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Examples of UHF Tag Usage Page |2

1 Overview ....................................................................................................... 7

1.1 Sending Commands to the Reader ................................................................... 7

1.2 Setting up RF Regional Compliance .................................................................. 7

1.3 Summary of Tag Functions ............................................................................ 8

2 Selecting Tags ................................................................................................. 9

2.1 Using Auto-Detect Functionality...................................................................... 9

2.2 Selecting Any Tag (Auto Detect).....................................................................10

2.3 Selecting Any Supported Tag Continuously ........................................................11

2.3.1 Start of Loop Mode ...............................................................................11

2.3.2 Reading Tags ......................................................................................12

2.3.3 End Loop Mode....................................................................................12

2.4 Selecting All Tags of Any Type (Inventory Mode) .................................................13

3 Commands for EPC Class1 Gen1 Tags.....................................................................14

3.1 Selecting Only EPC Class1 Gen1 Tags ...............................................................14

3.2 Reading a Single Block ................................................................................15

3.3 Reading Multiple Blocks from an EPC Class1 Gen1 Tag ..........................................16

3.4 Writing an 8-Byte EPC to an EPC Class1 Gen1 Tag................................................17

3.5 Writing a 12-Byte EPC .................................................................................18

3.6 Locking an EPC Class1 Gen1 Tag.....................................................................19

3.7 Setting the Kill Password .............................................................................20

3.8 Killing an EPC Class1 Gen1 Tag ......................................................................21

4 Commands for EPC Class1 Gen2 (ISO 18000-6C) Tags..................................................22

4.1 Address Organization of Tag Memory ...............................................................22

4.2 Selecting Only EPC Class1 Gen2 Tags ...............................................................23

4.3 Performing a Fast Inventory ..........................................................................24

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4.4 Select tags using the TID Field .......................................................................25

4.4.1 Inventory with 3 tags in the field ..............................................................25

4.4.2 Inventory with EPC Mask ........................................................................26

4.4.3 Inventory with TID Mask .........................................................................26

4.5 Reading a Single Block from an EPC Class1 Gen2 Tag ............................................27

4.6 Reading Multiple Blocks ...............................................................................28

4.7 Writing a Single Block .................................................................................29

4.8 Writing Multiple Blocks ................................................................................29

4.9 Writing a 12-byte EPC .................................................................................30

4.10 Writing to the User Memory Bank ...................................................................31

4.11 Writing a Tag Password ...............................................................................32

4.12 Sending a Tag Password ...............................................................................33

4.13 Using Lock Functionality ..............................................................................34

4.13.1 Permanently Locking a Memory Bank .........................................................36

4.13.2 Password Protecting a Memory Bank ..........................................................37

4.13.3 Setting the Kill Password ........................................................................38

4.13.4 Killing an EPC Class1 Gen2 Tag.................................................................39

4.14 Using Load Image Functionality for Alien Higgs Tags.............................................40

4.14.1 Using the LoadImage Command ...............................................................42

5 Commands for ISO18000-6B Tags..........................................................................44

5.1 Selecting an ISO18000-6B Tag ........................................................................44

5.2 Reading a Single Block ................................................................................44

5.3 Reading Multiple Blocks ...............................................................................46

5.4 Writing a Single Block .................................................................................47

5.5 Writing Multiple Blocks ................................................................................48

5.6 Locking a Single Block .................................................................................49

6 Commands Usable for EM Tag Types......................................................................50

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6.1 About Mixing EM Tag Types...........................................................................50

6.2 Selecting Any EM Tag ..................................................................................50

6.3 Continuously selecting EM Tags ......................................................................51

6.4 Selecting All Types of EM (Anti-Collision/Inventory Mode)......................................53

6.5 Reading EM Tags........................................................................................54

6.6 Writing EM Tags ........................................................................................55

6.7 Locking EM Tags ........................................................................................56

6.8 Configuring EM 4444 Tags.............................................................................58

6.8.1 Configuration Example ..........................................................................58

7 Revision History ..............................................................................................60

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Figure 1 Class1 Gen2 Tag Memory Banks and Blocks .....................................................22

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Table 1 Operations Supported for Each Tag Type ....................................................... 7

Table 2 Lock Command Payload ...........................................................................34

Table 3 Masks and Associated Action Fields .............................................................34

Table 4 Action Field Descriptions ..........................................................................35

Table 5 Layout for Data Payload for Load Image Command ..........................................40

Table 6 Configuration Values for Locking Memory ......................................................41

Table 7 Protocol Word Fields ...............................................................................42

Table 8 Example Tag Memory Configuration for ISO18000-6B Tag ...................................44

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1 Overview

The Examples of UHF Tag Usage Application Note provides examples of how to use the various
tag functions supported by the SkyeModule M7, M9 and M10, including selecting, reading, writing,
locking, killing, using tag passwords, and authenticating.

Except for tag select operations, which apply to all tags, different tags support different tag
functions. For a complete list of supported tags and which functions apply to each tags, see the
module’s Tag Support List, available from the SkyeWare Help tab, as a link from the SkyeWare
Documentation folder in the Windows Start menu, or as a file on your SkyeWare installation CD.
Also note that the M7 only supports Class1 Gen2 tag types.

Some tag operations apply to all tags (see “Selecting Tags” on page 9). Other tag operations
depend on the type of tag:

Table 1 Operations Supported for Each Tag Type

Tag Type Tag Operations Supported More Information

Class1 Gen1 Select only (no inventory,) read, “Commands for EPC Class1 Gen1 Tags” on page 14
write, lock and kill
Select, read, write, lock, and kill; “Commands for EPC Class1 Gen2 (ISO 18000-6C) Tags” on page
Class1 Gen2
tag password operations. 22
ISO18000-6B Select, Read, Write and Lock “Commands for ISO18000-6B Tags” on page 44

1.1 Sending Commands to the Reader

All commands in the following examples are sent to the reader using the SkyeTek Protocol v3 in
binary mode. You can send commands to the reader using SkyeWare 4 (Test tab), the SkyeWare C
API, the SkyeWare .NET API, or any custom software that you create that uses SkyeTek Protocol v3
to interact with the reader.

