Introductory Freedom Guide

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The key takeaways are that individuals can increase both personal and general freedom through economic and business revolution rather than political revolution alone.

The two fundamentally different approaches to freedom discussed are the concept of the Sovereign Individual who lives free despite coercive political systems, and believing you can't be free because of the political system.

A political revolution involves donating to campaigns and waiting for leaders to change the system, while an economic revolution involves individuals discovering how to practice free enterprise and reduce government interference in their own lives to increase freedom now.

Introductory Freedom Guide

© Copyright 1993, 1995, by Frederick Mann, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

[Compiled and edited by David T. Freeman, from various other introductory reports and articles.]

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -
Edmond Burke

 Are you tired of government oppression?

 Are you being impoverished by confiscatory taxes?
 Would you like to enjoy all the fruit of your labor?
 Do you yearn to be free?
 Well, keep reading to discover how you can enjoy all the benefits of freedom right

Subsections in this report:

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 Introduction -- Political Revolution vs. Economic Revolution -- Building Freedom

 What Is Freedom Technology? -- Freedom Technology In Practice
 Your Own Mind is Your Most Important Freedom Resource -- There are two
fundamentally different approaches to freedom
 A Brief Summary of Our Strategy
 The Three Economic Sectors -- The Power of the Public Sector -- Introduction to Free
 Basic Principles For Civilization
 The Power of Information
 The Free Enterprise Shift -- Examples of The Free Enterprise Shift
 Notes on Personal Power -- The Spooner-Insight -- The Debilitating Fear of the Tax
 The Challenge to Overcome -- Developing Thinking Skills
 The Small-Step-Progression Principle -- Abusive Relationships
 Values and Results

Many freedom-lovers think there is little or nothing they can do to increase either their personal
freedom or freedom in general. Many have concluded that it is a hopeless task. Their
hopelessness has become so strong that it pervades and colors their perception and thinking.

The current world we live in is a function of the contents of the minds of individual human
beings. "My life" is a function of my mind - to a much greater extent than you might think.
"Your life" is a function of your mind - to a much greater extent than you might think. All kinds
of thinkers have said: What the human mind can conceive, the human being can achieve.

The concept of the Sovereign Individual who lives free despite coercive political systems is
relatively new and extremely powerful. If you live in the trap of believing you can't be free
because of the political system, then you have many pleasant surprises waiting for you. You
will be amazed at the positive options that become available to you as you develop your
Personal Power.

Political Revolution vs. Economic Revolution

Peaceful political revolution involves individuals donating money for a campaign. Leaders and
volunteers conduct the campaign to persuade people to vote for the leaders. A shift in money
and power occurs from donors and voters to the leaders. Even if the leaders win, they may be
prevented from taking power through election fraud. If the new leaders do attain power, they
may or may not change the political system according to the wishes of the donors and voters.
Even if the leaders change the system as promised, they may later change it back to the way it
was before, or worse. In any case, donors and voters have to wait for the leaders to change the
system, before they can enjoy the benefits.

Our method is a peaceful economic and business revolution. Individuals discover how to
practice real free enterprise (described later) despite the tyrants, politicians, and bureaucrats.
Individuals discover how to reduce or eliminate illegal taxes and corrupt government
interference from their lives. Individuals become freer, wealthier, and more powerful - and
inspire others to do the same. This economic and business revolution increases individual
freedom, wealth, and power. It involves a shift of wealth and power away from tyrants,
politicians, and bureaucrats to individuals. Furthermore, individuals can start reaping the
benefits of practical freedom right now!

When you work on changing yourself, the results can be quick and dramatic - which is
empowering. When you work on trying to change a political system, it may take a very long
time before there are any results - which tends to be disempowering. Often the result is
frustration, disillusionment, and depression. Free yourself and become empowered instead!

Building Freedom
The following quote is from a letter by "A Friend of Thomas Paine" published in the June 1993
issue of The Voluntaryist:

"...I have finally come to the inescapable conclusion that collective declarations, constitutions,
political action and statutory law cannot possibly be a successful means to achieve freedom.
Any of these efforts might be a reasonable attempt to limit tyranny, but not to build freedom.
When people are enslaved, they might do any number of things to make their lives better or
make that tyranny tolerable. But to achieve true freedom (Rose Wilder Lane: "Freedom is self-
control, no more, no less."), humankind has to evolve just a bit further than where we are
now. Social technology based on non-coercive institutions has to develop to replace the
State, and this will not likely happen until such institutions are obviously better than their State
counterparts at satisfying human desires. This judgment must be made not only by libertarians,
voluntaryists and anarchists, but also by the average person who could[n't] care less about the
elegant ideas of freedom we share. In short, the product (freedom) should work better and be
more marketable than it is today. We must improve the product by building non-coercive
organizations to replace coercive ones.

I applaud the efforts of your newsletter... and others who promote the ideas of individual liberty
through education... However, it seems to me that more than just education will be necessary.
Some technology which may not presently exist, combined with the increasingly obvious
inability of the State to provide everything for everybody, will one day allow for a critical mass
of dissenters to successfully implement civil disobedience. Perhaps the collapse of banks, bond
defaults, hyperinflation and/or debt liquidation (deflation) will make this possible, or perhaps it
will have to be more gradual. But I am convinced that it will happen. Perhaps there just aren't
enough freedom lovers yet to bring it about. Perhaps there are, but they haven't been organized

I have become particularly interested in the idea of creating non-coercive businesses and
other organizations to take over the functions of the State as it proceeds inevitably down the
path toward its own destruction. To me, this offers the most exciting prospect for the future
of freedom... Who is working on building such alternative institutions? Perhaps those doing
the most for tomorrow's freedom are those building businesses in communications, alternative
lifestyles, property protection services, computer software (especially shareware), and other
"cutting edge" activities...

