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O F T HE M A S S ,

That is, the Divine Liturgy

of St. Peter the Apostle

Scs Petrus Apostolus

© 2002 St. Hilarion Press
From the Editor | Notes
Illustrations | Glossary

Before the Liturgy or Mass

Preparation of the Mass ...... 1
Vesting Prayers .................... 4
Sprinkling of Water ............. 8
Procession .......................... 12

Ordinary of the Mass ... 15

Prayers at Unvesting .... 56

Appendix: Kyrie Verses ... 61

Fr om the Editor
This unique book for the ancient Western Liturgy is assembled
from books of the Sarum tradition, in the translation which
appears in Orthodox Prayers of Old England, with Psalms from
Holy Transfiguration Monastery’s Septuagint Psalter by permission.
The book’s purpose is to render the Sarum Liturgy easy to
celebrate and serve. It shows Priests, Deacons, other Clergy, and
servers where to stand, bow, intone a text aloud, or say it softly.
The Choir parts are mapped out for the convenience of the Clergy
and are not a full guide to how the chants are carried out, which
we leave to other books. The Sarum version of the ancient Roman
Liturgy is celebrated amongst certain communities of the Synod
of Milan and of the Russian Church Outside of Russia. Its
publication here evokes in me strong sentiments of gratitude to
Archpriest John Shaw of the Russian Church Abroad, who—
decades ago—encouraged us strongly to consider the Sarum as
an excellent choice for a historic form of the West’s Orthodox
liturgy. The complexities of the Missal are resolved herein in
favour of common parish practice, where the Choir is situated
west of the rood screen and the vestry door is east of it. We hope
that this little volume makes the Liturgy easier to follow and more
prayerful for all the Clergy and servitors, whose prayers we
earnestly request in behalf of our humble brotherhood.

Rev. Hieromonk Aidan,

St. Hilarion Monastery & Press

1. A black  indicates the sign of the Cross is made over oneself;
a red  indicates it is made over something or someone else.

2. Text in boldface is sung or chanted aloud, while text in

regular typeface is recited softly, in a speaking voice.
Church Building

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○



(sacristy) Chancel area





(an altar-like table)

○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Choir stands
P=Priest here*
D=Deacon Nave

(their most
usual places;
at times* they Porch
stand thus:
S P D)

○ ○ ○ ○

= entrances route * or on either side of holy doors

** e.g., at the Angelic Hymn, Sanctus, & Agnus Dei

The Altar or Holy Table
Sindon, folded Cross

Candlestick Candlestick

Pax Icon Epistle-book


Q Q Missal, on a

Chalice Lamb (Bread) Paten, until ‘Lift up

your hearts’
Censing of the Altar
Note: It will be seen in the diagramme below that when a triple
swing is made, the 1st stroke is straight forward; the 2nd is a little
to the left of it; the 3rd is a little to the rt. of the 1st stroke.

The Priest 20 18 19  [The Deacon

censes altar takes the cen-
3x in the ser, kisses the
centre (1, 2, Priest’s hand,

3); 3x & cen-
22 17 ses him

to the
rt. horn 21 15 4x.]
(4, 5, 23 16 Deacon
6); 3x to (or
13 (above altar, rt. to l.)

the left horn Priest, if no

(7, 8, 9); 3x Deacon) cen-

14 (at foot of altar, l. to rt)
in the centre

again (10, 11, 7, 8, 9  
ses the s.
side of the
2 1 3 4, 5, 6
12); in circles altar, 3x
over the 11 10 12 (like 1, 2, & 3) (15, 16,
altar, rt. to l. (13); & in circles 17); the e.
between himself & the altar, at side 3x (18, 19, 20); & n. side
the altar’s foot, l. to rt. (14). 3x (21, 22, 23).

Censing of Chancel & Nave

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

The Deacon, having & censes him 2x

(not shown); the

censed the altar,

25 24 26

censes the Relics e. 

Servers 2x ea. (not

Altar shown); roodscreen

of the altar (24, 25, 

27 28
26); [Clergy, if  icons (28); choir,

any—not shown at   ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
2x ea. (28, con-

○ ○
○ ○ ○ ○

rt.]; & chancel tinued.); people, 1x

walls, n. to s. (27). ○○ ○

ea. (28, cont.; done

The Thurifer takes from the centre

the censer, kissing Nave usually); & the

the Deacon’s hand, nave (28, cont.).

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Priest’’ s Vestments
The following shows the vestments which the Servers
place upon the altar for the Priest’s vesting prior to the
beginning of the Liturgy. The zona, not visible below, is
a belt of rich cloth. If the Priest is awarded a subcingu-
lum— similar belt, with maniple-like pendants—he
puts it on over the stole; otherwise, the Priest must put
on first the stole, then the zona.



Zona–under the

Stole (Orarium)

ablution goblet—a goblet with wine the Thurifer offers to
each communicant to help wash down Holy
alb—essential vestment of all clergy and servers; silk ankle-
length robe with narrow sleeves, white or coloured.
The sleeves have cuff-like ornaments sewn on them.
Alleluya—a choir chant usually following the Graduale;
consists of an ornate ‘alleluya’ sung 2x, then a verse,
then a 3rd ‘alleluya.’
ambo—means either the rood-loft or, if there is no rood-
loft, a space several paces west of the holy (rood) doors.
amice—essential vestment of all clergy and servers.
Rectan-gular cloth with an ornate edge (the apparel),
tied on over the shoulders before the alb is put on.
ante et retro—deep bow eastward, followed by a bow to the
others in church, sweeping ’round in an arc or circle.
antimension—modern practice. A consecrated altar cloth
which the Priest must have to celebrate Liturgy. In
practice it also serves as the middle corporal, q.v.
apologiae—priest’s prayers said softly while the choir is
chanting. These prayers were never standardised, so
the priest may say as many or few of them as he wishes.
aumbrey—storage cabinet built into the chancel wall. The
aumbrey shelf is in the wall below the aumbrey itself.
banns—required announcements of upcoming weddings.
bidding prayers—intercessions for the living and dead
which varied place to place. Like the apologiae, they
were never standardised, so variety in texts is possible.
bow—always means a deep bow of the body, such that the
head is level, if possible, with the hips.
Bowed Heads—variable prayer, later restricted to Lent,
which is a blessing over the people at the end of Mass.
burse—a square, purselike container which is placed atop
the chalice and in which the corporals and spoon are
brought to the chancel.
Canon—the most unchanging and sacred part of the Mass,
from the Sanctus to the Elevation of the Gifts.
chancel—area east of the rood-screen; sanctuary.
chasuble—the outermost vestment of the priest at Mass
and, in Advent & Lent, of the Deacon and Subdeacon.
choir step—in small parishes, approximates to a space a
yard or two west of the holy doors.
collect—short variable prayer ending in a doxology. The
Collect of the Mass is a keynote prayer found in the
Communicantes—variable prayer in the Canon Missae.
Communion Antiphon—chant the choir sings for the
communion of the clergy (and/or people).
Companion—a book by St. Hilarion Press, containing all
Scripture readings for Mass throughout the year.
cope—vestment worn by Priests and singers in processions
and for certain ceremonies apart from Mass.
corporals—cloths, of linen or silk, placed upon the altar
during Mass. Today, the first one is usually of linen;
over it goes the antimension, which in common practice
serves as the 2nd of the 3 corporals; the 3rd corporal is
the sindon, q.v.—this latter is used to veil the Gifts.
credence—an altar-like table set up at some distance from
the altar. Upon it are placed the cruets tray, chalice, etc.
Crucified—image of Christ found in the Missal at the
opening of the Canon of the Mass or Canon Missae.
cruet—gold or silver container holding wine or water.
Cup—the holy chalice
dalmatic—sakkos-like vestment of the Deacon, typically
matching the priest’s chasuble. It comes down at least to
the knees and its sleeves are wide.
Divine Office—daily round of prayer services: Vespers,
Compline, Matins, First Hour (Prime), Third Hour
(Terce), Sixth Hour (Sext), and Ninth Hour (None).
Double Feasts—great feasts characterised by processions,
the best vestments, and singing the antiphon before as
well as after the Gospel canticles at Vespers and Matins.
Dove—dove-shaped container for the Reserved Gifts.
eagle stand—an eagle-shaped lectern.
economia—the compassionate ‘bending of rules’ by the
Church or by the Lord God, permitting a maximum of
good to be accomplished overall. In Latin this word is
Epiclesis—invocation of the Holy Spirit upon the Gifts of
bread and wine. There are 2 in the ancient Western
Liturgies, one before the Sanctus and an ‘ascending’
epiclesis in the Canon at ‘We humbly beseech Thee, O
almighty God, command these things to be carried...’ A
3rd is added by modern-day Western Rite Orthodox.
Epistle-book—book containing the Epistles and Lessons
for Mass throughout the year.
epistoler—Subdeacon (or server) who reads the Epistle.
Gifts—the Holy Gifts, that is, the bread and wine
consecrated as the Body and Blood of Christ.
Gloria—the Angelic Hymn: ‘Glory to God in the highest...’
Glory be—the Gloria Patri: ‘Glory be to the Father and to
the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the
beginning, and now and always, and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.’
Gospel-book—book containing all the Gospel pericopes
sung throughout the year at Mass.
Graduale—(1.) a book containing all the chants for the
choir with musical notation; (2.) a chant sung by the
choir immediately after the Epistle or Lesson.
Hanc Igitur—variable prayer in the Canon of the Mass.
holy doors—doors in the centre of the rood screen.
holy spoon—used to lower water into the chalice and, in
some places, to give Holy Communion to the people.
horns of altar—edges or corners of the holy altar table.
Hour—one of the prayer services of the Divine Office.
houseling cloth—long cloth held by the Servers under each
communicant’s chin so none of the Gifts are spilled.
humeral veil—long veil thrown over the shoulders;
prevents the hands from touching something directly.
kissing the altar—the sign of the cross is traced upon the
altar; a bow is made and the place of the cross is kissed.
Lamb—the obley set forth for consecration as the Body of
Christ. The Latin is ‘hostia’—or Sacrificial Animal.
lavabo—(1.) act of washing the hands; (2.) the ewer,
pitcher, and towel used for this purpose.
litany—Litany of Saints, done before Mass in Lent.
maniple—vestment for Priest, Deacon, and Subdeacon; a
band of cloth which hangs from the left wrist.
ministers—altar servers; clergy assisting the Priest.
Missal—book containing everything needed for the Priest
to sing Mass, having changeable prayers for each day.
nave—body of the church, where the people gather.
obley—a small loaf of bread for use in the Mass.
Offerenda Antiphon—variable choir chant sung at the
offertory, with verses between the repeats.
offertory veil—richly ornamented veil which drapes over
the chalice until the chalice is placed on the altar.
Officium Antiphon—a variable choir chant sung as the
priest enters for Mass. Includes one or more verses and
a Glory be, after each of which the antiphon repeats.
Over the Gifts—variable Mass prayer found in the Missal.
pall—modern usage. Stiff square placed across the mouth
of the Cup; helps the veil drape over the Cup.
Paschaltide—begins on the Day of Pascha (Easter-Day) and
concludes at the Ninth Hour before 1st Vespers of
Trinity Sunday.
paten—sacred gold vessel, plate on which bread is placed
at Mass; represents the manger of the Christ Child.
patener—server who holds the paten during the Canon.
pax icon—icon of Christ brought ’round for the people to
kiss at the time of the pax or kiss of peace.
pericope—pronounced puh-RIH-kuh-pee. An excerpt of
Scripture appointed for the day.
petitions—the 9 Kyrieleyson verses sung by the Deacon.
Placeat—prayer to the Holy Trinity at the end of Mass.
Postcommunion—priest’s variable prayer from the Missal.
Preface—priest’s variable chant or prayer which leads into
the Sanctus. Each day’s Preface is in the Missal; the
beautiful Preface chant is used to sing the Canon.
procession—refers to a procession of clergy and ministers
(choir may be included) circling the church (on
Sundays, on the inside; on feasts, around the outside).
P.T.:—an indication that something is to be done, as
shown, throughout Paschaltide (see Paschaltide).
purificator—small cloth used for wiping the priest’s
fingers and the chalice, after Communion.
pyx—a small square box in which the bread or the Gifts are
Relics—Relics of the Saints. These were orig. placed in a
great box or shrine east of the altar. In common
practice, the ‘censing of Relics’ now includes censing
east of the altar.
Reserved Gifts—Holy Gifts saved after Mass in case a sick
person needs Communion to be brought to him or her.
response—short phrase sung in response to a short phrase
(‘versicle’) of the priest. Tone is: Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Re. A
bow is always made before each response.
rood—great cross surmounting the rood-screen. ‘At the
rood’ means just outside the holy or rood doors.
rood doors—doors in the rood-screen or iconostasis.
rood-loft—area atop the rood-screen in larger churches,
from which the Epistle, Alleluya, and Gospel are sung,
and certain proclamations made.
rood-screen—divides the altar area from the nave.
sedilia—seats set up for the Priests, or, in later usage, for
the Priest, Deacon, and Subdeacon.
Sequence—variable choir chant for Sundays and feasts.
server—ordained Acolyte, or unordained parishioner, who
vests and assists the priest in the chancel at services.
sign—verb: to make the sign of the cross over something.
signing the forehead—the thumb and first 2 fingers of the
rt. hand are joined, and a cross is traced on the
forehead with the thumb, up to down, right to left.
sindon—topmost of the corporals, a jewelled, richly
ornamented silk cloth kept in a folded row at the back
(east end) of the 2nd corporal (antimension). In the
Mass it is drawn forward and over the Cup (and it is
drawn back).
spoon—see holy spoon.
station—a formation made when clergy and servers pause
during a procession or when they reach the destination.
stole—also called ‘orarium,’ standard vestment of Priests
and Deacons. The Priest’s is worn ’round his neck and
hangs down, in front, on the rt. and l. sides. The
Deacon’s hangs from his l. shoulder and falls ankle-
length before and behind. In later times the Deacon’s
was fastened under his rt. shoulder.
subcingulum—belt-like, the subcingulum attaches the stole
to the zona and has maniple-like pendants hanging
from it to below the level of the zona or cinculum
(hence the name).
taper-bearer—any server who holds a lit candle at service.
Third Hour—or Terce. Part of the Divine Office sung just
before Mass on Sundays and feasts.
Thurifer—server who wields the censer. He is the highest-
ranking of the servers and always wears a dalmatic.
Tract—variable choir chant sung only at penitential times.
tunicle—Subdeacon’s vestment; a dalmatic made narrower.
verses—refers to (1.) the Deacon’s 9 petitions on the
Kyrieleyson; (2.) small phrases, usually scriptural,
inserted between repetitions of a chant; or (3.) the
sentences which together make up a Psalm and are
sung by one side then the other.
versicle—short, usually scriptural, phrase sung by the
Priest while all bow. Tone is Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Re. See
vestry—sacristy, the place where the vestments are kept.
zona—richly adorned liturgical belt, worn by all clergy and
servers to gird up the alb. Also called the cingulum (i.e.,

of the Mass
Charcoal: A Server lights the charcoal before washing his hands.
WASHING OF HANDS: When the Priest, Clergy, & Ministers arrive
in the vestry, each washes his hands & his face, saying:
Each: O almighty Father, grant to our minds that like as
the stains of our hands are here washed away, so also the
defilements of the mind may be inwardly cleansed by
Thee—and may the array of holy virtues ever increase
within us.  Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son,
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.
PRIEST’S VESTMENTS: A Server places the Priest’s vestments on
the altar, laying down first (a) maniple, then (b) chasuble, [(c)
cope (if there is procession)], [(d) subcingulum–if the Priest is
awarded one], (e) stole, (f) zona, (g) alb, & (h) amice.
Cruets: A Server fills with wine & water & sets them upon the tray.
Epistle-Book: A Server sets it at the southeast horn of the altar.
Relics: A Server makes sure the Relics are exposed on the altar.
Lights: A Server lights all stationary lights in the chancel.
Lavabo: Server sets pitcher, water-basin & towel on the credence.

