Screening of Elite Genotypes of Chilli (Cv. Byadgi Dabbi) Against Pest Complex
Screening of Elite Genotypes of Chilli (Cv. Byadgi Dabbi) Against Pest Complex
Screening of Elite Genotypes of Chilli (Cv. Byadgi Dabbi) Against Pest Complex
E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2018; 6(3): 696-701
Screening of elite genotypes of chilli (Cv. Byadgi
© 2018 JEZS
Received: 07-03-2018
Dabbi) against pest complex
Accepted: 08-04-2018
1. Introduction
Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the major vegetable and spice crop grown in the
country. It is a important versatile spice as well as vegetable crop. Chilli is mainly used in
culinary adding flavour, colour, pungency and rich source of vitamins like A, C and E having
medicinal properties. India is the largest consumer and exporter of chilli in the world with a
production of 14.92 lakhs tonnes from an area of 7.75 lakh hectares [2]. In Karnataka, chilli
occupies an area of 2.74 lakhs ha with a production of 1.44 lakhs tonne with the productivity
of 4.85 quintals ha-1. Byadgi chilli cultivars are known for their acceptable pungency and
bright red colour value and considered as promising export varieties. India being the largest
chilli producer, the number of limiting factors have been identified for the low productivity. A
major bottle neck in the production is the pest complex of chilli with more than 293 insects
and mite species debilitating the crop in the field as well as in storage [3]. The major insect
pests that attack chilli are aphids (Myzus persicae Sulzer and Aphis gossypii Glover), mites
(Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks) and thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood). In Karnataka,
thrips, mites and white flies have been identified as key sucking pests of chilli of which leaf
curl caused by mite and thrips is serious [9]. In addition to these, pod borers also cause
maximum damage to the crop both during vegetative and fruit formation stages. The crop loss
by three major pests, where, 30-50% by thrips (S. dorsalis), 30-70% by mites (P. latus) and
30-40% by fruit borers Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera litura [6]. These pests cause
serious damage to the chilli crop by direct feeding and transmitting deadly disease called "leaf
curl disease" or "Murda complex". Keeping this in back drop, an attempt was made to evaluate
the 70 elite genotypes against chilli insect pests.
The rating was used for recording the thrips infestation done Index) of 0.40, 0.30, 0.43 and 0.48 respectively, hence
at 30 days intervals with symptoms severity on a 0-4 scale as categorised under moderately resistant group (Table 3). On
per the standard procedure given below [8]. Similarly for the other hand 26 were slightly resistant genotypes, 30 were
mites, five plants were randomly selected and visually rated categorized into less susceptible genotypes and 10 were
for mites infestation based on downward leaf curl damage. registered consistantly higher leaf curl damage hence were
The rating was done at 30 days intervals as per the standard grouped into highly susceptible genotypes (Table 4 and
procedure [8] from Table 1. Two observations were made Fig.1). This may be attributed to a phytophagous insect faces
during the peak activity of population at 13 and 15 Weeks purely mechanical problem such as gaining a firm attachment
after transplanting. Adopting one way ANOVA statistical on the plant surface and penetrating the hard tissue. The
analysis. The data recorded from all the observations was problem of obtaining secured anchorage on the smooth
pooled and analyzed with the help of MSTAT-C statistical surface of plant organ exposed to wind and rain presents
software, a preliminary classification of the genotypes was formidable difficulties. A smooth cuticle which was hard in
made against S. dorsalis and P. latus incidence and the nature was quite resistant to sucking pests. The plant height
genotypes were classified as resistant, moderately resistant, has positive association with thrips damage, the increase in
susceptible and highly susceptible. The entries falling in each plant height results in more young flesh which attracts the
category were represented in the form of histograms. thrips population. Further, hybrid Tejaswini performed better
with respect to yield and showed resistance to murda complex
Table 1: Scoring procedure for thrips and mites due to its rough leaf and higher phenol with moderate
Scoring Category Symptoms potassium content might have repelled the thrips population
0 1 No leaf curling (healthy plant) and resulted less thrips infestation [13]. Similarly, Guntur-4,
1 < 25% (1-25%) low curling Pusa Jwala and hybrid Tejaswini recorded less population of
2 26-50% (26-50%) moderate curling mites, thrips and the lowest leaf curl index and proved
3 51- 75% (51-75%) heavy curling tolerant to pest damage which has thick leaf, low sugar
4 75% (>75%) very high curling content, high chlorophyll and phenol content might have
favoured the tolerance [5]. Any leaf character that interferes
(Niles, 1980) Further, to screen against fruit borer in each with the thrips life-cycle is a potential resistance factor which
genotype five plants were randomly selected and tagged for may contribute to the mechanism of defence against thrips.
