Lesson Plan Format: Laptops, Textbooks, VAPD
Lesson Plan Format: Laptops, Textbooks, VAPD
Lesson Plan Format: Laptops, Textbooks, VAPD
Finish: 12:30pm
Key Learning Area: Pop Art throughout America in the Lesson Topic: Analyzing artworks in regards to The Frames
1960S and 70s
Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
- Frequent use and development of artistic skills using the frames
- Students are able to recognize appropriate artworks and artists
- Students have developed their skills regarding art making in Pop Art
Syllabus Outcome(s): Indicators of Learning for this lesson: Assessment:
One or two only. Please note the syllabus Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). Quote Strategies which will be used to assess learners’
reference number AND write out in full. syllabus numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable. Curriculum attainment of learning outcomes. Should be
Content Strands may be used as headings. linked to each learning indicator.
By the end of this lesson, the students will:
- 5.3 - Have sound (potential competent) skills in identifying Pop Art artworks - The Frames
How the Frames affect meaning in Visual Arts and artists - Understanding of appropriate artworks
and artists and links to the frames
- Have developed a deeper understanding of the world around the Pop
Art movement
- 5.4
Investigates the world as a source of ideas - Furthered their skills in analyzing art movements in regards to the
frames and conceptual framework
Any safety issues to be considered: Resources:
NIL List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.
Laptops, textbooks, VAPD
Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning (What Timing Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences: Resources and Organisation:
is Taught): (mins) (How it is taught)
Note key skills, concepts and values addressed Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and what
in each section. Link to your Indicators of students (Ss) will do.
Basic introduction to Andy Warhol à majority 10-15min Students will read allocated passage on Andy Warhol and Caves to Canvas Page 328-329
of class will focus around him individually write key points in their VAPD on a new page
Students will divide into 4 groups of 4. Each Together in groups students will complete their allocated section of Student directed learning (to be
group is allocated a section of the frames. New the frames monitored by staff)
groups are formed with one member from each 5min
initial group.
Group 1: Subjective
Group 2: Structural
Group 3: Cultural
Group 4: Post Modern
These 4 new groups are to analyse the 2 Pop 15min
Artworks as presented on the PP presentation in
the worksheet provided
Groups are then required to reconnect to 15 min
discuss information and fill out rest of
Students to glue in worksheet on the following 5min
page of their VAPD
Any remaining work to be completed for - - -
homework for next lesson. Will be marked and