Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations

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The document provides information about the proceedings of the 12th IFIP WG 12.5 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations including editor names and authors. IFIP stands for International Federation for Information Processing and aims to support information processing in member countries and encourage technology transfer to developing nations.

IFIP was founded in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO to support information processing. It is a non-profit federation of societies of ICT professionals with the aim of achieving worldwide professional and socially responsible development and application of information technologies.

IFIP organizes a range of events from large international open conferences to working conferences and local seminars. The flagship event is the IFIP World Computer Congress where both invited and contributed papers are presented.


Lazaros Iliadis
Ilias Maglogiannis

Artificial Intelligence
and Innovations

12th IFIP WG 12.5 International Conference

and Workshops, AIAI 2016
Thessaloniki, Greece, September 16–18, 2016

IFIP Advances in Information
and Communication Technology 475


Kai Rannenberg, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

Editorial Board
Foundation of Computer Science
Jacques Sakarovitch, Télécom ParisTech, France
Software: Theory and Practice
Michael Goedicke, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Arthur Tatnall, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
Information Technology Applications
Erich J. Neuhold, University of Vienna, Austria
Communication Systems
Aiko Pras, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
System Modeling and Optimization
Fredi Tröltzsch, TU Berlin, Germany
Information Systems
Jan Pries-Heje, Roskilde University, Denmark
ICT and Society
Diane Whitehouse, The Castlegate Consultancy, Malton, UK
Computer Systems Technology
Ricardo Reis, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems
Stephen Furnell, Plymouth University, UK
Artificial Intelligence
Ulrich Furbach, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Human-Computer Interaction
Jan Gulliksen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Entertainment Computing
Matthias Rauterberg, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
IFIP – The International Federation for Information Processing
IFIP was founded in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO, following the first World
Computer Congress held in Paris the previous year. A federation for societies working
in information processing, IFIP’s aim is two-fold: to support information processing in
the countries of its members and to encourage technology transfer to developing na-
tions. As its mission statement clearly states:

IFIP is the global non-profit federation of societies of ICT professionals that aims
at achieving a worldwide professional and socially responsible development and
application of information and communication technologies.

IFIP is a non-profit-making organization, run almost solely by 2500 volunteers. It

operates through a number of technical committees and working groups, which organize
events and publications. IFIP’s events range from large international open conferences
to working conferences and local seminars.
The flagship event is the IFIP World Computer Congress, at which both invited and
contributed papers are presented. Contributed papers are rigorously refereed and the
rejection rate is high.
As with the Congress, participation in the open conferences is open to all and papers
may be invited or submitted. Again, submitted papers are stringently refereed.
The working conferences are structured differently. They are usually run by a work-
ing group and attendance is generally smaller and occasionally by invitation only. Their
purpose is to create an atmosphere conducive to innovation and development. Referee-
ing is also rigorous and papers are subjected to extensive group discussion.
Publications arising from IFIP events vary. The papers presented at the IFIP World
Computer Congress and at open conferences are published as conference proceedings,
while the results of the working conferences are often published as collections of se-
lected and edited papers.
IFIP distinguishes three types of institutional membership: Country Representative
Members, Members at Large, and Associate Members. The type of organization that
can apply for membership is a wide variety and includes national or international so-
cieties of individual computer scientists/ICT professionals, associations or federations
of such societies, government institutions/government related organizations, national or
international research institutes or consortia, universities, academies of sciences, com-
panies, national or international associations or federations of companies.

More information about this series at

Lazaros Iliadis Ilias Maglogiannis (Eds.)

Artificial Intelligence
and Innovations
12th IFIP WG 12.5 International Conference
and Workshops, AIAI 2016
Thessaloniki, Greece, September 16–18, 2016

Lazaros Iliadis Ilias Maglogiannis
Democritus University of Thrace University of Piraeus
Orestiada Piraeus
Greece Greece

ISSN 1868-4238 ISSN 1868-422X (electronic)

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
ISBN 978-3-319-44943-2 ISBN 978-3-319-44944-9 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9

Library of Congress Control Number: 2016948297

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving and growing research area. During the
last few decades it has expanded from a field of promise to one of actual delivery, with
good practical application in almost every scientific domain. More specifically, during
the last 5 years, AI algorithms have been applied more and more by Google in
Facebook, by Microsoft (e.g., the CNTK that is an open source deep learning toolkit on
GitHub) by Amazon, and by Baidu in China. The common core of all these recent
research efforts is deep learning. Joaquin Candela, head of Facebook’s Applied
Machine Learning group, stated: “We’re trying to build more than 1.5 billion AI
agents, one for every person who uses Facebook or any of its products.” Facebook is
using a machine-learning platform known as the FBLearner Flow. In fact, Facebook is
already building AI that builds AI! Deep learning, deep neural networks, multi-agent
systems and autonomous agents, image processing, biologically inspired neural net-
works (spiking ANN) are already a reality. Deep neural networks are changing the
The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) was founded in 1960
under the auspices of UNESCO, following the first historical World Computer Con-
gress held in Paris in 1959. The First AIAI conference (Artificial Intelligence Appli-
cations and Innovations) was organized in Toulouse, France in 2004 by the IFIP. Since
then, it has always been technically supported by the Working Group 12.5 “Artificial
Intelligence Applications.” After 12 years of continuous presence, it has become a
well-known and recognized mature event, offering AI scientists from all over the globe
the chance to present their research achievements and to cope with the AI research
explosion that is taking place at a meteoric speed. The 12th AIAI was held in Thes-
saloniki, Greece, during September 16–18, 2016.
Following a long-standing tradition, this Springer volume belongs to the IFIP AICT
series and it contains the accepted papers that were presented orally at the AIAI 2016
main conference and in the workshops that were held as parallel events. Three
workshops were organized, by invitation to prominent and distinguished colleagues,
• The Third MT4BD2016 (Workshop on New Methods and Tools for Big Data),
• The Fifth MHDW 2016 (Mining Humanistic Data Workshop), and
• The First 5G-PINE (Workshop on 5G-Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge).
It is interesting that two of these workshops have a continuous presence in the AIAI
events, which means that they are well established in the AI community.
All papers went through a peer-review process by at least two independent academic
referees. Where needed, a third and a fourth referee were consulted to resolve any
potential conflicts. For the 12th AIAI conference, 65 papers were submitted. Out
of these submissions, 30 papers (46.15 %) were accepted for oral presentation as full
VI Preface

ones, whereas another eight papers (12.3 %) were accepted as short ones. The authors
of the accepted papers of the main event come from 12 different countries around the
globe, namely: Brazil, Canada, China, Cyprus, Denmark, UK, Greece, India, Italy,
Norway, Portugal, and USA.
As the title of the conference denotes, there are two core orientations of interest,
basic research AI approaches and also applications in real-world cases. The diverse
nature of the papers presented demonstrates the vitality of AI computing methods and
proves the wide range of AI applications as well. The accepted papers of the 12th AIAI
conference are related to the following thematic topics:
– Artificial Neural Networks – Genetic Algorithms
– Classification – Hybrid Systems
– Clustering – Image and Video Processing
– Control Systems – Robotics – Medical AI Applications
– Data Mining – Multi-Agent Systems
– Engineering Applications of AI – Ontology
– Environmental Applications of AI – Optimization
– Feature Reduction – Pattern Recognition
– Filtering – Support Vector Machines
– Financial-Economics Modeling – Text Mining
– Fuzzy Logic – Web-Social Media Data AI Modeling

Three distinguished keynote speakers were invited to deliver lectures at the 12th
AIAI conference.
Professor Barbara Hammer (Bielefeld University, Germany) gave a talk entitled
“Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction for Data Inspection and Classifier Visual-
ization.” Barbara Hammer received her PhD in computer science in 1995 and her venia
legendi in computer science in 2003, both from the University of Osnabrück, Germany.
From 2000 to 2004, she was chair of the junior research group Learning with Neural
Methods on Structured Data at University of Osnabrück before accepting the position
of professor of theoretical computer science at Clausthal University of Technology,
Germany, in 2004. Since 2010, she has held a professorship for theoretical computer
science for cognitive systems at the CITEC cluster of excellence at Bielefeld
University, Germany. Several research stays have taken her to Italy, UK, India, France,
The Netherlands, and the USA. Her areas of expertise include hybrid systems,
self-organizing maps, clustering, and recurrent networks as well as applications in
bioinformatics, industrial process monitoring, or cognitive science. She chaired the
IEEE CIS Technical Committee on Data Mining in 2013 and 2014, and she is chair
of the Fachgruppe Neural Networks of the GI and vice-chair of the GNNS. She has
been elected as IEEE CIS AdCom member for 2016–2018. Barbara has published more
than 200 contributions to international conferences/journals, and she is coauthor/editor
of four books.
Professor Aristidis Likas (University of Ioannina, Greece) delivered a talk entitled
“Number of Clusters Estimation, Multi-view Clustering and Their Use for Video
Summarization.” Aristidis Likas is a professor in the Department of Computer Science
and Engineering of the University of Ioannina, Greece. He received his diploma in
Preface VII

electrical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in

1990 and his PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from the same uni-
versity in 1994. Since 1996, he has been with the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, University of Ioannina, Greece. He is interested in developing methods
for machine learning/data mining problems (mainly classification, clustering, statistical
and Bayesian learning) and in the application of these methods to video analysis,
computer vision, medical diagnosis, bioinformatics, and text mining. His recent
research focuses on techniques for estimating the number of clusters, kernel-based
clustering, and multi-view clustering. He has published more than 80 journal papers
and more than 80 conference papers attracting over 5,000 citations. Recently, he
received a Best Paper Award at the ICPR 2014 conference. He has participated in
several national and European research and development projects. He is a senior
member of the IEEE. He served as an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on
Neural Networks journal and as general co-chair of the ECML PKDD 2011 and the
SETN 2014 conferences.
Professor Jan Peters (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, TU Darmstadt,
Germany) gave a talk on “Machine Learning of Motor Skills for Robots: From Simple
Skills to Table Tennis and Manipulation.” Jan Peters is a full professor (W3) for
intelligent autonomous systems at the Computer Science Department of the Technische
Universität Darmstadt and at the same time a senior research scientist and group leader
at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, where he heads the interdepart-
mental Robot Learning Group. Jan Peters has received the Dick Volz Best 2007 US
PhD Thesis Runner-Up Award, the Robotics: Science & Systems – Early Career
Spotlight, the INNS Young Investigator Award, and the IEEE Robotics & Automation
Society’s Early Career Award. Jan Peters has being honored for the development of
new approaches to robot learning, robot architecture, and robotic methods and their
applications for humanoid robots. In 2015, he was awarded an ERC Starting Grant. Jan
Peters has studied computer science, electrical, mechanical, and control engineering at
TU Munich and FernUni Hagen in Germany, and at the National University of Sin-
gapore (NUS) and the University of Southern California (USC). He has received four
master’s degrees in these disciplines as well as a PhD in computer science from USC.
We are grateful to Professors Spyros Sioutas, Katia Lida Kermanidis (Ionian
University, Greece), Christos Makris (University of Patras Greece), and Phivos
Mylonas (Ionian University, Greece). Thanks to their invaluable contribution and hard
work, the 5th MHDW workshop was held successfully once more and it has already
become a well-accepted event running in parallel with AIAI.
It was a great pleasure to host the Third MT4BD in the framework of the AIAI
conference. We wish to sincerely thank its organizers for their great efforts and for their
invaluable contribution. More specifically we wish to thank Spiros Likothanassis
(University of Patras, Greece) and Dimitris Tzovaras (CERTH/ITI, Thessaloniki,
Greece) for this well-established event.
The First 5G-PINE (Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge) workshop was an
important part of the AIAI 2016 conference and it was driven by the hard work of
Ioannis P. Chochliouros (Hellenic Telecommunications Organization - OTE, Greece),
Leonardo Goratti (CREATE-NET, Italy), Oriol Sallent (UPC Spain), Haris Mouratidis
VIII Preface

(University of Brighton, UK), Ioannis Neokosmidis (INCITES, Luxembourg), and

Athanasios Dardamanis (SmartNet, Greece).
All workshops had a high attendance from scientists from all parts of Europe and
some from Asia (e.g., UK, Greece, India, Italy, Spain, and Turkey) and we would like
to thank all participants for this. The workshops received 33 submissions of which 17
were accepted as full papers, while seven were selected to be presented as short ones.
The 12th organization of AIAI is a real proof of the brand name that the conference
has gained among the circles of the international scientific community. After so many
years of hard effort, it is recorded as a mature event with loyal followers and it has
plenty of new and qualitative research results to offer to the international scientific
community. We hope that the readers of these proceedings will be highly motivated
and stimulated for further research in the domain of AI in general.

September 2016 Lazaros Iliadis

Ilias Maglogiannis

General Chair
John MacIntyre University of Sunderland, UK

Honorary Chair
Tharam Dillon Latrobe University, Melbourne, Australia

Program Co-chairs
Lazaros Iliadis Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Ilias Maglogiannis University of Piraeus, Greece

Workshop Chairs
Christos Makris University of Patras, Greece
Spyros Sioutas Ionian University, Greece
Harris Papadopoulos Frederick University, Cyprus

Tutorial Chairs
Chrisina Jayne Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Richard Chbeir University of Pau and Adour Countries, France

Special Session Chair

Giacomo Boracchi Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Advisory Chairs
Plamen Angelov Lancaster University, UK
Nikola Kasabov KEDRI Auckland University of Technology,
New Zealand

Organizing Chair
Yannis Manolopoulos Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
X Organization

Website and Advertising Chair

Ioannis Karydis Ionian University, Greece

Program Committee
Michel Aldanondo Toulouse-University-CGI, France
Athanasios Alexiou Ionian University, Greece
George Anastassopoulos Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Ioannis Andreadis Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Andreas Andreou University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Costin Badica University of Craiova, Romania
Zbigniew Banaszak Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Ramazan Bayindir Gazi University, Turkey
Bartlomiej Beliczynski Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Nik Bessis Edge Hill University, UK
Farah Bouakrif University of Jijel, Algeria
Antonio Padua Braga Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Peter Brida University of Zilina, Slovakia
Frantisek Capkovic Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
George Caridakis National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Ioannis Chamodrakas National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Aristotelis Chatziioannou National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece
Jefferson Rodrigo De Souza FACOM/UFU, Brazil
Ruggero Donida Labati Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Georgios Evangelidis University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece,
Javier Fernandez De Canete University of Malaga, Spain
Maurizio Fiasché Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Mauro Gaggero National Research Council of Italy, Italy
Alexander Gammerman Royal Holloway University, UK
Christos Georgiadis University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
Giorgio Gnecco IMT – Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy
Hakan Haberdar University of Houston, USA
Petr Hajek University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis University of Patras, Greece
Martin Holena Institute of Computer Science, Czech Republic
Chrisina Jayne Robert Gordon University, UK
Raúl Jiménez-Naharro Universidad de Huelva, Spain
Jacek Kabziński Technical University of Lodz, Poland
Antonios Kalampakas American University of the Middle East, Kuwait
Achilles Kameas Hellenic Open University, Greece
Ryotaro Kamimura Tokai University, Japan
Stelios Kapetanakis University of Brighton, UK
Organization XI

Konstantinos Karpouzis ICCS, Greece

Petros Kefalas The University of Sheffield International Faculty,
CITY College, Greece
Katia Lida Kermanidis Ionian University, Greece
Muhammad Khurram Khan King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Yiannis Kokkinos University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
Mikko Kolehmainen University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Petia Koprinkova-Hristova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Dimitrios Kosmopoulos ATEI Crete, Greece
Konstantinos Koutroumbas National Observatory of Athens, Greece
Paul Krause University of Surrey, UK
Ondrej Krejcar University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Stelios Krinidis CERTH/ITI, Thessaloniki, Greece
Adam Krzyzak Concordia University, Canada
Pekka Kumpulainen TUT/ASE, Finland
Vera Kurkova Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
Czech Republic
Efthyvoulos Kyriacou Frederick University, Cyprus
Florin Leon University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi, Romania
Helmut Leopold AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
José María Luna University of Córdoba, Spain
Ilias Maglogiannis University of Piraeus, Greece
George Magoulas Birkbeck College, UK
Mario Natalino Malcangi Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Manolis Maragoudakis University of the Aegean, Greece
Francesco Marcelloni University of Pisa, Italy
Konstantinos Margaritis University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
Nikolaos Mitianoudis Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Haralambos Mouratidis University of Brighton, UK
Phivos Mylonas Ionian University, Greece
Eva Onaindia Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Mihaela Oprea University Petroleum-Gas of Ploiesti, Romania
Stefanos Ougiaroglou University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
Harris Papadopoulos Frederick University, Cyprus
Elpiniki Papageorgiou ATEI of Lamia, Greece
Antonios Papaleonidas Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Efi Papatheocharous SICS Swedish ICT, Sweden
Nicos G. Pavlidis Lancaster University, UK
Miltos Petridis Brighton University, UK
Vassilis Plagianakos University of Thessaly, Greece
Bernardete Ribeiro University of Coimbra, Portugal
Alexander Ryjov Moscow State University, Russia
Ilias Sakellariou University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
Marcello Sanguineti Università di Genova, Italy
Alexander Sideridis Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
Dragan Simic University of Novi Sad, Serbia
XII Organization

Spiros Sioutas Ionian University, Greece

Ioannis Stamelos Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ioannis Stephanakis OTE, Greece
Markus Tauber Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Anastasios Tefas Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Panos Trahanias Institute of Computer Science, Foundation
for Research and Technology (FORTH), Greece
Athanasios Tsadiras Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Nicolas Tsapatsoulis Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
George Tsekouras University of the Aegean, Greece
Aristeidis Tsitiridis Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
Giannis Tzimas ATEI of Western Greece, Greece
Theodoros Tzouramanis University of the Aegean, Greece
Vassilios Verykios Hellenic Open University, Greece
Petra Vidnerová Institute of Computer Science, AS CR, Czech Republic
Panagiotis Vlamos Ionian University, Greece
George Vouros University of Piraeus, Greece
Demosthenes Vouyioukas University of the Aegean, Greece
Peter Weller City University, UK
Xin-She Yang Middlesex University, UK
Engin Yesil Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Constantine Yialouris Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
Peter Yuen Cranfield University, UK
Drago Žagar University of Osijek, Croatia
Invited Talks
Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction
for Data Inspection and Classifier Visualization

Barbara Hammer

Bielefeld University, Germany

Abstract. The amount of electronic data available today increases rapidly; hence
humans rely on automated tools which allow them to intuitively scan data
volumes for valuable information. Dimensionality reducing data visualization,
which displays high dimensional data in two or three dimensions, constitutes a
popular tool to directly visualize data sets on the computer screen. Dimen-
sionality reduction, however, is an inherently ill-posed problem, and the results
vary depending on the chosen technology, the parameters, and even random
aspects of the algorithms - there is a high risk to display noise instead of
valuable information.
In the presentation, we discuss discriminative dimensionality reduction
techniques, i.e. methods which enhance a dimensionality reduction method by
auxiliary information such as class labels. This allows the practitioner to easily
focus on those aspects he is interested in rather than noise. We will discuss
two different approaches in this realm, which rely on a parametric resp. non-
parametric metric-learning scheme, and display their effect in several bench-
marks. We discuss how these methods can be extended to non-vectorial and big
data, and how they open the door to a visualization of not only the given data
but any given classifier.
Multimodality in Data Clustering: Application
to Video Summarization

Aristidis Likas

University of Ioannina, Greece

Abstract. Clustering constitutes an essential problem in machine learning and

data mining with important applications in science, technology and business. In
this talk, multimodality is related to clustering in two different ways.
The first part of this talk focuses on the clustering of data that are multi-
modal in the sense that multiple representations (views) are available for each
data instance, coming from different sources and/or feature spaces. Typical
multi-view clustering approaches treat all available views as being equally
important. We will present approaches that assign a weight to each view. Such
weights are automatically tuned to reflect the quality of the views and lead to
improved clustering solutions.
In the second part of this talk the term ‘multimodality’ is used to express
dataset inhomogeneity given some similarity or distance measure. We will
present criteria for estimating the homogeneity of a group of data instances
based on statistical tests of unimodality. Then we will describe the use of such
criteria for developing incremental and agglomerative clustering methods that
automatically estimate the number of clusters. We will also discuss methods for
sequence segmentation that use the above criteria for deciding on segment
Finally we will present results from the application of the above clustering
and segmentation methods for video summarization, and, more specifically, for
video sequence segmentation and extraction of representative key-frames.
Machine Learning of Motor Skills for Robots:
From Simple Skills to Table Tennis
and Manipulation

Jan Peters

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany

TU Darmstadt, Germany

Abstract. Autonomous robots that can assist humans in situations of daily life
have been a long standing vision of robotics, artificial intelligence, and cognitive
sciences. A first step towards this goal is to create robots that can learn tasks
triggered by environmental context or higher level instruction. However,
learning techniques have yet to live up to this promise as only few methods
manage to scale to high-dimensional manipulator or humanoid robots. In this
talk, we investigate a general framework suitable for learning motor skills in
robotics which is based on the principles behind many analytical robotics
approaches. It involves generating a representation of motor skills by parame-
terized motor primitive policies acting as building blocks of movement gener-
ation, and a learned task execution module that transforms these movements into
motor commands. We discuss learning on three different levels of abstraction,
i.e., learning for accurate control is needed to execute, learning of motor
primitives is needed to acquire simple movements, and learning of the task-
dependent “hyperparameters” of these motor primitives allows learning complex
tasks. We discuss task-appropriate learning approaches for imitation learning,
model learning and reinforcement learning for robots with many degrees of
freedom. Empirical evaluations on a several robot systems illustrate the effec-
tiveness and applicability to learning control on an anthropomorphic robot arm.
These robot motor skills range from toy examples (e.g., paddling a ball, ball-in-
a-cup) to playing robot table tennis against a human being and manipulation of
various objects.
Machine Learning Based Bioinformatics
as a Tool for Big-Bata Analytics
on Molecular Biology Datasets

Seferina Mavroudi

Technological Institute of Western Greece, Greece

Abstract. Deciphering the underlying biological mechanisms that lead to dis-

ease could pave the way for personalized medicine hopefully leading to early
prevention of disease and drugs with minimal side-effects. Fulfilling this premise
however is very demanding since Biology is complex, with thousands of key
players interacting with each other in systems at various scales. In the light
of the curse of dimensionality it is obvious that only the advent of big data in
modern molecular biology provides the ground for building meaningful models
that could formulate novel hypothesis. Moreover, extracting valuable biological
knowledge in such environments is usually not feasible with simple statistical
methods and sophisticated machine learning paradigms have to be encountered.
In the present talk we will briefly introduce the systems biology perspective
according to which all essential biological molecules from genes, proteins,
metabolites to cells and organs form “a network of networks”. We will mention
the genomic, proteomic and other heterogeneous medical data sources of big
data production and we will ultimately elaborate on the analysis of these kinds
of data with modern machine learning techniques. The challenges, pitfalls and
perspectives of the analysis will be discussed.
Specific case studies concerning proteomic and transcriptomic data analysis
aiming at biomarker discovery will be presented. The first case study is related
to big data proteomics analysis and specifically to the case of analyzing TMT
based Mass Spectrometry datasets which is not only a big data problem but is
also related to complex analysis steps. Due to the huge amount of the processing
data, standard approaches and serial implementations fail to deliver high quality
biomarkers while being extremely time consuming. For this task machine
learning and more specifically meta-heuristic methods were deployed combined
with high performance parallel computing techniques to provide biomarkers of
increased predictive accuracy with feasible and realistic time requirements.
The second case study which will be presented includes big data analytics
on transcriptomics data related to the diagnosis of early stage Parkinson disease.
Specifically, a unique network medicine pipeline has been used to combine
multiple gene expression datasets created from both microarrays and RNA-
sequencing experiments. The proposed methodology not only uncovered sig-
nificantly fewer biomarkers than the standard approach but also came out with a
set of biomarkers which present higher predictive performance and are highly
relevant to the underlying mechanisms of Parkinson disease. Cloud computing
technology has been used to ease the application of the proposed pipeline in
multiple datasets.

Medical Artificial Intelligence Modeling (MAIM)

A Cumulative Training Approach to Schistosomiasis Vector Density

Prediction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Terence Fusco and Yaxin Bi

A Mobile and Evolving Tool to Predict Colorectal Cancer Survivability . . . . 14

Ana Silva, Tiago Oliveira, Vicente Julian, José Neves, and Paulo Novais

An Implementation of a Decision-Making Algorithm Based on a Novel

Health Status Transition Model of Epilepsy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Mandani Ntekouli, Maria Marouli, Georgia Konstantopoulou,
George Anastassopoulos, and Dimitrios Lymperopoulos

Integrative Bioinformatic Analysis of a Greek Epidemiological Cohort

Provides Insight into the Pathogenesis of Primary Cutaneous Melanoma . . . . 39
Georgia Kontogianni, Olga Papadodima, Ilias Maglogiannis,
Konstantina Frangia-Tsivou, and Aristotelis Chatziioannou

Machine Learning Preprocessing Method for Suicide Prediction . . . . . . . . . . 53

Theodoros Iliou, Georgia Konstantopoulou, Mandani Ntekouli,
Dimitrios Lymberopoulos, Konstantinos Assimakopoulos,
Dimitrios Galiatsatos, and George Anastassopoulos

Classification – Pattern Recognition (CLASPR)

Using Frequent Fixed or Variable-Length POS Ngrams or Skip-Grams

for Blog Authorship Attribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Yao Jean Marc Pokou, Philippe Fournier-Viger, and Chadia Moghrabi

Increasing Diversity in Random Forests Using Naive Bayes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Christos K. Aridas, Sotiris B. Kotsiantis, and Michael N. Vrahatis

Identifying Asperity Patterns Via Machine Learning Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . 87

Kostantinos Arvanitakis and Markos Avlonitis

Combining Prototype Selection with Local Boosting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Christos K. Aridas, Sotiris B. Kotsiantis, and Michael N. Vrahatis
XX Contents

Convolutional Neural Networks for Pose Recognition in Binary

Omni-directional Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
S.V. Georgakopoulos, K. Kottari, K. Delibasis, V.P. Plagianakos,
and I. Maglogiannis

Ontology-Web and Social Media AI Modeling (OWESOM)

The eLOD Ontology: Modeling Economic Open Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Michalis Vafopoulos, Gerasimos Razis, Ioannis Anagnostopoulos,
Georgios Vafeiadis, Dimitrios Negkas, Eleftherios Galanos,
Aggelos Tzani, Ilias Skaros, and Konstantinos Glykos

Web Image Indexing Using WICE and a Learning-Free Language Model . . . 131
Nicolas Tsapatsoulis

An Intelligent Internet Search Assistant Based on the Random Neural

Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Will Serrano and Erol Gelenbe

Deep Neural Networks for Web Page Information Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

Tomas Gogar, Ondrej Hubacek, and Jan Sedivy

Environmental AI Modeling (ENAIM)

Modeling Beach Rotation Using a Novel Legendre Polynomial

Feedforward Neural Network Trained by Nonlinear Constrained
Optimization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Anastasios Rigos, George E. Tsekouras, Antonios Chatzipavlis,
and Adonis F. Velegrakis

Environmental Impact on Predicting Olive Fruit Fly Population

Using Trap Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Romanos Kalamatianos, Katia Kermanidis, Markos Avlonitis,
and Ioannis Karydis

A Hybrid Soft Computing Approach Producing Robust Forest Fire Risk

Indices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Vardis-Dimitris Anezakis, Konstantinos Demertzis, Lazaros Iliadis,
and Stefanos Spartalis

Applying Artificial Neural Networks to Short-Term PM2.5 Forecasting

Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Mihaela Oprea, Sanda Florentina Mihalache, and Marian Popescu
Contents XXI

AIRuleBased Modeling (AIRUMO)

Modeling Mental Workload Via Rule-Based Expert System:

A Comparison with NASA-TLX and Workload Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Lucas Rizzo, Pierpaolo Dondio, Sarah Jane Delany, and Luca Longo

Convolutive Audio Source Separation Using Robust ICA and Reduced

Likelihood Ratio Jump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Dimitrios Mallis, Thomas Sgouros, and Nikolaos Mitianoudis

Association Rules Mining by Improving the Imperialism Competitive

Algorithm (ARMICA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
S. Mohssen Ghafari and Christos Tjortjis

Use of Flight Simulators in Analyzing Pilot Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

Jan Boril, Miroslav Jirgl, and Rudolf Jalovecky

Machine Learning-Learning (MALL)

Active Learning Algorithms for Multi-label Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

Everton Alvares Cherman, Grigorios Tsoumakas,
and Maria-Carolina Monard

Automated Determination of the Input Parameter of DBSCAN Based

on Outlier Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Zohreh Akbari and Rainer Unland

Exemplar Selection via Leave-One-Out Kernel Averaged Gradient Descent

and Subtractive Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Yiannis Kokkinos and Konstantinos G. Margaritis

Design of an Advanced Smart Forum for Tesys e-Learning Platform . . . . . . . 305

Paul Ștefan Popescu, Mihai Mocanu, Costel Ionașcu,
and Marian Cristian Mihăescu

Optimization-SVM (OPSVM)

Leaf Disease Recognition in Vine Plants Based on Local Binary Patterns

and One Class Support Vector Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Xanthoula Eirini Pantazi, Dimitrios Moshou, Alexandra A. Tamouridou,
and Stathis Kasderidis

Efficient Support Vector Machine Classification Using Prototype Selection

and Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Stefanos Ougiaroglou, Konstantinos I. Diamantaras,
and Georgios Evangelidis
XXII Contents

MeLiF+: Optimization of Filter Ensemble Algorithm with Parallel

Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Ilya Isaev and Ivan Smetannikov

Genetic Search of Pickup and Delivery Problem Solutions for Self-driving

Taxi Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Viacheslav Shalamov, Andrey Filchenkov, and Anatoly Shalyto

Agents-Robotics-Control (AROC)

The Role of Emotions, Mood, Personality and Contagion in Multi-agent

System Decision Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Ilias Sakellariou, Petros Kefalas, Suzie Savvidou,
Ioanna Stamatopoulou, and Marina Ntika

A Controller for Improving Lateral Stability in a Dynamically Stable Gait . . . 371

Zhenglong Sun and Nico Roos

Scaled Conjugate Gradient Based Adaptive ANN Control for SVM-DTC

Induction Motor Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Lochan Babani, Sadhana Jadhav, and Bhalchandra Chaudhari

Introducing Chemotaxis to a Mobile Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396

Christina Semertzidou, Nikolaos I. Dourvas,
Michail-Antisthenis Tsompanas, Andrew Adamatzky,
and Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis

Artificial Neural Network Modeling (ANNMO)

Malware Detection with Confidence Guarantees on Android Devices. . . . . . . 407

Nestoras Georgiou, Andreas Konstantinidis, and Harris Papadopoulos

Auto Regressive Dynamic Bayesian Network and Its Application in Stock

Market Inference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Tiehang Duan

A Consumer BCI for Automated Music Evaluation Within a Popular

On-Demand Music Streaming Service “Taking Listener’s Brainwaves
to Extremes” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Fotis Kalaganis, Dimitrios A. Adamos, and Nikos Laskaris

Information Abstraction from Crises Related Tweets Using Recurrent

Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Mehdi Ben Lazreg, Morten Goodwin, and Ole-Christoffer Granmo
Contents XXIII

Mining Humanistic Data Workshop (MHDW)

A Scalable Grid Computing Framework for Extensible Phylogenetic Profile

Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Emmanouil Stergiadis, Athanassios M. Kintsakis, Fotis E. Psomopoulos,
and Pericles A. Mitkas

Community Detection of Screenplay Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463

Christos Makris and Pantelis Vikatos

Customer Behaviour Analysis for Recommendation of Supermarket Ware . . . 471

Stavros Anastasios Iakovou, Andreas Kanavos,
and Athanasios Tsakalidis

Dealing with High Dimensional Sentiment Data Using Gradient Boosting

Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Vasileios Athanasiou and Manolis Maragoudakis

Discovering Areas of Interest Using a Semantic Geo-Clustering Approach . . . 490

Evaggelos Spyrou, Apostolos Psallas, Vasileios Charalampidis,
and Phivos Mylonas

Diversifying the Legal Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499

Marios Koniaris, Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, and Yannis Vassiliou

Efficient Computation of Clustered-Clumps in Degenerate Strings. . . . . . . . . 510

Costas S. Iliopoulos, Ritu Kundu, and Manal Mohamed

Learning and Blending Harmonies in the Context of a Melodic

Harmonisation Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
Maximos Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, Dimos Makris, Asterios Zacharakis,
Costas Tsougras, and Emilios Cambouropoulos

Lyrics Mining for Music Meta-Data Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528

Hasan Oğul and Başar Kırmacı

Mining Domain-Specific Design Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540

Vassiliki Gkantouna, Giannis Tzimas, Basil Tampakas,
and John Tsaknakis

Modelling Cadence Perception Via Musical Parameter Tuning to Perceptual

Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
Maximos Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, Asterios Zacharakis,
Costas Tsougras, and Emilios Cambouropoulos
XXIV Contents

Musical Track Popularity Mining Dataset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562

Ioannis Karydis, Aggelos Gkiokas, and Vassilis Katsouros

On the Computational Prediction of miRNA Promoters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573

Charalampos Michail, Aigli Korfiati, Konstantinos Theofilatos,
Spiros Likothanassis, and Seferina Mavroudi

New Methods and Tools for Big Data Wokshop (MT4BD)

Building Multi-occupancy Analysis and Visualization Through Data

Intensive Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
Dimosthenis Ioannidis, Pantelis Tropios, Stelios Krinidis,
Dimitris Tzovaras, and Spiridon Likothanassis

Discovering the Discriminating Power in Patient Test Features

Using Visual Analytics: A Case Study in Parkinson’s Disease . . . . . . . . . . . 600
Panagiotis Moschonas, Elias Kalamaras, Stavros Papadopoulos,
Anastasios Drosou, Konstantinos Votis, Sevasti Bostantjopoulou,
Zoe Katsarou, Charalambos Papaxanthis, Vassilia Hatzitaki,
and Dimitrios Tzovaras

ERMIS: Extracting Knowledge from Unstructured Big Data for Supporting

Business Decision Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
Christos Alexakos, Konstantinos Arvanitis, Andreas Papalambrou,
Thomas Amorgianiotis, George Raptis, and Nikolaos Zervos

Superclusteroid 2.0: A Web Tool for Processing Big Biological Networks . . . 623
Maria Tserirzoglou-Thoma, Konstantinos Theofilatos,
Eleni Tsitsouli, Georgios Panges-Tserres, Christos Alexakos,
Charalampos Moschopoulos, Georgios Alexopoulos,
Konstantinos Giannoulis, Spiros Likothanassis, and Seferina Mavroudi

Systematic Mapping Study on Performance Scalability in Big Data

on Cloud Using VM and Container . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
Cansu Gokhan, Ziya Karakaya, and Ali Yazici

Ineffective Efforts in ICU Assisted Ventilation: Feature Extraction

and Analysis Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
Achilleas Chytas, Katerina Vaporidi, Dimitris Babalis,
Dimitris Georgopoulos, Nicos Maglaveras, and Ioanna Chouvarda
Contents XXV

5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge (5G-PINE)

Security Analysis of Mobile Edge Computing in Virtualized Small Cell

Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653
Vassilios Vassilakis, Ioannis P. Chochliouros, Anastasia S. Spiliopoulou,
Evangelos Sfakianakis, Maria Belesioti, Nikolaos Bompetsis,
Mick Wilson, Charles Turyagyenda, and Athanassios Dardamanis

A Model for an Innovative 5G-Oriented Architecture, Based on Small Cells

Coordination for Multi-tenancy and Edge Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666
Ioannis P. Chochliouros, Ioannis Giannoulakis, Tassos Kourtis,
Maria Belesioti, Evangelos Sfakianakis, Anastasia S. Spiliopoulou,
Nikolaos Bompetsis, Emmanouil Kafetzakis, Leonardo Goratti,
and Athanassios Dardamanis

Network Architecture and Essential Features for 5G: The SESAME Project
Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676
Leonardo Goratti, Cristina E. Costa, Jordi Perez-Romano,
Oriol Sallent, Cristina Ruiz, August Betzler,
Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, Seiamak Vahid, Karim M. Nasr,
Babangida Abubakar, Alan Whitehead, Maria Belesioti,
and Ioannis Chochliouros

On Learning Mobility Patterns in Cellular Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686

Juan Sánchez-González, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Ramon Agustí,
and Oriol Sallent

Design of Cognitive Cycles in 5G Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697

Bego Blanco, Jose Oscar Fajardo, and Fidel Liberal

Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709

Medical Artificial Intelligence Modeling
A Cumulative Training Approach
to Schistosomiasis Vector Density Prediction

Terence Fusco(B) and Yaxin Bi

School of Computing and Mathematics, Ulster University, Newtownabbey, UK,

Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to propose a framework of

building classification models to deal with the problem in predicting
Schistosomiasis vector density. We aim to resolve this problem using
remotely sensed satellite image extraction of environment feature values,
in conjunction with data mining and machine learning approaches. In
this paper we assert that there exists an intrinsic link between the den-
sity and distribution of the Schistosomiasis disease vector and the rate
of infection of the disease in any given community; it is this link that
the paper is focused to investigate. Using machine learning techniques,
we want to accumulate the most significant amount of data possible to
help with training the machine to classify snail density (SD) levels. We
propose to use a novel cumulative training approach (CTA) as a way of
increasing the accuracy when building our classification and prediction

1 Introduction
The resurgence of epidemic disease breakouts in regions of Asia and South Amer-
ica in the past decade has given local governments and health organisations cause
for much concern. The devastating impact that these diseases can have on many
aspects of human, cattle and crop life incurs huge financial and social cost. This
rationale makes research into the prevention and preparation for future out-
breaks, a problem that requires immediate attention and one that is crucial to
supporting the locally affected municipalities [1]. The epidemic disease Schistoso-
miasis is detrimental to many sections of society in China. Schistosomiasis is the
second most widely affected disease in the world as stated by the World Health
Organisation [2]. It is a disease, which is transmitted through water infected by
parasites known as Schistosomes. The intermediate host of the disease is the
Oncomelania Hupensis snail. Humans are affected mainly through freshwater
used for washing clothes and household items as well as through infected crops
and cattle. The affect it can have on many areas of human, cattle, crop life both
in terms of health and financially is a valid cause for concern [1]. To combat Schis-
tosomiasis can be very difficult due to the fact that there is no vaccine available
against the disease and therefore it can only be treated once the patient has
been infected. Currently, the most effective way of dealing with the disease is by

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 3–13, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 1
4 T. Fusco and Y. Bi

trying to establish areas that are of high risk of the disease and putting in place
preventative measures such as chemical treatment to specific freshwater areas [3]
in order that the disease is addressed before the vectors multiply or increase in
density and distribution. An alternative solution is to plant poplar trees, which
would disturb the natural vegetation and moisture factors that encourage snail
life and breeding habitat [4]. Whichever method is applied to at-risk areas will
have a time and financial cost incurred therefore the concerned municipalities
require the most informed data available before acting and addressing the area
in question. The local governments will also need to prepare those areas for any
panic or influx of patients that may occur.
The environment features present in Schistosomiasis areas of interest can
be shown to be intrinsically linked to the disease infection rates [5]. By using
data mining methods we can assess the corollary relations between the envi-
ronment feature values and the SD and distribution values. We aim to identify
the environment conditions which make the Oncomelania Hupensis snail most
suitable for transmission of the Schistosomiasis disease. We know that for the
Oncomelania Hupensis reproduction and for life to flourish, it requires specific
environment conditions. We also know the snails will not survive in strong cur-
rents and that during early years in their lives the Oncomelania Hupensis snail
will live only in water. Once they are adults they then must move from the water
usually to moist soil above the water line as the snail activity increases with soil
moisture and that the optimum temperature for breeding is around 20 ◦ C [6].
The Oncomelania Hupensis snail flourishes and breeds particularly well in areas
with high levels specific environment features such as soil moisture (NDMI) and
vegetation (NDVI) therefore we can deduce that areas which meet these specific
environment conditions have a greater likelihood of high snail vector density.
By analyzing and assessing this information we can achieve greater success
from our classification accuracy. With the implementation of this research app-
roach we can make the most informed prediction on which to base information
to provide to those concerned. We believe that the most promising approach to
detect high-risk areas of disease outbreak is to use vector density classification
techniques based on environmental features that exist in each area of interest.
Using our proposed Cumulative Training Approach (CTA), we can enhance
the training potential of our limited dataset. This will help to provide a larger
pool of relevant training data which we hope will increase the classification
accuracy during the testing process. The process involved uses the data from
a combination of collective years’ data as a training set to train the machine
for classifying SD based on the environment information given. Particularly the
CTA also involves the pre-processing of segmenting the SD into the three or five
point categories, handling of missing values, environment feature selection and
correlation analysis between environment features and attributes.
This paper provides the description, rationale and results of preliminary
experiments that examine the correlation and influence levels between environ-
mental features and SD present in the Dongting Lake area of China. This lake
represents a very relevant study area with which to examine the moisture and
A CTA to Schistosomiasis Vector Density Prediction 5

vegetation levels required for snail life to flourish. The datasets used in this paper
were derived from remotely sensed image extraction information together with
manually collected field survey data provided by our Chinese project partners at
Academy of Opto-Electronics the and the European Space Agency (ESA). The
datasets have been analysed quantitatively and results are illustrated with this
paper. The aim of these studies is to discover if there exists strong correlation
between individual or component environment features and the Schistosomiasis
disease vector (Oncomelania Hupensis snail) density and distribution. If we can
identify this, then we can make future SD classifications using our prediction
models based on previously collected datasets. The resulting prediction models
will be capable of making informed assumptions on future SD levels and therefore
provide likelihood of outbreaks of the disease occurring based on environmen-
tal feature values on a larger scale and with greater efficiency than is currently
The CTA proposed in this paper is a framework we use to enhance the train-
ing potential of real-world sparse datasets. This approach is conducted using
a range of pre-processing methods together with attribute ranking and data
analysis, the results of which we take into consideration when building our clas-
sification and prediction models to determine the density and distribution of
epidemic disease vectors. We aim to enrich our training set by investigating the
various methods discussed in this paper to deduce if they can have a positive
effect when applied for classification of SD in terms of accuracy performance.
This includes using combined years of data instances for training against alter-
native testing sets. We aim to take into account and apply the optimal test
conditions as a training paradigm to discover whether those criteria perform
better than standard datasets for classification purposes.

2 Experiment Data
The datasets used in this report are derivative of remotely sensed satellite images
ranging from between 2003–2009 in the Dongting Lake area of China. The images
were processed and feature extraction was carried out by our Chinese partners
to provide values for the environmental features present for each year. While
we can access vast amounts of data from satellite imaging, the primary field
survey data of which we can be sure is a much more time consuming process so
this is why we have such a limited dataset in terms of instances. The number
of common features from each year was seven with the collective number of
instances being 180. While the dataset is relatively small in data mining terms,
it provides a basis on which to form initial opinions and observations as to which
attributes or combination of attributes have the strongest influence on SD levels.
When we deduce which feature subsets are most influential on the SD levels, we
can make assertions on future SD classification and therefore provide important
information to those concerned for preventative measures to be put into place.
During initial assessment of the dataset, we looked at how we would catego-
rize the SD values in terms of whether the raw value provided would constitute
6 T. Fusco and Y. Bi

the label of high SD. To this end, the data was preprocessed by normalizing
the values in order to gain arbitrary values into a predefined range which could
then be labelled in terms of density level. We subsequently assessed whether we
could achieve better classification success by using a 3 or 5 point scale of SD
as in Low, Medium or High as opposed to Very Low, Low, Medium, High and
Very High. We must categorize the density level in this way for classification
purposes otherwise we will be restricted to using either statistical or regression
models. The data was initially normalised to achieve a range from 0 to 1 then
discretised into the 3 or 5 point scale with even distribution. To discretise the
data, data binning was used. This method takes a set of continuous values and
turns them into a set of bins which are nominal values. The number of bins was
set to five for ‘very low’, ‘low’, ‘medium’, ‘high’ and ‘very high’; this resulted in
five data intervals which the data was then split into. It was also used for three
bins, representing ‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’.
In addition, we used two regressive methods on our data to make initial
assessment on how well the data fits and therefore how well each year fits for
classification purposes. While using the linear regression and support vector
regression on our unprocessed SD data, we can assess the accuracy of each year
of data when predicting new instances of SD. With linear regression we assume
environment features to be independent in a dataset; in this case the environment
factors are in relation to the dependent variable which is the SD value.
These regressive methods do not provide specific classification percentage
accuracy results as the SD value has not been pre-processed or classified to a
selected scale that can be used for prediction. We can instead use the coefficient
of determination calculation to give the R value which tells us how good of a
fit the data is that we are experimenting with. We can assess the results of the
coefficient of determination with results ranging from 0 to 1. The closer to 1 the
result is, the better the fit therefore the higher likelihood of predicting a new
instance of SD.
Equation 1 involves taking the average of the entire SD actual values for each
year, then subtracting the average value from each individual actual SD value
to the power of two and the same with each predicted value from that year. We
then take the sum of results from each instance of predicted and actual values
and divide the total value from the predicted SD calculation by the total actual
value calculation with the value ranging between 0 and 1 with 0 being the least
well-fitting data and 1 being the best fitting data.
We can see from Table 1b that the best fitting data is from 2008 training and
testing data using linear regression. It scored 0.8 which is the closest result to 1
making it the most promising data combination for classifying future instances
of SD. We can also see that in 2007, both the linear regression and support
vector regression classifiers performed well with similar performance which can
also be an indicator of potentially generating good classification models.
Once we had made initial assessment of the datasets, they were preprocessed
by normalizing and then discretizing the SD information from each year. This
enabled us to have more options for using different algorithms for classification
A CTA to Schistosomiasis Vector Density Prediction 7

Fig. 1. Classification of SD over Time

Table 1. Statistics for yearly SD Categories and R2 Values

Year AVG SD Normalised Category

2003 0.727 0.107 V. Low
2005 0.879 0.129 V. Low
2007 2.633 0.388 Low
2003 2005 2007 2008 2009
2008 1.396 0.206 Low
2009 1.056 0.156 V. Low LR 0.325 0.590 0.734 0.808 0.699
Collective 1.014 0.149 V. Low SVR 0.052 0.221 0.732 0.691 0.506
(a) Average SD Values (b) R2 Values for Linear Reg. and
Support Vector Reg.

purposes. The SD data was separated at the beginning into 5 categories and the
results are recorded in Fig. 1 and Table 1a. They show on average that density
and distribution of the Oncomelania Hupensis snail during the time period from
2003–2009 were predominantly very low and low. This is what we would expect
to see once the data has been preprocessed but it does not provide the entire
picture so we will have to explore the dataset further and assess the relative SD
levels and in conjunction with environmental features.

3 Methods
In earth observation research, weather conditions directly affect the quality of
satellite imagery which causes some values of environment variables to be missing
in the set and discontinuity in terms of fully recorded data relationships. These
partially complete datasets are caused by anomalies in the remotely sensed image
extraction process and by issues such as weather clarity from satellite imagery.
One of the major issues faced when using the data provided was that specific
data particularly from 2007 was only partially complete. This problem correlates
8 T. Fusco and Y. Bi

directly to the weather conditions present at the time of acquiring data from
the satellites therefore we are interested in providing a resolution that can be
applied to any future incomplete datasets provided by satellite images. This issue
highlighted the need for an approach capable of imputation of the values that
were incomplete from the dataset in order to be able to use the 2007 dataset
and any other incomplete data for future temporal assessment of SD levels.
The rationale behind this imputation process is to find a solution for replace-
ment of partially complete data that could potentially be scalable for much larger
datasets with a variety of different features. The process of removing known val-
ues from our dataset then providing replacement using the following methods is
documented below, where V represents the feature value of an instance.
– The Weka replace missing value filter replaces missing values with the mean
and modal values from the remaining set for data imputation.
– The Single Pre-Succession Method uses the previous and following values to
replace the missing value.
vi−1 + vi+1
vi = (1)
– The Mean Single Pre-Succession Method uses the previous and following val-
ues to replace the missing value together with the mean of the entire set.
vi−1 + vi+1 + v̂
vi = (2)
– The Double Pre-Succession Method uses the two previous and following values
to replace the missing value.
vi−2 + vi−1 + vi+1 + vi+2
vi = (3)
– The Mean Double Pre-Succession Method uses the two previous and following
values to replace the missing value together with the mean of the entire set.
vi−2 + vi−1 + vi+1 + vi+2 + v̂
vi = (4)
We can see from Table 2 that the most accurate performing method is the Mean
Double PreSuccession method with an average percentage difference of 32.58 %
while the lowest performance is of the PreSuccession method which has an aver-
age percentage difference of 333.36 % from the original value that was replaced.
These results can now be analysed and used for future incomplete datasets to
verify the accuracy of value replacement over more extensive datasets.

3.1 Feature Assessment

– We want to evaluate the dataset to discover the relevance of each attribute to
SD levels individually and as subsets of features.
– To assess and rank the features of the data yearly to gain a deeper under-
standing of the value of the environment features to the data as a whole.
A CTA to Schistosomiasis Vector Density Prediction 9

– Selection of an efficient, well performing method to handle replacement of

missing values in the data as this is an ongoing issue with RS images that will
be required for application in any future data that may be accessed.
– To distinguish the most effective category of SD to move forward with for
future classification purposes.

3.2 Information Gain

To assess the attribute values in relation to SD, Information Gain attribute

ranker was applied to the data and documented in a table for each years’ data.
Information Gain is a feature ranking approach that uses entropy to identify
which feature in the dataset gains the most information relative to the class. This
is beneficial when carrying out analysis of a dataset to extract the most influential
features in relation to their corresponding SD values. It can be of significant value
in order to identify any corollary inferences with regards environment features
to SD levels. Once we identify which attributes have most significant influence
on the SD value, then it can be established for future experiments that these
specific attributes are closely connected to high levels of SD.
The results in Table 3 show relative consistency with each year having similar
positions for each of the attributes. We can see certain attributes consistently
trending such as the Normalised Difference Water Index (NDWI) and the Tas-
seled Cap Greenness (TC G) which indicate that these attributes are of signifi-
cant value in relation to SD of each of the particular years in the dataset. These
results will now form an element of consideration for our CTA model.
The information Gain calculation used is shown in Eq. 5 where entropy (H)
is given of the class (C) given the attribute (A) [7]. Entropy and information
gain are intrinsically linked as the decrease in the entropy of the class is a direct

Table 2. Data imputation from 2007

Original Weka PreSucc. Mean Double PreSucc. Mean Dbl PreSucc.

Method PreSucc.
0.0348 0.228 0.251 0.169 0.012 0.061
0.128 0.201 0.100 0.254 0.123 0.069
−0.084 −0.084 0.236 0.052 0.401 0.064
0.024 0.201 0.097 0.106 0.027 0.050
−0.660 −0.471 0.026 −0.156 0.080 −0.083
0.242 0.228 0.386 0.214 0.103 0.072
−0.521 −0.622 0.387 −0.091 0.346 −0.062
0.410 0.657 −0.006 0.232 −0.141 0.112
0.400 0.344 0.025 0.123 −0.025 0.064
0.35545 0.657 0.007 0.236 −0.119 0.117
Avg.% Diff. 145.13 % 333.36% 226.81 % 132.04 % 32.58%
10 T. Fusco and Y. Bi

Table 3. Information Gain feature ranking

2003 2005 2007 2008 2009 Collective


reflection of the added information about the class provided by the attribute and
this is referred to as the information gain and therefore entropy is a pre-requisite
for information gain to be calculated [8].
H(C|A) = − p(a) − p(c|a) log2 p(c|a) (5)
a∈A c∈C

Correlation analysis was applied to the combination of each of the attributes

with the SD temporally. In terms of relationships, we used Pearson’s r approach,
which uses the covariates X and Y, this is then divided by the standard deviation
of X and of Y to give a correlation value of each individual attribute and SD
value. The results are shown in Fig. 2b and they indicate that data from 2008 is
not in correlation with the alternate years as the trend lines show us. The com-
bination of the SD and environmental attributes (X, Y) does not show correlate
with the dataset from each year. The corollary relationship results between SD
levels and environment features is an integral component of our CTA framework
below for future classification of SD levels based on environment factors. As the
environment feature values increase towards 1.0 in Table 4 it shows the impact
factor that is present when compared with SD levels with TCG and NDVI from
2005 showing good correlation as opposed to NDWI in the same year.

cov (x, y)
P (x, y) = (6)

4 Cumulative Training Approach (CTA)

Given the limited amount of data and the pre-processing results, we consider
how to construct prediction/classification models. A caveat to address with the
SD classification is the fact that for years 2003, 2005 and 2007 we have 18/19
attributes partially complete labelled whereas with years 2008 and 2009 we have
eight/nine attributes given to experiment with. The most beneficial approach
to dealing with this issue is to use those attributes which are common to each
A CTA to Schistosomiasis Vector Density Prediction 11

Table 4. Correlation analysis between SD vs. Features


2003 −0.069 0.352 0.352 0.101 0.359 −0.289 −0.339
2005 0.308 0.517 −0.301 0.332 0.519 −0.4999 −0.521
2007 0.287 0.192 −0.17 0.194 0.227 −0.07 −0.195
2008 −0.32 −0.132 0.163 0.194 −0.179 0.397 0.289
2009 0.208 0.333 −0.193 0.139 0.418 −0.462 −0.387

year in order to make a comparable dataset for training and testing purposes.
It was decided to use the initial year’s collected research information to build a
training model, which is then used as a benchmark against future data for testing
purposes. This approach will enable us to enrich the dataset with variable subsets
of the data being used to discover temporal relationships within the dataset. The
method was used tested with five classification methods to assess accuracy. We
can see from Fig. 2a that year 2003 training data with 2005 testing yields highly
accurate results as the accuracy during training and prediction accuracy are in
close proximity to each other, this indicates good classification performance.
This method of training will make up another component of our proposed idea
referred to throughout this paper as the CTA. By applying this proposed CTA,
we are combining the most promising experiments and test results from a variety
of relevant areas of our data pertaining to the classification of the Schistosomiasis
disease vector. Using this data we can then build a model for application with any
future spatio-temporal epidemic disease environment data, which is a different
approach from the standard application of classification methods.
In addition carried out testing on three ensemble learning methods of Bag-
ging, Boosting and Stacking as the ensemble methods have been shown to pro-
vide better classification accuracy than single classifiers [9]. Using these three
ensemble methods we can get a varied range of results based on training model
performance (Adaboost), equal sized training set sampling (Bagging) and com-
bined classifier prediction (Stacking). Results were recorded in Table 5.

Table 5. CTA ensemble results

Training Testing Boosting Bagging Stacking

Train Predict Train Predict Train Predict
2003/05 2009 0.740 0.483 0.753 0.5 0.712 0.467
2003/05/07 2009 0.530 0.467 0.504 0.467 0.556 0.467
2003/05/07/08 2009 0.558 0.483 0.509 0.533 0.491 0.467
2003/05 2008 0.740 0.478 0.753 0.348 0.712 0.326
2003/05/07 2008 0.530 0.326 0.504 0.348 0.556 0.326
2003/05 2007 0.740 0.295 0.753 0.318 0.712 0.295
12 T. Fusco and Y. Bi

(a) 2003Train - 2005Test CTA Data (b) Pearson’s Correlation Co-Efficient

Fig. 2. CTA and Correlation figures

5 Conclusion

From the correlation analysis graph, we can see that each of the years data
with the exception of 2008, follow together in a trend which shows that the
correlation values of each combination of attributes together with SD, can be
predictable which is of high value to this particular research area looking at
future distribution and density predictions.
By handling and assessing missing value replacement in the data, we can
identify the success of replacing these values based on the mean and mode of
the existing data. These results can be applied to future RS data that will be
accessed for research and experimentation. By testing effectiveness of replace-
ment methods, we can identify confidence in future replacement of data.
All experiments and collective research to date have become part of the CTA
for Schistosomiasis vector density and distribution prediction. This approach
has provided us with a better understanding of our datasets and the classifica-
tion results which it provides. In combining each aspect of the training process
we have a greater understanding of the research area and we can apply this
knowledge to future data obtained for classification and prediction purposes.
From the results to date, we can deduce that specific environmental attributes
such as TC G and NDWI have more influence on the SD and distribution than
others. This information will be further analysed and implemented into a cluster
ensemble algorithm for optimum accuracy classification for future work [10].

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A Mobile and Evolving Tool to Predict
Colorectal Cancer Survivability

Ana Silva1 , Tiago Oliveira1(B) , Vicente Julian2 , José Neves1 ,

and Paulo Novais1
Algoritmi Centre/Department of Informatics, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, {toliveira,jneves,pjon}
Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación,
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Abstract. In this work, a tool for the survivability prediction of patients

with colon or rectal cancer, up to five years after diagnosis and treatment,
is presented. Indeed, an accurate survivability prediction is a difficult
task for health care professionals and of high concern to patients, so that
they can make the most of the rest of their lives. The distinguishing
features of the tool include a balance between the number of necessary
inputs and prediction performance, being mobile-friendly, and featuring
an online learning component that enables the automatic evolution of
the prediction models upon the addition of new cases.

1 Introduction
The colorectal cancer, is a subtype of cancer, which affects the lower portion of
the gastrointestinal tract and develops in the cells lining the colon and rectum
[24]. It can be further divided according to the site where the pathology devel-
ops. Colon and rectum cancers are, in fact, different pathologies, with different
associated genetic causes and different progressions according to distinct mole-
cular pathways [29]. Statistics show that colorectal cancer is the most common
form of cancer in the digestive system, the third most common and the fourth
deadliest cancer overall [15].
The use of machine learning (ML) techniques has been growing in cancer
research [17]. The accurate prediction of survivability in patients with cancer
remains a challenge namely due to the heterogeneity and complexity of the dis-
ease. However, accurate survivability prediction is important for patients with
cancer so that they can make the most of the rest of their lives. It is also impor-
tant to help clinicians to make the best decisions, when palliative care is an
essential component of the process. Given that colon and rectal are the most
common cancers of the digestive system, one would expect the existence of
numerous tools for ascertaining the likelihood of a patient surviving this dis-
ease. Although there are some tools for this task, few provide predictions for
both colon and rectal cancer, and none of them apply ML techniques in order to

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 14–26, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 2
A Mobile and Evolving Tool to Predict Colorectal Cancer Survivability 15

build evolving predictive models. Furthermore, their digital support may hinder
their consultation at care delivery.
The objective of this work is to present an easy to use tool that provides sur-
vivability predictions of colon and rectal cancer patients for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years
after diagnosis and treatment. Due to the ubiquitous presence of mobile devices
in everyday life and the ease with which one is able to consult these devices and
use their applications, we chose to develop this tool as a mobile application. The
underlying model for survivability prediction was obtained through ML tech-
niques applied to the data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results
(SEER) program [18], a large cancer registry in the United States, and arguably
the most complete cancer database in the world. The dataset includes records of
patients diagnosed with different types of cancer from 1973 to 2012. The focus
of this paper will be placed on the mobile solution developed for survivability
prediction, but a part of the paper will be dedicated to briefly describing its
underlying ML model so as to provide a better comprehension of the work as a
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents related work featur-
ing survivability prediction tools for colon and rectal cancer, with an analysis
of their main strengths and limitations. Section 3 describes the selected require-
ments for the tool, its underlying ML-based predictive model, architecture and a
comprehensive use case. Section 4 provides a reflection about the strengths and
limitations of our approach. Finally, Sect. 5 presents the conclusions drawn so
far and future work considerations.

2 Related Work
Existing tools for colon or rectal cancer survivability prediction are mostly
available as web applications. Table 1 shows a summary of their main features,
namely: (1) whether the application is used for colon or rectal cancer; (2) the
number of features necessary to get a prediction; (3) the data set that its under-
lying model is based on; (4) the technique used to construct the predictive model;
(5) the type of target prediction it produces; and (6) a measure of performance
in the form of a concordance index (C-index). The C-index corresponds to the
probability of giving a correct response in a binary prediction problem. It is con-
sidered to be numerically equivalent to the area under the ROC curve (AUC) [16].
There is a disparity in the number of features used in each tool. However,
twelve [22] or even nine [10,25] features may be too much information for a
physician to input on-the-fly. Furthermore, there are cases in which the increased
number of features does not necessarily translate into a better performance, as
can be seen in the direct comparison between the works in [28] and in [22].
All the underlying models are based on statistical modelling, most notably
on Cox regression analysis [8]. This is the dominant multivariate approach used
in survivability prediction and corresponds to a multiple linear regression of
the hazard on a set of variables. This indicates that the use of soft computing
techniques, namely ML, in survivability prediction, especially in colon and rectal
16 A. Silva et al.

Table 1. Characteristics of applications for colon and rectal cancer survivability


Characteristics Bush and Chang Weiser Renfro Wang et al. Valentini Bowles
Michaelson et al. [11] et al. [28] et al. [22] [27] et al. [25] et al. [7]
(1) Cancer Colon Colon Colon Colon Rectal Rectal Rectal
(2) Number of 9 6a 2/3/7 12 5a 9 7a
(3) Data set SEER SEER SEER Adjuvant SEER Five SEER
Colon European
Cancer ran-
End Points domized
(ACCENT) trials
(4) Model Regression Regression Regression Regression Regression Regression Regression
based based based based based based based
(5) Target 0 – 15 years 1 – 5 years 5 years 0 – 5 years 1– 1 –
10 years 10 years 10 years
(disease (disease
specific specific
surviv- surviv-
ability) 0 ability) 0
– 5 years – 5 years
(condi- (condi-
tional tional
surviv- surviv-
ability) ability)
(6) Performance – 0.816 0.61/0.63/0.68 0.66 0.75 0.70 –
Including months which the patient has already survived (for conditional survivability calculation).

cancer, has yet to be fully explored. Since one of the advantages of ML is having
more discriminative power in identifying patterns in data and finding nuances
that may escape statistical modelling, its usage for survivability prediction may
result in models with better performances [17]. As such, ML was chosen as the
modelling approach for this work.
Most of the target predictions, either for colon or for rectal cancer, cover a
5-year span [22,27,28]. Even though there are models that cover a wider time
span [7,10,11,25], the five year barrier is an important goal for a colorectal cancer
patient to overcome, and is used throughout clinical practice guidelines [4,5] as
a turning point for follow-up procedures, in which the vigilance over the patient
is lightened, and for the assessment of the recurrence risk. For this reason, the
present work will also have a target prediction of five years. Another notewor-
thy observation is that only two of the tools feature conditional survivability
To determine if the tools are suitable for mobile devices, the applications were
analysed using the mobile-friendly test tool from Google 1 . The results showed
that, except for the tools reported in [22,28], all the others are unsuitable for
mobile access. The test revealed that the text was too small to read, the mobile
viewport was not set, links were too close to each other and usually the content
Mobile-friendly test tool of Google is available at
A Mobile and Evolving Tool to Predict Colorectal Cancer Survivability 17

was wider than the screen. Therefore, few of these applications had a mobile-
friendly design. Another goal is to address this by developing a cross-platform
tool that is available to users in a practical and intuitive way, through a smart-
phone or tablet.

3 CRCPredictor: An Application for Survivability

Throughout the last decade, mobile phones have gone from being simple
phones to being handheld pocket-sized computers. Their capabilities, namely
the processing and on-board computing capacity incite the development of appli-
cations [6]. According to data from the International Data Corporation (IDC)
Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, the Android of Google and iOS of
Apple are the two most popular smartphone operating systems [12].
For the health care industry, mobile applications yielded new boundaries in
providing better care and services to patients. Moreover, it is making a revolu-
tion in the way information is managed and made available [23]. The portability
of mobile applications can increase the productivity of health care professionals.
It grants a rapid access to information and multimedia resources, allowing health
care professionals to make decisions more quickly with a lower error rate, increas-
ing the quality of patient documentation and improved workflow patterns [26].
This work discloses an assistive tool to help physicians to improve their prac-
tice. The problem it addresses is predicting the survivability of colorectal cancer
patients in an individualized manner.

3.1 Requirements for the Survivability Prediction Tool

Several functionalities were delineated to achieve a solution that covers the lim-
itations mentioned in Sect. 2 and, at the same time, is able to help physicians
to improve their practice. These functionalities are summarized in the following
functional requirements for the prediction tool: allow the user to select the can-
cer type (either colon or rectal) for which he seeks a prediction; allow the user
to provide inputs for a set of selected features, based on which the underlying
models generate survivability predictions; allow the user to choose the value of
an input for a feature from a set of pre-determined values; provide a survivability
prediction, according to the inputs, for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years after the diagnosis
and treatment; provide a likelihood value for the prediction of each year; to allow
the visualization of the predictions and likelihood values in a chart; and allow
the insertion of new patient registries into the case database, thus increasing the
number of cases for the periodic recalculation of the prediction models.
Additional requirements for the tool are that it should be made available
in the two main mobile platforms (iOS and Android) and it should be able to
recalculate the prediction models upon the addition of a significant number of
new patient registries. This confers a dynamism to the prediction models and
should ensure their evolution over time.
18 A. Silva et al.

3.2 Colon and Rectal Cancer Survivability Prediction Models

Survivability prediction was approached as a binary classification problem. The

goal was to produce predictions for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years after treatment of colon
or rectal cancer. Each classification label (there were five representing years 1,
2, 3, 4 and 5) could only have two values: survived or not survived. As such,
it was necessary to build five survivability prediction models (one per year) for
each type of cancer. The created models were based on the SEER dataset. The
criteria for selecting patient registries was the same for both colon and rectal
cancer. Only patients with age greater than or equal to 18 years old were selected.
Patients who were alive at the end of the data collection whose survival time
had not yet reached 60 months (five years) and those who passed away of causes
other than colon or rectal cancer were sampled out. After preprocessing, 38,592
cases were isolated for colon cancer and 12,818 cases were considered for rectal
cancer. From the isolated cases for each pathology, 10 % were selected for testing
sets. After filtering cases with “unknown” values, the colon cancer testing set
had 2,221 cases and the training set had 20,061 cases. The testing set for rectal
cancer had 551 cases and the training set had 4,962 cases. In total, the training
set had 61 attributes representing possible classification features.
All the phases, from preprocessing to evaluation, were executed using Rapid-
Miner2 , an open source data mining software chosen for its workflow-based inter-
face and an intuitive application programming interface (API).
Using the Optimize Selection [21] operator for feature selection with the
classification labels as target, a total of 6 features were obtained from a feature
selection phase for each cancer type. Their name and description are shown in
Tables 2 and 3. The training sets for colon and rectal cancer with their respective
selected features were used in the learning of multiple prediction models using
different ML ensemble methods such as bagging, adaboost, bayesian boosting,
stacking, and voting. The accuracy, the AUC and the F-measure were used
as performance measures in order to evaluate the models developed for colon
and rectal cancer. The accuracy is the percentage of correct responses among
the examined cases [9]. The F-measure is a combination of precision (a form
of accuracy, also known as positive predictive value) and recall (also known as
sensitivity) [20]. The AUC can be interpreted as the percentage of randomly
drawn data pairs of individuals that have been accurately classified in the two
populations [16]. These measures were calculated using the training data set and
10-fold cross validation. By applying the testing sets to the models, we calculated
the percentage of incorrectly classified cases. The stacking3 [14], using k-NN,
decision tree, and random forest classifiers as base learners and a naive bayes
classifier as a stacking model learner, was the best performing model for both
colon and rectal cancer. Upon prediction, the model is capable of providing a
Software available at
Stacking combines base classifiers of different types. Each base classifier generates
a model using the training set, then a meta-learner integrates the independently
learned base classifier models into a high level classifier by re-learning a meta-level
training set.
A Mobile and Evolving Tool to Predict Colorectal Cancer Survivability 19

Table 2. Features obtained by feature selection and used for colon cancer models.

Attribute Description
Age at diagnosis The age (in years) of the patient at time of diagnosis
Carcinoembryonic antigen The interpretation of the highest Carcinoembryonic
Antigen test results
Clinical assessment of regional The clinically evident regional lymph nodes
lymph nodes
AJCC stage The grouping of the TNM information combined
Primary site Identification of the site in which the primary tumor
Regional nodes examined The total number of regional lymph nodes that were
removed and examined by the pathologist

Table 3. Features obtained by feature selection and used for rectal cancer models.

Attribute Description
Age at diagnosis *
Extension of the Tumor Information on extension of the tumor
Tumor size Information on tumor size (in mm)
AJCC stage *
Surgery of primary site Describes a surgical procedure that removes and/or
destroys tissue of the primary site performed as part of
the initial work-up or first course of therapy.
Gender The sex/gender of the patient at diagnosis

Described in Table 2.

confidence value that represents the likelihood of the prediction. Table 4 shows
the performance values of the best model developed, for both cancer types.
As the intent with this paper is to present the features of the developed tool
and describe its inner workings, it was considered that an exhaustive description
of the ML process was out of scope.

3.3 Architecture
The CRCPredictor is a hybrid mobile application targeting smartphones and
tablets. The back-end of this tool includes two web services: one to give the sur-
vivability prediction responses for colon or rectal cancer to the user and another
to recalculate the survivability prediction models. Figure 1 shows the architec-
ture of the CRCPredictor system.
The Survival Prediction App was developed using a hybrid approach, between
a web and a native methodology. This allows an abstraction from the native
language of the target operating system while retaining the core features of
a native app. A hybrid application is developed by applying web technologies
20 A. Silva et al.

Table 4. Performance measures for 10-fold cross validation and the incorrectly classi-
fied cases from the test data set of the stacking model.

Cancer type Measure 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year Average

Colon AUC 0.982 0.985 0.987 0.989 0.987 0.986
Accuracy 95.84 % 96.62 % 96.79 % 97.09 % 97.03 % 96.67 %
F-Measure 90.41 % 94.43 % 95.55 % 97.61 % 97.51 % 95.10 %
Incorrectly 3.24 % 3.02 % 2.97 % 2.84 % 3.11 % 3.03 %
classified (%)
Rectal AUC 0.961 0.973 0.973 0.975 0.969 0.970
Accuracy 95.61 % 95.81 % 93.81 % 94.82 % 94.32 % 94,87 %
F-Measure 80.56 % 87.32 % 85.85 % 96.63 % 96.20 % 89.31 %
Incorrectly 3.81 % 3.99 % 6.17 % 4.36 % 4.36 % 4.54 %
classified (%)

Fig. 1. Architecture of the CRCPredictor system.

(mainly, HTML5, CSS and JavaScript) and is executed inside a native container
on the mobile device. It is suitable for multiple platforms and is distributable
through an application store, just like native applications. This type of approach
can have an inferior performance compared with native applications. However,
nowadays mobile devices have powerful capabilities and the performance gap is
hardly noted. The application was developed using AngularJS, Ionic Framework,
and Cordova. Cordova wraps the HTML/JavaScript app into a native container
which can access the device functions of several platforms [1]. These functions
are exposed via a unified JavaScript API, for an easy access to the full native
The Survival Prediction Model Server Application was developed to cover the
need of an individualized system, able to respond according to a particular set
of patient characteristics. It exposes a set of RESTful web services. This service
architecture was chosen for being light-weight, easy to access and scalable [30].
The web services were developed in Java with the Java API for RESTful Web
Services (JAX-RS) [2]. The data is sent over the HTML POST method when
the health care professional submits the values for the prediction features on
A Mobile and Evolving Tool to Predict Colorectal Cancer Survivability 21

the Survival Prediction App. The RESTful web service, using the RapidMiner
API, receives the values and feeds them to the corresponding models, encoded
in XML files. The response with the survivability predictions for the five years
is returned in a JSON format.
The Online Learning Server Application also follows a REST architecture.
It handles newly submitted patient data. The outcomes are added to a database
for a posterior recalculation of all the models, which keeps them up-to-date.
The data is inserted into a NoSQL database and, for each 1000 new registries,
the models for the five years are recalculated, generating five new XML files for
the type of cancer that just got the thousandth new case. The 1000 mark was
arbitrarily defined and can be subject to adjustment.

3.4 Use Case

Figure 2a shows the first screen that appears when the Survival Prediction App
of the CRCPredictor is initiated. By clicking on the menu (Fig. 2b), all options
available in this application become visible.

Fig. 2. Home screen and menu of the Survival Prediction App of the CRCPredictor.

A typical use case is getting a prediction for colon cancer survivability. Sup-
posing a physician is treating a patient diagnosed with colon cancer, once the
type of cancer in the home screen is set (as shown in Fig. 2b), the health care
professional inserts the values for the selected features (Fig. 3a). All features,
except for the age of the patient, are filled in by choosing the value from a list
22 A. Silva et al.

of available options. By submitting a case of a patient with 55 years old, having

a positive/elevated carcinoembryonic antigen value, with clinical assessment of
regional lymph nodes of not clinically evident, with the primary site of the cancer
being in the sigmoid colon, with stage 0 and with 5 as the number of regional
nodes examined, the values are sent to the Survival Prediction Model Server
Application and the outcome is calculated. The prediction is always provided in
the form of confidence values for a positive prediction, i.e., the confidence that
the patient will survive. This is displayed in a new screen in the form of a bar
chart (Fig. 3b). For the stage of the patient, the physician can choose between
the TNM system or the grouped stage, known as American Joint Committee
on Cancer (AJCC) stage. The results show that, while the model was able to
predict with 100 % confidence that the patient will survive the first three years,
the confidence of his surviving the fourth and fifth years is 0 %. To predict the
survivability of a patient diagnosed with rectal cancer, the procedure is similar
to the one used for colon cancer.

Fig. 3. Colon cancer survivability calculator.

4 Analysis and Discussion

In terms of inputs the constructed prediction models, for both colon and rectal
cancer, require only the input of six selected features. Comparing with the related
A Mobile and Evolving Tool to Predict Colorectal Cancer Survivability 23

tools in Sect. 2, this number is inferior to the number of features used in the
underlying models of the tools described in [7,10,22,25], and is closer to the
number of inputs of the remaining prediction tools. The number of input features
may be crucial to the adoption or the rejection of a tool, as it may become difficult
to use it on-the-fly if too much information is needed. Another aspect to note is
that, apart from the age at diagnosis and the AJCC Stage, the feature selection
produced two very different sets for colon and for rectal cancer, which is in line
with the notion that the two, although having aspects in common, are different
pathologies. Regarding the colon cancer features, the age at diagnosis and the
AJCC stage are present in most colon cancer prediction tools [11,22,28]. The
other selected features are not usually present, but they are closely related to
the ones that are. For instance, the clinical assessment of regional lymph nodes
is a product of a medical evaluation of a feature widely used in the existing tools
[22,28] that is the number of lymph nodes found to have cancer out of the lymph
nodes isolated during surgery. The same can be said about the selected features
for rectal cancer, i.e., they are, at the very least, closely related to the ones used
in other prediction tools.
In [3], the use of ML ensemble models to develop survival prediction models
for colon cancer is described. The modelling component of our work is similar
to that approach; therefore, it is possible to compare the performance of our
selected model with theirs. The classification accuracies reported in [3] for years
1, 2, and 5 were 90.38 %, 88.01 %, and 85.13 %. The reported AUCs were 0.96,
0.95, and 0.92, respectively. As shown in Table 4, we were able to improve the
classification results with our models. This direct comparison is not possible for
the rectal cancer model as it was not possible to find such a closely related work
in the literature. However, it is possible to verify that the rectal cancer model
performs worse than the colon model in every metric, possibly due to the smaller
size of the training set used in the learning process. At the same time, both the
colon and rectal cancer models showed low classification errors on the randomly
selected test data sets. Additionally, when comparing the AUCs of the generated
models in Table 4 with the C-indexes in Table 1, it is possible to conclude that
the generated models show a better discriminative power than the currently
available models.
Regarding the CRCPredictor system, it fulfils the requirements defined at the
beginning of the work. The distinguishing features of the system’s architecture
are its flexibility and scalability, which make the addition of new features (ser-
vices) simple and easy. The Survival Prediction App was developed as a mobile-
friendly application, enabling the easy access of health care professionals to its
functionalities on their mobile devices. Another component that distinguishes
this system from established tools is the Online Learning Server Application
which ensures the continuous evolution of the prediction models. However, the
system does not provide conditional survivability predictions, which makes it
less appealing when compared with the works in [7,11,25], as this is a type of
information that health care professionals generally like to know.
24 A. Silva et al.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

The main contribution of this work is a survivability prediction tool for colon
and rectal cancer. Its distinguishing features are a balance between the number
of necessary inputs and prediction performance, being mobile-friendly, and fea-
turing an online learning component that enables the automatic recalculation
and evolution of the prediction models upon the addition of new cases. The goal
with this tool is to facilitate the access of health care professionals to instruments
capable of enriching their practice and improving their results. Future work on
the tool includes the development of conditional survivability models that allow
the user to get a prediction knowing that the patient has already survived a num-
ber of years after diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, we intend to conduct
experiments to assess how well the tool fulfils the needs of health care profession-
als and identify aspects to improve. Additionally, the models presented herein
will be considered for inclusion in a guideline-based decision support system,
described in [19], as a dynamic knowledge complement to the static recommen-
dations of clinical practice guidelines. Since colon and rectal cancer affect mostly
the elderly, this survivbility prediction apllication can be used within a techno-
logical environment, such as the one disclosed in [13], to provide better support
to this population group.

Acknowledgements. This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a

Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2013. The work of
Tiago Oliveira is supported by a FCT grant with the reference SFRH/BD/85291/

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An Implementation of a Decision-Making
Algorithm Based on a Novel Health Status
Transition Model of Epilepsy

Mandani Ntekouli1 , Maria Marouli2 , Georgia Konstantopoulou3 ,

George Anastassopoulos4(B) , and Dimitrios Lymperopoulos1
Wire Communications Lab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Department of Medicine, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Special Office for Health Consulting Services, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Medical Informatics Lab, Department of Medicine,
Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece

Abstract. Epilepsy is one of the most common and dangerous neu-

rological disorders, affecting millions of people around the world every
year. Its symptoms are quite subtle and the transition from one phase
of the disorder to another can go undetected and end to a life threat-
ening situation, if the patient is not carefully monitored. In this paper
we propose a novel health status transition model in epilepsy, as well as
an implementation scheme suitable to be used in health telemonitoring
systems. This model is able to monitor the patient and detect abnormal-
ities providing a time margin for him/her to take actions and for his/her
caregivers to be prepared to help and act. Based on whole model’s tran-
sitions information we created a health-caring ontology. Finally, we used
Java in order to develop an appropriate decision-making telemonitoring
algorithm based on the proposed model.

Keywords: Epilepsy · Status transition model · Health-caring ontol-

ogy · Protégé · Decision-making algorithm · Telemonitoring algorithm

1 Introduction
Epilepsy is one of the most risky chronical medical conditions [1,2]. Nowadays,
65 millions of people worldwide suffer from epilepsy and most of them live a
normal and healthy life. However, we should be aware that epilepsy can be
deadly. Epilepsy is a neurological malfunction which affects the nervous system
and causes various seizures. Very long seizures or seizures successively occurring,
while patients don’t recover between them, are dangerous incidents. So, it is
important that these seizures are fast detected, identified and treated.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 27–38, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 3
28 M. Ntekouli et al.

A modern approach of that is by building a telemonitoring system provid-

ing personalized services to patients, who have been previously diagnosed with
epilepsy. These services allow patients to detect the anticipated seizures and
take the necessary precautions. Actually, preventing patients from seizures is
impossible while well treating of them is the target. Patients receive early warn-
ings about the anticipated seizure gaining time for treating their condition. In
parallel, other entities, like their caregivers, their doctor, or even a hospital are
informed about the patient’s critical condition and act accordingly.
In this paper, we organized the different phases that an epileptic patient can
enter in a model. We gathered and classified various trigger factors and symptoms
that are likely to lead to a seizure and according to them we identify its kind
and risk level. Subsequently, and based on the proposed model we developed
an event-driven epilepsy telemonitoring algorithm using ontologies in Java [3].
Finally, we evaluated the performance of this algorithm using the data of a
specific medical case.
The paper is structured as follows. In Sect. 2, the proposed Transition Model
of Epilepsy is presented. In Sect. 3, the implementation of the proposed model’s
decision making algorithm is presented. Sections 4 and 5 include the evaluation
of the implemented algorithm and the discussion, and conclusions, respectively.

2 Transition Model of Epilepsy

In this study, physicians and engineers worked together in order to map the
evolution of the health status of subjects (patients) suffering from epilepsy [5–
9]. The aim of this study was to create an appropriate health caring algorithm
suitable to be adopted by advanced epilepsy telemonitoring systems. For this
purpose, we considered the following as model’s primitives:
– a subject suffering from epilepsy can be characterized by fourteen (14) differ-
ent health statuses, named as: Normal, Predisposition to Epilepsy, High Pre-
disposition to Epilepsy, Generalized Absence Seizure, Generalized Myoclonic
Seizure, Generalized Clonic Seizure, Generalized Atonic Seizure, Generalized
Tonic Seizure, Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure, Partial Seizure, Complex
Partial Seizure, Simple Partial Seizure, Status Epilepticus, Post Seizure
– in each health status the subject is being cared by a specific group of caregivers
(nurse, volunteers, relatives)
– the subject moves from one health status to another (Transition Phase), when-
ever a specific symptom presents (Fig. 1).
– within each Transition Phase the model poses specific actions to be performed
by both the telemonitoring algorithm and the caregivers. These actions should
be strongly coupled with the health record and profile of the subject, in cases
of personalized telemonitoring services.
In this section we analyze every possible Transition Phase while moving from
one health status to another. Each one of these phases is activated by specific
Trigger Factors or symptoms, as it is subsequently analyzed.
An Implementation of a Decision-Making Algorithm 29

Transition Phase 1: This phase declares the beginning of the health caring
algorithm, posing the subject to the “Normal status”. In this situation no
action is required.
Transition Phase 2: Transition from “Normal status” to the “Predisposition
to Epilepsy status”. It occurs whenever one or more of the following eleven
(11) Trigger Factors {T Fi , i = (1, .., 11)} are presented:
1. Interruption of antiepileptic drugs
2. Alcohol abuse (drunkenness)
3. Lack of alcohol or benzodiazepines
4. Lack of sleep
5. Physical exhaustion
6. Mental stress (stress)
7. Interruption of drugs acting on the central nervous system (e.g., barbitu-
rates, benzodiazepines)
8. Febrile illness
9. Menstruation
10. Metabolic disorders (hypoglycemia, hyponatremia)
11. Photosensitivity-discontinuous and rhythmically repetitive light stimula-
Actions: In this transition, increased attention is required by the subject for
a possible future occurrence of one or more of the general symptoms of “High
Predisposition to Epilepsy status”. The algorithm undertakes the responsi-
bility to keep aware about this risk, both the subject and the authorized
caregivers by sending regularly to them electronic notification messages. The
type and the frequency of these messages are strongly tied with the subjects
Electronic Health Record (EHR) and epileptic profile.
Transition Phase 3A: Transition from “Normal status” to “High Predispo-
sition to Epilepsy status”. It occurs whenever one or more of the following
eleven (11) General Symptoms {GSj , j = (1, .., 11)} are presented:
1. Aura - usually aesthetic (visual disturbances or dysesthesias)
2. Stomach discomfort
3. Feeling of fear or panic
4. Nausea or headache
5. Breathing problem
6. Tachycardia
7. High Blood Pressure
8. Dizziness
9. High body temperature
10. Strange smell
11. Pleasant or unpleasant sensation
Actions: The algorithm takes over to send often to the subject as well as to
another authorized caregiver electronic notification messages. The type and
the frequency of these messages are specified in accordance with the epileptic
medical history and profile of the subject, as well as his/her active context
(home, work, road, driving, etc.). In addition, the algorithm takes over to
30 M. Ntekouli et al.

call a caregiver in the current subjects place. The caregiver is in charge of

recording all symptoms that are likely to happen to the subject during the
forthcoming seizure, given the fact that the subject will not be able to perceive
and include these symptoms in the algorithm by himself.
Transition Phase 3B: Transition from “Predisposition to epilepsy status” to
“High Predisposition to epilepsy status”. It occurs whenever one or more of
the above eleven (11) General symptoms {GSj , j = (1, .., 11)}, are presented.
The actions remain the same as in Phase 3A.
Transition Phase 4A: Transition from “High Predisposition status” to “Gen-
eralized Absence Seizure status” occurs whenever unconsciousness with mild
motor activity (patient’s gaze freezes, does not answer, does not react), called
in our model Absence symptom {AS1 }, is presented.
Transition Phase 4B: Transition from “High Predisposition to epilepsy sta-
tus” to “Generalized Myoclonic Seizure status” occurs whenever sudden invol-
untary muscle contractions, called in our model Myoclonic symptom {M S1 },
are presented.
Transition Phase 4C: Transition from “High Predisposition status” to “Gen-
eralized Atonic Seizure status” occurs whenever Drop attack (suddenly the
muscle tone is lost throughout the body and the subject collapses like a sack
on the ground), called in our model Atonic symptom {AT S1 }, is presented.
Transition Phase 4D: Transition from “High Predisposition status” to “Gen-
eralized Clonic Seizure status” occurs whenever clonic convulsions, called in
our model Clonic symptom {CS1 }, are presented.
Transition Phase 4E: Transition from “High Predisposition status” to “Gen-
eralized Tonic Seizure status” occurs whenever tonic convulsions, called in
our model Tonic Symptom {T onS1 }, are presented.
If the subject is in the “Generalized Tonic Seizure status” and the {CS1 } is
presented, we suppose that the subject moves to “Generalized Tonic-Clonic
Seizure status”.
Transition Phase 4F: Transition from “High Predisposition status” to “Gen-
eralized Partial Seizure status”. It occurs whenever one or more of the fol-
lowing ten (10) Partial Symptoms {GP Su , u = (1, .., 10)} are presented:
1. Tonic involuntary movements of one (upper end or lower) end or of the
2. Face deformation
3. Sensory disorders - numbness and tingling in any part of the body
4. Visual disturbances e.g. flashes, zig zag
5. Auditory disorders, such as simple sounds or even music
6. Difficulties in speaking, tangle, halting speech, salivation, chewing sounds
and movements, teeth grinding
7. Olfactory disorders e.g. feeling bad smell
8. Nausea
9. Affective disorders - sudden change of sentiment
10. Other rare forms, like deja vu
In this Phase, if the subject has his/her consciousness lost, he/she moves to
“Complex Partial Seizure status”. Correspondingly, if the subject has his/her
An Implementation of a Decision-Making Algorithm 31

consciousness he/she moves to “Simple Partial Seizure status”.

