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IK1M Sootblower

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Part Retractable Sootblower

General on an individual basis to provide element across the boiler.

The IK-1M™ is a part maximum cleaning result. Blowing medium, controlled by
retractable sootblower designed an integral poppet valve, is
to clean the heat transfer Jet Elements transmitted to the nozzles on
surfaces of boilers firing ash The IK-1M™ jet element is the element through a feed tube
producing fuels. permanently located inside the to provide the required cleaning
Applications include coal or oil boiler and is available in a energy. The complete
fired boilers, economisers, air variety of materials to match mechanism is supported and
heaters, fluidised bed, waste strength, temperature and protected by a rigid beam.
heat, HRSG, Co-Gen and corrosion requirements for each
Biomass boilers. unique region of your boiler. Operating Cycle
Material selection is based on The operating cycle begins with
Cleaning Principle the flue gas composition and the IK-1M™ in the fully-
The IK-1M™ cleans the heating gas temperatures. retracted position. When power
surfaces with jets of high is applied to the drive motor, the
pressure air or steam. A series Drive Arrangement carriage moves forward and a
of nozzles, positioned on a The carriage has a travelling trip pin on the carriage operates
travelling jet element, traverses motor drive, which, through the poppet valve linkage to
the cleaning area before reduction gearing and a lead open the poppet valve, thus
returning to the rest position screw, translates the carriage admitting blowing medium to
ready for the next cycle. The along a supporting guide tube.
element is permanently located A lance tube, attached to the
inside the boiler and is designed carriage, propels a multi-jet
the cleaning element. The normally operated from a maintenance purposes.
carriage continues its forward remote panel in the control
movement until a trip bracket room. Control options available Health & Safety
operates the front limit switch. include, local push-buttons on All Diamond Power®
This action reverses the drive the terminal box and operation sootblowers are provided with
motor rotation and the carriage from an individual starter box protective guard arrangements
movement. As the carriage adjacent to the soot blower. to provide personnel safety from
reaches its retracted position, Once started the IK-1M™ goes moving parts and hot surfaces
the trip pin again operates the through its cleaning cycle in full compliance with the EU
valve linkage to close the valve. automatically. Limit switches Machinery Directive.
The trip bracket operates the control the extent of travel and
rear limit switch to stop the are automatically reset at the
sootblower at the rest position. end of the cleaning cycle.
Oscillating carriage design
The IK-1M™ can also be
Operating Controls operated manually in the event
The IK-1M™ sootblower is of power failure and for

Blower Travel/Coverage Travel up to 1,500mm / Coverage up to 18,500mm

Motor Data Single Electric Motor: 0.55 kW, TEFC, IP55

Travel Speed 10.2mm/s with 25mm Helix
Blowing medium valve Diamond Power® mechanically operated poppet valve with integral pressure adjustment.
Blowing Medium Steam or air up to 128barg at 500°C.

Feed tube material 304 Stainless Steel, ground and polished OD

Jet Tube Carbon steel, low alloy chromium molybdenum steel and high alloy stainless steel.
Plus Pressure Seal Air 0.54-1.8 Nm /min 150mm W.G. above furnace pressure.

Protection Fully guarded in compliance with EC Machinery Directives.

This information contained herein is solely for informational purposes and is not
offered, nor should be construed as a warranty or contractual obligation. Diamond
Power International, Inc. reserves the right to make design or material changes
without notice.

©2013 Diamond Power International, Inc. All rights reserved. DPSL-4110-0613-01

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