Nevertheless, Aram asks Mourad if he has stolen the horse, and Mourad
invites him to jump out the window if he wants to go for a ride. Now Aram is
sure that Mourad has stolen the horse, but he jumps up behind Mourad, and
the two of them begin to ride out of the little town in which they live.
As they ride, Mourad begins to sing. Everybody in the family thinks that
Mourad has inherited his crazy behavior from Uncle Khosrove, a huge man
who can stop all discussions and arguments by bellowing at the top of his loud
voice, “It is no harm; pay no attention to it.” Khosrove once said this when told
that his house was on fire. Although Mourad is not Khosrove’s son, this fact
does not matter to the Armenians. They think that it is Khosrove’s spirit that
Mourad has inherited, not his flesh.
When they reach the open country, Aram wants to ride the horse by himself,
but Mourad reminds him that it is up to the horse. Mourad can ride because,
he says, “I have a way with a horse.” When Aram tries to ride the horse, he
cannot control the animal, and it throws him. The two boys find the runaway
horse, hide him in an abandoned barn, and go home.
The philosophers like Socrates,Aristotle and plato were of the opinion that physical training is
must for youth. physical education is the sum of those experiences which come to the individual
through their movements.
Social development: It provides ample opportunities to its participants to interact with other
individuals and groups. This gives wholesome experience to learn social norms.
Emotional development: It helps us to aims at emotional stability which helps in facing any
type of situation. It teaches to accept success and failure gracefully, which is also helpful
through out the life time.
Development of health: This helps health related habits through health education prevention of
communicable diseases. It helps to reduce anxiety, stress and tension up to a large extent, so
that the health of individuals could be promoted.
Social development: It provides ample opportunities to its participants to interact with other
individuals and groups. This gives wholesome experience to learn social norms.
Emotional development: It helps us to aims at emotional stability which helps in facing any
type of situation. It teaches to accept success and failure gracefully, which is also helpful
through out the life time.
Development of health: This helps health related habits through health education prevention of
communicable diseases. It helps to reduce anxiety, stress and tension up to a large extent, so
that the health of individuals could be promoted.
Q3. How did the sparrows express their sorrow when the author’s grandmother died?
Ans. Author’s grandmother was very fond of feeding sparrows with bread crumbs. When the
grandmother died, the sparrows did not take notice of bread crumbs and flew away without eating
them. In this way, they expressed their sorrow at her death.
Q4. How did the author’s grandmother behave just before her death?
Ans. The author’s grandmother had got a fair enough idea about her upcoming death. Therefore, she
decided not to waste even a single second while talking to her relatives but reciting the prayers and
telling the beads of her rosary. She gave a clear signal to her family that she was no longer interested
in talking to them.
Q5. Would you agree that grandmother was a lady strong in character?
Ans. undoubtedly, the grandmother was a very strong lady in character. She struggled a lot
throughout her life but never gave up. She brought the narrator up with even though she was alone
and old and looked after her with proper love and care. Besides, nothing made her emotional
whether it was departure of author to university or abroad or his homecoming after 5 years. All this
clearly signifies that she was a strong woman.