Apolo gi
While the Choir is singing the Third Hour, before the altar is said:
Priest: O God, Who rebukest us justly and forgivest us
graciously, and dost not desire to find in us something to
condemn, but rather something to crown, Who
moreover desirest not the death but the life of sinners:
cast me not away from Thy tender compassion, who am
a miserable and weak sinner, full of sin’s soiling: neither
look Thou upon my sins, and crimes, and impurities,
and wicked thoughts (whereby I have exchanged the
sweetness of Thy mercy for the bitterness upon me of
sins, by mine own fault) but upon Thy measureless
mercies wherewith Thou art accustomed to help me
freely. And I humbly pray that Thou wouldest not be
mindful of my sins, and wouldest be mindful of Thy
mercies, and graciously accept my longings and prayers,
and grant me to ask for those things which well please
Thee, and that to the company of Thy Saints who have
pleased Thee in this ministry Thou wouldest assign me,
and by their examples wouldest make me to please Thee
for ever, and draw near to Thee with Thy faithful flock.
 Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God through all the ages of ages. Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, be merciful to me a sinner, for
I am the first to stand in need of Thy mercy, and dare to
pray for my fellow Priests: for Thou only art immortal
and without sin, O Lord our God. Thou art blessed that
blessest all. Thou art holy that hallowest all. Forgive us
Thine unworthy servants, for we are sinners and
unworthy, we who presume to call upon Thee at Thy
holy Altar. For we have sinned before Thee, and before
Thine Angels: but grant us forgiveness of transgressions,
and strengthen Thy Holy Church in the Orthodox
Faith, and teach us to do Thy will all our days.
 Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God through all the ages of ages. Amen.
By the intercessions of the blessed Ever-Virgin Mary,
of the blessed Apostles and Martyrs, and Confessors,
Virgins, and of all Thine elect, and those whose

natalities are celebrated throughout the world today,
especially N. & N., we beseech Thee, O Lord, protect us
by Thy grace, and unto Thy servants and handmaidens
who have commended themselves unto our prayers, and
who have given us their alms, as well as those who have
confessed to us before Thy majesty their own sins and
crimes, and all our benefactors, and all our enemies, as
well as those placed in affliction, and our blood-kin, and
all faithful Christians, grant forgiveness of sins and
eternal life.  Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son,
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer of St. Ambrose: Before the sight of Thy Divine
majesty, O God, I stand, who am guilty of sin, who dare
to call upon Thy name. Have mercy on me, a sinful
man, pardon Thine unworthy Priest, through whose
hands this oblation is offered openly: spare Thou the
lips defiled more than all others’ by heinous crimes. And
enter not into judgment with Thy servant, for in Thy
sight shall no man living be justified. But although I am
weighed down with sinful habits and indulgings of the
flesh, remember, O Lord, that I am but flesh; for even
the heavens are not pure in Thy sight: how much more
am I, an earthly man, as unclean as a filthy rag? But
Thou, O Lord, Who desirest not the death of a sinner,
grant forgiveness to me who am placed in the flesh, that
by labours of long-suffering I might be found worthy to
have the fruition of life eternal.  Through Thee, Jesus
Christ, Saviour of the world, Who with God the Father
in the unity of the Holy Spirit livest and reignest, God
through all the ages of ages. Amen.
OBLEYS: Singing-breads are prepared for the Priest.
The Priest chooses 3 obleys for consecration, arranging them in
the pyx.
DRESSING OF THE CHALICE: The Deacon (1) places the chalice
upon the preparation table or aumbrey shelf; (2) places the
purificator over the mouth of the chalice; (3) places the paten
over the chalice & purificator; (4) places the pall over the paten;
(5) drapes the offertory-veil over the pall; & (6) places atop the
veiled chalice the burse containing (a) the 2 uppermost
corporals, (b) the purificator, & (c) the holy spoon.
estingg at the Altar
Priest and ministers vest in their vestments.* Out of custom, the
ministers also say the prayers for each vestment they put on. The
Priest (a) signs & kisses the cross on the vestment; (b) prays; &
(c) vests.
Amice:  The Holy Spirit shall come upon me, and the
power of the Most High shall overshadow my head.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the same Holy
Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.
Alb:  Clothe me, O Lord, with the vesture of
salvation, and with the raiment of joy encompass me, O
God of my salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ
Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of
ages. Amen.

* Acolytes/Servers: (a) amice; (b) alb; (c) zona.

(Thurifers also vest in the dalmatic.)
Subdeacon: (a) amice; (b) alb; (c) zona; (d) maniple; & (e)
Deacon: (a) amice; (b) alb; (c) zona; (d) stole; (e) maniple; &
(f) dalmatic.
Priest: (a) amice; (b) alb; (c) zona; (d) stole; [(e) subcin-
gulum)]; [(f) cope, if a procession]; (g) chasuble.

Zona:  Gird me, O Lord, with the girdle of righteous-
ness, and bind fast within me love of God and of my
neighbour. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son,
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.
Stole:*  O Lord, encircle my neck with the stole of
righteousness, and cleanse my soul from every
defilement of sin. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy
Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of
the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.
[Subcingulum:  Gird Thy sword upon Thy thigh, O
most mighty One, that manfully I may do battle against
mine enemies, with the steadfast hope of life eternal.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God through all the ages of ages. Amen.]**
(When there is procession the Priest vests next in the cope.)
Chasuble:  Clothe me, O Lord, in the adornment of
humility and chastity, and grant me protection against
mine enemies, that I may be worthy to praise with a pure
heart Thy glorious name, Thou that art blessed unto the
ages of ages. Amen. another: Invest me, O Lord, with
the breastplate of faith, and the helmet of salvation, and
the sword of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
For the Dalmatic or Tunicle: The above prayer may be said.
Maniple: The prayer is found on the next page.

* The Priest gets the blessing of the Bishop, Abbot, or

highest-ranking Priest before vesting in the stole.
** Only if the Priest is awarded a subcingulum; this prayer is
found only in some older books.

Maniple:  Grant me, O Lord, to perceive with
uprightness and to labour with purity, that sowing in
the spirit, I may reap of the spirit life eternal. Through
our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and
reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God
through all the ages of ages. Amen.

Gk H G k H G k H
Prayy er
erss After Vestin
Vestin g
The taper-bearers light their tapers. Before the altar, the Priest
lifts his eyes & hands as he begins the Hymn ‘Veni Creator’:
O come, Creator Spirit, come,
Visit the minds of Thy people.
Fill with Thy celestial grace,
O Lord, the breasts Thou didst create. (He bows deeply.)
Thou Who art called the Paraclete,
The gift of God, of the Most High,
Living fountain, fire, charity,
The soul’s anointing from above.
Thou Who art sevenfold in gift,
The finger Thou of God’s right hand,
Solemn promise of the Father,
Giving to tongues the gift of speech.
Enkindle light in every sense,
And pour Thy love into our hearts,
Our bodily infirmities
With might perpetual strengthening.
Drive far away the enemy
And Thine abiding peace bestow;
So lead, Thyself preceding us,
That we may flee from every harm.
The Father may we know through Thee,
And through Thee may we know the Son.
Thee, Spirit sent from the Father,
May we believe throughout all time.
 Praise to the Father, with the Son,
And to the Holy Paraclete,
And may the Son send upon us
The gifts of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Priest:
= Thou wilt send forth Thy Spirit & they shall be created.
+ And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
Priest: Let us pray. O God, to Whom every heart is open,
and every act of will is known, and from Whom not any
secret is concealed: purify through the inpouring of the
Holy Spirit the thoughts of our hearts, so that we may be
worthy to love Thee perfectly and to praise Thee
fittingly.  Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son,
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the
same Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages.
Amen. Then, alternating verses with the others, the Priest says:
Judge me, O God, and give judgment in my cause,
against a nation that is not holy : from a man unjust
and crafty deliver me.
For Thou, O God, art my strength : wherefore hast
Thou cast me off? and wherefore go I with downcast
face whilst mine enemy afflicteth me?
O send out Thy light and Thy truth : they have guided
me along the way, and have brought me unto Thy
holy mountain, and unto Thy tabernacles.
And I shall go in unto the altar of God : unto God Who
giveth gladness to my youth; I will give praise unto
Thee, O God, my God, with the harp.
Why art thou cast down, O my soul : and why dost thou
disquiet me?
Hope in God, for I will give thanks unto Him : He is the
salvation of my countenance, and my God.
All cross themselves & bow deeply for:
 Glory be to the Father and to the Son : and to the
Holy Spirit. They rise at:
As it was in the beginning, and now and always : and
unto the ages of ages. Amen. All:
antiphon: And I shall go in unto the altar of God, unto
God Who giveth gladness to my youth.
Choir: They complete the  Third Hour.

• SUNDAYS: Next the Priest blesses & sprinkles holy water.
• FEASTS with Procession: Next the Procession is made, p. 12.
• OTHER DAYS: Next the Mass begins, p. 15.*

Sundayy Sprinklin
Sprinklingg of Water
BELLS: Three great bells are pealed to announce the blessing, &
the Priest & ministers make a station at the choir step.
Priest: I exorcise thee, O creature of salt, by the
living  God, by the true  God, by the holy 
God, by the God Who commanded thee to be cast
into the water by Elisæus the Prophet that the
barrenness of the water might be healed: that
thou mayest be made salt (he looks at the salt:) exor-
cised for the salvation of them that believe, and
* Except on Wed. & Fri. in Lent, procession & litany follow.

Double Feasts: water may be blessed softly on the side of the nave.
that thou mayest be salvation of soul and
body to all that receive thee, and from that
place where thou shalt have been sprinkled
every fantasy, wickedness, and craft of the
Devil’s cunning may flee and depart, along
with every unclean spirit that is adjured. 
Through Him Who shall come to judge the
living and the dead and the world by fire. +
Let us pray. We humbly implore Thy limitless
mercy, O almighty, everlasting God, (he looks
at the salt:) that this creature of salt, which
Thou hast granted for the use of the human
race, Thou wouldst deign of Thy goodness to
 bless and  sanctify, that it may be, to all
making use of it, health of mind and body, and
that whatsoever is touched or sprinkled there-
with may be free from all impurity and every
assault of spiritual wickedness.  Through our
Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God through all the ages of ages. + Amen.
I exorcise thee, O creature of water, in the name of
God  the Father almighty, and in the name of
Jesus  Christ His Son, and by the power of the
Holy  Spirit, that thou mayest become water
exorcised for putting to flight every power of the
enemy, and that thou mayest have the power to
root out and crush the enemy himself, with his
apostate angels, by power of the same our Lord
Jesus Christ,  Who shall come to judge the living
and the dead and the world by fire. + Amen.
Let us pray. O God, Who for the salvation of the
human race hast hidden the greatest and holiest
mysteries in the element of water, mercifully be
present and assist our supplications, and pour
into this element (he looks at the water:) prepared for
diverse purifications the power of Thy  blessing:
that thy creature, serving in Thy mysteries, may by
Divine grace take on the effect of casting out
demons and staving off diseases ¶ that whatsoever
shall be sprinkled with it in the houses or
dwellings of the faithful may be free from all
uncleanness and delivered from harm. Let no
pestilent spirit, nor corrupting breath, linger
there; let all the wiles of the hidden enemy depart;
and if there be aught which threateneth either the
safety of the dwellers or their peace, let it be put
to flight by the sprinkling of this water, that the
salvation they seek by calling upon Thy name may
be defended from assaults.  Through our Lord
Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all
the ages of ages. + Amen.
The Priest puts salt in the water in a cross, saying softly:
Let the  mingling of salt and water alike be made in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit. + Amen.
= The Lord be with you. + And with thy spirit.
Priest: Let us pray. O God, Author of unconquered
might and King of insuperable dominion,
Conqueror, magnificent for ever, Who crushest
the powers of hostile domination, Who overcomest
the savagery of the roaring adversary, Who in Thy
might subduest the onslaughts of iniquity, we be-
seech and entreat Thee, O Lord, trembling and in
humility, that Thou wouldst vouchsafe to accept
(he looks at the water & salt:) this creature of salt and
water, graciously illuminate it, and out of Thine
accustomed loving-kindness, wouldst  sanctify
it, that whithersoever it shall be aspersed, every
infestation of the unclean spirit may be cast out
through the invocation of Thy holy name, and the
terror of the poisonous serpent be immediately
driven off, and the presence of the Holy Spirit be
vouchsafed to be present with and everywhere
assist us that request Thy mercy.  Through our
Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
reigneth with Thee in the unity of the same Holy
Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. + Amen.
Holy Doors Are Opened
SPRINKLING: The Priest sprinkles the altar on all sides, counter-
clockwise, then the ministers, then exits the doors & sprinkles the
people, who approach in a queue. Meanwhile the choir sings:
Choir:*  Thou shalt sprinkle me, O Lord, with hyssop,
and I shall be made clean. Thou shalt wash me, and I
shall be made whiter than snow. = Have mercy on me,
O God, according to Thy great mercy, and according to
the multitude of Thy compassions, blot out my
transgression. Thou shalt...  Glory be... Thou shalt
wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow.

