Martin Flex Couplings

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Section C_C1 - C16 3/31/14 8:37 AM Page 31

Martin-Flex ®

Parts List and Engineering Data
QD Bushing Steel Flange Assembly Rubber Element Horsepower Torque Average Static Torsional Approx.
Coupling (2 Required (2 Required Per Coupling) (1 Required Per Coupling) Max @ 100 RPM (1.0 Service Factor) Stiffness Coefficient (K) WR**
Size Per Coupling)* Flange No. Weight Each Element No. Weight RPM (1.0 Factor) LB - In LB - Ft LB - In/DEG LB - In/RAD (LB - Ft2)
5 Ja F5Ja 3.0 e5 .6 4500 1.03 649 54.1 244 12,850 .08
6 Ja F6Ja 4.0 e6 .9 4000 1.80 1134 94.5 414 23,700 .22
7 sh F7sh 7.0 e7 1.3 3600 3.12 1966 163.8 544 31,200 .40
8 sds F8sds 8.0 e8 1.7 3100 4.68 2950 245.8 876 50,200 .70
9 sK F9sK 13.0 e9 2.0 2800 6.90 4349 362.4 1088 62,400 1.33
10 sF F10sF 17.0 e10 2.0 2600 8.33 5250 437.5 1530 87,700 2.10
11 sF F11sF 18.0 e11 3.0 2300 9.92 6252 521.0 2420 138,700 2.90
12 e F12e 31.0 e12 3.8 2100 14.40 9076 756.3 4014 217,000 5.80

* see page B5 for Qd bushing bore sizes and dimensions. rubber tire element also available in neoprene.
** Coupling plus Qd bushing.
Weight in pounds.

Y Z Clamp Ring Bolts
Coupling A B C D E F H J K* L M N P B.C. B.C. No. and Size*** Torque
Size Dia. Dia. Capscrews In Lbs.
5 51⁄4 37⁄16 21⁄16 29⁄16 ⁄85
4 2 5
⁄32 11⁄4 .. 17⁄16 15⁄16 3
⁄8 1.66 27⁄16 (5) 1⁄4 - 20x11⁄8 125
6 61⁄2 39⁄16 23⁄16 211⁄16 ⁄85
415⁄16 2 5
⁄32 11⁄4 .. 19⁄16 17⁄16 1
⁄2 1.66 35⁄16 (5) 5⁄16 - 18x11⁄8 200
7 73⁄8 45⁄16 211⁄16 33⁄16 13
⁄16 55⁄8 211⁄16 7
⁄32 15⁄8 .. 111⁄16 19⁄16 3
⁄4 21⁄4 37⁄8 (5) 5⁄16 - 18x11⁄4 300
8 83⁄8 47⁄16 213⁄16 35⁄16 13
⁄16 61⁄2 33⁄16 7
⁄32 15⁄8 .. 113⁄16 111⁄16 7
⁄8 211⁄16 45⁄8 (6) 5⁄16 - 18x11⁄2 300
9 91⁄4 53⁄16 37⁄16 315⁄16 11⁄16 73⁄8 37⁄8 9
⁄32 21⁄4 .. 17⁄16 113⁄16 7
⁄8 35⁄16 51⁄4 (6) 3⁄8 - 16x13⁄4 400
10 10 513⁄16 39⁄16 41⁄16 11⁄16 85⁄16 45⁄8 5
⁄16 23⁄4 .. 19⁄16 19⁄16 1 37⁄8 6 (6) 3⁄8 - 16x13⁄4 400
11 11 55⁄8 31⁄8 37⁄8 11⁄16 9 45⁄8 5
⁄16 23⁄4 .. 13⁄8 13⁄8 15
⁄16 37⁄8 61⁄2 (6) 3⁄8 - 16x13⁄4 400
12 123⁄8 71⁄4 4 43⁄4 13⁄8 101⁄16 6 7
⁄16 31⁄4 .. 11⁄4 11⁄4 3
⁄4 5 71⁄4 (6) 1⁄2 - 13x21⁄4 900
shaft ends are normally m or n apart; they may project beyond the bushings. In this case allow space for end float and misalignment.
* Clearance required to remove bushing using pull-up capscrews as jackscrews.
** grade 8.
dimensions in inches.

