PD No. 27 (1972) Vs EO 228 - Comparison
PD No. 27 (1972) Vs EO 228 - Comparison
PD No. 27 (1972) Vs EO 228 - Comparison
EO 228
Marcos v. Aquino
■ PD No. 27 (1972) is fully known as: ■ EO No. 228 is fully known as:
Value = Average harvest in last 3 normal Value = (Average gross production1 x 2.5) x
crop years immediately preceding the P352 or P313.
promulgation of this Decree multiplied by
Two and one-half (2 ½) Two and one-half
(2 ½) plus six (6) per centum per annum (1) Average gross production is determined
by Barangay Committee on Land Production;
(2) Government’s support price for one cavan
of 50 kilos of palay on October 21, 1972.
(3) Government’s support price for one cavan
of 50 kilos of corn on October 21, 1972.
Compensation… terms of payment
■ PD No. 27: ■ EO 228:
Fifteen (15) equal annual amortizations 1. Bond payment over ten (10) years: Cash is
within fifteen (15) years. 10% and Bonds for the remaining balance.1, 2,
3, 6
Issued only after the tenant-farmer has All qualified farmer-beneficiaries under PD
become a full-fledged member of a duly No. 27 are deemed full owners of the land
recognized farmer’s cooperative. they have acquired.
If in case of default, Farmer’s Farmer shall pay Land Bank the total cost of
Cooperative pays Landowner . Then, the land plus interest rate of 6% per annum
farmer will pay now to the Farmer’s with 2% interest rebate on amortizations paid
Cooperative. on time within a period of 20 years