Sud Exc
Sud Exc
Sud Exc
42 Mpa
σyy = 1.17 Mpa
σzz = 1.24 Mpa
εxx = 1/E [σxx - ν(σyy+σzz) = 3.49E-05
εyy = 1/E [σyy - ν(σxx+σzz) = 1.86E-05
εzz = 1/E [σzz - ν(σxx+σyy) = 2.32E-05
ν = 0.3
E = 20000 Mpa
εxx - εyy ^2
2 +
ε1 = 3.49E-05
ε2 = 1.86E-05
Project Summary
General Settings
Number of Stages: 10
Analysis Type: Plane Strain
Solver Type: Gaussian Elimination
Units: Metric, stress as MPa
Analysis Options
Groundwater Analysis
Field Stress
Field stress: gravity
Using actual ground surface
Total stress ratio (horizontal/vertical in-plane): 4 K = 0.25 + 7 Eh (0.001+(1/Z))
Total stress ratio (horizontal/vertical out-of-plane): 1 Eh = 30 TO 70 Gpa
Locked-in horizontal stress (in-plane): 0 ν = 0.17
Locked-in horizontal stress (out-of-plane): 0 γ = 0.026 MN/m3
Mesh Quality
Stage 2
Excavation Areas
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 5
Stage 6
Stage 7
Stage 8
Stage 9
Stage 10
Material Properties
Material: Material 1
Color ___
Initial stress &
element body
loading force
Unit 0.026
weight MN/m3
type isotropic
Young's 65000
modulus MPa
ratio 0.17
Failure Mohr-
criterion Coulomb
strength 25 MPa
strength 0 MPa
friction 30
angle degrees
cohesion 10 MPa
type Elastic
Piezo to
use None
Ru value 0
Displacement data is not available for Stage 1 until total displacement is viewed in a window
Maximum total displacement for Stage 2: 0.00547884 m
Displacement data is not available for Stage 3 until total displacement is viewed in a window
Displacement data is not available for Stage 4 until total displacement is viewed in a window
Displacement data is not available for Stage 5 until total displacement is viewed in a window
Displacement data is not available for Stage 6 until total displacement is viewed in a window
Displacement data is not available for Stage 7 until total displacement is viewed in a window
Displacement data is not available for Stage 8 until total displacement is viewed in a window
Displacement data is not available for Stage 9 until total displacement is viewed in a window
Displacement data is not available for Stage 10 until total displacement is viewed in a window
List of All Coordinates
Excavation boundary
109.028 31.38
109.028 30.38
109.528 30.38
113.028 30.38
113.028 38.659
115.778 38.659
115.778 52.5195
115.778 66.38
115.632 66.6449
115.479 66.9059
115.319 67.1627
115.153 67.4151
114.98 67.663
114.8 67.9062
114.613 68.1445
114.421 68.3777
114.222 68.6057
114.018 68.8284
113.807 69.0455
113.591 69.2569
113.369 69.4624
113.141 69.662
112.909 69.8554
112.671 70.0425
112.429 70.2233
112.182 70.3975
111.93 70.565
111.674 70.7258
111.413 70.8797
111.149 71.0265
110.881 71.1663
110.609 71.2989
110.334 71.4241
110.055 71.542
109.773 71.6524
109.528 71.7411
109.489 71.7552
109.202 71.8504
108.912 71.9379
108.621 72.0177
108.327 72.0897
108.031 72.1537
107.734 72.2099
