22307VIC Certificate III in Acting (Screen) : CUFDRT502A Direct Performers Student Workbook

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Australian College of Dramatic Arts © Merilyn Brend 2016

22307VIC Certificate III in Acting (Screen)

22307VIC Certificate III in

Acting (Screen)
Year Two

CUFDRT502A Direct performers

Australian College of Dramatic Arts
Name: …………………………………….
1st Submission Resubmission Verbal Comment Result Teacher

Workbook developed by Merilyn Brend © 2016

Australian College of Dramatic Arts © Merilyn Brend 2016
22307VIC Certificate III in Acting (Screen)

WELCOME TO CUFDRT502A Direct performers

The date due for this workbook is……………………

What This Unit Is About

Some information about the Film and Television Industry

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to
direct performers during the filming or recording of productions. Directors are
responsible for visualising and defining the style and structure of productions. They
must have the capacity to inspire and motivate their team to produce the film they
have envisioned, so high-level communication and management skills are essential.
As time and budgets are important to screen productions, directors are responsible
for ensuring that performers and production personnel are well briefed and rehearsed
prior to shooting.
Students electing to do this unit of competency will work on three filming projects
during the course of the year.

You will need:
A folio
A cover page, which includes your name
An index of the materials you have included
Carefully label each question/response to match the unit of competency workbook
Add additional information if you think it will benefit you
All work should be your own

Instructions for students

A folio is a collection of evidence from varying sources, gathered together and cross
referenced to show that you have the required skills, knowledge and understanding
to do a job or a task.
A folio can be any shape or size depending on the evidence that is presented of
Your folio must be easy to interpret and linked directly to this unit of competency
being assessed.

Australian College of Dramatic Arts © Merilyn Brend 2016
22307VIC Certificate III in Acting (Screen)

Competency based learning and assessment

This unit is competency-based. Competency-based learning is not only about gaining
knowledge but also about being able to put what you know into practice – to perform
a task or demonstrate a skill.

How this unit is structured

Elements: these provide a very brief statement of the skills and knowledge you are
required to develop.
Performance criteria: There are a number of performance criteria for each element.
To satisfactorily complete the unit you must successfully demonstrate your
competence in very performance criterion.

Competency based assessment has no pass or fail. You are assessed as either
competent or not yet competent. Being assessed as not yet competent simply means
you need to spend more time working on the unit.

Please write a list of resources that you used when working on this workbook.
Please present a folio and include all parts of the elements from this UOC.

To assess this UOC, the students must have a high degree of

organisational skills, creative visions and ability to work with others.

Teachers assessing this unit must have an awareness of all production

values and mark according to the effort put in to the filming project, the
research and the folio presentation.

Australian College of Dramatic Arts © Merilyn Brend 2016
22307VIC Certificate III in Acting (Screen)


Certificate and level Certificate III in Acting (Screen)

UOC Direct performers UOC Code CUFDRT502A

Learning Outcomes to be Assessed By This Task

See Marking guides
Target Group
VETis – 15 to 18 year olds
Method/s of Assessment
Workbook, folio, directing a film. Pre-production, Production and Post production
Instructions to Students
As above
List of Tasks
As above
Materials / Equipment Required to Conduct Assessment
Workbook, camera, group work
Student name Date

Validated by - MB Date

Teacher Assessor Name:

Date/Time of Assessment:

Candidate Declaration 
I fully understand the context and purpose of this assessment 
I am fully aware of the criteria against which I will be assessed 
I have been given fair notice of the date, time and venue for the assessment 
I am aware of the resources I need and how the assessment will be conducted 
I agree that any written work submitted is my own 
I understand the appeal process 

Candidate Signature: _____________________________________________

Australian College of Dramatic Arts © Merilyn Brend 2016
22307VIC Certificate III in Acting (Screen)

Date: _____________________________________________

Element 1: Prepare for actual production

1.1 Brief performers about any specific technical requirements in collaboration
with relevant production personnel where necessary.

 Type of shots within scene(s)

1.2 Establish appropriate lines of communication between relevant production

personnel to ensure smooth running of production.

 Take control of the shoot, communicate with cast and crew. Log
how you will do this and include anecdotal evidence.

Inform and update relevant production personnel of changes in production

requirements that may have occurred since final rehearsals.

 Log this information.

1.3 Review relevant dramatic elements dealt with in rehearsals

The dramatic elements are: climax, conflict, contrast, focus, language (verbal
and vocal, mood, rhythm, sound, space, symbol, timing and tension and focus

 Review the script, log which is the most important dramatic element
during a scene, log how the actors are able (or not) to achieve this.