Common Actions for Phases 4A to 4F: Based on the epileptic history/profile
of the subject and the symptoms that led to the finding of the seizure, the
caregiver communicates with the doctor who is treating the subject and
describes the whole course of the seizure. As far as the algorithm is con-
cerned, it will enter in a standby mode (Delay), whose duration is equal to
three (3) minutes. This delay is necessary in order to determine whether the
subject suffers from successive attacks without acquiring consciousness.
Transition Phase 4G: However, if the subject does not go into any of the
above six (6) seizure statuses while he is in the “High Predisposition to
Epilepsy status”, then we believe that the algorithm will enter in a wait-
ing state (Delay), whose duration depends on the epileptic medical history
of each subject, and then make a new display control of one (or more) new
{RFi }.
Transition Phase 5: Transition from one of the seizure statuses to “Status
Epilepticus” occurs whenever the subject is in the same seizure status for
duration of at least three (3) minutes.
Actions: In this Phase, the caregiver takes over to notify an ambulance of
a nearby hospital because the situation is extremely serious and dangerous
since the patient can even die. As far as the algorithm is concerned, it will
enter in a standby mode (Delay), whose duration depends on the epileptic
medical history of each patient and the particular seizure status. Then, the
algorithm will take control of the restoration of patient’s full consciousness.
Transition Phase 6A: Transition from “Status Epilepticus” to “Post Seizure
status”. It occurs whenever the subject’s consciousness has been fully restored
and one or more of the following eleven (11) Post Seizure symptoms {P Sv , v =
(1, .., 11)} are presented:
1. Sleep
2. Memory deficit the person does not remember what had happened
3. Dizziness
4. Drowsiness
5. Headache
6. Fear
7. Confusion
8. Feeling of Shame
9. Difficulty in speaking
10. Weakness
11. Thirst
Transition Phase 6B: Transition from one of the eight (8) seizure statuses to
“Post Seizure status” occurs whenever one or more of the above eleven (11)
{P Sv } are presented.
Actions: In this Phase, we suppose that the algorithm will enter in a Standby
mode (Delay), whose duration depends on the epileptic medical history of
each subject and the {P Sv } that were presented in each case. Then, the
algorithm will carry out a display control of one (or more) new {P Sv }.
32 M. Ntekouli et al.

Transition Phase 7A: Transition from “Status Epilepticus” to “Normal sta-

tus” occurs whenever the subject’s consciousness has been fully restored and
none of the above eleven (11) {P Sv } are appeared.
Transition Phase 7B: Transition from “Post Seizure status” to “Normal sta-
tus” occurs whenever none of the above eleven (11) {P Sv } are presented.

3 The Implementation of the Model’s Decision-Making

3.1 The Applied Implementation Method
In order to organize the medical terms, events and actions of previously described
mapping, we developed a health-caring ontology [10]. An ontology is defined as
an explicit, formal specification of shared conceptualization. So, it is an abstract
model of concepts and relationships that exist in a certain knowledge domain and
it can be represented in an unambiguous, computer-readable and understandable
way. Especially for medical expert systems, ontology is the de facto engineering
artifact to develop, process and exchange such models.
An ontology uses a common language to formalize its knowledge domain.
The most recognizable are the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and
the Web Ontology Language (OWL), for which World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) [11] developed a standard.
To develop our domain ontology we chose to use Protégé [12], in its latest
stable version 4.3. It is a free, open source editor which helps us build knowledge-
based systems. In Protégé, we can model the concepts and relationships of our
world and by using reasoners, such as Pellet, Hermit, etc. we can provide seman-
tic classification of the medical terms, combine the defined ones and infer new
information of the world. Reasoners, also, check for ontology inconsistencies.
Moreover, it is important to mention that Protégé is based on Java. So, we
can easily import our .owl file in Java via a Java Application Programming
Interface (API).
Finally, in order to provide services to a specific patient we implemented
a personalized telemonitoring algorithm based on our ontology using Java. We
chose that programming language mostly due to the ease of Protégé’s integration
to it. For the development we used as Java Integrated Development Environment
(IDE) Eclipse and the API of our choice - which will import the ontology - was
Jena [13]. One of the main reasons for the choice of Jena was that it has plenty
of libraries that can be used to create and manipulate RDF graphs. Ontology’
s OWL language can be saved in a RDF/XML format in Protégé, in order to be
understandable by Jena.

3.2 Ontology Engineering for Epilepsy

In this work, we developed a knowledge-based ontology for people diagnosed with
epilepsy. We acquired the knowledge, necessary for the creation of the ontology,
An Implementation of a Decision-Making Algorithm 33

Fig. 1. Epileptic patient’s status transition diagram in the proposed telemonitoring

34 M. Ntekouli et al.

Fig. 2. The main classes in the implemented ontology

from field experts and based on it we build a model using Protégé. First of all, we
defined all the required classes as well as the object and data properties for the
representation of all the phases before, after, and in the course of an epileptic
seizure. We set some exact cardinality restrictions on classes and axioms on
properties, such as domain and range, in order to make the reasoner’s inference
more accurate. In the end, we added some individuals on the defined classes.
For example, some of them are the symptoms of all the different categories of
seizures, which are individuals of the corresponding class.
In Fig. 2, we represent the main classes used in our ontology. This visualisa-
tion was created by OntoGraf plugin that can be integrated in Protégé.

3.3 Implementation of the Decision-Making Algorithm

The aim of the ontology is not to contain information that can be updated
and changed without changing the ontology itself. Basically it is the blueprint
that an algorithm has to be based upon in order to provide personalized and
decision-making services to a specific patient. That algorithm in our case is
developed using the Java programming language with which we coded the rules
and conditions so the algorithm can make the correct, in each case, decisions and
take actions based on the new inputs. As far as the decisions are concerned, the
algorithm will decide in which medical status the patient has been transited to.
If the patient does not have any symptoms, the algorithm decides that his/her
status will be “Normal status”, otherwise it decides according to the symptoms
that he/she exhibits. Regarding the actions, the algorithm will proceed to notify
and alert the subject as well as contact his/her caregivers based on his/her health
An Implementation of a Decision-Making Algorithm 35

After we imported the ontology via the Jena API, we added the new indi-
viduals such as our main subjects along with their properties, for instance the
symptoms that he/she exhibits each moment. Finally, Java has to interpret the
new inputs as part of the ontology, change the necessary parameters - like the
values of the properties which our patient has - make the necessary decisions, and
save it as an ontology file that can be opened again and visualized by Protégé.

3.4 Input Data to the Decision-Making Algorithm

The data that need to be inserted in the algorithm must be obtained via many
ways. There are data that come from smart sensors. Wearable sensors are placed
non-invasively on the patient’s body and continuously collect and transmit vital
signs measurements. Nowadays, these sensors can be tiny, flexible and embedded
in everyday accessories like a watch. In our model, the vital signs that need to be
measured are ECG (heart rate), body temperature, respiratory rate and blood
pressure, etc. In addition, other data need to be input manually by the patient
or the caregiver, but that is implemented in a non distracting and disturbing
(for the patient) way. In case of epilepsy, most trigger factors and symptoms
are by their nature quite fuzzy and cannot be monitored via an autonomous
way. So, the algorithm request people to keep it updated regarding the patient’s

4 Evaluation of the Proposed Model

The evaluation of the proposed model is made by means of a specific medical
case study [4]. In this case study, we personalize the ontology based on a female
patient, named Kate.

4.1 Kate’s Epileptic Medical History and Profile

Kate had a normal birth, without perinatal complications and a normal psy-
chosocial growth. There are no significant health issues in her life. Her father
seemed to have had Absence seizures as a child but he was never treated for that.
In the age of 20, Kate had her first seizure. She first felt disturbed by the lights
of a club she was out with her friends and then felt weak and her vision blurred.
She lost consciousness, presented urinary incontinence and when she woke up
her tongue was bleeding. Her friends mentioned that her limbs and body were
stroking for less than a minute. Laboratory tests and Magnetic Resonance Imag-
ing (MRI) exams produced no results. Electroencephalogram (EEG) exam was
impaired only under strong pulsative light but no seizure was inducted. She was
not diagnosed as epileptic and she didn’t take any medication. Three months
later, she had another seizure while watching television, with the same char-
acteristics. Kate then mentioned she was tired because of exams and then was
diagnosed with epilepsy and was prescribed medication. Since then, there was
no other epileptic incidence.
36 M. Ntekouli et al.

Now, Kate is 27 years old, right-handed, with a history of symptomatic

epilepsy with Tonic-Clonic seizures and under a 500 mg dosage of Depakine 1/day
therapy since she was 20 years old.

4.2 Kate’s Telemonitoring Through the Proposed Algorithm

One year ago, our research team selected Kate’s case as the appropriate case
in order to evaluate the proposed model. In our implemented algorithm, we
added three different individuals, Kate, her husband (caregiver) and her doctor.
The algorithm took as a fact that her current status is “Normal”. Moreover,
we asked Kate and her husband to notify her current active context in order
the algorithm to be aware, whenever specific Trigger Factors or symptoms were
detected. Some months later, Kate visited her neurologist with the request of
stopping her medication in order to get pregnant. Her doctor decided to reduce
the dose of medication, a fact that algorithm recognized as a Trigger Factor, then
it activated the Transition Phase 2 and finally it decided that Kate transited from
“Normal status” to “Predisposition to Epilepsy status”. In parallel, notifications
were sent regularly to her husband and to herself about her status.
Three days later, she experienced menstruation. So now she entered as an
input in the algorithm the second Trigger Factor and she was notified twice
a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon to avoid stress and lights.
Stress and lights were chosen by the algorithm according to her epileptic medical
history (Previous Trigger Factors). Her status remained as it is, “Predisposition
to Epilepsy”.
Four days later, Kate visited some friends at a restaurant. The algorithm,
being informed about the strong lights existing in that place, sent a warning
message to her. Fifteen minutes later, when the algorithm asked her again, she
felt uncomfortable, tired and her vision impaired. So, she entered her symptoms,
but now she had additionally one General Symptom, Aura. Our patient transited
from “Predisposition to Epilepsy status” to the “High predisposition to Epilepsy
status”. Notifications were sent to her and to her husband in order to check up
on her.
While heading to the toilet but before reaching her destination, she lost con-
sciousness and tonic along with clonic convulsions occurred. When her husband
reached her he removed the sharp items, to prevent her from hurting herself,
and he entered the new symptoms in order for the doctor to be notified and for
him to receive updates as to how to proceed. Kate, at this point, transited from
“High predisposition to Epilepsy status” to “Generalized Tonic-clonic Seizure
status”. Automatically her doctor was notified about Kate’s condition.
Three minutes later she was still having seizures without regaining her con-
sciousness. As three minutes passed Kate transited from “Generalized Tonic-
Clonic Seizure status” to “Status Epilepticus” and the nearest hospital was
notified and they sent an ambulance.1
In this situation, in order to visualize the relationships that have been created up to
this moment, the data were saved and could be again opened in a new ontology file.
The results are shown in Fig. 3, created with OntoGraf in Protégé.
An Implementation of a Decision-Making Algorithm 37

Fig. 3. Kate’s relationships, in the specific case study, when she is in “Status Epilep-
ticus” status based on the proposed algorithm

Fifteen minutes later, the ambulance arrived, the paramedics inserted her
with 10 mg diazepam IV and she was transferred to the hospital. Ten minutes
later the seizures stopped, and she regained consciousness. She was disoriented,
she couldn’t speak properly and she was sleepy. In that stage Kate showed Post
Seizure symptoms, and after her husband entered them her status was updated
to “Post Seizure”.
She woke up four hours later and she was mentally normal. She was feeling
good and she wanted to be checked out of the hospital but she had to be kept
under supervision for one day. She was prescribed again Depakine of 500 mg and
after entering this information in the algorithm she transited from “Post Seizure
status” to “Predisposition to Epilepsy status” until all the symptoms of this
category are gone. To be more exact, she would stay in the above status until
menstruation had stopped. Finally, if no other symptoms appeared, she would
transit to “Normal status”.

4.3 Discussion

The above real world case study offered us a chance to evaluate the algorithm’s
performance. Despite the fact that we used non full automated data (vital signs,
context conditions, etc.) acquisition procedures, the algorithm yielded the correct
results in any patients living and health condition. The indicated by the algo-
rithm transitions were the appropriate and the predicted health status after each
transition was verified by the disorder’s evolution. The doctor and the caregiver
were, anytime, well aware about the anticipated seizures. Adopting this algo-
rithm in a telemonitoring system for epilepsy offers advanced capabilities to the
patient and the caregivers in order to deal with these seizures.
38 M. Ntekouli et al.

5 Conclusions
Epilepsy is a dangerous disorder, mainly due to the nature of its symptoms. As we
have shown in our model there are a lot of factors that take place and contribute
to its progress - and most of them being fuzzy - the prediction of a seizure is
extremely difficult. Being able to identify on time the status of the disorder in
which the subject is currently in, is of paramount importance, but it is also very
hard to be detected, especially if the patient is not careful, well-informed or not
in regular contact with a doctor. Our model offers a viable non-intrusive way
to make informed life-saving decisions that will give time to both the patient
and his/her doctor (or caregivers) to take action and prevent a situation that
could escalate very quickly if it goes undetected. Furthermore the way that we
designed and implemented our model, provides a great way to record the status
of the patient in regular basis. That log gives him/her the ability to telemonitor
his/her condition and also examine in that record, whenever it is necessary, past
changes and previous health related events regarding the disorder.

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Integrative Bioinformatic Analysis of a Greek
Epidemiological Cohort Provides Insight
into the Pathogenesis of Primary
Cutaneous Melanoma

Georgia Kontogianni1,2, Olga Papadodima1, Ilias Maglogiannis2,

Konstantina Frangia-Tsivou3, and Aristotelis Chatziioannou1(&)
Metabolic Engineering and Bioinformatics Group, Institute of Biology,
Medicinal Chemistry and Biotechnology,
National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece
Department of Digital Systems, School of Information
and Communication Technologies,
University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece
HistoBio Diagnosis, Athens, Greece

Abstract. Melanoma is the most lethal type of skin cancer. In this study for the
first time we analyze a Greek cohort of primary cutaneous melanoma biopsies,
subjected to whole exome sequencing, in order to derive their mutational profile
landscape. Moreover, in the context of big data analytical methodologies, we
integrated the results of the exome sequencing analysis with transcriptomic data
of cutaneous melanoma from GEO, in an attempt to perform a multi-layered
analysis and infer a tentative disease network for primary melanoma patho-
genesis. The purpose of this research is to incorporate different levels of
molecular data, so as to expand our understanding of cutaneous melanoma and
the broader molecular network implicated with this type of cancer. Overall, we
showed that the results of the integrative analysis offer deeper insight in the
underlying mechanisms affected by melanoma and could potentially contribute
to the valuable effective epidemiological characterization of this disease.

Keywords: Data integration  Next generation sequencing  Functional

analysis  Skin cancer

1 Introduction

Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer [1]. Cutaneous melanoma (or
melanoma of the skin), the most common type of melanoma, is a complex
multi-factorial disease as both environmental and genetic factors are involved in its
manifestation [2]. It is often a fatal neoplasm, derived from melanocytes, that accounts
for most skin cancer deaths. In the advanced stages of this cancer, therapeutic inter-
vention usually fails to improve survival despite recent advances in immunotherapy.
© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 39–52, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_4
40 G. Kontogianni et al.

According to the World Health Organization, 132,000 melanoma skin cancers occur
globally each year and the global incidence of melanoma continues to increase, with a
main predisposal factor; sun exposure.
The complexities of cellular metabolism and regulatory pathways involved have,
until recently, obstructed the formulation of a unified description for melanoma [3]. Thus,
despite the descent of gene signatures for various cancers, e.g. breast or colon cancer, a
similar progress remains elusive for malignant melanoma. This could be attributed to the
intricate nature of the molecular basis of cutaneous melanoma, which needs neatly
stratified epidemiological cohorts to effectively address the issue of the high hetero-
geneity of this disease. In any case, genomic studies are limited by the shortage of similar
melanoma cohorts, collecting and maintaining frozen tumor tissue, therefore rendering
gene expression profiling studies of melanoma relatively scarce [4]. Still, efforts have
been made to overcome any issues and shed some light on the underlying mechanisms
involved with melanoma pathogenesis and metastases [4, 5]. A number of important
emerging biological pathways and gene targets recently identified in melanoma are
reported in [6]. Key biological pathways, where several significant genes (e.g. CDKN2A,
CDK4, RB1) are involved, include proliferation, transcriptional control, extracellular
matrix remodeling, glutamate signaling, and apoptosis.
In this study, we have focused on integrating different levels of molecular data
through functional analysis to improve our understanding of the underlying mecha-
nisms involved with melanoma. We incorporated established microarray datasets with
next generation sequencing mutational data creating a potential disease network for
Section 2 describes the techniques and methodology used in this study for the
analysis of next generation sequencing and transcriptomic data. Then, in Sect. 3 we
present the results derived from the two datasets, in separate subsections, followed by
another subsection for data integration. Finally, we conclude this study in Sect. 4.

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Analysis of Next Generation Exome Sequencing Data

The data analyzed in this section derived from Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) data
of paired tumor and adjacent normal tissue from 9 patients with cutaneous melanoma
(manuscript under preparation). The framework for the analysis of Next Generation
Sequencing (NGS) data includes various state-of-the-art tools and has been previously
presented by our team [7].
We first align the reads to the reference genome (hg19, version b37), using BWA
(Burrows-Wheeler Aligner) [8] for DNA reads, adjusted for paired-end sequencing and
run in consecutive steps for finding the correct coordinates and generate the final
alignment in proper format. Then, we preprocess reads using Picard [9], for marking
duplicate reads and sorting sequences according to the reference, to allow further
processing with GATK (Genome Analysis Toolkit) [10], so as to ensure the quality of
reads (all reads are given quality scores and can be dismissed if needed) and perform
realignments and recalibrations based on the scores and references, to optimize the
Integrative Bioinformatic Analysis 41

output reads and permit the following variance and somatic mutation investigation.
Inspection for variance is performed with MuTect [11], which exploits statistical
methodologies (Bayesian classifiers) and identifies sites of somatic mutations in paired
datasets (tumor vs. normal). To annotate these sites, we use Oncotator [12], which
utilizes several databases to link the sites to specific genes. Finally, we perform
functional analysis to identify the molecular pathways affected by the specific muta-
tions, and gene prioritization, so as to highlight genes with central role, implicated in
diverse and major mechanisms in the Gene Ontology tree. These are performed using
BioInfoMiner [13], which combines the StRAnGER2 [14] and GOrevenge [15]
algorithms. Figure 1 presents the workflow used here.
The complexity of NGS data is high, due to the high amount of information
contained in each separate sample (compressed *10 Gb per sample/20 Gb per
patient/*150 Gb for all) and the fact that several distinct parameters need to be
adjusted at each step, so as to optimize the performance and the quality of the results

Fig. 1. Workflow of analysis for the identification of variance and somatic mutations
42 G. Kontogianni et al.

(i.e., BWA needs to be adjusted for paired-end sequencing and run in consecutive steps
for finding the correct coordinates and generate the final alignment in proper format).

2.2 Analysis of Transcriptomic Data

Transcriptomic analyses among different groups allow the exploration and identifica-
tion of alterations in gene expression profiles between them. The data used in this
section were previously analyzed in [16]. Briefly, the microarray dataset was taken
from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) [17, 18], with accession number GDS1375.
RNA was isolated from 45 primary melanoma, 18 benign skin nevi, and 7 normal skin
tissue specimens and was analyzed for gene expression analysis, using the Affymetrix
Hu133A microarray chip containing 22,000 probe sets. Following global normaliza-
tion, gene expression values across all categories were log transformed, and the mean
values of all genes in the normal skin were calculated. Afterwards, the mean gene
vector concerning the normal skin categories was subtracted from all replicate vectors
of the other two categories. The differentially expressed gene values of the melanoma
versus skin, and nevi versus skin, were then analyzed. A false discovery rate for
multiple testing adjustment, p-value 0.001 and a 2-fold change threshold for significant
differential expression were applied and finally, 1425 unique genes were statistically
selected, as being differentially expressed between melanoma and the normal state.

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Mutational Data Derived from Exome Sequencing

WES data derived from tumor and normal samples were aligned to the human genome,
with an average sequence coverage of >100x (number of reads aligning to known
reference bases), ideal for achieving the mutational profile required. Overall, the
individual samples have depth of coverage >90, with only 3 samples achieving a lower
score. Still this lower score is found only in normal samples, which does not affect
further analysis, since high coverage is necessary mainly by the tumor samples to
overcome endogenous heterogeneity. Table 1 contains the alignment rates and cov-
erage for all samples that were examined. After the processing of individual samples
for analysis of variance based on the reference genome, pairs of data from each patient
(tumor vs. normal) are jointly analyzed, so as to identify somatic point mutations.
Table 2 shows the number of putative sites of somatic mutations, after the MuTect
analysis, as well as the count of missense and nonsense mutations for each patient.
These mutations affect gene products, by amino acid substitutions or protein truncation,
and require further analysis as candidate genetic biomarkers. It is worth noting that the
complete workflow for a pair of samples (tumor and normal samples from one patient)
needs approximately 35 h running time on a 64 Gb RAM/12 processor cluster server
(finally, summarizing the results in *10 Mb).
Integrative Bioinformatic Analysis 43

Table 1. Alignment rates and coverage

patient Normal Tumor
Alignment rate Coverage Alignment rate Coverage
1 96 129.8 95.4 118.9
2 84.2 70.5 89.5 91
3 66.7 35.9 93.6 102.2
4 93.8 103.9 92.6 111.5
5 96.8 101.5 96.7 111.4
6 96.8 123.3 96.2 104.8
7 97.4 117.4 96.8 111.9
8 87.9 88.7 88.8 92.3
9 95.6 128.4 92 120.7

Table 2. Number of somatic mutations, missense/nonsense mutations, and unique genes

affected per patient
Patient Sites of somatic mutations Missense/nonsense mutations Unique genes affected
1 855 224 214
2 1134 309 295
3 826 281 265
4 73 10 10
5 944 275 265
6 5985 1811 1474
7 812 226 200
8 922 224 219
9 1111 224 214

In order to discover the molecular pathways affected by the specific mutations, after
annotating the mutations to specific genes, we performed functional analysis of the
union of affected genes from all the patients (2685 unique genes), which revealed 40
statistically significant biological processes (p-value < 0.05), shown in Table 3.

3.2 Transcriptomic Data

The transcriptomic analysis from [16] revealed 1425 unique differentially expressed
genes. Enrichment analysis showed 36 statistically significant biological processes
(p-value < 0.05), which are presented in Table 4.
44 G. Kontogianni et al.

Table 3. Table of the significant biological processes influenced by the mutated genes.
Enrichment represents the ratio of the number of genes in the input list annotated with a GO term
to the total number of genes annotated to this specific term
Term id Term definition Enrichment Hypergeometric Corrected
p-value p-value
GO:0007156 Homophilic cell adhesion 69/150 4.33E−20 0.0014
via plasma membrane
adhesion molecules
GO:0007155 Cell adhesion 148/531 2.17E−15 0.0027
GO:0050911 Detection of chemical 105/389 1.68E−10 0.0037
stimulus involved in
sensory perception of
GO:0030198 Extracellular matrix 84/313 1.38E−08 0.0048
GO:0086010 Membrane depolarization 17/30 1.10E−07 0.0063
during action potential
GO:0007411 Axon guidance 95/375 3.64E−08 0.0068
GO:0006811 Ion transport 82/319 1.53E−07 0.0101
GO:0022617 Extracellular matrix 39/117 2.98E−07 0.0108
GO:0006814 Sodium ion transport 37/106 1.59E−07 0.0115
GO:0055085 Transmembrane transport 162/767 7.19E−07 0.012
GO:0007608 Sensory perception of 61/224 7.06E−07 0.0125
GO:0019228 Neuronal action potential 16/31 1.42E−06 0.0144
GO:0035725 Sodium ion 30/89 5.11E−06 0.0145
GO:0007268 Synaptic transmission 97/428 5.75E−06 0.0178
GO:0042391 Regulation of membrane 36/117 6.79E−06 0.0195
GO:0007186 G-protein coupled 192/976 9.61E−06 0.0198
receptor signaling
GO:0030574 Collagen catabolic 26/74 9.12E−06 0.0203
GO:0007605 Sensory perception of 39/133 1.03E−05 0.0223
GO:0034765 Regulation of ion 35/118 2.18E−05 0.0257
GO:0060080 Inhibitory postsynaptic 8/11 2.26E−05 0.0257
Integrative Bioinformatic Analysis 45

Table 3. (Continued)
Term id Term definition Enrichment Hypergeometric Corrected
p-value p-value
GO:0070588 Calcium ion 38/129 1.19E−05 0.0258
GO:0018108 Peptidyl-tyrosine 37/130 3.53E−05 0.0287
GO:0016339 Calcium-dependent 13/27 3.64E-05 0.0306
cell-cell adhesion via
plasma membrane cell
adhesion molecules
GO:0070509 Calcium ion import 13/28 5.89E−05 0.0323
GO:0007018 Microtubule-based 24/74 8.72E−05 0.0331
GO:0001539 Cilium or 6/7 5.96E−05 0.034
cell motility
GO:0032228 Regulation of synaptic 7/10 0.0001 0.0353
GO:0007399 Nervous system 72/322 0.0001 0.0376
GO:0007169 Transmembrane receptor 33/119 0.0002 0.0382
protein tyrosine kinase
signaling pathway
GO:0034220 Ion transmembrane 65/286 0.0002 0.0395
GO:0001964 Startle response 10/20 0.0002 0.0399
GO:0050907 Detection of chemical 28/96 0.0002 0.0405
stimulus involved in
sensory perception
GO:0007416 Synapse assembly 17/47 0.0002 0.0445
GO:0071625 Vocalization behavior 7/12 0.0006 0.0447
GO:2000821 Regulation of grooming 4/4 0.0005 0.0455
GO:0016337 Single organismal 30/109 0.0003 0.0465
cell-cell adhesion
GO:0030534 Adult behavior 12/29 0.0004 0.0468
GO:0034332 Adherens junction 14/38 0.0006 0.0476
GO:0034329 Cell junction assembly 22/76 0.001 0.0492
GO:0015721 Bile acid and bile salt 11/27 0.0009 0.0493
46 G. Kontogianni et al.

Table 4. Table of the significant biological processes influenced by the differentially expressed
genes. Enrichment represents the ratio of the number of genes in the input list annotated with a
GO term to the total number of genes annotated to this specific term
Term id Term definition Enrichment Hypergeometric Corrected
p-value p-value
GO:0030198 Extracellular matrix 66/313 0.00000676 0.0014
GO:0008544 Epidermis development 31/109 0.00000027 0.0033
GO:0030216 Keratinocyte 19/56 0.000003067 0.0043
GO:0006094 Gluconeogenesis 16/48 0.00002341 0.0053
GO:0048013 Ephrin receptor signaling 21/91 0.0005 0.0078
GO:0060512 prostate gland 4/4 0.0001 0.0079
GO:0033599 Regulation of mammary 4/5 0.0006 0.0094
gland epithelial cell
GO:0045861 Negative regulation of 9/26 0.0011 0.0114
GO:0061436 Establishment of skin 7/17 0.0012 0.0116
GO:0060326 Cell chemotaxis 15/57 0.0008 0.0132
GO:0071230 Cellular response to 13/48 0.0013 0.0155
amino acid stimulus
GO:0051591 Response to cAMP 14/54 0.0013 0.0157
GO:0048538 Thymus development 12/45 0.0022 0.0182
GO:0045669 Positive regulation of 14/57 0.0023 0.0199
GO:0001954 Positive regulation of 8/23 0.0019 0.021
cell-matrix adhesion
GO:0042060 Wound healing 20/95 0.0024 0.022
GO:0007155 Cell adhesion 78/531 0.0028 0.0235
GO:0061036 Positive regulation of 6/15 0.0032 0.0236
cartilage development
GO:0022617 Extracellular matrix 23/117 0.003 0.025
GO:0045765 Regulation of 9/30 0.0033 0.027
GO:0071526 Semaphorin-plexin 7/20 0.0036 0.0292
signaling pathway
GO:0048661 Positive regulation of 13/54 0.004 0.0298
smooth muscle cell
Integrative Bioinformatic Analysis 47

Table 4. (Continued)
Term id Term definition Enrichment Hypergeometric Corrected
p-value p-value
GO:0050773 Regulation of dendrite 5/11 0.0038 0.0313
GO:0048678 Response to axon injury 9/32 0.0053 0.0337
GO:0010951 Negative regulation of 26/144 0.0056 0.0343
endopeptidase activity
GO:0061621 Canonical glycolysis 8/27 0.0059 0.0346
GO:0070373 Negative regulation of 12/50 0.0057 0.0374
ERK1 and ERK2
GO:0055086 Nucleobase-containing 16/78 0.008 0.0402
small molecule
metabolic process
GO:0007160 Cell-matrix adhesion 18/92 0.0084 0.0402
GO:0060441 Epithelial tube branching 6/17 0.0066 0.0405
involved in lung
GO:0030032 Lamellipodium assembly 9/33 0.0066 0.0407
GO:0030324 Lung development 20/106 0.0086 0.0435
GO:0002009 Morphogenesis of an 7/23 0.0084 0.045
GO:0043153 Entrainment of circadian 6/18 0.009 0.0454
clock by photoperiod
GO:0007266 Rho protein signal 13/59 0.0087 0.0465
GO:0030855 Epithelial cell 16/79 0.009 0.0483

3.3 Data Integration

To facilitate a deeper examination of our datasets, we compared the gene lists from the
mutational and transcriptomic analyses. Figure 2 illustrates the total unique and
common genes, from the two types of datasets. Only 5 % of the total genes were
common between the two sets. Nevertheless, among the highly ranked processes,
presented in Tables 3 and 4, cell adhesion, extracellular matrix organization and
extracellular matrix disassembly, containing a large number of genes, are found as
significantly affected in both cases.
In order to create a feasible disease network for melanoma, we merged the previous
results, and carried out an additional functional analysis. This enrichment analysis
revealed 45 statistically significant biological processes (p-value < 0.05), presented in
Fig. 3, ranked according to their corrected p-values.
48 G. Kontogianni et al.

Fig. 2. Venn diagram for the significant gene lists from the two analyses

This potential Disease Network revealed several mechanisms with known signifi-
cance, consistent with melanoma. Enrichment of GO terms, such as epithelial tube
branching involved in lung morphogenesis, morphogenesis of an epithelium, epithelial
cell differentiation, and regulation of mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation
reflects the topological origin of cutaneous melanoma [19, 20]. Furthermore,
cell-matrix procedures (organization, adhesion) have been previously reported as sig-
nificantly altered in tumors [21, 22], as well as lamellipodium assembly, an essential
structure for cell migration, which plays an important part in cell invasion and
metastasis of cancer [23, 24]. In relation to the ephrin receptor and Rho protein sig-
naling pathways, the Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their ephrin ligands have
specific expression patterns in cancer cells [25], while Rho-like GTPase have been
identified as key regulators of epithelial architecture and cell migration, both correlated
to cancer development [26, 27].
As expected, the previously discussed significant pathways from Tables 3 and 4 are
complemented by the additional data, incorporating an increased number of genes, with
considerable implication in melanoma manifestation and progression. Among the
significant processes are several previously highlighted by the distinct datasets, but also
a number of newly generated, after data integration. Figure 4 indicates the unique and
common pathways in each case.
Integrative Bioinformatic Analysis 49

Fig. 3. Bar plot of significant terms with the number of associated genes (x-axis). Terms are
ranked using the corrected p-value. The colors of the genes specify their expression fold change,
green -on the left- for under-expressed genes and red -on the right- for over-expressed genes, with
neutral indicating somatic mutation

4 Conclusions and Future Work

In this study, we sought to export the broader molecular network implicated with
cutaneous melanoma. We integrated molecular data of different levels in order to
identify the important mechanisms that are involved in this type of cancer. This inte-
gration advanced our understanding about the mechanisms implicated with melanoma,
by observing the correlation between different sets and levels of data. More impor-
tantly, it allowed the manifestation of additional mechanisms previously concealed by
the statistical cut-offs, thus enhancing the disease network and our general under-
standing of the phenomenon.
Our future aim is to expand our current dataset, including data from more patients.
Apart from that, we want explore additional methodologies for data integration. Fur-
thermore, our goal is to integrate the molecular data with imaging data from der-
moscopy, to improve feature selection and classification techniques, concerning
50 G. Kontogianni et al.

Fig. 4. Venn diagram for the significant pathway lists from the two distinct analyses, as well as
their integration

Acknowledgements. This work has been supported by the 12CHN 204 Bilateral Greece-China
Research Program of the Hellenic General Secretariat of Research and Technology and the
Chinese Ministry of Research and Technology entitled “Personalization of melanoma therapeutic
management through the fusion of systems biology and intelligent data mining
methodologies-PROMISE,” sponsored by the Program “Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship,”
Priority Health of the Peripheral Entrepreneurial Program of Attiki.

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Machine Learning Preprocessing Method
for Suicide Prediction

Theodoros Iliou1, Georgia Konstantopoulou2, Mandani Ntekouli3,

Dimitrios Lymberopoulos3, Konstantinos Assimakopoulos4,
Dimitrios Galiatsatos1, and George Anastassopoulos1(&)
Medical Informatics Lab, Medical School,
Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini, Greece
Special Office for Health Consulting Services,
University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Wire Communications Lab, Department of Electrical Engineer,
University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Department of Psychiatry, University of Patras, Patras, Greece

Abstract. The main objective of this study was to find a preprocessing method
to enhance the effectiveness of the machine learning methods in datasets of
mental patients. Specifically, the machine learning methods must have almost
excellent classification results in patients with depression who have thoughts of
suicide, in order to achieve the sooner the possible the appropriate treatment. In
this paper, we establish a novel data preprocessing method for improving the
prognosis’ possibilities of a patient suffering from depression to be leaded to the
suicide. For this reason, the effectiveness of many machine learning classifica-
tion algorithms is measured, with and without the use of our suggested pre-
processing method. The experimental results reveal that our novel proposed data
preprocessing method markedly improved the overall performance on initial
dataset comparing with PCA and Evolutionary search feature selection methods.
So this preprocessing method can be used for significantly boost classification
algorithms performance in similar datasets and can be used for suicide tendency

Keywords: Data preprocessing  Principal component analysis 

Classification  Feature selection  Suicidal ideation  Depression  Mental

1 Introduction

Suicidal ideation is generally associated with depression and other mood disorders.
However, it seems to have associations with many other psychiatric disorders, life
events, and family events, all of which may increase the risk of suicidal ideation. For
example, many people with borderline personality disorder exhibit recurrent suicidal
behavior and suicidal ideation. One study found that 73 % of patients with borderline
personality disorder have attempted suicide, with the average patient having 3 or 4
© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 53–60, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_5
54 T. Iliou et al.

Early detection and treatment are the best ways to prevent suicidal ideation and
suicide attempts. If signs, symptoms, or risk factors are detected early then the person
will hopefully seek for treatment and help before attempting to take his/her own life. In
a study of people who did commit suicide, 91 % of them likely suffered from one or
more mental illnesses. Nevertheless, only 35 % of those people were treated or being
treated for a mental illness. This emphasizes the importance of early detection; if a
mental illness is detected, it can be treated and controlled to help prevent suicide
attempts. Another study investigated strictly suicidal ideation in adolescents. This study
found that depression symptoms in adolescents as early as of ninth (9) grade (14–15
years old) is a predictor of suicidal ideation.

2 Suicide - Suicidal Ideation

Suicide is a prevalent problem that concerns all countries in the world. However, it is
rarely discussed both in the media and in everyday conversations. Many times when
people make thoughts regarding one self-destructive behavior, they are attributed to the
term “suicidal ideation”. The suicidal ideation in some people may persist for years,
and in others it may be occasional and caused by difficult events happened in their life.
Suicidal thoughts that a person makes may neither be clear nor defined nor involve a
very well organized suicide plan. The more persistent and intense these thoughts are,
the more serious is the suicidal ideation. People who have attempted suicide even once
in their life, are much more likely to try again, especially within the first year of the
The majority of people who attempt suicide show some samples of their purposes
before proceeding to act. Symptoms of suicidal ideation are immediately visible,
especially from those of their close environment. The sense of despair–which can be
expressed through phrases like “nothing is going to change and get better”–, the feeling
of helplessness, the belief that their suicide constitutes no obstacle to family life and
friends, alcohol and substance abuse, the preparation of a note for their imminent
suicide and tendency to accidents, such as the intentional carelessness in dangerous
situations are evidence that if is perceived early can prevent these people from a
possible suicide attempt.
One in two people who commit suicide had a history of depression. The rates of
suicide in depressed patients are higher than in patients with other diagnosed disorders
[1–3] and even higher in patients with severe depression. Undeniable is the fact that
people with the disorder of depression consider themselves, the world and the future in
a negative way. This indicates the relationship between suicide and the feeling of
despair that they have. They believe that there are few or no alternatives for that in his
life. Thus, an evaluation of depressed people should include control of suicidal
behavior. The purpose of the clinical therapists is to estimate the possibility of suicidal
episode, so that can be properly avoided.
Machine Learning Preprocessing Method for Suicide Prediction 55

3 What is Depression?

Depression is a disorder that affects mood, thoughts and is usually accompanied by

physical discomfort. It affects the eating habits of the patient, his/hers sleep, the way
he/she sees himself/herself and how he/she thinks and perceives the world. When
someone is diagnosed with depression, he/she often describes himself/herself as a sad,
desperate, discouraged and disappointed person.
However, every day we use the term depression meaning a state of unhappiness and
misery, that is most of the time transient, has less intensity and probably is caused by
something relatively insignificant. This “everyday” meaning of depression differs from
the depression as a disorder which is characterized by symptoms that last more than
two weeks and are severe enough to interfere with daily life of a person and leads
him/her to functional impairment in many aspects of it. In psychiatry, the term
depression can also be referred as a mental illness, even when their symptoms do not
have reached a high level of severity to obtain such a diagnosis.
For example, people that experience this kind of pessimistic, and intensively sad
feelings, do not even have the strength to get up in the morning and do the basic things
for surviving, like eating or sleeping. So some people with depression sleep too many
hours some cannot sleep at all, while others do very irregular sleep, or they wake
frequently during the night or difficulty falling asleep. The most common sleep disorder
is the morning awakening, in which the person wakes up very early in the morning and
cannot go back to sleep. To be more specific, someone might experience when he/she
has depression has depressed mood lasting most of the day and nearly every day, for a
period of two weeks, loss of pleasure and reduced interest in activities that were
previously the person wanted, and he liked to do.
Helplessness, pessimism, lack of hope and concern about the future are symptoms
to be depressed. The person sees everything black and believes that this will remain.
Difficulty in concentrating, thinking, memory and making decisions. To have feelings
and thoughts of guilt, worthlessness and low self-esteem.
Sometimes the person with depression feels so desperate that commits suicide. The
suicide attempt is the most serious and dangerous complication of depression. In people
with severe depression, suicide risk is particularly high.

4 Data Collection

In this paper we establish a mechanism for detecting the possibilities of a patient

suffering from depression to be leaded to the suicide. For this reason we measure, using
real world statistical data, the effectiveness of all the above symptoms in each case.
This cohort is the same one used in previous study [4] and concerns 91 patients who
had come to the Special Office for Health Consulting Services University of Patras
were diagnosed with different types of depression [5]. Patients were falling in one of
the below categories: Major Depressive Disorder, Persistent depressive disorder
(Dysthymia), Bipolar Disorders (I & II), Cyclothymic disorder, and Depressive dis-
order not otherwise specified (DD-NOS). Our study group included both sexes, age 18–
30 and their files contained history of the last 5 years.
56 T. Iliou et al.

A key element for the validity of the disorder decision method is the confirmation
of the existence of each symptom, based on interviews that were done. We examined
the “symptoms” and not the “points” that had the patient. Symptoms are determined by
himself/herself, while the points are independent observations people make the envi-
ronment and the specialist. For example, the crying may be a point and insomnia a
With the method of interviews, we recorded the symptoms and the time period that
these symptoms occur (e.g., depressed mood over two weeks, or sleep disturbances
over two years) in ninety-one (91) patients who were diagnosed with a mood disorder.
Then, depending on the symptoms and the time they were repeated we characterized
the type of disorder (e.g. Persistent Depressive Disorder–Dysthymia).
In order to achieve our goal, we analyzed all incidents concerning emotional
symptomatology and more specifically, concerning about the symptoms that are
associated with mood changes.

5 Description of Machine Learning Methods

5.1 Data Pre-processing Methods

Data pre-processing is an important step in the data mining process since analysis of
data that has not been carefully examined can produce misleading results. To this end,
the representation and quality of data should first be ensured prior the execution of the
experiments. Preprocessing tasks include data cleaning (e.g. identification or outliers’
removal), data integration, data transformation (i.e. new feature generation) and data
reduction. The product of a data pre-processing task is a new training set that would
eventually improve the classification performance and reduce the classification time.
This is due to the fact that the dimensionality of the data is reduced, which allows
learning algorithms to operate faster and more effectively. In some cases, accuracy on
future classification can be improved; in others, the result is a more compact, easily
interpreted representation of the target concept [6].
In this paper, we used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a novel machine
learning data preprocessing method that we have proposed in [7] in order to compare
our suggested method performance with PCA.

5.1.1 Feature Selection

In order to identify if feature (attribute) selection provides better results in our problem
and optimize the classification time and performance, a feature selection evaluator, the
CfsSubsetEval attribute evaluator was used. Feature selection is the process of selecting
a subset of relevant features for use in model construction. The central assumption
when using a feature selection technique is that the data contains many redundant or
irrelevant features. For the selection of the method, the WEKA 3.8 data mining soft-
ware was used [8]. WEKA offers many feature selection and feature ranking methods,
where each method is a combination of feature search and evaluator of currently
selected features. Several combinations have been tested in order to assess the feature
selection combination that gives the optimum performance for our problem.
Machine Learning Preprocessing Method for Suicide Prediction 57

The feature evaluator and search method (offered in WEKA) that presented the best
performance in the data set were (i) Correlation-based Feature Selection Sub Set
Evaluator and (ii) Evolutionary Search method.
The Correlation-based Feature Selection Sub Set Evaluator (CfsSUbsetEval)
evaluates the worth of a subset of attributes by considering the individual predictive
ability of each feature along with the degree of redundancy between them. Subsets of
features that are highly correlated with the class while having low intercorrelation are
preferred. On the other hand, Evolutionary Search explores the attribute space using an
Evolutionary Algorithm (EA). The EA is a (mu, lambda) one with the following
operators: uniform random initialization, binary tournament selection, single point
crossover, bit flip mutation and generational replacement with elitism (i.e., the best
individual is always kept). The combination of the above mentioned methods proposed
four from all of the features that formed originally the feature set. These features are:
(i) difficulties in functioning, (ii) unworthiness/guilt, (iii) Major Depressive Disorder
and (iv) Depressive disorder not otherwise specified (DD-NOS).

5.2 Short Description of Suggested Data Pre-processing Method

The proposed method can substantially improve successful classification when
applying machine learning techniques to data mining problems. It transforms the input
data into a new form of data, which is more suitable and effective for the learning
scheme chosen. Below follows the detailed description of the method.
Step 1. Let’s assume that a dataset of a machine learning problem named dataset1
is chosen, with n instances (rows), k variables (columns) and m classes.
The differences between adjacent elements of every instance of dataset1 are cal-
culated, and the new k−1 variables are added in dataset1, creating a new dataset named
dataset2 with k + (k−1) variables.
Step 2. Assuming that the set of attributes for every instance is a vector whose
elements are the coefficients of a polynomial in descending power, step 2 estimates the
derivative of the vector. The result is a new vector (one element shorter than initial
one), with the coefficients of the derivative in descending power. Then, this new vector
is added in dataset2 forming a new dataset named dataset3.
Step 3. In the third step of the proposed method, a new set (called from now-on
Basic-Set) is created randomly selecting 10 % of data from dataset3, consisting of d
instances and m classes. The remaining 90 % of dataset3 is called Rest-Set. Then,
matrix right division (or slash division) of every Basic Set instance (row) with the
remaining rows of the Basic Set is computed (Slash or matrix right division B/A is
roughly the same as B*inv(A), more precisely, B=A ¼ ðA0 nB0 Þ Þ. Then, follows the
calculation of mean and median values of the division result for every instance of each
class with the rest instances of its class (variables Mean_classm_rowx and
Median_classm_rowx respectively), producing totally m + m = 2m new variables
(Total_Mean1, Total_Mean2,…, Total_Meanm and Total_Median1, Total_Median2, …,
Total_Medianm for every row of the Basic Set. Hence, we have d values for
Total_Mean1, d values for Total_Mean2, …, d values for Total_Meanm and d values for
Total_Median1, d values for Total_Median2, …, d values for Total_Medianm.
58 T. Iliou et al.

Apart from the above, the Total_Mean and Total_Median values are calculated as
shown in Eqs. (1) and (2) respectively (m is the name of the class and d is the sum of
Basic Set rows). Finally, m total_Mean and m total_MEDIAN values result, one for
every class of the Basic set.

ðMean classm row1 þ Mean classm row2 þ . . . þ Mean classm rowd Þ

Total Meanm ¼ ð1Þ
ðMedian classm row1 þ Median classm row2 þ . . . þ Median classm rowd Þ
Total Medianm ¼ ð2Þ

Step 4. Assuming that Rest-Set from step 3 has r instances (rows) and m classes, a
similar to step 3 approach follows. Specifically, matrix right division of every single
Rest-Set row with every single row of the Basic Set is performed. Then, the mean and
median values of the division result of every row for each class are calculated
(RS_Mean_classm _rowj and RS_Median_classm_rowj respectively), producing new
m + m = 2m variables for every row of the Rest Set. As a result, we have r values for
RS_Mean_classm_rowj, and r values for RS_Median_classm_rowj.
Similarly to step 3, we compute mean and medial values (RS_Mean_classm _rowx
and RS_Median_classm_respectively) for every class.
Apart from the above, the Final_Meanm_rowj and Final_Medianm_rowj values are
also calculated as shown in Eqs. (3) and (4) respectively (m is the name of the class and
j (from 1 to r) is the row of the Rest set.

Final Meanm rowj ¼ total Meanm ðstep3Þ  RS Mean Classm rowj ð3Þ

Final Medianm rowj ¼ total Medianm ðstep3Þ  RS Median Classm rowj ð4Þ

Finally, m Final_Meanm_rowj and Final_Medianm_rowj values result, one for every

class m and every row j of the Rest set.
Step 5. The rows (variables) RS_Mean_classm_rowj, RS_Median_classm_rowj,
Final_Meanm_rowj and Final_Medianm_rowj for every class are selected from pre-
vious step and then are placed in a new table [7].
The method ends with the transposition of the Table we described in previous step
and the final dataset is now ready to be forwarded in any classification schema.
Concluding the description of the proposed method, it is evident that the final dataset
consist of 4 variables, namely RS_Mean_classm _rowj, RS_Median_classm _rowj,
Final_Meanm_rowj and Final_Medianm_rowj for every class of the initial dataset. Thus,
if the original dataset has m classes, the final dataset will have 4 * m variables.

6 Experimental Results

For our experiments we used the dataset described in Sect. 4. In order to categorize
subjects into two classes (suicide tendency, no-suicide tendency), several machine
learning classification algorithms were tested in this paper, selected based on their
popularity and frequency in biomedical engineering problems. Each classifier was
Machine Learning Preprocessing Method for Suicide Prediction 59

tested with initial dataset, with dataset after feature selection with Evolutionary search,
with transformed dataset using PCA method and finally with the transformed dataset
using our suggested data preprocessing method (Table 1). In order to better investigate
the generalization of the prediction models produced by the machine learning algo-
rithms, the repeated 10-fold cross validation method was used. We used the WEKA
default parameters for the classifiers that we have used. For the classifiers with the best
performance (MLP) the parameters are: Hidden layers = 8, learning rate = 0.3,
momentum = 0.2, training time = 500 epochs.

Table 1. Classification results

Classifiers Initial data Evolutionary PCA (%) Suggested
set (%) search (%) method (%)
MLP (Multilayer 64.83 75.82 64.83 92.18
MultilayerPerceptronCS 64.83 75.92 64.83 92.18
Radial Basis Function 75.82 74.72 78.02 85.93
RBFNetwork 70.32 75.82 76.92 84.37
FURIA (Fuzzy Logic 71.42 75.82 76.92 82.81
SMO (Support Vector 64.83 76.92 75.62 76.56
HMM (Hidden Markov 76.92 76.92 76.53 76.56
J48-Graft 64.83 73.62 64.83 82.81
Random Forest 73.62 74.72 76.84 85.93
IB1 54.94 76.92 67.03 93.75

In Table 1, we can observe that HMM classification results have not increased with
any of the preprocessing or attribute selection methods we have used. Using Evolu-
tionary search, classification results was increased almost in all classification algo-
rithms except RBF classifier and HMM. Using PCA method, classification results were
increased in most of the classification algorithms as well. Our suggested data prepro-
cessing method significantly increased the classification performance (93.75 % with
IB1 algorithm and 92.18 % with MLP) and achieved the best classification results
comparing with all the other methods we have used.

7 Conclusions

Data pre-processing is an important step in the data mining process. If there is much
irrelevant and redundant information present or noisy and unreliable data, then
knowledge discovery during the training phase is more difficult. Data preparation and
60 T. Iliou et al.

filtering steps can take considerable amount of processing time. The experimental
results reveal that our novel proposed data preprocessing method markedly improved
the overall performance in initial dataset comparing with PCA and Evolutionary search
feature selection method. In our point of view, our suggested method can be used to
significantly boost classification algorithms performance in similar datasets and can be
used for suicide tendency prediction.
In future work, it would be preferable to make the same experiments in similar
datasets consisting of more records, using different classifiers and different feature
selection and data preprocessing methods. In addition, our proposed data preprocessing
method could be modified so as to achieve better classification performance.

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K., Lymberopoulos, D.: Classification of the most significant psychological symptoms in
mental patients with depression using bayesian network. In: Proceeding of the 16th Inter-
national Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN 2015), 25–28
September 2015
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6. Kotsiantis, S.B., Kanellopoulos, D., Pintelas, P.E.: Data preprocessing for supervised leaning.
World Acad. Sci. Eng. Technol. 1, 856–861 (2007)
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Classification – Pattern Recognition
Using Frequent Fixed or Variable-Length
POS Ngrams or Skip-Grams for Blog
Authorship Attribution

Yao Jean Marc Pokou1 , Philippe Fournier-Viger1,2 , and Chadia Moghrabi1(B)

Department of Computer Science, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB, Canada
School of Natural Sciences and Humanities,
Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Abstract. Authorship attribution is the process of identifying the

author of an unknown text from a finite set of known candidates. In
recent years, it has become increasingly relevant in social networks, blogs,
emails and forums where anonymous posts, bullying, and even threats
are sometimes perpetrated. State-of-the-art systems for authorship attri-
bution often combine a wide range of features to achieve high accuracy.
Although many features have been proposed, it remains an important
challenge to find new features and methods that can characterize each
author and that can be used on non formal or short writings like blog
content or emails. In this paper, we present a novel method for author-
ship attribution using frequent fixed or variable-length part-of-speech
patterns (ngrams or skip-grams) as features to represent each author’s
style. This method allows the system to automatically choose its most
appropriate features as those sequences being used most frequently. An
experimental evaluation on a collection of blog posts shows that the pro-
posed approach is effective at discriminating between blog authors.

Keywords: Authorship attribution · Part-of-speech patterns · Top-k

POS sequences · Frequent POS patterns · Skip-grams · Ngrams · Blogs

1 Introduction
Authorship analysis is the process of examining the characteristics of a piece of
work to identify its authors [1]. The forerunners of authorship attribution (AA)
are Medenhall who studied the plays of Shakespeare in 1887 [2], and Mosteller
and Wallace who studied the disputed authorship of the Federalist Papers in
1964 [3]. Beside identifying the authors of works published anonymously, popu-
lar applications of AA techniques include authenticating documents, detecting
plagiarism, and assisting forensic investigations.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 63–74, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 6
64 Y.J.M. Pokou et al.

In recent years, an emerging application of AA has been to analyze online

texts, due to the increasing popularity of Internet-based communications, and
the need to find solutions to problems such as online bullying, and anonymous
threats. However, this application raises novel challenges, as online texts are
written in an informal style, and are often short, thus providing less information
about their authors. The accuracy achieved with well-established features for
AA like function words, syntactic and lexical markers suffers when applied to
short-form messages [4], as many of the earliest studies have been tested on long
formal text such as books. It is thus a challenge to find new features and methods
that are applicable to informal or short texts.
Studies on AA focused on various types of features that are either syntactic
or semantic [5]. Patterns based on syntactic features of text are considered reli-
able because they are unconsciously used by authors. Syntactic features include
frequencies of ngrams, character ngrams, and function words [1]. Baayen, van
Halteren, and Tweedie rewrote the frequencies rules for AA based on two syntac-
tically annotated samples taken from the Nijmegen corpus [6]. Semantic features
take advantage of words’ meanings and their likeness, as exemplified by Clark
and Hannon whose classifier quantifies how often an author uses a specific word
instead of its synonyms [7]. Moreover, state-of-the-art systems for AA often com-
bine a wide range of features to achieve higher accuracy. For example, the JStylo
system offers more than 50 configurable features [8].
Syntactic markers, however, have been less studied because of their language-
dependent aspect. This paper studies complex linguistic information carried by
part-of-speech (POS) patterns as a novel approach for authorship attribution of
informal texts. The hypothesis is that POS patterns more frequently appearing
in texts, could accurately characterize authors’ styles.
The contributions of this paper are threefold. First, we define a novel feature
for identifying authors based on fixed or variable length POS patterns (ngrams
or skip-grams). A signature is defined for each author as the intersection of the
top k most frequent POS patterns found in his or her texts, that are less frequent
in texts by other authors. In this method, the system automatically chooses its
most appropriate features rather than have them predefined in advance. Second,
a process is proposed to use these signatures to perform AA. Third, an experi-
mental evaluation using blog posts of 10 authors randomly chosen from the Blog
Authorship Corpus [9] shows that the proposed approach is effective at inferring
authors of informal texts. Moreover, the experimental study provides answers
to the questions of how many patterns are needed, whether POS skip-grams
or ngrams perform better, and whether fixed length or variable-length patterns
should be used.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews related work.
Section 3 introduces the proposed approach. Section 4 presents the experimental
evaluation. Finally, Sect. 5 draws the conclusions.
Using Frequent POS Ngrams or Skip-Grams for Blog Authorship Attribution 65

2 Related Work
The use of authorship attribution techniques goes back to the 19th century with
the studies of Shakespeare’s work. This section concentrates on those using POS
tagging or informal short texts.
Stamatatos et al. exclusively used natural language processing (NLP) tools
for their three-level text analysis. Along with the token and analysis levels, the
phrase level concentrated on the frequencies of single POS tags. They analyzed
a corpus of 300 texts by 10 authors, written in Greek. Their method achieved
around 80 % accuracy by excluding some less significant markers [10].
Gamon combined syntactic and lexical features to accurately identify authors
[11]. He used features such as the frequencies of ngrams, function words, and POS
trigrams from a set of eight POS tags obtained using the NLPWin system. Over
95 % accuracy was obtained. However, its limitation was its evaluation using
only three texts, written by three authors [11].
More recently, Sidorov et al. introduced syntactic ngrams (sngrams) as a fea-
ture for AA. Syntactic ngrams are obtained by considering the order of elements
in syntactic trees generated from a text, rather than by finding n contiguous
elements appearing in a text. They compared the use of sngrams with ngrams of
words, POS, and characters. The 39 documents by three authors from Project
Gutenberg were classified using SVM, J48 and Naı̈ve Bayes implementations
provided by the WEKA library. The best results were obtained by SVM with
sngrams [12]. The limitations of this work are an evaluation with only three
authors, a predetermined length of ngrams, and that all 11,000 ngrams/sngrams
were used.
Variations of ngrams were also considered. For example, skip-grams were used
by Garcı́a-Hernández et al. [13]. Skip-grams are ngrams where some words are
ignored in sentences with respect to a threshold named the skip step. Ngrams
are the specific case of skip-grams where the skip step is equal to 0. The number
of skip-grams is very large and their discovery needs complex algorithms [12].
To reduce their number, a cut-off frequency threshold is used [13].
POS ngrams have also been used for problems related to AA. Litvinova
et al. used the frequencies of 227 POS bigrams for predicting personality [14].
Unlike previous work using POS patterns (ngrams or skip-grams), the app-
roach presented here considers not only fixed length POS patterns but also
variable length POS patterns. Another distinctive characteristic is that it finds
only the k most frequent POS patterns in each text (where k is set by the user),
rather than using a large set of patterns or using a predetermined cut-off fre-
quency threshold. This allows the proposed approach to use a very small number
of patterns to create a signature for each author, unlike many previous works
that compute the frequencies of hundreds or thousands of ngrams or skip-grams.

3 The Proposed Approach

The proposed approach takes as input a training corpus Cm of texts written by
m authors. Let A = {a1 , a2 , } denote the set of authors. Each author ai
66 Y.J.M. Pokou et al.

(1 ≤ i ≤ m) has a set of z texts Ti = {t1 , t2 , . . . tz } in the corpus. The proposed

approach is applied in three steps.
Preprocessing. The first step is to prepare blogs from the corpus so that they
can be used for generating author signatures. All information that does not carry
an author’s style is removed, such as images, tables, videos, and links. In addition,
each text is stripped of punctuation and is split into sentences using the Rita
NLP library ( Then, every text is tagged using
the Standford NLP Tagger ( as it produced
97.24 % accuracy on the Penn Treebank Wall Street Journal corpus [15]. Since
the main focus is analyzing how sentences are constructed by authors rather than
the choice of words, words in texts are discarded and only the patterns about
parts of speech are maintained. Thus, each text becomes a set of sequences of
POS tags. For example, Table 1 shows the transformation of six sentences from
an author in the corpus.

Table 1. An example of blog text transformation.

# Original sentence Transformed sentence into POS sequences

1 Live From Ohio Its Youth Night JJ IN NNP PRP$ NNP NNP
2 So the Youth Rally was tonight IN DT NNP NNP VBD NN
3 I think it was a success PRP VBP PRP VBD DT NN
4 Maybe not RB RB
5 The activity looked complicated DT NN VBD JJ CC JJ CC RB NNP CC
and confusing but luckily Tim and PRP VBP VBP TO VB PRP RB PRP
I didn’t have to do it instead we got VBD TO (...) JJ
to (...) right
6 And finally the skit CC RB DT NN

Signature Extraction. The second step of the proposed approach is to extract

a signature for each author, defined as a set of part-of-speech patterns (POSP)
annotated with their respective frequency. Signature extraction has four para-
meters: the number of POS patterns (ngrams or skip-grams) to be found k,
the minimum pattern length n, the maximum length x, and the maximum gap
maxgap allowed between POS tags. Frequent patterns of POS tags are extracted
from each text. The hypothesis is that each text may contain patterns of POS
tags unconsciously left by its author, representing his/her writing style, and
could be used to identify that author accurately. For each text t, the k most
frequent POS patterns are extracted using a general-purpose sequential pattern
mining algorithm [16]. Let P OS denote the set of POS tags. Consider a sen-
tence w1 , w2 , . . . wy consisting of y part-of-speech tags, and a parameter maxgap
(a positive integer). A n-skip-gram is an ordered list of tags wi1 , wi2 , . . . win where
i1 , i2 , . . . in are integers such that 0 < ij − ij−1 ≤ maxgap + 1(1 < j ≤ n).
Using Frequent POS Ngrams or Skip-Grams for Blog Authorship Attribution 67

Table 2. Part-of-speech patterns and their relative frequencies.

Pattern Relative Part-of-speech description

frequency (%)
NN 66.6 Noun, singular or mass
DT-NN 66.6 Determiner - Noun
NNP 50.0 Proper noun, singular
VBP-VBP- 16.6 Verb, non-3rd person singular-verb, non-3rd person
PRP singular - Personal pronoun
NNP-VBP- 16.6 Proper noun, singular - Verb, non-3rd person
VBP-PRP-RB singular-verb - Verb, non-3rd person singular-verb
-Personal pronoun- Adverb

A n-skip-gram respecting the constraint of maxgap = 0 (i.e. no gaps are

allowed) is said to be a ngram. For a given text, the frequency of a sequence
seq is the number of sequences (sentences) from the text containing seq. Simi-
larly, the relative frequency of a sequence is its frequency divided by the num-
ber of sequences in the text. For example, the frequency of the 5-skip-gram
N N P, V BP, V BP, P RP, RB is 1 in the transformed sentences of Table 1, while
the frequency of the 2-skip-gram DT, N N  is 4 (this pattern appears in the sec-
ond, third, fifth, and sixth transformed sentences).
In the following, the term part-of-speech pattern of a text t, abbreviated as
(P OSP t)kn,x , or patterns, is used to refer to the k most frequent POS patterns
extracted from a text, annotated with their relative frequency, respecting the
maxgap constraint, and having a length no less than n and not greater than x.
Then, the POS patterns of an author ai in all his/her texts are found. They
are denoted as (P OSP ai )kn,x and defined formally as the union of the POS

patterns found in all of his/her texts: (P OSP ai )kn,x = t∈Ti (P OSP t)kn,x .
Then, the signature of each author ai is extracted. The signature sai of author
ai is the intersection1 of the POS patterns of his/her texts Ti . The signature is
formally defined as: (sai )kn,x = t∈Ti (P OSP t)kn,x .
For instance, the part-of-speech patterns (P OSP1029959 )41,5 of the blogger
1029959 from our corpus for maxgap = 3 are shown in Table 2. In this table, POS
patterns are ordered by decreasing frequency. It can be seen that the patterns
Noun (NN), and Determiner - Noun (DT-NN) appear in four of the six sentences
shown in Table 1. Note that the relative frequency of each pattern is calculated
as the relative frequency over all texts containing the pattern.
Moreover, the POS patterns of an author ai may contain patterns having
unusual frequencies that truly characterize the author’s style, but also patterns
representing common sentence structures of the English language. To tell apart
these two cases, a set of reference patterns and their frequencies is extracted

A less strict intersection could also be used, requiring occurrences in some or the
majority of texts rather than all of them.
68 Y.J.M. Pokou et al.

to be used with each signature for authorship attribution. Extracting this set
of reference patterns is done with respect to each author ai by computing the
union of all parts of speech of the other authors2 . This set is formally defined as
follows. The Common POS patterns of all authors excluding  an author ai is the
union of all the other P OSP a, that is: (CP OSai )kn,x = a∈A∧a=ai (P OSP a)kn,x .
For example, the common POS patterns computed using authors 206953 and
2369365, and excluding author 1029959, are the patterns DT, IN and PRP. The
relative frequencies (%) of these patterns for author 206953 are 67.9 %, 69.6 %
and 79.1 %, while the relatives frequencies of these patterns for author 2369365
are 64.2 %, 63.0 % and 58.7 %. Note that the relative frequency of each pattern
in CPOS is calculated as the relative frequency over all texts containing the
The revised signature of an author ai after removing the common POS pat-
terns of all authors excluding ai is defined as: (sai )kn,x = (sai )kn,x \ (CP OSai )kn,x .
When the revised signature of each author a1 , a2 , has been extracted, the
collection of revised signatures s,k  k  k  k
n,x = {(sa1 )n,x , (sa2 )n,x , . . . , (sam )n,x } is saved.

Authorship Attribution. The third step of the proposed approach is to use

the generated signatures to perform authorship attribution, that is to identify
the author au of an anonymous text tu that was not used for training. The
algorithm takes as input an anonymous text tu , the sets of signatures s,k
n,x and the
parameters n, x and k. The algorithm first extracts the part-of-speech patterns
in the unknown text tu with their relative frequencies. Then, it compares the
patterns found in tu and their frequencies with the patterns in the signature
of each author using a similarity function. Each author and the corresponding
similarity are stored as a tuple in a list. Finally, the algorithm returns this list
sorted by decreasing order of similarity. This list represents a ranking of the
most likely authors of the anonymous text tu . Various metrics may be used to
define similarity functions. In this work, the Pearson correlation was chosen as
it provided better results in initial experiments.

4 Experimental Evaluation

Experiments were conducted to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach

for authorship attribution using either fixed or variable-length ngrams or skip-
grams of POS patterns. Our Corpus consists of 609 posts from 10 bloggers,
obtained from the Blog Authorship Corpus [9]. Blog posts are written in English
and were originally collected from the Blogger website (https://www.blogger.
com/). The ten authors were chosen randomly. Note that non-verbal expressions
(emoticons, smileys or interjections used in web-blogs or chatrooms such as lol,
hihi, and hahaaa were not removed because consistent part-of-speech tags were
returned by the tagger for the different blogs. The resulting corpus has a total
of 265, 263 words and 19, 938 sentences. Details are presented in Table 3.

A subset of all other authors can also be used if the set of other authors is large.
Using Frequent POS Ngrams or Skip-Grams for Blog Authorship Attribution 69

Table 3. Corpus statistics.

Author id Post count Word count Sentence count

1029959 83 29, 799 2, 314
2069530 125 40, 254 2, 409
2369365 119 24, 148 1, 692
3182387 87 30, 375 1, 752
3298664 34 26, 052 2, 417
3420481 63 19, 063 1, 900
3454871 37 16, 322 1, 722
3520038 45 21, 312 1, 698
3535101 1 24, 401 1, 865
3701154 15 33, 537 2, 169
Total 609 265, 263 19, 938

Then, each text was preprocessed (as explained in Sect. 3). Eighty percent
(80 %) of each text was used to extract each author’s signature (training), and
the remaining 20 % was used to perform the unknown authorship attribution by
comparing each text tu with each author signature (testing). This produced a
ranking of the most likely author to the least likely author, for each text.

4.1 Influence of Parameters n, x, k, and maxgap on Overall Results

Recall that our proposed approach takes four parameters as input, i.e. the min-
imum and maximum length of part-of-speech patterns n and x, the maximum
gap maxgap, and k the number of patterns to be extracted in each text. The
influence of these parameters on authorship attribution success was first eval-
uated. For our experiment, parameter k was set to 50, 100, and 250. For each
value of k, the length of the part-of-speech patterns was varied from n = 1 to
x = 4. Moreover, the maxgap parameter was set to 0 (ngrams), and from 1
to 3 (skip-grams). For each combination of parameters, we measured the suc-
cess rate, defined as the number of correct predictions divided by the number
of predictions. Tables 4, 5, 6, and 7 respectively show the results obtained for
maxgap = 0, 1, 2, 3, for various values of k, n and x. Furthermore, in these tables,
results are also presented by ranks. The row Rz indicates the number of texts
where the author was predicted as one of the z most likely authors, divided by
the total number of texts (success rate). For example, R3 indicates the percent-
age of texts where the author is among the three most likely authors as predicted
by the proposed approach. Since there are 10 authors in the corpus, results are
shown for Rz varied from 1 to 10.
The first observation is that the best overall results are obtained by setting
n = 2, x = 2, k = 250 and maxgap = 0. For these parameters, the author of an
70 Y.J.M. Pokou et al.

anonymous text is correctly identified 73.3 % of the time, and 86.6 % as one of
the two most likely authors (R2 ).
The second observation is that excellent results can be achieved using few
patterns to build signatures (k = 250). Note that our approach was also tested
with other values of k such as 50, but it did not provide better results than
k = 250 (results are not shown due to space limitation). This is interesting as
it means that signatures can be extracted using a very small number of the k
most frequent POS patterns (as low as k = 100) and still characterize well the
writing style of authors. This is in contrast with previous works that generally
used a large number of patterns to define an author’s signature. For example,
Argamon et al. have computed the frequencies of 685 trigrams [17] and Sidorov
et al. computed the frequencies of 400/11,000 ngrams/sngrams [12]. By Occam’s
Razor, it can be argued that models with less patterns (simpler) may be less
prone to overfitting.
Third, it can be observed that good results can also be obtained using POS
skip-grams. This is interesting since skip-grams of words or POS have received
considerably less attention than ngrams in previous studies. Moreover, to our
knowledge no studies had previously compared the results obtained with ngrams
and skip-grams for authorship attribution of informal and short texts. Fourth,
it is found that using skip-grams of fixed length (bigrams) is better than using
patterns of variable length. This provides an answer to the important question
of whether fixed length POS patterns or variable-length POS patterns should be
used. This question was not studied in previous works.

4.2 Influence of Parameters n, x and k on Authorship Attribution

for Each Author
The previous subsection studied the influence of parameters n, x and k on the
ranking of authors for all anonymous texts. This subsection analyzes the results

Table 4. Overall classification results using ngrams (maxgap = 0)

(a) Top-k, for k=100. (b) Top-k, for k=250.

Success rate in % Success rate in %
n, x 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 2, 2 3, 3 n, x 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 2, 2 3, 3
R1 56.7 53.3 56.7 63.3 40.0 R1 60.0 60.0 56.7 73.3 46.7
R2 73.4 60.0 63.4 76.6 70.0 R2 73.3 76.7 73.4 86.6 70.0
R3 80.1 73.3 73.4 76.6 73.3 R3 83.3 86.7 86.7 86.6 83.3
R4 83.4 83.3 83.4 79.9 80.0 R4 86.6 86.7 90.0 86.6 86.6
R5 86.7 90.0 90.1 79.9 86.7 R5 86.6 93.4 90.0 89.9 89.9
R6 90.0 90.0 90.1 86.6 90.0 R6 93.3 93.4 93.3 89.9 93.2
R7 90.0 90.0 90.1 86.6 90.0 R7 93.3 93.4 96.6 89.9 96.5
R8 96.7 96.7 96.8 89.9 96.7 R8 96.6 96.7 96.6 89.9 99.8
R9 96.7 96.7 96.8 96.6 100.0 R9 96.6 96.7 96.6 96.6 99.8
R10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 R10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Using Frequent POS Ngrams or Skip-Grams for Blog Authorship Attribution 71

Table 5. Overall classification results using skip-grams with maxgap = 1

(a) Top-k, for k=100. (b) Top-k, for k=250

Success rate in % Success rate in %
n, x 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 2, 2 3, 3 n, x 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 2, 2 3, 3
R1 56.7 50.0 50.0 66.7 50.0 R1 63.3 56.7 60.0 70.0 56.7
R2 70.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 73.3 R2 80.0 76.7 76.7 83.3 70.0
R3 80.0 83.3 80.0 83.3 76.6 R3 86.7 83.4 83.4 83.3 76.7
R4 86.7 83.3 80.0 86.6 86.6 R4 90.0 83.4 90.1 83.3 86.7
R5 86.7 86.6 83.3 86.6 86.6 R5 90.0 90.1 93.4 83.3 90.0
R6 90.0 89.9 90.0 89.9 93.3 R6 90.0 90.1 93.4 86.6 93.3
R7 90.0 89.9 90.0 89.9 93.3 R7 93.3 93.4 93.4 89.9 96.6
R8 93.3 93.2 93.3 93.2 96.6 R8 96.6 96.7 96.7 93.2 96.6
R9 93.3 93.2 93.3 96.5 96.6 R9 96.6 96.7 96.7 96.5 99.9
R10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 R10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Table 6. Overall classification results using skip-grams with maxgap = 2

(a) Top-k, for k=100. (b) Top-k, for k=250.

Success rate in % Success rate in %
n, x 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 2, 2 3, 3 n, x 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 2, 2 3, 3
R1 53.3 46.7 50.0 63.3 56.7 R1 60.0 56.7 56.7 63.3 66.7
R2 73.3 70.0 63.3 76.6 70.0 R2 70.0 73.4 73.4 83.3 76.7
R3 80.0 73.3 73.3 79.9 73.3 R3 83.3 80.1 76.7 83.3 80.0
R4 83.3 80.0 80.0 79.9 80.0 R4 83.3 83.4 83.4 86.6 80.0
R5 86.6 83.3 80.0 83.2 86.7 R5 86.6 86.7 86.7 86.6 90.0
R6 86.6 86.6 90.0 83.2 93.4 R6 89.9 90.0 90.0 89.9 93.3
R7 89.9 89.9 90.0 83.2 93.4 R7 93.2 93.3 93.3 89.9 93.3
R8 93.2 89.9 90.0 89.9 93.4 R8 96.5 96.6 96.6 89.9 100.0
R9 93.2 93.2 93.3 96.6 96.7 R9 96.5 96.6 96.6 96.6 100.0
R10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 R10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

for each author separately. Tables 8a and b respectively show the success rates
attributed to each author (rank R1 ) for maxgap = 0, k = 100 and k = 250,
when the other parameters are varied.
It can be observed that for most authors, at least 66.7 % of texts are correctly
attributed. For example, for n = 2, x = 2 and k = 250, four authors have all
texts correctly identified, four have 66.7 % of their texts correctly classified, and
two have 33.3 % of texts correctly classified. Overall, it can be thus found that
the proposed approach performs very well.
It can also be found that some authors were harder to classify (author 3420481
and 3454871). After investigation, we found that the reason for the incorrect
classification is that both authors have posted a same very long blog post, which
represents about 50 % of the length of their respective corpus. This content has
72 Y.J.M. Pokou et al.

Table 7. Overall classification results using skip-grams with maxgap = 3

(a) Top-k, for k=100 (b) Top-k, for k=250.

Success rate in % Success rate in %
n, x 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 2, 2 3, 3 n, x 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 2, 2 3, 3
R1 46.7 46.7 46.7 66.7 50.0 R1 63.3 60.0 56.7 66.7 66.7
R2 73.4 70.0 66.7 73.4 66.7 R2 76.6 73.3 70.0 83.4 73.4
R3 73.4 76.7 76.7 80.1 70.0 R3 83.3 80.0 73.3 86.7 73.4
R4 83.4 80.0 76.7 80.1 80.0 R4 86.6 83.3 76.6 86.7 76.7
R5 83.4 83.3 80.0 86.8 80.0 R5 86.6 83.3 83.3 86.7 80.0
R6 83.4 83.3 86.7 86.8 83.3 R6 86.6 86.6 86.6 90.0 83.3
R7 90.1 86.6 86.7 86.8 83.3 R7 89.9 93.3 89.9 90.0 93.3
R8 90.1 89.9 90.0 90.1 90.0 R8 96.6 93.3 93.2 96.7 100.0
R9 93.4 93.2 93.3 96.8 96.7 R9 96.6 93.3 93.2 96.7 100.0
R10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 R10 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Table 8. Success rate per author using skip-grams with maxgap = 0 (ngrams)

(a) Top-k, for k=100. (b) Top-k, for k=250.

Success rate per author in % Success rate per author in %
Authors 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 2, 2 3, 3 Authors 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 2, 2 3, 3
1029959 33.3 33.3 33.3 66.7 33.3 1029959 33.3 33.3 33.3 66.7 0.0
2069530 100.0 100.0 100.0 66.7 33.3 2069530 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2369365 33.3 33.3 33.3 66.7 33.3 2369365 33.3 0.0 33.3 66.7 0.0
3182387 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 33.3 3182387 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
3298664 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 66.7 3298664 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
3420481 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3420481 0.0 33.3 0.0 33.3 0.0
3454871 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.3 0.0 3454871 0.0 0.0 33.3 33.3 33.3
3520038 66.7 66.7 100.0 66.7 66.7 3520038 100.0 66.7 66.7 100.0 33.3
3535101 66.7 33.3 33.3 66.7 66.7 3535101 66.7 66.7 33.3 66.7 66.7
3701154 66.7 66.7 66.7 66.7 66.7 3701154 66.7 100.0 66.7 66.7 33.3

Table 9. Accuracy per author using ngrams (maxgap = 0)

(a) Top-k, for k=100. (b) Top-k, for k=250.

n,x n,x
Authors Authors
1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 2, 2 3, 3 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 2, 2 3, 3
1029959 0.833 0.867 0.867 0.933 0.933 1029959 0.933 0.867 0.867 0.933 0.833
2069530 0.933 0.967 0.967 0.967 0.900 2069530 0.933 0.900 0.967 1.000 1.000
2369365 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.800 0.933 2369365 0.900 0.900 0.867 0.833 0.800
3182387 1.000 0.967 0.967 1.000 0.833 3182387 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
3298664 0.933 0.867 0.900 1.000 0.967 3298664 0.833 0.867 0.833 0.967 1.000
3420481 0.833 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.700 3420481 0.833 0.867 0.867 0.900 0.767
3454871 0.867 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 3454871 0.867 0.900 0.900 0.933 0.900
3520038 0.967 0.967 1.000 0.900 0.867 3520038 1.000 0.967 0.967 0.967 0.767
3535101 0.933 0.900 0.900 0.967 0.900 3535101 0.933 0.933 0.900 0.967 0.933
3701154 0.967 0.900 0.900 0.933 0.867 3701154 0.967 1.000 0.967 0.967 0.933
Using Frequent POS Ngrams or Skip-Grams for Blog Authorship Attribution 73

Table 10. Summary of best success rate results (Best R1 Rank)

Markers Ngrams Skip-grams Ngrams vs Skip-grams

Parameters k 50 k 250 k 250
n, x 1, 2 n, x 3, 3 n, x 2, 2
maxgap 1 maxgap 0
Results in % R1 73.3 R1 70.0 R1 73.3
R2 83.3 R2 76.6 R2 86.6
R3 90.0 R3 86.6 R3 86.6
No. of words 2,615,856 (30 books, 10 authors) idem (30 books, 10 authors) 265,263 (609 posts, 10 authors)

a distinct writing style, which suggests that it was not written by any of these
authors. Thus, it had a great influence on their signatures, and led to the poor
classification of these authors.
In contrast, some authors were very easily identified with high success rate
and high accuracy (cf. Table 9 for accuracies). For example, all texts by authors
3182387 and 3298664 were almost always correctly classified for the tested para-
meter values in these tables. The reason is that these authors have distinctive
writing styles in terms of part-of-speech patterns.

5 Conclusions
A novel approach using fixed or variable-length patterns of part-of-speech skip-
grams or n-grams as features was presented for blog authorship attribution. An
experimental evaluation using blog posts from 10 blog authors has shown that
authors are accurately classified with more than 73.3 % success rate, and an
average accuracy of 94.7 %, using a small number of POS patterns (e.g. k = 250),
and that it is unnecessary to create signatures with a large number of patterns.
Moreover, it was found that using fixed length POS bigrams provided better
results than using POS ngrams or using a larger gap between POS tags, and
that using fixed length patterns is preferable to using variable-length patterns.
To give the reader a feel of the relative efficacy of this approach on traditional
long texts, we present a summary table of results on a corpus of 30 books by
ten 19th century authors (c.f. Table 10 for comparative results) [18,19]. In future
work, we plan to develop other features and also evaluate the proposed features
on other types of texts.

Acknowledgements. This work is financed by a National Science and Engineering

Research Council (NSERC) of Canada research grant, and the Faculty of Research and
Graduate Studies of the Université de Moncton.

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Increasing Diversity in Random Forests
Using Naive Bayes

Christos K. Aridas(B) , Sotiris B. Kotsiantis, and Michael N. Vrahatis

Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CILab), Department of Mathematics,

University of Patras, 26110 Patras, Greece, {sotos,vrahatis}

Abstract. In this work a novel ensemble technique for generating ran-

dom decision forests is presented. The proposed technique incorporates
a Naive Bayes classification model to increase the diversity of the trees
in the forest in order to improve the performance in terms of classifica-
tion accuracy. Experimental results on several benchmark data sets show
that the proposed method archives outstanding predictive performance
compared to other state-of-the-art ensemble methods.

Keywords: Ensemble methods · Decision forests · Pattern classification

1 Introduction

In machine learning and data mining, ensemble methods make use of single
or multiple learning algorithms in order to generate a diverse set of classifiers
aiming to improve performance/robustness over a single underlying classifier
[16]. Experimental studies and machine learning applications prove that a certain
supervised learning algorithm outperforms any other algorithm for a particular
problem or for a particular subset of the input dataset, but it is unusual to
discover a single classifier that will reach the best performance on the overall
problem domain [17].
Ensembles of classifiers can be generated via several methods [2]. Common
procedures that are used to create an ensemble of classifiers include, among
others, (i) Using different splits of a training data set with a single learning algo-
rithm, (ii) Using different training parameters with a single learning algorithm,
(iii) Using multi-learning methods.
Diversity [21] between the base classification models is considered to be a
key aspect when constructing a classifier ensemble. In this work, we propose a
variation of the Random Forests [6] algorithm that incorporates new features
using Naive Bayes [8] before the construction of the forest. The new generated
features aim to increase the diversity among the trees in the forest. Our empirical
evaluation concludes that the new features increase the diversity and that they
leed to a better final classifier.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 75–86, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 7
76 Ch.K. Aridas et al.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 some of the most well-
known techniques for generating ensembles, that are based on a single learning
algorithm, are discussed. In Sect. 3 the proposed method is presented. Further-
more, the results of the experiments on several real and laboratory data sets,
after being compared with state-of-the-art ensemble methods, are portrayed and
discussed. Finally, Sect. 4 concludes the paper and suggests further directions in
current research.

2 Background Material

This section presents a brief survey of techniques for generating ensembles using
a sole learning algorithm. These techniques rely on modifying the training data
set. Methods of modifying the training data set include, among others, sampling
the training patterns, sampling the feature space, a combination of the two and
modifying the weight of the training patterns.
Bagging is a method for creating an ensemble of classifiers that was proposed
by Breiman [5]. Bagging generates the classifiers in the ensemble by taking ran-
dom subsets of the training data set with replacement and building one classifier
on each bootstrap sample. The final classification prediction for an unseen pat-
tern is constructed by taking the majority vote over the class labels produced
by the base classification models.
While Bagging relies on random and independent changes in the training data
implemented by bootstrap sampling, Boosting [11] encourages guided changes
of the training data to direct further classifiers toward more “difficult cases”. It
assigns weights to the training patterns, which are then modified according to
how well the coupled case is learned by the classifier. The weights for misclas-
sified patterns are increased. Thus, re-sampling happens based on how well the
training patterns are classified by the previous base classifier. Given that the
training set for one classification model depends on the previous one, boosting
requires sequential runs and therefore is not easily adapted to a parallel process.
After several iterations, the prediction is made by taking a weighted vote of the
predictions of each classifier, with the weights being relative to each classifiers
accuracy on its training set. AdaBoost is a practical version of the boosting
approach [11].
Ho [15] constructed a forest of decision trees named Random Subspace
Method that preserves highest accuracy on the training patterns and improves
on generalization accuracy as it grows in complexity. Random Subspace Method
consists of global multiple decision trees created systematically by pseudoran-
domly selecting half of the available features, i.e. trees built in randomly chosen
subspaces. The final classification prediction for an unseen pattern is constructed
by averaging the estimates of posterior probabilities at the leaves of all the trees
in the forest.
Random Forests [6] is an alternate method for building ensembles. It is a
combination of Bagging and Random Subspace Method. In Random Forests,
every tree in the forest is constructed from a bootstrapped sample from the
Increasing Diversity in Random Forests Using Naive Bayes 77

training set. Additionally, the split that is selected in tree construction is not
the best split between all the available features. Instead, it is the best split among
a random selection of the features [22].
Despite the fact that Random Forests yields one of the most successful [9]
classification models, the improvement of its classification accuracy remains an
open problem for the machine learning research field. Several authors [3,19,24]
have studied and proposed techniques that could improve the performance of
Random Forests. In [19] it is illustrated that the most important improvement
in the performance of Random Forests is achieved by changing the mechanism
of voting in the prediction. In [24] the authors implemented a similar approach,
where class votes by trees in the forest are weighed according to their perfor-
mance; Therefore, heavier weights are assigned to better performing trees. The
authors of [3] experimentally show that the classification accuracy is enhanced
when a random forest is composed of good and uncorrelated trees with high
accuracies, while correlated and bad trees with low classification accuracies are

3 The Proposed Method

In this work, a modified version of Random Forests is proposed that is con-
structed not only by pseudorandomly selecting attribute subsets but also by
encapsulating Naive Bayes estimation in the training phase, as well as in the
classification phase.
Given a class variable y and a dependent feature vector x1 through xn , Bayes
theorem states the following relationship:
P (y)P (x1 , . . . xn | y)
P (y | x1 , . . . , xn ) = . (1)
P (x1 , . . . , xn )
Under the assumption that features are conditionally independent
P (xi |y, x1 , . . . , xi−1 , xi+1 , . . . , xn ) = P (xi |y), (2)
for all i Eq. (2) is simplified to
P (y) i=1 P (xi | y)
P (y | x1 , . . . , xn ) = . (3)
P (x1 , . . . , xn )
Since P (x1 , . . . , xn ) is constant given the input the formula used by the Naive
Bayes classifier is

P (y | x1 , . . . , xn ) ∝ P (y) P (xi | y) ⇒ ŷ = arg max P (y) P (xi | y). (4)
i=1 i=1

The assumption of independence is almost always wrong. Besides this, an

extensive comparison of a simple Bayesian classifier with state-of-the-art algo-
rithms showed that the former sometimes is superior to other supervised learn-
ing algorithms even on datasets with important feature dependencies [8]. In [12]
Friedman explans why the simple Bayes method remains competitive.
78 Ch.K. Aridas et al.

Our intention is to generate a forest of decision trees that will be as diverse as

possible for producing better results [4]. For this reason, in the training phase,
we trained a classifier using the Naive Bayes algorithm. Afterwards, we used
the same training set to generate predictions and class membership probabili-
ties using the Naive Bayes classifier. The predictions and the class membership
probabilities will increase the original feature space by concatenating them as
new features. As far as predictions are concerned, a new feature vector will be
generated. This vector will contain only the class label for each instance that is
predicted by the Naive Bayes model. In the case of class membership probabil-
ities, new feature vectors will be generated, as many as the number of classes.
Assuming that we have a sample of a dataset with four features as presented
in Table 1 and three classes. An example of the above process is illustrated in
Tables 2 and 3. After the concatenation, a Random Forests classifier will be
trained using the new n-dimensional feature vector. The same procedure, the
generation of new feature vectors, will be used in the classification phase. The
predicted class of an unseen instance will be the vote by the trees in the forest,
weighted by their probability estimates. The proposed method is presented in
Algorithm 1.

3.1 Numerical Experiments

In order to verify the performance of the proposed method, a number of exper-
iments on some classification tasks were conducted and the results are reported

Table 1. Original feature space

x0 x1 x2 x3 y
4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 0
4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 0
6.4 3.2 4.5 1.5 1
6.9 3.1 4.9 1.5 1
5.8 2.7 5.1 1.9 2
7.1 3.0 5.9 2.1 2

Table 2. Feature space augmented with Naive Bayes model’s predictions

x0 x1 x2 x3 f0 y
4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 0 0
4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 0 0
6.4 3.2 4.5 1.5 1 1
6.9 3.1 4.9 1.5 2 1
5.8 2.7 5.1 1.9 2 2
7.1 3.0 5.9 2.1 2 2
Increasing Diversity in Random Forests Using Naive Bayes 79

Table 3. Feature space augmented with Naive Bayes model’s class membership prob-

x0 x1 x2 x3 f1 f2 f3 y
4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 1.000 0.000 0.000 0
4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 1.000 0.000 0.000 0
6.4 3.2 4.5 1.5 0.000 0.945 0.055 1
6.9 3.1 4.9 1.5 0.000 0.456 0.544 1
5.8 2.7 5.1 1.9 0.000 0.025 0.975 2
7.1 3.0 5.9 2.1 0.000 0.000 1.000 2

in this section. From the KEEL data set repository [1] fourteen data sets were
chosen and used as is without any further preprocessing. In Table 4 the name,
the number of patterns, the attributes, as well as the number of different classes
for each data set are shown.
All data sets were partitioned using a ten-fold cross-validation procedure.
This method divides the instances in ten equal folds. Each tested method was
trained using nine folds and the fold left out was used for evaluation, using the
metric of classification accuracy. This was repeated ten times. Then the average
accuracy across all trials was computed.

