Infosecuritystandards 2009 12 Final

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Statewide Information Security

November 2009

Enterprise Security Office

(503) 378-6557
By Changes Version date
Amy McLaughlin, Richard Woodford, Original draft created 6/30/2009
Shaun Gatherum
Agencies Review & Comment Comments added and addressed 8/2009
ESO All comments addressed and edits made 10/1/09
State CIO Review No comments no changes 10/12/09
EISAB Out for review & comment 10/13/09 – 10/23/09


Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 3

1. Access Control.............................................................................................................................. 4
2. Information Asset Management ................................................................................................... 7
3. Communications & Operations Management .............................................................................. 8
4. Information Systems Acquisition, Development and Management ......................................... 17
5. Approval ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Executive Summary
Department of Administrative Services (DAS) has established the following Statewide Information
Security Standards for information systems security. The standards promote the development,
implementation, and operation of more secure information systems by establishing minimum levels of due
diligence for information security. The standards facilitate a more consistent, comparable, and repeatable
approach for selecting and specifying security controls for information systems that meet minimum-
security requirements. DAS has the responsibility for developing and overseeing the implementation of
statewide standards, and policies on information security under the authority of Oregon Revised Statute
These standards identify techniques associated with protecting and securely providing access to the
State’s information systems. Agencies may elect to exceed these minimum security standards to achieve
their organizational security goals and requirements. These specific standards are interdependent and
are intended to be implemented in their entirety.
The standards are required to be applied to information systems within the Executive Branch agencies.
Agencies are responsible for complying with these standards and ensuring, through documented
agreements, all third parties acting on their behalf comply. In circumstances where the standards can/will
not be implemented, agencies must document exceptions and indicate what compensating controls have
been applied to adequately protect the information. The exception document must be signed by the
agency director. In instances where the risk is low and is accepted by the agency, the situation must be
documented, signed by the agency director, and kept on file for review by auditors or during a security
These Statewide Information Security Standards and recommended best practices have been developed
using a combination of the following resources:
• International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 27001 & 27002
• National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recommended standards
• SANS Institute recommended standards and best practices
• Burton Group recommended methodologies and best practices
The items documented as Recommended Best Practices are not mandatory and do not need to be met
by agencies to be in compliance with the standards. They are presented to provide additional information
to agencies on opportunities to further enhance the security of their information systems. Agencies should
take these into consideration for future planning, and to encompass areas of technology with emerging
Prior to an agency implementation of these standards they should carefully review their information asset
classification to determine the level of controls required to adequately protect those information assets.
Based upon this review the agency will be best able to evaluate the potential risk posed to their
information systems and develop their mitigation strategy based on a combination of those risks and the
standards identified below.

12/2009 Version 1.0 Final 3

1. Access Control
To ensure critical data can only be accessed by authorized personnel, information systems controls and
processes shall be in place to limit access based on need to know and according to job responsibilities.
“Need to know” is when access rights are granted to only the least amount of data and privileges needed
to perform a job. Fundamental to a good access control mechanism is the requirement for strong user
authentication, authorization, and auditing.
Authentication is the act of verifying the identity of a user or process. The most common method used to
authenticate a user is a username and password combination.
Authorization is the act of allowing the identified user access to information for which they are authorized.
Levels of authorization shall be specific to the business needs of the organizations. Some positions may
need only to view information, while others may be authorized to add, modify or delete information.
Auditing is the process of reviewing both authentication and authorization to be sure that only the correct
people have been granted access to information and only the correct people have used their
authorizations to access information.
The standards identified below for authentication, authorization and audit shall apply to all information
systems, modifications to systems, and when evaluating new information systems.

1.1. Authentication Standards:

1.1.1 The combination of a unique User ID and a valid password shall be the minimum
requirement for granting access to information except for that which is publicly viewable.
1.1.2 Policy shall be established directing users not to reveal passwords to anyone, including
supervisors, family members or co-workers.
1.1.3 Management approval shall be required for establishing each user ID and a process shall
be in place to remove or suspend user IDs that are not longer required to perform an
assigned job function
1.1.4 The construction and specifications of a password shall be defined in agency policy and
shall be of a complexity consistent with the information the user has access to.
1.1.5 A multi-factor authentication method (e.g.: pin, secure token) shall be used to
authenticate users to the data 1 for information systems containing level 4 data 2
1.1.6 Passwords shall be redacted on login to all information systems so the password cannot
be read off of the screen.
1.1.7 Vendor supplied passwords for information systems shall be changed immediately upon
1.1.8 Passwords shall be changed whenever there is a chance that the password or
information system has been compromised.
1.1.9 Authentication shall occur through encrypted channels using methods such as Kerberos
(preferably Kerberos 5.0 or higher), SSH, SSL, etc.
1.1.10 On servers and clients, passwords shall be stored in protected, encrypted files.
1.1.11 Controls shall be implemented to protect information systems from brute force password
guessing attacks (e.g. lock out after predetermined number of incorrect attempts.)
Controls shall be commensurate with the associated risk to the information system.

NIST Special Publication 800-63 Electronic Authentication Guideline.
Statewide Information Asset Classification Policy #107-004-050

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1.1.12 Special Access Privileges: Procedures shall be established to maintain documentation of
special access privileges, including high-level privileges (e.g.: root access, administrator),
system utilities requiring high-level privileges, and privileges that provide access to
sensitive network devices, operating systems, or software application capabilities.
Procedures shall include: Specifying and documenting the purpose and acceptable use of special
access privileges. Management approval for granting special access privileges. Requiring different accounts or different authentication tokens than those
used with the individual’s regular user account. Specifying and documenting a procedure to remove special access

1.2. Authentication Recommended Best Practices:

1.2.1 Passphrases may be used in lieu of passwords. A passphrase is similar to a password in
usage, but is significantly longer for added security, fourteen characters minimum.
1.2.2 For additional password and passphrase security, it is recommended that agencies
follow NIST Special Publication 800-63 Electronic Authentication Guideline.
1.2.3 Users of state information systems should be trained to not reuse their state account
passwords for any other purpose.
1.2.4 Passwords should be composed of a variety of letters (upper and lower case), numbers
and symbols 3 .
1.2.5 For secured access to information systems and applications, passwords should be of a
length consistent with the classification level of the information contained within.
1.2.6 Access to password-protected information systems should be timed out after an inactivity
period. This inactivity period should be based on an information system risk assessment.

1.3. Authorization Standards:

1.3.1 Assignment of privileges/access to individuals shall be based on job classification and
function (role based). Individual unique identity shall map to one or more identified roles.
1.3.2 Access to objects by default shall be restricted via an access control mechanism. Access
shall be specifically granted to provide explicit access to objects within any information
system. Access shall be reviewed and modified in accordance with security policies prior
to production deployment4.
1.3.3 Authorization shall be removed immediately upon departure or change in employee job
1.3.4 Administrative rights to information systems shall be tied to identified unique individuals.
Administrative rights shall be limited to only staff whose duties require it.

1.4. Authorization Recommended Best Practices:

1.4.1 Agencies should identify roles and the appropriate access rights for each role and then
assign roles to positions.

NIST Special Publication 800–118 Guide to Enterprise Password Management (Draft)
Identity and Privacy Strategies, Reference Architecture Technical Position, Burton Group.

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1.4.2 The administrator should be able to assign the appropriate role to a transfer or new hire
so that the employee simply inherits the required access rights. Roles are usually additive
so that users receive privileges based on the aggregated role assignments of their
directory entries. 5

1.5. Audit of Access Control Standards:

1.5.1 All information systems shall support logging of access including logins to the information
system, and granted and denied access to resources in accordance with Log
Management Standards Section 3.9.
1.5.2 Information systems containing level 4 6 data shall log all view, add, modify and delete of
information and all failed attempts to perform these actions. Access logs shall be
monitored for access control violations daily and reviewed in detail as necessary.
1.5.3 Information systems shall be reviewed at least every 90 days for inactive accounts 7 .
1.5.4 Audit logs shall be tamper-resistant. In all cases, access to the logs shall be limited only
to those with a need to access.

Identity and Privacy Strategies, Reference Architecture Technical Position, Burton Group
Statewide Information Asset Classification Policy #107-004-050
NIST 800-53, PCI Standard

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2. Information Asset Management
The goal of information asset management is that information assets are identified, properly classified,
protected throughout their lifecycles and that all assets have a nominated owner. Owners shall be
identified for all assets and the responsibility for the maintenance of controls shall be assigned. Levels of
protection of information are driven by classification level. Information, like other assets, shall be properly
managed from its creation to disposal. As with other assets, not all information has the same value or
importance to the agency and therefore information requires different levels of protection. Information
asset classification and data management are critical to ensure that the state’s information assets have a
level of protection corresponding to the sensitivity and value of the information asset. The classification of
information is governed by the Information Asset Classification Policy # 107-004-050.
All electronically stored assets, regardless of classification level, must be protected from unauthorized
access to the information that could affect its confidentiality, availability or integrity 8 . For example, a
publicly available Level 1 “Published” web site must still be protected from unauthorized access that could
result in hacking or disruption of the information or availability of the information. Therefore, even
information systems handling only Level 1 and Level 2 information will comply with the minimum-security
standards identified in this document.
The standards identified below are for handling and transmitting information based on the classification
level of the information.