What if someone were to develop an effective, inexpensive personal defensive shield? If

individuals could defend themselves against the aggression of the State without presenting an
offensive threat, the present coercive institutions wouldn't last long..." [emphasis added]

Such a "personal defensive shield" has been developed. It is called Freedom Technology.
(described below). However, you can't just buy the shield and use it. You have to discover who
you are. You have to discover your freedom. You have to shift from being outer-directed to
being inner-directed. You have to practice and develop your freedom. You need to develop
the determination to live free, no matter what!

In this context, freedom is like a brain and a muscle. The brain needs to learn. The muscle
needs to work. You need to actively beat the bureaucrats. Freedom in action! You shift from
complaining about lack of freedom to actually living free. Freedom Technology is something
which anyone can learn - and implement all or part of it to their liking.

What Is Freedom Technology?

Freedom Technology is the practical knowledge, methods, and skills for living free - the street-
smart know-how to outwit freedom-violators ("government" bureaucrats) at every turn.

Freedom Technology makes it possible for us to legally, elegantly, and safely exit coercive
government systems and to live free. By becoming proficient in Freedom Technology, you are
able to live free almost anywhere!
Some aspects of Freedom Technology are:

 The practical means to protect yourself, your income and your assets against attacks
from freedom-violators.
 An understanding of the phenomenon we call "freedom."
 Understanding and recognising coercion in all its forms; and the ability to escape, avoid,
evade, or otherwise nullify anyone's ability to coerce you. The practical means to defeat
 The discovery of your personal freedom - the realization that you are free and sovereign
by nature.
 The methods for improving your brain and mind.
 The methods for improving thinking skills.
 The methods for achieving superhealth (We want freedom lovers to be the healthiest
people on earth - and the longest living. One way to beat the enemy is to outlive him!).
 The methods for achieving freedom from illness, psychological and emotional
problems, and death.
 The methods to blow away the bogus power of political shysters.

"Freedom" can be described as the positive options practically available to you. Such options
include: physical survival; the ability to think; the ability to communicate; the ability to travel;
the ability to enjoy work and play; the ability to own and utilize property. Freedom is affected
by personal factors and external factors. Personal factors are those you have a great deal of
control over, like your mind, body, health, fitness, and happiness. External factors are those you
have little control over: the laws of physics; the weather; the political system; the police.

An important theme of Freedom Technology is that you primarily focus your attention on
improving personal factors so as to maximize your personal freedom, power, and wealth. It's
much easier to change yourself than to change others.

You also learn to minimize the negative effects the political system and their accomplices (such
as police) have on you. By improving yourself and being involved with a network of like-
minded people, you can greatly reduce the extent to which the political system and police limit
the positive options available to you. (Nevertheless, some people have developed and applied
the freedom technology to prosecute and obtain restitution from political individuals and
agencies who fraudulently and illegally violate their persons, property, or freedom.)

Freedom Technology In Practice

"Freedom Technology sounds good in theory, but does it work in practice?" you may well ask.
Well, just for a few examples: one person purchased our materials just over two years ago. He
effectively changed his status to that of a Sovereign Individual. He reorganized his business as
a Sovereign Business. In less than two years he increased the assets of his business from
$285,000 to over $12,000,000. He's had attempted attacks by terrocrats (terrorist bureaucrats or
coercive government agents) several times, but has stopped all the attacks so far. (See The
Harry Plott Saga I & II.)
Another of our associates has been operating a free-enterprise gold-based bank (not part of the
terrocrat banking establishment) for about 18 years. So far he has successfully dealt with all
terrocrat attempts to interfere with his business.

For some specific examples of practical Freedom Technology information, examine the
Practical Freedom Reports, Manuals, and Documents area.

Operating in the free-enterprise sector can be very profitable. In fact, companies in the free-
enterprise sector (not being oppressively taxed or regulated) enjoy huge competitive advantages
in the marketplace. A free-enterprise explosion has started.

Your Own Mind is Your Most Important Freedom Resource

For those who have not yet discovered that they are free - or for those who are convinced that
they are not free - the biggest barrier to freedom lies in their own minds.

The most important resource that determines your degree of freedom is your own mind. In
addition to the reports, articles and books available here, there are two books you must study if
you have not yet discovered that you are free and you yearn to be free:

a. How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne (Avon Books, NY;
b. The Discovery of Freedom: Man's Struggle Against Authority by Rose Wilder Lane
(Arno Press & The New York Times, NY; 1972 - first published in 1943).

There are two fundamentally different approaches to freedom:

a. Attempt to persuade politicians to change the system in order to give us liberty;

b. Discover that you are free by nature and acquire freedom technology to live free in an
unfree world.

Both approaches involve education. In the first approach people attempt to educate others about
the morality and merits of liberty. In the second approach people educate themselves about the
practical knowledge, methods, and skills (freedom technology) for living free. The two
approaches are mutually enhancing. There are many organizations practicing the first approach,
and a few that emphasize the second. Our organization focuses on the second approach.

An outgrowth of the second approach is the creation of free institutions to serve the needs of the
free. Financial services organizations that enable people to handle their finances without
coercive interference are such institutions. Organizations that teach people how to legally
protect their income and assets against government theft and robbery are other examples.