observation. At the time of maturity, percent fruit borer Similarly the reaction of genotypes for mites, the mean data
damage was recorded. The percent fruit damage was worked clearly indicated that, the same 70 chilli germplasm lines
out by counting total number of fruits per plant and number of exhibited wide differences in causing damage indices of
damaged fruits per plant on five randomly selected plants in yellow mite, however, none of them was found immune to
genotype by adapting following formula. this pest (Table 3). On the basis of symptoms caused by mite,
four genotypes were identified as moderately resistant such as
Number of fruits damaged BDS - 01, BDS - 27, BDS - 41, BDS - 68 showing leaf curl
Percent fruit damage = × 100 indices of 0.97, 0.87, 0.93, 0.67, respectively. Data on LCI
Total number of fruits showed no statistical difference among many genotypes.
However, based on the percentage of plants infested, 57
The genotypes were classified into following scales (Table 2). genotypes were categorized into slightly resistant. The 9
Genotypes showing 0-5 percent damage were considered as genotypes showed 2.01 - 3.0 grading index and were grouped
resistant, 6-20 percent as moderately resistant, 21-40 percent under less susceptible category viz., BDS - 08, BDS - 22,
as susceptible and above 41 percent as highly susceptible as BDS - 23, BDS - 30, BDS - 35, BDS - 40, BDS - 45, BDS -
mentioned below. 64, BDS - 28 registered damaging indices of 2.77, 2.00, 2.10,
2.30, 2.54, 2.33, 2.74, 2.07, 2.30, respectively and no
Table 2: Grouping of genotypes based on percent fruit borer genotypes were found highly susceptible to this pest from
incidence (Table 5) and (Fig.1). The resistant nature of the genotypes
Borer damage Category can be attributed to higher leaf thickness. Similar opinion was
0-5% Resistant expressed by screening of 58 genotypes against P. latus and
6-20% Moderately resistant found IHR- that 243-1-1-15 and Musalwadi selection were
21-40% Susceptible promising against the mite infestation [4]. Total sugars and
> 41% Highly susceptible proteins content was high in susceptible entries which might
supported mite infestation compared to the resistant entries.
(Shivaramu, 1999) [11] In addition, fruit yield per plant (g) was Five resistant accessions to P. latus were identified [10]. The
recorded. Then converted into fruit yield per hectare. Three negative non significant correlation with plant height and
pickings were made during the season. The data were population may be due to lack of dispersal behaviour through
subjected to statistical analysis. wind in mite perhaps led to a failure in interception by the
taller genotypes as was noticed. The present study also
3. Results and Discussion resulted in identification of good number of moderately
Present investigation on screening of seventy chilli genotypes resistant genotypes for the broad mite infestation in chilli.
(Cv. Byadgi dabbi) against thrips, mites and fruit borer were Likewise, A field investigation was undertaken to screen
classified in to four categories of resistance based on the LCI seventy genotypes under natural epiphytotic condition, where
(Leaf Curl Index). The findings of the experiments are no control measures were taken against chilli fruit borer
presented here under. infestation and their grouping is presented in the Table 3 and
The reaction of genotypes for thrips, among 70 different 6 respectively.
