Fundamentals of Software Engineering

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IT3205: Fundamentals of

Software Engineering

BIT – 2nd Year

Semester 3
IT3205 - Software Design

IT3205: Fundamentals of Software



Duration: 3 hours

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Learning Objectives
• Select appropriate programming language and
development tools for a given problem
• Identify the features of a good program, good
programming practices and program

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Detailed Syllabus

5.1 Programming languages and development tools

5.2 Selecting languages and tools

5.3 Good programming practices

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What is Coding (Implementation)?

• Transforms the design specification to source code that can be
executed on a computer.
• This is the final stage of the series of front end activities we
have been dealing with.
• Coding is relatively straight forward given a design
• Coding is a minor activity compared to the other phases of
• A good design may be spoiled by the bad choice of a
• However, a bad design cannot be corrected through coding.

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What is Coding (Implementation)?

• Choice of the language and the coding style are important
issues to consider.
• The programmer translates the design into source code of the
chosen programming language.
• The language translator converts the source code in to
executable code in several steps.
• Certain design issues may not be supported by the language
in which case the coder may choose to violate design.
• Although design quality should not be compromised because
of a language issue, design approach may depend on the
language choice.

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• The goal of the coding is to implement the design in
the best possible manner.
• Coding activity affects both testing and maintenance
• Time spent in coding is a small percentage of the
total software cost, but the goal should be to reduce
the cost of later phases.
• Having readability and understandability as a clear
objective of the coding activity can itself help in
producing software that is more maintainable.
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Language Features
This table describes the strengths and weaknesses of some of the more important
languages in current use.
Language Features Strengths Weaknesses
Ada - Procedural - Strong type checking - Large run time system
- Some object reduces errors on requires.
orientation built in applications. - Expensive to develop
exception handling. - US DOS support applications.
- Strong type checking - Good for safety critical - Requires powerful
- No pointers and military machine to run on.
- Defined standards applications.
- Compliers meet the
defined standards.
C - Procedural - Close to hardware/OS - Poor exception handling
- Weak type checking - Fast and efficient support.
- Very low level pointers applications can be - Memory handling leads
- Flexible built. to unreliable code.
- Widely used - Compilers all different,
don’t meet standard.
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Language Features
Language Features Strengths Weaknesses
C++ - OO extension to C. - All those of C and OO - As for C and can simple
- Weak type checking concepts of write C.
- Flexible Polymorphism,
- Pointers Inheritance (single &
multiple), Encapsulation
COBOL - Procedural - Suited to batch TP - Large run time system
- Strong I/O handling for applications required.
transaction processing - Widely used - Old - many features
(TP). - Most 4GLs interface to simply added on later.
- Defined standards COBOL. - Not all compilers meet
Fortran - Procedural - Suited to data analysis - Old - more modern
- Strong arithmetic where significant languages provide most of
support through arithmetic processing the features.
libraries. required.

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Language Features
Language Features Strengths Weaknesses
Java - Object Oriented - Platform independent. - Requires own run time
- Better type checking - Dynamic downloading environment.
than C but still of classes. - Controlled by a
reasonably weak. - Good user interface commercial organization.
- Standard defined by and network support
Sun Microsystems. through libraries.
- Ideal for network
Pascal - Procedural Good teaching language - Not widely used in
- Strong type checking industry
- Defined standard - Poor environment
Visual - Simple procedural - Suited to small - Performance
Basic language. applications and - Complex data structures
- Interpreted prototyping. cannot be modeled.
- Extensive Windows - Some OO concepts in
programming support user interface handling.
- Widely used
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Language Features
Language Features Strengths Weaknesses
Visual - C++ programming - Support for windows - Portability of code.
C++ environment for MS programming.
Windows - User interface design.
- Syntax sensitive
- Some code generation
C# - Object oriented - In C# Microsoft has - Cannot perform unsafe
language derived from taken care of C++ casts like convert double
C++ and Java. problems such as to a Boolean.
- .NET includes a Memory management,
Common Execution pointers.
engine and a rich class - It supports garbage
library. collection, automatic
- The classes and data memory management
types are common to all and a lot.
of the .NET languages

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Selecting Languages and Tools

• There's no language suitable for all tasks, and there probably won't ever
be one.
• When choosing a programming language, you have to balance
programmer productivity, maintainability, efficiency, portability, tool
support, and software and hardware interfaces.
• Often, one of these factors will shape your decision. In other cases, the
choice depends on the productivity you gain from certain language
features, such as modularity and type checking, or external factors, such
as integrated development environment support.
• Finally, for some tasks, adopting an existing domain-specific language,
building a new one, or using a general-purpose declarative language can
be the right choice.

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Coding Practices
• Allow code to be written in a more predictable and
maintainable fashion.
• While working code can be written without these techniques
it is rare for such code to be maintainable other than by the
original author.
• There are three main areas to consider;
– Reliability ->Is the software fault free?
Two complementary approaches:
1. Fault avoidance-develop so that errors are not introduced.
2. Fault tolerance-develop so that the program continues when faults
– Readability ->can be code to be easily maintained.
– Reuse ->can the code be used again.

