Heart & Lung: Shamila Shanmugasegaram, PHD, Sherry L. Grace, PHD, Fccs

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Heart & Lung xxx (2017) 1e6

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Depression screening and treatment recall in male and female

coronary artery disease inpatients: Association with symptoms one
year later
Shamila Shanmugasegaram, PhD a, Sherry L. Grace, PhD, FCCS a, b, *
School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York University, Toronto, Canada
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network, Toronto, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: This study examined whether cardiac inpatients recall depression screening and how it is
Received 13 January 2016 related to depressive symptoms and treatment one year later.
Received in revised form Methods: 2635 cardiac inpatients from 11 hospitals completed a survey and were mailed a follow-up
22 January 2017
survey one year later; both surveys included the BDI-II.
Accepted 9 February 2017
Available online xxx
Results: Of the 1809 (68.7%) retained participants, 513 (30.0%) recalled depression screening. Recall was
not significantly related to depressive symptoms at either time point (P > 0.05). Participants who were
recommended antidepressants had higher BDI-II scores than those who were not, both as inpatients (P <
Coronary artery disease
0.01) and one year later (P < 0.05). There was no significant change in depressive symptoms over time in
Depression patients who received any type of therapy.
Screening Conclusion: Less than one-third of cardiac inpatients recalled being screened for depression. Recall of
Treatment screening was not significantly related to depressive symptoms, and use of treatment was related to
Depressive symptoms greater symptoms.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of global mortality,1 Unfortunately, comorbid depression in cardiac patients is grossly
and depressive disorders are the second leading cause of years lived under-recognized.15 This has led to recommendations for the
with disability.2 Accordingly, 15e20% of cardiac patients suffer from screening and treatment of depression in this population. Guidelines/
major depression, an estimate which is three-times higher than statements from the American Heart Association,14 American Asso-
that observed in age-matched community samples.3,4 As many as ciation for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation,16 American
50% of cardiac patients report elevated depressive symptoms.5 The Academy of Family Physicians,17 and Canadian Network for Mood and
prevalence of major depression in women cardiac patients is Anxiety Treatments,18 among other Societies19e23 include recom-
approximately two-times greater than what is observed among mendations for depression screening. While setting is not specified,
men,6 rendering them a particularly vulnerable population screening in hospital cardiac wards versus an outpatient setting
considering depressed cardiac patients have increased morbidity would enable more universal capture of depressed patients.
and mortality compared to cardiac patients without depression.7e Screening refers to a strategy applied in a population for the
Specifically, depressive symptomatology confers a relative risk detection of a problem among individuals with no apparent
between 1.5 and 2.5 for future cardiac morbidity and mortality; this symptoms.24e26 The limited evidence available shows few cardiac
is of similar magnitude to traditional risk factors.13,14 patients are screened, and questions have been raised regarding its
benefits.27 For instance, recent work has suggested that 1000
depression screenings would result in 304 (30%) patients needing
further evaluation, of whom only 126 (13%, and only 41% of those
Conflicts of interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. who screen positive) would have major depressive disorder.28
Source of funding: This study was funded by Canadian Institutes of Health
There is generally a lack of research assessing the effects of
Research (CIHR) and Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada grant #HOA-80676. Dr.
Shanmugasegaram was supported in her graduate studies by the CIHR Frederick screening on depression itself (i.e., it would not be ethical to screen,
Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Award. if those who screen positive do not undergo diagnostic testing and
* Corresponding author. York University, Bethune 368, 4700 Keele Street, receive effective treatment where indicated, which ultimately
Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3, Canada. Fax: þ1 (416) 736 5774.
mitigates the depression).29,30 In addition, the extent to which
E-mail address: sgrace@yorku.ca (S.L. Grace).