2.1. Protection of Information Assets Standards:

2.1.1 Level 1: Access control shall be in place to prevent unauthorized changes. Access
logging shall be in place to identify what was changed and who changed it in accordance
with the Access Control standards in section 1.
2.1.2 Level 2: All Level 1 standards apply. Access control shall be in place to prevent
unauthorized viewing. Access logging shall be in place to identify unauthorized attempts.
2.1.3 Level 3: All level 2 standards apply. Information shall be encrypted at rest and in transit
in accordance with the Encryption Standards in section 4.4. Alternatively, information
shall be housed in a secured facility behind a minimum of two constantly locked sets of
doors. A documented, authorized person shall grant access to Level 3 information. Self-
service authorization is never permissible. Electronic information shall be encrypted
before removing from the secured facility. Electronic information shall not be sent via
unencrypted e-mail. Disposal of media storing Level 3 data shall be sanitized in
accordance with the Sustainable Acquisition and Disposal of Electronic Equipment (e-
Waste/Recovery) Policy #107-009-0050. Agencies may elect to destroy media rather
than sanitize.
2.1.4 Level 4: All Level 3 standards apply. A log review process is mandatory. Information
shall be removed from the secure location within a facility only with documented
authorization and tracking. Two-factor authentication for access is required in accordance
with the Access Control standards in Section 1.

2.2. Handling of Information Assets Standards:

2.2.1 Level 1: Level 1 information stored on electronic media shall be protected from
unauthorized changes to, or deletion of, the original “published” document.
2.2.2 Level 2: All Level 1 standards apply. Information stored on paper shall not be left
unattended in open or public areas.

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2.2.3 Level 3: All Level 2 standards apply. Information stored on paper shall be maintained in
locked file cabinets or in a locked room with access restricted to only those individuals
who have a business need to access and utilize the information. Information shall not be
left unattended on desktops and shall be locked away at the end of each business day. Information transmitted verbally shall be communicated only between those
people with a business need to know the information. Processes for protecting
verbal communications shall include, but not be limited to, closing doors,
lowering voices, checking the surrounding areas for people who may overhear
sensitive information, and not leaving information on voice mail systems.
Information shall not be discussed on speakerphones or other electronic media
during conference calls unless: All authorized parties participating in the call have
been authenticated, all authorized participating parties have previously verified
that no unauthorized persons are in such proximity that they might overhear the
conversation, the conference call is made in an area of the building that is
secure (i.e. offices or conference rooms where the door can be closed and
conversations cannot be overheard through thin walls.), and all parties involved
shall openly identified9
2.2.4 Level 4: All Level 3 standards apply. Level 4 information stored on paper shall be
maintained in locked file cabinets and in a locked room with access restricted to only
those individuals who have a business need to access and utilize the information.
Access to Level 4 information stored on paper shall be logged each time it is accessed.
Level 4 information shall not be left unattended on desktops and shall be locked away
immediately after use.

3. Communications & Operations Management

The goal of communications and operations management is to ensure the correct and secure operations
of information processing facilities. This section describes security standards and best practices for
Antivirus and Malware, Workstation Management and Desktop Security, Mobile Device Management,
Server Management, Log Management, Information Backup, Security Zone and Network Security
Management, Intrusion Detection and Prevention, Email, Remote Access, and Wireless Access.

3.1. Antivirus and Anti-malware Standards:

3.1.1 All workstations and Windows based servers shall have antivirus/anti-malware software
installed upon them.
3.1.2 All information systems with antivirus software shall undergo at a minimum a monthly full
system scan for viruses and malware.
3.1.3 Any information system with a virus, Trojan, etc. shall be removed from the network, and
handled in accordance with incident response procedures.
3.1.4 Where technically possible, portable devices shall also have antivirus protection.
3.1.5 Where technically possible, antivirus/anti-malware software shall be centrally managed
with ongoing updates and reporting.
3.1.6 Antivirus/anti-malware software shall be maintained at current patch level in accordance
with the Patch Management Standards in section 4.6.
3.1.7 All antivirus/anti-malware signatures shall be updated and maintained at current vendor
supported and recommended levels.

ISO 27002 10.8.1 Information exchange policies and procedures & 10.8.5 Business information systems

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3.1.8 End users shall not be able to disable the antivirus/anti-malware software on their
workstation or portable device.
3.1.9 All e-mail shall be scanned at the e-mail gateway and upon arrival at the workstation.
Infected e-mail messages shall be isolated and remediated.

3.2. Antivirus & Anti-malware Recommended Best Practices:

3.2.1 Anti-malware solutions for workstations should be integrated with web browsing to scan
for malicious web sites during browsing.
3.2.2 Monthly scans required in the Antivirus and Anti-malware Standards in section 3.1 should
be scheduled to occur automatically.