For additional information on system parameters and command formats, see

 “Customizing System Parameters” section of the SkyeModule Datasheet

 SkyeTek Protocol v3 Reference Guide
 SkyeTek Protocol v3 Examples

NOTE – If you set the tag type to Auto-Detect, the reader automatically includes the tag type in its
response when a tag is successfully detected.

1.2 Setting up RF Regional Compliance

To view compliance information and recommended reader settings, see “Recommended Radio Settings for
Regional Compliance” in the SkyeModule Datasheet. For additional information on system

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parameters and command formats, see “Customizing System Parameters,” also in the SkyeModule

1.3 Summary of Tag Functions

Using SkyeTek Protocol v3 commands, you can control the following tag functions with the

 Select – Queries tags in the field of the reader for their unique IDs or EPCs.
 Read – Reads data from the nonvolatile memory of a tag.
 Write – Writes data to the nonvolatile memory in a block or group of blocks on a tag
 Lock – Locks a nonvolatile memory block specified of the tag specified.
o Get Lock Status – Gets the lock status of the block specified.
 Kill – Permanently disables a tag.
 Tag Password – Writes a password to a tag or presents the tag with a password for
operations that require password authentication.

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2 Selecting Tags

Selection operations apply to all tag types.

The Select Tag command returns the Unique ID or the EPC code of a tag in the field of the reader. The
UID or EPC can later be used to address a specific tag when executing tag-specific commands. The
reader has several modes for selecting tags:

Autodetect Mode: Reader automatically selects any recognized tag placed in the detection field.

Loop Mode: Reader detects tags in a continuous loop until loop mode is turned off or until another
command stops the loop. (This function works only when the Reader ID system parameter is set to FFFFFFFF.
See “Selecting Any Supported Tag Continuously” on page 11 for more information.)

Inventory Mode: Reader selects all tags in the detection field until a tag is placed in the field or until
the inventory times out. This lets you read a “stack” of tags instead of reading and selecting each type
of tag individually.

NOTE – The format of the Select Tag response is the same for Loop and Inventory Modes.

2.1 Using Auto-Detect Functionality

 When you set the tag type to Auto-Detect, the reader determines the tag type of any tags in
the field and includes this information in the response if any tags are successfully detected.
There are several levels of Auto-Detect functionality:
 Auto-Detect – The reader scans for any tag type that it supports and reports back the UID (or EPC)
and tag type of the first tag it detects.
 Air Interface Auto-Detect – The reader scans for the first tag with the specified air interface
and reports back its UID (or EPC) and the tag type it detected. Tag types of different air
interfaces are reported.
 Manufacturer and Air Interface Specific Auto-Detect – The reader scans for the first tag with the
specified manufacturer and air interface and reports back its UID (or EPC) and tag type. Tag
types of different manufacturers with the same air interface are not reported.
 Tag Type Specific Select – The reader scans for the first tag of the specified tag type and report
its UID (or EPC). The tag type is not reported, nor are any other tag types in the field.

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2.2 Selecting Any Tag (Auto Detect)


 To select any type of supported tag, send the following parameter information to the reader:
 Command = Select Tag
 Mandatory Flags = None (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = Auto-Detect (causes reader to include the tag type in its response)

STX Msg. Length Flags Command Tag Type CRC

02 0008 0020 0101 0000 F81A


Based on the request, the reader returns the following information:

STX Msg. Length Response Code Tag Type TID Length TID / EPC CRC
02 0010 0101 8300 0008 E0040000B32A8D01 E1FF

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2.3 Selecting Any Supported Tag Continuously

Sending the following command sets up continuous monitoring of whatever supported tag type is detected.
The first time you send this command, it places the reader into loop mode, which sends a response
whenever a tag enters the detection field or when there is a change in the field. Sending any command to
the reader turns off loop mode.

NOTE – Loop mode is designed for demonstrations and read range testing. Therefore, loop mode only
works when the reader ID is set to the factory default of FFFFFFFF. In typical working applications,
readers with unique reader IDs are grouped together on one port or host; they do not need to remain in
loop mode, because the host system usually switches between different readers quickly and frequently.

NOTE – When using Loop mode, place only one tag at a time in the reader’s detection field. Refer to
the SkyeTek Developer Kit User Guide for more information about using Loop mode to test read range
and about anti-collision capabilities for multiple tags.


To set up continuous monitoring, send the following parameter information to the reader:

 Command = Select Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Loop Flag (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = Auto-Detect

STX Msg. Length Flags Command Tag Type CRC

02 0008 0021 0101 0000 F35E


2.3.1 Start of Loop Mode

The reader returns the following information when it starts loop mode:

STX Msg. Length Response Code CRC

02 0004 01C1 AD3C

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2.3.2 Reading Tags

The following table shows sample and responses from the reader while in Loop Mode as the user
places various tags one-at-a-time in the detection field. There can be any number of reads.

Msg. Response Tag TID

Length Code Type Length
02 0010 0101 8300 0008 E0040000B32A8D01 E1FF
02 0010 0101 8300 0008 E0040000B32A8D01 E1FF
02 0010 0101 8300 0008 E0040000B32A8D01 E1FF

02 0014 0101 8200 000C 334455660000000000000000 421E

02 0014 0101 8200 000C 334455660000000000000000 421E
02 0014 0101 8200 000C 334455660000000000000000 421E

2.3.3 End Loop Mode

The reader exits loop mode when you send another command.

STX Msg. Length Response Code CRC

02 0004 81C1 21F0

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2.4 Selecting All Tags of Any Type (Inventory Mode)

Inventory mode permits reading of all tags in the detection field. This lets you read a “stack” of
tags instead of having to read each type of tag individually. This mode gives you an easy way to
test or demonstrate the reader’s anti-collision capabilities.


To set up monitoring, send the following parameter information to the reader:

 Command = Select Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Inventory Flag (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)

STX Msg. Length Flags Command Tag Type CRC

02 0008 0022 0101 0000 EE92


The reader returns information for all tag types detected. At the end of the tag Inventory, the
reader will send the Inventory Complete Response code (810F).