There is a natural evolution from the first approach to the second. While involved in the first
approach you learn about liberty and how to educate others. After a while you may become
dissatisfied with the results. Then you find out that you don't need to change the system in order
to be free. You start thinking in terms of reorganizing your life to enjoy greater freedom. You
discover that you are free by nature. You may link up with other free people. You may start a
real free-enterprise business. We seek to accelerate this natural evolution.

A major shift in thinking is also involved. People applying the first approach tend to think that
liberty is something given to them by others (politicians changing the system). People applying
the second approach realize that they are free by nature and they develop their resourcefulness
to overcome obstacles to freedom so they can live free in an unfree world. It is a shift in
thinking from being outer-directed to being inner directed.

We support all approaches that expand freedom. We believe that our best chances to achieve a
free world come from the combination of a wide range of different freedom-increasing
activities - circumvent, ignore, criticize, ridicule, weaken, reform, and replace the enemy on
many fronts.

We also believe that regardless of the strategy you use, understanding and using Freedom
Technology is still essential and potentially of immense value to everyone. Freedom
Technology also includes having an in-depth understanding of the enemies of freedom.
With this knowledge alone, many freedom-activists could become vastly more effective in their
current activities.

A Brief Summary of Our Strategy:

 View freedom as a quality inherent in every individual, from where it can spread;
 Provide individuals with the practical means to discover and develop their personal
freedom, power, and wealth, so that respect for them as individuals and respect for their
property is increased;
 Create voluntary alternative institutions based on the principle of respect for individuals
and their property, in areas such as education, privacy & asset protection, currencies &
banking, justice, energy & water utilities, secure communication, etc.;
 Bring about a massive shift of resources and economic activities into the real free-
enterprise sector.
 Encourage people to shift their current businesses into the free enterprise sector, or start
up new free enterprise businesses - The Free Enterprise Shift (described later).
 Freedom Technology enables you to legally, elegantly, and safely shift some or all of
your economic activities into the free-enterprise sector. The entrepreneurs who
facilitate this shift will become the millionaires and billionaires of the next century.
 Eventually, the free enterprise economy will achieve a "critical mass." At that point,
enough people will be in the free enterprise economy so that fraudulent, coercive,
illegitimate political systems and their perpetrators will become less relevant to them.
As the coercive institutions of the freedom violators continue to worsen and collapse,
more people are likely to naturally shift their economic activities into the free enterprise

Another important theme of our organization is that, in general, we don't fight the system.
When you oppose something or try to reform it, you encounter opposition. Your effort elicits an
almost automatic counter-effort. Our organization does not attempt to change, oppose, reform
or overthrow any political or economic systems. One of our most fundamental principles is that
we create what we want, rather than oppose what we don't like. When you oppose things you
tend to give them more power and you diminish your own power.

We become adept at operating within the system to the extent we choose. We withdraw from
the system to the degree of our choice. We create our own alternative systems. We tell people:
"Take a look at our systems. If you like our systems, come play with us. We'll tell you how to
play our systems."

The Three Economic Sectors

We can distinguish three economic sectors: the public sector, the private sector, and the free-
market or free-enterprise sector. The public sector is what the terrocrats (coercive government
agents or terrorist bureaucrats) do. It includes government post offices, government telephone
companies, and other nationalized industries. The public sector consists of coercive
monopolies. Anyone who tries to muscle in on the action is taken care of with violent means.

The private sector consists of privately owned businesses that in general kowtow to the
terrocrats. They pay terrocrat taxes. Some depend on terrocrat contracts and other terrocrat
favors such as licensing and special-interest legislation. Generally, private sector entrepreneurs
are in league with terrocrats.

The free-market sector consists of economic activities outside terrocrat control. It is real, true,
or pure free enterprise. Some people call it the "underground economy" or "black market."

Many people conduct some of their activities in the private sector and some in the free-market
sector. Freedom technology enables people to legally and elegantly shift economic activities
into the free-market sector.

The Power of the Public Sector

The public sector is like a parasite that lives off the private sector. Discourse of Voluntary
Servitude and The Constitution of No Authority explain in detail why the power of the public
sector is tenuous (fragile and of little substance). Public-sector terrocrat power is based on lies
and private sector victims believing those lies.

Unwarranted fear (a human failure program) prevents many freedom-lovers from operating in
the free-market sector. My "guesstimate" is that most freedom-lovers overestimate terrocrat
power by a factor of 10 to 100! In other words, they believe the terrocrats are 10 to 100 times as
capable of preventing freedom as they really are.

Many freedom-lovers also tend to underestimate their own potential personal power by a fact of
10 to 100! Freedom technology - the knowledge, methods, and skills for living free - greatly
reduces terrocrat power to prevent freedom. The accomplished freedom-technology practitioner
is, of course, a careful calculator of risk. Learning Freedom Technology is also the means by
which you discover your true potential personal power.
Introduction to Free Enterprise
Many people have been led to believe that the U.S. and other countries in the "free West" are
"free countries" and that their economies are based on "free enterprise" or "capitalism." Nothing
could be further from the truth. Three basic principles characterize capitalism or free enterprise:

a. Private property - the inalienable right to own private property;

b. Voluntary exchange - no transactions forced on anyone;
c. The right to contract - supposedly guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Private property means that individuals own their lives, minds, bodies, the fruit of their labor,
and other property. "Tax" means a demand for money (or product) imposed by an "authority" -
an enforced exaction. It is taking property without permission. "Tax" is a fancy government
word for theft. (In the case of people who voluntarily pay the government, it is more
appropriate to call their payments "voluntary contributions," rather than "taxes.") In a capitalist
or free-enterprise country there could be no taxes.