0147-9563/$ e see front matter Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 S. Shanmugasegaram, S.L. Grace / Heart & Lung xxx (2017) 1e6

patients are aware of the depression screening, whether they find it Measures
acceptable, and whether they are informed of the results are not
known. This is crucial to engaging patients in the diagnostic and Sociodemographic variables assessed via self-report in the in-
treatment process if they screen positive. hospital survey included marital status, ethnocultural background
The low rates of screening are not due to the lack of effective (response options were based on Statistics Canada’s ethnic origin
treatment. Evidence-based treatments for depression include an- classification), highest education attainment, annual family in-
tidepressants and psychotherapy31,32; these therapies have also come, and work status. The MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social
been shown to be effective in cardiac patients.32e36 For instance, Status40 was also included in the survey administered in hospital.
findings from the Enhancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease Participants were asked to demarcate their socioeconomic status
Patients (ENRICHD) trial showed that CognitiveeBehavioral Ther- on a 10-rung ladder compared to others in Canada. Scale scores
apy significantly reduces depression.31,32 The Coronary Psychoso- ranged from 1 to 10, with higher scores indicating greater subjec-
cial Evaluation Studies (COPES) trial demonstrated that Probleme tive socioeconomic status.
Solving Therapy and/or pharmacotherapy using a stepped Sociodemographic data obtained from the medical chart were
approach showed promise in not only reducing depression, but also age and gender. Clinical variables obtained from the chart included
in reducing death, recurrent myocardial infarction, and angina.37 risk factors (e.g., body mass index [kg/m2], diabetes mellitus, hy-
Despite the evidence demonstrating the efficacy of these thera- pertension, dyslipidemia), reason for cardiac admission, and
pies, few patients access treatment, and those who do may not comorbidities. Participants were also administered the Duke
receive adequate follow-up to achieve remission.38 Activity Status Index in the in-hospital survey.41 This brief self-
Accordingly, the objectives of the current study were to: (1) administered scale assesses functional capacity through meta-
describe the extent to which cardiac inpatients recalled depression bolic equivalents. The validity of the scale was demonstrated by
screening; (2a) investigate whether screening varied by gender strong correlations with peak oxygen uptake.41
(among other patient characteristics), and (b) examine whether The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II)42 was administered to
screening was related to depressive symptom severity one year assess depressive symptoms, in the surveys administered in hos-
later; (3) describe the use and type of depression treatment among pital and one year later. It is a reliable and well-validated 21-item
those with a diagnosis; and (4a) investigate whether treatment scale with a forced-choice 4-alternative response format. It has
varied by gender, and (b) examine whether treatment was related been widely used in both psychiatric and medical populations,
to depressive symptom severity one year later. including cardiac patients.37 Higher scores reflect greater depres-
sive symptomatology, with scores 14 reflecting at least mild
symptomatology (i.e., “elevated”).
Methods Finally, investigator-generated items assessed depression
screening, diagnosis and treatment in the in-hospital survey via self-
Design and procedure report. Participants were asked whether any healthcare provider had
ever asked them if they were “feeling down or depressed” (i.e.,
Secondary analysis of a larger study entitled Cardiac Rehabili- assessment of patient-recalled depression screening, with some ex-
tation care Continuity through Automatic Referral Evaluation amples of screening tools) since their cardiac diagnosis (yes/no), and
(CRCARE) was undertaken. Further details regarding the method- which healthcare provider asked them. They were also asked if they
ology of the CRCARE Study are available elsewhere.39 Ethics had ever been diagnosed with depression (yes/no). If yes, they were
approval was granted from all participating institutions. This was a asked to report what types of treatment, if any, they were prescribed
prospective, observational study in design. (i.e., psychotherapy, antidepressants, exercise, none, other; yes/no for
In brief, adult inpatients on cardiology wards (i.e., coronary care each); participants were asked to check all that apply.
unit, general cardiology ward, cardiac surgery ward or interven-
tional cardiology ward) from 11 hospitals across Ontario were Statistical analyses
approached to participate in this study. After obtaining informed
consent, clinical data were extracted from medical charts, and a SPSS Version 24.043 was used to analyze the data. First, a
self-report survey was administered to participants. This survey descriptive examination of patient-recalled screening was per-
included the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and investigator- formed. Percentages took into account missing data. Then t-tests
generated questions about recall of depression screening and and chi-square analyses were performed to assess differences in
treatment. One year later, participants were mailed a follow-up sociodemographic (including gender) and in-hospital clinical char-
survey which again included the BDI-II. acteristics, between participants who reported screening for
depression and those who did not, as appropriate. To test the
remainder of the second objective, differences in depressive symp-
Participants toms at both assessment points by screening recall were assessed
using a t-test. Repeated measures analysis of covariance was then
CRCARE study inclusion criteria were: (i) confirmed acute cor- used to assess whether screening recall (independent variable) was
onary syndrome diagnosis and/or (ii) history of percutaneous cor- related to depressive symptoms (dependent variable), after adjust-
onary intervention, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, valve ing for variables that were significantly different between those who
repair/replacement, or heart failure. Exclusion criteria were: (i) recalled and those who did not recall screening for depression
participation in cardiac rehabilitation within the past two years, (ii) identified through the bivariate analyses above.
significant orthopedic, neuromuscular, visual, cognitive and/or any To test the third objective, a descriptive examination of treat-
serious mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia, but not mood or anxiety ment types was performed. To test the fourth objective, chi-square
disorders) which would preclude cardiac rehabilitation participa- and t-tests were performed to assess differences in treatment types
tion, and (iii) lack of proficiency in the language of the survey by gender and depressive symptoms, respectively. To fully test the
(English, French, Punjabi, Hindi or Urdu). An additional exclusion latter, again repeated measures analysis of covariance was used to
criterion for this study was failure to respond to the survey question assess whether treatment (independent variable) was related to
regarding depression screening recall (yes/no). depressive symptoms (dependent variable), after adjusting for
S. Shanmugasegaram, S.L. Grace / Heart & Lung xxx (2017) 1e6 3