3.3. Workstation Management & Desktop Security Standards:

3.3.1 All workstations shall be patched according to patch management standards identified in
accordance with Patch Management standards in section 4.6.
3.3.2 Workstations shall use encryption in accordance with the level of asset stored on the
machine and as identified in the Asset Management and Encryption sections of this
3.3.3 Workstations shall be protected with anti-virus software to protect the machine against
malware in accordance with Antivirus and Anti-malware Standards in section 3.1.
3.3.4 End users shall not have administrative rights access to their workstations in accordance
with the Access Control Standards in section 1.
3.3.5 By default, workstations shall not be configured to support peer to peer networking. A
specific business use must be identified and approved by management before enabling
this technology.
3.3.6 By default all network services on workstations shall be disabled unless there is a
business reason to enable them.
3.3.7 Each workstation shall have a firewall installed and configured. It is acceptable to utilize
the firewalls that come packaged with specific operating systems.
3.3.8 Workstations firewalls shall be configured to default deny.
3.3.9 Workstations shall not have a deprecated (unsupported by vendor) operating systems or
applications installed.
3.3.10 Workstations shall only have authorized applications installed on them.
3.3.11 Procedures shall be established and followed to approve attachment of peripheral
devices to the workstation; only approved devices shall be attached.

3.4. Workstation Management & Desktop Security Best Practice:

3.4.1 Where possible, files shall be stored to a network shared drive, not to local drives. When
files are stored on local drives for offsite work, they shall be transferred to the network
shared drive upon return to the office.

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3.5. Mobile Device Management Standards:
3.5.1 Agencies that choose to allow employees to connect personally owned portable devices
(cameras, I-phones, USB drives, etc) to agency owned equipment shall provide an
exception and approval process by which the agency grants and documents approval to
attach the equipment.
3.5.2 Agencies shall instruct employees not to put Level 3 and Level 4 10 data on a personally
owned portable device.
3.5.3 Information stored on portable devices shall be protected in a way commensurate with
the classification of the information and in accordance with the Protection of Information
Assets Standards in section 2.1.
3.5.4 Equipment, information or software shall not be taken off-site without prior authorization.
3.5.5 Information shall be transported on mobile devices only in accordance with the statewide
Transporting Information Assets (107-004-100) and Controlling Portable and Removable
Storage Devices (107-004-051) policies.
3.5.6 Where technically possible, security mechanisms on mobile devices shall be used.
These include encryption, remote tracking of the device for physical recovery, remote
wipe and/or hard drive destruction, password or biometric protection, and automatic wipe
after a predetermined number of failed password attempts in accordance with the
Authentication Standards in section 1.1.
3.5.7 Mobile devices shall not be left unattended in uncontrolled access areas.
3.5.8 Processes shall be established to provide for appropriate disposal or reuse of personally
owned equipment used for state business.
3.5.9 Storage devices such as hard disk drives and other media (tapes, diskettes, CDs, DVDs,
Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs), Smartphone, or other devices that store information)
containing sensitive information shall be physically destroyed or securely overwritten to
prevent the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information. For disposal of electronic
equipment, refer to the Statewide Policy 107-009-0050 on Sustainable Acquisition and
Disposal of Electronic Equipment (E-Waste/Recovery Policy).

3.6. Mobile Device Management Recommended Best Practices:

3.6.1 Only state owned mobile devices should be connected to state owned computing
3.6.2 Where possible, agencies should utilize processes to either identify or prevent
unauthorized use of unapproved portable devices.
3.6.3 Where possible, lock-down cables should be used on portable devices even in access-
controlled areas.

3.7. Server Management Standards:

3.7.1 All servers shall be configured so that end users shall not have administrative rights
access to servers in accordance with the Access Control Standards in section 1. Server
administrators shall use named user accounts that tie actions back to a specific individual
for performing administrative work. Generic name and shared accounts shall not be used.
3.7.2 Where technically possible all default accounts (guest, admin, etc) on servers shall be

Statewide Information Asset Classification Policy #107-004-050

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3.7.3 Where technically possible each server shall have a firewall installed and configured to
block unneeded ports. It is acceptable to utilize the firewalls that come packaged with
specific operating systems.
3.7.4 Servers with deprecated (unsupported by vendor or open source community) operating
systems or applications installed shall be remediated with documented controls or
removed from production.
3.7.5 Servers shall be configured to run only required services. All unnecessary services shall
be disabled.
3.7.6 Servers shall only have applications installed that are approved and authorized by the
server owner.
3.7.7 There shall be established procedures for approving or denying the attachment of
peripheral devices to the server.
3.7.8 Servers shall be set up to log security events that occur on the server. Logs shall include
activities allowed and activities denied, what system event occurred, when the event
occurred, and who performed it, as well as privileged access events, (admin login,
actions taken, root system or privileged account access and activity), log ins, log outs,
and denials or failures of access in accordance with the Log Management Standards in
section 3.9.
3.7.9 Servers shall be synchronized with one or more network time device(s).
3.7.10 The following additional standards shall be applied to server management: Antivirus and Anti-malware Standards section 3.1 Information Backup Standard section 3.11 Security Zone and Network Security Management (local Area Network and Wide
Area Network Standards section 3.13 Remote Access Standards section 3.19 Encryption Standards section 4.4. Patch Management Standards section 4.6