* But from Pascha to Pentecost they sing, “I saw water issuing

from the Temple, from the right side thereof, alleluya, and all
they to whom that water came were healed & made whole, &
they say: alleluya, alleluya,” with verse & Glory be.

Priest: Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy.
+ And Thy salvation do Thou give unto us.
Priest: Let us pray. Hearken unto us, O Holy Lord,
Father almighty, everlasting God, and vouchsafe
to send Thy holy Angel from the heavens, who
shall keep, cherish, protect, visit, and defend all
them that dwell in this habitation,  through
Christ our Lord. + Amen.
Sundayy & Feast-Da
Feast-Dayy Pr ocession
The table is removed. A procession is made clockwise behind the
altar, all the way down the south side of the nave, then up the
nave-centre to the rood: (a) cross-bearer; (b) 2 taper-bearers; (c)
Thurifer; (d) Subdeacon; (e) Deacon; (f) Priest [sprinkling holy
water, on Sundays]; & (g) choir.

Choir: ƒ Processional Antiphon or Responsory (varies)

The procession usually makes a station at the rood.

On Summer Sundays: Choir: Let us bow down before

the sign of the Cross, through which we have received the
holy mystery of salvation. Priest: This sign of the Cross
will be in heaven
heaven. + When the Lord cometh for judgment.
Priest: Let us pray. Be with us and help us, O Lord our
God, and those whom Thou causest to rejoice in the
glory of the Holy Cross do Thou also defend with its
unceasing shelter.  Through Christ our Lord
Lord. + Amen.

Sundayy Biddin
Biddingg Pra
The Priest & Deacon turn to face the people.
Priest: Let us pray the mercy of the Lord, dearly
beloved brethren, for our brothers and sisters
from East to West, N.N., (the Deacon reads the names),
Priest: that each one of them might also pray for us
in diverse places.  Through Christ our Lord. +
Let us pray also for the unity of the churches,
for the infirm (N.N.), for the incapacitated, for pri-
soners, for penitents, for labourers, for them that
have set sail, for them that travel by land (or air),
(N.N. ), for almsgivers (N.N. ), for the spirits of the
departed, and for those not partaking of Commu-
nion, that the Lord grant them to do worthy
penance.  Through Christ our Lord. + Amen.
Let us pray the mercy of the Lord also for the
spirits of our beloved ones passed away, N.N., (the
Deacon reads the names...), Priest: that the Lord vouch-
safe to bestow upon them peaceful refreshment,
and translate them unto a place of repose and
refreshment by the intercession of His Saints. 
Through Christ our Lord. + Amen. Eastward:
We offer Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, this prayer
from the rising of the sun unto the setting thereof,
from the right hand unto the left, to the honour
and glory of the Divine and human natures of
Christ, to the honour and glory of all the celestial
hierarchies, of Michael and Gabriel the Archangels,
to the honour and glory of the Patriarchs,
Prophets, Apostles, and Martyrs; for all virgins,
faithful, and penitents; for all that are married; or
them that are not exceeding good; for them that
are not exceeding evil; for all deserving our
prayer and supplication,  through the same
Christ our Lord. + Amen.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Priest declares the fasts & feasts for the
week, & any wedding banns, baptisms, etc., saying: Dearly
beloved brethren, know ye that... ending: Through our Lord Jesus
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth & reigneth with Thee in the unity of
the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

Pr ocession-the Conc
Procession-the lusion
ENTRY THROUGH THE DOORS: The Priest enters the doors in the
screen; the Clergy make a station ‘round the altar; meanwhile:

Choir:  Antiphon at the Entry Through the Doors

The Priest sings the variable Versicle & Collect from the Missal:

= After childbirth, O Virgin, thou didst

The Versicle & Collect on most Sundays is:

remain inviolate.
+ O Theotókos, intercede in our behalf.
Priest: Let us pray. Grant, we beseech Thee, O
merciful God, bulwark of our frailty, that we
who keep the remembrance of the holy
Theotókos and Virgin Mary may, by the help
of her intercession, rise again from our
iniquities,  through the same our Lord
Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth
with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God
through all the ages of ages. + Amen.
TO THE VESTRY: The Priest & ministers process to the vestry &
the Priest exchanges the cope for the chasuble. During this
interval are customarily chanted the:

Reader: Prayers of Preparation for Holy Communion


F ir st Entrance
BELLS: They are pealed; the clergy enter: (a) Servers with tapers;
(b) Thurifer; (c) Subdeacon, with the Gospel-book; (d) Deacon;
(e) Priest with the Missal. They make a station at the rood doors
(Priest in middle; the others face half of them north, half south).

Choir:  The Officium Antiphon*

Priest: Kyrieléyson.
Clergy: Xristeléyson.
Priest: Kyrieléyson. Our Father, (very softly:) Who art
in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy
kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as
it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our
debtors. (a little louder:) And lead us not into
Clergy: But deliver us from evil.
Priest: O confess to the Lord, for He is good.
Clergy: For His mercy endureth for ever.
Priest: (bowing:) I confess to God, to blessed Mary,†
to all the Saints, and to you, that I have sinned
exceedingly in thought, word, and deed,
through my fault. I beseech Holy Mary,† all
the Saints of God, and you, to pray for me.

* From the Graduale; Officium varies; has verse(s) & Glory be.
† In monasteries is often added, ‘to our holy father Benedict.’

Clergy: May almighty God have mercy on thee,
forgive thee all thy sins, deliver thee from all
evil, preserve and strengthen thee in good, and
bring thee to eternal life.
Priest: (rising:) Amen.

Clergy: (bowing:) I confess to God, to blessed Mary, to

all the Saints, and to thee, that I have sinned
exceedingly in thought, word, and deed,
through my fault. I beseech Holy Mary, all the
Saints of God, and thee, to pray for me.
Priest: May almighty God have mercy on you, forgive
you all your sins, deliver you from all evil,
preserve and strengthen you in good, and
bring you to eternal life.
Clergy: (rising:) Amen.

Priest: May the almighty and merciful Lord grant you

pardon and remission of all your sins, space
for true repentance and amendment of life,
and the grace and consolation of the Holy
Clergy: Amen. The Priest signs his forehead:
Priest: Our help is in the  name of the Lord.
Clergy: Who hath made heaven and the earth.
Priest: Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Clergy: From henceforth and for evermore.
Priest: Let us pray. All bow deeply; the Priest prays softly
for whom he will.

KISS OF PEACE: The Priest kisses the two nearest him,* saying:
Priest: Receive the kiss of peace and love, that ye may
be fit to perform the Divine services at the
most holy altar.
SERVERS: The Clergy ascend to the altar; the taper-bearers set
down their tapers. The Thurifer readies the incense.
PRIEST: He lays the Missal on the south altar-horn.
Priest: (with joined hands, bowing deeply:) Let us pray.
Take away from us all our iniquities, we
beseech Thee, O Lord, that we may be worthy
to enter with pure minds into the Holy of
Holies,  through Christ our Lord.
Clergy: Amen.
Priest (bowing): I stand before the sight of Thy Divine
majesty, O most merciful Father, O God, though I am
not worthy, and I humbly entreat Thine unspeakable
mercy: that Thou Who hast granted me to perform the
ministry of the priestly office wouldst make me well-
pleasing to Thee for ever, and worthy to celebrate so
tremendous a Mystery.
The Priest & Deacon kiss the altar & the Priest signs his forehead:
Priest: In the name of the  Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Thurifer offers the Deacon incense, kissing his hand; the
Deacon (or Thurifer) puts incense in the censer & presents it to
the Priest:

* usually Deacon & Subdeacon

Deacon: Benedícite (Bless).
Priest: Dóminus (The Lord bless). May this incense
be blessed by Him in Whose honour it shall be
burnt.  In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
PRIEST: censes the altar: (a) 3x in the centre; (b) 3x to the rt.
horn; (c) 3x to the l. horn; (d) 3x in the centre again; (e) in
circles, over the altar, rt. to l.; (f) in circles between himself & the
altar, l. to rt.  DEACON: takes the censer, kisses the Priest’s
hand, & censes him 4x, then he (or Priest) censes (a) the s. altar-
side, 3x; (b) the e. side 3x; (c) n. side 3x; (d) the Relics 3x (east
of the altar); (e) Clergy; (f) chancel walls, n. to s.  THURIFER:
takes the censer–kissing the Deacon’s hand–& censes (a) him,
2x; (b) Servers 2x ea.; (c) rood-screen icons; (d) choir (2x ea.);
(e) people (1x ea.); & (f) customarily, the whole nave, clockwise.

SUBDEACON: The Subdeacon holds the Gospel-book for the Priest

to kiss, who then begins the Apologiæ.

Second Entrance
SERVERS: After the censing, preceded by a taper-bearer, a Server
brings from the vestry the tray with cruets & singing-bread. They
pass behind the altar, out the chancel, & up the centre to the rood
door. The Deacon (Priest) takes the tray & sets it on the credence.

DEACON: Around this time, the Officium concludes & the Deacon
intones the 9 petitions on Kyrieléyson (see p. 61), i.e., before each
 Kyrieléyson (3x); Xristeléyson (3x); Kyrieléyson (3x).
Apolo giæ
Priest: Prayer of St. Ambrose. O High Priest and true
Hierarch, Who didst offer Thyself to God the Father
upon the altar of the Cross as a living, pure, and unspot-
ted Lamb for us wretched sinners, and Who gavest us
Thy Flesh to eat and Thy Blood to drink, and didst place
that Mystery in the power of the Holy Spirit, saying: As
often as ye shall do these things, ye shall do them in
remembrance of Me: I beseech by Thy precious Blood,
the great Price of our salvation, I beseech also by this
wonderful and unspeakable love, wherewith Thou hast
vouchsafed so to love us wretched and unworthy ones
that Thou wouldst wash us of our sins in Thy Blood:
Teach me, Thine unworthy servant, whom among
Thine other gifts Thou hast deigned to summon also to
the priestly office, through no merits of mine own, but
solely by the condescension of Thy mercy. Teach me, I
beseech Thee, by Thy Holy Spirit, to treat of so great a
Mystery with that reverence and honour, that devotion
and fear, which befit and belong to It. By Thy grace, I
beseech Thee, make me always to believe and under-
stand, to experience and hold unshakeably, to speak and
think, touching so great a Mystery, that which pleaseth
Thee and doth benefit my soul. Let Thy Good Spirit
enter into my heart, Who may resound there without
sound. And without the din of words, let Him speak the
entire truth of such tremendous Mysteries: for profound
they are indeed, and concealed by a holy veil. Because of
Thy great mercy, grant me to celebrate the solemnities
of Mass with a pure heart and a clean mind. Deliver my
heart from unclean and unholy, vain and multiple, and
hurtful, thoughts. Arm me, I beseech Thee, with the
loving and trustworthy guardianship and the most
powerful protection of Thy blessed Angels, that the
enemies of all good may depart in confusion. By virtue
of so great a Mystery, and by the hands of Thy holy
Angel, drive from me and from all Thy servants the most

foul and unholy spirit of vainglory, irritability, forni-
cation, pride and conceit, envy, greediness, blasphemy
and impurity, of doubt and unbelief: that I may be en-
abled to offer Thee so great a Sacrifice with all purity.
Let them that persecute me be confounded: let them who
hasten to destroy all good things be themselves destroyed.
O King of Virgins, Lover of chastity and incorrup-
tion, God! By the dew of Thy heavenly blessing quench
in my body and heart every spark of burning desire, that
an unbroken estate of all chastity and innocence of soul
and body may abide in me. Put to death in my members
the sting of the flesh, and all lustful agitations, and give
me genuine and unending holiness of chastity with
Thine other gifts which please Thee in truth, that every
day I might be worthy to offer Thee the sacrifice of Thy
praise with a pure heart and a chaste body. He may add:
For with what brokenness of heart and spilling of
tears, with what reverence, fear, and trembling, with
what chastity of body and purity of soul is that Divine
and heavenly Sacrifice to be celebrated, O Lord my
God, wherein Thy Flesh in truth is eaten, and Thy
Blood in truth is drunk, wherein things below are joined
to things on high, wherein the presence of Thy holy
Angels is nigh and aideth us, wherein, wondrously and
ineffably, Thou art Priest and Sacrifice!
IF NO GLORIA: On days other than Sundays & Feasts, & in Advent
& Lent, the Priest proceeds directly to the  Salutation, p. 23.

(If a BISHOP celebrates, 2 cantors: ‘O Priest of the Most High

God, come before the holy & sacred altar, & in praise of the
King of kings, send thou forth thy voice. Humbly we entreat
thee; come then; say thus, O Master:’ They pre-intone ‘Gloria.’)

