5.6-Soccer Rating - Final
5.6-Soccer Rating - Final
5.6-Soccer Rating - Final
E. Shooting (one choice- should be the most representative of the athlete's skill level)
Periodically can strike ball on goal from close range of 7 yards or closer(2)
Can make shots regularly from close range (3)
Can make shots inside of close range and occasionally attempts a mid range shot of 8 to 12 yards (4)
Can put mid range shots of 8 to 12 yards on goal with moderate pace (5)
Can consistently make close and mid range shots and will attempt shots beyond 12 yards (6)
Has excellent shooting form, can strike the ball with pace and makes shots from any range
15 yards and in (8)
F. Defense (one choice- should be the most representative of the athlete's skill level)
Does not understand defensive position or principles, often beaten by a defender on the dribble or to loose balls (2)
Some understanding of defensive position and principles, sometimes beaten by a defender on the dribble or to loose balls (3)
More understanding of defensive position, can perform a tackle, goes after loose balls within 3 to 4 steps (4)
Good undestanding of defensive position and principles, does not get beat often, aggressively
goes after loose balls, gets many, ability to clear ball (6)
Exceptional ability to get to defend, wins most loose balls, ability to clear the ball, shut down-type defender (8)
G. Goalkeeping (one choice- should be the most representative of the athlete's skill level)
Does not understand goalkeeping position, tentative when shots come at goal (2)
Some understanding of goalkeeping position, can block some shots directly at him/her (3)
Some understanding of goalkeeping position, can block and catch shots directly at him/her (4)
Better understanding of goalkeeping position, can block, catch shots directly at him/her or within a couple
of steps to either side (5)
Good understanding of goalkeeping position, can move to save some more difficult shots,
can distribute the ball to an open player (6)
Exceptional ability to save shots, aggressively goes after loose balls in the goal box, distributes effectively
to start the offense (8)
Divide TOTAL SCORE by 7 to determine OVERALL RATING
(round off to the nearest tenth I.e. 4.97 = 5.0 or 3.53 = 3.5)
Special Olympics
Soccer Rating Summary Form
Delegation: Team Name: