ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
ProjectWise Explorer
User Guide
1. January 2015
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 1 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 2 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Starting .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Connecting ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 The application window ............................................................................................................ 7
3 Folders ........................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Structure ................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Folder contents - Project......................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Folder contents - Resources .................................................................................................. 14
4 Workflow ........................................................................................................................................ 14
5 Basic concept ................................................................................................................................ 14
5.1 Locks....................................................................................................................................... 15
6 Document manipulation ................................................................................................................. 15
6.1 Open / Open with .................................................................................................................... 15
6.2 Check out / Copy out / Export... .............................................................................................. 16
6.3 Check in .................................................................................................................................. 17
6.3.1 New versions ......................................................................................................................... 17
6.4 Update server copy................................................................................................................. 18
6.5 Free......................................................................................................................................... 18
6.6 Create new ............................................................................................................................. 19
6.7 Delete...................................................................................................................................... 20
6.8 Copy / Copy to / Move to ........................................................................................................ 20
6.9 Rename .................................................................................................................................. 21
6.10 Local Document Organizer ..................................................................................................... 21
7 Document wizard ........................................................................................................................... 22
7.1 Setting up ................................................................................................................................ 22
8 Document code ............................................................................................................................. 24
8.1 Document names.................................................................................................................... 24
9 Attributes ....................................................................................................................................... 24
9.1 CAD documents ...................................................................................................................... 25
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 3 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
1 General
ProjectWise is a document management system used for project collaboration for The New Line
Copenhagen – Ringsted and is the place to store all CAD files. In this guide all types of files is
named: documents.
Sections that need special attention are marked with the symbol:
Issues regarding user creation and access rights must be addressed to:
Lone Skaaning
Den nye bane København-Ringsted
+45 4187 9986
The reasons to use ProjectWise for storing documents in the project are:
Always to find the newest version of the document.
All old versions of a document are saved for historical reasons.
All stakeholders in the project can access documents.
There will never be 2 documents with the same name which makes it easy to find a given
The documents (CAD files) will retain the references.
2 Installing
For installing ProjectWise Explorer, see guide provided with the installation files.
3 Starting
ProjectWise is started by selecting the entry: ProjectWise Explorer from Windows start
menuBentleyProjectWise V8i (SELECTseries 4).
When starting the application for the first time you will see this screen:
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 4 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
3.1 Connecting
Because ProjectWise is build upon database tables, there must be a connection from the local
machine to the ProjectWise Integration Server which is the service that controls all access to and
from the database.
For creating the connection, select Tools->Network Configuration Settings.. from ProjectWise
Explorers top menu.
If windows present a User Account Control dialog box, Press: Ja or Yes here.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
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ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
There are four tabs in the form for Network Configuration; there must be changed settings on three
of these. The one not to be modified is: iDesktop Auto-Login. The other three tabs must be set like
shown below.
If you are connecting via a Banedanmark computer (from the domain
If you are connecting via other computers (from other domains than
For setting the DNS Service and Datasource Listing type the desired values in the fields: Name,
Hostname and Port and press: Add.
The value for both Name and Hostname is: and for the field Port: 5800.
When the values are entered, press the OK button and press the F5 key on the keyboard for refresh
of the screen.
You should now see this screen:
If this screen is shown you are successfully connected to the ProjectWise server, otherwise please
contact the ProjectWise Administrator for support.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 6 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
Everyone using ProjectWise Explorer must connect to the ProjectWise Integration Server with a
username and a password.
If you are a Banedanmark user (i.e. created in the domain and can logon to this network)
ProjectWise will use your logon credentials already given for the network. Are your user not
created in the domain or are you logging into ProjectWise from outside the firewall, you will
be asked for username and password.
Double-click on: ProjectWise Production in the left side of the application window and the following
will happen:
For non Banedanmark users you will be asked for login credentials
Type the username and password you received from the ProjectWise administrator and press: Log in.