3.8. Server Management Recommended Best Practices:

3.8.1 Configuration management and monitoring tools should be used to identify unapproved
changes to server configuration files.
3.8.2 Application servers should not be used to store application data. Application data should
be stored on a different server than the application server in accordance with the Security
Zone and Network Security Management (local Area Network and Wide Area Network
Standards in section 3.13

3.9. Log Management Standards:

3.9.1 Log data from servers, network components (firewalls, switches, routers, etc.) and other
devices/services shall be ongoing. Events shall be logged as they occur. Log data shall
be collected in its original form whenever technically possible but may also be collected in
a normalized format for log aggregation.
3.9.2 Logs shall be configured to capture security-related information in sufficient detail to
recreate activity in support of incident investigations including, but not limited to, start up
and shut down of audit functions, account logon and logoff activity, access to security

12/2009 Version 1.0 Final 11

relevant files, activities that modify, bypass, or negate security controls, failed attempts to
access resources, and the use of privileged accounts.
3.9.3 Access to log files shall be controlled in accordance with the Access Control Standards in
section 1.
3.9.4 Logs shall be regularly reviewed and analyzed for indications of unauthorized or unusual
activity. Suspicious activity shall be investigated, findings reported to appropriate
management, and necessary follow-up actions taken.
3.9.5 Log data shall, by default, be considered Level 3 until Level 3 information has been
removed for public disclosure. If logs contain personally identifiable information (PII) as
defined in ORS 646A 600 and in any applicable federal or industry regulations (HIPAA,
FERPA, etc), privacy of the log information shall be protected in accordance with the
most restrictive applicable regulations and laws.
3.9.6 Logs shall be retained in accordance with the state retention requirements for the
information and information systems they are logging. Where no specific retention rules
apply, logs shall be kept for six months to provide support for after-the-fact investigations
of security incidents and to meet regulatory and organizational information retention
requirements. Logs pertaining to ongoing information security incidents shall be
preserved as long as necessary to complete and close the investigations.

3.10. Log Management Recommended Best Practices:

3.10.1 Log data should be collected to a centralized system with restricted physical and logical
3.10.2 Automated mechanisms should be used to integrate monitoring, analysis, and reporting
into an overall process for investigation and response to suspicious activities.
3.10.3 Events not requiring immediate action should be identified and reviewed within 30 days.
3.10.4 Review of log information should include examination of attempts to gain unauthorized
access, failed resource access attempts, unauthorized changes to security controls and
suspicious network traffic patterns.
3.10.5 Critical security logs should be segregated from other log information with access
restricted to security review personnel.

3.11. Information Backup Standards

3.11.1 Information systems and the classification levels of the data stored upon them, time-
criticality of business processes, business continuity plans, legal, regulatory, contractual
obligations and retention requirements shall be analyzed to determine the frequency with
which backups need to be made, the backup media types, and encryption requirements.
The analysis process shall define a backup cycle and document it as well as determining
backup media selection and backup encryption methods in accordance with the
Encryption Standards Section 4.4 and the requirements in the State Information Security
Plan section 6.0.
3.11.2 Backups shall be tested to ensure information can be restored and to identify restoration
3.11.3 Copies of mission-critical data identified in business continuity and disaster recovery
plans shall be stored in a secured, offsite location. If backups are stored offsite using a
third-party vendor, vendor practices shall comply with state policies on data protection
and shall meet these standards.

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3.11.4 Access to backups of mission critical data shall be limited to personnel authorized to
handle the most sensitive data being backed up.
3.11.5 Backups shall be clearly and consistently labeled to facilitate restoration and testing and
to guard against mishandling, loss, or accidental overwriting.
3.11.6 Media shall be stored in compliance with manufacturer’s storage requirements.

3.12. Information Backup Recommended Best Practice:

3.12.1 Automated back-up management software should be used to manage backups on
information systems.

3.13. Security Zone and Network Security Management (Local Area Network & Wide Area
Network) Standards:
3.13.1 A business needs analysis shall be conducted to determine what network traffic is
required for each information system.
3.13.2 Firewalls shall allow only explicitly approved network traffic.
3.13.3 Internal state information systems and data shall be separated from the public Internet
through the use of a perimeter firewall.
3.13.4 Internal security zones shall be established to segregate network traffic with differing
security requirements from each other. These zones shall segregate trusted local
workstation networks from restricted server networks. Public facing web applications
shall segregate those applications within a DMZ zone. Servers containing level 3 or level
4 11 data shall be located within a restricted zone.
3.13.5 Network equipment (firewalls, MPLS, VLANs, hubs, switches, routers, wireless access
points) shall be managed to ensure that security zones are maintained.
3.13.6 By default all hardware switch ports shall be turned off unless physical access is
controlled to both endpoints of the physical connection.
3.13.7 DHCP address assignments shall be logged.
3.13.8 Virtual separation mechanisms (eg. VM and VLAN) shall only be used for segregation of
machines with differing security requirements if security controls are in place to ensure
segregation between security zones cannot be bypassed.
3.13.9 The following standards areas also apply to security zone management: Log Management Standards in section 3.9 Remote Access Standards in section 3.19

