Hardening Mechanisms of An Alkaline-Activated Class F Fly Ash

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Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1245 – 1249

Hardening mechanisms of an alkaline-activated class F fly ash

Zhaohui Xiea, Yunping Xib,*
China Building Materials Academy, Beijing, China
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Campus Box 428, Boulder, CO 80309, USA
Received 12 April 1999; accepted 12 June 2001


The hardening mechanism of a paste composed of a low calcium fly ash and alkali was investigated. It was found that a fraction of fly ash
reacted with water-glass and formed amorphous or low-ordered crystalline compounds of the type of Na2O – Al2O3 – SiO2, after the paste was
cured at 60°C for 24 h. For the water-glass with a modulus of 1.64, the strength of the paste is mainly attributed to the gel-like reaction
products that bind the particles of fly ash together. When the modulus is decreased to 1.0, crystalline sodium silicate is formed in the matrix,
which helps to achieve high strengths. D 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Alkali-activated cement; Fly ash

1. Introduction react with alkalis. It is believed that in the hardened

mixture of fly ash and alkaline activators, there are gel-
There have been extensive efforts to convert fly ash into like compounds formed as well as hydrated phases with
useful binding materials by means of alkaline activation. different degrees of crystallinity, e.g., thomosonite, hydro-
Two different processes have been developed so far [1– 4]. nepheline, natrolite, zeolite and even hydrated silicates like
One is a direct method, in which fly ash is mixed with C-S-H (II) gel [5,6]. Partly because of a wide variety of
certain activators and then the mixture is cured under a compositions of fly ash and the types of activators used,
certain temperature to make solid materials. The other is an and partly because of the difficulty in direct observation of
indirect method, in which the mixture of fly ash and reaction products, the mineralogical composition of the
activators is converted into cement clinker first, and then reaction products in alkali-activated fly ash has not been
the cement can be used to make concrete. Comparatively, studied in detail, and therefore, the hardening mechanisms
the first approach is much easier to apply mainly due to its of the pastes made of fly ash and activators have not been
simple processing technique and low treatment tempera- understood very well.
tures. In practice, no matter which method is used, the In the previous work [3], it was found that using class F
selection of proper activators is the most important part of fly ash and water-glass, a high strength paste can be made
the technology. with compressive strengths up to 8000 psi after curing at
The alkaline activators that have been used for activat- 60°C for 24 h. The control parameters that are particularly
ing fly ash include Portland cement, lime, NaOH, NaCO3, important for the paste have been identified, namely, the
and water-glass (sodium silicate solution). The effect of ratio of total activation chemicals to fly ash, the molar ratio
activation strongly depends on the physical – chemical of silica dioxide to sodium oxide (SiO2/Na2O, also known
nature of the fly ash and the type of activator. In general, as the modulus of water-glass).
fly ash is an acidic material containing acidic oxides such In addition to the paste made of the fly ash and the
as Al2O3, SiO2, and Fe2O3, thus it possesses a potential to activator, fine and coarse aggregates have also been added to
the mixture to make concrete. In this case, it was found that
the water to binder ratio (binder is the sum of water-glass and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-303-492-8991; fax: +1-303-492-
fly ash) is very important. Other control parameters are
7317. similar to those for Portland cement concrete, such as binder
E-mail address: xiy@bechtel.colorado.edu (Y. Xi). to aggregate ratio and coarse to fine aggregate ratio.

0008-8846/01/$ – see front matter D 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 8 - 8 8 4 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 5 7 1 - 3
1246 Z. Xie, Y. Xi / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1245–1249

Table 1
Chemical composition of fly ash (%)
CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 MgO Na2O
2.6 49.1 30.3 13.7 0.5 1.2 0.4

The ratio of total activation chemical to fly ash has a

significant effect on both ultimate strength and strength
development. The basic trend is that the higher the ratio,
the higher the resulting strength of the paste. For economical
reasons, the ratio should be kept below 20%. The molar
ratio SiO2/Na2O of water-glass has critical effect on both
ultimate strength and strength development. Our extensive
test results showed that the molar ratio corresponding to the
maximum strength varies upon specific chemical composi-
tion of the ash used, particularly on Al2O3 and SiO2 contents
of the ash. In general, the basic trend is that the strength
increases with decrease of the molar ratio. The water to
binder ratio has similar effect as water to cement ratio in
regular concrete.
The processing temperature of 55°C is a dividing line.
Strength of the paste and concrete cured at temperatures
below 55°C is very low, and the further gain of strength
above 55°C is not significant. Therefore, the optimum
processing temperature is 55°C, and the optimum curing
time is 12 h.
This paper is a continuation of the previous work [3,4].
Our main objective is to understand the hardening mechan-
isms of this material under a relatively low curing tempera-
ture and within a short period of curing time. An
experimental study on the class F fly ash activated by Fig. 1. SEM micrographs of the hardened paste of fly ash and water glass.
water-glass and sodium hydroxide was conducted by means (1)  2000, (2)  750.
of XRD and SEM – EDS techniques. The mineralogical
compositions of the paste will be identified; and the micro-
structure of the hardened paste will be analyzed. These will
provide valuable information to answer important questions
such as why the strength increases with decrease of modulus
of water-glass.

2. Materials

The chemical composition of the class F fly ash used in

the present study is shown in Table 1 and the chemical
composition of the water-glass is listed in Table 2. It should
be pointed out that the fly ash used in this study has a high
fraction of reactive oxides (Al2O3 + SiO2 + Fe2O3 > 93%),
which means that it has high reactivity with water-glass and
thus leads to high strength within a short time and under a
relatively lower temperature.