Response TID
STX Msg. Length Tag Type TID / EPC CRC
Code Length
02 0014 0101 8100 000C 000000000000610222103654 084F
02 0014 0101 8200 000C 112233440707080809090A0A DF0B
02 0014 0101 8200 000C A01A050821A142106A010802 C354
02 0010 0101 8300 0008 E0040000989C6001 ABC3
02 0004 810F 0E82

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3 Commands for EPC Class1 Gen1 Tags

This section discusses tag commands that specifically apply to EPC Class 1 Gen1 tags. The
commands for loop and inventory mode discussed in the section (“Selecting Tags” on page 9) also
apply to these tags.

3.1 Selecting Only EPC Class1 Gen1 Tags


To detect only EPC Class1 Gen1 tags, send the following parameter information to the reader. (If
you set the tag type to EPC Class1 Gen1 Auto-Detect, the reader includes the tag type in the
response when a tag is successfully detected.)

 Command = Select Tag

 Mandatory Flags = None (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen1

STX Msg. Length Flags Command Tag Type CRC

02 0008 0020 0101 8100 6D0E


The reader sends the following response:

STX Msg. Length Response Code Tag Type TID Length TID / EPC CRC
02 0014 0101 8100 000C 00000000000061022210 084F

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3.2 Reading a Single Block


To read a single block from the EPC memory:

 Command = Read Tag

 Mandatory Flags = None (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen1
 The tag memory consists of the EPC and 2 bytes for Lock and Kill values
 Each block is a single byte in length

Msg. Tag Number

STX Flags Command Address CRC
Length Type Blocks
02 000C 0020 0102 8100 0002 0001 067A


Msg. Response Data

Length Code Length

02 0007 0102 0001 01 26B2

Each block is 1 byte long, so the Data Length value should be the same as the Number of Blocks
being read.

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3.3 Reading Multiple Blocks from an EPC Class1 Gen1 Tag


To read multiple blocks from the EPC memory:

 Command = Read Tag

 Mandatory Flags = None in ASCII mode, CRC flag in Binary Mode
 Tag Type = EPC Class 1 Gen1

Msg. Tag Number

STX Flags Command Address CRC
Length Type Blocks
02 000C 0020 0102 8100 0002 0003 2568


Msg. Response Data

Length Code Length

02 0009 0102 0003 010200 26B2

Each block is one byte long, so the Data Length value should be the same as the Number of Blocks
being read.

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3.4 Writing an 8-Byte EPC to an EPC Class1 Gen1 Tag


To write an 8-byte (64-bit) EPC value to an EPC Class1 Gen1 tag:

 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Data
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen1
 The address must be set to 0x0000 in order to write the EPC
 Each block is a single byte, so you must set the Number of Blocks and Data Length to eight

Msg. Tag Number

STX Flags Command Address Data CRC
Length Type Blocks
02 0016 0820 0103 8100 0000 0008 0000B0B00C0D0D0 6ACF


STX Msg. Length Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

After writing the EPC, you can verify it by sending the Select Tag command with the tag type set
to the EPC Class1 Gen1.

NOTE – This technique works for both 64-bit and 96-bit memory tags. However, writing a 64-bit EPC to
a 96-bit memory tag prevents the Kill and Lock functionality from working with that tag. Lock and Kill
work normally when you write a 64-bit EPC to a 64-bit memory tag.

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3.5 Writing a 12-Byte EPC

To write a 96-bit EPC value to an EPC Class1 Gen1 tag:

 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Data
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen1
 The Address must be set to 0x0000 in order to write the EPC
 Each block is one byte, so the Number of Blocks must be set to 12 i.e. 0x000C and the data
length should also be 12 bytes

Msg. Tag Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd. Addr. Data CRC
Length Type Blocks Len.
02 001A 0820 0103 8100 0000 0008 000C 111122223333444455556666 6ACF


STX Msg. Length Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

After writing the EPC, you can verify it by sending the Select Tag command with the tag type set
to EPC Class1 Gen1.

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3.6 Locking an EPC Class1 Gen1 Tag


To lock an EPC Class1 Gen1 tag:

 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Lock, Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen1
 Send a write command with no data in the data field and the data length set to ‘0’
 The address field must be ‘0x0F’ for 96-bit EPC tags and ‘0x0B’ for 64-bit EPC tags

Msg. Tag Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd. Addr. Data CRC
Length Type Blocks Len.
02 000E 0824 0103 8100 000F 0000 0000 - 5C34


STX Msg. Length Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

CAUTION – Once you lock a tag, you can only select the tag (using the Select Tag command) or kill the
tag; you can no longer erase, read data from, or write data to the tag. You must write all data –
including the kill password – to the tag before you lock it.

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3.7 Setting the Kill Password


To set the kill password for an EPC Class1 Gen1 tag:

 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen1
 The Kill password is a single byte value, so the Number of Blocks and Data Length fields should
be set to 1.
 For a 96-bit tag, the address for writing the Kill password is ‘0x0E’ and for the 64-bit tag the
address is ‘0x0A’.

NOTE – If you write a 64-bit EPC to a 96-bit Class1 Gen1 tag, then you must write the kill password to
the kill password address of a 96-bit tag.

Msg. Tag Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd. Addr. Data CRC
Length Type Blocks Len.
02 000F 0820 0103 8100 000E 0001 0001 66 0B1F


STX Msg. Length Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

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3.8 Killing an EPC Class1 Gen1 Tag


To kill an EPC Class1 Gen1 tag:

 Command = Kill Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen1

Send the Kill command with the 8-bit Kill password in the data field. If the Kill password does not
match the password stored on the tag, the tag cannot be killed.

STX Msg. Len Flags Cmd. Tag Type Data Len. Data CRC

02 000B 0820 0109 8100 0001 66 F025


STX Msg. Length Response Code CRC

02 0004 0109 E778

CAUTION – After you kill the tag, you cannot carry out any more operations on that tag.

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4 Commands for EPC Class1 Gen2 (ISO 18000 -6C) Tags

This section discusses Tag commands that specifically apply to EPC Class1 Gen 2 tags. The
commands for loop and inventory mode discussed in the section, “Selecting Tags” on page 9, also
apply to these tags.

4.1 Address Organization of Tag Memory

Class1 Gen2 tags support four memory banks. Memory within each memory bank is divided into 2-
byte blocks.

