Subject: English
Principal Investigator: Prof. Tutun Mukherjee, University of Hyderabad
Content Reviewer: Dr. Chhaya Jain, Principal VSSD College, CSJMU Kanpur
1.0 Learning Outcome: This Module ‘What is Linguistics’ will tell you about the key
components of linguistics and various elements and theories. In a nutshell it will make
you comfortable with key concepts of linguistics.
Linguistics is a growing and interesting area of study, having a direct hearing on fields as
diverse as education, anthropology, sociology, language teaching, cognitive psychology
and philosophy. Fundamentally, it is concerned with the nature of language and
communication. Some of the definitions of linguistics are as under:
“Linguistics is concerned with the nature of human language, how it is learned and what
part it plays in the life of the individual and the community.” (S. Pit Corder)
“Linguistics tries to answer two basic questions:
Again and again we hear that Linguistics is the scientific study of language. By this we
mean language in general, not a particular language. If we were concerned with studying
an individual language, we would say ‘I’m studying French… or English,’ or whichever
language we happen to be studying. But linguistics does not study an individual language;
it studies ‘language’ in general. That is, linguistics, according to Robins (1985):
It is concerned with human language as a universal and recognizable part of the human
behaviour and of the human faculties, perhaps one of the most essential to human life as
we know it, and one of the most far-reaching of human capabilities in relation to the
whole span of mankind’s achievements.
The philosophers of ancient Greece argued and debated questions dealing with the origin and
the nature of language. Plato, writing between 427 and 348 BC, devoted his Dialogue to
linguistic issues of his day and Aristotle was concerned with language from both rhetorical
and philosophical points of view. The Greeks and the Romans also wrote grammars, and
discussed the sounds of language and the structures of words and sentences. This interest
continued through the medieval period and the renaissance in an unbroken thread to the
present period.
Linguistic scholarship, however, was not confined to Europe. In India the Sanskrit language
was the subject of detailed analysis as early as the twelfth century BC. Panini’s Sanskrit
grammar dated ca. 500 BC is still considered to be one of the greatest scholarly linguistic
achievements. In addition, Chinese and Arabic scholars have all contributed to our
understanding of human language. The major efforts of the linguists of the nineteenth century
were devoted to historical and comparative studies. Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913), a
Swiss linguist in this tradition, turned his attention instead to the structural principles of
language rather than to the ways in which languages change and develop, and in so doing,
became a major influence on twentieth century linguistics.
Scholars from different disciplines and with different interests turned their attention to the
many aspects of language and language use. American linguists in the first half of the century
included the anthropologist Edward Sapir (1884–1939, and Leonard Bloomfield (1887–
1949), himself a historical and comparative linguist, as well as a major descriptive linguist
who emerged as the most influential linguist in this period. Both Sapir and Bloomfield were
also concerned with developing a general theory of language. In Europe, Roman Jakobson
(1896–1982), one of the founders of the Prague School of Linguistics, came to America in
1941 and contributed substantially to new developments in the field. His collaboration with
Morris Halle and Gunnar Fant led to a theory of Distinctive Features in phonology, and Halle
has remained one of the leading phonologists of the last decades. In England, phoneticians
like Daniel Jones (1881–1967) and Henry Sweet (1845–1912) (the prototype for G. B.
Shaw’s Henry Higgins) have had a lasting influence on the study of the sound systems of
language. In 1957 with the publication of Syntactic Structures, Noam Chomsky ushered in the
era of generative grammar, a theory that has been referred to as creating a scientific
revolution. It is concerned with the biological basis for the acquisition, representation and use
of human language and seeks to construct a scientific theory that is explicit and explanatory.
1.4-Types of Linguistics
The macro-linguist, on the other hand, studies major changes in language from outside
forces—the Latin language influence on English came from the Roman Empire’s expansion,
for example. Look at how these two approach work together: The macro-linguist notes that
the Norman Invasion brought French to the English; the micro-linguist, wondering why cow-
meat is called beef, sheep-meat is called mutton, pig-meat is called pork, etc., notes that the
French word for cow is “boeuf,” the French word for sheep is “mouton,” the French word for
pig is “porque.” Together the linguists realize that the French invaders, whose servants were
the conquered English peasants, ordered their meals using the French words, so the food
names that the servants got used to were the French terms, and entered the English language
that way.
Micro linguistics deals with phonetics, grammar, etc. on the individual example level; Macro
linguistics deals with comparative studies among languages, language families, and large
influences on language development.
