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A project of Volunteers in Asia

Food Drying, Publication IDRC495e

edited by Gordor;l Yaciuk

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The International Development Research Centre is a public corporation
created by the Parliament of Canada in 1970 to support research designed
to adapt scienceand technology to the needs of developing countries. The
Centre’s activity is concentrated in five sectors: agriculture, food and
nutrition sciences;health sciences;information sciences;social sciences,and
communications. IDRC is financed solely by the Parliament of Canada;
its policies, however, are set by an international Board of Governors. The
Cent&s headquarters are in Ottawa, Canada. Regional offices are located
in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

0 1982 International Development Research Centre

Postal Address: Box 8500, Ottawa, Canada KlG 3H9
Head Office: 60 Queen Street, Ottawa
Reprinted 1984

Yaciuk, G.
IDRC-1 9Se
Food drying : proceedings of a workshop held at Edmonton, Alberta,
6-9 July 1981. Ottawa, Ont., IDRC, 1982, 104 p. : ill.
/Drying/, /dried food/, /dehydrated food/, /nutritional value/ -
/dried fruit/, /fish preservation/, /grains/, /coffee/, /vegetables/,
/marketing/, /consumer demand/, /solar energy/, /dehydration/,
/technical aspects/.
IJDC: 664.8.047 ISBN: O-88936-333-1

Microfiche edition available

I1 existe Pgalement une Edition franqaise de cettepublication

Food Drying
Proceedings of a workshop held at Edmonton
Alberta, 6-9 July 1981
Editor: Gordon Yaciuk

Sponsored by
International Development Research Centre,
Ottawa, Canada

in collaboration with
Alberta Department of Agriculture,
Edmonton, Canada
The authors of this volume include researchers and scientists from many countries that
encompassdiverse climatic, geographic, and socioeconomic conditions. Their disciplines were also
numerous: home economics, food science, nutrition, physics, and engineering.
The workshop covered the most important areasin the design and operation of a drying system.
These are: drying requirements, consumer acceptance, heat and mass transfer, and heat sources.
Within drying requirements, the need for drying the product is discussedas well as drying times and
rates, sample preparation, quality changesduring drying, rehydration problems, and problems with
storage of the dried product. The section on consumer acceptance includes the effectsof drying on
the nutritive va!ue of food, the introduction of a dried food to the consumer market, and how
consumersprovide valuable information to scientiststo help in improving a processor product. The
theory and design of a drying chamber and process control are explained under heat and mass
transfer and an operational, full-scale drying system is examined. Finally, under heat sources, a
number of examples are given in the use of the sun, petroleum products, agriculture wastes, and
wood as heat sources for a drying process. A final concluding commentary is made on the overall
recommendations derived from the workshop and proposals for future work are given.

Les auteurs de ce volume sont des chercheurset des techniciens Venusde pays trts differents I:;
uns des autres du point de vue climat, gbographie et conditions socio-Cconomiques.Les disciplines
rep&en&es itaient aussi tr6s diverses: Cconomie domestique, alimentation, nutrition, physique,
ginie mCcanique.
Le colloque a examine les questions les plus importantes en ce qui concerne la conception et
l’utilisation d’une installation de st?chage:besoinsen mat&e de sCchage,l’accueil du consommateur,
transmission de la chaleur et evacuation de I’humidit6, sourcesde chaleur. Le chapitre sur les besoins
en mat&e de s&hage traite de la n&essiti et de la durie de cette optration, de la priparation des
&hantillons, de I’action du s6chagesur la qualiti du produit, des problcmes de rihydratation et des
problimes de stockage du produit sec. Le chapitre sur l’accueil du consommateur traite des effetsdu
Gchage sur la valeur nutritive du produit, de la commercialisation d’un produit set et de I’aide que
peuvent apporter les consommateurs g I’amClioration d’un procCdCou d’un produit. Le chapitre sur
la transmission de la chaleur et I’tvacuation de I’humiditC traite de la theorie et de la conception d’un
s&choir,des modes de r&lage et d&it une installation en service.Enfin, le chapitre sur lessourcesde
chaleur donne des exemplesI’utilisation du soleil, des produits pkroliers, des dCchetsagricoleset du
b&s. Un exposi des conclusions dgagies par le colloque et de sesrecommandations est pr&entC 21la
fin de l’ouvrage.

Los autores de este volumen comprenden invcstigadores y cientificos de varios paisesque, en

conjunto, abarcan diversas condiciones climirticas, geogrgficas y socio-econbmicas.Sus disciplinas
respectivastambiCn son numerosas:economia de1hogar, ciencias de alimentacibn, nutricibn, fisica e
El cursillo abarc6 10s aspectos rn& importantes en el disefio y operaci6n de un sistema de
deshidratacibn. Estos son: requisites de la deshidratacibn, aceptaci6n por el consumidor, trasferencia
de calor y mass y fuentes de calor. Entre 10s requisitos se examina la necesidadde deshidratar el
product0 asi coma 10stiempos e indices de1proceso, preparacibn de muestras, cambios en calidad
durante le deshidratacibn, problemas que presenta la rehidratacibn y problemas resultantes del
almacenamiento de1product0 dcshidratado. La secci6n de aceptati6n por el consumidor comprende
los efectosde la deshidratacidn sobre el valor nutritivo de1alimento, la introduccibn de un aliment0
deshidratado en el mercado del consumidor, y coma estosa su vezproveen informacibn valiosa a 10s
cientificos ayudtidoles a mejorar un proceso o producto. Se explican la teoria y disefio de la ctimara
de deshidratacidn y el proceso de coNrolbajo trasferencia de calor y masa,examinandoseun sistema
operative de deshidratacibn a escalacomercial. Finalmente, y bajo el concept0 de fuentesde calor, se
titan varies ejemplos relacionados con el uso de1sol, de productos petroliferos, y desechosagricolas,
asi coma el de la madera coma fuentes de calor para procesos de deshidratacibn. Se efectua un
comentario final sobre recomendacionesgeneralesderivadas de1cursillo al tiempo que se efectrian
propuestas para el trabajo futuro.

FoRword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
PmtiCijMNltS . . . . . . . . . . . ..*...................................... 6
Theme and objectives of the workshop G. Yaciuk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Dtyihg Requricments
Drying of fish in India P.V. Prabhu and K.K. Balachandran . . . . . 11
Drying of vegetables in Egypt H.M. Ali and I.A. Sakr . . . . . . . . . 15
Drying of potatoes (pupa sea) in Peru C. Lescano . . . . . . . . . . . .
Drying of paddy in Indonesia Suahyadi . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Consumer Acceptonce
Effect of drying on the nutritive value of foods in Kenya
M.I. Gomez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...*..... 31
Designing cowpea products for Northeastern Thailand
T. Ngarmsak, M.D. Earle, and A.M. Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Consumer acceptanceof dehydrated banana weaning food in
Costa Rica Celsa Lastreto G., Rodney Cooke, and
Armando Campos S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Marketing dried fish in East Java, Indonesia
J.A. Sumardi, H. Purnomo, W.H. Susanto, Putiati, Darius,
and I. Suryo . . . . . . . . . ..*.......*....*.................... 47
Eeut und Mim Transfer
Drying of cereal grains in the Philippines S.C. Andales . . . . . . . . . 51
Drying onions in Niger A. Ba, Cb. Banzet, and J.M. Degbe , , . . . 61
Drying fish in the Philippines Emesto V. Carpio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Drying grapes in northern Chile J.M. Olhagaray . . . . l l . . . . . . , . ;:

Heut Sources

Solar en. rgy as a heat source in crop drying in Sierra Leone

Michael W. Bassey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Solar and natural air drying of rough rice in Korea
HakKyunKohandChangJooCtumg ....................... 81
Farm grain dryer - Thailand Sriwai Singhagajen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Economic evaluation of alternative energy sources for coffee bean
pintbR. Garcfa, C. Porres, J.F. Calzada, J.F. Menchi, and
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...*. . . . . l 94
Dryers for cooperatives for food production in Indonesia
Sjachputra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*....................a...... 99
Commentary G. Yaciuk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*.......... . . . . . . . . . 103


For as long as we have historical record, the heat of the sun has been used
to dry cereal grains, vegetables, fruit, fish, and meat. Solar radiation is widely
used as a direct source of energy by which to dry and dehydrate foods of many
kinds in many countries. As fossil fuel costs continue to rise, direct and indirect
solar drying will gain increasing importance as a method of food preservation
throughout the world.
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is supporting
several research projects in which solar radiation alone or together with
combusted agricultural wastes is used to dry crops and other food materials, in
several of which the influence of variable drying conditions upon nutrient
retention is being studied.
Because the food dehydration and crop drying projects financed by IDRC
are located in countries with widely different environmental conditions and the
spectrum of research activities calls for a variety of scientific disciplines, it
appeared desirable to bring together research workers representative of the
geographic and scientific diversity involved.
A workshop was, therefore, organized from 6 to 9 July 1981, at the
University of Alberta and in collaboration with the Alberta Department of
Agriculture (ADA), which included 2 days of formal sessions; a l-day tour
organized by the ADA of a grain dryer manufacturing plant, a local farm, and a
primary elevator; and 1 day of informal visits to various university departments
and commercial organizations by individual participants. Those attending the
workshop came from Bangladesh, Chile, Egypt, Guatemala, India, Indonesia,
Kenya, Korea, Malaysia, Mali, Niger, Costa Rica, Peru, the Philippines, Sierra
Leone, Singapore, Thailand, and Zambia, encompassing immensely diverse
climatic, geographic, and socioeconomic conditions and with experience that
embraced home economics, food science, nutrition, physics, and engineering.
The main topics covered included drying requirements, consumer acceptance,
heat and mass transfer, and heat sources. This publication comprises the papers
presented and discussed, together with a commentary by the technical
coordinator of the meeting.
It is the belief of my colleagues in the Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
Sciences (AFNS) Division that, thanks to the contributions by those who took
part, this publication may prove of lasting value to others in developing
countries who share similar interests and concerns.

J.H. H&e
Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Sciences Division


A. &III, Post-Harvest Technic& Scheme Project Co-ordinator, Central

Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur Complex,
T.T. Nagar, Bhopal 462 003, India.
Hatem MohamedAB, Head, Laboratory on Animal and Poultry Nutrition,
National ResearchCentre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.
SIIvestreC. And&s, Assistant Professorand Project Leader, UPLB/IDRC
Postharvest Project, Department of Agricultural Process Engineering,
University of the Philippines at Los Bafios, College, Laguna 3720, Philippines.
M. Zohadie Bardaie, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Universiti
Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
MIeItaei W. Bassey,Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fourah Bay
College, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Ecwsto V. Carpio, Project Engineer, Department of Food Scienceand
Technology, University of the Philippines at Los Baiios, College, Laguna 3720,
Teob Inn Chek, Lembaga Padi Dan Beras Negara, Tingkat 20-21,
Bangunan UMBC, 4, Jalan Sulaiman, Kuala Lumpur, Peti Surat 108,Malaysia.
Chong llteaa Chhong, Chemical and Food Process Section, Singapore
Institute of Standards and Industrial Research, Maxwell P.O. Box 2611,
Singapore 9046, Republic of Singapore.
J.M. De&e, Office national de I’energie solaire, B.P. 621, Niamey, Niger.
Dante B. & Padua, Technical Team Leader, Southeast Asia Cooperative
Post-Harvest Researchand Development Programme, c/o SEARCA, College,
Laguna 3720, Philippines.
W. Edwardson,Senior Program Officer, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
SciencesDivision, International Development ResearchCentre, 10454Whyte
Avenue, Suite 304, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
R.S. Forrest, Associate Director, Engineering and Home Design Sector,
Alberta Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Building, 9718 107 Street,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Rieardo GarciP, Engineer, Applied Research Division, Instituto Centro-
americano de Investigation y Tecnologia Industrial, Avenida La Reforma 4-47
Zone 10, Apartado Postal 1552, Guatemala, C.A.
C&a Lastreto Gomez, Centro de Investigaciones on Tecnologia de
Alimentos, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica.
ML Gomez, Lecturer, Department of Food Science and Technology,
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 29053,Kabete, Nairobi,
H.K. Bob, Associate Professor, Division of Agricultural Machinery and
Procas Engineering, Department of Agricultural Engineering, College of
Agriculture, Seoul National University, Suweon, Korea 170.

CarIos Leseano, Jefe, Departamento de Tecnologia de Alimentos y
Productos Agropecuarios, Universidad National Agraria La Molins, Apartado
456, Lima, Peru.
J. Lorenzana, Agricultural Engineering Department, Isabela State
University, Echaque, Isabela, Philippines.
Joseph M. Mwale, Senior Scientific Officer, Food Tccha,o&y Research
Unit, National Council for Scientific Ry:search,P.O. !3ux CIS-158, Chelston,
Lusaka, Zambia.
Candido Joven Miguel, Pasig Distributors Corporation, 114 Plaza Rizal,
Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines.
Tipvama Ngarmsak, Department of Agricultural Products, Faculty of
Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand.
J.M. Olbagaray, Institute of Technological Research(INTEC/CHILE),
Casilla 667, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
P.V. Prabku, Scientist, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, GIFT/
IDRC Fish ProcessingProject, Willingdon Island, Matsyapuri P-O., Cochin
682 029, India.
Abdus Satter, Senior Scientific Officer, Agricultural Engineering,
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Dacca, Bangladesh.
O.G.A. Schmidt, Program Officer, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
SciencesDivision, International Development ResearchCentre, 10454Whyte
Avenue, Suite 304, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Sriwai Singbagajen,Chief, Storage and Processing Section, Agricultural
Engineering Division, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture
and Cooperatives, Bangkhen, Bangkok 9, Thailand.
WenceslaoM. Slsoa, Agricultural Plans and Programs Supervisor/Project
Leader, Technical Research and Services Directorate, National Food
Authority, 101 E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Matimyas Building, Quezon City,
Sjachputra, c/o Haji Muslimin Nasution, Ministry of Co-operatives,
Departemen Perdagangan Dan Koperasi, Sekretariat Menteri Muda Urusan
Koperasi, 3.0. Box 384, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Suahyadi, Project Leader, National Logistics Agency (BULOG), BULOG/
IDRC PostharvestRice Technology Project, P.O. Box 2345,Jakarta, Indonesia.
J.A. Snmardl, Departemen Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan, Universitas
Brawijaya, Proyek Kerjasama Unibraw/IDRC, Jalan Mayjen Haryono 169,
Malang, Jatim, Indonesia.
Sahmoo ChavezTapia, Departamento de Tecnologia Pesquera,Universidad
National Agraria La Molina, Apartado 456, Lima, Peru.
Cheick Oumar Traor6, Laboratoire de 1Vnergiesolaire, B.P. 134, Bamako,
S. Vogel, Program Officer, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Sciences
Division, International Development ResearchCentre, 10454Whyte Avenue,
Suite 304, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
G. Yaciuk, Program Offtcer, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Sciences
Division, International Development ResearchCentre, 10454Whyte Avenue,
Suite 304, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

IDRC Staff
M.C. Beausart, Administrative Assistant, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
SciencesDivision, IDRC, 10454Whyte Avenue, Suite 304, Edmonton, Alberta,
A. Cbouinard, Technical Editor, Communications Division, IDRC, Box
8500, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KlG 3H9.
K. Kealey-Valliike, Assistant Technical Editor, Communications Division,
IDRC, Box 8500, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KlG 3H9.
Theme and Objectives of the Workshop
G. Yaciuk’

Through previous experience, it was felt that dried food. The third paper examines how
the workshop should cover the four topics most consumers may work together with a scientist to
important in the design and operation of a drying improve a process or a product. Often an
system, namely: drying requirements, consumer improved process yields more product than can
acceptance, heat and mass transfer, and heat be used by the processor (often the farmer or
sources. The majority of the papers deal with the fisherman). The fourth paper examines fish
scientist’s particular research and, therefore, do marketing in East Java.
not appear to follow a particular format. They No dryer is designed efficiently without some
do, however, respond to !he type of information theoretical consideration of heat and mass
normally considered within one of the four transfer rates. The first three papers in section
topics. III discuss theory, design of a drying chamber,
Section I examines drying requirements of and process control. The fourth paper examines
four different commodity types. In terms of heat drying of grapes on a large commercial scale and
transfer, fish can usually be considered as a slab, as such is the only report at the workshop on an
paddy as a porous bed, and potatoes as cubes or operational full-scale drying system.
strips. Each paper looks at the need for drying Section IV examines a number of examples in
the product, drying times and rates, sample the use of the sun, petroleum products, and
preparation, quality changes during drying, agriculture wastes and wood as heat sources for
rehydration problems, and problems with a drying process.
storage of the dried product. Special thanks are extended for the editorial
Section II contains four papers related to support received from Amy Chouinard and
consumer acceptability. The first paper discusses Kathy Kealey-Valliere of IDRC’s Communi-
effects of drying on the nutritive value of food, in cations Division and to R.S. Forrest, W.
particular, drying effects on carotene and vitamin Edwardson, and S.M. Vogel for chairing the
C retention in a number of Kenyan vegetables. sessions; to M.C. Beaussart for handling
Although the second paper discusses the design logistical aspects; and to IDRC and the Alberta
of new cowpea-based foods in Thailand, some of Department of Agriculture for funding the
the ideas may be of value in the introduction of a workshop.

‘Technical coordinator for meeting, Program

Officer. Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Sciences
Division, International Development Research Centre,
10454 Whyte Avenue, Suite 304, Edmonton, Alberta,

Drying of Fish in India
P.V. Prabhu and K.K. Balachandran’

Abstract. Among the several methods of long-term preservation of fish, drying is perhaps the
simplest method that does not require sophisticated equipment or highly skilled workers. Traditional
drying in the sun, although practiced widely, poses some problems such as slow drying and con-
tamination with sand, insects. and pathogenic bacteria. It is. therefore, necessary to consider
mechanical drying of fish. The influence of temperature of drying, relative humidity in the dryer,
and the air velocity as well as salting before drying arc discussed in this paper. General defects
observed in the course of storage of fish and some methods for minimizing them are also given.

Fish spoil quickly because of bacteria, Because drying involves the removal of water
enzymes, and chemical reactions, but bacterial to stop the action of bacteria or enzymes, atten-
and enzyme actions can be minimized or arrested tion must be given to what amount of water can
by controlling the storage temperature of the be removed before the quality and flavour of the
fish. Chilling, freezing, and canning are some of product are affected. Most of the spoilage
the processes;however, these are techniques that bacteria do not grow in foods that have lessthan
require sophisticated equipment for the 25% moisture content (MC). Similarly, moulds
processing, storage, and distribution of the also cease to grow when the moisture content
processed products. is 15% or less. However, if the fish is salted
Water is es.sential for bacterial growth as well before being dried the permissible amount of
as for the activity of enzymes. The removal of water can be higher. Depending upon the amount
water from fish reduces the chances for the of salt used, 35-40s MC can be considered safe
action of spoilage bacteria. Drying, either without enough to inhibit the action of bacteria or
or after salting and with or without smoking, moulds.
is a widely accepted traditional practice of In this paper, the discussions on drying will be
preserving fish. Salting, smoking, and drying limited to sun or mechanical drying of fish, fresh
are processes that can be employed with the or salted. The principal method of drying
minimum of equipment and operated by semi- practiced in India is sun drying, which is mainly
or unskilled workers. Normally, drying is done used for the by-catch from shrimp trawling.
in combination with either salting or smoking or Fish is dried fresh or salted depending upon the
both. Salting slows down or even prevents the species. The most common practice is to spread
bacterial spoilage of fish. Some chemicals the fish on sandy beaches, bamboo mats, or
present in smoke also destroy spoilage bacteria. raised cement platforms where they are allowed
The removal of water by drying can halt the to dry for 2-3 days. Fish like anchovies (&graulis
growth of bacteria and moulds. Drying is, there- in&u) are dried without salt; however, larger
fore, a simple method of preserving fish that fish are generally salted whole or after having
does not require complicated equipment, can be been split. Even larger fish like shark are split;
handled by unskilled workers, turns out a deep scores are made in the open flesh to allow
product with good storage properties, and the salt to penetrate, and the fish are left heavily
provides a highly concentrated food. salted overnight and then dried. Fish like Bombay
duck (Harp&on nehereus), which contain
90-92s’ water, are hung from scaffolds erected
in the open and then dried. In most casesafter
‘Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT), a day’s drying the fish are usually heaped
Willingdon Island, Matsyapuri P.O., Cochin 682 029, together overnight and spread out and dried
India. again the next day. This facilitates the diffusion

of water from the relatively moist interior to Mackerel, jew fish, sole, lactarius, cat fish, and
the surface from where it can be more easily shark, among others, are most commonly
evaporated during the subsequent drying preserved by this method. The fish are normally
operation. split open from the dorsal side, mixed with
~mmnon salt {marine sairj in the ratio of 5: 1,
kept overnight, and dried the following day. The
Drying of Unsalted Fish fish are then dried for 2 or 3 days in the sun until
about 35% MC. Salted and dried fish are
The type of fish that are usually dried unsalted generally marketed within the country,
includes anchovies, small silver bellies, and Generally, the fish that are used for drying are
Bombay duck, for example, which are all used not very fresh. Often, only fish that cannot be
for human consumption, as well as several other sold in the fresh fish market are dried. Ice is
varieties of small fish that are converted into either not used at all or used only sparingly.
fish meal. The facilities available at :,..llding sites Proper handling is also not observed, and drying
determine whether these fish are dr; d either by is done, with very limited exceptions, in the
being spread on sand on the beach o. ‘.,n mats or, open, which increases the risk of contamination.
less often, on cement platforms ere’::,:d for this Flies often lay eggs that, although not detected
purpose with the exception of BOIVbay duck, immediately, become a problem during storage.
which, as discussed earlier, is otti * dried by Occasionally, contaminated fish present a
hanging on scaffolds. significant public health concern.
Bombay duck is a typical fish of 1:“: Gujarat
coast in India where a huge quantity of fish
(about go000 t) is landed within a period of 4 Drying of Fish in Mechanical Dryers
months. Only a small proportion is consumed in
fresh form, the rest is sun dried and used for Because of the problems connected with sun
local consumption and export. The drying drying, consideration is now being given to the
practice presently used is to wash the fish in mechanical dehydration of fish. In mechanical
creek water and to hang them by pairs joined dehydration, the drying process is carried out
jaw-to-jaw on horizontal ropes. Ten to twelve of under controlled conditions. The temperature
these ropes are then tied horizontally, one above of drying, air velocity, as well as the relative
the other, leaving a spaceof about 30 cm between humidity (RH) in the drying atmosphere should
them. Normally, 80-100 fish are hung per metre. be strictly controlled to ensure that the final
A systematic study covering various aspects of product is of satisfactory quality.
drying Bombay duck on scaffolds has shown
that optimum water loss occurs when 50-60 fish Drying Temperature
are hung on a l-m length of rope. This permits
adequate circulation of air over individual fish In mechanical dryers, hot air is employed as
and yields a final product that is satisfactory the carrier of heat to the fish as well as water
both in physical and in organoleptic charac- vapour from the fish. At the initial stages, when
teristics. With this method water loss of 87% of the fish flesh is saturated with water, the
fresh fish has been achieved. Decreasing the temperature of drying should net exceed
number of fish per metre of rope did not improve 40-50°C depending upon the fish used. At
the drying time, whereas increasing the number temperatures above 40-50°C most of the
of fish resulted in a slower drying rate and exces- fish flesh gets cooked, which makes the
sive spoilage. final dry product brittle.
Normally, in cases where the fish is dried
without salting, the process is continued until Air Velocity
about 10% MC. Although Bombay $rck’-and
anchovies dried in this manner are exported, In mechanical hot-air dryers, it has bee
other fish are used locally, some being converted observed that the higher the velocity of air
into Iish meal. passing over the fish the greater will be the rate
of evaporation of water. However, if the air
velocity is increased beyond a certain limit, a
Salted Sun-Dried Fish small whirlpool of air will occur between the fish
and this will result in nonuniform drying.
A number of species of fish, large and small, Experiments have shown that an air velocity of
fatty and lean, are salted and sun dried in India. 1.5-2 m/set is ideal for drying most of the fish.

Relative Humidity determine ways to cut down the drying time,
without sacrificing quality, in an effort to reduce
The rate of evaporation of water depends production costs. One method suggested for
on the partial pressure of water vapour in accelerating the drying process is to subject the
the air surrounding the fish and the partial fish to successively higher temperatures during
pressure of water vapour on the surface of the falling-rate period. This method has since
the fish. Therefore, at a constant air velocity, the been applied in the caseof tropical fishes and has
drier the air the faster is the rate of evaporation resulted in great success.
of water.
At the Central Institute of Fisheries
Water in fish is not present as pure water.
Technology (CIFT) in India, freshly split
It contains dissolved salts and protein, etc. fish (average weight 90-110 g) are dried tinder
When water leaves the fish at the surface a phased temperature program, initially at
these residues are left and if the air is very
45°C until the period during which drying is
dry a crust will form on the surface. This constant is complete. Then drying is done at
phenomenon is called case-hardening. Case- progressively increasing temperatures of up to
hardening also occurs when the temperature of 6O“C, with 50% RH. Fish are dried to a final
the air is raised and, therefore, diffusion of water moisture content below 20% in 12-14 hours,
from deeper layers to the surface becomes
Salted fish do not exhibit any constant-rate
difficult. This will result in an increase in the period. In the case of salted fish, the initial high
temperature of fish flesh, which will affect the
rate of drying suddenly falls; however, this fall
quality. Also, if the relative humidity of the air at
in rate can be compensated to a large extent by
the inlet point of the dryer is too high, the drying a slow increase in temperature. In the case of
process will be prolonged, and the fish will spoil
salted fish like mackerel, jew fish, etc., it took
before the drying process is over. Relative lo-12 hours to bring the moisture content below
humidity between 50 and 60% is recommended
for drying in hot-air dryers.
A tunnel dryer employing this principle with
appropriate controls for temperature, humidity,
Constant- and Falling-Rate Periods and air velocity has been designed at CIFT.

There are two distinct stageswhen fish are air- Rehydration

dried: the constant-rate period and the falling-
rate period. In the first stage, the rate of
evaporation of water per unit area per unit time In India, dry fish is consumed in different
remains a constant and this is similar to styles; after frying in oil, as chutney, or prepared
evaporation from a saturated surface. Once the just like fresh fish after reconstitution in water.
surface water is evaporated, further evaporation Denaturation of the proteins takes place during
can take place only as fast as it diffuses to the the process of dehydration, particularly when
surface from within. The rate of diffusion slows the tish is dried at high temperatures as in
down as the drying process progresses and mechanical dryers thereby affecting the rehydra-
consequently the rate of evaporation also falls. tion capacity. However, if the drying conditions
This is the falling-rate period. are carefully controlled, case-hardening as well
Even in mechanical dehydration, 18-22 hours as too high an increase in the temperature of the
are required so that the end product will be flesh can be avoided, and a final product that
sufficiently low in moisture to ensure safe rehydrates to give a fair texture can be produced.
storage. Although mechanical dehydration takes
less time than sun drying, it is still considered to Packaging and Storage
be too long a process, and, naturally, the cost of
producing dried fish using mechanical dryers is
high compared to the sun-drying process. Dried The main causes of spoilage of dry fish are
fish is an inexpensive commodity for the moulds, bacteria, discoloration, rancidity, attack
common people, therefore, an increase in the by insects, and changes in texture. Mould growth
price of mechanically dried fish over that of sun- is relatively low at 65% RH, but mould grows
dried fish is likely to be unacceptable to rapidly at 75% RH or higher, a condition
consumers even though the increase in price generally obtained in the coastal areas. However,
would be justified by the improved quality. in the monsoon season, the relative humidity is
Consideration should, therefore, be given to 90% or higher and provides an atmosphere quite

conducive for all types of spoilage to progress. Dried fish in general, and dried fatty fish in
Salted and dried lizard fish (Saurida sp.) kept particular, become discoloured during storage.
outside had the following changes in moisture They also develop rancid odours and flavours.
content during 4 months’ storage: initial moisture The additional cost of providing an air-tight
content (MC), 28%; after storage at 55-60% RH package for dried fish would not be economically
for 3 months, 19% MC; and after a month’s acceptable to the common people and has, there-
storage at 90% RH, 45% MC. fore, not been attempted.
Although there have been sporadic reports on
At 90% RH, because of the attack of bacteria
the effectiveness of various antioxidants like
and moulds, the fish flesh becomes slimy, soft,
and severely discoloured. Although bacterial butylated-hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated-
hydroxytoluene (BHT), etc., on the prevention
spoilage is controlled in salted fish, spoilage
of rancidity in fish, no information is available
caused by moulds occurs whether the fish is
on their commercial utilization.
salted or unsalted. Sorbic acid or sodium
Insect infestation has not been a serious
propionate treatments are effective barriers
problem in the storage of salted fish, but it is
against moulds; however, the problem of provid-
common in unsalted fish. Fumigation is one
ing an effective barrier against the moisture loss
method used to prevent this.
or uptake remains. In the former case, weight
Commercially dried fish in India, particularly
loss and toughening of the texture are the main
on the east coast, are packed in palmyrah (palm)
problems, whereas in the latter case incidental
leaf mats and tied securely with ropes, covered
spoilage and attack by mould and bacteria are
with hessian cloth, and sewed at the joints to
provide a safe package. At present there are no
Another important sign of spoilage in salted consumer packs of dry fish available, although
fish is the “pink,” the colour developed because mechanically dried fish are packed in poly-
of the growth of halophylic bacteria of the ethylene bags for the retail market. However,
Serruria sp. Curing salt is the main source of polyethylene is not strong enough to withstand
these microorganisms. Solar salt (marine salt) is any physical damage from fins and other sharp
known to contain these microorganisms in contours of dry fish. Studies on low- and high-
relatively large numbers and hence the problem’s density polyethylenes, polyvinylchloride films,
incidence is more widespread where solar salt etc., are under way on the most suitable packag-
is used for curing. ing for consumer packs of dry fish.

Drying Requirements

Drying of VegetaLles in Egypt

H.M. Ali and I.A. Sakr’

Abstract.A solar dryer was used to dry Jew’s mallow (Corchoms olitorius L.) and okra (Hibiscus
emdentus L.). The drying procedure depends on using heated air of 60°C on average. The results
revealed that the rate of drying was high in the first 3 hours and then slowed down during the
remainder of the drying time. The duration of drying for both Jew’s mallow and okra was on
average 22.5 hours and 40 hours respectively, and the moisture removed during that period was
about 72-75%. The quality of the dried product was acceptable to the consumer and was
considered to be nutritionally satisfactory. The storage of dried products for 32 weeks at room
temperature showed no adverse effect on quality or change in chemical composition.
Because of the high market potential for the two dried products, a technofeasibility study was
carried out to determine the economic possibility of using this dryer in rural areas.

