Davis Barbara - Taijiquan Treatise - Wang Zongyue
Davis Barbara - Taijiquan Treatise - Wang Zongyue
Davis Barbara - Taijiquan Treatise - Wang Zongyue
Taijiquan Lun
(Page 77)
1. Taiji is born from wuji; it is the mother of yin and yang. If it moves, it divides; if it is at
rest, it unites. Not overpassing, not falling short. Let bend, then extend. (My)
opponent is hard, I am soft; this is called "yielding.a I go along with, [my] opponent
goes against; this is called "sticking.O If [he] moves qUickly, [I] respond quickly. If [he]
moves slowly, [I] follow slowly.
Though the transformations have a myriad of varieties, they are of one nature.
Through experience of the touch, one can gradually comprehend and understand jin.
Through understanding jin one can reach divine-like clarity. However, one cannot just
suddenly understand it thoroughly without applying effort for a long time.
2. Empty, lively, head-top jin; qi sinks to the dantian; neither incline nor lean; suddenly
hidden, suddenly appearing. If [the opponent's] left is heavy, then [mine] is empty; if
[his] right is heavy, then [mine] disappears. If one looks upward, it seems all the taller;
if one looks downward, it seems all the deeper. If one advances, it is even further
away; if one retreats, it is even closer. A feather cannot be added, a fly cannot alight.
My opponent does not know me, I alone know him. A great hero faces no enemy. In a
word it comes to this.
3. These techniques [of the martial arts] have many schools. Though [their] postures
are different, overall [they] do not go beyond the strong bullying the weak, the slow
yielding to the fast, those with strength beating on those without strength, and the slow
hand yielding to the quick hand. These are all from pre-heavenly ability, and are not
connected to the effort of study or from achievement.
Taijiquan Treatise
Taijiquan Lun
(Page 78)
Examine these words: "four liang deflects one thousand jin." Clearly, it is not force that
conquers [an opponent]. When one sees an old man able to hold off a crowd [of
attackers], how is it that [he] could do so with quickness?
Stand like an even level; move like a cart's wheel. If one sinks to one side, then one
[can] follow; if one is double-weighted, then one is stagnant. Whenever one sees
those who have practiced for many years who cannot handle neutralizing and are
controlled by the opponent, it is simply that they have not yet apprehended the fault of
double-weightedness. In desiring to avoid this fault, one must know yin and yang. To
stick is to yield, to yield is to stick; yin does not separate from yang; yang does not
separate from yin; yin and yang complete each other. Only then has one understood
jin. After one understands jin, the more practice, the more skill.
4. Silently treasure up knowledge and ponder, [then one can] gradually arrive at what is
the heart's desire. The foundation is in "giving up the self to follow others." Many
make the error of "giving up the near to seek the far; or what is called "being off by a
hair's breadth is to miss by a thousand miles." Those who study must do it in detail.
Every phrase of this treatise is to the point, without a superfluous word. Without innate
intelligence it cannot be understood. Our founding teacher was not willing to recklessly
pass it on, not only because selecting people [was difficult], but he also feared that his
effort would be wasted.
tai ji quan lun
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wang zong yue
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tai ji zhe wu ji 'er sheng dong jlng zhT jT
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he wu guo bu ji sui qu jiu shen ren gang wo
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