Banedanmark users will not be presenting this log in form, but will be automatically logged in.
The first time ProjectWise is started, you will be asked to create a local folder on you c-drive. This is
where ProjectWise stores your local copy of the documents you are working on.
ProjectWise Explorers user interface is split into three areas: Folders, Documents and Properties.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 7 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
In the Folder area you can navigate to the desired folder and in front of the different entries there are
shown an icon. The explanations of these icons are listed here:
The ProjectWise database. Contain all datasources.
Datasource. The storage area for all documents.
Project folder. A projects top level folder.
Folder. Contain sub-folders and/or documents.
Saved searches. Search criteria saved for later reuse.
Components. Contain lists of components (if any) in the whole datasource.
All projects created in ProjectWise, are created under the folder: Documents.
To see the projects the folder Documents must be expanded (opened), this is done by double-
clicking on the folder, or by clicking on the plus sign in front of the folder.
The operations in the document area could be: open folder, open document, free document, create
new document, delete document, change the state of a document or show attributes (drawing-
/model informations etc.) for a document.
The icons in the document area are shown below:
Checked out. The document is locked by me for editing.
The document has no associated application.
Document set. A list of documents which will be checked out together.
The document is exported outside ProjectWise for editing.
Folder. Contain sub-folders and/or documents.
The document is locked by another user and can be opened as read-only.
Project folder. The projects top level folder.
The document is read-only. Also used for old versions of a document.
The document can be checked out and edited.
Adobe Acrobat pdf document.
AutoCad dwg Cad file.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 8 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
The properties area is showing properties on the project, the folder or the document selected in the
folder or the document area. These properties can be: created by, created date, version, locked by
etc. for pdf, bitmap images and dgn documents can the area also show a preview of the document.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 9 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
4 Folders
4.1 Structure
Open the folder: Documents in the folder area, project folders, folders, saved searches and
component folders are shown. What exactly is shown here is depending on you rights, in
ProjectWise you only see what you can access.
By opening the project: The New Line Copenhagen-Ringsted at least 2 folders are shown (again
depending on your access rights). The folder CAD admin is the place to find all MicroStation and
AutoCad resource files for the specific project. Resource files used generally in Banedanmark (ex.
Drawing borders and printer driver) are stored in the top folder: Resources.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 10 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
Depending on what type of access you are giving, you will see either a 1 Pre Tender or 2 Post
Tender folder. Below these folders are the projects documents stored.
The 2 Post Tender folder is sub divided into multiple tender package projects. Every one of these
sub-projects (ex. TP21) has special access assigned. This is done for isolating the participants of a
certain tender packages from the rest of the tender packages.
In the 1 Pre Tender folder is all the documents used for all the tender processes. This folder cannot
be seen by participants in any of the tender projects.
No matter which category you are in, you will not be able to see the other categories folders and
documents (e.g. Post Tender cannot see Pre Tender and Pre Tender cannot see Post Tender).
Folder structure for Pre Tender Folder structure for Post Tender
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
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ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
The access control on every folder is specified individually, and only those with the proper rights can
access documents in the folders. All users created to attend in Pre Tender access can, by default,
read all documents and sub-folders in the 1 Pre Tender folder, but only the users belonging to a
specific discipline can create documents in the disciplines folder (ex. Users under the ART contract
can create documents in the sub-folder: Alignment).
Beside the folder and document access control there are workflow access control on both the folders
and the documents. The workflow access control on folders is set so all users in the Pre Tender
group can read the contents of all the sub-folders in 1 Pre Tender.
