Dice Throne Faq

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Disclaimer: I am not associated with Dice Throne, MBG, or Roxley Games. This FAQ has been compiled
from questions answered by Aaron Hine and the other devs on the Dice Throne Community Facebook
Group. I have only cleaned up and formatted the questions and answers. [Any commentary I have added
is included in square brackets –ed]

Table of Contents

Moon Elf
Shadow Thief
Pirate/Cursed Pirate

General Questions

Q. What’s the difference between the Retail edition and the Champions edition? The kickstarter page
shows the Retail version having only four heroes and worse dice, but the MBG website shows 6 heroes.
A. KS1 page is out of date. The retail version has all 6 heroes, but not the CE-exclusive swirl dice. This
was a decision made to ensure that all players had the same content, and the exclusives were vanity

Q. What sleeves do you recommend for DT?

A. Mayday Games Orange sleeves or Fantasy Flight Green Sleeves are our recommended sleeves for
Dice Throne

Q. Is there a cap to combat points?

A. CP caps at 15 (rulebook page 5)

Q. In a 2v2, 3v3, or 2v2v2 game, you share health. What happens when you do “X Collateral Damage to
all opponents?” Is it X damage to the party, or X damage per each hero?
A. X damage to each hero, and each hero may mitigate their portion with effects or cards as they’re

Q. I made an Offensive Roll without using any rerolls. I decide on an action, then my opponent plays a
card that forces one of my dice to change. May I still use my remaining rerolls after that action?
A. Yes.
Q. Hero Upgrade Cards at Level III cost the difference between Level II & III. Why not just list that cost
on the Level III card?
A. You can upgrade straight to Level III from Level I by paying the full cost, or from Level II to Levell III by
paying the difference.

Q. When a card says “Remove a Status Effect,” do I have to remove just 1 token, or all tokens of a single
status effect?
A. A single instance (single token) of a single status effect.

Q. If I’m making an attack with undefendable damage, and I use sneak attack, chi, an effect, or a card to
increase the damage, is that additional damage also undefendable?
A. When you use a card or effect to increase damage, that damage is added to the total incoming
damage and gains all characteristics.

Q. Targeting: If an “M” card references a “target player”, does the person using that card choose a
target, or do you make a targeting roll?
A. Targeting rolls are only for offensive abilities. The player playing that “M” card chooses the player
who will be affected.

Q. Can you heal yourself above your starting health?

A. Yes, up to 10 health above your starting value.

Q. Am I correct in thinking that anytime an opponent is targeted by an offensive roll, they get to defend
even if the roll does no damage (in the case of Shadow Thief’s pickpocket, or Carducopia’s discard
A. Incorrect. A defense roll is activated when an ability has damage as part of its affect. No damage in
the ability, no defense roll.

Q. Token stacks: If an ability “steals” a token (Moon Elf “steals” Monk’s Evasive, for instance) does that
count against the original player’s stack limit? Or if he runs out of tokens, does he lose further gains of
that ability?
A. No. Physical tokens are not literal. If a player needs a status effect token, he may use another token
to proxy that effect, or use something like a penny. You cannot prevent the Monk from getting to his
stack limit by “stealing” his effect tokens.

Barbarian Questions

Q. When performing an ability such as the Barbarian’s Overpower, since it is part of your Offensive Roll
Phase (ORP), am I correct in thinking you can play Roll Phase Action cards?
A. Correct.
Q. I stunned a player. After the attack, the token is removed and she is targeted in a second offensive
roll. Can she use cards to alter the second Offensive Roll?
A. Once you remove the stun token and start a new ORP, your opponent is no longer Sunned and may
act normally.

Q. Does stun activate immediately or after the defense roll? If an opponent has an ability that states he
can roll two hearts to prevent an incoming status effect, would this allow him to block stun, or does stun
activate before he can defend?
A. When a player is stunned, they do not get a Defense Roll. Effects of an Offensive Ability that require a
target are resolved before the opposing player rolls a Defense Roll. In this case, the opponent would be
stunned and unable to activate their ability.
Caveat: There are some cards in which the effect is listed with a “Then” such as Paladin’s Righteous
Prayer. In that case, the effects are gained after the Defense Roll and resolving damage.

Monk Questions
Q. When may I declare the use of my Chi in an Offensive Ability?
A. You may declare the addition of Chi any time after you’ve selected your ability.

Q. I have max Chi and use Fist Strike II. Can I use all my Chi to add to the damage and THEN gain the 2
Chi from the ability?
A. Yes. (see next question for more clarification –ed)

Q. I’m at max Chi and make a Defense Roll. If I rolled 2 more Chi, could I use the 5 Chi I have to prevent
5 damage, and use the 2 I just rolled to prevent another 2? Please clarify the timing on Chi usage.
A. After you roll your dice, you have a chance to spend status effects and play cards. At this point, you’ll
know what your Defense Roll WILL give you. You may spend your Chi status effects (because status
effects are spent instantly) before you resolve your Defense Roll. This will let you spend 2 (or more) Chi,
resolve the dice, and then spend additional Chi or stay at your max Stack Limit.

Q. I use Fist Strike III, dealing 5 damage which is blocked by the Paladin. Does he still get Knocked Down
(because I rolled 3 of a kind) even though I didn’t inflict any damage?
A. Yes. Separate effects.

Q. In a 2v2 game, can I use Chi to reduce damage only targeted at me, or targeted at OUR health pool?
A. You may not use Chi to reduce your ally’s damage. Though you share a pool, you are still separate
players under separate effects.

Q. Can Chi be used to prevent poison/burn damage during upkeep?

A. Yes.
Q. I use Serenity III and gain Evasion. Can that token be used right away to avoid the damage that
triggered that defensive roll?
A. Yes. Status Effects may be spent at instant speed.

Moon Elf Questions

Q. I steal the Monk’s Evasive. Do I decide when to use the stolen Evasive (to the detriment of the
A. Yes, if you steal Evasive, you now have an Evasive Status Effect and may spend it the same way the
Monk would to benefit yourself.

Q. If I blind an opponent and the dice don’t allow them to do anything Offensive, does Blind still go
away at the end of the phase?
A. Yes. Blind specifically says “Either way, remove this token at the conclusion of the Roll Phase.”

Paladin Questions
Q. A defensive ability gives me a Protect token. May I use that immediately?
A. Yes, Status Effects may be used at instant speed and may be used to defend against the damage that
activated your Defensive Ability.

Q. I roll Defensive and use Retribution. I do 9 damage from Retribution and 1 from Defense. Would the
Moon Elf evade 9 Ret Token damage with her Evasive, or 10 damage from both the Ret Token and
Defensive ability?
A. All damage is dealt simultaneously and as a single unit. She would avoid all 10 damage if she
successfully evades.

Q. I swing at the Monk with 6 damage and add Critical Strike, for a total of 10 damage. If the Monk uses
two Chi to reduce the damage by 2, does that make my base damage go to 4 (which is less than 5 and
does not activate Critical Strike), or is that 6 damage “locked in” and the Critical Strike activates
regardless of the Monk reducing damage. As I understand it, the Critical Strike would go through and the
Paladin would deal 8 damage, but the Monk believes the Critical Strike would fall off and I would only
deal 4.
A. You are correct. The Critical Strike alters the damage number to be 10, and the monk reduces it to 8.
Instants may not be interrupted as they happen instantly and take immediate effect. Once the effect of
that token goes off, that’s it. The Monk has to deal with the new amount.

Q. Once I conclude my Offensive Roll and I have a Crit Token, can my opponent “Buh Bye” that token
before I use it?
A. Yes. She can’t prevent you from gaining the token, but she may use Buh Bye before you activate it.
They have a chance to “Buh Bye” it between when you say you’re done rolling and when you begin to
resolve your ability. She may play “Buh Bye” at the same time she would play other dice-modifying

Q. For Divine Defense III, I roll “Helmet Helmet Prayer”” and gain a Protect token. May I use that
BEFORE I prevent the 2 or more damage, or do I have to resolve the dice roll and prevent the “Helmet
and Life” damage first?
A. Because you gain the Protect Token as part of the Defense Roll, the reduction from the Helmets
happen first and then you can spend the Protect Token.

Q. On the card “Righteous Combat/Divine Defense” do I only get to choose a line or play everything
A. You benefit from all applicable lines. So you could do damage and gain CP, for instance.

Q. If I use Retribution and Protect against an attack, could I return half the original damage and take
half myself, or would I be returning half of the half? (Basically, do I choose which order to apply the
tokens, or do they occur simultaneously?)
A. You play Retribution first to deal back half of the original damage, and then use Protect to reduce the
damage incoming to you. You may activate both abilities and gain full benefit of both.