Anggelic Hymn—‘Gloria’
The Priest, with Deac. on his rt. & Subdeac. on his l., in the centre,
facing east, lifts his hands &—prompted by the Cantor—sings:

VczvDfcz eszczdcz rdcz hbhcz dcz fcz z5b$#cz dbmv z}b

Priest: Glo- ry be to God in the high- est. *
BELLS: They are rung festively to the end—or ’til heavenly King.
PRIEST: He joins his hands, bows, rises, & recites the rest softly:
Clergy: ** ... And on earth peace to men of good will. We
praise Thee, we bless Thee, (they bow deeply:) we
worship Thee. (they rise:) We glorify Thee. We give
thanks to Thee for Thy great glory, O Lord God, heavenly
King, God the Father almighty. O Lord, the only-
begotten Son, Jesus Christ. O Lord God, Lamb of God,
Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world,
have mercy upon us. That takest away the sins of the
world, (they bow deeply:) receive our prayer. (they rise:)
That sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy
upon us. For Thou only art holy; Thou only art the Lord;
Thou only art Most High, (they bow deeply:) O Jesus
Christ, (they rise:) with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
God  the Father. Amen.

said whenever ‘Gloria’ is sung
Priest: O Holy Trinity, O Lord God almighty, the only,
true, and everlasting God, the hope of my salvation, be
pleased to receive my confession, which I a sinner pour
out in the sight of Thy loving-kindness. I confess that I
have sinned, by gluttony, by intoxication, ...
* Chant varies. ** Choir completes the singing of the Gloria.

by lustful desires, by soft living, by impurity, by
dejection, by accidia, by drowsiness, by anger, by
ambition, by envy, by malice, by hatred, by detraction,
by lying, by forswearing, by vainglory, by light-
mindedness and pride, by concupiscence, by greediness,
by negligence, by thoughts sinful and impure, by speech
bad and vain, by perverse behaviour, by fornication, and
by polluting my mind and body, in delight and ungodly,
unjust consent, and by all sinful habits and iniquities
and impurities, I have become guilty and sinful, more
than I can imagine in my heart, or express with my
mouth, or consider in my reflections. But Thou, O
God, Who desirest not the death of a sinner, but that he
should be converted to Thee and live, Who makest the
wicked righteous and the dead alive, do Thou cause me
to become righteous and raise me up again, through Thy
great mercy and eternal grace. Amen. He may add:
O most loving God, Who art immortal, peerless,
almighty, and eternal: be merciful to me, a sinner, and
forgive me that I, so hapless and unworthy, dare to draw
near to Thy holy altar, and call upon Thy most holy and
most glorious and worship-inspiring name. For I have
sinned grievously. I have made myself guilty and sinful
countless times, from mine infancy until now, before
Thee and before Thine Angels. But do Thou, O most
loving God, Who desirest not the death of a sinner, but
that he should be converted to Thee and live, bestow on
me forgiveness for all my transgressions, and strengthen
me in Thy Holy Catholic Faith, and cause me to do Thy
will all the days of my life, and make me to remain for
ever in Thy good favour, for it hath pleased Thee to
summon sinners to Thy mercy, and upon them that

come to Thee Thou hast been pleased to bestow Thine
all-embracing pardon and unending grace. For Thou art
the Creator of the universe and its Lord, and unto Thee
is all honour and glory,  through Thine only Son Jesus
Christ, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity
of the Holy Spirit, God through all ages of ages. Amen.

Salutation | Collects
Ending his prayer, the Priest  signs his forehead, then, turning
with the Deacon to the people, he raises his hands & sings aloud:

Vcfcvzhb.v z[v Ghcvygcvgb,v v}czbfcvz hb.v z [v Ghcygcgb,v }b

The Lord be with you. + And with thy spi-rit.
The Priest lowers his hands & they turn back to the altar.

VcvhcbGhcbhb.v z }bz
Priest: Let us pray.
With lifted hands he sings the 1st Collect from the Missal, ending:

Vcvv hcz z hcz hczhczhchchb.cf,bv }b cb gb,cb hb.c}v

Through all the ag-es of ag-es. + A- men.

VcvhcbGhcbhb.v z }bz
Priest: Let us pray.
And he sings the remaining Collects, * concluding:

* At the last Collect, the epistoler & a server go forth.

Vcvv hcz z hcz hczhczhchchb.cf,bv }b cgb,cb hb.c}v
Through all the ag-es of ag-es. + A- men.
The Priest  signs himself; he kisses the Gospels, the Deacon the
altar (making an ante et retro); then they go to the sedilia.

Epistle or Lesson
READER & SERVER: Accompanied by a Server with a lit taper, the
Subdeacon (or Server functioning as epistoler) sings the lesson
from The Companion, at the ambo, in the centre, eastward. Only
the Priest sits. After reading, the epistoler makes an ante et retro,
replaces the book on the altar, & takes a blessing from the Priest.

Choir:  Graduale | Alleluya | Tract | Sequence

The bells are rung throughout the Sequence, festively.

T hir
hirdd Entrance
THURIFER: He puts on a humeral veil, takes up the chalice, &,
preceded by 2 taper-bearers, passes behind the altar, exits the
chancel, comes up the centre to the rood-door, & delivers the
chalice to the Deacon (or Priest), who sets it on the credence, then
places the burse upon the l. horn of the altar, kissing the altar.

Priest: Who can celebrate these things worthily unless
Thou, O almighty God, make him that offereth worthy?
I know, O Lord, yea I know truly, and I do confess it to
Thy goodness: that I am not worthy to approach so great
a Mystery because of mine excessive sins and endless
negligences. But I do faithfully know, and I truly believe
with all my heart, and confess with my mouth, that
Thou art able to make me worthy, Who alone canst
make clean one conceived by unclean seed. Yea, out of
sinners Thou dost make righteous men and Saints. By
this Thine omnipotence I beg Thee: grant me, a sinner,
to celebrate this heavenly Sacrifice with fear and
trembling, with purity of heart and a torrent of tears,
with spiritual gladness and heavenly joy. He may add:
May my soul, O Lord, come to know the sweetness
of Thine all-blessed Presence, and the serving of Thy
holy Angels round about me. For I, mindful of Thy
venerable Passion, approach unto Thine altar (though a
sinner) that I may offer to Thee of Thy gifts the Sacrifice
which Thou didst establish, and command to be offered
unto Thy majesty, for remembrancing Thee and for our
salvation. Receive it, therefore, O highest Shepherd, in
behalf of Thy Holy Church and of Thy people, whom
Thou hast purchased with Thy Blood. And because
Thou hast willed me, a sinner, to be between Thee and
those Thy people, though Thou couldst not find in me
the endorsement of a single good deed, Thou at least
dost not reject the working of the economia allotted to
me, lest through me, Thine unworthy servant, there
should be forfeited the price of salvation of those whose
saving Redeemer Thou wert pleased to be, becoming a
Sacrifice. He may add:
Therefore, O Lord, if Thou shouldst be pleased to
look graciously upon them, I bring before Thee the
afflictions of nations, the dangers of peoples, the
groaning of captives, the miseries of orphans, the want
of travellers, the neediness of the incapacitated, the
despair of sufferers, the exhaustion of the elderly, the
sighs of the young people, the resolutions of virgins, and
the wailings of widows. For Thou hast mercy on all
things, O Lord, and hatest none of those things which
Thou hast made. He may add:
Remember, O Lord, what our substance is, for our
Father art Thou. Our God art Thou: be not angry,
neither shut Thou up the multitude of the bowels of
Thy mercy upon us. Not with self-justifications do we
prostrate ourselves in prayers before Thy face, but with
Thy many compassions. Take from us, O Lord, our
iniquities, and mercifully enkindle within us the fire of
the Holy Spirit. Take from us the heart of stone from
our flesh, and give us a heart of flesh, which may fear
Thee, love Thee, show its love for Thee, delight in Thee,
follow Thee, and find fulfillment in Thee. We pray Thy
kindness, O Lord: that Thou wouldst vouchsafe to look
with a serene countenance upon Thy family, awaiting
the services held in Thy sacred name. And so that no
one’s resolution may be in vain, no one’s prayer empty,
do Thou suggest to us prayers which Thou Thyself
wouldst delight to hear and graciously heed. He may add:
And we entreat Thee also, O Lord, on behalf of the
souls of all the faithful departed, that eternal salvation,
unceasing health, everlasting joy and refreshment, be
theirs. O my God, may this great Holy Mystery of
purity be for them today a mighty and unstinting
feasting upon Thee, the living Bread, Who didst come
down from heaven, and givest life to the world from Thy
holy and blessed Flesh: the Flesh, that is to say, of the
spotless Lamb Who taketh away the sins of the world,
the Flesh which was taken from the holy and glorious
womb of the blessed Virgin Mary, and conceived by the
Holy Spirit: from that precious Blood of Thine which
happily flowed forth from Thy most holy side by means
of the soldier’s spear and through the wellspring of Thy
great love: that being healed, refreshed, nourished,

and comforted thereby, they may rejoice in praise and in
Thy glory. These Apologiæ are by St. Ambrose.
Pr eparations ffor
Preparations or the Gospel
SUBDEACON: He brings the cruets on the tray to the Priest:
Subdeac.: Benedícite (bless).
Priest: Dóminus (The Lord bless). May it be blessed
by Him from Whose side there came forth
blood and water,  in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
WASHING OF HANDS: The Deacon (Priest) washes his hands,
assisted by the Servers.
POURING OF CHALICE: The Deacon (Priest) puts wine & water
into the chalice assisted by the Subdeacon.
SPREADING OF THE CORPORALS: The Deacon (Priest) next
spreads out the corporals on the altar.
SERVERS: A Server sets the eagle-stand out on the ambo, & then
2 Servers come with a cloth and, one on ea. side, they extend the
cloth over the stand. Two lit tapers are readied.
Thurifer: (going to the Priest:) Benedícite (bless).
Priest: Dóminus (The Lord bless). May this incense
be blessed by Him in Whose honour it shall be
burnt.  In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Then the
Priest goes to the l. horn of the altar.
CENSING: The Thurifer hands the censer to the Deacon (kissing
his hand)—who (a) kisses the altar; (b) censes the Gospel-book
9x; (c) censes between himself & the altar, until the choir signal
they are near the end. The Deacon gives up the censer & is censed
Deacon: (bows s. to the Priest:) Grant, O Lord, to bless.
Priest: (signing him on the head:) The Lord be in thy
heart, and upon thy mouth, to declare the
Holy Gospel of God,  in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Amen. The Deacon kisses the Priest’s hand.
Holyy Gospel
The Deacon (Priest) makes a reverence before the Gospel-book.
Deacon: (kissing it:) O Lord, give me in my mouth a
speech right and resonant, that I may proclaim
the words of Thy Gospel with proficiency.
STATION: To the eagle proceed [(a) on Double Feasts, a cross-
bearer]; (b) 2 taper-bearers; (c) Thurifer; (d) Subdeacon; & (e)
Deacon with Gospel. Upon the ambo the Deacon stands centre,
flanked by the tapers; the Thurifer stands behind, censing slowly;
the Subdeacon stands to the left, opening the book.
Once the bells have fallen silent the Deacon salutes the people:

Vcfcvzhb.v z[v Ghcvygcvgb,v v}czbfcvz hb.v z [v Ghcygcgb,v }b

The Lord be with you. + And with thy spi-rit.
The Deacon signs with his thumb (a)  the start of the pericope;
(b)  his forehead; (c)  his breast, saying:

Vczz hcvhcz hchczhcvhczhcz hcz fcz hcz gb,cz h.v b[b

Deac.: The con-ti-nu- a-tion of the Ho-ly Gos-pel,

* If no Deacon, after censing the Priest bows before the altar &
says, “Grant, O Lord, to bless. May the Lord be in my heart &

All turn to the east:

Vvvzhv hv hcz hcfb,vz }v z vzhczhczv b hcbfcvbzhczb zhczbhb.vb}b

according to N. + Glo-ry  be to Thee, O Lord.
Deacon: The Gospel (from ‘The Companion’)
PEOPLE: There is no response after the Gospel, but all cross
themselves & make a low reverence.
CLERGY: The Gospel-book is returned to the altar as it came, &
the Priest then Deacon kiss it. Finally it is laid upon the northeast
horn of the altar.
Ser mon
Cr eed
done on Sundays & Great Feasts
The Priest, standing before the altar, lifts up his hands:

\cv gcz dcb fcbz b sbczbgcvbz hb.c}v

Priest: I be-lieve in one God. He lowers his hands.
The choir completes the Creed; the Priest begins the Apologiæ.
Choir:  The Father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord,
Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God. And born of
the Father before all ages. God of God, Light of Light,
true God of true God. Begotten, not made, consubstan-
tial to the Father, by Whom all things were made: Who
for us men and for our salvation came down from
heaven, and (they bow:) became incarnate by the Holy
Spirit (they bow:) of the Virgin Mary, (they bow:) and was

upon my mouth, (he signs his lips:) to declare the Holy Gospel
of God.  In the name of Father & Son & Holy Spirit. Amen.”

made man. He was crucified also for us under Pontius
Pilate, suffered and was buried. And the third day He
rose again according to the Scriptures. And ascended
into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of the Father. And
He is to come again with glory to judge both the living
and the dead, of Whose kingdom there shall be no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life: Who
proceedeth from the Father, Who together with the
Father and the Son is adored and glorified, Who spake
by the Prophets. And in one Holy, Catholic, and
Apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the
remission of sins. And I expect the resurrection of the
dead. And the life of the world to come. Amen.

