Appendix 2 Commentary

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Appendix 2.

Life in the Age to Come

The Greek phrase that we translate “life in the Age to come” is zōē aiōnios
(#2222 ζωή; #166 αἰώνιος). The word zōē is the noun, “life,” while aiōnios is the
adjective, “Age.” (Occasionally the phrase occurs as aiōnios zōē, with the noun last; John
17:3; Acts 13:46, but that is the exception, and there is no difference in meaning).
English Bibles usually translate the phrase zōē aiōnios as “eternal life” or
“everlasting life,” but we feel that most of the time that is not a good translation, and can
even be confusing. The phrase zōē aiōnios (“Age life”) refers to everlasting life which
begins in the Messianic Age, also known as the “Millennial Kingdom” (cp. Rev. 20:1-6).
Translating zōē aiōnios as “everlasting life” in verses such as John 3:16 causes a
couple of problems. One problem is that the phrase “everlasting life” places the emphasis
on “How long will I live” (answer: “Forever”), instead of “When will I live forever”
(answer: “In the Messianic Age”). Many verses attest to the fact that the Messianic Age
will never end (cp. Ps. 89:29, 37; Isa. 9:7; 65:18; Jer. 17:25; Ezek. 37:25-28; Dan. 2:44;
7:18; Micah 4:7), and so from both those verses, and the duration of time that is implied
in the word aiōnios, it is understood that those people who have zōē aiōnios will never
die once they are raised from the dead. However, as we will see from the study below,
zōē aiōnios usually places the emphasis on the “Age” when people will live more than
how long they will live.
A second problem that occurs if zōē aiōnios is translated “everlasting life” or
“eternal life” is that most English readers take that translation at face value and think they
have everlasting life right now. Thus, translating zōē aiōnios as “everlasting life” has
contributed to the general misunderstanding held by most Christians that when a
righteous person dies, only his body dies, while his soul (or spirit) does not die, but lives
on in heaven; and when an unsaved person dies, his soul lives on in “hell.” Actually, no
one has “everlasting life” right now. Believers have the promise of everlasting life, which
will be fulfilled at the Rapture or their resurrection from the dead.
The well-respected biblical scholar F. F. Bruce states what we feel is the correct
understanding of zōē aiōnios, and that it does not mean “eternal life.” He writes:

While ‘eternal life’ (zōē aiōnios) etymologically might mean simply life of indefinite
of perpetual duration, it appears from its NT usage to mean more precisely ‘the life of
the Age to Come,’ i.e., resurrection life.” (see Geoffrey Bromiley, general editor, The
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, “Age,” Vol. 1, p. 67, article by F. F.

C. H. Dodd agrees, and writes, “…zōē aiōnios is used in John with reference to
the Jewish idea of the life of the Age to Come.” (see C. H. Dodd, The Interpretation of
the Fourth Gospel, p. 146.)
To understand the phrase zōē aiōnios, we must know some background
information on the subject of death, resurrection, and the Age to Come. Scripture teaches
that when a person dies, he is dead in every sense of the word, and he stays dead until he
is raised by Jesus Christ, either at the Rapture of the Church, or at one of the resurrections
(see commentary on 1 Cor. 15:26; and Is There Death After Life by Graeser, Lynn,

Appendix 2 1187
Until the Church Epistles stated that the Christian Church would be taken up to
heaven from the earth in an event theologians refer to as “the Rapture,” (1 Thess. 4:16-
18), the Bible had only revealed that there would be two resurrections. The first
resurrection is called, “The first resurrection” (Rev. 20:5, 6); “the resurrection of life”
(John 5:29); and “the resurrection of the Righteous” (Luke 14:14; Acts 24:15). The first
resurrection will occur at the beginning of the 1000 year Millennial Kingdom of the
Messiah. The second resurrection is called “the resurrection of judgment” (John 5:29),
and the resurrection of the “unrighteous” (Acts 24:15), because most of the people who
are raised at that time will be judged to be unrighteous. This second resurrection will
occur after the 1000 year Millennial Kingdom is over (Rev. 20:4-13). There are some
verses in the Bible that refer to both of these resurrections in the same verse or context,
and these include: Daniel 12:2; John 5:29; Acts 24:15; and Revelation 20:4-13. [For more
on the Rapture and the resurrections, see commentary on Acts 24:15].
The “Messianic Age” has two parts, and those people who are in the first
resurrection will participate in both parts. The first part lasts 1000 years (Rev. 20:4), and
so it is known as the “Millennial Kingdom” (from the Latin word mille, “thousand”). In
the Millennial Kingdom the earth will be similar to the earth we know now, but it will be
mostly restored to a pristine state (Matt. 19:28). After the Millennial Kingdom, there will
be a war with Satan, then the second resurrection and the White Throne Judgment (Rev.
20:7-15). Then the second part of the Messianic Age begins, which lasts forever, so it can
be referred to as the “Eternal Kingdom” (Rev. 21:1ff). At the start of the Eternal
Kingdom a huge gold city comes down from heaven to earth, complete with walls made
of precious stones and streets made of gold (Rev. 21:10-21).
Although the book of Revelation shows us that the Messianic Age is broken into
two parts, the Millennial Kingdom and the Eternal Kingdom, that is new light shed upon
the subject by the book of Revelation. As far as anyone in the Old Testament or Gospels
knew, the “Messianic Age” was one continuous everlasting wonderful future age when
the Messiah would rule the earth from Jerusalem, there would be no sickness or hunger,
and righteousness and peace would last forever. The fact that the two distinct stages of
the Messianic Age were unknown before the book of Revelation was written explains
why the Jewish rabbis and most of the New Testament speak only of two ages, the
present evil age and the wonderful Messianic Age to Come [For more on the Rapture, the
two resurrections, the Millennial Kingdom, and the Eternal Kingdom, see, Schoenheit,
The Christian’s Hope: The Anchor of the Soul.]
People who are saved begin their everlasting life after they are raised from the
dead. Mark 10:30 and Luke 18:30 show this to be true.

Mark 10:29, 30 (NIV)

“I tell you the truth,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or
brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the
gospel 30 will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age
(homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—and with them,
persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life.

Mark 10:30 is one of the verses that clearly show Jesus talking about the two
ages: this present age and the age to come. He said that anyone who gave things up for
his sake would “receive a hundred times as much in this present age” and also, in the Age

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to Come, “eternal life” (zōē aiōnios). There are two very important things we must
understand when we read this verse. The first is that Jesus taught in terms of two “ages,”
the present age, and the Age to Come. The second is that Jesus taught that a person’s
“eternal life” begins in the Age to Come, not immediately.
That the Jews in the time of Jesus recognized that there were two “ages” is clearly
portrayed in Scripture. For example, Christ said people who blaspheme the Holy Spirit
will not be forgiven “either in this age or in the Age to Come” (Matt. 12:32). Many
versions translate aiōn as “world” in this verse but that is misleading. First, the “world”
does not come to an end; it is restored to a pristine condition by Christ. It is this evil
“age” that ends. Second, by translating aiōn as “world” here and in many other places,
the English reader never really understands the important biblical teaching of the two
ages. For example, in the King James Version, there are about 30 places where aiōn is
translated “world” where “age” would have been more accurate and more helpful in
communicating to people the teaching of the New Testament. Ephesians 1:21 also speaks
of both the present and future age, telling us that Christ is far above all rule and authority,
not only “in the present age but also in the one to come.”
While the verses noted above speak of both the present age and the future age in
that one verse, there are many verses that only mention one of the two ages. For example,
Matthew 13:22 speaks of the cares of “this age,” and Romans 12:2 says not to be
conformed to “this age.” Other verses that mention this age include Mark 4:19; 1
Corinthians 2:6; 3:18; Galatians 1:4; 1 Timothy 6:17; 2 Timothy 4:10; and Titus 2:12.
The “children of this age” are people whose character reflects the character of this age
(Luke 16:8), and the “god of this age” is the Devil (2 Cor. 4:4).
The Bible makes it clear that this age will come to an end. For example, the
disciples came to Jesus while he sat on the Mount of Olives. They asked him about his
coming and “the end of the age.” (Matt. 24:3). Other verses that speak of the end of the
age are: Matthew 13:39, 40, 49; 24:3; 28:20; 1 Corinthians 10:11; and Hebrews 9:26.
After this age ends, the Age to Come, the wonderful Messianic Age, will begin,
and it will be a time of great blessing and joy, but only the righteous will attain it. Jesus
talked about that when he spoke about “those who are considered worthy of taking part in
that age and in the resurrection from the dead…” (Luke 20:35). Other verses that speak of
the Age to Come include Mark 10:30; Luke 18:30; Ephesians 2:7; and Hebrews 6:5.
David Hill writes about how zōē aiōnios emphasizes the concept of the Age to Come.
“Now it is well known that in discussions of the New Testament use of zōē
aiōnios it is generally assumed that the adjective [aiōnios] refers to the “Age to Come”
and that the phrase means “the life of the Age to Come,” explicable in terms of the
Jewish doctrine of the Two Ages. ...It would appear therefore to be legitimate and right to
interpret zōē aiōnios to mean “life of the Age to Come.” To do so, however, does not
mean that the idea of duration is absent. The future Age is brought in and established by
God’s action, and in so far as it is his age it is enduring and eternal: those who experience
it share in “life” which is infinitely prolonged. In other words, zōē aiōnios in the New
Testament contains a temporal reference but stresses the qualitative reference.” (David
Hill, Greek Words and Hebrew Meanings, pp. 186-188.)
In light of the fact that zōē aiōnios refers to the life of the Age to Come, and those
who attain that Age then live forever, there are some verses, such as John 3:16, where the
phrase might legitimately be translated expansively as, “everlasting life in the Age to

Appendix 2 1189
come.” Furthermore, as Hill pointed out, although aiōnios generally emphasizes the Age
to Come, it does have a temporal, durative meaning, and there are some verses where that
temporal meaning is emphasized. In those places translating it “everlasting” is more
appropriate than translating it “Age to Come.” Mark 10:30 and Luke 18:30 are good
examples of verses when zōē aiōnios is better translated “everlasting life” than “life in the
Age to come.”
The difficulty in properly understanding the phrase zōē aiōnios is exacerbated by
the fact Christian commentators and lexicographers tend to see the definition of words in
light of what they believe is true, and have often oversimplified the definitions they put in
their study helps. This can make it difficult to accurately study the subject, particularly if
one’s research library is very limited. For example, The Complete Word Study Dictionary
New Testament, by Spiros Zodhiates, gives the following definitions for aiōnios: “eternal,
perpetual, belonging to the aiōn, to time in its duration, constant, abiding.” Similarly,
Thayer’s Lexicon defines it as “without beginning, without end.” While those definitions
can be correct in the sense that aiōnios can refer to something that is everlasting, that is
not the only definition of the word, and is not even the best definition to apply to many
verses. It would help people understand the Bible if the scholars who write the lexicons
and other resource books would give the full meaning of words used in the Bible, and not
just part of the meaning.
The adjective aiōnios is derived from the word aiōn, “age,” and gets much of its
meaning from it, so if we are going to understand aiōnios it is important that we
understand the meaning of aiōn. The Liddell and Scott Greek-English Lexicon shows that
aiōn, “age,” from which the adjective aiōnios is derived, does not always mean an
“everlasting age.” It gives the following four definitions for aiōn: 1. One’s lifetime, life.
2. An age, generation. 3. A long space of time, an age, of old, for ages, for ever. 4. A
definite space of time, an era, epoch, age, period; ‘This present world’ (New Testament).”
(H. G. Liddell and R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, “aiōn.”)
Once we understand that aiōn can refer to different durations of time, we can see
why in the Septuagint it is the word that is most often chosen to translate the Hebrew
word “olam.” In fact, understanding olam can help us understand aiōn. Like aiōn, olam
does not always mean “forever.” The Hebrew word olam (#5769 ‫)עוֹלָם‬, generally refers
to a long period of time or an indefinite period of time. It occurs over 400 times in the
Hebrew Old Testament and exactly what it means, or how long a period of time it refers
to, must be determined from the context and from the scope of Scripture.
Olam can mean a long time with no specific end in sight. C. H. Dodd correctly
and succinctly states: “The word ‫[ עוֹלָם‬olam; #5769], with αἰών [#165 aiōn ] as its
equivalent, denotes properly a period of time of which the beginning or the end are both
out of sight, an indefinitely long, rather than strictly an infinite period.” (C. H. Dodd, The
Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel, p. 144)
For example, in 2 Chronicles 33:7 God says He would put His name in the
Temple in Jerusalem “forever” (olam) but we know that in the Eternal City that comes
from heaven there will not even be a temple (Rev. 21:22). At the time it was written that
the Temple would last “forever,” the statement was accurate because there was no
specific end in sight for the temple even though at some point the Temple would be no
more. Translating olam and aiōn is very difficult, because English really does not have
any word that is equivalent to them. The English word “forever,” is not a good