Figure 1 Class1 Gen2 Tag Memory Banks and Blocks

The SkyeTek Protocol splits the 16-bit address field for reading and writing tag memory. The first nibble (4
MSBs) specifies the memory bank number and the remaining 12-bits specify the block address in the
memory bank. For example, to address block #2 of the EPC memory bank, the address field in
SkyeTek Protocol is 0x1002. The first nibble, “0x1,” specifies the EPC memory bank (i.e., bank
01), and the next 12-bits specify the block number (0x002).

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4.2 Selecting Only EPC Class1 Gen2 Tags


To detect only EPC Class1 Gen2 tags, send the following command and parameter information to
the reader. (If you set the tag type to the EPC Class1 Gen2 Auto-Detect, the reader includes the
tag type in the response when a tag is successfully detected.)

 Command = Select Tag

 Mandatory Flags = None (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

STX Msg. Len Flags Cmd. Tag Type CRC

02 0008 0020 0101 8200 4766


Response Tag TID

Code Type Length

02 0014 0101 8200 000C A01A050821A142106A010802 C354

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4.3 Performing a Fast Inventory

Fast Inventory improves the speed and reliability for inventory of Class 1 Gen 2 tags. This feature is
unique to Class 1 Gen 2 tags.


To invoke Fast Inventory, send a Select Tag command to three Class 1 Gen 2 tags with the
Inventory_F flag set:

 Command = Select Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Inventory_F (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

STX Msg. Len Flags Cmd. Tag Type CRC

02 0008 0022 0101 8200 51EE


A response appears for each tag, followed by an inventory complete response.

Response Tag TID

Code Type Length

02 0014 0101 8200 000C 000000000000000000000028 6F55

02 0014 0101 8200 000C 000000000000000000000027 97A2
02 0014 0101 8200 000C 000000000000000000000031 E215
02 0014 810F 0E82

To optimize Fast Inventory, set the Command Retry system parameter (0x11) to approximately double the
number of anticipated tags in the field.

 To decrease the inventory time, decrease the Command Retry time until you find the
shortest time at which the reader can still identify all tags in the field.
 Increase the Command Retry time for situations in which tags are difficult to read.
 See the “Command Retry” in the SkyeModule Datasheet for more information on the system

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4.4 Select tags using the TID Field

Our UHF modules support the ability to select a certain tag using the TID field. The user has the
ability to select tags based on the mask set in the TID field. The TID field in this case can select
tags based on data in the TID bank, the EPC bank, or the User memory bank.

TID Field is comprised of the following fields:

MemBank Address Length Mask

# of bits 8 16 8 Variable
Description 01 -- EPC Starting Mask Mask Length Mask
10 -- TID Address (in bits) (in Bytes)
11 -- User 32 Bytes Max

 MemBank specifies whether Mask applies to EPC, TID, or User Memory. MemBank may not
specify reserved memory and any greater than 3 is reset to 0x00.
 Address references a memory bit address. (Not restricted to byte or word boundary).
 Length is 8 bits, allowing masks from 0 to 255 bits in length.
 Mask specified in byte boundary (max. 32 bytes) contains the bit string that the Tag compares
against the memory location that begins at Address and ends Length bits later. If Address and
Length reference a memory location that does not exist on the tag then the tag shall consider
the select to be non-matching. If Length is zero then all tags shall be considered matching,
unless Address references a memory location that does not exist.

Mask in specified in MSb Zero-Padded byte boundary. For example, a bit string of binary '11 1010
1011' with length of 10 should be specified as '0000 0011 1010 1011' (0x 03 AB), with the 6 MSb of
Most Significant Byte padded with zeros.

Examples are shown with the following three tags:

EPC Code (Mem. Bank=0x01, TID (Mem. Bank=0x02;

Address=0x0020) Address=0x0000)
Tag1 000100010001000100010029 E2001050
Tag2 000100010001000100010030 E2001050
Tag3 000100010001000100010090 E2003411

4.4.1 Inventory with 3 tags in the field

First example shows an inventory mode without the use of the TID field.

All tags are inventoried and displayed.


STX Msg. Len Flags Cmd. Tag Type CRC

02 0008 0022 0101 8200 51EE


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Response Tag TID

Code Type Length

02 0014 0101 8200 000C 000100010001000100010029 A8FD

02 0014 0101 8200 000C 000100010001000100010090 80B7
02 0014 0101 8200 000C 000100010001000100010030 25BD
02 0014 810F 0E82

4.4.2 Inventory with EPC Mask

Next examples shows the TID field being used with EPC of Tag2 specified as mask.


STX Msg. Len Flags Cmd. Tag Type TID Length TID CRC

02 0019 0062 0101 8200 10 01002060000100010001000100010 F419


TID Field Breakdown

Membank Address Mask Length (bits) Mask

01 0020 60 000100010001000100010030


Response Tag TID

Code Type Length

02 0014 0101 8200 000C 000100010001000100010030 25BD

02 0014 810F 0E82

4.4.3 Inventory with TID Mask

This next example shows the mask as 32 bits of TID contents that are unique to Tag1 and Tag2.
Tag3 is not selected and only Tag1 and Tag2 are selected and displayed.


STX Msg. Len Flags Cmd. Tag Type TID Length TID CRC

02 0011 0062 0101 8200 08 02000020E2001050 D381

TID Field Breakdown

Membank Address Mask Length (bits) Mask

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02 0000 20 E2001050


Response Tag TID

Code Type Length

02 0014 0101 8200 000C 000100010001000100010030 25BD

02 0014 0101 8200 000C 000100010001000100010029 A8FD
02 0014 810F 0E82

This method of using the TID field as a mask can be used with Read and Write commands as

4.5 Reading a Single Block from an EPC Class1 Gen2 Tag


To detect a single block from the EPC memory bank, send the following command and parameter
information to the reader. The EPC is stored starting at block address 0x02 in the EPC memory
bank (bank 1). (If you set the tag type to EPC Class1 Gen2 Auto-Detect, the reader includes the tag
type in the response when a tag is successfully detected.)