There are created 6 groups for controlling the access to both the folders and the documents. These
groups are:
- CR_Pre_ART Users under the Alignment Railway Technology contract
- CR_Pre_CDC Users under the CDC contract
- CR_Pre_EKS Users under the Expropriation contract
- CR_Pre_LED Users under the Utility Relocations contract
- CR_Pre_SNC Users under the Soil & Nature contract
- CR_Pre_BDK_View Banedanmark View-Only users
- CR_Pre_BDK_Approve Banedanmark Approver users
The group: CRE_Pre_ART have access to write, when documents are in Draft state, to the
following folders: Alignment, Catenary, Drawings DGN, DTM, Power Supply, Roads, Storm and
Sanitary, Structures and Tracks.
The group: CRE_Pre_CDC have access to write, when documents are in Draft state, to the
following folders: Architect, Bridges, Drawings DGN, DTM, Power Supply, Roads, Storm and
Sanitary, Structures and Tracks.
The group: CR_Pre_EKS have access to write, when documents are in Draft State, to the following
folders: Drawings DGN and Expropriation
The group: CR_Pre_LED have access to write, when documents are in Draft State, to the following
folder: Drawings DGN, DTM and Utility
The group: CR_Pre_SNC have access to write, when documents are in Draft State, to the following
folders: Drawings DGN, DTM, Environment, Landscape, Soil Engineering and Structures.
The group: CR_Pre_BDK_Read have access to read document, independent of the workflow state,
in all folders.
The group: CRE_Pre_BDK_Approve have access to write metadata, not to the actual file, when
documents are in Pending Approval BDK and Approved state, to the following folders:
Alignment, Archaeology, Architect, Bridges, Catenary, Drawings DGN, DTM, Environment,
Expropriation, Geotechnic, Landscape, Power Supply, Roads, Soil Engineering, Storm and
Sanitary, Structures, Tracks and Utility.
All Groups, except for CR_Pre_BDK_Read, can create and delete documents in the folder:
The groups: CRE_Pre_ART, CRE_Pre_CDC, CRE_Pre_EKS, CRE_Pre_LED and CRE_Pre_SNC
all have their own workingfolder. No one else but the group owning the folder can read the content of
these folders. The group members are free to create subfolders to the workingfolder.
The users belong to the groups: CR_Pre_ART, CR_Pre_EKS, CR_Pre_LED or CR_Pre_SNC can
delete documents in folders they can create documents in, long as the documents are in Draft State.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 12 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
As soon as the documents leave Draft State and enter another state, the documents become read-
only for these groups.
When a document I ready for approval by BDK, the user rightclick on the document, and select:
Change StateDocument for Approval
When this state is selected a mail form is shown. In this form you can type in the email address of
the person that need to approve this document. This approval is only Banedanmarks CAD approval,
not the technical approval.
Wnen the approver response to the approval process, two options are possible choise. Either the
document can be approved, then the approver is changing the state to: Approved, or the approver
can reject the document. In this case the document returns to Draft state, a new version is created
and the minor revision number is changed. If the document is approved, a new version is created
and the major revision number is changed.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 13 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
The folder structures for the resource (MicroStation and AutoCad) documents are:
5 Workflow
All folders in the Pre Tender part of the project, except for: Drawings Archive and
Interdisciplinary, have by default set the state: Draft. This means that when a new document is
created it will initially be put into the state: Draft.
6 Basic concept
The basic concept for ProjectWise is to share informations in projects. This is done by storing all
documents in the same physical area throughout the projects lifetime, keep track of versions and
expand informations with metadata. To make sure that only one user at a time can manipulate the
documents ProjectWise is using locks, check out and check in of documents. To edit a document it
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 14 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
needs to be checked out to the user at the local machines c-drive and locked for other user’s
manipulation on the server. The check out process is run automatically when opening the document.
When checking out a CAD file, all references will be copied out as well, but as read-only.
Furthermore all the resources, which are specific for Banedanmark and the project, will be copied
out as well. All modifications are done to the file on the locale c-drive which makes read and write
faster. When the document is closed, only the modified parts of the document are written back to the
server, this is again an optimazation upon speed and network traffic.
6.1 Locks
When a document is opened from the user’s computer, a lock is set on the document stored on the
server. As long as this lock is set no other users can modify the document, it is however possible to
read the document.