Chomsky's notion ‘E-language’ is supposed to suggest by its initial ‘E’ both ‘extensional’
(concerned with which sentences happen to satisfy a definition of a language rather than with
what the definition says) and ‘external’ (external to the mind, that is, non-mental). The
dismissal of E-language as an object of study is aimed at critics of Essentialism—many but
not all of those critics falling within our categories of Externalists and Emergentists.
1.7.1 Mental Grammar: Of course no two speakers of a language have identical grammars;
some may know words that others do not, some may have some idiosyncratic rules or
pronunciations. But since they can speak to each other and understand each other there is a
shared body of knowledge, which is what we are calling their mental grammars.
1.7.2 Universal Grammar: The more we look at the languages of the world, the more
support there is for the position taken by Roger Bacon, a thirteenth century philosopher, who
wrote: He that understands grammar in one language, understands it in another as far as the
essential properties of grammar are concerned. The fact that he can’t speak, nor comprehend,
another language is due to the diversity of words and their various forms, but these are the
accidental properties of grammar. There is much evidence to support this view, which today
is based on the recognition that there is a biological basis for the human ability to acquire
language. The child enters the world with an innate predisposition to acquire languages which
adhere to these universal principles, that is, genetically determined mental system which is
referred to as Universal Grammar or UG.
1.7.3 Descriptive Grammars Descriptive grammars are thus idealized forms of the mental
grammars of all the speakers of a language community. The grammars of all languages are
constrained by universal ‘laws’ or ‘principles,’ a view which differs from that of many
linguists in the pre-Chomsky period some of whom held that languages could differ in
innumerable ways.
1.7.4 Prescriptive Grammars: Descriptive grammars aim at revealing the mental grammar
which represents the knowledge a speaker of the language has. They do not attempt to
prescribe what speakers’ grammars should be. While certain forms (or dialects) of a language
may be preferred for social or political or economic reasons, no specific dialect is
linguistically superior to any other. The science of linguistics therefore has little interest in
prescriptive grammars.
Accurate modeling of
Cognitive, cultural, historical,
linguistic form that accords Highly abstract, covering-law
and evolutionary explanations
with empirical data and explanations for properties of
Values of phenomena found in
permits prediction language as inferred from
linguistic communication
concerning unconsidered linguistic intuitions
The names we have given these approaches are just mnemonic tags, not descriptions. If
Leonard Bloomfield is the intellectual ancestor of Externalism, and Sapir the father of
Emergentism, then Noam Chomsky is the intellectual ancestor of Essentialism. The
researcher with predominantly Essentialist inclinations aims to identify the intrinsic properties
of language that make it what it is.
1.8.1The Externalists
If one assumes, with the Externalists, that the main goal of a linguistic theory is to develop
accurate models of the structural properties of the speech sounds, words, phrases, and other
linguistic items, then the clearly privileged information will include corpora (written and
oral)—bodies of attested and recorded language use (suitably idealized).
The central idea of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is that language functions, not simply as a
device for reporting experience, but also, and more significantly, as a way of defining
experience for its speakers.
Whorf himself did not offer a hypothesis. He presented his “new principle of linguistic
relativity” (Whorf 1956: 214) as a fact discovered by linguistic analysis:
‘No one is going to be impressed with a claim that some aspect of your language may affect
how you think in some way or other; that is neither a philosophical thesis nor a psychological
hypothesis. So it is appropriate to set aside entirely the kind of so-called hypotheses that
Steven Pinker presents in The Stuff of Thought (2007: 126–128) as “five banal versions of the
Whorfian hypothesis”:
“Language affects thought because we get much of our knowledge through reading
and conversation.”
“A sentence can frame an event, affecting the way people construe it.”
“The stock of words in a language reflects the kinds of things its speakers deal with in
their lives and hence think about.”
“[I]f one uses the word language in a loose way to refer to meanings,… then language
is thought.”
“When people think about an entity, among the many attributes they can think about
is its name.”
These are just truisms, unrelated to any serious issue about linguistic relativism.
Languages are acquired mainly through the exercise of Language cannot be acquired by defeasible
defeasible inductive methods, based on experience of inductive methods; its structural principles
linguistic communication must to a very large degree be unlearned
In addition to various broadly language-
The unlearned capacities that underpin language
relevant cognitive and perceptual capacities,
acquisition constitute a uniquely human complex of non-
language acquisition draws on an unlearned
linguistic dispositions and mechanisms that also subserve
system of ‘universal grammar’ that constrains
other cognitive functions
language form
1.13 Summary: Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. There are many
subfields of linguistics. The interest in human language goes back as far as recorded history.
The publication of Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures in 1957 ushered in the current period of
generative linguistics, the aims of which concern answers to three key questions: what
constitutes knowledge of language (linguistic competence), how is the knowledge acquired,
and how is this knowledge put to use in linguistic performance?