genotypes screened, the genotypes viz., BDS-02, BDS-14, Among the seventy genotypes none of them were resistant to
BDS-32, BDS-47 recorded relatively lowest LCI (Leaf Curl fruit borer. The 24 genotypes recorded less than 20 percent
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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
fruit damage indicating moderately resistant to chilli fruit borer, H. armigera [12]. Percent fruit borer damage ranged
borer 33 genotypes recorded as susceptible (Fig. 2). The 13 from 3.25 on SL-37 to 70.19 in PAU-101. As per the scattered
genotypes showed >41% grading index and were grouped diagram, the seven selected genotypes of chilli and capsicum
under highly susceptible category viz., BDS - 07, BDS - 08, grouped as resistant and six genotypes which recorded more
BDS - 09, BDS - 10, BDS - 11, BDS - 13, BDS - 14, BDS - than 48.7 percent fruit borer damage were grouped as highly
18, BDS - 20, BDS - 25, BDS - 29, BDS - 31, BDS - 39. This susceptible With respect to the yield performance, highest dry
may be attributed to thickness of leaf lamina was a major chilli of 14.3 q ha-1 was harvested from BDS - 65 followed by
factor for resistance than the number of hair on veins or BDS - 01 (13.8 q ha-1), BDS - 67 (12.1 q ha-1), which is on par
lamina and pubescent genotypes were found to be tolerant to with BDS - 28 (12 q ha-1), BDS - 03 (12 q ha-1) from (Table
fruit borer as the trichome interlock the bracts and protect the 7). The higher dry chilli yield was recorded (17.69 q ha-1)
buds, hence only few genotype showed tolerance to pest from commercial hybrids viz., Bejosheetal Savitri followed by
infestation. Thirty three genotypes were screened against fruit Bejosheetal Garima (15.12 q ha-1) and Ujala (16.47 q ha-1) [7].
Table 3: Per se performance of elite genotypes of chilli (Cv. Byadgi dabbi) for entomological and yield parameters
SL. No. LCI due to thrips LCI due to mites Fruit damage (%) Mean Fruit yield
Yield per
Genotypes LCI due LCI due Fruit damage per plant
13 WAT 15 WAT 13 WAT 15 WAT 13 WAT 15 WAT ha (q)
to thrips to mites (%) (Kg)
1 BDS-01 1.85 2.30 0.67 1.27 13.25 14.30 2.08 0.97 13.78 50.75 13.80
2 BDS-02 0.80 0.00 0.93 1.33 12.12 15.48 0.40 1.13 13.80 24.36 6.60
3 BDS-03 1.27 1.73 1.53 1.60 11.60 10.25 1.50 1.57 10.93 43.65 12.00
4 BDS-04 1.95 2.25 1.13 1.87 17.65 15.00 2.10 1.50 16.33 24.36 6.50
5 BDS-05 1.00 1.53 1.13 1.13 17.45 15.00 1.27 1.13 16.23 34.51 9.40
6 BDS-06 1.40 1.67 1.27 1.47 14.00 18.56 1.54 1.37 16.38 34.51 9.40
7 BDS-07 2.45 2.85 0.87 1.13 43.00 41.00 2.65 1.00 42.00 33.50 9.20
8 BDS-08 1.87 2.07 2.67 2.87 51.00 43.00 1.97 2.77 47.00 33.50 9.20
9 BDS-09 1.53 1.93 1.53 1.80 56.00 48.00 1.73 1.67 52.00 32.48 8.90
