Complex Polynomial
Complex Polynomial
Complex Polynomial
University of York
published by the press syndicate of the university of cambridge
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C Cambridge University Press 2002
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Preface page xi
List of notation xix
1 The algebra of polynomials 1
1.1 Complex polynomials 1
1.2 The number of zeros of a real analytic polynomial 4
1.3 Real analytic polynomials at infinity 13
2 The degree principle and the fundamental theorem
of algebra 22
2.1 The fundamental theorem of algebra 22
2.2 Continuous functions in the plane 26
2.3 The degree principle 31
2.4 The degree principle and homotopy 40
2.5 The topological argument principle 43
2.6 The coincidence theorem 47
2.7 Locally 1–1 functions 56
2.8 The Borsuk–Ulam theorem 79
3 The Jacobian problem 81
3.1 The Jacobian conjecture 81
3.2 Pinchuk’s example 90
3.3 Polynomials with a constant Jacobian 105
3.4 A topological approach 118
3.5 The resultant and the Jacobian 124
4 Analytic and harmonic functions in the unit disc 125
4.1 Series representations 125
4.2 Positive and bounded operators 138
4.3 Positive trigonometric polynomials 144
4.4 Some inequalities for analytic and trigonometric
polynomials 151
viii Contents
where the ak are complex numbers not all zero and where z is a complex
variable. We also use the terms analytic polynomial (reflecting the fact that
the polynomial is an analytic function) and algebraic polynomial (since the
polynomial contains only algebraic operations on the variable z). If an = 0 the
polynomial is said to have degree n. In particular, a polynomial of degree 0
is, by definition, a non-zero constant. The function which is identically zero is
often regarded as being a polynomial of degree −∞. When the ak are all real
numbers, the polynomial P(z) is called a real polynomial. Observe that P(z)
is a real polynomial iff
for all z ∈ C. From this it follows that, if P(a) = 0 then P(a ) = 0; therefore
either a is real or P has the conjugate pair of zeros a and a.
2 1 The algebra of polynomials
proofs of this use methods of analysis or topology (it is not a result which
follows purely from the algebraic field property of the complex numbers). The
proof of the weaker statement is by induction. The result is trivial when n = 0.
Assume the statement proved for polynomials of degree n −1, where n ≥ 1, and
let P be a polynomial of degree n given say by (1.1). Either P has no zeros and
there is nothing further to prove, or ∃a ∈ C such that P(a) = 0. We then have
Uniqueness theorem If P(z) and Q(z) are polynomials of degree not exceeding
n and if the equation
P(z) = Q(z) (1.4)
Theorem: Lagrange’s interpolation formula Let z 1 , z 2 , . . . , z n + 1 be n + 1
distinct points and let w1 , w2 , . . . , wn+1 be arbitrary complex numbers (not
necessarily distinct but not all zero). Among all polynomials of degree not
exceeding n there is a unique polynomial P(z) such that
An alternative formulation of Lagrange’s formula is the following.
Corollary Let z 1 , z 2 , . . . , z n+1 be n+1 distinct points and let Q(z) = k=1 (z−
z k ). If P(z) is a polynomial of degree not exceeding n, then
P(z) = P(z k ) . (1.7)
(z k )(z − z k )
Example Let Q(z) = z −1 = k=0 (z −ωk ), where ωk = e2πik/(n+1) are the
1 2n
T (z) = T (ζk )Dn (ζ k z). (1.13)
2n + 1 k=0
This follows easily by applying example 1.1.6 to einθ T (eiθ ), which is a poly-
nomial of degree at most 2n in the variable eiθ . We obtain the above formula
on the unit circle. Since both sides of the equation are harmonic polynomials,
it follows that the equality holds for all z ∈ C.
where the coefficients a j,k are real or complex numbers and where x and y are
real variables. The degree of the term a j,k x j y k is j + k provided that a j,k = 0,
and the degree of P is the largest of the degrees of the individual terms. Every
algebraic polynomial and every harmonic polynomial is real analytic and their
degrees earlier defined agree with the above definition.
