Thesis Bamouni
Thesis Bamouni
Thesis Bamouni
A.A 2010-2011
BAMOUNI Souleymane
This study was conducted in the context of our master thesis. The study is carried
out to recover a part of the seed farm of Loumbila in the region of Central
Plateau/Burkina Faso.
Indeed the aim of the study is to recover 12 hectares of non-functional part of
existed surface irrigation scheme and contribute to improve irrigation water
management on the site in order to increase productivity, quality and profitability in
the context of the fight against food insecurity and poverty.
To achieve this goal, we proposed a drip irrigation system design. For the study of
the design, the total area is divided into 06 blocks of 2 hectares each and each block
has 8 plots of 0.25 ha for each famer. The design of the irrigation system has been
conducted only on a single plot (0.25 ha) and witch is downstream of the scheme. All
blocks and plots have the same characteristics (dimensions, surface, and demand of
water, 9 m3).
However in the implementation of the project on all 12 ha of the site, the technical
data of the studied plot will be reproduced on other forty seven (47) plots.
One could say that the study has a double objective because it will also allow us
to compare in many levels the two systems of irrigation practiced in the site, the
surface irrigation and the new drip irrigation scheme. It is an opportunity to
contribute to popularize the drip irrigation system to famers in Burkina Faso.
Results of the study showed that the system works very well on the whole
perimeter. We need 01 h 55 to irrigate the plot of 0.25 ha with a uniformity of 96%
of distribution. And also the flow rate of the pump used (Q=80m 3/ha) allows to
irrigate one block (02 ha) at the same time.
The success of this study was the work and sacrifice of several people to whom I
owe gratitude.
Among those involved from afar or close to that success, I would especially like to
thank my wife Ms. BAMOUNI/SAWADOGO Aminata and my son BAMOUNI
Cherif Ben Sidi
I would like to thank my parents, brothers and sisters and may God grant them good
health and long life.
I also want to thank sincerely the Director of Development of Irrigation Facilities and
the Irrigation of Agriculture Ministry of Burkina Faso and all his officers for their
support and multifaceted encouragements.
Special thanks are due to the General Director of the IAO and the entire staff.
My thanks also go to the place of all the lecturers, particularly Pr. Elena Bresci and
Pr. Falchai during various theoretical courses for making me a man seasoned in
I thank Dr SOLINAS Ivan for the supervision of my thesis work. I also thank Dr. Paolo
Enrico SERTOLI and Mr Andrea Merli for having assisted and accompanied us
throughout the training in many levels.
Dedicated to:
Figure 1: Principle of surface irrigation ................................................................................................. 11
Table 1: Data of precipitation of the study area ................................................................................... 18
Map 1: Map of the Province of Oubritenga/Burkina Faso ……………………………………………………………..…16
ADB: African Development Bank
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................iii
DEDICATION ................................................................................................... iv
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. vi
I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 1
1.1 Justification of the study.................................................................................................................1
3.2.3 Drip irrigation system ............................................................................................................... 13
4.1.1 Choice of the topic of the thesis and the site of study......................................................... 15
4.7.1 Economic impacts..................................................................................................................... 20
Using these data in the software, one obtains the figure below. ................................................. 27
5.5 CROPWAT 8.0 and Crop Water Requirements and irrigation scheduling.......................... 28
VI RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ......................................................................33
6.1 Irrigation requirements ................................................................................................................ 33
The volume of water for maize cultivation on 0.25 ha is 2 062.5 m3. ......................................... 33
BIBLIOGRAPHY ..............................................................................................38
ANNEXES .......................................................................................................38
1.1 Justification of the study
The Institute's mission is: "To conceive and implement, on behalf of the Italian
Development Cooperation, in partnership with local people, research, studies,
technical assistance and training initiatives with the aim of reducing hunger and
poverty, developing and managing agricultural and environmental resources in a
sustainable way". Among the facilities offered by IAO, this Institute holds master's
Degree courses in Geomantic and Irrigation at the location of participants from
developing countries. It is within this context that the fourth edition of the Master in
Irrigation, with the participation of fifteen people from Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana,
Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, and Senegal was held.
Moreover, as in any academic diploma training, after the theoretical and lecture
phase, each student must conduct a study on a given thesis to enable him to
understand and experiment the field realities. Thus, for the conduction of our thesis,
we chose a scenario on irrigated agriculture in Burkina Faso.
Burkina Faso's economy is predominantly agricultural. Indeed, the agricultural sector
represents about 40% of GDP (25% agriculture, 12% livestock, forestry and fishing
3%) and provides employment and income for the vast majority of the population. It
provides over 80% of export earnings and its ripple effects support secondary and
tertiary sectors, thereby strengthening the overall dynamics of the national economy.
It is an extensive farming and low productivity.
Potential irrigable low exploited: The potential irrigable land resources of the country
are estimated at 233,500 ha. In 2004, the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic and
Fishery Resources (MAHRH) estimated at 32 258 ha of irrigation schemes with 12
058 ha for large irrigated areas, 3 000 ha for medium schemes, 10,000 ha for small
irrigation schemes and 7200 ha for lowland. According to 2004 estimations of
MAHRH, the average used is around 20 000 ha with 42.5% operated in total control
of water, 30% and 22.5% respectively operated in lowland and small irrigation
schemes (Rapport de formulation du programme regional de développement durable
de l’agriculture irriguee dans le plateau central, Decembre 2010=Report of diagnostic
for the formulation of regional sustainable development program for irrigated
agriculture in the Region of Central plateau, December 2010).
Strategies have been developed with the droughts of the 1970s involving the
control of irrigation water in order to improve agricultural productivity. Indeed
several types of irrigation schemes were then created, including the large schemes
and the construction of many small dams and associated perimeters, but the results
so far have been mixed with inadequate infrastructure valued and whose
management is largely in deficit. Learning from these shortcomings and limitations of
these different types of irrigation schemes in a context of poverty and about the
persistence of weather conditions and low productivity of rainfed agriculture, the
Government decided to review its options and guidelines and defined a national
strategy for sustainable irrigated agriculture, underpinned by three key ideas:
rereading of these options and these guidelines, which led to the development with
support from Development Partners (World Bank, FAO, ADB ...), of the document
"National Policy for Development of Irrigated Agriculture. "
hectares each and each hectare has four (4) plots of 0.25 ha. The design of the drip
irrigation system has been conducted only on a single plot of 0.25 ha. However in
the implementation of the project on all 12 ha of site, the technical data of the studied
plot will be reproduced on 47 other plots and height (8) plots (02 ha) will be irrigated
per in the same time.
This study will also allow us to compare in many levels the two systems of
irrigation practiced in the site, the surface irrigation and the new drip irrigation
scheme. It is an opportunity to contribute to popularize the drip irrigation system in to
famers in Burkina Faso.
Our study is divided into five main parts that are: literature review, irrigation
practice in Burkina Faso, method and materials, design and computations, results
and discussions.
2.1 Some concepts
In drip irrigation, also called trickle irrigation or localized irrigation, the water is
led to the field through a pipe system. On the field, next to the row of plants or
trees, a tube is installed. At regular intervals, near the plants or trees, a hole is
made in the tube and equipped with an emitter. The water is supplied slowly,
drop by drop, to the plants through these emitters.
According to FAO (1984), drip irrigation was first used in glass houses in
England in the late 1940s, the importance of drip irrigation grew with the
development of cheap plastic pipes and fittings. It be mentioned that buried
clay pots, which can be considered as a form of localized irrigation, were used
in Iran for the irrigation of trees long before the development of modern
localized irrigation systems (Irrigation Manual: Planning, Development, Monitoring
and Evaluation of Irrigated Agriculture with famer Participation, Developed by Andres
P. SAWA, Karen FREKEN, Volume IV) .
The early field work on modern drip irrigation system was carried out under
desert conditions and sandy soil, where superior performance was
demonstrated in relation to surface and sprinkler irrigation under these
extreme conditions. After more than 20 years of research, trials and field used
world wide, localized irrigation systems have proven to be the most efficient
means of water distribution and application and an ideal way of supplying the
plants with nutrients.
The objectives of drip irrigation are:
Bring water and locally in the root zone;
Ensure the supply in a high frequency;
Low-flow supplying to permit a low variation of moisture.
Planning, Development, Monitoring and Evaluation of Irrigated Agriculture with famer
limited area of the soil wetted. This is more prevalent for young trees;
problematic soil;
reduces substantially deep percolation and runoff losses, thus attaining higher
water-saving technology;
results in more diluted salts in the soil moisture solution and pushes (leaches)
these salts to the sides of wetted volume of the soil. Hence, water of higher
The moisture availability to the plant at low tension results in faster growth,
Localized systems are prone clogging because of the very small aperture of
the water emitting devices. Hence the need for proper filtration and, at time,
The movement of the salts to the fringes of wetted area of the soil may cause
salinity problems through the leaching of the salts by the rain to main root
volume. This can be avoid if the system is turned on when it rains, especially
when the amount of rain is not enough to leach the salt beyond the root zone
Rodents, dogs and other in search of water can damage the lateral lines;
For crop of very high population density, the system may be uneconomic
because of the large number of lateral and emitters required.
This part of our thesis report is about the practice of irrigation in Burkina Faso. It
focuses indeed on different existing schemes, irrigation systems and irrigation
facilities. It is also the place to discuss of different kinds of the mobilization of water
resources for irrigation.
are developed following the perimeters of state in response to domestic and external
increased demand for agricultural products including fruits and vegetables. One finds
among these types of schemes commercial privately managed systems, producing
for local and export markets and farm-scale individually managed systems, producing
for local often around cities.
Like in Burkina Faso, this method is the most common in the practice of irrigated
agriculture worldwide. It is often chosen for its simplicity but it success relies entirely
on the skill of the famer irrigating. It occurs in all regions of the country and individual
famers or grouped may themselves without necessarily technical assistance design
their furrows, basins and boards.
It is generally practiced by famers organized on irrigation schemes built by the State
in downstream of the dams or by individual famers installed around dams or other
water sources. More and more farmers organized into groups or associations, have
the support of projects, NGOs or other partners for constructing of private irrigation
The means of water supply are scooping manual (sump, watering can), motor
pumps, Intake of downstream of dams and pedal pumps.
b) Furrow irrigation
Furrows are narrow ditches dug on the field between the rows of crops. The water
runs along them as it moves down the slope of the field.
The water flows from the field ditch into the furrows by opening up the bank or dyke
of the ditch or by means of syphons or spiles. Siphons are small curved pipes that
deliver water over the ditch bank. Spiles are small pipes buried in the ditch bank.
In Burkina Faso this method is used for row crops such as cereals (maize), and
vegetables (onions, tomatoes, eggplant, okra, etc).
c) Border irrigation
The borderstrip width depends on the topography of the field, which determines the
possible width that can be obtained while keeping a horizontal cross-section without
requiring too much soil movement, and on the stream size. The stream size also
restricts strip width, as it should be sufficient to allow complete lateral spreading
throughout the borderstrip width and length. The strip width also depends on the
cultivation practices, mechanized or non mechanized for example. Borderstrips
should not be wider than 9 m on 1% cross-slopes (James, 1988).
In border irrigation, the field to be irrigated is divided into strips (also called borders or
borderstrips) by parallel dykes or border ridges. The water is released from the field
ditch into the border through gate structures called outlets. The water can also be
released by means of siphons or spiles. The sheet of flowing water moves down the
slope of the border, guided by the border ridges.
In Burkina Faso this method is generally used for onion and carrots.
d) Basin irrigation
Basins are horizontal, flat plots of land, surrounded by small dykes or bunds. The
banks prevent the water from flowing to the surrounding fields. Basin irrigation is
commonly used for rice grown in Burkina Faso. Trees are also grown in basins,
where one tree usually is located in the centre of a small basin.
The National Society of sugar production also uses this technique for the production
of sugarcane.
A sprinkler irrigation system generally includes sprinklers, laterals, submains, main
pipelines, pumping plants and boosters, operational control equipment and other
accessories required for efficient water application.
However, many of these dams are damaged (cracks in the dikes or embankment
washed away by floods, silting) and require rehabilitation.
3.3.3 Borrow areas
Borrow pits are very numerous and the filling is ensured by the drainage of roads.