The economical growing of fruits and vegetables least 10 years to obtain a good average.) Data
is limited in many countries to certain seasons were collected on harvesting time, total produc-
and localities, and to meet the demand during tion, amounts processed, and chemical composi-
the entire year in all areas, the commodities are tion of the fresh product. Existing drying
preserved using different techniques. The causes operations were surveyed at the government
of loss are linked in many complex ways to beliefs level and in rural societies, and an evaluation
and attitudes that underlie traditional ways of of the chemical composition of the products was
managing the postharvest system and complicate made. Samples of vegetables were dried artifi-
change. These factors must be carefully examined cially using an electrically heated oven and
and understood before new conservation sunlight to determine the nutritive value of the
technologies and practices can be successfully product and to make an economic evaluation of
introduced. the whole operation. The solar dryer was
Drying technologies, as a process for food designed according to: climatic conditions,
conservation, seem to be an adequate method availability of daily solar energy, crop type, and
under most conditions in developing economies. size of operation.
Therefore, the International Development A questionnaire was designed to determine the
Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada, together type of commodities needing drying, the level of
with the National Research Centre (NRC) of acceptability of dried products, potential market
Egypt, financed a project to develop a community for dried products, consumer preference, the
solar dryer capable of drying commodities total amount of crop harvested daily and the
without affecting the nutritive quality. portion that would be preserved, and the storing
In the experimental procedure for test drying,
Methodology specified amounts of green agricultural com-
modities were brought in from the field in plastic
Baseline data about prevailing climatic bags. They were loaded on the trays and placed
conditions, including solar-radiation intensities, in the drying chamber on three levels. A fan was
wind speeds, rainfall, ambient air temperature, used to force hot air into the drying chamber.
and relative humidity (RH) were collected. Hourly temperatures for ambient air and heated
(Meteorological data should be studied for at air were recorded by means of thermocouples
installed at strategic locations and connected to
‘Laboratory on Animal and Poultry Nutrition, a 17-point recording potentiometer. Relative
National ResearchCentre(NRC), Dokki, Cairo, Egypt. humidity was recorded with a hygrothermograph

for air entering and leaving the chamber. The Dried produce compared to fresh produce
airflow rate was measured as a product of air amounts to about 4.5% of the total production,
velocity and cross-sectional area. Moisture but production is growmg rapidly, therefore,
content (MC). ash, fibre, nitrogen-free extract, precise data about the annual rate of growth is
protein, and total carbohydrates of the fresh not available.
commodities and dried commodities were
determined using methods of the Association of
Official Agriculture Chemists (AOAC 1968). Survey of Existing Drying Operations
Dried products were stored at room temper-
ature in sealed plastic bags and jute bags tied The main vegetable-producing governorates
with ropes. Bimonthly samples were checked to lie in the Delta of the River Nile. A sample of
detect moulds and to determine the nutrient 42 villages, representing 1% of the total Egyptian
content of the products. A technoeconomic villages, were visited to study the traditional
evaluation was also made on the community drying practices used in rural communities.
dryer taking into consideration the cost differ- In all areas visited, sun drying was the main
ential between the fresh and the manufactured drying procedure. No artificial drying was used
product. in any of the govemorates visited. If the market
price of the produce drops significantly the
farmers will harvest the crop and begin the
00~s to be Dried simple drying operation by first washing the
produce to remove surface dirt and then spread-
The results revealed that two main vegetable ing it on mats or any other available surface. At
crops are likely to be dried in the rural com- the village level, the drying process involves the
munities; Jew’s mallow (Corchorus olirorius L.) whole family.
and okra (Hibiscus escdentus L.). There is also a In the governorates located near large cities
potential market for the two products in the like Cairo and Alexandria, there is a vegetable-
urban societies. drying system designed to supply the markets in
Okra and Jew’s mallow a:.e cultivated in these cities. The system consists of a series of
February and March. They are first harvested in drying mats on the ground. The size of the
June and the harvesting season can last until drying area ranges from 200 to 2000 mL. Young
September or October. The first harvests are children begin harvesting in the early morning
consumed fresh, and the late harvests are used and leave the crop on the ground for wilting for
for drying. Jew’s mallow gives 6 harvests and 2 hours. It is then collected and returned to the
okra gives about 4-5 harvests. The average drying area for cleaning where it is spread on
production in one harvest is about 1.5 t (total mats and left to partially dry in the sun. When it
annual production of Jew’s mallow is 73000 t is half dried it is transported to another drying
and for okra it is 65000 t). The average period area in the shade, the idea being to preserve
between each harvest is 20-25 days. the green colour as much as possible so that it
The freshly harvested vegetables are packed in will retain an attractive appearance for the
jute bags. sprayed with water, and loaded on consumer.
trucks to be transported for marketing. Jew’s Most of the produce is packed in 50-kg jute
mallow begins to deteriorate 12 hours after bags and sent to the city market. The average
harvesting, however, okra begins to deteriorate drying times for sun-dried Jew’s mallow and
only after 2-4 days. The rate of deterioration okra in rural areas are 3-4 days and 5-7 days,
differs considerably from one crop to another. respectively.
Deterior;.ion is also a result of improper The chemical analysis of fresh samples and
handling and storage conditions prior to market- dehydrated samples taken from the visited areas
ing, especially when the market is a long distance is shown in Table 1. The results represent the
from the farm. Becauseof the size of land owner- average of 210 samples collected from different
ship in Egypt, and the market mechanism, the operations in the different localities. There was a
farmers have a choice between accepting any great variation in the moisture content among
price offered to them or selling their first-class samples and accordingly other nutrients were
products in the city market and dehydrating the affected.
rest to be sold is the off-season. However, the From the questionnaire it was found that one
farmers are taking a risk by keeping the dehy- family produces an average of 10 kg of okra and
s&-atedproduct, because if it is not properly dried 10 kg of Jew’s mallow. The most important
it usually becomes infected by fungi. observation about the products was the high
Table 1. Chemical analvsis of fresh and sun-dried commodities.
Moisture Crude Ether Solcble
content protein Fibre extract carbohydrates Ash
Commodity (Cl V7c) CT) ((;( ) (“0 (5%)
Jew’s mallow
Fresh 83.26 3.83 1.71 0.41 8.03 2.76
Sun dried 7.45 23.62 10.59 3.50 38.72 16.12
Fresh 86.72 2.54 0.93 0.25 8.38 1.18
Sun dried 11.35 16.78 12.74 2.70 46.47 9.96

percentage of impurities. ir seems that sun 1.4 kW centrifugal fan capable of moving SO0m”
drying was not enough to inactivate enzymes of air per hour through a duct. The heari:d air
and reduce the fungal load. The questionnaire enters the drying chamber with a pressun- rise
also indicated a difference in opinion concerning of IO-15 cm of water. The drying chamber has
the number of drying units needed as farmers a volume of 10 m3 and a chimney is provided to
preferred to have their own individual dryers, equalize the air pressure to prevent the con-.
but government agencies preferred huge drying modities from being blown around inside the
units capable of serving an entire community chamber. Trays of stainless steel wire mesh are
in the production of a variety of commodities. fixed along the walls of the drying chamber on
three levels. The design of the solar collector is
illustrated in Fig. 1.
Development of the Solar Dehydrator
We carried out some experimental work to
Based on the previous findings. the solar measure the rate of drying vegetables using air
energy laboratory developed the community-size drying, and we found that the highest rate of
solar dehydrator to help in the drying of a drying took place during the first 3 hours. The
variety of commodities containing a high duration of drying depends upon: initial water
moisture content (> 75(S). The facility consisted content, properties of the commodity, thickness
of a solar air heater with 24 mz of absorber of the commodity on the tray, air velocity, and
surface to supply heat for the air coming from a ambient air temperature and relative humidity.
Glass cover
Absorber plate, \ \

\ \\

RH-meter I

Fig. 1. Cross section of rhe solar collector.

Drying Process Drying Problems
Drying tests carried out by our research team
commenced in the late summer when vegetable In the drying experiments carried out over the
commodities are in abundance and their prices last 2 years, it was found that if the drying rate,
are lower. Jew’s mallow and okra were brought due to the high air velocity, is too great, the
in from the field in plastic bags directly after product tends to dry mainly from the surface
harvesting. They were washed and blanched in layers and, after being removed from the dryer,
water and then loaded on the trays in thin layers the surface becomes moist again. Overdrying of
of 6 mm. Trays were placed in the drying the vegetables is pointless, because the storage of
chamber when the air temperature inside reached the dried commodity in air of high relative
60°C. The commodities were turned twice daily. humidity will result in the absorption of moisture
Hourly temperature and relative humidity for from the atmosphere until it reaches an equi-
both the ambient air entering and leaving the librium moisture content. Overdrying caused
drying chamber were recorded. When the relative remarkable lossesin the leavesof some vegetables.
humidity values for ambient air both entering
and leaving the chamber showed similar values, Effect of Drying on the Quality of Vegetables
drying was continued for another 2 hours to
ensure that the moisture content of the product Dehydrated commodities can lose some of
was about 10-13s. which is the value required their nutrients during the dehydration process.
to ensure safe ‘1tonge. After completion of the Oxidation is a primary cause of loss, particularly
drying, the products were left for 1 hour to cool in the case of ascorbic acid, but nonoxidative
and were then packed in nylon or jute bags. losses also occur. There is evidence that non-
Samples from both the fresh products and dried enzymatic browning reduces the value of the
products were taken to the laboratory to protein (Hendel 1960).
determine moisture content, crude protein, Lewis et al. (1949) observed that glucose reacts
crude fibre, ether extract, and total carbohydrates with acetic, citric, or lactic acid in a model
and ash content (AOAC 1968). system to produce brown pigments and carbon
Table 2 summarizes the results of the drying dioxide. Oxygen accelerates the process. Heat is
experiments on Jew’s mallow and okra. Two also considered as a main factor responsible for
drying experiments were carried out for each protein damage. Heat damage is due to a time-
commodity. Jew’s mallow and okra were dried temperature relationship. There is evidence that
once in August and once in October. There was heat damage is much more likely to occur when
no appreciable difference in the weight of the the initial moisture content is high. Based on the
commodities used in the two different tests. results of the Regional Research Laboratory of
Within each drying experiment the fan was only the United States Department of Agriculture
on during the drying period and provided that metal grid trays reduce losses during drying
800 m’/hour of air. of riced potatoes, we used stainless steel trays
The initial moisture content (MC,) of the fresh to hasten drying and reduce the length of drying
commodities was not less than 80% and the time.
target moisture content was IO-15%. The drying It is very important when drying green
time in the October experiments was longer vegetables to have a final product that meets
because of the higher relative humidity recorded with consumer acceptance. Good colour, and
in this period and fewer hours of sunshine. consequently carotene content, can be retained

Table 2. Summary of drying experiments on Jew’s mallow and okra.

Average Average Average content
Amount of Drying drying temperature moisture of final
Harvesting material (kg) period temperature rise removed product
Commodity date In Out (hours) (“C) Pa @ii) C%)
Jew’s mallow 21/08/79 37.5 5.87 20 58.5 32 72.91 10.35
03/10/79 20.5 3.10 25 53.5 29 72.90 10.36
Okra 25/08/79 37.9 7.58 36 55.5 30 75.47 11.25
10/10/79 36.0 7.00 44 54.0 28 76.17 10.55

b v . :nching. Appropriate storage conditions 4.7 years). Another design now is taking this
car :lp to retain the desired qualities as well. factor into consideration.
In the final analysis, it should be stated that,
once a decision is taken by policymakers to
Storage Problems of Dried Vegetables reduce postharvest lossesof food commodities,
drying should be given serious consideration as
High moisture content will contribute to this can save about 20% of the lossesexperienced
quality deterioration an3 cldirectly to a decrease in production. Early harvesting of crops reduces
in quantity. Even under the most controlled losses in the field and increases the land available
conditions, the stored produce cannot be for other crops and better production due to the
guaranteed as mould free. The infestation of early planting of the next crop. The postharvest
mot& in the presenceof moisture, increasesthe losses of vegetables due to the long distance
respiration rate of moulds. The production of from production sites to the market can be
14.7 g of CO: is accompanied by 1% dry-matter reduced together with the cost of transportation.
loss (Sinha 1971). In the process of respiration The economic benefits are so great that drying
there is a liberation of heat and water and, there- should be considered as a standard practice in
fore, the moisture content of the produce reducing postharvest losses.
increases, which in turn increases the reaction
until the produce spoils. Acknowledgments
In our experiments, we found that storage in Mr M. Shokry and Mr A.H. Abdel Gawad gave
nylon bags had no adverseeffect on the chemical valuable assistance in preparing the data. Mrs
composition of the stored commodity. The Fatma M. Salman is thanked for preparing the figures
chemical analysis showed no serious changes. in this article. The valuable advice of Mr C.
Moisture content, protein, ether extract, fibre, MacCormac in evaluating the technofeasibility of
carbohydrate, and ash content were almost the dryers is also appreciated.
same. The fungal load did not exceed 100000
spores/g in the examined samples. However,
further tests are needed to be conclusive. Some
of these include enzymatic activity, aflatoxin AOAC (Association of Official Agriculture Chemists).
determination, and carotene and vitamin 1968. Ofticial methods of analysis (10th ed.).
deterioration. Washington, DC, USA, AOAC.
Hendei, C.E. 1960. Effects of drying and dehydration
on food nutrients. In: Harris, R.F. and Loesecke,
H. von. eds., Nutritional evaluation of food proces-
Future Work sing, pp. 148-157. 1st ed.
Lewis, V.H.. Esselen,W.B., Jr., and Fellers, C.R. 1949.
The technoeconomic evaluation of three solar Nonenzymatic browning of foodstuffs. Production
dryers installed at different locations in Egypt of carbon dioxide. Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry, 4 I, 2587-259 I.
indicated that we overestimatedthe requirements Sinha, R.N. 1971. Interrelationship of physical,
for steel (65% of total costs) necessaryto build chemical and biological variables in the deterioration
the dryer, which in turn increasedthe initial cost of stored grains. In: Sinha, R.N. and Muir, W.E.,
and subsequently decreased the profit (cost- Grain storage: part of a system. Connecticut, USA,
benefit ratio of 1.23: 1 and a pay-back period of AVI Publishing Co., Inc.

Drying Requirements

Drying of Potatoes (Pup Sew)

in Peru
C. Lescano’

Abstract. A laboratory-level process for obtaining two grades ofpapa secuof improved quality
was developed: extra (> 8 cm diameter) and first grade (6.5-8 cm diameter). The process includes:
grading, mechanical washing, abrasive peeling, cutting into strips (I X 1 cm), steam cooking
(1.7 kg/cm’ absolute pressure), heated air drying (SO’C dry-bulb temperaturej, grinding, and
Experiments on drying of cooked potatoes, using a laboratory cabinet dryer, demonstrated
that: potato varieties with low-solid contents (Yungay, Ticahuasi, and Revolution) provided better
quality products than high-solid varieties; gelatinization of starch affected the water-sorption
isotherms and slowed down the drying rate, as compared with uncooked potatoes; and the absence
of the constant-rate period of drying and the presence of more than three falling-rate periods of
drying for strips (1 X I X 4 cm) and slices (1 X 5 cm diameter).

Many developing countries are located in potatoes have evolved over centuries. Today,
tropical zones where the potato grows well. they still involve primitive techniques to produce
However, only in the Andean region of South dehydrated products. Generally, potatoes
America, where the cultivated potato originated chosen to be processed by these methods cannot
as a wild plant, does the potato play an impor- be consumed in fresh form. The bitter varieties,
tant role in feeding the population. In Peru, the which are the only ones grown in the highest
consumption per capita is 142 kg/year, rising to valleys (more than 3600 m above sea level), are -
288 kg in the Peruvian Altiplano (Christiansen processed tnto chufio. Common, nonbitter
1977). varieties grown throughout the lower regions of
It is well known that the potato produces a the highlands are processed into pupa ~eca and,
higher yield of calories, protein, and many in smaller amounts, into starch.
essential vitamins and minerals per unit area per Individual families make pupa secu by boiling,
unit time than the major cereal crops and othe: peeling, chopping, and sun-drying spoiled or
root crops. The production and utilization of damaged potatoes. Once dried, the pupa secu is
fresh potatoes as a low-cost food in developing often ground. The final product is brown in
countries is held back because of problems colour, of mixed particle size, and often adul-
encountered in the storage, transportation, and terated with dirt and small stones.
marketing of this bulky, high-moisture, and Pupu secu is very popular throughout Peru. It
highly perishable product and by the wide- is mainly used in one dish, curupulcu, which is
ranging seasonal fluctuations in price. made by first toasting thepupu secu, then boiling
it in water with pork, tomatoes, onions, and
garlic. Many families supplement their income
Traditional Preservation Methods by producing pupa secu in excess of their own
needs and selling it in the rural and urban
Improved means of preservation are required markets.
to avoid these problems. In South America,
traditional methods for the preservation of Development of an Improved Method
‘Departamento de Tecnologia de Alimentos y Under a 2-year grant provided by the Inter-
Productos Agropecuarios, Universidad National national Development Research Centre (IDRC),
Agraria La Molina. Apartado 456, Lima, Peru. the Universidad National Agraria (UNA) La

Wet- and dry-bulb
Air inlet ( 20%)

- -a ----

f7-i 1 Air -\\\

Trays q-f!3 -7

1: 23 \ Lectrical
I Orifice meter
Air outlet
( 20%)
MoGr - Fan


Fig. I. Diagram of the tray laboratory dryer.

Molina, Lima, Peru, in subcontract with the air over the material to be dried has been
International Potato Centre (CIP), a village- discussed in detail by Van Arsdel (Van Arsdel
level or cooperative method is being developed et al. 1973).
for processing potatoes as papa secu for market- Technical information is available on drying
ing in urban and rural centres. This paper of potatoes (Ede and Hales 1948; Van Arsdel
focuses on the unit operation of drying within 1951; Gorling 1958; Saravocos and Charm
the laboratory process developed to produce 1962). However, all the results reported have
papa sew, under the general and specific been on blanched or scalded potatoes, not on the
objectives of the IDRC-UNA-CIP project. drying of cooked potatoes, where the gelatiniza-
A laboratory-level process to obtain pupu secu tion of starch granules and the behaviour of
has been developed for extra (> 8 cm diameter) starch seems to be important. When the end
and first-grade (6.5-8 cm diameter) potatoes. purpose is to produce flour, freezing the product
This process includes: grading, mechanical beforehand is useful, but yellow is the desired
washing, abrasive peeling, cutting in strips, colour for papa sect and freezing turns it white.
steam cooking, hot-air drying, grinding, and The experimental laboratory dryer is shown
packaging. (Dried papn sect can be stored for in Fig. 1. Dry- and wet-bulb temperatures can
3-4 years when packed in polyethylene bags.) be registered during the entire drying. A
Results of experimental work presented in this thermostat controls air temperature. It is
paper will point out the influence of product possible to obtain four air velocities: 6, 4, 2.8,
characteristics on the drying process. Correla- and 1.32 m/set. (The capacity of the indirect
tion of temperature, humidity, and velocity of solar dryer at the pilot stage is 2 kg/2 days.)

Temperature: 37°C

Cooked potato
5..l t 7


5 1.0
5 #.H. 0
r% t *.**
Papa seca *)c.e’
.--.” .-.c’- ._.4-a-
I I I I 1 1 1 c
40 50 60 70 80 90 loo

Fig. 2. Water sorption isotherms of the Yungay variety of potato (raw, cooked, and papa seca).


Varieties: Yungay, Ticahuasi, and Amarilla

Samples: Strips (1 x I x 4 cm)
Drying air temperalure: 50°C
4.0 Wet-bulb temperature: 30°C
Air velocity: 6 m isec
Tray loading: 7.8 kg/m:




0 40 80 I20 160 200 240 280 320


Fig. 3. Papa seca processing showing the influence of potato variety on drying.

Variety: Yungay
Drying air temperature: SO”C
Wet-bulb temperature: 30°C
Air velocity: 6mIsec
Tray loading: 7.8 kg/m2

3.5 -

3.0 -
+ 2.5

E Strips (I x I X 4 cm)
3 1.0 -

!.5 -

1.0 -

0.5 -

L I 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I)

0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320


Fig. 4. Papa seca processing showing the influence of shape (strips and slices) and dimension of samples on drying.

Samples used in the drying tests were: The quality of the final product is superior for
Ticahuasi, Yungay, Revolution, and Amarilla potatoes with a higher moisture content (MC).
varieties; extra- and first-grade sizes; mechan- The varieties with a high content of solids (native
ically peeled by abrasion; and steam-cooked varieties) affect the structure of the final product,
at 1.7 kg/cm2 of absolute pressure for 10 min for even though they dry faster and with less energy
the Amarilla variety and 12 min for Ticahuasi, consumption. However, they will crumble easily,
Revolution, and Yungay varieties. resulting in too small narticle size after
grinding. After rehydratiol. the appearance is
like a puree, without preserving the individual
Results particle size and shape, which is a characteristic
of papa seca of good quality. Yungay and
An important feature is that cooked potatoes Ticahuasi varieties have a low solids content
are used in making pupu secu. Figure 2 presents (22.7 and 21.36%, respectively) but the Amarilla
sorption isotherms for raw and cooked potatoes variety (29.51%) is a high solids content potato.
and also for papa seca (Yungay variety). A Drying curves for three varieties of potato are
marked difference is shown for the dried and shown in Fig. 3. The Amarilla variety, with a
undried products. The difference between high solids content, will dry faster than the
cooked (steamed) and raw potatoes can be Yungay and Ticahuasi varieties. However, only
explained by the gelatinization of starch granules the two varieties with high moisture content will
and changes in physical structure caused by produce papa seca of acceptable quality.
cooking. Physical and chemical changes caused Shape and size of the product to be dried
by cooking also affect rates of drying, for affect the drying process. Figures 4 and 5 show
example, steam-cooked potatoes dry at a slower that strips (1 X I X 4 cm) will dry faster than
rate than raw potatoes. slices of 1 cm thick and 5 cm diameter. If slices
The variety of potato used has proven to be an are only 0.5 cm thick they will dry faster. Figure 5
important variable in the processing of papa seca. also shows that under the .-trying conditions of

Variety: Yungay
Drying-air temperature: 50°C
Wet-bulb temperature: 30°C
Air velocity: 6mlsec
.-= 2.5 Tray loading: 7.8 kg/m2
2 I Strips (1 x I x 4 cm)

Slices(I I2 x 5 @cm)

I I I I I I I I ~
0 0.5 1.0 J.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Fig. 5. Papa seca processing showing the influence of shape (strips and slices) and dimensions of samples on drying

the test, boiled potato strips and slices present Gorling, P. 1958. Physical phenomena during the
only falling-rate periods of drying, with shapes drying of foodstuffs. In: Fundamental aspectsof the
similar to the ones obtained by Gorling (1958). dehydration of foodstuffs. New York, USA,
Macmillan Co.
Saravacos, G.D. and Charm, S.E. 1962.A study of the
Christiansen, J.A. 1977. The utilization of bitter mechanism of fruit and vegetable dehydration. Food
potatoes to improve food production in the high Technology, l6( l), 78-81.
altitudes of the tropics. Connecticut, USA, Cornell Van Arsdel, W.B. 1951. Principles of the drying process
University, unpublished Ph.D. thesis. - with special reference to vegetable dehydration.
Ede. A.J. and Hales, K.C. 1948.The physics of drying U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau circulation,
in heated air, with special reference to fruit and AIC-300.
vegetables. Great Britain, Department of Scientific Van Arsdel, W.B., Copley, M.J., and Morgan, AL, Jr.
and Industrial Research, Food Investigation Board, 1973.Food dehydration (2nd ed.), vol. 1. Connecticut
Special Report 53. USA, AVI Publishing Co., Inc.

Drying Requirements

Drying of Paddy in Indonesia


Abstract. Several studies have been carried out in Indonesia on the use of artificial dryers as an
alternative to the traditional sun drying of rough rice (paddy). Compared to sun drying, artificial
drying produces a better quality milled rice mainly because it has a lower percentage of broken rice
and yellow or damaged grains. Other advantages of artificial drying that appear promising, but
require further study, are a high mill recovery rate, an increase in resistance to pests or fungi, and an
increase in storage life. However, from the farmer’s point of view, the econdmic profitability of
artificial dryers is still doubtful. but becauseof government interest, the use of these dryers has been
encouraged. Artificial drying may offer some solution to the problems encountered in long-term
storage of milled rice; however, efforts must he made to reduce drying costs.

Since 1970, the Indonesian government has If the farmers store paddy (rough rice) that
promoted the use of mechanical dryers in the has a high moisture content, the result will be
private sector to encourage small-scale industry. discoloured grain - the high moisture grains
The drying cost of the different dryers was will have a high degree of respiration that may
between Rp 742/t (Rp 630 = U.S.%1.OO) of result in heat-damaged grain and fungal damage.
rough rice to Rp 1648, and the cost of sun drying Discoloured grain is the most evident sign of
was Rp 300/t of rough rice. The use of artificial damage and may reduce the price 25-30% as
dryers at that time was very limited. In addition compared with sound grain. The amount of rice
to being expensive, the dryers were relatively classed as discoloured is difficult to estimate
complicated and difficult to operate. However. becausethe National Logistics Agency (BULOG),
artificial drying cannot always be replaced by the only institution responsible for price stabi-
sun drying. The possibilities of sun drying are lization, sets certain standards that include a
limited under adverse weather conditions, and prohibition on yellow grains, and rice that does
delays in drying generally lead to deterioration not meet the standard requirements is rejected
of the grain. and put on the free market at reduced prices.
Although BULOG sets the standard require-
ments, sometimes the agency experiences losses
Advantages of a Proper Drying Process because of damaged grains that are mostly from
the purchase of rough rice. (In 198I, a minimum
When paddy is harvested, the moisture of 16000 t decreased in price by at least 25% and,
content (MC) is 20-22% when the weather is in the past, the decreased price has applied to
good, but after a ramfall the paddy could have close to IO5t.) With appropriate drying processes
24-27% MC. Without aeration, grains with a the evidence of yellow or damaged graifls may be
high moisture content will deteriorate rapidly, avoided, and a large fraction of the postharvest
sometimes within 24 hours. If the moisture problems may be eliminated.
content of the rough rice is reduced to 16% With artificial drying, the dried rough rice
immediately after harvest, then the grain will be may produce a higher quality of milled rice
of good quality for 3-6 months (it is common provided that excessive drying temperatures are
practice for farmers to sun dry early to reach a not used. A comparison of milled rice dried by
16% MC and then store the grain for several sun drying and by artificial drying is given in
months). Table I. Another advantage of artificial drying
over sun drying is increased resistance to insect
‘National Logistics Agency (BULOG). P.O. Box attacks and fungi. An increase in storability may
2345, Jakarta, Indonesia. also be possible but further studies are required.

Table 1. Comparison of sun drying and artificial use an artificial dryer at any other time than
drying of milled rice. during the rainy season when sun drying is not
Sun drying” Artificial drying possible. Otherwise, sun drying is a much
(%I (%I cheaper method. Therefore, most of the dryers
are only in operation for about 4 weeks. The use
Moisture content 14 14
65 85 of an artificial dryer may only be economically
Head rice
Broken grains 3s 13 feasible in areas where the incidence of harvest-
Chips 2 2 ing in the rainy season is high such as in moun-
Milling recovery 65 >6Sb tainous areas where rice cultivation is done
‘Represented by the standard of domestic procurement from
continuously or in well-irrigated areas where,
BULOG. because of water rationing, harvesting has to be
“The milling recovery from artificial drying may be higher, done in the rainy season.
but it is difficult to tind an adequate sample.
A nontechnical condition that forced the use
of artificial dryers, is the fact that rice is still a
Cost of Artificial Drying Compared to political commodity in the country. Rice
Sun Drying accounts for about 30% of the average family
expenditures in Indonesia, so the government
uses rice price stabilization for rice as the mean
In 1970-71, the Weitz-Hettelsater Company, for stabilization of the economy of the country.
Missouri, USA, studied the cost of several dryers,
as well as sun drying, and found that the cost
difference between sun drying and artificial Economic Analysis on the Use of
drying is quite large (Rp 300/t of rough rice
compared to Rp 742/t) and that there is a Artificial Dryers
significant cost difference between dryers (Rp
742-1648/t). A study on the economic feasibility of the use
The Department of Agriculture in 1976 did of a small flat-bed dryer (capacity IS00 kg/batch)
the same study and found that most of the flat- by the BULOG/IDRC project economists
bed dryers had relatively low drying costs, determined that: investment in artificial dryers
because they were the lowest in energy consump does not substitute for investment in additional
tion, and the labour requirements were inex- floor for sun drying, quantitative losses in the
pensive. Therefore, any type of dryer to be absence of artificial drying in the rainy season
introduced in Indonesia should be technologically harvest are 4% and fuel is costed at commercial
simple and low in energy consumption to main- prices. Analysis shows that the cost-benefit ratio
tain low drying costs. for artificial drying (discount rate 18%) is unlikely
In 1978, a study was also conducted by to exceed +1 in the absence of a further govern-
BULOG and IDRC on sun drying and on the ment subsidy for paddy dried by artificial means.
flat-bed dryer developed in the BULOCVIDRC Another analysis by a Canadian University
project. The relative results were similar to the Service Overseas (CUSO) volunteer on the
earlier study. The cost of sun drying was Rp project concerned the possibilities of using a
1500/t of rough rice and the artificial drying cost small flat-bed dryer, a vertical-bin dryer with a
(flat-bed dryer) was Rp 3500/t of rough rice. kerosine heater, and a vertical-bin dryer with a
Although sun drying is much cheaper than rice-hull burner. The model considered the
artificial drying, artificial dryers must be used following possibilities: three opportunity costs of
when the weather conditions are unsatisfactory labour (high, low, and zero wages), whether the
for sun drying. Therefore, BULOG has ins:alled use of artificial dryers can be considered as a
71 dryers throughout the village cooperatives substitute for additional investment in sun
and will soon install another 40 units as well as drying, and weather conditions observed for
60 small, flat-bed dryers. Jatisari (1970-80). a major paddy-producing
region where the rainy season often presents
serious problems for sun drying.
Problems in the Use of Artificial Dryers Among the conclusions of the analysis are:
(1) mechanical dryers are unlikely to provide an
Artificial dryers have several technological efftcient means of drying at the cooperative level
advantages, but there are still some economic if rice hulls are not used as fuel; (2) returns to
problems to be solved. It is not economical to artificial dryers are likely to fluctuate widely
from year to year becauseof the weather, which that the use of artificial dryers is not yet eco-
is a seriousproblem to businessesor cooperatives nomically viable, even though they do have some
that do not have easy long-term credit; (3) technological benefits.
returns to artificial dryers depend critically upon
alternative investmentswhen artificial dryers are Conclusions
absent and upon whether losses on the floor (1) The use of artificial dryers improves the
during sun drying can be lowered to about 1%. If quality of milled rice.
artificial dryers are not intended to be substitutes (2) One benefit derived from the use of artifi-
for investment in additional sundrying capacity cial dryers may be in improvements in long-term
or if losses on the floor in sun drying can be storability, etc., but this depends on changes in
lowered substantially (as has been argued by the demand for the quality of milled rice and
other researchersin Indonesia) then investment requires further study.
in artificial dryers is not appropriate; (4) the (3) For now, the use of artificial dryers is still
Indonesian government has for a long time uneconomical or at least questionable, but in
provided extremely large indirect subsidies for Indonesia, because of the government food
private sector investment in artificial dryers (fuel policy, the use of artificial dryers has been
subsidies increase the internal rate of return to encouraged.
flat-bed and vertical-bin dryers, using kerosine (4) A further study should be carried out to
fuel and operating in the rainy season,by about find cheaper artificial drying processesor other
1.0 points), yet, artificial dryers have only been drying processes,such as low-cost solar dryers
used in the private sector or in cooperatives that may overcome the drying problems
when the govemmrr:t fully subsidizesinvestment encountered during periods of rain or supple-
costs as well. From this information, it appears ment sun drying.