Bézout’s theorem Let P(x, y) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y) (with u and v real) be
a complex-valued real analytic polynomial, where u has degree m and v has
degree n, and suppose that u and v are relatively prime (i.e. contain no non-
trivial common factors). Then P has at most mn zeros in C.
where u k are real polynomials in x of degree at most m−k and vk are real
polynomials in x of degree at most n−k. Also, after an affine transformation of
the variables, we may assume that u m and vn = 0. (Affine transformations are
first degree real analytic polynomial mappings, which are bijective mappings
of C; for an account of these see chapter 2, section 2.7.21.) Now the equation
P = 0 holds iff u = 0 and v = 0 simultaneously. Let us assume this is the case
at a particular pair (x, y). We use the method of Sylvester to eliminate the
quantity y from the two equations u(x, y) = 0, v(x, y) = 0. The method is to
observe that the following m + n equations hold:
y µ u(x, y) = 0 (0 ≤ µ ≤ n − 1); y ν v(x, y) = 0 (0 ≤ ν ≤ m − 1).
Here y 0 = 1 by definition. Each of these equations can be interpreted as the
vanishing of a linear combination of the m + n quantities 1, y, y 2 , . . . , y m+n−1 .
This implies the vanishing of the determinant of coefficients:
u 0 (x) u 1 (x) u 2 (x) 0
0 u 0 (x) u 1 (x) u 2 (x)
D(x) = = 0. (1.17)
0 (x) v1 (x) v2 (x) 0
0 v0 (x) v1 (x) v2 (x)
This example is the case m = n = 2. The determinant D(x) is a polynomial
in x. We will show that (a) D(x) does not vanish identically and (b) D(x) has
degree at most mn. When these facts are established, it will follow that there
are at most mn values of x for which the determinant can vanish. For each
such x there are only finitely many values of y such that P(x, y) = 0. Thus we
obtain at most finitely many points (x, y) for which P(x, y) = 0. Because of
this we may now perform an affine transformation on (x, y) so that, after the
transformation to new variables x
, y
, the resulting polynomial has for each
fixed x
at most one zero in y
. (This is easily seen geometrically; e.g. a small
rotation will do.) It follows immediately from the above applied to the new
coordinates that P has at most mn zeros altogether, proving the theorem.
To prove (b) we let wi, j denote the terms of the (m + n) × (m + n) matrix
of coefficients and observe that each term is a polynomial in x whose degree
m − j +i (1 ≤ i ≤ n),
degree of wi, j ≤ (1.18)
−j + i (n + 1 ≤ i ≤ m + n).
6 1 The algebra of polynomials
Here we have taken the degree of the identically zero polynomial to be −∞.
Now the value of the determinant is given by the formula
|wi, j | = (−1)σ wi,φ(i) (1.19)
where the sum ranges over all permutations φ(i) of the numbers 1, 2, . . . , m + n,
and where σ = 0 for even permutations and σ = 1 for odd permutations. It
follows that the degree of the determinant cannot exceed
(m − φ(i) + i) + (−φ(i) + i) = mn + (−φ(i) + i) = mn,
i=1 i=n+1 i=1
since φ(i) = i, as φ(i) runs through the numbers i in some order. This
proves (b).
To prove (a) we assume that the determinant vanishes identically and show
that this implies that u and v have a common factor, contradicting the hypothe-
ses. Firstly, we observe that the vanishing of the determinant is equivalent to
the vanishing of the determinant of the transpose matrix. Secondly, we observe
that the elements of the matrix are polynomials in x and therefore belong to the
field of rational functions in x. Because the determinant vanishes for all x, we
may interpret this as the statement that the determinant of this matrix consisting
of elements of this field vanishes, as all the operations required to evaluate the
determinant are algebraically defined over any field. Therefore from the alge-
braic theory of determinants we can assert the existence of elements αk , βk of
the field not all zero and satisfying the set of equations
u 0 α0 + v0 β0 = 0, u 1 α0 + u 0 α1 + v1 β0 + v0 β1 = 0, . . . etc.
