Learning To Think - Thinking To Learn
Learning To Think - Thinking To Learn
Learning To Think - Thinking To Learn
Thinking to Learn
The Brain
Much of what we understand about how the brain works has been discovered
during the last ten years. Advanced scanning technology has enabled neuro –
scientists to detect and analyse the parts of the brain that are active during
thinking and learning. We can put this knowledge to good use to improve
learning and teaching in our classrooms.
The Brainstem
This is the most primitive part of our brain. It regulates basic life functions
such as breathing, and controls our reactions and movements. It keeps our
bodies running as they should, and ensures survival. Under stress, the
brainstem tells us to fight, to run away or to freeze. If we feel stress when we
are learning, the Brainstem can slow down our learning. It is sometimes called
The Reptilian Brain and cannot be said to think or learn.
The top layers of our brain allow us to think rationally and to solve problems.
We achieve higher levels of thinking using this part of the brain. This ‘thinking’
brain evolved over millions of years and grew from our emotional brain, the
Limbic System.
This is the emotional and long-term memory part of our brain. We are good
learners, and can remember things well, when we can use our emotions as
we learn.
When we are comfortable, at ease and relaxed we can learn!
To maximise learning capacity we need to provide a calm and secure
environment within which we can create degrees of challenge. We can then
use our ‘thinking brains’ more effectively.
If we have to sit for a long time in lessons and we are thirsty or hungry, we will
be inefficient learners.
Brain-based Learning
The neo cortex, the thinking brain, is divided into left and right hemispheres.
We use both sides of the brain to a greater or lesser extent in virtually all
activities. Some people however, use one side of the brain more than the
The logical left hemisphere helps us with language, number and logic,
sequencing, writing, reading and fine detail. The creative right hemisphere
helps us to visualise, to see patterns, images and pictures and to appreciate
music, art and design. Although the two sides operate in different ways we
should aim to connect the hemispheres. If we can learn in variety of ways, we
can retrieve information easily when we need to. The brain enjoys multi-
sensory simultaneous input!
Information that has been received, processed and stored in a variety of ways
is much more likely to be retrieved when we need it! Learning is best done
when a balance of multisensory approaches is used.
About Learning
The average concentration span for children is their chronological age plus
two minutes! Everyone learns more at the beginning of a lesson because
concentration is higher, and there is usually an element of anticipation…… If
we are asked to sit and listen for a long time we lose concentration, stop
learning and may misbehave.
Learning Styles
Some people like to see pictures and diagrams, moving images and colour.
These people are visual learners.
Some people like to hear sounds and voices. These people are auditory
Some people like to do things practically, move around and use touch to
learn. These people are kinaesthetic learners.
Some exercises
Practice rolling your head in circles: slowly one way, then slowly the
Pat your head with your right hand and rub your stomach with your left
hand, then swap round your hands and rub your head and pat your
There is a long list of brain break activities like these in Appendix 2. Some of
them can be done with music.
Thinking skills
Children need to be able to judge, analyse and think critically. They also need
to think clearly and creatively and use information to solve problems. If we
allow them time to reflect on their tasks and to challenge ideas, they will be
able to deepen understanding.
Thinking skills teachers attempt to make children aware of their own thinking,
and show them strategies they can use in all areas of the curriculum.
We can:
The National Curriculum lists five higher-order skills children should develop:
Information processing
The ability to give reasons for their opinions and actions, to draw inferences
and make deductions, to use precise language to explain what they think, and
to make judgements and decisions informed by reasons and/or evidence.
The ability to ask relevant questions, to pose and define problems, to plan
what to do and ways to research, to predict outcomes and anticipate
consequences and to test conclusions and improve ideas.
Creative thinking
The ability to evaluate information, to judge and value what they read, hear
and do, to develop criteria for judging the value of their own and others’ work
or ideas, and to have confidence in their judgements.
We can attempt to make our children conscious of their thinking and we can
show them strategies to use in all their learning.
The strategies described here will enable teachers to address the higher-order
skills described in the National Curriculum, and can be used throughout the
The thinking classroom can be a place where children ask questions as well
as give answers. Skilled questioning can generate high-level thinking and
discussion, and also provide an excellent model for children so that they can
adopt self-questioning strategies. Allowing time for reflection and providing
opportunities for discussion also contributes to the thinking process.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom found that 95% of test questions encountered by pupils required them
to think only at the lowest possible level…the recall of information.
He identified six levels within the cognitive domain, and created a taxonomy
for categorising the level of abstraction of questions that commonly occur in
educational settings.