Effect of Drying on the Nutritive Value of Foods in Kenya
M.I. Gomez’

Abstract. Vegetables were analyzed for vitamin C and carotene content. Four selected species
were subjected to solar dehydratmn with and without photoprotection. Two pretreatments, steam
blanching and sulfiting, were applied and carotene retention in the resulting dried products was
evaluated. A control study was conducted with ambient temperature shade-dried material subjected
to the same pretreatments. Mango and papaya were similarly subjected to blanching and citric acid
and sucrose pretreatments, respectively, and retention of carotene and vitamin C in the dried
products WIS observed.
Carotene retention in the ambient temperature-dried treatments was lower than in the solar-
dried treatments with continued losses in storage. Light-protected drying resulted in higher
retention than light-exposed drying and steam blanching improved retention significantly. Papaya
showed appreciably higher retention of vitamin C on drying than did mango. while the tatter
showed significantly higher carotene retention. Steam blanching of mango prior to drying resu!tcd
in appreciable losses of both absorbic acid and carotene.

Nutritional surveys in Kenya have identified a to dehydration, the vitamins are highly labile
number of micronutrient deficiency problems, and are destroyed through enzymes and oxidative
notably in vitamins A and C, riboflavin, folic and photodegradative mechanisms. The potential
acid, calcium, and iron (Bhodal et al. 1969; of solar-dehydration preservation of foods in
Keller et al. 1969; Burrows 1975; Steenberger countries such as Kenya is recognized, but the
et al. 1978). In the absence of an adequate animal conservation of nutrient quality is an important
protein intake, vegetables and fruits are the consideration in relation to prevalent micro-
cheapest and most available sources of these nutrient deficiency problems. Therefore, solar
micronutrients. Nutrient data on green leafy dehydration of some local fruits and vegetables
vegetables (GLV) indicate that they are good is studied in relation to nutrient and quality
sources of p carotene. vitamin C, folic acid. changes in dehydration and storage.
riboflavin. calcium, and iron. Fruits are also a
good source of vitamin C, carotene, and minerals.
However, the availability of fruits and vegetables Green Leafy Vegetables
is seasonal. and they are particularly scarce
during the long periods of drought. The appli-
cation of simple solar-dehydration technologies Green leafy vegetables, including a number of
at the rural level wouid not only ensure a year- indigenous wild species, are popular when they
round supply of these foods but would reduce are available (Fig. 1). However, they are subject
waste of these highly perishable foods during the to seasonal scarcity, disappearing entirely from
seasonal overabundance. the diet in the dry season. Sixteen species of
green leafy vegetables were screened for vitamin
Because fruits and vegetables are a valuable C content and 18 species for p carotene content
micronutrient resource, dehydration techno!ogies (Tables 1 and 2). Of these, four species (cassavii
should also ensure maximum nutrient retention leaf, cowpea leaf, kale, and amaranthus) were
in the dehydrated products. Although the selected on the basis of nutrient content am!
mineral content of fruits and vegetables is stable acceptability for solar-dehydration studies
Initially, these species were studied for carotent
retention in dehytration.
‘Department of Food Science and Technology,
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nairobi. P.O. A conventional box-type solar dryer was used
Box 29053, Kabete, Nairobi, Kenya. that consisted of a shallow wooden box with <!

Fig. 1. b Kenya. a variety of le& vegerahles are marketed followiwg the rain!, semm

Table 1. Nutrient content of 16 Kenyan vegetables. Drying

Vitamin C
(m&100 g fresh weight) Fresh. steam-blanched, and sulfited material
was subjected to three drying treatments
Range Mean (ambient temperature, shade drying. and dark-
African spider herbs 171.8-212.0 158.4 and light-exposed solar drying). Optimum
Bean lea! 101.1-150.8 130.8 product quality, storage stability. and rehy-
Cabbage 21.6-36.3 26.9 dration were observed in products dried to a final
Cassava leaf 148.0-400.8 310.8 moisture content (MC,) of 6-82. Ambient
Cocoyam leaf - 47.5
Coriander leaf 87.0- 120.6 113.0
temperature shade drying to reach this moisture
Cowpea leaf 56.4-123.0 91.9 content took 4-6 days, but solar drying was
E.A. spinach 116.3-293.0 169.0 completed in 4-6 hours. Dried samples were
Erucastrum arabicum 80.5-94.9 90.6 packed in polyethylene bags and dark-stored at
Fenugreek 114.0-140s 133.0 rcjom temperature for 3 months.
Kale 122.3-260.2 200.2 Species differences in retention properties
Lettuce 2.0- 10.4 8.6 Lvere observed based on physical heat and wilt
Nightshade 109.6-158.6 141.5 stabilitv and other intrinsic factors. Under all
Potato leaf 75.6-92.1 82.0 conditions cassava leaf showed exceptional
Pumpkin lea1 28.8-43.1 30.8 retention properties, retaining 70-100% of its
Swiss chard 64.2-90.0 7i.4
carotene, but the maximum observed retention
in kale was only 5X’%. Cowpea leaf retained
nearly 80% of its carotene in four of the treat-
cover and vents at the baseand sides.The wooden ments, but amaranthus showed comparable
frame lid was covered with a double layer of retention only in dark solar-dried, steam-
clear polyethylene sheet. The leaf material. after blanched. and sulfited treatments. In direct
appropriate pretreatments, was placed on the dryers the colour of the product to be dried is
screen-bottomed trays and loaded into the dryer. important: if it is dark the dryer is more efficient.
Dark- and light-exposed drying was achieved by
interposing a sheet of black polyethylene at the Ambient Temperature Dehydration
base of the cover of one chamber while keeping
the other clear. Ambient temperature dehydration resulted in

Table 2. 0 caroteneand moisture content of 18 varieties of green leafy vegetables.
Moisture content (pg/lOO g fresh weight)
(96)’ Range Mean
Amarantus hybridus 88.3 6750-8750 7416
Beta vulgaris 90.9 4875-7375 6125
Brassica oleracea var. acephala 88.2 6625-8500 7312
Brassica oleracea var. capitata 91.6 1050-l 163 1156
Corchom olitorius 85.4 8250-9150 8750
Coiacasia esculentis 79.8 9500-9952 9700
Crotalaria brevidens 84.8 6250-7750 7000
Cucurbita pepo 80.6 7750-9000 8375
Cucurbita sp. 87.4 7875-9125 8291
Erucasrrum arabica 85.9 7750-7500 7625
Galinsoga pawiflora 83.9 7250-7563 7375
Gynandropsis gynandra 81.8 8500-8900 8675
Lutuca sativa 90.5 25-40 38.3
hfanihot utilissima 66.3 12125-14675 12237
Phaseolus vulgaris 72.4 9500-11216 10650
Sofanum nigrum 86.7 7500-7750 7625
Solanum tuberosum 90.5 10823-11520 10652
Vigna tmguiculata 85.1 8250-10500 9416
‘Mean of four samples.

the lowest carotene retentions in kale and in of cassava did not significantly affect carotene
amaranthus of 20 and 40%, respectively, and retention in fresh, steam-blanched, and sulfited
slightly improved retention of 60% in cowpea. treatments indicating that its photodegradative
Cassava was least affected retaining over 90% mechanisms are minimal.
of its original carotene. However, storage losses
of carotene in ambient temperature-dried
material were significant, presumably because Conclusions
of continued enzyme activity and consequent
carotene destruction during storage. Cassava and cowpea leaf showed the most
favourable response to dehydration in terms of
SteamBlanching carotene retention and quality of the dried
product. Kale and amaranthus underwent
Steam blanching (3 min), although causing extensive yellowing and fading even with dark
some initial losses of carotene from heat solar drying and showed correspondingly poor
degradation, improved retention appreciably in retention properties.
dehydration and storage in all dehydration Traditional methods of drying leaf vegetables
treatments. in Africa involve direct sun and shade drying
(Goode 1973; McDowell 1976). The results of
Sulfiting these studies indicate that excessive losses of
The major effect of sulfiting was on improved carotene occur with such drying techniques and
storage retention of carotene in steam-blanched in subsequent storage of the product. Steam
material. However, this improvement was signi- blanching, though causing some initial losses of
ficant only in the more wilt-susceptible species carotene from heat degradation, improved
such as amaranthus. retention appreciably in dehydration and storage.
In heat-sensitive, wilt-susceptible species such
Solar Dehydration as amaranthus, sulfiting has a protective action.
Photoprotected solar drying resulted in better
Significant carotene retention differences were carotene retention and storage stability of the
observed between dark- and light-exposed product than ambient temperature or light-
material in all leaf species except cassava. The exposed drying. However, heat-stable species
differences were greatest in the unblanched such as cowpea, dehydrate just as well under
treatment and were considerably reduced by shade-drying conditions as in dark solar drying
steam blanching and sulfiting. Photoprotection as long as the leaves are steam blanched first.

Oqanoleptic trials with dehydrated cowpea a sucrose dip (10%). The effect of omission ot
leaf showed excellent rehydration and accept- the citric acid dip on nutrient retention and
ability of the product. Cowpea leaf, on the basis quality and the effect of combining steam
of nutrient retention properties, acceptability, blanching with the chemical treatment were
and wide utilization, offers the best potential for observed. The products were dark solar dried to
development as a dried-leaf vegetable. a final moisture content of 15-20%.
Initial moisture, content (MC,). vitamin C,
Nutrient Retention in Solar Dehydrated and carotene content of mango and papaya are
Mango and Papaya represented in Table 3. Papaya showed an
increase in both ascorbic acid and carotene and
Carotene and ascorbic acid retention were with the degree of ripeness in conformity with
observed in solar dehydration of mango and observations by others (Arriola et al. 1975). This
papaya. The optimum degree of ripeness and is an exception to what is generally found with
other preparation, pretreatment. and drying other fruits that show decreasing levels of
variables were optimized in preliminary esperi- ascorbic acid with ripening.
merits. Papaya and mango were sliced OS-o.75 cm However, the retention of ascorbic acid in
and l-l.5 cm thick. respectively. Optimum mature papaya ranged from 81-87s and was
pretreatment for product quality (organoleptic) significantly higher than in ripe fruit in which
consisted of a citric acid dip (0.1%) followed by retention was about 40-50% (Table 4). When the
Table 3. Nutrient composition of mango and papaya.
Moisture content Vitamin C 0 carotene
~--.. (‘2 ) (mg/lOO g) (&loo g)
Ripe 86.00 53.78 343.75
Mature* 87.50 43.48 312.50
Undermature 86.75 37.57 250.00
Mature 86.40 45.56 552.00
Mature ?7.75 31.64 x00.00
Mature 81.75 41.13 157x.00
Mature 81.00 34.31 128X.75
‘Mature timpIes from d~lferrnr farms wtthm the sameWGI and pvsblbly from dlfl’erent cultivars.

Table 4. Nutrient retention in solar-dried mango and papaya.

‘7c retention”
Ripeness Colour Texture Treatment Vitamin C p carotene
Matureh Orange yellow Firm Citric acid and
sucrose 81.27 50.62
Ripe Brigh: orange Soft, disintegrates Citric acid and
yellow on slicing sucrose 48.50 49.76
Mature Orange yellow Firm Citric acid and
sucrose 90.63 50.74
Mature Orange yellow Firm Sucroseonly 84.30 40.93
Mature Golden yellow Firm Citric acid and
sucrose 57.22 81.15
Ripe Orange yellow SOfI, spongy Citric acid and
sucrose 38.61 85.40
Mature Golden yellow Firm Steam blanched
citric and
sucrose dipped 27.49 35.81
‘Dr) wclght basis.
‘Mature samples from different farms within the same area and possibly from different cultivars.

citric acid dip was omitted, no significant
differences were observed in ascorbic acid and Arriola, M.C., Madrid, M.C., and Rolz. C. 1975.Some
carotene retention immediately after dehydration. physical and chemical changes in papaya during
However, organoleptic and colour differences storage. Proceedings of the American Society of
became evident after 2-weeks’ storage at room Horticultural Science, 19, 97.
temperature. Bhodal, M., Gibbs, NE.. and Simmons, W.K. 1969.
Mango retained only 30-57s of its ascorbic Nutrition survey and campaign against malnutrition
acid on dehydration as compared to papaya, in Kenya. WHO/FAO/UNICEF. 170 p.
although carotene retention was appreciably Burrows. J. 1975. Kenya: into the second decade.
higher. The pattern of retention of absorbic Maryland, USA, The John Hopkins University
acid in relation to maturity was the same as in Press, pp. 447-526.
papaya, mature fruits retaining significantly Goode, F.M. 1973. Some local vegetables and fruits
higher levels than ripe ones. Carotene retention of Uganda. Entebbe, Uganda, Department of
as in papaya did not show a distinct trend in Agriculture, 61 p.
variation with ripening. Keller, W.E., Muskat, E., and Valder, E. 1969.
Significant reductions were observed in Investigations into health and nutrition in East
ascorbic acid (19%) and carotene retention Africa. Munchen, DFR, Weltforum Verlag, 253 p.
(50%) after steam blanching along with the McDowell, J. 1976. Viilage technology in Eastern
accompanying loss of flavour and colour. Africa. Nairobi, Kenya, Eastern Africa Regional
Colour of the product, however, appeared to be Office, UNICEF, 32 p,
more stable during storage with less tendency Steenberger, W.M., Kuscin. J.A., and Onchere. S.R.
toward undesirable darkening, 1978. Tropical and Geographical Medicine, 30.

Consumer Acceptance

Designing Cowpea Products for Northeastern Thailand

T. Ngarmsak,’ M.D. Earle,2 and A.M. Anderson2

Abstract. This paper illustrates the use of a product development system in designing cowpea
food products for northeastern Thailand. The Home Processed Legumes Project at Khon Kaen
University has developed acceptable, high-protein cowpea dishes and a l-week menu for a balanced
diet designed for use at the village level and selected from a combination of cowpea dishes and
common northeastern food. A snack food made from a product from cowpea flour was also
developed for marketing by food vendors throughout Thailand.

Over the years, researchers at Massey marketing methods in a consumer test or in a

University, New Zealand, have built a system of test market. If the product successfully passes
product development designed to satisfy known the test market, it is then ready to be launched
or suspected consumer needs. The system varies on the market.
in detail from project to project, but usually the
structure is divided into different stages. each of The Design of Cowpea Products
which is followed by an evaluation.
The stages in designing a food product start In designing a food product for northeastern
with setting the aims for the project; ideas are Thailand, the main considerations were to
put forward based on the aims. The product develop nutritional products and to create a
ideas are screened according to the potential market for a new raw material, cowpea. The
marketability and technical feasibility of the evaluation of the development steps was based
product. The next stage is the detailed study of on the nutritional value of the products and the
the market and of the processing involved. In a ready acceptance of the products by the north-
qualitative evaluation of the preliminary eastern villagers. The northeastern region is the
products. the most suitable products for poorest in Thailand. About one-third of the Thai
development can be chosen. This is followed population live in this region and rely for their
by the design of prototypes and preliminary livelihood on agriculture, with an income derived
testing. At this stage, it is possible to make a mainly from the production of rice, cassava,
much more accurate economic evaluation of the kenef, sugarcane, and legumes.
project before the very expensive stages of From several surveys (ICNND 1962: Chan-
factory production and market development are drapanond et al. 1973: Kumazawa et al. l974), it
attempted. The next steps are to study the was concluded that in spite of the comparatively
processing parameters, either in a pilot plant or abundant supply of food in the country,
on a small scale in a factory, to determine Thailand still suffers from malnutrition. Scarcity
whether the product can be made easily, con- of food in the semi-arid areas of the northeast
sistently. and economically while maintaining result in a high proportion of the population
quality standards. At this stage, there is enough suffering from malnutrition.
information to make a detailed analysis of the From a survey on northeastern eating habits
potential market and to draw up a complete plan by Ngarmsak et al. (1980) at Khon Kaen Univer-
to introduce and test the product and the sity, it was found that the diet included glutinous
rice with small amounts of animal meat, mainly
freshwater fish, and significant quantities of
‘Department of Agricultural Products. Faculty of
Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen. vrg:rtables. Small amounts of legumes were
Thailand. also eaten. Food was obtained mainly from the
2Department of Food Technology, Massey Univer- area surrounding the village and varied with the
sity, P.O. Box 63. Palmerston North, New Zealand. season.

Protein/energy malnutrition is due mainly to and 11 snacks and desserts. Each recipe was
the unavailability of low-cost, high-quality food then readjusted so that the quantity of cowpea
for the low-income family. Legumes have been could be increased. The readjusted recipes were
suggestedas a good source of cheap, high-quality then tested for their acceptability and run through
protein. Soybean cannot be successfully grown a series of tas’.e panels for preference ranking.
for production in the northeast; mung beans, Further formulation research was used to
peanuts, and string beans are traditionally maximize protein content by the application of
produced and utilized in some villages through- linear programing and to calculate the 26
out the area but not in others. The multiple- nutrients present in each dish. The maximized
cropping project at Khon Kaen University has protein dishes were then tested again for
encouragedcowpea as the legume for the north- consumer acceptability by a taste panel of
east. because it can be grown well in the arid northeastern Thais. The comments for the taste
area where other legumes fail. A promising panel were used to select other more acceptable
systemof integrating cowpea in the cropping recipes from the parametric cost runs in the
system has been established, but there is reluc- linear programing where improvement in
tance on the part of the farmers to grow cowpea palatability was considered necessary. Final
until they are assured of its value either for computerized recipes were selected for menu
home use or for cash income. Therefore, it is planning and popularized by publication in
important that housewives, food vendors, and pamphlet form and distributed through govern-
food shops in the rural northeast be encouraged ment agents and school teachers.
to use cowpeas. The Home ProcessedLegumes These dishes were then incorporated into a
Project at Khon Kaen University has encouraged 7-day menu selected by use of mixed integer
the use of cowpea as a protein-rich source. The programing from common dishes eaten in
work to develop cowpea products at Khon Kaen northeastern Thailand. The cowpea dishes and
University is divided into two levels. the menu are now being introduced in six Thai
villages through different methods of promotion
to find which is the most suitable method for
Level 1: Improving the Diet of the Villagers launching a new food raw material in north-
eastern Thailand.
The utilization of cowpea was designed to
improve the nutritional status of the villagers.
The foods eaten most often could be supple- Level 2: Encouraging Farmers to Grow
mented with cowpea to improve the availability Cowpea as a Cash Crop
of nutrients at a reasonable cost. The use of
cowpea either as a complement to existing raw To encourage the farmers to grow more
materials or as a replacement for raw materials cowpeas, not only for their own needs but also
in commonly eaten foods might provide a better as a cash crop, a widespread utilization of
basis for selection of a nutritious and low- cowpeas is needed. Cowpea flour would be the
cost menu. It is imperative that the cowpea- form most easily utilized as it could be used in
supplemented dishes be readily acceptable to the food dishes or in snack foods. The snack food
villagers and should be incorporated into their seemed to be the most appropriate method as it
normal diet. This led to the first step in the would be ready to eat, and the housewife would
development work: the development of cowpea not need to learn any new recipes. It could be
dishes and the menu planning of a balanced diet, made and sold by food vendors throughout
selected from a combination of cowpea dishes Thailand.
and normal northeastern food. The aim was to widen the utilization of
A list of 50 dishes, including main dishes, cowpea in the form of cowpea flour by making
snacks, and desserts was collected from the it into snack products. The products to be
literature and local recipesand by brainstorming. developed should be high in nutritional value,
Preliminary cooking trials were carried out to especially protein; low cost; require simple
evaluate the suitability for inclusion of cowpeas processing; be ready to eat or require simple
in each dish. Taste panels were used to judge the cooking; easy to transport and store without
acceptability of each dish. All dishes were then refrigeration; highly acceptable products, e.g.,
screened on the basis of protein and cost per products similar to the already well-known
serving, complexity of preparation, and raw products; economical to make: and have a large
material availability in the villages. The number market outlet.
of dishes was screeneddown to 14 main dishes The steps in developing snack products are:

a search for product ideas, systematic selection in the ratio of 1: 1. An increase in the ratio of
of product ideas, process selection, formulation cowpea flour resulted in less volume in the puff
and process testing, consumer testing, introduc- product and a hard texture. At this stage it is
tion of snack products to the food vendors and planned to use a mixture incorporating the
food processors, and launching of the products. maximum amount of cowpea flour to give the
In the search for product ideas, ideas for right amount of puffing in the final product.
cowpea were formulated by a search through The village texturizer machine was made
Thai recipe books. The amount of cowpea flour according to the instructions (MMF 1977). The
was determined by a literature research and by machine was tested using rice flour and tapioca
trial recipes. The most suitable products were flour as the optimum conditions for these were
chosen by a systematic selection. Ideas were published in the booklet provided by the Meals
screened first by a “pass or fail” method. To for Millions Foundation. A satisfactory product
satisfy the aim, the level of cowpea flour in the of moderate puffed volume was obtained from
recipe was high. From past experience in cowpea flour. It was found that the satisfactory
developing cowpea dishes, literature searches, range of moisture content (MC) in the flour
and the distribution of the level of cowpea flour mixture was between 20 and 30% and the
in the product ideas, it was considered that the optimum cooking condition was at 200°C at
cowpea flour in the recipe must be greater than high pressure and 15-20 set of processing time.
12%. The original product ideas were screened It was also found in the early experiments that
to meet these requirements. mixtures of pumpkin, sesame,and rice flour and
To select the suitable product ideas for further cowpea flour could be made into a favourable
development, we used the checklist screening puff product. A design of possible combinations
method. The method attempted to quantify the of cowpea flour with these ingredients (pumpkin,
information so that the product ideas could be sesame,and rice flour) will be tested to determine
ranked against each other and the ideas with the their effect on the flavour. appearance, and
highest rank were chosen for further develop- protein quality of the final product. The protein
ment. 7 I:-. *creening factors, which were related content and protein quality of the mixtures will
to the 4 , ,ctive of the stack product, were given be optimized by use of linear programing. The
a score. Each product idea was numerically puff products from each mixture at their optimum
rated against the total of each factor; then the puffing condition will be compared for their
marks of all the factors were added to give a acceptability in a taste panel, and then the
total score for the product idea. From the total mixture that satisfies the nutritional specifica-
it was possible to rank the product ideas and tions and is accepted by the consumer will be
select the suitable product idea. The most suitable selected.
product idea was the cowpea puff. The next step is the consumer test. A sample
The next step was to select the method of of housewives in Khon Kaen villages and towns
making puff products. Two possible processing will be given the product to test at home. A week
methods were selected: hot-oil puffing and the later they will be interviewed for their opinion
village texturizer pufftng machine. These two about flavour, texture, and appearance of the
methods were considered to be simple enough product to gather some suggestions about
that they could be carried out by the food vendor improvement in the product and to learn about
in the village. The hot-oil puffing is the most their intention to buy the product and frequency
common method in which the gelatinized dried and quantity of buying. The result of the con-
paste with a moisture content of about 10% sumer test will be used to improve the product
will puff when deep fried in hot oil at a temper- and help in estimating the future sale of the
ature between 195-205°C. The village texturizer product.
is a machine developed by the Meals for Millions Because the aim is to widen the utilization of
Foundation (MMF 1977). It is low cost and cowpea flour, it is necessary that the food
simple to make and is an intermediate technology vendors, food processors, and food entrepreneurs
machine designed to manufacture puff snack be encouraged to produce the snack product for
food at the village level. market. The product and the method of proces-
Once the processing methods were selected, sing should be introduced to as many of these
the next step was formulation and process testing. groups as possible with the aim that they will
Work at this stage is now in progress. It was adopt the product and market it.
initially found that an acceptable hot-oil puff The plan of introduction is still to be developed
product can be made from dried gelatinized and it is intended that a pilot introduction be
paste of a mixture of tapioca and cowpea flour analyzed before the large-scale introduction.

Two series of workshops will be held at Khon product promotion in the area where the product
Kaen University. The first workshop will include is planned to be launched.
a demonszation on how to process the snack
products. The processingequipmentand machines Acknowledgment
will be displayed and information will be given
on how to build or purchasethe components and This part of the researchstudy received financial
support from IDRC and the Thai government.
the costs involved. Information will also be given
on the costs and profits that can be made by
making snack products for sale. The food Chandrapanond, A.. Suttapreyasri, D., Tansuphasiri,
vendors, small-scale food processors, and food S., and Harinasuta, P. 1973. Nutrition, growth and
entrepreneurs will be encouraged to try out the development of Thai village children. Journal of the
processing on their own premises. Ingredients, Medical Association of Thailand, 56( I), 722-73 1.
processing equipment, and machines will be ICNND (Interdepartmental Committee on Nutrition
supplied to help in the production of the product. for National Defence). 1962. Nutrition survey.
At the same time, a test market of the product Bangkok, Thailand, ICNND.
will be run in the villages or in the areas of small-
Kumazawa,A., Ono, M., Takahashi, H., Vchijima, Y..
and Hiyano, T. 1974.Investigations on nutritional
scale food processors and entrepreneurs who anemia of the farmers in the north easternpart of
have expressed an interest in the product. A Thailand, November-December 1972. Thailand,
second workshop will be conducted for a group Ministry of Public Health, Division of Nutrition,
of food vendors, food processors, and entre- Departmentof Public Health Promotion and Japan,
preneurs who now intend to produce the product Nogoya Womens University.
for market. This workshop will illustrate in more MMF (Meals for Millions Foundation). 1977. The
detail the techniques of making good products village texturiser: A low cost machine for preparing
and how to maintain the equipment and texturised food products at the village level. Meals
for Millions Foundation, Mt. Rainier, VITA.
machines.They will also learn about production Ngarmsak, T., Anderson, A.M., and Earle, M.D. 1980.
control, quality control and plant sanitation, Menu planning for northeast Thailand. In: A
bookkeeping, and costing as well as other symposium - food product and process develop-
important areas of factory management. The ment in Pacific countries. IO-13 November 1980,
university will help at the beginning with the Auckland, New Zealand.

Consumer Acceptance

Consumer Acceptance of Dehydrated Banana

Weaning Food in Costa Rica
Celsa Lastreto G., Rodney Cooke, and Armando Campos S.’

Abstract. An infant cereal using banana. rice, and soybean was developed to supply the needs
of the Costa Rican Program for Food and Nutrition, which eventually will be introduced into the
national market. This food. which uses principally nationally produced raw materials. is in the form
of small flakes and can be consumed with either milk or water. The cereal was fortified with
vitamins and minerals and was designed as a complementary food for weaning. The process for
preparation of the cereal consists of cooking to destroy the inhibitors in the soybean to acceptable
levels, gelatinization of the rice starch, inactivation of the banana enzymes, and dehydration of the
mixture by drum drying to 5% MC.
Optimization studies of the ingredients, using :he chemical score as a nutritional index with the
banana content maintained at 40%. indicated that the best complement between rice and soybean
proteins was achieved in mixtures with 10.5% and 16.5% soybean dry weight. The cereal, according
to chemical and microbiological analyses and taste panels, was stable after 12 months’ storage
in a package of laminated paper, aluminum, and polyethylene. The cereal developed was produced
on a commercial scale. The product has high caloric value and exhibits the functional characteristics
(viscosity, dispersability, water absorption, and texture) recommended for this type of food. The
acceptance of the cereal was evaluated in a study “Food for children under two years” during the
first phase of the field experiment. For this evaluation a group of 50 families each with a child
under age 2 was selected in an urban zone exposed to the risk of malnutrition. The results based on
the information given by the mother or person in charge of feeding the child demonstrated a good
acceptance of the product.

Faced with the need of the Costa Rican peas) as alternatives to soybeans was also studied.
government’s Food and Nutrition Programme With this product, the aim was to supplement
for low-cost, easy-to-distribute, and nutritional the amino acids lysine, tryptophan, and threonine,
foods that would be well accepted by the public, in which cereals are deficient, and methionine,
the Food Technology Research Centre (Centro of which legumes and oilseeds often contain only
de Investigaciones en Tecnologia de Alimentos limited amounts (Rosenberg and Culik 1957;
- CITA) has concentrated its efforts on devel- Bressani et al. 1972 a, b). The project assessed
oping food products of this kind. One example is the effect of varying the proportions of soybeans
banana-flavoured dehydrated infant cereal. The and rice on the nutritive value and functional
aim of this project was to develop a supple- characteristics of the final product. The banana
mentary food for the weaning period, which content was kept constant at 40% thus ensuring
might be taken with water or milk. In designing that the banana flavour would be maintained
the product, locally produced raw materials were in the product. The final formula, enriched with
used: bananas, to make use of the nonexportable soybean oil to increase its caloric content and
surplus from Costa Rica’s banana crop; rice, fortified with vitamins and minerals, was
which is grown locally; and whole soybeans, to prepared on an industrial scale and yielded a
improve the mixture’s protein quality, supply the cereal having the functional properties recom-
oil necessary for processing, and add calories. mended for foods of this kind. The product’s
The use of other legumes (cowpeas and pigeon acceptability was assessed under a project
entitled “Food for children under two years of
‘Centro de Investigaciones en Tecnologia de age.” The primary goal of this project was to
Alimentos (CITA), Universidad de Costa Rica, San furfher the development of high-calorie foods
Jose, Costa Rica. for use by children under age 2 during the

weaning period and in populations exposed to the mixture low, reduce the cost of drying, and
the risk of malnutrition. The specific ob.jectives ensure that the film formed in the dryer was
may be listed as follows: uniform. This temperature also prevented the
(I) To evaluate the acceptability and nutritional growth of microorganisms (Jay 1973; Frazier
impact of various food products that are poten- 1978).
tially effective for preventing malnutrition in The pressure and velocity at which the drum
urban and rural populations exposed to the risk dryer was operated were chosen on the basis of
of malnutrition. specific output in grams per hour and the func-
(2) To make progress in developing stronger tional characteristics of the resulting product
hypotheses regarding the key factors and (Fig. 1).
relationships that affect results when food
products are introduced on a noncommercial Results
basis to families resident in these areas.
(3) To consolidate a research methodology Nutritional Aspects
applicable to the social context of Costa Rica,
and to other similar social contexts, to provide To optimize the relative proportions of the
a basis for future studies in this field. ingredients in the banana-rice-soybean mixture,
The acceptability of the product was assessed a chemical score was used as a nutrition index.
under a preliminary field trial in which three A system of linear equations was used to calculate
foods were administered experimentally: banana- the chemical score of various banana-rice-
flavoured dehydrated infant cereal, rice cereal, soybean mixtures. The banana content was kept
and a rice-and-bean cereal. Each cereal was given constant at 40% while the protein content varied
to a trial group of 50 families over a 2-month from 8 to 18%‘. For each of these mixtures, the
period. Another group of 50 families also took chemical score and caloric content were cal-
part as a control group, bringing the total culated. The chemical score wa; calculated on
population studied to 200. Each family had at the basis of 1976 Food and Agriculture Organi-
least one child under age 2 who was being weaned zation of the United Nations (FAO) data, and the
or had already bee11weaned. 1973 FAO/World Health Organization (WHO)
guideline on amino acids was used as a reference.
The results obtained indicated the optimum
Method of Preparation protein level to be from 10 to 12%; in other words,
the optimum mixtures were found to be those
Basically. the method used to prepare the containing between 10.5 and 16.5% soybean.
cereal consisted of precooking the ingredients The caloric content of the various mixtures was
and drying the resulting mash on a drum dryer. found to be virtually the same (Table 1).
After being washed in running water, the whole Mixtures containing 30 and 40% soybeans
soybeans were cooked at 121°C for 30 min; then were sent to the Institute de Nutrition de Centro
the water used was drained off to remove the AmCrica y Panama (INCAP) and the Tropical
water-soluble carbohydrates, which are the main Product Institute (TPI) for the following
cause of flatulence (Rackis et al. 1970). Cooking biological analyses: protein utilization index
the soybeans in this way reduced the concentra- (PER), net protein utilization (NPU). and net
tion of inhibitors and llatulence-causing oligo- protein ratio (NPR). The results showed the
saccharides (Shemer et ai. 1973: Rackls et al. quality of the mixture’s protein to be from 63 to
1974). The rice and water were then added, and 77% that of casein, indicating that the mixture’s
allowed to boil for 5 min to gelatinize the rice protein quality is good although not excellent.
starch. At this point, the bananas were peeled This is because, even though the rice-soybean
and put in a tank with water and ascorbic acid mixture contains a good variety of amino acids,
(0.1% by weight) to prevent discoloration. The the addition of the banana reduces the protein
contents of this tank were then added to the quality, possibly owing to a Maillard-type non-
soybeans and rice in the cooking pot and left to enzymatic discoloration during the drying
boil for 3 min to inactivate the banana’s process.
The cooked mixture was then transferred to a Functional Characteristics
tank feeding into a Fitz mill. After milling, the
mixture continued to another tank that in turn To evaluate the functional characteristics of
fed the drum dryer. The temperature of this tank the mixtures studied, the analytical tests and
was maintained at 70°C to keep the viscosity of methods used by the infant-food industry for


48.86kg S niin
water boiling

3 min



IO kg final product
5% MC

fig. I. Material balance for a mixwe of 40% ripe bananas (70% MC). 3090 rice (13% MC), and 3090 whole
soybean (10.4% MC).

quality control in this type of product were used, 40% bananas; G,, = 40% pigeon peas, 20% rice,
on the basis of information supplied by and 40% bananas; and S.,(,= 40% soybeans, 20%
Productos Gerber de Centro America, S.A. rice. and 40% bananas. As an initial step, the
The various mixtures, containing different three mixtures were studied for acceptability and
percentages of soybeans, and prepared on an storage properties.
industrial scaleunder different drying conditions, Samples were stored for 12 weeks in three
were rated for: density, solubility, water absorp- different commercially available packages.
tion, texture, tendency to form lumps, and Chemical and microbiological analyses and
viscosity. The findings indicated that the sensory evaluations were carried out both before
ingredients in the mixture have a greater and after storage.
influence on the final product, and particularly
its level of quality, than do the drying conditions. Differences Between Mixtures
As the mixture’s rice content was increased,the
final product’s water-absorption rating was The mixtures differed significantly as to
found to be adversely affected. Whether colour, smell, texture, and flavour (Tukey test).
prepared on a small scale or on an industrial The results showed the soybean mixture (S,,) to
scale, the mixtures were found to have the be superior to the cowpea and pigeon pea
recommendedproperties for this type of product mixtures ( RdO and G,,) in terms of flavour,
(Table 2), similar to those for infant cereals colour, and smell. As regards texture, the data
produced by Productos Gerber de Centro indicated that the RdOmixture, which yields
America, S.A. a crunchier final product, was more highly rated.

Sensory Evaluation of the Product and Differences in Packaging and Storage Periods
Storage Properties There was no significant difference found
between the types of packaging in any of the
The composition of the R,,, G4,,, and S,, sensory characteristics analyzed for any of the
mixtures are: R,, = 40% cowpeas, 20% rice, and mixtures. This confirms that the three kinds of

Table 1. Characteristics of different mixtures of soybean-rite-40% banana (S).
Mixture 7~ dry base % protein kcal/lOO g Chemical score Limiting amino acid
Soybean c
S5 Rice 5; 8 390 82 Lysine

Soybean 7.5 9
Rice 52.5 391 86 Lysine

Soybean 10.5 IO
Rice 49.5 392 90 Lysine

Soybean 13.5
SI3.S Rice II 393 92 Sulfur-containing

Soybean 16.5
S16.5 12 393 90 Sulfur-containing
Rice 43.5

Soybean 22
S2 14 395 86 Sulfur-containing
Rice 38

Soybean 25 I5
Rice 35 395 85 Sulfur-containing

S1” Soybean 30 17
Rice 30 396 84 Sulfur-containing

Soybean 40
SW Rice 20 20 399 81 Sulfur-containing

packaging used share similar characteristics. scale using the facilities at the Productos Gerber
During the storage periods, there was no de Centro America cereal plant in Costa Rica. It
difference for flavour, colour, or texture. The was fortified with vitamins and minerals and
only significant difference found was for smell, enriched with 10% soybean oil to increase its
which deteriorates somewhat after 6 weeks caloric content.
storage, but was still within the acceptable range.
During the i2-week storage period, no variations The industrial-scale preparation process is
in moisture content occurred in any of the semicontinuous. First, the banana pulp is mixed
mixtures in the three types of packaging studied. with the rice and soybean meal, and then the
Total count, coliform, and fungus analyses after rest of the ingredients are added, with water, to
storage indicated that the product presents no produce a mixture that has a total solids content
microbiological problems. of approximately 17% (Fig. 2).
Batches of the S,, mixture were stored for I After drum drying, the resulting product is in
year and then were analyzed for microbiological the form of small flakes that smell and taste of
counts and moisture content. Comparison of the banana. Its chemical composition and caloric
results of analysesconducted within 24 hours of content are as follows: moisture, 4.90%; protein,
processing and those of analyses conducted 10.20%; fat, 13.85%; ash, 3.30%; carbohydrates,
after 1 year’s storage continned the good micro- 67.50%; fibre, 0.70%; reducing sugars, 9.40%;
biological quality of the product, as no significant caloric content, 463 kcaV100 g (dry); thiamine,
changes in the moisture level or number of micro- 1.58 mg/lOO g; riboflavin, 1.90 mg/lOO g; niacin,
organisms were found. It was also demonstrated 14.08 mg/lOO g; calcium, 634 mg/lOC g;
that no large changes in moisture level took phosphorus, 528 mg/lOO g; and iron, 15-25
place in the packaging during the product’s year rug/100 g. The product meets Gerber’s standards
in storage. as regards functional characteristics and micro-
biological analyses. The prepared food product
was packaged in aluminum/polyethylene
Industrial-Scale Production laminate bags each containing 265 g, and then
distributed to the households taking part in the
The product was prepared on an industrial study of acceptability and nutritional impact.

Table 2. Functioual characteristicsof the Sm.SX. SI&J,and Sm (S zsoybean-rice-banana) mixtures processedaccording to seven dC::zr.: lrying conditions.
Drying Water to form
conditions Density Solubility absorption Texture lumps Viscosity Quality on basis of
Mixture (psi) (rpm) Wcm’) (%I level’ (1) (11) (CP)” (!) and (II)b
SO so 2.25 0.19 27.0 Loose None 1280 I-l
80 2.25 0.17 31.0 Loose None 1360 1-l
80 325 0.19 33.0 Loose None 1280 i-i
80 4.50 0.21 37.0 Loose None 1280 I-l
loo 3.25 0.16 33.0 Loose None 1360 i-l
100 4.50 0.20 32.0 Loose None 1200 i-l
100 5.50 0.19 39.0 Loose None II20 I-I

S2,‘ so 2.25 0.21 27.4 Loose Moderate 910 l-3

80 2.25 0.19 35.6 Loose Moderate 770 l-3
80 3.2s 0.22 24.5 Loose Moderate 915 l-3
80 4.50 0.15 27.4 Loose Slight 1840 1-2
100 3.25 0.14 31.6 Loose None 1255 l-1
IO0 4.50 0.20 36.0 Loose Slight 1130 l-2
100 5.50 0.15 33.5 Loose Slight 940 l-2

S16.5 so 2.2s 0.18 34.6 Loose Moderate 1180 1-I

80 2.2s 0.24 47.8 Loose Moderate 1010 I-1
80 3.25 0.23 38.9 Loose None 1280 l-l
80 4.50 0.23 37.2 Loose Slight 880 l-2
loo 3.25 0.18 34.3 Loose None 1450 I-1
loo 4.50 0.16 33.7 Loose None 1215 I-I
loo 5.50 0.11 33.4 Loose None 1170 l-l

so.5 so 2.25 0.18 38.3 Loose None 1354 I-I

80 2.25 0.12 36.3 Loose Slight I600 l-2
80 3.25 0.18 38.6 Loose None I794 I-1
80 4.50 0.17 37.8 Loose None No reading I-l
(over 100)
IO0 3.25 0.16 36.3 3 Loose None 1700 1-I
100 4.50 0.17 43.7 3 Loose None 1450 I-1
loo 5.50 0.12 32.8 3 Loose None 1440 1-I
‘Viscosity is determined with the Brookield Spindle No. 4 using the amount of water corresponding to the water-absorption Iigure for the mixture in question.
*Level of quality according IO the scale established by processors of infant foods: levels 1 and 2 are good, level 3 must be reported, and level 4 must be rejected.
_ Storaae lank

,I\ l- I\ 1 1 Finisher

. Y..b L.... U. rnnopl:al D Level coyir,m
. -“O-.’ dryers
heater heate

Fig. 2. Process line for industrial-level production.

Acceptability of the Product health conditions, and socioeconomic position

were measured extensively. The nutritional
The acceptability of the product was determined impact of the food provided was determined by
in the preliminary field trial mentioned earlier. anthropometric means, and trained interviewers
The first step in this study was to conduct a surveyed the mothers or other individuals
survey to seiect 200 families living in four urban responsible for the child’s feeding to determine
areas identified by Costa Rica’s Nutrition acceptability.
Information Service as high malnutrition risk Information was sought on a series of variables
areas. Each of these families had at least one relating to acceptability: knowledge and preju-
child under age 2 who either had been weaned or dices with respect to infant foods, the type of
was being weaned and who became the central food provided to the child, the actual availability
subject of the analysis unit. The families were of food, and so on. An effort was also made to
split into four groups of 50 each, and were determine whether basic nutrition education,
provided with food as follows: group 1, banana- which was given to all four groups, and the trial
flavoured dehydrated infant cereal; group 2, rice itself were changing these factors. Specific
cereal; group 3, rice and beans; and group 4 was acceptability factors for the infant foods were
a control group that received no product. divided into five groups: organoleptic factors,
Continuous records were kept on the provision the child’s reaction upon consuming the food,
and consumption of the banana and rice cereals, ingestion, the results obtained in preparing the
primarily to determine their acceptability and cereal, and ratings for the digestive and nutritive
nutritional impact. The families in group 3 were properties of the product provided.
provided with rice and beans to test a different The surveys of these factors were administered
hypothesis: that an increase in the availability twice, once at the start and once at the end of the
of food for the adults in a family group would period during which the food was provided, to
have a positive impact on the feeding of the reveal any changes taking place and to check the
infants in that group. For all four groups, the consistency of the information obtained. The
characteristics of each family’s food intake, food was provided over a period of 8 weeks.

Results Table 3. Behaviour of children at the moment of
eating and amount of product consumed.
Organoleptic First Second
Each mother tasted the products and then was application application
asked her opinion of characteristics of flavour, Reaction
colour, and smell. The results showed that Liked very much 52.5
75 0 4os
Liked slightly 22.5 3 . 38.1 I 78.6
between 70 and 90% of the mothers rated the
products as good or very good on a hedonic Disliked slightly 12.5 19.0
Disliked very much 5.0 -
scale for all factors. Uncertain - 2.4
Missing values 7.5 -
Preparation of tbe Cereal Portion eaten
All 65.0
In her own words, the mother described the Almost all 72 5 69’o 78.5
7.5 I * 9.5 I
consistency achieved in preparing the product. About half 5.0 4.8
At the first interview, it was found that 60% of Less than half 2.5 4.8
the mothers felt the product to be smooth and Hardly tasted 12.5 7.1
5% felt it was lumpy. In the second interview, Missing values 7.5 -
after 8 weeks, more than 80% felt that it was of
a smooth consistency on preparation. conditions); hence, the data cannot be
considered wholly comparable.
Ratings for the Product’s Digestive and
Nutritive Properties Bresanni, R. et al. 1972a. Improvement of protein
quality by amino acid and protein supplementation.
The mother was asked for her opinion of the Oxford, U.K., Pcgamon Press, pp. 475-539.
nutritive value of the product and how well the 1972b. The nutritional value of rice in comparison
child digested it. More than 90% in both the first with that of other cereals in the human diet in Latin
and second interviews said the nutritive value America. Reprinted from: Rice Policy in Latin
was either good or very good, and the same was America. Cali, Colombia, CIAT, 19 p.
true for digestibility (Table 3). Frazier, W.C. 1978. Food microbiology (3rd ed.).
New York, USA, McGraw Hill, 540 p.
The product was thus given a fairly high rating, Jay, J.M. 1973. Modern food microbiology. Zaragoza,
which agrees with the sensory analyses carried Acribia, 319 p.
out under laboratory conditions. The mothers’ Rackis, J.J. r’t al. 1970. Flavor and flatulence in
opinions seemed to be better defined in the soybean protein products. Journal of Agricultural
second survey, and, therefore, it seems more and Food Chemistry, 18(6), 977-982.
reasonable to attach greater importance to the 1974. Biological and physiological factors in
data from that survey than to those from the soybeans. Journal of the American Oil Chemist’s
first. The information obtained is not at odds Society, 51, 161A-174A.
with the recorded consumption. Acceptability of Rosenberg, H.R. and Culik. R. 1957.The improvement
of the proteinquality of white rice by lysine supple-
the rice cereal was also shown to be high. The mentation. Journal of Nutrition, 63, 477-487.
data obtained for this cereal are not included in Shemer, M., Wei, L.S., and Perkins, E.G. 1973.
this report, as the differences between localities Nutritional and chemical studies of three processed
were not entirely eliminated (owing to the soybean foods. Journal of Food Science, 38, 112-
research being conducted under nonartificial 115.

Consumer Acceptance

Marketing Dried Fish in East Java, Indonesia

J.A. Sumardi, H. Purnomo, W.H. Susanto, Putiati, Darius, and
I. Suryo’

Abstract. A marketing survey was made in a rural processing village and an urban market to
identify important characteristics for marketing of dried fish in East Java. Both merchants and
consumers were interviewed. It was found that dried gutted fish with low salt content was preferred
by both merchants and consumers, although this was dependent on the speciespreferred. Merchants
were concerned, however, about storage life of the dried fish presently available and thus became
more critical with the length of the market chain. This information will guide the development of
improved processingand drying technology, being carried out at the fishing village, as products
with minimum salt content, consistent with adequate storage life, are sought.
In 1979, 53% of Indonesia’s total fish yield and their origin; buyers’ preferences; the reasons
was produced in East Java. More than half of for those preferences; the quality of the dried fish
this was dried fish (33 856 t). Fish processing is and their shelf life; constraints in selling; and
not standardized and there is a wide variation in suggestions for product quality improvements.
product quality. Consumption of processed fish Consumers were asked how often they ate dried
varies from region to region and between the fish, how they prepared and served it, what type
high and low socioeconomic classes. The avail- they preferred and why, how long the fish were
ability of products on the market and their usually kept before being eaten, and what was
accessibility largely determine what the people the longest amount of time they could safely be
will eat. Based on these facts, we undertook a kept. A sample of dried fish was obtained from
survey of markets in East Java to determine, the stalls and the amount of salt it contained
among other things, merchant and consumer was determined by the Volhard method at the
preferences and perceptions. We felt the infor- Unibraw/IDRC laboratory. The results were
mation would be valuable as a basis for the compared with comments by merchants about
planning of improvements in processing the saltiness of the products they sold.

Results and Discussion

Materials and Methods
Our results indicated that there were marked
We interviewed 34 merchants in dried fish differences between the production area and the
stalls in the municipality of Malang (a consumer consumer area. Presumably, these reflected the
area) and in Muncar district (a producer area). availability of fresh fish and eating habits in the
About 25 consumers from each market area region.
were also interviewed. Muncar has one market In the production area (Muncar), almost all
only, whereas Malang has one large market dried fish sold at stalls in the market are produced
(Pasar Besar) and smaller markets in the districts by small processors using very simple methods
around the city (Table 1). Merchants were asked and equipment (Fig. 1). Sometimes, the stall
to elaborate on the varieties of dried fish sold owner is also the processor. There are also
medium- and large-scale processors, but they
‘Departemen Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan, also sell their products to merchants in large
Universitas Brawilaya, Proyek Kerjasama Ijnibraw/ cities i~tro%h~~t &Xi (Fig* 2).
IDRC, Jalan Mayjen Haryono 169, Malang, Jatim, All the merchants in Muncar noted that they
Indonesia. sold unsalted and slightly salted %h, because

these products have a better storage life than do Table 1. Number of merchants, location, and name
heavily salted ones. The local consumers prefer __I. of markets surveyed.
-- --
to buy small species like reri (Stolephorus spp.). Location and Total Merchants
lemuru (Clupea spp.), tembang (Sardine/la spp.), name of market stalls interviewed
and cumi-cumi (Loligo spp.) as these are quite --
cheap. According to the merchants, consumers Blimbing x 4
differentiate between the slightly salted fish by Sarangan 6 3
appearance. The slightly salted fish were compact Klojen 4 2
and similar in colour to fresh fish; they were Pasar Besar’ I6 8
softer than heavily salted fish and their condition Oro-2 Dowo x 4
was more stable in all weather conditions. The Dinoyo 9 4
heavily salted fish were very hard, whitish, and Tanjung 4 2
stale, and their condition changed according to Sukun 6 3
the weather. The merchants felt the high salt Muncar
content perhaps caused fish to absorb moisture. Tembokrejo 7 4
To prevent losses caused by changes in the “Pasar Besar is a wholesale market, tile merchants selling
weather, the merchants said they dry the fish in their :Ish to retailers. Merchants in this t;larkct buy their fish
the sun and store them in large containers to directly from producers or other large dealers: 4 (2 ol’ whom
obtain good air circulation. Fish too large to be were inferviewed) buy quantities of 2-3 t/week. and 12 (6
interviewed) buy about 100-300 kg/week. Other merchants in
handled in this manner are hung at the front of Malang operate on a small scale, S-IO kg of each variety every
the stall. The products are kept in the stall until 3-7 days.
purchased, the length of time varying between
species, salt content, and processing. Tongkol species, and these differences were recorded
(Eurhynnus spp.) was usually sold within 2-4 during the survey (Table 2).
weeks, whereas teri sometimes took more than The merchants do not know the salt content
2 months to be sold. of the products they sell. Our analysis showed
The amount of dried fish sold daily in Muncar that a11 the products contained salt. although
was a minimum of 2 kg and a maximum of the merchants distinguished between the fish as
30 kg, the local peopk being rhe only consumers. unsalted, half-salted, and fermented (Table 3).
Sales dropped markedly during the fresh fish In contrast with the production area, the
season. The prices differed considerably between consumer area (Malang) has several markets.

Fig. I A typica: d&d fish retail staU Or the fishing village of Mutwar, East Java.

Table 2. The price of different speciesof dried fish The processed fish kurisi (Holocentrum spp,)
sold in a small stall in Muncar during the survey. and janggaink (&urida spp.) either unsalted or
Price (Rp/kg)” slightly salted are the favourites, according to
the retailers who noted that t,he most popular
Species Mimmum Masimum --~-._ tish had good flavour, were attractive, had good
Slidltl~ saited texture, were not too salty, were properly dried
imall sardine (Clfrprc~ when the fish were split, and could be stored for
SPP) IS0 ‘50 a reasonable !ength of time. The retailers also
Cumi-2 650 2000 indicated that small fish like anchovies (Stole-
Tori 400 hS0
Pari (Dusctari.s “pp. ) 300 350 phorus spp.) and small sardines (Chpea spp.)
are also popular mainly becauseof their low cost.
ileavil> salted Of the 98 consumers interviewed, 44 (45%)
Lemurtisardine 125 150 preferred ktrrisi and jatrggdak. The rest com-
Cumi-cumi 5.50 1750 mented that they liked al,1the species if the fish
Teri 300 ho0 were not too salty, attractive (similar in appear-
Bawtll 250 400
Tongknl 300 ho0 ance to fresh fish), split (except small species),
Semenlt/smnli sardine and properly dried.
(Ciuptw spp.) 75 250 Handling by merchants depended on the
‘Rp 630 = I:‘.S. SI .(lO.
origin. species, size, and saltiness of the fish.
Usually, fish come from Madura, Probolinggo,
Dried fish marketing radiates from Pasar Besar, and Pasuruan, where the medium-sized fish are
a large market where the merchants are primarily gutted and split, and from Muncar and some
wholesalers who receive their products from other regions, where they are processed whole.
outside and sell them to retailers operating in the Small fish such as teri/small sardines and
smaller markets, named accordmg to the districts tembang (Sdinellr spp.) are always dried
in rvhich they reside. The number of retailers whole. Lemunc/sardines (Clu~e~ spp. j frotn
varies in each market and depends on the main Muncar are sometimes gutted and beheaded
activities of the market. Most dried fish sold in and, if the freshness declines, they are dried with
Mnlang come from production areas in East heavy salt contents.
Java, although a few come from Sumatra and Retailers (9 of 22) maintained that consumers
Kalimantan (Table 4). prefer gutted fish because they are clean; 12

Fig. 2. Dried fish sralls (subageng, in a large city market in Malatlg, East Java.

Table 3. Salt and moisture content of dried fish in Muncar. -
Salt content Moisture content
Species Handling Classification (5%) (96)
Semenit Whole fish Unsalted 22.34 44.56
Kurisi Gutting Half salted 29.02 51.15
Tembang Whole Salted 30.89 48.04
selar Whole Salted 32.91 45.85
Layang Whole Fermented 37.29 49.55
s&r Whole Fermented 37.59 48.78
Kurisi” Whole Salted 29.02 51.15
Kurisi Gutting Salted 31.67 48.57
‘Holocentrtutt spp.

Table 4. The variety of processed fish sold in Malang and their origin.
Species Processing method Origin of oroducts
LemuruAardine (Clrrpeu spp.) Salted dried Muncar
Tembang (Surdinefla spp.) Salted dried Muncar
Iayang (Lkcopterus spp.) Salted dried Muncar, Tuban, Brondong
Teri (Stolephortts spp.) Unsalted dried/half salted Muncar, Madura, Sumatera
Kurisi (ffolocentrum spp.) Salted dried Gresik, Madura
Gulamah (Otolithoides spp.) Unsalted/half salted dried Pasuruan, Probolinggo
Jnnggalak (Sauridu spp.) Unsalted/half salted dried Pasuruan. Probolinggo, Madura
Kerong-2 ( Theraponspp.) Salted dried Madura
Banyar (Rusrreffigcr spp.) Fermented dried Madura, Tuban
Selar (Curunx stw. I Salted dried Kalimantan. Madura
Bang-i an CL&z& spp.) Half salted dried Pasuruan, Probolinggo. Madura

noted that the gutted and split fish are preferred on the surface. The consumers do not like the
because they are clean, properly dried, not too very salty fish, and 3 of 22 retailers said they
salty. and have a reasonable storage life. Five wipe the salt crystals off the fish using coconut
of the six wholesalers who bought and sold husks moistened with water.
100-300 kg fish a week supported this infor- From the quality point of view, the retailers
mation. noted that lemuru/sardines (C/~pea spp.) from
Of the 98 consumers surveyed, 46 preferred Muncar suffer the most from rapid colour
gutted fish, and 32 liked good quality whole fish changes (red or brown). The coloration was
better. Only 20% of the consumers preferred presumed to be caused by high fat contents.
split fish. A majority (63%) noted that they The gutted and beheaded products also dete-
prepared the dried fish by frying in hot oil, about riorate rapidly.
4% cooked the fish with pulpy vegetables, about The retailers mentioned that the price was
12% cooked them with coconut, and about 21% stable for a couple of months. The marketing
put them together with other items as side dishes. volume decreases when large amounts ofpindung
The frequency of consumption was about 11% (boiled fish) come to market and during the fresh
daily, 74% more than 1 day/week, and about fish season. The dried products, however, are
15% only a few days per month. Amounts were affordable to consumers, especially dried teri
0.25-I kg/week. Most of the consumers ate the (Stofephorus spp.) at Rp 3OWkg and krrr!si at
fish the same day they were purchased, although Rp 800/kg. Most of the consumers buy the small
some kept them for 2-5 days. fish because there are more fish in a kilogram.
None of the fish was completely unsalted; all This study indicated the need to design a salting
were processed with at least small amounts of and drying process with minimum salt content
salt. The !ish classified as salted were considered consistent with adequate storage life for the
to have high concentrations of salt. All of the marketing systems on East Java.
retailers sell the “unsalted” and salted dried
High salt concentrations according to the Acknowledgment
retailers result in the fish becoming moist during We appreciate the guidance and advice of Dr.
damp weather and exhibiting white spots during William Edwardson during our work. This is part of
dry weather due to recrystallization of the salt the Indonesian fish processing supported by IDRC.

Drying of Cereal Grains in the Philippines
S.C. Andales’

Abstract. The theory of drying is reviewedwith emphasison the compositionand natureof the
grain product and air drying. Different techniquesof effecting the drying processare illustrated.
Macroscopicand microscopicanalysesof heatand masstransfer are treated. Thin-layer drying and
deep-beddrying are also distinguished.
This paper reviews the principles and theory with Dalton’s law of mixtures. The ratio of the
of grain drying, illustrates some typical drying actual vapour pressure in the air to that of the
methods, and presents the two established vapour pressure at saturation (the condition of
approaches of heat and mass transfer analysis. air when carrying its maximum amount of
It must be made clear, however, that there are moisture) is termed relative humidity (RH).
limitations in the equations and techniques The properties of dry air and water vapour
presented. Hence, discrepancies are possible and their relationships are discussed in the study
where these are applied in actual practice. of psychrometry. Processes performed with air
can be plotted on the psychrometric chart (Fig. I).
Theory of Drying
Drying is by convention the process of
removing excess moisture from a product,
Removal of all 01 most of the moisture is termed
dehydration. To understand grain drying it is
necessary to comprehend first the composition
and nature of the grain product as well as the
composition and nature of the conventional
medium of moisture extraction, namely, the
atmospheric air.

Composition and Nature of Atmospheric Air -

The ambient atmosphere ordinarily surround-
ing the grain at any time is a mixture of dry air Fig. 1. Different possible processes of air in the
(dry air is in turn a mixture of oxygen, 20.95%; psychrometric charl: O-I cooIing, O-2 heating, O-3
cooling and dehumidification, O-4 heating and
nitrogen, 78.09%; carbon dioxide, 0.03%; and
humidification, O-5 drying (adiabatic saturation). and
argon 0.93%) and water vapour, hence, the term O-4 desiccating (chemical dehumidijication).
moist air. The amount of water vapour per unit
weight of dry air is technically termed as the
humidity ratio or absolute humidity. Composition and Nature of Cereal Grains
Water vapour in the air exerts a pressure Cereal grains are said to be composed of dry
depending upon its quantity and in accordance matter (essentially starch) and moisture. At
harvest, cereal grain normally has excess
‘Department of Agricultural ProcessEngineering, moisture, which renders it unsafe for storage or
University of the Philippines at Los Bafios, College. unsuitable for milling. The amount of moisture
Laguna 3720, Philippines. in the product is normally expressed as moisture
content (MC) percentage, either on a wet basis radiation heats the grain kernels and increases
(wb) or dry basis (db). the vapour pressure of the moisture in the grain.
Cereal grain is hygroscopic in nature. This Ambient air (wind breeze) with low RH picks up
means it may gain or lose moisture depending moisture from the grain. On the psychrometric
upon the ambient condition surrounding it. The chart this is shown in Fig. 2.
movement of moisture into or from the grain is a Znfiared Drying The grain kernels are heated
function of the pressure differential between the directly by infrared radiation from an infrared
vapour in the grain and the vapour in the source, which increases the vapour pressure of
surrounding atmosphere. If the vapour pressure the moisture in the grain. Ambient air in contact
in the grain is higher than the vapour pressure with the hot grain absorbs the moisture from the
in the air, the transfer of moisture would be grain.
from grain to air, thus effecting drying. Con- Conduction Drying The grain kernels are
versely, if the vapour pressure in the air is heated by a surface directly in contact with it.
higher than the vapour pressure in the product, The hot surface, usually metal plates, is heated
the transfer of moisture would be from air to the by burning fuel on the other side of the plate.
grain, thus effecting adsorption of moisture by The heat is thus transferred by conduction. The
the grains. heating of the grains increases the vapour
4 hygroscopic material may contain moisture pressure of the moisture in it. Moving ambient
A:! .‘ae of two forms: bound or unbound mois- air in contact with the grain picks up moisture
ture. Bound moisture is the moisture content of from the grain.
the grain that has a vapour pressure less than the Techniques of lowering the vapour pressure in
vapour pressure of free water at the grain the air relative to saturation (or lowering its
temperature. A maximum amount of bound relative humidity) are as follows:
moisture is reached when the product is exposed Heated Air Drying The air is either directly
to ambient air with 100% RH.
or indirectly heated by a heat source (combus-
Unbound moisture refers to moisture in the
tion of fuels, electric heaters, or collected solar
product in excess of this maximum amount.
energy). The heating of the air increases its
Unbound moisture behaves like free water with
temperature and decreasesits relative humidity.
vapour pressure equal to free-water vapour
As this hot air comes in contact with the colder
grain, a convection mode of heat transfer results,
Bound moisture content is a function of the
simultaneously effecting a mass transfer from
relative humidity of the surrounding air. The
the grain to the air. On the psychrometric chart
bound moisture content in equilibrium with the
this is shown in Fig. 3.
air at a certain relative humidity is called
equilibrium moisture content (MC,). The rela- Desiccated Air Drying The air is made to pass
tive humidity of the air at this condition is called through an adsorbent material, like silica gel,
equilibrium relative humidity (RH,). Moisture which absorbs the moisture in the air. The
in excess of the equilibrium moisture content desiccated air has a low relative humidity with
(bound or unbound) is called free moisture and a slightly increased temperature. Upon contact
is the amount of moisture that can be removed with wet grain, mass transfer proceeds from
from the grain with prolonged contact with air grain to air in a simultaneous process by con-
whose relative humidity is the equilibrium vection heat transfer. On the psychrometric
relative humidity (Table 1). chart this is shown in Fig. 4.
Refrigerated Air Drying The air is made to
pass through an evaporator of a refrigeration
Techniques of Effecting the Drying system during which air temperature is reduced
Process in Cereal Grains and moisture in the air is condensed. This low
temperature, low absolute humidity air, has a
There are several ways of creating the pressure high relative humidity.
differentials between the vapour in the grain and As this refrigerated air is made to pass through
the vapour in the air to effect drying. One can the condensing unit of the same refrigeration
either increase the vapour in the grain or system, its relative humidity decreases. When
decrease the vapour pressure in the air or do this air is forced into a grain layer, a simul-
both simultaneously. Techniques of increasing taneous transfer of heat by convection from air
the grain vapour pressure are as follows: to grain and mass transfer from grain to a;r
Sun Drying The grains are spread over a floor is effected. On the psychrometric chart this is
area directly exposed to solar radiation. Solar shown in Fig. 5.

Table 1. Hygroscopic equilibria of rough rice’
Equilibrium relative humidity (%) at the following temperature, “F
% moisture
(wb) 40” 50” 60” 70” 80” 90” 100” 11oo 120” 130” 140” 150”
1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.3 2.0 3.1 4.6 6.8 9.8 14.0
2 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.3 1.9 2.8 4.0 5.6 7.7 10.5 14.2 18.9
3 1.5 2.1 2.9 3.9 5.3 7.0 9.2 11.9 15.3 19.4 24.5 ’
4 :-: 3.3 4.3 5.5 7.0 8.9 11.2 13.9 17.2 21.0 25.5 30.7
5 5:o 6.2 7.7 9.4 11.5 13.9 16.6 19.8 23.4 27.5 32.1 37.3
6 8.8 10.6 12.5 14.8 17.3 20.1 23.2 26.6 30.4 34.6 39.1 44.0
7 14.2 16.4 18.7 21.3 24.2 27.2 30.5 34.0 37.8 41.9 46.1 50.7
8 21.0 23.5 26.1 28.9 31.9 35.0 38.3 41.8 45.4 49.1 53.1 57.1
9 28.8 31.5 34.2 37.1 40.0 43.1 46.2 49.4 52.8 56.2 59.6 63.2
10 37.3 40.0 42.6 45.4 48.2 51.0 53.9 56.8 59.8 62.7 65.8 68.8
II 46.0 48.5 51.0 53.5 56.0 58.6 61.1 63.7 66.2 68.8 71.3 73.8
12 54.4 56.6 58.9 61.1 63.3 65.5 67.7 69.8 72.0 74.1 76.2 78.3
13 62.2 64.1 66.0 68.0 69.8 71.7 73.5 75.3 77.1 78.8 80.5 82.2
14 69.1 70.8 72.4 74.0 75.6 77.1 78.6 ! 80.0 81.4 82.8 84.2 85.5
15 75.2 76.6 77.9 79.2 80.4 81.7 82.9 84.0 85.1 86.2 87.3 88.3
16 80.4 81.5 82.5 83.5 84.5 85.5 86.4 87.3 88.2 89..l 89.9 9C.?
17 84.7 85.5 86.3 87.1 87.9 88.7 89.4 90.1 90.8 91.4 92.0 92.7
18 88.2 88.8 89.4 90.1 90.6 91.2 91.8 92.3 92.8 93.3 93.8 94.2.
19 91.0 91.5 91.9 92.4 92.8 93.3 93.7 94.1 94.5 94.8 95.2 95.5
20 93.2 93.5 93.9 94.2 94.6 94.9 95.2 95.5 95.8 96.0 96.3 96.6
21 94.9 95.2 95.4 95.7 95.9 96.1 96.4 96.6 96.8 97.0 97.2 97.4
22 96.2 96.4 96.6 96.8 97.0 97.1 97.3 97.4 97.6 97.7 97.9 98.0
23 97.2 97.4 97.5 97.6 97.7 97.9 98.0 98.1 98.2 98.3 98.4 98.5
24 98.0 98.1 98.2 98.3 98.4 98.4 98.5 98.6 98.7 98.7 98.8 98.9
25 98.5 98.6 98.7 98.7 98.8 98.9 98.9 99.0 99.0 99.1 99.1 99.2.
‘Adapted from Houston (1972, p. 144). Accuracy of extrapolated data beyond the range of 77-lll°F has not been verified experimentally.
L Cemenl or canvas floor

Air moisture/
temperatu*.e variation

1 I 1
lo= 1, 12 ‘3

Fig. 2. Increasing the vapour pressure in the grain by solar heating: (A) schematic drying and(B) the drying process
in the psychrometric chart.

l-lot air
Plenum chamber
Wire screen
or perforated

Grain vapour pressure


1 /, HOI air \\ I

9 Adjustable speed [&

1 [ discharge roll 1 1 .I I I I
[I t3 12

Fig. 3. Decreasing the relative humidity of air by heating: (A)flat-bed heated air drying. (B) continuous-flow heated
air drying, and (C) the heating and drying process in the psychrometric chart.

Deep-Bed Drying The grain above the zone has not begun to dry
and still has a moisture content equal to the
In locations where the ambient air condition initial moisture content (MC) - this is called
is already suitable for drying, artificial means wet grain.
of creating vapour pressure differential between Hot air of very low relative humidity is not
the grain and air may not be required; hence, the suitable for use in this method of drying because
name natural air drying. In deep-bed drying the it will cause an overdrying of grain at the bottom
drying air moves from the botton to the top of at the time when the top grains are dried to the
the bed. Exchange of moisture, from grain to desired moisture content. However, if the air
air, takes place in a finite depth or zone of grain. has a high relative humidity, the drying zone
At the start of the drying process the zone exists may take an undesirably long time to reach the
at the bottom of the bed. As drying continues top of the bed allowing the top wet grains to be
the zone moves upward, and when the zone destroyed by moulds.
passesentirely through the grain the entire mass There is a pattern of moisture content
is dried to equilibrium with the drying air. distribution throughout the drying bed during
The grain below the drying zone has essentially the drying process. The moisture-time curves
reached equilibrium conditions with the are functions of the height of the bed, air
incoming air and has a moisture content equal velocity, and air temperature and relative
to the equilibrium moisture content corres- humidity. As a rule low height and high air
ponding to the air relative humidity. The grain velocity results in curves that are closer together.
below the drying zone is said to be dried grain. A decrease in air temperature will also bring

of fuel to be supplied, and power required for
the drying system. The correlation of the results
in the calculation of drying time between the
gross (macroscopic) and the theoretical (micro-
scopic) analyses depends on the accuracy of the
,,, _. ‘.’ - .. y . < :
- .‘.-
> . __... :: , .,.
_. instrumentation and should be within IO%.
i‘. .,.‘:r .’ ._ e.
, .. . * .- ,.
.-.&- ;;;-&TL’-. . Microscopic Analysis of Heat and Mass
Transfer in Grain Drying
z 91
Ckslccatedair Farmers or dryer operators may not be
concerned with the detailed mechanism of
drying. However, scientists and engineers need
to understand it so that they can manipulate
the factors affecting the drying process, use it as
a guide in the design of the drying system, and
look for better alternatives in drying techniques.
Rates of Drying Periods
Previous investigators advanced the idea that
the convection drying process can be divided
into three periods (Threlkeld 1965). As indicated
in Fig. 6. the drying rate is a funcrion of the
moisture content of the product. Period “A” is
the zone of the “constant drying rate.” During
this period, the wet surface of the product
behaves as a free-water surface. The period
continues as long as water is supplied to the
surface as rapidly as evaporation takes place.
The constant rate period ends when the critical
I-t.Mt’t,K.A I I’Kt- moisture content (MC,) is reached. The critical
moisture content is a function of the product and
Fig 4. Decreasing the relarwe humidity of air b,~ its thickness.
desiccating il using adsorbent material. selira gel: (A) Period “B” is called the “first falling-rate
schematic of desiccated air drying and (B) the desiccating
period.” This zone is characterized by a decreas-
and drytng process in the ,-su hromerric chat-l.
ing drying rate because of a decreasing area of
the curves closer together, but the drying time wet surface. As drying proceeds, the fraction of
will be expanded. However, increased height and wet surface decreases to zero. At this point
low air velocity results in curves that are farther period B ends.
apart. An incrcasc in air temperature or low Period “c”’ is called the “second failing-rate
relative humidity will rcducc the drying time period” and is charactcrizcd by subsurface
but will cause the drying curves to be farther evaporation throughout. Under proiongcd
apart. operation, the period continues until the
equilibrium moisture content is reached.
Most of the drying of cereal grains takes place
Macroscopic Analysis of Heat and Mass in the second falling rate period. Drying in this
Transfer in Grain Drying period involves two processes: movement of
moisture within the material to the surface and
To the farmer or dryer operator the macro- removal of the moisture from the surface.
analysis of drying is the most important factor Brooker et al. (1974), listed six different
to consider. Given the initial condition of the physical mechanisms proposed by investigators
grain and the ambient air including other to describe the movement of moisture irlside
information, such as the desired plurpose of the a porous product during the drying process,
grain and the type of dryer to be used, the namely: (I) capillary llow, (2) liquid diffusion,
farmer or dryer operator will give more impor- (3) surface diffusion, (4) vapour diffusion, (5)
tance to such factors as the amount of water to thermal diffusion, and (6) hydrodynamic Ilow.
be removed, amount of air to be used, amount Henderson and Perry ( 1976) indicated that if the


Blower I I
Compressor motor

I, I, = I, ‘3

Fig. 5. Decreasing the relative humidity of air by using a refrigeration sysrem: (A) schemaric of refrigeraied air
drving, and (B) the cooling, hearing. and drying process in the psychromerric chart.

Heat Transfer Equation in Grain Drying
Generally, the grain drying process includes
four distinct heat flows between the grain and its
5d II 3
surroundings: latent heat by virtue of moisture
evaporation (ql), sensible heat due to convection
heat transfer (qlc), sensible heat due to radiation
heat transfer (ql,), and sensible heat due to con-
duction heat transfer (qSU). These four heat
flows are related by:
(4) qi = qsc+ qsr + qsu
Schematic presentation of these different
MC,=MC, MC,=MC, energy flows is shown in Fig. 7. Applying a heat
balance for a unit area of grain surface yie!ds the
MOISTURECONTENT following equation:
Fig. 6. Drying rate for a wet product. (5) hd(W, - W)hrp = h,(t - tJ + h,(t, - t,)
+ u (t, - t,)
moisture content is a bound moisture, diffusion where W, = humidity ratio of the saturated air
is said to be the primary mechanism of moisture at the grain surface, W = humidity ratio of the
movement within the grain. drying air, t = drying air temperature, ts = tem-
perature of grain surface, tr = temperature of the
surrounding surface, to = temperature of envi-
Mass Transfer Equation in Single-Kernel ronment below the supporting base, hd = mass
Drying transfer coefficient, h, = convection heat transfer
coefficient, h, = radiation heat transfer coeffi-
Within the solid, diffusion mass transfer is cient, U = overall heat transfer coefficient of the
similar to heat conduction in solid, and the supporting base, and hre.= latent heat of vapor-
following equation applies: ization of water at tr.
(1) (SCYS0) = -D,pA(SMC/SX) If the effects of radiation and conduction are
negligible, as in ordinary convection drying,
where G = quantity of water (kg), 8 = time (hours), equation (5) becomes:
D, = mass diffusivity (m?/hour), p = dry
solid density (kg/m3), A = surface area (m*), (6) (W, - W)hrp = (h,/hK,)C,(t - t,)
MC = moisture content in decimal (kg/kg), and = L,C,(t - t,)
X = distance from centre of the mass being
dried (m).
At the surface the moisture movement is a
function of the moisture concentration gradient
between the drying air and the surface of the
prnduct and the following equations apply:
(2) -D,p(SMC/SX) = S(MC,-MC&
q convenlwn ,, . w cl raL,i,a \
(3) (SMC/SfI) = D,(S2MC/SX2)
where S = surface conductance (m/hour), \

Ez = moisture content at surface (% db), and

= equilibrium moisture content at the
relaiive humidity of the drying air (5%db).
The solution of equations (1) and (3) deter-
mines a relationship indicating the variation of
moisture content with time and product geo-
metry. The differential equations (1) and (3) may
be solved either by analytical or numerical Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of heat flows between the
methods. grain a,td its surrounding area.

Note that if the Lewis Number (L,) is a unity, the differential equations into finite difference
drying process is an adiabatic saturation process equations allows solution by use of large digital
where t, equals the wet-bulb temperature. computers. A number of computer simulation
programs for drying systems exist. For example,
computer programs have been developed by
Mass and Heat Transfer Equations in Michigan State University for corn and by
Kansas State University for corn and rice. A
Deep-Bed Drying sample computer output is presented by Brooker
et al. (1974) with corn and by Chang et al. (1978)
The discussions in the preceding sections were with rice.
based on the assumption that drying is done with Through such simulation models as noted
individual kernels or with a thin layer of grains. above, the different effects of the drying para-
Although the analysis was informative, the meters could be readily studied without under-
practical importance of the resulting equations going expensive and laborious experimentation.
is limited because cereal grains are seldom dried
as individual kernels or in a thin layer. Instead,
grains are dried either in a stationary or moving Dryer Performance
deep bed.
Applying the basic laws of heat and mass The performance of dryers differ according
transfer to a deep-bed drying system leads to to how well the drying system has been designed,
a rather complicated system of partial differential engineered, and operated. The desired perfor-
equations. However, by adapting valid simplify- mance objectives of the drying systems are:
ing assumptions, by expressing the partial (1) The grain equality must be preserved, and
differential equations by use of finite differences, for paddy, the grain should not fissure or crack.
and with the help of large digital computers,
an accurate prediction of the grain and air (2) The entire batch of grain should be uni-
conditions at any time and location is possible. formly dried.
Brooker et al. (1974), presented eight valid (3) The grain should dry fast enough to arrest
assumptions in the solution of four unknowns, moulding and germination.
namely: (1) the average grain temperature, t; (4) The dryer should be efficient in the utiliza-
(2) the average grain kernel moisture content, tion of energy. The utilization of the drying
MC,; (3) the air temperature, T; and (4) the air potential of the heated air should be maximized.
humidity ratio, W. Four heat and mass balances To evaluate the performance of a dryer, the
were made to come up with the system of four design specifications should be known or
differential equations (7-10) for a fixed-bed deduced and compared with measured indicators
dryer (derivation of these equations are presented such as:
by Brooker et al. (1974)): (1) Static pressure at the plenum - this gives
(7) (St/SO) = (ha/p&, + ppCwMCg)(T - t) an indication of air delivery of the fan and can
+ Chr,+ 6(T - t)]/ be roughly cross-checked with an air-velometer.
[ppC, + p,C,MCJGr(SW/SX) (2) The moisture content of the grain at the
top and bottom layers, and at various points in
(8) (SMCJS0) = an appropriate thin layer the dryer bed area, to monitor drying progress
equation, say, DV(S2MCs/SX2) and uniformity.
(3) The temperature and relative humidity of
(9) (ST/SX) = -a(T - t)/(G,C,, + G&W) the exhaust air as an indication of degree of
utilization of the drying potential of the drying
(10) (SW&X) = (-p,/G,)(SMC,/S0) air.
where t = grain temperature, MC, = grain (4) The drying air temperature and, when
moisture content, T = air temperature, W = air feasible, the actual grain temperature, particularly
humidity ratio, h, = convective heat transfer the lower layers as it approaches 14%.
coefftcient, pP= density of product, C, = specific (5) The fan rpm - this is useful if the fan
heat of product, C, = specific heat of water, characteristics are known.
C, = specific heat of vapour, hr, = heat of vapor- (6) The amount of fuel used by the burner -
ization of water, G, = mass flow rate, and if a reasonably accurate airflow rate can be
X = drying bed coordinate. measured, the efficiency of fuel combustion can
Transformation of the above system of partial be inferred. This can also be inferred from the

moisture load If the heat of vaporization is Acknowledgment
The information provided by D. de Padua of the
(7) The ambient air, dry bu!b temperature, Southeast Asia Cooperative Post-Harvest Research
and relative humidity - the process can then be and LjevelopmentProgramme.SEARC’A. on certain
traced on the psychrometric chart. portions of this paper is gratefully acknowledged.
(8) The actual drying time.
(9) The final proof is the milling quality of the Brooker. D.B.. Bakker-Arkema. F.W., and Hall, C.V.
dried grain sampled from the top and lower 1974. Drying cereal grains. Connecticut, USA, AVI
layers at various points in the dried bed. Milling Publishing Co., Inc.
Chang. D.I., Chung. D.S.. and Pfost, H.B. 1978.
quality is primarily the total milling yield and Simulation of natural air drying of rough rice.
percentage of head rice. This may be compared Kansas, LISA, Food and Feed Grain Institute,
with a control sample that is air dried or dried KansasState University, AIWta-C-1162.
in a sample dryer. Henderson.S.M. and Perry, R.L. 1976. Agricultural
process engineering. Connecticut, USA, AVI
The difference between a properly engineered Publishing Co., Inc.
drying system and that which has been put Houston, D.F., ed. 1972.Rice chemistry and technology,
together without much concern for thermo- vol. IV. Minnesota. USA, American Association of
dynamics, fluid mechanics, and the physical Cereal Chemists. 517 p.
properties of the grain, is reflected in the dryer Threlkeld, J.L. 1965.Thermal environmental engineer-
performance. ing. New Jersey, USA. Prentice-Hall Inc.

Heat and Mass Transfer

Drying of Onions in Niger

A. Ba, Ch. Banzet, and J.M. Degbe’

Abstract.This paper describes research to date on an indirect solar dryer using forced convec-
tion. The drying air was considered as a perfect gas, and relationships were developed that
permitted the researchers to determine the heat and mass transfer in the collector, in the drying
chamber, and, consequently, in the dryer as a whole. In addition, some design features of the dryer
are given.

Ontons are widely consumed in Niger in 50-55°C. Final moisture content (MC) of the
sauces or stews. Until now, the only drying product was to be about 5%.
method used has been direct sun drying. The collector was made of A5 aluminum. The
Traditiona!”..>, th: i;caily ripe onion is opened collecting surface was 2.32 X 1.OOm with a cover
and the leaves are piled into a hole where they glass thickness of 3 mm and insulation (6 cm of
are allowed to ferment. This partially fermented glass wool) on the sides and bottom of the collec-
product is then sun dried. The resulting product tor. For global radiation of 6001GS900 W/m2
is often insect infested, sand covered, and micro- and airflow rate of 19OSVS225 m3/hour, exit
bio!ogically unacceptable. temperatures from the collector were between 35
Much of the Niger is desert-like, which lends and 60°C.
itself well to solar dehydration. With a relative The drying chamber, also made from A5
humidity of less than 30% for most of the year, aluminum, consists of three trays 15 cm apart
3000-3500 hours of sunshine annually, and an each 1.00 X 0.50 m. The trays are made from
average annual global radiation of 650 W/m?. 1 X 1 cm wire mesh to allow easy flow of air.
agricultural products can be dried in a relatively
short time. Heat and Mass Transfer
Onions are generally grown only in the Maggia
or Niger Valley under irrigation on small plots Heat transfer occurs in both the drying
of 300-1000 mz with an average yield of 25-30 chamber and the collector; mass transfer occurs
t/ha. Three varieties are preferred: a white primarily in the drying chamber. In the flat plate
variety from Toumarana and white and violet collector, it was assumed that heating of the
varieties from Galni. moving air was achieved without an increase in
This study describes some of the design humidity ratio. Based on well-known expressions
characteristics of the dryer as well as relation- for psychrometric processes involved, the team
ships that pernri:!pd the research team at the obtained a measure of the useful energy within
Offce national de l’bnergii z$@e (ONERSOL) the collector. Efficiency of the collector is
to determine the heat and mass?$*zfer in the given as the ratio of useful energy to the total
drying system. -=---.....
global incident radiation received on the
co1ltiZor plate.
Heat and -~qss transfer in the tower takes
DesignConsiderations place: (a) in the’ atinns by diffusion (Fick’s
law) or conduction heat trazfer (Fourier’s law)
The team considered the importance of taste, and (b) in the wet air by conve&:q. With an
colour, and general appearance of the dried isenthalpic process in the drying chamber, it was
onions. The maximum drying temperature was possible to obtain the massflow and its efficiency.
Efficiency of the dryer is given as the product
‘Office national de IYnergie solaire (ONERSOL), of the efficiencies of the collector and the drying
B.P. 621, Niamey, Niger. chamber.

Measurements were taken every 6 min on use of a Hewlett Packard data acquisition
temperatures of air entering and leaving the system.
collector, on temperatures of the glass plates in The results obtained from a limited number of
the collector, collector plate temperature, tests are encouraging. Further tests are now
temperatures of air entering and leaving the being planned to improve dryer efficiency and
drying chamber, and global radiation with the product quality.

Heat and Mass Transfer

Drying Fish in the Philippines

Ernest0 V. Carpio’

Abstract. Traditional sun drying in the Philippines is associated with several problems
including losses through spoilage and uneven drying, fly infestation, and improper handling and
inadequate storagefacilities. Becausesun drying is dependentupon the total surfacearea being
exposedto sunlight, a Idrgedrying areais required,but mostprocessorshavelimited land resources
and can only dry a fraction of the catch during seasonalgluts. Therefore,controlled procedures
and appropriate equipment are required to ensure that the maximum yield of dried fish with a
satisfactory storage life can be produced quickly.

Drying of fish products, one of the simplest spoilage are high and the products are not
and earliest fish-preservation methods practiced, uniformly dried. In the coastal areas of the
is a major traditional processing industry in the Philippines where sun drying is widely practiced
Philippines. The drying industry, being “cry and where the relative humidity (RH) can fall as
flexible due to small and widespread units, is low as 400/o, it takes an average of 1-2 days
important because of the volume of fish being (8 hours/day) to dry herring and split-open
handled and the fact that fish surpluses can be mackerels to 35% MC wet basis (wb). Another
processed at any landing prior to distribution major problem encountered with open-air sun
thereby stabilizing prices to a certain extent. The drying is fly infestation. In the absence of intense
annual tonnage is estimated to be more than sunlight as in the early and late part of the day,
16000 t dried weight, equivalent to 35% of the maggots develop and cause disintegration of the
total Philippine catch, and provides a stable fish. Eggs laid on the exposed fish at the latter
protein product that can be distributed over a part of the day could hatch and cause damage
wide area. to the products during subsequent storage.
Sun drying is largely dependent on the total
The traditional drying practice in the Philip-
surface area being exposed to sunlight so that a
pines is to salt either whole or split-open fish,
very large area of drying operation is required.
depending on their size, by dipping them in a
The fact that mosl processors have limited land
25% brine solution for 6-7 hours and then
resources means that during seasonal gluts,
placing them on bamboo mats in the open air for
only a fraction of the catch can be dried. Han-
sun drying. The resulting marketable product
dling the materials during unexpected rains
has a moisture content (MC) between 30 and
presents another problem. Controlled procedures
40% of total weight, but this varies widely. The
and appropriate equipment are required to
most common species dried are anchovy,
ensure that the maximum yield of acceptable
mackerel, slipmouth, sardines, nemipterids, and
dried fish with satisfactory storage life can
be produced quickly to cope with the seasonal
The general method of sun drying is associated landing.
with several problems aside from the fact that
sunlight is unpredictable even during the dry Theory of Drying
season. Sun drying is relatively slow, and
because fish is highly perishable, losses through Hall (1957) referred to drying in foods as the
removal of moisture so that the environment is
unfavourable for the development of moulds
‘Department of Food Science and Technology, and bacteria. It is desirable to obtain dehydra-
University of the Philippines at Los Bafios, College, tion in the shortest time possible to minimize
Laguna 3720, Philippines. the chances of spoilage by microbial action.

Equilibrium Moisture Content content (MC,), after which the rate of moisture
removal decreasesas the drying process enters a
1;otherms for anchovy, mackerel, and herring falling-rate period. In the case of fish muscles,
within the relative humidity range of 20-80% which initially have a water content of about
were studied at the University of the Philippines 4 g/g of dry weight, the moisture evaporates at
at Los Baiios (UPLB 1979). Experiments showed a constant rate until it falls to about 1 g/g of dry
that, at low relative humidity range such as that weight (Jason 1962).
present in the dryer, only a small difference Henderson and Perry (1955) described the free
could be observed between the equilibrium surface evaporation of moisture during the
moisture content (MC,) of the different species constant-rate period in the equation:
tested (Fig. 1). This means that although the (dW/df3) = 4.39 X lO+f,A(P,-P,)
dryer can remove 25% of the free moisture in the (1)
(2) = 0.4536KrA(t,-t,)/hr,
products tested, the amount removed depends
on the initial moisture content (MC,). where (dW/dt3) = drying rate, kg of water/hour;
f, = water vapour transfer coefficient kg/
(m.m2*kg/m2); A = water surface area, m2;
P, = water vapour pressure at t,, atm; P, = water
vapour pressure in the air, atm; Kr = thermal
0 Herring conductance of air film, kcal/(m*m2.“C);
ll Mackerel tn = dir temperature, ‘C; ts = water temperature,
0 Anchovy wet bulb, “C; and hr, = latent heat of vaporiza-
tion, kcal/kg.
The mass migration equation (equation 1)
describes the rate of drying as being dependent
on the vapour pressure difference between the
product surface and the bulk of air and on the
mass transfer coefficient. The constant rate of
drying may also be evaluated in terms of the heat
transferred to the product to evaporate the
surface moisture (equation 2).
At the end of the constant drying rate, the
hygroscopic material has reached the critical
moisture content that can sustain a uniform rate
of flow of free water to the surface, which is
equal to the maximum rate of water vapour
removal from the surface.
The moisture diffusion within the fish decreases
below that needed to replenish the moisture at
the surface, and the rate of moisture removal
from the product slows. The falling-rate period
0 20 40 60 80 is largely controlled by the movement of moisture
within the material to the surface by liquid
RELATIVE HUMIDITY (‘7%) diffusion and removal of moisture from the
surface (Hall 1957). The drying rate at this stage
may be described by the Fick’s law of diffusion:
Fig. I. Desorption isotherm of anchovy. mackerel, and
herring at 43.5”C and relative humidities varying from (3) (dMC/dO) = D, (6*MC/SX2)
20 IO 80%.
where 4 = liquid phase diffusion coefficient
applicable for movement through the solid
Rates of Drying phase, m2/hour; MC = moisture content, dry
basis; 8 = time; and X = distance along travel of
The rate at which the free moisture is removed moisture, m.
from the product does not remain constant. A solution to this differential equation
Jason (1962) and Burgess et al. (1967) described (Newman 1931) requires that we take D to be
the drying process as composed of the constant constant, which is not always the case, and
rate period where moisture is removed at a that drying would occur only at one face of the
uniform rate until it reachesa critical moisture product. Equation 3 simplifies to:

(4) (MC - MC,)/(MC, - MC,) = may be used to determine the drying constant for
8,n2 e-D+2/L -D, eKvL the different species. Table 1 presents the
+ (1/9)e different drying-time constants for anchovy,
-D edx mackerel, and herring at various drying condi-
+( 1/25)e ’ + ...
tions. The table also presents the calculated
drying time (0) to obtain a final moisture
where MC, = equilibrium moisture content, dry
content of 20% wb. The drying time, 8. calcula-
basis; MC, = critical moisture content at the start
of the diffusion process, dry basis; and L = tions assume continuous drying with conditions
distance from face to ctntre of a slab drying kept constant.
from both faces or thickness of a slab drying from Psychrometry
one face, m.
Equation 4 may also be solved graphically Psycbrometricsof the Dryer Air
using the Gurney-Lurie charts that have been
developed and used for unsteady state heat Psychrometry refers to the study of the
conduction. Henderson and Perry (1955) des- “principle which governs the properties and
cribed the drying rate during the falling rate in behavior of the so-called fixed gases with
the equation: condensable vapor” (Brown et al. 1950). A plot
of the dry-bulb temperature of the air-water
(5) (dMC/dO) = -t( MC - MC,) mixture and its water vapour pressure can be
where t is a drying constant. Integration of made under a particular pressure (normally at
equation 5 gives: atmospheric) to obtain what is known as a
psychrometric chart (Fig. 3).
(6) MC - MC/MC, - MC, = eme/t If the physical properties of air such as the
dry-bulb and the wet-bulb temperature are
where MC, = inittal moisture content, dry basis. known, it is possible to identify the state point
Figure 2 shows the drying curves (log of (A, B, or C) of air on the psychrometric chart.
available moisture vs time) of anchovy at various With the state point defined, other physical
drying conditions. Each curve is closely tit to properties such as density, moisture content,
equation 6 of Henderson and Perry (1955) and and enthalpy may be obtained. For example,
l 51.9T. 31.7% RH
when air at state point A moves to a new condi-
r = 0.993 tion B, it is said to have undergone a state
MC, = 13.56 + e -0.265 e + 6.023 process. The amount of energy absorbed by the
air when being heated from state point A to B
400 4 60.2X. 27.7% RH
r=O.SW may be calculated as the difference in enthalpy
-0.2911 e + 5.910 (h, - hA ) between points A and B.
=3 00 Drying with heated air, particularly during the
ii I constant rate period, is a constant wet-bulb
2 \ \ -0.352 e + 5.847 process and may be described by the path B to
M 200 C on the psychrometric chart. The energy to
evaporate the moisture from the product is
supplied by the passing air, which decreases
6 in temperature from T, to T, . Parker et al.
Ji* I (1954) mentioned that during this dehydration
c process, the wet-bulb temperature is rather
g loo- constant and normally does not vary more than
I !I0 l.l”C.
m 80- The water transport rate for the constant wet-
2 fO- bulb process is defined by Henderson and Perry
60- (1955) in the equation:;
W = 89.29V (Hc- HB)/v
0 60 120 180240300360420480540600 where W = water removal rate, kg/hour; V = air
TIME (min) rate, m3/hour* m2; H,= absolute humidity of air
Fig. 2. Relationship of the available moisture (log at state C, kg water/kg dry air; H, = absolute
scale) to time during the dehydration of anchovy at humidity of air at state B, kg water/kg dry air;
173 m/min air velocity across the product surface. and v = humid volume of air, m3/kg.

Table 1. Drying time constants(t) and calculateddrying time (0) to reach20%MC for anchovy, mackerel,and
herring dried under different drying conditions.
Average Average Drying time
Air velocity temperature t e
(m/min) (“C) (hours) (hours)
173 70.4 24.14 2.84 9.06
60.2 27.7 3.36 11.25
51.9 31.7 3.78 13.25
48 69.8 23.97 4.05 13.2
58.4 27.1 4.8 16.27
50.02 31.5 5.72 19.72
173 69.6 23.87 3.69 10.45
61.9 27.9 3.74 11.70
49.5 31.6 4.23 14.31
48 69.59 26.9 4.45 13.08
64.1 23.3 4.68 13.39
49.83 30.7 6.07 20.11
173, skewered 69.6 23.9 2.67 7.59
Moderate sun dried 52.8 38.4 5.0 22.01
173 69.6 28.4 4.15 14.25
61.47 35.0 7.95 -
52.8 32.2 6.39 24.68
48 70.1 38.6 5.26 24.87
60.2 27.9 6.93 22.49
50.27 31.5 8.79 33.20

2 all the free moisture. If the air is almost saturated

3 at the cool end, as is expected in the above

T z
equation, condensation and dripping of water on
the walls and roof will most likely occur. Van
Arsdel (1942) and Parker et al. (1954) recom-
mended that for design purposes, it is well to
2 leave 8.3’C wet-bulb depression at the cool end.
2 Ambient air at A of the psychrometric chart
‘c c (Fig. 3) must be heated to condition B before
it enters the drying chamber. The amount of this
El heat energy is (Henderson and Perry 1955):
5 q = (60V/v)(h, - hA)
e or



: 2
q = (0.252V/v)(hn - b)
where q = heat rate, kcal/hour; h, = enthalpy of
air at state A, kcal/kg; and h, = enthalpy of air
DRY-BULB TEMPERATURE (“C) at state B, kcal/kg.
The thermal efficiency of the system as a
Fig. 3. The psychrometric chart showing state points percentage is given by Hall (1957) as:
and processes of air in a dryer.
Thermal efficiency =
The equation may also be defined as the
maximum evaporation capacity of the dryer. In (kg water evaporated) (latent heat, kcal/kg)
a design, however, it is never safe to approach (kg fuel used) (heating value of fuel, kcal/kg)
too closely to the theoretical maximum, because
drying becomes very slow as the drying limit is where the latent heat is taken as 555.56 kcal/kg
reached and hence takes a longer time to remove of water evaporated.

Design of Hot-Air Dryers heating air whereby the primary air is allowed
to pass directly through an open flame and in the
Dehydration is defined as “drying under process mixes with the product of combustion.
controlled conditions of temperature and Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) has been exten-
humidity to a specific end point in a given time” sively tested (UPLB 1979) and has been found to
(Parker et al. 1954). There are several means of be one of the most convenient fuels for heating
artificially drying products, but the tnost air. It is ideal for direct-fired devices, as it burns
common is ai: convection dryers, because they without producing odours that flavour the fish.
are relatively simple to operate and inexpensive Its relatively high cost and unsteady supply as
(Fig. 4-S). compared with other energy sources make it
All hot-air dehydrators work essentially on unsuitable for low-cost fish dryers intended for
the same principle: hot air is passed through small- to medium-scale processors. Thermostat-
the moist product and in the process evaporates controlled nichrome wire heaters proved to be
and carries the moisture out of the dryer through very manageable in terms of operation and
an exhaust port. They may differ in the ways in temperature control. Electric heaters are not
which the air is heated and circulated. usually as bulky as other heat sources, and they
Beavens (1944) described a typical cabinet have a wider range of application. These types of
dehydrator, which consists of (1) an insulated heaters and their operation, however, are often
chamber with a suitable duct and baffle system very costly. In most fishing villages of the
to promote uniform air distribution through the Philippines, the supply of electricity is also
product being dried, (2) a circulating fan that unsteady if available at all.
forces the air from the heat source and then to Kerosine burners have also been tried (UPLB
the product, (3) a heating system within the 1979) in the direct-fired heating system. Fuel was
chamber, (4) product support within the supplied through feed tubes from a pressurized
chamber, and (5) a convenient control system to container to two pressurized burners. The
regulate the conditions within the dryer. burners are enciosed in a protective shell to
prevent the high discharge of air from putting
Systems of Heating the Drying Air out the flame. When properly operated, the
Hall (1957) described a direct method of burner produces a bluish flame that burns the

F& 4. A rice hull-fired dryer at a fishing village in Mercedes, Philippines.

Fig. 5. Trays beittg loaded into the fish dryer at Mercedes. Philippines.

kerosine almost completely. Burner efficiencies product. On the other hand, the air that supports
greater than 84% have been obtained using this the combustion of the burner, together with all
system. the other products of combustion, such as smoke
Burners for heavy oils or furnaces that burn and soot, is exhausted through a chimney.
raw fuel have to use a heat-exchanger surface Beavens (1944) stated that with this type of
because heavy oils when burned produce soot heating system, only 50-75% of the heating
that can undesirably come in contact with the value of fuel is available as compared with the
product (de Padua 1970). A heat exchanger, direct-flame method where almost all the heating
which normally is made of high thermal con- value of fuel is utilized. Furnaces with heat
ductivity materials such as metals, is heated exchangers may also be used to tap energy from
with the burning oil and in turn heats up the unconventional sources such as agro wastes. A
air that is forced to come in contact with the 1 t capacity fish dryer (Fig. 6), which uses rice

Fig. 6. A perspective view of the rice hulkfired fish dryer.
hulls as a source of heat, has been tested and
proved to be practicable. Rice hulls are burned
in a brick furnace that heats up air in a heat
exchanger. The hot air produced is used to dry
the fish located in a drying chamber (UPLB

Air Circulation
Systems to circulate heated air within the
drying chamber aim to promote even or uniform
air distribution throughout the chamber. This
is normally accomplished through ducts, baffles,
or guide vanes. I
Hot air may be passed horizontally over and I
1 I w
under the dehydrated material as in a cross- I I I 5
1 I
flow dehydrator. In a through-flow circulation TA T,. T, T,
dehydrator, however, hot air is allowed to move DRY-BULB TEMPERATURE (“C)
through the bed of fish and through the material $
supports such as perforated trays (Beavens Fig. 7. Absolute humidity chart, showing state points
1944). of air during the recirculation process. The air mixture
In most circulation systems, provisions are of fresh and recycled air enters the drying chamber at
made to recirculate air where the heated air after point E and passes through the product following a
passing through the product is reheated and constant wet-bulb process EF resulting in a moisture-
again circulated in the dryer. In places where the laden air at point F. A portion of this air (fl is exhausted
ambient temperature is much lower than the while a certain amount is mixed with the incoming fresh
operating dryer temperature, recirculation has air from point A resulting in a mixture at D. This mixture
been found to save a considerable amount of is reheated to E and again allowed to pass through the
product to be dried.
heat energy and, therefore, fuel (Williams-
Gardner 1971). The humidity-temperature path recirculating air, and a longer time - propor-
of air, represented on a psychrometric chart, is tionate to the energy saved - is required for
shown in Fig. 7. With this process, the dryer drying. The percentage of recirculation of air
operates at a higher humidity than one without may be calculated using the equation:

drying mies as a&xted by various factors. Food
%recirculatior~=[(H~ -H,)/(H, -H, )]I00
Science, 2(3), 69.
where HA , H, , H, = absolute humidities at Beavens, E.A. 1944. Cabinet dehydrators suited IO
points A, D, and F, respectively, in a psychro- small-scale operation - Part I. Food Industries.
metric chart (Fig. 7). kg of water/kg of air. 16(2), 70-72.
Brown, G.G., Katz, D.. Foust, A., and Scheidewind,
R. 1950. Unit operations. New York. USA, John
Fans and Blowers Wiley and Sons Inc., pp. 559-574.
Burgess, G.H.. Cutting, C.L., Lovern, J.A., and
De Padua (1970) recommended centrifugal Waterman, J.J. 1967. Fish handling and processing.
blowers especially in large drying installations New York, USA, Chemical Publishing Co., Inc.,
as they can develop high-static pressures. Fish 389 p.
dryers, typical of tray dryers, however, do not Cutting, C.L. 1942. Engineering problem of the smoke
need to develop high-static pressure due to the curing of fish. Chemistry and Industry. 61, 365.
relatively low product resistance to airflow. de Padua, D. 1970. Grain drying principles, practices
Beavens(1944), however, stated that large volume and system. Laguna. University of the Philippines
flow of hot air across the product is needed to at Los Baiios, College of Agriculture, UNDP/FAO
increase drying rates. For this purpose, axial publication.
flow fans may be used as they are designed to Hall, C.W. 1957. Drying farm crops. Michigan, USA,
move large volumes of air usually at zero static Edward Brothers Inc., pp. 245-278.
pressure (McCabe and Smith 1956). Cutting Henderson, S.M. and Perry, R.L. 1955. Agricultural
(1942) suggested that for high rates of fish process engineering. New York, USA. John Wiley
drying, dehydrators should be installed with and Sons, Inc., 402 p.
fans or blowers that can deliver air at 182.9m/min Jason, A.C. 1962. Drying and dehydration. In:
across the product. For most food products, Borgstrom. G., Fish as food. volume III: Processing
Beavens (1944) recommended air velocities as - Part 1. New York, USA, Academic Press, Inc.,
high as 243.8-304.8 m/min. pp. I-50.
McCabe, W. and Smith. J.C. 1956. Unit operation in
Material Support chemical engineering. New York. USA, McGraw-Hill
Book Co.. Inc., pp. 162-182.
For the through-flow systems, perforated Newman, A.B. 1931. Transactions of the American
trays are preferred to allow passage of hot air Institute of Chemical Engineers, 27. 203.
through layers of materials. Amin and Bhatia Parker, M.E.. Harvey, E.H., and Stateler. E.S. 1954.
(1962) found that drying time can be reduced Elements of food engineering. New York, USA,
substantially by the use of wire-mesh trays Reinhold Publishing Corp.
instead of stainless steel or aluminum trays;
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however, the use of wire-mesh trays presents a 1979. Terminal reports on IDRC-funded improve-
problem because raw fish stick to the mesh. Used ments of processing and handling of traditional
fish nets have been found to be ideal as trays fish products in the Philippines, Phase I and II,
because the fish do not stick to them (UPLB Laguna, Philippines, UPLB.
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dehydration of some tropical fruits - Part II: London, U.K.. Leonard Hill, 310 p.

Heat Gal Mizss Transfer

Drying Grapes in Northern Chile

J.M. Olhagaray’

Abstract. This paper reports the results on the drying of Thompson seedlessgrapes in Northern
Chile. The work was carried out during the summer of 1978 by the Institute of Technological
Research(INTECKHILE). The Thompson seedlessgrape is grown in the Valley of Copiapo River
and is used mainly for export purposes as a fresh product. For variety and quality reasons only 70%
of the production is exported, which leaves about 800 t of usable grapes discarded.
Apart from exhibiting very good ecologica: conditions for sun-drying fruits, the area is
economically depressed, with a high percentage of unemployment. An adaptation of the Australian
method of sun-drying grapes was considered as a solution to the problem. A drying rack prototype
was built with a capacity of I t of fresh grapes. Drying runs were conducted during the summer of
1978. Results show the technical feasibility of drying the grapes by this method. An economic study
was carried out that considered a facility for drying 300 t of fresh product. Results show a moderate
investment, a good return, and a high requirement of hand Inbour.
The Valley of Copiapo River where Thompson floors. Protection against insects and small
seedless grapes are grown is an economically animals must be provided. Once dry, grape
depressed area with high unemployment. The bunches are removed from the rack and stored
availability of the raw material consists of about in the shade for about 20 days.
800 t (fresh) corresponding to 3000 t of table The system characteristics are a drying rack
grapes for export (Thompson seedless). The with a total capacity of I t of grapes, a sulfur
region has adequate conditions for sun drying, chamber made with sundried bricks with an
but a drying system is needed that would be inner cover of coal tar, and ancillary equipment
labour intensive, capable of being operated consisting of 200-L drums, steel baskets, and a
within a small area, easily constructed, and brick fireplace for the hot-dip drum.
would not require liquid or solid fuels.
Results of Drying Runs
Procedure for Drying Unsulfured Grapes
Results of the drying runs indicated an average
In the procedure for drying unsulfured grapes, drying time of 16 days. The product characteris-
grape bunches are first collected and washed in tics are as follows: the average moisture content
cold water to remove dust and contaminants. is 14.4% (wet basis), the deviation is 0.6%, and
The grape bunches are then caustic dipped (0.3% the average size is 6.5 mm. In the colour evalua-
boiling lye solution). The dipping time ranges tion 52% of the sample exhibits were of a pale
between 3 and 4 set producing cracks in the yellow colour (uniform), 36.5% were not of
skin, which speeds up the dehydration process. uniform colour, and 11% were pink coloured
The grapes are then washed in cold water to stop with dark yellow spots. The major defects
the chemical attack and to avoid cooking the included 14.5% with scars and a remaining SO,
product. Another cold water dip is used to of 460 ppm. F-,?Zcr~c of mechanicti; Jamage,
eliminate traces of lye from the grape skin. The burns, moulds, insect damage, and dust was not
grapes then go through a sulfuring process to detected. From 4.4 kg of unprocessed grapes
develop a clear colour and prevent deterioration. the yield was I kg of raisins.
The grapes are then placed in racks (load
I5 kg/m*) and left to dry, starting by the upper Results of Feasibility Study
‘Institute of Technological Research (INTEC/ The results of the feasibility study showed a
CHILE), C&la 667. Santiago de Chile, Chile. base capacity of 300 t of fresh grapes per season,

raisin production of 70 t/season, and a land US341 700/season, the raisin price was an
requirement of 2.5 ha. The total investment average of U.S.$I 150/t (70% of total production
was U.S.$180000, working capital was U.S. is exported), there was a rate of return at 180/o,
$20000, the operation cost amounted to and a labour requirement of 50 people.

Solar Energy as a Heat Source in Crop Drying
in Sierra Leone
Michael W. Bassey’

Abstract. Solar energy as a heat source has been used in many applications pertaining to
developing countries. One of the main applications, especially in rural areas, is crop drying, This
paper examines various aspects of solar crop drying.
The evaluation of available solar energy and its utilization in various types of dryers arc
discussed. Factors affecting the design of these dryers, which are mainly for use in developing
countries, arc outlined. There is need for more research and development work on solar crop
dryers appropriate to the needs of these countries.

The drying of crops using the sun’s thermal products. Their cost is high, however. most of
energy has been carried out for centuries them needing electricity to power a fan and fuel
throughout the world. The methods used have such as oil or gas to provide the heat needed for
not changed in most countries due to several drying. In many developing countries electricity
factors, some of which are related to their level is unavailable in most rural areas and fossil fuel
of technological development. Traditionally, is imported, therefore, this alternative appears to
the crops are spread out in the open air under the be impractical at the present time. There may
sun on the ground or on raised platforms. This be possibilities for combining wind energy and
method is cheap but has several drawbacks. solar energy in East Africa where it seems
The disadvantages of open-air sun drying economically feasible, but in West Africa there
include: the intermittent nature of solar energy are many places where there is no wind.
throughout the day and different times of the There has been an attempt over recent years
year; the possible contamination of the crops by to concentrate on the development of solar
dirt and rodents: the infestation of the crops by dryers that can be used in agricultural activities
insects; the exposure of the crops to the elements in the rural areas. These dryers have mainly been
such as rain and wind. which cause spoilage and for small scale use in which the drying times are
losses; and the exposure of the crops to rats, reduced and the quality of the final product
chickens, and human beings. improved, compared to the traditional metihpds.
Crops that have been dried using open-air The financial implications of improving
drying methods include fruits, vegetables, meat, traditional drying methods have greatly
fish, grains, spices, tobacco, coffee, and cacao. influenced the direction of the use of solar
Other drying activities have been used to process energy as a heat source for crop drying in
timber and hides. The quality of these products developing countries. Many of the dryers used
are in most cases quite acceptable although for dehydrating crops are relatively low cost
improvements are possible. These improvements compared to systems used in developed
can be achieved by applying certain modifica- countries.
tions to existing methods or developing different This paper discusses the use of solar energy
systems for drying depending on the particular for drying crops in developing countries. The
crop. interaction between solar energy and dryers is
In many cases, it is possible to have sophis- outlined, and some design considerations are
ticated systems that give good quality dried made bearing in mind the existing technological
and financial limitations. Some examples of
‘Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fourah various types of dryers using solar energy will
Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, be given to show the possibilities that exist for
Sierra Leone. further developments.

Availability of Polar Energy In practice, the amount of available solar
radiation is measured with equipment specially
designed for a particular component of the
The solar radiation intensity, outside the radiation. Pyranometers are used for measuring
earth’s atmosphere, at the mean distance of the global radiation and pyreheliometers used for
earth from the sun is 1.353 kW/m?. This amount direct radiation. Various types are available
of radiation is in turn reduced to values less (Coulson and Howell 1980). Diffuse radiation
thrin 1 kW/m’ at the earth’s surface by the is obtained with the aid of a shadow ring, which
presence of clouds, dust particles, and gases. prevents the direct component from reaching the
The magnitude of the available radiation pyranometer.
depends on the location, time of year, time of For solar drying applications, it is important
day, and general atmospheric conditions. to know the global radiation. Although this
The solar radiation available at the earth’s value can be obtained with a pyranometer, the
surface consists primariiy of wavelength; lack of the appropriate infrastructure for acquir-
ranging from 0.3 to 2.4 pm. Most practical ing such solar radiation data presents a problem
applications use solar radiation between in developing countries. Many of these countries
0.38 and 2 pm, which covers the visible range have radiation data for a few years and only for
(0.38-0.78 p;;1) and the neer infrared (0.78- limited locations. Funds are usually unavailable
2 pm). The variation of solar radiation intensity to buy equipment for obtaining solar radiation
with wavelength is shown in Fig. 1 as is the at, for example, experimental sites. These
radiation intensity outside the atmosphrre of constraints make development work on dryers
the earth and at its surface. Also shown are the rather difficult.
absorption of the radiation by various gases. It Estimates of global solar radiation can be
is noted that attenuation of solar radiation can obtained using empirical equations that have
be quite significant throughout the whole been presented in the literature (%rnstrijm 1924,
spectrum. Reddy 1971; Bassey 1978; Hoyt 1978; Notaridou
The total radiation incident on a horizontal and Lalas 1979). Meteorological data are used to
surface is called global radiation or insolation. estimate the global radiation.
It includes the direct beam radiation, the diffuse One of; the most common formulations was
radiation, and the reflected radiation. The direct due to Anstriim (1924) and it uses data on
radiation is received from the sun in a linear sunshine duration that can be obtained using a
path. The diwtise radiation, however, is directed sunshine recorder. The equation is:
from all over the sky. It is radiation that is
scattered by gases, particles, etc., in the air. The Q/Q<, = a + b n/N
diffuse component of radiation may vary from where Q is the global radiation received on a
10% (on a very clear day) to 100% (on a very horizontal Turface, Q0 is the theoretical radiation
cloudy day) of the global radiation. The reflected OR the surface assuming the absence of an
radiation originates from surfaces such as walls atmosphere, n is the actual duratiorl of sunshine,
of buildings, the ground, and other equipment. N is the maximum possible duration of sunshine,
and a and b are constants. These constants, a
A Radiation outride almosphci-c and b, depend on location; a being relatively
constant but b depending on latitude.
Blackbody Climatological values of total precipitable
radiation, 5900 “L
water, turbidity, and surface albedo have been
Radiation at sea lebel used by Hoyt (i978). Another study (Notaridou
and Lalas 1979) used parameters such as
elevation, absolute humidity, and cloud cover to
predict global solar radiation. Work by Reddy
(1971) used the mean length of day, the number
of rainy days in the month, and mean humidity
per month to estimate global radiation.
It has been observed (Bassey 1978) that the
available radiation data at some locations are
0.5 1.0 I.5 2.0 2.? not reliable, which make the estimates referred
WAVELENGTH (pm) to earlier quite useful. It is usually possible to
Fig. i. Variation of the intensity of radiation with obtain an idea of the accuracy of the predictions
wavelength. by comparison with reliable measurements

obtained in other locations having similar crop by conduction from the ground, by con-
weather conditions and latitudes. The lack of duction and convection from the air close to
measured solar radiation data at any place the crop, and by radiation from the sun and the
should, therefore, not prevent work on solar ambient air. The moisture at or near the surface
drying as estimates can be obtained that can of the crop is thus heated and is vaporized,
serve as a basis for research and development which causes movement of moisture to the
studies. surface. The heat transferred to the crop may
also be transmitted to the inner core by conduc-
Methods of Utilizing Solar Energy for tion, which will in turn liberate further vapour.
Thus, the rate of drying dependson the available
DPyirtg radiation and the ground temperature.
During open-air drying efforts must be made
Solar energy has been the oldest and most to ensure that the ground temperature is not so
widely used method of drying crops in developing high that it will damage the crop. Sometimes
countries. The methods used to date have largely crops are spread out on cement or asphalt
been based on open-air drying. However, to pavement. This method is more expensivethan
better utilize this abundant source of energy ground drying because of the initial cost of
effectively, systems have to be developed based constructing the pavement. It does, however,
on specific needs. have the advantage of providing a higher surface
Crop dryers can be designed to use solar temperature compared to the ground.
energy in various ways. There are two main Becausethere is little or no vertical circulation
types of dryers that can be used: active dryers of air through the crops, they have to be spread
and passivedryers. Active dryers use an external thinly when dried by the open-zir method, which
device operated, for example, by means of a fan makes it necessaryto have a large area of land.
to circulate the air, but passive dryers do nl;t. Although this method is relatively low cost, it
Although passive systems tend to be more has many disadvantages as mentioned earlier.
realistic for application in developing countries, Another method of open-air drying involves
becauseof the relatively low initial capital and raising the crop above the ground to dry by
operating costs, it is possible to use active placing it in a tray and resting it on an open,
systems for relatively large-scale applications. raised platform. This arrangement reduces the
Their specific uses, therefore, depend on various problems encountered when drying on the
factors such as availability of a power source, ground. Rodents and insects, such as ants, find
scale of application, location, design, and avail- it more difficult to infest the crops. To better
able materials. There are various modesin which utilize the solar energy, the base of the tray
solar energy can be used for drying. should be made of wire meshand the tray should
be painted black to attain higher temperatures
Open-Air Drying for heat transfer. The depth to which the crops
are packed can in this instance be higher com-
In this method, the dryers usesolar insolation, pared to when there is no wire mesh becauseof
wind velocities, ambient air temperatures, and the increased circulation of air through the
the relative humidity of the air to reduce the crops.
moisture content of the crops. This method, Open-air drying on trays or racks can be used
which has many variations, has been used for beans, coffee, and cacao, etc. For other crops
extensively because it is cheap to implement. such as grapes, the trays are stacked on top of
In one application, the crop is spread on the each other with a roof overhead that protects the
ground on an area that has been cleaned of crops from dew or rain (this method is used in
leaves, stones, and grass. The solar energy Australia). The method is cheap and can be used
incident on the thinly spread crops provides heat, to process large quantities of grapes.
which is required to evaporate water. The
mechanismsby which this is achieved are well Direct Drying
understood and have been reported in the The discussion on open-air drying has shown
literature. The mechanismsby which the moisture that the air used for taking moisture from the
leaves the crop are: conduction, convection, crops is effective at the ambient temperature
and radiation. and relative humidity (RH). However, it is well
Radiation from the sun heats the ground and known that air at a given temperature and
the surrounding air. Heat is transferred to the relative humidity when heated experiences a

decrease in relative humidity. Thus, heated air not give the best performance when the dryer is
takes away more moisture from the crops than used on a year-round basis, it should be noted
unheated air. This fact has been used in various that tracking the sun would be an expensive
solar carp dryers that use direct and indirect exercise making the application very uneconom-
methods of heating the ambient air. ical.
Direct dryers consist of an enclosure with a The transparent cover can either be a single or
transparent cover. The crops are placed on trays double cover with a distance of about 1 cm
in the enclosure and the solar energy is absorbed between the covers. The effect of having the
by both the crops and internal mass of the dryer. double glazing is to decrease the amount of heat
The elevated temperatures cause evaporation of lost to the ambient air by convection, which iz
water from the crops. The warm moist air turn increases the temperature in the drying
escapesthrough vent holes usually located on chamber. An advantage of having higher tem-
the side of the dryer, and fresh air is drawn in peratures is that the relative humidity of the
through holes at its base. Therefore, there is a moist air will be low enough to prevent water
continuous flow of ambient air through the from being reabsorbed by the crops, a process
dryer. that increases the drying time. It may be necessary
A survey of these dryers has been done by the to have two transparent covers if wind speeds
Brace Research Institute (BRI 1979). A typical are consistently high during drving periods.
dryer is shown in Fig. 2. Heat is accumulated by Cooling of the glass cover causes loss of heat
the greenhouse effect, and the moist air escapes and condensation on the transparent surface
through the vent holes. Many of these direct inside the chamber. As a result the crop increases
dryers are insulated on their sides and under- in moisture content, and less radiation is trans-
neath. Their etfectiveness depends on good mitted through the cover material. Because of
insulation (proper sealing of the glass or plastic this problem, an adequate number of vent holes
cover to prevent uncontrolled movement of air). must be located at strategic points on the dryer
The temperature in this type of dryer can rise to through which the moisture can escape.
more than 100°C depending on the type and The regulation of the temperatures in direct
quantity of crops being dried. Care, therefore, dryers is achieved by opening or closing the vent
has to be taken to ensure that the final product holes. Their operation depends on the experience
is not overdried. of the user and on the type of crop being dried.
Cheaper dryers, which use solar energy by the They have been used for drying okra, onions,
direct method, do not use insulation. The top apricots, grapes, garlic, prunes, peaches, cauli-
and sides of the dryers are covered with a trans- flower, etc., with good results (BRI 1979; Bassey
parent cover that serves to coilect solar radiation 1980a).
and protect the crops from dirt, bad weather, Design considerations of direct heating
and insects. systems involve maximizing the temperatures in
The design of direct dryers is such that the the dryer as this determines the load. As
crops are directly beneath the transparent top mentioned earlier, the insulation must be
covers that are sloped at :he appropriate angle effective and the materials used can be chosen
to collect the optimum solar radiation. The from sawdust, wood shavings, fibreglass, coconut
magnitude of this angle can be calculated for fibre, straw, and others. The t!iickness of insula-
various locations. However, because it changes tion will depend on the material used and the
throughout the year a recommended value is temperature difference between the ambient air
a = latitude + IO”. Although this inclination will and that in the chamber. Wind speeds should
also be considered in the design of the direct-
Holes for heating dryer as this causes losses by convection.
incoming air
Indirect Drying
In indirect drying, solar energy does not come
Vent holes into direct contact with the crcps. The air used
for warm air for drying is heated in a solar air collector and
then circulated through the crop to reduce its
moisture content.
This type of dryer has been studied and
fig. 2. Diagram of a typical direct dryer. reported in the literature (Akyurt and Selcuk

1973; Headly and Springer 1973; Satcunanathan Warm alt out *Y
1973; Selcuk et al. 1974; BRI 1979; Bassey L --mm-- - .ri’
1980a). It is possible to use a fan for circulating Shelves for crops
the air or just natural convection. The typical
configuration of these dryers is shown in Fig. 3.
The solar energy is collected in the air heater
by means of the greenhouse effect using the
transparent cover and absorber. Because of
buoyancy effects, the warm air rises through the
S!O& CdCCtGF d iEto tk G?fiIlg ii;&i:~Ldi
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram showing the typicalfeatures
where the crops are placed. Many designs are
of an indirect crop dryer.
possible depending on the mode of circulating
the air. burnt rice husk as the absorber (Exelll978). The
Some designs (Akyurt and Selcuk 1973) have side walls of the dryer are made of plastic and
used a collector that has a glass cover, and the the air circulates without the use of a fan.
absorber consisted of metal chips. The air was The main objective in the design of indirect
blown over the hot metal chips by a fan and then dryers is to produce adequate air temperatures
allowed to circulate through trays stacked on top that can be used to dry the crops. The design of
of each other. air heaters for developing countries must be
Another indirect dryer has been reported by aimed at minimizing the material requirements
Headly and Springer (1973) and is shown in for the dryer to be economically attractive.
Fig. 4. The ambient air is heated in the double- It is possible to obtain absorber plate tem-
glazed sloped collector and passes through the peratures of 140°C using single glazing and a well-
crops by natural convection. The warm air insulated collector. Removal of heat from the
removes water from the crops and becomes absorber plate is achieved by causing air to flow
cooler and falls to the bottom of the drying over it. In some designs air flows over one of the
chamber. Because the air is enclosed in a con- surfaces of the plate, whereas the other surface
tinuous loop, the moist air is drawn into the is in contact with an insulating material to
collector through a duct where the water prevent heat loss through the back of the col-
condenses. The following crops were dried: yam, lector. In another design, the air removes heat
sweet potato, sorrel, and grass. from both sides of the plate (Fig. 6 and 7).
A simple dryer using natural convection for A collector can also be designed so that two
air circulation has been reported by Bassey glass covers are used. In this case the air flow
(1980a). This dryer shown in Fig. 5 is used for may be made to flow as shown in Fig. 8. Heat is
drying rice. Two types of collectors have been collected from the space between the double
used; in the first one the air passesbetween the glazing and then from the under side of the
glass cover and the black absorber plate, but in absorber plate. In this design there is no need for
the second dryer the air circulates on both sides insulation because the hot air passes through
of the absorber plate. Another dryer, using the crops immediately after it leaves the absorber
plastic as the transparent cover, makes use of plate (Satcunanathan 1973).

LWater outlet L Drying trays

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of aa indirect crop dryer developed by Headly and Springer (1973).

Fig. 5. A solar crop dryer with a chimnqv.

