This document describes using a classroom blog and website creation tool to teach a lesson on the four types of productive resources. It discusses how the tool allows students to access assignments and materials from home to support a flipped classroom model. Examples are given of how the teacher could structure the lesson, having students find and write examples of each resource type for homework then discussing them in class. The document emphasizes that the online tools provide resources to students anytime and accommodate different learning needs.
This document describes using a classroom blog and website creation tool to teach a lesson on the four types of productive resources. It discusses how the tool allows students to access assignments and materials from home to support a flipped classroom model. Examples are given of how the teacher could structure the lesson, having students find and write examples of each resource type for homework then discussing them in class. The document emphasizes that the online tools provide resources to students anytime and accommodate different learning needs.
This document describes using a classroom blog and website creation tool to teach a lesson on the four types of productive resources. It discusses how the tool allows students to access assignments and materials from home to support a flipped classroom model. Examples are given of how the teacher could structure the lesson, having students find and write examples of each resource type for homework then discussing them in class. The document emphasizes that the online tools provide resources to students anytime and accommodate different learning needs.
This document describes using a classroom blog and website creation tool to teach a lesson on the four types of productive resources. It discusses how the tool allows students to access assignments and materials from home to support a flipped classroom model. Examples are given of how the teacher could structure the lesson, having students find and write examples of each resource type for homework then discussing them in class. The document emphasizes that the online tools provide resources to students anytime and accommodate different learning needs.
Lesson Idea Name: The Four Types of Productive Resources
Content Area: Social Studies Grade Level(s): 3rd Content Standard Addressed: SS3E1: Define and give examples of the four types of productive resources. a. Natural (land) b. Human (labor) c. Capital (capital goods) d. Entrepreneurship (risk-taking and combining natural, human, and capital resources in an attempt to make a profit)
Technology Standard Addressed: 3- Knowledge Constructor
Selected Technology Tool:
☒ Blog ☐ Wiki ☐ Other: Website Creation Tool (list):
URL( to support the lesson (if applicable):
The use of EduBlogs is an online tool that can address various types of students. Teachers can assign online activities or assignments for extra practice. All students can access the numerous resources that are linked within the classroom’s EduBlog at school or home. Students can refer to the directions or assignments as many times as they want. If students needed to complete an assignment at home, the students who stress over how long it may take them have the opportunity to take their time. Teachers have the capabilities to include a podcast or video for further instruction. This option may be used for students who are absent or for implementing a Flipped Classroom Model. If there is a podcast, most teachers complete a transcript to accompany the audio for additional support to auditory learners or ELL’s.
Lesson idea implementation:
Within my lesson, I used the Flipped Classroom Model on the Four Types of Productive Resources. I created a special page called Flipped Classroom where all these types of assignments will be located. The Flipped Classroom Model designates students to complete an activity or view material that will be covered the following day. This decreases the time a teacher uses to introduce the topic because students should be familiarized with the learning topic from the previous night. Using a podcast, I assigned the students to find and write three examples of each type of the productive resources. The next time I meet with the students, I would first have a discussion about their examples for each type of productive resource. I would record their responses on chart paper, so students have another reference within the classroom. Afterwards, we would review the definition of each type of resource before completing a quiz as a formative assessment. I would collect all the student’s examples as a completion grade, and then comment on them. If students demonstrate that they are struggling with the content, then it may be an indication to review the content before moving on. Summer 2017_SJB Classroom Blog and Website Creation Tools Importance of technology: This assignment does not require a website-creation tool; however, it provides a resource that is available at any point. Of course, a teacher could pass out a hardcopy to each student, but those can easily be lost or crumpled along the way from school to home. Also, if students were absent during that lesson they can still access the assignment from home.
Inspiration (optional): I used the same standard and content from a previous lesson. It seemed that a Blog would be an excellent accompaniment to my Nearpod presentation.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy:
Teachers can minimize risk by informing their students about the safety and Internet policies for their school district. EduBlogs provides a privacy setting that requires people to have a password to access a specific page. This can alleviate parents’ concerns for unnecessary information being available to everyone. Parents also have the option to sign a permission form that denies the school access to publish work or images of their child. All students are protected by FERPA that guarantees their privacy. Teachers need to be vigilant when posting on their blog to ensure that they are following policies. Before choosing a blog website, teachers will check terms and conditions to guarantee everything is student safe. Reflective Practice: Because I posted the assignment online, students and parents have access to the information anytime. I could have created a template for the students to use when they write their three examples. The students could copy the template on their own sheet of paper instead of having to print them out. Within my EduBlogs there are other resources that could assist students with additional support if they struggle with the learning content. Everything is accessible on this blog making it extremely easy to navigate. I could also post the chart paper with the students’ responses on the blog as a reference.