or generally
u r −k αk + vr −k βk = 0 (0 ≤ r ≤ m + n − 1), (1.22)
k=r −m k=r −n
and note that by multiplying out and equating coefficients to zero the above set
of equations is equivalent to the single equation
u A − v B = 0. (1.24)
1.2 The number of zeros of a real analytic polynomial 7
Since not both A and B are zero, it follows from this equation that neither A
nor B is the zero element, as otherwise one of u and v is zero, contradicting the
hypothesis. Now the coefficients of A and B are rational functions in x; therefore
multiplying through by a suitable polynomial in x, we obtain an equation of the
same form with A and B polynomials in both x and y. Furthermore, we may
divide out the equation by any common factor of A and B. Thus we obtain an
equation of the above form with A and B relatively prime polynomials, where
the degree of A in y is smaller than the degree of v in y and the degree of B
in y is smaller than the degree of u in y. We will show that f = v/A = u/B
is a polynomial in x and y, which is then the required common factor of u and
v. Consider first the case when B is constant in the variable y, and so a pure
polynomial in x. B can be factorised as a product of irreducible polynomials;
hence it is enough to show that each irreducible factor R of B is a factor of u.
Expanding u in powers of y, this is true iff every coefficient of u is divisible by
R. Write u = u 1 + u 2 , where u 1 consists of those terms in the expansion of u
whose coefficients are divisible by R, and u 2 consists of the remaining terms.
Similarly, write A = A1 + A2 . Since R is not a factor of A, A2 = 0. Thus we
have v B = Au = A1 u 1 + A1 u 2 + A2 u 1 + A2 u 2 , from which we see that A2 u 2
is divisible by R. This implies that u 2 = 0, as otherwise the lowest coefficient
of this product in y is divisible by R, but also is the product of a coefficient of
A2 and a coefficient of u 2 , which is not divisible by R. Thus B divides u in this
Returning to the general case, from the usual division algorithm for polyno-
mials we can write
v ρ u σ
= f + , =g+ (1.25)
where f, g, ρ and σ are polynomials in y with rational coefficients in x, and
where ρ has y-degree smaller than A and σ has y-degree smaller than B.
Hence as y → ∞, ρ/A and σ/B → 0 and so f − g → 0. This clearly implies
that f = g. We therefore obtain ρ/A = σ/B and so either (i) ρ = σ = 0 or
(ii) A/ρ = B/σ . In case (ii) we see that we are back to the same problem for A
and B that we had for u and v, but A and B have smaller degrees. Therefore we
may use an induction argument to deduce that A and B have a common factor,
contradicting our legitimate assumption. It follows that case (i) holds and so f
is a common factor of u and v. The coefficients of f are rational functions in x,
but by multiplying through by the smallest polynomial p in x to cancel out the
denominators of the coefficients, we find as above that p divides both A and
B. Since A and B are relatively prime, f is a polynomial in both x and y. This
proves (a) and so completes the proof of Bézout’s theorem.
8 1 The algebra of polynomials
Bézout’s theorem can be used to put a bound on the number of zeros of a
real analytic polynomial even in the absence of algebraic information on the
polynomial. For example it may often be the case that on analytic or topological
grounds one can establish the finiteness of the number of zeros. In this case we
have the following result.
where the a j,k are complex numbers and the degree of P is the maximum of
j + k over terms where a j,k = 0. This is clearly the restriction of P(z, ζ ) =
j,k a j,k ζ z to ζ = z. To apply the Sylvester method of elimination we require
j k
and so
P(z, z) = b j (z)z j , P(z, z) = c j (z)z j , (1.30)
j=0 j=0
n− j
n− j
b j (z) = a j,k z k , c j (z) = ak, j z k . (1.31)
k=0 k=0
As recorded earlier these relations imply that the maximum degree of wi, j is
given by
n− j +i (i ≤ j ≤ n + i and 1 ≤ i ≤ n),
degree of wi, j ≤
−j + i (i − n ≤ j ≤ i and n + 1 ≤ i ≤ 2n).
where the sum ranges over all permutations φ(i) of the numbers 1, 2, . . . , 2n,
and where σ = 0 for even permutations and σ = 1 for odd permutations.
2n n
Each product i=1 wi,φ(i) has degree not exceeding i=1 (n − φ(i) + i) +
i=n+1 (−φ(i) + i) = n 2
, with equality only if every term wi,φ(i) in the product
attains its maximum degree n − φ(i) + i for 1 ≤ i ≤ n or −φ(i) + i for n + 1 ≤
i ≤ 2n.