10 BDS-10 2.81 1.87 1.33 1.67 46.35 41.00 2.34 1.50 43.68 31.47 8.50
11 BDS-11 2.93 2.67 1.13 1.80 42.25 56.00 2.80 1.47 49.13 38.57 10.40
12 BDS-12 1.13 1.40 1.40 1.53 18.10 14.35 1.27 1.47 16.23 25.38 7.00
13 BDS-13 2.54 2.84 1.33 1.60 52.00 55.00 2.69 1.47 53.50 32.48 8.80
14 BDS-14 0.40 0.20 1.27 1.60 57.00 51.00 0.30 1.44 54.00 38.57 10.50
15 BDS-15 1.53 1.87 1.07 1.47 14.55 16.23 1.70 1.27 15.39 37.56 10.30
16 BDS-16 2.24 2.65 1.00 1.27 10.65 10.72 2.45 1.14 10.69 36.54 10.10
17 BDS-17 2.45 2.73 1.00 1.60 27.45 37.13 2.59 1.30 32.29 34.51 9.50
18 BDS-18 1.40 1.93 1.53 1.33 49.00 53.00 1.67 1.43 51.00 40.60 11.10
19 BDS-19 1.53 1.93 1.33 1.47 22.65 38.42 1.73 1.40 30.54 26.39 7.10
20 BDS-20 2.35 2.50 1.13 1.07 53.50 58.00 2.43 1.10 55.75 28.42 7.80
21 BDS-21 2.65 2.85 1.20 1.20 23.40 34.56 2.75 1.20 28.98 32.48 8.90
22 BDS-22 2.95 2.35 2.27 1.73 15.50 17.50 2.65 2.00 16.50 31.47 8.60
23 BDS-23 1.53 2.00 2.00 2.20 24.46 36.23 1.77 2.10 30.35 26.39 7.40
24 BDS-24 2.75 2.21 1.87 1.93 26.50 37.00 2.48 1.90 31.75 40.60 11.00
25 BDS-25 1.73 2.00 1.33 1.33 59.00 61.00 1.87 1.33 60.00 27.41 7.50
26 BDS-26 1.67 2.07 1.47 1.47 28.45 36.40 1.87 1.47 32.43 27.41 7.50
27 BDS-27 2.12 2.60 0.80 0.93 20.50 9.45 2.36 0.87 14.98 33.50 9.10
28 BDS-28 1.60 2.07 2.27 2.33 15.85 14.55 1.84 2.30 15.20 43.65 12.00
29 BDS-29 1.33 1.27 1.13 1.40 62.50 55.00 1.30 1.27 58.75 36.54 10.10
30 BDS-30 2.25 2.75 2.33 2.27 18.00 14.00 2.50 2.30 16.00 39.59 10.90
31 BDS-31 2.15 2.85 1.27 1.73 53.00 62.00 2.50 1.50 57.50 38.57 10.50
32 BDS-32 0.30 0.55 1.47 1.73 35.00 19.75 0.43 1.60 27.38 31.47 8.50
33 BDS-33 1.53 1.33 1.33 2.00 29.50 39.00 1.43 1.67 34.25 25.38 7.00
34 BDS-34 2.70 2.30 1.40 1.60 32.15 17.50 2.50 1.50 24.83 34.51 9.30
35 BDS-35 1.47 1.33 2.20 2.87 28.75 33.75 1.40 2.54 31.25 25.38 6.80
36 BDS-36 1.47 1.13 1.07 1.53 12.50 16.15 1.30 1.30 14.33 28.42 7.90
37 BDS-37 1.33 1.33 1.53 1.93 31.20 35.65 1.33 1.73 33.43 32.48 8.70
38 BDS-38 1.73 1.93 1.80 1.87 12.35 17.65 1.83 1.84 15.00 28.42 7.90
39 BDS-39 2.05 2.45 1.20 1.20 50.00 64.50 2.25 1.20 57.25 39.59 10.70
40 BDS-40 1.40 1.73 2.33 2.33 18.50 22.50 1.57 2.33 20.50 30.45 8.40
41 BDS-41 0.93 1.20 0.73 1.13 26.55 17.35 1.07 0.93 21.95 40.60 11.10
42 BDS-42 2.93 2.41 1.13 1.53 26.35 15.50 2.67 1.33 20.93 27.41 7.50
43 BDS-43 1.00 1.07 0.93 1.27 31.75 22.65 1.04 1.10 27.20 36.54 10.00
44 BDS-44 2.35 2.85 0.87 1.20 24.50 12.75 2.60 1.04 18.63 26.39 7.20
45 BDS-45 2.75 2.80 2.80 2.67 19.50 17.50 2.78 2.74 18.50 22.33 6.00
46 BDS-46 2.85 2.25 1.00 1.40 22.00 26.00 2.55 1.20 24.00 29.44 8.10
47 BDS-47 0.50 0.45 1.60 1.93 15.00 12.75 0.48 1.77 13.88 28.42 7.90
48 BDS-48 2.30 2.56 1.40 1.47 13.50 15.00 2.43 1.44 14.25 26.39 7.10
