries to read the input as a JSON object and amends “
>> action 2” to the processLogs property on line #15.
- Finally, on line #18, the processed JSON object is serialized to the output.
- In the diagram, you can see that the final output from the GatewayScript action contains the
“processLogs”: “action1 >> action2” property.
Through this example, you can learn how to read and write data from a context and also how
to use context variables to exchange data between different actions.
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GatewayScript provides the urlopen API so that you can send and read data from a URL target.
Currently, HTTP, HTTPS, and local file access are supported.
The example code that shown on the right illustrates the urlopen API usage.
- To use urlopen API, the first thing to do is to require the ‘urlopen’ module, as shown on line #2.
- Lines #4 through #15 define a JSON object that contains the following urlopen options:
- line#8: The urlopen connect target
- line#9: The method that is used for the urlopen. In HTTP and HTTPS, the standard HTTP methods
(for example GET, POST) are supported. The method is case insensitive.
- line#10: Defines headers that are sent to the urlopen target
- line#11: Defines the content type of the payload that is sent to the urlopen target
- line#12: urlopen connection timeout in seconds
- line#13: If the target is HTTPS, then the sslProxyProfile is used for the SSL handshaking with
urlopen target
- line#14: The data that is sent to the target. The data can be a string or any other JavaScript objects,
for example, Buffer.
- attempts to do the urlopen according to the options defined in the urlopen. After urlopen
connects to the target (or fails to connect to the target), on line #18, the function(error, response)
callback is called.
- line #20: If an error occurs during the urlopen connection, the error object is not NULL and contains the
error detail
- line #25: If the urlopen target was successfully connected and data was sent, then you can use
response.statusCode to learn the response status from the target server. For example, if the target is an
HTTP server, then a 200 statusCode indicates that the server successfully processed the request.
- line #28: Use response.readAsBuffer() (or readAsBuffers(), readAsJSON()) to retrieve the response
data from the target server.
Though not illustrated in this example, you can also use response.headers() and response.get() (see left
side APIs) to retrieve the header data that is returned from the urlopen target.
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This urlopen example illustrates how to use the API to retrieve the contents of a local
All the code logic and flows are similar to what was illustrated in the previous slide,
except line #5. Instead of using a JSON object to define the urlopen options, you can
use a simple string as a parameter in the api. The string is treated as
the urlopen target name.
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Sometimes, you might want to check whether a urlopen target is alive and but you do
not want to retrieve the data from the target. Under that situation, you can use
response.discard() and response.disconnect().
response.discard() receives the response payload from the urlopen target server but
discards the received data. Use to connect to the target (line #17) and
response.status to check the server response (line #23). Then, instead of using
response.readAsBuffer, readAsBuffers, or readAsJSON, use response.discard() to
discard the data (lines #28 - #36). When the discard is done, the callback that is
registered to the response.discard() is invoked. Then, you can use the discardError to
check whether there were any errors during the data discard (line #30).
response.disconnect() immediately disconnects the urlopen connection. See line#28 in
the example code on the right. This code shows a synchronous call where there is no
callback mechanism provided.
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The differences between response.discard() and response.disconnect() are shown
When you use discard(), the full server response data is received by the appliance. If
the underlying connection is a persistent connection, that connection is kept alive.
And when you use disconnect(), the server response is not received because the
connection is immediately terminated. If the underlying connection is a persistent
connection, that connection is dropped. The connection is no longer reusable.
Make an educated decision about whether to use discard() or disconnect(). If the
payload is large and or the network is slow, disconnect() might be a better choice, and
vice versa.
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For API information, consult the API Reference in IBM Knowledge Center. This
reference gives the description of the APIs along with examples of how to use them.
The DataPower firmware contains examples of how to use various APIs in
GatewayScript. You can cut and paste these examples into your code. They are in the
store:///gatewayscript/ directory on the appliance with file names of “example-*.js”
where ‘*’ is a wildcard.
Also, if you would like to read some material on the JavaScript language, you might
consider “JavaScript: The Good Parts”. This text analyzes the JavaScript language
and recommends various approaches for clean and maintainable code. The other text,
“JavaScript: The Definitive Guide” is an excellent reference.
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