• Judge
• Evaluate
• Recommend
• Justify
• Question
• Compose
• Invent
• Predict
• Create
• Compare
• Infer
• Contrast
• Report
• Demonstrate
• Complete
• Describe
• Retell
• Name
• Locate
Mind Mapping
Most people make notes using lined paper and blue or black ink. Making
notes more attractive to the brain by adding colour and rhythm can aid the
learning process, and can help to make learning fun.
The subject being studied is crystallised in a central image and the main
theme radiates out from the central image on branches. Each branch holds a
key image or a key word. Details are then added to the main branches and
radiate further out.
Mind maps have a wide variety of uses, for example, note taking, revision
planning, planning for writing and problem solving can all be successfully
carried out using the technique. The colours and the graphics used will help
children to organise their ideas and thoughts. They can be very simple or,
quite detailed depending upon the age of the children and the complexity of
the subject.
Because creating the mind map involves the use of the left and right brain,
remembering the information becomes easier! Children can also clearly
demonstrate their understanding of a subject using a Mind Map.
Mind mapping can be used in all curriculum areas and can help children to
think about their learning.
Supportive Collaboration
The above quote is taken from the first main publication from the Primary
National Strategy, ‘Speaking, Listening, Learning; working with children in Key
Stages 1 and 2.
The materials are the result of a two-year partnership between QCA and the
National Literacy Strategy. They reflect the National Curriculum requirements
in English and develop approaches to teaching, extending and reinforcing
speaking and listening both in English and across the curriculum.
• develop the language and social skills needed for co-operation and
• use exploratory language to try out ideas;
• extend their ideas as they share these with others;
• stretch their language as they talk critically and constructively;
• support and build on each other’s contributions;
• take their turns in discussion.
Examples of activities
2 4 8 16 whole-class
This approach can be useful when controversial material is being read and
evaluated, perhaps for bias or for portraying stereotypical images, for
Statements Game
A group is given a set of cards on which statements are written. The group is
asked to agree, through discussion, how to categorise the statements, e.g.
either agree or disagree with the statement or place them in order of
importance or relevance, when some might be considered of equal
importance, using the power triangle.
More ideas for activities can be found in the leaflet, Group discussion and
interaction – making it work in the classroom.
The speaking and listening pack also contains leaflets describing activities to
• Speaking
• Listening
• Drama
Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats
When considering a problem or proposition, people within the group will look
at the issues from different perspectives.
The Yellow Hat explores the positives and probes for value and benefit.
The Black Hat is the devil’s advocate and spots the difficulties and where
things could go wrong.
The Red Hat expresses emotions and feelings and shares fears.
The Green Hat focuses on creativity; the possibilities, alternatives and new
The Blue Hat is used to manage the thinking process and ensures the Six
Thinking guidelines are observed.
Encouraging children to try out roles makes it easier for them to understand
the approaches to thinking through problems.
The information presented here touches the surface of the subject of teaching
children to think. There is a vast amount of material available for teachers. We
have included a list of selected resources for further reading which, we hope
will be of use.
Finally it seems appropriate to end with a quote from Edward de Bono…
Learning Styles
Kinesthetic Strategies
• Use open body language - avoid folded arms, shrugs, frowns etc
• Speak slowly
• Use laminated letters that can be organised and sorted for structuring words
• Use laminated words that can be organised and sorted for structuring sentence
• Use toys and props to enhance story telling and prompt story writing
• Teach children to try spellings first by writing them with a finger on the palms of their hands,
then with eyes shut, then saying the spelling at the same time
• Role play when possible – get the children to act out a volcano erupting or erosion
• Ask the children to pretend to be the people you are learning about – to walk like them, talk
like them, mime their actions etc
Learners may…
Strategies for Closing the Learning Gap Mike Hughes, Andy Vass The Learning Revolution
Gorden Dryden, Jeanette Vos
Auditory Strategies
• Use circle time or similar approach to practice active listening, give feedback, practice asking
• Encourage children to describe their story aloud to a partner before starting to write
• Before reading for information, use paired prediction activities - I think this book is about....my
evidence is....
Learners may…
• When spelling a tricky word, may say it repeatedly to see if it sounds right
• Find it helpful to speak notes onto a tape recorder and play back
Strategies for Closing the Learning Gap - Mike Hughes, Andy Vass The Learning Revolution -
Gorden Dryden, Jeanette Vos
Visual Strategies
• use lots of visual stimuli such as prompt cards, posters, cue cards
• use posters with positive messages in your classroom and around school
• place key words around the room and on prompt sheets on tables
• ask questions through visual recall such as ‘What did it look like?’