Priest: Prayer of St. Ambrose. I ask of Thy mercy, O most
loving Redeemer, Lord Jesus Christ: that the fullness of
Thy Divine nature descend upon this Bread and
Chalice. Let that unseen beauty and incomprehensible
majesty of Thy Holy Spirit descend as well, O Lord, as
once it descended upon the Sacrifices of the Fathers,
which may make our oblations also become Thy Body
and Blood: and teach me, Thine unworthy Priest, to
carry out such a great Mystery with purity of heart and
a fountain of tears, with every awe and trembling, so that
Thou mayest receive peacefully and graciously the
Sacrifice of praise from my hands: for the salvation of
all, both the living and the faithful departed.
I beseech Thee, O Lord, by this most holy Mystery of
Thy most precious Body and Blood, wherewith we are
fed and given drink every day in Thy Holy Church, are
washed and sanctified, and are made partakers of Thy
single and most high Divinity, that Thou grant me Thy
holy virtues, so that, filled with them, I may approach
unto Thine altar with a good conscience, and so that
these heavenly, holy Mysteries may be my health,
salvation, and life. For Thou hast said with Thy holy
and blessed mouth, ‘The bread that I will give is My
Flesh, for the life of the world. He that eateth Me, the
same liveth because of Me, and he abideth in Me, and I
in him. I am the living Bread which came down from
heaven. If any man eat of this Bread, he shall live for
ever.’ O most sweet Bread, heal the palate of my heart,
that I may come to know the sweetness of Thy love.
Cure me, O Lord, of all inaction and insensitivity, that
I may know no sweetness save Thee, seek no love save
Thee, love no beauty save Thee. He may add:
O whitest, most radiant Bread, possessing every
delight and every taste of sweetness, Who ever
nourishest us upon Thee, and Thyself art never
diminished, allow my heart to feed on Thee, and with
the sweetness of Thy savour let the bowels of my soul be
filled. The Angel feedeth upon Thee with a full mouth
in our homeland: suffer mankind on pilgrimage to feed
upon Thee according to his measure, lest he who hath
been rejuvenated by such a Viaticum, mayhap, should
faint upon the way. He may add:
O holy Bread, living Bread, fair Bread, pure Bread
that didst come down from heaven and givest life to the
world, come into my heart, and cleanse me from every
defilement of flesh and spirit. Enter into my soul; heal
and sanctify me within and without. Be the defence, and
the continual safety, and the protection, of my body and
soul. Drive far from me mine enemies who lay snares for
me. Let them depart straightaway from the power of
Thy presence, that outwardly and inwardly defended by
Thy protection I may arrive by the right path at Thy
kingdom, where we shall see Thee, not in mysteries, as it
is done at this time, but face to face, when Thou shalt
deliver up the kingdom to God the Father, and God
shall be all things to all men. For then Thou wilt fill me
with Thyself to a wonderful fulness, so that I will neither
hunger nor thirst for ever.  Who with the same Father
and Holy Spirit livest and reignest, God through all the
ages of ages. Amen.

If any are unbaptized, the Deacon (Priest) intones from the

rood-loft, in a loud voice [vid. John Beleth, ‘De Officiis’]:
Let the catechumens depart out the doors!

His prayer ended, the Priest  signs his forehead, then, turning
with the Deacon to the people, he raises his hands & sings aloud:

Vcfcvzhb.v z[v Ghcvygcvgb,v v}czbfcvz hb.v z [v Ghcygcgb,v }b

The Lord be with you. + And with thy spi-rit.
The Priest lowers his hands & they turn back to the altar.

VcvhcbGhcbhb.v z }bz
Priest: Let us pray. Bidding Prayers, p. 12, may be done here.

Choir:  The Offerenda Antiphon*

GIFTS ARE SET FORTH: The Deacon (Server) hands the Cup to
the Priest, kissing his hands, & the Priest sets it in the altar’s
midst. The paten with bread is likewise handed him, then incense

* From the Graduale. Offerenda varies & has several verses.

is readied. The Priest sets the paten in front of (west of) the Cup,
removes the pall & purificator, bows deeply, raises the chalice—
&, over it, the paten—with both hands, & says the ‘Súscipe’:

Priest: * Receive, O Holy Trinity, this oblation which I,

an unworthy sinner, offer in Thine honour, and that of
blessed Mary Ever-Virgin, and of all Thy Saints, for my
sins and offences, for the salvation of the living, and the
repose of all the faithful departed. He signs the altar with
the Cup & paten:  In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, may this new Sacrifice be
acceptable to almighty God. He replaces the Cup & paten.
GIFTS ARE VEILED: The Priest sets the bread on the cloth in front
of the Cup, kisses the empty paten, & sets it to his rt., partly under
the 2nd corporal. Then he veils the Cup with the sindon:
Priest: Prayer of St. Ambrose. Forgive, me, O Lord, for
although it is my duty to pray, although I take up Thy
holy name with mine impure lips, and confess the
hidden sins of mine impure deeds, I have no words
before Thee which are without transgression. For Thou
knowest already the wounds of my conscience, Thou
knowest already the concealments of my thoughts, and
Thou only knowest mine impurities. Have mercy on
me, O Lord, have mercy on me! Forgive the one
performing Thy Mystery, and do not judge me
unworthy of Thy mercy, whom Thou permittest to pray
for others, and in whom is found a single testimony of
good works, that Thou dost not forbid me to return to
Thy service, rich at least in economia, O Saviour of the
world,  Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit livest
and reignest, God through all ages of ages. Amen.

* In the Missal, 3 alternate ‘Suscipe’ prayers are given.

CENSING: The Server takes incense from the Thurifer, puts it in
the censer, & hands it to the Deacon, who shows it to the Priest :
Deacon: Benedícite (bless) (If no Deacon: Server)
Priest: Dóminus (The Lord bless). May this incense
be blessed by Him in Whose honour it shall be
burnt.  In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
PRIEST: The Deacon (Server) hands the Priest the censer, kissing
his hand, then lifts his chasuble so his censing arm is free. The
Priest censes: (1) 3x over the gifts, +-wise; (2) ’round them circle-
wise 3x; (3) 3x to the rt. & 3x to the l.; (4) 3x at the altar’s base:
Priest: Let my prayer be set forth unto Thee, O Lord, as
incense in Thy sight, the lifting up of my hands as an
evening sacrifice. Set, O Lord, a watch before my
mouth, and a door of enclosure round about my lips.
Incline not my heart unto words of evil, to make excuse
with excuses in sins. (Ps. 140)
DEACON: [The Deacon takes the censer from the Priest, kisses his
hand, & censes him 4x.] Then he (or the Priest) censes (1) the s.,
e., & n. sides of the altar 3x ea.; (2) Relics 3x; (3) other Priests, 4x;
(4) chancel walls, n. to s., till he stands again by the Priest. 
SERVER: The Thurifer takes the censer from the Deacon, kissing
his hand, & censes (a) him, 2x; (b) Servers, 2x each; (c) the rood-
screen icons; (d) Choir, 2x each; & (5) the people, 1x each.
SUBDEACON: After the Priest has censed, he kisses the Gospel-
book, held to his lips by the Subdeacon (who then goes s. of altar).

Off erin
eringg of Oblations —when it is done
The Priest & ministers go to the holy doors; a Server holds a
basin or tray on the Priest’s right. The people approach, men
then women, to place their bread, wine, or other gift in the
Priest’s hand (covered with the end of his stole). Each kisses
the Priest’s rt. hand, & to ea. he says: Mayest thou receive
an hundred-fold, and possess eternal life, in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen. The offerants return to their places.

WASHING OF HANDS: The Priest stands at the south altar-horn,

the Subd. facing him with basin & pitcher, flanked by 2 Servers
holding between them a long towel to shield the vestments. The
Subd. pours water over the Priest’s hands into the basin; he dries
his hands on the towel. At the washing the Priest says:
Priest: Cleanse me, O Lord, from all defilement of mind
and body, that being cleansed I may be able to
accomplish the holy work of the Lord.
(Any concelebrating Priests likewise wash their hands.) The
Priest returns to the altar’s centre, Deacon & Subdeacon to their
steps. The Priest joins his hands, bows his body deeply, & says:

Priest: In the spirit of humility and with a contrite heart

may we be accepted of Thee, O Lord, and may our
Sacrifice be in such wise in Thy sight, that It may be
accepted by Thee this day, and pleasing unto Thee, O
Lord my God. (Dan 3:39-40)
He rises, kisses the altar rt. of the gifts, raises his hands, & says:
Priest: Come, O Holy Spirit,  bless and sanctify this
Sacrifice prepared to the praise and glory of Thy name.
He signs his forehead:  In the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Priest & Deacon turn to the people.
Priest (softly): Brothers and sisters, pray for me, that my
and your sacrifice may together be acceptable to the
Lord our God.
BOWS: He bows to the people, & they bow to him, saying:
People (softly): May the Grace of the Holy Spirit illumi-
nate thy heart and thy lips, and may the Lord rightly
accept this sacrifice of praise from thy hands for our sins
and offences.
The Priest turns back to the altar & sings.

VcvhcbGhcb hb. vz }bz

Priest: Let us pray.
He lifts his hands & sings the 1st Over
the Gifts from the Missal, ending:

Vcvv hcz z hcz hczhczhchchb.cf,bv }b cb gb,cb hb.c}v

Through all the ag-es of ag-es. + A- men.

VcvhcbGhczbhb.v z }bz
Priest: Let us pray.

Then he sings the remaining Over the Gifts prayers, ending softly:
Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, (aloud:)

Vcvv vacv dcz fcztfcdczfczrdczdbmc}cvdcz DfbM,v }b b

Through all the ag- es of ag- es. + A- men.
The Priest does not lift his hands when he sings:

VcDfcvz gb,czvzDfcvtfcvfb,v z}v v zDfcvz gb,cvzDfcvtfcfb,vb }b

The Lord be with you. + And with thy spi-rit.

Priest, lifting up his hands: If there is a

VcFgb6czgcvz Fgcvz z rdbM,c}v

Lift up your hearts.
Deacon, he
hands the pa-
ten & veil to
the Subdeac.,

Vcvgcv zFgb6cv zgcz fczFgcvfcvrdbM,c}v

+ We have them un-to the Lord.
who veils the
paten &
hands it to a
Priest, making a reverence:

Vcgcb gcz gzcvzv hcvz zrdczDfcvzhcvz Fgcvz fcvz fb,c}v

Let us give thanks un- to the Lord our God.

+ It is meet and just.

Priest: Pr eface

Vvzfcfchv vÏb vhvÏbccccccccccccccvv vb

It is truly meet and just, right and availing to

Vczhczhcz hb.v z [v fcz hzv cÏbvhvÏbcccccccccvvb

sal-va-tion, that we should al-ways, and in all

Vczhczhcz hb.v z [v fcz hzv cÏbvhvÏbcccccccccvvb

places, give thanks to Thee, O Holy Lord,

Vczhcz hcvhcz hcz hb.v [v hczhcz zgcz fcz gb,v z {vb

Fa-ther al-migh-ty, ev- er- last-ing God, ...

He sings the variable
Preface from the Mis-
sal, lowering his hands
Vczvhcz rdcz zDfcz hcz Fgcz fb,vz}b
... with-out ceas-ing say-ing:
to conclude:
BELLS are rung. All bow at ‘Holy, Holy, Holy,’ the Priest lifts his
hands, then joins them. He signs his forehead at ‘in the name’:

Choir:  Holy, Holy, Holy, Choir:  Sanctus, Sanctus,

Lord God of Sabaoth. Sanctus, Dóminus Deus
Heaven and earth are full Sábaoth. Pleni sunt cæli et
of Thy glory. Osanna in terra glória Tua. Osánna
the highest. Blessed is He in excélsis. Benedíctus
that cometh  in the qui venit  in nómine
name of the Lord. Osanna Dómini. Osánna in
in the highest. excélsis.
DEACON/SERVER: He holds the Missal to the Priest’s lips. The
Priest kisses the feet of the Crucified, saying: We worship
Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee, for by Thy Holy
Cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

SERVERS’ EXIT: They stand outside the screen, crossing their
arms & bowing a little. The Priest joins his hands, lifts his eyes,
bows deeply, then rises a bit to sing the Canon.*

$ HEE, therefore, most merciful Father,

through Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord,
we humbly pray and beseech (he kisses the
altar to the rt. of the Gifts & rises:) that Thou wouldst
accept and bless these  Gifts, these  Presents,
these holy, unspotted  Sacrifices, (he lifts his hands:)
* Or he reads it softly while Psalms 19, 24, 50, 89, & 90 are sung.

which in the first place we offer Thee for Thy Holy
Catholic Church, to which vouchsafe to grant
peace, as also to preserve, unite, and govern it
throughout the world, together with Thy most
blessed servant [our Patriarch N. and our
(Arch)Bishop N.], [our King N.,] as also all the
Orthodox, and professors of the Catholic and
Apostolic Faith. (In the Canon, he generally lifts his hands
except to bow, make the sign of the cross, etc.)
Remember, O Lord, Thy servants and hand-
maidens, N. & N. (the Deacon reads any special names), ...
[One book has: ... and all who are high-placed, that they
may lead a calm and quiet life with faith in Thee: and
whomsoever are joined to me by blood-ties or inti-
macy, and whomsoever have extended to me any la-
bour of love or mercy, and who have remembrance of
me in their prayers, and who have commended them-
selves to mine unworthy prayers, and those to whom
I have been some hindrance or stumbling-block, and
whomsoever have brought upon me any hardship,
and of all communities of monks, canons, and nuns,
whose names and number Thou alone knowest, O
almighty God, and of all our neighbours, and of those
whose alms we have received, or whose names are
kept in writing upon Thy holy altar, and who have
made confession to us of their own transgressions,]
... and of all here standing, whose faith is
perceived, and whose devotion is known unto
Thee: for whom we offer, or who offer, to Thee
this Sacrifice of praise for themselves and all their
own, for the redemption of their souls, for the
health and salvation they hope for, and for which
they now pay their vows unto Thee, ...
the eternal, living, and true God. Communicantes:*
In communion with, and honouring in the
first place the memory of, the glorious (he bows:)
Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord and God
Jesus Christ, (he rises:) as also of Thy blessed
Apostles and Martyrs: Peter and Paul, Andrew,
James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew,
Matthew, Simon and Thaddeus: of Linus, Cletus,
Clement, Sixtus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Laurence,
Vincent, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas and
Damian, of George, Hilary, Martin, Benedict,
Gregory, Augustine, Amandus, Florentius, N.N.,
and of all Thy Saints, through whose righteousness
and prayers grant that we may be always defended
by the help of Thy protection, through the same
Christ our Lord. + Amen. He bows deeply at Hanc Igitur:*
This oblation, therefore, of our servitude,
and of Thy whole family, ** (he rises:) we beseech
Thee, O Lord, graciously to accept, to dispose our
days in Thy peace, and to preserve us from eternal
damnation, and to rank us in the number of Thine
elect, through Christ our Lord. + Amen.
Which oblation do Thou, O almighty God,
vouchsafe in all respects (signs the Gifts:) to  bless,
 approve,  ratify, make reasonable, and ac-
cept, we beseech Thee, that it may be made for us
(he signs the Lamb:) the  Body (then the Cup:) and 

* This prayer sometimes varies.