Algorithm 1. NB Forest
procedure Training(X, y, generateN BP robas, generateN BP redictions)
Build a Naives Bayes (NB) model using X and y
Xgen ← GenerateF eatures(X,generateN BP robas,generateN BP redictions)
Build a Random Forest model using Xgen and y
end procedure
procedure Classification(X, generateN BP robas, generateN BP redictions)
Xgen ← GenerateF eatures(X,generateP robabilities,generateP redictions)
Use the Xgen to classify a test instance
end procedure
function GenerateFeatures(X, generateN BP robas, generateN BP redictions)
Xgen ← X
if generateN BP robas then
Use NB to generate class membership probabilities as Xprobas
Xgen ← Xgen ∪ Xprobas
end if
if generateN BP redictions then
Use NB to generate class predictions as Xpredictions
Xgen ← Xgen ∪ Xpredictions
end if
return Xgen
end function
80 Ch.K. Aridas et al.

Table 4. Benchmark data sets used in the experiments

Data set #attributes #patterns #classes

appendicitis 7 106 2
banana 2 5300 2
cleveland 13 297 5
ecoli 7 336 8
glass 9 214 7
led7digit 7 500 10
libras 90 360 15
phoneme 5 5404 2
ring 20 7400 2
segment 19 2310 7
spambase 57 4597 2
texture 40 5500 11
twonorm 20 7400 2
yeast 8 1484 10

Firstly, we ran experiments using different settings of the proposed method

and compared them to the original Random Forests (RF) algorithm. The exper-
iments were performed in python using the scikit-learn [18] library. All classifiers
were built using the default settings in scikit-learn, which means that all ensem-
bles were generated using ten base classifiers.
In Table 5 the results obtained using variants of the proposed method is pre-
sented. The variant that is better than the original Random Forests is reported
in bold.
NBFB denotes a Random Forests classifier that was trained using the original
space along with class membership probabilities generated by the Naive Bayes
model. NBFD denotes a Random Forests classifier that was trained using the
original space along with predictions generated by Naive Bayes model. NBFBD
was trained using both class membership probabilities and predictions that were
generated by the Naive Bayes model, concatenated with the original feature
space. With the intention to discard the parameters of the proposed method,
i.e. which new features should be generated by the Naive Bayes model, and
get the most out of the generated features, we ran an experiment by selecting
the best of RF, NBFB, NBFD and NBFBD using 5-fold cross-validation in the
training set. The model selection was performed by selecting the variant that
gave the minimum average error rate across all folds. The last variant is denoted
as NBFCV. In the last row of the Table 5 counted the W(ins)/T(ies)/L(osses)
of the algorithm in the column against the original Random Forests algorithm
obtained by the Wilcoxon Singed Ranks Tests [23]. Apart from the combined
Increasing Diversity in Random Forests Using Naive Bayes 81

Table 5. Average accuracy of Random Forests variants


appendicitis 0.85000 0.87000 0.87909 0.85000 0.86909
banana 0.89000 0.88830 0.88962 0.89094 0.89170
cleveland 0.54555 0.54624 0.60362 0.57051 0.57336
ecoli 0.81569 0.79795 0.83957 0.80704 0.82487
glass 0.74536 0.71355 0.74304 0.73080 0.74575
led7digit 0.70600 0.71400 0.70800 0.70200 0.70800
libras 0.78056 0.77500 0.78611 0.76111 0.79722
phoneme 0.89415 0.89433 0.89896 0.89026 0.89637
ring 0.92946 0.97824 0.97892 0.97865 0.97905
segment 0.97229 0.97229 0.97662 0.96667 0.97576
spambase 0.94736 0.94649 0.94758 0.94562 0.94758
texture 0.96709 0.96709 0.97073 0.96473 0.96964
twonorm 0.94054 0.97689 0.97865 0.97878 0.97865
yeast 0.57277 0.56940 0.58159 0.58828 0.58426
Statistic −0.235 −2.919 −0.035 −3.296
p-value 0.814 0.004 0.972 0.001
W/T/L 6/2/6 12/0/2 5/1/8 14/0/0

methodology, it is clear that almost every variation of the proposed method

performs better that the original Random Forests method in most cases.
We chose NBFCV and RF and we measured the diversity using two artifi-
cial data sets. The first data set was generated by taking a multi-dimensional
standard normal distribution and defining classes separated by nested concen-
tric multi-dimensional spheres, so that, roughly, equal numbers of samples are in
each class (quantiles of the χ2 distribution). The second data set is a binary clas-
sification problem used in [14]. The data set has ten features that are sampled
from standard independent Gaussian and the target class y is defined by:

⎨1, 10
if X 2 > 9.34
Y = i=1

−1, otherwise.
In Table 6 the name, the number of patterns, the attributes as well as the
number of different classes for each data set are shown.
We used the five-fold cross-validation procedure and measured the diversity
in each test fold using the Kohavi-Wolpert Variance [21]. In Table 7 the mean of
the Kohavi-Wolpert Variance across all testing folds is presented. The diversity
increases as the variance decreases, so the lower the better. In parentheses the
mean accuracy score across all folds is reported. The results of Table 7 indicate
82 Ch.K. Aridas et al.

Table 6. Artificial data sets for measuring diversity

Data set #attributes #patterns #classes

Gaussian quantiles 10 1000 2
Hastie 10 12000 2

Table 7. Average measurement of diversity using Kohavi-Wolpert Variance

Data set RF NBFCV

Gaussian quantiles 0.159 (0.775) 0.040 (0.945)
Hastie 0.074 (0.855) 0.004 (0.990)

Table 8. Average accuracy of compared algorithms


appendicitis 0.869 0.850 0.850 0.860 0.851 0.804 0.743 0.879 0.887 0.860
banana 0.892 0.890 0.613 0.888 0.614 0.747 0.600 0.585 0.605 0.889
cleveland 0.573 0.546 0.553 0.549 0.530 0.452 0.493 0.566 0.559 0.543
ecoli 0.825 0.816 0.589 0.795 0.426 0.780 0.601 0.738 0.631 0.688
glass 0.746 0.745 0.448 0.732 0.442 0.663 0.581 0.735 0.444 0.615
led7digit 0.708 0.706 0.672 0.712 0.590 0.698 0.662 0.690 0.666 0.686
libras 0.797 0.781 0.631 0.758 0.639 0.722 0.675 0.747 0.633 0.650
phoneme 0.896 0.894 0.761 0.905 0.762 0.872 0.561 0.813 0.760 0.845
ring 0.979 0.929 0.980 0.927 0.980 0.874 0.980 0.936 0.970 0.980
segment 0.976 0.972 0.798 0.975 0.798 0.964 0.851 0.951 0.750 0.894
spambase 0.948 0.947 0.821 0.938 0.822 0.944 0.721 0.945 0.795 0.893
texture 0.970 0.967 0.774 0.961 0.773 0.931 0.855 0.975 0.772 0.839
twonorm 0.979 0.941 0.979 0.937 0.979 0.843 0.976 0.937 0.970 0.977
yeast 0.584 0.573 0.141 0.570 0.183 0.503 0.350 0.513 0.406 0.228

that involving Naive Bayes for feature generation makes the ensemble more
diverse and this results in an increment of classification accuracy.
Afterwards, we trained models using different ensemble methods that were
presented in Sect. 2. We trained a Naive Bayes (NB) classifier, a Bagging classi-
fier that used Decision Tree (BGT) as a base learning algorithm and a Bagging
classifier that used Naive Bayes (BGN) as a base learning algorithm. Also, we
trained Boosting (AdaBoost) and Random Space Method ensembles using Deci-
sion Tree (BST, RT) and Naive Bayes (BSN, RN) as base learners. Finally, we
trained a voting classifier, denoted as VTN, using Random Forests and Naive
Bayes that predicts the average of class membership probabilities. All ensemble
methods were built by using ten base classifiers apart from Boosting methods
that were built by using fifty base classifiers.
Increasing Diversity in Random Forests Using Naive Bayes 83

The results obtained are presented in Table 8. In the comparisons, we include

the NBFCV variant because it performed better against the original Random
Forests. According to Table 8 the proposed method seems to perform better than
the well-known ensemble methods.
Demšar [7] recommends that the non-parametric tests should be preferred
over the parametric in the context of machine learning, since they do not assume
normal distributions or homogeneity of variance. Hence, in order to validate the
significance of the results, the Friedman test [13], which is a rank-based non-
parametric test for comparing several machine learning algorithms on multiple
data sets, was used. The null hypothesis of the test states that all the methods
perform equivalently and thus their ranks should be equivalent. The average
rankings, according to the Friedman test, are presented in Table 9.

Table 9. Average rankings of the algorithms according to the Friedman test

Algorithm Ranking
NBFCV 1.7143
RF 3.7500
BGT 4.0714
RT 4.6786
VTN 5.5714
BST 6.0000
NB 7.1071
RN 7.2143
BGN 7.3571
BSN 7.5357
Statistic 49.5896
p-value <10−6

Friedman’s test ranks our algorithm in the first place. Besides this, assuming
a significance level of 0.05 in Table 9, the p-value of the Friedman test implies
that the null hypothesis has to be rejected. So, there is at least one method that
performs statistically different from the proposed method. In order to investigate
the aforesaid, Finner’s [10] hoc procedure was used.
In Table 10 the p-values obtained by applying post hoc procedure, over the
results of the Friedman statistical test, are presented. Finner’s procedure rejects
the hypotheses that have unadjusted p-values ≤ 0.05. That said, the adjusted
p-values obtained through the application of the Finner’s post hoc procedure are
presented in Table 11.
The results obtained by Tables 9 and 11 indicate that the proposed method
performs better than any other method. Nonetheless, when involving other algo-
rithms in the comparisons the proposed variant does not seem to perform sta-
tistically better than the original Random Forest method.
84 Ch.K. Aridas et al.

Table 10. Post hoc comparison for the Friedman test

i Algorithm z = (R0 − Ri )/SE p Finner

9 BSN 5.087130 <10 0.005683
8 BGN 4.931083 <10−5 0.011334
7 RN 4.806246 <10 0.016952
6 NB 4.712618 <10−5 0.022539
5 BST 3.745127 0.000180 0.028094
4 VTN 3.370614 0.000705 0.033617
3 RT 2.590379 0.009587 0.039109
2 BGT 2.059820 0.039416 0.044570
1 RF 1.778935 0.075250 0.050000

Table 11. Post hoc comparison for the Friedman test with adjusted p-values

i Algorithm pU nadjusted pF inner

9 BSN <10−5 <10−5
8 BGN <10 <10−5
7 RN <10−5 <10−5
6 NB <10 <10−5
5 BST 0.000180 0.000325
4 VTN 0.000750 0.001125
3 RT 0.009587 0.012309
2 BGT 0.039416 0.044232
1 RF 0.075250 0.075250

4 Conclusions and Future Work

An ensemble of classifiers is a collection of classification models whose individual

predictions are blended, typically by weighted or unweighted voting, to assign
a class label to each new pattern. The creation of effective ensemble methods
is an active research field in machine learning. Ensembles of classifiers are usu-
ally significantly more accurate than the individual underlying classifiers. The
main explanation is that many learning algorithms apply local optimization tech-
niques, which may get stuck in local optima.
It was demonstrated after a number of comparisons with Random Forests
and other well-known ensembles, that increasing the feature space of a small
random forest with predictions and class membership probabilities of a Naive
Bayes model can increase the performance in terms of classification accuracy, in
most cases.
In a following work, the proposed method will be investigated as far as regres-
sion problems and the problem of choosing the right number of trees in the for-
Increasing Diversity in Random Forests Using Naive Bayes 85

est are concerned. Also, the implementation and the evaluation of the proposed
method in on-line learning [20] problems will be addressed.

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Identifying Asperity Patterns Via Machine
Learning Algorithms

Kostantinos Arvanitakis ✉ and Markos Avlonitis

( )

Department of Informatics, Ionian University, 49100 Corfu, Greece


Abstract. An asperity’s location is very crucial in the spatiotemporal analysis

of an area’s seismicity. In literature, b-value and seismic density have been proven
as useful indicators for asperity location. In this paper, machine learning techni‐
ques are used to locate areas with high probability of asperity existence using as
feature vector information extracted solely by earthquake catalogs. Many
machine learning algorithms are tested to identify those with the best results. This
method is tested for data from the wider region of Hokkaido, Japan where in an
earlier study asperities have been detected.

Keywords: Asperity · Density · b-value · Seismicity · Machine learning

1 Introduction

Asperities are considered to be large and strong patches on a seismic fault. They have
dimensions ranging from less than a kilometer to tens of kilometers. These are locked
inside the faults under high pressure and release most of their energy during the eventual
earthquake [1]. Asperities can accumulate large portions of tectonic stress and by their
rupture an earthquake of great magnitude is generated.
In literature it has been shown that the b-value, i.e. the slope of the Frequency -
Magnitude distribution, is significantly lower in asperities, in comparison with other
fault zones which have higher b-value [1].
In a recent study made in the region of Hokkaido (Japan), [2] the authors proposed
a method for locating asperities by means of the earthquakes’ density. Therein, asperities
were selected as sections of a region with small number of events, at least one event
with high magnitude and surrounded by sections with large number of events.
There are two popular methods of how to locate an asperity. As by definition, an
asperity is a high stress area surrounded by low stress areas, the former method calculates
the stress levels of a region and points the areas with higher levels [3–5].
The later method uses the surface’s slip. By using GPS data of the slip distribution
on the earth’s surface, the asperities are located in regions where big deformations are
detected [6–12].
The main problem with these methods is that they are based on reverse engineering
and as a result produce non-unique probabilistic conclusions. The creation of an accurate
method to locate asperities is of highly importance. As previously stated asperities are

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 87–93, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_8
88 K. Arvanitakis and M. Avlonitis

responsible for generating large earthquakes. Thus, an asperity’s location is information

of high value. Due to the high probability of generating large earthquakes, this infor‐
mation can help the state apparatus in decision making and strategic planning of the
seismic regulations according to the building construction and also the expansive policy
of cities and civil engineering projects, in order to increase the safety of human life.
Many examples of machine learning, data mining, and feature extraction methods
can be found in literature, that have been used in seismicity analysis as tools for the
earthquake hazards prediction and prevention. A recent study [13] used co-occurrence
cluster mining to identify earthquake swarms and seismic patterns in different regions
but with similar properties that probably will be correlated. Also data mining methods
have been used [14] for forecasting the month or the year an earthquake will occur.
Neural networks also have been used for earthquake prediction. In detail, Panakkat et al.
[15] proposed a recurrent neural network, with training and testing data from the
Southern California and the San Francisco Bay, to predict the time and location of
seismic events. In another study [16], relating with neural networks, the authors
proposed and tested in the wider region of Chile, a neural network that could predict the
probability that an earthquake of magnitude larger than a threshold value will be gener‐
ated and also the probability of an earthquake’s magnitude with a limited magnitude
The purpose of this study is to introduce a machine learning approach in locating
asperities in space. Our hypothesis of whether machine learning can identify asperities
will be tested on data from the region of Hokkaido based on the result of Takahashi and
Kasahara [2].

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Seismic Data

The hypocenter data used in the experiments were determined by Hokkaido University,
Sapporo, Japan. The catalog contains data from July 1st, 1976 until December 31st,
2002. Every earthquake in the catalog is a record with information about the time the
earthquake occurred (year, month, day, hour, minute), the earthquakes epicenter (lati‐
tude, longitude, depth), and the earthquake’s magnitude. The tested area (Hokkaido
region) is located between 41o – 43o Latitude and 142.5o – 145.5o Longitude.

2.2 Data Representation

Many experiments were conducted using WEKA [17], a platform that allows experi‐
menting with state-of-the-art techniques in machine learning. Due to the complexity of
the earthquake phenomenon, there are not many features that can describe an area’s
seismicity thorough. For the presented task, the b-value and the seismic density features
were selected, which are acceptable characteristics, among seismology researchers, of
an area’s seismicity. Also the longitude and latitude attributes were selected to describe
the data’s location.
Identifying Asperity Patterns Via Machine Learning Algorithms 89

– Latitude of the corresponding area (Numeric)

– Longitude of the corresponding area (Numeric)
– Density of earthquake instances in the corresponding area (Numeric)
– b-value of the Gutenberg-Richter frequency-magnitude distribution (Numeric)
– Asperity indicator (Binary)
The attribute “Asperity indicator”, is a binary variable (Yes or No) indicating if an
area consist an asperity or not, and it was used as the classification class of the vector
in the experiments conducted.

2.3 Feature Vector Extraction

For the purposes of this paper the wider area of Hokkaido region was separated in a grid
by 0.1 latitude and longitude degrees. In order to ensure the robustness of the estimated
b-values, the radius of every cell that had at least 30 events was increased in order to
contain 50 events, using the data of the surrounding cells. The process of creating the
grid was automated. Software was created in C language that composes a separate
catalog for each cell of the grid and also measures the corresponding density. Every cell
was labeled with the latitude and longitude of its centroid.
For all the sections where the number of events (density) was greater than 50, the b-
value was calculated. In the formula, that describes the Gutenberg-Richter frequency-
magnitude distribution (G-R FMD) (1), N is the accumulated number of events, M is
the events magnitude, a-value indicates the total seismicity rate of the region, and the
b-value constitutes the slope of the distribution and describes the ratio of small and big
earthquakes in an earthquake catalog [18]. The most often used procedures to calculate
the b-value of a G-R FMD is the Maximum Likelihood Estimate of b-value [19] method
created by Utsu and the least square technique [20]. For the b-value estimation the
Maximum likelihood method was chosen.

The calculations were made by the software ZMAP [21]. The purpose of this appli‐
cation is to determine the quality of seismic data, which are included in earthquake
catalogs, and also to calculate and extract useful features. The application combines
many basic and useful tools for seismological research.
In our feature vector, every section with density lower than 50 was marked with b-
value ‘?’ corresponding to the WEKA’s missing value symbol.

3 Machine Learning Algorithms

In total 39 classification algorithms were used to test our hypothesis. The five most
effective in means of precision and recall are described below.
Random Forest is a tree classification algorithm developed by Leo Breiman [22].
This algorithm creates a forest of random trees. Random vectors are created from the
training set and based on them the growth of each tree is made. The algorithm ensures
90 K. Arvanitakis and M. Avlonitis

that every random vector will be unique. Finally each tree vote for the class that every
testing instance will be registered and the most popular class is selected from the forest.
Ridor is an implementation of the Ripple-Down Rule learner [23] classification
algorithm in WEKA. The Ripple Down Rule creates a binary decision tree different from
the ordinary tree classifiers, were a decision can be reached in an interior node in contrast
with standard trees were a decision can be made only in the root of the tree. All the rules-
nodes are connected with a two way relation. If the premises for a node are all true then
the testing subject will be asserted by this node. All these nodes are connected with if-
true and if-false sub-nodes. The parental node can make a decision only when the corre‐
spondingly sub-nodes are fully in line.
Simple CART (Classification and Regression Tree) is an algorithm also developed
by Leo Breiman [24]. The Cart algorithm consist a greedy algorithm where in each stage
of the tree building process chooses the most discriminatory feature. To do so each time
the attribute to be split is chosen be means of entropy. Finally the algorithm creates a
binary decision tree.
BFTree (Best First Tree) [25] is a decision tree algorithm similar to the depth first
tree algorithm. In a best-first tree an attribute is placed in the root of the tree and branches
are created based on criteria. The training instances are split in subsets, one for every
branch. The process is repeated for the branch with the “best” subset using only the
attributes that reaches the branch. The construction process stops when all nodes are

4 Experimental Process

Due to high imbalance of examples between the two classification classes (539 No and
61 Yes) the SMOTE [26] preprocess algorithm was used. This algorithm creates
synthetic examples of the minority class. To do so, it uses the k nearest neighbors of
every example of the minority class. The minority class was thus oversampled by 783 %
in order to even the examples in both classes resulting with 539 “No” and 538 “Yes”
With the two classes evenly matched experiments were conducted using all the
available classifying algorithms of WEKA.
Every time the 10-folds cross validation technique was used. The available examples
are randomly portioned in 90 % for training and 10 % for testing. This process is repeated
10 times. In every tested algorithm the results are derived from combining the output of
both 10 experiments conduct with randomly created training and test samples.
The following parameters where used:
The RandomForest algorithm was set to generate 100 trees and every time to use all
the vector’s features.
In the Simple cart algorithm, the internal cross-validation was made with 5 folds and
the minimal number of objects at the terminal nodes was 2.
For the rule based classification algorithm Ridor 1 fold of the data was used for pruning
and 2 folds for growing the rules.
Identifying Asperity Patterns Via Machine Learning Algorithms 91

In the BFTree algorithm the internal cross-validation was made with 5 folds and all
the available data were used for training set.
In Table 1 the building model time is presented for every algorithm.

Table 1. Building time for the algorithm’s model in seconds.

Classifier Time
RandomForest 0.37
SimpleCart 0.14
Ridor 0.9
BFTree 0.13
NBTree 0.17

5 Evaluation

The evaluation of the algorithms results is made by means of precision and recall. The
top five algorithms are Random Forest, Simple CART, Ridor, BFtree, and NBTree. All
five algorithms exhibit precision and recall higher than 0.9, Fig. 1 below displays the
classification results.

Fig. 1. Precision and recall comparison for five classification algorithms

The Random Forest algorithm really stands among the other four with precision
0.961 and recall 0.96. Simple CART, Ridor, and BFTree are really close with precision
and recall ranking above 0.954. Table 2 contains precision, recall and the confusion
matrix of the top five algorithms.
92 K. Arvanitakis and M. Avlonitis

Table 2. Results of the top five algorithms.

Classifier Precision Recall a b
RandomForest 0.961 0.96 509 30 a = No
13 525 b = Yes
SimpleCart 0.955 0.955 504 35 a = No
14 524 b = Yes
Ridor 0.955 0.954 497 42 a = No
8 530 b = Yes
BFTree 0.954 0.954 506 33 a = No
17 521 b = Yes
NBTree 0.953 0.952 500 39 a = No
13 525 b = Yes

6 Conclusion

In the wider region of Hokkaido in north Japan, supervised machine learning algorithms
were used to identify areas with asperity properties. The proposed feature vector
consisted of geographic location information, the seismic density and b-value of the
examined region. Impressive results were produced from the conducted experiments in
the WEKA platform. Many classification algorithms appeared to be effective in terms
of precision and recall, with the Random forest algorithm to be the most efficient with
0.961 precision and 0.96 recall, indicating that machine learning algorithms can be a
useful tool for mapping asperities in space.
Future research could take into account more earthquake characteristics such as the
earthquake interval time and the magnitude range. Also the described method’s effi‐
ciency should be tested in other regions with well-known asperities before it is used in
the field.

Acknowledgments. Fruitful discussions with Assistant Professor Katia Lida Kermanidis and
Doctor Ioannis Karydis of the dept. of Informatics, Ionian University, Greece are gratefully


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Combining Prototype Selection
with Local Boosting

Christos K. Aridas(B) , Sotiris B. Kotsiantis, and Michael N. Vrahatis

Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CILab), Department of Mathematics,

University of Patras, 26110 Patras, Greece, {sotos,vrahatis}

Abstract. Real life classification problems require an investigation of

relationships between features in heterogeneous data sets, where different
predictive models can be more proper for different regions of the data
set. A solution to this problem is the application of the local boosting
of weak classifiers ensemble method. A main drawback of this approach
is the time that is required at the prediction of an unseen instance as
well as the decrease of the classification accuracy in the presence of noise
in the local regions. In this research work, an improved version of the
local boosting of weak classifiers, which incorporates prototype selection,
is presented. Experimental results on several benchmark real-world data
sets show that the proposed method significantly outperforms the local
boosting of weak classifiers in terms of predictive accuracy and the time
that is needed to build a local model and classify a test instance.

Keywords: Local boosting · Weak learning · Prototype selection ·

Pattern classification

1 Introduction

In machine learning, instance-based (or memory-based) learners classify an

unseen object by comparing it to a database of pre-classified objects. The fun-
damental assumption is that similar instances will share similar class labels.
Machine learning models’ assumptions would not necessarily hold globally.
Local learning [1] methods come to solve this problem. The latter allow to extend
learning algorithms, that are designed for simple models, to the case of complex
data, for which the models’ assumptions are valid only locally. The most common
case is the assumption of linear separability, which is usually not fulfilled globally
in classification problems. Despite this, any supervised learning algorithm that is
able to find only a linear separation, can be used inside a local learning process,
producing a model that is able to model complex non-linear class boundaries.
A technique of boosting local weak classifiers, that is based on a reduced
training set after the usage of prototype selection [11], is proposed. It is common
that boosting algorithms are well-known to be susceptible to noise [2]. In the case

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 94–105, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 9
Combining Prototype Selection with Local Boosting 95

of local boosting, the algorithm should manage reasonable noise and be at least
as good as boosting, if not better. For the experiments, we used two variants
of Decision Trees [21] as weak learning models: one-level Decision Trees, which
are known as Decision Stumps [12] and two-level Decision Trees. An extensive
comparison over several data sets was performed and the results show that the
proposed method outperforms simple and local boosting in terms of classification
In the next Section, specifically in Subsect. 2.1, the localized experts are dis-
cussed, while boosting approaches are described in Subsect. 2.2. In Sect. 3 the
proposed method is presented. Furthermore, in Sect. 4 the results of the exper-
iments on several UCI data sets, after being compared with standard boosting
and local boosting, are portrayed and discussed. Finally, Sect. 5 concludes the
paper and suggests further directions in current research.

2 Background Material

For completeness purposes, local weighted learning, prototype selection methods

as well as boosting classifier techniques are briefly described in the following

2.1 Local Weighted Learning and Prototype Selection

Supervised learning algorithms are considered global if they use all available
training sets, in order to build a single predictive model, that will be applied
in any unseen test instance. On the other hand, a method is considered local if
only the nearest training instances around the testing instance contribute to the
class probabilities.
When the size of the training data set is small in contrast to the complexity
of the classifier, the predictive model frequently overfits the noise in the train-
ing data. Therefore, the successful control of the complexity of a classifier has a
high impact in accomplishing good generalization. Several theoretical and exper-
imental results [23] indicate that a local learning algorithm provides a reasonable
solution to this problem.
In local learning [1], each local model is built completely independent of all
other models in a way that the total number of local models in the learning
method indirectly influences how complex a function can be estimated - com-
plexity can only be controlled by the level of adaptability of each local model.
This feature prevents overfitting if a strong learning pattern exists for training
each local model.
Prototype selection is a technique that aims to decrease the training size
without surfacing the prediction performance of a memory based learner [18].
Besides this, by reducing the training set size it might decrease the computational
cost that will be applied in the prediction phase.
Prototype selection techniques can be grouped in three categories: preserva-
tion techniques, which aim to find a consistent subset from the training data set,
96 Ch.K. Aridas et al.

ignoring the presence of noise, noise removal techniques, which aim to remove
noise, and hybrid techniques, which perform both objectives concurrently [22].

2.2 Boosting Classifiers

Experimental research works have proven that ensemble methods usually per-
form better, in terms of classification accuracy, than the individual base classifier
[2], and lately, several theoretical explanations have been advised to explain the
success of some commonly used ensemble methods [13]. In this work, a local
boosting technique that is based on a reduced training set, after the usage of
prototype selection [11], is proposed and for this reason this section introduces
the boosting approach.
Boosting constructs the ensemble of classifiers by subsequently tweaking the
distribution of the training set based on the accuracy of the previously created
classifiers. There are several boosting variants. These methods assign a weight
to each training instance. Firstly, all instances are equally weighted. In each iter-
ation a new classification model, named base classifier, is generated using the
base learning algorithm. The creation of the base classifier has to consider the
weight distribution. Then, the weight of each instance is adjusted, depending
on the accuracy of the prediction of the base classifier for that instance. Thus,
Boosting attempts to construct new classification models that are able to bet-
ter classify the “hard” instances for the previous ensemble members. The final
classification is obtained from a weighted vote of the base classifiers. AdaBoost
[8] is the most well-known boosting method and the one that is used over the
experimental analysis that is presented in Sect. 3.
Adaboost is able to use weights in two ways to generate a new training
data set to provide to the base classifier. In boosting by sampling, the training
instances are sampled with replacement with probability relative to their weights.
In [26] the authors showed empirically that a local boosting-by-resampling tech-
nique is more robust to noise than the standard AdaBoost. The authors of [17]
proposed a Boosted k-NN algorithm that creates an ensemble of models with
locally modified distance weighting that has increased generalization accuracy
and never performs worse than standard k-NN. In [10] the authors presented a
novel method for instance selection based on boosting instance selection algo-
rithms in the same way boosting is applied to classification.

3 The Proposed Algorithm

Two main disadvantages of simple local boosting are: (i) When the amount of
noise is large, simple local boosting does not have the same performance [26]
as Bagging [3] and Random Forest [4]. (ii) Saving the data for each pattern
increases storage complexity. This might restrict the usage of this method to
limited training sets [21]. The proposed algorithm incorporates prototype selec-
tion to handle, among others, the two previous problems. In the learning phase,
a prototype selection [11] method based on the Edited Nearest Neighbor (ENN)
Combining Prototype Selection with Local Boosting 97

[24] technique reduces the training set by removing the training instances that
do not agree with the majority of the k nearest neighbors. In the application
phase, it constructs a model for each test instance to be estimated, considering
only a subset of the training instances. This subset is selected according to the
distance between the testing sample and the available training samples. For each
testing instance, a boosting ensemble of a weak learner is built using only the
training instances that are lying close to the current testing instance. The pro-
totype selection aims to improve the classification accuracy as well as the time
that is needed to build a model for each test instance at the prediction.
The proposed ensemble method has some free parameters, such as the number
of neighbors (k1 ) to be considered when the prototype selection is executed, the
number of neighbors (k2 ) to be selected in order to build the local model, the
distance metric and the weak learner. In the experiments, the most well - known
Euclidean similarity function was used as a distance metric.
In general, the distance between points x and y in a Euclidean space Rn is
given by (1). 

d(x, y) = x − y2 =  |xi − yi |2 . (1)

The most common value for the nearest neighbor rule is 5. Thus, the k1 was
set to 5 and k2 = 50. since at about this size of instances, it is appropriate
for a simple algorithm to build a precise model [14]. The proposed method is
presented in Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1. PSLB(k1 , k2 , distanceM etric, weakLearner)

procedure Training(k1 , distanceM etric)
for each training instance do
Find the k1 nearest neighbors using the selected distanceM etric
if instance does not agree with the majority of the k1 then
Remove this instance from the training set
end if
end for
end procedure
procedure Classification(k2 , distanceM etric, weakLearner)
for each testing instance do
Find the k2 nearest neighbors using the selected distanceM etric
Apply boosting to the base weakLearner using the k2 nearest neighbors
The answer of the boosting ensemble is the prediction for the testing instance
end for
end procedure
98 Ch.K. Aridas et al.

4 Numerical Experiments
In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed method, an initial version
was implemented1 and a number of experiments were conducted using several
data sets from different domains. From the UCI repository [16] several data
sets were chosen. Discrete features transformed to numeric by using a simple
quantization. Each feature is scaled to have zero mean and standard deviation
one. Also all missing values were treated as zero. In Table 1 the name, the number
of patterns, the attributes, as well as the number of different classes for each data
set are shown.

Table 1. Benchmark data sets used in the experiments

Data set #patterns #attribues #classes

cardiotocography 2126 21 10
cylinder-bands 512 25 2
dermatology 366 24 6
ecoli 336 7 8
energy-y1 768 8 3
glass 214 9 6
low-res-spect 531 100 9
magic 19020 10 2
musk-1 476 166 2
ozone 2536 72 2
page-blocks 5473 10 5
pima 768 8 2
synthetic-control 600 60 6
tic-tac-toe 958 9 2

All experiments were run on an Intel Core i3–3217U machine at 1.8 GHz, with
8 GB of RAM, running Linux Mint 17.3 64bit using Python and the scikit-learn
[19] library.
For the experiments, we used two variants of Decision Trees [25] as weak
learners. One-level Decision Trees [12], also known as Decision Stumps, and two-
level Decision Trees [20]. We used the Gini Impurity [5] as criterion to measure
the quality of the splits in both algorithms. The boosting process for all classifiers
performed using the AdaBoost algorithm with 25 iterations in each model. In
order to calculate the classifiers accuracy, the whole data set was divided into
five mutually exclusive folds and for each fold the classifier was trained on the
union of all of the other folds. Then, cross-validation was run five times for each
algorithm and the mean value of the five folds was calculated.
Combining Prototype Selection with Local Boosting 99

4.1 Prototype Selection

The prototype selection process is independent of the base classifier and it takes
place once in the training phase of the proposed algorithm. It depends only on
the k1 parameter. The number of neighbors to be considered when the prototype
selection is executed. In Table 2 the average of training patterns, the average
of the removed patterns as well as the average reduction of each data set is
presented. The average refers to the average of all training folds during the 5-
fold cross-validation.

Table 2. Average reduction

Data set #avg training patterns #avg removed patterns %avg reduction
cardiotocography 1701 268 15,73
cylinder-bands 410 60 14,60
dermatology 293 7 02,53
ecoli 269 29 10,86
energy-y1 614 17 02,77
glass 171 40 23,13
lowresspect 425 47 11,11
magic 15216 1798 11,81
musk-1 381 24 06,25
ozone 2029 50 02,48
page-blocks 4378 111 02,53
pima 614 109 17,77
synthetic-control 480 8 01,67
tic-tac-toe 766 1 00,13

4.2 Using Decision Stump as Base Classifier

In the first part of the experiments, Decision Stumps [12] were used as weak
learning classifiers. Decision Stumps (DS) are one-level Decision Trees that clas-
sify instances based on the value of just a single input attribute. Each node in
a decision stump represents a feature in an instance to be classified and each
branch represents a value that the node can take. Instances are classified starting
at the root node and are sorted based on their attribute values. In the worst case,
a Decision Stump will behave as a base line classifier and will possibly perform
better, if the selected attribute is particularly informative.
The proposed method, denoted as PSLBDS, is compared with the Boosting
Decision Stumps, denoted as BDS and the Local Boosting of Decision Stumps,
denoted as LBDS. Since the proposed method uses fifty neighbors, a 50-Nearest
100 Ch.K. Aridas et al.

Neighbors (50NN) classifier has included in the comparisons. In Table 3 the aver-
age accuracy of the compared methods is presented. Table 3 indicates that the
hypotheses generated by PSLBDS are apparently better since the PSLBDS algo-
rithm has the best mean accuracy score in nearly all cases.

Table 3. Average accuracy of the compared algorithms using an one-level decision tree
as base classifier


cardiotocography 0.682 ± 0.028 0.548 ± 0.088 0.659 ± 0.015 0.607 ± 0.029
cylinder-bands 0.613 ± 0.030 0.560 ± 0.037 0.584 ± 0.014 0.582 ± 0.017
dermatology 0.942 ± 0.027 0.641 ± 0.142 0.940 ± 0.022 0.902 ± 0.020
ecoli 0.821 ± 0.029 0.622 ± 0.129 0.794 ± 0.026 0.780 ± 0.050
energy-y1 0.844 ± 0.090 0.706 ± 0.050 0.836 ± 0.092 0.822 ± 0.091
glass 0.582 ± 0.085 0.285 ± 0.094 0.568 ± 0.065 0.446 ± 0.169
low-res-spect 0.850 ± 0.025 0.584 ± 0.069 0.846 ± 0.012 0.851 ± 0.023
magic 0.849 ± 0.005 0.828 ± 0.005 0.834 ± 0.005 0.828 ± 0.004
musk-1 0.727 ± 0.096 0.727 ± 0.052 0.718 ± 0.085 0.618 ± 0.096
ozone 0.966 ± 0.008 0.960 ± 0.010 0.887 ± 0.133 0.971 ± 0.001
page-blocks 0.954 ± 0.012 0.853 ± 0.163 0.950 ± 0.013 0.942 ± 0.007
pima 0.757 ± 0.028 0.755 ± 0.024 0.685 ± 0.024 0.749 ± 0.017
synthetic-control 0.947 ± 0.011 0.472 ± 0.074 0.943 ± 0.020 0.887 ± 0.030
tic-tac-toe 0.884 ± 0.084 0.733 ± 0.034 0.882 ± 0.083 0.747 ± 0.101

Demšar [6] suggests that the non-parametric tests should be preferred over
the parametric in the context of machine learning problems, since they do not
assume normal distributions or homogeneity of variance. Therefore, in the direc-
tion of validating the significance of the results, the Friedman test [9], which is
a rank-based non-parametric test for comparing several machine learning algo-
rithms on multiple data sets, was used, having as a control method the PSLBDS
algorithm. The null hypothesis of the test states that all the methods perform
equivalently and thus their ranks should be equivalent. The average rankings,
according to the Friedman test, are presented in Table 4.
Assuming a significance level of 0.05 in Table 4, the p-value of the Friedman
test indicates that the null hypothesis has to be rejected. So, there is at least one
method that performs statistically different from the proposed method. With the
intention of investigating the aforementioned, Finner’s [7] and Li’s [15] post hoc
procedures were used.
In Table 5 the p-values obtained by applying post hoc procedures over the
results of the Friedman statistical test are presented. Finner’s and Li’s procedure
rejects those hypotheses that have a p-value ≤ 0.05. That said, the adjusted p-
values obtained through the application of the post hoc procedures are presented
Combining Prototype Selection with Local Boosting 101

in Table 6. Hence, both post hoc procedures agree that the PSLBDS algorithm
performs significantly better than the BDS, the LBDS as well as the 50NN rule.

4.3 Using Two-Level Decision Tree as a Base Classifier

Afterwards, two-level Decision Trees were used as weak learning base classifiers.
A two-level Decision Tree is a tree with max depth=2. The proposed method,
denoted as PSLBDT, is compared to the Boosting Decision Tree, denoted as
BDT and the Local Boosting of Decision Trees, denoted as LBDT. Since the
proposed method uses fifty neighbors a 50-Nearest Neighbors (50NN) classifier
has included in the comparisons. In Table 7 the average accuracy of the com-
pared methods is presented. Table 7 indicates that the hypotheses generated by
PSLBDT are apparently better, since the PSLBDT algorithm has the best mean
accuracy score in most cases.
The average rankings, according to the Friedman test, are presented in
Table 8. The proposed algorithm was ranked in the first place again. Assuming
significance level of 0.05 in Table 8, the p-value of the Friedman test indicates
that the null hypothesis has to be rejected. So, there is at least one method that
performs statistically different from the proposed method. Aiming to investigate
the aforesaid, Finner’s and Li’s post hoc procedures were used again.
In Table 9 the p-values obtained by applying post hoc procedures over the
results of Friedman’s statistical test are presented. Finner’s and Li’s procedure
rejects those hypotheses that have a p-value ≤ 0.05. That said, the adjusted
p-values obtained through the application of the post hoc procedures are pre-
sented in Table 10. Both post hoc procedures agree that the PSLBDT algorithm
performs significantly better than the BDT and the 50NN rule but not signifi-
cantly better than the LBDT as far as the tested data sets are concerned.

4.4 Time Analysis

One of the two contributions of this study was to improve the classification time
over the local boosting approach. In order to prove this, the total time that
is required to predict all instances in the test folds was recorded. Specifically,

Table 4. Average rankings of Friedman test (DS)

Algorithm Ranking
PSLBDS 1.1429
LBDS 2.4286
50NN 2.8571
BDS 3.5714
Statistic 26.228571
p-value 0.000009
102 Ch.K. Aridas et al.

Table 5. Post hoc comparison for the Friedmans test (DS)

i Algorithm z = (R0 − Ri )/SE p Finner Li

3 BDS 4.97709 0.000001 0.016952 0.052189
2 50NN 3.51324 0.000443 0.033617 0.052189
1 LBDS 2.63493 0.008415 0.05 0.05

Table 6. Adjusted p-values (DS)

i Algorithm pU nadjusted pF inner pLi

3 BDS 0.000001 0.000002 0.000001
2 50NN 0.000443 0.000664 0.000446
1 LBDS 0.008415 0.008415 0.008415

Table 7. Average accuracy of the compared algorithms using a two-level decision tree
as base classifier


cardiotocography 0.683 ± 0.020 0.584 ± 0.072 0.686 ± 0.017 0.607 ± 0.029
cylinder-bands 0.609 ± 0.049 0.608 ± 0.034 0.564 ± 0.025 0.582 ± 0.017
dermatology 0.958 ± 0.040 0.800 ± 0.041 0.951 ± 0.020 0.902 ± 0.020
ecoli 0.813 ± 0.032 0.753 ± 0.036 0.800 ± 0.030 0.780 ± 0.050
energy-y1 0.845 ± 0.060 0.830 ± 0.064 0.844 ± 0.071 0.822 ± 0.091
glass 0.608 ± 0.048 0.569 ± 0.112 0.652 ± 0.057 0.446 ± 0.169
low-res-spect 0.877 ± 0.042 0.573 ± 0.136 0.872 ± 0.023 0.851 ± 0.023
magic 0.849 ± 0.006 0.856 ± 0.007 0.841 ± 0.006 0.828 ± 0.004
musk-1 0.738 ± 0.072 0.752 ± 0.024 0.746 ± 0.074 0.618 ± 0.096
ozone 0.967 ± 0.008 0.925 ± 0.064 0.888 ± 0.132 0.971 ± 0.001
page-blocks 0.960 ± 0.010 0.924 ± 0.023 0.956 ± 0.010 0.942 ± 0.007
pima 0.763 ± 0.023 0.742 ± 0.014 0.730 ± 0.018 0.749 ± 0.017
synthetic-control 0.950 ± 0.011 0.830 ± 0.036 0.953 ± 0.016 0.887 ± 0.030
tic-tac-toe 0.893 ± 0.078 0.665 ± 0.126 0.889 ± 0.081 0.747 ± 0.101

the prediction of each test fold was executed three times and the minimum
time was recorded for each fold. Then, the average of all folds was calculated.
In Table 11 the average prediction time in seconds of LBDS, PSLBDS, LBDT and
PSLBDTS is presented. In the case of one-level decision trees (LBDS, PSLBDS)
the proposed method reduced the expected prediction time in more than 15 %
in 6 of 14 cases, while in the case of two-level decision trees (LBDT, PSLBDT)
the proposed method reduced the expected prediction time in more than 15 %
in 7 of 14 cases. In Fig. 1 the absolute percentage changes are presented.
Combining Prototype Selection with Local Boosting 103

Table 8. Average rankings of Friedman test (two-level tree)

Algorithm Ranking
LBDT 2.2857
50NN 3.0714
BDT 3.1429
Statistic 15
p-value 0.001817

Table 9. Post hoc comparison for the Friedmans test (two-level tree)

i Algorithm z = (R0 − Ri )/SE p Finner Li

3 BDT 3.366855 0.00076 0.016952 0.046982
2 50NN 3.22047 0.00128 0.033617 0.046982
1 LBDT 1.610235 0.107347 0.05 0.05

Table 10. Adjusted p-values (two-level tree)

i Algorithm pU nadjusted pF inner pLi

3 BDT 0.00076 0.002279 0.000851
2 50NN 0.00128 0.002279 0.001432
1 LBDT 0.107347 0.107347 0.107347

Table 11. Average prediction times, in seconds


cardiotocography 33.89 33.26 32.43 29.20
cylinder-bands 8.16 8.07 8.45 7.86
dermatology 3.56 3.52 3.28 3.20
ecoli 5.00 3.61 4.66 2.92
energy-y1 8.58 7.19 7.59 6.25
glass 3.39 3.37 3.46 3.16
low-res-spect 6.74 6.38 5.77 3.77
magic 257.14 160.31 213.59 107.98
musk-1 9.53 9.50 8.80 7.99
ozone 14.84 4.89 7.24 1.69
page-blocks 17.27 9.34 12.28 4.27
pima 11.72 8.90 11.07 7.56
synthetic-control 6.32 6.12 3.89 3.76
tic-tac-toe 13.56 13.56 12.18 12.00
104 Ch.K. Aridas et al.

Fig. 1. Percentage change of prediction time between Local Boosting and the proposed

5 Synopsis and Future Work

Local memory-based techniques delay the processing of the training set until
they receive a request for an action like classification or local modelling. A data
set of observed training examples is always retained and the estimate for a new
test instance is obtained from an interpolation based on a neighborhood of the
query instance.
In this research work at hand, a local boosting after prototype selection
method is presented. Experiments on several data sets show that the proposed
method significantly outperforms the boosting and local boosting method, in
terms of classification accuracy and the time that is required to build a local
model and classify a test instance. Typically, boosting algorithms are well known
to be subtle to noise [2]. In the case of local boosting, the algorithm should handle
sufficient noise and be at least as good as boosting, if not better. By means of
the promising results obtained from performed experiments, one can assume
that the proposed method can be successfully applied to the classification task
in the real world case with more accuracy than the compared machine learning
In a following work the proposed method will be investigated as far as regres-
sion problems are concerned as well as the problem of reducing the size of the
stored set of instances, by also applying feature selection instead of simple pro-
totype selection.

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Convolutional Neural Networks
for Pose Recognition in Binary
Omni-directional Images

S.V. Georgakopoulos1, K. Kottari1, K. Delibasis1, V.P. Plagianakos1,

and I. Maglogiannis2(&)
Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics,
University of Thessaly, Lamia, Greece
Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece

Abstract. In this work, we present a methodology for pose classification of

silhouettes using convolutional neural networks. The training set consists
exclusively from the synthetic images that are generated from three-dimensional
(3D) human models, using the calibration of an omni-directional camera
(fish-eye). Thus, we are able to generate a large volume of training set that is
usually required for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Testing is per-
formed using synthetically generated silhouettes, as well as real silhouettes. This
work is in the same realm with previous work utilizing Zernike image
descriptors designed specifically for a calibrated fish-eye camera. Results show
that the proposed method improves pose classification accuracy for synthetic
images, but it is outperformed by our previously proposed Zernike descriptors in
real silhouettes. The computational complexity of the proposed methodology is
also examined and the corresponding results are provided.

Keywords: Computer vision  Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) 

Omnidirectional image  Fish-eye camera calibration  Pose classification 
Synthetic silhouette

1 Introduction

Several computer vision and Artificial Intelligence applications require classification of

segmented objects in digital images and videos. The use of object descriptors is a
conventional approach for object recognition though a variety of classifiers. Recently,
many reports have been published supporting the ability of automatic feature extraction
by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) that achieve high classification accuracy in
many generic object recognition tasks, without the need of user-defined features. This
approach is often referred to as deep learning.
More specifically, CNNs are state of the art classification methods in several
problems of computer vision. They have been suggested for pattern recognition [2],
object localization [3], object classification in large-scale database of real world images

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 106–116, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_10
Convolutional Neural Networks for Pose Recognition 107

[4], and malignancy detection on medical images [5–7] Several reports exist in literature
for the problem of human pose estimation and can be categorized in two approaches.
The first approach relies on leveraging images local descriptors (HoG [8], SHIFT [9],
Zernike [1, 10, 11, 12] to extract features and subsequently constructing a model for
classification. The second approach is based on model fitting processes [13, 14].
CNNs are trainable multistage architectures that belong to the first approach of
classification methods [15]. Basically each stage comprises of three types of layers, the
convolution, the pooling and the classic neural network layer, which is commonly
refereed as fully-connected layer. Each stage consists of one of the previous layer type
or an arbitrary combination of them. The trainable components of a convolutional layer
are mapped as a batch of kernels and perform the convolution operator on the previous
layer’s output. The pooling layer performs a subsampling to its input with most
commonly used pooling function to be the max-pooling, taking the maximum value of
the local neighborhoods. Finally, the fully-connected layer can be treated as a special
case of kernel with size 1  1. To train this network, the Stochastic Gradient Descent is
usually utilized with the usage of mini-batches [16]. However, a drawback of the CNNs
is the extensive training time required because of the amount of trainable parameters.
Due to the inherent parallelism in their structure, the usage of the graphics processing
units (GPUs) has been established to perform the training phase [4]. To achieve high
quality results, the CNNs require training dataset of large size.
Very recently, methods that use deep neural networks in order to tackle the problem
of human pose estimation have started to appear in the literature. In [17] the use the
CNN as a regressor for rough joint locator hand-annotations of the Frame Labeled In
Cinema (FLIC) dataset is reported. While the results are very promising, the existence
of hand-annotations on training set is needed.
In this work, we test the suitability of a well-established CNN methodology for
pose recognition in synthetic binary silhouette images. To the best of our knowledge
CNNs have not been utilized to deal with binary images problems. These types of
problems are distinct, because information is limited by the lack of RGB data. Fur-
thermore, the silhouettes of this work are rendered through an omni-directional camera
– fisheye. Fisheye cameras are dioptric omni-directional cameras, increasingly used in
computer vision applications [18, 19], due to their 180 degree field of view (FoV). In
[20–22] the calibration of fish-eye camera is reported to emulate the strong deformation
introduced by the fish-eye lens. In [23] a methodology for correcting the distortions
induced by the fish-eye lens is presented. The high volume of artificial silhouettes
required for training the CNN, is produced by using 3D human models rendered by a
calibrated fish-eye camera. Comparisons are provided for synthetic and real data with
our recent method proposed in [1].

2 Methodology

2.1 Overview of the Method

The main goal of this work is the assessment of the popular CNN technique ability to
recognize different poses of binary human silhouettes from indoor images acquired by a
108 S.V. Georgakopoulos et al.

roof-based omnidirectional camera. An extensive dataset of binary silhouettes is cre-

ated using 3D models [24, 25] of a number of subjects in 5 different standing positions.
The 3D models are placed in different positions and at different rotations round the
Z-axis in the real world room. Then they are rendered through the calibration of the
fish-eye camera, generating binary silhouettes. The dataset of binary silhouettes is
separated into training and testing subsets. Classification results are calculated using the
testing subset, as well as real segmented silhouettes of approximately the same poses.
The aforementioned steps of the proposed methodology are shown in the block dia-
gram of Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The steps of the proposed methodology

2.2 Calibration of the Fish-Eye Camera

The fish-eye camera is calibrated using a set of manually provided points, as described
in detail in [26]. The achieved calibration compares favourably to other state of the art
methodologies [27] in terms of accuracy. In abstract level, the calibration process
defines a function F that maps a real world point xreal ¼ ðxreal ; yreal ; zreal Þ to coordinates
ði; jÞ of an image frame:
Convolutional Neural Networks for Pose Recognition 109

F ðxreal Þ ¼ ði; jÞ ð1Þ

The resulting calibration is visualized in Fig. 2 for a grid of points virtually placed
on the floor and on the walls of the room.

Fig. 2. Visualization of the resulting fish-eye model calibration, on the FoV of the indoor
environment in which experiments have taken place. The landmark points defined by the user are
shown as circles and their rendered position on the frame marked by stars.

Let B be the binary frame. If we apply the above equation for each xreal point of a
3D model and set Bði; jÞ ¼ 1, then B will contain the silhouette as imaged by the
fish-eye camera.

2.3 Synthetically Generated Silhouettes

In this work, a number of 3D models (Fig. 3), obtained from [24, 25], are utilized.
These models have known real-world coordinates stored in the form of triangulated
surfaces. However, only the coordinates of the vertices are used for rendering the
binary silhouette frames. Rendering of the models and generation of a silhouette in a
binary frame B was achieved by using the parameterized camera calibration as

B F xreal;k ¼1 ð2Þ

where xreal;k ; k ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N are the points of a 3D model. Every model was placed
in the viewed room at different locations, having different orientations (rotation round
the Z-axis).
110 S.V. Georgakopoulos et al.

Fig. 3. The 3D human model poses used in this work.

2.4 Convolutional Neural Networks

The CNN was implemented with four convolutional layers; each one of the first three is
followed by a max-pooling layer, while the fourth convolutional layer is followed by a
fully-connected feed-forward Neural Network with two hidden layers (see Fig. 4).
There exist four convolutional layers, each one consists of a n  n, filter, for n = 5, 4,
3 and 2 respectively. Pooling filters of a 2  2 dimension exists between each two
successive convolutional layers. The convolutional layers consist of 16, 16, 32, and 32
filters, respectively, while the max-pooling layers utilize 16, 16, and 32 filters. Finally,
the Feed Forward Neural Network consists of one layer with 64 neurons, followed by
20 hidden neurons and one output layer of the generalization of logistic regression
function, the softmax functions, where maps the CNN’s input into the class proba-
bilities and is commonly used in CNNs. In order to exploit the power of the CNNs that
relies on the depth of their layers and at the same time considering the limitations of the
GPU memory, we feed the network with binary images sized to 113  113 pixels that
contain the synthetic silhouettes. The structure of the CNN used in this work is con-
structed as following: The inputs of the network are binary image silhouettes. The
network consists of four convolutional layers, two fully connected layers and the output
layer, which are succeeded by a max-pooling layer. The aforementioned construction is
illustrated in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. An illustration of the employed CNN architecture.
Convolutional Neural Networks for Pose Recognition
112 S.V. Georgakopoulos et al.

3 Results

The generation of an extensive dataset is very important for the successful application
of CNNs. We used the dataset that we generated for our previous work involving
evaluation of geodetically corrected Zernike moments [1]. Thus, for each one of the 5
poses, the 3D model of each available subject was placed at 13  8 different positions
defined on a grid with constant step of 0.5 m. For each position the model is rotated
round the Z-axis every p/5 radians. Positions with distance less than 1 m from the trail
of the camera were excluded. Silhouettes were rendered using the camera calibration
(Subsect. 2.2).The total number of data for all 5 poses equals to 32142, as described in
Table 1. The 50 % of the silhouettes was used as training test and the rest as test set.

Table 1. Dataset for the classification of 5 standing poses.

Pose (Class) Data
1 7446
2 5096
3 7056
4 6272
5 6272
Sum 32142

The CNN learning algorithm was implemented using the Stochastic Gradient
Descent (SGD) with learning rate 0.01 and momentum 0.9 with 30000 iterations on the
50 % of the whole dataset and a mini-batch of 50 images. The training of the CNN was
performed using the GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 with 4 GB GPU-RAM and the
Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding (CAFFE) library [2]. The
confusion matrix for the 5 synthetic datasets is shown in Table 2. The achieved
accuracy was 98.08 %, which is marginally better than the accuracy obtained with the
geodetically corrected Zernike moments (95.31 % as reported in [1]).

Table 2. The confusion matrix achieved for the synthetic data.

Pose 1 Pose 2 Pose 3 Pose 4 Pose 5
Pose 1 3663 12 17 21 10
Pose 2 17 2490 13 11 17
Pose 3 13 12 3473 17 13
Pose 4 18 17 16 3074 11
Pose 5 13 11 16 10 3086

In order to further test the proposed CNN-based methodology, 4 short video

sequences were acquired using the indoor, roof-based fish-eye camera, during which
the subjects assumed two generic poses: “standing” and “fallen”. Each frame of the real
video was manually labelled. The training set that was used for training the CNN and
Convolutional Neural Networks for Pose Recognition 113

the other classifiers in the case of ZMI [1] for the two generic poses (standing and
fallen) was obtained as following: The dataset for the generic “standing” pose consists
of the union of the 5 standing poses (of Fig. 3). The dataset for the generic “fallen”
pose consists of prone/back and side falling, generated from the generic standing pose
by interchanging Z-axis with Y-axis coordinate and Z-axis with X-axis, respectively.
This dataset (which does not contain any real silhouettes) was used in order to train
the CNN and the other classifiers to evaluate the 2 generic poses and recognise them in
the real silhouettes. Comparative results with our previous approach (geodetically
corrected Zernike moments [1]) are shown in Table 3. It can be seen that in real data,
our previously proposed geodesically-corrected ZMI (GZMI) have better discriminat-
ing power compared to the CNN. Based on our results so far, it appears that the GZMI
are more immune to imperfect segmentation than the CNN. Possible explanations on
this observation are suggested in the next section.

Table 3. The classification results for the standing/fallen generic classes.

Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity
real video, CNN 0.6715 0.5281 0.6948
real video, GZMI 0.8173 0.8854 0.7864

The achieved accuracy of the CNN compares favorably with the accuracy achieved
using the recently proposed GZMI [1] for different sizes of the training subset. Figure 5
shows, comparatively, the accuracies achieved by the two methods for training set
equal to 10 % up to 50 % of the total dataset of the synthetically generated poses.

Fig. 5. The accuracy of the test set as a function of the size of the training set comparatively for
the two methods. The sizes of the indicated training sets are equal to 10 % up to 50 % (with a
step of 10 %) of the total dataset. It can be observed that the accuracy of the proposed CNN
(upper blue line) compares favorably to the accuracy of the GZMI (lower magenta line) of [1].
114 S.V. Georgakopoulos et al.

4 Conclusions and Further Work

The purpose of this work was to assess the ability of convolutional neural networks –
CNNs – to correctly classify synthetically generated, as well as real silhouettes, using
an extensive synthetic training set. The training set consists exclusively from the
synthetic images that are generated from three-dimensional (3D) human models, using
a calibrated omni-directional camera (fish-eye). Our results show that the proposed
CNN approach is marginally better than the geodesic Zernike moment invariants
(GZMI) proposed in our recent work [1], but appears to be outperformed in the
problem of real silhouette classification. The GZMI features were adapted from their
classic definition, using geodesic distances and angles defined by the camera calibra-
tion. On the other hand, the CNN generates features that minimize classification error
during the training phase, but do not correspond directly to physical aspects of
omni-directional image formation. The results that are reported in this work indicate
that the proposed GZMI features appear to be more robust to noise induced by
imperfect segmentation, than the features generated by CNN. However, more experi-
mentation is required to draw more definite conclusions. Thus, it is in our future steps
to further investigate the structure and the parameters of the utilized CNN in order to
improve the performance.

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Ontology-Web and Social Media AI
Modeling (OWESOM)
The eLOD Ontology:
Modeling Economic Open Data

Michalis Vafopoulos1, Gerasimos Razis2,

Ioannis Anagnostopoulos2(&), Georgios Vafeiadis1,
Dimitrios Negkas3, Eleftherios Galanos3, Aggelos Tzani3,
Ilias Skaros3, and Konstantinos Glykos3
Software and Knowledge Engineering Laboratory,
IIT, NCSR-“Demokritos”, Athens, Greece,
Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics,
School of Sciences, University of Thessaly, Lamia, Greece
University of Piraeus Research Centre, Piraeus, Greece

Abstract. For decades, valuable economic data was out of reach for most of the
people. Gradually, public budgets and tenders are becoming openly available and
global initiatives promote financial transparency and data innovation. But, yet the
poor quality of open data undermines their potential to answer interesting
questions (e.g. efficiency of public funds and market processes). The eLOD
ontology has been initiated as a top-level conceptualization that interlinks the
publicly available economic open data by modelling the flows incorporated in
public procurement together with the market process to address complex policy
issues. This paper presents the basic aspects of eLOD ontology in interlinking
and querying diverse open data ranging from budget execution to prices.
Already, eLOD ontology is used by two EU projects in order to to develop new
systems, to enable information exchange between systems, to integrate data from
heterogeneous sources and to publish open data related to economic activities.

Keywords: Linked data  Semantic web  Knowledge representation 


1 Introduction – Related Works

In this paper, we introduce the eLOD Ontological schema as the “heart” and basic data
modelling and handling infrastructure of LinkedEconomy1 portal. LinkedEconomy
aims at providing a universal access to Greek and international economy data, as well
as at promoting the benefits of linking heterogeneous sources under the concept of open
and reusable data in this critical domain [1]. In addition, it targets to offer a unique
platform of rich linked economy data for enhancing the citizens’ awareness in respect
to economic issues in Greece and worldwide, as well as to provide curated and

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 119–130, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_11
120 M. Vafopoulos et al.

semantified data to the Linked Open Data research community. It is the ancestor of the
Public Spending (PSNET) initiative2, which was the first attempt to harvest, align,
interlink, analyze and distribute as Linked Open Data massive amounts of public
spending data from Greece and from six other (local and national) governments [2].
Related worldwide initiatives are driven from similar Open Government Data projects.
Below, we classify them in four major fields according to their applications in the
economy domain.
In the field of open budgets, the International Budget Partnership advocates for
public access to accountable budget systems. One of its projects, the Open Budget
Survey Tracker3 allows citizens to monitor whether central governments are releasing
the requisite information on how the government is managing public finances. Starting
from 2015, EU funds the Open Budgets project4 to provide a scalable platform for
public administrations to publish open budget data that is easy-to-use, flexible, and
attractive for all. In addition, the Open Spending Initiative5 offers an easy system to
upload, explore and share public finance data (e.g. budgets or expenditure databases).
In 2013, more than 16 million transactions from 363 different datasets around the world
have been uploaded. A similar project from the Sunlight Foundation6 analyzes the
spending data uploaded in the official portal of US government. OpenTED7 is an
initiative that provides data dumps of tenders from the joint European procurement
system more easily accessible to journalists and researchers.
In the field of data standards, the Fiscal Data Package8 is developed as a simple,
open technical specification for government budget and spending data. Public Con-
tracts Ontology has been introduced by the LOD2 project [3] to provide an ontological
basis for representing key concepts in tenders and expressing structured data about
public contracts. The Core vocabularies have been developed by European Commis-
sion’s Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations (ISA) pro-
gramme as simplified, generic, re-usable and extensible data standards that model the
characteristics of basic entities in a context-neutral and syntax-neutral fashion. Most of
them have been incorporated in our modelling, as it will be described below. Open
Contracting Partnership9 is a consultation process to create a set of global principles
that can serve as a guide to advance open contracting around the world. In this context,
the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) sets out key documents and data that
should be published at each stage of a contracting process.
In the field of company data, Open Corporates10 aggregates company information
from different countries and jurisdictions. The specific team is working on creating

The eLOD Ontology: Modeling Economic Open Data 121

Linked Data representations out of their databases, by mapping company metadata to

certified ontologies such as the Core Business Vocabulary and linking them to other
data hubs, such as and Geonames. Financial statements and accounting
reports that are published by companies contain important data.
In the area of product data, Open Product Data - POD11 hosted by OKF as a
community project, stands as a public database of product data connected to barcodes,
in order to empower consumers with useful and machine-readable product information
(e.g. prices).
Other related research approaches have a two-fold orientation. In the first fold, we
have efforts that analyse the benefits of using open data in economy, trying in parallel
to provide a unified framework and modelling strategy [4–6], while, in the second fold,
we have the contributions that integrate the benefits of openness, thus creating a
flourishing linked ecosystem of economy data [7–10].

2 eLOD Ontology: Modelling Economic Data Under Semantics

In this section, we describe some well-known and established structured vocabularies,

which are used in the economy domain, as well as the model that incorporates inter-
connections between public finances and market processes in Greece and consists of
the main classes and properties of our ontology.

2.1 Description of Sources and Vocabularies Used

Table 1 depicts the data sources used as well as some information regarding them (API
support, URI). During the ontology design phase, our basic aim was to reuse other
well-known and established vocabularies and ontologies that cover our needs. When
existing models were inadequate we introduced and defined new concepts. The
well-established ontologies and vocabularies we used are FOAF12, GoodRelations13,
Public Contracts14, Organization Ontology15, Registered Organization Vocabulary16,
Dublin Core17, SKOS18 and vCard19, while we also use some properties from the
DBpedia Ontology20.

122 M. Vafopoulos et al.

Table 1. Related information for data sources used

Data sources used
Name Provision URI
through API
Transparency Yes
Central electronic registry of public No
National strategic reference No
Central market of Thessaloniki No
Prices observatory Yes
Fuel prices observatory Yes
Municipality of Athens No
Municipality of Thessaloniki No

FOAF, which is an acronym of “Friend of a Friend”, is a vocabulary for describing

people, their activities and relationships with other people and objects. This concept
can be generalized in order to describe all types of entities, named “agents”, who are
responsible for specific actions. FOAF aims to describe the world by using simple ideas
inspired by the Web. In our economic context, this vocabulary is used in order to define
and describe the agents who are responsible for specific actions. Two categories of
agents are used, namely “Persons” and “Organizations”.
GoodRelations is an ontology, which aims at defining a data structure for products
related to electronic commerce, the prices, the stores and the data of the companies. Its
use allows the expression of the commercial and operational details of scenarios for
e-commerce. The main entities in this domain are the involved agents, in terms of
persons or companies, the objects of the commercial activities, the items for sale, lease
or repair, as well as the locations where such offers are available. In our economic
context, this ontology is used in order to identify and describe the “Business Entities”
which are involved in a commercial activity (their legal names and their Vat Ids), the
type of their services, and the financial details of the contract or of the payment (i.e. the
wholesale or retail price, whether tax is included in the price and the expressed cur-
rency of the price). Moreover, it is also used to express a point or area of interest from
which a particular product or service is available.
Public Contracts is an ontology that aims at describing the contracts in the public
sector. It is based on the “GoodRelations” ontology for the modeling of business
entities and price specifications.
In our economic context, this ontology is used in order to define and describe the
– the public contracts during all stages of their existence (tender, contract, payment),
– the procedures specifying how the details of a contract are published and how a
supplier is chosen,
– the basic focus of the contract (i.e. works, supplies or services),
The eLOD Ontology: Modeling Economic Open Data 123

– the price of the contract, depending on its phase (before or after the offer),
– the award criteria that define the conditions under which the best offer will be
selected and awarded along with their weights, and
– the main and supplementary products or services purchased by the contract (de-
termined by the CPV codes).
The Organization ontology aims at describing the organizational structures in order
to support the disclosure interconnected data of organizational information in various
sectors. It is designed as to allow extensions in specific areas for classifying the
organizations and roles as well as for extensions in order to support relevant infor-
mation, such as organizational activities. Its design allows the publication of infor-
mation on organizations and their organizational structures, including governmental
ones. In our economic context, this ontology is used in order to define and describe the
organizations and their organizational units. Their structure is also represented using
the properties of this ontology. Additional properties are also provided in order to
illustrate the members and their structures within an organization, as well as the roles,
positions and relationships between people and organizations.
The Registered Organization vocabulary aims at describing the entities, which have
obtained the status of a legal entity through a formal registration process, usually at the
national or regional registry. It includes a minimum number of classes and properties
that are designed to depict the typical information recorded by the business’ registries,
thus facilitating the exchange of information between them, despite having consider-
able variation between the recorded and the published data. In our economic context,
this vocabulary is used in order to identify and describe the business entities and their
properties, including their type, status and activity.
Dublin Core and Dublin Core Terms is a small vocabulary for the description of
general metadata of the Web and of natural resources. In our economic context, this
vocabulary is used in order to define the entities that are responsible for publishing a
contract, the subject of the contract, and the date of its formal issue.
SKOS, which is the acronym of “Simple Knowledge Organization System”, is a
vocabulary, which is designed in order to represent thesaurus, classification schemes,
classifications, lists or any other type of structured controlled vocabulary. Its main aim
is to allow the easy publication and use of these vocabularies as interconnected data. In
our economic context, this dictionary is used in order to define numerous controlled
vocabularies and to represent code lists (e.g. Currencies).
The specification of vCard is generally used for describing people and organiza-
tions. Usually, vCard objects are encoded based on their own syntax or in their XML
format. The vCard ontology can be used for the semantic representation of any vCard
data and is also focused on describing people and organizations, including location
information and groups of such entities, as “FOAF” and “Organization” do. In our
economic context this ontology is used in order to represent geographical information
regarding agents and products, such as delivery addresses.
DBpedia is an ontology, which covers different domains and is created manually
based on the most frequently used information from infoboxes of Wikipedia. For the
purposes of our case, properties of this ontology are used in order to define different
type of information about businesses (e.g. subsidiaries of a company).
124 M. Vafopoulos et al.

2.2 The ELOD Ontological Schema

The ontology of each data source along with its description and example queries can be
found on Github21. In this repository, we describe in an analytical way the ontological
schema created for the modeling of each data source described in Sect. 2. Apart from
the ontology description, SPARQL queries are provided along with a sample of their
responses. The model of our ontological schema is depicted in Fig. 1. As it shows,
government forms and publishes budgets, parts of which include projects and works
that are assigned through calls for tenders. After contracts have being signed and
projects are fulfilled, funds are transferred. Spending data are often used to assess the
completion of public budgets. However, another type of added-value fiscal information
that has been started to provided publicly is subsidies and aid data. Subsidies include
government payments to firms and households based on a development plan (e.g. in
Greece we have the Greek National Strategic Reference Framework (,
while in EU the Procurements, subsidies and aid
awarding processes are involving the exchange of information among authorities (e.g.
tax offices, business registries and various public agencies) and the official publication
of relevant information (e.g. call for tenders, payments).

Fig. 1. Ontological model that incorporates interconnections between public finances and
market processes

In addition to the above, we have also modeled the Market domain. Information
about the market process (e.g. price, value of sales and quality) is an important source
of business value and is mostly closed into corporate environments. Market process
information is partially shared with government authorities (e.g. tax office), suppliers
and consumers. Although, there is a small but crucial part of business information that

The eLOD Ontology: Modeling Economic Open Data 125

should shared publicly as open data to ensure that quality and competition are best
served. This set of publicly available information should include the vector of prices (at
least for basic goods and services), aggregated quantities sold in wholesale and retail
markets and all the relevant input to assess quality of provisioned products and ser-
vices. In Greece, a representative sampling of retail prices for thousands basic con-
sumer goods and fuels can be retrieved in regular basis. In some cases, (e.g. Central
Market of Thessaloniki) wholesale prices and quantities are provided for fruit, veg-
etables and meat. In order to make clearer to the reader the reuse and incorporation of
the aforementioned ontologies and vocabularies to the eLOD Ontology, two infor-
mative tables are provided. Table 2 presents the percentage of the classes and prop-
erties belonging to each vocabulary.

Table 2. Classes/properties percentage use of established vocabularies in eLOD ontology

Vocabulary Distribution of classes Distribution of properties
in eLOD ontology (%) in eLOD ontology (%)
{Own semantics} 50 % 67.7 %
Good relations 15.9 % 8.7 %
Public contracts 9.1 % 7.7 %
Organizations 9.1 % 3.1 %
SKOS 4.5 % 3.1 %
Registered organization 4.5 % 2.6 %
FOAF 4.5 % 1.0 %
vCard 2.3 % 2.6 %
Dublin core – 3.1 %
DBpedia – 0.5 %

2.3 Approach and Reuse

The eLOD ontology is based more on a theory-driven than in data- or statistics-driven
approach. It has been designed to better balance the trade-off of being as generic as to
be scalable to future open data categories and as specific as to be compatible with
existing initiatives. It could be an opportunity for many of the diverse communities,
which are working on transparency, global standards and economic data, to join forces
in addressing useful and not-yet-answered questions. For example, we can’t yet
answer, if public spending is expensive and comparable across countries? or can we
compare financial ratios in public budgets? Can we comparatively analyze wholesale
and retail prices? Due to its theory-driven approach eLOD is used by two major
European projects related to open economic data. Your Data Stories (YDS, your- is an EU funded project (Grant Agreement No. 645886) that aims to
convert publically available economic open data into re-usable and interoperable
building blocks that can be used to construct applications. YDS will allow any actor to
design and implement personalised public services. Based on the eLOD model feeds
from trusted sources will be interconnected with the new and re-purposed data feeds
126 M. Vafopoulos et al.

Table 3. Query 1 results [Hellenic telecommunications organization S.A.]

Diavgeia Number of payments 11,288
Total amount 44,550,925.34
(in Euros)
e-Procurement Number of payments 289
Total amount 30,570,036.85
(in Euros)
NSRF Number of subsidies 5
Total amount 208,311
(in Euros)

provided by users of the social web in order to form a meaningful, searchable, cus-
tomizable, re-usable and open hyper–market of data, feeds, and services. The second
project is Big Data Europe ( which is funded by EU
(grant agreement n. 644564) for enabling European companies to build innovative
multilingual products and services based on semantically interoperable, large-scale,
multi-lingual data assets and knowledge, available under a variety of licenses and
business models. LOE model has been selected to support the implementation of one of
the seven societal challenges that Big Data Europe focuses. In particular, the social
sciences challenge refers to statistical and research data linking and integration and will
focus on citizens budgeting and control (Table 4).

Table 4. Federated Query 2 results [Hellenic telecommunications organization S.A.]

Expense approval counter 7,738
Expense approval amount 35,746,746.58
Founding year 1949
Net income 676,400,000
Number of employees 29,330

3 Asking the Data: A Case Study

The aim of is not only to transform and semantically enrich the
input data into RDF graphs, but also to apply a unified ontological model in order to
treat and query distinct datasets as one.
As already mentioned, a public endpoint22 allows the search of the collected
semantic data and their combination and enrichment with other sources. SPARQL
Query 1 displays the advantages of having a unified ontological model, as it combines
such data from three different sources, namely Diavgeia, e-Procurement and NSRF. The
query returns the number of decisions and subsidies referring to payments and their total
amount in Euros for the case of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A

The eLOD Ontology: Modeling Economic Open Data 127

(member of the Deutsche Telekom Group). For these decisions this organization appears
as “seller”, meaning that it receives payments for offering a service or from selling a
One of the main characteristics of the semantic data is that other publicly available
datasets from the LOD cloud can at the same time be queried and combined with
relevant information. Such an example is the federated SPARQL Query 2, which
combines the economical data of Diavgeia, as stored in our graph, along with DBpedia
information. Table 3 depicts the results we receive when we “ask” our data combined
with DBpedia for the case of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A.
Apart from the information from Diavgeia, the user receives information in respect to
the organization’s founding year, net income and number of employees.

4 Discussion - Future Work

This paper presents (i) the economic open data sources used, (ii) the ontological model
that orchestrate linked data flows, (iii) the common controlled vocabularies that are
incorporated in eLOD ontology in order to place it the global economic Linked Data
cloud. All consist of the “data engine” of LinkedEconomy, a project that lead to
publishing data of high added value not only for exploration purposes, but also for
exploiting the benefits of transparency and openness to the citizens, the research
community, and the government itself. Through this research initiative, our team
tackled the challenge of building a common terminology for the basic financial and
economy activities, which will -in turn- facilitate the research over new linked data and
sources. All described components form a system capable of linking economy-related
data at large scale, creating in parallel a framework for collect, validate, clean and
publish linked data streams. Our efforts produced a CKAN repository, which publishes
datasets from sources that are being updated regularly and contain valuable information
in respect to social and economic research23. Citizens and economy stakeholders
(government, local authorities, etc.) can exploit 27 datasets from 14 classified data
sources in machine-readable format (xlsx, csv, rdf). Examples include economy data,
such as public procurements, budgets, prices, expenditures, data from the insurance
domain and employment, as well as financial and macro-economic data. As we
envisage the use of Web 3.0 technologies and we acknowledge the benefits of open-
ness, we offer a publicly available SPARQL endpoint that consists of more than 210M
triplets in total, and we share all ontological schemas and related specifications in
Finally, as publicly available open data are growing rapidly worldwide, we cur-
rently work on modeling many foreign economic datasets according the already
semantic knowledge we developed. We expect to support really soon the provision of
more than 15 different economic datasets from Europe, UK, Australia, USA and
Canada, while we plan to further extend this economy-linked data cloud in the near

128 M. Vafopoulos et al.

Acknowledgements. This work has been supported by a national co-funded project

( under the 4th National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) period
between 2007 and 2013. It was implemented by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
and the University of Piraeus Research Centre. The project aimed at providing a universal access
to Greek and International economy data, as well as at promoting the benefits of linking
heterogeneous sources under the concept of open and reusable data in this critical domain.

The eLOD Ontology: Modeling Economic Open Data 129
130 M. Vafopoulos et al.

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Web Image Indexing Using WICE
and a Learning-Free Language Model

Nicolas Tsapatsoulis(B)

Department of Communication and Internet Studies,

Cyprus University of Technology, 30, Arch. Kyprianos Str., 3036 Limassol, Cyprus

Abstract. With the advent of Web 2.0 and the rapidly increasing pop-
ularity of online social networks that make extended use of visual infor-
mation, like Facebook and Instagram, web image indexing regained great
attention among the researchers in the areas of image indexing and infor-
mation retrieval. Web image indexing is traditionally approached, by
commercial search engines, using text-based information such as image
file names, anchor text, web-page keywords and, of course, surrounding
text. In the latter case, for effective indexing, two requirements should be
met: Correct identification of the related text, known as image context,
and extraction of the right terms from this text. Usually, researchers
working in the field of web image indexing consider that once the image
context is identified extraction of indexing terms is trivial. However, we
have shown in our previous work that this is not the rule of thumb.
In this paper we get advantage of Web Image Context Extraction
(WICE) using visual web-page parsing and specific distance metrics and
following this we locate key terms within this text to index the image
using language models. In this way, the proposed method is totally learn-
ing free, i.e., no corpus need to be collected to train the keyword extrac-
tion component, while the identified indexing terms are more descriptive
for the image since they are extracted from a portion of web-page’s text.
This deviates from the traditional web image indexing approach in which
keywords are extracted from all text in the web-page. The evaluation,
performed on a dataset of 978 manually annotated web images taken
from 243 web pages, shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach
both in image context extraction and indexing.

Keywords: Image retrieval · Web image indexing · Web page parsing ·

Language models

1 Introduction

Since the beginning of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the development
of cheap digital recording and storage devices the amount of available on-line
digital images, continuously increases. The increasing popularity of online social

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 131–140, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 12
132 N. Tsapatsoulis

networks, like Instagram, that are based on visual information push further this
tendency. As a result, effective and efficient web image indexing and retrieval
schemes are of high importance and a lot of research has been devoted towards
this end.
In general, image retrieval research efforts are falling into two broad cate-
gories: content-based and text-based. Content-based methods retrieve images by
analyzing and comparing the content of a given image example as a starting
point. Text-based methods are similar to document retrieval and retrieve images
using keywords. The latter is the approach of preference both for ordinary users
and search engine engineers. Besides the fact that the majority of users are
familiar with text-based queries, content-based image retrieval lacks semantic
meaning. Furthermore, image examples that have to be given as a query are
rarely available. From the search engine perspective, text-based image retrieval
methods get advantage of the well established techniques for document indexing
and are integrated into a unified document retrieval framework. However, for
text-based image retrieval to be feasible, images must be somehow related with
specific keywords or textual description. In contemporary search engines this
kind of textual description is, usually, obtained from the web page, or the docu-
ment, containing the corresponding images and includes HTML alternative text,
the file names of the images, captions, metadata tags and surrounding text [1,2].
Text metadata are not always available, and in most cases are not accurate (i.e.,
they do not fully describe the visual content of the image). In addition, disam-
biguation of different visual aspects of the same term is very difficult using text
metadata without taking into consideration the context.
Surrounding text, is the text that surrounds a Web image inside an HTML
document. This text is, indeed, a very important source of semantic informa-
tion for the image. However, automatic localization of surrounding text is by no
means easy mainly due to the modern web-page layout formatting techniques
which are based on external files (stylesheets). As a result, visual segmentation
(parsing) of the rendered web-page is required in order to identify the surround-
ing text of an image. The need to automatically extract the semantically related,
to an image, textual blocks and assign them to this image led to what we call
Web Image Context Extraction (WICE). In that terms, WICE is the process of
automatically assigning the textual blocks of a web document to the images of
the same document they refer to [3].
In content-based image retrieval features such as color, shape or texture are
used for indexing and searching web images. The user provides a target image
and the system retrieves the best ranked images based on their similarity from
the user’s query. Although it has been a long time since the scientists, working on
this area, defined the semantic gap [4], i.e., the inability of a system to interpret
images based on automatically extracted low-level features, a solution still does
not exist. WICE methods may be used as a means of bridging this gap. For
instance, in [5] the authors propose an auto-annotation system which combines
a content-based search stage to image annotation along with a text-based stage
in order to leverage the image dataset in learning from similar annotations.
Web Image Indexing Using WICE 133

Despite the fact that image context identification and text-based image
indexing is very important per se, the huge amount of images which do no appear
in web-pages or they do not have a clearly related context, either as surrounding
text or as specific keywords, puts another challenge. Recently, the idea of visual
concept modeling [6,7] was proposed as possible solution to this problem. In
these approaches keywords are modeled through via low-level features and non-
annotated images are passed through these models in order to identify possible
matches with the visual representation of the models and assigned the corre-
sponding keywords. The approach is promising but the keyword models require
proper training, usually approached as a learning by example procedure, and,
thus, they depend heavily on the selected corpus and keyword identification. So
far the training set was created using manually annotated data and, for quality
assurance on the keyword selection, crowdsourcing methods were adopted [8,9].
Recently, Giannoulakis and Tsapatsoulis [10] investigated the case of Instagram
as a source for annotated images concluding that an overall 26 % of hashtags
accompanying photos in Instagram are related with photos’ visual content. Thus,
filtering approaches are still required for a proper training set to be created.
In this paper we investigate the automatic extraction of keywords, from a
web-image’s context, that can be used either for image indexing or for the auto-
matic creation for training datasets for the visual modeling of keywords men-
tioned above. Our method deviates from existing approaches in a very important
aspect: It does not require any sort of training since it is based on a priori fixed
English language model to identify the importance of a keyword in a text frag-
ment. The latter is identified through a computationally efficient visual-based
html parsing algorithm. The fact that image context is in most cases concise
leads traditional approaches, like probabilistic, tf-idf based and clustering based
ones, to failure. Thus, image context needs to extended, but, in this case the
correlation of the selected text with a specific image in the web page decreases
and all images in the web-page tend to share the same indexes (which are also
similar to the indexes of the web-page itself). Finally, probabilistic, tf-idf and
clustering based approaches require training. As a result the problem is recy-
cled: In order to automatically index non-explicitly annotated images you need
training examples but in order to automatically create the training examples
you need train the indexing extraction algorithms!

2 Related Work
2.1 WICE Methods
In text-based web image retrieval, image file names, anchor texts, surrounding
paragraphs or even the whole text of the hosting web page are traditionally
used. The user provides keywords or key phrases and text retrieval techniques
are used for the retrieval of the best ranked image. Early examples of these
methods include [11–13]. However, it turned out very soon that the relevant,
to each image, text fragment of the hosting web page must be extracted for
better accuracy of retrieval. This is the well-known WICE problem [3], already
134 N. Tsapatsoulis

mentioned in introduction. The high diversity of designing patterns in web pages,

the noisy environment (advertisements, graphics, navigational objects etc.), end
the existence of too much textual and visual information in single documents
are prohibiting factors a WICE system must overcome.
Several WICE methods have been proposed in the literature. A first category
of approaches as [14,15], make use of the DOM tree structure of the hosting web
page. In general these methods are not adaptive and they are designed for specific
design patterns.
Web page visual segmentation is a second category of approaches to the
WICE problem. This kind of approaches was initially proposed in [16], where
the authors use Vision based Page Segmentation (VIPS) [17] in order to extract
blocks, which contain both image and text, and construct an image graph using
link structures. Web page segmentation is indeed a more adequate solution to
the problem of text extraction since it is adaptable to different web page styles
and depends on the visual cues that form each web page. Most of the proposed
algorithms falling within this approach they are computationally heavy [18] and
they are not designed specifically for the problem of image indexing [19]; there-
fore, they often deliver poor results [20]. In addition the creators of VIPS stopped
its maintenance as early as in 2011.
In the proposed approach, the WICE problem is tackled through HTML
code parsing of the rendered web page. This approach is computationally light
and easily applicable and in modern web pages that include several CSS files,
for styling purposes, as well as dynamic elements (such as PHP code), is quite
effective. It executes html parsing by combining the ideas and the tool presented
in [21] with the open source code of Mozilla web browser1 .

2.2 Web Image Indexing from Concise Text Fragments

The text fragments identified by WICE methods are usually very concise; as
a result traditional keyword extraction (tf-idf like methods) does not apply.
Web image retrieval based on clickthrough data is more relevant and effective.
Clickthrough data are usually collected from search logs and include text queries
and data from relevance feedback [22]. These methods [23–26] are quite effective
but they are based on machine learning; thus, they suffer from the scalability
problem and they are inappropriate for large scale web image retrieval.
The proposed method uses a learning-free language model for web image
indexing using text fragments located by a new WICE method explained next.

3 The Proposed Method

The overall architecture of the proposed method is shown in Fig. 1 along with an
illustrative example. It consists of three main steps: (a) html parsing, obtained
with the aid of the lxml parser2 , (b) the WICE algorithm, and (c) an English
language model accompanied by an keyword extraction algorithm.
Web Image Indexing Using WICE 135

Fig. 1. The architecture of the proposed method through an example

3.1 The WICE Algorithm

The aim of the WICE algorithm is to identify the context (text fragment) of an
image given its URL. First the position of the image and its (rendered) dimen-
sions are computed with the aid of the Mozilla open source code. Small images
and graphic types (i.e., gif) corresponding to logos and banners are discarded in
this stage. Next the nearby sentences (text belonging to the same level as the
image in the DOM tree and being within a radius equal to 0.3 of web page’s
rendered height from image’s center) of the image are selected along with the
caption, alternative text (if exists) and the hyperlink text. All these text data
are merged together to form the text fragment (referred to as image context in
the following) related to the given image.

3.2 An English Language Model for Image Retrieval

The relative frequency fw of appearance of a word ‘w’ in natural (human) lan-

guages follows the well known Zipf law [27]; that is the product of fw with the
ranking Rw of word ‘w’ is approximately constant:

fw · Rw = c (1)

Given that the number of words in web pages is very large and continuously
increasing, due to new documents, misspelling, slang, etc., the probability of
136 N. Tsapatsoulis

Table 1. Examples of the performance of language model. P (w) is the actual proba-
bility of word w

Word (w) Rw P (w) c

Rw +kRw
of 2 0.0280 0.0600 0.0374
to 3 0.0260 0.0400 0.0277
with 14 0.0060 0.0086 0.0067
at 15 0.0056 0.0080 0.0063
his 24 0.0038 0.0050 0.0035
but 25 0.0038 0.0048 0.0034

appearance P (w) of a word ‘w’ in a web page can be approximated by considering

P (w) = fw as follows:
P (w) = (2)
In text-based retrieval a common keyword identification method involves the
well-known tf-idf score. Words, or more general, tokens [27] with high tf-idf score
in a given document or text fragment are considered important (keywords) for its
description and can be used as indices. However, while the tf (term frequency)
value depends only in the specific document the idf (inverse document frequency)
value is computed based on a relative large number of relevant documents. Thus,
in order to compute tf-idf we need a training corpus.
In this paper, we argue that web images appear in every type of document in
the web, and, as a result it is not necessary to collect a specific domain corpus to
compute idf and find the keywords of a text fragment. Therefore, we approximate
the idf value with P (w) and we arrive in a learning free indexing method for text
fragments related with web images. Equation 2 gives a rough approximation of
P (w). After a little experimentation (see Table 1 for some examples) we found
that a more accurate language model can be obtained by:
P (w) = (3)
Rw + k Rw
where c = 0.12 and k = 1.1.
In any case, in order for a language model given above to be useful the
ranking Rw 3 of every word should be available. In this work we get advantage
of the ‘Wordcount’ project4 for this purpose.
Keyword extraction is facilitated by the language model and involves a series
of steps: (a) text fragment segmentation into sentences, (b) stopwords removal,
(c) part of speech (POS) tagging, (e) noun and proper noun selection as candi-
date indices, (f) ranking of selected terms based on the adopted language model,
and (g) final selection of the indexing terms (keywords) based on the S = Ptf (w)

Web Image Indexing Using WICE 137

Table 2. Evaluation results for context extraction. GS denotes gold standard

# tokens in # tokens TP FP FN R P F-measure

GS found
Context 61683 65918 52267 13651 9416 0.847 0.793 0.819

score (terms whose score exceeds an empirically derived threshold T are kept as

4 Experimental Evaluation
In order to evaluate the proposed method 978 web images taken from 243 web
pages were used. Three annotators (students of the Cyprus University of Tech-
nology) were asked, independently, to: (a) for each image identify and copy its
context (text fragment), and (b) select the keywords from context that best
describe the image. The contexts and keywords from the three annotators were
merged and used as the gold standard for the evaluation of the proposed method.
Indicative examples of images, their context and the keywords chosen by the
annotators and found by the algorithm are online available5 .
Table 2 summarizes the results of context extraction. By TP we denote the
‘True Positive’ rate, that is, the tokens that were in the gold standard and found
by the algorithm. Similarly FP denotes ‘False Positive’ rate, i.e., tokens found by
the algorithm but not in the gold standard and FN denotes ‘False Negative’ rate,
that is, tokens in the gold standard that were not found. Recall (R), Precision
(P ) and F-score (F ) values are computed as usual by:

R= (4)
P = (5)
2·P ·R
F = (6)
P +R
We can see in Table 2 that the algorithm tends to include in image context
more tokens than those identified by the annotators. This is mainly caused by our
decision to include in image context not only the nearby sentences but the tokens
in image caption and image’s hyperlink. The latter was typically never selected
by the annotators although from several studies we know that the information in
hyperlinks is of utmost importance in information retrieval. Overall, the results
are satisfactory given the simplicity of the proposed method. For comparison see
the results reported by Alcic and Conrad [15].