49 BDS-49 1.27 1.60 1.67 2.13 26.50 32.50 1.44 1.90 29.50 43.65 11.90
50 BDS-50 1.33 2.07 1.27 1.13 30.75 32.50 1.70 1.20 31.63 26.39 7.10
51 BDS-51 1.20 1.47 1.13 1.40 15.00 17.25 1.34 1.27 16.13 24.36 6.70
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52 BDS-52 2.89 3.25 1.33 1.73 13.55 14.25 3.07 1.53 13.90 33.50 9.20
53 BDS-53 2.95 2.15 1.33 1.20 12.75 11.58 2.55 1.27 12.17 28.42 7.60
54 BDS-54 1.80 1.93 1.47 1.73 19.75 17.75 1.87 1.60 18.75 27.41 7.40
55 BDS-55 2.35 2.55 1.40 2.27 18.35 13.00 2.45 1.84 15.68 29.44 8.10
56 BDS-56 3.51 3.20 1.07 1.27 24.75 21.75 3.36 1.17 23.25 27.41 7.40
57 BDS-57 2.40 2.68 1.13 1.27 37.75 21.75 2.54 1.20 29.75 33.50 9.20
58 BDS-58 2.84 2.65 1.33 1.47 21.00 25.00 2.75 1.40 23.00 34.51 9.60
59 BDS-59 2.85 3.54 1.07 1.00 22.75 21.40 3.20 1.04 22.08 31.47 8.70
60 BDS-60 2.35 2.74 0.93 1.20 26.00 23.45 2.55 1.07 24.73 41.62 11.40
61 BDS-61 2.85 2.35 1.33 1.07 31.50 28.60 2.60 1.20 30.05 40.60 11.20
62 BDS-62 3.45 3.30 1.47 1.47 27.35 31.00 3.38 1.47 29.18 32.48 8.80
63 BDS-63 2.75 2.45 1.73 1.60 28.00 23.00 2.60 1.67 25.50 32.48 8.80
64 BDS-64 3.10 3.75 2.07 2.07 24.61 33.50 3.43 2.07 29.06 36.54 9.90
65 BDS-65 2.25 2.84 1.80 1.93 28.00 27.00 2.55 1.87 27.50 52.78 14.30
66 BDS-66 2.85 3.15 1.00 1.07 22.56 29.35 3.00 1.04 25.96 34.51 9.30
67 BDS-67 3.45 2.75 1.13 1.20 23.50 27.00 3.10 1.17 25.25 44.66 12.10
68 BDS-68 3.20 3.45 0.47 0.87 24.00 27.00 3.33 0.67 25.50 36.54 9.90
69 BDS-69 3.55 3.20 1.20 1.20 28.00 21.00 3.38 1.20 24.50 36.54 9.90
70 BDS-70 3.80 3.45 1.33 1.33 23.00 28.70 3.63 1.33 25.85 29.44 8.00
Mean 2.10 2.21 1.38 1.58 27.65 28.05 2.15 1.48 27.85 33.30 9.08
S.Em ± 0.41 0.15 0.10 0.08 7.14 8.01 0.14 0.09 4.28 2.33 0.63
C.D. at 5% 1.13 0.43 0.29 0.24 20.1 21.41 0.42 0.26 11.89 6.47 1.76
LCI - Leaf Curl Index WAT- Weeks after Transplanting
Table 4: Indexing of chilli genotypes into different grades on the basis of leaf curling due to thrips damage
Leaf Curl No. of
Reaction Genotype
Index (LCI) genotypes
0 Resistant 0 -
0.01 - 1.0 4 BDS - 02, BDS - 14, BDS - 32, BDS - 47.
BDS - 03, BDS - 05, BDS - 06, BDS - 08, BDS - 09, BDS - 12, BDS - 15, BDS - 18, BDS - 19,
1.01 - 2.0 26 BDS - 23, BDS - 25, BDS - 26, BDS - 28, BDS - 29, BDS - 33, BDS - 35, BDS - 36, BDS - 37,
BDS - 38, BDS - 40, BDS - 41, BDS - 43, BDS - 49, BDS - 50, BDS - 51, BDS - 54.
BDS - 01, BDS - 04, BDS - 07, BDS - 10, BDS - 11, BDS - 13, BDS - 16, BDS - 17, BDS - 20,
Less BDS - 21, BDS - 22, BDS - 24, BDS - 27, BDS - 30, BDS - 31, BDS - 34, BDS - 39, BDS - 42,
2.01 - 3.0 30
Susceptible BDS - 44, BDS - 45, BDS - 46, BDS - 48, BDS - 53, BDS - 55, BDS - 57, BDS - 58, BDS - 60,
BDS - 61, BDS - 63, BDS - 65.
Highly BDS - 52, BDS - 56, BDS - 59, BDS - 62, BDS - 64, BDS - 66, BDS - 67, BDS - 68, BDS - 69,
3.01 - 4.0 10
susceptible BDS - 70.
Table 5: Indexing of chilli genotypes into different grades on the basis of leaf curling due to mites damage
Leaf Curl No. of
Reaction Genotype
Index (LCI) genotypes
0 Resistant - -
0.01 - 1.0 Moderately resistant 4 BDS - 01, BDS - 27, BDS - 41, BDS - 68.
BDS - 02, BDS - 03, BDS - 04, BDS - 05, BDS - 06, BDS - 07, BDS - 09, BDS - 10, BDS
- 11, BDS - 12, BDS - 13, BDS - 14, BDS - 15, BDS - 16, BDS - 17, BDS - 18, BDS - 19,
BDS - 20, BDS - 21, BDS - 24, BDS - 25, BDS - 26, BDS - 29, BDS - 31, BDS - 32, BDS
1.01 - 2.0 Slightly resistant 57 - 33, BDS - 34, BDS - 36, BDS - 37, BDS - 38, BDS - 39, BDS - 42, BDS - 43, BDS - 44,
BDS - 46, BDS - 47, BDS - 48, BDS - 49, BDS - 50, BDS - 51, BDS - 52, BDS - 53, BDS
- 54, BDS - 55, BDS - 56, BDS - 57, BDS - 58, BDS - 59, BDS - 60, BDS - 61, BDS - 62,
BDS - 63, BDS - 65, BDS - 66, BDS - 67, BDS - 69, BDS - 70.
BDS - 08, BDS - 22, BDS - 23, BDS - 30, BDS - 35, BDS - 40, BDS - 45, BDS - 64, BDS
2.01 - 3.0 Less Susceptible 9
- 28.
3.01 - 4.0 Highly susceptible 0 -
Sl. No. Genotypes LCI due to thrips LCI due to mites Fruit borer damage (%) Total yield per ha (q)
1. BDS - 65 2.55 d 1.87 c 27.5 (31.63) 14.30 a
2. BDS - 01 2.08 c 0.97 a 13.78 (21.79) 13.80 b
3. BDS -67 3.10 d 1.17 b 25.25 (30.17) 12.10 c
4. BDS - 03 1.50 b 1.57 c 10.93 (19.31) 12.00 c
5. BDS - 28 1.84 c 2.30 d 15.20 (22.95) 12.00 c
6. BDS - 49 1.44 b 1.90 c 29.50 (32.90) 11.90 c
7. BDS - 60 2.55 d 1.07 b 24.73 (29.82) 11.40 d
8. BDS - 61 2.60 d 1.20 b 30.05 (33.24) 11.20 d
9. BDS - 41 1.07 a 0.93 a 21.95 (27.94) 11.10 d
10. BDS - 18 1.67 b 1.43 c 51.00 (45.57) 11.10 d
Mean 2.04 1.44 24.99 12.09
S.Em ± 0.05 0.04 1.34 0.13
C.D at 5% 0.15 0.12 3.96 0.39
Thrips Mites
2 1.9 1.8 1.9
1.5 1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.1 1.1
1.0 0.9
Fig 1 : Indexing of chilli genotypes into different grades on the basis of leaf curling due to thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis
Fig 1: Indexing of chilli genotypes into differentand grades
mites,on the basis of leaf curling
Polyphagotarsonemus latus due to thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis and mites,
Polyphagotarsonemus latus
60 16
Fruit borer damage (%) Yield (q/ha)
51 14
Fruit borer damage (%)
Yield (q/ha)
29.5 30.05
30 27.5 8
25.25 24.73
13.78 4
0 0
Fig2:2 Grouping
: Groupingof
of genotypes basedononper
genotypes based percent fruitborer,
cent fruit borer, Helicoverpa
Helicoverpa armigera
armigera incidence
incidence and yield
and yield
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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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