They are created thanks to the many careers in the construction of roads, and
mark out the main national roads. They can be valued by increasing their capacity
and through the maintenance of their banks.
Vegetable crops are grown up from the late rains. Borrow pits dry out very early
(three months or less).
The methods and materials chapter illustrates which methodology is used, the overall
description of the area of study, the climatic data used and other important
parameters of the study site.
4.1 Methodology
The methodology used for the study comprises four (4) phases.
4.1.1 Choice of the topic of the thesis and the site of study
The topic of the thesis is “Design proposal of Drip Irrigation system for an efficient
management of irrigation water for maize improved seeds production in a part of
seeds farm of Loumbila”. The site is a part of the seed farm of Loumbila which is no
more functional. This portion of the irrigation system of 12 ha which is completely
degraded was chosen as the study site.
This part focused also on results and discussions of the study. This is the place
where all the technical data necessary for the irrigation scheme designing have been
4.2.3 Soil description
Generally, soils in the rural commune of Loumbila are shallow and infertile. They are
characterized by a phosphorus deficiency. Their organic matter content and nitrogen
are low. Their structure is weakly developed, making them susceptible to water
One could estimate the percentage of sand and clay of the site, respectively 60%
and 15%.The area of the study is characterized by sandy loam soil texture.
3.3.1 Precipitation
The annual average of rainfall received in the commune is between 600 and 800
mm. According to the estimation of local climatic data by the software New LocClim,
precipitations are as follows:
Table 1: Data of precipitation of the study area
Month Rain [mm] Effective rain [mm]
4.3.2 Temperature
The solar radiation absorbed by the atmosphere and the heat emitted by the earth
increase the air temperature. The sensible heat of the surrounding air transfers
energy to the crop and exerts as such a controlling influence on the rate of
evapotranspiration. In sunny, warm weather the loss of water by evapotranspiration is
greater than in cloudy and cool weather.
All climatic data are recorded in the following table
It is to restore operation of 12 ha that we have chosen to propose the design of drip
irrigation system.
4.6 Constraints
The real constraint is the high operating costs due to pumping water for irrigation with
electrical energy.
Indeed, we know that, surface irrigation is a major consumer of water due to
evaporation and infiltration rate, very high.
The implementation of drip irrigation system could help to compare operating costs
with the existing system. In the case of satisfactory results for all, the other part
(surface irrigation) could be converted to drip irrigation.
The assessment of environmental, economic and social impacts of the study on the
area of the project can be tree orders:
From a positive perspective, irrigation would reduce the erosion risk within the
perimeter and also increase the opportunities for enhancing biodiversity
One of the most significant impacts of further irrigation in this area would be a
reduction in the amount of bare ground and corresponding reduction in wind
erosion risk.
This part describes and presents software and tools used for data collection, data
processing and analysis.
Figure 2: Overview of the study site and the dam
New LocClim is a tool for spatial interpolation of agroclimatic data. Since quite a
variety of tools for spatial interpolation of any data already exist, one might question
whether a new one is necessary. New LocClim is especially designed for the
interpolation of agroclimatic data, offering the possibility of producing climate maps
from user provided station data.
However, where such station data is unavailable, New LocClim is also capable of
producing climate maps of the average monthly climate conditions (8 variables) taken
from the agroclimatic database of the Agromet Group of the Food and Agriculture
Organisation of the United Nations.
Finally, to learn about the properties of different interpolation methods with respect to
different spatial fields, the nine methods provided by New LocClim can be compared
with respect to pre-given spatial fields.
New LocClim allows for an extensive investigation of interpolation errors and the
influence of different settings on the results. This allows optimising the interpolation
with respect to the data analysed.
Furthermore, statistical analysis of the interpolated spatial fields is provided and
detailed analysis for single geographic points can be drawn.
Thus, for our case, the software allowed us to determine the climatic data necessary
for the study. It appears in its entirety as follows:
PET (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
January 173.60 153.93 193.27 19.67 9.66
February 182.00 154.92 209.08 27.08 6.03
March 235.60 202.20 269.00 33.40 8.92
April 255.00 199.82 250.18 25.18 9.59
May 223.10 197.00 249.20 26.10 2.76
June 180.00 155.29 204.71 24.71 -4.94
July 158.10 136.44 179.76 21.66 -8.58
August 139.50 124.77 154.23 14.73 -3.18
September 138.00 122.06 153.94 15.94 -2.90
October 170.50 155.19 185.81 15.31 3.62
November 174.00 154.89 193.11 19.11 7.89
December 182.80 155.99 209.61 26.81 9.50
Mean 181.85 159.38 204.32 22.47 3.20
These data from New LocClim will be used in Cropwat 8.0 to estimate Crop Water
The objective of the SPAW model was to understand and predict agricultural
hydrology and its interactions with soils and crop production without undue burden of
computation time or input details. This required continual vigilance of the many
choices required for the representation of each physical, chemical and biological
process to achieve a "reasonable" and "balanced" approximation of the real world
with numerical solutions. In our case we used the software to determine soil data for
Crop water Requirements estimation in Cropwat.
Figure 4: Presentation of characteristics of the soil
The data below coming from the software are used in Cropwat for Crop Water
Requirements estimation.
Table 5: Data of the study soil
Soil characteristics Values
Texture class Sandy Loam
Wilting point 10.9 % Vol
Field capacity 21.5 % Vol
Saturation 44.5 % Vol
Available water 0.11 cm/cm
To verify the operation of equipment already installed, identifying any changes
to improve performance
Guide the design choices in the construction of new facilities according to
criteria of high efficiency;
Provide useful parameters for site management;
Involve the evaluation of functional performance of the plants the costs of
amortization of the purchase of drip lines and energy costs for water delivery.
Using these data in the software, one obtains the figure below.
Figure 5: Uniformity of irrigation determination
The uniformity of irrigation distribution on the plot of 0.25 ha determined is 95.8%, the
area flow rate is 2.5 l/s and the irrigation intensity is 3.6 mm/hour. This uniformity is
finally used in Cropwat to estimate Crop Water Requirements.
5.5 CROPWAT 8.0 and Crop Water Requirements and irrigation scheduling
All calculation procedures used in CROPWAT 8.0 are based on the two FAO
publications of the Irrigation and Drainage Series, namely, No. 56 "Crop
Evapotranspiration - Guidelines for computing crop water requirements” and
No. 33 titled "Yield response to water".
CROPWAT 8.0 includes standard crop and soil data. When local data are available,
these data files can be easily modified or new ones can be created. Likewise, if local
climatic data are not available, these can be obtained for over 5,000 stations
worldwide from CLIMWAT, the associated climatic database. The development of
irrigation schedules in CROPWAT 8.0 is based on a daily soil-water balance using
various user-defined options for water supply and irrigation management conditions.
Scheme water supply is calculated according to the cropping pattern defined by the
user, which can include up to 20 crops.
CROPWAT 8.0 is a Windows program based on the previous DOS versions. Apart
from a completely redesigned user interface, CROPWAT 8.0 for Windows includes a
host of updated and new features, including:
Monthly, decade and daily input of climatic data for calculation of reference
evapotranspiration (ETo);
Backward compatibility to allow use of data from CLIMWAT database ;
Possibility to estimate climatic data in the absence of measured values ;
Decade and daily calculation of crop water requirements based on updated
calculation algorithms including adjustment of crop-coefficient values ;
Calculation of crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling for paddy &
upland rice, using a newly developed procedure to calculate water
requirements including the land preparation period ;
Interactive user adjustable irrigation schedules ;
Daily soil water balance output tables ;
Easy saving and retrieval of sessions and of user-defined irrigation schedules ;
Graphical presentations of input data, crop water requirements and irrigation
schedules ;
Easy import/export of data and graphics through clipboard or ASCII text files ;
Extensive printing routines, supporting all windows-based printers
Context-sensitive help system ;
Multilingual interface and help system: English, Spanish, French and Russian.
From crop irrigation schedule in Cropwat the total gross irrigation and the total net
irrigation are respectively 592.4 mm and 568.7 mm for all the cycle of the maize
cultivation. The gross irrigation value (39.6mm) will be used to calculate the duration
of irrigation
5.6 EPANET 2.0 and design of the irrigation scheme
Pipe networks consist of pipes, nodes (pipe junctions), pumps, valves, and storage
tanks or reservoirs. EPANET tracks the flow of water in each pipe, the pressure at
each node, the height of the water in each tank, and the concentration of a chemical
species throughout the network during a simulation period. Chemical species, water
age, source, and tracing can be simulated.