138 N. Tsapatsoulis

Table 3. Evaluation results for keyword identification

# keywords # keywords TP FP FN R P F-measure

in GS found
Keyword 5966 7237 2836 3130 4401 0.475 0.392 0.430

Table 3 shows the results of keyword identification. We observe that the recall
rate is close to 50 % which is very promising compared to similar methods (see for
instance [26]). Human annotators tend to use more ‘emotional’ words to describe
images even in cases where the visual content does not correspond clearly to
these terms. On the hand the proposed algorithm promotes nouns as keywords
(a choice made during the design of the algorithm) and especially named entities
(as a result of the use of the proposed language model). Similarly to the context
extraction case the algorithm identifies, in general, more keywords than the
annotators causing the recall to become higher than precision. Nevertheless,
in information retrieval the tendency is to pursuit higher recall than precision
(irrelevant results are better than no results).

5 Conclusion and Further Work

In this paper we have presented a method for web page image indexing which
is based on language models. The method can be applied to identify keywords
for any web image without training on a particular corpus. It is based on raw
html parsing of web pages to identify the nearest (to the image) text block and
then a metric which combines the frequency of terms in the block with their
frequency ranking, in the corresponding language, is used. Preliminary results,
on an especially designed and annotated web image database, are promising and
show the effectiveness of the proposed method. However, there are also some
limitations that need to be surpassed for the method to be widely applied while
some improvements are planned for (near) future work. The effectiveness of the
proposed system on ‘carousel’ type web images needs to be tested. Furthermore,
the algorithm is currently applied only on English web pages since we get advan-
tage of the ranking of English words to create our language model. However, once
such a study for any other natural language exists the extension of the proposed
method is straightforward.
An improvement of the proposed method is to consider the structure of the
surrounding text to further weight the terms. Thus, terms that appear in headers,
subheaders, weblinks, etc., will be given higher importance than the terms in
the plain text. Finally, the method will be used in the context of visual concept
modeling [8] for automatic creation of image-keywords pairs that are required
for training purposes. In this context, the other basic limitation of this work,
that is, the inability of applying it to non-web images, will be overcome. For
more information on this, please see [6,7].
Web Image Indexing Using WICE 139

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An Intelligent Internet Search Assistant
Based on the Random Neural Network

Will Serrano(&) and Erol Gelenbe

Intelligent Systems and Networks Group, Electrical and Electronic Engineering,

Imperial College London, London, UK

Abstract. Even web services that are free of charge, typically offer access to
online information based on some form of economic interest of the web service
itself. Thus advertisers who put the information on the web will make a payment
to the search services based on the clicks that their advertisements receive. Thus
end users cannot know that the results they obtain from Web search engines are
exhaustive, or that they actually respond to their needs. To fill the gap between
user needs and the information that is presented to them on the web, Intelligent
Search Assistants have been proposed to act at the interface between users and
search engines to present data to users in a manner that reflects their actual needs
or their observed or stated preferences. This paper presents an Intelligent
Internet Search Assistant based on the Random Neural Network that tracks the
user’s preferences and makes a selection on the output of one or more search
engines using the preferences that it has learned. We also introduce a “relevance
metric” to compare the performance of our Intelligent Internet Search Assistant
against a few search engines, showing that it provides better performance.

Keywords: Intelligent Internet Search Assistant  World Wide Web  Random

Neural Network  Web search  Search engines

1 Introduction

The need to search for specific information in the ever expanding Internet has led the
development of Web search engines. Whereas their benefit is the provision of a direct
connection between users and the information or products sought, any search outcome
will be influenced by a commercial interest as well as by the users’ own ambiguity in
formulating their requests or queries. An example of this situation is travel services.
The Internet has made accessible real time travel industry’s information and services;
customers can purchase flight tickets, hotels and holiday packs online. Distribution
costs have been reduced due a shorter value chain; however businesses not shown on
the top positions within the search results may lose potential customers. A similar
scenario also occurs within academic search; the Internet has allowed the democrati-
zation of academic publications. Authors can upload their work onto their personal
Webpages bypassing the traditional model of the journal peer review. There is the
biased interest from authors to get their publications in top search positions in order to
reach a bigger audience so they will be cited more. In both examples ranking

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 141–153, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_13
142 W. Serrano and E. Gelenbe

algorithms are essential as they decide the relevance; they make information visible or
hidden to customers or users. Under this model, Web search engines or recommender
systems can be tempted to artificially rank results from some specific businesses for a
fee whereas also authors or business can be tempted to manipulate ranking algorithms
by “optimizing” the presentation of their work or products. The main consequence is
that irrelevant results may be shown on top positions and relevant ones “hidden” at the
very bottom of the search list.
In order to address the presented search issues; this paper proposes an Intelligent
Internet Search Assistant (ISA) that acts as an interface between an individual user’s
query and the different search engines. Our ISA acquires a query from the user and
retrieves results from one or various search engines assigning one neuron per each Web
result dimension. The result relevance is calculated by applying our innovative cost
function based on the division of a query into a multidimensional vector weighting its
dimension terms with different relevance parameters. Our ISA adapts and learns the
perceived user’s interest and reorders the retrieved snippets based in our dimension
relevant centre point. Our ISA learns result relevance on an iterative process where the
user evaluates directly the listed results. We evaluate and compare its performance
against other search engines with a new proposed quality definition, which combines
both relevance and rank. We have also included two learning algorithms; Gradient
Descent learns the centre of relevant dimensions and Reinforcement Learning updates
the network weights based on rewarding relevant dimensions and punishing irrelevant
ones. We have validated our ISA against other Web search engines and metasearch
engines using travel services and open user queries. We have also analysed the Gra-
dient Descent and Reinforcement Learning algorithms based on result relevance and
learning speed.
We describe the application of neural networks in Web search in Sect. 2. We define
our Intelligent Internet Search Assistant mathematical model in Sect. 3 and we have
validated it against other Web search engines in Sect. 4. Finally, we present our
conclusions in Sect. 5.

2 Related Work

The ability of neural networks to learn iteratively from different inputs to acquire the
desired outputs as a mechanism of adaptation to users’ interest in order to provide
relevant answers have already been applied in the World Wide Web and recommender
F. Scarselli et al. [1] and M. Chau et al. [2] use a neural network by assigning a
neuron to each Web page; they create a graph where the neural links are the equivalent
of the hyperlinks. S. Bermejo et al. [3] use a similar approach to our proposal, the
allocation of one neuron per Web search result, however the main difference is that the
network is trained to cluster results by meaning. C. Burgues et al. [4] define RankNet
which uses neural networks to evaluate Web sites by training the neural network based
on query-document pairs. Shu, B. et al. [5] retrieve results from different Web search
engines and train the network following the assumption that a result in a top position
would be relevant. J. Boyan et al. [6] use reinforcement learning to rank Web pages
An Intelligent Internet Search Assistant 143

using their HTML properties and hyperlink connections between them. X. Wang et al.
[7] use a back propagation neural network with its input nodes corresponding to an
specific quantified user profile and one output node which it is the a probability the user
would consider the Web page relevant.

3 The Intelligent Internet Search Assistant Model

The search assistant we design is based on the Random Neural Network (RNN) [8–10].
This is a biologically inspired spiking recurrent stochastic model for neural networks.
Its main analytical properties are the “product form” and the existence of the unique
network steady state solution. The RNN represents more closely how signals are
transmitted in many biological neural networks where they actual travel as spikes or
impulses, rather than as analogue signal levels. It has been used in different applications
including network routing with cognitive packet networks, using reinforcement
learning, which requires the search for paths that meet certain pre-specified quality of
service requirements [11, 17], search for exit routes for evacuees in emergency situ-
ations [12, 13], pattern based search for specific objects [14], video compression [15],
and image texture learning and generation [16].

3.1 Search Model

In the case of our own application of the RNN, the search for information or for some
meaning needs requires us to specify some elements: an M-dimensional universe of X
entities or ideas to be searched, a high level query that specifies the N-properties or
concepts requested by a user and a method that searches and selects Y entities from the
universe showing the first Z results to user according to an algorithm or rule. Each
entity or concept in the universe is distinct from the others in some recognizable way;
for instance two entities may be different just in the date or time-stamp that charac-
terizes the time when they were last stored or in the ownership or origin of the entities.
On the other hand, we consider concepts to be distinct if they contain any different
meaning, even though if they are identical with respect to a user’s query.
We consider that the universe which we are searching within as a relation U that
consists of a set of X M-tuples, U = {v1, v2 … vX}, where vi = (li1, li2 … liM) and li are
the M different attributes for i = 1, 2 … X. The relation U is a very large relation
consisting on M > > N attributes. The important concept in the development of this
paper is a query can be defined as Rt(n(t)) = (Rt(1), Rt(2), …, Rt(n(t))) where n(t) is a
variable N-dimension attribute vector with 1 < N < M and t is the search iteration
being t > 0; n(t) is variable so that attributes can be added or removed based on their
relevance as the search progresses, i.e. as t increases. Each Rt(n(t)) takes its values from
the attributes within the domain D(n(t)), where D is the corresponding domain that
forms the universe U. Thus D(n(t)) is a set of properties or meanings based in words or
integers, but also words in another language, or a set of icons, images or sounds.
The answer A to the query Rt(n(t)) is a set of Y M-tuples A = {v1, v2 … vY} where
vo = (lo1, lo2 … loM) and lo are the M different attributes for o = 1, 2 … Y.
144 W. Serrano and E. Gelenbe

Our Intelligent Internet Search Assistant only shows to the user the first set of Z tuples
that have the highest neuron potentials among the set of Y tuples. The neuron potential
that represents the relevance of each M-tuple vo is calculated at each t iteration. The
user or the high level query itself is limited mainly by two main factors: the user’s lack
of information about all the attributes that form the universe U of entities and ideas, or
the user’s lack of precise knowledge about what he is looking for.

3.2 Result Cost Function

We consider the universe U is formed of the entire results that can be searched. We
assign each result provided by a search engine to an M-tuple vo of the answer set A. We
calculate the result relevance based on a cost function described within this section. The
query Rt(n(t)) is a variable N-dimension vector that specifies the attributes the user
consider relevant. The number of dimensions of the attribute vector n(t) varies as the
iteration t increases. Our Intelligent Internet Search Assistant associates an M-tuple vo
to each result provided by the Search Engine creating an answer set A of Y M-tuples.
Search Engines select their results from the universe U. We apply our cost function to
each result or M-tuple vo from the answer set A of Y M-tuples. We consider each vo as
a M-dimensional vector. The cost function is firstly calculated based on the relevant N
attributes the user introduced on the High Level Query, R1(n(1)) within the domain D(n
(1)) however, as the search progresses, Rt(n(t)), attributes may be added or removed
based on the perceived relevance within the domain D’(n(t)). We calculate the overall
Result Score, RS, by measuring the relationship between the values of its different

RS ¼ RV  HW ð1Þ

where RV is the Result Value which measures the result relevance and HW the
Homogeneity Weight. The Homogeneity Weight (HW) rewards results that have rel-
evance or scores dispersed along their attributes. This parameter is also based on the
idea that the first dimensions or attributes of the user query Rt(n(t)) are more important
than the last ones:

HW ¼ ð2Þ
where HF[n], homogeneity factor, is a N-dimension vector associated to the result and
n is the attribute index from the query Rt(n(t)):

 N n if SD[n] [ 0
HF[n] ¼  ð3Þ

 0 if SD[n] ¼ 0
An Intelligent Internet Search Assistant 145

We define Score Dimension SD[n] as a N-dimension vector that represents the

attribute values of each result or M-tuple vo in relation with the query Rt(n(t)). The
Result Value (RV) is the sum of each dimension individual score:

RV ¼ SD[n] ð4Þ

where n is the attribute index from the query Rt(n(t)). Each dimension of the Score
Dimension vector SD[n] is calculated independently for each n-attribute value that
forms the query Rt(n(t)):

SD[n] ¼ S  PPW  RPW  DPW ð5Þ

We consider only three different types of domains of interest: words, numbers (as
for dates and times) and prices. S is the score calculated depending if the domain of the
attribute is a word (WS), number (NS) or price (PS). If the domain D(n) is a word, our
ISA calculates the score Word Score (WS) following the formula:

S¼ ð6Þ
where the value of WR is 1 if the word of the n-attribute of the query Rt(n(t)) is
contained in the search result or 0 otherwise. NW is the number of words in the search
result. If the domain D(n) is a number, our ISA selects the best Number Score
(NS) from the numbers they are contained within the search result that maximizes the
cost function:
1  DV þ RV
j j j j
S¼ ð7Þ
where DV is the value of the n-attribute of the query Rt(n(t)), RV is the value of a
number in the result and NN is the total number of numbers in the result. If the domain
D(n) is a price, our ISA chooses the best Price Score (PS) from the prices in the result
that maximizes the cost function:
S ¼ ð8Þ
where DV is value of the n-attribute of the query Rt(n(t)), RV is the value of a price in
the result and NP is the total number of prices in the result. We penalize if the search
result provides unnecessary information by dividing the score by the total amount of
elements in the Web result. The dimension Score Dimension vector, SD[n] is weighted
according to different relevance factors:
146 W. Serrano and E. Gelenbe

SD[n] ¼ S  PPW  RPW  DPW ð9Þ

The Position Parameter Weight (PPW) is based on the idea that an attribute value
shown within the first positions of the search result is more relevant than if it is shown
at the final:

PPW ¼ ð10Þ
where NC is the number of characters in the result and DVP is the position within the
result where the value of the dimension is shown. The Relevance Parameter Weight
(RPW) incorporates the user’s perception of relevance by rewarding the first attributes
of the query Rt(n(t)) as highly desirable and penalising the last ones:

RPW ¼ 1  ð11Þ
where PD is the position of the n-attribute of the query Rt(n(t)) and N is the total
number of dimensions of the query vector Rt(n(t)). The Dimension Parameter Weight
(DPW) incorporates the observation of user relevance with the value of domains D(n
(t)) by providing a better score on the domain values the user has more filled on the

DPW ¼ ð12Þ
where NDT is the number of dimensions with the same domain (word, number or
price) on the query Rt(n(t)) and N is the total number of dimensions of the query vector
Rt(n(t)). We assign this final Result Score value (RS) to each M-tuple vo of the answer
set A. This value is used by our ISA to reorder the answer set A of Y M-tuples,
showing to the user the first set of Z results which have the higher potential value.

3.3 User Iteration

The user, based on the answer set A can now act as an intelligent critic and select a
subset of P relevant results, CP, of A. CP is a set that consists of P M-tuples CP = {v1,
v2 … vP}. We consider vP as a vector of M dimensions; vp = (lp1, lp2 … lpM) where lp
are the M different attributes for p = 1, 2 … P. Similarly, the user can also select a
subset of Q irrelevant results, CQ of A, CQ = {v1, v2 … vQ}. We consider vq as a vector
of M dimensions; vq = (lq1, lq2 … lqM) where lq are the M different attributes for q = 1,
2 … Q. Based on the user iteration, our Intelligent Internet Search Assistant provides to
the user with a different answer set A of Z M-tuples reordered to MD, the minimum
distance to the Relevant Centre for the results selected, following the formula:
An Intelligent Internet Search Assistant 147

SDp ½n] lpn
p¼1 p¼1
RCP[n] ¼ ¼ ð13Þ
where P is the number of relevant results selected, n the attribute index from the query
Rt(n(t)) and SDp[n] the associated Score Dimension vector to the result or M-tuple vP
formed of lpn attributes. An equivalent equation applies to the calculation of the
Irrelevant Centre Point. Our Intelligent Internet Search Assistant reorders the retrieved
Y set of M-tuples showing only to the user the first Z set of M-tuples based on the
lowest distance (MD) between the difference of their distances to both Relevant Centre
Point (RD) and the Irrelevant Centre Point (ID) respectively:

MD ¼ RD  ID ð14Þ

where MD is the result distance, RD is the Relevant Distance and ID is the Irrelevant
Distance. The Relevant Distance (RD) of each result or M-tuple vq is formulated as
u N
RD ¼ t ðSD½n  RCP[n]Þ2 ð15Þ

where SD[n] is the Score Dimension vector of the result or M-tuple vq and RCP[n] is
the coordinate of the Relevant Centre Point. Equivalent equation applies to the cal-
culation of the Irrelevant Distance. Therefore we are presenting an iterative search
progress that learns and adapts to the perceived user relevance based on the dimensions
or attributes the user has introduced on the initial query.

3.4 Dimension Learning

The answer set A to the query R1(n(1)) is based on the N dimension query introduced
by the user however results are formed of M dimensions therefore the subset of results
the user has considered as relevant may have other relevant concepts hidden the user
did not considered on the original query. We consider the domain D(m) or the M
attributes from which our universe U is formed as the different independent words that
form the set of Y results retrieved from the search engines. Our cost function is
expanded from the N attributes defined in the query R1(n(1)) to the M attributes that
form the searched results. Our Score Dimension vector, SD[m], is now based on
M-dimensions. An analogue attribute expansion is applied to the Relevance Centre
Calculation, RCP[m]. The query R1(n(1)) is based on the N-Dimension vector intro-
duced by the user however the answer set A consist of Y M-tuples. The user, based on
the presented set A, selects a subset of P relevant results, CP and a subset of Q
irrelevant results, CQ.
Let us consider CP as a set that consists of P M-tuples CP = {v1, v2 … vP} where vP
is a vector of M dimensions; vP = (lp1, lp2 … lpM) and lp are the M different attributes
148 W. Serrano and E. Gelenbe

for p = 1, 2 … P. The M-dimension vector Dimension Average, DA[m], is the average

value of the m-attributes for the selected relevant P results:

SDp ½m] lpm
p¼1 p¼1
DA[m] ¼ ¼ ð16Þ
where P is the number of relevant results selected, m the attribute index of the relation
U and SDp[m] the associated Score Dimension vector to the result or M-tuple vP
formed of lpm attributes. We define ADV as the Average Dimension Value of the
M-dimension vector DA[m]:

ADV ¼ ð17Þ
where M is the total number of attributes that form the relation U. The correlation
vector r[m] is the difference between the dimension values of each result with the
average vector:

SDp ½m]  DA[m] ðlPm DA[m]Þ
p¼1 p¼1
r½m] ¼ ¼ ð18Þ
where P is the number of relevant results selected, m the attribute index of the relation
U and SDp[m] the associated Score Dimension vector to the result or M-tuple vP
formed of lpm attributes. We define C as the average correlation value of the
M-dimensions of the vector r[m]:

C ¼ m¼1 ð19Þ
where M is the total number of attributes that form the relation U. We consider an
m-attribute relevant if its associated Dimension Average value DA[m] is larger than the
average dimension ADV and its correlation value r[m] is lesser than the average
correlation C. We have therefore changed the relevant attributes of the searched entities
or ideas by correlating the error value of its concepts or properties represented as
attributes or dimensions. On the next iteration, the query R2(n(2)) is formed by the
attributes our ISA has considered relevant. The answer to the query R2(n(2)) is a
different set A of Y M-tuples. This process iterates until there are not new relevant
results to be shown to the user.
An Intelligent Internet Search Assistant 149

3.5 Gradient Descent Learning

Gradient Descent learning is based on the adaptation to the perceived user interests or
understanding of meaning by correlating the attribute values of each result to extract
similar meanings and cancel superfluous ones. The ISA Gradient Descent learning
algorithm is based on a recurrent model. The inputs i = {i1, …, iP} are the M-tuples vP
corresponding to the selected relevant result subset CP and the desired outputs y = {y1,
…, yP} are the same values as the input. Our ISA then obtains the learned random
neural network weights, calculates the relevant dimensions and finally reorders the
results according to the minimum distance to the new Relevant Centre Point focused on
the relevant dimensions.

3.6 Reinforcement Learning

The external interaction with the environment is provided when the user selects the
relevant result set CP. Reinforcement Learning adapts to the perceived user relevance
by incrementing the value of relevant dimensions and reducing it for the irrelevant
ones. Reinforcement Learning modifies the values of the m attributes of the results,
accentuating hidden relevant meanings and lowering irrelevant properties. We asso-
ciate the Random Neural Network weights to the answer set A; W = A. Our ISA
updates the network weights W by rewarding the result relevant attributes by:

w(p, m) ¼ s1
lpm þ s1
lpm  PM s1
m¼1 lpm

where p is the result or M-tuple vP formed of lpm attributes, m the result attribute index,
M the total number of attributes and s the iteration number. ISA also updates the
network weights by punishing the result irrelevant attributes by:

w(p, m) ¼ lpm
 PM s1
m¼1 lpm

where p is the result or M-tuple vP formed of lpm attributes, m the result attribute index,
M the total number of attributes and s the iteration number. Our ISA then recalculates
the potential of each of the result based on the updated network weights and reorders
them, showing to the user the results which have a higher potential or score.

4 Validation

The Intelligent Internet Search Assistant we have proposed emulates how Web search
engines work by using a very similar interface to introduce and display information.
We validate our ISA algorithm with a set of three different experiments. Users in the
experiments can both choose between the different Web search engines and the N
number of results they would to retrieve from each one. We propose the following
150 W. Serrano and E. Gelenbe

formula to measure Web search quality; it is based on the concept that a better search
engine provides with a list of more relevant results on top positions. In an list of N
results, we score N to the first result and 1 to the last result, the value of the quality
proposed is then the summation of the position score based of each of the selected
results. Our definition of Quality, Q, can be defined as:

Q¼ RSEi ð22Þ

where RSEi is the rank of the result i in a particular search engine with a value of N if
the result is in the first position and 1 if the result is the last one. Y is the total number
of results selected by the user. The best Web search engine would have the largest
Quality value. We define normalized quality, Q, as the division of the quality, Q, by the
optimum figure which it is when the user consider relevant all the results provided by
the Web search engine. On this situation Y and N have the same value:

Q¼ ð23Þ
N(N þ 1Þ

We define I as the quality improvement between a Web search engine and a


I¼ ð24Þ

where I is the Improvement, QW is the quality of the Web search engine and QR is the
quality reference; we use the Quality of Google as QR in our validation exercise.
In our first experiment we have asked to our validators to search for different
queries using only Google; ISA provides with a set of reordered results from which the
user needs to select the relevant results. We show the average values for the 20 different
queries, the average number of results retrieved by Google and the average number of
results selected by the user. We represent the normalized quality of Google and ISA
with the improvement of our algorithm against Google. In our second experiment, ISA
provides with a reordered list from where the user needs to select which results are
relevant. Our ISA reorders the results using the dimension relevant centre point pro-
viding to the user with another reordered result list from where the user needs to select
the relevant ones. We show the average values for the 16 different queries, the average
number of results selected by the user and the average number of results selected. We
also represent the normalized quality of Google, ISA and the ISA with the relevant
circle iteration including the improvement against Google in both scenarios. In our
third experiment, validators can select from which Web search engine they would their
results to be retrieved from; as in our first experiment, the users need to select the
relevant results. Our ISA combines the results retrieved from the different Web search
engines selected. We present the average values for the 18 different queries. We show
the normalized quality of each Web search engine selected including our ISA; because
An Intelligent Internet Search Assistant 151

users can choose any Web search engine; we are not introducing the improvement
value as we do not have a unique reference Web search engine (Table 1).

Table 1. Web search engine validation

Results Results Google ISA Q ISA I ISA ISA
retrieved selected Q Circle Q Circle I
Experiment 1–20 queries
19.35 8.05 0.4626 0.4878 15.39 % – –
Experiment 2–16 queries
21.75 8.75 0.4451 0.4595 18 % 0.4953 26 %
Web Google Yahoo Ask Lycos Bing ISA
Experiment 3–18 queries
Q 0.2691 0.2587 0.3454 0.3533 0.3429 0.4448

4.1 ISA Learning

Users in the experiments can choose between Google and Bing with either Gradient
Descent or Reinforcement Learning type. Our ISA then collects the first 50 results from
the Web search engine selected, reorders them according to its cost function and finally
show to the user the first 20 results. We consider 50 results is a good approximation of
search depth as more results can add clutter and irrelevance; 20 results is the average
number of results read by a user before he launches another search if he does not find
any relevant one. ISA reorders results while learning on the two step iterative process
showing only the best 20 results to the user. We present the average Quality values of
the Web search engine and ISA for the 29 different queries searched by different users,
the learning type and the Web search engine used. The first I represents the
improvement from ISA against the Web search; the second I is between ISA iterations
2 and 1 and finally the third I is between the ISA iterations 3 and 2 (Table 2).

Table 2. ISA learning validation

Gradient descent learning: 17 queries
0.41 0.58 43 % 0.45 0.61 14 % 0.46 0.62 8 %
Reinforcement learning: 12 queries
0.42 0.57 34 % 0.47 0.67 36 % 0.49 0.68 0.0 %
152 W. Serrano and E. Gelenbe

5 Conclusions

We have proposed a novel approach to Web search where the user iteratively trains the
neural network while looking for relevant results. We have also defined a different
process; the application of the Random Neural Network as a biological inspired
algorithm to measure both user relevance and result ranking based on a predetermined
cost function. Our Intelligent Internet Search Assistant performs generally slightly
better than Google and other Web search engines however, this evaluation may be
biased because users tend to concentrate on the first results provided which were the
ones we showed in our algorithm. Our ISA adapts and learns from user previous
relevance measurements increasing significantly its quality and improvement within the
first iteration. Reinforcement Learning algorithm performs better than Gradient Des-
cent. Although Gradient Descent provides a better quality on the first iteration; Rein-
forcement Learning outperforms on the second one due its higher learning rate. Both of
them have a residual learning on their third iteration. Gradient Descent would have
been the preferred learning algorithm if only one iteration is required; however
Reinforcement Learning would have been a better option in the case of two iterations.
It is not recommended three iterations because learning is only residual.

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Deep Neural Networks for Web Page
Information Extraction

Tomas Gogar(B) , Ondrej Hubacek, and Jan Sedivy

Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague,

Karlovo namesti 13, Prague, Czech Republic

Abstract. Web wrappers are systems for extracting structured infor-

mation from web pages. Currently, wrappers need to be adapted to a
particular website template before they can start the extraction process.
In this work we present a new method, which uses convolutional neural
networks to learn a wrapper that can extract information from previously
unseen templates. Therefore, this wrapper does not need any site-specific
initialization and is able to extract information from a single web page.
We also propose a method for spatial text encoding, which allows us to
encode visual and textual content of a web page into a single neural net.
The first experiments with product information extraction showed very
promising results and suggest that this approach can lead to a general
site-independent web wrapper.

Keywords: Information extraction · Web wrappers · Convolutional

neural networks

1 Introduction

The Internet is the biggest and the fastest growing source of data in today’s
world. Many information systems that gather structured data need to acquire
information from web pages. However, HTML files are designed to be processed
by web browsers and do not contain information in a structured form1 . Therefore,
systems that can extract structured information from web pages receive special
attention in the research community. Such tools are usually referred to as web
Although people can easily extract information from different web pages,
the task of creating an automatic wrapper that can extract information from
multiple websites is considered as a very complex problem. It is mainly because
the semantics of elements depends on many properties such as textual content,
There are efforts to include structured data in HTML, such as project,
but it is still not widely used by web developers.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 154–163, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 14
Deep Neural Networks for Web Page Information Extraction 155

visual appearance and relative positioning. Therefore, the research community

is mainly focused on wrappers that need to be adapted to a particular website
and then they can extract information from its web pages [3,5,8,10,16]. How-
ever, such approach brings many disadvantages, such as difficult scalability and
maintenance. In this work, we show that a combination of visual and textual
data in a single model can help us to create general (multi-site) wrapper. The
three main contributions of this work are: (1) We propose a method of encoding
data from a web rendering engine into a deep neural net - i.e. a method for
spatial encoding of text. (2) On the task of product information extraction, we
show that the neural net could be trained to extract information in non-trivial
cases. (3) We make our dataset, source codes and final model public, in order to
provide a benchmark for future work2 . This paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2
briefly summarizes related work. In Sect. 3 we give an overview of our system,
which is then described in detail in Sects. 4 and 5. In Sect. 6 we summarize our
experiments and discuss achieved results. Finally, Sect. 7 summarizes this work
and suggests future research.

2 Related Work

As we have mentioned in Sect. 1, current wrappers need to be adapted to a partic-

ular website before the extraction process starts. These wrappers make use of the
fact that the web pages are generated from templates and thus have similar struc-
ture. The first group of wrappers uses manually labeled examples for their initial-
ization [3,8,10]. Although these approaches achieve high accuracy, their manual
nature makes them unusable in large-scale extractions. Mainly because initializa-
tion and maintenance of such wrapper for thousands of websites is not feasible.
More recent works address these issues, some propose automatic wrapper mainte-
nance [6,11], some propose methods for automatic initialization. These methods
use tree-matching algorithms in order to find repeated patterns either across
multiple pages [4,12,14] or within a single page [5,16] (more extensive survey of
wrappers can be found in [6]). The disadvantage of these methods is their depen-
dence on repeated patterns, which makes them unable to automatically extract
information from unique document (such as invoice or product description). To
the best of our knowledge, this is the first published work that addresses this
problem by creating domain-specific wrapper that generalizes across previously
unseen templates and does not need any site-specific initialization. Our model
is inspired by deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) used in computer
vision. Since 2012, when Krizhevsky et al. presented DCNN, which established
new state-of-the-art result in image classification task [9], many other methods
using convolutional nets have appeared and many of them have achieved very
good results in other computer vision tasks - such as object detection [7,13] or
visual segmentation [1]. These works have motivated our research, where we try
to apply similar principles to a different area - Information Extraction.

156 T. Gogar et al.

3 Architecture Overview
The semantics of elements in a semi-structured document depends on the textual
content as well as on many other visual properties. Therefore, we convert data
from web page DOM tree to a 2D plane and we use object detection techniques
from computer vision to find DOM elements that contain the requested infor-
mation. Although visual data and textual data were combined in other works on
information extraction [5,16], we believe that this is the first work in this field
that encodes visual and textual data into a single model. The architecture of the
whole classification process is depicted in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. System architecture overview

The following paragraphs briefly describe basic workflow of our method. In

the first phase, we use the web rendering engine to fully interpret the web page
and we save its screenshot and a DOM tree. From the DOM tree we are able
to extract all the nodes together with their positions. Text nodes are then used
to create textual input for the net (see Sect. 4.1) and leaf nodes are used as
candidates for classification (candidate elements are represented by the rectan-
gles they occupy in rendered web page). Then, we use convolutional neural net,
which processes visual and textual context of candidate elements and predicts
their probabilities P (c|element context) of being in one of the predefined classes
c. The target classes c are task-specific, for example the product information
extraction system would classify DOM elements into four classes: Product name,
Main product image, Current final product price and Others.
However, not only the close context of elements plays a role, but also
absolute positioning in the web page is important. Unfortunately, convolutional
networks with large inputs do not capture absolute positioning of their fea-
tures and so we use training data to model spatial probability distributions
P (c|element position) (see Sect. 5), which are used to classify elements based
on their absolute position. The resulting probability P (c|element context) is
Deep Neural Networks for Web Page Information Extraction 157

assumed to be independent of P (c|element position) and thus we get the final

prediction P (c|element position, element context) by multiplication. The ele-
ment with the highest resulting probability is selected as our final prediction for
a given class.

4 Neural Network

Our neural network is implemented in Caffe framework and is based on a model

for object detection described in [7]. In this object detection network visual
features are extracted by multiple convolutional layers and a list of object pro-
posals (represented as rectangles in input space) is then classified into particular
classes. In our work, we use the same principle for classification of proposed rec-
tangles, however, the overall architecture of our network is very different. The
main difference is that our network does not process only visual but also textual

4.1 Spatial Text Encoding

In the field of natural language processing, texts are usually encoded in a form
of vectors [2]. However, these models are not very suitable for processing of
semi-structured documents, because they are designed to capture content of
paragraphs and do not encode exact positions of words. In the following para-
graphs, we describe our approach to text encoding, which we call Spatial bag of
words or simply Text Maps.
DOM tree stores texts in text nodes, which can include text of various length
and we can compute their bounding boxes, i.e. rectangles where all the text from
the nodes is displayed (see Fig. 2). In order to encode texts effectively, we divide
a page with a grid (granularity is an adjustable parameter, see Fig. 2). Using
this grid we can store texts into a sparse tensor with dimensions (N, H/g, W /g),
where N is the size of vocabulary, H and W are page dimensions (in pixels) and
g is the size of the grid cell (in pixels).
The encoding process treats each text node of a web page individually. It
splits the text to individual words and for each word adds 1 to the resulting web
page tensor at positions (i, {X} , {Y }), where {X} and {Y } represents indices of
grid cells that are covered by text node, i is a feature index for a particular word.
The feature index i is not looked up in a dictionary (as in ordinary bag-of-words
settings), but as in [15], it is computed automatically by hashing a word into
values between 0 and (N − 1) (see example in Fig. 2). In our work we have used
Murmurhash3 (32-bit signed), N = 128 and g = 8.
Note that Text Maps compress textual information a lot, we lose information
about word ordering, exact positioning (because of grid size) and even exact word
identity (because of index collisions). However, we get a compact representation
of text, which is the same as representation of images (tensors of size [3, H, W ]).
This property is very important because it gives our model a chance to easily
combine both types of information.
158 T. Gogar et al.

Fig. 2. Example of TextMap creation: (Left) Text nodes with words “ABC”, “DE”,
“FG”, (Right) Resulting text maps for N = 3, h() is a hashing function.

4.2 Network Architecture

This section describes architecture of our neural net which is depicted in Fig. 3.
Our network has three types of inputs: Screenshot (we use upper crop of the
page with dimensions 1280 × 1280, however this net can work with arbitrarily
sized pages), TextMaps (tensor with dimensions 128 × 160 × 160) and Candidate
boxes (list of box coordinates of arbitrary length).
A screenshot is processed by three convolutional layers (the first two lay-
ers are initialized with pretrained weights from BVLC AlexNet). TextMaps are
processed with one convolutional layer with kernel size 1 × 1 and thus its features
capture various combinations of words. These two layers are then concatenated
and processed by final convolutional layer. The parameters of these filters are
summarized in Table 1.
The last convolutional layer has 96 channels and represents the final features
of the web page (see Fig. 3). We then use ROI (Region of Interest) Pooling
method [7] which allows us to take a list of bounding boxes, project them to the
last layer and extract features which spatially correspond to the particular area
on the page. Since DOM elements are sometimes very small, the ROI Pooling
layer is set to max pool only one value from each feature map. This results in one
feature vector (with 96 elements) per each candidate. These candidate vectors
are then individually classified with linear classifier and softmax into final classes
(4 classes in our test case). For more information on ROI Pooling, please see [7].

Table 1. Parameters of convolutional layers. C - convolutional layer, R - ReLU non-

linearity, MP - max-pooling layer

Stage Image Text Both

Type C+R MP C+R C+R C+R C+R
# Channels 96 96 256 384 48 96
Filter size 11 3 5 3 1 5
Stride 4 2 1 1 1 1
Deep Neural Networks for Web Page Information Extraction 159

Fig. 3. Architecture of our CNN: upper part represents visual feature extraction, which
is then combined with textual features (middle). Coordinates of candidate boxes are
projected to final feature tensor and resulting vector is extracted using ROI MaxPool-
ing. Finally, linear model with softmax classifies vector into predefined classes.

4.3 Training
The net was trained using stochastic gradient descent with cross-entropy loss,
with learning rate 5e−4 and momentum 0.9. Mini-batch contains two images each
with 100 candidate elements (3 ground truths + 97 randomly chosen others). In
order to prevent overfitting, we augmented the dataset by randomly changing
hue of screenshots and also by inverting page colors (with 15 % probability).

5 Spatial Probability Distribution

As mentioned in Sect. 3, we need a second model that approximates spatial
probability distribution of class c. This distribution is modeled as:

P (c|x, y) = (fc ∗ g)(x, y) = fc (x − m, y − n) · g(m, n) (1)
m=−M n=−M

where ∗ is convolution, g is 2D discrete gaussian kernel (variance was chosen

experimentally). fc is frequency matrix for class c defined as fc (x, y) = nc (x,y)
N ,
where nc (x, y) is number of samples where element of class c occupied pixel at
(x, y) and N is total number of training samples. When candidate element is
received (with bounding box [l,r,b,t]), its class probability given its position is
computed as an average over pixels it covers:

P (c|elem position) = P (c|(l, r, b, t)) = p(c|x, y) (2)
(r − l) · (b − t)
l≤x≤r t≤y≤b
160 T. Gogar et al.

6 Experiments
We test our framework on the task of product information extraction. The task
is defined as follows: On a given product page, find an element that contains:
Product name, Main product image, Current final product price. Please note, that
we test the model on localization task, i.e. on every page there is exactly one
ground truth element for a given class. Although this task may appear trivial
on some pages, it may be actually very difficult on the others.

6.1 Data Set

Since our system requires specific data, we created a new data set, which consists
of product pages from 39 online retailers from various segments. Each page in
the data set consists of a screenshot and DOM tree stored in the JSON format.
A ground truth label for every class is stored directly in one of the leaf elements
in each DOM tree3 . The task is to label the right leaf elements.

6.2 Baseline Models

Unfortunately, we are not aware of any model that extracts information from
a single web page and that would be suitable for comparison with our work.
However, we would like to explore whether our neural net was able to learn some
non-trivial dependencies between elements. Therefore we compare its results with
two baseline algorithms:

Spatial Distribution Baseline: The first baseline is trivial, given can-

didate leaf elements it selects those with highest spatial probability
P (C|candidate position).

Heuristic+Spatial Distribution Baseline: The second baseline is more complex.

First, it filters candidate elements using simple textual heuristics4 . Then, from
these prefiltered elements, it selects the one with the highest spatial probability
P (C|candidate position).

6.3 Results
Using 10-fold crossvalidation we test how our model works on previously unseen
sites. In Table 2 accuracy achieved on test sites after 10 thousand training iter-
ations is presented. We can see the best results are achieved by Neural Net in
combination with Spatial model. These results are comparable with web wrap-
pers with automatic site initialization.

Sources and data set:
Price candidates contain a dollar sign ($) and arbitrary numbers, Image candidates
does not contain any text, Name candidates contain at least two unique words.
Deep Neural Networks for Web Page Information Extraction 161

Table 2. Comparison of algorithms: mean and standard deviation of accuracy across

10 splits (in percents).

Algorithm Image accuracy Price accuracy Name accuracy

NeuralNet+Spatial 98.7 ± 1.6 95.3 ± 6.6 87.1 ± 15.0
NeuralNet 95.9 ± 2.9 86.2 ± 9.3 78.4 ± 19.0
Baseline: Heuristic+Spatial 63.7 ± 20.1 73.6 ± 18.8 34.4 ± 20.5
Baseline: Spatial 46.5 ± 18.7 9.7 ± 14.4 12.2 ± 12.0

Table 3. Neural Net with different input data: mean and standard deviation of accu-
racy across 10 splits (in percents).

Neural net inputs Image accuracy Price accuracy Name accuracy

Screenshot+TextMap 95.9 ± 2.9 86.2 ± 9.3 78.4 ± 19.0
Screenshot 93.5 ± 7.4 73.3 ± 19.4 73.4 ± 16.0
TextMap 41.4 ± 18.6 77.0 ± 17.9 49.4 ± 18.0

Interesting observation is the gap between Heuristic baseline and our frame-
work in price accuracy (73.6 % vs. 95.4 %). This result suggests that Neural Net
can capture price elements in non-trivial situations. Manual inspection of results
confirms this hypothesis and some examples are shown in Fig. 4. We can see
that our system is able to recognize current price elements of different sizes and
distinguish them from other price tags.
Another very important observation is that localizing product name appears
to be more complicated task. When examining results, we have observed that
some sites divide name into two parts (manufacturer+product name) in DOM
tree. Unfortunately, our net does not have capacity to distinguish between the
two and we leave this issue to future work.
The last group of experiments address the influence of different input data.
We have tried to train our neural net ignoring either visual or textual data and
compare these results with the original net that combines both. The results are
summarized in Table 3. We can see that textual data itself are not sufficient
for the task, while visual data perform better. The best results are achieved by
the combination of both inputs, however the difference is not significant. The
biggest improvement was achieved in current price detection. We experimentally

Fig. 4. Examples of current price detection.

162 T. Gogar et al.

verified that neural net that combines both inputs can detect spatially smaller
price tags, which it is not able to recognize while using the visual features only.

7 Conclusions
In this work we have proposed a novel method for learning information extrac-
tion system that is able to generalize across previously unseen pages and there-
fore does not need any site-specific initialization. Since the ability of processing
both - textual and visual data is crucial for this task, we have proposed a method
for spatial text encoding (spatial bags-of-words). This approach allowed us to
combine both types of information in one convolutional neural net. We have
shown on a task of product information extraction that our model is able to
generalize across web sites and can extract information in non-trivial situations
(with overall accuracy 93.7 %). Achieved results are very promising and allow for
immediate practical applications. However, our approach might still be improved
in several ways. (i) We plan to replace the hashing function in Text Maps
with learned representations of paragraphs. (ii) The detection algorithm may be
improved in order to extract information that is stored in multiple leaf elements.
(iii) And finally, simple Spatial Probability model can be replaced with more
robust attention-based neural model.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the Grant Agency of the CTU in
Prague, No. SGS16/086/OHK3/1T/13. Comp. resources provided by the CESNET
LM2015042 and the CERIT Scientific Cloud LM2015085.

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Environmental AI Modeling (ENAIM)
Modeling Beach Rotation Using a Novel
Legendre Polynomial Feedforward Neural
Network Trained by Nonlinear
Constrained Optimization

Anastasios Rigos1, George E. Tsekouras1(&), Antonios Chatzipavlis2,

and Adonis F. Velegrakis2
Department of Cultural Technology and Communication,
University of the Aegean, Mitilini, Greece,
Department of Marine Sciences, University of the Aegean, Mitilini, Greece,

Abstract. A Legendre polynomial feedforward neural network is proposed to

model/predict beach rotation. The study area is the reef-fronted Ammoudara
beach, located at the northern coastline of Crete Island (Greece). Specialized
experimental devices were deployed to generate a set of input-output data
concerning the inshore bathymetry, the wave conditions and the shoreline
position. The presence of the fronting beachrock reef (parallel to the shoreline)
increases complexity and imposes high non-linear effects. The use of Legendre
polynomials enables the network to capture data non-linearities. However, in
order to maintain specific functional requirements, the connection weights must
be confined within a pre-determined domain of values; it turns out that the
network’s training process constitutes a constrained nonlinear programming
problem, solved by the barrier method. The performance of the network is
compared to other two neural-based approaches. Simulations show that the
proposed network achieves a superior performance, which could be improved if
an additional wave parameter (wave direction) was to be included in the input

Keywords: Beach rotation  Feedforward neural network  Legendre

polynomials  Perched beach  Nonlinear constrained optimization

1 Introduction

Beach rotation refers to the realignment of the beach shoreline due mainly to lateral
(alongshore) sediment movement caused by shifts in incident wave energy [1]. The
phenomenon is controlled by the wave-coastal morphology interaction that can result in
large localized changes in shoreline position (retreat or advance) and, thus, in changes of
the beach planform which, however, may not lead to long term sediment loss or gain;
beaches often return to their initial platform with the changes being often seasonal [2–4].
Although beach rotation has been considered/modeled as an alongshore sediment
transport process, recent research suggests a more complex beach response to wave
© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 167–179, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_15
168 A. Rigos et al.

energy, whereby alongshore variability in cross-shore sediment fluxes may also be sig-
nificant [2, 5]. Beach rotation processes are expected to be more complicated in the case
of perched beaches i.e. beaches that are fronted by natural or artificial reefs [6], as the
sediment dynamics and morhodynamics of these beaches are controlled also by the reef’s
depth and morphology. Wave transformation and breaking over the reef can induce high
non-linear effects [7, 8]. As a result, the standard modeling methodologies require
complex mathematical structures with extremely high computational costs [3–5, 9].
On the other hand, polynomial functions are in the position to effectively model
data nonlinearities [10]. Polynomial neural networks utilize polynomials to represent
the nodes’ activation functions and, thus, increase modeling capabilities. Ma and
Khorasani [11] incorporated into the network’s structure Hermite polynomials, where
the corresponding parameters were optimized in terms of an adaptive learning scheme.
Lee and Jeng [12] used tensor products to develop a Chebysev polynomial type net-
work, whereas Patra et al. [13] performed nonlinear channel equalization for wireless
communication systems in terms of a Legendre polynomial-based neural network.
Although the above approaches show good testing performances, they use high number
of nodes and thus, can hardly be applied to high dimensional nonlinear problems. In
comparison, Chebyshev polynomial radial basis function and neural-fuzzy networks
were developed to perform efficient shoreline extraction from coastal imagery [10] and
predict coastal erosion [14].
In this paper, we propose a feed-forward neural network that employs Legendre
polynomials as activation functions to model the shoreline beach rotation of a perched
beach (Ammoudara, Crete Fig. 1). Linear combinations of the input variables are
generated and appropriately scaled by constraining the corresponding weighting
parameters. The scaled functions maintain the linearity of the input variables (which is
an important issue when regression analysis is to be applied) and the output is
expanded into truncated Legendre series. Since the network’s connection weights are
constrained, the training process becomes a constrained nonlinear optimization prob-
lem solved by the barrier method.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the experimental setup and
the data acquisition process. Section 3 provides a detailed analysis of the proposed
network and the training process used. Section 4 illustrates the simulation experiments,
and the paper concludes in Sect. 5.

2 Experimental Setup and Raw Data Extraction

The study area is the eastern sector of Ammoudara beach, a 6.1 km long microtidal,
urban perched beach, located at the west of the port of Heraklion, Crete, Greece
(Fig. 1). The beach, is fronted by a submerged beachrock reef, oriented almost parallel
to the shoreline, the width of which and its distance from the shoreline vary between
15–50 m and 40–70 m, respectively. Before detailing the experimental setup and the
data acquisition process, it is convenient to discuss some concepts involved in the
analysis as well as the physical meaning of the input-output variables used in this
Modeling Beach Rotation Using a Novel Legendre Polynomial 169

Fig. 1. (a) Ammoudara beach, Heraklion, Crete; the position of the offshore POSEIDON
E1-M3A wave buoy is illustrated as a black dot in the inset. (b) Optical system location (diamond
point), and field of vision of the 3 deployed cameras (confined within the red lines); the shoreline
section examined by video imagery (i.e. detected shoreline) is shown by the dashed black line
along the shoreline, with the white vertical dashed-line corresponding to one cross-shore section
(out of the 52 sections studied); the offshore dark grey zone parallel to the shoreline delineates the
beachrock reef. (Satellite image source: Bing Maps, Microsoft) (Color figure online)

In view of Fig. 1(b) the length of the shoreline studied is defined by the black
dashed line lying on the shoreline (denoted as “Detected Shoreline” in the figure). The
vertical white dashed line corresponds to one out of 52 cross-shore sections used in our
experiments. Each cross-shore section is associated with a bathymetry profile, which is
shown in Fig. 2(a). It is widely accepted that specific morphological characteristics of a
reef can affect beach rotation; the reef acts in a similar manner to a submerged
breakwater, absorbing the incoming wave energy [8, 9, 15]. The reef morphological
characteristics used as inputs are enumerated as follows (Fig. 2): the reef depth (in
meters) from the sea surface is denoted as d (Fig. 2(a)), the reef inshore and offshore
slopes as x1 and x2 (Fig. 2(b)) and the reef width (in meters) at 1.2 m water depth as w
(Fig. 2(b)). In the latter case, the depth of 1.2 m was decided after a specialized data
processing that showed that this reef width at this water depth had the most substantial
Apart from the above parameters that quantify the bathymetry characteristics, we
use two more parameters that describe the wave conditions namely, the significant
wave height denoted as HS (in meters), and the peak wave period symbolized TP (in
seconds). Note that the last two are important as they impose a direct control on beach
170 A. Rigos et al.

Fig. 2. (a) Cross-shore bathymetric profile (see Fig. 1(b)), showing the beachrock reef and the
elevation parameters. (b) Zoom on the reef showing its structural parameters.

morphodynamics [1, 3, 7]. All above parameters form the input variables of our
analysis. The output variable quantifying beach rotation is the distance (in meters) from
the reef top point (crown) to the shoreline denoted as y in Fig. 2(a). Indeed, the
variability of this parameter (cross-shore distance) along the shoreline defines beach
rotation [1–4, 7]. In summary, the input variables are: x1 ¼ d, x2 ¼ tan x1 , x3 ¼ tan x2 ,
x4 ¼ w, x5 ¼ HS , and x6 ¼ TP , and the output variable is y (input variables p ¼ 6 and
one output).
The experimental methodology consists of high detailed nearshore bathymetric
data, and a long-term time series (10-month period from January 2014 to November
2014) of shoreline position and wave conditions. More specifically, bathymetric data
were obtained through a single beam digital Hi-Target HD 370 echo-sounder and a
Differential GPS (Topcon Hipper RTK-DGPS) deployed from a very shallow draft
inflatable boat. Using interpolation, from these bathymetric data 52 cross-shore sections
were derived (a sample is given in Figs. 1 and 2). Information on the shoreline position
for the 10-month period was obtained from coastal video imagery provided by a system
consisting of 3 PointGrey FLEA-2 video cameras, installed on the study area, moni-
toring a beach stretch of 1400 m long (the fields of vision of these 3 cameras are shown
in Fig. 1(b)). A detailed description of the system and the automated procedure
developed to extract the shoreline from the video images is provided in Velegrakis
et al. [8]. The above experiments provided the raw data for the input variables x1  x4 ,
and for the output variable y. Data concerning the variables x5 ¼ HS , and x6 ¼ TP were
obtained by an offshore wave buoy (POSEIDON E1-M3A buoy) located about 35 km
to the north of the beach (35.660 N and 24.990 E) at 1440 m water depth (see Fig. 1
(a)), installed/operated by the Greek National Centre for Marine Research (GNCMR).
In total, the experimental setup generated N ¼ 4148 input-output data of the form
fxk ; yk gjNk¼1 with xk ¼ ½ xk1 xk2 xk3 xk4 xk5 xk6 T . These data are going to be
elaborated by the proposed neural network in order to model/predict beach rotation.
Modeling Beach Rotation Using a Novel Legendre Polynomial 171

3 The Proposed Legendre Polynomial Feedforward Network

In this section, we introduce a feed-forward neural network (FFNN), the nodes of

which utilize Legendre polynomials as activation functions. The Legendre polynomials
possess powerful function approximation capabilities, and they are defined by the
subsequent formula [16],

1 dn  2 
Pn ðxÞ ¼ ðx  1Þn ð1Þ
2n n! dxn
where n ¼ 0; 1; . . . is the polynomial order. The Legendre polynomials are orthogonal
for x 2 ½1; 1 satisfying the following inner product condition [13, 16],
Z < 2
1 ; m¼n
Pm ðxÞPn ðxÞdx ¼ 2n þ 1 ð2Þ
1 :
0; m ¼
6 n

In addition, they can be generated by the next recurrent relations [16],

P0 ðxÞ ¼ 1 ; P1 ðxÞ ¼ x ; Pn ðxÞ ¼ ½ð2n  1ÞxPn1 ð xÞ  ðn  1ÞPn2 ð xÞ for n  2

Let us assume that the available input-output dataset is denoted as,

S ¼ ðxk ; yk Þ : xk ¼ ½xk1 ; xk2 ; . . .; xkp T ; k ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N ð4Þ

where p is the dimension of the input space, and N is the number of the training data
(note that in the application discussed in this paper: p ¼ 6 and N ¼ 4148).
The proposed neural network is illustrated in Fig. 3. There are four layers involved.
Given that the desired order of the Legendre polynomials is n, the Layer 1 comprises n
nodes, each of which generates a linear combination of the input variables,

Fig. 3. The Legendre polynomial feedforward neural network.

172 A. Rigos et al.

h‘ ðxÞ ¼ a‘j xj ð5Þ

where 1  ‘  n, 1  j  p, and a‘j are the weight parameters.

The Layer 2 applies a scaling procedure, which maps the values of
h‘ ðxÞ ð1  ‘  nÞ in the interval ½1; 1.
As mentioned above, the reason for this scaling procedure is that the Legendre
polynomials are orthogonal in the interval ½1; 1 and therefore, they are able to
operate only in this interval. To accomplish this task, we introduce a specialized
methodology that maintains the linearity with respect to the originalh inputs. iWe denote
the domain of values associated with j-th input variable as Dj ¼ xLj ; xU
j , meaning
that xLj  xj  xU
j . Note that the lower and upper bounds xj and xj are fixed and depend

on the system data, only. Relationally, we can define an interval A ¼ ½aL ; aU  to

confine the weight parameters so that aL  a‘j  aU (i.e. a‘j 2 A) for every ‘ and j. The
values for lower bound aL and the upper bound aU are pre-selected in terms of a
trial-and-error approach as to obtain the best possible results, and are kept fixed
throughout the whole learning process.
The question is to find a transformation to map the functions h‘ ðxÞ in the interval
½1; 1. Based on the interval arithmetic [17] the multiplication of the intervals Dj ¼
h i  
xLj ; xU
j and A ¼ ½aL ; aU  gives the interval Lj ; Uj with,
n o
Lj ¼ min aL xLj ; aL xU
j ; aU x j ; aU x j
n o
Uj ¼ max aL xLj ; aL xU
j ; aU x j ; aU x j


Lj  a‘j xj  Uj ð 1  j  pÞ ð8Þ

For all input variables we add the above inequalities, and using Eq. (5),

p X
p X
Lj  a‘j xj  Uj ) QL  h‘ ðxÞ  QU ð9Þ
j¼1 j¼1 j¼1

p P
where QL ¼ Lj and QU ¼ Uj . Thus, h‘ ðxÞ 2 ½QL ; QU  8‘. The question of
j¼1 j¼1
finding a transformation to map the functions h‘ ðxÞ ð1  ‘  nÞ in the interval ½1; 1
is now equivalently rephrased as finding a transformation to map the interval ½QL ; QU 
on the interval ½1; 1. We can easily prove that this transformation is,
Modeling Beach Rotation Using a Novel Legendre Polynomial 173

~h‘ ðxÞ ¼ 2 QU þ QL
h‘ ð xÞ  ð10Þ

where ~
h‘ ðxÞ 2 ½1; 1.
By setting R ¼ 2=ðQU  QL Þ, X ¼ ðQU þ QL Þ=ðQU  QL Þ and taking into account
the Eq. (5), the Eq. (10) yields,

p X
~h‘ ðxÞ ¼ R a‘j xj  X ¼ R a‘j xj  X ð11Þ
j¼1 j¼1

The above equation directly indicates that the scaled functions ~h‘ ðxÞ ð1  ‘  nÞ
are linear combinations of the input variables, something very important for the
regression analysis that follows.
The Layer 3 includes n nodes with activation functions the Legendre polynomials
of the linear combinations reported in Eq. (11),
P‘ ðxÞ ¼ P‘ ~h‘ ðxÞ ¼ P‘ R a‘j xj  X ð12Þ

Note that, based on (3), the zero order polynomial P0 ðxÞ is always equal to one and
has no effect on the input variables. Therefore, it is used as the network’s bias.
Finally, the Layer 4 produces the network’s estimated output by intertwining the
outputs of the Layer 3, in order to expand the linear combinations of Eq. (11) into the
subsequent truncated Legendre series,
n X
^y ¼ b0 þ b‘ P‘ R a‘j xj  X ð13Þ
‘¼1 j¼1

The network’s learning process carries out the estimation of weights a‘j and b‘
through the minimization of the network’s square error: JSE ¼ jyk  ^yk j2 , which
based on the form of Eq. (13), constitutes a regression analysis. However, to maintain
h‘ ðxÞ 2 ½1; 1, the following relation must hold,

a‘j 2 A ) aL  a‘j  aU 8‘; j ð14Þ

Thus, while the estimation of b‘ ð1  ‘  nÞ is unconstrained, the estimation of

a‘j ð1  ‘  n; 1  j  pÞ is constrained. By splitting the double inequality in (14), the
constrained optimization problem is now given as follows:
174 A. Rigos et al.

 ! !2
n X
JSE ¼ jyk  ^yk j2 ¼  yk  b0 þ b‘ P‘ R a‘j xj  X  ð15Þ
k¼1 k¼1
 ‘¼1 j¼1

Subject to

/ða‘j Þ ¼ a‘j þ aL  0 ð‘ ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n; j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; pÞ ð16Þ

wða‘j Þ ¼ a‘j  aU  0 ð‘ ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n; j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; pÞ ð17Þ

It can be easily verified that the feasible area of the problem is convex, because it forms
the intersection of plane surfaces (i.e. convex sets). To perform the optimization we could
use the well-known penalty method, which approaches to the feasible area from outside
[18]. However, we are required not to leave the feasible area; otherwise the Legendre
polynomials would be forced to operate outside of the orthogonality region. Thus, we
choose to use the barrier method [18], which searches for a solution only in the feasible
area without leaving it. According to the barrier method, the above constrained problem
can be exactly resolved by the unconstrained minimization of the following function,
 ! !2 !
n X
p  1X n X p
  1 1
F¼  yk  b0 þ b‘ P‘ R a‘j xj  X  
 ‘¼1 j¼1
 c ‘¼1 j¼1 / a‘j w a‘j

n P
P p
where 1
/ða‘j Þ
þ 1
wða‘j Þ
is the barrier function and c is the barrier constant,
‘¼1 j¼1
which is required to take a sufficiently large positive value.
To perform the unconstrained minimization of F we use the steepest-descent
method based on Armijo’s rule [19]. To do so we define the vector,
 T  T
z ¼ z1 ; z2 ; :. . .; znp ; znp þ 1 ; znp þ 2 ; . . .; znðp þ 1Þ ¼ a11 ; a12 ; . . .; anp ; b1 ; b2; . . .; bn

For the t þ 1 iteration the learning rule is,

zðt þ 1Þ ¼ zðtÞ  gðtÞ rFðzðtÞÞ ð20Þ

where gðtÞ ¼ ks with k 2 ð0; 1Þ. The parameter s is the smallest positive integer such

F ðzðtÞ  gðtÞ rFðzðtÞÞÞ  F ðzðtÞÞ\  e gðtÞ krFðzðtÞÞk2 ð21Þ

with e 2 ð0; 1Þ. Finally, the partial derivatives in Eqs. (20) and (21) can easily be
Modeling Beach Rotation Using a Novel Legendre Polynomial 175

4 Simulation Study

Based on the analysis described in Sect. 2, the data set includes N ¼ 4148 input-output
data pairs (corresponding to 52 beach cross-sections) of the form fxk ; yk gjNk¼1 with
xk ¼ ½ xk1 xk2 . . . xk6 T and yk 2 <. The data set was divided into a training set
consisting of the 60 % of the original data, and a testing set consisting of the remainder
40 %. Table 1 depicts the parameter setting for the Legendre polynomial neural

Table 1. Parameter setting for the proposed network

Parameter Value Parameter Value
aL −10 k 0.05
aU 10 e 0.10
c 108

For comparison, two more neural networks were designed. The first one was a
radial basis function (RBF) network. The parameters of the basis functions were
estimated in terms of the conditional fuzzy clustering, which was developed in [20],
while the connection weights were calculated by the least-squares method.
The second one was a feedforward neural network (FFNN), the activation functions
of which read as follows,
f ðxÞ ¼ tanh ð22Þ

To train the FFNN we applied the steepest-descent based on the Armijo’s rule (see
previous Section) in order to minimize the network’s square error. All networks were
implemented using the Matlab software.
The performance index to conduct the simulations was the root mean square error,
u N
u1 X
RMSE ¼ t jyk  ^yk j2 ð23Þ
N k¼1

For the three networks we considered various numbers of nodes, while for each
number of nodes we run 20 different initializations.
The results are shown in Table 2. The Legendre polynomial neural network appears
to have superior performance compared with the other two networks. The best result
for both the training and testing data sets is obtained by the proposed network when
n ¼ 4.
The results reported in Table 2 are visualized also in Fig. 4. There are some
interesting remarks: (a) the difference between the Legendre polynomial and the
remainder of the networks tested appears to be significant particularly in the testing
data; (b) the RBF outperforms the FFNN in both cases; (c) although the best result for
176 A. Rigos et al.

Table 2. Comparative results in terms of the RMSE mean values and the corresponding standard
deviations obtained by the three networks for various numbers of nodes in the hidden layer
n=3 n=4 n=5
Proposed Training Data 9.838 ± 0.196 9.569± 0.208 9.594 ± 0.152
network Testing Data 10.053 ± 0.183 9.438 ± 0.186 9.525 ± 0.249
RBF Training Data 10.637 ± 0.113 10.319 ± 0.081 10.298 ± 0.092
Testing Data 10.627 ± 0.168 10.346 ± 0.142 10.299 ± 0.135
FFNN Training Data 11.106 ± 0.838 11.056 ± 0.799 10.711 ± 0.740
Testing Data 11.107 ± 0.926 10.856 ± 0.748 10.938 ± 0.846

Fig. 4. Mean values of the RMSE as a function of the number of nodes for: (a) the training data,
and (b) the testing data.

the proposed network was obtained for n ¼ 4, the general tendency is to obtain smaller
RMSEs as the number of polynomial nodes increases.
It is very interesting to see how the above results are translated into meaningful
observations as far as the beach rotation is concerned. Figure 5 concerns a specific
testing data and shows the predictions obtained by the three methods. Based on this
figure, the proposed network clearly achieves the best beach rotation prediction.
Although the overall prediction performance of the proposed Legendre polynomial
neural network may not appear to be very satisfactory on the basis of the RMSE
(9.5 m), the following should be noted. First, Ammoudara shoreline position is char-
acterized by high spatiotemporal variability, with the difference between the most
inshore and most offshore recorded shoreline position during the 10-month monitoring
period being between 3 and 8 m [8]; the proposed network’s predictions are of the
same order of magnitude and thus may be considered as satisfactory in this high
non-linear coastal system, particularly as in many cross-shore sections, the network’s
predictions were much closer to the observed shoreline position (see Fig. 5). Secondly,
adjacent sections of the shoreline showed large differences in terms of beach
erosion/accretion patterns, suggesting significant control by small differences in reef
morphology and the direction of wave approach. Hydrodynamic modeling has shown
that small differences in the angle of wave approach result in quite different inshore
hydrodynamic regimes (waves and wave-induced currents), even in the case of offshore
waves with the same significant wave heights (HS ) and periods (TP ) [8]. As the offshore
Modeling Beach Rotation Using a Novel Legendre Polynomial 177

Fig. 5. A sample of the cross-shore shoreline postion predicted by the three networks.

wave data set did not include details on wave direction, the offshore waves used were
grouped collectively as northerly waves (those waves affecting the beach); thus, the
observed discrepancies could be mainly due to the absence of an additional wave
parameter (angle of wave incidence) in the network input variables. As a future
research, it would be interesting to test how the above results would be in the case that
wave direction was included as an input variable.

5 Summary and Conclusions

In this paper we present a systematic methodology that includes a sophisticated

experimental setup and a novel feedforward neural network to model beach rotation in
a reef fronted (perched) beach (Ammoudara, Crete). A set of significant morphological
and wave variables were identified that can directly affect beach rotation, which
together with records of shoreline position from a coastal video imagery system were
used to generate the network’s input-output training data. The proposed network
consists of four layers. The main task of the first and the second layers has been to
obtain linear combinations of the input variables and then, to appropriately scale them
before entering the third layer that comprises the Legendre polynomial activation
functions. This scaling process was deemed necessary due to limitations imposed by
the orthogonality of the Legendre polynomial. As a result, the weights of the linear
combinations must be confined in a predetermined domain of values. Therefore, the
training process of the network becomes a constrained nonlinear optimization problem,
resolved by the barrier method. The comparative simulation experiments carried out
showed that the proposed network can effectively model beach rotation, particularly if
detailed wave direction data are available to be included as an additional input variable.
178 A. Rigos et al.

Acknowledgments. This research has been co-financed in 85 % by the EEA GRANTS, 2009–
2014, and 15 % by the Public Investments Programme (PIP) of the Hellenic Republic. Project
title: Recording of and Technical Responses to Coastal Erosion of Touristic Aegean island
beaches (ERA BEACH).

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Environmental Impact on Predicting
Olive Fruit Fly Population
Using Trap Measurements

Romanos Kalamatianos(&), Katia Kermanidis, Markos Avlonitis,

and Ioannis Karydis

Department of Informatics, Ionian University, 49100 Corfu, Greece


Abstract. Olive fruit fly trap measurements are used as one of the indicators for
olive grove infestation, and therefore, as a consultation tool on spraying
parameters. In this paper, machine learning techniques are used to predict the
next olive fruit fly trap measurement, given as input environmental parameters
and knowledge of previous trap measurements. Various classification algorithms
are employed and applied to different environmental settings, in extensive
comparative experiments, in order to detect the impact of the latter on olive fruit
fly population prediction.

Keywords: Olive fruit fly  Machine learning  Population prediction 

Classification  Naive bayes  Nearest neighbors  Decision trees  Random
forests  Support vector machines

1 Introduction

The olive fruit fly is a pest that has been recorded to infest solely the olive fruits since at
least the third century BC [1]. Such infestations cause great damage to the production
of both olive oil or table olives [2] in many olive oil producing countries, including
Greece. The olive fruit fly is active during the summer and reaches its population peak
during autumn, while during the winter and in the first months of spring it hibernates,
until environmental conditions are favorable for it to reemerge [1].
The population growth of the olive fruit fly and, by extension, the level of infes-
tation of an olive grove are affected by various environmental factors. However, the
two primary factors that affect the activity of the olive fruit fly are temperature [3] and
relative humidity [4, 5].
Population control of the olive fruit fly can be achieved through spraying of the
olive trees, either with bait or universal [1, 6]. However, in order for the spraying to
have any effect, it has to be applied when conditions are appropriate. Two factors
indicate when spraying should commence [6]: (a) the ripeness level of the olive fruit, as
the fruit needs to be ripe in order for it to be susceptible to the olive fruit fly and (b) the
population of the fly, i.e. when a certain population threshold (recorded via sampling) is
exceeded. Sampling is achieved through McPhail traps or yellow sticky traps [1, 6].
The threshold is set to seven olive fruit flies per trap per week during the summer and is
decreased to five olive fruit flies per trap per week during autumn [6].
© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 180–190, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_16
Environmental Impact on Predicting Olive 181

Machine learning techniques have been used to detect oil spills on the surface of the
sea by scanning radar images [7], to automatically identify species by sound [8] and to
monitor flood protection systems [9]. Machine learning techniques have also been
applied in numerous agriculture processes such as the prediction of when a cow should
be culled in a dairy herd [10], the estimation of soil moisture [11], the estimation of a
cow’s oestrus [12] and the prediction of olive fruit fly infestation using information
about olive tree health as well as trap measurements [13].
The aim of this paper is to predict future olive fruit fly trap measurements, and by
extension olive fruit fly infestations/outbreaks, using machine learning algorithms. Our
approach differentiates from previous work [13] by constructing a feature vector that
consists of environmental factors e.g. temperature, instead of the olive tree health, as
well as trap measurements.

2 Data Collection
2.1 Environmental Data
The data used in the experiments were collected from environmental sensors and olive
fruit fly traps that were installed at 16 locations on the north-western side of the island
of Corfu, Greece. Readings on the olive fruit fly traps show the total number of olive
fruit flies caught by the trap. Each reading was conducted every five days for the period
from 10th June 2015 to 29th September 2015, at all locations. All sensors at all
locations logged temperature values at a 15 min interval, while a few of these also
logged relative humidity values.

2.2 Feature Selection

In order to perform classification experiments, the aforementioned environmental data
were transformed into the following set of attributes (in order to represent readings as
feature-value learning vectors):
• Mean temperature of the last five days before next trap reading
• Mean maximum temperature of the last five days before next trap reading
• Mean minimum temperature of the last five days before next trap reading
• Day 1 Mean Temperature
• Day 1 Maximum Temperature
• Day 1 Minimum Temperature
• Day 2 Mean Temperature
• Day 2 Maximum Temperature
• Day 2 Minimum Temperature
• Day 3 Mean Temperature
• Day 3 Maximum Temperature
• Day 3 Minimum Temperature
• Day 4 Mean Temperature
• Day 4 Maximum Temperature
182 R. Kalamatianos et al.

• Day 4 Minimum Temperature

• Day 5 Mean Temperature
• Day 5 Maximum Temperature
• Day 5 Minimum Temperature
Apart from the environmental attributes, one more attribute, namely the trap mea-
surement of the last reading (number of flies caught), was used as input. All afore-
mentioned attributes are numeric. Finally another attribute, denoting the next trap
reading was used as the classification class.

2.3 Feature Vector Extraction

The process of extracting the attributes for the feature vectors from the sensor data was
automated by use of a script. The script was written in Python that automatically
computes the mean, mean maximum and mean minimum temperature for the five day
period before the next trap reading, as well as the mean, maximum and minimum
temperature for each day in the aforementioned five day period. The script exports all
vectors in a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. Finally trap readings are added
manually at each corresponding vector instance.
The temperature-related attributes, initially numeric, were discretized into the fol-
lowing three bins:
• <15, temperature is lower than 15 °C,
• 15 to 32, temperature is between 15 °C and 32 °C,
• >32, temperature is greater than 32 °C.
The discretization of the temperature values was based on the temperature range
(between 15 °C and 32 °C [14]), in which the olive fruit fly is active. If the temperature
of the environment is below the lower or exceeds the upper threshold, then the olive
fruit fly is motionless due to extreme cold or heat. Accordingly, herein we assume that
outside the optimal temperature range of the olive fruit fly, the traps will not capture
any olive fruit flies.
Trap reading related attributes have also been discretized into the following bins:
• 0 to 4, none or up to 4 olive fruit flies inside the trap,
• 5 to 6, five or six olive fruit flies inside the trap,
• >=7, greater than or equal to seven olive fruit flies inside the trap.
The use of a ternary quantisation of the number of olive fruit flies is based on trap
measurements analysis, i.e. the infestation threshold depends on the season the mea-
surements are made. Specifically, in the summer months the infestation threshold is set
to seven olive fruit flies per trap per week. On the other hand, from September onwards
the infestation threshold is decreased to five olive fruit flies per trap per week, due to
cooler weather [6]. Therefore, although the last bin value would always indicate
infestation, the second bin value would be depended on the season.
Environmental Impact on Predicting Olive 183

3 Machine Learning Algorithms

The WEKA machine learning workbench1 was used for running the classification
experiments. In the sequel, a number of classification algorithms that were selected for
experimentation are shortly presented.
J48 [15] is a decision tree induction algorithm and it is a version of C4.5, an earlier
algorithm developed by J. Ross Quinlan [16]. C4.5 generates a decision tree based on
information gain of the attributes in the available training data. More specifically, the
attribute whose values discriminate most clearly the training examples according to
their class label is identified in each iteration. The algorithm stops when there are no
further attributes to explore or when all the training examples are separated according
to their class label. Additionally, J48 incorporates two tree pruning methodologies: The
first one is known as subtree replacement and it replaces a node in a decision tree with
the corresponding leaf, if the given subtree does not help classification accuracy. This
pruning process starts from the leaves of the fully formed tree, and moves bottom up
toward the root. The second methodology is known as subtree raising in which a node
may replace other nodes while it is moved towards the root. This type of pruning most
of the times has insignificant effect on decision tree models (Table 1).

Table 1. J48 parameter values

Binary splits No
Confidence factor 0.25
Minimum instances per leaf 2
Reduced error pruning No
Subtree raising Yes
Pruned Yes
Laplace smoothing No

Sequential Minimal Optimization or SMO [17] is an ameliorated algorithm for

training support vector machines. SMO cuts in pieces a large quadratic programming
optimization problem converting it into smaller problems (sub-problems of quadratic
programming). The sub-problems are solved quickly because they are solved analyt-
ically which means that SMO avoids to use extra time for arithmetical quadratic
programming optimization as an inner loop. So SMO manages to reduce computation
time significantly (Table 2).
Naïve Bayes [15] is a probabilistic classifier based on the assumption of conditional
independence [18], which assumes that the appearance of a specific feature given the
class value is unrelated to the appearance of any other feature in the dataset. Though
not valid in reality, this assumption has been proven to cope well with several clas-
sification problems. Additionally, this algorithm needs a small amount of training data
to determine the parameters necessary for classification. Due to the hypothesis of

184 R. Kalamatianos et al.

Table 2. SMO parameter values

Complexity parameter 1.0
Round-off error 1.0E-12
Filter type Normalize training data
Kernel PolyKernel
Random seed for cross validation 1
Tolerance parameter 0.001

Table 3. Naive Bayes parameter values

Use kernel estimator No
Use supervised discretization No

independent variables; there is no need to estimate the entire covariance matrix but only
the differentiations of the variables for each class (Table 3).
The RandomForest [19] is a meta-learning classification algorithm that runs iter-
atively. In each iteration a decision tree is induced from a randomly selected subset of
the features. The number of iterations is pre-defined. The final classification error is the
mean error over all iterations (Table 4).

Table 4. RandomForest parameter values

Maximum depth Unlimited
Number of attributes 0
Number of trees to be generated 100
Seed 1

AdaBoost [20] is another meta-learning algorithm, that iteratively changes instance

weights, based on whether they were classified correctly (or not) in a previous iteration.
Thereby, the learner is forced to focus on instances that are hard to classify. The final
classification is derived from the weighting of the models induced after every iteration
(Table 5).

Table 5. AdaBoost parameter values

Classifier SMO
Number of iterations 10
Seed 1
Use resampling No
Weight threshold 100

The IBk algorithm [15] is an alternate version of the k-nearest neighbor algorithm.
Using the Euclidean distance as a distance metric, it identifies the k training examples
that are closest to a given test instance, and, via majority voting selects its class label.
Environmental Impact on Predicting Olive 185

The value of k can be explicitly pre-defined, or estimated optimally using cross vali-
dation. In our experiments, the number of nearest neighbors ranged from 1 to 33
neighbors, where only odd values were selected (Table 6).

Table 6. IBk parameter values

Cross validate No
Distance weighting No
Use of mean squared error No
Nearest neighbor search algorithm LinearNNSearch
Window size 0

The Multilayer Perceptron is an artificial neural network [21], where each of the
multiple layers of nodes is fully connected to the following one. Multilayer perceptrons
are able to distinguish data that are not linearly separable. Experiments were conducted
for one hidden layer with the number of nodes ranging from 1 to 10 (Table 7).

Table 7. Multilayer Perceptron parameter values

Decrease learning rate No
Hidden layers 1
Learning rate 0.3
Momentum 0.2
Nominal to binary filter Yes
Normalize attributes Yes
Normalize numeric class Yes
Reset Yes
Seed 0
Training time 500
Validation set size 0
Validation threshold 20

4 Experimental Process

184 training instances were supplied. Due to the small size of the training data, no test
set could be supplied for the validation of the results. Therefore the 10-fold
cross-validation method was used. The original sample is randomly partitioned into ten
subsamples. One out of ten subsamples is kept as validation data for testing the model,
and the remaining nine subsamples are used as training data. The cross-validation
process is then repeated ten times, with each of the ten subsamples being used only
once as validation data. Results are averaged across the ten experiments.
186 R. Kalamatianos et al.

5 Evaluation

Figure 1 displays the classification results of the five aforementioned machine learning
algorithms. The SMO algorithm produces the best results in both precision and recall,
with the J48 algorithm being close by. AdaBoostM1 produces the same results with
SMO using as a base learner the SMO algorithm. On the other hand, NaiveBayes
produces the worst results in comparison with the other algorithms, with a significant
decrease in precision and a quite noteworthy low recall.

Fig. 1. Precision and recall comparison for five classification algorithms

Figure 2 presents the pruned tree constructed by the J48 algorithm. It is clear that
the algorithm considers the “previous reading” as the most important attribute for
classification. With the minimum temperature of day 3 being used when the previous
reading has a value of “5 to 6”.

Fig. 2. Tree view constructed by J48

Environmental Impact on Predicting Olive 187

The next experiment is using the IBk algorithm, as shown in Fig. 3, with maximum
recall for one and for five nearest neighbors. The best results in both recall and pre-
cision are achieved when using one nearest neighbor. From three nearest neighbors and
onwards the precision of the algorithm decreases, with a significant drop after nine
nearest neighbors. After eleven nearest neighbors, precision and recall stay stable.

Fig. 3. IBk classification results for different number of k neighbours

Finally, the Multilayer Perceptron algorithm, shown in Fig. 4, exhibits a great

difference between recall and precision values for any number of nodes in the

Fig. 4. Multilayer Perceptron classification results for different number of nodes

188 R. Kalamatianos et al.

Fig. 5. Value distribution of the “next trap reading” classification attribute

perceptron. The best results for both precision and recall are reported for three nodes in
the hidden layer.
Comparing all machine learning algorithms that were used in the experiments, the
best performance was achieved by SMO and AdaBoostM1, using SMO as a base
It is important to note that the values of the classification attribute are not balanced.
Figure 5 depicts the distribution of the three values among the 184 instances. Over 80 %
of the instances have a value of “0 to 4”, while the value “5 to 6” is the least encountered

Fig. 6. Results comparison with previous work [13]

Environmental Impact on Predicting Olive 189

value, with nine instances. This fact explains why the J48 algorithm, as shown by the
constructed tree in Fig. 2, can’t classify any instance to the value “5 to 6”.
Figure 6 shows the comparison of the best classifier presented herein against the
best classifier of [13] in terms of recall. It is obvious that the Classification Trees
(CT) have a far better recall compared to the SMO algorithm by almost 10 %. This
difference is attributed to the significant imbalance in the distribution of the class value
in the training data. Additionally, the results produced by the CT were achieved using
only six attributes and the classification class had only two values, whether to treat or
not. Finally, a number of the used attributes contained information about the pheno-
logical state of the olive tree.

6 Conclusion

In this work, supervised machine learning is used to predict future olive fruit fly trap’s
measurements. The proposed feature vector consists of environmental parameters,
specifically temperature, and information about previous trap measurements. Results
produced by the conducted experiments were promising with the support vector
machine algorithm providing the best classification results, although the values of the
classification attribute were unbalanced.
Our approach differentiates from previous work by using environmental parameters
instead of information about the health of the olive trees. When results between the best
classifiers of the proposed and existing work were compared, the proposed approach
produced results with 10 % ameliorated recall.
Future research will take into account more environmental parameters such as
relative humidity and the amount of light the olive fruit flies are exposed to. Fur-
thermore, the experiments described are planed to be conducted again in more training
instances as measurement data accumulate.

Acknowledgments. Financial support of the European Union and of National Funds of Greece
and Albania under the IPA Cross-Border PROGRAMME “Greece - Albania 2007–2013”, project
title “Enhancing Olive Oil Production with the use of Innovative ICT” with the acronym
“e-Olive”, is gratefully acknowledged.

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A Hybrid Soft Computing Approach
Producing Robust Forest Fire Risk Indices

Vardis-Dimitris Anezakis1, Konstantinos Demertzis1(&),

Lazaros Iliadis1, and Stefanos Spartalis2
Lab of Forest-Environmental Informatics and Computational Intelligence,
Democritus University of Thrace, 193 Pandazidou st., 68200 Orestiada, Greece
Laboratory of Computational Mathematics, School of Engineering,
Department of Production and Management Engineering,
Democritus University of Thrace,
V.Sofias 12, Prokat, Building A1, 67100 Xanthi, Greece

Abstract. Forest fires are one of the major natural disaster problems of the
Mediterranean countries. Their prevention - effective fighting and especially the
local prediction of the forest fire risk, requires the rational determination of the
related factors and the development of a flexible system incorporating an
intelligent inference mechanism. This is an enduring goal of the scientific
community. This paper proposes an Intelligent Soft Computing Multivariable
Analysis system (ISOCOMA) to determine effective wild fire risk indices. More
specifically it involves a Takagi-Sugeno-Kang rule based fuzzy inference
approach, that produces partial risk indices (PRI) per factor and per subject
category. These PRI are unified by employing fuzzy conjunction T-Norms in
order to develop pairs of risk indices (PARI). Through Chi Squared hypothesis
testing, plus classification of the PARI and forest fire burned areas (in three
classes) it was determined which PARI are closely related to the actual burned
areas. Actually we have managed to determine which pairs of risk indices are
able to determine the actual burned area for each case under study. Wild fire data
related to specific features of each area in Greece were considered. The Soft
computing approach proposed herein, was applied for the cases of Chania, and
Ilia areas in Southern Greece and for Kefalonia island in the Ionian Sea, for the
temporal period 1984–2004.

Keywords: Takagi-Sugeno-Kang  Fuzzy inference system  T-Norms 

Chi-Square test  Individual indices  Unified index  Forest fires

1 Introduction

Greece has a very important forest capital, as 50 % of the territory is covered by

woodland. About 25 % of it is characterized by high vegetation coniferous and
broadleaf high biodiversity, the remaining of low trees and shrubs near inhabited areas.
Also there are approximately 2 million acres of rangelands. During the last 20 years,
the average annual burned areas in the country are higher than 45,000 acres as a result

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 191–203, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_17
192 V.-D. Anezakis et al.

of 1500 forest fires. The determination of the factors that favor ignition and contribute
to the spread of wild fires (WF) requires a detailed spatiotemporal analysis of the
historical data for each area under study. Moreover, the specification of the correlations
between these parameters is absolutely necessary. This research paper proposes an
innovative hybrid forest fire modeling system operating on a local basis. The reasoning
of the ISOCOMA employs Computational Intelligence approaches in order to produce
an overall fire risk index.

1.1 Literature Review

Iliadis and Betsidou [9] have implemented an intelligent rule based fuzzy inference
system (FIS) evaluating wild fire risk for the forest departments of Greece. The esti-
mation of the risk indices was done by using fuzzy triangular membership functions
and Einstein fuzzy conjunction T-Norms. Iliadis and Zigkrika [11] have also developed
a FIS that performs and evaluates scenarios (by assigning weights to the involved
features) towards the estimation of a characteristic overall forest fire risk index in
Greece. Papakonstantinou et al. [17] have proposed a fuzzy rule based system to
produce the drought risk indices vectors for the forest regions of Cyprus under study.
Iliadis et al. [10] have developed a fuzzy inference system under the MATLAB plat-
form. The system uses three distinct Gaussian distribution fuzzy membership functions
in order to estimate the partial and the overall risk indices due to wild fires in the
southern part of Greece. Özbayoğlu and Bozer [16] estimated the potential burned
areas using geographical and meteorological data. Several computational intelligence
approaches were used namely: Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Radial Basis Function
Networks (RBFN), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and fuzzy logic. Shidik and
Mustofa [18] used a Back-Propagation Neural Network which was trained based on
meteorological and forest weather indices, so as to classify the burned area in three
categories. Aldrich et al. [1] investigated the effect of variations in land use and climate
in the occurrence of forest fires. Catry et al. [6] used logistic regression models to
predict the relative probability of ignition occurrence, as a function of the resulting fire

1.2 Innovations of the Proposed Methodology

The main innovation of the ISICOMA is the development of four partial risk indices
(PRI), which are derived from the respective analysis of separate parameters, creating
and analyzing meaningful relationships and rules of correlations between them. This
raises the problem of wild fires (WF) on an absolutely realistic basis. In addition, it is
for the first time that an intelligent system combines the use of an adaptive fuzzy
inference Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (AFITS) system with the wide use of fuzzy conjunction
T-Norms in order to obtain higher fitting rates between PRI and TPRI with the actual
burned areas.
A Hybrid Soft Computing Approach Producing Robust Forest Fire Risk Indices 193

1.3 Data
The first step towards the development of an overall wild fire risk index model was the
determination of all factors that affect the behavior of a forest fire. The data collected
from the forest inspections and from the Hellenic national meteorological service.
According to [12] the following factors have been identified as playing a key role
(Table 1).

Table 1. Factors affecting fire behavior

Flammability of vegetation Monthly rainfall
Canopy density Previous month rainfall
Vegetation density Altitude
Air temperature Slope
Relative humidity Ground orientation
Wind speed, daily rainfall Exposure

Utilizing and analyzing in-depth studies in the raw meteorological, topographical

and vegetative data of the areas concerned [3, 4] the following categories were obtained
(Table 2).

Table 2. Classification of the fire parameters

Parameters Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4 Class5 Class6
Meteorological Wind 0–1 bf 1.1–4 bf 4.1–7 bf 7.1–9 bf >9.1 bf
Air temperature/relative Low risk Medium High risk
humidity risk
Topographic Slope 0–20 % 21–40 % 41–60 % 61–80 % 81–100 % >100 %
Ground Unspecified North South East West
Orientation Exposure
Altitude Low Medium High
Vegetation Canopy Density Absent Rare Full
Vegetation Density Absent Rare Dense
canopy < 0.4 canopy > 0.4
Flammability of Low risk Medium High risk
vegetation risk
Drought Rainfall (Daily, Monthly, Low Medium High
Previous Month)

1.4 Areas of Study

Kefalonia (island in the Ionian Sea) Ilia (prefecture in Peloponnese) and Chania
(prefecture in Crete island) have been chosen as the areas of interest. They have rich
vegetation, they have protected areas (under Natura network) and their climate is dry
and hot with low rain height. Also both Chania and Kefalonia are characterized by high
touristic development and growth with high land value. On the other hand ancient
Olympia is located in Ilia prefecture. Thus, it is an area of high cultural and touristic
194 V.-D. Anezakis et al.

value. During the period 1984–2014, totally 1397 wild fires occurred in Ilia, 857 in
Chania and 1298 in Kefalonia.
The Fire Ignition Indicator (FIGI) which emerges by combining the effect of tem-
perature and humidity and the Spread Index which considers the effect of wind and slope
(SPRI) have been used to produce significant evidence of forest fire risk. In a previous
research effort of our team [2] have found that the SPRI is “High” in the 30–50 % of the
cases, whereas the FIGI has shown smaller high and medium hazard rates.

2 Theoretical Framework and Methodology

2.1 Fuzzy Inference Systems

The Sugeno Fuzzy implication is the basic modeling approach used by the ISOCOMA.
Introduced in 1985 [19], it is similar to the Mamdani method. While Mamdani FIS uses
the technique of defuzzification of a fuzzy output, Sugeno FIS uses weighted average to
compute the crisp output. The fuzzy membership functions (FMF) of the output are
either linear (first order polynomials or constant crisp values). A typical rule in a
Sugeno fuzzy model if the outputs are first-order linear has the form:

If Input 1 ¼ x and Input 2 ¼ y then Output is z ¼ ax þ by þ c ð1Þ

For a zero-order Sugeno model, the output level z is a constant crisp value c
(a = b=0).
The output level zi of each rule is weighted by the firing strength wi of the rule. For
an AND rule with Input 1 = x and Input 2 = y, the firing strength is

wi ¼ AndMethod ðF1 ðxÞ; F2 ðyÞÞ ð2Þ

where F1,2 are the membership functions for Inputs 1 and 2. The final output of the
system is the weighted average of all rule outputs, computed as in (3).
w i zi
Final output ¼ Pi¼1
N ð3Þ
i¼1 wi

where N is the number of rules.

2.2 T-Norms
This paper attempts to calculate the Unique Overall Risk Index (UORI), resulting from
the cumulative effect of all the related factors, after performing integration operations
on all individual fuzzy sets. This task is carried out, by the use of specific fuzzy
conjunction “AND” operators (CONO) known as T-Norms in the literature. The Min,
the Algebraic, the Drastic, the Einstein and the Hamacher Products act as T-Norms
[5, 7, 13–15]. The T-Norms are the unifiers of partial risk indices and they are quite
optimistic as they are assigning the minimum risk value to the overall index [8].
A Hybrid Soft Computing Approach Producing Robust Forest Fire Risk Indices 195

2.3 Chi-Square Test

The Chi-Squared hypothesis-testing is a non-parametric statistical test in which the
sampling distribution of the test statistic is a chi-square distribution when the null
hypothesis is true. The null hypothesis H0 usually refers to a general statement or
default position that there is no relationship between two measured phenomena, or no
difference among groups. The H0 is assumed to be true until evidence suggest other-
wise [20]. The statistical control index used for this assessment is the test statistic X2.

X ðf o f e Þ2
X2 ¼ ð4Þ

Where fe is the expected frequency and fo the observed one. The degrees of freedom
are estimated as follows (based on the rXc table of labeled categories):

df ¼ ðr  1Þðc1Þ ð5Þ

For the H0 the critical values for the test statistic X2 are estimated by the X2
distribution after considering the degrees of freedom. If the result of the test statistic is
less than the value of the Chi-Square distribution, then we accept H0 otherwise we
reject it.

3 Description of the Proposed Methodology

The core of the modeling approach proposed herein was based on the grouping of
twelve initial fire risk indices in four classes of partial risk indices and subsequently
their integration into a unique overall one, the Conceptual Risk Index (CRI), for each
fire incident and for each area of study. Then based on the burned area, the Actually
Burned Surfaces Index (ACBUS) was determined. Moreover, we performed fuzzy
conjunction (with T-Norms) of the four CRIi indices (i = 1 … 4) selecting all com-
binations of pairs in order to find those that belong to the same Linguistics with the
ones of ACBUS. For example, we tried to estimate the forest fire incidents that were
assigned “High Risk” pairs of indices and at the same time “High Risk” ACBUS ones.

3.1 The Algorithm

The proposed algorithmic process involves 9 distinct steps, which are discussed below:
1. Evaluating the twelve initial features influencing the phenomenon of forest fires and
subsequently grouping them conceptually, in four thematic areas (feature cate-
gories). A distinct Conceptual Risk Index (CRI) has been developed for each feature
category, totally four of them CRIi (i = 1 … 4). More specifically, the Weather
Risk Index (WRI) was constructed from the contribution of temperature, humidity
and wind speed. Correspondingly the drought index (DRI) comprises of the daily
plus the monthly precipitation and of the precipitation in the previous month.
196 V.-D. Anezakis et al.

The topographic Risk index (TRI) is related to the slope to the altitude and to the
exposure. The vegetation Risk index (VRI) is defined by the flammability of forest
species, the canopy density and the vegetation density. The same methodology has
been followed for all three areas under study.
2. The Fuzzy Inference Engine Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (FIETS) has been used.
According to it, each feature is fuzzified based on properly designed fuzzy
Trapezoidal membership functions. In this way each parameter of each incident has
been assigned fuzzy risk linguistics.
3. This process determines the corresponding fuzzy set (linguistic) for each wild fire
4. Proper fuzzy weighted rule sets have been designed and implemented. The number
of the trapezoidal fuzzy membership functions used for the determination of each
partial risk index related to each one of the 12 parameters, was determined by the
number of its corresponding classes in Table 2. The number of fuzzy sets created
for each feature, were exactly as many as its corresponding classes in Table 2. For
the topographic parameter “Ground Orientation Exposure” the first class was
removed because it was declared officially as unspecified (Tables 3 and 4).

Table 3. Fuzzy Sets and the corresponding Linguistics of each feature

Kefalonia Chania Ilia
Air temperature 3 Low(L), Medium 3 L, M, H 3 L, M, H
(M), High(H)
Relative humidity, 3 L, M, H 3 L, M, H 3 L, M, H
Daily rainfall 3 L, M, H 3 L, M, H 3 L, M, H
Monthly rainfall 2 M, H 3 L, M, H 3 L, M, H
Previous month 3 L, M, H 3 L, M, H 3 L, M, H
Altitude 3 L, M, H 3 L, M, H 3 L, M, H
Flammability of 3 L, M, H 3 L, M, H 3 L, M, H
Canopy density, 3 Very Low(VL), L, 3 VL, L, H 3 VL, L, H
vegetation density H
Wind speed 4 L, M, H, Very 5 L, M, H, VH, Ultra 5 L, M, H, VH,
High(VH) High(UH) UH
Slope 5 VL, L, M, H, VH, 6 VL, L, M, H, VH, 6 VL, L, M, H,
Ground orientation 4 VL, L, M, H 4 VL, L, M, H 4 VL, L, M, H

It should be clarified that in the following Table 5, the fuzzy values of the involved
features are connected with the Min T-Norm (Table 6).
5. Each of the four CRIs has been calculated. The output of the Sugeno-type FIS takes
values in the closed interval [0, 1] (Table 7).
A Hybrid Soft Computing Approach Producing Robust Forest Fire Risk Indices 197

Table 4. Conceptual Fuzzy Sets and the Linguistics of the (CRI)

Kefalonia 5L, M, H, VH, 3L, M, 4L, M, H, 4 L, M, H, VH 5 L, M, H, VH, UH
Chania 5L, M, H, VH, 3L, M, 4L, M, H, 4 L, M, H, VH 5 L, M, H, VH, UH
Ilia 4L, M, H, VH 3L, M, 4L, M, H, 4 L, M, H, VH 5 L, M, H, VH, UH

Table 5. Fuzzy rule set (T-Norms Fuzzy-AND) for the determination of the WRI
Humidity Air temperature Wind speed WRI
198 V.-D. Anezakis et al.

Table 6. Number of rules in the fuzzy rule sets use for the determination of each CRI and for the
UORI for each area.
Kefalonia 23 8 44 20 46
Chania 23 11 50 18 61
Ilia 33 12 47 21 68

Table 7. Four CRIs and UORI membership functions

Linguistics of CRIs and UORI Constant values
Low 0
Medium 0.5
High 0.9
Very High 0.95
Ultra High 1

6. The UORI has been produced by adjustment of the weights of the fuzzy rules
(Table 7).
7. The actual burned area for each area under study has been fuzzified by obtaining
four fuzzy Linguistics representing the Actually Burned Surfaces (ACBUSij)
i = 1 … 4 and j = 1 … N (N is the number of examined cases) namely: Low
Burned (LBUR), Average Burned (ABUR), High Burned (HBUR) and Extremely
Burned (ExBUR). Subsequently, a comparative analysis has been performed
between the four CRIs and the UORI with the ACBUS for each case (Table 8).

Table 8. ACBUS is a two dimensional matrix as it is shown below. N is the number of the areas
under study
l11 = LBUR11 l12 = ABUR12 l13 = HBUR13 l14 = ExBUR14
l21 = LBUR21 l22 = ABUR22 l23 = HBUR23 l24 = ExBUR24
…. ….. ….. …..
lN1 = LBURN1 lN2 = ABUR N2 lN3 = HBURN3 lN4 = ExBURN4

8. The fuzzy T/Norms (Algebraic, Drastic, Einstein, Hamacher - products, Min rela-
tion) have been applied through the combination of all four (4) ACBUS member-
ship values (in pairs) in order to perform three distinct risk scenarios.
Totally six Pair Risk Indices (PARI) have been developed by considering the
partial indices in pairs.
a. Conjunction between the:
(i) Meteorological Indices (MI) AND the Drought indices (DRI) which produces the
A Hybrid Soft Computing Approach Producing Robust Forest Fire Risk Indices 199

(ii) The Topographic indices (TI) AND the Vegetation indices (VEGI) that produces
the (TIVEGI). Thus, two Pair Risk Indices (PARI) have been developed namely:
the MIDRI and the TIVEGI.
b. Conjunction between the:
(i) MI AND the TI which produces the (MITI)
(ii) The DRI AND the VEGI which produces the (DRIVEGI). Also two Pair Risk
Indices have been developed the MITI and the DRIVEGI.
c. Conjunction between the:
(i) MI AND the VEGI which produces the (MIVEGI)
(ii) DRI AND the TI that produces the (DRITI). Moreover two Pair Risk Indices have
been designed MIVEGI and DRITI.
Totally for each research area 5 (the number of T-Norms) * 6 (the number of
PARI) = 30 cases were obtained.
9. Use of the Chi-Square Statistical Test at significance level of a = 0.05 in order to
obtain the PARI where the three Linguistics (low, medium, high risk) are depended on
the three corresponding linguistics (low, medium, high Burned) of the ACBUS. The
tables used were 3 * 3 and the degrees of freedom df4 = 9,488 (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the proposed methodology

200 V.-D. Anezakis et al.

4 Results and Discussion

After extensive testing on multiple scenarios and different methods for the examination
of all possible coupling combinations of forest fire severity for Sites Kefallonia Chania
and Ilia, important conclusions were drawn on what indicators determine the risk of
burned areas. The best Linguistic fitting with the ACBUS indices was derived from the
UORI and from the combination of MI-TI PARI for all areas. The DRI and other
combinations like the DRIVEGI did not show high convergence with the actual burned
areas (Table 9).

Table 9. Test statistic and P-Value between four CRIs and UORI with ACBUS
Test statistic 27.58 0.82 31.37 15.45 180.18
P-Value 0.00001 0.9344 0.00001 0.0038 0.00001
Test statistic 105.22 0.316 1.4 3.34 716.04
P-Value 0.00001 0.988 0.843 0.5 0.00001
Test statistic 42.45 0.68 67.67 7.76 258.07
P-Value 0.00001 0.9531 0.00001 0.1 0.00001

For the Ilia prefecture, the MI and the TI and all of their combinations have shown
an important influence on the actual burned areas. According to the X squared test the
null hypothesis was rejected which has proved the dependency. Moreover, the DRI-
VEGI and the MIVEGI indices have shown a rather minor effect on the determination
of the actual burned areas (small Test Statistic-higher P-Value). On the other hand, the
burned area has proven to be independent from the MIDRI PARI.
In Kefalonia the MI index and all of its combinations have proved to have great
influence in the burned areas. The result was the opposite for the other indices (TI,
In Chania, the TI and MI indices and all of their combinations have shown a high
correlation with the total burned areas (high Test Statistic values and Low P-Value).
The DRIVEGI does not seem to be correlated to the burned areas (Tables 10 and 11).
Summarizing and evaluating the four indicators studied it was proved that the MI
and the TI are the key factors that affect the severity of forest fires whereas beyond any
expectation the DRI was not the catalyst or retarding factor in the spread of forest fires.
Also from the examined pairs of indices, the combination of MI-TI has shown the
highest test Statistic and the highest correlation with the ACBUS index.
Finally, it was observed that the fuzzy T-NORMS relations, constitute a highly
reliable method for the development of a unified overall risk index (UORI) which is
capable of modeling a very complex problem by combining several parameters or
partial indices.
A Hybrid Soft Computing Approach Producing Robust Forest Fire Risk Indices 201

Table 10. P-Values between the linguistics of the PARI and the linguistics of the ACBUS
MIN 0.33 0.00001 0.00001 0.004 0.01 0.00001
Algebraic 0.29 0.00001 0.00001 0.004 0.0029 0.00001
Drastic 0.51 0.00001 0.00001 0.02 0.01 0.00001
Einstein 0.289 0.00001 0.00001 0.0018 0.012 0.00001
Hamacher 0.33 0.00001 0.00001 0.004 0.011 0.00001
MIN 0.00001 0.63 0.00001 0.50 0.005 0.84
Algebraic 0.00001 0.52 0.00001 0.49 0.00001 0.84
Drastic 0.00001 0.83 0.00001 0.55 0.00001 0.78
Einstein 0.00001 0.93 0.00001 0.47 0.00001 0.84
Hamacher 0.00001 0.61 0.00001 0.50 0.00001 0.84
MIN 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.10 0.00001 0.00001
Algebraic 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.09 0.47 0.37
Drastic 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.09 0.00001 0.00001
Einstein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.09 0.00001 0.00001
Hamacher 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.10 0.00001 0.00001

Table 11. Test statistic between the linguistics of the PARI and the linguistics of the ACBUS.
MIN 4.6 59.06 291.5 15.01 12.55 35.6
Algebraic 4.91 265.12 484.55 15.05 16.05 40.67
Drastic 3.28 67.51 475.69 11.57 13.18 33.78
Einstein 4.97 35.82 468.27 11.88 12.8 40.97
Hamacher 4.6 60.78 329.19 15.01 12.97 41.58
MIN 71.89 2.57 646.13 3.33 14.55 1.4
Algebraic 71.93 3.19 646.62 3.39 215.76 1.4
Drastic 59.04 1.45 646.53 3.02 323.87 1.72
Einstein 78.19 0.79 649.64 3.53 215.81 1.4
Hamacher 78.15 2.65 646.28 3.3 217.39 1.4
MIN 45.62 49.63 153.57 7.68 38.55 66.85
Algebraic 42.46 54.67 124.43 7.87 3.5 4.25
Drastic 42.98 39.86 113.23 7.87 34.88 70.65
Einstein 43.5 55.01 113.38 7.87 39.48 67.88
Hamacher 42.46 33.25 118.89 7.7 41.35 66.98
202 V.-D. Anezakis et al.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

This research proposes the use of an innovative method for the analysis and study of
the main parameters related to forest fires. The proposed approach was developed
towards the estimation of the UORI (forest fire severity index) which is based on
advanced soft computing techniques. More specifically, a fuzzy inference system was
developed. After the performance of extensive testing, the actual interrelationships
between the involved parameters were discovered and hidden knowledge was revealed.
This modeling research effort has yielded high rates of accurate classifications as a
result of a comparative analysis between the obtained indices and the ACBUS. The
function of the model was tested in consideration with various scenarios and presented
important outcome regarding those indices or their pairs which directly determine the
forest fires risk.
It is important to mention that it is the first time that so many parameters are used
and combined to estimate the potential severity of wildfires, creating numerous indi-
vidual indicators in order to construct a unified index that highly reflects the ACBUS.
As future directions that could improve the proposed model we suggest the
potential use of more parameters directly related to forest fires in order to create more
combinations of fuzzy rules and sub-indicators. In this way it will be possible to derive
an even stronger final adaptive unified index compatible with the ACBUS.
Finally, we propose the future use of other machine learning methods (unsuper-
vised - competitive learning) or hybrid soft computing approaches (fuzzy-neural net-
works) and optimization algorithms aimed at even higher rates of correct classification.

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Applying Artificial Neural Networks
to Short-Term PM2.5 Forecasting Modeling

Mihaela Oprea(&), Sanda Florentina Mihalache, and Marian Popescu

Automatic Control, Computers and Electronics Department,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Ploiesti, Romania

Abstract. Air pollution with suspended particles from PM2.5 fraction repre-
sents an important factor to increasing atmospheric pollution degree in urban
areas, with a significant potential effect on the health of vulnerable people such
as children and elderly. PM2.5 air pollutant concentration continuous monitoring
represents an efficient solution for the environment management if it is imple-
mented as a real time forecasting system which can detect the PM2.5 air pol-
lution trends and provide early warning or alerting to persons whose health
might be affected by PM2.5 air pollution episodes. The forecasting methods for
PM concentration use mainly statistical and artificial intelligence-based models.
This paper presents a model based protocol, MBP – PM2.5 forecasting protocol,
for the selection of the best ANN model and a case study with two artificial
neural network (ANN) models for real time short-term PM2.5 forecasting.

Keywords: Artificial neural networks  Forecasting modeling  Air pollution 

PM2.5 air pollutant short-term forecasting  Model based forecasting protocol

1 Introduction

Climate change is a modern topic nowadays. Air pollution is one of the most important
environmental problems on the globe, and causes many types of allergies, respiratory
illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, acute bronchitis diseases, etc. [1, 2]. Particulate
matter (PM) is an air pollutant with high impact on humans because short-term and
long-term exposure to high concentrations may produce severe health effects and
premature mortality [3, 4].
Short-term forecasting of PM2.5 air pollution trends can use different methods:
deterministic, statistical, neural, hybrid (e.g. neuro-fuzzy) etc. The statistical models
include linear regression, ARIMA, principal components analysis, etc., and have been
used for their forecasting skills [5, 6]. The forecasted results generated using these
linear statistical models are in general not satisfactory. An alternative is the use of
computational intelligence approaches, such as artificial intelligence-based models [5,
7]. Artificial neural networks [8] and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS)
have been successfully applied in air pollution forecasting domain [9–11]. The chosen
of an efficient forecasting method is done by experiment, depending on the available
time series databases with measurements of PM2.5 concentration, meteorological
parameters, other air pollutants concentration that influence PM2.5. Depending on the

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 204–211, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_18
Applying Artificial Neural Networks to Short-Term PM2.5 Forecasting Modeling 205

correlation degree with PM2.5, a part of these parameters can be considered as inputs in
the PM2.5 forecasting model. We are applying such a model under the ROKIDAIR
research project ( whose goal is to provide an intelligent tool
(ROKIDAIR DSS) for early warning/alerting of PM2.5 air pollution episodes in urban
areas (in two pilot cities from Romania, Ploiesti and Targoviste), in order to reduce the
potential negative effects of air pollution on children health. Within this project we are
developing a model based on artificial intelligence, named ROKIDAIR IA which has
two main components: a short-term PM2.5 forecasting component and an intelligent
decision support component, based on knowledge. In this paper we focus on short-term
PM2.5 forecasting modeling based on ANN.

2 The Artificial Neural Network Approach for Short-Term

PM2.5 Forecasting

Artificial neural networks are universal approximators that can learn complex mapping
between the input and the output data [12]. An ANN is composed by a set of artificial
neurons which are connected according to a topology. Each connection between two
neurons has a weight (a numerical value in the interval [0, 1]) showing the degree of
that connection which is derived during the ANN training stage. The number of input
neurons is given by the input parameters of the forecasting problem, the output neurons
are the PM2.5 forecasted values in the time window t + k (named also, forecast hori-
zon), while the number of hidden neurons is derived by experiment during training.
Some of the ANNs types most used to solve forecasting problems are feed forward
artificial neural networks [13], recurrent ANNs [14] and radial basis ANNs [12]. Some
recent research results reported in the literature confirmed the good performance of the
neural predictors used to detect the air pollution evolution [15–17].
Figure 1 shows an example of a feed forward ANN for PM2.5 forecasting. The
model uses past measurements of PM2.5 concentration and other atmospheric param-
eters. The ANN has an input layer, an output layer and one or more hidden layers.
Usually, one hidden layer is enough to capture the evolution of the forecasted
parameter according to the data sets available for ANN training. Feed forward ANNs
are trained with a backpropagation algorithm which can be improved by choosing the
right learning parameters, adjusted during training. The generation of an ANN model
must follow three steps: (1) ANN training with a training algorithm on a training data
set; (2) ANN validation on a training data set; (3) ANN testing on a testing data set.

Fig. 1. Example of a feed forward ANN for PM2.5 forecasting

206 M. Oprea et al.

The PM2.5 ANN forecasting model is derived by training the ANN on a training set
selected from the data sets that are available for the urban area that is studied. After
training the ANN model is validated and tested on specific data sets. A recent com-
parison between some ANN models applied to PM2.5 prediction is described in [18].
The main advantage of an ANN forecasting model is given by its capability to capture
with good accuracy the forecasting function when enough large data sets are used. Our
proposed approach for PM2.5 short-term forecasting is based on the MBP - PM2.5
forecasting protocol, developed under the ROKIDAIR project.

3 The PM2.5 Forecasting Model Development Protocol

We have developed a protocol, MBP - PM2.5 forecasting, for building the PM2.5
forecasting model under the ROKIDAIR project. The main purpose of the protocol is to
facilitate the systematic construction of the short-term PM2.5 forecasting model that will
be used by the ROKIDAIR Decision Support System in order to provide decisions
under the form of warning/alerting messages regarding the potential negative effects on
children health of the PM2.5 air pollution episodes. The MBP - PM2.5 forecasting
protocol defines the steps of PM2.5 forecasting model design. The air pollution fore-
casting module determines the evolution for short term PM2.5 concentration.
Figure 2 presents the logic diagram of the MBP - PM2.5 forecasting protocol (with
4 main steps) for the short-term PM2.5 forecasting module of the ROKIDAIR Decision
Support System.

Fig. 2. Logic diagram of the MBP-PM2.5 forecasting protocol (steps I, II, III, IV)
Applying Artificial Neural Networks to Short-Term PM2.5 Forecasting Modeling 207

In the first step are set the PM2.5 forecasting model requirements (as e.g. past
measurements window time, forecasting horizon, input/output parameters, forecasting
accuracy). In step II it is checked if the database with PM2.5 concentration measure-
ments and other PM2.5 related atmospheric parameters measurements (DB-PM2.5) has
enough data. If there are not enough data, it is started a process of data collection
(usually, for the analyzed urban area or a similar PM2.5 air polluted urban area). When
enough data are stored in the database, step III is performed with a data analysis
sub-step (III.1), followed by the setting of the forecasting method (III.2) and the design
of the PM2.5 forecasting model (III.3) according to the methodology of selecting the
best solution. After step III, the short-term PM2.5 forecasting model is generated. If the
model is not validated, another forecasting method is chosen in step III.2. If the model
is validated than it is adopted by the ROKIDAIR system. The model validation is
performed according to the desired forecasting performance which is measured with
some indicators: mean absolute error (MAE), index of agreement (IA), root mean
square error (RMSE), and coefficient of determination (R2).
As we are focusing on the artificial neural network based forecasting method, we
present the main steps of the methodology proposed for feed forward and radial basis
ANN model selection which were integrated in the ROKIDAIR MBP – PM2.5 fore-
casting protocol.
MBP – PM2.5 forecasting protocol – ANN Selection Methodology
Step 1. Time series data processing (i.e. DB-PM2.5) – in order to be used by the
PM2.5 ANN forecasting method;
Step 2. Select the most relevant atmospheric input parameters to short-term PM2.5
forecasting (e.g. by using principle component analysis);
Step 3. Select the training, validation and testing data sets for the ANN model;
Step 4. Set the ANN architecture (e.g. input nodes, output nodes, hidden nodes,
radial function, cluster seed, number of clusters etc.);
Step 5. Adjust the training parameters according to the training algorithm;
Step 6. ANN training, validation, testing using the training data set chosen in step 3;
Step 7. Analyze the performances of the designed ANN model (i.e. RMSE, IA, R2);
Step 8. Select the best ANN model for real time short-term PM2.5 forecasting.
A good PM2.5 forecasting model should have a smaller error (RMSE, MAE), a
coefficient of determination and an index of agreement close to 1. In order to keep the
PM2.5 short-term forecasting model as simple as possible for an efficient real time
PM2.5 forecasting, a minimum number of the atmospheric parameters (e.g. temperature
and relative humidity) most relevant to PM2.5 concentration evolution are chosen.

4 Experimental Results

The data sets used in this study come from an air quality monitoring station from an
urban area of Ploiesti, Romania, and each data set contains approximately 4200
samples for PM2.5 concentrations and temperature. From all meteorological parameters
the temperature is correlated with PM2.5 evolution. The data from Ploiesti monitoring
station referring to PM2.5 concentrations has the maximum of 36.45 lg/m3, and a
208 M. Oprea et al.

minimum of 0.19 lg/m3. In the same time, the temperature data set has the maximum
of 37.24 °C, and the minimum of −0.2 °C.
The proposed forecasting models use normalized data for both PM2.5 concentra-
tions and temperature. The data were randomly divided with the following percentages:
70 % for training, 15 % for validation and 15 % for testing. We propose two types of
forecasting models in this study, based on ANNs. One model has as inputs the four
previous PM2.5 hourly concentrations (Fig. 3a) and the other has one more input than
the first one, namely the current hourly temperature (Fig. 3b). The output of the models
is the same in both cases - short term forecasted value for the next hour PM2.5

Fig. 3. ANN models

The structure of the proposed neural network contains four neurons in the input
layer, one hidden layer and one neuron in the output layer. In the study there were used
two types of neural networks, namely feed forward backpropagation (FFwd) and layer
recurrent (LRec). As training algorithm the preferred method is Levenberg-Marquardt,
and for the adaptive learning functions there are studied the gradient descent with
momentum weight and bias (learngdm) and gradient descent weight and bias (learngd).
The simulations were performed modifying also the number of neurons in the hidden
The training and validation errors have values around 0.001 and 0.0007 respec-
tively. The accuracy of the models can be evaluated based on the comparison between
the actual value and forecasted value of PM2.5 concentration, with mean error and
standard deviation criteria. The performances of the designed ANN models are com-
pared using statistical indices such as RMSE, IA, R2, and R.
The two models are compared using statistical criteria and a selection of the results
are presented in Tables 1 and 2, the best configuration for each ANN model being
For the first model using only PM concentrations as inputs the best results are
obtained in the case of layer recurrent structure with 5 neurons in the hidden layer and
the learngdm adaptation learning function. In this case the root mean squared error
have the smallest value, and IA, R2 and R indices have the biggest values.
Applying Artificial Neural Networks to Short-Term PM2.5 Forecasting Modeling 209

Table 1. Statistical indices for ANN model 1

ANN model 1 RMSE IA R2 R
4  3  1/ FFwd 1.1106 0.9902 0.9620 0.9809
Learngdm LRec 1.1268 0.9899 0.9609 0.9803
4  3  1/ FFwd 1.1123 0.9902 0.9619 0.9808
Learngd LRec 1.1132 0.9902 0.9619 0.9808
4  4  1/ FFwd 1.1188 0.9901 0.9615 0.9806
Learngdm LRec 1.1257 0.9899 0.9610 0.9803
4  4  1/ FFwd 1.1188 0.9901 0.9615 0.9806
Learngd LRec 1.1182 0.9900 0.9615 0.9806
4  5  1/ FFwd 1.1128 0.9902 0.9619 0.9808
Learngdm LRec 1.0908 0.9905 0.9634 0.9815
4  5  1/ FFwd 1.1132 0.9901 0.9618 0.9808
Learngd LRec 1.1193 0.9901 0.9614 0.9806
4  6  1/ FFwd 1.1057 0.9903 0.9624 0.9810
Learngdm LRec 1.1110 0.9902 0.9620 0.9809
4  6  1/ FFwd 1.1064 0.9903 0.9623 0.9810
Learngd LRec 1.0933 0.9905 0.9632 0.9814

Table 2. Statistical indices for ANN model 2

ANN model 2 RMSE IA R2 R
4  3  1/ FFwd 1.1106 0.9902 0.9620 0.9809
Learngdm LRec 1.1110 0.9902 0.9620 0.9808
4  3  1/ FFwd 1.1123 0.9902 0.9619 0.9808
Learngd LRec 1.1198 0.9900 0.9614 0.9806
4  4  1/ FFwd 1.0985 0.9904 0.9629 0.9813
Learngdm LRec 1.1206 0.9900 0.9613 0.9805
4  4  1/ FFwd 1.1188 0.9901 0.9615 0.9806
Learngd LRec 1.1046 0.9903 0.9624 0.9811
4  5  1/ FFwd 1.0966 0.9905 0.9630 0.9813
Learngdm LRec 1.1134 0.9901 0.9618 0.9808
4  5  1/ FFwd 1.1221 0.9900 0.9612 0.9805
Learngd LRec 1.0998 0.9904 0.9628 0.9812
4  6  1/ FFwd 1.1074 0.9902 0.9622 0.9810
Learngdm LRec 1.1256 0.9899 0.9610 0.9803
4  6  1/ FFwd 1.0951 0.9905 0.9631 0.9814
Learngd LRec 1.0966 0.9904 0.9630 0.9814

The second model with temperature as additional input has the best results (com-
paring the same statistical indices) in the case of feed forward structure with 6 neurons
in the hidden layer and the learngd adaptation learning function.
210 M. Oprea et al.

The best results from the two models showed that no significant enhancement has
been produced when current hourly temperature is included as additional input variable
to the second ANN model. The best structure between the two is the one from the first
model with PM concentrations as inputs (4  5  1 – Learngdm – Layer Recurrent)
with: RMSE = 1.0908 lg/m3, IA = 0.9905, R2 = 0.9634 and R = 0.9815.
Figure 4 presents a partial view of the comparison between testing and forecasted
data for the best ANN structure.

Fig. 4. Comparison between testing and forecasted data

5 Conclusions

The paper presented two ANN models proposed for real time PM2.5 short-term fore-
casting in the case of a polluted town in Romania. In order to select the best ANN
forecasting model, we have designed a model based PM2.5 forecasting protocol, named
MBP – PM2.5 forecasting protocol, which is integrated in the ROKIDAIR MBP pro-
tocol for the development of the ROKIDAIR DSS. The first proposed model uses as
inputs only hourly PM concentrations and the second one uses an additional input the
current hourly temperature. The conclusions are that the accuracy of both ANN models
are almost the same, so both models can be considered appropriate approaches to real
time short term forecast. As future work we propose to include other meteorological
variables into the model, use additional hybrid modelling techniques such as FIR with
genetic algorithm, or expand the forecasting window to next day.

Acknowledgements. The research leading to these results has received funding from EEA
Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 under the project ROKIDAIR “Towards a better protection of
children against air pollution threats in the urban areas of Romania” contract no. 20SEE/
Applying Artificial Neural Networks to Short-Term PM2.5 Forecasting Modeling 211

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AIRuleBased Modeling (AIRUMO)
Modeling Mental Workload Via Rule-Based
Expert System: A Comparison with NASA-TLX
and Workload Profile

Lucas Rizzo, Pierpaolo Dondio, Sarah Jane Delany, and Luca Longo(B)

School of Computing, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland

Abstract. In the last few decades several fields have made use of the
construct of human mental workload (MWL) for system and task design
as well as for assessing human performance. Despite this interest, MWL
remains a nebulous concept with multiple definitions and measurement
techniques. State-of-the-art models of MWL are usually ad-hoc, consid-
ering different pools of pieces of evidence aggregated with different infer-
ence strategies. In this paper the aim is to deploy a rule-based expert
system as a more structured approach to model and infer MWL. This
expert system is built upon a knowledge-base of an expert and translates
into computable rules. Different heuristics for aggregating these rules are
proposed and they are elicited using inputs gathered in an user study
involving humans performing web-based tasks. The inferential capac-
ity of the expert system, using the proposed heuristics, is compared
against the one of two ad-hoc models, commonly used in psychology:
the NASA-Task Load Index and the Workload Profile assessment tech-
nique. In detail, the inferential capacity is assessed by a quantification of
two properties commonly used in psychological measurement: sensitivity
and validity. Results show how some of the designed heuristics can over
perform the baseline instruments suggesting that MWL modelling using
expert system is a promising avenue worthy of further investigation.

Keywords: Rule-based expert system · Mental workload · Heuristics

1 Introduction
Mental workload (MWL) is a multi-faceted phenomenon with no clear and widely
accepted definition. Intuitively, it can be described as the amount of cognitive
work expended to a certain task during a given period of time. However, this is
a simplistic definition and other factors such as stress, time pressure and mental
effort can all influence MWL [11]. The principal reason for measuring MWL is
to quantify the mental cost of performing a task in order to predict operator and
system performance [1]. It is an important construct, mainly used in the fields of

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 215–229, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 19
216 L. Rizzo et al.

psychology and ergonomics, mainly with application in aviation and automobile

industries [5,20] and in interface and web design [15,16,23]. According to Young
and Stanton, underload and overload can weaken performance [28]. However,
optimal workload has a positive impact on user satisfaction, system success,
productivity and safety [12]. Often the information necessary for modelling the
construct of MWL is uncertain, vague and contradictory [13]. State-of-the-art
measurement techniques do not take into consideration the inconsistency of data
used in the modelling phase, which might lead to contradictions and loss of infor-
mation. For example, if the time spent on a certain task is low it can be derived
that the overall MWL is also low, however, if the effort invested in the task is
extremely high, then the contrary can be inferred. The aim of this study is to
investigate the use of rule-based expert systems for the modelling and inference
of MWL. An expert system is a computable program designed to model the
problem-solving ability of a human expert [3]. This human expert has to provide
a knowledge base, then in turn is translated into computable rules. These rules
are used by an inference engine aimed at inferring a numerical index of MWL.
Since there is no ground truth indicating if such index is fully correct, the infer-
ential capacity of the defined expert system needs to be investigated in order
to gauge its quality. To solve this, the proposal is to adopt some of the most
commonly used criteria used in psychometrics such as validity and sensitivity
[4,22,24]. In simple terms, these criteria are aimed at assessing whether a tech-
nique is measuring the construct under investigation and whether it is capable
of differentiating variations in workload. From this, the following research ques-
tion can be defined: can implementations of rule-based expert systems, compared
to state-of-the-art MWL inference techniques, enhance the modelling of mental
workload according to sensitivity and validity?
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: Sect. 2 describes related
works on MWL, its assessment techniques and provides a general view on
rule-based expert systems. Section 3 presents the design of an experiment, the
methodology adopted. Findings are discussed in Sect. 4 while Sect. 5 concludes
our contribution and introduces future work.

2 Related Work
2.1 Mental Workload Assessment Techniques
As stated by several authors, there is no simple and agreed definition of mental
workload [6,20,27]. It is thought to be multidimensional and multifaceted, result-
ing from the aggregation of many different factors thus difficult to be uniquely
defined [1]. The basic intuition is that mental workload is the necessary amount
of cognitive work for a person to accomplish a task over a period of time. Never-
theless, a large number of measures have been developed [7,29] and practition-
ers have found measuring MWL to be useful [25]. Most empirical classification
assessment procedures can be divided in three major categories [19]:
– Subjective measures: operators are required to evaluate their own MWL
according to different rating scales or a set of questionnaires.
Modeling Mental Workload Via Rule-Based Expert System 217

– Performance-based measures: these infer an index of MWL from objective

notions of performance on the primary task, such as number of errors, com-
pletion time or reaction time to respond to secondary tasks.
– Physiological measures: these infer a value of MWL according to some physi-
ological response from the operator such as pupillary reflex or muscle activity.

Further details for each category can be found in [5,17]. This study makes use
of two of the subjective measures of MWL that have been largely employed for
the last four decades [7,21,24]. These are used as base-lines and are: NASA-Task
Load Index (TLX) [7] and Workload Profile (WP) [24].
The NASA-TLX is a multidimensional scale, initially developed for the use
in the aviation industry. Its application has been spread across several different
areas, such as automobile drivers, medical profession, users of computers and
military cockpits. Also, it has achieved great importance and is considered a
reference point for the development of new measures and models [6]. NASA-TLX
consists of six sub scales: mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand,
frustration, effort and performance (Table 4, in the Appendix, questions 1–5 plus
physical demand). The computation of an overall MWL index is made through
a weighted average of these six dimensions di quantified using a questionnaire.
The weights wi are provided by the operator according to a comparison of each
possible pair of the six dimensions, for example “which contributed more for
the MWL: mental demand or effort?”, “which contributed more for the MWL:
performance or frustration?”, giving a total of 15 preferences. The number of
times each dimension is chosen defines its weight (Eq. 1).
The Workload Profile is another MWL assessment technique based on the
Multiple Resource Theory (MRT) [26]. In contrast to the NASA-TLX, it is
built upon 8 dimensions: perceptual/central processing, response processing, spa-
tial processing, verbal processing, visual processing, auditory processing, manual
responses and speech responses (Table 4, question 6–13). The operator is asked
to rate the proportion of attentional resources, in the range 0 to 1, for each
dimension, then summed. For comparison purpose, this sum is averaged (Eq. 2).

6 1 
TLXMWL = di × wi (1) WPMWL = di (2)

According to [22] WP is preferred to NASA-TLX if the goal is to compare the

MWL of two or more tasks with different levels of difficulty, while NASA-TLX is
preferred if the goal is to predict the performance of a particular individual in a
single task. Several criteria have been proposed for the selection and development
of measurement techniques [19]. In this study the focus is on two of them:

– validity: to determine whether the MWL measurement instrument is actually

measuring MWL. Two variations of validity are usually employed in psychol-
ogy: concurrent and convergent. The former aims at determining to what
extent a technique can explain objective performance measures, such as task
execution time. The second indicates whether different MWL techniques cor-
218 L. Rizzo et al.

relate to each other [24]. In literature, concurrent and convergent validity are
calculated adopting statistical correlation coefficients [12,22].
– sensitivity: the capability of a technique to discriminate significant variations
in MWL and changes in resource demand or task difficulty [19]. Formally,
sensitivity has been assessed in two different ways: multiple regression [24] and
ANOVA [12,22]. The aim was to identify statistically significant differences of
the MWL indexes associated to each task under examination.

2.2 Mental Workload and Rule-Based Expert System

An expert system is a computer program created in order to emulate an expert in

a given field [3]. The goal is to imitate the experts capability of solving different
tasks in its area. Unlike usual procedural algorithms, an expert system normally
has two modules: a knowledge base and an inference engine. The knowledge
base is provided by the expert and translated into a set of rules, which will be
utilised by an inference engine. A typical rule is of the form “IF ... THEN ...”
and the engine will elicit and aggregate all the rules in order to infer a conclu-
sion. In [9], a literature review of many areas in which expert systems have been
applied is provided, while [8,18] are examples of works in the more general field
of knowledge representation. To the best of our knowledge, the only study that
attempted to model MWL employing inference rules by Longo [10]. Here, mod-
elling MWL has been proposed as a defeasible reasoning process, which is a kind
of reasoning built upon inference rules that are defeasible. Defeasible reasoning
does not produce a final representation of MWL, but rather a dynamic represen-
tation that might change in the light of new evidence and rules. Following this
approach, rule-based expert systems might be suitable complements because of
their capacity to imitate the problem-solving ability of an expert and facilitate
the justification of the inferred conclusion.

3 Design and Methodology

In order to answer the research question an experiment is designed as it follows:

1. acquisition of a knowledge base (KB) related to MWL from an expert;

2. KB translation into different types of rule (forecast, undercutting, rebutting)
3. construction of models (e1 − e4 , f r1 − f r4 ) based on two variations of KB,
each employing different types of rules and heuristics (H1 , ..., H4 );
4. comparison of the inferential capacity of each model against selected baseline
instruments (NASA-TLX and WP) according to validity and sensitivity:
– validity is measured to investigate if the implemented rule-based expert
system is capable of inferring MWL as well as the baseline instruments.
– sensitivity is measured to determine the quality of the inference made by
the implemented expert system.
Modeling Mental Workload Via Rule-Based Expert System 219

Table 1. Experiments set up: types of rules employed by two variations of the same
knowledge base (left) and name of each model, variation used, heuristic adopted (right).

Types of rules Knowledge base Model KB variation Heuristics

variations 1 2 h1 h 2 h 3 h 4
Forecast e3  
1 e4  
Undercutting f r1  
f r2  
2 f r3  
Rebutting f r4  

3.1 Knowledge Base (KB)

Research studies performed by Longo et al. have developed a knowledge base

for the inference of MWL in the field of human computer interaction [11,12,16].
The goal was to investigate the impact of structural changes of web interfaces
on the imposed mental workload on end-users after interacting with them. The
knowledge base developed comprises by 21 attributes (Table 4), containing a set
of features believed to be useful for modelling MWL, each of them quantified,
through a subjective question, in the range [0, 100] ∈ R. The MWL has four
possible levels, as per Definition 1.

Definition 1 (Mental workload level). Four MWL levels are defined: underload
(U), fitting− (F− ), fitting+ (F+ ) and overload (O).

The set of rules built from the knowledge-base of the expert [11] can be seen
in the Appendix and a formal definition follows.

Definition 2 (Rules). Three types of rules are defined.

– Forecast rule (FR): takes a value α of an attribute X and infers a MWL level
β if α is in a predefined range [x1 , x2 ] with x1 , x2 ∈ N and x2 > x1 .

F R : IF α ∈ [x1 , x2 ] T HEN β

– Undercutting rule (UR): takes one or more attributes values, α1 , · · · , αn , and

undercuts what is inferred by a forecast rule Y if α1 ∈ [x11 , x12 ], · · · , αn ∈
[xn1 , xn2 ]. In this case it is said that rule Y is discarded, d(Y), and will not be
considered for future inferences of MWL.

U R : IF α1 ∈ [x11 , x12 ] and · · · and αn ∈ [xn1 , xn2 ] T HEN d(Y )

220 L. Rizzo et al.

– Rebutting rule (RR): is a relationship between two forecast rules, Y1 and Y2 ,

that can not coexist.

RR : IF Y1 and Y2 T HEN d(Y1 ) and d(Y2 ).

Example 1. An example of possible rules are:

– Forecast rules
EF1: [IF effort ∈ [0, 32] THEN U] EF4: [IF effort ∈ [67, 100] THEN O]
MD1: [IF mental demand ∈ [0, 32] THEN U]
PK1: [IF past knowledge ∈ [0, 32] THEN O]
– Undercutting rule
DS1: [IF task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] and skills ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(EF4)]
– Rebutting rule - r5: [IF PK1 and EF1 THEN d(PK1) and d(EF1)].

3.2 Inference Engine

Having defined the set of rules, the next step for inferring MWL is to implement
an inference engine. Our inference engine starts with the activation of rules in
the set of FR. These will be called activated rules. This activation is based on
the inputs provided by the user. Afterwards, rules from the set of UR and RR
might discard activated rules, solving some part of the contradictory information.
This step is not compulsory. The implementation of rule-based expert systems
without UR and RR is also provided. Activated rules that are not discarded
are called surviving rules. After defining the set of surviving rules, there still
might be some inconsistent inferences. Surviving rules will likely be inferring
different MWL levels, even with the application of UR and RR. The expert
system, therefore, must be able to aggregate the surviving rules and produce a
final inference of MWL. Next an example follows:

Example 2. Following rules from Example 1 and given a numerical input it is

possible to define the set of activated rules and the set of surviving rules.

– Inputs: [effort = 80, past knowledge = 15, task difficulty = 90,

mental demand = 20, skills = 70, temporal demand = 10]
– Rules: Activated: [EF4, PK1, MD1, TD1, DS1] Discarded: [EF4]
Surviving: [PK1, MD1, TD1].

Example 2 illustrates a set of surviving rules inferring underload MWL (MD1,

TD1) and overload MWL (PK1) at the same time. At this stage, a typical set of
conflict resolutions strategies for expert systems include: deciding a priority for
each rule, firing all possible lines of reasoning or choosing the first rule addressed.
However, none of these strategies is applicable in our experiment, since there is
no preference among rules, order of evaluation or possibility to compute more
than one output. The knowledge base does not provide sufficient information for
performing this computation and because of that four heuristics are defined to
Modeling Mental Workload Via Rule-Based Expert System 221

accomplish the aggregation of the surviving rules. The strategies are developed
in order to extract different pieces of information from the surviving rules, which
are aggregated or not in different fashions. The final MWL will be a value in the
range [0, 100] ∈ R. Before presenting such heuristics it is necessary to define the
value of a surviving rule (Definition 3).

Definition 3 (Surviving rule value). The value of a surviving rule r ∈ F R, with

input 0 ≤ α ≤ 100 related to attribute X, is given by the function

α, if X ∝ M W L
f (r) =
100 − α, if X ∝ M W 1

with X ∝ M W L a direct relationship, X ∝ 1

MW L an inverse relationship1 .

Given Definition 3 the following heuristics are designed:

– h1 : the average of the surviving rules of the MWL level with the largest car-
dinality of surviving rules. In case of two or more levels with equal cardinality,
it computes the mean of the averages. The idea is to give importance to the
largest point of view (largest set of surviving rules) to infer MWL.
– h2 : the highest average value of the surviving rules for each MWL level. This
is a pessimistic point of view, and infers the highest MWL according to the
different sets of surviving rules of each MWL level.
– h3 : average value of all surviving rules. This is to give equal importance to all
surviving rules, regardless of which level of MWL they were supporting.
– h4 : average of average of surviving rules of each MWL level. This is to give
equal importance to all sets of MWL levels.

Example 3. Following Example 2, the value of the surviving rules is given by

f (P K1) = 85, f (M D1) = 20 and f (T D1) = 10. Finally, the overall MWL
computed by each heuristic is: h1 : 20+10
2 = 15, h2 : max(85, 20+10
2 ) = 85,
h3 : 20+10+85
3 = 38.3 and h4 : 2
2 = 50.

4 Data Collection, Elicitation of Models and Evaluation

Nine information seeking web-based tasks of varying difficulty and demand

(Table 3), were performed by participants over three websites: Google, Wikipedia
and Youtube. Two alterations of the interface of each web-site were proposed,
having overall (9 × 2 = 18) configurations. 40 volunteers performed 9 tasks (on a
random alteration) and after each, they answered each question of Table 4 using
a paper-based scale in the range [0..100] ∈ ℵ, partitioned in 3 regions delimited
at 33 and 66. Due to loss of data or partial completion of questionnaires, 406
Only the attributes past knowledge, skills and performance of Table 4 have an inverse
relationship with MWL (the higher the answer the lower the MWL level) while the
others have a direct relationship.
222 L. Rizzo et al.

Fig. 1. Evaluation strategy schema

instances were valid. Collected answers, for each instance, were used to elicit
the rules of each model (Sect. 3), aggregated with their heuristic, that in turn,
produced an index of MWL, in the scale [0..100] ∈ . The outputs formed a dis-
tribution of MWL indexes, one for each model, and these were compared against
the ones of the baseline models according to validity and sensitivity (Fig. 1).

4.1 Validity

In line with other studies [12,22], validity was assessed using correlation coeffi-
cients. In order to select the most suitable statistic, a test of the normality of the
distributions of the MWL indexes, produced by each model, was performed using
the Shapiro-Wilk test. This test did not achieve a significance greater than 0.05
for most of the models, underlying the non normality of data. As a consequence,
the Spearman’s rank-order correlation was selected.
Convergent validity: aimed at determining to what extent a model corre-
late with other model of MWL. As it can be seen from Fig. 2, the baseline instru-
ments (NASA-TLX and WP) achieved a correlation of .538 (dashed reference
line) with each other. When correlated with NASA-TLX, e3 and f r3 obtained
a higher correlation than this. These two models both apply the heuristic h3 ,
which is the average of all surviving rules, a similar computational method used
by the baseline instruments. Just in two other cases (e1 , f r1 ) a good correlation
(close to the reference line) with WP was obtained. These 2 models implement
heuristic h1 , which is the average of the surviving rules of the MWL level (set of
rules) with the largest cardinality. The above 4 cases demonstrate how models
can be built using rule-based expert system showing similar validity than other
baseline MWL assessment instruments believed to shape the construct of MWL.
Concurrent validity: aimed at determining the extent to which a model
correlate with task completion time (objective performance measure)2 . From
Fig. 3, it is possible to note that even the baseline instruments do not have a
high correlation with task completion time. The first dashed line represents the
correlation of 0.178 between NASA-TLX and Time while the second represents

Due to measurement errors, only 281 instances have an associated time.
Modeling Mental Workload Via Rule-Based Expert System 223

Fig. 2. Convergent validity: p < 0.05. Fig. 3. Concurrent validity: p <


the correlation of 0.119 between WP and Time. Similarly to convergent validity,

the models applying heuristic h3 (e3 , and f r3 ) plus the model e2 were the ones
that better correlated with task completion time, Fig. 3, over performing the
NASA-TLX. Almost all the models over performed also the WP baseline. These
findings suggest that computational models of MWL can be built as rule-based
expert systems, and these are capable of enhancing the concurrent validity of
the assessments when compared with state-of-the-art models.

4.2 Sensitivity

In line with other studies [12,22], sensitivity was assessed by analysis of variance.
In particular, the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis H test was performed over the
MWL distributions generated by each model, and this was selected because some
of the assumptions behind the equivalent of one-way ANOVA were not met. Only
model e4 was not capable of rejecting the null hypothesis of same distribution
of MWL indexes across tasks (p < 0.01). This means that, for the other mod-
els, statistical significant differences exist. The Kruskal-Wallis H test, however,
does not tell exactly which pairs of tasks are different from each other. As a
consequence, post hoc analysis was performed and the Games-Howell test was
chosen because of unequal variances of the distributions under analysis. Table 2
depicts how many pairs of tasks each model was capable of differentiating at dif-
ferent significance levels (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01). As is can be observed, models
applying heuristic h3 (f r3 and e3 ) outperformed the WP but underperformed
the NASA-TLX. This result is a confirmation that sensitive mental workload
rule-based expert systems can be successfully built and compete with existing
benchmarks in the field.

4.3 Summary of Findings

Quantifications of the validity and the sensitivity of developed models suggest

that rule-based expert systems can be successfully built for mental workload
modelling and assessment because their inferential capacity lies between the
224 L. Rizzo et al.

Table 2. Sensitivity of MWL models with Games-Howell post hoc analysis. The max-
imum pairwise comparisons of 9 tasks is 92 = 36).

Model p < 0.05 p < 0.01 Model p < 0.05 p < 0.01
NASA-TLX 18 12 NASA-TLX 18 12
WP 9 4 WP 9 4
e1 2 1 f r1 2 0
e2 5 3 f r2 4 1
e3 13 10 f r3 17 10
e4 0 0 f r4 4 1

inferential capacity of two state-of-the-art assessment instruments, namely the

Nasa Task Load Index and the Workload profile. However, here it is argued that
these systems are more appealing and dynamic than selected state-of-the-art
approaches. Firstly, they use rules built with terms that are closer to the way
humans reason and that imitate experts problem-solving ability. Secondly, they
embed heuristics for aggregating rules in a more dynamic way, with a better
capacity of handling uncertainty and conflicting pieces of information compared
to fixed formulas of state-of-the-art models. Thirdly, they allow the comparison
of knowledge-bases and beliefs of different MWL designers thus increasing the
understanding of the construct of Mental Workload itself.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

This research presents a new way of modelling and assessing the construct of
Mental Workload (MWL) by means of rule-based expert systems. A knowledge
base of a MWL designer was elicited and translated into computational rules of
various typology. Different heuristics for aggregating these rules were designed
aimed at inferring MWL as a numerical index. Inferred indexes were systemat-
ically compared with those generated by two state-of-the-art MWL assessment
techniques: the NASA Task Load Index and the Workload Profile. This compar-
ison included the quantification of two properties of each distribution of MWL
indexes, namely sensitivity and validity, commonly employed in the literature.
Findings suggest that rule-based expert systems are promising not only because
they can approximate the inferential capacity of selected state-of-the-art MWL
assessment techniques. They also offer a flexible approach for translating dif-
ferent knowledge-bases and beliefs of MWL designers into computational rules
supporting the creation of models that can be replicated, extended and falsified,
thus enhancing the understanding of the construct of mental workload itself.
Future works will be focused on the replication of the approach adopted in this
study using other knowledge bases elicited from other MWL experts. Addition-
ally, this approach will be extended incorporating fuzzy representation of rules
and acceptability semantics, borrowed from argumentation theory [2,14], with
Modeling Mental Workload Via Rule-Based Expert System 225

the aim of improving conflict resolution of rules and building models expected
to have an even higher sensitivity and validity.

Acknowledgments. Lucas Middeldorf Rizzo would like to thank CNPq (Conselho

Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico) for his Science Without Borders
scholarship, proc n. 232822/2014-0.

Knowledge Base

For the attribute mental demand the forecast rules are:

MD1: [IF mental demand ∈ [0, 32] THEN U ] MD3: [IF mental demand ∈ [50, 66] THEN F+ ]
MD2: [IF mental demand ∈ [33, 49] THEN F− ] MD4: [IF mental demand ∈ [67, 100] THEN O]

The same principle applies to the attributes temporal demand, physical

demand, solving and deciding, selection of response, task and space, verbal
material, visual resources, auditory resources, manual response, speech response,
effort, parallelism, and context bias, forming 52 other rules. For psychological
stress, motivation, past knowledge, skills and performance the forecast rules are:
PS1: [IF psychol. stress ∈ [0, 32] THEN U ] SK2: [IF skills ∈ [67, 100] THEN U
PS2: [IF psychol stress ∈ [67, 100] THEN O] PF1: [IF performance ∈ [0, 32] THEN O]
MV1: [IF motivation ∈ [0, 32] THEN U ]
PF2: [IF performance ∈ [33, 49] THEN F+ ]
PK1: [IF past knowledge ∈ [0, 32] THEN O]
PK2: [IF past knowledge ∈ [67, 100] THEN U ] PF3: [IF performance ∈ [50, 66] THEN F− ]
SK1: [IF skills ∈ [0, 32] THEN O] PF4: [IF performance ∈ [67, 100] THEN U ]

The undercutting rules and rebutting rules are:

AD1a: [IF arousal ∈ [0, 32] and task difficulty ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(PF4)]
AD1b: [IF arousal ∈ [0, 32] and task difficulty ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(PF3)]
AD1c: [IF arousal ∈ [0, 32] and task difficulty ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(PF2)]
AD2a: [IF arousal ∈ [0, 32] and task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(PF4)]
AD2b: [IF arousal ∈ [0, 32] and task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(PF3)]
AD2c: [IF arousal ∈ [0, 32] and task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(PF2)]
AD3a: [IF arousal ∈ [33, 49] and task difficulty ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(PF1)]
AD3b: [IF arousal ∈ [33, 49] and task difficulty ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(PF4)]
AD4a: [IF arousal ∈ [33, 49] and task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(PF1)]
AD4b: [IF arousal ∈ [33, 49] and task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(PF3)]
AD4c: [IF arousal ∈ [33, 49] and task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(PF4)]
AD4d: [IF arousal ∈ [50, 66] and task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(PF1)]
AD4e: [IF arousal ∈ [50, 66] and task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(PF3)]
AD4f: [IF arousal ∈ [50, 66] and task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(PF4)]
AD5a: [IF arousal ∈ [50, 66] and task difficulty ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(PF1)]
AD5b: [IF arousal ∈ [50, 66] and task difficulty ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(PF2)]
AD5c: [IF arousal ∈ [50, 66] and task difficulty ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(PF3)]
AD5d: [IF arousal ∈ [67, 100] and task difficulty ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(PF1)]
AD5e: [IF arousal ∈ [67, 100] and task difficulty ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(PF2)]
AD5f: [IF arousal ∈ [67, 100] and task difficulty ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(PF3)]
AD6a: [IF arousal ∈ [67, 100] and task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(PF2)]
AD6b: [IF arousal ∈ [67, 100] and task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(PF3)]
AD6c: [IF arousal ∈ [67, 100] and task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(PF4)]
MV2: [IF motivation ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(EF3)] - MV3: [IF motivation ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(EF4)]
MV4: [IF motivation ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(EF1)] - MV5: [IF motivation ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(EF2)]
DS1: [IF task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] and skills ∈ [67, 100] THEN d(EF4)]
DS2: [IF task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] and skills ∈ [67, 100] and effort ∈ [0, 32] THEN d(PF1)]
226 L. Rizzo et al.

DS3: [IF task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] and skills ∈ [67, 100] and effort ∈ [33, 49] THEN d(PF1)]
DS4: [IF task difficulty ∈ [67, 100] and skills ∈ [67, 100] and effort ∈ [50, 66] THEN d(PF1)]
r1: [IF MD1 and SD4 THEN d(MD1), d(SD4)] - r2: [IF MD4 and SD1 THEN d(MD4), d(SD1)]
r3: [IF PK1 and SK4 THEN d(PK1), d(SK4)] - r4: [IF PK4 and SK1 THEN d(PK4), d(SK1)]
r5: [IF PK1 and EF4 THEN d(PK1, d(EF1)] - r6: [IF PK2 and EF4 THEN d(PK2), d(EF4)]
r7: [IF SK1 and EF1 THEN d(SK1), d(EF1)] - r8: [IF SK4 and EF4 THEN d(SK4), d(EF4)]
r9: [IF CB4 and PS1 THEN d(CB4), d(PS1)]

Tasks and Questionnaire

Table 3. List of experimental tasks

Task Description Task condition Web-site

T1 Find out how many people live in Simple search Wikipedia
T2 Read No goals, no time pressure Wikipedia
T3 Find out the difference (in years) Dual-task and mental arithmetical Google
between the year of the calculations
foundation of the Apple
Computer Inc. and the year of
the 14th FIFA world cup
T4 Find out the difference (in years) Dual-task and mental arithmetical Google
between the foundation of the calculations
Microsoft Corp. & the year of
the 23rd Olympic games
T5 Find out the year of birth of the Single task + time pressure (2-min Google
1st wife of the founder of limit). Each 30 secs user is
playboy warned of time left
T6 Find out the name of the man Constant demand on visual and Youtube
(interpreted by Johnny Deep) auditory modalities.
in the video Participant can replay the
com/watch?v=FfTPS-TFQ c video if required
T7 (a) Play the song Demand on visual modality and Wikipedia
com/watch?v=Rb5G1eRIj6c. inference on auditory modality.
While listening to it, (b) find The song is extremely irritating
out the result of the
polynomial equation p(x), with
x = 7 contained in the
wikipedia article http://it.
T8 Find out how many times Stewie Demand on visual resource + Youtube
jumps in the video www. external interference: user is distracted twice & can replay
v=TSe9gbdkQ8s video
T9 Find out the age of the blue fish in Demand on visual and auditory Youtube
the video modality, plus time-pressure:
watch?v=H4BNbHBcnDI 150-sec limit. User can replay
the video. There is no answer.
Modeling Mental Workload Via Rule-Based Expert System 227

Table 4. Experimental study questionnaire [11]

Dimension Question
Mental demand How much mental and perceptual activity was required (e.g., thinking,
deciding, calculating, remembering, looking, searching, etc.)? Was the task
easy (low mental demand) or complex (high mental demand)?
Temporal demand How much time pressure did you feel due to the rate or pace at which the tasks
or task elements occurred? Was the pace slow and leisurely (low temporal
demand) or rapid and frantic (high temporal demand)?
Effort How much conscious mental effort or concentration was required? Was the task
almost automatic (low effort) or it required total attention (high effort)?
Performance How successful do you think you were in accomplishing the goal of the task?
How satisfied were you with your performance in accomplishing the goal?
Frustration How secure, gratified, content, relaxed and complacent (low psychological
stress) versus insecure, discouraged, irritated, stressed and annoyed (high
psychological stress) did you feel during the task?
Selection of response How much attention was required for selecting the proper response channel and
its execution? (manual - keyboard/mouse, or speech - voice)
Task and space How much attention was required for spatial processing (spatially pay
attention around you)?
Verbal material How much attention was required for verbal material (eg. reading or processing
linguistic material or listening to verbal conversations)?
Visual resources How much attention was required for executing the task based on the
information visually received (through eyes)?
Auditory resources How much attention was required for executing the task based on the
information auditorily received (ears)?
Manual Response How much attention was required for manually respond to the task (eg.
keyboard/mouse usage)?
Speech response How much attention was required for producing the speech response(eg.
engaging in a conversation or talk or answering questions)?
Context bias How often interruptions on the task occurred? Were distractions (mobile,
questions, noise, etc.) not important (low context bias) or did they
influence your task (high context bias)?
Past knowledge How much experience do you have in performing the task or similar tasks on
the same website?
Skill Did your skills have no influence (low) or did they help to execute the task
Solving and deciding How much attention was required for activities like remembering,
problem-solving, decision-making and perceiving (eg. detecting, recognizing
and identifying objects)?
Motivation Were you motivated to complete the task?
Parallelism Did you perform just this task (low parallelism) or were you doing other
parallel tasks (high parallelism) (eg. multiple tabs/windows/programs)?
Arousal Were you aroused during the task? Were you sleepy, tired (low arousal) or fully
awake and activated (high arousal)?
Task difficult Task difficult was given by the formula: Taskdifficult = 18
((solving/deciding) +
(auditory resources) + (manual response) + (speech response) +
(response) + (task/space) + (verbal material) + (visual resources))
Physical demand The physical demand was considered 0 for all instances
228 L. Rizzo et al.

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Convolutive Audio Source Separation
Using Robust ICA and Reduced
Likelihood Ratio Jump

Dimitrios Mallis, Thomas Sgouros, and Nikolaos Mitianoudis(B)

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

Democritus University of Thrace, 67100 Xanthi, Greece, {tsgouros,nmitiano}

Abstract. Audio source separation is the task of isolating sound sources

that are active simultaneously in a room captured by a set of micro-
phones. Convolutive audio source separation of equal number of sources
and microphones has a number of shortcomings including the complexity
of frequency-domain ICA, the permutation ambiguity and the problem’s
scalabity with increasing number of sensors. In this paper, the authors
propose a multiple-microphone audio source separation algorithm based
on a previous work of Mitianoudis and Davies [1]. Complex FastICA is
substituted by Robust ICA increasing robustness and performance. Per-
mutation ambiguity is solved using the Likelihood Ration Jump solution,
which is now modified to decrease computational complexity in the case
of multiple microphones.

1 Introduction
The problem of Blind Audio Source Separation (BASS) implies the extraction
of independent audio sources from an audio mixture that has been observed by
a number of microphones, without any prior knowledge regarding the involved
sources or the mixing system. In recent years, many methods have been proposed
for resolving this problem with relative success. BASS becomes more complicated
when we are dealing with real-room audio recordings. In reverberant rooms, each
source is recorded multiple times by each microphone under different time delays
and amplifications, due to sound waves’ reflections on the room surfaces. The
mixing system can thus be modelled using a room impulse response of finite
length (FIR filter). In the general case of M microphones that capture a mixture
of N sources, a common representation of the aforementioned mixing is x(t) =
A ∗ s(t), where ∗ denotes linear convolution, s(n) = [s1 (n), s2 (n), ..., sN (n)]T are
the source signals, x(n) = [x1 (n), x2 (n), ..., xM (n)]T are the observation signals,
n is the time index and A is a matrix, whose elements aij are FIR filters,
describing the room impulse responses between the j-th source and the i-th
A classic decomposition method for performing BASS is Independent Compo-
nent Analysis (ICA). ICA extracts Independent Components (ICs) from a linear,

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 230–241, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 20
Convolutive Audio Source Separation Using Robust ICA 231

instantaneous mixture, assuming independence between the original sources. In

real rooms, where we deal with convolutive mixtures, ICA can also be applied by
moving the separation to the frequency domain, where the convolution between
the sources and the room transfer function is reduced to multiplication [2] for a
number of discrete frequency bins L i.e. x(f, n) = Af s(f, n), where f = 1, . . . , L.
In other words, we transform a difficult convolution problem to a number of eas-
ier instantaneous problems, that can be solved using ICA.
By solving the separation problem in the frequency domain, ICA introduces
2 ambiguities: scale and permutation. The first results into random scaling of
the extracted ICs, which can cause spectral deformations and reduce separation
quality. The latter results into arbitrary source permutations along the discrete
frequency bins and as a result inability to achieve separation. The scale ambiguity
can be resolved easily as a post processing step, by mapping the estimated
sources back to the microphones’ domain and recover the signals as they have
been originally observed by the microphones [1].
The permutation ambiguity, on the other hand, is a difficult problem, and
various techniques have been proposed without featuring robust performance in
all cases. In [3], Mazur and Mertins align permutations by using generalised
Gaussian Distribution in order to find differences between neighbouring fre-
quency bins. Sawada et al. [4] exploit the correlation coefficients of amplitude
envelopes, which if maximised show the correct source alignment, while in [5]
Saito et al. utilise, for the same purpose, the correlation between interfrequency
power ratios. A different approach was followed by Sarmiento et al. [6] who
find the spectral similarities between the separated components in the frequency
domain by employing a contrast function. A region-growing approach, to min-
imise the spreading of possible misalignments, in order to improve permutation
alignment, was introduced by Wang et al. [7].
Most of the available methods for tackling the convolutive source separation
problem are focused on the two-source two-microphone (2 × 2) case. However,
low-cost commercially available hardware, such as the Microsoft Kinect inter-
face, has been developed to offer low-latency four-microphone recordings and
can be used to process 4 × 4 cases. In this paper, we focus on the problem
of audio source separation for determined cases (equal number of microphones
and sources) that involves more than two sources. The presented methodology
offers a computationally efficient solution for both the separation task as well as
the permutation ambiguity. Based on the Kinect interface, we created a set of
recordings containing mixtures of multiple sources as well as the original sources
for evaluation purposes. This dataset is publicly available for further evaluation
of audio separation methods1 . In this dataset, we will apply a novel framework
that is optimized for multiple sources. This is then compared with the previous
work of Mitianoudis and Davies [1] to observe its efficiency for multiple sources.
The proposed framework includes a robust complex ICA separation algorithm,
called RobustICA [8], that has not been used before for convolutive audio source
separation. In addition, we present a new technique to tackle the permutation
Dataset available at
232 D. Mallis et al.

ambiguity problem, especially for large number of sources, based on the Like-
lihood Ratio Jump solution [1]. We show that this new technique can reduce
the computational cost of addressing the permutation problem in comparison
to the original Likehood Ratio Jump and can produce the same, if not better
separation quality.

2 Instantaneous Complex Source Separation

In the instantaneous case, we consider the following mixing process: x(n) =
A · s(n). In order to separate the sources, we have to estimate an unmixing
matrix W , such that u(n) = W · x(n) ≈ s(n).

2.1 The FastICA Algorithm

In the determined case, where the number of sources is equal to the number
of observations (N = M ), the most popular method of estimating the unmix-
ing matrix W = [w1 , w2 , ..., wN ]T is the FastICA algorithm. There are many
implementations of the FastICA algorithm, that are based on optimization of
a contrast function emphasizing nonGaussianity using a fixed-point iteration
algorithm. One common fixed point algorithm is the following [9],

ΔW f = D[diag(−αi ) + E{φ(u)uH }]Wf (1)

where φ(u) = u/|u| is an activation function for superGaussian sources, αi an

adaptive parameter and E{·} denotes the expectation operator. This iterative
update of the unmixing matrix ΔW f is calculated using a maximum likeli-
hood estimator. The method also needs the data of every frequency bin to be
prewhitenned. Even though this method has been initially introduced for real-
data mixture, it has shown to work well with complex data in [1].

2.2 The RobustICA Algorithm

In this section, we examine a source separation algorithm, named RobustICA
[8]. RobustICA optimizes the following generalized form of kurtosis.

E{|y|4 } − 2E 2 {|y|2 } − |E{y 2 }|2

K(w) = (2)
E 2 {|y|2 }
The above definition of kurtosis can be applied to both real and complex data. In
addition, prewhitening is not necessary for RobustICA. RobustICA uses exact
line search optimization of the absolute kurtosis contrast function, instead of
fixed-point optimization, used by FastICA [10].

μopt = arg max(K(w + μg)) (3)


The search direction can be given by the gradient of the kurtosis g = ∇w K(w).
Exact line search is often a computationally expensive optimization technique
Convolutive Audio Source Separation Using Robust ICA 233

that requires additional numerical analysis algorithms. In the case of kurtosis, the
optimal step size μopt is calculated algebraically with a minimum computational
cost. It is shown in [8] that μopt can be calculated from the root of a low-degree
polynomial that maximizes the absolute value of the contrast function along the
search direction. RobustICA has a number of advantages [8] compared to the
original FastICA:

– RobustICA does not make any assumption regarding the sources’ statistical
profile, and can deal with real and complex sources alike.
– Prewhitening is not mandatory before RobustICA. Multiple ICs in that case
can be extracted with the method of linear regression in contrast to symmetric
orthogonalization that is used by FastICA.
– The method can target sub-Gaussian or super-Gaussian sources in a specific
order. This feature is useful in the audio separation case, where we know in
advance that data in the frequency domain can be mostly modelled as super-
Gaussian [1].
– The method is robust to the presence of saddle points and spurious local
extrema of the contrast function [8].
– RobustICA can achieve great separation performance with relatively small
additional computational cost, compared to other ICA implementations. This
feature is demonstrated in [8] and will be verified by the experimental results
in this paper.

Despite the fact that prewhitening is not mandatory for RobustICA, it will
be used as a preprocessing step in our proposed framework. This is due to the
observation that it leads to a more computationally efficient implementation
in the case of multiple sources. Since the prewhitened components lay on an
orthogonal structure, every ICA iteration that attracts one IC towards an orig-
inal source, forces the rest of the ICs to converge faster to other sources. This
can be achieved with the use of symmetric orthogonalization, as in (4).
H −0.5
f ← W f (W f W f )
W+ (4)

On the contrary, in linear regression, after the extraction of an IC, we have

to separate a reduced mixture from a random position, which can be rather
slow. As a result, we use prewhitening to improve the convergence speed of our
method, in expense of the separation performance limitations that prewhitening
can introduce.

3 Frequency-Domain Source Separation

Frequency-domain source separation methods apply the Short-Time Fourier
Transform (STFT) to the mixture recordings x(t). Consequently, the convo-
lutive mixture is transformed to L instantaneous mixture via the STFT, i.e.
x(t) = A ∗ s(t) ⇒ X(f, t) = Af S(f, t). The separation problem can be
solved independently using any complex ICA algorithm, such as the RobustICA.
234 D. Mallis et al.

ICA’s inherent scale and permutation ambiguities impose severe problems in this
framework and must be resolved. Scale ambiguity is tackled using a mapping to
the microphone domain [1]. There exist many methods to tackle the permutation
ambiguity of frequency-domain BASS methods.

3.1 Likelihood Ratio Jump

Mitianoudis and Davies introduced in [1] the Likelihood Ratio Jump method
for the alignment of frequency bins to the correct source. This method can
be used either after each iteration of the ICA algorithm, or even better as a
post-processing mechanism. The method works iteratively and in each iteration
forms a likelihood ratio test to decide, which permutation is the most probable
for each frequency bin. It uses a set of rescaling parameters γij that model the
probability that the ith source has moved to the j th position. For each frequency
bin, it calculates the probabilities for all the possible permutations. For example,
in a mixing of 3 sources a possible permutation of the extracted ICs: IC3 → IC1,
IC1 → IC2, IC2 → IC3, forms the probability:

L = − log(γ31 γ12 γ23 ) (5)

The correct permutation is the one that produces the maximum probability
as in (5). For the case of three sources, there are 3! = 6 possible permutations
for the extracted ICs, which have to assessed probabilistically, to conclude which
permutation is the most likely to be correct. The parameters γij are produced
through a maximum likelihood estimator and can be calculated as follows:

1  |ui (f, t)|

γij = (6)
T t βj (t)

where ui (f, t) is the value of IC i for the discrete frequency bin f and time index
t and βj is a non-stationary time-varying scale parameter that is calculated for
the source j. Finally, T is the number of observations.
The parameter βj (t) incorporates information related to the signal’s spectral
envelope over time, thus it can be interpreted as a volume measurement. Liter-
ally, it measures the overall signal amplitude along the frequency axis, empha-
sizing the fact that one source is “louder” than others at a certain time slot.
This “temporal energy burst” can force alignment of the permutations along the
frequency axis. A possible estimation for the βj parameter can be the following:

βj = |uj (f, t)| (7)

where L is the number of frequency bins. The Likelihood Ratio Jump (LRJ)
method has demonstrated very stable performance in solving the permutation
ambiguity for a large number of cases [1]. However, this was mainly demonstrated
for 2 × 2 cases.
Convolutive Audio Source Separation Using Robust ICA 235

3.2 Reduced Likelihood Ratio Jump

One major disadvantage of this method is its computational cost that increases
rapidly with the number of sources, as for each iteration of the algorithm we
need to make N ! comparisons. For example, we can consider a case of 5 sources,
where the FFT has 4096 frequency bins, and the post-processing permutation
method needs to spend 15 iterations for the system to converge to the correct
permutation for most of the bins. In total, we will need 5! × 2048 × 15 =
125 × 4096 × 15 calculations of the expressions in (5) and as a result the whole
task is computationally inefficient, if not prohibitive.
In this section, we propose a new “suboptimal” method, named Reduced
Likelihood Ratio Jump. This technique selects to perform a few major compar-
isons in contrast to full set of N ! comparisons in the original method, thus the
term “suboptimal”. Nonetheless, we witnessed that it can produce the same, if
not better separation quality with a considerable reduction of the computational
The Reduced Likelihood Ratio Jump is based on the iterative nature of the
original method. The Likelihood Ratio Jump needs, in most of the examined
examples, some dozen iterations for every frequency bin to converge to the cor-
rect permutation. This is mainly due to the parameter β(t). As previously men-
tioned, this parameter incorporates information about the time envelope of the
signal. As more permutations are sorted in each iteration, the time envelope
of each signal becomes more distinct and as a result, the parameter β(t) has
a stronger impact in the calculation, that helps resolving the permutation for
frequency bins, where this task is more difficult.
During extensive experimentation, we witnessed that there are many fre-
quency bins that feature correct permutation from the first or second iteration
of the method. For the remaining frequency bins, the algorithm after some itera-
tions needs to swap only one IC pair to restore the correct permutation, since the
others have already been sorted to the correct sources. This situation is common
for cases with many sources, as for most of the ICs the correct permutation is
clear after a small number of iterations, and only one or two pairs may need an
improved calculation of the parameter β(t) to be permuted correctly.
Based on the above observation, we propose to reduce the number of exam-
ined permutations that our method considers in every iteration of the algorithm.
As the method works iteratively, we propose to calculate the most probable per-
mutation from a set permutation that only includes the swapping of one pair of
ICs at a time. In the case of N sources, in one iteration we can calculate the
most probable from N −1 swaps between the ICs, as happens in Likelihood Ratio
Jump, but with the progression of the method only one swapping will be needed
to ensure the correct permutation of the sources. Even if more than one pairs of
ICs are permuted incorrectly, as the method progress the correct permutation
will be restored, one pair at a time. As a result, we employ the iterations needed
to make a more accurate estimation of the parameter β(t), to reduce the set of
examined permutations and consequently the required computational time. By
examining only one pair of permutations at a time, we reduce the complexity of
236 D. Mallis et al.

the method from N ! to 12 N (N − 1) + 1, which for 5 sources means a reduction

from 120 to 11 comparisons per iteration. As we will show in the experimental
section this suboptimal method does not undermine the quality of the separation
but may also enhance it instead.

Fig. 1. Comparison between Reduced LRJ and original LRJ. More frequency bins
remained unchanged using the Reduced LRJ for the same number of iterations.

In Fig. 1, we can see that the Reduced Likelihood Ratio Jump converges for
more frequency bins, compared to the original method for the same number of
iterations. In an example of a total of 2001 frequency bins the Reduced LRJ
has concluded the permutation sorting of all the frequency bins from the 8th
iteration, in contrast to the original method that always needs to sort about 600
more frequency bins. For some bins, the original LRJ changes permutation in
every iteration. This phenomenon is due to the very small differences between the
likelihood values that force the original method to toggle between 2 permutations
for specific frequency bins.

4 Experiments
4.1 Evaluation Process
To evaluate the performance of our proposed framework, we created an evalua-
tion dataset of 7 audio recordings. This evaluation dataset contains 5 mixtures
of 3 sources and 2 mixtures of 4 sources, featuring both speech and music.
The recordings were made using the Microsoft Kinect interface. The sources-
microphones were placed in different positions in a real reverberant room. It
Convolutive Audio Source Separation Using Robust ICA 237

also includes separate, recordings of the corresponding sources under the same
recording conditions (position and loudness) in order to be used as ground truth
for the evaluation of the separation quality achieved by the separation frame-
work2 .
We used the RobustICA MATLAB implementation, as provided freely by
the authors3 , and we made the necessary modifications to work in a convolu-
tive source separation framework with original and the Reduced LRJ. For the
experiments presented in this section, we assume a room impulse response of
90.7 ms length, which we reckon is a valid model for the recording positions in
the reverberant room. To measure the separation quality, we used the metrics
SDR, SIR and SAR that are designed specifically for Performance Measure-
ment in Blind Audio Source Separation [11]. These metrics are implemented
as a publicly-available MATLAB Toolbox and were designed to allow a time-
invariant filter distortion of 512 samples length. We manually changed this value
to 2000 samples, to cater for the wrong synchronization between the original and
the estimated sources that are extracted from the mixture [11].
Metrics SDR and SAR measure the distortion and artifacts that are created
by the separation method. Both examined frameworks (the proposed framework
and Mitianoudis-Davies) produce similar values as they employ similar contrast
functions with different optimization methods. To avoid the repetition of similar
experimental results, we will therefore present SIR measurements only, and the
separation quality in terms of interference elimination between the extracted

4.2 Performance Comparison

In this section, we present several experiments to demonstrate the efficiency
of the 2 examined frameworks using FastICA, RobustICA, the LRJ and the
reduced LRJ. Firstly, in Table 1 we compare the separation quality of the two
ICA implementations in terms of SIR. To tackle the permutation ambiguity,
we use, in this experiment, 5 iterations of the original LRJ of Mitianoudis and
Davies [1] for the two frameworks. We can see that:
– As the 2 methods perform optimization of different criteria, they do not per-
form the same for the examined cases. RobustICA performs better for cases
(2,3,5), FastICA for (4,6) and for the rest of the recordings we observe sim-
ilar separation qualities. In general, we can say that for the examined cases
RobustICA with prewhitenning, can reach and outperform slightly the original
method of FastICA in separation quality.
– RobustICA presents very fast convergence. In all examined cases, it produces
very good separation quality in only 3 iterations. This feature of RobustICA
can be a great advantage, compared to previous ICA implementations, as also
mentioned in [8]. In contrast, FastICA needs more iterations to produce sta-
ble results. We can see, in Table 1, the major differences in separation quality
Dataset available from
238 D. Mallis et al.

Table 1. Efficiency comparison between the Frequency Domain RobustICA and Fas-
tICA implementations in terms of Signal-Interference-Ratio (dB). Here, we compare
the performance of 3 and 15 iterations of RobustICA and FastICA. RobustICA reaches
a better separation result faster than FastICA.

Recording Source 3 iterations 15 iterations

RobustICA FastICA RobustICA FastICA
1 1 −0.464 −0.09 −0.09 0.88
2 1.698 0.99 0.60 1.51
3 −7.30 −7.98 −8.84 −7.99
2 1 −6.36 −4.25 −6.79 −3.37
2 5.53 0.23 3.46 1.07
3 1.12 −2.00 0.67 −0.38
3 1 5.40 3.20 6.44 4.20
2 0.18 −1.17 −0.63 −2.38
3 −10.11 −8.98 −10.31 −9.78
4 1 −2.40 −2.16 −3.34 −0.10
2 2.26 1.75 2.82 3.53
3 −6.78 −6.22 −6.24 −10.09
5 1 3.81 −2.47 4.12 1.12
2 −5.78 −6.05 −6.61 −8.02
3 4.01 0.99 4.37 3.05
6 1 −6.80 −1.33 −6.79 −4.02
2 −3.78 −6.82 −4.57 −3.72
3 1.18 −0.05 1.73 4.27
4 −0.63 −2.17 −0.95 −1.50
7 1 2.44 1.19 0.50 0.64
2 −1.68 0.30 −0.25 −0.77
3 −6.99 −7.68 −6.72 −7.87
4 −7.83 −3.38 −5.17 −5.02

Table 2. Comparison between the Likelihood Ratio Jump and the Reduced Likelihood
Ratio Jump for 8 available iterations in terms of SIR (dB).

Method Source Rec 1 Rec 2 Rec 3 Rec 4 Rec 5

LRJ 1 −0.24 −6.46 6.18 −1.55 3.82
2 1.67 5.42 0.29 1.13 −5.78
3 −6.98 1.03 −10.71 −6.49 4.01
Reduced LRJ 1 2.72 −2.82 6.44 −0.85 3.18
2 1.58 3.82 1.91 1.46 −7.64
3 −7.87 −2.57 −5.78 −6.49 2.41
Convolutive Audio Source Separation Using Robust ICA 239

Fig. 2. Separation Quality in terms of SIR for the LRJ and the Reduced LRJ methods.

from 3 to 15 iterations of FastICA, in comparison to RobustICA that reaches

very good separation quality in only 3 iterations, which is then only slightly
improved as the iterations increase. Despite the fact that a RobustICA itera-
tion is more costly than the FastICA equivalent, its fast convergence improves
the total computational efficiency.

In the next experiment, we compare the separation quality with 8 iterations

for both the new Reduced and the original Likelihood Ratio Jump method of
Mitianoudis and Davies [1]. For the separation of frequency bins in this exper-
iment, we have used the RobustICA with prewhitenning as it has shown to be
the most efficient method. In Table 2, we can see the separation performance

Table 3. Running time comparison between the two frameworks (seconds)

Recording Framework 1 Framework 2

Separation Perm Total Separation Perm Total
1 (3 sources) 5.58 5.89 13.04 14.38 7.16 23.18
2 (3 sources) 4.89 5.21 11.43 11.30 6.00 18.61
3 (3 sources) 4.45 2.71 7.70 5.27 2.56 8.39
4 (3 sources) 4.63 2.96 8.20 5.92 2.92 9.48
5 (3 sources) 5.00 5.24 11.60 11.61 6.16 19.17
6 (4 sources) 6.73 8.93 17.36 22.25 17.86 41.82
7 (4 sources) 6.99 10.26 19.27 22.68 20.58 45.29
240 D. Mallis et al.

produced by the 2 permutation solving methods for the 3-sources recordings.

The LRJ perform better only in recording 2. For the rest of the recordings, the
Reduced Likelihood Ratio performs better despite the fact that it is a suboptimal
This improved performance of our proposed method can be due to the sta-
bility that is produced from the convergence of a greater number of frequency
bins, as shown previously in Fig. 2. The Reduced Likelihood Ratio Jump, by
allowing a smaller set of possible swaps, leads to a more stable state for a larger
number of frequency bins. In the separation example of recording 6 (4 sources),
shown in Fig. 2, we observe that the separation quality, produced by the Reduced
Likelihood Ratio Jump, is greater to the original method, for every extracted
source. Due to the accurate convergence for larger number of frequency bins,
the Reduced Likelihood Ratio Jump reaches a constant separation quality from
a smaller number of iterations. In contrast, the separation quality using the
original method seems to vary, depending on the permutation arising from the
frequency bins that do not converge in every iteration.
Finally, in Table 3, we present a comparison of the running times required by
the 2 frameworks to produce stable separation results. The computational times
of Table 3 refer to MATLAB R2013 implementations of the examined frame-
works on a Pentium i7 3.4 GHz PC with 8 GB RAM. As explained previously,
RobustICA requires sufficiently less iterations than FastICA and in the results
of Table 1 we use 3 iterations for framework 1 (RobustICA) and 15 iterations
for framework 2 (FastICA). For the permutation ambiguity, both the Reduced
Likelihood Ratio Jump and the Likelihood Ratio Jump required 9 iterations. We
used 9 iterations that seemed to be a good choice in Fig. 2 since after 9 iterations
on average, all sources seems to present a relevant stability in the calculated SIR
values. We can see that the improvement in computational time for the exam-
ined recordings is important, with similar separation performance as shown in
previous experiments. RobustICA with much less iterations requires about 1/3
of the FastICA computational time, while the Reduced Likelihood Ratio Jump
can solve the permutation ambiguity in about half the time of the original LRJ.
As an example, for the seventh recording we need 19 sec with the proposed
framework and 45 with the original one, which demonstrates the efficiency of
the proposed approach.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we presented an extension of the previous work of Mitianoudis and

Davies for convolutive audio source separation. First of all, the FastICA separa-
tion algorithm was replaced with the RobustICA algorithm, which improves the
performance and stability of the framework. The next improvement was the pro-
posal of a Reduced LRJ solution, in order to reduce the increased computational
cost in the case of more than 2 sensors and sources. The Reduced LRJ, although
a suboptimal solution, seems to achieve better separation, since it doesn’t allow
more source flippings than necessary. The new framework has been tested on a
Convolutive Audio Source Separation Using Robust ICA 241

newly recorded dataset using the cost-efficient Microsoft Kinect platform with
success. For future work, the authors would like to extend this framework for
underdetermined recordings, i.e. dealing with real-room recordings containing
more sources than sensors.

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Association Rules Mining by Improving
the Imperialism Competitive Algorithm

S. Mohssen Ghafari and Christos Tjortjis(&)

School of Science and Technology, International Hellenic University,

14th km Thessaloniki – Moudania, 57001 Thermi, Greece

Abstract. Many algorithms have been proposed for Association Rules Mining
(ARM), like Apriori. However, such algorithms often have a downside for real
word use: they rely on users to set two parameters manually, namely minimum
Support and Confidence. In this paper, we propose Association Rules Mining by
improving the Imperialism Competitive Algorithm (ARMICA), a novel ARM
method, based on the heuristic Imperialism Competitive Algorithm (ICA), for
finding frequent itemsets and extracting rules from datasets, whilst setting
support automatically. Its structure allows for producing only the strongest and
most frequent rules, in contrast to many ARM algorithms, thus alleviating the
need to define minimum support and confidence. Experimental results indicate
that ARMICA generates accurate rules faster than Apriori.