Air vassare Absorber buoyancy can be used by incorporating a

chimney shown in Fig. 5. This creates a draft
that can cause an adequate mass flow rate of air
to pass through the collector and then through
the crops. There does not appear to be a great
deal of interest in this method of circulating the
air in crop dryers using solar energy, although it
is very important in some parts of the world.
Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of an air heater in which
There is, however, work in progress by some
heat is rentoved from one side of the absorber. researchers, as previously mentioned, to use
natural convection.
Air passages GllVb Absorber One such study, (Bassey 1980b) is presently
looking at the methods of improving airflow
rates by directly incorporating solar energy to
heat up the chimney, which in turn produces
higher air temperatures and increased buoyancy.
Figure 9 shows the blackened chimney with a
plastic g!azing over it. Pre!imInary work has
shown that higher temperatures are obtained in
the chimney, and a reduc::ion in the height of
Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of an air heater in which the chimney can be made using this method.
heat is removed from both sides of the absorber. The application of indirect dryers in develop-
ing countries has been shown in many studies
The agent for moving the air in most of the to be quite useful. The design of such systems
designs available is mechanical, such as a fan. is, however, dependent on local conditions and
With the restrictions mentioned earlier that exist available facilities. The relative humidity and
in developing countries, these designs may be temperature of the ambient air, the maximum
expensive in many situations. The effect of allowable temperature for the crop and its

Glass Hybrid and Mixed-Mode Drying
Air inlet
The use of solar energy in a dryer, so that both
indirect and direct heating can be carried out, is
calied mixed-mode drying. This method makes
use of the greenhouse effect in both the drying
chamber and in the collector. Although the
influence of sunlight on the quality of the dried
product is beyond the scope of this paper, it
should be mentioned that mixed-mode dryers
make use of the direct action of sunlight to
improve the overall quality of some crops. These
Fig. 8. A collector using double glaring.
dryers are not substantially different from the
other types mentioned except that the side walls
or top use a transparent material such as glass or
Dryers that use solar energy as well as
supplementary heating are called hybrid dryers.
The heat source may be fossil fuel, electricity,
agricultural waste material, etc. The design and
operation of such systems is not considered in
this paper, but it should be noted that in certain
locations solar energy is not available to dry
crops for a few months of the year. It is also not
possibie to use solar dryers at night. Therefore,
systems that can utilize supplementary heat have
possibilities for application in developing

Materials for Constructing Solar Dryers

Construction of solar dryers for use in
developing countries very often poses problems
for various reasons. For example, the materials
used must be available locally, and the cost of
the materials would be another factor because
this determines the investment that would have
to be made by the owner. The expected life span
of the dryer is another factor that must be taken
into consideration.
The materials that can be used for the trans-
parent cover are glass or plastics. Glass does not
deteriorate with age, whereas plastic is affected
by solar radiation. In many instances it may be
wise to use plastic material if the risk of breakage
of glass is high. It is also possible to use 2’~
to obtain elevated temperatures.
and piasric on doubie-giazed collectors. The
arrangement should, however, be such that the
quantity, determine the best design of the plastic material can withstand the heat and it is
system. The design of the chamber depends on advisable to use plastic as the outer covering.
whether grains or fruits, for example, are being This arrangement can also act as a protection
dried. Another consideration is the versatility for the inner glass cover.
of a particular system. It is desirable, although The collector can be made from materials such
not always feasible, to have a solar dryer that as wood, aluminum, or galvanized iron. The
can process various types of crops as this is main objective is that there should be minimum
a more economical proposition. air leakage from the collector, no possibility of

the insulation getting wet, easy to manufacture, particular dryer can be established, and further
and low cost. It is possible to use wood and research and development work is needed in this
galvanized iron sheets to make good air heaters. area of utilizing solar energy for crop drying.
In fact, various designs have used these materials
for small and large solar collectors. If wood is
used it should be treated against attack by insects
and painted as protection from wet conditions.
Methods of fixing the glazing to the collector instriim, A.K. 1924. Solar and terrestrial radiation.
depend on the materials used. For glass and Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological
wood, wood putty may be used and for plastics, Society, p. 121.
strips of wood and nails are used to secure the Akyurt. M. and Selquk, M.K. 1973. A solar drier
glazing. Sealants such as silicon are good for supplemental with auxiliary heating systems for
continuous operation. Solar Energy Journal, 14,
some applicatiohs using glass, but they tend to 313-320.
be expensive when used in large quantities. Bassey. M.W. 1978. A recommendedformula for
Insulating materials are numerous and some predicting total solar radiation in Sierra Leone.
of them have been metioned earlier. It should be Presented at the 1I th Biennial WASA Conference,
noted that the use of a locally available thermal 13-18 March 1978,Lomb, Togo.
insulator does not necessarily imply cheaper 1980a. Solar crop drying in Sierra Leone.
equipment because the thickness needed is often Presentedat International Symposium on Solar
greater compared to o-her materials such as foam Energy Utilization, IO-20 August 1980, London,
or fibreglass wool. For example, if straw is Ontario, Canada.
1980b. Development of solar dryers for agri-
used, a cavity of about 15 cm may be needed cultural use in Sierra Leone. Interim Report, IDRC
compared to 5 cm for fibreglass wool, and more Project 3-P-78-OI 13.
building material is needed for the dryer using BRI (Brace Research Institute). 1979. A survey of
the straw. solar agricultural dryers. Technical Report T99,
The drying chamber may be made from Quebec. Canada, BRI.
plywood or sheet metal. Transparent materials Coulson, K.L. and Howell, Y. 1980. Solar radiation
such as glass or plastic are used for one or instruments. Sunworld, 4(3).
more of the walls in mixed-mode dryers. The Excll, R.H.B. 1978. A low cost solar rice dryer.
shelves on which the crops are placed are made Presentedat proceedings of the Workshop on Grain
Post-Harvest Technology, lo-12 June 1978,
from simple wire mesh. Bangkok, Thailand.
Materials that are needed for solar crop dryers Headly, 0. St.C. and Springer, B.G.F. 1973.A natural
are simple and available in most developing convection crop drier. Presented at International
countries. There may be cost restrictions because Congress: the Sun in the Service of Mankind, 2-6
of import taxes that cause prices to be high for July 1973, Paris, France.
some simple materials. This problem can, Hoyt, D. 1978. A model for the calculation of solar
however, be minimized by finding alternatives global radiation. Solar Energy Journal, 21(I).
in some instances. Notaridou, V.A. and Lalas, D.P. 1979. The distribu-
tion of global and net radiation over Greece. Solar
Energy Journal, 22(6).
Reddy, S.J. 1971. An empirical method for the
Conclusion determination of total solar radiation. Solar Energy
Journal, 13. 289.
This paper has attempted to evaluate the use Satcunanathan, S. 1973. A crop drier utilizing a two
of solar energy as a heat source in operating crop pass solar air heater. Presentedat International
Congress: the Sun in the Service of Mankind, 2-6
dryers. There is information in the literature that July 1973.Paris, France.
can be used to design workable solar crop dryers Selquk, M.K. et al. 1974. Development, theoretical
for various applications. But tests have to be analysis and performance evaluation of shelf type
carried out locally before the suitability of a solar dryers. Solar Energy Journal, 16. RI

Heat Sources

Solar and Natural Air Drying of Rough Rice in Korea

Hak Kyun Koh and Chang Joo Chung*

Abstract. An evaluation was madeof the feasibility of the solar and natural air in-bin drying
and storage system, and the weather conditions and some experimental results conducted in
Korea from 1973to 1980were analyzed.The experimentalresults of solar natural air drying were
discussedin terms of drying rate, moisture variation in the grain mass,and energy requirements
per kg of water removed.
Solar collectors with and without heat storage units were used for drying of rough rice.
Economic profitability for the systemdevelopedis also analyzed in this paper.

The traditional method of rough-rice drying the average temperature and relative humidity,
in Korea consists of sun drying in the field before and some experimental results on solar and
threshing and sun drying on mats after threshing, natural air drying conducted in Korea from
which is laborious and highly weather dependent. 1973 to 1980 were summarized and reviewed.
With this method, a considerable loss both in
quality and quantity of rough rice is unavoidable. Analysis of Weather Conditions for
Early cutting and threshing in the field have been Natwral Air Drying
recommended to prevent field losses. Because a
new high-yielding variety was introduced in In natural air-drying systems, the aeration
Korea in 1969, an improved drying operation method and the minimum amount of air flow are
has been urgently required to reduce the shatter- determined from the weather conditions and
ing loss in the field. In accordance with the new initial moisture content (MC) of grains, there-
harvesting system using a combine or binder fore, the feasibility of drying and storage using
harvester, a mass drying of high-moisture grain natural air must be studied on the basis of
has been required. However, Korean farmers are weather conditions over long periods. If weather
facing difficulties in the drying of high-moisture conditions during the harvesting season have
grain with the traditional sun-drying method. good drying potential, natural air drying is
The concept of natural-air drying and the favourable, otherwise, heated air drying must be
application of solar energy to grain has received used. Drying potential of natural air can be
considerable attention in the past few years measured by the dry-bulb temperature and
main!y because of the favourable wenther condi- relative humidity (RH) of natural air. ‘To
tions during the harvesting season in Korea. calculate a reasonable drying potential, weather
Furthermore, the application of solar energy to data over a long period must be analyzed.
grain drying seemsbest suited to low-temperature The investigators who conducted the natural
systems. In addition, an in-bin drying system air-drying experiments during 1973-80 also
developed in this s?udy would have an additional analyzed the weather data accumulated over 10
advantage because of its extended use as an years to obtain the average temperature and
improved storage system. relative humidity that determined the drying
It was intended to evaluate the feasibility of potential of narural air. Their analyses showed
the solar and natural air in-tin drying and that the average temperature in October was in
storage system that is to be used at the farm the range of lJ.O-16.8”C :rnd the relative
level. For this purpose, the weather conditions. humidity from 64 to 76%. Average temperature
lF)ivisioA‘of Agricultural Machinery and Process and relarivc humidity in October over 14
Engineering,r)cpartment of AgricuIturaI Engineering, locations were 14.9Oc’and 39.4%,, respectively.
C’olidge ut’ Ag~%~Iture.-~ Seoul Narional University. From these analyses, the tempcrarure and
Suweun,XbWh 170. relative humidity in Clctober provided high
drying potential because the equilibrium moisture content could not reach 15% during the
moisture content (MC,) of grains was about 15% same drying period, because the amount of
in this season. However, it must be noted that airflow in experiments A and C was less than
ideal weather conditions with high drying those of the other experiments.
potential did not always occur during consecu- Average drying rate during the drying period
tive days. Sometimes, drying would be interrupted was 0.03-0.11% per fan operation hour. This
because of unsatisfactory weather conditions. drying rate differed with fan operation methods
In the analysis of weather data, relative such as continuous and intermittent operations.
humidity was considered to be the most impor- There were also significant differences in the
tant weather factor for natural air drying. Kim drying rate between the beginning and final
(1974) assumed that the critical relative humidity stages of drying.
(RH,) for natural air drying was 75%. Based on Similar variations were observed in average
this assumption, Kim analyzed the weather data moisture content during the drying period,
and reported that an optimum daily drying time although some differed depending on the area
in Suweon area was 9 hours. During 9 hours, the and time. The difference in the final moisture
average temperature was in the range of content (MC) between the upper and bottom
13-17.4”C and the relative humidity was 66%. layers of grain was only within l.O%, and a
These weather conditions were reported to have uniform drying progressed from the bottom to
such high drying potential that the moisture upper layers. No moisture gradient was observed
content of grains was reduced as much as 14.2% in the radial direction within the grain bin.
wet basis (wb). By assuming that any day that Consequently, natural air drying using a grain
had a relative humidity of more than 75% bin could be a very efficient drying method,
continuously for 3 hours or more was a non- although it does require a long drying period.
drying day, Kim also reported that the Suweon
area had 4 nondrying days in October. In the Storage Experiment
analysis of Kim et al. (1980), the Taegu area was
also found to have 4 days of nondrying in As previously mentioned, the grain bin
October. Consequently, the weather conditions performs the functions of both the grain dryer
during the harvesting season in Korea could be and storage unit. A rough-rice storage experi-
considered as having high drying potential for ment using a grain bin was conducted at three
natural air drying. locations. In the three experiments, analyses
were made on the variations of the grain temper-
ature and moisture content, which were con-
Analysis of Natural Air-Drying sidered to be important factors that affect the
Experiments safe storage of rough rice.
From March to July of 1979, the average
To determine whether or not a natural air temperature of rough rice during storage
in-bin drying and storage system is feasible in gradually increased from 3 to 30°C and was
a particular farm area, continuous experimental generally higher than the ambient temperature
studies on natural air drying must be made over as shown in Fig. 1. This higher temperature was
many years, because the efficiency of natural air attributable to the respiration heat of rough rice
drying using a grain bin varies depending upon and convective heat transfer from outside the
the annual weather conditions in that area. The grain bin. During this period, average moisture
technical evaluation of the natural air in-bin content gradually increased from 13.5 to 15.3%.
drying and storage system must also be made In general, during winter, little variation was
on the basis of these experimental results. Table observed in the grain temperature and moisture
1 summarizes the results of the natural air- content inside the grain bin, but a large variation
drying experiments analyzed in this study. As was observed during summer. Kim (1974) pointed
shown in Table 1, six natural air-drying out the storage problem resulting from the
experiments employed similar experimental increase in grain temperature in summer. How-
methods and showed similar results. All the ever, Chung and Koh (1980) showed in their
experiments were conducted in October, and the experiment that safe storage in summer was
drying pericd was about lo-15 days. possible even without aeration.
In experiments B, D, E, and F, the moisture The milling test was conducted after the
content of grains was reduced to IS%, which storage experiments were completed. The results
was within the moisture content required for of the milling test showed that brown rice
safe storage. However, in experiments A and C, recovery, milled rice recovery, and head rice

Table 1. Summary of drying experiments using natural air.
Experiment no.
A B c D E F

Cross section 3.14 2.25 2.01 4.33

area of bin (m*) W.0 ml (1.5 X 1.5 m) ($1.6 ml ($2.35 m) (&I.: ‘m)

Height of bin (m) 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.2 1.2 2.5

Bin material steel steel plywood steel steel steel

Rough rice
quantity (t) 3.6 2.0 1.7 1.0 2.3 4.2

Rice variety Tong-i1 Milyang 23 Jinhung Milyang 23 Suweon 264 Milyang 30

Rough rice depth 1.6 1.1 1.35 1.1 0.9 0.9

Amount of air-
flow (cm/m3) 2.8 4.0 1.64 3.60 3.60 4.81

Drying period 13/10/73- 30/09/78- 14/10/78- 01/10/79- 15/10/79- 15/10/80-

02/l l/73 12/10/78 G3,” l/78 12/10/79 24/l O/79 28/l O/80

Initial moisture
content (% wb) 22.2 20.0 24.8 19.8 20.0 24.4

Final moisture
content (%I wb) 16.7 14.0 15.1 13.7 13.0 15.0

Fan operation
time (hours) 107 210 325 207 66 288

Average drying
rate (%/hour) 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03
“Round steel bins were used for all the experiments excrpt in experiment C wbere a rectangular plywood bin was installed.



0 lb
;O 3; 4; 5b 6; 7; ;O 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
1 March 1979 STORAGE TIME (days) 29 July 1979

Fig. 1. Variation in average ambient air temperature and grain temperature during thr storage period (experiment B),

recovery were 79.9,72.8, and 63.63%, respectively. sack of rough rice, which is equivalent to about
These values indicated that the quality of rough 12000 won/t. Therefore, if the additional
rice during the storage period was maintained advantages such as safe storage are considered, a
within the first degree criterion. grain bin may be economically reasonable.
After drying test B was completed, another
storage experiment was conducted using the
same grain bin and rough rice as used in drying Analysis of Solar-Drying Experiments
test B. The average moisture content range of
rough rice during the storage period from the
middle of October of 1979 to the middle of May A solar-drying test of rough rice was conducted
1980 was maintained in the range of 12.5-13.7%, at three locations. The same grain bin used in the
which was a safe moisture content to keep rough natural air-drying experiment was also used for
rice undamaged. The milling test after the solar-heated air-drying experiments. Table 2
storage experiment showed that brown rice shows the results of solar-drying experiments
recovery, milling recovery, and head rice analyzed in this study.
recovery were 80, 73, and 64%, respectively.
These valces indicated that the qualiry of rough
rice during the storage period was maintained Table 2. Summary of rough rice drying experiments
within the first degree criterion. No damages due using solar-heatedair.
to moulds or insects were found. Experiment no.
Cost Analysis B C E
Quantity of
As discussed in the previous sections, drying rough rice (t) 2.0 1.7 2.3
and storage of rough rice with the use of a grain Amount of air-
bin were found to be highly practical in Korea. flow (cm/m>) 4.0 I.6 3.6
In addition to the technical advantages of a grain
bin, the economic feasibility must also be con- Test period 01/10/78- 10/10/7s- 15/10/79-
I l/IO/78 24/10/78 31/10/79
sidered. ‘However, at present, there are no
economically feasible methods that can be Initial moisture
compared to drying and storage using a grain content (% wb) 19.8 21.9 25.6
bin. The conventional sun drying being practiced Average final
in most farm areas, although economically less moisture
expensive, has problems of qualitative and content (% wb) 13.3 13.7 11.2
quantitative grain damage. frequent operational Total fan
interruptions because of unexpected bad weather, operation time
and difficulty in the mechanization of harvest- (hours) 140 130.4 96
ing. These problems make it difficult for con-
ventional sun drying to be compared to grain Averagedrying
rate (Whour) 0.05 0.06 0.15
bin drying.
Batch or circular dryers were not considered, Energy consumed
because only a limited number of them have per 1% MC
been supplied. Therefore, in this study, only the reduction
drying costs for using a grain bin were calculated. (kwh) 7.69 6.29 5.33
(natural air
In this experiment, total cost for drying 1 t of drying) (9.70) (13.64) (7.54)
rough rice from the initial moisture content
(MC,) of 20 to 14% was 40000 won (685 won = Final moisture
U.S.$l .OO).The fixed cost was 32 300 won (about content at top
80%) and the variable cost was 7700 won (about layer (!‘$ wb) 13.4 15.1 14.4
20%). Because the fixed cost took a large portion Final moisture
of the drying cost, the total drying cost can be content at
reduced to less than half when the capacity of the bottom layer
bin is increased to 2 t and the annual use to twice (Vi wbj 12.9 10.2 10.0
a year. If the price of a bin can be lowered by Daily fan
mass production, the drying cost will be reduced operation
even more. The present drying cost for a circular (hours) 24 hours 8:00- I o:oo-
type of dryer used in farm areas is 600 won per 20:30 l7:OO

Figure 2 shows the supp!ementary heating Black-painted
system that was used in Experiment B. It is galvanized iron
composed of the flat-plate solar energy collector
and heat-storage unit. In this system, the rocks
with a volume of 7.2 m3, which were piled over a I---- Air duct
perforated duct inside the collector, were heated
j r Styrofoam
during the daytime, and the heat stored in the
rocks wa.. transferred to the drying air during
the night. The collectors used in experiment C 5
and E consisted of a clear film cover and a metal 5
black absorber in which an oval cover and flat
absorber collector were used in experiment C as 5
shown in Fig. 3 and a flat cover and triangular i 3
absorber in experiment E. Because no heat k w
storage unit was provided in these systems, the 16 3
collectors were only used to heat the air during Fig. 3. Cross section of solar collector (esperiment C)
the daytime. (dimensions in centimeters).

Performance of Solar Collectors average above the ambient air temperature

during the night and about 8°C during the
The performance of the solar collectors used daytime.
in each experiment was analyzed in terms of In experiment C, the temperature rise of air
temperature rise of drying air and solar collector during the solar-drying experiment was in the
efficiency. The drying air temperature variations range of 6.5-2 1.8’C, and the maximum temper-
obtained on a typical day with experiment B ature of drying air was 4O.O”Cand the minimum
showed, in general, that the maximum temper- was 13.2”C. A similar result of temperature
ature of the air drawn through the rocks occurred variation appeared in experiment E. The average
at about 14:OOhours and the minimum temper- temperature of air throughout the tesiing period
ature at about 19:OOhours. Similar patterns was 15.3”C, which could reduce the relative
of temperature variation appeared throughout humidity from 63.4 to about 40% on the
the testing period. For the given system, the average. The heated air, having such a high
temperature of the air passing through the drying potential with high temperature and low
perforated duct was increased about 4°C on the relative humidity, however, may result in uneven

Fig. 2. Schemaricdiagram of the solar collector-heat storage system connected to the grnirz bin (experiment II):
(I) grain bin. (2) ventilator, (3) manhole, (4) outside ladder. (5) grain surfbce. (6) sampling hole, (7) perforatedfloor.
(8) anemometer, (9) outlet. (IO) pilot-static tube, (I 1) manometer, (12) aeration duct, (13) fan and motor,
(14) insulation wall. (15) tilted angle (4P), (16) rock pile, (17) plate covered with vinyl sheet, and(l8) solar collector.

drying and overdrying for low-temperature, in- little greater moisture gradient between top and
bii drying systems. bottom layers throughout the testing period.
The collector efficiency on a typical day in The results of the change in moisture content
each experiment was calculated from the ratio of at each level of the grain mass in experiment E
the energy collected to the radiation available. indicated that adding solar energy during the
The amount of energycollected was based on daytime increased the difference in moisture
measurements of the quantity of air and the content between the grain at ~i;r: an Illlet L~,XI
temperature rise in the air. Calculated efficiencies the grain at the air outlet as much as about
nf the collectors were found to be about 35.0% 12.0%. even though the average grain moisture
in experiment B, 46.1% in experiment C, and content reached about 15% after 69 hours of
43.1% in experiment E. drying operation. It took 96 hours to dry the
grain to a safe level for storage of 14.4% at the
top layer, but the moisture difference was 4.4%
Solar-Drying Analysis after the completion of drying. The difference
in the moisture content between individual layers
resulted from high inlet air temperature and
In this section, moisture variation of grain low aifflow rate. Continued fan operation during
with electric energy input in the solar-drying the nighttime, when the relative humidity of the
experiment is compared with natural air drying. ambient air is high, may help in achieving
Figure 4 shows the drying curves of grain located uniform moisture content all over the grain
at the top, middle, and bottom layers when the mass.
heated air was supplied through the solar A similar drying pattern appeared in
collector heat storage system in experiment experiment C in which the fan was operated
B (Fig. 5 and 6). Throughout the drying period from 08:OO hours to 20:30 hours, longer than
there existed some moisture gradients of the in experiment E. The average moisture content
grain at each layer. However, the gradient was 13.7%, and the moisture difference between
decreasedas drying continued, and the difference top and bottom layers was about 5.0% at the
in moisture content between the top and bottom end of the drying operation. Uneven drying as
layers was less than 2.0% when the grain well as overdrying of the grain was also observed
moisture content (MCJ reached about 13.3% on in this experiment.
the average after 5 days of drying.
The comparrson of the average drying curves
of natural air drying with and without supple- Energy Requirements
mentary heat showed that solar drying gave a
much higher rate of drying and required a The electric energy requirements for each
shorter period of drying to arrive at the desired drying experiment are summarized in Table 3.
final moisture content, although it also showed a In general, energy use per kilogram of water
removed was lower by as much as 20-50% for
21- solar-heated air drying than for natural air
20- - Top drying, More electric energy was consumed in
19- x-x Middle
experiment C when compared to the other two
experiments because of its lower airflow rate.
I&l- - Bottom From the analysis, it should be remembered
l7- that, under the operational and ambient air
conditions examined in experiments B and E,
16- not much saving in energy input as well as
15- advantage in grain drying could be attained by
the addition of the solar heating system. How-
ever, the need for the solar collector system
13- for grain drying in unfavourable weather con-
ditions should not be underestimated. There-
fore, more research must be conducted in the
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II future to develop a supplementary heating
system that is applicable to a low-temperature
in-storage drying system. There is also a need
Fig. 4. Moisture content change of each layer of the to decrease the solar collector costs and Increase
rough rice dried with solar-heated air. the durability of the collectors.
Table 3. Energy requirements per kilogram of’ water removed.
Experiment B Experiment C Experiment E
Natural Solar Natural Sdilr NIltllKll Solar
Moisture content (P; wb)
Initial 20.2 19.8 24.8 21.9 20.0 25.6
Final (average) 13.6 13.3 15.1 13.7 13.0 11.2

Total energy consumed (kWh) 64 50 132.3 51.6 52.8 76.8

kWh/kg of moisture 0.418 0.333 0.678 0.320 0.285 0.206

(100) (79.7) (100) (47.2) (100) (72.3)

Fig. 5. A solar collector with a heat storage unit used for solar drying (experiment B).

Fig. 6. A solar collector without a heat storage unit used for solar drying (experiment C).
Conclusion ments per unit of water removed, compared to
natural air drying. Becausea high temperature
rise of drying air with the solar collectors results
In Korea, there is a great need to improve in uneven drying and overdrying of rough rice,
current grain drying and storage practices at a low-cost, durable solar collector heat-storage
the farm level. With shortages and high prices unit should be provided for a low-temperature,
of fossil fuel, the reduction of energy con- in-bin drying system.
sumption and the application of solar energy l The cost of the in-bin drying system
to grain drying are becoming more important. appeared to be higher than that for conventional
This study was designed to evaluate the sun drying. However, in-bin drying has advan-
technical feasibility of an in-bin drying and tages such as prevention from overdrying,
storage system using natural and solar-heated preservation of good quality of rough rice, and
air based on previous experimental results. safe storage. If these advantages are taken into
The following conclusions can be drawn based account and the fixed costs of the in-bin drying
on the analysis of the experimental results: system can be reduced with an increase in its
l The weather conditions during the drying capacity and the frequency of its annual use,
period (October) of rough rice in Korea were in-bin drying may be economically feasible.
found to have good potential for natural air
l Through natural air drying using a grain bin
it was possible to dry rough rice of 1-4 t within Chung, C.J. and Koh, H.K. 1980. Experimental study
3 weeks to the moisture content necessaryfor on the in-bin drying with natural and solar-heated
safe storage, and this method also achieved air and storage of rough rice. Journal of Solar Energy
uniform drying. Society of Korea, 3(2).
Kim, S.R. 1974. Study on the small grain bin for the
l In the two storage experiments,the moisture improvement of grain drying and storage. Journal
content of rough rice was maintained within of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers,
14% wb during the storage period. There was no 16(l).
deterioration in rough rice quality. Kim. J.Y.. Sub, S.D.. Keum, D.H., and Lee, S.K. 1980.
l Solar-heated air drying helped in lowering Investigation of natural air drying of rough rice
the final moisture content of rough rice and in based on the weather data in Taegu area. Journal of
reducing the drying time and the energy require- the Korean Society of Agricultural Machinery, 5(I).

Heat Sources

Farm Grain Dryer - Thailand

Sriwai Singhagajen*
Abstract. This paper discussesthe work of the Agricultural Engineering Division, Department
of Agriculture of the Government of Thailand, in postharvest technology, specifically in the
development of a farm grain dryer to assist local farmers in the processing of a second harvest. The
dryer helps to reduce lossesand drying time and improve the quality of the final product. The work
on this type of paddy dryer has already been completed, and design specifications and performance
results are given. Further research is needed to determine appropriate design modifications and
changes in methods of operation to meet the requirements of the farmers.

In 1976, the Agricultural Engineering Division, Components of the Dryer

Department of Agriculture of the Government
of Thailand, began work on postharvest The engine of the dryer is 6 kW minimum,
technology with support from the International and the engine from the power tiller can be
Development Research Centre (IDRC). The converted for this purpose (Fig. 2). The rice-
survey on postharvest practices of farms hull furnace (total size: 0.6 X 0.6 X 0.6 m) is
conducted in that year indicated that the made of ordinary bricks with an angle-iron bar
introduction of a farm grain dryer was essential frame. Rice husks can be burned, because ash
because of the government support for second does not come in contact with product. The ash
cropping in various parts of the country. The is then used to make bricks. The furnace has a
second harvesting begins in May and ends in 45” inclined fire grate made of a series of 6 mm
early August, which is during the wet season. diameter iron rods with 1.5 mm spacing arranged
The farmers have problems in drying because vertically. The proper operation of this furnace
there are no sunny days in succession to dry would hold the desired temperature at f3”C
paddy at one time. This causes quality loss fluctuation. The diesel burner is used when the
because of mould infection and because paddy rice-hull furnace is not available. Kerosine is
grain changes in Lolour and quality, which more expensive and not normally available in
results in low milling yield. The dryer helps to large quantities. The kerosine vaporizing-pot
reduce losses and drying time and to improve burner designed by the University of the
and stabilize the quality of the produce to Philippines at Los Bafios (UPLB) was further
increase the farmer’s income. modified by adding another perforated sheet to
Batch drying dries paddy down to 14% increase the vaporizing rate. The consumption
moisture content (MC) giving the paddy a longer rate of the diesel burner is 1.5-2.0 L/hour.
storage life and a higher milling yield than sun The cycle fan has a 0.6-m diameter rotor with
drying. The Agricultural Engineering Division eight 0.15 X 0.3 m blades at a 70’ pitch angle
has designed, developed, and tested the per- enclosed with a 0.6-m diameter metal sheet
formance of the dryer based on its simplicity housing. The delivery rate is 0.5 mj/sec/m3 at
of operation, and construction. ~4 ii.;. abilitv 1600 rpm. The holding capacity of the yrain-
to be constructed using local materials an; holding bin is 3.6 m 3. It is composed of six
labour. The work on this type of paddy dryer pieces of plywood, 1.22 X 2.44 X 0.006 m, and
has already been completed and made available wooden bars, 0.038 X 0.076 m. It takes fobi
to both farmers and local manufacturers (Fig. 1). people about 40 min to assemble the bin.

‘Storage and Processing Section, Agricultural Construction and Operation Costs

Engineering Division. Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Bangkhen, The 6 kW diesel engine at 1981 prices costs
Bangkok 9, Thailand. U.S.$700. The materials for the rice-hull furnace

Rice-hull furnace Cirain-holding bin Grain
TRice-hull bin

\ \

___---. .


-7 Cool air
Y Hor air Cycle fan floor

Fig. 2. Components of the paddy dryer: (1) grain bin (244 X 244 X 1,-’ 7 CnlJ. (2) ~her~~lO~?leter, I’j) JCrf?m (no. 8’/:).

