Bullying Pre Post Test
Bullying Pre Post Test
Bullying Pre Post Test
What is bullying?
Who is involved in a
bullying situation?
Why is it important
to talk about
Name:_________________________________ Grade: 6 7 8
Please complete this as you come in by putting an X in the box that describes you:
1- I have no idea 2- I know a little bit 3- I know some 4- I know a lot of
or I am unsure. things. things! I’m an expert.
What is bullying?
Name:_________________________________ Grade: 6 7 8
Please complete this as you come in by putting an X in the box that describes you:
1- I have no idea 2- I know a little bit 3- I know some 4- I know a lot of
or I am unsure. things. things! I’m an expert.
What is bullying?