Program Edit
Program Edit
Program Edit
Starting use
4. Starting use
This chapter explains the series of software operations in a tutorial method for first-time users of this personal
computer support software.
Here, a robot program will be created using the personal computer support software, and the program operation
will be confirmed with simulation. Then, the program will be downloaded to the robot controller and the
operation confirmed by operating the actual robot.
4.1. Starting
Fig. 4-3 Entire screen from Main screen to Program editing screen
An example for inputting the first line is shown. The upper side of the editing window is the program command
statement editing screen.
Input as shown below using the keyboard, and then press the Enter key.
The cursor will move to the next line. To change the contents of the program line, change the contents at the
line, and then always press the Enter key at that line.
Next, edit the values of the position variables P10, P11 and P12 input in the program command statement to the
following values. The values marked with an × in the table are not input here.
The lower side of the editing screen is the position variable editing screen.
Remove check
Next, try confirming the operation of the created robot program using simulation. Select [Execute, Stop] →
[Automatic Operation] from the [Simulation] menu.
The following type of robot type and hand/workpiece setting screen will appear. In this case, select "RV-20A"
from the model list, and click on the [OK] button.
Select RV-20A
The following type of simulation screen will appear, and simulation of the robot will start. Confirm that the robot
moves as written in the program.
Did the robot move correctly? If it moved correctly, try changing the position variable value and moving the robot.
Refer to the Robot Language Instruction Manual enclosed with the controller for the definitions of the position
When not using the RV-20A type robot, change the program position variable values to match the
model being used. Then check the movement with simulation, and then check the movement with
the actual robot, as explained in the following section.
After confirming the movement, select [Simulation] under the [Simulation View] menu, and close the Simulation
After confirming the robot movement with simulation, save the program in the controller with the following
procedure. Here, the program will be saved in the controller with the name "100".
Click on [Save As->Robot] under the [File] menu, or click on the button. A screen for designating the
A window for designating program name appears when [Save As -> Robot] is selected.
When button is clicked, a dialog shown on the right appears. Select [ROBOT] and click on the [OK]
(Caution: When saving the program in the personal computer, click on the radio button next to "PC".)
Input "100" in the [File Name] area, and then click on the [OK] button.
To save the program in a robot controller other than robot controller 1, select the robot controller you want to
save the program to.
Look at the program monitor and confirm the robot movement and program.
Did the robot move correct? Finally, exit the personal computer support software.