Folding Origami (How-To Library) PDF

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By Dana Meachen Rau • Illustrated by Kathleen Petelinsek

C h e rr y L a k e P u bli s h i n g • A n n Arb o r , M ic h i g a n
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Please revie DULTS:
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Published in the United States of America
by Cherry Lake Publishing
Ann Arbor, Michigan A NO k a n adult
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Be sure t these

Content Adviser: Dr. Julia L. Hovanec, Professor of Art Education,
for help w s w hen you
Kutztown University, Kutztown, Pennsylvania
t iv it ie
craft ac y s p ut your
Photo Credits: Page 4, ©arsentev/Shutterstock, Inc.; page 5, ©Kotomiti
A l w a
Okuma/Shutterstock, Inc. need it.
Copyright ©2014 by Cherry Lake Publishing safety firs
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in
any form or by any means without written permission from the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Rau, Dana Meachen, 1971–
Folding origami / by Dana Meachen Rau.
pages cm. — (How-to library) (Crafts)
Audience: Grade 4 to 6.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-62431-145-1 (library binding) — ISBN 978-1-62431-
277-9 (paperback) — ISBN 978-1-62431-211-3 (e-book) 1. Origami—
Juvenile literature. I. Title.

TT872.5.R38 2013
736'.982—dc23 2013014983

Cherry Lake Publishing would like to acknowledge the work

of The Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Please visit for more information.

Printed in the United States of America

Corporate Graphics, Inc.
July 2013
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Table of Contents
Sculpting with Paper…4
Basic Tools…6
Folds and Creases…8
Origami Symbols…10
Building from Bases…12
Making Origami Paper…14
Book of Great Ideas…16
Rainbow Wheel…18
Robot Nesting Boxes…20
Yawning Cats…22
Fruit Bowl…24
Flapping Bird…26
Share Your Creations…29

For More Information…31
About the Author…32
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Sculpting with Paper

to almost any shape you

You can fold paper in
can imagine.
You can create a three-dimensional sculpture with just a
small, flat square of paper. That may seem hard to believe,
but it’s true! Origami is the art of paper folding. The word
origami comes from the Japanese words ori, which means
“to fold,” and kami, which means “paper.”
Origami has a long history. Folded paper creations were
used for special occasions in Japan hundreds of years ago.
For example, butterflies were exchanged by the bride and
groom at wedding ceremonies. Many traditional Japanese
origami designs were passed down through families. In the

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mid-1800s in Europe, Friedrich Frobel invented the idea of

kindergarten. Kindergarten teachers started using origami
to educate young children.
Origami as we know it today began in the mid-
1900s when expert paper folder Akira Yoshizawa
began publishing books of origami designs. He created
a system of symbols to help people understand origami
instructions. This helped transform origami from a craft
activity into an art form.
Most of the models in this book are based on
traditional Japanese designs. Give these projects a try.
Then let your own imagination fly! How will you sculpt
your ideas in paper?

Some origami design

s are shaped like a
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Basic Tools
You only need two things to make an origami creation—
a piece of paper and your hands!

Origami paper is thin and colored or decorated on one side.
The other side is usually white. It comes in various sizes. The
larger the paper, the larger your model will be. If you are
trying origami for the first time, you might want to start large.
You can work your way down to smaller sizes.
You don’t have to use origami paper for your projects. You
can use any paper that holds creases well. Many craft stores
sell scrapbooking paper, which comes in many colors and
designs. You can use pages from magazines, wrapping
paper, decorated napkins, or even a dollar bill. Card
stock is a thick paper. It is not as easy to fold,
but is good to use when your model needs to
be more durable.

Other Tools
Other tools can help you fold and decorate
your project:
Bone folder: Some artists use
this to help make sharp creases.

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You can use your

thumbnail just as well.
But a bone folder can be helpful with thick
paper, such as card stock.
Scissors and ruler: If you want to cut
your paper smaller, you will need a ruler for
measuring and a good pair of paper scissors
for cutting. You can also use a paper cutter for
a more precise cut.
Needle and thread: A needle and thread
will help you hang your creations from a
ceiling or mobile.
Glue, tape, markers, crayons, stickers, paint, etc.:
These tools can be used to hold together or decorate your
origami creations.