1.4 Throughout actual production activity, run through scenes with performers
immediately prior to recording where time allows.

 Rehearse script and log how the actors worked.

Element 2: Facilitate performances

2.1 Create an appropriate environment to maximize performances and

characterisations, including conduct of appropriate warm-up activities

Australian College of Dramatic Arts © Merilyn Brend 2016
22307VIC Certificate III in Acting (Screen)

 Use the theatre/studio environment for preparation including warm

ups and rehearsal of scenes. Please log these activities

2.2 Ensure appropriate OHS requirements are met in line with enterprise

 Fill in a risk assessment sheet in accordance with a breakdown of

the scene(s). See example below and make your own. Please
attach sheets.

Scene Location Weather Risk – Actor Safety report

breakdown High, Physical
medium, ability



Australian College of Dramatic Arts © Merilyn Brend 2016
22307VIC Certificate III in Acting (Screen)

Dissect the script Slip/trip/fall Any pre existing

Strain or sprain physical injury or
Minor bruising health issues should be
Skin abrasion established and
Muscle soreness discussed.
Possible trauma.
Warm up exercises.
First Aid kit on standby

2.3 Communicate with relevant production personnel clearly and provide

constructive feedback throughout production process.

 Log some examples of constructive feedback with production


2.4 Identify and rectify creative problems throughout production in collaboration

with relevant production personnel.

 Log some examples of rectification of creative problems

2.5 Ensure performers are kept informed of filming order of scenes as required.

 Log filming order of scenes

2.6 Assist performers throughout the entire production to understand the desired
mise en scene effect, size of each shot or framing, and their role in the context
of whole shot or scene.
Mise en scène consists of:

• Production Design: sets, props and costumes

• Colour (present in both production design and lighting)
• Lighting• Actors’ performance (including casting and make up) and
movement (blocking)
• Framing including position; depth of field; aspect ratio; height and angle
(but not movement)

Australian College of Dramatic Arts © Merilyn Brend 2016
22307VIC Certificate III in Acting (Screen)

• Diegetic sound (that is, sound that emanates from the scene and is not
extraneous to it, such as the music that is not being played within the
scene or a voice-over)

Take into consideration:

 choice of filmstock (black-and-white or color, fine-grain or grainy)
 aspect ratio (the proportion of the screen)
 framing (how much of the set or cast will be shown at a time) camera
placement and movement,
 sound environment

See handouts and/or google

Write a Mise en scène breakdown for the scene.

2.7 Engage performers in the control of the narrative by use of techniques that
allow for character sub-text.

Research sub-text, give three examples from the elective and/or one recent
script that you have filmed and log how you achieved the desired results from
your actors

Element 3: Wrap production

3.1 Check all scenes are recorded and complete, including spot checks of actual
recordings for quality and accuracy.

Log results of raw footage

3.2 Stand down production crew and complete necessary documentation

according to enterprise procedures

Log – thank cast and crew

3.3 Make arrangements for additional production requirements as required and

ensure relevant production personnel are informed appropriately

Log of POST fliming and /or audio requirements

For example- do you need any special effects – if so who and how will you do
this? (You do not have to do this but specify if your scene needs POST)

Australian College of Dramatic Arts © Merilyn Brend 2016
22307VIC Certificate III in Acting (Screen)

3.4 Evaluate all aspects of the shoot from a director's perspective, including own
performance, and note areas for improvement.

Log and record how the shoot was finished and make comments on cast and
crew job achievements went with respect to how you were able to manage
your job, including your own performance

3.5 Provide positive feedback to relevant production personnel and invite

comment on the shoot.

Log examples

Please hand in folio when the practical work has been

completed. Write down the hours is took you to complete
this UOC: theory and practical……….

I hereby certify that the written work contained here, other than research
evidence, is my own work.

Signed Date

Certificate III Elective Evaluation

The number rating stands for the following: 1 = rarely, 2 = once in a while, 3 =
sometimes, 4 = most of the time, 5 = almost always.

Name the group (film) you were part of ……………………………………………

Name the people within your group …………………………………………………


1. Was the prior knowledge/details of the filming project current and relevant? Did it
give you enough detail to develop your specialist elective?
1 2 3 4 5

2. Did everyone within the group participate in the pre-production process?

1 2 3 4 5

Australian College of Dramatic Arts © Merilyn Brend 2016
22307VIC Certificate III in Acting (Screen)

Any further comments:


3. Did everyone within the group participate in the filming process?

1 2 3 45

Any further comments:


4. Did everyone within the group participate in the post-production process?

1 2 3 4 5

Any further comments:


Do you have any other feedback/comments?



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