** Pascha, Pentecost, & at Baptisms: add, “which we offer Thee
also on behalf of those whom Thou hast deigned to regenerate
from water & the Holy Spirit, granting them the remission of all
their sins,” ...

Blood of Thy dearly beloved Son, our Lord and
God Jesus Christ, He lifts up his hands: Who, the day
before He suffered, (he wipes his fingers & takes the Bread
in his hands chest-high:) took bread into His holy and
venerable hands, and with His eyes lifted up
towards heaven (he lifts his eyes:) to Thee, almighty
God His Father, (he bows:) giving thanks to Thee, (he
signs it:) He  blessed, (he makes a breaking motion:)
brake, and gave it to His disciples, saying: Take
and eat this, all of you, for this is My Body.
He bows deeply, signs the corporal with the Lamb, replaces the
Lamb, unveils the Cup, & sings:
In like manner, after He had supped, (he lifts
the Cup:) taking also this excellent Chalice into His
holy and venerable hands, (he replaces it & bows:)
giving Thee also thanks, (he signs it:) He  blessed,
and gave it to His disciples, saying: (he lifts the Cup:)
Take and drink this, all of you, for this is the
chalice of My Blood, of the new and eternal
testament, the mystery of faith, which shall be
shed for you and for many, for the remission of
sins. As often as ye do these things, ye shall do
them in remembrance of Me.
He replaces the Cup, bows deeply, rubs his fingers over it, then lifts
his hands & eyes to heaven at the Epiclesis (recently added):
Therefore we beseech Thee, O Lord, to send
down Thy Holy Spirit upon this Sacrifice, that He
may make this bread the precious  Body of Thy
Christ, and this chalice the precious  Blood of
Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, (he signs Both:)
changing  Them by the Holy Spirit.
He makes a deep reverence, then veils the Cup with the sindon &
extends his arms like the Crucified’s, joining the fingers, saying:
Therefore also, O Lord, we Thy servants, as
also Thy holy people, calling to mind the blessed
Passion of the same Christ Thy Son, our Lord God,
His Resurrection from the dead and glorious
Ascension into heaven, offer unto Thy most
excellent Majesty, of Thy gifts bestowed upon us,
(he signs the Gifts:) a pure  Lamb, a holy  Lamb, an
unspotted  Lamb, (he signs the Bread:) the Holy 
Bread of eternal life, (he signs the Cup:) and the 
Chalice of everlasting salvation, (he looks upon the
Lamb & lifts his hands:) upon which vouchsafe to look
with a propitious and serene countenance, and to
accept them, as Thou wert graciously pleased to
accept the gifts of Thy just servant Abel, and the
sacrifice of our patriarch Abraham, and that
which Thy high priest Melchisedech offered to
Thee: a holy Sacrifice, an unspotted Victim.
SERVERS RE-ENTER: The Servers enter the chancel. The Priest
folds his arms X-wise over his chest, bows deeply, & sings:
We most humbly beseech Thee, almighty God
(he prays as he will). Command these things to be
carried by the hands of Thy Holy Angel to Thine
altar on high, in the sight of Thy Divine Majesty:
(he kisses the altar, rt. of the Gifts) that as many of us as
shall receive the most sacred  Body and  Blood
of Thy Son by partaking at this Altar, may be filled
with every heavenly (he signs his forehead:)  grace
and blessing, through the same Christ our Lord.
+ Amen.
(All the Deacons wash their hands.)

Remember me, I pray Thee, O Lord, and have
mercy, although these holy sacrificial elements
are offered to Thee, O Holy Lord, Father almighty,
everlasting God, unworthily by my hands who am
not even worthy to call upon Thy holy and
worship-inspiring name. But inasmuch as they are
offered up in honour, praise, and remembrance
of Thy most glorious and beloved Son, our Lord
Jesus Christ, let Them be enkindled with a
fragrance of sweetness, as incense in the sight of
Thy Divine majesty, through the same our Lord
Jesus Christ Thy Son,  Who liveth and reigneth
with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God
through all the ages of ages. + Amen.
Remember also, O Lord, the souls of Thy
servants and handmaidens, N. & N., (the Deacon says
the names...) who are gone before us with the sign of
faith and rest in the sleep of peace. To these, O
Lord, and to all that sleep in Christ, grant, we
beseech Thee, a place of refreshment, light, and
peace. Through the same Christ our Lord.
+ Amen. The Priest strikes his breast:
Also to us sinners Thy servants, confiding in
the multitude of Thy mercies, vouchsafe to grant
some part and fellowship with Thy holy Apostles
and Martyrs: with John, Stephen, Matthias,
Barnabas, Ignatius, Alexander, Marcellinus,
Peter, Kenelm: Felicitas, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucy,
Agnes, Cecilia, Anastasia, Genevieve, Eulalia,
Euphemia, Etheldreda, Gertrude, and with all Thy
Saints, into whose company we beseech Thee to
admit us, not in consideration of our merit, ...
but of Thine own gratuitous pardon, through
Christ our Lord. + Amen. He signs the Cup 3x:
By Whom, O Lord, Thou dost always create, 
sanctify,  quicken,  bless, and bestow upon us
all these good things.
He unveils the cup & signs it with the Lamb* 5x, saying softly:
 By Him, and  with Him, and  in Him, is to
Thee, God the  Father almighty, in the unity of the
 Holy Spirit, all honour and glory,
ELEVATION OF THE GIFTS: The Priest lifts up the Lamb, the
Deacon the chalice, the Priest singing in a loud, clear voice:

Vcvzacv zvbdcvfcz tfcdczfcz rdczdbmvzbv}v v dbmczfb,v z}b z

Through all the ag- es of ag- es. + A-men.
PEOPLE: The people prostrate & kiss the ground, then arise.
VEILING: The Priest & Deacon veil the chalice, then the Deacon
kisses the altar & the Priest’s rt. shoulder.
PATEN: It is given by the Server to the Subdeac., by him to the Deacon.

VcvzfcDfcvfb,v b ]v cÍb vfvÍb cccccccccc[bz

Priest: Let us pray. Instructed by saving precepts,

Vcvdcv Íb vfvÍb cccccczz cccdbmccv[v

and guided by Divine institu-tion, ...

* He signs with the Lamb (a) over the Cup, rim to rim; (b) in the
mouth of the Cup; (c) inside the Cup; (d) above it, as he did
above in (a); and (e) between himself & the Cup.

Vczzdcz fcz z gcz zfcz fb,c]v
we pre-sume to say:
The Deacon lifts up the unveiled paten; the Priest lifts his hands:

Lor d’
d’ss Pra
Lord’ Prayyer

Vczz Dfcvzgb,cv gb,v vz [v fcvz gcz fcz z fcz zdbmv z [v z gcz rdcz Dfcz b gv b
Our Fa-ther, Who art in hea-ven, hal-low-ed be

Vcfgfcz z zfb,v v ]czgcvz bvhcv z zgcz vz rdbmv v [v vgv cz gcvzfcv v vb

Thy name. Thy king-dom come. Thy will be

Vczrdbmv v[v vfcv vgcv z fcz rdcz Dfcvzgcvzfgfcz fb,cz]czdcvfcv b

done, on earth as it is in hea-ven. Give us

Vcgcvz zhcvz zgcz vfcz gcvz zrdbmv v[v vz fcvz fcvz gcvz fcvz fcvb
this day our dai- ly bread, and for-give us our

Vcvdbmc[zvz zfcvdcz z fcvz gcvz vrdcv vfb,cv z fb,v vz{v vzacv dcv v b
debts as we for-give our debt-ors. And lead

Vczzfcz vgcz fcvz dcvzvfcvz rdcz dbmcvz ]z cv v v v vfcz fcz fv v v

us not in- to temp-ta-tion. People: But de- liv-

Vczbfcvz dcv zfcvz rdcz dbmcz }v

er us from ev- il. Priest, softly: Amen.

* All the old books say the Priest sings the Our Father alone; yet
in common practice the people sing it too.

Priest, aloud: Deliver us, we beseech Thee, O Lord,
from all evils, past, present, and to come, and by
the intercession of the blessed and glorious (he
bows a little:) and Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God,
and of Thy chosen Archangels Michael, Gabriel,
and Raphael, and of blessed John the Baptist Thy
Forerunnner, and of Thy blessed Apostles Peter
and Paul, and of Andrew, N. & N., (the Deacon names
today’s Saints...) Priest: with all Thy Saints, ...
DEACON: He hands the Priest the paten, kissing his hand.
Priest, kissing it & touching it to both eyes: Mercifully grant
peace in our days, (he signs himself with it:)  that
through the assistance of Thy mercy, we may be
always free from sin and secure from all
disturbance, He sets the paten upon the altar.
UNVEILING: The Priest & the Deacon unveil the Cup. The Priest
bows deeply, then breaks the Lamb in 2 parts, over the Cup:
Through the same Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord, (he
breaks 1 of the parts in 2:) Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, (holding them:)

Vcvzacv zvbdcvfcz tfcdczfcz rdczdbmvzbv}v v dbmczfb,v z}b z

Through all the ag- es of ag- es. + A-men.

If a Bishop celebrate: (if an Abbot, only the bracketed part:)

Deacon: O Prince of the Church, shepherd to the sheep,
may it please thee to bless the people entrusted to thy
care. (to the people:) With meekness and with charity,
[bow down yourselves for a blessing. + Thanks be to
God. Each blessing petition is answered: + Amen.]

The Priest lays the Lamb portions down except for one, with which
he signs within the mouth of the Cup 3x, singing loudly:

Vcvfcz z dcz zfczfcz z gcz fczdcz fcz z rdcz dbmc}vz

The peace of the Lord be al-ways with you.

Vcvzfcv fcz zdcz fb,cz fb,c}v

Choir: And with thy spi- rit.

Agnus Dei
Choir:  O Lamb of God, that ta- Choir:  Agnus Dei, qui
kest away the sins of the world, tollis peccáta mundi,
have mercy upon us. (3x) miserére nobis. (3x)
But the Priest, Deacon on his rt., Subdeac. on his l., says it softly:
Clergy: O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the
world, have mercy upon us! (3x, with 3 bows)
Priest: May this most holy (he signs the Cup with the 3rd
portion:)  mingling of the Body and Blood of our Lord
Jesus Christ (he places it in the Blood:) be to me and to all
receiving It health of mind and body, and a salutary
preparation for being made worthy of eternal life and
laying hold upon it, through the same Christ our Lord.
+ Amen.
Prayers for Peace
Priest: O Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst say to Thine
Apostles, ‘My peace I give unto you, peace I leave with
you,’ look not upon my sins, but upon the faith of Thy
Church, and by Thy will vouchsafe to pacify, to protect,
and to unite it, Who with the Father & the Holy Spirit
livest & reignest, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.
Priest: O Holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God,
grant us so worthily to receive this most holy Body and
Blood of Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, that by this we
may deserve to receive the remission of all our sins, and
to be filled with Thy Holy Spirit, and to possess Thy
peace. For Thou alone art God, and there is none other
beside Thee, Whose glorious kingdom abideth unto the
ages of ages. Amen.
Kiss of Peace
The Priest kisses (a) the rim of the Cup; (b) the 2nd corporal, to
the rt. of the Cup; & (c) the Deacon, saying:
Priest: Peace be to thee and to the Church of God.
Deacon: And with thy spirit. The Deacon kisses the Choir.
The Priest kisses the Subdeac., who kisses 1 Server (who kisses the
others). NOTE: All bow before & after receiving the holy kiss.
PAX ICON: The Priest hands the pax icon to a Server, who bears it
in a white cloth to the people to kiss (no words are exchanged).

Choir:  The Communion Antiphon*

erss ffor
or Communion
Priest (holding the Lamb): O God the Father, fount and
source of all good, Who, led by loving-kindness, didst
will Thine Only-Begotten Son to descend to the lowest
world and to take on flesh for us, which I, unworthy,
here hold in my hands, (he bows 3x:) I worship Thee, I
glorify Thee, I praise Thee with the whole intention of
my mind and heart, and I pray that Thou wilt not
forsake us, Thy servants, but wilt forgive our sins,
so that we may be able to serve Thee, the only living and
* From the Graduale. Varies daily & includes verse & Glory be.

true God, with a pure heart and a chaste body. Through
the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Priest, holding the Lamb over the Cup: O Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of the living God, Who, according to the will of the
Father, hast by Thy death, through the coöperation of
the Holy Spirit, given life to the world: deliver me by
this Thy most sacred Body and Blood from all mine
iniquities, and from all evils, and make me always to
obey Thy commandments, and never suffer me to be
separated from Thee for ever, O Saviour of the world,
Who with God the Father and the same Holy Spirit livest
and reignest, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.
Priest: Let not the Holy Mystery of Thy Body and
Blood, O Lord Jesus Christ, which I (though unworthy)
receive, be to me for judgment and condemnation, but
through Thy mercy may It be for the salvation of my
body and soul. Amen.
Communion of the Clergy
Priest, bowing deeply: Hail for evermore, most holy Flesh
of Christ, to me before all and above all the highest
sweetness. May the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ be to
me, a sinner, the way and the life. Amen. (he signs his
mouth with the Lamb:) In the name of the  Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen. He receives the Lamb.
Priest: Hail for evermore, heavenly Drink, to me before
all and above all the highest sweetness. May the Body
and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ be to me, a sinner, an
everlasting remedy unto eternal life, (he signs his mouth
with the Cup:) in the name of the  Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, amen. He partakes of the Cup with 3
sips. And so do all the Priests commune, saying the same prayers.