Under a system of private property, individuals are free to form associations and own property
jointly or in common. For example, a group of individuals could purchase tracts of adjacent
land and form a socialist or communist community. Their system might cause themselves
problems. However, if they didn't try to impose their practices on people outside their
community, there would be no outside interference. Under capitalism people are free to practice
socialism or communism on their own.

Voluntary exchange means that individuals decide according to their own judgment whether
or not to engage in transactions. When both parties judge that each will benefit from a
transaction, then they complete the transaction. If either party judges the transaction to not be
beneficial to him or her, then the transaction is declined.

If I point a gun at my neighbor and tell him, "Give me $100 or I'll jail or shoot you," then I'm
committing a form of theft called robbery. This is an enforced exchange. My neighbor has to
give me $100 in exchange for not being jailed or shot. Most people would consider this

Now, if ten people were to form an association and call themselves a "gang," and point their
guns at their neighbors, and demand $100 from each, most people would still regard this as
immoral robbery.

However, if a million people were to form an association and call themselves "government,"
and point their guns at their neighbors, demanding $100 from each - then how is this different?
Children were forced into government schools where they were brainwashed with fancy
slogans like, "Your duty to pay taxes," "You must pay your fair share," "Taxes are for the
public good," etc. Have you ever wondered why some taxes are called "duties?"

The third principle of capitalism or free enterprise is the right to contract. In theory this right
is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 10). In practice it means nothing - like
most of the Constitution as presently "interpreted" by most. The de facto constitution of the
U.S. is a phantom called "Public Policy," which is whatever the President, Congress, and the
Supreme Court decide it to be, from day to day.

If the U.S. Constitution were applied, I would be free to contract with any person of my choice
to provide me with legal services, health services, banking services, etc. I would be free to use
whatever I wanted as money in such contracts. I or anyone would be free to create the
currencies of our choice and contract with others to use them. In a capitalist or free-enterprise
country there could be no Federal Reserve monopoly or FDA medical monopoly.

Free enterprise maximizes wealth. In a free-enterprise system people, by and large, engage in
those transactions which, according to their judgment, are most beneficial to all parties involved
in the transactions. When people are forced into transactions against their will, by using
violence or the threat of violence, it is generally so that the users of violence can gain at the
expense of the victims.

Freedom technology is the means that enable you to practice real or true free enterprise in an
unfree world. The reason why you should be very interested in all this is that these are also
the basic principles of a civilized society. These principles made America the wealthiest and
most prosperous nation in the world. The violation of these principles is impoverishing
America (and the rest of the world) and destroying society.

And, from your personal perspective, the more people there are who don't follow these
principles, the more your life, property, and success are at risk. The better you understand these
principles and are able to spread them, the more civilized wealthy, and prosperous society
becomes -- and the safer are your life and property, and the better your chances for long-term

Basic Principles For Civilization

[Acknowledgment to those who assisted in the formulation of our code.]
Our code is tentative and preliminary. Your comments and suggestions for improvement will be

1. Free Sovereign Individuals own their own lives, minds, bodies, and labor, and may do
with them anything that doesn't violate the equal rights of others. This principle of
individual sovereignty or self-ownership is the foundation for all legitimate property.
2. Free Sovereign Individuals have the right to own property, which consists of all
possessions acquired without coercing others. They respect the equal right of others to
own property, which forms the basis for productive and cooperative human
3. No individual, group, or majority has the right to initiate or threaten force, fraud,
violence, or theft against Free Sovereign Individuals or their property.
4. Free Sovereign Individuals have a right to choose whether to communicate or associate
with others. These rights of speech and privacy follow directly from the principle of
individual sovereignty or self-ownership.
5. Free Sovereign Individuals have the right to associate with others and to enter into
agreements and contracts. For a contract between Free Sovereign Individuals to be
valid, it needs to be entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally.
6. Free Sovereign Individuals have the right to produce and exchange property, and to own
the products of their labor and thought. No individual, group, or majority has a right to
the labor, ideas, production, or property of a Free Sovereign Individual, or any part
thereof, without prior consent or agreement.
7. Free Sovereign Individuals have the right to defend and protect themselves and their
property against coercive aggression, and to contract with others to assist them. The
authority of voluntarily-chosen agents to defend or protect Individuals and/or their
property is strictly limited to that defense or protection.
8. Free Sovereign Individuals consider a crime to occur only when there is a damaged
person or property. Therefore, there is no such thing as a "victimless crime," and no
Free Sovereign Individual can commit a crime simply by disobeying the arbitrary rules
of tyrants or coercive organizations.
9. To be legitimate, courts and trials must be based on voluntary association and
agreement, rather than on coercion. However, anyone who infringes on the person or
property of another may be subject to a requirement for restitution by the damaged
10. Free Sovereign Individuals recognize that social order and cooperation develop
spontaneously in the absence of coercion. They also recognize that leadership by
example and productive effort is more beneficial than leadership by force, violence,
compulsion, or fear.
11. The principles stated in this Code apply to all Free Sovereign Individuals without regard
to age, race, religion, philosophy, background, birthplace, geographic location, gender,
or sexual preference.
12. For a right to be valid its exercise may not impose a positive obligation on another; it
only depends on others not taking coercive actions. Free Sovereign Individuals respect
the equal rights of other Individuals, and therefore do not expect others to contribute to
their interests, except through voluntary transactions or contributions.