From a Rec
tangle to
Most origami a Square
creations are
a single piece made from
of square pap
can make a qu er. You
ick square ou
rectangular p t of a
iece of paper
measuring. Fold without
the top right
down toward corner
the bottom ed
line the edges ge. Carefully
up, and creas
edge. Cut off e the folded
the strip of e
on the side. N xtra paper
ow you have a

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Folds and Creases

An origami creation is simply a series of folds and creases.
There are a few different kinds of folds that you will use to
make the projects in this book.

In some projects you will
need to crease the paper.
That means you fold it, press
down along the edge, and
unfold it again. This leaves
a line for you to use as a
reference for other folds.

Pinch Crease
Start to fold the paper but
don’t press down along the
entire edge. Just crease
the ends. Then unfold the
paper. This gives you a small
reference point instead of a
whole line.


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Valley Fold
Fold the paper toward you
so that it makes a V, or valley
shape. It is shown in directions
with a dashed line.

Mountain Fold Valley fold

Fold the paper away from
you, so that it makes a pointed
mountain shape. It is shown
in directions with a dotted and
dashed line.

Squash Fold
Open the flaps of a folded
piece of paper. Line up the
top corner to the bottom edge.
Then squash the paper flat, creasing
it along the new triangle edges.
Mountain fold

Squash fold

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Origami Symbols
Origami instructions are
easy to follow if you know
the language. Arrows, lines,
and dots are used to show
which folds you need to
make. See the chart on the
opposite page.

• Try to make your creases and folds as sharp as possible.
Press down your folds with your finger in the middle first, and
then run your thumbnail along the edge to each end. You can
also use a bone folder to make a sharper fold or crease.
• Always fold on a flat surface. Your folds and creases won’t be
sharp or even if you try to fold your project in your hands.
• Look at each instruction carefully. In most steps, you will
make a square, rectangle, or triangle shape out of the
paper. Notice when you have to line up these shapes along
creases, or how tall or wide they need to be. Also notice
when to flip the project over.
• If you are confused by an instruction, look ahead to the
next step to see how it should look next. That may help
you figure out what to do.

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Valley fold Mountain fold

Crease Pinch

This arrow means This arrow means

fold toward you. fold away from you.

This arrow means fold, This arrow means turn

crease, and unfold again. the project over.
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Building from Bases

Square base Below are base shapes that are used for
many origami projects. They are good
practice for reading origami instructions and
symbols. Try them out before you tackle a
larger project.

Square Base Steps

Use this base for the rainbow wheel (see
pages 18–19) and the flapping bird (see
pages 26–28).
1. With the white side of the paper up, valley
fold in half from top to bottom. Crease.
2. Valley fold in half from side to side.
Crease. Unfold. Turn the project over so
the colored side is up.
3. Valley fold diagonally from corner to
corner. Crease. Unfold.
4. Valley fold diagonally from the other
corner to corner. Crease. Unfold.
5. Push up on the center of the paper to
make it pop up. Bring the opposite
corners together. Press the paper flat so
you have a square shape.

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Triangle base Triangle Base Steps

Use this base for the fruit bowl (see pages 24–25).
1. With the colored side of the paper up, valley fold in
half from top to bottom. Crease. Unfold.
2. Valley fold in half from side to side. Crease. Unfold.
Turn the project over so the white side is up.
3. Valley fold diagonally from corner to corner.
Crease. Unfold.
4. Valley fold diagonally from the other corner to
corner. Crease. Unfold.
5. Turn the paper over so the colored side is up. Push
up on the center of the paper to make it pop up.
Bring the center of opposite edges together. Press
flat so you have a triangle shape.

Blintz Base Steps

Use this base for the robot nesting boxes (see pages
20–21) and the yawning cats (see pages 22–23).
1. With the white side of the paper facing up, valley
fold in half from top to bottom. Crease. Unfold.
2. Valley fold in half from side to side. Crease. Unfold.
3. Valley fold each corner into the center.

Blintz base

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Making Origami

ed paper!
Make your own pattern
You can buy interesting origami paper at a store,
but you can also make your own unique patterns!
Cover your workspace with newspaper. Cover yourself with
a smock or apron. Lay out your supplies. You will need a few
pieces of white copy paper, acrylic water-based paint, brushes,
a container of water, a paper plate to use as a palette, and
paper towels. Now its time to play with paint!