3.14. Security Zone and Network Security Management (Local Area Network & Wide
Area Network)Recommended Best Practices:
3.14.1 Security zones should be consistently managed and documentation of information
exchanges between agencies and business partners should be in place.
3.14.2 Data for applications located in a DMZ zone should be segregated and stored within a
protected security zone.
3.14.3 Network hubs should be avoided for network extension, switches should be used instead.

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3.14.4 Critical security control devices should be segregated from the rest of the network.
3.14.5 Non-encrypted protocols such as SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 should not be used. SNMPv3 or
SSL/TLS should be used for management of access points.
3.14.6 Physical separation of security zones should be maintained. Virtual separation
mechanisms (eg. VM and VLAN) may be used for segregating sub-zones within a
security zone.

3.15. Intrusion Detection Standards:

3.15.1 IDS shall be deployed to monitor external network traffic.
3.15.2 Intrusion detection signatures shall be updated and maintained at current vendor
supported levels.
3.15.3 IDS shall perform packet and protocol analysis.
3.15.4 IDS shall perform fragmented and packet stream reassembly.
3.15.5 IDS shall detect attacks in real time to provide timely alerts and notification.
3.15.6 Logs shall be maintained and reviewed in accordance with the Log Management
Standards in section 3.9.
3.15.7 Evidence and alerts of intrusion shall be handled in accordance with incident response
plans and the statewide incident response policy. Incident response plan/procedure shall
include response to IDS alerts.
3.15.8 IDS shall be monitored by appropriately trained staff.

3.16. Intrusion Prevention Systems Recommended Best Practices:

3.16.1 IDS should be deployed to monitor internal network traffic.
3.16.2 IDS may be combined with Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) features. This solution
should be deployed with caution due to potential uncontrolled interruption of network
3.16.3 Behavioral based IPS should be used to block attacks that are only detectable because
of changes in the normal operational state.

3.17. E-mail Standards:

3.17.1 Virus and spam filtering shall be implemented on email gateways in accordance with the
Antivirus and Anti-malware Standard in section 3.1.
3.17.2 Level 3 or Level 4 12 electronic data shall not be sent via unencrypted e-mail
3.17.3 Copies of e-mail shall be retained in accordance with data retention schedules.
3.17.4 E-mail servers shall be secured in accordance with the Server Management Standards
in section 3.7
3.17.5 E-mail accounts shall be connected to individual users. Where a group e-mail account
exists, primary ownership of and responsibility for that account shall be assigned to an
3.17.6 Access controls shall be implemented to maintain integrity and confidentiality in
accordance with the Access Standards in section 1.

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3.17.7 Privileged-user access shall be audited in accordance with the Audit of Access Control
Standards in section 1.

3.18. E-mail Recommended Best Practices:

3.18.1 E-mail systems should be monitored for data leakage.
3.18.2 E-mail systems should facilitate eDiscovery processes.

3.19. Remote Access Standards:

3.19.1 All remote access methods shall support authentication of unique users in accordance
with the Authentication Standards in section 1.1.
3.19.2 At no time shall any remote access user provide their password to anyone in accordance
with the Authentication Standards in section 1.1.
3.19.3 At no time shall any remote access user allow another person to use their remote
3.19.4 All remote access approvals shall be documented, including purpose, conditions,
duration and approved methods.
3.19.5 Split tunneling or dual homing shall not be permitted at any time if remote access is
accomplished using personally-owned equipment. If state-owned equipment is used,
Split tunneling or dual homing shall only be permitted if the remote network is under the
complete control of the connecting person.
3.19.6 All computers that are connected directly to an agency’s internal networks via remote
access technologies shall use the most up-to-date ant-virus software and operating
system and application patches.
3.19.7 Personal equipment that is used to connect to the agency's networks shall meet the
security requirements of agency-owned equipment for remote access.
3.19.8 Remote access rights shall be terminated immediately upon the departure of an
employee or if their duties no longer require remote access.
3.19.9 State employees accessing agency or state networks to perform technical administration
of servers or network equipment shall use state owned equipment.
3.19.10 Contracts with third parties such as vendors, partners, and contractors requiring remote
access shall specify security requirements for connectivity. Third party equipment used
to connect to an agency’s networks shall meet the requirements of agency-owned
equipment for remote access. Remote access shall be terminated immediately upon the
completion or termination of a contract, termination of the partner relationship, or
termination of an individual’s employment with the vendor, partner or contractor.