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Programming for reliability

• Reliable code is that which conforms to its
specification and continues in operation in all but
most extreme circumstances.
• There are two techniques used to increase the
reliability of code,
1. avoidance and
2. tolerance

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Programming for reliability

• Following structured programming techniques leads
to code that is less likely to have faults and is easier
to correct.
– Fault avoidance
• Aims to ensure the code has few errors as possible.
– Fault tolerance
• Aims to produce code that will continue to function in the
presence of errors.
• Fault tolerance includes:
– Exception Handling
– Defensive programming
– Fault recovery

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Exception Handling
• An exception is an error or unexpected event.
Traditional languages, Pascal, C etc. have no specific
support for handling exceptions, newer languages,
Ada, Java, have some in built exception handling.
– Procedure A calls Procedure B
– Procedure B calls Procedure C
– An exception occurs in procedure C
– B cannot continue
– Need to signal exception to A
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Exception Handling
• With traditional languages we must resort to setting
error or status variables which can be shared or
passed from procedure to procedure,
for example:
/* allocate an integer array of SIZE elements */
int *intArray = (int *)malloc(SIZE);
if (intArray =» NULL)
/* no heap memory available */
return -1;

Still have to unwind the nested function calls.

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Exception Handling
With Java exception handling is built into the language

Throw exception Catch exception

class counter { class myClass {
int total; // Class definition
int number_values; public void myMethod {
// Counter methods counter counterOne;
public int Average() { // Method implementation
if (this.number_values == 0) // Get the average
throw new DivideException (), try {
else counterOne.Average() ;
// division code } catch ( DivideException e) {
} System.out.println("Division by zero");
} }

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Defensive programming
• Assume that there are faults and inconsistencies in the system
and validate data.
• Example checks are:
– internal data states, for example probabilities between 0 and 1, money
= integer + 2 decimal places etc.
– checksums
– array bounds checking
– division by 0
– pointer validation - check that pointer is allocated and points to a data
– If any problems occur then the system must recover to a safe state.

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Fault recovery
• Forward recovery, correct damaged system
• Error detection and correction of coded data
• File or database recovery
• Backward recovery, restore system to a safe
• Database transaction roll-back

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Programming for readability

• One of the major problems with reviewing and
maintaining code is that the code is unreadable.
• A number of straight forward techniques are
available for improving the readability of the code
and therefore reducing review and maintenance
– Naming conventions
– Data types
– Control constructs

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Naming conventions
• It is important on projects of more than one person or on the
development of software applications which are to be
maintained (all of them!) that some form of naming
conventions are drawn up at the start of the project.
• The naming conventions would cover such things as program
names, function and procedure names, variable names,
constant names source file names and so on.
• This is important in reducing the effort required for anyone
except the author to read and understand the code.

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Naming conventions
• This is true during the development phase, when reviews and
such like are carried out, and during the maintenance phase
when the code has to be changed by someone unfamiliar with
• Typically large organizations will have company wide naming
standards which must be followed by all projects.
• As well as following the standards laid down, names should
always be meaningful, for example the name of a function
should reflect the purpose of the function.

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Naming conventions
• Example naming conventions for the 'C' language might be:
1. All constant names are in upper case and begin C, for example
2. All variable names are in mixed case with each word beginning with
a capital, variable names may be prefixed with a lower case letter
indicating the type of the variable, i for int, l for long etc.,
for example, int iCurrentTime;
3. All variable names should reflect the use of the variable, i.e. it should
describe the real world object represented.
for example;
List UnknownWordList; // Good
List u_list; // Bad
Loop indexes can use i, j etc.

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Naming conventions
• Example naming conventions for the 'C' language might be:
4. Function and procedure names are in mixed case with each word
beginning with a capital, function names may be prefixed with a
lower case letter indicating the return type of the function, i for int,
v for void etc.,
for example,
void vCalculateTotal(List SubTotalList) {
5. Function and procedure names must describe the purpose of the
function or procedure.
6. Source code file names must reflect the contents of the file
for example,
CalculateTotal.c - contains the function CalculateTotal

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Data types
• Use abstract data types to make the code

Type TrafficLightColour is (red, amber, green);
ColourShowing, NextColour: TrafficLightColour;

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Control constructs
• Use the standard flow control constructs for
structured programming, sequence, selection
and iteration, flow should be from the top of
the program down.
• Loops, decision statements, routines etc.
should all have single entry and exit points,
avoid gotos, breaks,exits etc.
• Functions should have a single return.

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Control constructs
• Keep code simple - one possible complexity heuristic is;
1. Start with 1 for the straight path through the routine
2. Add 1 for each control keyword, if, while, repeat, and, or etc.
3. Add 1 for each keyword in a case. If the case does not have a default
it should.

– given the above total then judge the complexity as follows:

• 1-5 Routine probably ok
• 6-10 May need some re-design and/or simplification
• >10 Too complex, redesign required.

– In addition to the above the amount of data, number of lines etc.

could be taken into account.