The Power of Information

In his book Powershift, Alvin Toffler describes how power has shifted from being based on
violence to being based on money to being based on information.

Coercive governments are rooted in violence, and probably largely controlled by money
monopolists behind the scenes. The first weapon used by these monopolists is the perversion
of information - compulsory state education, control and censorship of the media. Their second
weapon is control of the money system. Their third weapon is violence or its threat - using
"alphabet vampires" such as IRS, CIA, FBI, BATF, FDA, SEC, USDA, AMA, EPA, OSHA,
EEOC, etc. to terrorize people into submission.

The free sovereign individual uses superior information to legally, elegantly, and safely exit the
systems of the alphabet vampires (in America as well as the rest of the world). We seek to bring
about an explosion in the dissemination of this information (freedom technology). You can
assist in this endeavour by learning, developing, and disseminating our "secret weapon", which
is Freedom Technology. (We also need to rapidly expand private currency and financial

Money-and-violence-monopoly political and economic systems are gradually collapsing,

because they depend on misinformation. As Nietzsche said, "Everything the state says is a lie,
and everything it has it has stolen." Advancing information technology renders inherently
corrupt and violence-based political systems obsolete.

The Free Enterprise Shift

In Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, John Galt said in his radio address:

"If you find a chance to vanish into some wilderness out of their [i.e. the terrocrat's] reach...
build a productive life of your own with those who accept your moral code and are willing to
struggle for a human existence. ...[R]aise a standard to which the honest people will repair: the
standard of Life and Reason. Act as a rational being and aim at becoming a rallying point for all
those who are starved for a voice of integrity - act on your rational values."

"...Such is the future you are capable of winning. It requires a struggle; so does any human
value. All life is purposeful struggle, and your only choice is the choice of a goal."

The Free Enterprise Shift has the following elements:

1. Choose the goal to live free to the maximum degree practically possible;
2. Inform yourself of the knowledge, methods, and skills for achieving the maximum
degree of freedom (freedom technology);
3. Increase your personal power (primarily through knowledge and developing your
thinking skills);
4. Create a personal support network containing people with expert knowledge in areas
where you might need support (this step may or may not be necessary, depending upon
your own knowledge and confidence.);
5. Decide where you want to live and work or run your business (could be almost
anywhere in the world);
6. Implement the appropriate aspects of freedom technology to achieve maximum
7. Inspire others to do the same.

The idea behind the Galt's Gulch proposed by Ayn Rand is that a group of producers move
away into some wilderness and start their own civilization in accordance with their own moral
code and values. The difference between Galt's Gulch and the free enterprise shift is that you
don't have to "vanish into some wilderness." (Nor do you have to try the other method which
some have tried, which is to buy or lease some "territory" from a "government", upon which to
build your free city.)

Most people can achieve a high degree of freedom right where they are now. It requires a
change in attitude (the determination to live free), education (learning freedom technology),
creating a support network (to access experts in freedom technology), and a change in action
(implementing freedom technology). It involves a withdrawal - to whatever degree is
appropriate for you - from the statist slave-economy. With the free enterprise shift, you can
effectively move out of the reach of terrocrats, while staying right where you are. You inspire
others to do the same, because the more people who shift into the free market, the stronger you
and your associates become, and the weaker the terrocrats become.

Examples of The Free Enterprise Shift

The most basic example of the free enterprise shift is to practice an occupation which enables
you to be paid in cash: Babysitter, Groundskeeper, Landscaper, Gardener, Plumber, Elecrician,
Carpenter, Language Teacher, Music Teacher, Private Tutor, Mechanic, Handyman, TV/VCR
Technician, Carpet Cleaner, Janitor, Flea Market Operator, Garage Sale Entrepreneur,
Professional Gambler, Mail-Order Entrepreneur, etc. There are thousands of activities that can
be started as hobbies and turned into true free enterprise businesses.

One of the highest priorities is to become financially independent so you can easily shift your
economic activities into the free enterprise economy.

You may also want to set up a Trust to increase your privacy and safeguard your assets. And
you could find out how to use bank accounts without compromising your privacy. Following
are some examples of how others might implement the free enterprise shift:

Independent Consultant (computer and other professionals)

 Create an entity (trust or foreign company) that is invisible to or beyond the jurisdiction
of local terrocrats.
 Work on a contract basis - contract between your entity and the client company - you
are not an independent contractor to the client company; the entity you manage provides
services to the client company.
 Create other entities, if necessary, to receive income and manage assets.
 Reduce or eliminate assets held in personal name.
 Greatly reduce or eliminate interaction with terrocrats.

Business Owner (Some Employees Freedom-Oriented, Some Not)

 Create an entity that is invisible to or beyond the jurisdiction of local terrocrats.

Multiple entities may be necessary.
 Freedom-oriented employees become independent consultants as above.
 Utilize a personnel leasing company to employ slave-oriented employees.
 Reduce or eliminate assets held in personal name.
 Greatly reduce or eliminate interaction with terrocrats.