variables that were significantly different between those who more likely to be male and working than participants who did not
recalled and those who did not recall screening for depression recall screening. Participants reporting a previous depression
identified through the bivariate analyses. diagnosis were significantly more likely to recall screening
(X2 ¼ 15.76, P < 0.001).
Respondent characteristics
Table 2 displays rates of treatment use by type in those with a
As reported elsewhere,39 2635 (61.8% response rate) cardiac
diagnosis of depression in their lifetime. Almost all participants
inpatients completed the in-hospital survey. Of these participants,
who reported a diagnosis of depression mentioned some form of
1809 (68.7% retention rate) completed the one-year follow-up
therapy. More than one-third of participants (n ¼ 99, 41.3%) re-
survey. Differences in characteristics of retained participants and
ported taking antidepressants and receiving psychotherapy. The
those lost to follow-up were also reported elsewhere.39
antidepressants participants reported taking included Bupropion/
Ninety-seven participants (5.4%) did not report whether or not
Wellbutrin, Citalopram, Celexa, Cipralex, Effexor, Paxil, Prozac, and
they recall being screened for depression. Sociodemographic and
Zoloft. Other types of treatment prescribed by physicians included
clinical characteristics of the 1712 retained participants who
spiritual care, a support group, and taking deep breaths e each
comprised the sample for this study are shown in Table 1. Other
recalled by only one participant. There were no significant differ-
ethnocultural backgrounds represented in the sample (in
ences in recommendations for antidepressants, psychotherapy or
descending frequency) included South Asian, East or Southeast
exercise based on gender.
Asian, and Caribbean. Overall, 255 (14.5%) participants self-
reported a depression diagnosis in their lifetime.
Screening and treatment by depressive symptoms
Screening recall
The mean BDI-II score in-hospital was 9.48  8.33. The mean
As shown in Table 1, approximately one-third of participants score one year later was 8.64  8.87, and this represented a sta-
recalled being screened for depression during their cardiac hospi- tistically significant reduction over time (paired t-test ¼ 2.74,
talization. Of these participants, 410 (80.1%) did not report a diag- P < 0.01). Screening recall was not significantly related to depres-
nosis of depression in their lifetime. In terms of who screened sive symptom scores in-hospital (P > 0.05; Table 1). Screening
them, 160 (31.7%) participants reported being screened by a cardiac recall was also not significantly related to depressive symptom
specialist (e.g., cardiologist, cardiovascular surgeon), 113 (22.4%) scores at one-year follow-up (P > 0.05).
reported a nurse, 97 (19.2%) reported a general practitioner (family There were significant differences in treatment use by depres-
doctor), and 134 (26.6%) reported another healthcare provider. sive symptom severity in-hospital (Table 2). Participants who were
Table 1 displays the sociodemographic characteristics of those taking antidepressants had higher BDI-II scores than those who
who recalled and did not recall being screened for depression. were not taking antidepressants (P < 0.05). There was no significant
Participants who recalled screening were significantly younger and difference in BDI-II scores between participants who were treated

Table 1
In-hospital sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients by screening recall.

Mean  SD/n (%) Recalled screening (n ¼ 513; 30.0%) Did not recall screening (n ¼ 1199; 70.0%) Total (N ¼ 1712; 100.0%)
Sociodemographic characteristics
Age 63.83  10.12 65.78  10.37 65.39  10.40***
Gender (male) 406 (79.1) 884 (73.7) 1290 (75.4)*
Ethnocultural background (white) 428 (84.9) 971 (82.9) 1399 (83.5)
Marital status (married) 394 (77.7) 926 (78.1) 1320 (78.0)
Education (High school) 384 (77.7) 869 (74.7) 1253 (75.6)
Work status (Retired) 236 (46.7) 635 (53.9) 871 (51.8)**
Annual family income ($50,000CAD) 219 (50.8) 494 (50.5) 713 (50.6)
Subjective socioeconomic status 6.40  1.75 6.35  1.78 1.55  0.50
Rurality 62 (12.1) 143 (11.9) 205 (12.0)
Clinical characteristics
Primary reason for admission
Coronary artery bypass graft surgery 232 (45.6) 473 (39.7) 705 (41.4)*
Myocardial infarction 146 (28.7) 326 (27.4) 472 (27.8)
Percutaneous coronary intervention 149 (29.3) 428 (35.9) 577 (33.9)**
Heart failure 71 (13.9) 115 (9.6) 186 (10.9)*
Valve (Repair) 10 (25.6) 28 (29.2) 38 (28.1)
Risk factors
Body mass index 29.15  5.52 29.06  5.33 29.04  5.45
Diabetes mellitus 152 (32.7) 337 (30.8) 489 (31.4)
Family history of cardiovascular disease 248 (63.9) 566 (65.7) 814 (65.2)
Hypertension 353 (74.3) 815 (73.6) 1168 (73.8)
Hypercholesterolemia 368 (83.3) 853 (81.3) 1221 (81.9)
Current smoking 30 (6.0) 78 (6.6) 108 (6.4)
Depressive symptoms (BDI-II) 9.45  8.30 8.98  7.65 9.14  7.82
Functional status (DASI) 27.90  16.62 27.95  17.36 27.91  17.18
Comorbidities (% yes) 312 (67.4) 744 (68.1) 1056 (67.9)

SD, standard deviation; CAD, Canadian dollar; BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory-II; DASI, Duke Activity Status Index.
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.
4 S. Shanmugasegaram, S.L. Grace / Heart & Lung xxx (2017) 1e6

Table 2
Correlates of use of depression treatment by type among patients with a self-reported diagnosis of depression.

n (%) Antidepressant Psychotherapy Exercise None Total

204 (71.8%) 133 (47.5%) 68 (24.6%) 22 (8.8%)
Recalled screening 81 (40.3) 53 (39.8) 28 (41.8) 6 (27.3) 513 (30.0)
Gender (male) 134 (65.7) 88 (66.2) 50 (73.5) 14 (63.6) 1357 (75.0)
Elevated depressive symptoms (in-hospital) 92 (46.2); P < 0.01 53 (40.2) 23 (33.8) 7 (31.8) 366 (21.0)
Elevated depressive symptoms (one-year follow-up) 80 (40.8); P < 0.05 49 (38.0) 22 (32.8) 11 (52.4) 322 (18.4)

Note. Participants were asked to report all treatment types that apply (i.e., they were not mutually exclusive).