107.436 72.2581
107.136 72.2984
106.835 72.3306
106.534 72.3548
106.232 72.3709
105.929 72.379
105.627 72.379
105.324 72.3709
105.022 72.3548
104.721 72.3306
104.42 72.2984
104.12 72.2581
103.822 72.2099
103.525 72.1537
103.229 72.0897
102.935 72.0177
102.644 71.9379
102.354 71.8504
102.028 71.7411
101.783 71.6524
101.501 71.542
101.222 71.4241
100.947 71.2989
100.675 71.1663
100.407 71.0265
100.143 70.8797
99.8823 70.7258
99.6262 70.565
99.3744 70.3975
99.1271 70.2233
98.8846 70.0425
98.647 69.8554
98.4145 69.662
98.1872 69.4624
97.9654 69.2569
97.7491 69.0455
97.5385 68.8284
97.3338 68.6057
97.1351 68.3777
96.9425 68.1445
96.7563 67.9062
96.5764 67.663
96.4032 67.4151
96.2366 67.1627
96.0768 66.9059
95.9239 66.6449
95.778 66.38
95.778 52.5195
95.778 31.38
102.028 31.38
External boundary
164.636 0
164.636 156.581
49.851 156.581
49.851 0
Eh (0.001+(1/Z))
30 x (0.001 + (1/80))
70 x (0.001 + (1/80))
Sigma 1
Stage Stages Material_ Point_x Point_y Distance Value
2 10 1 103.778 31.38 0 16.12351
2 10 1 109.028 30.591 5.309 23.48147
2 10 1 113.028 32.209 9.624 4.278195
2 10 1 113.028 38.248 15.663 0.004146
2 10 1 115.778 41.538 19.951 -0.02618
2 10 1 115.778 47.577 25.99 -0.00032
2 10 1 115.778 53.616 32.03 -0.00501
2 10 1 115.778 59.656 38.069 -0.01259
2 10 1 115.778 65.695 44.108 5.131232
2 10 1 112.255 70.346 49.943 19.98715
2 10 1 106.632 72.347 55.911 26.90575
2 10 1 100.773 71.214 61.879 22.69671
2 10 1 96.302 67.261 67.847 11.20006
2 10 1 95.778 61.366 73.765 -0.08243
2 10 1 95.778 55.327 79.804 -0.00149
2 10 1 95.778 49.288 85.844 -0.01402
2 10 1 95.778 43.248 91.883 -0.01706
2 10 1 95.778 37.209 97.922 -0.22258
2 10 1 95.989 31.38 103.755 43.85516
2 10 1 102.028 31.38 109.794 17.58968
Column F
90 95 100 105 110 115 120
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Sigma 3
Stage Stages Material_ Point_x Point_y Distance Value
2 10 1 103.778 31.38 0 -0.01664
2 10 1 109.028 30.591 5.309 2.616713
2 10 1 113.028 32.209 9.624 -3.64003
2 10 1 113.028 38.248 15.663 -0.24826
2 10 1 115.778 41.538 19.951 -2.33728
2 10 1 115.778 47.577 25.99 -2.98636
2 10 1 115.778 53.616 32.03 -2.71066
2 10 1 115.778 59.656 38.069 -1.74498
2 10 1 115.778 65.695 44.108 0.091212
2 10 1 112.255 70.346 49.943 0.01547
2 10 1 106.632 72.347 55.911 0.009425
2 10 1 100.773 71.214 61.879 0.00441
2 10 1 96.302 67.261 67.847 -0.00467
2 10 1 95.778 61.366 73.765 -1.3096
2 10 1 95.778 55.327 79.804 -2.70079
2 10 1 95.778 49.288 85.844 -3.28262
2 10 1 95.778 43.248 91.883 -3.43838
2 10 1 95.778 37.209 97.922 -2.56359
2 10 1 95.989 31.38 103.755 8.975463
2 10 1 102.028 31.38 109.794 -0.05826
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Strength Factor
Stage Stages Material_ Point_x Point_y Distance Value
2 10 1 103.778 31.38 0 1.635386
2 10 1 109.028 30.591 5.309 1.724503
2 10 1 113.028 32.209 9.624 3.257098