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Squeeze a few colors of

paint onto your palette. Dip
your brush in the water and
then in the paint. Now cover
your paper in a fun design!
Play around with different
strokes—straight, wavy, and
diagonal. The paint should be thin. If
it is too thick, the paint may crack when
you try to fold the paper. Try combining colors and making
patterns. Let the papers dry when you are done painting.
Here are some ideas for adding details to your designs:
• Cardboard Combs: Cut out a small piece of cardboard.
Then cut slits along one side. Bend up every other slit to
make a comb. Paint a layer of paint onto your paper, and
then swipe the comb over the surface. Try crisscrossing the
lines to make interesting patterns.
• Speckling: Dip an old toothbrush into paint. Hold the
toothbrush over the paper, and then run your finger along
the bristles. It will speckle the paint onto the paper.
• Sponges and Stamps: Dip a sponge into paint, and then
dab it all over the surface of your paper. You can also use a
ready-made stamp and ink pad to add decorative shapes.
• Markers: Draw doodles, dots, and squiggles! There is no
limit to the designs you can create. When the papers are
dry, cut them into squares for your origami projects.

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Book of Great Ideas

Make a minibook using simple mountain and valley folds. Fill
it with your ideas and sketches for future origami projects!

Materials Steps 1 and 2

• 3 8½ x 11-inch (22 x 28 cm) pieces
of white copy paper
• 1 8½ x 11-inch (22 x 28 cm) piece
of card stock paper (any color)

1. Start with a piece of white paper.
Pinch crease to find the center. Then
valley fold the bottom and top edges
to the center pinch crease.
2. Valley fold the paper in half from side
to side. Then mountain fold each side
to the center. Now you have a zigzag
of mountain and valley folds. Repeat
steps 1 and 2 with another piece of
white paper.
3. Repeat step 1 with the third piece of
white paper. But this time, flip the
project over. Valley fold the middle,
and mountain fold the sides as
described in step 2.
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Steps 5 and 6

4. Slide the end of one paper into the

end of the next. Repeat this until
you have created one continuous
accordion strip of paper. The flat
sides should be in front and the
seam sides should be in back.
5. To make a cover, pinch crease the
colored card stock paper. Valley
fold the bottom and top to about
¼ inch (0.5 cm) from the center
pinch crease. There should be space
between the edges.
6. Valley fold the paper in half. Unfold.
Valley fold the two sides to about
¼ inch (0.5 cm) from the center
crease, again leaving a small space
between them.
7. Slide the first “page” of your
accordion strip into the front pocket
of the cover piece. Slide the last page
of your accordion strip into the back
pocket of the cover piece.
8. Tuck the accordion pages in, and
close the cover like a book.

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When you make a bunch of
origami pieces and fit them
together into a design, it is called modular origami.
Use rainbow colors to create a three-dimensional piece to
dress up the top of a present. The bow will be part of the gift!

• 8 4½-inch (11 cm) squares of
origami paper, in rainbow colors
• White glue

1. Fold a square base (see page 12).
2. Squash fold the right flap to the center crease (see page 9).
Now your piece has two flaps on one side and one flap on
the other.

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3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the

remaining seven pieces of paper.
4. To fit your pieces together into a
wheel shape, insert the flap of one
piece in between the two flaps of
another piece. Use a little glue to hold
them together.
5. Continue until all the pieces
are connected.
6. Tape this colorful
decoration to the top
of a gift!

Mini Rainbo
w Wheel
Follow the s
ame instruc
above, but u tion
se smaller, 1 1 s as
(4 cm) squa /
re papers. Y 2-inch
glue this min ou can
to go with y on a card
our gift, or
make a card you c
to mail. The an
can easily b d
e flattened esign
inside an en to fit

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This project uses a design
called the masu box. A
masu box is a wooden
box traditionally used for
measuring rice in Japan.
Make a bunch of boxes in
different sizes. Nest them inside one another and cover them
with a lid. No one will expect all of the surprises inside!