When modifications to the document are finished the corrections must be written back to the server
and the document must be released. This is done by: Check in of the document.
By doing this other users are then able to check out the document for corrections.
If you want to update the copy placed on the server, but will keep the document locked to you self,
you can perform an: Update Server Copy function. This gives other users the ability to see the
newest corrections in the document, but the document will still be locked for modifications.
If you do not want your corrections to be written back to the server but just want to release the lock
on the document, you can perform a Free command. Remember that all corrections will be lost.
7 Document manipulation
Manipulations are done by selecting one or more documents in the document area and right clicking
your mouse. The only command available without right clicking is: Open which opens the document
in the standard application for the specific file type.
Open (or double click on the document) will copy the document to the locale computer (as shown in
chapter 4) and opens it whit the application associated with the documents prefix (ex. .dgn =
MicroStation. .pdf = Adobe Acrobat Reader, .docx = Microsoft Words).
Right click and select: Open With. This gives a list of all the application able to open the specific file
type. This could be useful if different applications are able to open documents with the specific
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 15 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
Chose the desired application and click on the OK button. The document will then be copied out and
opened as described above.
When the document is checked out there will be shown an icon in front of the document name
in ProjectWise document area. For the user whom has checked the document out, the icon is:
and for all other users:
The Check out command copy the selected document to the locale computer and lock the
document on the server, but do not start the application associated with the documents prefix.
The Copy out command copies the selected document to the locale computer, but do not lock the
document on the server.
The Export... command starts a wizard to copy the selected document to the locale computer,
either for later import or just as a copy.
The Export function is used when the document shall be modified in “off-line mode” and later
“imported” to the server. This method locks the document on the server, and do not release it until
the document is “imported” again.
The Send to Folder function copy out the document to a folder by your own selection, but do not set
a lock on the document on the server. The document cannot be ”imported” again.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
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ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
When the method is selected, press: Next > select a folder on the locale computer for placing the
document and press: Next >
7.3 Check in
Check in copy the document back to the server and release the lock. The command will
automatically be run when the application, in which the document is opened, is closed. It is however
possible to run the command from ProjectWise by selecting the locked document, right click and
chose Check in. It is only possible to check in documents checked out by your self.
The function: Create new version during checkin do not work in BDK projects due to the workflow
states. All version changes are done through the workflow.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 17 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
Update server copy can, for some applications, be executed from inside the application by
selecting: File from the main menu and perform: Update server copy
Or when the document is closed in the associated application. (See the figure in chapter 6.3)
This command writes the corrected data from the locale copy of the document back to the server,
but do not release the lock. This can be used so other users can read the new contents in the
document and see progress in the project, but not edit the contents.
7.5 Free
The Free command removes the lock on the document on the server, but do not copy any
corrections back to the server. The Free command can be executed when the document is closed in
the associated application. (See the figure in chapter 6.3) or by selecting the document in
ProjectWise document area, right clicking and selecting Free.
Only in special occasions must Free be used as NOTHING is copied back to the server, it rejects all
modifications performed to the document in the active session.
Free can be used when no corrections are made, ex. It the document is checked out for print only.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 18 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
There are two ways to create a document in ProjectWise. The document can be imported or it can
be created (born) inside ProjectWise.
To import a document, select and drag the document outside ProjectWise and drop it in ProjectWise
document area for the desired folder. Use then the wizard starting after worth.
A wizard guiding the user through the steps in creating the document is started; this is the same
wizard as for importing documents described above. If no wizard is starting please set the default
wizard as described in chapter 8. Documents must always be created using Advanced Wizard.
