Refresher Course Revised Notification
Refresher Course Revised Notification
Refresher Course Revised Notification
As per Government of India’s Gazette notification, October 2010, the Bureau of Energy
Efficiency (BEE), had issued “Certified Energy Manager” certificates to candidates, both
Energy Managers and Energy Auditors, who have passed the National Certification
Examination of BEE.
Further, it is specified in the Gazette that, “this certificate shall be valid for Five Years with
effect from the date of award of this certificate and shall be renewable subject to attending
the prescribed refresher training course once in every five years”
Accordingly, all Energy Manager and Energy Auditor candidates, who have passed the
National Certification Examination, between 1st to 12th Exam and have received their
“CERTIFIED ENERGY MANAGER’ certificate from BEE in February 2013, are hereby
notified that, they are required to attend the REFRESHER TRAINING COURSE,
conducted by BEE.
Candidates are requested to send the following documents either by post in sealed
envelope to The Regional Director & Controller of Examination, National Productivity
Council, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Productivity, 6, Aavin Dairy Road, Ambattur Industrial
Estate (North), Ambattur, Chennai- 600050 super scribing “Refresher Course”:-
If you have already sent your willingness, please ignore this mail. The last date for sending
the filled in form and the documents by either way is 15th June 2018.
2 Father’s name
4 Residential address
Photograph of
the energy auditor
5 Official address
8 Nature of work done for three years (may attach separate sheet)
Date Name:
Place Designation: