Model Test Paper 3

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Advanced Training Institute, DGT, MSDE, Mumbai - MCQ Test 3 – POT / ET

1. Body Language, Voice Modulation, Eye Contact & B. Product, Place, People and Processes
fluency in Communication, etc. are – C. Product, Place, Price and Physical Evidence
A. Personal characteristics of the trainers D. Product, Place, Price and Productivity & Quality.
B. Demand
C. Application Skills of the trainees 9. Three P’S included in the Extended Marketing Mix are -
D. All of the above. A. People, Processes and Productivity
B. People, Processes and Physical Evidence
2. As per the Labour Market Information (LMI), ---------- C. Product, People and Processes
means, “Number of Jobs available”. D. Price, Processes and Physical Evidence.
A. Supply
B. Demand TH
C. Utility of the product 10. In the Marketing Mix, the 8 P is -
A. Productivity & People
D. Increased productivity.
B. Processes and Physical Evidence
C. People and Processes
3. -------------------------- covers the Principal Elements of D. Productivity & Quality.
Labour Market & its Operations.
A. Labour Market Information (LMI)
B. Ministry of Labour & Employment (MOLE) Performance
C. Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship 11. -------------------- = ?
D. Office of the Commissioner of Labour.
4. Benefit of own SWOT is – A. Quality
A. Lifts your Career, Life & Personality B. Output
B. Focuses on your attitudes, abilities, skills, capabilities C. Input
& capacities D. Projected Performance
C. Know your Preferences & Personality Traits & Show
current status on the path of success
D. All of the above. 12. Customer’s View about the quality is -
A. Products should be safe and not harmful to
5. SWOT Analysis is useful to assess a Person’s - B. Conformance to requirements raises profits, Costs of
A. Strengths only quality
B. Strengths and Weaknesses C. Quality of the Design (Look, Feel, and Function)
C. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Dangers D. All of the above.
D. Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities.
13. Producer’s View about the quality is -
6. Entrepreneurship Development is - A. Products should be safe and not harmful to
A. An activity to start a business environment
B. To start a profit oriented business B. Conformance to requirements raises profits, Costs of
C. An activity to develop a profit oriented business quality
D. A purposeful activity to start & develop a profit C. Quality of the Design (Look, Feel, and Function)
oriented business. D. All of the above.

14. Government’s View about the quality is -

7. Leadership is a -
A. Products should be safe and not harmful to
A. Job of the Leader
B. Function of the Leader, Followers & Situational
B. Conformance to requirements raises profits, Costs of
C. Role of the leader and his followers
C. Quality of the Design (Look, Feel, and Function)
D. None of the above.
D. All of the above.

8. Marketing Mix - 4 P’S is a tool used by Businesses & 15. Important Qualities / Traits of Good Leadership are -
Marketers to help determine a A. Wide Vision and Effective Communication
B. Motivating and Problem Solving Ability
A. Product, Place, Price and Promotion C. Taking Decisions and Responsibility of Consequences
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D. All of the above. A. Higher stress levels

B. Poor Work Quality & Poor Professional Reputation
16. “Do the RIGHT things RIGHT, the First Time, Every
C. Missed deadlines and inefficient work flow
Time”. This definition is of -
D. All of the above.
A. Total Quality Management (TQM)
B. 5-S Methodology 26. -------------------------- Transforms the Potential into Reality.
C. Just-in-Time (JIT) A. Leadership
D. Six-Sigma. B. Entrepreneurship
C. Skill Development
17. Sales Income – Production Expenditure =? D. All of the above.
A. Profit
B. Net Profit
C. Both (A) and (B) above 27. Key Communication Tools like Advertising, Public
C. Both (A) and (B) above Relation, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Social
D. None of the above. Media are used mainly for -
A. Entrepreneurship Development
B. Marketing or Promotion of Business or Product
18. Authoritarian Type of Leadership - C. Human Resource Management
A. Keep strict & close control over followers D. Manufacturing Process.
B. Acts as a father like figure
C. Practicing Social Equality 28. Person could independently perform his / her Skill in
D. Taking full care of the followers. the –
A. Employable Cluster
B. Self-Employable Cluster
19. Paternalistic Type of Leadership - C. Both (A) & (B)
A. Shares the Decision-Making with group members D. None of the above.
B. Taking full care of the followers
C. Keep strict & close control over followers
29. Marketing Strategy means –
D. Followers are highly skilled, experienced & educated. A. Long Term Methods for achieving the Company’s
20. Democratic Type of Leadership - B. Methods for achieving the Company’s Objectives
A. Keep strict & close control over followers C. Well-Written Marketing Plan
D. All of the above.
B. Professional relationship with the followers
C. Shares the Decision-Making with group members
D. Followers have the drive to do the work successfully on
their own.

21. Laissez-Faire Type of Leadership -

A. Professional Relationship with the followers
B. Acts as a father like figure
C. Tasks are given to the followers with little or no
D. Keep strict & close control over followers
22. Transactional Type of Leadership -
A. Acts as a father like figure
B. Motivating the followers giving Rewards and
C. Practicing Social Equality
D. Keep strict & close control over followers

23. Benefits of Time Management are -

A. Greater Productivity & Efficiency
B. Increased Opportunities for Progress with less stress
C. Better Professional Reputation
D. All of the above.

24. The Activities controlling our Stress are -

A. Work on your Hobby
B. Talk with friends / family about problems
C. Take time to Think & Relax
D. All of the above.

25. Losses of Failing to Manage Time are -

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30. Observe the given picture and state that what kind of 38. Effect of ------ type of DLP is poor due to the little
Leadership it indicates interaction between Teacher-Student.
A. Hybrid DLP
B. Synchronous Type DLP
C. Asynchronous Type DLP
D. Fixed Time Online DLP.

39. “--------- DL Courses are mixed with Synchronous &

Asynchronous Learning.

A. Authoritarian Leadership A. Hybrid

B. Synchronous- Asynchronous
B. Paternalistic Leadership
C. Computer Based
C. Participative Leadership
D. Fixed Time Online.
D. Laissez-Faire (Hands Off) Leadership

31. The Teacher End in the Distance Learning Program of 40. Students are logging-in to their online learning site at a
DGT is known as - specific time in the ------- DLP.
A. Hybrid DLPs
A. Studio
B. Asynchronous DLPs
B. Spoke
C. Classrooms C. Open Schedule Online DLPs
D. Remote Centre. D. Fixed Time Online DLPs.

32. The Student End in the Distance Learning Program of 41. Main objective of Hub & Spoke Scheme of DGT is -
DGT is known as - A. To train the trainers with latest changes in the Syllabus
A. Studio through Technology
B. Hub B. Cheaper Program to train more number of trainers
C. To satisfy the educational needs of trainers & students
C. Spoke D. Providing training by covering large area of our country.
D. Teacher’s Room.
42. Important Component of most Distance Education
33. Communication between Hub & Spoke Program of DGT
Courses is -
is done through -
A. Printed Materials
A. AVIEW Software Technology
B. Social Networking Sites
B. 2-Way Audio, Video, and Data Communication
Technology C. Various Educational Websites
C. Communication over Internet Technology D. School or College Classrooms.
D. All of the above.
43. For dealing with the Distance Learner, Teachers must be
34. Distance Learning started in India for those students A. Flexible
who could not afford to - B. Innovative
A. Attend Regular Colleges C. Creative
B. Pay the Fees of Regular Colleges D. All of the above.
C. Both A & B above
D. None of the above. 44. The Model of Distance Learning Program (DLP) recovers
all of its costs through Enrollment Revenues is -
A. Profit Center Model of DLP
35. The Act, Process, or Experience of Gaining Knowledge B. Cost Center Model of DLP
or Skill remotely without regular contact with the teacher C. Both A & B above
/ instructor is known as -
D. None of the above.
A. Learning
B. Distance Learning 45. Vast development in Distance Learning Courses may
C. Both A & B above take place in future using -
D. None of the above. A. Internet
B. Websites
36. Knowledge or Skill is obtained or developed by -
C. Social Networking Sites
A. Teaching Process
D. Computers.
B. Learning Process
C. Coaching Process 46. AVIEW Software use in the Hub & Spoke Program of
D. Mentoring Process. DGT is developed by -
A. Amritha University, Chennai
37. Distance Learning Systems are classified in Indian
Universities by -
B. Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai
C. Anna University, Chennai
A. Open Mode
D. IGNOU, New Delhi.
B. Dual Mode
C. Mixed Mode
D. All of the above.
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47. “---------- Type of DLP” is effective due to more

interaction between teacher & student. 49. Main dis-advantages of DLPs are -
A. Not suitable for Skill Courses
A.Hybrid DLP
B. No direct access with the teacher
B. Synchronous Type DLP
C. Lack of Social Interaction
C. Asynchronous Type DLP
D. All of the above.
D. Asynchronous Type DLP.
50. First Open University set-up in India in 1982 was -
48. Main Advantages of DLPs are -
A. Delhi University
A. More Flexibility
B. Earning while Learning
C. Both A & B above
D. Mumbai University.
D. None of the above.


1. B 16. A 31. A 46. A

2. B 17. B 32. C 47. B
3. A 18. A 33. D 48. C
4. D 19. B 34. A 49. D
5. C 20. C 35. B 50. C
6. D 21. C 36. B
7. B 22. B 37. D
8. A 23. D 38. C
9. B 24. D 39. A
10. D 25. D 40. D
11. A 26. A 41. A
12. C 27. B 42. A
13. B 28. B 43. D
14. A 29. A 44. A
15. D 30. B 45. C
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