Table 2
Specification of water-glass
Na2O SiO2 Total solid SiO2/Na2O Consistence
16.12% 26.52% 42.65% 1.64 50.3B1 Fig. 2. Elements in the matrix of the hardened paste by EDS.
Z. Xie, Y. Xi / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1245–1249 1247

3. Experimental results hardened paste contains quartz, hematite, mullite, and

magnetite, which originally exist in the fly ash and have
3.1. The paste made of the fly ash and water-glass not been changed in the hardened paste. Meanwhile, it is
noticed that there are many small peaks scattering in the
First, the water-glass with modulus of 1.64 was used to spectrum, as compared to the XRD pattern of the original
mix with the fly ash. The weight ratio of fly ash, water-glass fly ash. These are the reaction products of the dissolved
and water was 26:15:1. The paste held in a closed mould fly ash and water-glass in a state of low-ordered crystal-
was cured in an oven of 60°C for 24 h prior to XRD and line structure.
SEM – EDS analyses.
SEM micrographs reveal that the hardened paste of fly 3.2. The paste made of fly ash, water-glass, and
ash and water-glass is composed of the spherical fly ash sodium hydroxide
particles and gelatinous matrix (Fig. 1). One can see from
the SEM images that a lot of fly ash particles reacted with In the present study, another type of paste was made of
water-glass on the surface, having needle-shaped mullite fly ash, water-glass, and sodium hydroxide. The weight ratio
crystals visible which originally present in fly ash before of fly ash/water-glass/sodium hydroxide was 26:15:2. In this
the reaction [7]. This indicates that a fraction of glass mixture, the modulus of water-glass was reduced to 1.0 with
phase in fly ash has dissolved into the matrix. The loose the addition of sodium hydroxide.
contact between the matrix and fly ash spheres (Fig. 1) The hardened paste of this mixture exhibits quite differ-
suggests that the outer shell of ash spheres dissolve and the ent microstructure under SEM (see Fig. 4). It was evidenced
inner layer expose to the matrix. EDS analysis (Fig. 2) that large quantity of tabular crystals appeared in the paste.
confirms that there is a reaction between water-glass and EDS analysis shows that these crystals contain large frac-
fly ash. It shows that the matrix contains many Al, Fe, and tions of Si, Na in a ratio of Si/Na of about 1.0 (Fig. 5).
Ca elements derived from the fly ash, and apart from Si However, the XRD of the specimens shows the same pattern
and Na. as the specimens made of fly ash and water-glass without
In order to verify the information obtained from SEM sodium hydroxide. This simply means that no new crystals
and EDS, XRD analysis was conducted. Fig. 3 is a formed in this paste. It is believed that the crystals observed
comparison of the XRD pattern of the original fly ash by SEM (Fig. 4) are sodium silicate hydrates, with small
to that of the hardened paste. It can be seen that the amounts of Al and Fe. As the silicates with formula

Fig. 3. XRD patterns of fly ash and the hardened paste. (1) XRD from original fly ash; (2) XRD from hardened paste.
1248 Z. Xie, Y. Xi / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1245–1249

in a low-ordered crystalline structure, which do not exhibit

distinguishable peaks in the XRD pattern, but appears as
low and scattered bands. The reaction products in the pastes
made of fly ash and alkaline activator(s) may be the
compounds of the type Na2O –Al2O3 – SiO2 with a small
amount of CaO, MgO, and Fe2O3 incorporated in them.
Thirdly, the compound Na2O – Al2O3 – SiO2 together with
another hydrolysis product (i.e., silica gel) binds the
particles of fly ash and results in the high strength of
the pastes.
Previous experiments showed that the activation reac-
tions do not proceed in a sufficient rate to produce high
strength paste under ambient temperature [3]. Elevated
temperatures are necessary to accelerate the reactions. When
the modulus of water-glass was reduced from 1.64 to about
1.0 by the addition of sodium hydroxide, the excessive or
unreacted sodium silicate would crystallize under the
experimental condition. The tabular crystals attribute addi-
tional strength to the paste. Moreover, the unreacted sphe-
rical particles of fly ash in this structure had strong bond
with the matrix, which also helps to gain high strength. This
explains why the strength of the paste increases as modulus
of water-glass decreases.

5. Conclusions

(1) In the mixture of the class F fly ash and water-

glass, sodium hydroxide, as one of the hydrolysis products
of sodium silicate, reacts with the acidic compositions in
the fly ash and form compounds of the type of Na2O –
Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of a hardened paste with mix ratio. (1)  10000,
(2)  750. Fly-ash/water-glass/sodium hydroxide = 26:15:2. Al2O3 –SiO2 that is in an amorphous state or low-ordered
crystalline structure.

Na2OSiO2 5 –9H2O are highly soluble in water [8], the

crystals dissolve due to absorption of the moisture in air
during preparation of XRD samples, and thus cannot be
detected by XRD.

4. Discussion

Based on the above experimental analyses, the dominant

hardening mechanism of the mixture of the class F fly ash
and water-glass can be described as in Eq. (1). First, sodium
silicate hydrolyzes when mixed with water:

Na2 OnSiO2 þ ð2n þ 1ÞH2 O () 2NaOH

þnSiðOHÞ4 ð1Þ

Secondly, the hydrolysis product, sodium hydroxide, would

activate the acidic compositions such as Al2O3, Fe2O3, and
SiO2 in the fly ash under proper temperature. The products
of the activation reactions may be in an amorphous state or Fig. 5. EDS analysis of the crystal in the paste.
Z. Xie, Y. Xi / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1245–1249 1249

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