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translation, because “forever” has no end, whereas olam and aiōn can come to an end—
the end is just out of sight, a long time away. There does not seem to be a very good
English word for olam, so “forever” gets used most of the time, even though it is
misleading. Some translations might be: “age-abiding,” “age-long,” “for ages,” “for
eons,” etc. Some other times olam refers to a long period of time include Psalm 143:3 and
Lamentations 3:6, referring to people who have been dead a long time.
Olam can also refer to a long period of time that is now over. For example, Isaiah
63:9 refers to God carrying Israel “in the day of old” (olam). It would be wrong to
translate olam as “forever” in that verse, because then the verse would not be accurate.
(Other verses that have that meaning for olam include Deut. 32:7; Isa. 44:7; 63:11; Amos
9:11; Micah 5:1; 7:14; Mal. 3:4).
Olam can be used to define a specific period of time that does not have a definite
end. For example, a human life. According to the Law, a person who volunteered to be a
bondslave would be a slave “forever” (olam), meaning the life of the person, however
long that ended up being (Deut. 15:17; cp. Exod. 21:6; 1 Sam. 1:22; 27:12; Job 40:28.
Olam can be used to define things that will seem to last indefinitely, and some,
like God, will indeed last “forever.” God is forever (Gen. 21:33; Isa. 40:28). [For a more
complete definition with more examples, see Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English
Seeing the different periods of time that olam can refer to, and realizing that it
was translated by the word aiōn, shows us that the word aiōn (from which we get our
English word, “aeon” or “eon”), can refer to different durations of time—something that
can be easily seen in both the Bible and Greek literature. If we count the uses of aiōn in
both the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament) and the Greek New
Testament, it occurs more than 750 times. In Exodus 21:6 it refers to the duration of
someone’s life. In Exodus 40:15 it refers to the priesthood of Aaron, which, while lasting
a long time, is not “forever.” In Leviticus 25:46 it refers to the time a slave serves, which
would be for their lifetime at the longest, certainly not “forever.” In Joshua 4:7 it refers to
a heap of stones that were to be a memorial but are gone today and therefore not
“forever.” In 1 Samuel 1:22 it refers to the term of Samuel’s service at the Tabernacle.
We also need to be aware that the word aiōn refers to more than just a period of
time itself, i.e., a passage of years. One reason that aiōn is sometimes translated “world”
in many versions of the New Testament is because the meaning of aiōn often included
both the period of time itself and the characteristics of that period (cp. the KJV in Matt.
12:32; Mark 4:19; Luke 16:8; John 9:32; Acts 15:18; Rom. 12:2; 1 Cor. 2:6; 2 Cor. 4:4;
Gal. 1:4; Eph. 6:12). The Greek-English Lexicon by Arndt and Gingrich lists “world” as
one of the meanings of aiōn, while Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon says aiōn is used
figuratively, with “age” meaning “world” by the figure of speech “metonymy of the
container for the contained…i.e., the aggregate of things contained in time.”
A helpful way of thinking of “age” as referring to the characteristics of the age
would be to think of a restaurant trying to create a specific “atmosphere.” A Mexican
restaurant might be in downtown Indianapolis, IN, but the owners want you to feel as if
you are in Mexico when you go inside. They create an “atmosphere” by having
characteristics of the country designed into the restaurant, including architecture, colors,
and decorations. Thus “atmosphere,” which normally refers to the mass of air
surrounding the earth, also refers to the characteristics and influences in the immediate

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environment. In a similar way, aiōn, age, not only refer to the period of time, but also to
the characteristics of the age. Sometimes the characteristics of the age are specifically
spelled out, such as when the Bible speaks of the “present evil age” (Gal. 1:4). Richard
Trench writes about aiōn, age, referring to the characteristics of the age, that the word
aiōn includes:

All that floating mass of thoughts, opinions, maxims, speculations, hopes, impulses,
aims, aspirations, at any time current in the world, which it may be impossible to
seize and accurately define, but which constitute a most real and effective power,
being the moral, or immoral, atmosphere which at every moment of our lives we
inhale, again inevitably to exhale—all this is included in aiōn…. (Richard Trench,
Synonyms of the New Testament, p. 217, 218.)

