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Research Paper

TOPIC: Benefits of Social Media in our Daily Life.

Written by
Name : Faizan Ahmed
CMS ID : 33638
Name : Mansoor Iqbal
CMS ID : 32629
Name : Sajjad Ahmed
CMS ID : 32945
Name : Israr Khan
CMS ID : 34646
Name : Waseem Ahmed
CMS ID :33998

Submitted To SIR Raheem Shah

Abstract :
Today, it is crucial to determine the impact of social media on the
society and behavior of people in that society. Technology is
increasing and advancing itself rapidly from day to day and year to
year, and the younger generations are the ones who are more victim of
this rapid change. Due to popularity of social media like Facebook,
twitter, You Tube , LinkedIn , Mail, Instagram, Viber, whatsapp , chat
and snap chat etc has put the main stream media backward. People are
interested in social media very much due to an easy and fast way of

Questionnaires were distributed in the university among male and

female students as well as teachers, to find out the benifits of social
media in our society. The findings demonstrate that there is strong
relationship between social media and society; this is clearly projected in
their overall grade average.

Keywords: social media, education, benifits, Impact on today


The Main Purpose of this research Paper is to show the impacts of
social Media on Society. This research is based on data collected
through questionnaire. These questions explore that social Media help to
support the society greatly . These general question which is asked have
specific objectives which is data act as reliable source of public openion
. In this paper we can define the social media broadly. Any website
where content are created by user of website which covers different
variety of social media i-e from small chatrooms to heavy search engines
and microbloggings. Small Social networks plateform like Facebook,
twitter, whatsapp and youtube has created a lot of interest in public,
academic and business sectors. These Small Plateform created good
opportunities for business in modern era . These types of social media
networks has great impacts on our daily life.

From the Past few Years several amazing and

friendly facilities have been created by these social networks to our
society. We see people are taking intreset in various online activities like
online microblogging , searching through search engines etc. These
online activites give a lot of informations which were not available
before. These available information are very high valuble to us from
different point of view. In Past when we have to collect data or
information about any group of people, any religion, cast, race or an area
we have to make great effort and spend a lot of time for it but now due
to social media you can collect such information easily in minimum
time. These informations are precise and correct from every angle. The
great advantage of social media is that its time saving in getting
informations. We can easily get information in low price from social

media . Social media can connect us with family and friends easily . The
communication become cheaper through social media.

By media we mean communication so by social media we mean the

websites or internet based facilities. For example Journalists creates
news for their news websites and editorial staff for mass consumption.
There is no division between producer and consumer on social media
clearly. Production and consumption have different type of role on
different social networks. For example Wikipedia does not allow you to
create same contents which are already created while face and twitter
give permission to create same contents many times as you want.
Another difference in social networks are some social networks need
accounts when you want to use like facebook and twitter and you have
to sign up for them for the first time etc while some don’t need an
account when you want to use like google and youtube etc you can use
such website directly.

Social Media Usage:

To get information through our research we ask many
question in questionnaire . In the survey mostly student age between 20
to 25 took part . According to this survey 2 to 4 hours daily we social
media .The most prominent question was about usage of social network
that either you are using social media or not and 96% people in survey
answer was “yes” and remaining 4% was “No” Here is the graph which
shows this ratio.

Another question which we ask was about social network using most in
modern time was facebook. High percent of people are using facebook
because it is an easy and friendly user website. 40% vote for facebook
which is one the most using website here.

On question about you feel on social media 77% answer was “Yes”
while remaining 23% feel unsecure on social media. These people say
that there is fear of losing personal date so we feel unsecure.

Impacts of social Media:

A) Global NEWS:
The question asked about global news was that is social
media helps in global news. 50% were strongly agree with it . 28%
percent were only agree 17% were neutral 0% were disagree and
7%were strongly disagree. By this we can conclude social media is one
of the main source of getting news. People can easily get news from
social media as compare to electronic media. Social networks like twitter
,Facebok , whatsapp Play Key role in spreading Global news. Following

is the graph which show the result.

B) Help in Studies:
Social Media Play an important role in studies,. You
can get study material online on google. Wikipedia etc You tube is one
of the great tutorial website You can easily get help from them. You can
easily exchange study materials, course file and course outline through
social media. You can get online help or share information easily. You
can buy book and study material online like Amazon etc. Books are
available in soft form there. You can share ideas with your friends and
teachers on social media .

C) Communication :
Social Media play prominent role in communication.
Now you can contact your family and friends from Far aways . Most of
the people in the survey were strongly with it that communication
become so easy due to it.
Following is the graph which shows the result of survey.

D) Help in tracing criminals:
When we asked question that is social
media helpful in finding criminals mostly with 47% were agree.

According to them social media help us in tracing such bad people in

E) Safety of Personal Data:

According to survey report most of
the people were worried about their personal data. Mostly 32% feel
unsecure and have problem of care about personal data. They afraid that
personal data can be easily hacked or stolen. They said that there are a
lot of chances of losing data due to social networks and according to

them its very big crime.

F) Help in crimes:
On question about is social media helps criminal
to commit crime most of the people were neutral which mean social
media is not concern with crimes but it depend on criminals and what
type of crime they are cometting.

G) Harassment:
The final Question asked were about harassment . Is
Increase in Harassment is due to social media . They were agree with it
most ratio. Most of the percent people say that increase in harassment
cases is due to social media usage. Online Opposite gender attraction
can also take us to harassment.

On the base of above survey we can easily see that Social media
has more advantages over disadvantages. A lot of people vote that
social media has advantages. Every thing is world has some benefits and
drawbacks too .The thing having more benefits is more useful and we
consider them good . Those things which has negative effects so these
are bad and we try to minimize their drawbacks. Social media is playing
keyrole in our daily life. It is very essential in modern era . Students can

take help from it by online tutorials, online study materials and online
books etc It is helpful in getting news , entertainment and online games
etc. Social media gives great plate form online business like online
shopping etc.Simply Social media has more advantages over


1) Google Schalor

2) Wikipedia

3) The Use of Social Media for Research and Analysis: A Feasibility

Study by “Taha Yasseri” at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of

4) A Vast and Fast Survey Focused on the Issue of Privacy in Social

Network Sites by “Mohammad Soryani” Mazandaran at University of
Science and Technology Mazandaran, Iran

5) A study of the impact of social media on consumers by “M. Nick

Hajli Birkbeck” at University of London

6) A Quantitative Research on the Level of Social Media Addiction

among Young People in Turkey by Ali Murat KIRIK1, Ahmet
ARSLAN2, Ahmet ÇETİNKAYA1, Mehmet GÜL1 1Marmara
University Faculty of Communication, İstanbul, 34371, TURKEY
2Marmara University, Faculty of Education, İstanbul, 34722, TURKEY.

7) Book : Social Media: Usage and Impact, edited by Hana S. Noor Al-

Deen and John Allen Hendricks

8) Book : The global impact of social media by Dedria Bryfonski.


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