2 10 1 113.028 38.248 15.663 30.51816
2 10 1 115.778 41.538 19.951 6.007582
2 10 1 115.778 47.577 25.99 4.715197
2 10 1 115.778 53.616 32.03 5.225073
2 10 1 115.778 59.656 38.069 8.014545
2 10 1 115.778 65.695 44.108 4.371203
2 10 1 112.255 70.346 49.943 1.411039
2 10 1 106.632 72.347 55.911 1.161439
2 10 1 100.773 71.214 61.879 1.294455
2 10 1 96.302 67.261 67.847 2.161054
2 10 1 95.778 61.366 73.765 10.57225
2 10 1 95.778 55.327 79.804 5.244281
2 10 1 95.778 49.288 85.844 4.289791
2 10 1 95.778 43.248 91.883 4.081956
2 10 1 95.778 37.209 97.922 5.635611
2 10 1 95.989 31.38 103.755 1.259425
2 10 1 102.028 31.38 109.794 1.531262
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Vertical Displacement
Stage Stages Material_ Point_x Point_y Distance Value
1 10 1 103.778 31.38 0 -1.46E-06
1 10 1 109.028 30.591 5.309 -1.45E-06
1 10 1 113.028 32.209 9.624 -1.44E-06
1 10 1 113.028 38.248 15.663 -1.52E-06
1 10 1 115.778 41.538 19.951 -1.54E-06
1 10 1 115.778 47.577 25.99 -1.55E-06
1 10 1 115.778 53.616 32.03 -1.51E-06
1 10 1 115.778 59.656 38.069 -1.45E-06
1 10 1 115.778 65.695 44.108 -1.26E-06
1 10 1 112.255 70.346 49.943 -1.14E-06
1 10 1 106.632 72.347 55.911 -1.13E-06
1 10 1 100.773 71.214 61.879 -1.06E-06
1 10 1 96.302 67.261 67.847 -1.03E-06
1 10 1 95.778 61.366 73.765 -1.18E-06
1 10 1 95.778 55.327 79.804 -1.33E-06
1 10 1 95.778 49.288 85.844 -1.45E-06
1 10 1 95.778 43.248 91.883 -1.56E-06
1 10 1 95.778 37.209 97.922 -1.55E-06
1 10 1 95.989 31.38 103.755 -1.27E-06
1 10 1 102.028 31.38 109.794 -1.42E-06
Vertical Displacement
Stage Stages Material_ Point_x Point_y Distance Value
2 10 1 103.778 31.38 0 0.00011
2 10 1 109.028 30.591 5.309 -0.00035
2 10 1 113.028 32.209 9.624 -0.00146
2 10 1 113.028 38.248 15.663 -0.00135
2 10 1 115.778 41.538 19.951 -0.00062
2 10 1 115.778 47.577 25.99 -0.00032
2 10 1 115.778 53.616 32.03 -1.40E-05
2 10 1 115.778 59.656 38.069 0.000237
2 10 1 115.778 65.695 44.108 0.000284
2 10 1 112.255 70.346 49.943 0.000236
2 10 1 106.632 72.347 55.911 0.000247
2 10 1 100.773 71.214 61.879 0.00022
2 10 1 96.302 67.261 67.847 0.000169
2 10 1 95.778 61.366 73.765 0.000219
2 10 1 95.778 55.327 79.804 -1.58E-05
2 10 1 95.778 49.288 85.844 -0.00033
2 10 1 95.778 43.248 91.883 -0.00069
2 10 1 95.778 37.209 97.922 -0.00103
2 10 1 95.989 31.38 103.755 -0.00072
2 10 1 102.028 31.38 109.794 7.20E-05
0 1.11E-04
5.309 -3.46E-04
9.624 -1.46E-03
15.663 -1.35E-03
19.951 -6.18E-04
25.99 -3.19E-04
32.03 -1.25E-05
38.069 2.39E-04
44.108 2.86E-04
49.943 2.37E-04
55.911 2.48E-04
61.879 2.21E-04
67.847 1.70E-04
73.765 2.20E-04
79.804 -1.44E-05
85.844 -3.33E-04
91.883 -6.87E-04
97.922 -1.03E-03
103.755 -7.20E-04
109.794 7.34E-05
-2.00E-04 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Horizontal Displacement
Stage Stages Material_ Point_x Point_y Distance Value
1 10 1 103.778 31.38 0 -7.44E-09
1 10 1 109.028 30.591 5.309 5.39E-08
1 10 1 113.028 32.209 9.624 1.73E-07
1 10 1 113.028 38.248 15.663 -1.30E-08
1 10 1 115.778 41.538 19.951 8.30E-08
1 10 1 115.778 47.577 25.99 -2.10E-07
1 10 1 115.778 53.616 32.03 -3.71E-07
1 10 1 115.778 59.656 38.069 -3.66E-07
1 10 1 115.778 65.695 44.108 -5.82E-07
1 10 1 112.255 70.346 49.943 -7.01E-07
1 10 1 106.632 72.347 55.911 -5.64E-07
1 10 1 100.773 71.214 61.879 -2.30E-07
1 10 1 96.302 67.261 67.847 7.34E-08
1 10 1 95.778 61.366 73.765 5.51E-07
1 10 1 95.778 55.327 79.804 9.21E-07
1 10 1 95.778 49.288 85.844 8.85E-07
1 10 1 95.778 43.248 91.883 6.72E-07
1 10 1 95.778 37.209 97.922 -4.67E-08
1 10 1 95.989 31.38 103.755 -6.12E-07
1 10 1 102.028 31.38 109.794 -4.02E-07
Horizontal Displacement
Stage Stages Material_ Point_x Point_y Distance Value
2 10 1 103.778 31.38 0 0.000345
2 10 1 109.028 30.591 5.309 0.00015
2 10 1 113.028 32.209 9.624 -0.0031
2 10 1 113.028 38.248 15.663 -0.00508
2 10 1 115.778 41.538 19.951 -0.0051
2 10 1 115.778 47.577 25.99 -0.00546
2 10 1 115.778 53.616 32.03 -0.00531
2 10 1 115.778 59.656 38.069 -0.0047
2 10 1 115.778 65.695 44.108 -0.00345
2 10 1 112.255 70.346 49.943 -0.00192
2 10 1 106.632 72.347 55.911 -0.00027
2 10 1 100.773 71.214 61.879 0.001394
2 10 1 96.302 67.261 67.847 0.002908
2 10 1 95.778 61.366 73.765 0.004338
2 10 1 95.778 55.327 79.804 0.005097
2 10 1 95.778 49.288 85.844 0.005392
2 10 1 95.778 43.248 91.883 0.005215
2 10 1 95.778 37.209 97.922 0.004377
2 10 1 95.989 31.38 103.755 0.001608
2 10 1 102.028 31.38 109.794 0.000461
0 3.45E-04
5.309 1.50E-04
9.624 -3.10E-03
15.663 -5.08E-03
19.951 -5.10E-03
25.99 -5.46E-03
32.03 -5.31E-03
38.069 -4.70E-03
44.108 -3.45E-03
49.943 -1.92E-03
55.911 -2.73E-04
61.879 1.39E-03
67.847 2.91E-03
73.765 4.34E-03
79.804 5.10E-03
85.844 5.39E-03
91.883 5.21E-03
97.922 4.38E-03
103.755 1.61E-03
109.794 4.61E-04
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Von Mises Stress
Stage Stages Material_ Point_x Point_y Distance Value
1 2 10 1 103.778 31.38 0 14.7864
2 2 10 1 109.028 30.591 5.309 19.82608
3 2 10 1 113.028 32.209 9.624 6.888847
4 2 10 1 113.028 38.248 15.663 0.606354
5 2 10 1 115.778 41.538 19.951 2.348667
6 2 10 1 115.778 47.577 25.99 2.945899
7 2 10 1 115.778 53.616 32.03 2.678774
8 2 10 1 115.778 59.656 38.069 1.78031
9 2 10 1 115.778 65.695 44.108 4.576257
10 2 10 1 112.255 70.346 49.943 18.39565
11 2 10 1 106.632 72.347 55.911 24.81394
12 2 10 1 100.773 71.214 61.879 20.91549 35
13 2 10 1 96.302 67.261 67.847 10.26445 30
14 2 10 1 95.778 61.366 73.765 1.348859 25
15 2 10 1 95.778 55.327 79.804 2.669002
16 2 10 1 95.778 49.288 85.844 3.206464
17 2 10 1 95.778 43.248 91.883 3.359723
18 2 10 1 95.778 37.209 97.922 2.455814 10
19 2 10 1 95.989 31.38 103.755 34.73018 5
20 2 10 1 102.028 31.38 109.794 16.17427 0
0 20
0 20 40 60 80 100 120