DEACONS: Each kisses the Priest, receives a Lamb portion in his
hands, kisses the Priest’s hands, says the 1st ‘Hail forevermore,’ &
communes. Then, saying the 2nd ‘Hail forevermore,’ each
receives the chalice from the Priest at the l. altar-horn.
SERVERS: They receive the Body of the Lord from the Priest, the
Blood of the Lord from the Deacon, at the l. altar-horn.
Exit from the Chancel
with the Holy Gifts
First walks (a) the Thurifer with ablution-wine goblet & cloth, (b)
2 Servers with the houseling cloth, (c) the Deacon with the Cup,
then (d) the Priest with the Lamb on the paten. When the choir
finishes the Communion, the communicants bow & say:
People: I confess to God, to blessed Mary, to all the
Saints, and to thee, that I have sinned
exceedingly in thought, word and deed,
through my fault. I beseech Holy Mary, all the
Saints of God, and thee, to pray for me.
Priest:* May almighty God have mercy on you, forgive
you all your sins, deliver you from all evil,
preserve and strengthen you in good, and
bring you to eternal life.
People: Amen.
Priest:* May the almighty and merciful Lord grant you
pardon and remission of all your sins, space
for true repentance and amendment of life,
and the grace and consolation of the Holy
People: Amen.

* If a Bishop is present, he always says these 2 prayers.

Communion of the People
Choir:  Come, ye people, to the Holy and Immortal
Mystery, and the Offering we must make; with fear and
faith, let us draw near; with hearts made clean by repen-
tance, let us communicate the Gifts. For the Lamb of God is
set forth to the Father, a Sacrifice for us. Let us worship on-
ly Him, let us give glory to Him, crying with the Angels,
alleluya! (In Lent the Communion is sung at this time.)
Meanwhile, 2 Servers hold the cloth under the chin of each person
receiving—who bows, kisses the Priest’s hands, tells his name, &
receives the Body from the Priest, [the Blood from the Deacon.]*
Priest: Servant (handmaiden) of God N., may the Body
and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ profit thee for the
remission of all thy sins and for everlasting life. Amen.
ABLUTION: Communicants then go to the side & sip from the
goblet held by the Thurifer, who wipes the lips of each with a cloth.
AFTER HOLY COMMUNION: The Clergy & Servers return to the
chancel. The Priest (a) gathers the crumbs into the Cup; (b) gives
it to the Deacon to consume; then (c) bows slightly to say:
Priest: I give Thee thanks, O Holy Lord, Father almigh-
ty, everlasting God, Who hast refreshed me with the
most holy Body and Blood of Thy Son our Lord Jesus
Christ, and I pray Thee that this Holy Mystery of our
salvation which I, an unworthy sinner, have received,
may not fall to my judgment, nor to condemnation,
according to my deserts, but to the advancement of my
body and soul unto life eternal, according to Thy mercy.
Amen. Then he takes the chalice to the south altar-horn.
DEACON: Accompanied by taper-bearers, he brings any Reserved

* Also known in the West were intinction of the Body with

the Blood, & Communion from the Cup with the spoon.

Gifts to the aumbrey safe or the pyx on the lowered Dove.

1—The Deacon (or Subdeacon) pours wine from the cruet into
the Cup. The Priest drains the Cup & says softly:
Priest: What we have taken with our mouth may we
receive with a pure mind, O Lord, and from a temporal
gift may It become for us the medicine of immortality.
 Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God through all the ages of ages. Amen.
2—The Subdeacon pours wine, then water, into the Cup over the
fingers of the Priest—who wipes them, drains it, & says softly:
Priest: May this Communion, O Lord, purge us from
guilt and make us to be partakers of the heavenly
remedy.  Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son,
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.
Blessed be thou by thy Son, O Lady, for through thee
we have partaken of the Fruit of life.
3—The Subdeacon or Server pours water into the Cup; the Priest
drains it, sets it in the altar’s midst, bows to the altar-cross & says:
Priest: Let us bow down before the sign of the Cross,
through which we have received the holy mystery of
salvation. He washes his hands at the aumbrey.
DEACON: He washes his hands, folds the corporals, puts them in
the burse with the spoon, & dresses the chalice.
SERVERS: They ready 2 lit tapers & prepare for the exit with the
chalice; the Thurifer puts on the humeral veil.
PRIEST: He  signs his forehead, & with the Deacon turns west.

Raising his hands, the Priest sings aloud toward the people:

Salutation | Postcommunions

Vcfcvzhb.v z[v Ghcvygcvgb,v v}czbfcvz hb.v z [v Ghcygcgb,v }b

The Lord be with you. + And with thy spi-rit.
The Priest lowers his hands & they turn back to the altar.

VcvhcbGhcbhb.v z }bz
Priest: Let us pray.
With lifted hands he sings the 1st Postcommun. from the Missal.

Vcvv hcz z hcz hczhczhchchb.cf,bv }b cgb,cb hb.c}v

... Through all the ag-es of ag-es. + A- men.

VcvhcbGhcbhb.v z }bz
Priest: Let us pray.
Then he sings the remaining Postcommunions.

EXIT OF CHALICE: Before the last Postcomm., Deacon (or Priest)

hands the Cup & burse to the Thurifer, who with 2 taper-bearers
returns it to the vestry as it was brought. Double Feasts: see p. 55.

And the last Postcommunion is concluded:

Vcvv hcz z hcz hczhczhchchb.cf,bv }b cgb,cb hb.c}v

Through all the ag-es of ag-es. + A- men.
PRIEST: He  signs his forehead & turns west with the Deacon.

Prayy er of Bo
Bowwed Heads

VchczGhcz hb.c}v
Priest: Let us pray.

Vczv hcv vhcv zvz hcv zvhv v z z hczygcvz zfb,c}v

Deacon: Bow down your heads be-fore God.
The Priest sings the proper Bowed Heads prayer from the Missal.

Vcvv hcz z hcz hczhczhchchb.cf,bv }b cgb,cb hb.c}v

... Through all the ag-es of ag-es. + A- men.
Still facing the people, the Priest sings aloud:

Vcfcvzhb.v z[v Ghcvygcvgb,v v}czbfcvz hb.v z [v Ghcygcgb,v }b

The Lord be with you. + And with thy spi-rit.
He turns to the altar & begins Placeat, but the Deacon sings:

If Gloria was sung: If not, he turns east:

VchjhcÍg6b.vzFgb6b%#@bfb,vz[b Vchcvhcvz Hjcv

Deacon: Go ye, Deacon: Let us bless

VvvzFgb6b%$#cfcz abSdcdbmc}vz Vvv jcz 7b^%$bgb,c}vz

Mass is end-ed.* the Lord.*

Choir:  Thanks be to God. *

* P.T.: ends ‘Alleluya’ 3x. Other chants are in the Graduale.

Priest, meanwhile, the Placeat: Let the performance of my
homage be pleasing to Thee, O Holy Trinity, and grant
that this Sacrifice which I, though unworthy, have
offered up in the sight of Thy majesty, may be accep-
table to Thee, and through Thy mercy be a propitiation
for me and for all those for whom I have offered it. Who
livest and reignest, God through all the ages of ages.
Amen. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen. The next Hour may begin. The Priest
kisses the altar, signs his  forehead, & says: In the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

ON DOUBLE FEASTS: Some books have the Priest take the

chalice in his hands now & bless the people with it, saying:
May the Divine majesty bless you, and the one
Godhead,  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. + Amen.

Blessingg of Br ead
Server: Benedícite (Bless). Priest: Dóminus. And he sings:
= Blessed be the name of the Lord.
+ From henceforth and for evermore.
= Let us bless the Lord. + Thanks be to God.
= The Lord be with you. + And with thy spirit.
Priest: Let us pray.  Bless, O Lord, this creature of
bread, as Thou didst bless the five loaves in the
wilderness, that all who partake of it may receive
health of both body and soul, in the name of the 
Father and of the  Son and of the  Holy Spirit.
+ Amen. He sprinkles it with holy water.
The people queue up to receive bread & kiss the Priest’s hand. The
Choir either sings the Thanksgiving or continues with the Hour.
T hanksgi vin
RETROCESSION: After the blessed bread is distributed, the Priest
& ministers gather at the altar. The Deacon takes up the Missal.
Together with the Priest, all make a deep bow to the altar, then
return to the vestry in the same order as they entered for Mass.
Holy Doors Are Closed
The Priest prays this in withdrawing & unvesting—in some
places, however, it is also read in the nave.
Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord : O praise ye
Him and supremely exalt Him unto the ages.
Bless the Lord, ye Angels of the Lord : ye heavens,
bless the Lord.
Bless the Lord, all ye waters that are above the
heavens : bless the Lord, all ye powers of the Lord.
Bless the Lord, O sun and moon : bless the Lord, ye
stars of heaven.
Bless the Lord, ye rain and dew : bless the Lord, every
wind of God.
Bless the Lord, fire and heat of burning : bless the
Lord, winter cold and summer heat.
Bless the Lord, O falls of dew and frost : bless the
Lord, O ice and cold.
Bless the Lord, O hoar-frosts and snows : bless the
Lord, O nights and days.
Bless the Lord, O light and darkness : bless the Lord,
O lightnings and clouds.
Let the earth bless the Lord : let her praise Him and
supremely exalt Him unto the ages.
Bless the Lord, O mountains and hills : bless the Lord,
all things that spring up upon the earth.
Bless the Lord, O fountains : bless the Lord, O seas
and rivers.
Bless the Lord, O monsters of the sea, and all things

that move in the waters : bless the Lord, all ye
winged creatures of the sky.
Bless the Lord, all ye beasts and cattle : bless the Lord,
ye sons of men.
Let Israël bless the Lord : let him praise Him and
supremely exalt Him unto the ages.
Bless the Lord, ye priests of the Lord : bless the Lord,
ye servants of the Lord.
Bless the Lord, ye spirits and ye souls of the righteous
: bless the Lord, ye Saints, and ye that be humble
of heart.
Bless the Lord, O Ananias, Azarias, and Misaël : O praise
ye Him and supremely exalt Him unto the ages.
 Let us bless the Father and the Son with the Holy
Spirit : let us praise Him and supremely exalt Him
unto the ages.
Blessed art Thou, O Lord, in the firmament of heaven :
and worthy of praise, and glorious, and supremely
exalted unto the ages.
Praise ye God in His saints : praise Him in the
firmament of His power.
Praise Him for His mighty acts : praise Him according
to the multitude of His greatness.
Praise Him with the sound of trumpet : praise Him
with the psaltery and harp.
Praise Him with timbrel and dance : praise Him with
strings and flute.
Praise Him with tuneful cymbals : praise Him with
cymbals of jubilation. Let every breath praise the
 Glory be to the Father and to the Son : and to the
Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always : and
unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart : in peace, O
Master, according to Thy word.
For mine eyes have seen : Thy salvation.
Which Thou hast prepared : before the face of all
A light of revelation for the nations : and the glory of
Thy people Israël.
 Glory be to the Father and to the Son : and to the
Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always : and
unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Let us sing the hymn of the three youths, which they
sang in the furnace of fire, blessing the Lord.
Kyrieleyson. Xristeleyson. Kyrieleyson. Our Father...
= And lead us not into temptation.
+ But deliver us from evil.
= Let us bless  the Father and the Son with the Holy
+ Let us praise Him and supremely exalt Him unto
the ages.
= Blessed art Thou, O Lord, in the firmament of
+ And worthy of praise, and glorious, and supremely
exalted unto the ages.

Only if a Priest or Deacon is leading:

= May the  Holy Trinity bless and keep us.
+ Amen.

= O Lord, enter not into judgment with Thy servant.

+ For in Thy sight shall no man living be justified.
= O Lord God of hosts, make us to return.
+ And cause Thy face to shine, and we shall be saved.
= O Lord, hear my prayer.
+ And let my cry come unto Thee.

Only if a Priest or Deacon is leading:

= The Lord be with you.
+ And with thy spirit.

Let us pray.
O God Who for the three youths didst allay the
flames of fire, mercifully grant that the flame of sins
may not consume us who are Thy servants.
Set our reins and our heart aflame with the fire of
the Holy Spirit, O Lord, that we may serve Thee with a
chaste body and please Thee with a pure heart.
Our actions, we beseech Thee, O Lord, do Thou
precede by inspiring us and bring to fruition by helping
us, that all our activity and prayer may always begin
with Thee, and what is begun may be completed by Thee.
 Through Christ our Lord. + Amen.
O almighty, everlasting God, Jesus Christ, Lord, be
merciful to my sins by my taking within me of Thy Body
and Blood. For Thou, speaking, hast said, ‘He that eateth
My Flesh, and drinketh My Blood, abideth in Me, and I in
him.’ Therefore I humbly beseech Thee that Thou
wouldst create in me a clean heart, and renew a right
spirit within me, and with Thy governing Spirit
vouchsafe to establish me, and wash me clean of all the
snares of the Devil and sinful habits that I may be found
worthy to be a communicant of heavenly joys. W Who
livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages. + Amen.
I give Thee thanks, O sweetest Lord Jesus Christ,
true Light, salvation of believers, ...

consolation of those in sorrow, and hope of all, O joy of
the Angels, Who hast deigned this day to feast me, a
wretch and a great sinner, Thy servant, with Thy most
holy Body and Blood. Therefore even I, most wretched,
and infected with numberless transgressions, implore
Thine all-gracious mercy and highest kindness with
tearful prayers: that this sweetest repast, this highest
and incomprehensible Communion, may not be to the
judgment of my soul, but profit me as a healing remedy
for casting out all the cunning and wickedness of the
Devil’s deceit, in such wise that no iniquity of his may
have dominion over me in my heart, body, soul, and
senses, but Thy kindness may bring me to the supernal
feastings of the Angels, where Thou the very
blessedness art, and the clear Light, and gladness
everlasting. + Amen.