3.20. Remote Access Recommended Best Practices:

3.20.1 Equipment not owned and supported by a State of Oregon agency should not be
connected via remote access technologies to the state network or agency resources.
3.20.2 If an agency decides to allow equipment not owned by the state to connect to the
network, the agency should implement solutions to ensure that antivirus and patch levels
are current prior to connection to the network or agency resource.
3.20.3 Agencies should consider providing employees with a bootable USB or CD that contains
an agency-approved image. This would allow the employee to load the image and to
work remotely without accessing or storing information directly to a personal computer.

12/2009 Version 1.0 Final 15

3.20.4 Where VPN solutions are utilized, agencies should use a VPN solution that forces the
user to limit all interactions to the agency network while the VPN connection is open.
3.20.5 Individuals accessing state resources via a web-based application using their personally
owned equipment should maintain that equipment with current operating system and
application patch levels and antivirus software.

3.21. Wireless Access Standards:

3.21.1 Industry supported wireless access standards 802.11 shall be used by wireless access
3.21.2 The decision of whether, and how, guest access will be allowed shall be documented.
Guest access via a wireless entry point shall be configured to only allow Internet access
but prevent access to internal network resources.
3.21.3 For non-guest access the Wireless Protected Access2 (WPA2) protocol with AES
encryption shall be deployed for data encryption to further protect transmitted information.
Current versions of IEEE standards are 802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11e, 802.11g,
802.11i and 802.11n.
3.21.4 Comprehensive security assessments and inventory of wireless access shall be
performed at regular and random intervals. Assessments shall include validating that
unauthorized access points do not exist in the agency and testing the boundaries of
wireless access.
3.21.5 Data shall be encrypted in transit in accordance with the Encryption Standards in section
3.21.6 Access points shall be placed in physically secure or hidden areas to prevent
unauthorized physical access and user manipulation.
3.21.7 Non-default SSID shall be used for wireless networks. SSIDs shall not reveal information
about the network, agency name or location.
3.21.8 Nonessential management protocols shall be disabled on access points.
3.21.9 The “ad hoc mode” for 802.11 on wireless clients shall be disabled when technically
3.21.10 Administrative access to manage the wireless device shall only be enabled via a
dedicated wired management VLAN. Access to administrative functions shall be disabled
via the wireless interface.
3.21.11 If the access point supports logging, turn it on and review the logs on a regular basisin
accordance with the Log Management Standards in section 3.9.

3.22. Wireless Access Recommended Best Practices:

3.22.1 External boundary protection should be implemented around the physical perimeter of
buildings containing access points. These protections include locating access points
interior walls and, wherever possible, using enterprise class systems that use controller
based AP configuration management.
3.22.2 Guest access should be restricted such that only authorized guests have access.
3.22.3 A firewall should be placed between the wired infrastructure and the wireless network in
accordance with the Security Zone and Network Security Management (Local Area
Network and Wide Area Network Standards in section 3.13

12/2009 Version 1.0 Final 16

4. Information Systems Acquisition, Development and Management
The goal of information systems acquisition, development and management is to ensure that security is
an integral part of information systems. Information systems are defined in ORS 182.122 as “computers,
hardware, software, storage media, networks, operational procedures and processes used in the
collection, processing, storage, sharing or distribution of information within, or with any access beyond
ordinary public access to, the state’s shared computing and network infrastructure.” This section
describes security standards and best practices for Emerging Technologies, Business Cases, Encryption,
Patch Management, and Information Systems Development Lifecycle.

4.1. Emerging Technologies Recommended Best Practices:

4.1.1 Agencies using or considering Voice Over IP (VOIP) for telephone service should review
the NIST Special Publication 800-58 Security Considerations for Voice Over IP Systems
4.1.2 Agencies using or considering using a cloud computing environment should review the
NIST Presentation on Effectively and Securely Using the Cloud Computing Paradigm

4.2. Business Case Standard:

4.2.1 A business case shall be developed for system development and implementation projects
over $500k per Department of Administrative Services IT Investment and Review (IRR)
4.3. Business Case Recommended Best Practices:
4.3.1 A business case should be completed to justify custom information system development
4.3.2 For general requirements and guidelines regarding acquisition of IT goods and services
and the IT Investment Review and Approval process please go to:
Encryption Standards:
4.4.1 In all cases where encryption is used, encryption protocol and strength shall be
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128-bit or stronger. If AES 128-bit is not technically
possible, triple DES (3DES) shall be used until AES 128-bit or stronger is available.
4.4.2 Backup and archive copies of Level 3 and Level 4 information shall be encrypted.
Encryption of Level 3 and Level 4 information shall be at the storage media level, at the
database level, or at the application level (see standards below). Encrypted backup and
archive media shall support data restoration and disaster recovery and support various
backup media types used by the state.
4.4.3 Encryption shall be deployed at a level (e.g. file, folder, database, application, full disk)
that is commensurate with the risk and compliance requirements of the information being
4.4.4 Encryption for USB flash-drives and hard drives shall either use password and encryption
capabilities built into the device or shall be encrypted using host-based encryption
software at the time data is stored on the device.
4.4.5 All information Levels 1-4 transmitted in accordance with the Wireless Access Standards
in section 3.21.