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Technical considerations
• Environment
– the language should support the features of the environment in which
the application is to run, for example if the application is to run on the
Windows operating system then the programming language and
development tools should help to reduce the effort required to
produce the user interface, that is use Visual C++ or Borland C++
rather than a basic C compiler and the Windows SDK.
• Language support
– the language selected must have good support within the
environment on which development will take place and in which the
application will run. It is much easier to develop mainframe data
processing applications in COBOL or some 4GL rather than 'C' or Ada.

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Technical considerations
• Performance
– applications which have critical speed and size performance
requirements cannot usually be built using an interpreted language
such as Basic or a language which requires a complex run time system
such as Smalltalk or Java as the overhead in the run time system is too
• Safety / security
– safety critical and secure applications usually require a programming
language which supports these requirements. Thus a nuclear power
station control system might be written in Ada rather than 'C'.
• Interfaces to other systems
– if the application must interface to other systems then these may
restrict the languages which can be used.

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Non-technical considerations
Here we must look at the project as a whole and the business
objectives of the organization. It should be noted that these
considerations are typically more important than the purely
technical factors.
• Timescales
– the project timescales may restrict the choice of languages, for
example selecting a language known by the programmers will reduce
timescales, or help to meet timescales.
• Maintenance
– if the application is to be passed on to a maintenance team then the
skills of the maintenance team and the nature of the other
applications being maintained may have a bearing on the language
chosen. Do you want to have to re-train the maintenance staff?

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Non-technical considerations
• Other applications
– if all other applications built and maintained by the organization are
written in COBOL, for example, then there is a very strong argument
for building new applications in COBOL.
• Available tools
– what compilers, debuggers are currently available in the workplace?
Buying new software to support the development may increase the
development costs significantly.

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Non-technical considerations
• Risk
– adopting new technology always carries an associated risk, on a
project which is critical to the business such risks may be
• Morale
– programmers love to use the latest technology, on a non-critical
project it may be beneficial to use an innovative approach to
development to retain the interest of the staff, for example Java could
be used to develop some small in-house utility. This has the added
advantage of bringing new technical knowledge into the organization.

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Good Programming Practices

Before you write one line of code, be sure you:
– Understand the problem you’re trying to solve
– Understand basic design principles and concepts
– Pick a programming language that meets the needs of the
software to be built and the environment in which it will
– Select a programming environment that provides tools
that will make your work easier
– Create a set of unit tests that will be applied once the
component you code is completed

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Good Programming Practices

As you begin writing code, be sure you:
– Constrain your algorithms by following structured programming
– Select data structures that will meet the needs of the design
– Understand the software architecture and create interfaces that are
consistent with it
– Keep conditional logic as simple as possible
– Create nested loops in a way that makes them easily testable
– Select meaningful variable names and follow other local coding
– Write code that is self-documenting
– Create visual layout that aids understanding

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Code Reviews
• A code review is also called technical review.
• The code review for a module is carried out after the
module is successfully compiled and all the syntax
errors eliminated.
• These are extremely cost effective strategies for
reduction in coding error in order to produce high
quality code.
• In a review, a work product is examined for defects
by individuals other than the person who produced
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Code Reviews
• A work product is any important deliverable created
during the requirements, design, coding, or testing
phase of software development.
– Examples of work products are phase plans, requirements
models, requirements and design specifications, user
interface prototypes, source code, architectural models,
user documentation, and test scripts.
• Reviews can be conducted by individuals or group
• There are two types of code reviews;
1. Code walk-throughs
2. Code inspection.
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Code Reviews
• Code reviews can often find and remove
common vulnerabilities such as format string
exploits, race conditions, memory leaks and
buffer overflows, thereby improving software
• Improve the quality of the code being
• Improve programmers

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Code Reviews
• A code review is not a meeting to;
– negatively criticize someone else's code
– criticize architecture or design (unless it is an
architectural or design review)
– criticize a colleague
– determine whether someone is to be removed
from a project or not
– determine whether someone is performing up to

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Code Walkthrough
• Objectives of Code Walkthrough are;
– To discover algorithmic and logical errors in the
– To consider alternative implementations
– To ensure compliance to standards &

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Code Walkthrough
• This an informal code analysis technique. In this
technique when a module has been coded, it is
compiled and eliminate all syntax errors.
• Some members of the development team are given
the code few days before the walkthrough meeting
to read and understand the code.
• Each member selects some test cases and simulates
the execution of the code by hand.
• The team performing the code walkthrough consists
of 3-7 members
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Code Inspection
• Software maintenance is the general process of
changing a system after it is diverted.
• This change includes corrections of coding errors,
design errors, specification errors or accommodation
of new requirements.
• There are three types of software maintenance:
1. repair software faults
2. adapt the software to a different operating system
3. add or modify the system’s functionality

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Code Inspection
• Errors detected during code inspection;
– Use of uninitialized variables
– Jumps in to loops
– Non terminating loops
– Incompatible assignments
– Array indices out of bounds
– Improper storage allocation and deallocation
– Mismatches between actual and formal parameters in
procedure calls
– Improper modification of loops

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