Q. Clarification on Righteous Combat III:

A. [Devs]: “This is confusing. Steadfast is a separate ability that can trigger [with less dice] if you fail to
activate Righteous Combat. It is not resolved in addition to Righteous Combat.”

Q. My father is playing the Barbarian, I’m Paladin. He has 1 health, I have 11. He’s just rolled a Reckless
II, which would do 20 damage to me (and 5 to himself). If I play the Absolution card before my Defensive
Roll Phase, which could allow me to possibly deal 3 return damage, would that take effect before his
Reckless and kill him before he does the 20 damage to me? Or is this a case of Mutually Assured
A. Correct [on the MAD]. The card played increases or creates damage to be dealt as part of the
Defensive Phase and is resolved as normal at the conclusion of the Phase. The Barbarian dies, but he
dies with his axe firmly embedded in your skull. [last sentence is my embellishment –ed]

Q. The Monk inflicted Knockdown on me. I use Transference to shift it back over to the Monk. The monk
declares they’ll use a Cleanse Token, but I want to use my “Buh Bye” instant card to destroy the Cleanse
Token before he can activate it.
A. There are no interrupts. You would have had to destroy the Cleanse Token prior to the Monk
declaring he’ll use it.

Q. How does my Retribution work in multi-player? Retaliate says “Apply Retribution to Target Player.”
Do I give them the Status Token or keep it on my board? Can I only use it when that “Target” player is
attacking me?
Q. Target Player means the player of your choosing. Since this is a positive effect, you may choose
yourself or your teammate (and you may then spend them on any incoming attack).

Pyromancer Questions
Q. What exactly does Fire Mastery Do? Do I play the tokens with the card? Do they count as damage?
A. It’s used for damage. You start with none and gain it from some abilities. You lose one Token during
your upkeep. You LOSE your Tokens when using Combustion and only count (and keep) them during
other abilities.

Q. In a 2v2 game, I deal 2 collateral damage to all opponents. Would the other team take 4
undefendable damage?
A. Yes, each player takes the damage amount, reduces it as they are able, and deducts the remainder
from the team’s shared health pool.

Q. I use Burning Soul II. I inflict Burn with three 5s, increase Fire Mastery stack limit by one with four 5s.
Then gain some Fire Mastery and do some collateral damage. Two questions: I assume I have to roll a
target for the burn? And if I have four 5s, do I get both the Burn AND the increase FM stack limit?
A. Both correct.

Q. On the Fireball move, I gain one Fire Mastery Token but am then supposed to immediately remove it
at the start of my next upkeep phase?
A. That is correct [The Pyro gets and spends FM like crazy. The key is that no matter how much FM you
GAIN in a turn, you only lose a single Token during your upkeep. –ed]

Q. When I resolve my Defense Roll, does the attacker get to roll her defense dice to prevent my
Defensive Roll damage?
A. On Page 4 (I think), when it describes the Defensive Roll Phase, you’ll see that it says “if your
opponent attacks you, your defensive ability is activated.” So you only roll defense if you opponent
selects an offensive ability that would deal targeted damage. So in this case, no, your opponent does not
get to defend against your defense.

Shadow Thief Questions

Q. I am in Shadows and the Barbarian/Pyromancer lands a stun. The Stun would negate Shadows for
that Offensive Roll. Then, at the completion of the Stun, the Shadows effect would be back on and
negate any further damage during the Pyro’s second Offensive Roll Phase given from the Stun. Correct?
A. Unfortunately incorrect. Shadows still prevents damage even while stunned. A Passive Ability is
something like the Paladin’s Tithe, or the Artificer’s Scrap Collecting. Shadows is not a Status Effect that
is “used.” It, like the Paladin’s Blessing of Divinity, is triggered. If you would take damage from an
Offensive Roll Phase, take 0 damage instead. Ultimates are the only abilities that get around Shadows
because Ultimates cannot have their effects reduced or prevented in any way.
Q. If I trigger Shadows during a defense, and then retrigger it again during my following turn, is the new
Shadows ignored because there is already an active Shadows? Or does the new Shadows overwrite the
old one, making it last until my next turn?
A. If a Token “does not stack,” and a player tries to gain an instance of it while under its effects already,
the new token is lost.
Follow-up Q: Am I correct in assuming that for me to remove my existing Shadows token, I need the
effect of a card that removes Status Effects? Or may I just discard it at will?
Follow-up A: You assume correctly. You may not choose to discard the effect. You must spend a card or
wait for it to expire. Transference of the Shadows effect token on another player’s turn would also allow
you a chance to get it back on your turn.

Q. If I have the Shadows token on my character, and someone deals damage to me, does the ability
auto-activate and prevent the damage and defensive roll, or do I get to choose to use it?
A. As it says, the ability is triggered when you would receive damage as the result of an Offensive Roll
Phase. No damage is received, but other effects can still occur. The only exception is an Ultimate, as Ults
cannot have their damage reduced or prevented in any way (see page 5).

Q. Can someone steal my Shadows token?

A. Yes. Stealing Shadows is a very good tactic.

Q. Does Undefendable Damage trigger my Shadows?

A. Yes. Undefendable damage is damage that no Defense Roll may be made against, but other effects
that reduce or prevent damage still function (unless that Undefendable damage was not dealt as the
result of an Offensive Roll Phase ability, such as the Artificer’s robots, [since Shadows only reduces
damage dealt during your opponent’s ORP –ed])

Q. Do I discard my Shadows token after it reduces damage targeted at me?

A. No. You are in the Shadows until the effect tells you to discard the token (end of your next turn) or
until another effect removes it (someone steals it, for instance). The only thing it doesn’t block is an

Q. Since Shadows specifies “Opponent’s Offensive Roll Phase,” do I still take damage from the
Pyromancer’s Molten Armor?
A. Yes, since this is during your Offensive Roll Phase, any damage dealt to you as part of your
opponent’s Defensive abilities go through shadows.

Q. I roll shadows on Pickpocket in a free for all. Is the victim picked by a Targeting Roll?
A. Any offensive ability that does not hit everyone must be targeted. Point of note: an ability that does
not do anything that affects a target does not roll targeting.

Q. With Shadow Defense, when it says if I roll two 6s (shadow symbols), what happens?
A. When you roll two shadows for Shadow Defense, you go into the Shadows, gain Sneak Attack, avoid
incoming damage, and suffer any other effects of the incoming Offensive Ability.
Q. When I use CPs as an ability for damage, does that consume my CPs?
A. It does not. It deals damage equal to the amount of CP that you have.

Q. Someone hits the Shadow Thief with Meteorite, which inflicts Stun first. The Thief is arguing that she
should be able to play “Enter the Shadows” in response to that. Can instant cards be used as MTG-style
“interrupts?” [covered above, but there were a lot of question about Shadows timing and interactions,
so I’m including it. –ed]
A. She has a chance to play cards between when you roll the dice and begin resolving the ability. So she
is partially correct. There are no interrupts and no “effect stack,” but he may still Enter the Shadows
before the Meteorite stuns her. She may also have played dice-manipulation cards during the same time
(after the roll but before the resolution).

Artificer Questions
Q. When rolling for my Unstable Attack Bot, the *only* card I would be able to play to alter that dice is
“Tip It,” correct? Since you activate him during the Upkeep Phase, and Tip It is the only dice-altering card
that is an instant action rather than a Roll Phase action.
A. Correct.

Q. When my abilities say “…any opponent,” Do I choose my target in a Free For All/Team Match, or do I
make a Targeting Roll?
A. Only Offensive Abilities get a Targeting Roll. You may choose your target.

Q. Are my pets considered Status Effects? Meaning, can they be downgraded or removed by cards like
“Get That Outta Here,” “What Status Effect?,” or “Buh Bye?”
A. They are not Status Effects. Once constructed, they need Power to be used. Power is a Status Effect
that may be affected by the above cards, but not the bots themselves.

Pirate/Cursed Pirate Questions

Q. Do I get to choose which side of my board to start on?
A. You start as Pirate. Read her passive to see how to flip over to the “Cursed Pirate” side. [They’re
going to make this more clear in the production version –ed]

Q. Does “Get That Outta Here” (Main Phase Action, “Remove one status effect from target player”)
affect Doubloons?
A. Doubloons read “These persistent tokens may not be moved or removed from any player except as a
result of abilities on the Pirate’s Hero Board” [I assume that also includes Cursed Pirate’s board, but I
don’t have the PnP next to me and I’m not sure how they interact –ed]

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