Instructions For Low Voltage Power Circuit Breakers Types DS and DSL

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Instructions for Low Voltage Power Instruction Booklet IB 33-790-1J

Circuit Breakers Types DS and DSL Effective November 2010

These instructions cover the description, operation and DS and DSL Breakers are available for application at volt-
maintenance of Eaton Type DS and Type DSL ages from 208 to 600 Vac; with continuous currents of 50
Low Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers and Type DS to 4000 amps; and with interrupting capabilities up to
Drawout Fuse Trucks. These breakers are usually sup- 200,000 amps. Refer to the breaker nameplate for the
plied as part of low voltage metal enclosed switchgear of complete rating information for any given breaker. Break-
the four-position drawout type. These instructions apply ers conform to NEMA, ANSI, and IEEE standards.
only to the circuit breaker and its auxiliary drawout details TYPE DS AND DSL BREAKERS ARE PROTECTIVE
which have been designed as a completely integrated DEVICES. AS SUCH, THE Y ARE MAXIMUM CUR-
drawout unit. Type DS Breakers (not DSL) may also be RENT RATED DEVICES. THE REFORE, THE Y
supplied in a fixed mounted version. In this case the sec-
tions of this book referring to the levering device, position
interlocks, and spring discharge interlock will not apply.
The DS and DSL Circuit Breakers operate on the mag- CAUSE THE EQUIPMENT TO FAIL, RESULTING IN
netic De-ion principle of interruption. In these breakers BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.
the arc rises into a series of insulated steel plates. The The available DS and DSL Breakers and their rated per-
plates break the rising arc into a series of smaller arcs to formance capabilities are given in Tables 1 and 2.
cool and extinguish them and funnel the heat to ambient
Table 1 - Type DS Breaker Ratings

Interrupting Ratings, RMS Symmetrical Amperes

With Instantaneous Trip With Short Delay Trip cd
Breaker Frame Size,
Type Amp. 208-240V 480V 600V 208-240V 480V 600V

DS-206 800 42,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000

DS-206S 800 50,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000
DS-416 1600 65,000 50,000 42,000 50,000 50,000 42,000
DS-416S 1600 65,000 65,000 50,000 65,000 65,000 50,000
DS-420 2000 65,000 65,000 50,000 65,000 65,000 50,000
DS-632 3200 85,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000
DS-840 4000 130,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 85,000
c Also short-time ratings.
d Short circuit ratings of non-automatic breakers except the DS-840 which is 65,000.
Maximum voltages at which the interrupting ratings apply are:
System Voltage Maximum Voltage
208 or 240 254
480 508
600 635
Interrupting ratings are based on the standard duty cycle con-
sisting of an opening operation, a 15 second interval and a
close-open operation, in succession, with delayed tripping in
case of short-delay devices.
The standard duty cycle for short-time ratings consists of main-
taining the rated current for two periods of 1/2 second each,
with a 15-second interval of zero current between the two periods.


Instruction Booklet IB 33-790-1J Instructions for Low Voltage Power
Effective November 2010 Circuit Breakers Types DS and DSL

Table 2 - DSL Breakers - Current Limiting Type Breakers and Combinations

Type DSL-206 DSL-416 DSL-632 DSL-840

Frame Size, Amperes 800 1600 3200 4000

Max. Interrupting Rating,

RMS Symm. Amp., System
Voltage 600 or Below 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000

Notes: DSL-206 and DSL-416 include limiters integral On the front of the breaker are the control items needed
with drawout breaker elements. DSL-632 includes for proper operation of the circuit breaker. They are:
DS-632 breaker and DS-3200 drawout fuse truck, in breaker position indicator, breaker open/closed indicator,
separate interlocked compartments. Maximum con- levering device shutter and shaft, breaker trip plate, clos-
tinuous rating limited to 3000A when fuse compart- ing spring charged/discharged indicator, Amptector trip
ment is above breaker compartment in same unit. test terminal access, Amptector trip controls, closing
DSL-840 includes DS-840 breaker and DS-4000 draw- spring charge handle, close bar, and padlock plate.
out fuse truck, in separate interlocked compart-
ments. Maximum interrupting rating limited to Arc Chutes
150,000 amperes when 6000A fuses are used. Each arc chute contains vertical steel splitter plates, insu-
lating spacers and plates. These are all assembled in an
GENERAL DESCRIPTION insulating arc chute jacket. The arc chutes mount on top
Eaton DS and DSL Circuit Breakers are horizontal of the pole units and are vented to atmosphere.
drawout magnetic air circuit breakers. They are
designed for use in Metal-Clad Switchgear assemblies Optional Components
having maximum voltages of 635 volts AC for DS Circuit Optional components provided upon order are: under-
Breakers and 600 volts for DSL. They are equipped with voltage trip attachment, overcurrent trip switch, high-load
spring-stored, energy-closing mechanisms. All primary trip switch, latch check switch, auxiliary switches.
insulation to ground is glass polyester. These breakers
have many common features, but they will vary in size Accessories
and detail depending on the specific breaker type number
Levering crank and Amptector Test Kit are supplied as
and ratings. Figure 1 shows Type DS Low Voltage Power
Circuit Breaker shipped inside its own compartment. Fig-
ures 78 and 79 show Types DSL-206 and DSL-416 Cir- Since the major components and the accessories
cuit Breakers. depend on the particular type and rating of circuit
breaker, packing lists provided with each shipment and
Each DS and DSL Circuit Breaker consists of a basic more detailed sections of this instruction book should be
breaker assembly, three interrupter assemblies (arc referred to for special information. Any questions about
chutes), barriers, and an Amptector solid-state trip unit. the circuit breakers may be referred to the nearest Eaton
DSL breakers have added current limiters to extend their Sales Office. When making inquiries about type DS
interrupting range to 200,000 amps. Various accessories (DSL) circuit breakers always provide the specific
are also provided. type number, continuous current rating, mechanism type,
applicable order numbers, breaker shop orders or style
Basic Breaker Assembly
numbers, date of manufacture and other pertinent infor-
The basic breaker assembly includes a chassis, a control mation as shown on the circuit breaker nameplate. Inquir-
panel, an operating mechanism, a levering-in device, var- ies can be handled faster when complete information is
ious interlocks, and three insulated pole unit assemblies provided with the initial inquiry.
mounted on a base.


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