Scholars acknowledge that by the time between the Old and New Testaments, there
was rabbinic teaching that there were at least two ages: the present evil age and a glorious
Age to Come that was associated with the advent of the Messiah. Joachim Guhrt writes in
his article on “time” in The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology:

…in the rabbinic Judaism at the turn of the era and in the apocalyptic of the 1st
century AD…one finds a quite new use of olam [the Hebrew word usually
translated “age” or “everlasting”] which exhibits a spatial significance as well as a
temporal one. …Old Testament statements concerning primal and final time (Isa.
24-27; Joel 2) are here systematized into a doctrine of the two worlds (aeons)….
From the Book of Daniel onwards, ‘eternal life’ is an expression of the longed-for
eschatological blessings of salvation, life in the Age to come (cf. Dan. 12:2).
(Colin Brown, editor, The New International Dictionary of New Testament
Theology, “Time,” Vol. 3, p. 829-833.)

It is important to notice Guhrt referenced Daniel 12:2. The NIV is a

typical translation.

Daniel 12:2 (NIV)

Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting
life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.

The phrase the NIV translates as “everlasting life” is the Greek phrase zōē aiōnios
in the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew text that was made about 250 BC.
As Guhrt pointed out, the rabbis recognized that it did not so much refer to a duration of
time as an independent age, i.e., the Messianic Age they were expecting. Thought of in
those terms, a possible translation of Daniel 12:2 from the Septuagint could be: “And the
multitude of those sleeping in the dust of the earth will awake, some to life in the Age to
come, and some to shame; to contempt in the Age to Come.” In his article on “Age,
Ages,” G. E. Ladd writes:

Theologically the most important usage of aiōn in the NT is that which

designates two distinct periods of time: this age and the age to come.

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…This age will come to its end with the parousia [coming] of Christ
(Matt. 24:3). …The age to come is the age of eternal life (Mark 10:30),
when the righteous will ‘shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their
Father’ (Matt. 13:43). Mark 10:24, 30 equate the age to come with both
eternal life and the Kingdom of God; and in Matt. 25:34, 46, the righteous
inherit the Kingdom of God and enter into eternal life when the Son of
man comes in his glory (Matt. 25:31) at the end of this age (Matt. 25:41).
(Walter Elwell, editor, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, “Age, Ages”
pp. 19, 20.)

Like the noun aiōn, the adjective aiōnios can refer to a period of time and also to
the characteristics or qualities of that period. As was stated above, while we can
understand why Christian lexicographers see aiōnios in light of their theology and define
it in terms of “eternal” or “everlasting,” that is not the full meaning of the word. Alan
Richardson writes:

The fact is that in the New Testament, zōē or more fully zōē aiōnios is an
eschatological conception [connected with the future times]; it is one of
the characteristic marks of the Age to Come, like glory, light, etc. In the
contemporary rabbinic conception, The Age to Come…as distinct this age,
was to be characterized by zōē, that is zōē aiōnios, the life of the (coming)
age. Thus, what appears in the English versions as ‘eternal life’ or ‘life
everlasting’ really means ‘the life of the Age to Come.’ The phrase zōē
aiōnios need not necessarily imply ever-lasting life (e.g., Enoch 10:10),
but the usual meaning is life after death indefinitely prolonged in the
World to Come (Dan. 12:12…). Throughout the NT, zōē aiōnios means
‘the life of the World to Come.’ (Alan Richardson, An Introduction to the
Theology of the New Testament,, pp. 73, 74.)

Nigel Turner also wrote that the Greek words aiōn and aiōnios referred not just to
a duration of time, but specifically to an “age,” and points out that “eternal life” is an
imprecise translation of zōē aiōnios.

But a peculiar meaning appears in Jewish and Christian Greek, and

aiōn becomes one of the seven ‘ages’ or ‘dispensations’ which make up
the world’s history according to some contemporary Jewish thought.
…Sometimes the number of dispensations was simplified to two: ‘this
aiōn’ and ‘the aiōn to come,’…In the NT, aiōn indicates not only this
present period in which we live, but also a coming age of ‘eternal’ life
which we strive to be worthy to obtain (Matt. 12:32; Mark 10:30; Luke
16:8; 18:30; 20:35). The life of the Coming Age is often described as
‘eternal’ life, but it must not be understood thereby that time and eternity
are set in contrast, as if time was a quality of the present Age and
‘eternity’ was a quality of the future Age…. It would be…misleading to

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translate the aiōn as ‘eternity,’ for the aiōn is still a period of time. It is no
less imprecise to render ‘aiōnios life’ as ‘eternal life.”