(4) canvas air duct, (5) engine (6 k W), (6) rice-hull furnace. (7) air due:. and (8) cycle ./an.

total U.S.%116; the diesel burner. U.S.$84; the
cycle fan U.S.%133; and the grain-holding bin, Grain depth 0.46 m
U.S.$202. The total construction cost amounts 43°C 0.30 cm/m?
to U.S.$534, and the total cost of the dryer is
The operation costs depend on the drying
time, which is determined by the initial moisture
content (MC,), and the materials (fuel) used are:
rice hulls, at a consumption rate of 8-10 kg/hour
with a duration of 4-6 hours/operation - rice
hulls are widely available at no cost; diesolene,
at a consumption rate of 1.5-2.0 L/hour and a 0 1 2 3 4 5
cost of U.S.$O.50-$0.75 - used if rice hulls are DRYING TIME (hours)
not available; and gasoline (power engine), at a
consumption rate of 2.0-2.5 L/hour and a cost Fig. 4. Paddy drying curves (heat source: rice-hull
of U.S.$l.lS-$1.40 - can be either gasoline furnace).
or diesel engine. dryer using rice hul!s as the heat source is greater
than the diesel heat source.
Drying of Various Agricultural Products Corn
Paddy The capacity of the dryer is 1.5 t. Figures 5-7
show the characteristics of the drying curves
The capacity of the dryer is 2 t/lot of paddy. obtained from tne three comparative tests on
Generally, rice harvested from the field contains ear-corn drying. In drying by unheated air
20-26% MC and will take 3-6 hours to reduce (Fig. 5) the drying time is 14 hours, the average
to 14% MC. The rate of drying is about 2% of initial moisture content is 15.9%, average final
moisture reduction per hour. The temperature moisture content 14.4%, and the drying rate is
range is between 38 and 49°C and static O.l%/hour. In drying by heated air from rice
pressure is 50 mm of water. If the capacity is hulls (Fig. 6) the drying time is 9 hours, initial
1 t, the static pressure should be 10 mm of water moisture content is 17.6%, average moisture
obtained by adjusting the speed device on the content is 14.35%, and the drying rate is
engine. 0.4%/hour. Drying by heated air from diesel fuel
The characteristics of the drying curves in (Fig. 7) involves a drying time of 13 hours,
drying paddy by using the diesel burner are average initial moisture content is 16.4%,
shown in Fig. 3. The grain depth is 0.3 m, average final moisture content is 13.5%, and
22% MC,, and final moisture content (MC), the the drying rate 0.2%/hour. The general practices
average after 4 hours of drying, is 13.4%. The in ear-corn drying on the farm before marketing
characteristics of the drying curves in drying are: sun drying of newiy harvested ear-corn
paddy by using the rice-hull furnace are shown containing 40% MC, (the final moisture content
in Fig. 4. The grain depth is 0.46 m, 22% MC,, is ZO-22%), corn shelling, and sun redrying of
and 12% MC, on an average of 4 hours drying.
The curves indicate that the drying rate of the
53.11% RH

‘Graindepth 0.30 m
43°C 0.30 cm/m2

l Top
* Middle 0 Bottom
5 Bottom I 1 , I ! I ,
II I 2 3 4 5 2 4 6 8 IO 12 I4
Fig. 3. Paddy drying curves (heat source: diesell. Fig. 5. Corn drying curveT (unheated air).

wil! pile up the produce indoors and take it out
l8- again when the sun shines. This can cause
3 fermentation and, therefore, reduce the quality
s” 17- 56.33% RH and price. The tests on drying coffee berries by
using the batch dryer have been reported as
5 follows:
If (1) The maximum temperature suitable for
drying is about 93.3’C, because the berries are
2 IS-
high-temperature tolerant.
z (2) The higher the temperature is, the greater
14- increase in heated air quantity. The quantity of
if! air varied from 0.028 to 0.047 m3/sec, and the
g I3- temperature also varied from 65.5 to 93.3’C.
0 Bottom A flow of 0.028 m’/sec, however, was found not
, to be sufficient to go through the layer of berries.
0 2 4 6 8 Ib4 (3) The batch dryer reduced the drying time
DRYING TIME (hours) from 7 to 10 days to 20 hours.
Fig. 6. Corn drvinrr rurves (heat -Pource: rice-hull Figures 8 and 9 show the characteristics of the
‘furnace). drying curves of coffee berries with an initial
moisture content of 64%. The drying period was
reduced to 15 hours to attain 8-10% MC.
Capacity 140 kg
g 60
Airflow 0.038 m3/sec
2 so Drying temperature 93.3”C

F 40

u 30
2 20

5 IO
E L 0 Bottom

0 2 4 6 8 IO I2 I4 I6 IX
Fig. 8. Coffee berry drying curves with an initial
moisture contenl of 647~ and airflow rare of
0 Bottom
0.038 m’/sec.
1 , 1
Capacity 140 kg
2 4 6 8 10 I2 I4
_ 60 Airflow 0.047
DRYING TIME (hours) Drying temperature 93.3”C

Fig. 7. Corn drying curves (hear source: diesel).

shelled corn until they are sufficiently dry.
It takes many days to reduce the moisture c
content from 20-22% to 8%. Procedures that b 30
may help to reduce the time used to complete z
the above steps are the artificial batch drying of 2 20
ear corn and shelling after the drying has been g l Top
completed. The time can be reduced to 1 day E IO x Middle
maximum. 0 Bottom

coffee 0 2 4 6 X
The capacity of the dryer for coffee berries DKYINCi IIML (hour\)
is !40 kg. The general practice at present is sun Fig. 9. Coffee berty drying curves wirh an initial
drying, which usually takes 7-10 days. If there moisture content of 647~ and an aitjIo\jS rate qf
is rain during the drying period the farmers 0.047 ml/set.

Chilli has been successfully designed, tested, and
introduced to the farmers to help in drying the
The capacity of the dryer is 200-720 kg. Sun second harvest. Some extensions have been
drying is the general drying practice fcr chilli, made through the workshop service section, the
which takes 2-3 days. Chilli becomes mouldy if Department of Agricultural Extension, and the
exposed to rain, which affects the quality and Office of Accelerated Rural Development. The
lowers the cash income of the farmers. The dryer source of heat used depends on the availability
reduces the drying time of chillies (14% MC) by of the fuel supply in each area, but rice hulls
about one-third, and it reduces the risk in quality are available in most areas. Farmers also tried
loss to nearly zero, The farmer’s income will be this type of dryer in drying other cash crops:
higher if the dried chilli is at the market before corn, coffee berries, and chilli, as previously
the large supplies of lower-priced fresh chilli. noted, but further research is needed to provide
the appropriate design modifications and changes
Conclusion in methods of operation to suit the requirements
The batch-type dryer for farm grain (paddy) of the farmers.

Heat Sources

Economic Evaluation of Alternative Energy Sources

for Coffee Bean Drying
R. Garcia, C. Porres, J.F. Calzada, J.F. Menchii, and C. Rolz’

Abstract. An economic evaluation was made of five energy sourcesfor parchment coffee
dehydration in static-bed mechanical dryers; base data were the conditions of an 18160kg/day
peak capacity coffee processing plant (beneflcio) located in the Guatemalan highlands. The energy
sourcesevaluated were diesel oil, biogas generatedfrom the anaerobicdigestion of coffeewaste
(pulp), firewood, partially dried coffeepulp, and solar (forced convection).The cost of sun drying
on concrete floors (patios) was also calculated. The minimum cost for the mechanical dryers was
obtained when coffeepulp wasusedas fuel, followed in increasingorder by firewood, solar, diesel
oil, and biogas.

If the production of most coffee beneficios in firewood is scarce and expensive, and sun drying
Guatemala is plotted versus time in a graph, it in patios is limited because flat terrain is seldom
will have a bell shape, with low production at the available.
beginning and end of the coffee harvest season The alternative energy sources selected for
(about 4-6 months) and having a peak at mid economic evaluation were firewood, dried coffee
season, which lasts from 2 to 5 weeks. Because pulp, biogas from the anaerobic digestion of
wet coffee is perishable most of the equipment at coffee pulp, solar energy (forced convection),
the beneficio is usually designedfor peak capacity and diesel oil. Other possible fuels like coffee
and, thus, works below full capacity for about hulls were not considered, because they are not
40-8096 of the time. generated in most of the wet processing beneficios,
Washed parchment coffee is dried on flat or like biogas from the digestion of sludge from
concrete surfaces or patios in the sun, the an experimental water treatment plant in the
process being supplemented by mechanical benejkio at San Lucas TolimAn, which is still
drying. At the beginning and end of the season in the development stage. Figure I shows an
only sun drying is used, whereas both systems outline of the alternative energy sources included
are used at the peak. in the economic evaluation.
During the years when fossil fuels were cheap,
diesel oil was burned in most mechanical dryers Methodology
for direct heating of air. Because of present
diesel oil costs it is convenient to seekalternative Firewood and Coffee Pulp
energy sources. For the benefirios located on the
slopes of the mountains in Central America and Base Data
facing the Pacific coast, the annual trimming of Washed parchment coffee was to be dried
the shade trees in the coffee plantations provides from 45 to 25% moisture content (MC) (wet
more than enough firewood to fuel the dryers base) in 24 hours/batch. The investment cost for
when the use of the patios is limited becauseof a dryer with a capacity of 2043 kg of dry (10%
frequent rain during the harvest season. For the MC) parchment coffee per batch, with heat
beneficios located in the highlands like the one at exchanger, like the prototype built by Instituto
San Lucas Tolimln, AtitlPn, Guatemala, Centroamericano de Investigacibn y Tecnologia
‘Applied Research Division. Instituto Centro- Industrial (ICATI) in San Lucas TolimBn, is
americano de Investigaci6n y Tecnologia Industrial U.S.$7900 (installed). Its firewood or dry coffee
(ICA’IT),AvenidaLa Reforma 447 Zone IO, Apartado pulp consumption is about 27 kg/hour (from
Postal 1552, Guatemala, C.A. experimental tests). The cost of firewood varies

I i I---

L- 1 qine
in 1 xtios

Fig. 1. Alternatives for drying coffee beans.

depending upon the region. In the Guatemalan Capacity of the Mechanical Dryer
:- highlands, it can be obtained for an average cost
of U.S.$O.?S/kg. The cost of coffee pulp for fuel Because most coffee beneficios in the
was estimated to be equal to its drying cost Guatemalan highlands have patios and
by sun drying (off-season) in patios, by which mechanical dryers, it was of interest to study
36000 kg of wet pulp (80% MC) could be dried the influence of mechanical dryer capacity on
using 1200 mz of patios and a &cm thick bed drying cost, taking into consideration the
in 6 days and requiring 36 man-days at special operating characteristics of the beneficios
U.S.$3.50/man-day. The “dry” pulp would have discussed earlier.
a 15% MC, and its calculated cost was A beneficio with a peak capacity of 18 160 kg/
U.S.$O.O15/kg dry pulp. Its heating value is day of coffee fruit (4040 kg/day of parchment
shown in Table 1. The cost of electricity is coffee), like the one in San Lucas TolimBn, was
U.S.$O.l2/kWh. All investment was assumed to selected for the economic study. Drying costs in
be financed by loans at 13% interest for 7-year U.S.$/kg of water removed were calculated for
periods. three sizes of mechanical dryers: 50. 75, and
Table 1. Characterization of coffee pulp. 100% of the peak production of the beneficio,
equivalent to 2043, 3042, and 4040 kg of dry
Analysis Results parchment coffee per day. The 50% of ,leak
Moisture content of fresh pulp 82-71% production size was the smallest commercially
Moisture content of sun-dried available dryer.
PUlP 11.16%
Bulk density of fresh pulp 250 kg/n? It was assumed that the mechanical dryer
Bulk density of dried pulp 102 Tcg/m’ operated at full capacity, and it was started only
Heating value on a dry base 14.61 x IO’ J/kg when the amount of coffee processed per day at
Ash (at 575°C) 8.2.r% the benejicio was enough to fill the bed of the
Potassium as KO 3.40% dryer. When the mechanical dryer was not
Phosphorus as PO 0.30% operating, coffee was dried in the patios. Under
Magnesium as MgO 0.29% such conditions, the higher the capacity of the

mechanical dryer the shorter the time it operated capacity of the mechanical dryer isalso the same
and the more expensive it became. Table 2 as for the firewood-fueled dryer.
summarizes the condition5 assumed in this
Cost Estimation
Table 2. Conditions for the economical evaluation
of alternative energy sources. Labour cost per batch was estimated as 4
--- man-hours at U.S.$O.55/man-hour for the
Amount of coffee dried by the operator (constant for all dryer sizes) and
mechanical drver
-- 8 man-hours for charging and discharging the
Dryer capacity - Yo of total Operation dryer bed of the 2043 kg/day unit, which was
% of peak kg/day production time, days” incremented linearly as a function of dryer
50 2043 62 60
75 3042 56 36 Investment, depreciation, electricity, and fuel
100 4040 25 12 costs were calculated in the same way as for the
“Days during which the mcrhonical dryer opcratcd. firewood-fueled dryers. Annual maintenance
cost was assumed to be 2.0% of the investment
Cost Estimation
Labour cost per batch was estimated as 22 Solar (Forced Convection)
m:n-hours at U.S.$O.S5/man-hour for the
furnac,> operator (constant for all dryer sizes) Base Data
and 8 man-hours at U.S.$O.44/man-hour for
charging and discharging the dryer bed of the It was assumed that inflated plastic solar
2043 kg/day unit. This labour cost was increased collectors of the kind described by Baird et al.
linearly as a function of dryer capacity. Straight (1979) could be used to heat the air for a static-
line depreciation was used, assuming a life of bed coffee dryer. ICAITI built an inflated
10 years for electrical motors and 20 years for plastic solar collector for a grain-drying research
the rest of the dryer equipment. with no salvage project in 1980, which cost IJ.S.$10.06/mZ
value. Investment cost for the equipment was (installed, air blower included). A 2043 kg/day
scaled-up using the six-tenths-factor rule from dryer will require about 150 m2 of collector area
the known cost of the 2043 kg/day mechanical and a 1.49 kW air blower. Its installed cost was
dryer built by ICAITI. estimated at U.S.$2716.
Annual maintenance rost was assumed to be Solar radiation was assumed to be 508.8 W/m2
2.5% of the investment cost. The 2043 kg/day (data for December-April in Guatemala City,
dryer has a 2.23 kW air blower and a 0.19 kW 1500 m above sea level). All other base data
extractor for the stack gases, for a total power are the same as for the firewood-fueled dryer.
consumption of 2.42 kW, which was assumed to The capacity of the mechanical dryer is also the
increase linearly as a function of capacity (kg/ same as for the firewood-fueled dryer.
day) for the larger dryers. The same assumption
was made for s~a!ing up the cnnsumption of Cost Estimation
firewood or dry coffee pulp (as fuel). Total cost
per batch was divided by the amount of war:-r Labour cost per batch was assumed to be
removed per batch to obtain U.S.$/kg water. I6 man-hours at U.S.$0.55/man-hours for the
operator (constant for all dryer sizes) and
8 man-hours at U.S.$O.44/man-hour for charg-
Diesel ing and discharging the dryer bed of the
2043 kg/day unit, which was increased linearly
Base Data as a function of dryer capacity.
Straight line depreciation was used, assuming
A 2043-kg/day diesel-fueled direct-heated n life of 10 years for the air blower, 20 years
dryer is commercially available for U.S.%5700 for the dryer bed, and one season (4 months) for
(installed). It does not require a heat exchanger. the plastic collector, which means that it has to
Its diesel consumption is 5.03 L/hour and has a be changed annually with no salvage value.
3.73 kW blower. Diesel costs are U.S.$O.32/L. Maintenance (excluding the collector) was
All other base data are the same as for the assumed to be I% of the investment cost.
firewood-fueled dryer mentioned earlier. The Scale-up of investmevlt cost and electricity

consumption was calculated in the same way Cost Estimation
as for the firewood-fueled dryer.
Because flat land is scarce in the Guatemalan
highlands, it was assumed that the first 1200 m2
Biogas df pdiiu a~ea had to be built on a terrain with
a 10% slope, and any additional patio area
Base Data would be built on a terrain with a 15% inclina-
An energy content of 24 MJ/m3 for biogas tion. The higher the slope the higher the volume
(65% v/v methane) from the anaerobic digestion of soil that should be removed at U.S.%1.25/m’.
of coffee pulp was used for the calculations. It The cost of the concrete surface for the patios
was estimated that I L of diesel oil was equivalent was U.S.$4.00/m2. Contention #alIs (to protect
to 1.61 rnj of biogas. A yield of one volume of the patios from small landslides) were estimated
biogas per volume of digestor per day was at U.S.$5.00/m2. As with the mechanical dryers,
known from experimental data, which means it was assumed that the investment cost was
that 0.9 I m” of digestor is needed to produce financed by a bank loan at 13% interest for
1 mJ of biogas per day. ICAlTI built several 7 years. Depreciation was straight-line for a
biogas digestors for another research project 30-year period.
and gathered economical data from which a Annual maintenance cost was estimated at
cost of U.S.$23.80/m3 of biogas per year was 1.5% of investment. Labour for patios with a
estimated. The capacity of the mechanical dryer capacity for drying XI% of the peak production
is the same as for the firewood-fueled dryer. was estimated as 50 man-hours/batch at
U.S.$0.44/man-hours, and was varied linearly
Cost Estimation as a function of drying capacity.

Biogas was substituted for diesel oil as fuel for

the coffee dryer and then all the cost calculations Results and Discussion
were repeated following the same procedure
used for the diesel-fueled dryer. frying costs expressed as U.S.%/kg water
removed for 3 sizes of mechanical dryers and for
Drying in Patios sun drying in patios are presented in Table 3.
Part of the same information is also shown in
Fig. 2, for which it should be noted that the
Base Data
percentage of peak production figures for the
Sun drying of washed coffee from 45 to 10% patios are the inverse of those for the mechanical
MC (wet base) takes about 8 days in the patios of dryers.
the beneficios lor;ted in the Guatemalan high- The drying time of 24 hours to reduce the
lands, whe;e coffee processing is done in the dry moisture content of coffee from 45 to 25% was
season. The patios can yield approximately an average value taken after consultation wir:l
13.8 kg of dry (10% moisture) coffee per m2 of
patio surface per g-day drying batch. Table 3. Washed parchment coffee drying costs
(U.S.$/kg water).
Drying Capacity Size of dryer as Q/cof peak
Type of energy production
It was assumed that the patios would function
-- utilized 50 75 100 -
as a complement of the mechanical dryer; for
example, when the mechanical dryer has r: Biogas 0.130 0.190 0.500
capacity of 75% for the peak production, the Diesel oil 0.090 0.100 0.140
patio should dry 25% of the peak. It was also Solar (forced
convection) 0.061 0.069 0.071
assumed that the mechanical units would dry the
Firewood 0.066 0.071 0.129
coffee only to 25% MC and that this partially 75% firewood
dried coffee would be stored for several weeks 25% pulp 0.064 0.069 0.128
and then dried to 10% MC in the patios at the 50% firewood
end of the processing season when production 50% pulp 0.062 0.068 0.126
is lower. The purpose of this drying schedule was Coffee DdD 0.059 0.064 0.123
to utilize the mechanical dryers at their maximum Solar (pati’os) 0.020 -1 0.032
efficiency and leave the less efficient drying “This COSI was not calcul~~tcd bccausc the complementary
stage (from 25 to 10% MC) to the patios. mechanicid dryer would hnvc been loo small.

0.20 0 Solar
A Diesel

O.IR 0 Patio l Sun drying in patios is the lea::t expensive

0 Coffee puip rllrtil~~ti but iis ube i5 5ekcrriJ iirrlitcd by the
0 Firewood rugged topography of the hi;htdnds and by rain
0.16 - A Biogas in the Pacific coasts.
l Burning locally available solid fuels for
5;ii heating air through a heat exchanger for a static-
3 0.14- bed dryer was the most economlcal method for
-0 drying coffee in a mechanica! dryer.
. Partially dryed coffee pulp was the least
E 0.12- expensive of the fuels evailrzted in this study.
. Biogas generated from the anaerobic
digestion of coffee pulp is considered unecono-
fj O.lO- mical for the conditions studied.
2 It was assumed that fresh pulp would be dried
during off-season 111the patios; however, this
b8 0.0x - means that it nrcds prc;prr storage while the
benefi:cio is ir, f~prration (4-6 months). Although
P this is already common practice in Central
g 0.06 -
America, it IS also the main cause of air and
E water pollution associated with the beneficios.
One te&nical alternative that is being studied
0.04 -
is to press the pulp before storing it. If properly
done the juice yield will be about 60% of the
0.02 - 0 initial fresh weight of the pulp, extracting about
0 35% of the total solid present, which will
probably be biodegraded during fresh pulp
0-r-r-l storage, and the final solid moisture being
0 20 40 60 80 I !I0 70% (Rolz, C. et al. 1980). The lower solid
moisture and good texture will be an asset for
pulp drying in patios. The juice may be a much
Fig. 2. Drying costs amI capuc’ltJl qfmechmical dryers. better substrate for biogas generation than
whole pulp, ;Ind its throughput rate in an
dryer operators from several henejkios. Actual anaerobic digestor could be rather high if
drying tests don: my ICAITI with a static-bed new digestor designs are employed like the
dryer at the San Lucas Toliman bcnejkio showed upflow sludge-bed digestor.
that only 12-17 hours were required to ary
coffee fron, 40 to 25% MC, but the 24-hour
figure was used in the economical evaluation
because i& would give more conservative costs. Baird, C.D., Chau, K.V., and Bagnall, L.O. 1979.
Howrler, using 12 hours instead of 24 hours Final report on grain drying with solar energy in the
dlymg time would only affect the total drying humid south. Florida, USA, Agricultural Engineer-
rr)stA but not the relative values between the ing Department, University of Florida.
different systems, which are important for Rolz, C. et al. 1980. Pressing of coffee pulp. Agri-
comparison purposes. cultural wastes, 2, 207-214.

Heat Sources

Dryers for Cooperatives for Food Production in Indonesia


Abstract. This paper examines the technical and economic aspectsof using mechanical dryers
in the Indonesian Cooperatives. The dryers used are flat-bed dryers, Lyster dryers, and tempering
bin dryers. The specifications and opcratiorr of the dryers are mentioned. The important role of
mechanical dryers for the Indonesian Cooperatives in the program of national stockpile and
improving the living standard of the Cooperatives’ members is explamed.
In Indonesia sun drying can be done through- performed satisfactorily, the government is
out the year and is a cheap method of preserving committed to finding mechanical means to deal
food. However, the rainy season, which lasts with large harvests and crops during the rainy
about 3-4 months, presents some problems, season.
especially in recent years, as the use of early
maturing paddy and corn has meant that some Technical Aspects of the Use of Dryers
of the crops are harvested during the rainy
In Indonesia, cooperatives/KUD-s (unit Some problems are specific to the mechanical
village cooperatives) are actively involved drying of grain. For instance, fast drying can
in the national program for food, producing damage the grain: the high temperatures dry
91% of the national supplies. Although this the surface of the crop bed faster than the
amounts to a considerable contribution, there interior so that the grain breaks easily. This
is room for increased production through the can be overcome by using a tempering bin.
improvement of management personnel, and Slow drying results in a better product but has
facilities. Much of the unhusked rice and the obvious disadvantage of taking a long time.
secondary crops is sun dried on drying floors. The best temperature for mechanical dryers is
When rain comes suddenly. the crop is at times between 43 and 49°C. Classified by the flow
completely spoiled. Also, the fluctuations in of crop to be dried, mechanical systems can be
humidity adversely affect the quality of the divided into batch (flat-bed) and continuous-flow.
product, and, because of the large surface and In batch drying, the crop is kept stationary,
comparatively long time needed for sun drying, whereas in continuous-flow drying the crop is
the capacity of the facilities cannot be increased conveyed, usually automatically. The capacity
quickly to handle bumper harvests. Moreover, of continuous-flow dryers is larger than that for
cooperatives that have drying facilities are stilt batch dryers. The batch dryers generally in
few, and the majority stilt depend on private use in Indonesia are two: flat-bed dryers,
enterprise. domestically produced, and Lyster dryers. The
Since the first Five Year Plan, the government continuous-flow dryers are rarely used.
has felt that the food supply program suffers
from the inefficiency of the drying floors. In Flat-Bed Dryer
fact, it has already introduced some mechanical
drying equipment into large rice mitts owned by Flat-bed dryers are simple and relatively
private enterprises as welt as cooperatives. cheap. Kerosine is the source of heat energy.
Although this particular equipment has not During operation, a fan draws the heated air
and blows it through a steel screen into a drying
‘Departemen Perdagitngart Dan Koperasi (Depart- box. The dryers are usually equipped with an
ment of Trade and Cooperatives), P.O. Box 384, oven to increase the air’s capacity to absorb
Jakarta, Indonesia. moisture from the crop. The temperature must


value of the other advantages gained by using program of food supply for the national s!ock
a mechanical dryer. For example, according to a success, especially during the rainy season and
the data collected by the Directorate-General when there is a big harvest.
for Agriculture, in a survey conducted in East At ;uch times the price of rice and secondary
Java, the variable cost for drying rice using crops are ihreatened and cooperatives that own
all types of mechanical dryers available was a mechanical dryer are expected to be able to
between Rp 0.80 and Rp i.78 kg (Rp 630 = improve their performance and increase the
U.S.$l.OO) of rice ready for milling, which standard of living of their members.
is l-3.7 times more expeilsive than sun drying.
In West Java the variable cost was between
Rp 0.69 and Rp 1.69, which is 1-4 times the Conclusion
cost of sun drying (drying floor).
The comparisons made did not include other Mechanical dryers are essential for cooperatives
benefits gained by the use of mechanical dryers, in connection with the program of food supply
such as (1) independence from weather condi- for the national stock, especially in big harvest
tions, the elimination of the risk of deteriora- times that usually coincide with the rainy season,
tion of the crop because of sudden rainfalls, These dryers can help improve the quality of the
and the possibility of both day and night usage; crop produced. They can alsn assist in hceping
(2) the rice dried by a mechanical dryer results prices stable ot rice and secondary crops and
in a better quality product than rice dried in increase the income and productiun of f’armers.
the sun, and. therefore, has a higher selling At this stage the mechanical dryers that can be
price; (3) mechrnical drying does not encounter used arc the batch dver and contintious-flow
the unavoidable losses in sun drying due to dryer.
spillage eater. by poultry and birds; (4) me&an- For the sake of efficiency and effectiveness,
ical drying is faster than sun drying, which leads whenever the crop to be dried exceeds 10 t/day,
to a higher turnover in capital and an increase it is preferable to use Lyster dryers or tempering-
in rice trade; and (5) mechanical drying offers bin dryers. If the crop to be t’ried is less than
the possibility of drying several kinds of com- 10 t, then the flat-bed dryer is sufticient.
modities, in addition to rice, to lower unit costs Although the operational cost of rice drying
of dryer use. using mechanical dryers is relatively higher than
The most important aspect of using a mechan- sun drying, the additional benefits gained justify
ical dryer is that it can assist in making the their use.

G. Yacirrk’

Drying of foods is carried out primarily to evaporation of water from the product. The
ensure stability of product quality for a given warm moist air escapes through the vent holes
storage period or to ensure product availability and fresh air is drawn by natural convection
on a year-round basis. through holes at the dryer base.
Traditional sun drying is still the most There are a number of operational consider-
common drying method. The product is spread ations to be made when using a direct dryer:
thinly over an unfinished area directly exposed
to solar radiation. Solar radiation vaporizes (1) The temperature in the dryer chamber
the water in the product, and ambient moving should be as high as possible to ensure low
air with a low relative humidity picks up this relative humidity and efficiert moisture removal.
moisture and carries it away. Although the At the same time, care must be taken to avoid
method is cheap, there are problems associated overdrying the products. A higher temperature
with sun drying, which often results in a poor can be maintained by using two transparent
quality dried product; no control over the drying covers, insulation to reduce heat loss through the
process; possible contamination of the product chamber wall, and by controlling vent openings.
by dirt, rodents, animals, etc.; infestation by Temperature in a direct dryer is often very hard
insects or moulds (if dried too slowly); and to control.
exposure of the product to rain and wind, which (2) The efficiency of the dryer is related to
causes repeated rewetting and redrying. the colour of the product to be dried. Products
Improvements in the traditional method, that are dark (acting as a black body) absorb
however, are possible. Instead of drying on the more radiation, but they are also subject to
ground, a drying floor can be made from colour changes (viewed as unappetizing by the
concrete. Because the area of such a drying consumer) due to a breakdown of plant
floor tends to be !arge, the cost is often prohib- pigments.
itive for all but high-priced food items. Another
improvement is the use of drying mats or trays To eliminate the problem of quality losses and
raised above ground level. This allows for air- overdrying caused by using a direct dryer, an
flow through the product bed and eliminates indirect dryer can be used in which air is heated
marrjr of the sources of contamination. in a solar air coliector and circuiatcd through
The tinly way to ensure that the product to the product to be dried, whic:h ic contaicled ir:
be dried is not affected by constant rewetting a drying ~:hembcr fse~cr.;ll design\ .:AI\~. lndilcct
dr-ling cdn :)a.Lcrrrictl IUII by USC (11 either forced
and drying, is by use of dryers in \vhich tltc
product is enciosed in son-a(*t!pe of c,lidrnbcr. cI~nvcctL~n (u~ng ;I powered fan) or by natural
Direct dryers co!&! :lf .;]I cnclrjhurc with a cuuvection. In most cases, however, the power
transporcll! <ri~c’~. ~Tlw~*r~~psal-t* placed on trays necessary to drive a fan is either unavailable or
In rhc rrtclowr~ and ihe solar energy is absorbed too expensive. h4ixed-mode dryers mvolve the
by hc& the product crops apd the internal mass use of both direct and indirect heating of the
of rhe dryer. The elevated temperatures cause product.
-_ In the introduction of either type of dryer, it
‘Technical Coordinator for meeting, Program should be ensured that they are: simple to
Officer, Agriculture, Food ad Nutrition Sciences construct, operate End maintain: made of local
Division, International Development Research Centre, materials; acceptable to the users; cost-effective
10454 Whyte Avenue, Suite 304. Edmonton, Alberta, and capable of &ying a variety of commodities
Canada. (if possible).

The steps that should be followed in the (3) A team approach with intpractive feed-
development of a drying system are: back is then used in prototype modification until
(I) The engineer and his colleagues should first the prototype is suitable for the drying of a
determine the quantity and nature of the product high-quality product acceptable to the consumer.
to be dried and particular consumer require- (4) Suitable field testing involving government
ments. By determin ii;; what the initial and final planners, policymakers, and extension workers
moisture content are and the maximum drying should be carried out to ensure that the dryer
time and quantity to be dried per batch, the prototype functions well under a variety of user
dryer bed size can be established, as well as the conditions.
amount of moisture to be removed, heat required
to remove this moisture, and required airflou Recommendations for Future Work
rate. Although not necessary, but highly useful,
these can be incorporated into a simulation The overall recommendations for future work
model to verify if the design is suitable. that developed through discussions at the
(2) The dryer can then be built and initial tests workshop were to:
carried out. The home economist could begin l Ensure that a multidisciplinary approach to
consumer-acceptance testing while the food drying is used.
scientists look at product quality. Consumer- l Use dryer prototypes already tested for
acceptance tests at this time will depend on a particular commodity in a particular region:
whether the dried product to be introduced is (I) for a different commodity in the same region,
a new food or just an improvement on the and (2) for the same commodity in a different
traditional sun-dried product and whether the region.
product is being consumed by the processor’s l Develop a “catalogse” of available known
family or is being sold at the market. Several and tested dryer prototypes to help in determin-
useful concepts to deal with these topics have ing the appropriate dryers and commodities to
been dealt with in section II. use.

Technical Edrting: K. Kealey-Vallitre

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