Other Sizes Available as Made-to-Order

Section C_C1 - C16 3/31/14 8:37 AM Page 32

Martin-Flex ®

Martin Flex® flexible couplings smoothly transmit power while compensating for shaft misalignment to 4°, parallel misalignment to
/8" and end float to 5/16". the two piece flange design provides quick and easy installation and the elastomeric element absorbs

shock and torsional vibration through a wide temperature range.

Selection Procedure
1. select the proper service factor from Chart 1.
2. determine Design Horsepower by multiplying the Service Factor and the Drive Horsepower.
3. locate the intercept of Shaft Speed and Design Horsepower from Chart 2.
4. order per coupling: (2) bushings, (2) flange assemblies, (1) flexible tire element.

Chart 1 Service Factors

Application Factor Application Factor Application Factor Application Factor Application Factor
AGITATORS Pump, Screen Drive, METAL FORMING MACHINES Hog............................. 2.0 Water .......................... 1.0
Paddle or Propeller Stacker, Utility Winch ....... 1.5 Draw Bench Carriage, Roller .......................... 1.5 SEWAGE DISPOSAL
(Vert. or Horiz.), Screw ..... 1.0 DYNAMOMETER................. 1.0 Main Drive, Extruder, PUMPS EQUIPMENT...................... 1.0
BREWING AND DISTILLING ELEVATORS Wire Drawing, Flattening Centrifugal .................... 1.0 SHOVEL........................... 2.0
Bottling Machinery, Bucket, Freight ............... 2.0 Machine ....................... 2.0 Descaling, Gear Type ....... 1.5 SHREDDER....................... 1.5
Brew Kettle, Cooker EXCITER .......................... 1.0 MILLS (Rotary Type) Oil Well Pumping (not STEEL INDUSTRY
(Cont. Duty), Mash Tub ..... 1.0 FANS Ball or Pebble Direct or ..... 2.5 over 150% peak torque) .... 2.0 Cold Mills
Scale Hopper — Centrifugal .................... 1.0 on LS Shaft Gear Reducer.... 2.5 Rotary — other than gear .. 1.5 Coiler (up or down) .......... 1.5
Frequent Starting Peaks .... 1.5 Cooling Tower ................ 2.0 on HS Shaft Gear Reducer.... 2.0 Reciprocating — Strip, Temper................. 2.0
CAN FILLING MACHINE ........ 1.0 Large (Mine, etc.) ........... 1.5 Dryer and Cooler ............. 1.5 1 cyl. — single acting....... 2.5 Hot Mills
CAR DUMPER.................... 1.5 Light ........................... 1.0 Rod or Tube Direct or ....... 2.5 1 cyl. — double acting ...... 2.0 Coiler (up or down),
CAR PULLER ..................... 1.5 Propeller (indoor)............ 1.5 on LS Shaft Gear Reducer.... 2.5 2 cyl. — single acting....... 2.0 Edger Drive ................... 1.5
CLARIFIER ....................... 1.0 FOOD INDUSTRY on HS Shaft Gear Reducer.... 2.0 2 cyl. — double acting ...... 1.5 Feed Roll (Blooming),
CLASSIFIER ...................... 1.0 Beet Slicer .................... 1.5 Tumbling Barrel.............. 1.5 3 cyl. — or more ............ 1.5 Roughing Mill Delivery
CLAY-WORKING MACHINES Cereal Cooker ................ 1.0 MIXERS RUBBER INDUSTRY (non-reversing),
Brick Press, Briquette Dough Mixer, Concrete (Continuous or Banbury Mixer ................ 2.5 Sheet, Strip ................... 3.0
Machine, Clay Working Meat Grinder ................. 1.5 intermittent), Muller- Calender....................... 2.0 Rod Mill ....................... 2.5
Machine, Pug Mill ........... 1.5 GENERATORS Simpson type ................. 1.5 Cracker, Mixing Mill, Soaking Pit Cover Drive..... 3.0
COMPRESSORS Even Load ..................... 1.0 OIL INDUSTRY Plasticator .................... 2.5 STEERING GEAR ................ 1.0
Lobe, Rotary .................. 2.0 Hoist or Railway Service.... 1.5 Chiller ......................... 1.0 Refiner, Sheeter, Tire STOKER........................... 1.0
Reciprocating** — Welder Load .................. 2.0 Oil Well Pumping (not Building Machine ............ 2.0 TEXTILE MILLS
1 cyl. — single acting....... 3.5 GRIZZLY .......................... 2.0 over 150% peak torque) .... 2.0 Tire and Tube Press Opener Batcher ........................ 1.0
1 cyl. — double acting ...... 3.0 KILN............................... 2.0 Paraffin Filter Press ......... 1.5 (Based on Peak Torque) .... 1.0 Calender, Card
2 cyl. — single acting....... 3.0 LAUNDRY MACHINES PAPER MILLS Tuber and Strainer........... 1.5 Machine, Dry Can............ 1.5
2 cyl. — double acting ...... 2.5 Tumbler, Washer ............ 2.0 Agitator ........................ 1.0 Warming Mill ................. 2.0 Dyeing Machinery ........... 1.0
3 cyl.or more — LINE SHAFTS .................... Barking Drum ................. 2.5 Washer ........................ 2.5 Loom........................... 1.5
single acting .................. 2.5 Driving Processing Beater and Pulper............ 1.5 SCREENS Mangel, Napper, Soaper ... 1.0
3 cyl. or more — Machinery..................... 1.0 Bleacher....................... 1.0 Air Washing................... 1.0 Spinner, Tenter Frame ...... 1.5
double acting ................. 2.0 Light ........................... 1.0 Calender....................... 2.0 Coal and Sand (Rotary) ..... 1.5 WINDLASS ....................... 1.5
CONVEYORS LUMBER INDUSTRY Chipper ........................ 3.0 Vibrating ...................... 2.5 WOODWORKING MACHINES .. 1.0
Apron, Assembly, Belt, Band Resaw, Couch, Cylinder, Dryer...... 1.5
Chain, Flight, Oven .......... 1.0 Circular Resaw ............... 1.5 Felt Stretcher ................. 1.0
Reciprocating................. 2.5 Edger, Head Rig, Fourdrinier .................... 1.5 the service factors listed are intended only as a general guide for
Screw .......................... 1.0 Hog, Log Haul ................ 2.0 Jordan ......................... 2.0 smooth power sources such as electric motors and steam
CRANES AND HOISTS Planer.......................... 1.5 Press........................... 2.0
Main Hoist — Rolls Non-Reversing ........ 1.5 Pulp Grinder .................. 2.0
turbines. add 0.5 to factor for somewhat rougher power sources
Medium Duty ................. 1.5 Rolls Reversing .............. 2.0 Stock Chest ................... 1.5 such as internal combustion engines of four or more cylinders,
Main Hoist — Sawdust Conveyor ........... 1.0 Stock Pump steam engines and water turbines. Where substantial shock
Heavy Duty .................... 2.0 Slab Conveyor, Reciprocating................. 2.0 occurs or starting or stopping is frequent as on some “inching”
Skip Hoist, Travel Motion, Sorting Table ................. 1.5 Rotary.......................... 1.5 drives and on some reversing drives or where the power source
Trolley Motion, Slope ....... 1.5 MACHINE TOOLS Suction Roll................... 2.0 is an internal combustion engine with less than four cylinders —
CRUSHERS Auxiliary....................... 1.0 Winder......................... 1.5 consult factory. Where torsional vibrations occur as in, for
Cane ........................... 2.0 Main Drive, Notching PARAFFIN FILTER PRESS...... 1.5
Gyratory ....................... 2.5 Press, Planer PRINTING PRESS ............... 1.5
example, internal combustion engines or reciprocating
DREDGES (Reversing), Plate Planer, PROPELLER (Marine) .......... 1.5 compressors or pump applications, check the coupling for
Cable Reel, Conveyor ....... 1.5 Punch Press ................... 1.5 PULVERIZERS possible development of damaging large amplitude vibrations.
Cutter Head Drive, Traverse ....................... 1.0 Hammermill — Light Duty .. 1.5
Jog Drive ...................... 2.5 Hammermill — Heavy Duty. 2.0 ** add 0.5 to factor if without flywheel.

Chart 2 Size Selection


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