 Command = Read Tag

 Mandatory Flags = None (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

STX Msg. Len Flags Cmd. Tag Type Address Num. Blocks CRC

02 000C 0020 0102 8200 1002 0001 C9A6


Each block is 2-bytes long, so the data length value should be twice the number of blocks being

STX Msg. Len Response Code Data Length Data CRC

02 0008 0102 0002 1122 F7AE

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4.6 Reading Multiple Blocks


To read multiple blocks from the EPC memory bank, send the following command and parameter
information to the reader. The EPC is stored starting at block address 0x02 in the EPC memory
bank (bank 1). (If you set the tag type to EPC Class1 Gen2 Auto-Detect, the reader includes the tag
type in the response when a tag is successfully detected.)

 Command = Read Tag

 Mandatory Flags = None (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

STX Msg. Len Flags Cmd. Tag Type Address Num. Blocks CRC

02 000C 0020 0102 8200 1002 0003 EAB4


Each block is 2-bytes long, so the data length value is twice the number of blocks being read.

STX Msg. Len Response Code Data Length Data CRC

02 000C 0020 0006 112233440707 08F2

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4.7 Writing a Single Block


To write a single block of data to the EPC memory bank (bank 1), send the following command and
parameter information to the reader. Each block is 2 bytes long, so the data length field must be
twice the length of the number of blocks field.

 Command = Read Tag

 Mandatory Flags = None (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

Msg. Data
STX Flags Cmd Tag Type Address Num. Blocks Data CRC
Len Length

02 0010 0802 0103 8200 1002 0001 0002 AABB F291


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

4.8 Writing Multiple Blocks

To write three blocks of data to the EPC memory bank (bank 1), send the following command and
parameter information to the reader. Each block is 2 bytes long, so the data length field must be
twice the length of the number of blocks field.

 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Data
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

Msg. Tag Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd Address Data CRC
Len Type Blocks Length

02 0014 0820 0103 8200 1002 0003 0006 AABBCCDDEEFF C21E


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

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4.9 Writing a 12-byte EPC

To write a 12-byte (96-bit) EPC value to the EPC memory bank (bank 1), send the following
command and parameter information to the reader.


 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Data
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

Msg. Tag Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd Address Data CRC
Len Type Blocks Length

02 001A 0820 0103 8200 1002 0006 000C 753D


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

After writing the EPC to the EPC bank, make sure that the PC value (i.e., block address 0x01) is written
with the correct value. The PC value determines the length of the EPC and a value of 0x3000
creates an EPC of 12-bytes (96-bits). To verify the EPC, the send the Select Tag command with the
tag type set to EPC Class1 Gen2.

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4.10 Writing to the User Memory Bank

NOTE– The user memory bank (bank 3) is not supported on all of the EPC Class1 Gen2 tags.


To write to the user memory bank, send the following command and parameter information to the


 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Data
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

Msg. Tag Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd Address Data CRC
Len Type Blocks Length

02 0012 0820 0103 8200 3002 0002 0004 11223344 E741


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

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4.11 Writing a Tag Password

NOTE– This example applies only to tags that support access passwords.

Certain tags allow “Secure State” operations, such as setting password protection for a memory
bank or supporting lock functionality. You can use the Write Tag command to assign a password to
a tag. The 32-bit tag password is stored in Blocks 2 and 3 of the reserved memory bank (bank 0).
Block 2 holds the higher 16-bits of the password, and Block 3 holds the lower 16-bits.

After you write the tag password, the reader requires that you use the password for Secure State
transactions with that tag. That is, you must send the password to the reader using the Send Tag
Password command before you execute another secure command for that tag. (See “Sending a Tag
Password” on page 33.)

To change a password, use the Write Tag command to write a new password to the tag or use a
Select Tag command with Tag Type of EPC Class1 Gen2, which resets the password to zero.

IMPORTANT– When writing the 32-bit password to the tag, the password’s Least Significant Block (LSB)
and Most Significant Block (MSB) are reversed in the data portion of the Write Tag Password command.
For example, if the password is 12345678, it would be represented in the data field of the Write Tag
Password command as 56781234. In the example below, the data field (56781234) represents a
password value of 12345678. (Note that after you have set the password, you do not need to reverse
the LSB and MSB when using the password with other commands.)

NOTE– You may want to use lock functionality when assigning a password to a tag. See “Using Lock
Functionality” on page 34 for more information.


To write a tag password, send the following command and parameter information to the reader:

 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

Msg. Tag Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd Address Data CRC
Len Type Blocks Length

02 0012 0820 0103 8200 0002 0002 0004 56781234 61C5


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

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4.12 Sending a Tag Password

After you have assigned an access password to a tag that supports passwords (see “Writing a Tag
Password” on page 32), you must send the Send Tag Password command to send the password to
the reader before the reader can execute any other Secure State operations for that tag. This
remains a requirement until you change the password or reset the password value to zero.

This command is required only if a tag has an access password that was previously set is a non-zero
value. If the password is set for a tag and you send a command that requires the tag to be in the Secure State
without sending the password first, the command will fail.


To send a tag password, send the following command and parameter information to the reader:

 Command = Send Tag Password

 Mandatory Flags = Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

Msg. Tag Data

STX Flags Cmd Data CRC
Len Type Length

02 000E 0820 0202 8200 0004 12345678 9139


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0202 73C3

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4.13 Using Lock Functionality

Class 1 Gen 2 tags let you use lock functionality to set read permissions, write permissions, and
passwords for tag memory. The following tables list the different values for Locking/Password
protecting different sections of the tag memory for EPC Class1 Gen2 tags.

Table 2 Lock Command Payload

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Kill Access EPC TID User Kill Access EPC TID User
mask mask mask mask mask action action action action action

The lock contains a 20-bit payload defined as follows:

 The first 10 payload bits are Mask bits (Table 3). A Tag interprets these bit values as follows:
o Mask = 0: Ignore the associated Action field and retain the current lock setting.
o Mask = 1: Implement the associated Action field, and overwrite the current lock

Table 3 Masks and Associated Action Fields

Kill pwd Access pwd EPC memory TID memory User memory

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Mask skip/ skip/ skip/ skip/ skip/ skip/ skip/ skip/ skip/ skip/
write write write write write write write write write write

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Action pwd perma pwd perma pwd perma pwd perma pwd perma
read/ lock read/ lock write lock write lock write lock
write write

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 The last 10 payload bits are Action bits (Table 4), A Tag interprets these bit values as follows:
o Action = 0: De-assert lock for the associated memory location.
 Action = 1: Assert lock or permalock for the associated memory location.