Doctor's Practice

 Create five entities:

1. Owns practice property and equipment;
2. Provides services (no assets, no income);
3. Manages practice; handles income and expenses;
4. Owns vehicles;
5. Owns home.
 Freedom-oriented employees become independent consultants as above.
 Utilize a personnel leasing company to employ slave-oriented employees.
 Reduce or eliminate liability insurance - entity 2 has no assets, therefore essentially
 Reduce or eliminate assets held in personal name.
 Greatly reduce or eliminate interaction with terrocrats.

Statist Corporation Employee (Applies to 50 American States)

 Legally change status to non-taxpayer;

 Legally stop company withholding part of earnings;
 Create an entity that is invisible to or beyond the jurisdiction of local terrocrats - owns
 Reduce or eliminate assets held in personal name.
 Greatly reduce or eliminate interaction with terrocrats.

Private Currency Financial Services Organization

 Create an entity that is invisible to or beyond the jurisdiction of local terrocrats - owns
 Create a second entity that provides services.
 Create a third entity that has bank account in "regular" statist bank - to handle interface
with "regular" statist banking system.
 Arrange appropriate bonding and private deposit insurance.

Immortalist / Cryonicist

 Create an immortal entity that is invisible to or beyond the jurisdiction of local

 Arrange perpetuity of entity and ownership by entity of assets to be managed in
accordance with instructions of Immortalist / Cryonicist.
 Entity replaces will.
 Entity eliminates probate, death taxes, and estate taxes.
 Reduce or eliminate assets held in personal name.

Permanent Tourist

 Arrange your affairs so you have no taxable income or assets in your "official
 Implement recommendations of Scope International Ltd.

In most countries of the world, freedom-lovers can use variations of the above to live, work,
and/or operate businesses, relatively free from terrocrats. I have personally used these methods
to live free for nearly 20 years in several countries. My interaction with terrocrats has been
minimal. For example, during over five years in the U.S.A. I have suffered only two incidents
of direct coercion. I was stopped by cops twice while travelling, once for "looking suspicious"
in Las Vegas, once for allegedly speeding in Scottsdale. On both occasions the cops let me go
after a few minutes. Generally, the only type of coercion I have suffered from is being charged
sales tax when I purchase items.

In general, the freedom-lover who practices freedom technology judiciously is far less at risk
from coercion than the "obedient slave" who toes the terrocrat line.

Notes on Personal Power

The key factor that determines the extent to which you will implement the free enterprise shift
is your personal power. See Report #10: How To Achieve and Increase Personal Power. In
order to increase your personal power it may be useful to examine the evolution of personal

Consider how much power an individual had before humans learned to utilize fire, before the
bow and arrow were invented, before agriculture was practiced, before the horse and ox were
domesticated, before the wheel was invented, before reading and writing?

Then consider how much power an individual had 150 years ago: no cars, no telephones, no
radio, no TV, no planes, no copy machines, no computers.

Now consider how much power an individual has today. I can walk into a building and collect a
week's food in exchange for a few pieces of paper. I can pick up my phone and speak to
someone on the other side of the world. I can travel to almost any city in the world in less than
24 hours. I can write things on my computer and send them to thousands of others by pressing a
few buttons. A group of individuals can build a huge dam or fly a man to the moon.

But also consider how much power an individual might have 10 years from now. By then
individuals will probably have largely overcome death, and will be able to extend their lives
almost indefinitely. There will probably be several space colonies. A group of individuals will
probably be able to "terraform" Venus so it becomes suitable for human habitation. Space
migration to the planetary systems of other suns may have become a reality.

We have developed technologies that provide individuals or groups of individuals with

awesome powers. The rate of increase of human technological power will probably continue to

What distinguishes humans from other animals, what provides us with our phenomenal
evolution of personal power, is our increasing use of tools. We can think of a "tool" as anything
we use to increase our personal power. In this wide context, everything we build or
manufacture and all our economic, social, and political institutions are tools. We can create the
tools to achieve practically everything we can imagine or conceive.
So why do we suffer from petty pathetic little problems like crime, drug addiction, depression,
suicide, rape, child abuse, murder, terrorism, government, state education, brainwashing, war,
monopolies, inflation, poverty, homelessness, pollution, famine, etc., etc., etc.? Why do
conscious humans with the ability to reason indulge in such idiocies?

Could the reason be that many of our economic, social, and political systems have been
knowingly or unknowingly designed to destroy personal power? Coercion is essentially the
overwhelming of the will of another. Coercion destroys personal power.

Or could the reason be that our minds are all fouled up? Could our minds be so full of human
failure programs that no matter how hard we try to solve the petty pathetic little problems, we
just go around in circles? Could it be that previously, almost everyone who has attempted to
straighten things out has really attempted to do so from within the old unworkable economic,
social, and political systems?

Our parents, teachers, preachers, psychologists, politicians, writers, and journalists have so
filled our heads with human failure programs that no matter what we try, we get dragged back
into the old unworkable systems. These human failure programs stem from all the times we
were told: "No!," "Stop!," "You can't do that!," "You'll hurt yourself!," "You're a naughty
child!," "It's against the law!," "You must share your toys!," etc., etc., etc. What if
"government" is no more than a grown-up version of these infantile human failure programs,
clothed in rhetoric and legalese?

Our organization is a complete jump out of the old unworkable systems. I declare my self-
ownership, my individual sovereignty, my freedom. I declare that I'm not subject to the stupid
rules of the old unworkable systems. I find creative ways of living my life accordingly. I tell
people it is futile to try to oppose or change the old unworkable systems. Just jump out of the
old system, join me, and let us create a new system. If our system works, people will soon flock
to it.