• encourage spelling by imagining the word and breaking it into its constituent parts and seeing
the process happen; change
Learners may…
• say things Iike/1 see what you mean' -' I get the picture'
Appendix 2
2. Practise rolling your head in circles: slowly one way, then slowly the other way.
3. Practise rolling your eyes in circles: slowly one way, then slowly the other way.
5. Hold your ears and slowly roll your ear lobes between finger and thumb.
6. Hold your ears with your opposite hand and slowly roll your ear lobes between finger and
7. Make a steeple with your fingers in front of your face, now lift each pair of fingers together
starting with your index fingers.
8. Make a steeple with your fingers in front of your face, now lift each pair of fingers together
starting with your index fingers. Count quietly aloud as you do so.
9. With your forefinger and thumb of each hand pinched together, extend your hands out in
front of your face and trace large circles in the same direction. Keep your lips and teeth
10. With your forefinger and thumb of each hand pinched together, extend your hands out in
front of your face and trace large circles in the opposite direction. Keep your lips and teeth
11. Stand with a partner shoulder to shoulder, now move apart so that you can touch the tips
of your forefingers. Now try to trace a circle together.
12. Stand with a partner shoulder to shoulder, now move apart so that you can touch the tips
of your forefingers. Now try to trace different shapes together. Agree on what shape and
its size beforehand.
13. Practise shrugging your shoulders slowly forwards, then slowly backwards.
14. With your elbows at shoulder height, practise making big circles, then small circles,
forwards and backwards.
15. With a partner sit either side of a desk. Your partner should place both hands flat on the
desk. With your finger and thumb 'draw' round the shape of their hands. Do it three times
forwards and backwards and swap.
16. With a partner sit either side of a desk. Your partner should place both hands flat on the
desk and so should you. Take turns to lift different fingers without taking any other fingers
off the desk. The partner has five seconds to lift exactly the same finger from the same
17. Do finger aerobics! With a partner sit alongside each other or either side of a desk. Your
partner should place both hands flat on the desk and so should you. Take turns to lift
different fingers without taking any other fingers off the desk. Do it together and in
sequence. Start with simple lifts with each finger in turn, then do taps, then go for bends,
then big stretches!
18. With a partner sit either side of a desk Place your elbows on the desk against your
partner's. Your partner places his hands either side of yours with open palms. You have to
push your hands put without moving your elbows.
19. Swap with your partner and now try again.
20. With a partner sit on chairs facing each other with your knees and toes touching. Hold
hands over the middle. Slowly try these actions: raising a flag, swatting a fly, serving at a
tennis match, driving a bus with a large steering wheel, boxing, picking up a very delicate
flower. Hold hands all the time. Stay seated.
21. Place your right hand above your head and then slowly take it down your back as far as it
will comfortably go. Now with your left hand hold your right elbow gently.
24. With your right thumb and forefinger hold your right ear. Now swap and swap again.
25. Touch your forefingers together out from the front of your face. Touch the tips of the
outstretched fingers together. Now rotate in a circle but in opposite directions.
26. Try the same thing with your arms! Rotate then at the same time in wide circles from the
shoulder but in opposite directions.
27. Write the keywords from the lesson in the air with your nose.
28. Mime an everyday activity around school or in the house. For example, changing a light
bulb, washing dishes, changing a nappy or choosing lunch. Do so only with the upper part
of you body and standing still. Ask your partner to guess what it is.
30. With a partner/make numbers with your bodies. Work your way from one to ten.
31. Make 2-D shapes with your body - a square, circle, rectangle, octagon.
33. Rotate your arm to represent angles, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, or turn a full circle for 360
34. Rotate your arms to represent the time. Ask your partner to guess what time it is. Do not
35. Following your teacher's directions, jump back and forth to represent multiplication or
36. Ask the teacher to practice 'teacher says' with you. The teacher makes a movement and
you copy it. If the teacher says 'do this', you do it. If the teacher says' do that' you don't do
it! Make sure you listen carefully.
37. On a partner's back do gentle chops with the back of your hand. Do them across your
partner's back but do it gently.
38. On a partner's back do gentle squeezes with your fingers. Do them across your partner's
back but do it gently.
39. Put your hands together and clap. Now move your hands in a circle as you clap. You have
just given yourself a round of applause.
40. Put your hand on your back. Now give yourself a big pat and say 'Well done'.
Music and Brain Breaks – Sharon Rawstron – Casterton Primary
Teachers sense when children are going off task and attempt to refocus attention. One way
to make learning more productive is to give them a Brain Break.