If the document is created inside ProjectWise, the first step in the wizard will be Use ProjectWise
document as a template if the document is imported the first step will be: Use external file as a
If the document is imported do not change the settings. If the document is created inside
ProjectWise press the Select button and browse to the template you will be using.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 19 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
After selecting the template you will be asked for a Document Code. The document code is a
unique name for a document throughout the whole database. Document code and document name
must be the same. (For more information about document coder, see chapter 8)
The next step in document creation is the attribute page. On this page are some of the metadata
stored together with the document. These metadata will be synchronized with the title block or the
model block of the CAD files. (For more information about the metadata, see chapter 9)
7.7 Delete
If a document shall be deleted this is done by selecting the document, right click and select Delete.
Be aware that all old versions of the documents will be deleted along with the current version of the
There are different ways to move a document from one folder to another.
Copy puts a copy of the document in ProjectWise clipboard, you then navigate to the destination
folder and select the command: Paste.
Copy to works in a similar way as Copy, but you will be guided through the process via a wizard.
Move to show a form where destination folder and name must be supplied.
Copy leaves the original document in the source folder, move to do not.
To use the: Move to you need to have Delete rights to the document.
Remember to change document code and filename if necessary.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 20 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
7.9 Rename
When a document need to have a new name, both the document code and the name must be
changed. By selecting the command: Rename; only the name can be changed.
Local Document Organizer is used to create an overview of which document are checked out and
which document are copied out on the local computer. With Local document organizer you can
free disk storage by purging the documents you have copied out, update servercopies or check in
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 21 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
Filter buttons: Checked out, Copied and Exported. The window shows the local
copies acording to the fileter selected.
For checked out documents: Update server copy, Check in, Check in –
Leave copy, Free – Leave copy and Free.
For copied out documents: Check out, Refresh copy and Purge copy.
8 Document wizard
Document wizard, or Advanced wizard, must be used for creation of all documents. The wizard’s
purpose is to supply the document with document code. The alternative to this wizard is: No wizard
which do not supply the documents with document code but only create a document with the same
name as the template. Advanced wizard must always be used when creating new documents in
8.1 Setting up
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Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
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ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
To remove some of the pages in the wizard, containing informations never used, click on:
The settings can, as a minimum, be set as shown above, when finished press: OK.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 23 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
9 Document code
Document code is a unique value, across the database, and used for identifying a document.
Document code is generated of one or more attributes defined for the folders environment.
Document code is being used to secure that there is only one document stored in the datasource
with that specific name. If no document code was defined, documents with the same name could
exist in different folders in the datasource. When creating a document the document code will also
be the documents physical filename.
The document code is depending on which folder the document is created in. As an example is
shown the document code for Drawings DGN:
To create the document code select values from the drop down picklists to the different fields, and
type in, and press the Generate button, for setting a serial number.
10 Attributes
Attributes are metadata stored in the database along with the document. Attributes are defined in the
folders environment. Some of these attributes are part of the document code while others are pure
additional data. Some of the attributes are initialized at document creation manually others get their
values automatic.
Attributes are shown under the tab: Attributes in the dialog box that popup when right clicking on
the document and selecting: Properties..
Drawings and models have additional attributes for revisions on the tab: More Attributes.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
Page: 24 of 27
ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
For CAD documents most of the attributes are equal to the informations stored in either the model
block or the title block.
As some attributes are part of the document code they cannot be modified through the properties
dialog box. Informations, not part to the document code, shown in the title block or model block can
be modified here, and will the next time the document is opened in the CAD application, be
synchronized in the document with informations supplied in this dialog box.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
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ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
11 Replacing documents
Along with the document, several metadata are saved. If a fysical document (the disk copy) need to
be replaced with another one, but the metadata need to be retained, this can be done the following
Select properties on the document:
For replacing the document with another document stored inside ProjectWise, select Replace. From
replacing the document with another document, stored outside ProjectWise, select Import.
In both cases you need to confirm the operation.
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
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ProjectWise Explorer User Guide
Revision: 1.0
Date: 1. January 2015
Prepared by: Finn Mejding (XFME)
Approved by: Lone Skaaning (LSKB)
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