To the extent that I submit to the coercion of the old system, I perpetuate it. By paying
unnecessary taxes I finance the old unworkable system. And what do I achieve when I vote?
What would happen if nobody voted? When I vote, do I express my personal power, or do I
relinquish it?

The power of the old system is based on lies and naive victims believing those lies.
Paradoxically, opposing or trying to change the old system tends to reinforce its power. We are
now entering the realm of advanced freedom technology. The old system in its entirety is really
a fraud and a hoax. It is really a nothing that pretends to be a something. If you try to oppose or
change it, you are reinforcing the false belief that it is a something. You are, in fact, making a
something out of a nothing.

This will become clearer once you have read Discourse of Voluntary Servitude and The
Constitution of No Authority.
The Spooner-Insight
Difficult as it may be to grasp, the British Empire was always a nothing. Gandhi subconsciously
realized this, and it enabled him to drive the British out of India. Gandhi the individual was
superior to the nothing British Empire. The "powers" that maintained the Berlin wall were
really a nothing all along. When enough people stopped regarding the nothing as a something,
nothing could (not) keep the Berlin Wall standing. The Soviet Empire was a nothing all along.
When enough people lost their respect for it, it collapsed overnight. One day, seemingly, there
was a Soviet Empire. The next day there was nothing. The reason that the transition from a
"seeming something" to a nothing was so quick and complete is that the "seeming something"
was really a nothing all along. The "seeming something" endured only as long as it did because
naive people believed in it.

Lysander Spooner was a lawyer and a freedom fighter who lived during the 19th Century. He
used impeccable and irrefutable logic to demonstrate that the political institutions of his time
were really nothings. I call this the "Spooner-insight."

For us to grasp the Spooner-insight is extremely difficult. From earliest childhood, at school,
constantly by the press, radio, and TV, we are brainwashed with messages to convince us that
our political institutions are somethings. We are all so brainwashed that even for our most
ardent freedom-lovers the Spooner-insight is difficult to grasp. Once you have studied
Discourse of Voluntary Servitude and The Constitution of No Authority, you may grasp the
Spooner-insight more easily.

The Debilitating Fear of the Tax Collector

For thousands of years the perpetrators of nothing political systems have used tax collectors to
terrorize their victims and to brainwash them into believing that their systems were somethings.
That is why you are informed by the press, radio, and TV about people whose property is
confiscated and auctioned off by the tax collector, people who burn their houses rather than let
the tax collector seize them, people who are jailed by the tax collector, and people who commit
suicide because of being terrorized by the tax collector.

To implement the free enterprise shift, you may have to overcome your fear of the tax collector.
Many freedom-oriented people suffer from a debilitating fear of the tax collector. As a result
they think and talk freedom, but they live slavery. They finance their slave-master.

In the U.S.A. we are fortunate that practically everything the tax collector does is
unconstitutional, illegal, and fraudulent. Methods with a high degree of workability have been
developed to defeat the tax-thief. You may occasionally hear of the "tax protestor" (usually a
blunderer) who is jailed, but the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) doesn't tell you as loudly about
the tens of millions who don't submit to their theft and robbery and get away with it.

As an informed individual, your chances of beating them are very high. Tax attorney Donald
W. MacPherson (Tax Fraud & Evasion: The War Stories) calculates the chances of an
individual being prosecuted in any given year being about 1 in 70,000; and the chances of being
jailed at 1 in 146,000. As a general rule, the IRS goes after the "easy pickings." In reality you
don't deal with the "IRS monster," but with individual bureaucrats - often not the most
competent individuals. Once you know the major weaknesses of the IRS - the soft belly of the
monster - you have little to fear. To the informed individual the IRS really is a paper tiger.
Inform yourself by reading the Tax-Reports.

Whatever country you live in, you can use variations of the free enterprise shift, as described in
this report, to beat the tax collector with little risk, and to live as free as you wish.

The Challenge to Overcome

There are three basic reasons why freedom-lovers don't live free:

1. Unfamiliarity with freedom technology;

2. Psychological and emotional weaknesses such as fear;
3. Deficiency in thinking skills.

The first reason is simply a lack of practical knowledge. The answer is to inform yourself,
educate yourself. You have to take total responsibility for your knowledge. You have to study
the information available here and perhaps more. Don't expect freedom to be given to you on a
silver platter.

The second reason constitutes human failure programs. The answer is increasing personal
power - replacing human failure programs with human success programs. You may want to
study Report #12: How to Achieve Emotional Control.

Government is not the problem here. Paradoxically, the worse government becomes, the better!
The higher their taxes, property seizures, and other violations, the more attractive freedom
technology becomes as an alternative.

The problem is human ignorance, fear, and weakness. The solution is to get freedom
technology into people's heads. But how do we do that? I can only get freedom technology into
my head. I can change myself, but I can't change anyone else. They have to change themselves.
But I can make freedom technology available to people.