The core purpose of brain breaks is to help keep the pupils in the most receptive state for
learning. This may involve regular physical reprieve as movement increases the oxygen
supply to the brain.
‘Regular brain breaks give a moment for diffusion before returning to focus on the original
task.. Some teachers use simple, fun brain breaks to alter the mood in their classrooms and
create a positive, enthusiastic atmosphere at times when concentration may be slumping.’
Using brain breaks to alter physical levels can help to prevent the children from becoming
lethargic. Brain breaks are also ideal to refocus pupils' attention after something exciting or
distracting has happened.
Below are some suggested brain breaks, which are ideal to do to music.
Songs: Sing action songs e.g. *Head, shoulders, knees and toes', 'One finger, one thumb
keep moving', If you're happy and you know it* and *Do your ears hang low?' (Use a
children's song tape)
Cross crawl: In turn, children lift the left knee and touch with the right hand, then right knee
to left hand and so on. Expand with elbows to knees and flicking heels backwards to touch
the opposite hand. (Try any movements which involve moving one arm and the opposite
leg.) (Use energising music)
Kneesies: Whilst crouching slightly, place the left hand on the left knee and right hand on
the right knee. Move the knees until they touch, then transfer hands over to the other knees.
Keep repeating. (Use energising music)
'Do this! Do that!': Make a movement for the children to copy. If you say *Do this!', you do
it. If you say *Do that!', don't do it. (This can be sung unaccompanied.)
Conducting: Conduct a timed piece of music as if you were the character from a story. (Use
music which varies in speed e.g. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.)
Alphabet: Write the alphabet in the air whilst singing the alphabet song (or Thrass Rap) and
standing on one leg.
Arm stretches: Place your right arm above your head then slowly take it down your back as
far as it will comfortably go. Now with your left hand hold your right elbow gently. Swap arms.
(Use relaxing music)
Arm rotations: Rotate the arms at the same time, in wide circles from the shoulder, but in
opposite directions. (Use relaxing music)
Finger aerobics: Sit facing a partner. Place both hands flat on the desk. Take turns to lift
different fingers without taking any other fingers off the desk. The partner has 5 seconds to
lift exactly the same finger from the same hand. Extend by making up simple finger
sequences including taps and bends.
Yawning: Practise yawning. Stretch your mouth as wide as you can. Stick your chin out and
move it from side to side. (Use relaxing music.)
Head rolls: Practise rolling your head in circles: slowly one way, then the other. Roll from
side to side, touching ears to shoulders. Try chin to shoulder. (Use relaxing music.)
Eye rolls: Practise rolling your eyes in circles: slowly one way and then the other. Close
eyes and do it again. (Use relaxing music.)
Ear rolls: Slowly roll your ears between finger and thumb. Hold your ears with your opposite
hand and slowly roll your ear lobes. (Use relaxing music.)
Steeples: Make a steeple with your fingers in front of your face; now lift each pair of fingers
together starting with your index fingers. Keep your lips and teeth together. (Use relaxing
Shoulder shrugs: Shrug shoulders slowly forwards, then slowly backwards. (Use relaxing
Shoulder circles: With elbows at shoulder height, practise making big and small circles,
forwards and backwards. (Use relaxing music.)
Rocking: Place feet flat on the floor and rock gently from heels to toes. (Use relaxing
Feet rotation: Sitting in your seat with your hands holding the seat, extend your feet
forwards and rotate your feet one way then the other. Rotate feet in opposite directions. (Use
relaxing music.)
Touching toes: Stand up tall and in a space. Bend from the waist and stretch fingers
towards your toes. (Use relaxing music.)
Knee Bends: Place one foot out in front and flat on the floor, slide the other foot back with
just your toes touching. Bend gently at the knee and stretch carefully. Swap legs. (Use
relaxing music.)
Nose & Ears: Put right hand across the front of the face to hold the left ear and the left hand
on the right ear. Keep swapping so that the arm on top alternates. With your right hand
pinch your nose and with your left hand touch your right ear. Keep swapping opposite hands
to opposite ears.
(Use energising music.)
Opposite Circles: Touch your fingertips in front of your face. Rotate hands in a circle but in
opposite directions. Try the same thing again but with arms in wide circles from the
shoulders. (Use uplifting music.)
Rub a dubs: Circle the stomach with the right hand and pat the head with the left. Reverse
the circling. Change hands. (Use uplifting music.)
Keywords: Write keywords in the air with one hand, then two hands. (Use relaxing music.)
Numbers & shapes: Trace circles and the number 8 in the air with two hands together.
Follow your hand actions with eyes only. Keep the head still. Draw the outline of a partner in
the air. (Use relaxing music.)
