Italian Ipa - Castel
Italian Ipa - Castel
Italian Ipa - Castel
Italian Vowels
Plosive Consonants - (In Italian these plosive consonants must be un-aspirated, that
is with no puff of air escaping between the consonant and vowel or consonant that
follows it.)
Fricative Consonants
Vibrant Consonants
Nasal Consonants
[n] nome ['nome] name
[m] mano ['man:,] man, manner
[I)] stance, sangue ['stal)k:, - 'sal)gwe] bank, anguish
[Jl] sogno ['soppo] canyon, onion
[J'l]] * inferno, invemo [ill]'fem:>-ill)vem:>]---------------------
* (This is the sound the letter n takes when it assimilates before either v or f, the
Affricate Consonants
Other Symbols
(:] symbol for a long vowel or consonant. Often used to indicate double sounding
consonants (example: petto ['pet:t:,]).
('] the stress mark used to indicate that the following syllable is the stressed one
(example: amore [a'more]).
!1;: :~:~'!11~~l~;d:fc~::
In trarucribing_ theltalien texts into l.P~ti~1
:,~~zeor~=.i ~~~:
•=~f ~~~n,=~~ ~:=t~z:!~'!~
: 1h:=',: •~ore about this la!er.
I will aho employ n assimilations [something Zingarelli, p01lJibly the only [Illian
==1g1!r~Athad:;%1~r~/~s:: ;~~:!':ie~:~;;!;.i~~":,.~
where the [n) in in assimilate., loan [g] bocl,use ofthe the [k] sound thet follows m the
Another n essimilalion which ii most Italian, Is the change to an ' m' .wund,
when the letter n comes beforo b, p or m, the three bilabial consona nts. For example
in ' Madam,, Butterfly': 'Un bel dl vedremo' lll!!!'bcl divvc'drcrno], and lalcr 'per non morir
,1 primo inc<,wro" rpcrl!O!OO!Srir a! 'primJ ilj'konlro] wd Sbarpless's line 'Que] diavolod'un
Plnkerton'/'kwol 'djavJb'OO!!!"pigktrt:inJ .
The third n auimilation occun befoni / and v, the two labiodental coiuonaolt
Two common Italian word 1. invemo (winter). and inferno (hell) ere prime examples
ofthi1 phenomenon. Here the JetternH!umes a labio-dental position (that is, tha lower
lip touclles the edge of~he upperinciJOTS, jwt es in/ or v]. Thw, in Butterfly's ' Un bel
di", the phrve "levt1n1 un fil di fumo' will be transcribed /k'varsi um'lll di 'fumo]:
Musetta', line in Act JV ofBoh•me 'lnll!Si dire che Mimi fuggita dal Visconti no ere in
,nn di villl' would be transcribed with then in in fin assimila ting to an [!lJ]: !inffm di
Vila ]
The l_tal!en conwnantgmupe sn,sl and sci •see are alm1ys doubled as in: scgrt')
l'IIOflpoJ,//&110 I f~J.lasdrz:lla'Ifatt], lascena[!a"J!ena]. The single Jetter z alwaysgetJ
!~::~1~~1~~!;-~~r:~=~~(;~;2:~~th-:ri~s:::J~~:~t~1::. %:~
Since American singers are used to singing in German and French as well, it is
imperative that it be understood that one should never use closed German and French
[e] and [o] sounds in Italian. The Italian counterparts of those two closed vowel sounds
are much more lax and less tense. The difference between closed [e] and open [e] and
closed [o] and open [:,] in Italian singing is minimal due to the demands of tone
production, tessitura and long held notes. In Italian speech, the difference is more
noticeable, but even then, local speech habits make any set of rules impossible. It is
important for American singers to listen to some recordings of great Italian singers. I
recommend, for instance, the "Aida" recording with Renata Tebaldi and Mario del
Monaco. Nowhere do these great singers take the [e-e] or [o-:>] matter literally. They
fit the closed or open vowel sounds to their vocal needs!
As for the unstressed and final e and o, some texts state that they are always
closed, and others state categorically that they are always open. I say that they are
neither. They open or close depending on vocal needs,tessitura and the color of
neighboring vowels (vocalic harmonization) . I have endeavored to use this rule of
vocalic harmonization to render the transcriptions more Italian. For instance in a word
like benedetto, the stress falls on benedetto and that vowel is a closed [e ]. The
phonetic transcription becomes [bene'det:to], with the be, ne and to syllables showing
closed vowels to "harmonize" in closedness with the stressed closed syllable. However,
in a word like serpentello, the stress falls on serpentello and that vowel is an open [e].
The phonetic transcription becomes [serpen'tel:b], with the ser, pen, and Jlo syllables
showing open vowels to "harmonize" in openness with the stressed open syllable. I will
also do this with word groups, always endeavoring to match or "harmonize" vowels in
order to make it sound more Italian and to get a better vocal line.
Stress Marks
, ] before the stressed syllable. Thus the word
I will always use a stress mark [ · th
. "b d [ , ] showi·ng that the syllable mo 1s e stressed one
am ore 1s transcn e a more , bl · h ·
' ti th sical stress is on the wrong sylla e, as 1n t e case of the
However, some mes emu 'd' •11 f A t I f "M
word simile ['simile] in Des Griewc' aria "Donna non vi I m~i , rom c O anon
Lescaut". Here Puccini put a musical stress on the syll~ble mi on a top G, and therefore
the word simile was transcribed according to the musical and not the spoken stress as
[si'mile], and not ['simile].
1:hen there is Dio, the _word for God. Whenever Dio appears within a group of
~ 0rds , it gets 0 ubled,_ and 1~ opera, there are countless times when the characters
implore God with Oh D10! This should really be pronounced 01. DD " 0th 1
are· di Dio h · h h Id b H '10 . er examp es
· w ic s ou e pro~ounced as di DDio, and per Dia and con Dio which
should be pronounced as per DD10 and con DDio res · •
(Dea) or goddesses (Dee) also g t d bl d . pectively. Gods (De1), or goddess
della luna during the First Act !oveoduueet .. ' as m Madame Butterfly: somiglia la DDea
In some cases, where the English may be a bit stilted but still obviously
comprehensible, I have omitted a fourth line. For example, at the beginning of Mimi's
aria 'S1, mi chiamano Miml', I have rendered this in English as "Yes me they call Mimi",
not quite top drawer English prose, but eminently understandable without the need for
a fourth line: ''Yes they call me Miml". Another example is in Act ill of "Tosca" as
Mario speaks to the Jailer: 'lo lascio al mondo una persona cara ', which I have rendered
as "I leave in the world a person dear". This will obviously be understood as "I leave
in the world a dear person" (I hardly think that someone will be so naive as to think
that Cavaradossi is getting that familiar with the Jailer as to call him "dear"!)