Hardening Mechanisms of An Alkaline-Activated Class F Fly Ash
Hardening Mechanisms of An Alkaline-Activated Class F Fly Ash
Hardening Mechanisms of An Alkaline-Activated Class F Fly Ash
The hardening mechanism of a paste composed of a low calcium fly ash and alkali was investigated. It was found that a fraction of fly ash
reacted with water-glass and formed amorphous or low-ordered crystalline compounds of the type of Na2O – Al2O3 – SiO2, after the paste was
cured at 60°C for 24 h. For the water-glass with a modulus of 1.64, the strength of the paste is mainly attributed to the gel-like reaction
products that bind the particles of fly ash together. When the modulus is decreased to 1.0, crystalline sodium silicate is formed in the matrix,
which helps to achieve high strengths. D 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
0008-8846/01/$ – see front matter D 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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1246 Z. Xie, Y. Xi / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1245–1249
Table 1
Chemical composition of fly ash (%)
CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 MgO Na2O
2.6 49.1 30.3 13.7 0.5 1.2 0.4
2. Materials
Table 2
Specification of water-glass
Na2O SiO2 Total solid SiO2/Na2O Consistence
16.12% 26.52% 42.65% 1.64 50.3B1 Fig. 2. Elements in the matrix of the hardened paste by EDS.
Z. Xie, Y. Xi / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1245–1249 1247
Fig. 3. XRD patterns of fly ash and the hardened paste. (1) XRD from original fly ash; (2) XRD from hardened paste.
1248 Z. Xie, Y. Xi / Cement and Concrete Research 31 (2001) 1245–1249
5. Conclusions
4. Discussion
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