The orchestra: Select an energising piece of classical music. Organise the class into
groups and tell each group which instrument they are to mime playing. Tune up*. Play the
music and conduct the orchestra as they 'play*. (Use energising music.)
Musical Accompaniment: Give out a selection of silly instruments such as blowers, hooters
and drums to half the class. The other half will sing a well-known song and the 'band* will
accompany them. You act as the conductor.
The Big Picture Challenge: Divide the class into teams each with a large sheet of paper
and marker pens. Give the teams a drawing challenge, such as a cat taking a bath. Each
team must draw a picture by taking turns to go to the paper and draw for ten seconds. Swap
places when you hear the horn. (Use energising music.)
‘The ALPs Approach Resource Book’ by Alistair Smith & Nicola Call
Questioning Techniques to
Develop Comprehension
• Answers to inferential questions are found between the lines, and can only be
decided by searching for clues and inferring their meaning. For example:
• Answers to evaluate questions lie beyond the text and require readers to draw
on their personal knowledge and experience. For example:
Skilled questions maximise the potential of the reading material and generate high-
level thinking and discussion. They also provide an excellent model for pupils who
need to adopt self-questioning strategies and learn how to read ‘into’ a text to answer
different types of questions. Generally, inferential and evaluative questions are open
ended and therefore the pupils may give a range of answers. It is very useful to ask
how pupils reached their conclusions. For example: ‘I really knew the pet was a
dragon because I looked at the picture, but even if I hadn’t I’d have guessed,
because of the scales and burning eyes.’
Pupils also need to justify their opinions by referring both to the text and to their own
like experience. For example: ‘my mum would kill me if I brought a pet home without
asking, even if it was a kitten or a puppy and not a dragon. There’d be how much it
cost to feed and who’d look after it if we went away and things like that.’
Where are the answers???
Type 3 On My Own
(Evaluative) The answer won’t be told by words in the story. You must
find the answer in your head. Think: “I have to answer
this question on my own. The story won’t be much help.”
Compose Synthesis
Invent Can you think of a
Predict different ending?
Compare two
Compare versions
High Infer
Contrast Which part did you
like best?
Teachers are aware of the difference between closed and open questions, however,
the differences between literal and higher order questions are not so straightforward.
The following pages provide a detailed analysis of the kinds of questions teachers
can ask pupils which will move their thinking from the literal to thinking which enables
them to explore their understanding, and express their ideas.
The different categories of questions have been taken from Bloom’s Taxonomy, and
adapted to meet the demands of the literacy Strategy.
There needs to be an appropriate balance between literal and higher order questions
with all age groups.
Statements written in Italics are drawn from level descriptions helping to identify and
support progression.
Literal Questions
Recall Questions:
These questions are designed to help ♦ Where does the story take place?
children recall or revise material that has ♦ When did the story take place?
already been covered. ♦ What did s/he/it look like?
♦ Who was s/he/it?
They make relatively low intellectual ♦ Where did s/he/it live?
demand on some children. ♦ Who are the key characters in the
♦ Where in the book would you find….?
Simple comprehension questions:
Children are able to transfer knowledge ♦ Do you know another story that deals
learned in one context to another. with the same issues e.g. social,
cultural, or moral issues?
Children can make links with other
stories. ♦ Which other author handles time in
this way? e.g. flashbacks, dreams.
These kinds of questions ask children to ♦ What is your opinion? What evidence
take an idea from one context and do you have o support your view?
reapply it in a different context.
♦ Using all the evidence available, can
They encourage children to restructure you tell me what you feel about…?
- Rewriting a narrative as a diary; ♦ Given what you know about…what do
- Discussing a familiar story and you think?
changing elements;
- Changing an explanatory text into a ♦ How would the views put across in
diagram. these texts affect your views on…?
They ask children to innovate text ♦ What would this character think
(parody) e.g. Alex and the Glass Slipper. about…? (Possibly a present day
They ask children to develop a critical
This type of question asks children to ♦ What makes this a successful story?
make judgements about what they have What evidence do you have to justify
analysed and explain the reasons for your opinion?
those judgements.
♦ Does it work?
They also compare and contrast.
♦ Could it be better? Is it as good
They interrogate and evaluate the story. as…?
They require the use of evidence and ♦ Which is better and why?
Prompt Sheets for Guided Reading Sessions
1. Recall Questions: 2. Simple Comprehension Questions: 3. Application Questions:
♦ Where does the story take place? ♦ What do you think is happening here? ♦ Can you think of another story that has
♦ When did the story take place? ♦ What happened in the story? a similar theme e.g. good over evil,
♦ What did s/he/it look like? ♦ What might this mean? weak over strong, wise over foolish?
♦ Who was s/he/it? ♦ Through whose eyes is the story told? ♦ Do you know another story that deals
♦ Where did s/he/it live? ♦ Which part of the story best describes with the same issues e.g. social,
♦ Who are the key characters in the the setting? cultural, or moral issues?
book? ♦ Which words and/or phrases do this? ♦ Which other author handles time in this
♦ Where in the book would you find….? ♦ What part of the story do you like the way? e.g. flashbacks, dreams.
best? ♦ Which other stories have openings
like this?
How does the story begin? Is someone telling the story? Is there dialogue between
How does the story opening make you want to read on? How does the author catch
your interest?
Is it possible to predict the kind of story/the plot/events/outcome?
Where and when is the story located – past, present, future, real or imaginary world?
Why has the location been chosen? Is it suitable for the plot? What other locations
might have been used?
How does the period in which the story is set influence the plot (events, action,
relationships)? How has the author created the setting? By telling the reader? By
describing it? Through dialogue between characters? Has the author provided a
strong visual/detailed image?
What are the main events? Which is the high spot of the story? Are there any
unexpected events or twists in the story?
How many problems (complications / challenges) are there? Is there one main
problem? Are there other minor problems woven into the story? How does this
make the story interesting? How is the main complication resolved? In a
stereotypical manner, e.g. and then I woke up/she waved her magic wand/they all
lived happily ever after? A more original and interesting way?
Was the ending satisfactory or disappointing? Was the ending predictable or
How could the ending have been improved? How could the story end with a twist?
Who are the main characters? Who are the other characters in the story? Why are
they included?
Are there any heroes/heroines? Who are they?
Are there any stock (stereotypical) characters, e.g. wicked witch, school bully etc?
Do you empathise with any of the characters? Which ones? Why? How has the
author gained your empathy?
How are the characters described? Find examples which show their
What do you think of the main characters? Do you like or dislike any
Do any of the characters change during the story? How? What effect does this have
on the story?
What are the relationships between the characters? Show the relationships on a
web or a chart (sociogram).
How important is each character to the story? Rank the characters in order of
Discuss what difference it would make if any of the characters were not in the story.
How does the story make you feel (sad, happy, angry, surprised, sympathetic)?
Do you have different feelings at different times in the story? How? Why?
Do your feelings towards the characters change as the story develops? Why?
What particular events or actions by the characters effect your feelings and make
you feel sad, happy, angry, surprised, sympathetic? Find examples in the story.
What is the story about? Is it about relationships, fear, bullying, greed, selfishness,
self-sacrifice, fairness, goodness, honesty, or violence? Is it fiction, fantasy,
bibliographic, realistic?
I wonder if…?
I’m not sure what I think about…I wonder what the writer intended,,,
Are there any patterns you notice (e.g. familiar story structure, images)?
Is the vocabulary strong, varied and appropriate to the mood of the piece?
± What kind of reading is this?
It draws together:
Carol McGuinness's Research Brief for the DfES (McGuinness, 1999) gives a good general
overview of some of the more well-known programmes in teaching Thinking Skills. She
recognises three different kinds of approach, including those that:
The best-known thinking skills programme, developed over 40 years ago. It has been widely
used and extensively evaluated, showing positive effects mainly on non-verbal reasoning.
This is a UK version of the IE approach, developed when a study (Blagg, 1991) showed no
positive outcomes of IE applied in a UK context. Shows positive effects on a range of
cognitive outcomes.
• Matthew Lipman's Philosophy for Children (Lipman et al, 1980)
Closely linked with Robert Fisher's work on primary schools (Fisher, 1998), this is a widely
used approach in the UK and is especially suited to application in the context of social and
moral education. Evaluations have shown positive outcomes in many areas, including quality
of students' discussion and argumentative skills, ability to formulate questions and self-
A highly successful programme aimed at 11-14 years, shown to be effective at raising GCSE
grades for students (Adey and Shayer, 1994). Two subsequent projects have emerged:
CAME (Cognitive Acceleration through Mathematics Education) and the Nuffield Primary
Science Project which helps primary age students understand topics such as electricity, light,
sound and energy.
The specific references identified above are provided in more detail later in the document.
Adey, P. & Shayer, M. (1994) Really raising standards: cognitive intervention and
academic achievement London: Routledge. This article has also featured on the GTC's
Research of the Month website (http://www.gtce.org.uk/research/romhome.asp)
called "Improving learning through cognitive intervention".
