Investing in Private Equity - (J.P. Morgan Asset Management)
Investing in Private Equity - (J.P. Morgan Asset Management)
Investing in Private Equity - (J.P. Morgan Asset Management)
• The primary reason for investor interest in private equity (PE) is its return enhancement
potential. A well-implemented private equity portfolio may achieve a return of 4% to 5%
in excess of public equities over the long term.
• PE investors expect to be compensated with excess returns, given the characteristics of PE
investments: a long investment period, relative illiquidity and a return profile that may be
negative in the early years and positive in the middle to late years.
• However, critical to realizing private equity’s attractive return potential is a diversified
private equity portfolio strategy, executed through a disciplined, multi-year program that
invests in top-quartile funds and opportunities.
• Diversified commingled vehicles managed by experienced private equity investors have
the potential to provide access to top-performing private equity funds, as well as high
quality direct and secondary investments, in a portfolio constructed to deliver attractive
risk-adjusted returns while minimizing administrative burdens.
Asset allocation has historically focused on traditional asset classes—equities, fixed income and
cash instruments. Investors, however, are increasingly interested in the potential of alternative
assets (private equity, private debt, real estate and hedge funds) to improve portfolio performance
over the long term, especially given the outlook for continued modest traditional market returns.
These alternative investments have different roles to play in a portfolio, from enhancing return
to diversifying risk to increasing income. In the case of private equity, the primary motivation
for investing is clearly potential return enhancement. Over the long term (10 years or more)
private equity has outperformed traditional public equity markets (EXHIBIT 1 , next page). Given
the generally high correlation between these markets, shifting from public to private equity is
more likely to enhance returns than improve diversification.
FOR MORE INFORMATION Often, investors target excess returns in the neighborhood of 3% to 5% for their private equity
Please contact your local J.P. Morgan allocations. Realizing the potential return advantage of private equity requires a knowledge of
Asset Management or Private Equity what PE consists of, its investment characteristics and the essential aspects of successful
Group representative with any questions, execution—each discussed here.
or email
CHARACTERISTICS OF PRIVATE EQUITY The J-curve effect—The J-curve represents the pattern of returns
INVESTMENTS an investor can expect to realize from a private equity fund over
time, from inception to termination. A private equity fund will
The very nature of private equity investing, whether corporate often show a negative return in its early years, when fees and
finance or venture capital related, defines its investment charac- start-up costs are incurred and investments considered to be
teristics—in terms of both risk and potential rewards. Investors behind plan are written down—all prior to any returns to the
should assess their risk appetite, cash flow needs and return investor. Investment gains will usually come in the later years as
requirements, and be sure that they understand and are portfolio companies mature, increase in value and are ultimately
comfortable with these fundamental characteristics of PE: exited with returns realized.
A long-term horizon with unique cash flow patterns—The total Attractive return potential—The above characteristics define
life of fund investments typically extends over a period of some key differences between private equity investing and
10 to 12 years from capital commitment to final distributions public equity investing. They also explain why private equity
(EXHIBIT 2 ). Committed capital is not used immediately, as investors anticipate a higher level of compensation for investing
with typical investments made in the public markets. Rather, in private vs. public equity opportunities—an expectation that
cash must be available for investment as portfolio companies private equity investing has met over the long term. This
are identified and their growth strategies implemented. The potential return advantage, like the characteristics above, is
distributions vary in timing and magnitude, and occur over the rooted in the definition and nature of private equity:
life of the investment.
• an expanded opportunity set of investments not typically
available through public markets
Private equity capital is called during the investment
• legitimate access to non-public information prior to making
period and distributed during the harvesting period
an investment
EQUITY FUND • a strong alignment of interests among GPs, LPs and
Capital called Distributions company management
40 Investment period
Percentage of commitment amount
• a high degree of control and influence over investments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Year in investment cycle Successful private equity investing requires skillful execution.
Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Private Equity Group. That means starting with a diversified private equity portfolio
allocation strategy, implemented through a disciplined private
equity investment program that incorporates top-performing
Illiquidity—Commitments are generally for the long haul. funds and investments.
Unlike many other alternative investments, private equity
investments typically do not have reinvestment or redemption A diversified private equity portfolio strategy
features. Further, for many investors, the ability to sell a
Constructing a diversified private equity portfolio designed
private equity investment can be limited by their investment
to meet an investor’s return and risk objectives requires
agreements. Even if investors are able to sell positions in the
knowledge of and access to a broad array of private equity
secondary market, as described above, interests generally
investment opportunities—across strategies, geographies,
trade at a discount and the market itself can be cyclical,
industries and vintage years—available through funds or
further impacting prices.
direct investments, in the primary and secondary markets.
First quartile Pooled Median Third quartile • company-level due diligence capabilities
25 2,280 bps 1,980 bps 1,980 bps 1,950 bps • performance track record
20 19.3
18.3 18.2 • terms of the proposed fund
15 14.1
12.7 12.5 At any point in time, investing with top-performing
IRR (%)
10 8.6 9.1 8.8 8.5 partnerships engaged in fundraising is essential but may not
be sufficient to ensure access to the most attractive private
0 equity opportunities. Direct company and secondary market
-1.5 -1.3
-3.5 -3.7 investments can expand the opportunity set. Working with a
5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years
manager or consultant able to apply partnership- and
Source: Burgiss; data as of September 30, 2017. company-level due diligence skills across strategies and
The dispersion results are sourced from the Burgiss Manager Universe and are based geographies can help in the evaluation of both individual
on the individual internal rates of return (IRRs) as of September 30, 2017, for all
private equity funds. company investments and the embedded portfolios of
companies in partnership interests available in the secondary When properly constructed, a commingled fund seeks to
market. These skills include analysis of a company’s: deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns and a more consistent
• market return stream than an individual fund through:
Commingled funds provide a simplified approach to Direct and secondary investment—Commingled funds may be
constructing a diversified portfolio of high quality PE funds able to improve performance by gaining access to direct
and investments investment opportunities not available to all investors. They
EXHIBIT 4: THE COMMINGLED FUNDS OPTION can also seek opportunities in the secondary markets, thereby
gaining exposure to investments in the later stages of the
Investor commitment
investment cycle, when cash flows are more likely to be
positive, potentially tempering the J-curve effect.
Company Company Company Company • ongoing due diligence throughout the life cycles of
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