Keywords: Association rules mining  Data mining  Knowledge engineering

1 Introduction

With the dramatic increase in the amount of available data, searching for information in
databases can be done manually with queries, but takes a long time and is not always
efficient [1]. Alternatively, Data mining and particularly Association Rules Mining
(ARM) have been proposed to analyze databases and extract frequent patterns and
rules. A well-known method for ARM algorithms employs a two-step approach: find
the Frequent List and extract Rules from that list [2].
However, there are still challenges faced by many ARM algorithms, as they require
the user to define two parameters named Minimum Support and Minimum Confidence
[3–5]. Another challenge for Apriori style ARM algorithms is that they use a time and
resource consuming process, named Pruning which checks the feasibility of a rule and
removes weak rules [5]. ARM algorithms could improve by approaches that auto-
matically determine the value for parameters like minimum support and confidence
[6–8], as well as by replacing pruning with more efficient methods. Although there
have been researches addressing this topic, more needs to be done.
In this paper, we propose Association Rules Mining by improving the Imperialism
Competitive Algorithm (ARMICA), a novel dynamic method based on the heuristic
Imperialism Competitive Algorithm (ICA) [9]. ARMICA customizes itself according to

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 242–254, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_21
Association Rules Mining 243

the database that it operates on, and eliminates the dependability on initial parameters
like minimum support and confidence. It automatically selects the strongest rules from
the database. Moreover, in contrast with algorithms like Apriori, it does not involve
time-consuming pruning. Because it eliminates all the weak items, it results in elimi-
nating the need for pruning. ARMICA improves ICA in that it selects imperialists
among the most powerful countries, rather than randomly, thus alleviating the need for
a revolution part. In addition, having found the minimum support, ARMICA dis-
qualifies and removes countries that have less cost than this minimum support. Finally,
ARMICA has a different fitness function and method for creating initial countries. It
was evaluated on publicly available datasets against Apriori. Experimental results show
that it produces accurate results, up to 3 times faster than Apriori.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 discusses previous related
work. Section 3 introduces and details the Imperialism Competitive Algorithm (ICA).
Section 4 presents our proposed method, ARMICA. Section 5 presents the evaluation
process and Sect. 6 discusses this work, its contribution and how it complements the
state of the art. The paper concludes with directions for future work in Sect. 7.

2 Related Work

Association Rules Mining (ARM) is a well-known data mining method [2]. It aims at
extracting frequent patterns and structure from data. Given T, a set of transactions in a
transactional database: {t1, t2,…, tn} and I, a set of items in this database: {i1, i2,…, in},
association rules mining goal is to find all {X, Y} where X and Y are both sets of some
items (itemsets). In other words, ARM finds all the rules of the form: X ! Y, where X
and Y are both subsets of I and X \ Y = U. This rule indicates that whenever X occurs
then, Y may occur with certain probability. As a result, extracting such rules could help
enrich our knowledge about a database, which supports solving real world problems.
Most of ARM approaches consist of two stages: finding the Frequent Itemset List
and generating rules. One of the best-known ARM algorithms is Apriori [5]. It starts
with finding the candidate Itemset list. Then, with a technique, named pruning and
joining, it iteratively creates a candidate list and eliminates weak itemsets, employing
the concept of Minimum Support. Support is the percentage of itemset occurrences in
the transactions. Therefore, Apriori uses a user-defined threshold to check itemsets in
the candidate list. If there is an itemset that has a support value less than the minimum,
it removes it. Moreover, at each level there is a procedure, named pruning, which
checks that every itemset in the candidate list satisfies this condition: “all the
non-empty subsets of each itemset should be in the previous candidate list”. If there is
an itemset which does not meet this condition, Apriori removes it from the list.
Eventually the candidate list becomes the frequent list. At that point, every non-empty
subset of each item in the frequent list can be extracted. The algorithm removes the
weaker rules based on a parameter, named Minimum Confidence. The confidence of a
rule is calculated by:
244 S.M. Ghafari and C. Tjortjis

Support ðX [ YÞ =Support ðXÞ ð1Þ

Therefore, Apriori uses a user-defined threshold for min. confidence removing rules
with lower confidence. Apriori is known for its efficiency in extracting frequent
itemsets [5, 10]. Its main concept is the Apriori principle: any superset of an infrequent
itemset must be an infrequent itemset. There were many algorithms that were proposed
based on Apriori, which can be classified as follows [11]:
• Candidate itemsets reduction:
A smaller number of candidate itemsets incurs reduced computational cost. The
hash-based DHP is such example [12]. Its main advantages are: efficient generation of
frequent itemsets, effective declining in transaction database size and reduction in
number of database scans. Before the next database scan, it uses a hash table to reduce
the size of the candidate k-itemsets (that is Ck, for k > 1). The number of candidate
k-itemsets may be reduced substantially, especially when the length of itemsets is equal
to 2. However, DHP has a similar to Apriori behavior, as it needs to scan the database
as many times as the length of the longest frequent itemset in it.
• Database scans reduction:
A large number of database scans increases the cost of time-consuming disk I/O. In
order to tackle this problem, Savasere et al. proposed the Partition algorithm [13],
which produces all frequent itemsets with two database scans. The Partition algorithm
divides the database into several chunks in such a way that each portion can fit in
memory and can be processed by Apriori. However, one of its drawbacks is that the
number of candidate itemsets examined is much bigger than that of Apriori. The
Dynamic Itemset Counting (DIC) algorithm [14], also divides the database into several
parts. Once some frequent itemsets are produced, DIC can generate new candidate
itemsets and immediately starts counting them. It should also be noted that the data
distribution of a database has great impact on the performance of DIC [14].
• Combination of bottom-up and top-down search:
This algorithm also employs the Apriori principle to identify frequent itemsets in
the bottom-up search, while in each round the infrequent itemsets found in the same
direction are used to separate the maximal frequent candidate itemsets in the top-down
direction. The advantage is that all subsets of the maximal frequent itemsets are ready
as long as the maximal frequent itemsets are identified. As a result, there is no need to
extract subsets of the maximal frequent itemsets again from the bottom-up direction.
The Pincer-Search algorithm [15] and the MaxMiner algorithm [12] are two examples
of this concept, but they are not efficient in finding the maximal frequent candidate
itemsets. Meanwhile, the advance made by this approach is not remarkable when the
length of the longest frequent itemset is relatively short [11].
• Proposing Dynamic ARM Algorithms:
Researchers proposed dynamic algorithms to deal with the drawbacks of setting the
minimum support and confidence manually. For instance, Djenouri et al. proposed
Association Rules Mining 245

HBSO-TS, a method that uses two heuristic algorithms: Artificial Bee Colony
(ABC) for the main processing and Tabu Search (TS) for searching the neighbors of
each food source for each bee [6]. The authors concede that setting many parameters
required by ABC and TS is hard. In addition, they do not mention anything about
possible advantages of their method concerning pruning.
Kuo et al. [7] propose an algorithm that tries to determine minimum support and
confidence automatically. It uses a heuristic algorithm, named Particle Swarm Opti-
mization (PSO). First, they apply particle swarm encoding, which they claim to be
similar to chromosome encoding of genetic algorithms. Next, they calculate the fitness
value, and, based on that, they generate a population of particle swarms. Finally, PSO
searching is applied until it satisfies the stop condition that is finding the best particle.
The support and confidence of the best particle can represent the minimal support and
minimal confidence. It should be noted that setting the best solution as minimum
support may not be efficient. Besides, they use minimum confidence to evaluate their
final rules, like most ARM algorithms.
Nandhini et al. [8] propose an algorithm also based on PSO and a domain ontology.
Like PSO, it determines min. support automatically. It also considers support and
confidence of the best particle as minimum support and confidence. However, it also
needs to set the minimum confidence in order to evaluate rules. Next, we detail the
Imperialism Competitive Algorithm (ICA).

3 Imperialism Competitive Algorithm (ICA)

ICA is a powerful heuristic algorithm based on the notion of the relation between
imperialistic countries and their competition for acquiring colonies [9]. ICA involves
key concepts that we present and discuss here:
• Country: the variables that we want to optimize
• Imperialist: A powerful country that can control other countries in the form of
• Colony: less powerful country that imperialists try to control.
• Empire: a group of countries headed by an imperialist.
• Cost: a parameter depending on the nature of the problem at hand. In this paper, we
consider it the number of occupancies of item in all the transactions.
• Normalized cost: the cost of each country calculated using formula (3) below.
• Power: a factor calculated based on the cost of each country. A country could be
considered as more powerful than another, depending on their costs.
• Total empire Power: The sum of the powers of the imperialist and its colonies in
one empire.
• NCountry: the number of all countries (items)
• Nimp: the number of Imperialists, which is a parameter [16].
• Ncol: the number of colonies given by: (Number of all countries – number of
ICA firstly considers all the variables that we want to optimize, as a concept named
country. Then it randomly selects some countries as Imperialists. Then it calculates the
246 S.M. Ghafari and C. Tjortjis

cost of imperialists and calculates their powers. The cost of each country could be
different depending on the case. For instance, in this paper we consider each item as a
country and the number of occurrences of each item in all the transactions as the cost of
each country. Then, based on the power of imperialists, it divides other countries
(colonies) among imperialists. In this step, the algorithm assumes that each imperialist
and its colonies are part of an Empire.
Next, ICA calculates the power of each empire based on the power of its colonies
and imperialist and establishes a competition between empires. In this step, the most
powerful empires remove colonies from the weakest empires. If there is only one
colony left for the weakest empire, then the imperialist and the last colony of the
weakest empire become colonies of the strongest empire. This competition continues
until there is only one empire left, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Imperialism competitve algorithm

1) Initialize the empires

2) Calculate the total Power of the empires.
3) Competition between empires. Select a colony from the weakest empires and assign it to
the most powerful one.
4) Eliminate the weakest empires.
5) If there is only one empire left, stop the process. Otherwise, go to step2

3.1 Creating the Initial Empires

ICA considers an array of variables (countries) which should be optimized. We cal-
culate the cost of each country by a function f at variables ðp1 ; p2 ; p3 ; . . .; pNvar Þ [9]:

costi ¼ f ðcountryi Þ ¼ f ðp1 ; p2 ; p3 ; . . .; pNvar Þ ð2Þ

At the beginning, ICA initializes countries of size Npop and randomly selects Nimp
the countries as initial imperialists. It also considers all the remaining countries (Ncol) as
potential colonies. They should be distributed across the imperialists, based on their
power. The definition of normalized cost of an imperialist is defined in [16]. We apply
this formula to calculate the costs of Items:

Cn ¼ maxfci g  cn ð3Þ

where cn is the cost of the nth imperialist and Cn is its normalized cost. After having
calculated the normalized cost of all imperialists, the normalized power of each
imperialist can be computed as follows [16]:
Association Rules Mining 247

pn ¼  N  ð4Þ
P imp 

3.2 Total Empire Power

We sum up the power of the imperialist of an empire and the mean power of its
colonies as the power of an empire with formula (5) [9].

T:C:n ¼ Cost of Imperialis þ mean ðCost of Empire0 s ColoniesÞ ð5Þ

4 Proposed Method

Section 3 introduced the original ICA algorithm. This section discusses our proposed
method, ARMICA, which employs ICA, suitably modified for association rules min-
ing. Some parts of original ICA are not suitable for ARM, thus we had to change them.
For that reason, we modified ICA to adapt it with the characteristics of an ARM
algorithm. Firstly, we select imperialists among the most powerful countries, in con-
trast to ICA, which selects them randomly. Next, we remove the revolution part of
ICA. Revolution is about checking if a colony becomes more powerful than the
imperialist of its empire is. In that situation, a revolution takes place and ICA
exchanges that colony with the imperialist. However, in ARMICA, since we select the
weakest colonies and imperialists are the most powerful countries, there is no chance
for a colony to become more powerful than its imperialist. As a result, ARMICA does
not need incorporate revolution. In addition, having found the minimum support in the
first run of ICA, we are using this value to disqualify countries that have less cost than
this minimum support. This helps to remove many unusable countries; there is no such
mechanism in the original ICA. Finally, there are other modifications, which were
necessary for ARMICA in order to improve ICA, like changing the fitness function and
creating the initial countries. Table 2 illustrates pseudo code for ARMICA.
As Table 2 indicates, ARMICA uses the dataset as input and delivers association
rules as output. In the first step, it creates a set of initial countries based on dataset
attributes (initial countries). In other words, it defines each item as a country. As a
result, there are as many items (attributes) in the dataset as there are countries for ICA.
At this point, the algorithm calculates the cost for each country based on the number of
occurrences of each item in the set of transactions. ICA considers countries with lower
cost as more powerful.
However, in this paper, since we consider the cost of a country as the number of its
occurrences in the set of transactions, it is more suitable that the countries with higher
costs are items that are more desirable. As a result, in contrast to ICA, ARMICA
248 S.M. Ghafari and C. Tjortjis

Table 2. Pseudo code for ARMICA

Input: Dataset Output: Rules

1) Run ICA with the dataset and create initial countries based on items (attributes)
2) Calculate the cost for each country
3) Create the empires and calculate the power of each empire
4) Establish competition among empires based on their power
5) The Candidate List consists of the imperialist of the last empire and its colonies
6) In the first candidate list, consider the cost of each country as its support and then sort the
countries based on their support. Select the median support as the primary min support
for the next steps.
7) While there is at least one country that has support more than that primary min support
do: Extract all the combinations of countries and store them in a list, send it again to ICA
and get the next Candidate List
8) The last candidate list is the Frequent List
9) Extract all the subsets of items in the FrequentList and send them to ICA to get the best

assumes that the most powerful countries are those with the highest cost. After cal-
culating the cost for all the empires, the algorithm selects the most powerful countries
as imperialists and considers the remaining countries as colonies. Hence, imperialists
are the most frequent items in the dataset. The number of Imperialists is a free
parameter in the original ICA, but for ARMICA, after experimentation, we consider it
the number of countries divided by 10. In addition, if the initial number of countries is
NCountry, and we select Nimp countries as imperialists, we have NCol colonies.
In the next step, ARMICA calculates the power of each imperialist and distributes
the colonies (other countries or other items) among them based on their power. As a
result, by gathering imperialists and colonies together, the initial empires are built.
ARMICA calculates the power of each empire based on the sum of powers of its
colonies and their imperialist. For this purpose, the algorithm calculates the number of
occurrences of each item in all the transactions, considers this value as the cost of that
item (country), and calculates its power.
Next, ARMICA establishes a competition between empires, where the more
powerful empires “steal” colonies from the weakest ones. Another difference between
ARMICA and ICA is that in the original algorithm, each colony removed from the
weakest empire is placed in the most powerful empire. However, ARMICA removes
the colonies and stores them in a list, named Reserve List. If there is only one colony
left in the weakest empire, the colony and its imperialist, become members (colonies)
of the most powerful empire. This procedure continues until all the empires are
eliminated and only the most powerful one remains. For this purpose, ARMICA
removes the weakest colonies (items) of the weakest empire and keeps them in the
Reserve List.
Association Rules Mining 249

If the weakest empire has only one colony, then ARMICA removes that empire and
considers its imperialist and its last colony as colonies of the most powerful empire.
After several iterations, all the empires will be eliminated and only one empire remains.
Now, if there is a member of the Reserve List which is more powerful, i.e. it has higher
frequency than any colony in the last empire, the algorithm exchanges them. Hence,
members of the final empire constitute our candidate list.
Overall, even though ARMICA uses a minimum support threshold, it sets it
automatically and removes the weaker items. The procedure for setting the minimum
support involves storing support values, which is the cost (frequency) of each country
(item) in the dataset, for all the items of the first generated candidate list and sorting
them. At that point, the algorithm considers the median support of all the countries as
the universal minimum support. This value is also used to remove countries that have
less cost than the minimum support in the next levels.
Then, ARMICA extracts all the combinations of items, stores them in a list, and
sends them to ICA. This continues until there is at least one item with support higher
than the minimum support. As a result, each time the algorithm produces an updated
candidate list. It is noticeable that, here is another significant improvement compared to
Apriori. In Apriori there is a step, named Pruning which eliminates itemsets with at
least one of their subsets is not present in previous candidate lists. As it is clear, this
process also needs to calculate all the subsets of the items and check their existence in
the previous candidate list. In ARMICA, no such step is needed, as the algorithm
selects the most powerful (frequent) items, thus eliminating the need for pruning.
Finally, the last candidate list becomes the Frequent List. At that point, ARMICA
extracts all the non-empty subsets of all the items and sends them to ICA. If “I” is the
item, then for every nonempty subset of s, we have a rule as:
s! (I-s), in the original Apriori, we have a condition:

Support ðIÞ = Support ðsÞ [¼ Minimum Confidence ð6Þ

If a rule satisfies this condition, it is selected as a frequent rule. However, since the
members of the last empire in ICA are the most powerful rules (have more confidence
compared to other rules), ARMICA only selects the most powerful (frequent) subsets
and returns the most powerful rules. Again, it is worth mentioning that, ARMICA does
not need to have a minimum confidence parameter. Apriori and many other ARM
algorithms need a user defined fixed threshold or even a dynamic threshold for mini-
mum confidence. However, our approach only selects the most powerful rules among
all the rules and removes all other rules.

4.1 Example
In this section, we explain our algorithm using a small example. Table 3 illustrates a set
of six transactions and eight items.
T1, T2,…, T6 are 6 transactions and I1, I2, …, I8 are items in these transactions.
First, the algorithm selects some of the most powerful countries as Imperialists. Since
there are only 8 items, if we do not use just one imperialist (given by: number of
250 S.M. Ghafari and C. Tjortjis

Table 3. Transaction details

I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8
T1 t t t t t t
T2 t t t t
T3 t t t
T4 t t t t t
T5 t t
T6 t t t t t t

countries / 10) as there would be no competition resulting in selecting all the items, but
instead assume that there are 3 imperialists. Their power is calculated and the
remaining countries are distributed among the imperialists based on their power:

Imperialist 1: I3 Imperialist 2: I2 Imperialist 3:I8

I1 I7 I4 I6 I5

Initial empires are now built. ARMICA calculates the cost of countries and the
power of each empire based on the sum of the powers of its colonies plus its impe-
rialist. In this occasion, we have:
Empire 1’s Power: 11(Powerful Empire), Empire 2’s Power: 10, Empire 3’s
Power: 5 (Weakest Empire)
Then, the algorithm establishes a competition between empires. As a result, a
powerful empire tries to “steal” colonies from the weakest empire. Finally, if that weak
empire has only one colony left, the imperialist and colony of that empire become
members of the powerful empire and the algorithm eliminates that empire. As a result,
Empire 3 is eliminated and I8 and I5 now belong to Empire 1.

Imperialist 1: I3 Imperialist 2: I2
I7 I1 I5 I8 I6 I4

The competition goes on. This time Empire 1 tries to get one of the colonies from
Empire 2. I6 is removed from Empire 2 and saved in the Reserve List. Since Empire 2
has only 2 members, it joins Empire 1.

Imperialist 1: I3 Reserve List

I7 I1 I2 I8 I4 I5 I6

Now the members of the Reserve List are compared with the Last Empire colonies.
If there is a colony that has lower cost than the members of the reserve list do, then they
are replaced. In this case, I6 has higher cost compared to I5, so the algorithm replaces
them and removes I5. Clearly, ARMICA did not use minimum support and
Association Rules Mining 251

automatically eliminated weak countries. In this step, the algorithm considers the last
empire as the Candidate List. At that point, it sorts the items of the candidate list based
on their cost and selects the median cost of them as Minimum Support. As a result, the
cost of the I7 becomes the minimum support, that is 4.
Next, the algorithm joins all the countries in a candidate list and calculates their
costs. It is noticeable that the cost of a country like I1I2 is calculated by the number of
occurrences of I1 and I2 in the same transaction, that is 2. The algorithm follows the
same pattern that we mentioned before, repeatedly until there is no item left in the
produced candidate list that has an equal or higher support (cost) than the minimum
support. In this situation, the previous candidate list is the Frequent List. Clearly,
ARMICA does not require pruning.
Frequent List: I1I3.
Finally, it is time to extract all the non-empty subsets of the frequent list items and
after that send them to ICA in order to find countries that are more powerful. Like
previously, the last empire consists of the most powerful countries that represent the
strongest rules. It is clear that we did not need to define Minimum Confidence. The last
empire, whose members are the final rules, is here:

I1 I3
I3 I1

5 Evaluation

In this section, we evaluate ARMICA, the proposed method. We implemented it using

Java 1.7 in Netbeans IDE 7.2 and ran it on an Intel (R) Core (TM) i5 CPU at 2.40 GHz
and 4 GB RAM. We also used the implementation of Apriori from Weka 3.6 [17]
along with the Supermarket, Breast Cancer and Nursery datasets from the UCI
Machine Learning Repository [18] to benchmark our method. Supermarket has 217
attributes and 4627 transactions, Breast Cancer has 10 attributes and 286 transactions,
whilst Nursery has 8 attributes and 12960 transactions. We considered two factors for
this evaluation: accuracy and execution time. An improvement on Apriori should
decrease the execution time without decreasing accuracy. ARMICA would be a good
approach, if it produced accurate rules faster.
The minimum support that ARMICA determined automatically was 27.5 %,
36.18 % and 33.33 % for the Supermarket, Breast Cancer and Nursery datasets, whilst
minimum confidence was 71 %, 47 % and 1 %, respectively. We used the same values
for Apriori. Table 4 illustrates the characteristics of the evaluation process. Apriori and
ARMICA produced the same rules. In addition, we compared the two algorithms
concerning their execution time. ARMICA took 6 s compared to Apriori’s 17 s for
Supermarket and 0,76 s compared to Apriori’s 0,78 for Breast Cancer. Finally, it
required 1.15 s for Nursery whereas Apriori required 1.22 s. This means that ARMICA
generated the same rules as Apriori, but in a shorter period.
252 S.M. Ghafari and C. Tjortjis

Table 4. Evaluation characteristics

Data set Items Transactions Algorithm Predefined Predefined Generated Time
min. min. rules (sec)
support confidence
Supermarket 217 4627 Apriori 27.5 % 71 % 104 17
ARMICA ― ― 104 6
Breast 10 286 Apriori 36.18 % 47 % 75 0,78
Cancer ARMICA ― ― 75 0,76
Nursery 8 12960 Apriori 33.33 % 1 2 1.22
ARMICA ― ― 2 1.15

6 Discussion

Many ARM algorithms need two parameters to be defined in advance by the user, who
has no guidelines on selecting appropriate values, thus resulting in a trial and error
exercise or guesswork. These parameters are used to eliminate infrequent itemsets and
weak rules. With the increasing amounts of data available, it is not effective to use an
algorithm that requires users to define these parameters. In this paper, we proposed an
algorithm, named ARMICA, which applies the ICA algorithm, suitably modified, to
find the most frequent rules of a dataset. In contrast to many algorithms, ARMICA sets
minimum support automatically and does not need a minimum confidence parameter in
order to eliminate the weakest rules.
ARMICA uses ICA, which is a heuristic algorithm to analyze a database. For this
purpose, at the beginning, it produces the first candidate list. At that point, it considers
the minimum support of itemsets in that list as the global Minimum Support. After that,
it joins itemsets and produces a new candidate list. This process continues until there is
no item left in the candidate list that has support that is equal or more than the
Minimum Support. Next, ARMICA considers the last candidate list as Frequent List,
extracts all the non-empty subsets of the items, and sends them to ICA. ARMICA
return the strongest rules without requiring minimum confidence setting. It is worth
mentioning that, since ARMICA sends all the extracted subsets to ICA, ICA only
returns subsets that according to formula (1) has higher confidence.
Another advantage of the proposed method is that instead of having a time con-
suming step, like Pruning, which involves extracting all the subsets of all the items, and
trace their existence in the previous candidate list, ARMICA selects the most valuable
items. Experimental results indicate that ARMICA has up to 3 times less execution
time than Apriori in the Supermarket dataset and shorter execution time in Breast
Cancer and Nursery datasets. However, since each improvement in execution time of
Apriori may cause some decreasing in accuracy of generated rules, we also considered
the accuracy of the ARMICA. The proposed method generates all the rules that Apriori
generates. Hence, there is not any accuracy reduction in ARMICA.
Association Rules Mining 253

7 Conclusion and Future Work

Data mining has attracted attention partly because of the enormous amount of data
available. A well-established approach for extracting frequent rules and patterns from
data is Association Rules Miming (ARM). Many algorithms have been proposed in this
area [1–5, 19, 20]. However, there are still areas that need to be investigated further.
In this paper, we proposed a new approach, named ARMICA, based on the
Imperialism Competition Algorithm. It defines minimum support automatically and
extracts the best rules without the need to define minimum confidence, either. In
addition, it does not need a pruning stage, as the one used by many Apriori-like ARM
algorithms. However, it requires setting of the number of imperialists, a free parameter
in the original ICA. We explored ways to calculate it, and found empirically that the
number of countries, divided by 10, is a sensible solution, which does not require
domain knowledge nor details about the dataset. In the future, we envisage optimizing
this selection, alleviating the need for the user to pre-define this parameter.
Finally, ARMICA produces accurate rules fast. In the other words, it generates all
the rules that Apriori produces, in a shorter time. Initial experiments have indicated that
it is also faster than FP-growth, but proper evaluation is required. We plan to focus on
other potential capabilities of ARMICA such as dealing with massive and/or dynamic
data sets, benchmark it against state of the art ARM algorithms and investigate per-
formance related areas, such as memory usage and time consumption.

Acknowledgements. The authors thank the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (EETN) for
covering part of their expenses to participate in AIAI 16.

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Use of Flight Simulators
in Analyzing Pilot Behavior

Jan Boril1(&), Miroslav Jirgl2, and Rudolf Jalovecky1

University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic
Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic

Abstract. This paper describes simulation technologies in their current state as

they are in the general aviation and at the University of Defence. The authors
present a methodology of measurement, evaluation and modelling of pilots’
behavior, both before and after flight training (20 h) on real airplanes. By means
of transfer function equation of human behavior model and time constants
resulting from them, the authors analyze their change depending on the contin-
uing training of students – pilots of military aircraft. Based on the results of these
analyses, they have found a positive trend in the development of pilots’ transport
delay and their abilities to adapt themselves to flight dynamics of an airplane.

Keywords: Flight simulators  Pilot training  Human behavior model  Time

constants  MATLAB®  X-Plane

1 Introduction

In modern aviation flight simulations play an irreplaceable role both in pilot training
and maintaining their needed habits. The level of safety in transport as well as indi-
vidual aviation now considerably depends on simulation technologies that are used not
only for training but also for investigation of aircraft accidents, studying airplane
designs, or better understanding of ergonomic relations [1]. The importance of flight
simulators is increasing proportionally with growing complexity of modern aviation
systems, so training on simulators has become an inseparable part of pilot training, their
professional growth and research focused on adaptability of aircraft environment to
human capabilities and limits. As a result of the constant development of pilot natural
working environment, flight simulators are becoming an invaluable instrument.
Indispensable part of training is currently being transferred from flight training on
planes to simulators for the reasons of undisputable advantages that this type of training
offers. The growing significance of flight simulations is also evidenced in the latest
international regulations stipulating requirements for aviation synthetic training
equipment. Training efficiency can be achieved with use of synthetic equipment of a
low reliability for some types of missions. Thanks to the interconnection of flight
simulations with the rapidly growing field of computer technologies, the synthetic
methods offer more and more opportunities in running effective training of flying crews
and maintenance personnel [2].

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 255–263, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_22
256 J. Boril et al.

As a result of progress made in the field of avionics, the complexity of civilian and
military airplanes have increased too, which puts higher demands on crew training and
strengthens the dependency on flight simulations. For the reasons of crew training and
retaining their licenses many civilian airlines have established and are running large
aviation training centers. Not only have flight simulation radically changed flight
training methods in terms of reducing risks and increasing quality of training, but they
have also resulted in a significantly higher flight safety, decreased traffic density, and
positive effect on environment, when all of that is achieved in reducing cost of flight
training. These trends will continue in the foreseeable future [2, 3].
The main goal of this paper is to verify the potentiality of using flight simulators
and subsequent application of mathematical methods to evaluation of pilot training
experience. Currently, the authors are in the phase of repeated measurements running
under the equal conditions and with the same pilots. The aim of which is to verify the
accuracy of all analyses depending on repeatability with an emphasis laid on changes
resulting from continuous training.

2 Mathematical Equation of Human Behavior

The literature offers us several works dealing with modelling of human behavior, including
pilots. Most of these papers are based on the description (1) first presented by D.T. McRuer
in the 1970s which models human behavior primarily at the level of the feedback regulator
as described above. It is a linear model (transfer function) of a proportionally-derivative
regulator with a second order lag and time (reaction) delay, in which each of the constants
has a certain physiological or neurological interpretation [4–6]:

YðsÞ ðT3 s þ 1Þ
FðsÞ ¼ ¼K es s : ð1Þ
XðsÞ ðT1 s þ 1ÞðT2 s þ 1Þ

K Pilot gain representing a pilot’s habits in response to a certain action. It is also
connected with the input and output signal ratio.
T1 Neuromuscular lag time constant expressing a pilot’s delayed reaction resulting
from his neuromuscular system. It ranges from 0.05 to 0.2 s and is not dependent
on the training intensity.
T2 Lag time constant characterizing a pilot’s promptness and agility. Thus it is
related to performing acquired stereotypes and routine procedures. Ranges from
0.1 s to 5 s.
T3 Lead time constant connected with a pilot’s experience. It reflects a pilot’s
capability to predict a situation that may occur. This capability is developed
through training and experience and ranges from 0.2 s to 15 s.
s Time constant expressing a delayed reaction in pilot’s brain to a motional and
visual perception. As a result of fatigue this constant can be extended and the
pilot’s regulating capabilities may subsequently fail, thus the regulating system
becomes unstable. This constant most frequently ranges from 0.3 to 1 s.
S Laplace operator.
Use of Flight Simulators in Analyzing Pilot Behavior 257

The model in the form of Eq. (1) is a general model that may be used in a wide
spectrum of activities connected with driving [7] or piloting. Individual constants most
frequently reach the values within the ranges as shown above, and depend on pilots’
abilities to adapt to the controlled dynamics (adaptability).
Validity of this model was verified on the basis of many experiments, and primarily
thanks to its simplicity it turned out to be a very efficient tool for description and
modelling of a pilot’s reactions [6, 8].
The identification algorithm as written in MATLAB environment is used to identify
model parameters. This algorithm is based on applying the library function fminsearch
resulting from Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm [9]. The criterial function for searching
for parameter is then in the form of the sum of squared deviations, see Eq. (2):

KRIT ¼ ðyðiÞ  ym ðiÞÞ2 : ð2Þ

y real (measured) value of the output quantity (pilot’s intervention),
ym modelled (estimated) value of the output quantity (pilot’s intervention),
n length of data.

The Best fit [%] parameter is used for expressing the accuracy of identification because
it gives an opportunity for making an easy comparison of identification results with
those obtained through MATLAB - System Identification Toolbox. The equation for
calculating the Best fit parameter is as follows [10]:
ky  y m k
fit ¼ 100 1  : ð3Þ
ky  meanðyÞk

y real (measured) value of the output quantity (pilot’s intervention),
ym modelled (estimated) value of the output quantity (pilot’s intervention).

3 Description of Experimental Workplace and Measurement


Most of armed forces also use training centers equipped with flight simulators designed
for basic training, transitions to another type of aircraft, and tactical training on the
platform of both fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft. Beyond doubt simulations pro-
vide a wide range of true advantages, therefore a growing number of synthetic
equipment is being introduced into modern air forces to be used in a broad spectrum of
activities, mainly for training of aviation personnel [11]. In addition, flight simulators
are used by aircraft and airplane equipment manufacturers, system developers, research
258 J. Boril et al.

organizations and academies whose effort is aimed at proving the validity of studies,
designs, developments and calculations of flight systems.

3.1 Flight Simulator at the University of Defence

The Department of Air Electrical Systems strives to keep up with these above mention
trends, therefore the flight simulator based on X-Plane-10 software was built up to raise
the quality of training and create a capacity for scientific research. The mission of the
flight simulator at the University of Defence does not lie in competing with or repli-
cating modern sophisticated simulators designed for pilot basic or improvement train-
ing. Using this simulator the authors prepare their procedures and methods for data
gathering and evaluation. Currently, as described in the chapter Introduction, the authors
are in the phase of repeated measurements running under the equal conditions and with
the same pilots. The aim of which is to verify the accuracy of all analyses depending on
repeatability with an emphasis laid on changes resulting from continuous training.
Based on the knowledge obtained in such a manner, they will be able to implement the
methodology of measurement and data evaluation on commercial full flight simulators.
Throughout the whole world this simulator program is currently rated as a com-
prehensive, complex and highly efficient PC flight simulator that offers most advanced
flight models and tools. This engineering tool has been designed for an easy estimate of
a flight model of all categories of aircraft and their construction types. The information
acquired from mathematical and physical calculations in real time are relatively precise.
The basic version of X-Plane software offers dynamics of 30 airplanes, such as Bell
206 JetRanger helicopter, Cessna 172, King-Air C90 etc. From the previous experience
the King-Air C90 airplane (Fig. 1) was chosen for testing a pilot’s response to an
unexpected flight situation. The simulator is capable to record the flight trajectory
(selected parameters) and safe them into a text file in 20 Hz frequency.

3.2 Experimental Flight Task

A flight mode was defined - altitude of 2900 ft, speed 170 mph, angle of attack and
pitch angle, including their change, was approximately zero (note 1 ft = 0.305 m and
1 mph = 0.447 m.s−1). At a certain time the altitude was step-changed to 2600 ft and
the task of the pilot was to correct the altitude back to the original flight level 2900 ft
A total of 6 trainee pilots were tested in this flight mode, all of them had about
60–80flight hours of experience in the Zlin Z-142C AF aircraft. Each pilot had the
altitude changed 10 times one after another, always after putting the aircraft back into
the initial flight state.
The whole experiment was repeated after 6 months. The tested subjects were the
same pilots. These pilots were trained within this time and the experience was increased
by about 20 h.
Use of Flight Simulators in Analyzing Pilot Behavior 259

Fig. 1. The simulator at the Department of Air Electrical Systems, University of Defence, built
on the basis of X-Plane 10 simulation program.

4 Measurement and Data Analysis

For the purpose of demonstrating the results, an analysis of pilot no. 1 was made, as
shown below. The evaluation of other flights was carried out in a similar manner.
Figure 2 presents data measured on the simulator by pilot’s no. 1 containing
individual measurements performed (a) in spring 2015, (b) in fall 2015 (after the
training). On the left side are always altitude records by airplane H depending on the
stick deflection (pilot’s reaction) dv, as shown on the right side. The red curve indicates
the arithmetic average of individual measurements, i.e. average pilot’s response and
flight altitude reached by the plane calculated out of 10 measurements.
In order to evaluate the level of pilot training, i.e. compare changes in their
responses, it is advisable to create and define the so-called average pilot behavior
model. The parameters of an average pilot behavior model as described by the Eq. (1)
were identified from the average responses – red curves in Fig. 2 using the identifi-
cation algorithm, as described above.
Thus, the identification results in the average pilot behavior model in the following
• spring 2015

ð1:62s þ 1Þ
F1A ðsÞ ¼ 6:84:104 : expð0:7sÞ
ð0:13s þ 1Þð0:46s þ 1Þ
Best fit ¼ 47:43%
260 J. Boril et al.



Fig. 2. Simulator measured data – pilot no. 1: (a) measured in spring 2015, (b) fall 2015. (Color
figure online)

• fall 2015

ð2:21s þ 1Þ
F1B ðsÞ ¼ 8:02:104 : expð0:62sÞ
ð0:13s þ 1Þð0:80s þ 1Þ
Best fit ¼ 45:62%

The approximation of the original responses (measured data) with use of the
responses of identified models F1A(s) and F1B(s) is shown in Fig. 3.
Apparently the results indicate that practically all parameters of the model were
changed. Both lead time constant T3 and lag time constant T2, being in relation with
pilot’s experience and length of flying practice, increased. On the contrary, the value of
transport delay s dropped, which means that average pilot reaction is faster by almost
0.1 s. Neuromuscular lag time constant T1 remained unchanged. This constant repre-
sents dynamics of spreading impulses throughout human neuromuscular system. Its
numeric value, i.e. approximately 0.13 s, also conforms to the theory.
The testing measurements and data analysis were carried out similarly with other
pilots. The below-stated table summarizes the results achieved from the parameter
Use of Flight Simulators in Analyzing Pilot Behavior 261

Fig. 3. The result achieved from parameter identification of pilot behavior model (pilot no. 1):
(a) measured in 2015, (b) fall 2015.

identification of pilot behavior model [12, 13]. Letter A stands for the measurement
taking place in spring 2015, whereas B for the measurement in fall 2015.
The results as shown in Table 1 clearly indicate that the values of neuromuscular
lag time constant T1 remain in repeated measurements practically unchanged, which
confirms the premise that their value is independent of the training intensity and is
characteristic for all pilots. All pilots, except for pilot no. 3, display decreased value in
response time (transport delay) s, which means that pilots are able to response to a
changed situation faster. The ratio between regulating constants T2 and T3 determines
adaptability to controlled dynamics. Changes were mostly recorded even in this case.

Table 1. Parameters of the identified transfer functions for pilots 1–6.

K.10−4 [–] K.10−4 [–] T1 [s] T1 [s] T2 [s] T2 [s] T3 [s] T3 [s] s [s] s [s]
Pilot no. 1 6.84 8.02 0.13 0.13 0.46 0.80 1.62 2.21 0.70 0.62
Pilot no. 2 6.33 7.39 0.13 0.14 1.15 1.51 3.16 5.22 0.78 0.73
Pilot no. 3 8.61 5.41 0.07 0.07 0.98 1.11 2.81 2.32 0.68 0.87
Pilot no. 4 5.67 6.99 0.17 0.17 1.44 1.29 2.69 2.50 0.85 0.84
Pilot no. 5 7.43 7.44 0.12 0.11 1.14 1.12 2.44 3.41 0.76 0.72
Pilot no. 6 8.06 7.39 0.08 0.07 1.25 1.49 3.41 2.96 0.82 0.72
262 J. Boril et al.

5 Conclusion

The aim of this paper was to verify the potentiality of using flight simulators and
subsequent application of mathematical methods in order to carry out an objective
assessment of pilot training experience in terms of intensity and status. Two sets of
measurements focused on pilots’ response (reaction) to a visual stimulus with use of a
stationary flight simulator were simultaneously performed at the University of Defence
in Brno.
Both measurements were always running under identical conditions, i.e. with pilots
who had flown around 60–80 h in real airplane before the first measurement. Another
measurement took place after six months when pilots completed another training phase
and their recorded number of flying hours increased approximately by 20 h.
Based on the measured data the authors made mathematical analyses needed to
generate models of pilot behavior. On the grounds of these models authors were then
able to create the so-called average pilot behavior model. Having compared the average
pilot behavior model for individual measurements (before and after training), the
authors, in most cases, registered a change, which specifically means that pilots’
transport delay and the ratio between regulating constants, featuring the pilots’
adaptability to controlled dynamics, changed too. The achieved results outline a
potentiality of a further development in this field in the future. Hence more sets of
measurement are needed to be performed in a foreseeable time horizon to verify the
applied methodology.

Acknowledgments. The paper was written within project Technology Agency of the Czech
Republic n.TA04031376 research/development methodology training aviation specialists
L410UVP E20 and grant No. FEKT-S-14-2429 – “The research of new control methods,
measurement procedures and intelligent instruments in automation”, and the related financial
assistance was provided from the internal science fund of Brno University of Technology.

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Machine Learning-Learning (MALL)
Active Learning Algorithms for Multi-label Data

Everton Alvares Cherman1(B) , Grigorios Tsoumakas2 ,

and Maria-Carolina Monard1
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences,
University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil
Department of Informatics,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece

Abstract. Active learning is an iterative supervised learning task where

learning algorithms can actively query an oracle, i.e. a human annotator
that understands the nature of the pro blem, for labels. As the learner
is allowed to interactively choose the data from which it learns, it is
expected that the learner will perform better with less training. The
active learning approach is appropriate to machine learning applications
where training labels are costly to obtain but unlabeled data is abun-
dant. Although active learning has been widely considered for single-label
learning, this is not the case for multi-label learning, where objects can
have more than one class labels and a multi-label learner is trained to
assign multiple labels simultaneously to an object. We discuss the key
issues that need to be considered in pool-based multi-label active learn-
ing and discuss how existing solutions in the literature deal with each of
these issues. We further empirically study the performance of the exist-
ing solutions, after implementing them in a common framework, on two
multi-label datasets with different characteristics and under two different
applications settings (transductive, inductive). We find out interesting
results that we attribute to the properties of, mainly, the data sets, and,
secondarily, the application settings.

Keywords: Supervised learning · Multi-label learning · Active learn-

ing · Pool-based strategies

1 Introduction
Different approaches to enhance supervised learning have been proposed over
the years. As supervised learning algorithms build classifiers based on labeled
training examples, several of these approaches aim to reduce the amount of time
and effort needed to obtain labeled data for training. Active learning is one of
these approaches [6]. The key idea of active learning is to minimize labeling
costs by allowing the learner to query for the labels of the most informative
unlabeled data instances. These queries are posed to an oracle, e.g. a human

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 267–279, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 23
268 E.A. Cherman et al.

annotator, which understands the nature of the problem. This way, an active
learner can substantially reduce the number of labeled data required to construct
the classifier.
Active learning has been developed substantially to support single-label
learning, where each object (instance) in the dataset is associated with only
one class label. However, this is not the case in multi-label learning, where each
object is associated with a subset of labels. Due to the large number of real-
world problems which fall into this category, and the interesting challenges that
it poses, multi-label learning has attracted great interest in the last decade [9].
We here focus on the pool-based active learning scenario [6], where a pool of
unlabeled data is available to the learning algorithm. The first contribution of
this paper is the presentation of the key issues that have to be considered when
applying active learning on (multi-label) data, as well as the particular decisions
of existing algorithms in the literature with respect to these issues (Sect. 2).
We implemented existing algorithms in a common framework within the Mulan
library [8] and empirically investigated their performance on two multi-label
data sets with different properties and under two different application settings
(transductive, inductive). The second contribution of this paper is the presen-
tation of these experimental results, where novel and interesting conclusions are
drawn with respect to the factors that affect the performance of the different
algorithms (Sect. 3).

2 Active Learning from Multi-label Data

There are a number of issues that need to be considered when attempting to
apply active learning on multi-label data. In the following sections we focus on
the most important ones.

2.1 Manual Annotation Approaches and Effort

Similarly to a single-label active learning system, a multi-label active learning
system can request the annotation of one or more objects. If the request is for
just one object, then the annotator will observe (look at, read, hear, watch) the
object in an attempt to understand it and characterize it as relevant or not to
each of the labels. In practice, requests are made for a batch of objects. For
example, ground truth acquisition for the ImageCLEF 2011 photo annotation
and concept-based retrieval tasks was achieved via crowd-sourcing in batches of
10 and 24 images [4]. In such cases, there are two ways that an annotator can
accomplish the task:
1. object-wise, where for each object the annotator determines the relevancy to
each label; and
2. label-wise, where for each label the annotator determines relevancy to each
object1 .
Object-wise and label-wise annotation have been called global and local labeling
respectively in [2].
Active Learning Algorithms for Multi-label Data 269

Consider a request for the annotation of n objects with q labels. Let co be the
average cost of understanding an object, cl be the average cost of understand-
ing a label and clo be the average cost of deciding whether an object should
be annotated with a particular label or not. If we set aside the cognitive and
psychological aspects of the annotation process, such as our short-term memory
capacity, then a rough estimation of the total cost of object-wise annotation is:

n[co + q(cl + clo )] = nco + nqcl + nqclo

Similarly, a rough estimation of the total cost of label-wise annotation is:

q[cl + n(co + clo )] = qcl + nqco + nqclo

Assuming that the cost of label-wise annotation is smaller than that of object-
wise annotation, we have:

qcl + nqco + nqclo < nco + nqcl + nqclo

qcl + nqco < nco + nqcl
n(q − 1)co < q(n − 1)cl
q(n − 1) qn
co < cl ≈ cl = cl
n(q − 1) nq

This means that choosing the annotation approach, largely depends on the
object and label understanding costs. If object (label) understanding is larger,
then the object (label) wise approach should be followed.
As Fig. 1 illustrates, object understanding is less costly than label under-
standing only for images, which humans understand in milliseconds. Documents,
audio and video require far more time to understand than typical label concepts.

Fig. 1. The cost of understanding a label in different types of data.

270 E.A. Cherman et al.

2.2 Full and Partial Annotation Requests

In a classical supervised learning task, the active learning system requests the
value of the target variable for one or more objects. What can the learning
system request in multi-label learning?
Normally it should request the values of all binary target variables (labels) for
one or more objects. Then a (batch) incremental multi-label learning algorithm
can update the current model based on the new examples. A different approach
is taken in [5], where the system requests the values for only a subset of the
labels and subsequently infers the values of the remaining labels based on label
Sticking to the values of just a subset of the labels would require an algorithm
that is incremental in terms of partial training examples. Binary relevance (BR)
is perhaps the sole algorithm fulfilling this requirement, but it is a standard and
often strong baseline. Therefore, the development of active learning strategies
that request partial labeling of objects could be a worthwhile endeavor. How-
ever, there is an implication on annotation effort that has to be considered. If
the system requests the labeling of the same object at two different annotation
requests, then the cost of understanding this object would be incurred twice. As
discussed in Sect. 2.1, this is inefficient for most data types.

2.3 Evaluation of Unlabelled Instances

The key aspect in a single-label active learning algorithm is the way it evaluates
the informativeness of unlabelled instances. In multi-label data, the evaluation
function (query) of active learning algorithms comprises two important parts:
1. a scoring function to evaluate object-label pairs; and
2. an aggregating function to aggregate these scores.
Algorithm 1 shows the general procedure for a batch-size = t, i.e., t exam-
ples are annotated in each round. The evaluation function query calculates the
evidence value of each example Ei ⊂ Du and returns the t most informative
instances, according to the evidence value used. In each round, these t examples
will be labeled by the oracle and included in the set Dl of labeled examples.
Algorithm 2 shows the query function of a multi-label active learning proce-
dure. The scoring function considers object-label pairs (Ei , yj ) and evaluates the
participation (ei,j ) of label yj in object Ei . It returns an evidence value ei,j for
all instances Ei ⊂ Du and for each label yj ∈ L = {y1 , y2 , ..., yq }. The aggregat-
ing function considers the q evidence values ei,1 , ei,2 , ..., ei,q of each instance Ei
given by the scoring function, and combines these values into a unique evidence
value ei .
The following three families of measures have been proposed in the related
work for evaluating object-label pairs (scoring):

1. Confidence-based score [1,2,7]. The distance of the confidence of the pre-

diction from the average value is used. The nature of this value depends
Active Learning Algorithms for Multi-label Data 271

input : Dl : labeled pool; Du : unlabeled pool; Ei : multi-label example;

L: set of labels; Yi : subset of labels associated to Ei ; t: batch size;
R: number of rounds; F : multi-label learner; Oracle: the annotator;
for r = 1, 2, .., R do
H ← F (Dl )
{Ei }ti=1 ← query(H, L, Du , t)
{Yi }ti=1 ← Oracle({Ei }ti=1 )
Dl ← Dl ∪ {(Ei , Yi )}ti=1
Du ← Du − {Ei }ti=1
Algorithm 1. Multi-label active learning procedure for the object-wise anno-
tation approach.

input : Du : unlabeled pool; L: set of labels; H: multi-label classifier

output: The t instances with higher evidences
for Ei ∈ Du do
for yj ∈ L do
ei,j ← scoring(Du , H, Ei , yj )
ei ← aggregating(ei,1 , ei,2 , ..., ei,q )
query ← best(e1 , e2 , ...., t, Du )
Algorithm 2. The query function

on the bias of learner. It could be a margin-based value (distance from the

hyper-plane), a probability-based value (distance from 0.5) or other. The
value returned by this approach represents how far an example is from the
boundary decision threshold between positive and negatives examples. We
are interested in examples that minimize this score.
2. Ranking-based score [7]. This strategy works like a normalization approach
for the values obtained from the confidence-based strategy. The confidences
given by the classifier are used to rank the unlabeled examples for each label.
We are interested in examples that maximize this score.
3. Disagreement-based score [3,10]. Unlike the other approaches, this strategy
uses two base classifiers and measures the difference between their predictions.
We are interested in maximizing this score. The intuitive idea is to query
the examples that most disagree in their classifications and could be most
informative. Three ways to combine the confidence values output by the two
base classifiers have been proposed:
i. MMR uses a major classifier which outputs confidence values and an aux-
iliary classifier that outputs decisions (positive/negative). The auxiliary
classifier is used to determine how conflicting the predictions are.
ii. HLR considers a more strict disagreement using the decisions output by
both classifiers to decide if there is disagreement or agreement between
each label prediction of an example.
272 E.A. Cherman et al.

iii. SHLR tries to make a balance between MMR and HLR through a function
that defines the influence of each approach in the final score.

After having obtained the object-label scores, there are two main aggregation
strategies for combining the object-label scores to an overall object score:
1. AVG averages the object-label scores across all labels. Thus, given the q
object-label scores ei,j of object Ei , the overall object-label score of object
Ei is given by:
q j=1 ei,j
ei = aggregatingavg ({ei,j }j=1 ) =

2. MIN/MAX, on the other hand, considers the optimal (minimum or maxi-

mum) of the object-label scores, given by:

ei = aggregatingmin/max ({ei,j }qj=1 ) = min/max({ei,j }qj=1 )

Note that for HLR, only the average aggregation strategy makes sense, as
taking the maximum would lead to a value of 1 for almost all unlabeled instances
and would not help in discriminating among them.

2.4 Experimental Protocol

Besides the multi-label active learning strategies themselves, the way that they
are evaluated is another important issue to consider. Some aspects to be consid-
ered are the size of the initial labeled pool, the batch’s size, the set of examples
used as testing, the sampling strategy and also the evaluation approach. Next,
these aspects are described with reference to related work.
Regarding the initial labeled pool, different papers built it in different ways.
In [7], the examples are chosen to have at least one example positive and one
negative for each label. In [10], 100 to 500 examples were selected randomly to
compose the initial labeled pool. In [2], the first 100 chronologically examples
were selected. In [1], the author choose randomly 10 examples to compose the
initial labeled pool.
The batch size defines how many examples are queried in each round of
active learning. In [1,7], only one example was queried per round. In [2] 50
examples were chosen in each round, while in [10] experiments with both 50 and
20 examples were performed.
There are basically two different ways to define the test set. The first one is
to consider a totally separated test set. This was followed in [2] and though not
explicitly mentioned, it seems to have also been followed in [1]. The second way
is to use the remaining examples in the unlabeled pool for testing. This approach
was used in [7,10].
It is worth noting that the quality of the model assessed using this second
approach holds for examples in the unlabeled pool, and does not necessarily hold
for new unlabeled data. Although there is a lack of discussion about this topic in
Active Learning Algorithms for Multi-label Data 273

the active learning literature, the decision of which evaluation approach to use
depends on the application’s nature. Most learning applications are interested
in building a general model from a training set of examples to predict future
new examples, e.g., this kind of application uses inductive inference algorithms
to make its predictions. An experimental protocol using a separate test set is
the correct evaluation approach for the performance assessment for the induc-
tive inference setting. The remaining evaluation approach is biased by the active
learner and hence the evaluation on these remaining examples will not be rep-
resentative of the actual distribution of new unseen examples, which is the case
for inductive inference.
However, there are active learning applications that want to predict labels
of an a priori known specific set of examples. For example, in a real world
personal image annotation scenario, the user would like to annotate some images
of his/her collection and after few rounds of active learning, the system would
annotate the remaining image in the collection [7]. For such an application, the
learning assessment should use the remaining examples in the query pool.
The learning curve is the most common evaluation approach used to assess
active learning techniques. A learning curve plots the evaluation measure con-
sidered as a function of the number of new instance queries that are labeled and
added to Dl . Thus, given the learning curves of two active learning algorithms,
the algorithm which dominates the other for more or all the points along the
learning curve is better than the other. Besides the learning curve, [2,7,10] also
used the value of the evaluation measure in the end of some specific number of
rounds to assess the active learning techniques.

3 Experiments

The active learning algorithms described in Sect. 2.3, as well as the active learn-
ing evaluation framework, were implemented using Mulan2 [8], a Java pack-
age for multi-label learning based on Weka3 . Our implementation is publicly
available to the community at

3.1 Setup

The experiments were performed using the datasets Scene and Yeast, two classic
multi-label datasets, which can be found in the Mulan website4 . Scene dataset
addresses the problem of semantic image categorization. Each instance in this
dataset is an image associated with some of the six available semantic classes
(beach, sunset, fall foliage, field, mountain, and urban). Yeast is a biological
dataset for gene function classification. Each instance is a yeast gene described

274 E.A. Cherman et al.

by the concatenation of micro-array expression data and phylogenetic profile

associated with one or more different functional classes.
Table 1 describes the datasets, where CL (cardinality) and DL (density) are
|D| |D| |Yi |
defined as CL(D) = |D| 1
i=1 |Yi | and DL(D) = |D|
i=1 q , respectively.

Table 1. Datasets description and label frequency statistics

Dataset Domain #ex #feat q CL DL #dist Min 1Q Med 3Q Max

Scene Image 2407 294 6 1.074 0.179 15 364 404 429 432 533
Yeast Biology 2417 103 14 4.237 0.303 198 34 324 659 953 1816

These two datasets have different properties. Although both datasets have
similar number of examples, Scene dataset has low number of labels (6), few
different multi-labels (15) and low cardinality (1.074). On the other hand, Yeast
dataset has 14 labels, 198 different multi-labels, and a reasonably high cardinality
(4.237). This means that instances in the Yeast dataset have more complex label
space than the instances in the Scene dataset. Thus, learning from the Yeast
dataset would be more difficult than learning from the Scene dataset.
Information related to label frequency is also important to characterize multi-
label datasets. To this end, Table 1 also shows summary statistics related to
labels frequency, where (Min) Minimum, (1Q) 1st Quartile, (Med) Median, (3Q)
3rd Quartile and (Max) Maximum. Recall that 1Q, Med and 3Q divide the sorted
labels frequency into four equal parts, each one with 25 % of the data. Note that
Yeast dataset in unbalanced.
Figure 2 shows a graphic distribution of the datasets label frequency using
the Violin plot representation, which adds the information available from local
density estimates to the basic summary statistics inherent in box plots. Note
that the Violin plot may be viewed as boxplots whose boxes have been curved
to reflect the estimated distribution of values over the observed data range.
Moreover, observe that the boxplot is the black box in the middle, the white
dot is the median and the black vertical lines are the whiskers, which indicate
variability outside the upper and lower quartiles.
As mentioned in Sect. 2.3, the active learning algorithms implemented in
this work are combinations of functions to evaluate object-label pairs and to
aggregate these scores. The functions to evaluate the object-label pairs, i.e.,
the scoring function, are: Confidence-based (CONF), Ranking-based (RANK),
HLR Disagreement-based (HLR), MMR Disagreement-based (MMR), SHLR
Disagreement-based (SHLR). The functions to aggregate the outputted scores,
i.e., the aggregating function, are: average (AVG) and maximum or minimum
(MAX/MIN), depending on the score function.
In this work, the initial labeled pool of examples was built by randomly choos-
ing examples until having Nini × q positive single labels, i.e., until Nini × q ≥
|Dl |
i=1 Yi , where Nini is user-defined. This strategy allows for fairer comparison
Active Learning Algorithms for Multi-label Data 275

Fig. 2. Violin plots of label frequencies distribution.

across the datasets. Nini = 5, 10, 20 was used in order to evaluate the influence
of different sizes of the initial labeled pool. The general procedure — Algo-
rithm 1 — was executed with a batch size t = 1, i.e., one example is annotated
in each run. The Binary Relevance approach was used as the multi-label classi-
fier, using stochastic gradient descent with hinge loss as the base classifier. For
the disagreement-based approaches, we used the sequential minimal optimiza-
tion algorithm with a linear kernel. Both learners, are implemented in the Weka
framework, and are named SGD and SMO respectively.

3.2 Results and Discussion

We report results in terms of the micro F1 measure, and in particular its average
over 1500 iterations of active selection of one example in each iteration. This is
proportional to the area under the corresponding learning curve of the differ-
ent algorithms. Figure 3 presents the results. Bold typeface is used to highlight
the relative best performance of the different scoring functions and aggregation
strategies for each particular experimental setting (dataset and protocol pair).
All results were obtained using 10-folds cross-validation. The full experimental
results are available online as supplementary material5 .
The first question we want to answer is how does the size of the initial
pool of training examples affect the performance of the methods?
Here we noticed the same strange general pattern across both data sets and
application settings and across all algorithms: Having 5 and 20 examples per
label leads to similar performance, which is slightly better compared to having
10 examples per label. In the rest of the experiments we removed this factor by
considering the average results of the three different sizes of the initial pool.

276 E.A. Cherman et al.

Fig. 3. Experimental results.

The next question we want to answer is which aggregation strategy

works best for each scoring function and under what conditions? For
the confidence-based score function, in the separated protocol min is the best
aggregation strategy in both yeast and scene, while for the remaining protocol,
avg works best in both yeast and scene. Taking the min of the confidence-based
score stresses more the labels for which the classifier is most uncertain (e.g. rare
labels that it has not seen yet), while avg treats all labels equally. We hypothe-
size that in the remaining protocol instances with rare (difficult to be predict)
labels are removed from the test set and hence stressing the performance in such
labels is meaningless. In contrast, in the separate protocol, rare labels in the
test set remain rare and important. Figure 4 shows the learning curves of min
and avg in scene for the remaining protocol. It confirms our hypothesis, as in
the initial steps, avg does not perform as well as min, but as more and more
rare labels are being removed from the test set, it eventually does better. This
is an important conclusion for researchers developing methods for a particular
protocol, or practitioners applying methods in a particular protocol setting.

Fig. 4. Average vs minimum in scene for the confidence-based score function.

Active Learning Algorithms for Multi-label Data 277

For the rank-based score function, in the scene data set, max and avg work
equally well for both the remaining/separate protocols, while in the yeast data-
base max gives slightly better results. The rank-based score function normal-
izes the absolute values of uncertainty across the labels and hence makes itself
all labels equal in this sense. This alleviates the issue we discussed above. We
hypothesize that the aforementioned difference between yeast and scene is due to
the corresponding differences in label frequencies, as shown in Fig. 2. The max
aggregation pays more attention to labels where the relative uncertainty with
respect to other labels is higher, and this pays-off better, in accordance with
the theory of active learning. In scene, as there are fewer labels with similar
distributions, it makes no difference in focusing on all labels or only on the most
uncertain one.
In terms of the disagreement-based score functions, in MMR avg works better
than max for both data sets and protocols, while for SHLR, avg works better
than max in the remaining setting, while they perform similarly in the separate
setting. Here, we would expect similar results with confidence-based scoring and
indeed we see that avg does better than max in the remaining setting. However, in
contrast with confidence-based scoring, here avg dominates also in the separate
protocol. It seems that while uncertainty is maximized in the case of rare labels,
the same does not happen for the disagreement between the two classifiers.
We hypothesize that this occurs because with limited training data for rare
labels both classifiers’ output is similarly uncertain. We also argue that the
disagreement of classifiers per label, again in itself, brings all labels to the same
measurement level (normalization). This also explains the good results of the
average strategy.
The next question we want to answer is which scoring function works
best and under what conditions? Comparing the different scoring functions
with each other, we notice that the disagreement-based functions do best overall,
with MMR giving the best results in scene and HLR the best results in yeast
for both protocols. HLR is the most robust method, delivering near-top results
also in scene. Recall that HLR takes into account crisp decisions instead of con-
fidences. This shows that looking at actual confidence values can be misleading,
particularly in the presence of rare labels and imbalanced distributions across
the labels. In scene, where labels are similar in frequency, MMR did best, hence
in these - rare in practice - cases, we expect actual confidences to offer benefits.
Further interesting results are obtained by comparing random selec-
tion of unlabeled instances (passive learning) with the active learn-
ing approaches. In particular, we notice that large gains are achieved in the
transductive setting, while active learning methods are struggling to beat pas-
sive learning in the separated setting. This shows that in the remaining setting,
the benefits of active learning are coming mostly from the removal of difficult
instances from the test set rather than from the incorporation of useful instances
to the training set, an interesting conclusion for active learning in general (non
multi-label) that to the best of our knowledge has not been previously discussed
in the literature.
278 E.A. Cherman et al.

4 Summary and Future Work

Although active learning in single-label learning has been investigated over sev-
eral decades, this is not the case for multi-label learning. This work discussed key
issues in pool-based (multi-label) active learning based on existing algorithms in
the literature, which were implemented in a common framework and experimen-
tally evaluated in two multi-label data sets with different properties and under
two different application settings (transductive, inductive).
Results show that taking the average across all labels of disagreement-based
scoring functions perform best, and that in particular the MMR function works
better in the absence of imbalance among the labels, while HLR works better in
the presence of such imbalance. Moreover, the transductive setting was found to
be easier for active learning due to the removal of difficult examples.
In the future, we plan to expand our empirical study with more data sets, in
order to assess the generality of our conclusions.

Acknowledgment. This research was supported by the São Paulo Research Founda-
tion (FAPESP), grants 2010/15992-0 and 2011/21723-5, and Brazilian National Coun-
cil for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), grant 644963.

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Automated Determination of the Input Parameter
of DBSCAN Based on Outlier Detection

Zohreh Akbari ✉ and Rainer Unland

( )

Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB),

University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany

Abstract. During the last two decades, DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clus‐
tering of Applications with Noise) has been one of the most common clustering
algorithms, that is also highly cited in the scientific literature. However, despite
its strengths, DBSCAN has a shortcoming in parameter detection, which is done
in interaction with the user, presenting some graphical representation of the data.
This paper introduces a simple and effective method for automatically deter‐
mining the input parameter of DBSCAN. The idea is based on a statistical tech‐
nique for outlier detection, namely the empirical rule. This work also suggests a
more accurate method for detecting the clusters that lie close to each other.
Experimental results in comparison with the old method, together with the time
complexity of the algorithm, which is the same as for the old algorithm, indicate
that the proposed method is able to automatically determine the input parameter
of DBSCAN quite reliably and efficiently.

Keywords: Clustering · DBSCAN · Empirical rule · Machine learning · Outlier

detection · Parameter determination · Unsupervised learning

1 Introduction

Machine Learning (ML) is one of the core fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and is
concerned with the question of how to construct computer programs that automatically
improve with experience [1]. Depending on the nature of the learning data available to
the learning system, machine learning methods are typically classified into three main
categories [2, 3]: supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning. In supervised
learning example inputs and their desired outputs are given and the goal is to learn a
general rule that maps these inputs to their desired outputs. In unsupervisaed learning,
on the other hand, no labels are given to the learning algorithm, leaving it on its own to
find the hidden structure of the data, e.g. to look for the similarities between the data
instances (i.e. clustering [4]), or to discover the dependencies between the variables in
large databases (i.e. association rule mining [5]). In reinforcement learning the desired
input/output pairs are again not presented, however, the algorithm is able to estimate the
optimal actions by interacting with a dynamic environment and based on the outcomes

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 280–291, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_24
Automated Determination of the Input Parameter 281

of the more recent actions, while ignoring experiences from the past, that were not
reinforced recently.
This research focuses on the most common unsupervised learning method (i.e.
cluster analysis [4, 6]), and more specifically on one of its successful algorithms the
Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) [7]. As
mentioned above, in unsupervised learning, learner processes the input data with the
goal of coming up with some summary or compressed version of the data [4]. Clustering
a dataset is a typical example of this type of learning. Clustering is the task of grouping
a set of objects such that similar objects end up in the same group and dissimilar objects
are diverted into different groups. Clearly, this description is quite imprecise and
possibly ambiguous. However, quite surprisingly, it is not at all clear how to come up
with a more rigorous definition [4], and since no definition of cluster is widely accepted
many algorithms have been developed to suit specific domains [8], each of which using
a different induction principle [9].
Due to their diversity, clustering methods are classified into different categories in
the scientific literature [9–12]. However, despite the slight differences between these
classifications, they all mention the DBSCAN algorithm as one of the eminent methods
available. DBSCAN owes its popularity to the group of capabilities it offers [7]: (1) it
does not require the specification of the number of clusters in the dataset beforehand,
(2) it requires little domain knowledge to determine its input parameter, (3) it can find
arbitrarily shaped clusters, (4) it has good efficiency on large datasets, (5) it has a notion
of noise, and is robust to outliers, (6) it is designed in a way that it can be supported
efficiently by spatial access methods such as R*-trees [13], and so on.
DBSCAN algorithm requires two input parameters, namely and , which
are considered to be the density parameters of the thinnest cluster acceptable, specifying
the lowest density which is not considered to be noise. These parameters are hence
respectively the radius and the minimum number of data objects of the least dense cluster
possible. The algorithm supports the user in determining the appropriate values for these
parameters offering a heuristic method, which imposes the user interaction based on
some graphical representation of the data (presented in Sect. 2.2). However, since
DBSCAN is sensitive to its input parameters and the parameters have significant influ‐
ences on the clustering result, an automated and more precise method for the determi‐
nation of the input parameters is needed.
Some notable algorithms targeting this problem are: (1) GRPDBSCAN, which
combines the grid partition technique and DBSCAN algorithm [14], (2) DBSCAN-GM,
that combines Gaussian-Means and DBSCAN algorithms [15], and (3) BDE-DBSCAN,
which combines Differential Evolution and DBSCAN algorithms [16]. Opposed to these
methods, which all intend to solve the problem using some other techniques, this paper
remains with the original idea of the DBSCAN algorithm and just tries to omit the user
interaction needed, allowing the algorithm to detect the appropriate value itself. This is
done using some basic statistical techniques for outlier detection. Two different
approaches are mentioned in this paper, which apply the concept of standard deviation
to the problem of outlier detection, namely the empirical rule for normal distributions
and the Chebyshev’s inequality for non-normal distributions [17, 18]. This work,
however, focuses mainly on the application of the empirical rule to outlier detection in
282 Z. Akbari and R. Unland

normal distributed data, and addresses the Chebyshev’s inequality only as a possible
solution for non-normal distributions.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the DBSCAN
algorithm and its supporting technique for the determination of its input parameters. In
Sect. 3, the above mentioned statistical techniques for outlier detection are presented
(i.e. the empirical rule and the Chebyshev’s inequality). Section 4 describes the auto‐
mated technique for the determination of the parameter . Experimental results and
the time complexity of the automated technique are then discussed in Sect. 5. Section 6
concludes with a summary and some directions for the feature researches.

2 DBSCAN: Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with


According to [7], the key idea of DBSCAN algorithm is that for each point of the cluster
the neighborhood of a given radius has to contain at least a minimum number of points,
i.e. the density in the neighborhood has to exceed some threshold. The following defi‐
nitions support the realization of this idea.

Definition 1 ( of a point): The of a point ,

denoted by , is defined by .

Definition 2 (directly density-reachable): A point is directly density-reachable from

a point , w.r.t. and , if


The second condition is called core point condition (There are two kinds of points
in a cluster, points inside of the cluster, called core points, and points on the border of
the cluster, called border points).

Definition 3 (density-reachable): A point is density-reachable from a point , w.r.t.

and , if there is a chain of points such that is
directly density-reachable from .

Definition 4 (density-connected): A point is density-connected to a point , w.r.t.

and , if there is a point such that both, and are density-reachable from ,
w.r.t. and .

Definition 5 (cluster): Let be a database of points. A cluster , w.r.t. and

, is a non-empty subset of satisfying the following conditions:
1. and is density-reachable from , w.r.t. and , then
. (Maximality)
2. : is density-connected to , w.r.t. and . (Connectivity)
Automated Determination of the Input Parameter 283

Definition 6 (noise): Let be the clusters of the database , w.r.t. parameters

and , . Then the noise is defined as the set of points in the database
not belonging to any cluster , i.e. .

The following lemmata are important for validating the correctness of the algorithm.
Intuitively, they state that having the parameters and , a cluster can be
discovered in a two-step approach. First, choose an arbitrary point from the database
satisfying the core point condition as a seed. Second, retrieve all points that are density-
reachable from the seed, obtaining the cluster containing the seed.

Lemma 1: Let be a point in and . Then the set

is a cluster, w.r.t. and .

Lemma 2: Let be a cluster, w.r.t. and , and let be any point in with
. Then equals to the set

2.1 The Algorithm

The DBSCAN algorithm can be described as follows (Table 1):

Table 1. Algorithm 1: Pseudo-code of the DBSCAN

DBSCAN Algorithm (Input: )
1. While ( has an unclassifieda point)
2. Select an arbitrary unclassified point .
3. If does not satisfy the core point condition, mark it as a noise.
4. Else retrieve all the density-reachable points from forming a cluster containing
and mark all the member of this cluster as classified.
5. End While
Note that the term unclassified here indicates that it is not determined yet if the point is a noise or not.

2.2 Determining the Parameters and

DBSCAN offers a simple but effective heuristic method to determine the parameters
and of the thinnest cluster in the dataset. For a given function is
defined from the Database to the real numbers, mapping each point to the distance
from its nearest neighbor. When sorting the points of the dataset in descending
order of their values, the graph of this function gives some hints concerning the
density distribution in the dataset. This graph is called the sorted graph. It is
clear that the first point in the first valley of the graph can be the threshold
point with the maximal value in the thinnest cluster. All points with a
larger value are considered to be noise, and all the other points are assigned
to some clusters.
DBSCAN states that according to experiments, the graphs for do not
significantly differ from the graph and, furthermore, they need considerably
284 Z. Akbari and R. Unland

more computation. Therefore, it eliminates the parameter by setting it to 4 for

all datasets (for 2-dimensional data). The parameter determination method also explains,
that since in general, it is very difficult to detect the first valley of the graph
automatically, but it is relatively simple for the user to see this valley in a graphical
representation, it is suggested to follow an interactive approach for determining the
threshold point.

3 Statistical Techniques for Outlier Detection

The term noise in DBSCAN algorithm is equivalent to an outlier in statistics, which is

an observation that is far removed from the rest of the observations [19]. One of the
basic statistical techniques for outlier detection is called the empirical rule. The empirical
rule is an important rule of thumb, that is used to state the approximate percentage of
values that lie within a given number of standard deviation from the of a set of
data if the data are normally distributed. The empirical rule, also called the 68-95-99.7
rule or the three-sigma rule of thumb states that 68.27 %, 95.45 % and 99.73 % of the
values in a normal distribution lie within one, two and three standard deviations of the
mean [17]. One of the practical usages of the empirical rule is as a definition of outliers
as the data that fall more than three standard deviations from the norm in normal distri‐
butions [20] (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The Empirical Rule [21]

If there are many points that fall more than three standard deviations from the norm,
then the distribution is most likely non-normal. In this case, Chebyshev’s inequality,
which applies to non-normal distributions, is applicable. Chebyshev’s inequality states
that in any probability distribution, at least of the values are within standard
deviations of the [17] (e.g. in non-normal distributions at least 99 % of the values
lie within 10 standard deviations of the ). Hence, using the Chebyshev’s inequality,
Automated Determination of the Input Parameter 285

the outlier can also be defined as the data that fall outside an appropriate number of
standard deviations from the mean [22]1.

4 Automated Determination of the Parameter Eps

Setting the to 4, determining the parameter , the algorithm is aiming a radius

that covers the majority of the values and stands well as a threshold for the
specification of the noise values. As mentioned above, the term noise in DBSCAN
algorithm is equivalent to an outlier in statistics, which is an observation that is far
removed from the rest of the observations [19]. Thus, the idea here is to use statistical
rules in order to find the threshold value between the accepted values and the
values considered for the noise points.
As mentioned above, one of the practical usages of the empirical rule is as a definition
of outliers as the data that fall more than three standard deviations from the norm in
normal distributions [20]. Thus, considering the values, the value of parameter
can be set to their plus three standard deviations. This would cover even more
than 99.73 % of the calculated values, since the values smaller than
are also covered here.
Border points and even in general, points closer to the border of the clusters usually
have greater values, which lead to larger values and thus might cause two
close clusters to be detected as one cluster (Since the parameter or is set to 4,
this problem may be caused mostly by the border points). These relatively greater
values, however, do not have any positive effect on the process of cluster detec‐
tion, as the values of the core points are actually the ones forming the right
clusters and at the same time covering the border points. Figure 2 shows a case in which
the value of border point is much larger than the value of the core
point which can actually cover in its .

Fig. 2. values for example core ( ) and border point ( )

In order to eliminate the negative effect of the values of the border points,
the algorithm presented here considers any point with minimum value which

1 This work focuses solely on the empirical rule and the normal distributions. However, the
possibility of using the Chebyshev’s inequality is given here, in order to show that the general
idea of using outlier detection techniques for the reason of parameter determination in
DBSCAN is not limited to the distribution of the data.
286 Z. Akbari and R. Unland

covers the border point in its and replaces the value of

this border point with the value of this core point. Thus for a given , function
is defined from the Dataset to the real numbers, mapping each point to the
value of any core point, covering this point in its , with
minimum value. Actually, following this technique, points are considered in
ascending order of their values, then taking each point , if the value
for any point in its four nearest neighbors is not set so far, this value will be set to the
value of point . Using this technique for each point, the value of the
smallest cluster, the point can join, would be considered. At the end the and the
standard deviation of these values which are saved for all points are calculated
and the value is set to . The following pseudo-code indicates this
method (Table 2).

Table 2. Algorithm 2: Pseudo-code of the

(Input: )
1. For each point find the four nearest neighbors.
2. Sort the points in ascending order of theirs values.
3. Following the ascending order, take each point and if the value for any of its four
nearest neighbors is not set so far, set this value to the value of the point .
4. Calculate the of the values:
5. Calculate the standard deviation of the values:
6. Set the value to .

5 Experimental Results and Time Complexity

In this section the experimental results and the time complexity of the automated tech‐
nique proposed in Sect. 4 ( ) are discussed.

5.1 Experimental Results and Discussions

In this section, the algorithm presented in Sect. 4 is applied to some datasets. This makes
the comparison between the old method and the new automated method possible. All
the experiments were performed on Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1.90 GHz with 2 GB RAM
on the Microsoft Windows 8 platform. The algorithm and the datasets were implemented
in Java on Eclipse IDE, MARS.1. Sample datasets are depicted in Fig. 3. The noise
percentage for datasets 1 and 2 is 0 %, however, datasets 3 and 4 do have noise values.
In order to show the results of the clustering, each cluster is presented by a different
shade of gray in Fig. 4. Noise points are marked using black color.
Figure 5 shows the sorted graphs of the sample datasets. Here, indicates
the value determined by the user, according to the visual representation of the data, and
represents the value calculated automatically by the algorithm presented in Sect. 4
( ).
Automated Determination of the Input Parameter 287

Fig. 3. Sample datasets

Fig. 4. Detected clusters

288 Z. Akbari and R. Unland

Fig. 5. Sorted graphs for sample datasets (Note that the larger difference between
and for Dataset 3 is caused by the larger difference between the values of those data
instances considered as noise and the rest of the data instances. This difference has no effect on
the clustering result, since and are actually threshold values and since there are no data
instances with values between and , the clustering result would remain the same.)

In order to illustrate the problem that may occur with the value of the border
points (discussed in Sect. 4), dataset 5 is presented here (Fig. 6). This dataset is defined
in a way that nested and very close clusters are available in it.
Result 1 in Fig. 7, indicates the clustering result according to the normal values,
which were considered by the old method. It is clear that the algorithm has failed to
distinguish the nested clusters. Result 2 in Fig. 7, on the other hand, shows the clustering
result according to the normal values. Here, the value calculated is smaller
and hence the algorithm is able to detect the nested clusters easily. Graph 1 and Graph 2
in Fig. 7 show here the and values calculated using each of the tech‐
niques, together with the corresponding and values.
Automated Determination of the Input Parameter 289

Fig. 6. Dataset 5

Fig. 7. Different clustering results for dataset 5

It should be pointed out that even though the experiments presented here were all
for 2-dimensional datasets, the idea can be applied to high-dimensional datasets as well.
This is clearly possible, since the calculation of the distance between the points and the
application of standard deviation remains the same for high-dimensional datasets. The
only point that must be considered is that, the DBSCAN has suggested 4 as the
value just for 2-dimensional datasets. However, as mentioned before, and
are the density parameters of the thinnest cluster; therefore it is always possible to
290 Z. Akbari and R. Unland

determine the by keeping the parameter small enough (or even just by setting
it to one). The diversity of the density may always be described with different radii
containing a predefined number of points ( ).

5.2 Time Complexity

Since the algorithm needs to find the four nearest neighbors of each point in the dataset,
the time complexity of the algorithm cannot be less than . Of course, since these
points should have been also retrieved in the user interaction technique, and the only
difference here is the calculation of the and the standard deviation, which can be
done in , it is clear that the time complexity of the automated technique presented
here, is the same as for the old method. Thus concerning the automated abilities of this
technique, it is obvious that the application of this approach in the determination of the
parameter is quite reasonable.

6 Conclusion

This paper proposes a simple and effective method to automatically determine the input
parameter of DBSCAN. The work remains with the original idea of the DBSCAN
algorithm and just tries to omit the user interaction needed, and allow the algorithm to
detect the appropriate value itself. This is done using some basic statistical techniques
for outlier detection. Two different approaches are mentioned here, which apply the
concept of standard deviation to the problem of outlier detection, namely the empirical
rule for normal distributions and Chebyshev’s inequality for non-normal distributions.
One of the practical usages of the empirical rule is as a definition of outliers as the data
that fall more than three standard deviations from the norm in normal distributions. Thus,
the value of parameter can be set to plus three standard deviations. This value
would cover the majority of the values and stands well as a threshold for the
specification of the noise values. This work also mentioned the problem which occurs
with the values of the border points, and suggests a more accurate method for
the determination of the values, based on which is calculated (i.e. values).
Experimental results and the time complexity of the proposed algorithm suggest that the
application of this technique in the determination of the parameter is quite reason‐
able. The concentration of this research was mainly on the application of the empirical
rule to outlier detection in normal distributed data. The future works will have to consider
the Chebyshev’s inequality for possible non-normal distributions of values.


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Exemplar Selection via Leave-One-Out
Kernel Averaged Gradient Descent
and Subtractive Clustering

Yiannis Kokkinos and Konstantinos G. Margaritis(&)

Parallel and Distributed Processing Laboratory,

Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia,
156 Egnatia str., P.O. Box 1591, 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece

Abstract. Scalable data mining and machine learning require data abstractions.
This work presents a scheme for automatic selection of representative real data
points as exemplars. Currently few algorithms can select representative exem-
plars from the data. K-medoids and Affinity Propagation are such algorithms.
K-medoids requires the number of exemplars to be given in advance, as well as
a dissimilarity matrix in memory. Affinity propagation automatically finds
exemplars as well as their k number but it requires a similarity matrix in
memory. A fast algorithm, which works without the need of any matrix in
memory, is Subtractive Clustering, but it requires user-defined bandwidth
parameters. The essence of the proposed solution relies on a leave-one-out
kernel averaged gradient descent that automatically estimates a suitable band-
width parameter from the data in conjunction with Subtractive Clustering
algorithm that further uses this bandwidth for extracting the most representative
exemplars, without initial knowledge of their number. Experimental simulations
and comparisons of the proposed solution with Affinity propagation exemplar
selection on various benchmark datasets seem promising.

Keywords: Subtractive clustering  Kernel averaged  Leave-one-out 

Gradient descent  Automatic exemplar selection

1 Introduction

A common problem in applications that collect and store their data is that the number
of training examples may be large. Hence, many machine learning and data mining
algorithms become slow [1, 2]. One of the solutions is to select most representative
exemplars from the data. These exemplars are real data points that form an abstract
view of the whole dataset, can represent the structure of the data and can also be used
for recognizing patterns [2]. Finding exemplars is a hard problem [3] but is more
interesting and informative than dividing data into clusters. Detecting exemplars goes
beyond simple clustering, as the exemplars store compressed information [3]. Hence,
exemplar selection techniques try to find additional regional information in order to
extract representative k-exemplars or k-medoids or k-centers which are close to any
given training point so as to minimize the maximum distance from a point to its nearest

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 292–304, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_25
Exemplar Selection via Leave-One-Out Kernel Averaged 293

exemplar. The first exemplar-based algorithm was k-medoids [4] which requires the
number k of exemplars to be given in advance, as well as a dissimilarity matrix in
memory. Yet, finding exemplars without knowing the k number is a challenge since
this k-centers problem or k median objective is NP hard [5–7].
Currently, Affinity Propagation (AP) introduced by Frey and Dueck [8] is the
state-of-the-art algorithm for detecting exemplars and subsequently clustering the data
around them. AP has been applied in various fields and many applications. In AP all
data points are simultaneously considered as exemplars, but exchange deterministic
messages until a good set of exemplars gradually emerges. AP finds an approximate
solution by using this message passing optimization strategy that is based on max-sum
algorithm in a factor graph [8]. Hence, AP does not require the number of exemplars,
since this number gradually emerges automatically during the process. However AP
does require a similarity matrix in main memory as well as a user defined parameter,
the preferences, which are the diagonal values of the similarity matrix.
A fast algorithm, which works without the need of any similarity matrix in main
memory, is Subtractive Clustering (SC) [9, 10]. This algorithm was also employed in
RBF neural network training [11, 12]. Subtractive Clustering can determine both the
exemplars and their number [10] but it requires carefully selected user-defined
parameters for the bandwidth and the stopping criteria.
In this work we propose a leave-one-out kernel average gradient descent procedure
that estimates a bandwidth parameter from the data, and then we use this bandwidth in
a modified subtractive clustering algorithm. We demonstrate that the proposed scheme
can provide an automatic estimate of most representative exemplars from the data and
in the same time can recognize shapes of patterns.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides the basics for
Subtractive Clustering. Section 3 introduces the proposed gradient descent of the
leave-one-out kernel averaged regression function. Section 4 describes all the initial-
izations and the parameter settings for the proposed scheme. Section 5 presents several
experimental simulations and comparisons, while Sect. 6 concludes the paper.

2 Subtractive Clustering Basics

Subtractive clustering algorithm [9–12] selects a set of exemplars from the most rep-
resentative real data points by using their density. Subtractive clustering can work
without any priori information about the number of exemplars. In the first step it
computes a density-based potential for every point and then gradually subtracts
exemplars by updating all the remaining potentials. The potential P(i) for each point xi
is defined as a sum of Gaussian kernels over all the N data points as:
XN  2
pðiÞ ¼ j¼1
expðaxj  xi  Þ ð1Þ

where a = (2/ra)2 and the bandwidth ra represents a neighbourhood radius. A data

point will have high potential P(i) and high density if it has many neighbour points.
294 Y. Kokkinos and K.G. Margaritis

After finding all P(i) the algorithm iteratively executes an updating cycle as:
(1) Find data point x* (cluster center) with the highest potential value P*
(2) Revise the potential of all other points using P(i) = P(i) − P*exp(−b||x* − xi||2)
The updating cycle for the potentials P(i) terminates if the current max potential P*
drops below a certain value and the algorithm stops if (P*< e P*1) [10–12] where P*1 is
the first max potential and e a small percentage. In each iteration the highest potential
P* of the selected point x* will substantially affect all the revised potentials of the
points near by. Thus, the data points near the selected point x* will have significantly
reduced density. The updates of the potentials use b = (2/rb)2 where bandwidth rb is
another positive constant which also defines a neighbourhood radius. Usually rb is
taken to be as 1.5ra, in order to avoid the selection of closely located exemplars.
The main problem is choosing an appropriate value for the bandwidth parameter ra.
This choice is of crucial importance and is usually done via extensive experimentation
and trial-and-error. The potentials P(i) represent density. So, one can subjectively try to
choose a bandwidth ra by looking at potentials produced by a wide range of band-
widths, starting with large values of ra and gradually decreasing them until a rea-
sonable density is reached. However, such an approach is impractical and too many
validations are needed, since there is no way to define a-priori a suitable density value.
This is what we are looking for in the first place. A more important issue is that the
potentials affect the number of exemplars and their locations. If the bandwidth is very
small this will result in neglecting the effect of neighbouring points and then all points
will be selected as exemplars. If the bandwidth is small then many exemplars will be
selected. If the bandwidth is large then the density function will be affected by
accounting all the points and few exemplars will be selected. If the bandwidth is too
large then even fewer exemplars will be selected. It is very easy for anyone to see these
limits by using trial-and-error. Furthermore, the bandwidth is dataset dependent and the
previous limits depend on the formation of a given dataset. An automatic or
semi-automatic process is essential as part of a more global analysis in order to avoid
many user-defined parameters. In our scheme the proposed leave-one-out gradient
descent provides proper bandwidth values for Subtractive Clustering automatically.

3 Proposed Gradient Descent of Leave-One-Out Kernel


We propose gradient descent learning of the kernel averaged (or weighted average)
regression function to automatically estimate a bandwidth parameter. Given a training
set fxi yi gNi¼1 where xi are the points and yj are the desired labels (which we will define
later in Eq. 4), the conventional kernel averaged regression function f(xi) is:
f ðxi Þ ¼ k
gk ðxi Þyk ð2aÞ
gk ðxi Þ ¼ uk ðxi Þ j
uj ðxi Þ ð2bÞ
Exemplar Selection via Leave-One-Out Kernel Averaged 295

where uk(x) = exp(−dk(x)/r2) are Gaussian kernels and dk(x) = ||xk − x||2 is the squared
Euclidean distance. The kernel averaged f(xi) has a nominator Ruj(xi)yj, and a
denominator Ruj(xi) defined as a sum of uk(xi) Gaussian kernels over all N data points.
Since in subtractive clustering the potential P(i) = Ruj(xi) we can see that actually this
potential is the normalization factor of f(xi).

3.1 Gradient of the Leave-One-Out Kernel Averaged

The proposed leave-one-out kernel averaged regression function floo(xi,c) is given by
leaving out from the sum in Eq. 2a percentage c of the self-contribution of xi as:
floo ðxi ; cÞ ¼ k
gk ðxi Þyk  cgi ðxi Þyi ð3Þ

where c is the small leave-one-out parameter which takes values in the range [0, 1].
The proposed method uses desired labels yi for the points xi. We define them as:
yi ¼ ð1=NÞ xj xi 2 ð4Þ

Thus, each desired label yi is considered as the variance of the corresponding xi, if
this xi was the center of the training set. So
The gradient ∂E(r,x)/∂r, with respect to bandwidth r, is computed from the
squared error E(r,x) which is a convex function defined as E(r,x) = (floo(x,c)−y)2
where floo(x,c) is the leave-one-out kernel averaged regression function.
Without the leave-one-out such a gradient will not work. Taking a gradient of the
kernel averaged with respect to the bandwidth will not result in a suitable solution,
since eventually all points will converge to tiny bandwidth values (they will be correct
for predicting themselves).
The classical squared error Ei(r,xi) for each xi is:

E i ðr; xi Þ ¼ ð1=2Þðf100 ðxi ; cÞ  yi Þ2 ð5Þ

The gradient descent update for the r parameter can be defined from the gradient of
the squared error as:

Dr ¼ n@E i ðr; xi Þ=@r ð6Þ

The chain rule of the gradient gives:

@E i ðr; xi Þ=@r ¼ @E i ðr; xi Þ=@floo ðxi ; cÞ ð@floo ðxi ; cÞ=@rÞ
¼ ðfloo ðxi ; cÞ  yi Þð@floo ðxi ; cÞ =@rÞ ð7Þ
296 Y. Kokkinos and K.G. Margaritis

where the derivate (∂floo(xi,c)/∂r) is:

@ XN @ @
floo ðxi ; cÞ ¼ ð g ðx Þy Þ  c gi ðxi Þyi
k @r k i k
@r @r
where we only need to find the derivate ∂gk(xi)/∂r given by:
2 !1 3
@ @ 4 X
gk ðxi Þ ¼ u ðxi Þ  uj ðxi Þ 5
@r @r k j
!1 !2 ! ð9Þ
  X X X
@ N N N
¼ u ðxi Þ  uj ðxi Þ uk ðxi Þ  uj ðxi Þ uj ðxi Þ
@r k j j j

This equation by using @r uk(xi) = uk(xi) dk(xi)/r3 becomes:
!1 !2 !
@ X
gk ðxi Þ ¼ ðuk ðxi Þdk ðxi Þ r3 Þ  uj ðxi Þ uk ðxi Þ  uj ðxi Þ ðuk ðxi Þdj ðxi Þ r3 Þ
@r j j j
!1 2 !1 !3 ð10Þ
¼ ð1 r3 Þuk ðxi Þ uj ðxi Þ 4dk ðxi Þ  uj ðxi Þ ðuj ðxi Þdj ðxi ÞÞ 5
j j j

and by replacing the expression for gk(xi) from Eq. 2b into Eq. 10 it gives:
" !#
@ 3 X
gk ðxi Þ ¼ ð1 r Þgk ðxi Þ dk ðxi Þ  gj ðxi Þdj ðxi Þ ð11Þ
@r j

Equation 11 is the general derivate for any function gk(xi).

The derivate ∂gi(xi)/∂r (of the contribution of xi to itself) has a shorter expression
produced by Eq. 11 which after simplifications (by setting di(xi) = 0 and ui(xi) = 1) is:

@ X
gi ðxi Þ ¼ ð1 r3 Þð ðuj ðxi Þdj ðxi ÞÞÞð uj ðxi ÞÞ2 ð12Þ
@r j j

Finally by substituting Eq. 11 and Eq. 12 into Eq. 8 we can compute (∂floo(xi,c)/
∂r. In a more shorthanded notation it gives:
! !
@ X
Rðuj dj Þ uk Rðuj dj Þ
floo ðxi Þ ¼ ð1 r3 Þ dk   yk þ c yi ð13Þ
@r k
Ruj Ruj r3 ðRuj Þ2

The small leave-one-out parameter c 2 [0, 1] prevents the gradient from converging
into tiny values of the bandwidth r. There exists a trade-off between c = 1 which gives
large bandwidths and c = 0 which gives tiny bandwidths.
Stochastic mode (or online) of gradient descent learning computes the gradient by
using a single example at a time. The algorithm randomly selects an example xi and its
label yi and updates the current parameter r by using:
Exemplar Selection via Leave-One-Out Kernel Averaged 297

rðt þ 1Þ ¼ rðtÞ  n@EðrðtÞ ; xt Þ=@r t ¼ 1; . . .N ð14Þ

Hence, an epoch ends after all examples are introduced in a random order. Then the
gradient updates of r are averaged over all N examples as repoch = avg(r(t)) with t = 1,
…,N. The learning rate n can be constant or can vary at each epoch. For one epoch step
the leave-one-out kernel averaged gradient descent is:
for t = 1 to N
pick randomly a point xt without replacement
update the parameter r by using r(t+1) = r(t) − n ∂E(r(t), xt)/∂r
end for

4 Initializations and Parameter Settings

As usual the first thing to do is to scale the data features into the range [0, 1]. Without
scaling the gradient might not converge, since the learning rate n depends on the scale
of the feature space. By scaling the data features first, we can then use a fixed value for
n for all datasets and hence avoid searching for suitable learning rates each time we use
a different dataset. Such scaling also avoids over-fitting which occurs when some
features are in large numeric ranges.
In Subtractive Clustering (SC) the potential updating cycle terminates if the current
max potential P* become less that a threshold (P*< e P*1). If e is selected to be very
small, a large number of exemplars will be selected. On the contrary, a large value of
e will lead to a small exemplar set. In order to avoid any other user-defined parameter
we set e = 1/P*1. That is, Subtractive Clustering terminates at j-th iteration when P*j < 1.
Thus, every point starts with potential P(i) >= 1 and finally ends up with potential P
(i) < 1. There is a theoretical justification for this limit since P(i) = 1 is the
self-contribution of every i-th point to itself.
For 2-dimensional datasets in Subtractive Clustering we set rb = 1.5ra as recom-
mended. High dimensional density estimates may suffer from the curse of dimen-
sionality. For higher dimensions there is a problem since the 1.5 % influences more
strongly the nearby points and we use a variable rb = ra + 0.5 (1.0 – ksofar/N) ra, which
starts from rb = 1.5ra and decays. As ksofar (the number of selected exemplars so far)
increases from 1 to k during the P(i) updating cycle of SC, the parameter rb gradually
decreases and in the theoretical limit k = N the value rb becomes equal to ra.
For the online gradient descent we set a fixed learning rate n = 0.2 and maximum
epochs = 10. Usually it converges after the first epoch if the dataset size is larger than
10000. So, for larger datasets we can set maximum epochs = 2.
For the leave-one-out kernel averaged regression function we set the leave-one-out
parameter c = 0.1. The value c = 1 removes the self-contribution completely and will
give a large bandwidth and very few exemplars, while c = 0 will give a tiny bandwidth
and almost all points as exemplars. Since the goal is just to avoid this, we found after
some experimentation that a value c = 0.1 is always sufficient enough to prevent
bandwidth from converging into tiny values, so as to provide a stable solution without
producing large bandwidths.
298 Y. Kokkinos and K.G. Margaritis

Initializing the bandwidth r in the beginning of gradient descent (epoch = 0) is an

issue, since for different datasets we may need to search for different initial values of r
each time. However there is a simple automatic way that works around this. We set the
initial bandwidth equal to the trace of covariance matrix R. Hence, given N points xn
each one in d dimension, with their mean l ¼ ð1=NÞ Nn xn the covariance matrix is
PN P pffiffiffiffi
R ¼ ð1=NÞ n ðl  xn Þðl  xn ÞT and the initial value of r is ð1=d) di rii , where rii
are the diagonal elements of R. Thus, the gradient descent starts with a relative large
bandwidth r which decreases immediately after the first epoch, until it converges.
It is important to note that we use the same settings for all the datasets and no
user-defined parameter is needed.

5 Experimental Simulations

The first set of experimental simulations present results for visual comparisons of AP
with the proposed algorithm using four 2-d datasets. The second set present perfor-
mance comparisons and quality analysis on several real world benchmark datasets.
The code for Affinity Propagation (AP) was downloaded from the official site
( AP uses as input a similarity matrix S
in which the pair-wise similarities between data points are defined from their distances
as s(i,k) = −||xi − xk||2 for every i6¼k, as suggested in [8]. There are two more
parameters: the damping factor k and the prior preferences s(k,k) which are the diagonal
values of the similarity matrix. The dumping factor is usually k = 0.5 as suggested. For
the preferences, a good choice [8] is to set all the diagonal elements s(k,k) equal to the
median value of all the similarities between data points. We use as preference the one
half of the mean value of all similarities 1 ð2N 2 Þ i k sði; kÞ that results in a
moderate number of exemplars which emerge automatically. This choice selects much
more exemplars than the median choice while it still avoids selecting outliers.

5.1 Evaluation Criteria and Quality Indexes

The sum of squared errors (SSE) which quantifies the clustering error is the most
widely used quality criterion [8] and is given by the sum of the squared distance
between each point xi and its corresponding exemplar c(xi) as:
SSE ¼ i¼1
kxi  cðxi Þk2 ð15Þ

The maximum distance (maxD) between any point xi and its exemplar c(xi) that can
quantify if all points are compactly represented (no cluster is larger than maxD) is:

maxD ¼ maxkxi  cðxi Þk2 ð16Þ

The normalized Hubert gamma statistic [13] is a well known cluster evaluation
criterion which is invariant to the number of clusters, given by:
Exemplar Selection via Leave-One-Out Kernel Averaged 299

i¼1 j¼i þ 1 ðPði; jÞ  lP Þ  ðQði; jÞ  lQ Þ
C¼ ð17Þ

rP  rQ

where M = N(N−1)/2, and it uses two proximity matrices P and Q both of size NN.
An element P(i, j) is the distance between points xi and xj. An element Q(i, j) is the
distance between the cluster representative centroids to which xi and xj belong. lP is
the mean of all elements of matrix P, lQ is the mean of all elements of matrix Q, while
rP and rQ are their standard deviations from their means. A high value of this statistic
(close to 1) indicates the existence of well-separated compact clusters.
The net similarity cost is defined as a cost function specifically for AP [8, 14] and it
is the sum of similarities s(i,k) between data points and their exemplars, minus the
exemplar costs s(k,k), (the preferences of the exemplars). AP identifies a set of
exemplars K so as to maximize this cost given by [14]:
max sði; kÞ þ sðk; kÞ ð18Þ
i62K k2K

5.2 Visual Comparisons of AP with the Proposed KG-SC

For the visual comparisons we use four datasets with 2 dimensions each. We compare
the results of Affinity Propagation (AP) algorithm with the proposed leave-one-out
kernel gradient subtractive clustering (KG-SC in short).
Table 1 illustrates the quality indexes that correspond to the exemplar selections
and clustering solutions of the datasets in Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4 for the AP and KG-SC.
From Table 1 it seems that both algorithms can provide high quality results for the
2-dimensional datasets, while a slight precedence could be given to KG-SC.

Fig. 1. Dataset 1 (two spirals) has 200 points. Exemplars are marked as black squares, while the
other points are marked as white circles.
300 Y. Kokkinos and K.G. Margaritis

Fig. 2. Dataset 2 has 322 points. Exemplars are black squares, other points are white circles.

Fig. 3. Dataset 3 has 523 points. Exemplars are black squares, other points are white circles.

Fig. 4. Dataset 4 has 2551 points. Exemplars are black squares, other points are white circles.
Exemplar Selection via Leave-One-Out Kernel Averaged 301

Table 1. Quality indexes for the exemplar selection and clustering solutions of the datasets in
Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4. For each algorithm (AP and KG-SC) we illustrate the net similarity cost,
maximum Distance, clustering error, normalized Hubert statistic. Best indexes are marked in
Affinity propagation Proposed leave-one-out
algorithm kernel gradient subtractive
N netSim maxD error Hubert netSim maxD error Hubert
Dataset 1 200 −3.55 0.028 1.49 0.915 −4.63 0.016 0.62 0.979
Dataset 2 322 −4.01 0.061 1.61 0.959 −5.49 0.058 1.03 0.974
Dataset 3 523 −5.84 0.058 2.41 0.954 −9.23 0.042 0.89 0.980
Dataset 4 2551 −14.4 0.015 6.61 0.976 −31.2 0.003 1.44 0.995

In addition, it is apparent in Table 1 that AP delivers exactly what it promises, that

is to identify a set of exemplars K so as to maximize the net similarity cost [14]. The net
similarity cost is better for AP than KG-SC. So AP remains the best algorithm for the k-
centers problem.
However the clustering error that quantifies the distortion and the normalized
Hubert index that quantifies the cluster compactness are better for KG-SC. Note that
ideal clustering solutions usually have the normalized Hubert index close to 1 as they
are in the last column of Table 1. So KG-SC delivers more well defined exemplars.
It is the k-centers problem itself which might not be able to guarantee the best
exemplar selection. That is why KG-SC takes a different path; the density based, and
tries to find the most important representatives from the densest ones. The better quality
of the KG-SC solutions is evident from the maximum Distance, clustering error and
normalized Hubert statistic in Table 1.
The computational complexity cost of the proposed KG-SC is quadratic O(N2) of
the same order with the cost of SC. Actually, for large datasets and max epochs = 2 it is
two times that of SC. This cost is much lower than the AP cost. The memory
requirements for KG-SC is O(Nd), since only the dataset is needed in main memory.
On the other hand, AP does require three matrices (similarities, availabilities,
responsibilities) of size NN in main memory and this could limit the algorithm.
However, one can argue that for the special case of ultra high-dimensional datasets
where the data dimension is of the same order with the number of examples
(d  N) the memory requirements become the same.
What will happen in a case where someone needs a fixed number of exemplars less
than the KG-SC algorithm finally selects is a question that could be answered. Note that
an advantage of Subtractive Clustering is that it returns exemplars in decreasing order
from the most important to the least important. So, picking the first K in this list is one
simple solution.

5.3 Quality Comparisons on Real World Benchmark Datasets

Quality comparisons are also performed on a number of publicly available real-world
benchmark problems which are downloaded from the UCI machine learning data
302 Y. Kokkinos and K.G. Margaritis

repository ( The specific details of these datasets (dataset

name, N examples before duplicate removal, d dimensions) are illustrated in Table 2
together with the results.

Table 2. Quality indexes for the exemplar selection of various benchmark datasets with
N examples and d dimensions. For each algorithm (AP and KG-SC) we illustrate the k number of
selected exemplars which emerge automatically, the maximum Distance, the clustering error and
the normalized Hubert gamma statistic. Best quality indexes are marked in bold.
Affinity propagation
Proposed leave-one-out
algorithm kernel gradient subtractive
Name N d k maxD error Hubert k maxD error Hubert
CPU 209 7 21 0.93 4.69 0.953 20 0.60 4.33 0.960
Yacht 308 6 33 0.14 7.73 0.958 54 0.05 3.37 0.980
Housing 506 13 35 0.66 39.9 0.965 45 0.61 37.8 0.967
Concrete 996 8 80 0.38 30.4 0.943 114 0.18 25.0 0.960
Airfoil 1503 6 79 0.19 20.7 0.980 138 0.05 11.2 0.989
Abalone 4177 7 127 0.12 16.2 0.991 45 0.11 21.9 0.991
RedWine 1599 11 116 0.65 50.0 0.876 104 0.53 56.2 0.857
Bodyfat 252 15 29 0.28 18.7 0.923 21 1.59 24.8 0.759
WhiteWine 4898 11 292 0.11 77.6 0.917 265 0.47 92.4 0.886
Iris 150 4 10 0.14 2.95 0.962 22 0.09 1.61 0.978
Haberman 306 3 23 0.20 4.02 0.907 47 0.17 2.37 0.938
Ecoli 336 7 27 0.21 9.29 0.931 44 0.20 7.45 0.949
Blood Trans 742 4 28 0.35 4.13 0.948 34 0.11 3.28 0.963
Banknote 1372 4 55 0.06 7.38 0.977 115 0.05 3.58 0.989
Phoneme 5404 5 165 0.12 32.3 0.950 374 0.07 20.5 0.969
Yeast 1484 8 107 0.11 22.3 0.960 119 0.17 23.2 0.960
Diabetes 768 8 83 0.18 30.6 0.895 65 0.62 39.1 0.834
Wine 178 13 27 0.54 26.6 0.885 18 0.98 37.6 0.828
Heart 297 13 43 1.38 92.1 0.904 25 2.13 138 0.855
Wisconsin 683 9 37 0.97 83.9 0.931 27 1.93 109 0.909
Dermatology 358 34 41 2.50 320 0.909 36* 4.34 371 0.877
Shuttle 58000 9 * * * * 956 0.002 1.01 0.999

We found that while KG-SC as a density-based algorithm does not suffer from the
existence of duplicates, AP does. Thus for a fair comparison we first remove all
duplicates from the benchmark datasets. Also, since the net similarity is not a quality
index but a specific cost suitable only for AP (it was always better for AP) we do not
illustrate it in Table 2. Note, for future considerations that we detect several duplicates
in the datasets Banknote Authentication, Blood Transfusion, Phoneme, Wisconsin
Breast Cancer, Haberman, Yacht Hydrodynamics, Red Wine Quality, White Wine
Quality, Concrete Compressive Strength.
Exemplar Selection via Leave-One-Out Kernel Averaged 303

Both algorithms find well defined representative exemplars and deliver high quality
solutions, since the normalized Hubert gamma index is very high in both of them for all
benchmark datasets. In low dimensional datasets KG-SC seems better, while in high
dimensional datasets AP seems better.
There are some limitations. AP has limits in the number of examples, while the
proposed KG-SC is density-based and might limited by the number of dimensions
(features). The Dermatology dataset has many dimensions (d = 34) and the
leave-one-out gradient could not converge for c = 0.1, so we use a minimum value c =
0.01. The Shuttle dataset has quite many examples (N = 58000) and the Affinity
Propagation runs out of memory (it needs 39 GB). For the Shuttle dataset the proposed
leave-one-out Kernel Gradient Subtractive Clustering produces 956 exemplars and a
normalized Hubert gamma statistic 0.999 which indicates very well formed compact

6 Conclusions

We present a scheme that can potentially permit automatic selection of representative

exemplar points from the data without the need of any used-defined parameter. By
computing a gradient descent for a simple leave-one-out kernel averaged regression
function that can automatically estimate a suitable bandwidth parameter for the
density-based Subtractive Clustering algorithm we can extract most representative
exemplars, without initial knowledge of their number. Evaluating with classical quality
indexes the data clustering solutions around these exemplars reveal that the proposed
KG-SC algorithm produce well separated compact and dense clusters. Experimental
comparisons with the state-of-the-art Affinity Propagation exemplar selection algorithm
show that both algorithms select well defined representative exemplars and can deliver
high quality solutions. KG-SC is simply parallelizable, a point worthwhile studying in
the future. We also plan to explore the possibility of using either mini-batch gradients,
or a dual tree for speeding up KG-SC. Interesting future works could extend KG-SC in
order to explore a possible automation in other density based algorithms. Currently we
study the proposed KG-SC for training Neural Networks.

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Design of an Advanced Smart Forum
for Tesys e-Learning Platform

Paul Ștefan Popescu1 ✉ , Mihai Mocanu1, Costel Ionașcu2,

( )

and Marian Cristian Mihăescu1

Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics,
Department of Computers and Information Technology,
University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania

Abstract. This paper presents an application of Intelligent Data Analysis tech‐

niques in the area of online educational environments and more exactly, the
discussion forums within them. The research area is also referred as Educational
Data Mining and have many tools and techniques already developed. This work
concentrates on the improvement that can be provided by the design and imple‐
mentation of a forum that has “smart” capabilities and aims to be proactive to the
user’s needs. The main issues addressed are the interaction design, student’s
academic performance and the achievement of better models by completing the
already gathered data with the logged data offered by the forum. We present here
three methods that can solve the above mentioned issues: recommending subjects
of interest, computing trends and offering smart alerts for users that are at risk for
academic failure. Every method represents a tool that will be integrated in the
forum and will take benefit from the extra logged data.

Keywords: e-Learning · Machine learning · Forum

1 Introduction

Online educational environments are a constantly growing field of education. This field
is important because it creates the opportunity to learn even when there is no physical
presence like in regular educational environments. The physical presence in the class‐
room is important in terms of interaction because students are able to talk easily, change
opinions and help each others. From the teachers perspective they can easily response
to questions, and create some sort of ranking in terms of knowledge. There will always
be some learners that have better knowledge in some educational areas; these learners
can help share their knowledge to others.
In online educational environments interaction of any kind is different [1] than in
regular environments, the engagement in educational activities is also different [2] and
this may lead to lower student’s results [3]. Going further from this lack of interaction

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 305–316, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_26
306 P.Ș. Popescu et al.

e-learning platforms integrates more and more smart capabilities; from better data
logging that allows data analysts to accomplish more advanced data mining and machine
learning tasks to advanced smart tools that offers many facilities (i.e. subjects of interest
recommendations, predicting students failure or academic performance, better data
In this paper we present a forum that encapsulates smart capabilities aimed to
improve the student’s interaction and to create a friendlier virtual environment included
in e-learning platforms. The system’s design aims to ensure enough flexibility to easily
adjust and install in any e-Learning platform but first we will refer Tesys e-Learning
platform that runs at the University of Craiova and offers us data. Tesys is a custom e-
learning platform built at the University of Craiova which fulfils the professors and
students needs in terms of online educational environments necessary for distance
learning. The platform is under continuous development and based on the knowledge
gained from we can make further development like this Smart Forum.
The forum is designed to be strongly integrated in the e-learning platform, being
available in every discipline, and well isolated in terms of implementation. We don’t
design it as a plug-in that uses some sort of bridge to relate between forum and e-learning
platform. This sort of integration ensures more specific and subject related topics of

2 Related Work

In the area of educational data mining there has been a lot of work. This paper lies on
the border of machine learning and information retrieval offering a design of a system
that encapsulates feature extraction techniques that are the prerequisites for employing
data mining and machine learning algorithms.
Some other forums were used to employ data mining techniques and to gain more
knowledge from discussions. The purpose of [4] is to present some data mining tech‐
niques that offer a strategy for data representation. For their approach the instructor’s
view of the output of a thread forum is somehow limited as the can review a transcript
of the written dialogue produced by participants. Because of big amount of data that
consists of forum contributions the paper seeks to intersect the information an instructor
wish to extract from the forum with some useful information that the system may extract
from the instructor’s query. This will help the instructor to improve his ability to evaluate
the progress of a threaded discussion.
There are also some other paper [5] that show that students who use discussion
forums have a higher chance of finishing a course. This implies MOOCs (Massive
Online Open Courses) and they use some machine learning techniques to extrapolate a
small set of annotation to the whole forum. These annotations help in two main ways:
summarize the state of the forum and the also allow researchers to deeper understand
how the forum is implied in the learning process.
Some recent research [6] predicts the students performance based on on-line discus‐
sion forums which are considered as communities of people learning from each other.
They aim that forums not only inform the students about their peers’ doubts or problems
Design of an Advanced Smart Forum for Tesys e-Learning Platform 307

but it is a way to inform the professors about the learner’s knowledge. In the paper they
select some instances and attributes, run different supervised learning algorithms and
then they measure the accuracy and comprehensibility of the prediction.
Some related work was done for the design and development of several machine
learning algorithms [7]. For the supervised learning tasks we can use decision trees [8]
or regression analysis [9] and we aim to evaluate the system using several machine
learning metrics like area under the ROC curve [10].

3 Goals

Building and integrating Smart Forum aims to achieve three goals: create a virtual space
for improving the users’ interaction, generate more high quality logged data that can be
analyzed and offering useful functionalities for improving the students’ performance.

3.1 Interaction Improvement

Improving the users’ interaction can be achieved by extending the means of interaction
by number and quality. Forums are environments that allow message exchange, the
particularity refers that the messages are most public or available for registered users
and also the messages are grouped on subjects of discussion. For our approach, messages
wrote on Smart Forum are available for students and instructors from a specific course.
Adding a new mean of communication with specific features creates a environments
which impact can be measured in terms of interaction. After the system is integrated and
used for at least a semester, we evaluate the interaction and adjust some parameters like
notification frequency or messages of interest alert frequency.

3.2 Data Logging

Data already logged in e-learning platforms refers users and learning resources. We
threat Smart Forum as an important learning resource which can produce a important
amount of data that refers both other learning resources and users. We can analyze what
chapters of course were more discussed and what concepts from which chapters are
referred in the most discussed topics. For user profiling we can add more data based on
the actions that are perform on the forum. Logging more data can reveal several new
patterns and also improve the actual models.

3.3 Improving the Student’s Performance

This is a permanent topic of interest in the Educational Data Mining Area. There are so
many solutions out there but there is also enough space for improvement. Collecting
more relevant data and adding it to the existing models may lead the data analyst to
better result. There are also many correlations that can be made between the forum
activity and educational results, forum activity and the activity performed over other
learning resources or the overall activity and final grades. One thing that may influence
308 P.Ș. Popescu et al.

the student’s performance is also the interaction between them and what they can learn
from each other. By using the described platform one study can reveal if students that
interact more and learn more from their colleagues will have better results or at least an
ascending learning curve.

4 System Design

Smart forum creates a virtual space for interaction between all entities that perform
activities in e-Learning platforms: students, professors and administrative staff. Every
entity has his specific tasks that are related to their topics of interests; students discuss
about the subjects related to the disciplines, professors may response to questions and
may launch challenges, the administrative staff may respond to administrative questions
of common interest.
Figure 1 presents how the disciplines are distributed over the Tesys e-Learning plat‐
form’s infrastructures. The e-learning platform holds 3(but it can be more) years of
study, every year of study have several modules (study programs) which are marked
with M and every study program have a set of disciplines attached to it D. Because of
the space problems we added in the figure disciplines only on some modules but there
are usually a set of around five disciplines on every module. This figure is important to
understand because smart forum is attached to every discipline being well distributed.
The forum distribution over the disciplines ensures that the subjects discussed in the
forum are strongly related to the course chapters that are used to create de discipline.

Fig. 1. Tesys disciplines distribution

Figure 2 presents the components that are encapsulated in a discipline. On the upper
part of the picture we have the main actors that perform their activities on one discipline:
students, professors, and secretaries. Every actor has his own interface and access to
specific features of the e-Learning platform. Chapters, Homework, questions and refer‐
ences come at the same level with the forum and are related to the discipline covering
Design of an Advanced Smart Forum for Tesys e-Learning Platform 309

several learning areas. The chapters are represented by documents that form the course,
homework are used to assign learners tasks that take more time while questions are used
for tests and exams. The forum is used to discus subjects related to a specific discipline;
this makes the data collected from it to be more specific. For example, suppose a data
analyst wants to analyze the subjects related to discipline “x”, he needs to find the specific
subjects related to the discipline “x” by using some analysis techniques which will most
likely not offer 100 % accuracy or the topics will have tags that were allocated by the
topic initiator which will also may not offer 100 % accuracy all the time. Distributing
the forum over the discipline offers one more topic focus attribute over the existing ones.
On the forum there will always be moderators which are represented by professors
or/and best students, these moderators will make sure there will not be topics out of the
discipline area on a specific forum.

Fig. 2. Forum integration

Figure 3 presents the main architecture of the data analysis pipeline. There are two
main components that contribute to data logging: Smart Forum and Tesys. Although the
forum is integrated in the e-learning platform, it provides a specific amount of data that
can be converted in a set of features that can be combined with the features extracted
from Tesys in order to build better models. There are also some specific data analysis
tasks that will be performed only on the data gathered from Tesys or Smart Forum and
there will be some specific tasks that will be performed only on the combined model
and these tasks will not be used for validation purposes.
Validation of the system in terms o data analysis can be performed by comparing
the results obtained using the combined models with the models obtained using only the
features from Tesys.
310 P.Ș. Popescu et al.

Fig. 3. Data analysis pipeline

5 Functionalities and Data Analysis Processes

In this section we present the main functionalities of the proposed system. These capa‐
bilities are specific to a forum that is integrated in an e-learning platform and are
dependent on the data that is logged from the forum. There are two types of actions that
are available in this forum: regular one and smart ones that includes the usage of several
data mining and machine learning algorithms.

5.1 Proposed Features

Several features may be extracted using Smart Forum. These features ensure better user
modelling for forum activity analysis and also may improve the overall student’s profile.
• NO_POSTS – number of posts written on the forum
• NO_TOPICS – the number of topics started on the forum
• NO_QUESTIONS – the number of questions asked on forum
• NO_USEFUL_ANSWER – the number of answers written on the forum considered
to be useful by other users
• NO_ACTIVE_DAYS _FORUM – the number of days when the user was active on
the forum
• AVG_TIME_READ – the average time that passed between a new post/topic
appeared and the moment of reading that post/topic
• NO_CONCEPTS_COURSE – the number of concepts extracted from a course that
were referred by a students in his posts. This feature will give us a view of how
focused on the course is a student when he posts.
• FRQ_POSTS – the frequency of posting messages on the forum
• FRQ_TOPICS – the frequency of posting new topics on the forum
Design of an Advanced Smart Forum for Tesys e-Learning Platform 311

Based on these features we can model the users and the activity but only after the
experiments we can say which of the features will remain. Feature selection is a complex
problem because we need to choose the features that are strongly related for the learner’s
activity but also we need to choose the ones that offer better results for the chosen

5.2 Regular Functionalities

Posting New Topics. Posting messages and replies to a topic, in this capability we
include the possibility to edit or delete a message for a specific amount of time. It is also
important here to save the original message in the database for a period so the moderators
can solve any complains.

Well Defined Profiles. User profiles include the number of messages posted on the
forum, for the current discipline but also the number of the other posts. The profiles also
refer the total number of answered questions and the number of questions that were
correctly answered. Still regarding the user profiles we may have the number of ques‐
tions from the forum that were answered by user and was marked as useful answer by
the topic initiator or other users. This capability provides us with a vision over how
trustworthy the student is when he answers at questions from the forum.

5.3 Smart Functionalities

The smart functionalities make the difference between a regular discussion forum and
Smart Forum. These functionalities are enhanced by some data mining and machine
learning algorithms. Extracting several features from this Smart Forum creates the possi‐
bility to implement the features that makes the forum to get the “smart” attribute. Below
we present the main functionalities that can be implemented and a short description.

Subjects of Interest. Based on the educational results the forum may offer some
subjects of interest for students. This capability will be accomplished by performing an
analysis over the student’s answered questions and text analysis over the posts. If we
have a match between the concepts that can be extracted from the wrong answered
questions and the concepts extracted from some specific posts or topics from the forum
we can recommend those posts to the students. Going further for this capability we can
also see what concepts are considered interesting by the student and we can recommend
him/her some topics that weren’t read by him/her.

Approach. This capability can be accomplished also by having a match between

concepts extracted from the forum and the concepts extracted from the topics that were
read or answered by the student and the questions that were correctly answered.
There are two directions to gain the subjects that may be interesting for a student:
offering the ones that are addressed a lot or the ones that reveals lower results. In order
to get the ones that are the most addressed we need to perform text analysis (i.e. concept
extraction) on both the questions answered and on the messages posted on forum.
312 P.Ș. Popescu et al.

In Fig. 4 is presented an overview o the system. First we need to use clustering

algorithms (i.e. SKM clustering algorithm [11]) for getting the learning that are most
addressed by the students and the area from the forum that is most addressed then the
concepts can be extracted using stemming algorithms from both collections. Having a
bigger percent of concepts that match means a better matching and then we can recom‐
mend them to be read.

Fig. 4. Overview of the matching mechanism

In order to improve students’ performances we need to get the learning resources

(questions and home works) on which the learner got lower results, then using stemming
getting the common concepts from them. Based on posts analysis we can get the most
related messages and offer them to the learner to be read.

Computing Trends. Computing trends for students will also be a smart capability
available in Smart Forum. This capability is referring by drawing some charts that will
reveal how the number of posts, number of questions answered that were marked as
useful, number of questions asked or number of topics read are varying over the time.
This can be useful for predicting but also for measuring the student’s engagement over
the platform and, more specific, over the smart forum.
In Fig. 5 we present an example of trend that can be computed for a student over a
full semester. On the OX axe we have the weeks from 1 to 12 and on OY axe we have
the student’s activity. At a deeper analysis we can see that the student starts from a
activity of 4.5 and have a small progress to the week 6, then there is a decline of two
weeks and then he has an ascending trend until the last week of the semester. The green
line with no dots on it is the trend computed based on the student’s activity. As we can
see in this case is an ascending trend based on the student’s activity. This activity can
be approximated using several attributes that defines it.
Figure 6 presents the trend discretized for three periods, on the OX axe we have the
weeks and on OY on every of the third graphs we have the level of activity. In Fig. 6
the grey line with dots represents the acitivity, the green line withought dots ascending
trends, the blue line represents a stable trend and the red line represents an descendent
trend computed for the student.
Design of an Advanced Smart Forum for Tesys e-Learning Platform 313

Fig. 5. Trend example

Fig. 6. Trend divided in periods

For the section (a) of the Fig. 6 the first period is represented by the first three weeks
and have an ascending trend. We choose week number four to start the second period
because there the trend is changing and we have stable trend untill we reach week number
8 where is another trend switch. The last period consists of the last four weeks and is an
ascending trend.
Another aproach of computing trends is presented in (b) were we estimate the first
6 week at an ascending trend, then we have a descending trend between week six and 8
and then we have an ascending trend for the last weeks. This approach is easier to find
if we parse the activity line during the period and brings up an allert for the user in week
six as he might fail.

Approach. Computing trends based on students actions offers an overview of the

student’s evolution. This functionality can be accomplished using linear regression or
314 P.Ș. Popescu et al.

decision trees at specific checkpoints based on the extracted features. Usually we can
produce two dimensional trends that take time and another attribute on both axes but
that will be one chart for every attribute that can model a student and it is hard to estimate
the trend. Our approach collects data from the forum and computes the features from
Sect. 5.1; based on them we have two alternatives to address this issue.

Regression Approach: The regression approach aims to compute an estimated grade

based on the features and add it on a chart having the time stamp and the grade on the


In Eq. (1) we present the computing of “Yi” which is the grade computed for week
“i”. The formula is standard for a linear regression and has three main components:
“Bi” which are the coefficients assigned to a variable “Xi”, “E” which is the intercept
and the variables “X” which represents one of the attributes that models a instance. For
every week we need to compute an “Y” and place it on the plot; further analysis of the
plot will lead us to the trend analysis.

Machine Learning Approach: This approach aims to estimate the grade via classifica‐
tion algorithms and more exactly decision trees. We will have 10 classes (one for every
grade) and on the chart’s axes we will have the estimated grades and the time stamp.
The main difference between these two approaches is the grade which will have
certain values for the classification approach and some continuous values for regression.
Comparing the results from these two approaches will lead us to make the best choice.

Alerts. Offering alerts during the semester regarding the student’s failure is another
capability that needs to be taken into consideration. First there are some tests that need
to be performed in order to see if the student’s activity on the forum will predict its
success/failure or even his final grade.

Approach. The approach for computing alerts when students are at risk there is a need
for some pattern matching techniques. We plan to cover this approach with classification
algorithms that can be employed using two or three classes. Based on the previous gath‐
ered data we can predict if a student is “at_risk” or “not_at_risk” but we also nned to
perform some tests having three classes like “at_risk”, “not_at_risk” and “avg_risk”
where the last class can be used for students as a first warning level and then alert
“at_risk” if the situation gets really bad.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper we presented the design and the integration approach for a forum that
implements several smart functionalities that are based on underlying machine learning
obtained models. Adding smart functionalities that address the goals described in the
paper can improve the student’s experience of the learners that perform their activities
in on-line educational environments. From the many possibilities of implementing the
Design of an Advanced Smart Forum for Tesys e-Learning Platform 315

prototype of smart forum we have chosen core algorithms that fit presented problems in
terms of available input and needed task. Currently, the challenge is to choose proper
machine learning algorithms and integrate with the data provided by Tesys e-Learning
platform such that tasks within the smart forum may get practical and interpretable
The prototype version of the smart forum trains linear regression model in a predic‐
tive context for the output variable represented by the final grade. The segmented anal‐
ysis provides finer grained trends for fixed of variable length timeframes and this
approach is a more realistic one for the learning period of a student. Further analysis of
trends in observed data is necessary as a mean to get an insight in the learning activity
patterns of the students.
The second smart capability modelled as a classification problem and the linear
regression model is used as a decision boundary between students “at_risk” or
“not_at_risk”. Further validation of derived models is needed such that confidence
values in obtained predictions and classification are obtained.
As future work, improving the logging mechanism from Tesys and smart form will
provide better and comprehensive real world datasets and thus the ability to extract
features for better describing the observations from the training dataset.
Another improvement regards implementing more functionality in smart forum for
processing the activity traces with the task of creating better student models.


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Optimization-SVM (OPSVM)
Leaf Disease Recognition in Vine Plants Based on Local
Binary Patterns and One Class Support Vector Machines

Xanthoula Eirini Pantazi1 ✉ , Dimitrios Moshou1,

( )

Alexandra A. Tamouridou , and Stathis Kasderidis2


Agricultural Engineering Laboratory, School of Agriculture, Aristotle University,
54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
NOVOCAPTIS, i4G Business Incubator, Antoni Tritsi 21, P.O. Box 22461
55102 Thessaloniki, Greece

Abstract. The current application concerns a new approach for disease recog‐
nition of vine leaves based on Local Binary Patterns (LBPs). The LBP approach
was applied on color digital pictures with a natural complex background that
contained infected leaves. The pictures were captured with a smartphone camera
from vine plants. A 32-bin histogram was calculated by the LBP characteristic
features that resulted from a Hue plane. Moreover, four One Class Support Vector
Machines (OCSVMs) were trained with a training set of 8 pictures from each
disease including healthy, Powdery Mildew and Black Rot and Downy Mildew.
The trained OCSVMs were tested with 100 infected vine leaf pictures corre‐
sponding to each disease which were capable of generalizing correctly, when
presented with vine leave which was infected by the same disease. The recogni‐
tion percentage reached 97 %, 95 % and 93 % for each disease respectively while
healthy plants were recognized with an accuracy rate of 100 %.

Keywords: Image processing · Novelty detector · Classifier conflict · Texture


1 Introduction

Plant recognition is regarded as a puzzling computer vision problem which requires

dealing with irregular shapes and textures. Interest in methods for visual classification
of plants has grown recently [1] as devices equipped with cameras became ubiquitous,
making intelligent field guides, education tools and automation in forestry and agricul‐
ture practical. Belhumeur et al. [1] presented how using such a system in the field enables
a botanist to quickly search vast collections of plant species - a process that was time
consuming and laborious can now be implemented in seconds. Recognition of leaves is
usually applied on broad leaves and needles are treated separately. Several techniques
have been introduced for leaf description, utilizing shape features and colour features.
The leaf recognition approach which was presented by Fiel and Sablatnig [2] was based
on a Bag of Words model with SIFT descriptors and reached 93.6 % accuracy on a leaf
dataset of 5 Austrian tree species. Kumar et al. [3] proposed Leafsnap, which is a

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 319–327, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_27
320 X.E. Pantazi et al.

computer vision system capable of identifying plant species, They introduced a pre-filter
on input images, numerous speed-ups and additional post-processing within the segmen‐
tation algorithm, the use of a simpler and more efficient recognition algorithm based on
curvature instead of Inner Distance Shape Context (IDSC); an image dataset with more
images, and an interactive system that can be used by non-expert users. The final product
was an electronic field guide, available as a free mobile app for iOS devices. Even though
the app runs on iPad and iPhone devices, the images of the leaves have to be processed
on a server. This requires an internet connection to achieve recognition, so it is prob‐
lematic for use in natural areas without access to internet or a limited bandwidth connec‐
tion. Another severe limitation concerns the need to obtain photos of the leaves with a
white background. The contribution of the current paper concerns an effective combi‐
nation of pre-processing stages and One Class Classifiers applied on complex natural
scenes with aim to discover early stages of infections in field grown crops enabling faster
and more effective prevention of crop epidemics that threaten food supply and quality.
The presented approach consists of training one classifier per disease and presenting the
feature vector to a committee of one class classifiers which decide autonomously by
having been trained only on target data. In the event that there is a multiple activations
of one class classifiers the resultant conflict is overcome by an original conflict resolution
method that utilizes the proximity of the nearest support vector to make an accurate
decision which reached 97 % for testing with unforeseen examples. The mentioned
technique can generalize in multiple crops for three diseases while it has been trained
only with vine leaves.

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Image Segmentation

The segmentation operation needed to extract the leaf that has the symptoms was imple‐
mented by making use of the GrabCut algorithm. The basic steps for implementing the
GrabCut algorithm in the leaf segmentation [4] are presented as follows:
The initial information provided about the foreground and the backgrounds are given
by the user is a rectangular selection around the object of interest. Pixels that reside
outside this selection are considered as known background and other pixels inside are
marked as unknown. From this data we wish to create a model which can be used to
decide if the unknown pixels are foreground or background. In the GrabCut algorithm
this is achieved by creating K components of multivariate Gaussian Mixture Models
(GMM) corresponding to the two regions. K components are created from the known
background and K components correspond to the region that could belong to the fore‐
ground, giving a total of 2*K components. The GMM components have the same
dimensions as the color space and they are defined based on the color statistics from
each cluster. In order to obtain a good segmentation we need to add components with
low variance because this makes cluster separation easier (Figs. 1 and 2).
Leaf Disease Recognition in Vine Plants 321

Fig. 1. The original image of a vine leaf that Fig. 2. Segmentation of vine leaf by using the
has been fed to the model of powderyHSV GrabCut algorithm on the original image.

2.2 The Local Binary Patterns (LBPs)

The local binary pattern is a simple but very effective texture operator which tags the
pixels of an image by thresholding the region of each pixel and considers the outcome
as a binary number. The LBP scheme can be seen as a fusing approach to the traditionally
deviating statistical and structural representations of texture analysis. Perhaps the most
significant property of the LBP operator in actual applications is its invariance beside
monotonic gray level deviations caused, e.g., by illumination differences. Another like‐
wise important is its computational effortlessness, which makes it possible to analyze
images in puzzling real-time situations. The original local binary pattern operator,
presented by Li et al. [5] and Llado et al. [6] was founded on the conjecture that texture
has locally two balancing aspects, a pattern and its strength. The operator works in a
3 × 3 locality, using the center value as a threshold. An LBP code is created my multi‐
plying the thresholded values with loads given by the corresponding pixels, and
summing up the outcome. As the neighborhood comprises of 8 pixels, a total of 28 = 256
dissimilar labels can be obtained dependent on the relative gray values of the epicenter
and the pixels in the locality. The contrast measure (C) is acquired by subtracting the
average of the gray levels under the center pixel after that of the gray levels above (or
equal to) the center pixel. If the eight thresholded neighbors of the middle pixel have an
identical value (0 or 1), the value of contrast is set to zero. The distributions of LBP
codes are used as features in grouping or segmentation.
The local binary pattern (LBP) operator is an image operator which converts an
image into a group or image of integer labels relating to small-scale appearance of the
image. These labels or their statistics, and one of the most commonly used is the histo‐
gram, are then applied for further image analysis. The most frequently used versions of
the operator are aimed for monochrome still images nevertheless it has been extended
likewise for color (multi channel) images and also for videos and volumetric data. An
example of an H-plane image and corresponding LBP image are shown in Figs. 3 and 4.
322 X.E. Pantazi et al.

Fig. 3. H-plane of the vine leaf after the Fig. 4. The corresponding LBP image of the
background of the initial image has been vine leaf.

2.3 The Creation of the LBP Histogram

The segmented image acquired from the GrabCut algorithm is utilized to create different
monochrome descriptions as the LBP algorithms operates in single channels. Three
diverse options were tried, the gray level, Hue channel and saturation channel. The most
performing was the Hue channel LBP histogram as the results showed in the recognition
of diseased plants against healthy plants. The image of the Hue channel is shown in
Fig. 4. By applying the LBP transformation on the Hue image the textural features
corresponding to contrast and hue change are exploited by labelling neighboring pictures
according to the LBP algorithm explained above. The LBP image obtained from this
process can be shown in Fig. 5. The histogram of the LBP image is constructed according
to the frequency of the occurrence of similar values between 0 and 255, a low length
histogram containing 32 bins, has been used to partition the range of 255, so as to more
rough features instead of local high resolution features which might demonstrate high

Fig. 5. The segmented image has been used to obtain the HSV planes. Here, the Hue plane is
Leaf Disease Recognition in Vine Plants 323

2.4 One Class Support Vector Machines (OCSVMs)

To support One Class SVM Classification a suitable description of the configuration of
SVM as a model to designate target data was presented by Tax and Duin [7] in the form
of Support Vector Data Description (SVDD). The objective of SVDD is to learn a deci‐
sion function in order to predict if an example is actually a target or an outlier. SVDD
is created based on the supposition that targets are bounded by a close boundary in the
feature space. The OCSVM creates a model from performing adjustment by normal data
according to the SVDD description. At the following stage, orders test data based on
the deviance from normal training data as being either normal or outlier [9].

2.4.1 One-Class Support-Vector-Learning for Multi Class Problems

The described one-class approach can be applicable to multiclass problems in the
following way. It is anticipated that data samples from k different classes are given. Let
Ω = {1,…, k} denotes the set of classes. For each distinct class t ∈ Ω a one-class classifier
ft is created. Specifically, k centres and corresponding radii Rt are considered. To deter‐
mine the class relationship of a new undetected pattern z all decision functions are
calculated in parallel leading to class memberships. In the classification stage of an
undetected input pattern z three probable resulting circumstances have to be distin‐
1. If just one classifier shows its bond for the new pattern, the resultant class label is
the class membership of this classifier.
2. If more classifiers raise a claim for this pattern, a conflict situation has arrived.
3. On the other hand it is possible that no classifier matches, so in this case we can
characterize this outcome as an outlier situation.
The problematic with such uncertain (2 and 3) classification assignments can be
disentangled in two ways: Discarding the classification of the novel pattern or finding
the matching class label through an outlier-/conflict processing approach. In the subse‐
quent section we will present a strategy to crack such problems [9].

2.5 Nearest-Support-Vector Strategy

The class label of a novel pattern z is assessed by comparing the remoteness to the
support vectors of the involved classifiers. The classifier that has the nearest support
vector defines the class membership of z assuming that are the support vectors, and it is
the amount of support vectors of classifier t.



The decision function is then demarcated by where the minimum will be taken over
all the support vectors of classes after the candidate set [8].
324 X.E. Pantazi et al.

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Application of LBP in Disease Recognition of Infected Vine Leaves

Initially, smartphone photo is obtained from infected plants. The standard requirement
is that a leaf demonstrating symptoms of powdery mildew is situated in the center of the
image. To obtain only the leaf area and subtract the background, a segmentation oper‐
ation is performed. Then, the HSV image is obtained and the Hue plane is shown in
Fig. 5. The corresponding LBP image obtained from the Hue plane of Fig. 5 is shown
in Fig. 6. Then the LBP image is used in order to calculate the histogram with 32 bins.
The global LBP histogram equation is given as follows:


where i = 1,…32, I represents the indicator function used for thresholding and f(x,y)
represents the LBP label. The histograms have been used as input in One Class Classi‐
fiers in the form of One Class SVMs in order to recognize specific leaf samples as a
target class and treat healthy samples and other samples from different diseases as
outliers. The Kernel function that has been used was RBF. The default width of the tube
was e = 0.1. Eight samples were enough for building powdery mildew model in vines
that can recognize this disease. A similar procedure was followed for healthy leaves of
vines, by building an one Class SVM model that could recognize only healthy leaves.
Cross testing of each One Class SVM with leaves from the other category showed perfect
classification for the calibration sets and additional samples that were picked randomly
from the internet and smartphone. In the current work OpenCV Computer Vision Library
Version 2.4.11 has been used for image processing and classifier development.

Fig. 6. The corresponding LBP image of the vine leaf.

The One Class SVM that has been trained on vines to recognize powdery mildew is
called ‘powderyHSV’ and it has been stored in XML format. It has been tested in various
infected vine leaves successfully. Here, it is tested on vine leaves.. Initially, the powder‐
yHSV One Class SVM recognizes the disease successfully (Fig. 7). However, in order
Leaf Disease Recognition in Vine Plants 325

to test the selectivity of the model, a second model has been utilized, that is called
‘blackrotHSV’ and recognizes black rot (Fig. 8). As it is shown below (Fig. 7), both
models are activated from the observed symptoms as belonging to the sphere of confi‐
dence of one Class SVM of each model. Conflict resolution takes place by calculating
the distances from the support vectors of the test image feature vector (Hue histogram)
(Fig. 7). The result of the conflict resolution is that the actual model, it is identified to
be powderyHSV, which is correct (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Conflict resolution takes place and the image is labelled correctly as infected with powdery

Fig. 8. Vine leaf image without conflict resolution is classified correctly as Black Rot infected.

One hundred samples from each class were used (actual infection from powdery
mildew, black rot and downy mildew). Without applying nearest vector based conflict
resolution, it was impossible to achieve correct classification in 50 % of the cases.
Through conflict resolution, 100 % was reached in classifying both infected and healthy
state. The numbers reached 97 % for powdery mildew identification, compared to
support vector machine model for black rot and downy mildew. The recognition
percentage reached 95 % and 93 % for black rot and downy mildew respectively. In all
disease cases, the test samples came from vine leaves that were not included to the
326 X.E. Pantazi et al.

training set. Support Vector Machine training was accomplished, as mentioned above,
with 7 samples that all came from vine cultivations’ leaves.
This fact alone indicates the high generalization capability of the model, demon‐
strated and validated through the efficient performance on different vine leaf images that
were gathered under varying conditions. The most significant advantage of this method
does not only regard the application of One Class Classifiers, but also the highly effective
way of discerning between infected leaves and image background. This property derives
from the application of the Gaussian mixtures based segmentation method, remarkably
effective for isolating image areas of sharp variation in color. The effectiveness of the
presented application is a result of the sharp color variation that occurs at infected leaves,
in comparison with healthy ones, thus an immediate differentiation is possible. In cases
with a complex background, GrabCut algorithm can be trained to recognize a certain
foreground not corresponding to the central area of the image. This ability was not
required for use in this application, but can be optionally activated according to the
criterion of right choice of each infected leaf in examination.

4 Conclusions

In the current paper an effective combination of pre-processing stages and One Class
Classifiers applied on complex natural scenes is presented. The main aim of the
presented research was to discover early stages of infections in vine leaves in order to
enable faster and more effective prevention of vine epidemics that threaten food supply
and quality. Four One Class Support Vector Machines (OCSVMs) were trained with a
training set of 8 pictures from each disease including healthy, Powdery Mildew and
Black Rot and Downy Mildew. The trained OCSVMs were tested with 100 infected vine
leaf pictures corresponding to each disease. The recognition percentage reached 97 %,
95 % and 93 % for each disease respectively while healthy plants were recognized with
an accuracy rate of 100 %.

Acknowledgements. The presented study has been funded by PPP-FI/FRACTALS project.


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Markov stationary features. In: Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition, pp. 1–8 (2008)
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positive reduction in mammography. Comput. Med. Imaging Graph. 33, 415–422 (2009)
7. Tax, D., Duin, R.: Support vector data description. Mach. Learn. 54(1), 45–66 (2004)
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Efficient Support Vector Machine Classification
Using Prototype Selection and Generation

Stefanos Ougiaroglou1(B) , Konstantinos I. Diamantaras1 ,

and Georgios Evangelidis2
Department of Information Technology,
Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, 57400 Sindos, Greece,
Department of Applied Informatics,
University of Macedonia, 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece

Abstract. Although Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are considered

effective supervised learning methods, their training procedure is time-
consuming and has high memory requirements. Therefore, SVMs are
inappropriate for large datasets. Many Data Reduction Techniques have
been proposed in the context of dealing with the drawbacks of k-Nearest
Neighbor classification. This paper adopts the concept of data reduction
in order to cope with the high computational cost and memory require-
ments in the training process of SVMs. Experimental results illustrate
that Data Reduction Techniques can effectively improve the performance
of SVMs when applied as a preprocessing step on the training data.

Keywords: Support Vector Machines · k-NN classification · Data

reduction · Prototype abstraction · Prototype generation · Condensing

1 Introduction

The effectiveness, efficiency and scalability of machine learning and data min-
ing algorithms are crucial research issues that have attracted the attention of
both the industry and academia. Many proposed algorithms cannot handle high
volumes of data that nowadays is easily available from several data sources. For
those algorithms, data reduction1 is an important preprocessing step.
In classification tasks data reduction processes are guided by the class labels.
Many Data Reduction Techniques (DRTs) have been proposed in the context of
dealing with the drawbacks of k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) classifier [9]. These
drawbacks are: (i) the high computational cost during classification, (ii) the high
memory requirements and (iii) the noise sensitivity of the classifier. However,

Data Reduction has two points of view: (i) item reduction, and, (ii) dimensionality
reduction. We consider them from the first point of view.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 328–340, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 28
Speeding-Up SVMs by Applying Data Reduction 329

that kind of data reduction has not been adopted by other classification methods
which cannot manage large datasets.
A DRT can be either a Prototype Selection algorithm (PS) [10] or a Prototype
Generation algorithm (PG) [20]. PS algorithms select representative instances
from the training set. PG algorithms generate representatives by summarizing
similar training instances. These representatives are called Prototypes. PS algo-
rithms can be either editing or condensing. Editing aims at improving accuracy
by removing noise, outliers and mislabeled instances and by smoothing the deci-
sion boundaries between classes. PG and PS-condensing algorithms try to build
a small condensing set that represents the initial training data. Using a condens-
ing dataset instead of the original dataset has the avail of low cost while accuracy
remains almost as high as that achieved by using the original data. Please note
that some PG and PS-condensing algorithms are called hybrid because they
integrate the concept of editing.
To the best of our knowledge, DRTs have been used in the context of k-NN
classification. There is no work that explores the application of data reduction
on large datasets in order to render the usage of SVMs applicable on them.
This is the key observation behind the motivation of the present work. Another
motive is to check whether PG algorithms we proposed in the past can aid the
development of fast and accurate SVM based classifiers.
This paper also contributes an experimental study on several datasets where
SVM based classifiers, which are trained by the original training data and the
corresponding condensing sets built by state-of-the-art DRTs, are compared to
each other and against the corresponding k-NN classifiers. The paper reviews in
detail the algorithms that are used in the experimental study. Our study reveals
that the usage of DRTs leads to fast and accurate SVM-based classifiers.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly reviews SVMs
and the k-NN classifier and Sect. 3 presents in detail the PG and PS-condensing
algorithms that we use in our experimental setup. Section 4 presents the exper-
imental study and results. Finally, Sect. 5 concludes the paper.

2 Support Vector Machines and the k-NN Classifier

2.1 Support Vector Machines
SVMs are supervised learning models introduced in 1995 by Cortes and Vapnik
[7] although the roots of the idea lie in the theory of statistical learning intro-
duced by Vapnik almost two decades earlier [21]. They are suitable for pattern
classification but can be easily extended to handle nonlinear regression prob-
lems in which case they are known as Support Vector Regressors (SVRs). The
separating surface offered by an SVM classifier maximizes the margin, i.e., the
distance of the closest patterns to it. This helps the generalization performance
of the model and in fact it is related to the idea of Structural Risk Minimization
[22,23] which avoids over-fitting. With the use of nonlinear kernel functions such
as Gaussian (RBF) or n-th order polynomials, SVM models can produce nonlin-
ear separating surfaces achieving very good performance in complex problems.
330 S. Ougiaroglou et al.

Due to their good generalization performance these models have become very
popular with a wide range of applications, including document classification,
image classification, bio-informatics, handwritten character recognition, etc. One
of the major drawbacks of these models is the memory and the computational
complexity requirements for large datasets. The reason is that the separating
surface is obtained by solving a quadratic programming problem involving an
N × N matrix, where N is the number of items in the dataset. Although there
are techniques that can reduce the complexity to O(N 2 ) [5], the problem remains
hard and the size of the problem can easily become prohibitively large calling for
methods for data reduction such as the ones discussed in the following sections.

2.2 k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier

The k-NN classifier [9] is an extensively used lazy (or instance-based) classifi-
cation algorithm. Contrary to eager classifiers, it does not build any classifica-
tion model. Some of its major properties are: (i) it is a quite simple and easy
to implement algorithm, (ii) contrary to many other classifiers, it is easy to
understand how a prediction has been made, (iii) it is analytically tractable and
(iv) for k = 1 and unlimited instances the error rate is asymptotically never
worse than twice the minimum possible, which is the Bayes rate [8].
The algorithm classifies a new instance by retrieving from the training set the
k nearest instances to it. These instances are called neighbors. Subsequently, the
algorithm assigns the new instance to the most common class among the classes
of the k nearest neighbors. This class is called the major class. The process that
indicates the major class is usually called nearest neighbors voting. Although
any distance metric can be used, the Euclidean distance is the commonly-used
distance metric. The k-NN classifier does not spend time in training any model.
However, the classification step is time-consuming because in the worst case
the algorithm must compute all distances between the new instance and all the
training instances.
The selection of the value of k affects the accuracy of the classifier. The
value of k that has the highest accuracy depends on the data. Its determination
implies tuning via trial-and-error. Usually, large k values are appropriate for
datasets with noise since they examine larger neighborhoods, whereas, small k
values render the classifier noise-sensitive. In binary problems, an odd value for k
should be used. Hence, possible ties in the nearest neighbors voting are avoided.
In problems with more than two classes, ties are resolved by choosing a random
“most common” class or the class voted by the nearest neighbor. The later is
adopted in the experimental study of this paper.

3 Prototype Generation and Condensing Algorithms

Several PG and PS-condensing algorithms are available in the literature. Here we
review only the ones used in our experimental study. For the interested reader,
abstraction and selection algorithms are reviewed, categorized and compared to
each other in [10,20]. Other interesting reviews are presented in [4,13,19,24].
Speeding-Up SVMs by Applying Data Reduction 331

3.1 Condensing Nearest Neighbor Rule

The Condensing Nearest Neighbor (CNN) rule [11] is the earliest condensing
algorithm. Its condensing set is built by the following simple idea. Instances that
are far from decision boundaries (“internal”) data area of a class can be removed
without loss of accuracy. Thus, CNN-rule tries to keep only the instances that
lie in the close-border areas. The close-border instances are selected as follows.
Initially, an instance of the training set (T S) is moved to the condensing set (CS).
CNN-rule uses the 1-NN rule and classifies the instances of T S by examining
the instances of CS. If an instance is wrongly classified, it is probably close to
decision boundaries. Therefore, it is moved from T S to CS. This procedure is
repeated and if there are no moves from T S to CS in a complete pass of T S,
the algorithm terminates.
CNN-rule is misled by noise. It wrongly selects “noisy” instances with their
neighborhood. Consequently, noise affects the reduction rates. CNN-rule deter-
mines the number of the prototypes automatically, without user-defined para-
meters. Another property is that the multiple passes over the data guarantees
that the removed training instances are correctly classified by 1-NN classifier
in the context of the condensing set. A disadvantage is that CNN-rule builds a
different condensing set by examining the same training instances in a different

3.2 The IB2 Algorithm

IB2 is an one pass version of CNN-rule. IB2 is one of the Instance-Based Learning
(IBL) algorithms presented in [1,2]. Each training instance x ∈ T S is classified
by the 1-NN rule on the current CS. If x is classified correctly, x is discarded.
Else, x is moved to CS.
IB2 determines the size of the condensing set automatically. However, the
condensing set highly depends on the order of training instances. Since it is a
one-pass algorithm, it is very fast. Also, IB2 does not guarantee that the removed
instances can be correctly classified by the condensing set. In addition, it builds
its condensing set in an incremental manner. This means than new training
instances can update an existing condensing set without considering the “old”
instances that had been used for the creation of the condensing set. Hence, IB2
can be applied in streaming environments where new instances are gradually

3.3 The AIB2 Algorithm

In [15] we presented a PG variation of IB2. It is called Abstraction IB2 (AIB2)

and inherits all the properties of IB2. AIB2 considers that the prototypes should
be close to the center of the data area they represent. Contrary to IB2, AIB2
does not ignore the instances that were correctly classified. These instances con-
tribute to the condensing set by repositioning the nearest prototype. To achieve
332 S. Ougiaroglou et al.

this, each prototype has a weight value that denotes the number of instances it
In an early step, a random training instance is placed in the condensing set
and its weight becomes one. For each training instance x, AIB2 fetches its nearest
prototype P from the current condensing set. If x has a class label different
than the one of P , it is moved to the condensing set and plays the role of a
prototype. Its weight becomes one. if x has the class label of P , the attributes of
P are updated by taking into account the attributes of x and its weight. More
P ×Pweight +xattr(i)
formally, each attribute attr(i) of P becomes Pattr(i) ← attr(i)N Nweight +1 .
Thus, P moves towards x. Of course, the weight of P is increased by one and x
is discarded.

3.4 The Reduction by Space Partitioning Algorithms

Chen’s Algorithm. The ancestor of the Reduction by Space Partitioning

(RSP) algorithms is the PG algorithm proposed by Chen and Jozwik (Chen’s
algorithm) [6]. Chen’s algorithm retrieves the instances that define the diameter
of the training data, in other words the two most distant instances, a and b.
Then, the algorithm splits the training data into two subsets. All the instances
that are closer to a are moved to Ca . All other instances are placed in Cb . Subse-
quently, Chen’s algorithm selects to split the non-homogeneous subset with the
largest diameter. Non-homogeneous are called the subsets that have instances
of more than one class. If there is no non-homogeneous subsets, the algorithm
proceeds by spitting the homogeneous subsets. When the number of subsets is
equal to a value specified by the user, the aforementioned procedure ends. The
final step is the generation of prototypes. Each subset C is replaced by its mean
instance. The class label of the mean instance is the major class in C. The mean
instances constitute the condensing set.
The idea of splitting the homogeneous subset with the largest diameter is
based on that this subset probably has more instances and thus, if it is split
first, higher reduction will be achieved. Chen’s algorithm generates the same
condensing set regardless of the ordering of the instances. A drawback is that the
user has to specify the number of subsets. Chen and Jozwik claim that this allows
the user to define the trade-off between reduction rate and accuracy. However,
the determination of this parameter implies costly trial-and-error procedures.
Another weak point is that the instances that do not belong to the major class
of the subset are not represented in the condensing set (they are ignored).

The RSP1 Algorithm. RSP1 [18] is similar to Chen’s algorithm, but it does
not ignore instances. It computes as many means as the number of distinct
classes in the non-homogeneous subsets. RSP1 builds larger condensing sets than
Chen’s algorithm. However, it tries to improve the quality of the condensing set
by taking into account all training instances.
Speeding-Up SVMs by Applying Data Reduction 333

The RSP2 Algorithm. RSP2 selects the subset that will be split first by
examining the overlapping degree. The overlapping degree of a subset is the
ratio of the average distance between instances belonging to different classes
and the average distance between instances that belong to the same class. This
splitting criterion assumes that instances that belong to a class are as close to
each other as possible whereas instances that belong to different classes lie as
far as possible. As stated in [18], it is better to split the subset with the highest
overlapping degree than that with the largest diameter.

The RSP3 Algorithm. RSP3 [18] is the only RSP algorithm (Chen’s algo-
rithm included) that builds its condensing set without any user specified para-
meter. RSP3 eliminates both weaknesses of Chen’s algorithm. It splits all the
non-homogeneous subsets. In other words, it terminates when all subsets become
homogeneous. RSP3 can use either the diameter or the overlapping degree as
spiting criterion. In effect, the selection of splitting criterion is an issue of sec-
ondary importance because all non-homogeneous subsets are eventually split.
Certainly, the order of the training instances is irrelevant.
RSP3 generates many prototypes for close-border areas and few prototypes
for “internal” areas. The size of the condensing set depends on the level of noise
in the data. The higher the level of noise, the smaller subsets constructed and the
lower reduction is achieved. Please note that the discovery of the most distant
instances is a time-consuming procedure since all distances between the instances
of the subset should be estimated. Thus, the usage of RSP3 may be prohibitive
in the case of large datasets. Since we wanted to consider only non-parametric
algorithms in our experimental study, we used only RSP3.

3.5 Reduction Through Homogeneous Clusters

The RHC Algorithm. We have recently proposed the Reduction through

Homogeneous Clusters (RHC) algorithm [14,16]. It belongs to PG algorithms.
Like RSP3, RHC is based on the concept of homogeneity but employs k-means
clustering [12,25]. Initially, the training data is considered as a non-homogeneous
cluster in C. The algorithm computes a mean instance for each class in C.
These mean instances are called class-means. Subsequently, RHC uses k-means
clustering on C by adopting the class-means as initial means for k-means. The
result is the creation of as many clusters as the number of discrete classes in
C. This clustering process is applied on each non-homogeneous cluster. In the
end, all clusters are homogeneous and each cluster contributes a prototype in
the condensing set that is constructed by averaging the instances of the cluster.
RHC generates many prototypes for close-border areas and fewer for the
“internal” areas. RHC uses the class-means as initial means for the k-means
clustering in order to quickly find large homogeneous clusters. This property has
the advantage of achieving a high reduction rate (the larger clusters discovered,
the higher reduction rates achieved). Obviously, the instances that are noise can
affect the reduction rates. Since RHC is based on k-means clustering, it is fast.
334 S. Ougiaroglou et al.

Also, its condensing set does not depend on the ordering of the training data. The
experimental study presented in [14,16] shows that RHC has higher reduction
rates and is faster than RSP3 and CNN-rule, whereas accuracy remains high.
Please note, that dRHC [16] is a variation of RHC that handles large datasets
that cannot reside in the main memory.

The ERHC Algorithm. The Editing and Reduction through Homogeneous

Clusters (ERHC) [17] algorithm is a simple variation of RHC that tries to deal
with noisy data. ERHC differs from RHC on the following point: Whenever a
homogeneous cluster with only one instance is discovered, ERHC discards it.
Thus, the final condensing set contains the means of the homogeneous clusters
that have more than one instance. Obviously, ERHC integrates an editing mech-
anism. It simultaneously removes noise and reduces the size of the training set.
Therefore, it can be characterized as hybrid PG algorithm. The experimental
study in [17] proves that this simple editing mechanism can improve classifica-
tion performance when data contains noise.

4 Performance Evaluation

4.1 Experimental Setup

We conducted several experiments on thirteen datasets distributed by the KEEL

repository2 [3]. Their profiles are presented in Table 1. Five datasets do not
contain noise. All the other datasets have noise of various levels (see column
“Noise” in Table 1). We do not use any editing algorithm for noise removal.
For each dataset, we built six condensing sets. They were built by applying the
algorithms presented in Sect. 3. More specifically, we used CNN-rule, IB2, RSP3,
We trained several SVMs on the original training set (without data reduc-
tion) and for each condensing set by using several parameter values. Finally, we
kept the most accurate SVMs. In Subsect. 4.2, we report only the accuracy mea-
surements for that SVM. The RBF kernel was used and the hyper-parameters γ,
C where obtained through grid-search. Due to space restrictions, the parameter
values we adopted are not reported3 .
For the five “noise-free” datasets, the k-NN classifier was run over the original
training data and over the six condensing sets by setting k = 1. Most of the time
k = 1 is the best choice for noise-free data. For the other eight datasets, we
adopted four k values, namely, 1, 5, 9 and 13.
All measurements presented in Subsect. 4.2 are average values obtained via
a five-fold cross-validation. We used the Euclidean distance as distance metric.
Since CNN-rule, IB2 and AIB2 depend on the order of class labels in the training
set, we randomized all the datasets. Excluding CAR, we did not perform any

They can be found in∼stoug/aiai2016.pdf.
Speeding-Up SVMs by Applying Data Reduction 335

Table 1. Dataset details

Dataset Size (items) Attributes Classes Noise

Letter Image Recognition (LIR) 20000 16 26 False
Pen-Digits (PD) 10992 16 10 False
Landsat Satellite (LS) 6435 36 6 True
Banana (BN) 5300 2 2 True
Balance (BL) 625 4 3 True
Texture (TXR) 5500 40 11 False
Yeast (YS) 1484 8 10 True
Phoneme (PH) 5404 5 2 False
MONK2 (MN2) 432 6 2 True
Twonorm (TN) 7400 20 2 True
Magic Gamma Telescope (MGT) 19020 10 2 True
Shuttle (SH) 58000 9 7 False
Car (CAR) 1728 6 4 True

other transformations. The CAR dataset has ordinal attributes. We transformed

the attribute values into numerical values. Furthermore, we normalized to the
interval [0-1] all attribute values of CAR.

4.2 Experimental Results

We compared the six DRTs to each other by estimating the Preprocessing Cost
(PC) and the Reduction Rate (RR) that they achieved. Since the larger the train-
ing set used, the higher the cost for k-NN classifier to classify a new item and
the higher the cost of the training procedure of SVMs (it is at least O(N 2 ) see
Subsect. 2.1), the RR measurements reflect the computational cost (the higher
the RR, the lower the computational cost of k-NN classification and SVM train-
ing). Therefore, we do not include time measurements in our study.
Table 2 presents the RR and PC measurements. Best measurements are in
bold. The last row shows the averages values. We observe that ERHC achieved
the highest RR. This means that the SVM that uses the condensing set built
by ERHC requites the least time for its training. AIB2 is the fastest DRT. It
builds its condensing set by computing the fewest distances. On the other hand,
RSP3 needs the highest computational cost in order to build its condensing
set. In addition RSP3 seems to build the largest condensing sets. As expected,
ERHC achieves higher RR than RHC and AIB2 is better in terms of RR and
PC than IB2.
Tables 3 and 4 show the accuracy measurements achieved by the SVM and
k-NN classifiers (Table 4 is the continuation of Table 3). Both tables contain seven
rows for each dataset. Each row represents the different versions of the same
dataset. The first one concerns the original data (i.e., without data reduction).
336 S. Ougiaroglou et al.

Table 2. Comparison of DRT algorithms in terms of Reduction Rate (RR(%)) and

Preprocessing Cost (PC (millions of distance computations))


LIR RR 83.54 85.66 61.98 88.08 92.03 88.12
PC 163.03 23.37 326.52 41.85 41.85 20.10
PD RR 95.36 96.23 89.22 96.52 97.45 97.19
PC 11.75 1.78 86.66 2.88 2.88 1.38
LS RR 80.22 84.62 73.19 89.84 92.95 86.72
PC 17.99 2.22 37.70 1.69 1.69 1.92
BN RR 77.44 83.27 75.21 79.68 90.33 83.40
PC 11.49 1.58 18.76 0.56 0.56 1.53
BL RR 65.72 69.36 64.64 78.00 86.68 70.36
PC 0.21 0.04 0.3 0.05 0.05 0.04
TXR RR 91.90 93.33 83.31 94.71 95.94 94.95
PC 5.65 0.84 27.63 3.63 3.63 0.66
YS RR 32.68 44.82 27.36 49.83 79.34 46.94
PC 1.41 0.39 2.12 0.84 0.84 0.37
PH RR 76.04 80.85 69.94 80.71 88.05 81.75
PC 13.45 1.96 20.31 0.66 0.66 1.84
MN2 RR 87.23 91.68 61.33 96.47 96.76 92.54
PC 0.04 0.006 0.13 0.007 0.007 0.005
TN RR 82.09 88.25 84.56 96.63 97.58 93.44
PC 22.13 2.07 37.13 1.64 1.64 1.10
MGT RR 60.08 70.60 53.70 73.76 84.46 71.90
PC 281.49 34.61 511.67 4.08 4.08 33.05
SH RR 99.37 99.44 98.59 99.55 99.69 99.46
PC 45.30 8.26 17410.18 16.83 16.83 7.89
CAR RR 75.82 81.61 68.65 85.87 90.31 83.63
PC 1.50 0.19 1.94 0.18 0.18 0.17
AVG RR 77.50 82.29 70.13 85.36 91.66 83.88
PC 44.26 5.95 89.24 5.76 5.76 5.36

The other six rows concern the condensing set constructed by the DRTs. Each
column of the table concerns a classifier. In particular, the third column concerns
the SVM classifiers while the other columns concern the k-NN classifiers. The
best accuracy measurements of the different classifiers are in bold. The best
accuracy among the different condensing sets is emphasized with italic style.
The results depicted by both tables are quite interesting. Almost in all cases,
SVM classifiers are more accurate than the k-NN classifier. In addition, all DRTs
seem to not affect accuracy achieved by SVMs. In most cases, a SVM trained
Speeding-Up SVMs by Applying Data Reduction 337

Table 3. Comparison of DRT algorithms in terms of accuracy (%) - Datasets LIR

through MN2

Dataset DRT SVM 1-NN 5-NN 9-NN 13-NN

None 97.58 95.83 - - -
CNN 95.10 92.84 - - -
IB2 94.75 91.98 - - -
LIR RSP3 96.51 95.43 - - -
RHC 93.80 93.59 - - -
ERHC 92.60 92.69 - - -
AIB2 93.71 94.12 - - -
None 99.65 99.35 - - -
CNN 99.21 98.68 - - -
IB2 99.02 98.04 - - -
PD RSP3 99.50 99.05 - - -
RHC 98.81 98.30 - - -
ERHC 98.84 98.63 - - -
AIB2 98.74 98.33 - - -
None 92.40 90.60 90.69 90.62 90.21
CNN 90.83 88.21 89.99 89.39 88.00
IB2 88.73 86.87 88.45 87.55 86.23
LS RSP3 91.14 90.57 90.16 89.64 89.50
RHC 88.95 88.95 89.54 88.21 86.05
ERHC 88.37 89.01 88.90 86.81 84.26
AIB2 88.19 89.40 87.69 86.03 84.34
None 90.57 86.91 89.02 89.85 89.87
CNN 90.53 85.62 88.15 89.09 88.77
IB2 90.06 83.81 87.57 88.08 88.00
BN RSP3 90.30 84.00 87.83 89.11 88.91
RHC 90.25 83.28 87.23 88.19 88.38
ERHC 90.23 88.00 89.09 88.64 88.00
AIB2 90.49 82.96 87.89 88.57 89.26
None 90.96 78.40 84.16 87.84 88.32
CNN 95.36 70.88 76.32 82.72 84.16
IB2 95.36 70.72 77.28 81.60 83.20
BL RSP3 94.72 73.28 76.64 82.88 82.88
RHC 93.44 68.04 75.36 82.56 84.32
ERHC 89.60 76.00 83.52 83.68 83.68
AIB2 94.72 68.64 77.12 83.20 81.92
None 99.84 99.02 - - -
CNN 99.58 97.16 - - -
IB2 99.56 96.35 - - -
TXR RSP3 99.69 98.29 - - -
RHC 99.24 97.04 - - -
ERHC 99.10 97.36 - - -
AIB2 99.45 97.69 - - -
None 60.11 52.02 57.01 58.15 59.43
CNN 59.84 49.06 52.97 55.66 56.94
IB2 59.03 46.02 52.29 55.53 55.66
YS RSP3 59.84 50.47 54.99 57.08 57.75
RHC 58.89 48.85 52.29 54.65 54.92
ERHC 59.09 53.17 56.00 55.86 56.80
AIB2 58.22 48.25 51.48 56.06 56.81
None 89.19 90.10 - - -
CNN 87.56 87.82 - - -
IB2 86.47 85.57 - - -
PH RSP3 87.10 86.94 - - -
RHC 85.88 85.59 - - -
ERHC 86.08 86.57 - - -
AIB2 85.83 84.92 - - -
None 100.00 90.51 99.31 98.84 99.07
CNN 97.21 95.84 90.97 84.03 84.26
IB2 94.66 93.75 81.47 80.33 78.00
MN2 RSP3 99.08 91.22 98.38 97.69 96.76
RHC 91.43 94.68 80.09 67.12 47.12
ERHC 90.26 95.14 77.53 63.65 47.12
AIB2 93.04 91.43 85.65 78.23 66.70
338 S. Ougiaroglou et al.

Table 4. Comparisson of DRT algorithms in terms of Accuracy (%) - Datasets TN

through CAR

Dataset DRT SVM 1-NN 5-NN 9-NN 13-NN

TN None 97.89 94.88 96.91 97.31 97.38
CNN 97.84 92.00 95.47 96.50 96.82
IB2 97.81 89.15 94.95 95.87 96.45
RSP3 97.70 92.68 96.30 96.88 97.31
RHC 97.39 88.69 95.74 96.69 97.10
ERHC 97.45 91.53 96.50 96.92 97.07
AIB2 97.73 93.47 96.69 97.28 97.28
MGT None 83.79 78.14 80.48 80.84 81.12
CNN 83.90 74.54 78.63 79.65 80.24
IB2 83.38 71.97 76.84 78.50 79.11
RSP3 83.71 74.96 78.90 80.15 80.52
RHC 83.08 71.97 76.67 77.83 78.94
ERHC 83.12 77.01 79.64 79.86 79.86
AIB2 83.13 73.36 77.40 78.36 78.89
SH None 99.84 99.82 - - -
CNN 99.66 99.76 - - -
IB2 99.62 99.73 - - -
RSP3 99.81 99.75 - - -
RHC 99.64 98.01 - - -
ERHC 99.64 98.04 - - -
AIB2 99.74 99.72 - - -
CAR None 94.10 85.53 89.75 90.39 89.76
CNN 93.28 84.95 88.14 84.72 81.48
IB2 92.24 84.43 86.11 84.20 82.41
RSP3 93.75 85.59 89.70 89.12 88.14
RHC 87.10 82.75 77.66 75.29 71.81
ERHC 86.98 82.69 79.92 78.00 74.76
AIB2 91.72 87.09 87.56 85.30 82.40

by any condensing set is as accurate as the SVM trained by the initial training
set. In eight datasets, the SVMs trained by the condensing set of RSP3 are the
most accurate classifier. However, RSP3 has the highest PC and the lowest RR
measurements. In the cases of the rest five datasets, the most accurate classifier
is the SVM built by the condensing set of CNN-rule. The accuracy achieved by
IB2 is close enough to that of CNN-rule, but IB2 is faster and achieved higher
RR. A final comment is that the PG and PS-condensing algorithms can effec-
tively be used for speeding-up the training process of SVMs without sacrifying
Speeding-Up SVMs by Applying Data Reduction 339

accuracy. Furthermore, we observe that, in the case of SVMs, the editing mech-
anism of ERHC is not as effective as it is when the k-NN classifier is used. In
addition, although AIB2 achieves higher accuracy than IB2 in the case of k-NN
classification, it is not true in the case of SVMs. Consequently, for SVMs, ERHC
and AIB2 are not efficient extensions of RHC and IB2 respectively.

5 Conclusions

This paper demonstrated that the DRTs proposed for the k-NN classifier can
also be applied for speeding-up SVMs. More specifically, the experimental mea-
surements of our study showed that the usage of a DRT can reduce the time
needed for the training process of SVMs without negatively affecting accuracy.
Although the particular DRTs have been proposed for speeding up the k-NN
classifier, our study illustrated that the benefits are larger when SVMs are used.
The experimental results showed that in contrast to the k-NN classifier that can
be affected by data reduction, the accuracy of SVMs is not affected.

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MeLiF+: Optimization of Filter Ensemble
Algorithm with Parallel Computing

Ilya Isaev and Ivan Smetannikov(B)

Computer Science Department, ITMO University, 49 Kronverksky Pr.,

197101 St. Petersburg, Russia,

Abstract. Search of algorithms ensemble – that is, best algorithms com-

bination is common used approach in machine learning. MeLiF algorithm
uses this technique for filter feature selection. In our research we proposed
parallel version of this algorithm and showed that it is not only improves
algorithm performance significantly, but also improves feature selection

Keywords: Feature selection · Variable selection · Attribute selection ·

Ensemble learning · Feature filters · Metrics aggregation · MeLiF · Par-
allel computing

1 Introduction

In modern world, machine learning became one of the most promising and stud-
ied science areas, mainly, because of its universal application to any data-related
problem. One example of such an area is bioinformatics [3,4,6,10], which pro-
duces giant amount of data about gene expression of different organisms. This
data could potentially allow to determine which DNA pieces are responsible
for some visual change of indiviual, or for reactions to particular environment
change. The main problem of such data is its huge number of features and rela-
tively low amount of objects. Because of high-dimensional space, it is very hard
to build a model which generalizes such data well. Furthermore, a lot of features
in such datasets have nothing in common with results, so, they should be treated
as noize.
A∗ = 4
It seems to be logical in this case to select somehow the most relevant features
and to learn a classifier on these only. This idea is implemented in such area of
machine learning as feature selection. There are three main methods of feature
selection: filter selection based on statistical measures of every single feature or
features subsets, wrapper selection based on subspace search with classifier result
as an optimization measure, and embedded selection that uses classificators inner
properties [12].

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 341–347, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 29
342 I. Isaev and I. Smetannikov

The main peculiarity of filter methods is their speed. This leads to the fact
that they are frequently used for preprocessing, and resulting subsets of fea-
tures further passed to other wrapper or embedded method. This is especially
important for bioinformatics, where number of features in datasets is sometimes
dozens and hundrends of thousands.
These days, many machine learning algorithms use ensembling [1,4,8]. MeLiF
algorithm [13] tries to apply this method to feature selection. It builds a linear
combination of basic filters, that selects the most relevant features. MeLiF has a
structural characteristic that it can be easily modified to work in concurrent or
distributed manner. At this research, we implemented parallel version of MeLiF
called MeLiF+ and achieved significant speed improvement without losing in
selection quality.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: MeLiF algorithm is
described in Sect. 2, parallelization scheme is proposed in Sect. 3, experiment
setup and used quality measures are outlined in Sect. 4, and finally experiment
results are contained in Sect. 5.

2 MeLiF
Algorithm treats some linear combinations of basic filters as starting points.
It has been observed during experiments that the best option is this following
choice of starting points: (1, 0, ..., 0), (0, 1, ..., 0), ..., (0, 0, ..., 1) – only one basic
filter matters at the beginning, and (1, 1, ..., 1) – all basic filters are equal at
the beginning. Algorithm iterates over the starting points and tries to shift each
coordinate value to small constants +δ and −δ – value of grid spacing for each
point. If some of applied changes succeed, i.e. quality measure for a point after a
shift is greater than the maximum value: the algorithm chooses that point and
starts searching from its first coordinate. If, all coordinates were shifted to +δ
and −δ and no quality improvement observed, algorithm stops.

Algorithm 1. MeLiF algorithm

Input: points, delta, evaluate
1: q ∗ ← 0
2: p∗ ← 0
3: for each p ∈ points do
4: q ← evaluate(p)
5: if q > q ∗ then
6: p∗ ← p
7: q∗ ← q
8: smthChanged = true
9: while smthChanged do
10: for each dim ∈ p.size do
11: p+ ← p
12: p+ [dim] ← p+ [dim] + delta
13: q + ← evaluate(p+ )
MeLiF+ 343

14: if q + > q ∗ then

15: q∗ ← q+
16: p∗ ← p+
17: smthChanged = true
18: break
19: p− ← p
20: p− [dim] ← p− [dim] − delta
21: q − ← evaluate(p− )
22: if q − > q ∗ then
23: q∗ ← q−
24: p∗ ← p−
25: smthChanged = true
26: break
27: return(p∗ , q ∗ )

Then, for each point obtained during coordinate descent, the algorithm mea-
sures value of resulting linear combination of basic filters for each feature in
dataset. After that, results are sorted, and the algorithm selects N best fea-
tures. Then, the algorithm runs some classifier only with that feature subset.
The obtained result is saved for comparing with other points and caching. It
helps to reduce working time due to visited points usage.

3 MeLiF+
We proposed the following improvements to the MeLiF method: each starting
point is processed in a distinct thread with global maximum maintained through
synchronization point. Moreover, evaluate submethod is run concurrently for +δ
and −δ, and selects the best point after retrieving both results. We showed that
it not only improves the algorithm performance on multicore system, but also
usually improves feature selection quality.
This fact has the following explanation: the original MeLiF algorithm is
greedy, so it assumes that if each point it steps in is a local optimum then
resulting point will be the global optimum, adding an ability to lookup for two
deltas simultaneously allows algorithm to select better local optimum. Also, as
starting points are processed in parallel, one thread can find a local optimum.
This causes other threads to stop their work even if further descent leads to the
better result. This can cause different selection result, better or worse (both cases
are presented in Sect. 5), but experiments show that avarage MeLiF+ results are

4 Experiments
We used SVM [5] from WEKA [14] library, with polynomial kernel and soft
margin parameter C = 1 as classifier. To improve stability, we used 5-fold cross-
validation. The number of selected features was constant: N = 100. In order to
344 I. Isaev and I. Smetannikov

compare our method with the old one, we used F1 score [11] of SVM classifier.
As we wanted to know how much our method differs from the original one in
terms of space search strategy, we calculated z-score for each dataset.
We ran our experiments on a machine with following characteristics: 32-core
CPU AMD Opteron 6272 @ 2.1 GHz, 128 GB RAM. We used N = 50 threads,
N = 2 · p · f threads, where p is the number of starting points, f is the number
of folders used for cross-validation.
As basic filters, we used Spearman Rank Correlation (SPC), Symmetric
Uncertainty (SU), Fit Criterion (FC) and Value Difference Metric (VDM) [2,9].
For each dataset, we executed MeLiF and MeLiF+ and stored their working
time and points with the best classification result.
We used 50 datasets of different sizes: 33 datasets have been taken from
Gene Expression Omnibus, 5 from Kent Ridge Bio-Medical Dataset, 5 from
RSCTC’2010 Discovery Challenge, 4 from Broad institute Cancer Program
Data Sets, 3 from Feature Selection Datasets at Arizona State University. Some
datasets were multi-labeled, therefore we splitted them into several derivative
binary datasets with commonly used one-versus-all technique. Then we excluded
datasets that contained too few instances of one of the classes. After that, we
used standard feature scaling and discretized all features to 11 different values
from −5 to 5.

5 Results
Table below contains experiment results. All the datasets are sorted by their
total size which is basically a multiplication of their features and objects number.

Table 1. MeLiF in comparison with swarm algorithms

F1 score Time
Dataset Size z-score
MeLiF MeLiF+ MeLiF MeLiF+
SRBCT30 191k 0.900 0.891 13 2 0.23
SRBCT31 191k 1.000 1.000 17 3 0
GDS2960 417k 0.971 0.980 33 7 -10.98
CNS 427k 0.742 0.791 33 6 -1.06
Leuk3c0 513k 0.986 0.986 34 5 0
Leuk3c1 513k 0.933 0.933 33 5 0
GDS2961 566k 0.845 0.845 49 13 0
GDS2962 566k 0.784 0.887 45 11 -11.15
DLBCK 962k 0.799 0.734 65 13 4,67
GDS2901 1337k 1.000 1.000 88 17 0
Prostate 1713k 0.925 0.903 93 34 7.27
GDS4109 1760k 0.936 0.936 142 38 0
GDS5083 2131k 0.862 0.862 195 60 0
MeLiF+ 345

Table 1. (continued)

d2t0 2339k 0.765 0.765 172 71 0

d2t1 2339k 0.779 0.844 180 60 -9.73
breast 2346k 0.769 0.812 161 24 -11.71
GDS4261 2367k 1.000 1.000 130 16 0
GDS3257 2384k 0.980 1.000 131 17 -33.65
GDS4901 2515k 0.899 0.946 220 60 -7.6
GDS3553 2543k 1.000 1.000 142 18 0
GDS3116 2584k 0.826 0.826 142 23 0
GDS4336 2598k 0.865 0.865 200 66 0
GDS5047 2925k 0.989 0.989 185 41 0
GDS3995 3200k 1.000 1.000 181 24 0
GDS496840 3296k 0.890 0.890 226 40 0
GDS496841 3296k 0.953 0.936 224 40 4.04
GDS2947 3499k 1.000 1.000 217 28 0
GDS43181 3591k 0.913 0.913 275 64 0
arizona5 3738k 0.730 0.754 219 67 -7.47
Ovarian 3833k 1.000 1.000 192 23 0
GDS4103 4264k 0.918 0.918 265 71 0
GDS2771 4265k 0.760 0.760 299 81 0
GDS503730 4428k 0.738 0.826 243 140 -16.77
GDS503732 4428k 0.782 0.782 293 69 0
GDS3929 4488k 0.821 0.821 376 74 0
GDS483731 4811k 0.920 0.920 413 130 0
GDS483733 4811k 0.951 0.951 316 48 0
d5t 4860k 0.869 0.869 370 70 0
GDS3622 4961k 1.000 1.000 266 33 0
GDS2819 5412k 0.991 1.000 436 149 -4.05
d6t 5428k 0.792 0.792 381 69 0
GDS413O 5685k 1.000 1.000 315 39 0
d4t 6178k 0.719 0.719 513 124 0
GDS4129 6561k 1.000 1.000 354 43 0
GDS4222 7107k 0.965 0.971 454 84 -7.42
GDS4431 7973k 0.802 0.802 537 100 0
arizona1 8847k 0.823 0.823 558 85 0
GDS4600 9294k 0.979 0.968 472 124 23.27
GDS3244 9787k 1.000 1.000 505 65 0

In F1 score comparison of MeLiF and MeLiF+ better results for each dataset
are highlighted in grey, equal results are not highlighted. Runtime is presented
in seconds. At the last column, z-score is provided.
As it can be seen from the table above, MeLiF+ is always at least 3 times
faster than the MeLiF, and this difference gets up to 6 times for some datasets.
346 I. Isaev and I. Smetannikov

Although MeLiF and MeLiF+ have almost the same results in F1 score, there is
some difference in their work on 15 datasets as provided via z-score. But only in
5 cases MeLiF+ had worse results than original the MeLiF algorithm. But on 36
datasets, they performed equally and at 11 datasets new algorithm outperformed
the original one.