Baron, J.B. & Sternberg, R.J. (Eds.) (1987) Teaching Thinking Skills, theory and practise.
New York: Freeman.
Blagg, N. (1991) Can we teach intelligence?: a comprehensive evaluation of
Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Eribaum Associates.
Blagg, N. & Ballinger, M. (1989) The Somerset Thinking Skills, /n Coles, M.J. & Robinson
Teaching Thinking. Bristol: Press Bristol.
Coles, M.J. & Robinson (1989) Teaching thinking. Bristol: Bristol Press.
Collins, C. and Mangieri, J.N. (1992) Teaching Thinking: An Agenda for the Twenty-First
Century Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Eribaum.
Costello, P. (2000) Thinking Skills in Early Childhood Education. David Fulton Publishers
ISBN: 1853465518
Lipman, M., Sharp, A. & Oscanyan, F. (1980) Philosophy in the classroom. (2nd Ed.)
Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
McGuinness, C. et al (1997) Final report on the ACTS project: phase 2. Belfast: Northern
Ireland Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment.
Murris, K. & Haynes, J. (2000) Storywise: thinking through picture books. Somerset;
Dialogue Works.
Novak, J.D. (1998) Learning, creating and using knowledge. New Jersey: Lawrence
Novak, J.D. & Gowin, D.B. (1994) Learning how to learn. New York: Cambridge University
Resnick, L.B. & Klopfer, L.E. (Eds.) (1989) Toward the thinking curriculum: current
cognitive research. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Splitter, L.J. and Sharp, A.M. (1995) Teaching for Better Thinking – The Classroom
Community of Inquiry (Melbourne, ACER).
Swartz, R. & Parks, S. (1994) Infusing the teaching of critical and creative thinking into
content instruction: a lesson design handbook for the elementary grades. Pacific
Grove. Calif.: Critical Thinking Press & Software.
A copy of 'Better Cognition' - the report of a conference 'A Whole Lot of Thinking Going On',
held at NUT Headquarters during November 2001- can be obtained from Janet Friedlander,
NUT Information Officer (e-mail: i.friedlander@nut.org.uk)
Baumfield, V.M. & Higgins, S. (1997) "But no one has maths at a party": pupils’
reasoning strategies in a Thinking Skills programme. Curriculum, 18(3), pp. 140-148.
Baumfield. V.M. & Oberski, I 0. (1998) What do teachers think about Thinking Skills?
Quality Assurance in Education, 6(1), pp.44-51.
Baumfield, V.M. (2000) Inquiry made public: Thinking Skills and professional
development. Education Review, Vol. 14(1), pp.76-79. ISSN 1462 7272.
Burden, R. & Nichols, L. (2000) Evaluating the process of introducing a thinking skills
programme into the secondary school curriculum. Research Papers in Education, 15(3),
pp. 293-306.
Costello, P.J.M. (1995) Education, Citizenship and Critical Thinking. Early Child
Development & Care, 107, pp. 105-114.
Costello, P.J.M. (1996) Values and the teaching of philosophical thinking. Curriculum,
17(3), pp. 132-143.
Lake, M. (2000) Improving concentration and memory skills. Teaching Thinking, 1, p. 16-
Leaf, D. (1999) "Rolling the stone uphill: teaching development and the implementation
of Thinking Skills programme'. Oxford Review of Education, 25(3), pp.387-403.
Leat, D. and Higgins S. (2002) The role of powerful pedagogical strategies in curriculum
development The Curriculum Journal 13(1), pp. 71-85. (ISSN 0958-5176)
Leat, D. and Nichols A. (2000) Brains on the Table: diagnostic and formative
assessment through observation- Assessment in Education 7(1), pp. 103-121.
Mercer, N., Wegerif. R. and Dawes, L. (1999) 'Children's talk and the development of
reasoning in the classroom3. British Educational Research Joi/ma/,25(1),pp.95-111.
Shayer, M. (1999) Cognitive acceleration through science education II: its effects and
scope. International Journal of Science Education, 21(8), pp. 883-902.
Wegerif, R. (1996) Using computers to help coach exploratory talk across the
curriculum. Computers & Education, 26(1-3), pp. 51-60.
Blagg, N., Ballinger, M. & Gardner, R. (1988) Somerset Thinking Skills course handbook.
Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Fisher, R. (1996) Stories for thinking. Oxford: Nash Pollock. ISBN 1-89825-50-9
Mums, K. and Haynes, J. (2001) Storywise: Thinking Through Stories, Dialogue Works:
Newport ISBN 1-903804-00-0.