Square pieces of card stock in gray, silver, or black in the
following sizes:
• 12 inches (30 cm, for the lid)
• 11½ inches (29 cm, for the largest box)
• 10½ inches (27 cm)
• 9 inches (23 cm)
• 7½ inches (19 cm)
• 6 inches (15 cm)
• 4½ inches (11 cm, for the smallest box)
• Small scraps of paper and glue for decoration

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1. Start with a blintz base (see page 13).
2. Valley fold the sides into the center.
Crease and unfold.
3. Unfold two triangle flaps on
opposite sides.
4. Valley fold the folded sides
into the center.
5. Lift the folded sides slightly.
Then lift the top pointed end
and bring it toward the center.
At the same time, tuck in the
edges and fold them on their
creases to form the sides of the
box. Fold the pointed end down
into the box.
6. Repeat step 5 on the other side.
If the paper does not sit flat on the
bottom, secure it with a small dab of glue.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 with all
of the other papers so that you
have seven boxes of various sizes.
The largest box is the cover.
8. Decorate your boxes with robot
details or some other design of
your choice.

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This cat hand puppet is worn-out
from all the folding! She can’t
stop yawning. Use a smaller piece
of paper to make her a kitten.

• 6-inch (15 cm) square orange origami paper
(or any cat color)
• 3½-inch (9 cm) square origami paper of a
matching color

1. Start with a blintz base (see page 13). Turn it over.
2. Valley fold each corner into the center.

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3. Bring the four corners together along

the existing creases. Then mountain
fold the four flaps around the model so
they stick out at the sides.
4. Mountain fold the two bottom flaps
into the pockets on the underside of
the model. Keep the top flaps out as ears.
5. Glue the top two triangles together.
Glue the bottom two together as well.
Insert your fingers into the back of
your model and make the mouth
open and close.
6. Decorate the puppet with the
features of a cat’s face, such
as a nose, whiskers, eyes, and
stripes. Add a tongue inside the mouth.

7. Repeat all the steps with

the smaller piece of
paper to make a kitten.

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Fruit Bowl
This traditional origami model is
called the water bomb. You can use it
to make a bowl of fruit. Use larger papers
for apples and oranges. Use smaller papers for
grapes or berries. Display your creations in a bowl!

• 1 6-inch (15 cm) square red origami paper (for an apple)
• 1 6-inch (15 cm) square green origami paper (for an apple)
• 1 6-inch (15 cm) square orange origami paper (for an orange)
• 1 6-inch (15 cm) square purple origami paper (for a plum)
• 3 3-inch (8 cm) square blue origami papers (for blueberries)
• Toothpick (if needed)
• 4-inch (10 cm) square brown origami papers (for stems)
• Green origami paper (for leaves)
• White glue

1. Start with a triangle base (see page 13).
2. Valley fold the corners of the top
layer up to the top point.
3. Valley fold the corners of the
top layer into the center.

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4. Valley fold the top tips down.

5. Tuck these flaps into the
pockets so that they lie flat.
6. Turn the piece over. Repeat
steps 1 to 5 on this side.
7. Hold two opposite flaps in your
fingers, and find the
end with the small hole.
Blow into the hole to
inflate the cube with air. If it doesn’t
fully inflate, you can stick a toothpick
in the hole and use it to help push
out the sides.
8. Cut the brown origami paper in half.
Roll up each half starting from the
short ends. These will be your stems.
Stick the stems in the top of the fruits.
9. Cut out leaf details from a piece of
Blow here
green origami paper. Glue them on to inflate
the top of the fruits to make leaves.
Repeat steps 1-9 to make a second
apple, a plum, an orange, and
three blueberries.

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Birds are a very common origami
shape. This design is tricky, so take
your time. After you’ve made one bird,
keep practicing your origami skills and make a whole flock!

• 1 6-inch (15 cm) square
origami paper (any color)
• Pencil

1. Start with a square base (see page 12).
2. Valley fold both sides of the top layer to the
center to make a kite shape. Unfold.
3. Valley fold the top point down. Crease.
4. Turn the model over. Repeat
steps 2 and 3.

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5. Unfold the side flaps. Lift the

bottom point upward.
Mountain fold the side
creases. Press flat.
6. Turn the project over. Repeat
step 5 on the other side.
7. Open the right flap, and then
press it down toward the left. Step 5
Turn the project over and repeat
on the other side.
8. Valley fold the bottom point to
the top points. Turn over and
repeat on the other side.

