Jack Up Drilling Rig
Jack Up Drilling Rig
Jack Up Drilling Rig
Development of an Ultraharsh-
Environment Jackup Drilling Rig
Drilling with jackups in harsh environ- skirted spud can that gives a water-depth tilever can be extended easily by an extra 10
ments has moved into deeper water dur- capability as great as 500 ft in the North Sea. to 100 ft, with a combined load capacity of
ing the last 10 years. Before, 300 ft was The variable deck load in 500-ft water depth 540 tonnes. In addition, the cantilever pipe
the maximum operating water depth, but is 4,000 tonnes. At shallower depths, the deck contains two bays that can hold a full
now operations are possible in water deck load can be as much as 10,000 tonnes, 750-tonne casing string. Casing is lifted
depths as great as 500 ft. Several new fea- depending on seabed conditions. directly from the boat to the cantilever deck,
tures are available on harsh-environment The 120-man accommodation is placed in avoiding double handling.
jackups that increase drilling efficiency a V-shape around the forward leg, with one Blowout-Preventer (BOP) Control. The
by as much as 25%. The full-length paper side for sleeping quarters and the other side BOP contains fiber-optic control systems for
describes the process of creating the next- for offices, mess hall, and recreation rooms. an 183/4-in. 15 NXT stack. The systems
generation deepwater jackup drilling rig This gives a very large usable deck area of are prepared for a second pod for subsea
and operational experience with the 26,900 ft2, compared with 16,140 ft2 on rigs use. The system is rated SIL Level 3.
Mærsk I-Class rigs. with similar hull sizes. A forklift is used on Mud Treatment. The mud-treatment sys-
the main deck to reduce the number of crane tem has 6 VSM 300 shakers with automatic
Design Phase lifts and improve safety. Below deck, the lay- control and remote operation of all valves.
Mærsk Contractors operate several ultra- out is optimized for safety and working envi- Slurry Systems. There is a fully integrated
harsh-environment rigs in the North Sea. ronment with two separate engine rooms, a slurrification system that can be used for
On the basis of experience with these rigs, pipe trunk, and straight escape routes cuttings reinjection or dumping overboard.
functional requirements were developed for enabling protected escapes from anywhere Electrical Switchgear and Control Room.
the next generation of ultraharsh-environ- on the rig. All systems used in daily opera- The cantilever contains a switchgear room
ment jackup rigs. The main focus was to tions are operated remotely from work sta- for equipment and control systems for all
improve the safety level on board and pro- tions throughout the rig. drilling equipment. The room considerably
vide more value for money to the clients. A reduced the amount of cabling going to the
large number of North Sea operators were Cantilever. The I-Class rigs are equipped cantilever from the hull.
consulted to obtain their view of the ideal with the patented XY cantilever. On a tradi- Cellar Deck Area With BOP and
rig of the future. More than 650 suggestions tional jackup rig, the cantilever skids longitu- Christmas-Tree Storage. A large cellar deck
were received from the rig crews in the dinally on the main deck, and a substructure, is below the drill floor. The cellar deck is a
existing fleet, more than 450 of which were carrying the drill floor, skids transversely on large “room” with a primary and secondary
incorporated in the final design. top of the cantilever. This gives a load pattern moonpool. The primary moonpool is used
A 1:1 mockup of the drill floor with sim- that decreases as the cantilever is skidded aft for BOP storage and drilling. The bottom is
ulated work situations was used to gather and to the sides as the well-center position closed with large hatches, making the room
input about drill-floor layout. Use of the rigs varies relative to the cantilever main struc- fully enclosed and protected from the envi-
in subsea and production mode also was ture. When skidded all the way to one side ronment. Access to the BOP, which has
considered. The MSC-CJ70 was chosen as (typically 15 to 20 ft), almost all the load is working platforms at three levels, is by a
the basic design. This included an XY can- taken on one side of the cantilever. A typical gangway. The secondary moonpool, which
tilever system that provides opportunities to maximum combined drilling load (hook- also is closed with hatches, is used for well
increase efficiency and introduce improve- load, rotary load, setback, and conductor ten- operations other than drilling such as coiled-
ments on the drill floor. sioning) is 680 to 919 tonnes. tubing intervention. Additionally, the cellar
The substructure and drill floor are fixed deck contains storage and skidding arrange-
The Rigs to the cantilever and form an integrated part ments for Christmas trees and other equip-
General/Structural Performance. The rigs of the XY cantilever structure. The cantilever ment. Access to the cellar deck is by a
have a 675-ft leg length, with a permanent is mounted on four skid boxes that enable 13×16-ft hatch. The room is fully covered
skidding in both the longitudinal and trans- with overhead cranes and a cherry picker for
verse directions. The skid boxes skid trans- easy access to the BOP and Christmas trees
This article, written by Assistant
versely on two transverse skid beams that during preparation.