Rocket, M and Percival, S. (2002) Thinking for Learning Stafford: Network Education Press
Smith, A., Call, C. and Batton. J. (1999) The ALPS approach: Accelerated Learning in
Primary Schools (revised edition) Stafford: Network Educational Press Ltd. ISBN 1-855390-
Sunderland LEA (2001). Learning for Thinking : Thinking for Learning Resource Pack.
Sunderland LEA
Wallace, B. and Adams, H.B. (1993) TASC: Thinking Actively in a Social Context Oxford:
AB Academic Publishers.
Higgins, S. (2002) Learning to Learn. Primary Geographer, 47, pp.22-23 (ISSN 0956 277X)
Leat, D. (1998) Thinking through geography. Cambridge: Chris Kington Publishing. ISBN
Byrom, J. (1998) 'Working with sources: scepticism or cynicism? Putting the story
back together again9 Teaching History, 91, May, p.32-33.
Counsell, C. (1997) Analytical and discursive writing in history at Key Stage 3. London:
Historical Association.
Fisher, P. (1999) Analysing Anne Frank: a case study in the teaching of Thinking Skills,
Teaching History, 95, pp.24-31, Historical Association.
Fisher, P. (Ed.) (2002) Thinking through history. Cambridge: Chris Kingston Publishing.
ISBN 1-899857-44-3
Crooks, C.K. (1994) Computers and the collaborative experience of learning. London:
Higgins, S. and Packard, N. (2000) Zoombini Power. Teaching Thinking, 1, pp. 12-14
Birmingham: Questions Publishing Company
Wegerif, R. & Scrimshaw, P. (Eds.) (1997) Computers and talk in the primary classroom.
Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Coles, A. (2000) Developing a need for algebra. London: Teacher Training Agency.
(Research Grant Scheme Summary).
http://www.canteach.gov.uk/community/research/grant/summaries98 QQ.htm
Higgins, S. (2000) Figure Out the Framework. Teaching Thinking, 2, pp.41-43 Birmingham:
Questions Publishing Company
Adey, P.S., Shayer, M. and Yates, C. (1995) Thinking Science: The Curriculum Materials
of the CASE Project London: Thomas Nelson and Sons.
Burden, R.L. (1999) Children's self perceptions: child psychology portfolio. Windsor:
Edwards, A.D. and Westgate, D.P.G. (1994) (2nd Edition) Investigating Classroom Talk.
London: The Falmer Press.
7. More general books and articles about teaching, thinking and learning
Black, P. & Wiliam, D. (1998) Inside the black box: raising standards through classroom
assessment. London: King's College.
Gardner, H. (1993) Multiple intelligences: the theory in practice. New York: Basic Books.
Hamers, J.H.M., van Luit, J.E.H. and Csapo, B. (eds) (1999) Teaching and Learning
Thinking Skills Abingdon: Swets and Zeitlinger.
Mercer, N. (2000) Words and minds: how we use language to think together. London:
Newton, D. (2000) Teaching for Understanding London: Routledge/Falmer ISBN 0-
Novak, J.D. & Gowin, D.B. (1994) Learning how to learn. New York: Cambridge University
Portelli, J.P. and Reed, R.F. (1995) Children, Philosophy and Democracy. Calgary:
Detselig Enterprises Ltd. ISBN 1 55059 1150
Edward de Bono's catalogue of resources (such as CoRT and the Thinking Hats) is on-line
(http://www.edwdebono.co.uk/debono/home.htm) and colour-coded like his six thinking hats.
Kings College London's two thinking skills programmes CASE (Cognitive Acceleration
Through Science Education) and CAME (Cognitive Acceleration Through Maths Education)
and Let's Think for Key Stage 1 pupils. Information about CASE can be found at:
http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/education/teaching/CASE.html. And CAME similarly at:
SAPERE (Society for the Advancement of Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education)
is a UK based educational charity offering resources, conferences, and training in philosophy
for children. Membership forms from Sara Liptai, 7 Cloister Way, Leamington Spa CV32
6QE. SAPERE website: http://www.sapere.net
IAPC (Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children)
(http://chss.montclair.edu/iapc/homepage.html) produces Thinking'. The Institute for
Critical Thinking (http://www.chss.montdair.edu/ict/homepage.html) produces ‘Inquiry'. Both
are at Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, New Jersey, 07043, USA.
ICPIC (the International Council for Philosophical Inquiry with Children) distributes Thinking,
Analytic Teaching and Critical and Creative Thinking'. Subscriptions from ACER, Private bag
55, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia. Reports and papers from their annual conference
are available on the SAPERE website (see above)