Table 4 Action Field Descriptions

Pwd write Permalock Description

0 0 Associated memory bank is writable from either the open or secured states.
Associated memory bank is permanently writable from either the open or secured
0 1
states and can never be locked.

1 0 Associated memory bank is writable from the secured state only.

1 1 Associated memory bank is not writable from any state.

Pwd read/
Permalock Description
Associated memory bank is readable and writable from either the open or secured
0 0

Associated memory bank is permanently readable and writable from either the
0 1
open or secured states and can never be locked.

Associated memory bank is readable and writable from the secured state only.
1 0

1 1 Associated memory bank is not readable or writable from any state.

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4.13.1Permanently Locking a Memory Bank

You can lock a memory bank by writing the 20-bit value (encapsulated in a 32-bit number)
0x0000C030 as the Lock value. (See the above table for different values for locking different
sections of the tag memory.)

CAUTION – Once a memory bank is locked, you can no longer write to it.


To lock the EPC memory bank (bank 1), send the following command and parameter information to
the reader.

 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Lock, Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

Msg. Tag Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd Address Data CRC
Len Type Blocks Length

02 0012 0824 0103 8200 0000 0000 0004 0000C030 1704


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

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4.13.2Password Protecting a Memory Bank

After you set the appropriate tag password (see “Writing a Tag Password” on page 32), you can
mark a memory bank on the tag for password protection. This requires writing the correct values
as the 20-bit lock value. The following example shows how to password protect the EPC memory
bank by writing the value 0x0000C020.

To password protect the EPC memory bank, send the following command and parameter
information to the reader.


 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Lock, Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

Msg. Tag Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd Address Data CRC
Len Type Blocks Length

02 0012 0824 0103 8200 0000 0000 0004 0000C020 0785


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

NOTE – After you set the password, you must send the Send Tag Password command (see “Sending a
Tag Password” on page 33) before sending any write commands to the memory banks that have been
password protected.

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4.13.3Setting the Kill Password

The tag password sets password protection on the Kill Password command (see “Killing an EPC Class1
Gen2 Tagon page 39). The kill password is a 32-bit (4- byte) value stored in the reserved memory bank
(bank 0) of the tag memory in blocks 0 and 1. Block 0 holds the higher 16 -bits of the password,
and block 1 holds the lower 16-bits of the kill password.


To set the kill password, send the following command and parameter information to the reader:

 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

Msg. Tag Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd Address Data CRC
Len Type Blocks Length

02 0012 0820 0103 8200 0000 0002 0004 DEADBEEF EA3A


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

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4.13.4Killing an EPC Class1 Gen2 Tag

The kill password is a 32-bit value that must be sent to the tag along with the KillTag command.

CAUTION – If you kill a tag, you can no longer perform any operations on that tag.


To kill a tag, send the following command and parameter information to the reader.

 Command = Kill Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EPC Class1 Gen2

Msg. Tag Data

STX Flags Cmd Data CRC
Len Type Length

02 000E 0820 0109 8200 0004 BEEFDEAD 1C11


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0109 E778

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4.14 Using Load Image Functionality for Alien Higgs Tags

Higgs tags by Alien Technology Corporation have a special command “Load Image” that loads the
entire memory image of the tag in a single transaction.

The different fields in the Load Image command and their possible values are shown below. The
following table gives the layout of the different fields in the data payload being sent with the Load
Image command. The order of the different fields in the 192 bits of data is shown below, and they
must be sent in that order.

Table 5 Layout for Data Payload for Load Image Command

192-bits of Data loaded into the tag memory.
Memory Offset in
Data Word Description Recommended Value
Bank Bank
1 Kill Password Lo Reserved 1 User Defined
2 Kill Password Hi Reserved 0 User Defined
3 Access Password Lo Reserved 3 User Defined
4 Access Password Hi Reserved 2 User Defined
5 EPC Word 0 (LSB) EPC 7 User Defined
6 EPC Word 1 EPC 6 User Defined
7 EPC Word 2 EPC 5 User Defined
8 EPC Word 3 EPC 4 User Defined
9 EPC Word 4 EPC 3 User Defined
10 EPC Word 5 (MSB) EPC 2 User Defined
11 Protocol Control Bits EPC 1 0x3000 for 96-bit EPC. (See Gen2 v1.10
protocol document for more details.
12 Configuration Bits TID 2 0x03B8 (unlocked memory). See details
below for locking various banks.

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The following table shows the different configuration values that can be sent for locking different
memories of an Alien Higgs tag.

Table 6 Configuration Values for Locking Memory

Configuration Bits (TID Bank, Row #2)

APW P-Lock

KPW P-Lock

EPC P-Lock
Field Name
APW Lock

KPW Lock

EPC Lock










Field Bit # 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB

Lock Bits 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
Bit Values

 KPW = Kill Password

 APW = Access Password
 Lock Bits may be changed, but must all be 0s in the tag before performing the Load Image
operation. The lock bits may also be changed after the load image function with the normal
Gen2 Lock functionality if they have not been permanently locked.
 Reserved bits should not be changed to any other values and should remain as shown above.

For example, to permanently lock the Access Password field, the value should be 0x43B8.

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The Protocol Control bits determine the length of the EPC as well as the Numbering System used.
The following table shows the different fields in the Protocol Control Word and gives some

Table 7 Protocol Word Fields

Protocol Control Bits (EPC Bank Row# 1)

Field Length Field RFU Numbering System Identifier1

Field Bit# 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit# 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

96-bit EPC 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 USER DEFINED VALUE

80-bit EPC 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

64-bit2 EPC 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

The NSI is optional and is user specified. Please refer to the EPC Gen2 v1.10 protocol document for

Refer to the EPC Gen2 v1.10 protocol document for more details on the different length field

4.14.1Using the LoadImage Command

The following example writes the entire tag memory of the Alien Higgs tag. This includes the 96-
bit EPC, 32-bit Kill password, 32-bit Access password, Protocol Control bits, and the 16-bit Lock
value. The tag type must be set to “Alien Higgs – 0x8251” and the address field is set to “0xFFFF”
to signify a special Write command that writes the entire tag memory of the Alien Higgs tag.