If the next Hour of the Divine Office

was not already begun,
it is begun in the church now.



Ver ses on K
erses yriele
Kyriele yson-r
yrieleyson-r ef
ef.. p
yson-ref p.. 18
The Deacon intones the Kyrieléyson at the choir step or presbytery
step. (In later practice a Ruler of the Choir sings the verses.)
Verses (petitions) change with the occasion. The following verses
are given as an example; below them appear all the sets of verses.


Deacon: O Lord and everlasting King, upon this
congregation singing praises unto Thee have
mercy for ever.
Choir:  Kyrieléyson.
Deacon: O most compassionate King, the first in
majesty, with clear-resounding voices do we ask
of Thee steadfastly to have mercy on us.
Choir:  Kyrieléyson.
Deacon: O King Who dealest wonderfully, Son of
Thy life-bearing mother Mary, because of Thy
tender mercy, unceasingly have mercy upon us.
Choir:  Kyrieléyson.
Deacon: O Christ, Whom in the height of Thy bright-
shining palace the heaven-dwelling gloriously
praise together, ever-radiantly shining with a
beauty far excelling: have mercy on Thine adopted
Choir:  Xristeléyson.
Deacon: O Christ, begotten at the word of Thy
Father, O glorious One, enduring the Cross for the
salvation of all that Thou hadst made, Who having
conquered death art risen, have mercy upon us.
Choir:  Xristeléyson.
Deacon: O Christ, Who with quivering fire of bright
radiance didst send to Thy disciples from on high
the Spirit, mightier than all in power, equal unto
Thee, have mercy upon us.
Choir:  Xristeléyson.
Deacon: O Lord up on high, to Whom thousands of
thousands of Angels most mightily and worthily
give praise, in ever-humble wise do we entreat
Thee, our Father, have mercy upon us.
Choir:  Kyrieléyson.
Deacon: O nourishing Lord, the flock of Thy
congregation doth shout for joy with all their
heart to Thee in heavenly praises, and with
beauty, that Thou wouldst be pleased to have
mercy upon them for ever.
Choir:  Kyrieléyson.
Deacon: O merciful Lord, receiving our glorifications
in the citadel of heaven, after the end of all flesh
unite us with Thee, and have mercy on us without
Choir:  Kyrieléyson.

Kyrie V er
Ver ses of the Deacon
On Or dinar
dinaryy Sunda ys
O Lord and Creator of all that hath been
created: ymas eleyson.* Ky.
Thou, blotting out our transgressions: have
mercy on us without ceasing. Ky.
Let not Thy creation be lost and perish: have
mercy on it, O good One. Ky.
Christ, the Father’s only Son, and born of a
virgin: have mercy on us. Xr.
Thou that by Thy blood hast saved from death
the perished universe: have mercy. Xr.
Thou shalt hearken to their prayers who now
cry to Thee: merciful One, have mercy. Xr.
Life-giving Spirit, make us to be filled with Thy
grace: have mercy. Ky.
Who ceaselessly flowest, proceeding from the
Father: have mercy on us. Ky.
Holy Trinity, threefold Unity, worshipped
together, loosen Thou the fetters of our
wickedness, ransoming us from death. Let us
all now cry out with sweetly-flowing voices: O
God, have mercy. Ky.
O gentle King, almighty King, have mercy. Ky.
O compassionate and immortal Creator, have

* ee-MAHS eh-LEH-ee-sone: have mercy on us.

mercy. Ky.
Thou Who rulest all things alone, have mercy. Ky.
O Christ, forgiving now our sinnings, have mercy.
O Blessèd One, Who hast power to release us from
our chains: have mercy. Xr.
Thou art He that hath conquered the death of
first-formed Adam: have mercy. Xr.
O Kyrie, King of Sabaoth and our most high
Salvation, have mercy. Ky.
O Kyrie, Holy Pneuma,* and O Thou Who art
wisdom to us, have mercy. Ky.
O Kyrie Patiron, o Theos Christos, o Theos
Emmanuel:** eleyson. Ky.
O Lord, everlasting God, the life of those who
live in Thee, have mercy. Ky.
O Lord, King uncircumscribable, wielding Thine
imperial sceptre, have mercy. Ky.
O Lord, uncreated and unoriginate Father, have
mercy. Ky.
O Christ, by Whose right hand all things were
fashioned, have mercy. Xr.
O Christ, Son of the Most High, and of the
untouched Virgin, have mercy. Xr.
O Christ, Who hast redeemed us by Thine own
Blood, have mercy. Xr.

* P’NEF-mah: Spirit. ** or: Kyrie Rex Sempiterne

** O Lord of our fathers, O Christ God, O God Emmanuel.

O Lord, Spirit illumining those full of darkness,
have mercy. Ky.
O Lord, the Paraclete, proceeding from the
Father, have mercy. Ky.
O Lord, mightier than all else in giving of Thy
sevenfold grace, we beseech Thee to fill us,
whom Thou hast cleansed from evil, with Thy
charismatic gifts, O Advocate of the faithful,
have mercy. Kyrie...
Proceeding from the Father on high, O Spirit, e...
Let praise and glory, virtue, power, be ever unto
Thee, throughout the endless ages; hearken to
Thy servants, O most merciful One, and have
mercy. ... eléyson.

On Double Feasts & Other Feasts

On of the following 9 sets of Kyrie Verses is sung on all Double
Feasts for which a specific set is not appointed (see Chant
Ordinarium, St. Hilarion Press). The Cantor informs the Deacon
which verses are to be sung.

Father, Creator of all things, Thou Theos ymon:
graciously have mercy on us. Ky.
Giving praise to Thee with shouts of joy, Xriste,
King of kings, we beseech Thee: have mercy. Ky.
Thou to Whom kingdom, praise, strength, and
peace, endlessly belong, without ceasing have
mercy. Ky.
Christ our only King, Son of the gracious Father,

* Theh-OHS ee-MONE: our God.

Co-Eternal, have mercy. Xr.
Thou Who didst save the lost race of humankind
from death, restoring us to life, have mercy. Xr.
Jesus, that the sheep of Thy pasture may not
perish, O Good Shepherd, have mercy. Xr.
O Spirit the Comforter, we beg Thee in humility:
eleyson ymas.* Ky.
O Lord, Who art our strength and our salvation
unto all ages, have mercy. Ky.
Most high and most humble God, bestow upon
us the gifts of life; be pleased to have mercy
on us in Thy compassion. Ky.
Kyrie, King and unoriginate Father, true
Essence of being, have mercy. Ky.
Kyrie, Fountain of light and Creator of all, have
mercy. Ky.
O Lord, Who hast adorned us with the beauty of
Thy seal and image, have mercy. Ky.
Christ, in the form of God, sharing our
humanity, have mercy. Xr.
Xriste, Light of the East, by Whom all things
exist, have mercy. Xr.
O Xriste, Thou that art perfect Wisdom, have
mercy. Xr.
Kyrie, Spirit Who bestowest life, Power of life,
have mercy. Ky.
Kyrie, Breath of the Father, in Whom all things
* eh-LEH-ee-sone ee-MAHS: have mercy on us.

exist, have mercy. Ky.
Kyrie, Cleanser of iniquities and Bestower of
grace, We entreat of Thee: do not forsake us
because of our evil deeds. O Consoler of the
sorrowing soul, have mercy. Ky.
Kyrie, the Fount of goodness, unoriginate
Father, from Whom proceedeth every good
thing: have mercy. Ky.
Kyrie Who didst send Thy Son to undergo
suffering for the sins of the world, to save it:
have mercy. Ky.
Kyrie, bestowing the seven gifts of the
Pneumatos,* by Whom heaven and earth are
filled: have mercy. Ky.
Xriste, Only-begotten of God the Father, Whom
the holy Prophets foretold would be born into
the world of a virgin, in a wondrous manner:
have mercy. Xr.
Xriste, Agie,** Sharer of the heavenly throne,
Song of glory, Whom the crown of Angels
serveth ceaselessly, chanting before Thy
Divine majesty: have mercy. Xr.
Christ in heaven, be with us and help us to pray,
Whom with minds bowed low we worship with
reverence upon the earth: to Thee, Jesus, may
we cry with love: have mercy. Xr.
Kyrie, Life-giving Spirit, cohering with Father

* P’nef-MAH-tohs: Spirit. ** AH-ghee-eh: Holy One

and Son, of Their single Nature consisting,
and flowing from the Father: have mercy. Ky.
O Lord, Who when Christ was baptized in the
waters of the Jordan, appearedst shining forth
in the likeness and form of a dove: have
mercy. Ky.
Kyrie, Who art Divine Fire, kindle Thou Thy
flame in our breasts, so that, being worthy, we
may ever cry out together: have mercy. Ky.
Kyrie, the almighty, unoriginate Father: have
mercy on us poor sinners. Ky.
Kyrie, Thou that hast redeemed the work of Thy
hands by Thine own Son: have mercy. Ky.
Kyrie, Adonai,* blot out our offences, and on
Thy people have mercy. Ky.
Christ, the radiance of the Father’s glory, and
Icon of His Essence: have mercy. Xr.
Xriste, Who by command of the Father hast
saved the world: have mercy upon us. Xr.
Xriste, Salvation of men and everlasting Life of
the Angels: have mercy. Xr.
Kyrie, the Spirit, the Paraclete, Bestower of
forgiveness: have mercy on us. Ky.
Kyrie, Fountain of loving-kindness, Fountain of
sevenfold grace: have mercy. Ky.
Kyrie, Forgiver most merciful, proceeding from
the Father, O all-bounteous Giver of Divine
gifts, O Teacher giving life: Good One, have
mercy. Ky.

* Ah-doh-NAH-ee: Hebrew for ‘Lord’

Hail, O Lord, for ever, King resplendent through
the height of heaven: in kindness, have mercy
on Thy people for ever. Ky.
Whom the hosts of Cherubim proclaim without
ceasing, chanting hymns in eternal praise of
Thee: have mercy on us. Ky.
To Whom the exalted hosts give praise in a
wonderful manner, answered by the
Seraphim: have mercy on us. Ky.
Xriste, King enthroned on high, Thou Whom the
nine orders of Angels praise, without
wearying and with beauty: be pleased to have
mercy on Thy servants for ever. Xr.
Xriste, Who throughout the earth the One
Church praiseth in her canticles, the sun and
moon, stars, earth, and ocean, Whom also
they obey: have mercy for ever. Xr.
Thou art He Whom all the Saints, heirs of the
glorious, unending kingdom, proclaim with
shouts of jubilation and worthy melody: have
mercy upon us. Xr.
O Life-giving Son of Mary the Holy Virgin, O
King of kings, our blessed Redeemer: on them
ransomed from the power of death by Thine
own blood-shedding have mercy for ever. Ky.
All-illustrious Unbegotten, O Thou begotten
already without beginning, and surpassing all
without striving: on this Thine assemblage
have mercy, O good One. Ky.

* The Kyrie St. Dunstan of Canterbury heard Angels singing.

O Judge and Sun of righteousness of clearest
glory, Good One, we beseech Thee resolutely:
when Thou shalt straitly judge all nations,
show mercy unto the multitude standing
there. Ky.
O Light and Dayspring of the highest light: God,
have mercy. Ky.
Thou by Whose command all things stand fast:
ever have mercy. Ky.
O Thou Who alone canst have mercy: on us have
mercy. Ky.
O Redeemer of men, Who art their salvation:
have mercy on us, O good One. Xr.
Redeemed by Thy Cross from everlasting death,
we now beseech Thee: have mercy. Xr.
Thou art the Light of truth, Sower of piety, Word
of the Father: have mercy. Xr.
O Paraclete the Holy Spirit: have mercy on us, O
God. Ky.
O Thou that art our loving-kindness: healing
Unguent, have mercy. Ky.
O Holy Trinity and Unity: have mercy on us for
ever. Ky.
O almighty Father, O our God, Creator of all,
have mercy. Ky.
O merciful Spring and Source of good, Light
everlasting, have mercy. Ky.

May Thy tender compassion save us, O gracious
Ruler, have mercy. Ky.
Christ, the brilliance and strength of God,
Wisdom of the Father, have mercy. Xr.
Maker of man, Thy handiwork, restoring the
fallen, have mercy. Xr.
O Jesus, lest Thy handiwork should perish: O
Good One, have mercy. Xr.
Most Holy Breath of the Father, Bond of charity,
have mercy. Ky.
Proceeding Spark and Spring of life, purifying
Power, have mercy. Ky.
Cleanser of guilt, unequalled Bestower of
pardon: Fill us with Thy holy Gift, and blot
out our offences. Life-giving Spirit, have
mercy. Ky.



King eternal, Maker of the world: have mercy. Ky.
Spring of mercy unfathomed: have mercy. Ky.
Banish from us all things sinful: have mercy. Ky.
Xriste, the Light of the world, Giver of life: have
mercy. Xr.
See us, wounded by the wiles of the Devil: have
mercy. Xr.
O Thou, guarding believers and strengthening
them: have mercy. Xr.
Thyself, and Thy Father, the Spirit proceeding:

have mercy. Ky.
O our God, Whom we know art single and
threefold: have mercy. Ky.
O good One, be with us, Paraclete, that in Thee
we may live: have mercy. Ky.

For Masses of Our Lad

O King and Lover of virgins, God, the boast of
Mary: have mercy. Ky.
Thou that from bright royal lineage bringest
Mary forth: have mercy. Ky.
Receive her all-worthy entreaties, poured out
for the world: have mercy. Ky.
Xriste, God from the Father, born man from Thy
mother Mary: have mercy. Xr.
Whom by her blessed womb Mary brought forth
into the world: have mercy. Xr.
Accept our devoted praises of life-bringing
Mary: have mercy. Xr.
Paraclete, overshadowing the body of Mary: have
mercy. Ky.
Who makest Mary’s bosom a worthy bride-
chamber: have mercy. Ky.
Who exaltest Mary’s spirit above the heavens,
make us to ascend after her, by Thy power:
Life-giving Spirit, have mercy. Ky.



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