America represents the world's greatest freedom resource because of these reasons:

1. The U.S.A. has a relatively freedom-oriented constitution.

2. Most actions taken by government at all levels are unconstitutional, illegal, and
3. Advanced freedom technology has been developed whereby practically anyone can
legally and elegantly exit coercive government systems with little or no risk.
4. Advanced freedom technology is being developed to take the offensive against corrupt
5. The number of people willing to exit coercive government systems - and take the
offensive against corrupt terrocrats, if necessary - is growing rapidly.
6. We have the communication media to spread the word.
Developing Thinking Skills
The third reason is that most people are severely deficient in many thinking skills. People who
can't think soundly about a particular area or topic, tend to get bogged down in strategies,
tactics, and activities that just don't work; producing very limited or even negative results. They
tend to become disillusioned, despairing, and hopeless. Freedom-lovers who lack thinking skills
find it difficult to learn practical freedom. We have to teach both thinking skills and practical

Many people are so deficient in thinking skills that they don't even know that there is a subject
called "Thinking Skills." Recently I met with an author who claimed he had "discovered the
secret of the cosmos," as well as the "single cause" of and the "single solution" to all human
problems. He claimed that to implement his "solution" people had to develop "accelerated

I said to him that for people to develop "accelerated thought" they would have to systematically
learn thinking skills. He gave me a blank look and said, "There's no need to teach people to
think. They just do things, think about what they do, and from that they learn how to think!"

Imagine that someone has two weapons: thought and force. Imagine further that when
confronted with a problem or obstacle, a person will first attempt to use thought. If his or her
thought doesn't work, the person may resort to force.

Terrocrats can get by with minimal thought, because they can always fall back on force when
their thought fails. To succeed, freedom-lovers have to develop their thinking skills to a level
that enables them to overcome both the thought and the force of the terrocrats.

The development of thinking skills is covered in many other Reports. If the quality and range of
your thinking skills are deficient, you will suffer coercion. As long as people can't think, they
will substitute coercion or force for thought. This also tells us that for there to be a "critical
mass" of freedom oriented people who live freely, a significant portion of the population of
earth will have to learn thinking skills. The main thrust of our efforts have to shift to teaching
people thinking skills.

Maybe, the main reason why all efforts up to now to teach freedom have met with limited
results is that people can't learn freedom if they can't think. Before we can teach freedom, we
have to teach people how to think. And we have to start with ourselves.

The Small-Step-Progression Principle

For you as an individual, the prospect of developing into a free sovereign individual operating
in the free-enterprise sector might seem quite unattainable - too big a jump to even contemplate.
However, you don't have to make one big jump; you can successively take small steps. The first
step might be to make the decision to get going. A second step might be the decision to follow
through, to persevere, to persist. A third step might be the decision to make a sustained
conscious effort to work on your personal development. (If you don't know where to start, take
a look at any personal difficulties or problems you experience in life or from terrocrats at the
IRS ("Tax Office").) Don't just think about it - do it!
It's Not All-or-Nothing
You don't have to suddenly switch from one extreme to another. You can do it in stages. You
can compartmentalize your life and affairs so your assets, earnings, and economic activities are
partially in the private (or even public!) sector and partially in the free-enterprise sector.

Abusive Relationships
With freedom comes awareness of choice and responsibility. If you're in a relationship with a
spouse who abuses you, the best solution in most cases is to break off the relationship and leave
that person. If you harbor fantasies about changing that person so he or she will stop abusing
you, the most likely outcome is that you'll continue being the victim of abuse. In any case, it's
useful to recognize that if you're in an abusive relationship, it's your choice that keeps you in
that relationship, and you're responsible for the consequences.

Now consider the possibility that, similarly, if you're in an abusive relationship with terrocrats,
that, at least to some extent, it's your choice to be in that relationship. And if you finance
terrocrats in order to give them the wherewithal to abuse you, that's also your choice. If you
harbor fantasies about changing the terrocrats so they'll stop abusing you, you may be living in
a fool's paradise! As long as there are supine victims, kowtowing to terrocrats and willingly
financing them, the abuse will continue. Don't just think about it - do something about it!

Values and Results

New-age people like to say: "If you continue to do what you did, you will continue to get what
you got." I propose a corollary: "If you continue to value what you used to value, you will
continue to get what you got." I invite you to consider the following pairs of values and

Failure Programs - Success Programs

Weakness - Power
Conforming - Questioning
Comfort - Risk
Fear - Analysis
Hesitation - Determination
Status Quo - Change
Belief - Reason
Have-the-Answers - Look-for-Solutions
I Know - I Learn
Do Same Thing - Experiment
Habit - Creativity
Stuck - Fluid
Complacency - Continuous Improvement
Emotion - Thought
Self-Deception - Self-Examination
Confusion - Focus
Law - Consciousness
Hope - Effective Action
Give Me Liberty - I Seize My Freedom
Call them "Government" - Call them "Terrocrats"
Slavery - Self-Control
Victim - Master
Respect for "Authority" - Self-Respect
Helplessness - Action
Surrender - Persistence
Theoretical - Practical
Appeal-to-Mind - Appeal-to-Pocket
Being Right - Producing Results
Change-the-System - Beat-the-System
Apathy - Enthusiasm
Pessimism - Optimism
Obedience - Self-Determination
Symbolic Behavior - Substantive Action
Big Cause - Self-Interest
Altruism - Egoism
Sacrifice - Achievement and Profit
Begging - Creating Value
Protection - Competition
Preach - Demonstrate
Vicarious Pleasure - Action Pleasure
Escapism - Challenge
Mediocrity - Excellence
Poverty - Wealth
Laziness - Ambition
Illness - Health
Deathism - Immortality
External Authority - Individual Sovereignty
Old Programs - New Programs

If you have been actively promoting freedom, I invite you to examine your actions in the light
of the above pairs of values and activities. Read them several times. Think about how I
structured them. How would you change or structure them?

Several additional suggestions are provided, particularly for freedom activists, in the article:
How To Sell Freedom For Profit.

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