Step 6 Step 7

Step 8

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9. Gently pull out the points on the right

and left (these will be the head and
tail). On the bottom of the model,
press the new creases flat so the
points stick out the sides.
10. To make the head, bend the tip
downward, mountain fold the sides,
and valley fold the center. Press the
new creases.
11. Roll each wing around a pencil so that
it curves outward.

How to Make
Flap the Bird
Hold your m
point on the l at the bottom
your thumb a d side with
With your o forefinger.
ther hand, p
the tail up ull
and down. T
bird’s wings he
will flap!

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Share Your Creations

How will you share your paper
You can make them into ornaments
by using a needle and thread. Poke a
small hole in the top or center of the
piece and pull the thread through.
Knot the ends. Hang your creation on
a tree branch or make lots of designs
to make a mobile.
At a party, you can scatter origami models on a
table as place cards or party favors. Use huge pieces of paper
to fold larger decorations to hang from the ceiling.
Write a note to a friend,
and then fold it up into a bird,
Practice Makes
cat, or piece of fruit! Your (Almost)
friend can unfold your gift to
Your first attemp
get the message. ts at origami may
come out lopsided
Or just make origami . The sides may n
be symmetrical. B ot
for yourself. Take the time u t k e e p practicing!
The more you try
to pause in your busy day. the better you’ll
get. Don’t get fru
Carry on the tradition of strated if your
creation isn’t perf
folding paper to make ect. Crafts are
often more specia
amazing creations. l when you can
t ell they are home

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creases (KREE-siz) folds or lines in fabric or paper
durable (DOOR-uh-buhl) tough and lasting for a long time
inflate (in-FLAYT) to make something expand by blowing or pumping
air into it
modular (MAJ-uh-lur) made up of several different pieces of similar size
palette (PAL-uht) a flat board that is used for mixing paints
precise (pri-SISE) very accurate or exact
symmetrical (suh-MET-ri-kuhl) having matching parts or shapes on
both sides of a dividing line
three-dimensional (THREE duh-MEN-shuhn-uhl) having the three
dimensions of length, width, and height
traditional (truh-DISH–uhn-uhl) having to do with customs, ideas, or
beliefs that are handed down from one generation to the next

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For More Information

Boursin, Didier. Origami for Everyone: Beginner, Intermediate,
Advanced. Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books, 2011.
Catel, Patrick. Japan. Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2012.
Jackson, Paul, and Miri Golan. Origami Zoo: 25 Fun Paper Animal
Creations. Layton, UT: Gibbs Smith, 2011.
Meinking, Mary, and Chris Alexander. Easy Origami: A Step-By-Step
Guide for Kids. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press, 2010.
Nguyen, Duy. Monster Origami. New York: Sterling, 2007.

Web Sites
Exploratorium Magazine: Exploring Paper
To learn more about the ancient art of origami.

Origami USA
Check out this site for origami tips and sample projects to try.

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blintz base, 13 mountain folds, 9, 11 stickers, 7
bone folders, 6–7, 10 symbols, 5, 10–11
book of great ideas project, needles, 7 symmetry, 29
ornaments, 29 tape, 7
cardboard combs, 15 thread, 7, 29
crayons, 7 paint, 7, 14, 15 traditions, 4–5
creases, 6–7, 8, 10, 11 paper, 6, 7, 14–15, 19 triangle base, 13
paper cutters, 7
details, 15 pinch creases, 8, 11 valley folds, 9, 11

flapping bird project, 12, rainbow wheel project, 12, word origin, 4
26–28 18–19
folds, 10, 11 robot nesting boxes project, yawning cats project, 13,
fruit bowl project, 13, 24–25 13, 20–21 22–23
rulers, 7 Yoshizawa, Akira, 5
glue, 7
scissors, 7
history, 4–5 sharing, 29
speckling, 15
markers, 7, 15 sponges, 15
masu boxes, 20 square base, 12
mini rainbow wheel project, square paper, 7, 19
19 squash folds, 9
modular origami, 18 stamps, 15

About the Author

Dana Meachen Rau is the author of more than
300 books for children on many topics, including
science, history, cooking, and crafts. She creates,
experiments, researches, and writes from her home
office in Burlington, Connecticut.

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