versus those who were not treated with psychotherapy or exercise with high symptom severity would more often screen positive, and
(P > 0.05). hence have a discussion with a healthcare provider regarding the
There was no significant change in depressive symptoms over results and subsequently a diagnostic interview. One could expect
time in participants who were treated with antidepressants, psy- patients would be more likely to recall this discussion. Screening
chotherapy or exercise (P > 0.05). Table 2 displays the proportion of was not significantly related to depressive symptoms not only at
participants with elevated depressive symptoms at both time the time of hospitalization, but also one year later, calling into
points by recommended treatment type. As shown and similar to question the impact of screening (as has been raised in the litera-
the findings from the in-hospital assessment, there was a signifi- ture),44 and consistent with a recent study in cardiac surgery pa-
cant relationship between antidepressant use and BDI-II scores at tients.45 Indeed, some more recent guidelines recommend
one-year follow-up (P < 0.01), with those taking antidepressants providers only be “alert” to possible depression and case-find
reporting significantly higher depressive symptoms than those not where suspected through administration of a screening tool.25,46
taking antidepressants. Psychotherapy and exercise were not There is currently a trial underway to test the American Heart As-
significantly related to BDI-II scores at follow-up. In multivariate sociation’s screening recommendations.47
analysis, the association between use of antidepressants and Consistent with the literature,48,49 participants were most
depressive symptoms at both time points was only a trend commonly taking antidepressants as treatment, over and above
(Table 3). psychotherapy. Further, contrary to expectation, participants who
were recommended antidepressants had greater depressive
symptom severity than those who were not recommended anti-
Discussion depressants over the year post-hospitalization. This could be due to
appropriate provision of antidepressants to patients who are
Despite clinical practice recommendations,14,16 less than one- experiencing more severe depression.
third of cardiac patients recalled being screened for depression in
this study. There are several possible explanations for this finding
including: (1) recall failure due to emotional distress and fears Clinical implications
about medical recovery, (2) prioritization of more pressing acute
over chronic care by healthcare providers, and (3) lack of awareness Given that screening was self-reported in the current study,
or skepticism of screening guidelines/statements by providers implications for screening recommendations and the associated
given the state of the literature.44 Future research is needed to controversy cannot be drawn. However, screening should be un-
better understand screening practices in the inpatient cardiology dertaken using a validated instrument (such as the Patient Health
setting, how it is communicated with patients, and patients’ Questionnaire which is recommended by the American Heart As-
acceptance of depression screening and findings. This could also sociation; http://www.phqscreeners.com/), and all positive screens
inform more specific clinical practice recommendations regarding should trigger a full diagnostic interview by a qualified healthcare
screening setting, most notably whether an inpatient or outpatient professional using established diagnostic criteria (e.g., http://dsm5.
specialty or general care setting is most appropriate. org/psychiatrists/practice/dsm).
Although females are twice as likely to experience depression, Nevertheless, these results can inform the practice of depression
they were less likely to recall screening than their male counter- care in cardiac patients from the patients’ perspective. First, it
parts, and were no more likely than males to receive treatment. should be established that females, non-working and elderly pa-
Whether females receive equitable depression care warrants tients are as likely to be screened as males, working and younger
further investigation. patients. Systematic screening processes could mitigate these in-
It was surprising that screening recall was not significantly equities. Second, communication with patients regarding depres-
related to depressive symptoms. It would be assumed that patients sion screening and the findings should be promoted. Such
communication should espouse to increase awareness of the
prognostic importance of comorbid depression, the high burden,
Table 3 de-stigmatize mental illness, as well as the importance, safety,
Repeated measures analysis of covariance assessing association with Beck Depres-
sion Inventory-II scores.
availability and efficacy of treatment. Patients should be provided
with treatment options, so they can make informed choices that
Variable F P Partial Eta squared meet their preferences. This would truly represent more patient-
Age 1.98 0.16 0.008 centered care.
Gender 1.17 0.28 0.005
The continuity and inter-professional care provided in cardiac
Work status 1.43 0.23 0.006
Indication rehabilitation programs could represent an ideal setting to screen,
Percutaneous coronary intervention 1.38 0.24 0.006 and subsequently understand patient depression treatment pref-
Coronary artery bypass graft surgery 2.30 0.13 0.009 erences, treatment tolerance, and monitor treatment response to
Heart failure 1.56 0.21 0.006 achieve symptom remission. Indeed, the major cardiac rehabilita-
Recall depression screening 1.82 0.18 0.007
Antidepressant therapy 3.01 0.08 0.012
tion societies consider depression management as a “core compo-
nent” of their programs,19e21 and both the American Association for
S. Shanmugasegaram, S.L. Grace / Heart & Lung xxx (2017) 1e6 5

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