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4.4.6 Key management or escrow processes shall be used when using a key-based data
encryption system.
4.4.7 Encryption keys suspected of having been compromised shall be replaced immediately.

4.5. Encryption Recommended Best Practices:

4.5.1 Level 3 and Level 4 13 data should be encrypted using AES 256-bit or stronger encryption
4.5.2 Backup and archive media encryption should integrate seamlessly with backup
processes and devices.
4.5.3 NIST recommendations in Storage Encryption Technologies for End User Devices NIST
sp800-111 should be reviewed and used where applicable
4.5.4 Encryption keys should not be used to encrypt data across multiple systems, storage
devices, etc.
4.5.5 Periodic cryptographic key changes and retirement of old keys (for example: archiving,
destruction, and revocation as applicable) should be practiced.
4.5.6 Key-management procedures that require split knowledge and dual control of keys (for
example, requiring two or three people, each knowing only their own part of the key, to
reconstruct the whole key) should be implemented.
4.5.7 NIST document Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions NIST sp800-108 should
be reviewed for more information on encryption keys and key management.
4.5.8 NIST document Using Approved Hash Algorithms NIST sp800-107 should be reviewed
for more information on encryption algorithms and key strength.

4.6. Patch Management Standards:

4.6.1 All operating systems and commercial off-the-shelf/open source software shall be
patched and maintained at current vendor supported levels unless there is a documented
business reason for not applying a specific patch.
4.6.2 Agencies shall immediately deploy security patches to operating systems and
applications upon release unless the agency follows a documented procedure for testing
and deploying security patches within an identified timeframe.
4.6.3 Operating System and commercial off-the-shelf/open source software for which the
vendor/open source community no longer provides security patches is considered
deprecated and shall be remediated with documented controls or removed from
4.6.4 Wherever possible, automated patching systems shall be implemented to automatically
update operating systems and applications.
4.6.5 Automated patching systems shall log which information systems have received the
patches and audit for information systems that have been missed.
4.6.6 An application update management process shall be implemented to ensure the most up-
to-date approved patches and application updates are installed for all software.
4.6.7 Custom developed applications shall be tested on a defined schedule for vulnerabilities
and updated to correct identified vulnerabilities.
4.6.8 If no patch is available, other controls shall be implemented, such as turning off services
or capabilities related to the vulnerability; adapting or adding access controls, e.g.

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firewalls, at network borders; increased monitoring to detect or prevent actual attacks;
raising awareness of the vulnerability; keeping an audit log of all procedures undertaken;
evaluating the technical vulnerability management process in order to ensure its
effectiveness; and addressing high-risk information systems first. 14

4.7. Patch Management Recommended Best Practice:

4.7.1 Security patches should be applied immediately after appropriate testing or within 72

4.8. Information System Development Lifecycle Standards:

4.8.1 Access to operating system, source code, and operational or production application
software/program directories, locations, and configuration files shall be managed, limiting
access to authorized individuals.
4.8.2 When developing or modifying information systems, a change control management
process shall be used to require authorization to initiate or make changes to the system,
test and accept the changes, and move changes into production.
4.8.3 New or updated information system shall include adequate system documentation and
ensure that system documentation is readily available to support the staff responsible for
operating, securing and maintaining new and updated information systems.
4.8.4 Procurement of information systems designed to store, access or in any way handle
information classified at level 3 or level 4 15 shall include requirements that information
located on or transferred to or from these systems can be encrypted in accordance with
the Encryption Standards in section 4.4.

4.9. Information System Development Life Cycle Recommended Best Practices:

4.9.1 Separate development, test and production environments should be used to protect
production systems from development work and testing.
4.9.2 Segregation of duties between system developers and operations should be maintained,
including between the following roles: system administration and system auditing; system
development and system change; system operations and system security administration.
4.9.3 The early steps in the SDLC process through implementation are closely tied to the
stages of project management as outlined in the Project Management Book of
Knowledge (PMBOK), the state of Oregon’s designated approach to project
management. Key tasks should be considered for each step of the Information Security
SDLC as defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the
SDLC web site and brochure (

ISO 12.6.1
Statewide Information Asset Classification Policy #107-004-050

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5. Approval

Scott Harra, Director, DAS Date

Dugan Petty, State Chief Information Officer, DAS Date

Theresa Masse, State Chief Information Security Officer, DAS Date

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