EPANET provides an integrated computer environment for editing network input data,
running hydraulic and water quality simulations, and viewing the results in a variety of
formats. These include color-coded network maps, data tables, time series graphs,
and contour plots.
Consider multiple demand categories at nodes, each with its own pattern of
time variation;
Model pressure-dependent flow issuing from emitters (sprinkler heads);
Base system operation on simple tank level or timer controls as well as on
complex rule-based controls.
The results and discussions of the study present and analyze different parameters of
irrigation management and the irrigation network.
To calculate the volume useful for irrigation we took the greater value of gross
irrigation (39.6 mm) from crop irrigation schedule table in Cropwat and divided it by 6
days. The result is 6.6 mm/days. The required volume (in m 3) for 0.25 ha is
calculating multiplying the result converted in m/day by the area (in m 2). Thus the
total volume for maize cultivation (cycle of maize is 125 days) for the different areas
is calculated and recorded in the table below.
Table 8: Different volume of water
Gross irrigation for each area 0.25 ha 01 ha 01 block (2 ha) Whole area (12 ha)
The Irrigation Requirements per day is 2 062.5 m 3 /125 days = 16.5 m3/days. This
value will be used to calculate the duration of irrigation.
The base demand of the plot determined in Ve.Pro.LGs is 9 m 3/h. The duration of
irrigation obtained is 16.5 m3/day/9 m3/h = 1h 49.8 mn. This time could be estimated
to 1 h 55 mn.
6.3 The irrigation network
Here we present the irrigation network of the 12 hectares even though the design has
concerned 0.25 hectare. Indeed, the capacity of the pump selected (Q=80m3/h) for
the proper functioning of the network, provides irrigation to both two hectares (one
block) in the same duration of irrigation.
The desired flow at the head of the plot is 9 m3 and pressure that can convey this
flow is 4 mw.c. The variation of pressure (minimum and maximum pressure) for the
proper functioning of the perimeter is between 4 and 4.25 mw.c. Thus, the network is
as follows:
The figure below presents an overview of the plot (A) with drip lines.
Figure 7: View of a plot with drip lines
The following figure is an extract from the plot (A) to show visually the lines, spacing
between crop lines and drippers.
6.4 Different pipe sizes
The different pipes sizes used in the design and that can convey water from the dam
to the parcel are recorded in the table below.
The length of the head pipe at the plot is 50 m and the type is PE DB PFA 4 DN 75.
These characteristics are summarized in the following table:
The conduct of the study of the thesis allows us to know the technical feasibility of the
project. Indeed, thanks to the methodological approach, the topic, subject of our
study was discussed in all its contours.
The existence of positive factors and potential (soil, irrigation water), the availability of
technical may allow the execution and the implementation of the project of the
irrigation scheme.
The estimation of crop water requirement has been done using software (Cropwat,
VeProLGs ...). Combining data from the software allowed us to obtain results and
determine the water requirements needed for maize cultivation on an area of 0.25 ha.
The uniformity of distribution obtained is 96% indicating a good efficiency. The total
gross irrigation for the entire cycle of corn on 0.25 ha are estimated to 1 481 m3.
For the scheme design, strictly speaking, the software EPANET allowed to determine
the pressure necessary to convey water from the dam up the parcel, thus ensuring
water base demand. The base demand is estimate to 9 m3 for the plot and the
variation of the pressure is between 4 and 4.25 mw.c.
For the management the duration of irrigation of the plot of 0.25 ha is 1h 25 mn. The
results obtained in this study pointed out that for the proper functioning of the
capacity of pump (80m3) chosen may irrigate simultaneously one block (2 ha).
Irrigation Water Management: Training Manual No. 1 - Introduction to
Irrigation/ FAO - food and agriculture organization of the United Nations
Annexes include Successive steps and data of Crop Water Requirements. They also
present the characteristics of the pump.
Table 11: Crop irrigation schedule
Table 12: Scheme of supply
Characteristics of the pump