 Kill Password: 00010203

 Access Password: 01010202
 EPC: 666655554444333322221111
 Protocol Control Value: 3000
 Lock Value: 03B8

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 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = Alien Higgs

Msg. Tag Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd Address Data CRC
Len Type Blocks Length

02 0026 0820 0103 8251 FFFF 000C 0018 4A05


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

After writing the EPC, you can verify it by sending the Select Tag command with the tag type set
to EPC Class1 Gen2.

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5 Commands for ISO18000-6B Tags

This section discusses tag commands that specifically apply to ISO18000-6B tags. The Select Tag
commands discussed in the section “Selecting Tags” on page 9 also apply to these tags.

Table 8 Example Tag Memory Configuration for ISO18000-6B Tag

Address Content Status Comments
0x00 – 0x01 0xE0, 0x04 Locked Unique Serial Number
0x02 – 0x07 xx Locked Unique Serial Number
0x08 – 0x0A 0x00 Unlocked User Memory
0x0B 0x02 Unlocked User Memory
0x0C – 0x11 0xFF Unlocked User Memory
0x12 – 0xDB 0x00 Unlocked User Memory
0xDC – 0xDF xx Unlocked User Memory

For the tags with a tag confirmation as shown above, the user can read all the tag memory and can
write to all the Unlocked User memory locations.

5.1 Selecting an ISO18000-6B Tag

To select an ISO18000-6B, send the following parameter information to the reader. If the tag type
is set to ISO18000-6B Auto-Detect, then the reader will include the tag type in the response if a tag
is successfully detected.


 Command = Select Tag

 Mandatory Flags = None (CRC Flag in Binary Mode_
 Tag Type = ISO18000-6B

STX Msg. Length Flags Command Tag Type CRC

02 0008 0020 0101 8300 5EBE


Msg. Response Tag TID

Length Code Type Len
02 0010 0101 8300 0008 E0040000989C6001 ABC3

5.2 Reading a Single Block

To read a single ISO18000-6B block, send the following parameter information to the reader:


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 Command = Read Tag

 Mandatory Flags = TID (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = ISO18000-6B

Msg. Tag TID Num.

STX Flags Cmd TID Address CRC
Len Type Len Blocks
02 0015 0060 0102 8300 08 E0040000989C6001 0010 0001 6519


STX Msg. Length Response Code Data Length Data CRC

02 0007 0102 0001 FF 3843

Each Block is 1-byte long, so the Data Length value should equal the Number of Blocks being read.

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5.3 Reading Multiple Blocks

To read multiple ISO18000-6B blocks, send the following parameter information to the reader:


 Command = Read Tag

 Mandatory Flags = TID (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = ISO18000-6B

Msg. Tag TID Num.

STX Flags Cmd TID Address CRC
Len Type Len Blocks
02 0015 0060 0102 8300 08 E0040000989C6001 0010 000A DBCA


Each block is 1-byte long, so the Data Length value should equal the Number of Blocks being read.

STX Msg. Length Response Code Data Length Data CRC

02 0010 0102 000A 11223344556677889900 5A80

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5.4 Writing a Single Block

To write to a single ISO18000-6B, send the following parameter information to the reader. (Each
block is 10byte long, so the Number of Blocks value should be the same as the data length.)


 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = TID, Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = ISO18000-6B

Msg. Tag TID Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd TID Address Data CRC
Len Type Len Blocks Len.
02 0018 0860 0103 8300 08 0010 0001 0001 DD 37E1


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

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5.5 Writing Multiple Blocks

To write multiple ISO18000-6B blocks, send the following parameter information to the reader.
(Each block is 1-byte long, so the Number of Blocks value should be the same as the data length.)


 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = TID, Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = ISO18000-6B

Msg. Tag TID Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd TID Address Data CRC
Len Type Len Blocks Len.
02 0021 0860 0103 8300 08 0010 000A 000A 37E1


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

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5.6 Locking a Single Block

To lock a single ISO18000-6B block, send the following parameter information to the reader.

You can lock only one block at a time. To lock multiple blocks, send the command multiple times
after incrementing or changing the address.

Once the tag blocks have been locked, they cannot be unlocked or written to.


 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = TID, Lock, Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = ISO18000-6B

Msg. Tag TID Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd TID Address Data CRC
Len Type Len Blocks Len.
02 0017 0864 0103 8300 08 0020 0001 0001 - D6A5


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

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6 Commands Usable for EM Tag Types

6.1 About Mixing EM Tag Types

To achieve optimal performance with EM4444 tags, do not include EM4122 tags in the detection
field when you use commands that include read or write operations.

6.2 Selecting Any EM Tag


To select any type of supported tag, send the following command and parameter information to
the reader:

 Command = Select Tag

 Mandatory Flags = None (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = Auto-Detect (causes reader to include the tag type in its response)

STX Msg. Length Flags Command Tag Type CRC

02 0015 0060 0102 8300 DBCA


Based on the request, the reader returns the following information for an EM4122 tag detected in
the read field:

STX Msg. Length Response Code Tag Type TID Length TID/EPC CRC
02 000E 0101 8512 0006 058000455E49 D597

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6.3 Continuously selecting EM Tags

Sending the following command sets up the continuous monitoring of whatever supported tag type
is detected. The first time you send this command, it places the reader into loop mode, which
sends a response whenever a tag enters the detection field or when there is a change in the field.
Sending any command to the reader turns off loop mode.


To set up continuous monitoring, send the following command and parameter information to the

 Command = Select Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Loop Flag (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = Auto-Detect

STX Msg. Length Flags Command Tag Type CRC

02 0008 0021 0101 8500 012A


Start of Loop Mode

The reader returns the following information when it starts loop mode:

STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 81C1 21F0

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Reading Tags

The table below shows sample output from the reader after loop mode starts. (There can be any
number of reads depending on the number of tags present.)

STX Msg. Length Response Code Tag Type TID Length TID / EPC CRC
02 000E 0101 8512 0006 058000455E49 D597
02 000E 0101 8512 0006 058000455E49 D597
02 000E 0101 8512 0006 058000455E49 D597

02 000E 0101 8525 0006 469900001275 F4B2

02 000E 0101 8525 0006 058000455E49 F4B2
02 000E 0101 8525 0006 058000455E49 F4B2

End Loop Mode

The reader exits loop mode when you send another command.

STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 81C1 21F0

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6.4 Selecting All Types of EM (Anti-Collision/Inventory Mode)

Selecting all supported tags in a field can be useful when trying to read a stack of tags
simultaneously (inventory mode). This keeps you from having to issue commands to read each type
of tag individually.


To set up monitoring, send the following command and parameter information to the reader:

 Command = Select Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Inventory Flag (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = Auto-Detect

STX Msg. Length Flags Command Tag Type CRC

02 0008 0022 0101 8500 1CE6


The reader returns information for all tag types detected. At the end of the tag inventory, the
reader sends the Inventory Complete Response code (810F).

STX Msg. Length Response Code Tag Type TID Length TID / EPC CRC
02 000E 0101 8525 0006 469900001275 F4B2
02 000E 0101 8525 0006 46990000125E 6B63
02 000E 0101 8525 0006 469900001276 C629
02 000E 0101 8525 0006 46990000125D 59F8

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6.5 Reading EM Tags


To read an EMX44 tag, send the following command and parameter information to the reader:

 Command = Read Tag

 Mandatory Flags = TID (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EMX44

STX Msg. Length Flags Command Tag Type TID Length TID/EPC CRC
02 000D 0060 0102 8500 0006 46990000125D 4CAB

(The TID for the tag is returned in the response for a previous Select Tag command.)


Based on the request, the reader returns the following information for an EM4444 tag detected in
the read field:

STX Msg. Length Response Code Tag Type TID Length TID/EPC CRC

02 000E 0101 8525 0006 46990000125D 59F8

NOTE – To achieve optimal performance with EM4444 tags, do not include EM4122 tags in the
detection field when you use commands that include read or write operations.

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6.6 Writing EM Tags


To write a single block of data to the EPC memory bank (bank 1), send the following command and
parameter information to the reader:

 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = TID (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EM4X44 Auto-detect

Msg. Tag TID Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd TID Address Data CRC
Len Type Len Blocks Len.
4699000 000000000
02 001D 0860 0103 8520 06 0001 0001 0008 358A
0125D 0000000


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

NOTE – To achieve optimal performance with EM4444 tags, do not include EM4122 tags in the
detection field when you use commands that include read or write operations.

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6.7 Locking EM Tags


You can lock an EM tag by sending a Write Tag command with no data and the Lock flag enabled.

CAUTION – Once a memory bank is locked, you can no longer write to it.

NOTE – To achieve optimal performance with EM4444 tags, do not include EM4122 tags in the
detection field when you use commands that include read or write operations.

 Command = Write Tag

 Mandatory Flags = Lock, Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EM4X44 Auto-detect

Msg. Tag Num. Data

STX Flags Command Address Data CRC
Length Type Blocks Length
02 0015 0864 0103 8520 0001 0001 0000 n/a 2B7D


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0103 4822

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You can verify the success of the lock operation with a GetLockStatus command:


 Command = GetLockStatus
 Mandatory Flags = TID (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EM4X44 Auto-detect

Msg. Tag TID Num.

STX Flags Command TID Address CRC
Length Type Len. Blocks
02 0011 0060 0108 8520 06 46990000125D 0001 0001 2B7D


STX Msg. Len Response Code Data Length Data CRC

02 0007 0108 0001 01 4822

The response code indicates GetLockStatus: PASS (01), showing the tag is locked.

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6.8 Configuring EM 4444 Tags

For EM4444 tags, the system page, memory address 000F, contains configuration information for
the tag. You can access individual bytes of the system page using the Read Tag Config and Write
Tag Config commands to manage tag configuration. You can also view configuration information
using the Get Tag Info or Get Lock Status commands.

 The block size is always 1 for Read Tag Config and Write Tag Config.
 The address specifies a byte from the system page. For example, address 0000 is system page
bits 0-7 (LOCK bits), and address 0007 is system page bits 56 to 63.
 Only address 0006 and 0007 are writable, as described below.
 Sending a Write Tag Config command to the Tag Talks Only (TTO) byte (address 0006)
automatically calls an EM-specific TTO command. This lets you set what the tag sends when the
tag transmits in TTO mode. (Although the SkyeModule firmware only decodes the first page of
transmitted memory.)
 Sending a Write Tag Config command to the CONFIG byte (address 0007) automatically calls an
EM-specific CONFIG command. This lets you set the maximum random delay and the Tx data
rate (either 64 Kbps or 256 Kbps).

NOTE – For additional information on configuration values, refer to the EM4444 data sheet.

6.8.1 Configuration Example

As an example, to configure a tag to have a maximum random delay of 4kbits and a Tx data rate of
64 kbits/s requires the following:

 Setting the delay control bits to 0b10 (2 decimal). This corresponds to system page bits 61-60.
 Setting the Tx baud rate 0b01 (1 decimal). This corresponds to the system page bits 59-58.
 Setting system page bits 63-62 and 57-56 to 0.

The resulting byte made up of these requirements for bits 63-56 thus becomes 0b00100100 or
0x24. To configure the tag with the above settings, send the Write Tag Config command with the
address of 0007 and the data of 24, as shown below:

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To change the tag configuration for an EM4444 tag with TID 469900001276:

 Command = Write Tag Config

 Mandatory Flags = TID, Data (CRC Flag in Binary Mode)
 Tag Type = EM4444

Msg. Tag TID Num. Data

STX Flags Cmd TID Address Data CRC
Len Type Len Blocks Len.
02 0019 0860 0111 8525 06 0007 0001 0004 00100100 7C9B

NOTE – To achieve optimal performance with EM4444 tags, do not include EM4122 tags in the
detection field when you use commands that include read or write operations.


STX Msg. Len Response Code CRC

02 0004 0111 7BB1

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Denver, CO 80202
Main 720.328.3425 Fax:720.228.2400 www.skyetek.com
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7 Revision History

Revision Author Change

103012 Josh Peifer Initial release.
112612 Brad Alcorn Minor updates to release as common UHF application note.

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1525 Market St. Ste 200
Denver, CO 80202
Main 720.328.3425 Fax:720.228.2400 www.skyetek.com

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