Technology Editor Karen Bybee, contains
are integrated into the main deck of the rig.
highlights of paper SPE 92760,
The cantilever itself skids longitudinally on Drill Floor. Mechanized drill floors previ-
“Development of the Ultimate Ultra
top of the skid boxes. This enables a very ously were considered slower than conven-
Harsh Environment Jack-up Drilling Rigs,”
large skidding envelope (90×60 ft) with no tional rigs. The goal was to create a safer and
by Frederik Smidth, SPE, and Per
reduction in the combined capacity when faster rig that complies with the rules and
Wullf, Mærsk Contractors, prepared for
skidding from side to side. The combined regulations in Norway by use of the latest
the 2005 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference,
load capacity is 1,400 tonnes out to 80 ft and technology in mechanized and automated
Amsterdam, 23–25 February.
910 tonnes between 80 and 90 ft. The can- drilling equipment. The idea was to remove
56 APRIL 2005
everything except the block from the critical center and assembly area. A remotely operat- • BOP work/test, a 10% savings
path while drilling ahead, tripping, or run- ed pipe-handling system transfers pipe from • Mud exchange, a 10% savings.
ning casing. the cantilever pipe deck to the drill floor. • BHA exchange, an 80% savings.
The drill floor is based around a The driller’s cabin includes three work sta- • Tubular exchange, an 80% savings.
46×52×210-ft derrick capable of handling tions, including two identical locations for • Reaming, a 10% savings.
135-ft stands. The setback area is divided the driller and the assistant driller, so that • Completions, a 66% savings.
into two areas: one that holds as much as backup is available if problems arise at the
30,000 ft of 65/8-in. drillpipe in 135-ft driller’s chair. The third work station is dedi- Operational Experience. The actual per-
stands in fixed fingers and another that cated to pipe handling and controls the can- formance of the Mærsk Innovator was mea-
holds as much as 18,000 ft of 95/8-in. casing tilever deck equipment and stand building. sured by a separate team of drilling super-
in 130-ft stands in an adjustable fingerboard The drawworks, an AC 6,000-hp gear- visors who were tasked with mapping the
that can handle 5- to 20-in. casing. Total set- driven machine, is outside the drill floor on overall efficiency of the rig and providing
back capacity is 800 tonnes. top of the hydraulic workshop and consists improvement proposals. Actual results
The well center is placed asymmetrically of “two halves,” one of which can be after 3 months’ operation were as estimat-
to the aft and port side to optimize the reach “declutched” so operation can continue in ed for mud exchange, tubular exchange,
and load distribution in the cantilever. case of breakdowns. reaming, and completions. Actual time
An area close to the V-door is used for savings for tripping was 20%, for casing
building bottomhole assemblies (BHAs) and Performance running was 75%, for BOP work/test was
stands of drillpipe and casing as large as Technical Performance. On the basis of the 60%, and for BHA exchange was 10%.
20 in. in diameter. Mud can be circulated to layout and equipment selection, an estimate Most of the targets were met. Additional
test mud motors in that area. This means that was made of the percentage of time savings experience with the I-Class rigs should
stands of pipe can be built and racked back. for a number of tasks necessary to drill a improve these figures. JPT
Two parallel column rackers are placed on well. The Mærsk Galant, the newest rig in
the same track, and they both can service the fleet, was used as a base line. Only For a limited time, the full-length paper is
both the well center and the assembly area. offline activities were considered. Time-sav- available free to SPE members at
This provides redundancy in pipe handling. ings estimates were made for the following. www.spe.org/jpt. The paper has not
Two interchangeable iron roughnecks with • Tripping, a 10% time savings. been peer reviewed.
an integrated mud bucket service the well • Casing running, a 66% savings.
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