If the noun aiōn, then, acquired new significance in biblical Greek, so did the
adjective, aiōnios. …it changed its meaning in Jewish and Biblical circles. …The
dispensation intended in this special sense was that of the future, the Kingdom of
Christ, the reign of the Messiah. Aiōnios has a new meaning, and the ‘aiōnios
Gospel’ is not therefore in Christian language the ‘everlasting Gospel.’ …it is the
Gospel of, or concerning, the Kingdom-age (Rev. 14:6). …We read more than
forty times of ‘aiōnios life,’ which is the life to come…. The expression stands
primarily for the quality of life. We read of habitations belonging to the Messianic
Age—aiōnios habitations (Luke 16:9; 2 Cor. 5:1). …The expression aiōnios life
appears in the OT, both in the LXX and Theodotion’s version of Daniel (12:2),
and later Jews continued the idea in the rabbinic phrase, ‘life of the Coming
olam.’ …To denote the characteristic of everlastingness, there is a separate
adjective in Christian Greek, aidios….” (Nigel Turner, Christian Words, pp. 459-

Turner makes a good point when he says there is another Greek word that can
mean “everlasting” or “eternal” in a temporal sense, aidios, and it is used of God’s power
in Romans 1:20. J. Louw and E. Nida, in the Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament Based on Semantic Domains, write:

The most frequent use of aiōnios in the NT is with zōē, “life….” In

combination with zōē there is evidently not only a temporal element,
but also a qualitative distinction. …If one translates “eternal life” as
simply “never dying,” there may be serious misunderstandings….” (J.
Louw and E. Nida, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament
Based on Semantic Domains, aiōnios.)

We agree wholeheartedly with the conclusion of Louw and Nida that simply
translating zōē aiōnios as “eternal life” can cause “serious misunderstandings,” and one
of them, as we stated above, was that based on that translation, some people conclude that
when a person believes, his “eternal life” starts right then instead of at the resurrection
and start of the Age to Come. William Barclay writes that if we just think of aiōnios as
“eternal” life we oversimplify what it means.

Simply to take the word , aiōnios, when it refers to blessings and

punishment, to mean lasting for ever is to oversimplify, and indeed to
misunderstand, the word altogether. It means far more than that. (William
Barclay, New Testament Words, pp. 37.)

The Greek word aiōnios is an adjective modifying the noun zōē, so a very literal
translation of the Greek would be “Age Life,” and we considered using that translation in
the REV. Nevertheless, we felt that most Christians would only be confused by “Age
Life,” and competent scholars such as Bruce show that the meaning of the phrase is

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indeed “Life in the Age to come,” so we felt it best to use that translation. Saved people
do not have “everlasting life” now, as if they could not die, but rather they are promised
“Age Life,” that is, life in the wonderful Messianic Age to Come.
Edward Fudge devotes an entire chapter of his book, The Fire that Consumes, to
the word aiōnios. He points out that there is an impressive list of scholars who weigh in
on the meaning of aiōnios, and their opinions vary from aiōnios always referring to a
duration of time and never the quality of an age; to it always referring in a qualitative
sense to an age, and never to duration of time; to it having both meanings. Thus he points
out, “How the Bible uses a word is far more crucial for understanding a passage of
Scripture than all the historians of any language.” (Edward Fudge, The Fire that
Consumes, p. 39.) We have already seen many verses that refer to the Age to come, and
have seen that verses such as Mark 10:30 show that everlasting life is a quality of the Age
to come, not this age. Other verses confirm this. John 6:40 connects zōē aiōnios with the
resurrection, not with the time someone believes in Jesus Christ, and so does John 6:54.
In Titus 1:2, Paul refers to having “hope” of zōē aiōnios, but Romans 8:24 makes it clear
that no one hopes for something he already has. Titus 1:2 is exactly correct, what we have
now is hope for life in the Age to come, a hope that is based upon the promises of God
and the mercy of Jesus Christ (Jude 21).
In closing, we have seen that, of the two ages, the present evil age and the Age to
come, zōē aiōnios refers to the Age to come. We have also seen that there is a temporal
meaning to aiōnios, and it is certainly true that people who have life in the Age to come
will live forever. Those who are resurrected to “life in the Age” never die again. In that
light, most places that the REV has “life in the Age to come,” we could have put,
“everlasting life in the Age to come” but that conflation was thought too much for most
contexts. Most people should quickly come to know that “life in the Age to come,” will
last forever.

Appendix 2 1195

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