As an application of these remarks, suppose that P has coefficients a j,k where
a j,n− j = 0 for 1 ≤ j ≤ n and a0,n = 0; in other words the only term of highest
degree n in the expansion of P is the term in z n . Then b0 (z) has full degree n,
and c0 (z) has degree 0, but the remaining polynomials b j (z) (1 ≤ j ≤ n) and
c j (z) (0 ≤ j ≤ n − 1) have degree strictly smaller than n − j. It follows that the
1.2 The number of zeros of a real analytic polynomial 11
Theorem Let P(z, z) = u +iv (u and v real) be a complex-valued real analytic
polynomial of degree n. Then the Sylvester resultant D(z) of P(z, ζ ) and P(ζ , z)
is a polynomial in z of degree at most n 2 . Every zero of P(z, z) is a zero of D(z);
indeed, if P(z, ζ ) = P(ζ , z) = 0, then D(z) = 0. D(z) vanishes identically if,
and only if, u and v have a non-trivial common factor. Finally, if
P(z, z) = Q(z, z) + Az n , (1.35)
where Q is a real analytic polynomial of degree < n and A is a non-zero
constant, then D(z) has exact degree n 2 and therefore P has at most n 2 zeros.
Indeed, in this case, P attains every value w at most n 2 times and is therefore
an n 2 -valent mapping of the plane.
The final remark comes from applying the theorem to P − w. We shall see in
chapter 2 that P of this form does actually attain every value w, and so is a
surjective mapping of the plane.
where u m = 0 and vn = 0. If the resultant is not identically zero, then the set
of equations
u r −k αk + vr −k βk = λr (0 ≤ r ≤ m + n − 1) (1.39)
k=r −m k=r −n
Now observe that, for small positive p, pr0 < prk + k (1 ≤ k ≤ N ) and the
dominating term is S0 (a)t r0 /x N − pr0 . If pr0 = N and pr0 < prk + k (1 ≤ k ≤ N ),
then with the choice p = N /r0 we obtain the limiting values S0 (a)t r0 (t real). If
r0 is odd, this is a simply described straight line through the origin; if r0 is even,
it is a doubly described ray with endpoint at the origin. Otherwise, we choose
p > 0 to satisfy pr0 = pr j + j for some j and pr0 ≤ prk + k (1 ≤ k ≤ N );
in other words
p = min , (1.50)
r0 − r j
where the minimum is taken over those j (1 ≤ j ≤ N − 1) for which r0 > r j .
We obtain
F(x, t)
R(x, a + t x p ) = N − pr , (1.51)
x 0
x = sq , y = φ(s) + ts β, (1.55)
where q and β are natural numbers and where φ(s) is a real polynomial of
degree < β; furthermore, the highest common factor of the powers of s appear-
ing in the expression φ(s) + ts β is 1. In short, we have
As we have seen, apart from the above case, the asymptotic value curve A(0, t)
appears twice corresponding to the distinct tract obtained by changing the
18 1 The algebra of polynomials
variable s to −s. The parameter β determines whether the curve is repeated
or reversed as the tract is traversed in the positive direction: the positive direc-
tion corresponds to y increasing. If β is odd, s → −s gives the tract
and so
where t(x) tends to a zero of the final polynomial as x → 0; in other words one
of the ψk,N is an approximation to f . Since ψk,N is a partial sum of ψk,N +r , we
see that we obtain a series expansion for f by letting N →∞. At each stage the
degree of the leading term does not increase, so eventually becomes a constant
ν. Thus for large N the values of p will be integers and each leading term will
1.3 Real analytic polynomials at infinity 21
be a pure νth power of a linear polynomial giving just one multiple zero. This
implies that the series expansion for f is a power series in x 1/q for some natural
number q. Our procedure continued indefinitely by increasing N will yield all
the solutions y = f (x) for x > 0 near 0 (i.e. all the branches of the algebraic
function) and each such solution is a convergent power series, and therefore an
analytic function, in a fractional power of x.