6 Conclusion

The proposed parallelization scheme made algorithm in average to work 5.5

times faster without affecting selection quality. Unforunately, in this research
we did not achieved linear speed improvement because of the fixed maximum
of parallel processed points. In our future work, we are planning to use threads
pool which is limited by the testing system and achieve linear speed growth with
using exploration and exploitation [7] strategy to spread the search points in the
search space. Also this should lead to high increase in optimized measure.

Acknowledgements. Authors would like to thank Julia Ugarkina and Andrey

Filchenkov for useful comments and proofreading. This work was financially supported
by the Government of Russian Federation, Grant 074-U01.

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Genetic Search of Pickup and Delivery Problem
Solutions for Self-driving Taxi Routing

Viacheslav Shalamov(B) , Andrey Filchenkov, and Anatoly Shalyto

Computer Technologies Lab, ITMO University,

49 Kronverksky Pr., 197101 St. Petersburg, Russia,,

Abstract. Self-driving cars belong to rapidly growing domain of cyber-

physical systems with many open problems. In this paper, we study
routing problem for taxis. In mathematical terms, it is well-known Pickup
and Delivery problem (PDP). We use with the standard small-moves
technique, which is to apply small changes to a solution for PDP in order
to obtain a better one; and an approach that works with small-moves as
mutations in genetic algorithms. We propose a strategy-based framework
for managing set of small changes and suggest different strategies. We
tested algorithms for routing on real-world dataset on taxi orders to
airports in United Kingdom. The results show that algorithms using
mixed strategies outperform algorithms using a single small move.

Keywords: Self-driving car · Autonomous car · Routing · Pickup and

delivery · Genetic algorithms · City taxi

1 Introduction
Usage of cyber-physical systems (CPS) such as medical devices, industrial robots
or smart grid, showed extensive growth in the recent years [1]. It leads to high
demand on algorithms for CPSs improving their performance and interaction
with environment. Control systems of this type are thought to show high auton-
omy and to be able to solve typical tasks met in the domain of their application.
Self-driving cars (SDC), also known as autonomous cars, are one of the CPSs
with rapidly growing importance: SDCs share market with ordinary (human-
driving) vehicles, and potential effect of its introduction is often referred as a
revolution [9,21]. Consequences include improvements in traffic, vehicle usage
and even implementation of new social strategy, so-called mobility as a service
[5,25]. List of organizations racing for SDC includes not only well-known vehicle
manufacturing companies, but also Google, Uber [15] and Baidu [10].
One of the possible applications of SDC is a taxi service in airports. Airports
are usually a very intensive hub for taxi routing, due to many people use taxis
to get to an airport or get to a city after arrival. It explains why many airports
all over the world have their own taxi services or at least taxi services accredited

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 348–355, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 30
Genetic Search of Pickup and Delivery Problem Solutions 349

to be official for this airport. This policy shows several advantages. First of
all, airport-associated taxis are less affected by the traffic situation in the city.
Second, tariffs for taxi are usually fixed or can be simpler adjusted to the current
demand, since regular taxi services have to take into account all the demands
for mobility across the city.
Many studies are devoted to SDC problem. They include:

– map generation and navigation [13,19,29];

– sensor system [3,12];
– motion planning [2,17,20,23,31];
– distributed and parallel computational infrastructure [18,24,26];
– routing in different conditions [6,11,14,32].

The last problems, namely routing, is actual for taxis. In its mathematical
statement, this problem is known as Pickup and delivery problem (PDP) [16].
PDP is an optimization problem, relative to the most known travelling sales-
man problem (TSP). Both of them belong to the vehicle routing problem class,
determining the optimal solution for problems of this class is known to be NP-
hard [22]. The TSP can be considered as a case of the PDP, since one is required
not only to visit each point, but also pickup items in several points and deliver
them to other points [27]. A lot of constraints can be added to the general case
of PDP [28]. The taxi routing problem may be understood as last-in-first-out
single vehicle pickup and delivery problem (SVPDPL): (1) we assume that we
need to build a route for a single vehicle; (2) it cannot pick another item before it
had delivered current one [8]. SVPDPL is known to be NP-hard problem, thus,
a number of heuristics for solving it are suggested.
In this paper, we use variable neighborhood search (VNS) approach [4] for
solution search that constructs a new solution by applying local changes (small
moves) to an already found one. We use the framework suggested in [30] involving
usage of strategies.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we define
SVPDPL, its solution via local changes and genetic algorithms. In Sect. 3, we
describe a concept of strategy and different strategies we use in this paper. In
Sect. 4, we describe experiment setups and the results of algorithm comparison.
Section 5 concludes.

2 Problem Statement and Small Moves

2.1 Pickup and Delivery Problem Statement

We will follow the notation from [7] and [30]. The Pickup and delivery problem
is represented with a weighted graph G = (V, E, W ), where V is vertex set
corresponding to the points, E is edge set corresponding to the routes connecting
points, and W is a weight function that is defined on V and E. It corresponds
to loads of vertices and cost of travelling for edges. In this paper, we use W
representing the taxi routing problem:
350 V. Shalamov et al.

– W (v) equals 1 if v is a vertex with a person to be picked up (source), and −1

if v is a vertex, to which a person should be delivered (destination);
– W ({u, v}) is a distance between the points corresponding to u and v.

Let P denote the source set and D denote the destination set, then V is splited
into pairs (P, D) = ((p1 , d1 ), . . . , (pn , dn )), P, D ∈ V .
We enumerate all the vertices: a source vertex pi receives index i, and the
corresponding destination vertex di receives index i+n. An edge (i, j) can belong
to E if 1) j = i+n; or 2) i > n and j ≤ n, i = n+j. We need to find a Hamiltonian
route, which minimizes its cost: j=1 W ({ij , ij+1 }).

2.2 Small Moves

Since the search of an exact solution is NP-hard, an heuristic known as “small

moves” was suggested [4]. The main idea is to apply small changes to a found
solution in order to obtain a new, better one. Today it is state-of-the-art app-
roach. In this work, we use the following five types of the most commonly used
small moves.
Lin-2-Opt substitutes two edges (ij , ij+1 ) and (ik , ik+1 ) with other two edges
(ij , ik ) and (ij+1 , ik+1 ), then it inverses the subpath (ij+1 , . . . , ik ). Our illus-
trated example is presented in web1 .
Double-bridge exchanges edges (ij , ij+1 ), (ik , ik+1 ), (il , il+1 ) and (ih , ih+1 )
with (ij , il + 1), (ik , ih+1 ), (il , ij+1 ) and (ih , ik+1 ). Our illustrated example is
presented in web2 .
Couple-exchange selects two orders (i, n + i) and (j, n + j), then it replaces
i with j and n + i with n + j. Our illustrated example is presented in web3 .
Point-exchange is analogous to the couple-exchange. The only difference is
that not the pairs, but single points are exchanged.
Relocate-block (RB) inserts a sequence (it , . . . , it+n ) into the best possible
place in the route. Our illustrated example is presented on the web [5 times]4 .

2.3 Applying Genetic Algorithms

The small moves described in the previous subsection can be easily understood
as mutation operations, which can be applied to a solution in order to obtain a
new, better one. This idea was realized in [30] for applying genetic algorithms
for the solution search.
The application of genetic algorithms requires the following problem formal-
ization: spices are solutions of the SVPDPL, and fitness function is the quality
of such a solution (the length of the route, which should be minimized). Muta-
tion operation is the application of a small move. Each generation consists of K

1 files/AIAI2016/fig L2O.pdf.
2 files/AIAI2016/fig DB.pdf.
3 files/AIAI2016/fig CE.pdf.
4 files/AIAI2016/fig RB.pdf.
Genetic Search of Pickup and Delivery Problem Solutions 351

solutions, each solution gives a birth to n new solutions by applying a mutation

operation, then some of them are chosen via the selection operation to form the
next generation. Totally, there are g generations.
Let N be equal to 50, which is the number of vertices in the graph. In [30],
five different genetic algorithms were tested, we will use all of them.
1. 1 + 1: each generation consists of one solution (K = 1), it gives a birth to one
solution (n = 1), both the solutions are subjects of selection, the resulting
solution forms the next
 generation (E = 1).
2. 1 + N : K = 1, n = N/2, E = 1.
3. 1, N : K = 1, n = N/2, only the children are subjects
 of selection, E = 1.
4. 1 + N + Big mutation (1+N +BM): K = 1, n = N/2, E = 1. In addition,
every g/4generations a Big mutations fires, during which all the species are
mutated (N )times. 
5. K+KN : K = N/4, n = N/2, E = K.

3 Strategies
The question arises, which small moves can and should be used as mutation
operations. The simplest way is to apply a small move of a certain type — this
is a common practice. However, as it was shown in [30], applying different small
moves is more beneficial. In that paper, one group of the genetic algorithms was
allowed to pick mutation on each step randomly from the entire small move set
(with the uniform distribution).
In this paper, we generalize such an approach with strategy concept. Assume
that we are given a set M = {m1 , . . . , mM } of small moves. Then let strategy
S = {q1 , . . . , qM } be a vector of probabilities, with which each of small move
should be applied on the next step.
If we apply only a single small move, then this strategy is pure. In our
case, we have 5 small moves: L20, DB, CE, PE, and RB. Thus, there are five
pure strategies: SL20 = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0), SDB = (0, 1, 0, 0, 0), SCE = (0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
SPE = (0, 0, 0, 1, 0), SRB = (0, 0, 0, 0, 1). However, as we have stated, mixed
strategies will outperform pure strategies. The uniform, mixed strategy is:
Smix = (1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/5).
The second group of strategies is formed according to the following empirics:
(1) CE and PE perform similarly, this is why we use only one of them; and
(2) according to the results in [30], as well as this study, L2O seems to be the
strongest algorithm. This is why it makes sense to consider strategies, which use
L20 with combination of other small moves. Thus, we add five new strategies for
Smix−PE = (1/4, 1/4, 0, 1/4, 1/4).
SL20+DB = (1/2, 1/2, 0, 0, 0);
SL20+CE = (1/2, 0, 0, 1/2, 0);
SL20+RB = (1/2, 0, 0, 0, 1/2);
SL20+mix = (1/2, 1/6, 0, 1/6, 1/6).
352 V. Shalamov et al.

The last group of strategies we discuss in this paper is based on small-moves

properties. We run experiments on 150 different subsets and collected the fol-
lowing statistical evaluations: nj is the number of times, when ith small move
is applied; fi is frequency of solution improvement by applying ith small move,
and ci is frequency of solution improvement by applying ith small move ignoring
cases, when it violates the problem constraints. Also let ni denote the computa-
tional complexity of the small move application. Thus:

SN ∝ {(1/ni } = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1/N ); SN = (0.249, 0.249, 0.249, 0, 249, 0.005),

SF ∝ {fi }; SF = (0.327, 0.09, 0.158, 0.16, 0.265),

SC ∝ {ci }; SC = (0.348, 0.166, 0.160, 0.16, 0.166),
SF/N ∝ {fi /ni }; SF/N = (0.4417, 0.1215, 0.2134, 0.2162, 0.007).

4 Experiments
4.1 Experiment Setup and Test Data

VeeRoute company5 kindly gave us dataset containing information on 8,000

orders for taxis to transfer people from airports or to airports in the United King-
dom in March 2015. We used airport names and addresses to obtain geographical
coordinates of the corresponding points using webservice mapquest6 . Then we
used the Mercator projection implementation library in library JMapProjLib7
to transform them to 2D coordinates on a plane. Thus, we transformed the
datasets into the dataset of two sets of points. Then we generated small datasets
containing 50 random addresses as source and an airport as destination.
Each algorithm was run 10 times on 5 different subsets. Each experiment
was held 10 times. We estimate optimization ratio (OR), which represents, how
much we have decreased the length of the route in comparison with the original
d0 − d1
OR = ,
where d0 is the length of the initial solution, and d1 is the achieved length. We
tested algorithms on g = 12 · N 2 generations.

4.2 Strategies Comparison

We compared all the strategies presented in the previous Section, for each of
genetic scheme presented in Sect. 2. Results are presented in Table 1.
As we can see, 1+1 genetic scheme outperforms all the other genetic schemes
in general. Strategies of the second type outperform corresponding strategies of
Genetic Search of Pickup and Delivery Problem Solutions 353

Table 1. Comparison of stretagies in OR.

Strategy 1+1 1,N 1+N,BM K+KN

SL20 0.637 0.636 0.639 0.642 0.638
SDB 0.410 0.406 0.437 0.416 0.391
SCE 0.537 0.538 0.354 0.527 0.543
SPE 0.576 0.572 0.397 0.573 0.580
SRB 0.676 0.677 0.670 0.667 0.641
Smix 0.729 0.726 0.695 0.715 0.700
Smix−CE 0.716 0.704 0.703 0.708 0.693
SL20+DB 0.647 0.639 0.655 0.633 0.606
SL20+PE 0.679 0.683 0.622 0.674 0.686
SL20+RB 0.702 0.698 0.701 0.697 0.674
SL20+mix 0.722 0.717 0.726 0.704 0.702
SN 0.736 0.705 0.631 0.709 0.679
SF 0.726 0.716 0.712 0.717 0.701
SC 0.733 0.717 0.696 0.731 0.704
SF/N 0.736 0.710 0.648 0.710 0.678

the first type, with the only exception for the mixed strategy. However, statistic
strategies show the best performance. Usage of small-moves complexity leads
to the two best results. It can be simply explained by the fact that implying
a small move (RB) consumes time N greater than any other small move, thus,
applying such a normalization makes the mixed strategy more fair. However, it
has no such a big improvement in other genetic schemes. When a more complex
scheme is used, this difference becomes not so important. In these cases, statistic
considerations have a higher impact. As we can see, for the most of other schemes,
SF , SC are the best, due to the breed is bigger than one, and then unsuccessful
application of RB will not be so crustal for reaching the optima.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we have suggested a novel solution for self-driving car routing,
which is based on applying strategies: small-moves with assigned probabilities,
which changes a found solution. We have suggested and analyzed several strate-
gies with several genetic schemes for generating them.
We have shown that small-moves ensembling is a very profitable step for
results improvement. Also we have shown that the strategies that are based on
the previous experience are very powerful. Another strong improvement was to
connect probabilities of applying a small move with its computational complexity
(time consumed).
We see several directions for future work. First, it may be useful to apply rein-
forcement learning in order to choose, which small move to apply next. Second,
we plan to use meta-learning to predict the initial strategy and genetic algorithm
scheme. Finally, it seems to be useful to choose the size of breed dynamically
354 V. Shalamov et al.

on each step (decreasing it), since strategies with big breed where good in the
beginning of the breed.

Acknowledgements. Authors would like to thank Daniil Chivilikhin for useful com-
ments. This work was financially supported by the Government of the Russian Feder-
ation, Grant 074-U01.

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Agents-Robotics-Control (AROC)
The Role of Emotions, Mood, Personality
and Contagion in Multi-agent System
Decision Making

Ilias Sakellariou1(B) , Petros Kefalas2 , Suzie Savvidou2 ,

Ioanna Stamatopoulou2 , and Marina Ntika3
University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
The University of Sheffield International Faculty,
CITY College, Thessaloniki, Greece
South-East European Research Centre, Thessaloniki, Greece

Abstract. Emotions have attracted much interest in the Multi Agent

Systems community, mainly due to their significance in creating simula-
tions that more accurately predict crowd behaviours. Undoubtedly, infu-
sion of agents with artificial emotions has to be supported by current psy-
chology theories. The present work describes a formal model of artificial
emotions based on the dimensionality theory, together with simulation
results of an initial experimental evaluation. The model includes interest-
ing aspects of emotions, such as emotion changes due to perception, long
term affects due to mood, and emotion contagion due to social interactions.

Keywords: Emotional agents · Formal modelling and simulation ·

Crowd behaviour · El Farol problem

1 Introduction

It is widely accepted that emotions can change crowd behaviour and thus, in
order to simulate the latter, one has to simulate the behaviour of each individual
agent by taking into account artificial emotional states. Modelling of artificial
emotions in multi-agent systems (MAS) is challenging by itself, let alone the
fact that emotions are affected by a number of other features, such as mood,
appraisal, personality, emotion contagion, etc. All these features convert a MAS
rational behaviour to an emotional one with observed differences.
The aim of this paper is to present a complete formal model of agents infused
with artificial emotions based on the dimensional theory as well as to demon-
strate in practice that the model can result into different crowd behaviours.
The main contribution is a new formal model for emotions that includes the
interaction of emotions, perception, mood, personality and emotion contagion.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 359–370, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 31
360 I. Sakellariou et al.

This work is an extension of that reported in [12], which did not include an
emotions contagion mechanism and effects of personality traits.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Sect. 2 presents a theory of
emotions and its relation to moods, personality and contagion as described in
Psychology. In Sect. 3, we discuss how artificial emotions can be formally rep-
resented in an agent. Section 4 discusses how emotions change over time. The
role of emotions is demonstrated through a simulation of a well-known problem
in game theory in Sect. 5. Related work is discussed in Sect. 6. Finally, Sect. 7
concludes the paper and suggests directions for future work.

2 Emotion Theories
2.1 Emotions, Moods, Personality Traits and Contagion
Although every human interaction involves emotion, psychologists have used
several different definitions for emotions [3]. Some focus on its components,
while others on its expressive reactions or functions. For the purposes of the
present work, we adopt the definition suggested by [8]: emotions are “passions—
as defined as event-instigated or object-instigated states of action readiness with
control precedence”. These emotional states reflect an agent’s readiness to take
a particular decision in order to maintain or change the way they relate to the
world. Some states may appear as activation states, such as staying apathetic,
with the only aim to relate or not to relate. Others involve action tendencies,
and are about approaching or moving away from a person, situation or event [8].
Mood is mistaken for an emotion but it is in fact different. Although both are
classified as two different categories of affect, the main feature that distinguishes
mood from emotion is that mood is long-lasting and not about something or
someone. The cause of the mood is not always easy to identify.
Mood affects and is affected by personality traits. Traditional views of per-
sonality define it in two alternative ways: (a) internal factors explaining agents’
constant behaviors, which are determined by a genetic basis, and (b) interper-
sonal factors that agents develop to relate to the world [9]. The traditional con-
cept of personality has now been replaced by “personality traits”—the idea that
someone’s character consists of several dimensions that can be better understood
not as a whole, but as separate characteristics, all of which constitute what we
call personality. A trait (primarily neuroticism and extraversion) can determine
the way an individual will emotionally react to particular circumstances.
Emotion can be contagious. Agents tend to mimic others by watching their
facial, vocal or bodily expressions and this process is influenced by a number
of psychophysiological, behavioural, cognitive and emotional factors. Emotional
contagion depends, among others, on perception of emotion in others [5] and
how this perception leads to imitating their expression. As perception depends
on personality, mood and emotion, emotional contagion can be defined as the
result of the relationship between particular personality traits, the mood they
can cause on a constant basis and the intensity of emotion that they can trigger,
depending on the intensity of the stimulus.
Emotions, Mood, Personality and Contagion in MAS Decision Making 361

2.2 Measuring Emotions

Emotion has only recently attracted the scientific interest it deserves due to
absence of reliable measurement. The dimensional approach of emotions is of
interest and is widely used for measuring emotion, due to its simplicity in depict-
ing complex emotional situations as well as the economy goals attained by using
it [22]. Its two dimensions can capture the flow of an emotional episode in real
time. The dimensional approach is based on the idea that emotion can be rep-
resented and measured by two dimensions in a circumplex [18] (Fig. 1a):

– valence (or positivity), which represents how pleasurable it is for an individual

to experience this state;
– arousal (or activation), which represents how likely an agent is to take some
action due to its particular state.

These two dimensions are the “property of affect” representing the “core affect”
[19], which is the heart of every emotional experience. It can be described as
“feeling good” or “feeling bad”, “elevated” or “discouraged”. Core affect can be
either free floating or can be triggered by some stimulus and begin an emotional
episode. Core affect is closely linked to emotion: feeling happy leads to perceiv-
ing objects in a congruent way and overestimating their pleasantness as more
pleasant than real. The more positive the core affect is, the more pleasant the
stimuli are going to be perceived and vice versa.

Fig. 1. (a) The circumplex of the dimensional theory of emotions with example emo-
tions located in the two dimensions: arousal and valence. (b) Emotions as vectors or
coordinates within the circumplex.

The circumplex is intended for measuring the dominant emotions and not all
emotions experienced concurrently. Despite criticism, all opinions converge to
the fact that this model is practical and easy to use as well as capable of captur-
ing every day natural emotion. It is also suitable for measuring both object-less
(i.e. mood or core affect) emotions as well as object-directed (primitives or basic
362 I. Sakellariou et al.

emotions) states. Ideas about the connection between emotion, mood and par-
ticular personality traits have reached a point of convergence, relating all three
components to the dimensional approach since emotion can be influenced by
mood, mood can be influenced by and can also influence personality traits and
personality traits are characterised by arousal and valence.

3 A Formal Representation of Dimensional Theory

Emotions. Emotions define what we will call the emotional states of an agent
Q. Within the circumplex, specific emotions are characterised by areas (Fig. 1a)
with fuzzy limits. However, in a computational framework specific emotions are
areas of points within the circumplex. A point can be formally defined with two
equivalent representations (Fig. 1b):

– as a vector −

e , where −→
e = (ω̂, | −

e |), i.e. the angle and the magnitude of the
emotion vector within the circumplex (ω̂ ∈ [0, 360) ∧ | − →
e |∈ [0, 1]);
– as coordinates in the circumplex determined by the tuple (ve , a e ), where ve is
the valence and ae the arousal measures, with ve , ae ∈ [0, 1] ∧ ve2 + a2e ≤ 1.

Moods. Moods are considered as medium term emotions and are more long
lasting than emotions. Therefore, moods, denoted by M, can also be represented
in the same way as emotions, either as −

m = (ω̂, | −

m |) or as coordinates (vm , am )
within the circumplex, where the same domains and constraints in values apply.

Personality. It is most common that the personality trait is defined with

distinct values for the Big Five [4] basic factors that affect personality: P =
(Openness, Consciousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neurotism). For exam-
ple, a female person whose personality is characterised by empathy is defined as
P = (0.15, 0.01, 0.09, 0.24, 0.16) [6]. In our case, the value of P will be mapped
to a factor fp ∈ (0, 1] that will play an accelerating or decelerating role in the
emotion update process (Sect. 4).

Perception. Agents receive inputs Σ from the environment. These are

processed by the agent and become percepts that can trigger actions. In the
presence of emotions, the inputs are transformed to emotional percepts e Σ. More
precisely, an input revision function ρσ can be defined, which given an input in
Σ transforms it into an emotional percept taking into account the current emo-
tional state, the mood and the personality, that is, ρσ : Σ × e Q × P × M → e Σ.

Emotional Contagion. Emotion contagion is the impact that emotions of oth-

ers have on an agent’s emotion. By considering a small neighbourhood for each
agent (contagion occurs when agents are in proximity of influence distance dinf ),
the total emotional effect that the other n agents within this neighbourhood have
Emotions, Mood, Personality and Contagion in MAS Decision Making 363

on the former may be considered as one aggregate emotional percept (vcon , acon ).
We have previously reviewed and experimented with three emotional contagion
models [15]. In this work, we use the ASCRIBE model [10], where the emotional
effect of one agent to another generally depends on the expressiveness of the for-
mer, the openness of the latter, and the distance between the two. This model
fits naturally with our current work, since Openness and Expressiveness are two
of the Big Five [4] basic factors.

4 Emotional Change

Agent behaviour is characterised by the consumption of inputs Σ that according

to some state Q that the agent currently is and its internal representation of the
world W (depending on the agent type, e.g. BDI, reactive, etc.), acts in a specific
way in order to transform the environment with some output Γ , change its state
and revise its internal representation of the world. Actions α that a rational
agent does are formally defined as a function: α : Σ × Q × W → Γ × Q × W .
In an emotional agent, however, the above definition of actions can be revised
as: e α : ρσ (Σ ) × Q × W × e Q → Γ × Q × W × e Q with the triple (M, P, C)
determining how an emotional state e Q changes over time. This triple defines a
mood M, a personality trait P , and a contagion model C. In the e α signature,
ρσ is an input to perception mapping (Sect. 3). A formal state-based model for
emotional agents is analytically defined in [12].
The effect of change in emotions can be thought as the change of the emotion
vector −ec to an updated vector −
→ →ec  = (ve , ae ). This is depicted as a shift of the
emotions vector towards a direction influenced by mood, percepts, personality
and contagion (Fig. 2). The new values ve and ae are determined by functions
which will be explained in the following subsections.
Personality trait fp plays an important role in the emotion update process. A
higher value indicates a more “perceptive” agent, thus it determines how quickly
the emotion vector converges to an emotion percept or mood.

Change Due to Mood. As mentioned in Sect. 3, the current agent emotional

state is affected by the agent’s mood. Given the current emotion vector − →
ec =
(ve , ae ), the personality trait fp ∈ (0, 1] and the agent’s mood em = (vm , am ),
the updated emotion − →
ec  = (ve , ae ) is given by the following equation:
fp3 · Δvme fp3 · Δame
(ve , ae ) = ve + , ae + (1)
1 + e2·(Δvme ) 1 + e2·(Δame )
where Δvme = vm − ve and Δame = am − ae . The use of a logistic function,
allows for a shift of the current emotion vector closer to the mood vector, while
preserving the properties imposed by the circumplex, i.e. the magnitude of the
vector being less or equal to one. In the absence of stimuli, the agent emotion
vector will align with its mood vector after a number of iterations, depending on
its personality trait. Since mood has a long term effect on the current emotion,
364 I. Sakellariou et al.

Fig. 2. Change of the emotion vector wrt time: case concerns updates due to mood.

this alignment has to occur after a significant number of steps, determined by a

factor fp3 (recall that fp ∈ (0, 1]). Obviously, other parameters can be employed
in order to calibrate the model to specific modelling requirements.

Change Due to Percepts. Emotional agents receive percepts which can be

characterised as positive or negative in the sense that their emotion vector should
change towards positive or negative valance, high or low arousal. Each input is
associated with an emotional percept that affects the emotional state. Given an
emotional percept e−− → →

prc = (vprc , aprc ) and the current emotion ec = (ve , ae ) of

the agent, the updated emotion vector ec = (ve , ae ) is given by:
fp2 · Δv fp2 · Δa
(ve , ae ) = ve + , ae + (2)
1 + e−fp ·(Δv) 1 + e−fp ·(Δa)
where Δv = vprc − ve and Δa = aprc − ae . If the specific input persists in the
subsequent time points, then the emotion vector will eventually align with the
corresponding emotion percept vector. Note that emotion change in this case
depends on fp2 to reflect the fact that emotion change due to percepts has a
greater impact than that of mood.

Change Due to Contagion. Emotional contagion is a form of perception, since

agents perceive emotional stimuli that depend on the emotions of other agents
in their proximity (Sect. 3). Thus, each agent is considered to have an influence-
crowd (ICi ) that consists of all other agents in its sphere of influence, with the
latter having a radius of dinf , i.e. ICi = {Agentj : d(P osi , P osj ) ≤ dinf }.
The contagion model described below is inspired by the ASCRIBE model [10],
although simpler, and is adapted to the new vector representation of emotions.
Contagion strength wij determines the strength by which an agent j influences
agent i, obviously when j ∈ ICi . It depends on two factors: the expressiveness
Emotions, Mood, Personality and Contagion in MAS Decision Making 365

of agent j, exprj , a measure of how much the agent manifests its emotions, and
the channel (channelij ) that models spatial characteristics of contagion:

wij = exprj · channelij (3)

Channel strength models the fact that the closer agent j is to agent i the
larger the impact it has on its emotions:

d(P osi , P osj )

channelij = 1 − (4)
The overall contagion strength wi of agent i by all agents in its influence is:

wi = (exprj · channelij ) (5)

Each emotion contagion vector coordinate is defined as the sum of the cor-
responding emotion vector coordinates of the influence crowd by the agents’
normalised contagion strength:
(vcnt , acnt ) = (wij /wi ) · vj , (wij /wi ) · aj (6)
j∈ICi j∈ICi

The vector (vcnt , acnt ) forms a new kind of percept, and thus should be
treated in the same manner as other emotion percepts. However, its effect on
the current emotion depends on the openness (opni ) of the agent i, and not the
personality trait fp :
opn2i · Δvcnt opn2i · Δacnt
(ve , ae ) = ve + , ae + (7)
1 + e−opni ·(Δvcnt ) 1 + e−opni ·(Δacnt )
where Δvcnt = vcnt − ve and Δacnt = acnt − ae . The computation of emotion
change due to contagion, concludes the mathematical realization of the emotional
theory presented in Sect. 3.

5 Decision Making Based on Emotions and Contagion

In order to demonstrate how emotions can affect agent actions, we consider an

example scenario, the El Farol bar problem, in which agent behaviour will be
governed only by its emotions. This is an extreme case, however it serves as an
indicative example of the model’s behaviour. It should be noted that preliminary
results of the same simulation scenario were presented in [12], however a different
emotional perception model was used, and those experiments did not include
emotion contagion, which is one of the main contributions of this work.
The El Farol problem is a well known problem in game theory, introduced
originally by Arthur [1] as an example of how inductive reasoning, i.e. reasoning
based on patterns, can be applied in “ill-defined situations”. The problem con-
cerns how each individual from a population of N people will decide on visiting
366 I. Sakellariou et al.

the famous El Farol bar on a specific night, without knowing the intentions of
the rest of the population. The decision needs a prediction of the bar attendance
i.e. the number of people visiting the bar on that specific night. If bar attendance
is below a threshold θ (60 %) then people have a good time, i.e. the decision to
visit the bar pays off, otherwise the visitors would be better off staying at home.
The approach adopted here was to base the decision only on emotions. Thus,
agents decide to visit the bar when they “feel like it”, i.e. their valence and
arousal both have positive values (ve > 0 ∧ ae > 0). The idea is that the agents
must be both in a positive emotional state (valence) and be willing to take
action (arousal) in order to decide to attend. The tendency that agents have to
visit the bar (not modelled explicitly in the original problem) is modelled by
the agents’ mood: all agents are initially assigned a mood that lies well in the
positive valence, high arousal area of the circumplex:
→ = (ω̂ , | −

m → |) with ω̂ ∈ [5, 85) ∧ | −
m → |∈ (0.1, 1]
m (8)
i i i i i

The emotion stimuli that agents perceive depends on the current bar atten-
dance att. If the latter is below the threshold θ, agents do not receive any stim-
uli, since in this case their tendency to visit the bar (mood factor) is confirmed.
However, in the case that the bar is overcrowded, agents perceive a “negative”
emotion, i.e. an emotional percept of negative valence, low arousal, whose mag-
nitude depends on how crowded the bar is:
− 1 + abs(att − θ)
prc = ωprcˆ , ˆ ∈ (180, 270)
with ωprc (9)
In Eq. 9 the magnitude of the vector ranges between a value above 0.5, when
the attendance is just above the threshold θ, to an extreme case of 1, when
attendance is 100 % and the threshold 0 %. We have implemented the model in
NetLogo [24], a well established platform for agent modelling and simulation.
Agent behaviour was modelled using a formal X-Machine model, as in [12] and
the implementation was based on the TXStates DSL [20] that allows easily
encoding X-Machine agents.

5.1 Results and Discussion

In our experiments, attendance values are computed as the average of ten sim-
ulation runs with different initial conditions. Initial agent emotions are assigned
to random vectors, thus in the initial steps of all simulations agent emotions con-
verge to their mood, increasing steadily attendance, until the attendance thresh-
old is reached. Agent mood is assigned initially (Eq. 8) and remains constant
during experiments. The population was set to 100 persons and the attendance
threshold was 60 %. In the simulation we adopted a three-day period (simula-
tion week), i.e. agents get a chance to visit the bar every three days, in order to
allow mood and contagion effects to take place. Personality trait is drawn from
a normal distribution with a mean value of 0.5 and standard deviation of 0.1.
Emotions, Mood, Personality and Contagion in MAS Decision Making 367

The first set of experiments concerns simulations that do not involve conta-
gion. The average attendance value after convergence was 61.46 with a standard
deviation of 4.52, i.e. agents did manage to coordinate bar attendance success-
fully under the model. In Fig. 3 the line marked “No Contagion” depicts the
evolution over time of the average attendance in each simulation week.
The second set of experiments concerned agent behaviour under contagion.
Agents were divided into 10 clearly separable groups and had a specific influence
radius dinf . Clearly separable means that the groups had a distance between
them such that no agent from a group could have another agent from a different
group in its sphere of influence. Openness and expressiveness values were drawn
from a normal distribution with a mean of 0.2 and a standard deviation 0.05.
The average attendance value in this case was slightly greater, at 65.87 with a
standard deviation of 4.95. Line “Contagion” in Fig. 3 shows the experimental
results, as in the previous case.

Fig. 3. The average attendance with and without contagion.

These experiments indicate that the effects of contagion increase bar average
attendance and standard deviation. This is attributed to the fact that emotional
states of agents tend to align to the “collective” emotion of the group, i.e. the
society favours visiting the bar. This is demonstrated by the higher average line.
Probably what affects simulation results the most is the personality char-
acteristics of the crowd. In the third set of experiments, personality trait fp

Table 1. Average attendance wrt personality trait

fp Aver. Attendance (stdev) Aver. Attendance (stdev)

No Contagion Contagion
0.35 59.59 (3.14) 60.69 (2.82)
0.45 60.69 (4.56) 62.03 (4.08)
0.55 63.18 (5.97) 64.09 (5.56)
0.65 64.82 (6.53) 65.02 (5.61)
368 I. Sakellariou et al.

is constrained around different values and openness/expressiveness are drawn

from a normal distribution of 0.15 with a standard deviation of 0.05, lower than
that in the previous experiments. Table 1 depicts the average attendance over 10
simulation runs for different personality traits.
It is interesting to see that as the average personality trait is increasing, the
average attendance and the standard deviation increases as well. Apparently,
agents converge to their mood far more quickly leading to an increased average
attendance, and are more perceptible to emotion percepts, thus changing their
emotional state more rapidly leading to a higher standard deviation. Another
interesting observation is that in low personality trait crowds, contagion results
to a smaller standard deviation (albeit a constant higher average), possibly sig-
nifying that the crowd behaves in a more “coordinated” manner. However, in all
experiments agent behaviour does converge to a mean value: emotions acted as
a coordination mechanism for this simple society of agents.

6 Related Work

There are several attempts to model emotion in artificial agents. A number of

computational models, logically formalised as BDI agents, have been proposed in
[11,13,16]. Not surprisingly, the role of agent emotions and personality types has
been extensively studied in evacuation simulation scenarios [23,25]. Other works
involve using emotions to reduce agent communication in decision support sys-
tems [13], faster compromises in negotiation settings [21], and modelling of social
aspects of emotions and its interconnection with socials norms to improve con-
trollability in MAS [7]. Finally, emotions can be seen as a leverage to teamwork
and cooperation between agents [14]. Unlike any of the related approaches, we
attempt to formally model the dimensional theory of emotions including aspects
like mood, emotion preception and contagion and personality trait types.
The El Farol problem has been widely studied in the literature. In the original
work, attendees base their decision on past historical data of attendance and a set
of k different strategies [1]. The current strategy is selected dynamically and is
the one that is most accurate at the specific time point. This inductive approach
leads to a mean attendance around the threshold of 60 %, with bar attendance
values fluctuating around that threshold. An approach to model the problem
using cognitive agents with emotions was made in [2]. The work is based on the
Belief Desire Theory of Emotions (BDTE) [17] in which beliefs and desires are
annotated by a degree that is updated by two operations, the Belief-Belief and
the Belief-Desire comparators. The former acts as an updating mechanism of
beliefs based on new percepts, while the latter updates desires according to the
current newly acquired beliefs. These mechanisms act as “internal sensors” to the
body, affecting perception and monitoring desire fulfilment, thus model emotions.
In [2], DBTE agents model their desire to visit the bar, and update their belief,
according to a strategy based on bar attendance. Strategy selection is based on
their degree of belief in the adopted strategy. The main difference between our
approach and the DBTE theory, is that the latter attempts to explain emotion
Emotions, Mood, Personality and Contagion in MAS Decision Making 369

manifestations based on belief/desire updates, whereas we consider emotions and

mood as explicit parameters of the model that guide the reasoning process.

7 Conclusions and Further Work

Infusing agents with artificial emotions can be a valuable approach in order to
obtain more accurate simulations of real life situations, such as evacuations, and
various types of economic and social phenomena. The work described in this
paper, extends our previous work [12] and presents a formal model of artificial
emotions that is based on well established psychological theories (OCEAN and
Dimensionality Theory) and covers important functions related to emotions,
such as change to the emotional state due to percepts, the effect of mood as
a long term emotional state, and the effect of social aspects such as emotion
contagion. Through the El Farol example, we attempted to show the effects that
the different parameters of such an emotions model have on crowd behaviour.
There is a significant number of future extensions to the current work. One
of our first objectives is to experiment with different simulation scenarios that
involve the economic phenomena, since those have attracted much interest in
the recent years. For instance, it would be interesting to investigate the role
of authoritative figures, such as government officials, news agencies, etc. in the
creation or avoidance of phenomena such as bank runs. In a different direction
we aim to investigate how the emotions model presented can be integrated with
BDI agent architectures, leading to richer agent programming platforms.

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A Controller for Improving Lateral Stability
in a Dynamically Stable Gait

Zhenglong Sun(B) and Nico Roos

Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands

Abstract. In the previous work we presented a new gait for humanoid

robots, such as the Nao developed by Aldebaran. This new gait imple-
mented on a Nao, reduces the energy consumption by 41 %. Then main
feature of the new gait is the absence of an area of support. The foot can
rotate freely around the ankle joint. This feature makes the gait suited
for uneven terrains.
Stability is an important aspect of walking on uneven terrains, espe-
cially the lateral stability. During the single support phase of a step the
robot balances above the stance leg. If the robot steps on a bump or
in a hole, the lateral stability may be disrupted. This paper presents
a controller that guarantees the lateral stability in the present of such

1 Introduction
Bipedal walking for humanoid robots is one of the most interesting challenges in
robotics. In the papers [1–3], we have investigated the possibility of creating an
dynamically stable and energy efficient gait without an area of support. Here,
the absence of an area of support means the ankle joint can move freely while
the foot is on the ground. In the sagittal direction the robot’s Center of Mass
(CoM) is falling forward till the foot of the swing leg touches the ground. In the
lateral direction, the robot balances above the stance foot in the single support
phase, and falls towards the new stance foot in the double support phase. The
falling towards the new stance foot is stopped by putting a force on the new
stance leg. The resulting gait1 was subsequently evaluated on a real Nao robot.
The stability of the gait is validated on flat ground but not on uneven terrain
since there is no feedback on the controller, thus robot cannot adjust the gait
parameters to compensate for the uneven floor. In this paper, we improve the
gait’s lateral stability on uneven terrain by introducing such a controller.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In the next section,
we will give a brief overview of existing research about kinematics models for
A video of the new gait at:
attachment id=153.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 371–383, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 32
372 Z. Sun and N. Roos

humanoid robots, stability criteria and various approaches to obtain energy effi-
cient bipedal walking. Section 3 briefly describes the new gait that we developed
and presented in [1]. We used the Inverted Pendulum Model (IPM) to investi-
gate the energy consumption in the sagittal plane. Subsequently, we extended the
model to the lateral plane and describe a gait controller with multiple parame-
ters for a 3D full-body humanoid robot. The controller can achieve a stable gait
on a physical robot in the real world after we optimize the parameters through
an Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning (PGRL). Section 4 introduces our
work on the neural network controller to enhance the lateral stability. Section 5
concludes this paper. We provide a brief summary of the results and outline the
future research.

2 Related Work

2.1 Movement Models

Humanoid robots have complex bodies with irregular shape and mass distribu-
tion. Therefore, it is advantageous to obtain an elemental representation of the
robot’s dynamics. Ideal features of a model are simplicity, and both a concep-
tually and mathematically accurate representation of the dynamics of the real
system. The main approaches employed to model the kinematics of humanoid
robots are based on the Inverted Pendulum Model (IPM) [4] which involves a
simplification compared to the body of the robot. The IPM represents the whole
body of the robot as a point mass located at the center of mass (CoM) of the
actual robot. The point mass is linked to the base of the robot by a telescopic
massless leg. Restraining the movements of the CoM to a horizontal plane allows
to simplify the motion equation of the IPM. The resulting model is known as
the Linear Inverted Pendulum Model (LIPM) which [5] proposed to describe
humanoid robot locomotion. The LIPM provides an efficient means to represent
the kinematic behavior of the robot and it is therefore a popular tool to under-
stand and manipulate the balance of a humanoid robot. With the LIPM and
zero moment point (ZMP) stability criteria [6], institutes/companies have suc-
cessfully built biped robots that can walk with various gaits adapting to different
walking situations (e.g. [7–10]).

2.2 Energy Consumption

However, the movement model is not the only factor to be considered. The energy
consumption of a gait is an important issue. Various approaches have been pro-
posed to reduce the energy consumption of a gait. One of these approaches is
passive-dynamic walking where the robot’s dynamics are designed to enable a
robot to walk down slight slopes without control input, except for the gravi-
tational force. The paper of [11] explained this well. [12] believed that there
are three primary flaws of passive-dynamic walker: they can only walk down
A Controller for Improving Lateral Stability in a Dynamically Stable Gait 373

slopes, their gaits are restricted by their dynamics, and they are sensitive to per-
turbations. Realizing these limitations, researchers [13] have sought to improve
passive-dynamic walker by adding actuators.
A second approach to obtain energy efficient bipedal walking is the applica-
tion of mechanical compliance. In the work of [13] and [14], springs were added
across the hip, thigh, knee and ankle simultaneously. [15] exploited parallel knee
compliance on the robot ERNIE and discussed how soft/stiff springs affect the
energy efficiency at different walking speed. [16] described the implementation
of series-elastic actuation on Spring Flamingo (a MIT’s planar bipedal walking
robot) to enable the control of the ground reaction forces during walking.
A third approach to obtaining energetically-efficient bipedal walking is the
design of gaits that minimize the energetic cost of walking. The most common
means of design is to use parametric optimization to the parameters that specify
the gait of the robot. For example, [17] used parametric optimization to design
fourth degree polynomial functions that give the joint motions over a step as
functions of time. Unlike the previous example, in the work of [18] cubic splines
connected at points uniformly distributed along the motion time are used to
generate complete optimal steps, including a double-support phase.
Parametric optimization methods are also implemented to optimize the walk-
ing generator on humanoid Nao robots. In the work of [19], the proposed method
models the omni-directional motion as the combination of a set of periodic sig-
nals. The parameters controlling the characteristics of the signals are encoded
into genes and evolutionary strategies is used to learn an optimal set of parame-
ters. Nao humanoid robots are used as the test platform. [20] augmented the 3D
inverted pendulum with a spring model and use policy search to optimize the
parameters of the walking engines on Nao robots. [21] introduced a two-stage
learning algorithm for Central Pattern Generator (CPG) of Nao robot’s bipedal

3 Our New Gait

This section briefly describes our new gait presented in [1–3]. We first analyzed
the gait without an area of support using an IPM with telescopic legs. Then we
designed a controller which implements the gait on a real Nao robot.

3.1 Kinematics Model in Sagittal Direction

The IPM with telescopic legs allows the length of the virtual support leg to
vary during a step. We proposed the leg-length policy δ : [− π2 , π2 ] → [0, 1] that
determines how much the virtual support leg will be shortened as function of
the angle between stance leg with vertical axis. The shortening of the stance leg
is realized by bending the knee joint, see the right side of Fig. 1.
To identify the leg-length policy that minimizes the energy consumption of
a robot, we make use of the fact that the robot has to bend the knee in order
to shorten the leg. The knee torque is the main factor determining the energy
374 Z. Sun and N. Roos

Fig. 1. The abstract Inverted Pendulum Fig. 2. The CoM lateral movement
Model during double support phase.

consumption [1]. Figure 3 shows the optimal leg-length policy δ(α) as a function
of the angle α from the beginning till the end of the step that we identified and
Fig. 4 shows the realization using the 5-link model. The detailed information can
be found in our previous publication [1].
Since we assumed the absence of an area of support and to further reduce
the total energy cost, we set the stiffness on both ankle joints to almost zero.
Thus, the stance leg of the robot can freely rotate around ankle joints, and the
area of support reduces to a point.

Fig. 3. The optimal leg-length Fig. 4. Kinematic of sagittal motion


3.2 Kinematics Model in Lateral Direction

For a simple forward step, it is insufficient to only consider 2D dynamics in
sagittal direction. To address the lateral stability, we designed a lateral controller
A Controller for Improving Lateral Stability in a Dynamically Stable Gait 375

to regulate the CoM lateral movement during double support phase which is
proposed in [3]. We use the upper body tilt to initiate the lateral movement of
the CoM towards the swing foot. Next, we use a force generated by the swing
leg to stop the movement when CoM is balanced above the swing foot, which
then becomes the new stance foot. The force generated by the swing leg is
described by a force policy. In order to smooth the CoM transition trajectory,
we determines the shape of the force policy by means of Quadratic Bezier curve
which introduces the quadratic bezier point θ7 , one of the controller parameters
in next subsection.

3.3 Controller Design

We designed a controller which implements this gait on a Nao robot. Because

of the differences between the abstract model and the Nao, several parameters
of the controller need to be fine-tuned. This subsection presents the parameters
of a gait controller that realizes the leg-length policy described in Sect. 3.1 and
the parameters that control the lateral movement of the CoM in the DPS. We
identified 9 parameters that are essential in controlling a dynamic gait:

– Step Length (θ1 ): Defines the distance which Nao moves in a singe step
– Step Height (θ2 ): Defines the maximal altitude between ground and lifting feet.
A high step height requires swing leg’ faster move and may cause horizontal
instability. A low step height increases the possibility of tripping and limits
the step length.
– Knee Bending (θ3 ): Defines the maximal bending of the swing leg at the
beginning of the double support phase which determines the value of δ(αb ),
see Fig. 3. This parameter determines the sagittal velocity and the energy cost.
– Step Time (θ4 ): Defines how long a single step lasts. This parameter deter-
mines the sagittal walking velocity.
– Stretch Time (θ5 ): Defines how long it takes for the stance leg to stretch from
θ3 (angle of bent knee) to its full length at the beginning of the single support
phase, see Fig. 3.
– Torso Pitch Inclination (θ6 ): Defines the maximum angle that torso leans in
sagittal direction at the beginning of the first step. If positive, it will move the
center of mass (CoM) in sagittal direction. If it is set not appropriate, a fall
will occur. In our experiments, the inclination lasts for 200 ms.
– Quadratic Bezier point (θ7 ): Defines the magnitude of middle points in
Quadratic Bezier Curves, which determines the force policy on swing leg
(introduced in Sect. 3).
– Torso Roll Inclination (θ8 ): Defines the maximum angle that torso leans in
lateral direction. If positive, it will move the center of mass (CoM) towards
the swing leg in lateral plane as discussed in Sect. 3.
– Ratio of single support duration (θ9 ): Defines how long the single support
phase lasts in one single step. The single support phase duration equals this
parameter times step time θ4 .
376 Z. Sun and N. Roos

All parameters except θ1 (the step length) will be optimized in the experi-
ments. We do not consider the step length for optimization because we need step
length to be variable when the velocity is changing. We manually set different
walking velocity v in each experiment and determined the optimal Step Time
θ4 . The corresponding step length is given by: θ1 = vθ4 .

Algorithm for Learning Controller Parameters. We use a policy gradient

reinforcement learning method [22] to automatically search the set of possible
parameters with the goal of finding the stable and low energy cost walk. In order
to generate a gait that is energy efficient and stable, we considered a fitness
function based on the total energy cost and the stability over a certain distance
of forward walk. The energy cost determines 30 % of the fitness function value
and the distance which the robot walks without falling determines 70 % of the
fitness function value [1].

Learning Optimal Parameters in the Simulator. To generate the optimal

gait parameters and validate the gait’s performance, we uploaded the controller
of our proposed gait together with an implementation of the policy gradient
algorithm into the Webots simulator. We used a relatively elementary hand-
tune gait as a starting policy for the policy gradient algorithm. Each new policy
was evaluated by letting a robot walk at a constant distance of 0.75 m. During
the walking, the energy consumption and stability were determined. The policy
gradient algorithm converges to a parameters set P shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Learned parameters set P

Parameter  Learned Value

Step length 0.1 3.9 (cm)
Step height 0.02 3.24 (cm)
Knee bending 0.1 14.2 (degree)
Step time 25 650 (ms)
Stretch time 25 78 (ms)
Torso pitch inclination 0.1 8.9 (degree)
Torso roll inclination 0.1 6.5 (degree)
Quadratic Bezier point 0.1 (0.9*DSP time, 0.2)
Ratio 0.1 0.8
Velocity 6 (cm/s)

The algorithm presented here converges to a local optimum. In order to inves-

tigate whether the results could be a global optimum, we repeated the learning
experiment 500 times, each time starting from a randomly generated parameter
vector xπ with the same velocity. The results of the experiments indicate that
A Controller for Improving Lateral Stability in a Dynamically Stable Gait 377

the local optimum we have in Table 1 is probably the global optimum. Therefore,
the parameters set P most likely results in the most energy efficient gait.
The accompanying video material2 shows the Nao robot walking on flat
ground with our proposed gait controller at a speed of 6 cm/s. We also com-
pare the new gait with the standard gait Aldebaran supplies with the Nao. The
energy consumption of new gait is 41 % less than the Aldebaran gait.

4 Walking on Uneven Floor

The gait without support areas we proposed is validated as a dynamically sta-
ble gait on flat ground. However, the controller cannot compensate for external
disturbances. This means any disturbance such as a push or stepping on uneven
terrain may jeopardize its balance, because the ankle stiffness is set to almost
zero. To enhance the walking stability, the gait should adapt to unknown distur-
bances. For example, if the robot is standing on a slope or stepping on a bump
in the floor, the feet are not on the same altitude in the lateral plane, this may
cause the CoM undershoot/overshoot the balance position when switching the
stance leg. In order to make the problem tractable, simplifying assumptions are
made. Since bipedal robot’s stepping on the uneven terrain makes the altitude
of robot’s two foot different, the robot’s walking on uneven floor can be viewed
as walking on the slope in the lateral direction. The gait controller should adapt
the gait parameters to compensate for the slope in the lateral direction.

Fig. 5. Backpropagation neural network Fig. 6. Experiment scenario: the nao

robot stands on slope in angle p

2 id=153.
378 Z. Sun and N. Roos

4.1 Controller Design

As a first step in designing a controller that can handle disturbances influencing

the lateral stability, we determined the optimal control parameters θ2 to θ9 when
walking on a certain slope in the lateral direction. Since the left and right foot
are at different height, the control parameters for the left and right leg might be
different. Therefore, θ3 to θ9 are split into parameters for the left leg θiL and the
right leg θiR . Next we addressed how to adapt the control parameters.
The robot does not know that it walks on a slope or about other disturbances.
The only information it has available is (1) the angular speed β̇ of the rotation of
the CoM around the ankle of the stance leg. (2) the lateral acceleration measured
by the Inertia Measurement Unit (IMU). This value approximates the angular
acceleration β̈. (3) the angle β  of the CoM w.r.t the swing foot. Figure 2 shows
the three parameters (β  ,β̇,β̈). We chose to use these three parameters as inputs
for the controller that can adapt the gait parameters.
We designed a series of experiment in the simulator Webots to obtain the
optimal control parameters and input vector (β  ,β̇,β̈) corresponding to certain
slopes. In the experiments, the same policy reinforcement learning method in
Subsect. 3.3 is used to find the proper control parameters that can generate the
stable walking gait under different slopes. The experiments require the robot
stands on various slopes where tilt angles varies from 0.00 to 0.139 (rad) in
robot’s lateral plane (see Fig. 6). We kept the robot walking on the slope and
ran the policy search method to get the corresponding controller parameters
which ensure robot’s stability. Each new policy was evaluated by letting a Nao
robot move for 5 seconds. The fitness function of each policy will get high score if
the robot keeps stable. Otherwise, the function gets a penalized score. After the
result of policy search converged while the robot’s movement become stable, the
control parameters are recorded. Table 2 shows the results fo those experiments.
Next, from the beginning of DPS to its end, we sampled the data from IMU and
joint sensors every 10 ms in order to determine (β  , β̇, β̈) values during the DSP
for each lateral slope.
A controller that uses (β  , β̇, β̈) as inputs cannot adapt θ7 . At the end of
the DSP, (β  , β̇, β̈) must become equal to (0, 0, 0) for every θ7 value. So, in
the neighborhood of (0, 0, 0) the correct θ7 value is not well defined. Therefore,
instead of θ7 , the stiffness determined by θ7 will be used instead. The stiffness
values are determined by sampling the the Bezier curve determined by θ7 for
different β  values, see Fig. 7.
From Table 2, we know that the parameters θ3 , θ5 and θ8 are also influenced
by the slope angle. The parameter θ3 solely depends on the relative elevation
between stance and swing leg, and its value can be determined at end of the
DSP where β  should become zero. Since θ3 encodes the information about the
slope angle, its value can be used to set the values of the other two parameters:
θ5 and θ8 .
A Controller for Improving Lateral Stability in a Dynamically Stable Gait 379

Table 2. Learned control parameters adaptive to different slop angles

p (slop angle) θ3L θ4L (ms) θ5L (ms) θ6L θ8L θ9L θ7L
0◦ 14.2◦ 650 78 8.9◦ 6.5◦ 0.8 (0.90,0.20)
◦ ◦
3 14.5 650 75 8.9◦ 5.5◦ 0.8 (0.86 0.16)
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
5 15.3 650 76 8.9 3.5 0.8 (0.84 0.14)
8◦ 15.8◦ 650 74 8.9◦ 2.0◦ 0.8 (0.80 0.12)
10◦ 16.4◦ 650 75 8.9◦ 0.5◦ 0.8 (0.78 0.12)
p (slop angle) θ3R θ4R (ms) θ5R (ms) θ6R θ8R θ9R θ7R
0◦ 14.2◦ 650 78 8.9◦ 6.5◦ 0.8 (0.90,0.20)
◦ ◦
3 13.5 650 74 8.9◦ 6.5◦ 0.8 (0.90 0.22)
5◦ 11.7◦ 650 70 8.9◦ 7.5◦ 0.8 (0.91 0.26)
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
8 9.6 650 68 8.9 8.5 0.8 (0.92 0.28)
10◦ 8.2◦ 650 65 8.9◦ 9.5◦ 0.8 (0.94 0.29)

Fig. 7. Sampled stiffness over angle β 

4.2 Controller Implementation and Evaluation

We implemented two neural networks to control and improve the robot’s lateral
stability by adjusting the controller parameters adaptive to unknown slope. The
backpropagation method has been applied for training multi-layer feedforward
networks, see Fig. 5. With the trained network, we designed a simple neural net-
work controller to maintain robot’s walking stability on uneven terrain in the
lateral direction. Figure 8 depicts the general architecture of the lateral stabil-
ity controller that was implemented in this paper. When the robots walking on
uneven floor and a new DSP begins, with the data retrieved from joint sensors (β
and β̇) and IMU (β̈), the first neural network takes these three variables as the
input vector and outputs the new stiffness values for swing leg during the DSP.
380 Z. Sun and N. Roos

Fig. 8. Architecture for the identification process of the lateral controller parameters
in double support phase

The second network uses as input the value of θ3 at the end of the DSP and out-
puts the values of θ5 and θ8 , which are used by the gait controller. Together with
other fixed parameters, the gait controller generates updated joints command,
to compensate for the uneven terrain. Figure 9 shows the roll angles trajectories
of left/right legs when robot is walking on slope in 0.00 rad, 0.07 rad (≈ 4◦ )
and 0.12 rad (≈ 7◦ ). From this figure, we can see that right foot is higher than
the left one when the slope exists which makes the joints on right leg rotate in
less angles to let CoM approach its balance point. Moreover, under the different

Fig. 9. The roll angle of both legs under different slope in 0◦ , 4◦ , 7◦ .

A Controller for Improving Lateral Stability in a Dynamically Stable Gait 381

slopes, the time for one step does not change which means our proposed gait
can make a stable walk on different slopes without the loss of walking velocity.
The accompanying video material3 shows the Nao robot walking on uneven ter-
rain with our proposed gait controller in the simulator Webots which proves our
controller can handle the altitude difference of foot placement and adjust the
control parameters to maintain balance.

5 Conclusion
In previous work we have presented a new gait for humanoid robots. An imple-
mentation of the gait on a Nao robot reduces the energy consumption with 41 %
compared to the standard gait of the Nao. An important feature of new the gait
is that it does not use an area of support. That is, the robot can rotate freely
around the ankle joint while walking. This makes the new gait suited for uneven
terrains because the feet can adapt to the slope of the terrain.
The absence of an area of support implies that, in principle, the robot is
unstable. In the sagittal plane, the robot falls forwards in each step, and in
the lateral plane, the robot balances above the stance foot in the single support
phase and falls towards the swing foot in the double support phase. Nevertheless,
experiment with a Nao robot on an almost flat floor consisting of wooden planks
showed that the gait is stable.
In this paper, we investigate how we can improve the lateral stability of the
gait when walking on an uneven terrain. The most important aspect of walking
on an uneven terrain is the lateral stability. Since the robot balances above the
stance leg in the single support phase while it can turn freely around the ankle
joint, a bump or a hole in the walking surface may disrupt the lateral stability.
Therefore, during the double support phase the robot may over- or undershoot
its stable end point, namely, balancing stable above the new stance foot. The
paper presents a feedback controller based on a feedforward neural network, that
adapts the gait parameters in order ensure the lateral stability while walking on
an uneven terrain.
The feedback controller for the lateral stability also enables the robot to
handle, to some degree, slopes in the sagittal plane. In future work, we will
extend the feedback controller to specifically address the effects of walking uphill
or downhill.

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Scaled Conjugate Gradient Based Adaptive
ANN Control for SVM-DTC Induction
Motor Drive

Lochan Babani(B) , Sadhana Jadhav, and Bhalchandra Chaudhari

College of Engineering, Pune, India, {svj.elec,bnc.elec}

Abstract. In this work, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is devel-

oped to improve the performance of Space Vector Modulation (SVM)
based Direct Torque Controlled (DTC) Induction Motor (IM) drive.
The ANN control algorithm based on Scaled Conjugate Gradient (SCG)
method is developed. The algorithm is tested on MATLAB Simulink
platform. Results show smooth steady state operation as well as fast
and dynamic transient performance. This is due to the SCG training
algorithm of ANN which has the benchmarked performance against the
standard Back-propagation (BP) algorithm. BP uses gradient descent
optimization theory which has user selected parameters; learning rate
and momentum constant. The network is trained offline and has fixed
parameters. This leads to extra control effort and demands for online
tuning of the parameters. SCG algorithm tunes these parameters with
the use of second order approximation. Additionally, it takes less learning
iterations and hence results in faster learning. Robustness to parameter
variations and disturbances is the basic advantage of ANN, thus effec-
tively controlling inherently non linear IM.

1 Introduction

The Direct Torque Control (DTC) [1] and Space Vector Modulated-Direct
Torque Control (SVM-DTC) [2,3] are the latest research technologies for the
VSI fed cage IMs. Both, being the special cases of vector control, have the
fast and dynamic transient responses. The former has PWM-free operation and
involves no coordinate transformation but 20–30 % steady state torque ripple;
whereas the later has SVM based PWM, with coordinate transformation but
less torque ripple upto 5–7 %. The research in SVM-DTC controlled IM drives
is further advanced with respect to -

– Sensorless operation [4].

– Generation of reference stator voltage control vectors [5].
– Stator resistance compensation at low speeds [6].

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 384–395, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 33
Scaled Conjugate Gradient Based Adaptive ANN Control 385

Modern control techniques like Sliding Mode Control (SMC) and intelligent
control [7,8] are used to address the three issues mentioned above. Performances
of various methods are compared [9] for control vector generation.
Out of the methods reported, PI has known demerits. An approach proposed
in [10] gives excellent torque response and also very low torque distortions in
static state, but has complex fuzzy structure. The chattering behavior of SVM
can be eliminated by using ANN [11]. Apart from variety of techniques in DTC,
SVM-DTC techniques based on neuro-fuzzy logic are also discussed and com-
pared with the conventional motor control schemes [12]. Intelligent control has
benefits of model-free control and hence it is robust [13]. With these advance-
ments in intelligent control techniques, ANN is not restricted to be used as sep-
arate controller. Rather, it can be combined with other techniques to enhance
the performance of the drive as in [14], where Field Oriented Control (FOC) and
DTC [15] are combined to make a hybrid network and both the schemes FOC
and DTC are mapped using two different ANNs. In [16], ANN is reported in con-
trol voltage vector loop. It can be seen that the ripple in torque with ANN-DTC
control is very less as compared to conventional DTC at the same operating
conditions [17]. In case of ANN based control, Resilient Backpropogation (RBP)
and Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) [18] algorithms are very popular.
This paper presents another approach for training the ANN for the Space
Vector Modulated- Direct Torque Control (SVM-DTC) based induction motor
drive. The training algorithm used is Scaled Conjugate Gradient (SCG). The
basic idea in this algorithm is to combine the model-trust region approach (used
in the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm), with the conjugate gradient approach
[19] (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. ANN based SVM-DTC Scheme

386 L. Babani et al.

2 Artificial Neural Network

Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have capability of recognizing the non-linear
functions of their inputs. They can represent a non-linear system to the nearest
possible approximation. Hence, in non-linear systems, which are difficult to con-
trol, the performance of conventional PI controller, in conditions like change in
loads, disturbance and uncertainties can be improved by ANN [13].
Basically, it consist of neurons to represent inputs and outputs variables as
well as intermediate layers which are interconnected via weights. The perfor-
mance of ANNs depend upon the type of algorithm used, the number of neurons
in the hidden layer, learning rate and the type of member function implied.
Various performance determining factors of ANNs are:

– Mean Square Error (MSE)

– Number of epochs
– Training Time
– Validation checks
– Gradient

2.1 Resilient Backpropagation (RBP) Algorithm

Resilient Backpropagation (RBP) is most suitable for pattern recognition prob-

lems. It utilizes the sign of derivative for the direction of weight update; that
is, the magnitude of the derivative does not affect the weight-updating process.
This eliminates the harmful effects of the magnitude of derivatives.
It generally converges much faster than other algorithms. In MATLAB,
‘trainrp’ function is used to train network by RBP algorithm.
The use of constant step size and involvement of a momentum term makes
RBP less robust and more parameter dependent.

2.2 Scaled Conjugate Gradient (SCG) Algorithm

The scaled conjugate gradient (SCG) algorithm, developed by Moller [Moll93], is

based on conjugate directions, but this algorithm does not perform a line search
at each iteration unlike other conjugate gradient algorithms which require a line
search at each iteration making the system computationally expensive. SCG was
designed to avoid the time-consuming line search.
‘trainscg’ in MATLAB is a network training function that updates weight and
bias values according to the scaled conjugate gradient method. It can train any
network as long as its weight, net input, and transfer functions have derivative
functions. In SCG algorithm, the step size is a function of quadratic approxima-
tion of the error function which makes it more robust and independent of user
defined parameters.
The step size is estimating using different approach. The second order term
is calculated as,
Scaled Conjugate Gradient Based Adaptive ANN Control 387

E  (w¯k + σk p¯k ) − E  (w¯k )

s¯k = + λk p¯k (1)
where, λk is a scalar and is adjusted each time according to the sign of δk .
The step size,
μk −p¯j T Eqw
(ȳ1 )
αk = = T 
δk p¯j E (w̄)p̄j
where, w̄ is weight vector in space Rn ,
E(w̄) is the global error function,
E  (w̄) is the gradient of error,

Eqw (y¯1 ) is the quadratic approximation of error function,
p̄1 , p̄2 ....p̄k be the set of non-zero weight vectors.
λk is to be updated such that,
λ¯k = 2(λk − ¯ 2 ) (3)
|pk |
If Δk > 0.75, then λk = λk /4
If Δk < 0.25, then λk = λk + δk (1−Δ
¯ |2
where, Δk is comparison parameter and is given by,
Δk = 2δk [E(w¯k ) − E(w¯k + αk p¯k )]/μ2k (4)
Initially the values are set as, 0 < σ ≤ 10−4 , 0 < λl ≤ 10−6 and λ̄l = 0.
Training stops when any of these conditions occurs:
– The maximum number of epochs is reached.
– The maximum amount of time is exceeded.
– Performance is minimized to the goal.
– The performance gradient falls below min-grad.
– Validation performance has increased more than max-fail times since the last
time it decreased (when using validation)[20].

3 Simulation Results
A three phase induction motor with frequency = 50 Hz and power rating 3.5 kW
is used. The various machine parameters are given as,
Stator resistance (rs) = 7.83 Ω
Rotor resistance (rr) = 7.55 Ω
Stator inductance (Ls) = 0.4751 H
Rotor inductance (Lr) = 0.4751 H
Mutual inductance (Lm) = 0.4535 H
No. of Poles (P) = 4
Inertia (J) = 0.013 kg-m2
Torque of 12 Nm is applied at 0.5 s. A comparison has been done between the
two algorithms Resilient Backpropogation (RBP) and Scaled Conjugate Gradi-
ent (SCG) method.
388 L. Babani et al.

(a) RBP (b) SCG

Fig. 2. Performance Plot for the two algorithms

SCG has been tried for various cases. Each time the conditions were varied
and results are verified (Table 1).
– Case I The reference speed is kept to be zero.
– Case II A sinusoidal disturbance of amplitude 0.001 and high frequency is
added in the torque and flux errors.
– Case III The stator resistance is increased to 150 % .
– Case IV The reference speed is kept to be 100 rad/s.
– Case V Speed is constant and torque is changed to zero at 0.7 s.
– Case VI Torque is constant and speed is changed from 100 rad/s to 50 rad/s
at 0.8 s.
Results have been shown as a comparison between the two.



Torque in Nm




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 3. Full load torque condition for Case I

Scaled Conjugate Gradient Based Adaptive ANN Control 389

Speed in rad/sec





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 4. Speed for the conditions referred in Case I


Current in Amp



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 5. Stator input current for both algorithms in Case I

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

−0.5 −0.5

−1 −1

−1.5 −1.5
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

(a) RBP (b) SCG

Fig. 6. Flux Circle for the two algorithms

Table 1. Comparison of the two algorithms in Case I

Parameter RBP SCG

Settling time 0.0357 s 0.0016 s
Full load steady state speed error 1–2 rpm 1–2 rpm
Full load torque error 2–3 Nm 0–1 Nm
THD 206.64 % 78.42 %
Input norm Isa 217.17 203.84
Mean square error (MSE) 281.13 229.19
Epochs 280 36
390 L. Babani et al.


Current in Amp



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 7. Current transients for Case II

Nominal rs
6 150% rs
Current in Amp



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 8. Current transients for Case III

4 Observations

It is seen from Fig. 2 that the number of epochs required for least mean square
error (MSE) is 280 for RBP while only 36 for SCG. Also, it is clear from Case I
that total harmonic distortion (THD) is more in case of RBP than that of SCG.
Figures 4 and 5 show that there exists undershoot in both speed and current
graphs for RBP unlike SCG which has smooth transients. The steady state
error in case of speed, current and torque is less in case of SCG as depicted by
Figs. 14, 15 and 16.


Current in Amp



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 9. Stator input current for both the algorithms in Case IV

Scaled Conjugate Gradient Based Adaptive ANN Control 391




Torque in Nm




−50 SCG
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 10. Full load torque condition for Case IV


Speed in rad/sec

40 RBP



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 11. Speed for the conditions referred in Case IV


Torque in Nm



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 12. Torque developed in Case V

Speed in rad/sec


−2 RBP
−3 SCG




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 13. Speed for the conditions referred in Case V

392 L. Babani et al.



Current in Amp



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 14. Stator input current for both the algorithms in Case V



Torque in Nm




−40 RBP
−50 SCG
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 15. Torque developed in Case VI


Speed in rad/sec





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 16. Speed for the conditions referred in Case VI


Current in Amp



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time in sec

Fig. 17. Stator input current for both the algorithms in Case VI
Scaled Conjugate Gradient Based Adaptive ANN Control 393

(a) RBP

(b) SCG

Fig. 18. Selected stator current in Case I for both algorithms

Fig. 19. Total harmonic distortion (THD) for RBP

Fig. 20. Total harmonic distortion (THD) for SCG

394 L. Babani et al.

5 Conclusion
Both the algorithms provide fast initial convergence. But, the calculations and
training methods are different in both of them. Results show that the proposed
controller gives better results than RBP. When the torque is applied, SCG gives
more smooth transients with less peak overshoot and undershoot in case of
current and speed. That is, the control effort required in SCG is comparatively
less than that of RBP. Also, the total harmonic distortion and steady state errors
in torque and speed appear to be less in case of SCG as compared to RBP.
Though the computational efforts are more in SCG algorithm, it achieves faster
learning as against RBP algorithm due to the absence of line search optimization.
It is observed that the epochs for SCG are around 36 for best performance while
that of RBP, they are found to be around 280 which proves the superiority of
the algorithm.
This scheme can be implemented on hardware using dSPACE which produces
pulses to feed Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) which in turn runs the motor. The
scope of this scheme is not limited to only ANN, rather, it can be used in hybrid
with some other algorithm and also with Genetic Algorithm (GA) to improve
the transient response.

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Introducing Chemotaxis to a Mobile Robot

Christina Semertzidou1 , Nikolaos I. Dourvas1 ,

Michail-Antisthenis Tsompanas1,2 , Andrew Adamatzky2 ,
and Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis1,2(B)
School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece
University of the West of England, Bristol, UK

Abstract. This paper deals with the path planning problem of a robot
in a maze based on a parallel chemotaxis bio-inspired model. The goal
is the effective search of a route, which can connect the starting position
of an autonomous robot with a final requested destination. To find this
route the robot has to take under consideration its geometry, elements of
its environment such as movements’ restrictions by obstacles and other
characteristics of the topology. Chemotaxis is a term found in biology
and refers to the movement of an organism in response to a chemical
stimulus. Among numerous examples of such biological form here we
get inspiration by Physarum polycephalum, since this slime mold has
shown the ability to find the shortest path in a maze between two spots,
where chemicals exist, by following the gradient of the chemo-attractants.
Inspired by this behavior, chemotaxis will be used here to lead a robot
to its desired destination inside a labyrinth. A device transmitting sig-
nals can be considered as an equivalent chemical source and the robot’s
receiver will follow the increased gradient of signal’s amplitude. More-
over, an effective model, that has the ability to simulate such a problem
reducing the calculations’ complexity and in the same time mimicking
the specific behavior, namely Cellular Automata (CA) is coupled with
chemotaxis. As a result, the design and implementation of a CA based
bio-inspired algorithm is proposed and an E-Puck robot uses the exact
algorithm to find the shortest path in different topologies as a proof of

Keywords: Artificial intelligence · Cellular Automata · Physarum poly-

cephalum · Bio-inspired algorithm · Shortest path problem

1 Introduction
One of the most well known and complex problems in the field robotics is to find
the optimum path in a topology from one point to another. Many algorithms
have been successfully proposed during the previous years to control the robots
movement effectively and guide them to find the shortest path between two

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 396–404, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 34
Introducing Chemotaxis to a Mobile Robot 397

specific spots in a topology [1–3]. In many cases the nature itself provides for
centuries, solutions in similar problems. In this paper, the proposed algorithm
is inspired by the chemotaxis operation, meaning the guidance of an organism
to a specific place using chemical stimulus. Moreover we envisage modeling of
chemotaxis through Physarum, a life form which has an extremely interesting
behavior during its life cycle. It has been found that during its reproductive
stage called plasmodium, takes a form that has the ability to find the minimum
path between two food spots in a labyrinth. Moreover, it can perform all these
acts without using any central nervous control system, a common characteristic
as well to all single-celled creatures. Many bio-inspired models are based on this
behavior [4,5].
The algorithm that is used in this paper is inspired by the model that was
proposed in [6] and modified accordingly in order to fit in the needs of the under
study problem, which is the robot’s guidance to an unknown environment in
order to find the minimum path from one point to another. The mathemati-
cal model of chemotaxis and more specifically the diffusion equation of chemo-
attractants is based on the parallel modeling tool, Cellular Automata (CA). CA
can be assumed as an alternative form of microscopic reality, which supports
the desired macroscopic behavior. The implementation of the proposed control
algorithm has been applied on a E-Puck robot using programming environments
that are created by the simulation program Webots. Different scenarios have
been tested and presented, in order to preserve universality and effectiveness.
Furthermore, a comparison is made with the results that are produced by MAT-
LAB programming environment implementing the same algorithm in order to
ensure their validity.

2 Cellular Automata Principles

A CA is characterized by the following ones:

– a regular lattice of cells covering a portion of a d-dimensional space;

– a set C(r, t) = (C1 (r, t), C2 (r, t), ..., Cm (r, t)) of variables attached to each
site r of the lattice giving the local state of each cell at the time t = 0, 1, 2, ...;
– a rule R = (R1 , R2 , ..., Rm ) which specifies the time evolution of the states
C(r, t) in the following way: Cj (r, t + 1) = Rj (C(r, t), C(r + δ 1 , t), C(r +
δ 2 , t), ..., C(r + δ q , t)), where r + δ k designate the cells belonging to a given
neighbourhood of cell r.

The new state of the transition function during the time step t + 1 is
depended only to the previous time step t. The update of a cell is calculated
using the information of its neighbors at the previous time step. However, in
some cases it is needed to consider bigger memory resulting to dependence of
more previous time steps t − 1, t − 2, t − 3, ..., t − k. The rule R is the same for
all the cells and is applied simultaneously in each one of them creating a syn-
chronous system. As a possible relaxization of CA original definition, the asyn-
chronous updating of cell states can been also considered. Moreover, in regards
398 C. Semertzidou et al.

to the CA rules’ homogeneity, spatial or even temporal inhomogeneities can be

introduced by the appliance of different rule in some specific cells in the lattice.
The boundary cells are considered such an example of spatial inhomogeneity.
CA are used in many fields and are capable of forming efficient models [7–9].

3 Chemotaxis Example
For readability reasons, some simple principles of chemotaxis are going to be pre-
sented through the paradigm of a living organism, namely Physarum. Physarum
is a slime mould and Nakagaki et al. [10] were the first to observe that the plas-
modium of this slime mould changes its shape as it crawls over a plain agar gel.
If food is placed in two certain spots, it puts out pseudopodia that connect those
food spots using the minimum path. Adamatzky in [11] placed the plasmodium
in one place of the maze and, simultaneously, placed one food source (FS) in
another place of the maze, before the plasmodium covers all the maze. The lab-
oratory experiments show that the plasmodium spreads its pseudopodia trying
to reach the food. Simultaneously, the food, releases the chemo-attractants to
any direction in the maze. When the plasmodium finds those chemo-attractants,
it follows them to the source food forming the minimum distance path between
its initial site and the food site. So the plasmodium solves the maze in one pass
because it is assisted by a gradient of chemo-attractants propagating from the
target food. In conclusion, compared to Nakagaki et al. approach where thick-
ness of the tube is proportional to flow, i.e. feedback, in Adamatzky approach
Physarum acts simply as a concurrent navigator and “half” of the computation
is done by diffusing chemo-attractants.

4 The Proposed CA Algorithm that the Robot Utilizes

In order to describe the chemotaxis behavior of P. polycephalum and enclose it to
the robot’s “brain”, a bio-inspired CA algorithm has been designed when inspired
by the original [6] model and modified according to the robot related short path.
The study case is as follows: a robot is introduced into a specific place in the
topology and a signal’s transmitter is placed in another position of the maze
representing the food spot. The signal is released inside the topology following
the diffusion equation. When the sensors of the robot catch these “attractants”,
the algorithm chooses the direction with the greater attraction. After that the
robot acts, turns to the specified direction and moves to the CA cell with the
maximum attractants value. To simulate this experiment, the area where it takes
place is divided into a matrix of squares with identical areas and each square
of the surface is represented by a CA cell. The state of the (i, j) cell at time t,
defined as Ci,j , is equal to Eq. 1:
t t
Ci,j = {ObstacleExistencei,j , Fi,j , Robotti,j } (1)
ObstacleExistencei,j is a variable that indicates the type of the
area represented by the corresponding (i, j) cell. The possible values of
Introducing Chemotaxis to a Mobile Robot 399

ObstacleExistencei,j are 1 for a free site of the lattice or 0 for an inaccessi-

ble site of the topology. Furthermore, Fi,j represents the value of attractants
(0–100) at time t in the area corresponding to the (i, j) cell. Finally, Robotti,j
is a one-bit variable, which illustrates if the (i, j) cell is included in the final
path and if it takes the value 1 then the robot takes the decision to move in
this CA cell. The type of neighborhood that was used in this CA model is the
Moore neighborhood consisting of all the eight side and diagonal neighbors of
the central cell.
The diffusion equation (Eq. 2) allows us to talk about the route of randomly
moving particles in n dimensions.

c(x̄, t) = D2 c(x̄, t) (2)
But CA is a modeling tool that is based on discrete space and time. For this
purpose, the discrete diffusion equation is used to describe the spread of the
signal’s values produced by the transmitter (Eq. 3).

 t  t t

Fi,j = Fi,j + f 1 Fi−1,j − f 3 × Fi,j
 t t

+ Fi+1,j − f 3 × Fi,j
 t t

+ Fi,j−1 − f 3 × Fi,j
 t t

+ Fi,j+1 − f 3 × Fi,j

where f 1, f 2, f 3 are the parameters that determine the attractants’ speed of

expansion. After a few time steps the attractants are released inside the topology.
When the robot meets them, it follows them towards the transmitter creating
a route, which is the path that the robot will follow. In particular, it searches
which of its neighbors has the greater value of Fi,j . When this value is justified,
the Roboti,j value of this neighbor is changed from 0 to 1, while the robot
moves to the specific cell. This procedure is repeated until the robot reaches the
transmitter’s position, which releases the signal inside the topology.

5 Implementation and Results

For testing reasons the E-puck desktop mobile robot (Fig. 1) was selected accord-
ing to its properties and characteristics as introduced by EPFL [12] and previous
citing works [13].
In this aspect, a variable, namely translation used for the implementation
of the bio-inspired algorithm, is responsible for the definition of the robot’s
position in the CA space. It comprises three subvariables, x, y, z corresponding
to the directions of the Cartesian system. The parameter rotation indicates the
turning angle of the object to a specific direction, according to the environmental
stimuli. Variable FloorTileSize defines the size of the CA cell, which for testing
400 C. Semertzidou et al.

Fig. 1. The E-puck robot.

reasons is also provided in centimeters. More specifically, all simulations take

into account a CA cell with side equal to 10 cm. The proposed size is chosen to
fit to the exact E-Puck’s dimensions which are not greater than 7.4 cm in length.
Furthermore, FloorSize defines the size of the CA lattice and it is measured in
meters. In order to reduce the calculations’ complexity handled by E-puck, a
12 × 12 CA lattice is used. Another variable is wallHeight, which defines the
height of the obstacles and is also measured in centimeters. For sake of simplicity
and without loss of generality, in every simulation, the aforementioned variable
takes the value 0.1. Finally, parameter wallThickness indicates how wide an
obstacle, while in every simulation of this paper, this variable takes the value
Three different testing topologies were used as test beds for the aforemen-
tioned CA algorithm in this paper. The first one is a topology free of obstacles
(Fig. 2). The second experiment is evolved in a space with an obstacle at a spe-
cific place, depictured with the white color, (Figs. 3 and 4) and the final one is
a more complex one, i.e. a maze (Fig. 5).
The robot and the food source are placed in different sites. Then the bio-
inspired algorithm leads the E-puck to the transmitter using the shortest path
every time. The transmitter is indicated by a cube with a FOOD caption on
it. In order to verify the results, the same model, with the same topologies are
designed in MATLAB environment.
In Fig. 2b the robot starts at coordinates (2,2) while the food source exists
at (11,11). After 30 times steps the robot follows the minimum straight distance
from the starting point to the final one. The robot uses the von Neumann neigh-
borhood, consisting of solely side neighbors, and it can move only horizontally
or vertically. Apparently, it will not be able to move to diagonal cells. So the 17
cells from the beginning to the ending position is the minimum distance. The
same algorithm executed in MATLAB is presented in Fig. 2a. The red cells indi-
cate the boundaries of the lattice. The black cell represents the starting position
of the robot and the blue cell indicates the destination. The yellow line is the
path that the robot follows. It is clear that the results are identical.
In Fig. 3b the robot starts at coordinates (2,2) and the food source exists at
(11,11). However, this time, an obstacle exists inside the lattice creating a corner.
Introducing Chemotaxis to a Mobile Robot 401

Fig. 2. Experiment in a lattice with no obstacles. (Color figure online)

The robot chooses to pass from the bottom of the obstacle towards its destination.
This path consists of 17 cells. But the other minimum way from the left and upper
side of the obstacle is also a distance of 17 cells and it is shown using the blue dots.
As a result, these two routes are identical. The robot makes a random choice and
follows the red path or the one in blue dots. After 48 times steps the robot moves on
the minimum path from the starting point to the final one, avoiding the obstacle.
The same algorithm executed in MATLAB is presented in Fig. 3a. Once again the
results again identical.
In Fig. 4b the architecture of the topology is the same, using the same obstacle
in the same position. But the initial conditions are now different. The robot starts
at coordinates (2,11) and the food source exists at (11,5). After 28 times steps
the robot moves on the minimum path from the starting point to the final one,
avoiding the obstacle. This minimum path is the red one with 14 cells. The path
passing through the other side of the obstacle is presented in blue dots. This

Fig. 3. Experiment in a lattice with obstacle. (Color figure online)

402 C. Semertzidou et al.

Fig. 4. Experiment in a lattice with obstacle and different starting positions. (Color
figure online)

path is longer because it results to 16 cells. The robot never chooses this path.
The same algorithm executed in MATLAB is presented in Fig. 4a. The results
are again identical.

Fig. 5. (a) Experiment in a maze. (b) Experiment in a maze using different initial
conditions. (Color figure online)

In Fig. 5a the robot starts at coordinates (2,11) and the food source exists
at (2,2). In this situation, a more complicated experiment is evolved with many
obstacles to avoid. After 140 times steps and 22 cells the robot reaches the food
spot using the minimum path (red line) inside this maze. The path in blue dots
present the other path that also leads from the initial position to the destination.
But this path has 22 cells and this is the reason why the robot never chooses it.
In Fig. 5b the topology of the maze is the same and the initial position of the
food changes. In 98 time steps the robot passes through 19 cells and reaches the
food using the minimun distance (red line). The line formed by blue dots is also
Introducing Chemotaxis to a Mobile Robot 403

the minimum one because it also has 19 cells. After multiple experiments, it is
proven that the robot chooses randomly the one or the other route.

6 Conclusions
There are many models trying to use chemotaxis and adapt it to their solu-
tions. It is also proven to be a very powerful tool in order to find the minimun
distance between two spots in a lattice. In this paper, a proposed chemotaxis
bio-inspired CA model is used into a robot, and more specific in an E-Puck. This
model tries to reproduce the chemotaxis behavior, which follows the gradient of
chemo-attractants towards the food source using the minimum distance. The
expansion of chemo-attractants is modeled using a discrete diffusion equation.
The W ebots programming environment is used to simulate the operations of an
E-Puck inside the designed topologies. After applying this model, it is shown
that the robot is always capable of finding the shortest path, between itself
and an attractant source using its sensors and avoiding effectively the obsta-
cles. A MATLAB implementation verifies the Webots results. The final product
proposed is a robot, which has the ability to find solutions in a complex compu-
tational problem.

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Artificial Neural Network Modeling
Malware Detection with Confidence
Guarantees on Android Devices

Nestoras Georgiou, Andreas Konstantinidis, and Harris Papadopoulos(B)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Frederick University, Nicosia, Cyprus

Abstract. The evolution of ubiquitous smartphone devices has given

rise to great opportunities with respect to the development of appli-
cations and services, many of which rely on sensitive user information.
This explosion on the demand of smartphone applications has made them
attractive to cybercriminals that develop mobile malware to gain access
to sensitive data stored on smartphone devices. Traditional mobile mal-
ware detection approaches that can be roughly classified to signature-
based and heuristic-based have essential drawbacks. The former rely on
existing malware signatures and therefore cannot detect zero-day mal-
ware and the latter are prone to false positive detections. In this paper,
we propose a heuristic-based approach that quantifies the uncertainty
involved in each malware detection. In particular, our approach is based
on a novel machine learning framework, called Conformal Prediction,
for providing valid measures of confidence for each individual predic-
tion, combined with a Multilayer Perceptron. Our experimental results
on a real Android device demonstrate the empirical validity and both
the informational and computational efficiency of our approach.

Keywords: Malware detection · Android · Security · Inductive Confor-

mal Prediction · Confidence measures · Multilayer Perceptron

1 Introduction
The widespread deployment of smartphone devices has brought a revolution in
mobile applications and services that span from simple messaging and calling
applications to more sensitive financial transactions and internet banking ser-
vices. As a result, a great deal of sensitive information, such as access passwords
and credit card numbers, are stored on smartphone devices, which has made
them a very attractive target for cybercriminals. More specifically, a significant
increase of malware attacks was observed in the past few years, aiming at stealing
private information and sending it to unauthorized third-parties.
Mobile malware are malicious software used to gather information and/or
gain access to mobile computer devices such as smartphones or tablets. In partic-
ular, they are packaged and redistributed with third-party applications to inject

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 407–418, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 35
408 N. Georgiou et al.

malicious content into a smartphone and therefore expose the device’s security.
While the first one appeared in 2004 targeting the Nokia Symbian OS [1], in
the fourth quarter of 2015 G DATA security experts reported discovering 8,240
new malware applications on average per day and a total of 2.3 million new mal-
ware samples in 2015, in just the Android OS [2]. When malware compromises a
smartphone, it can illegally watch and impersonate its user, participate in dan-
gerous botnet activities without the user’s consent and capture user’s personal
Mobile malware detection techniques can be classified into two major cate-
gories: static analysis [4,20] and dynamic analysis [7,14,18]. The former aim at
detecting suspicious patterns by inspecting the source code or binaries of applica-
tions. However, malware developers bypass static analysis by employing various
obfuscation techniques and therefore limiting their ability to detect polymor-
phic malware, which change form in each instance of the malware [13]. Dynamic
analysis techniques on the other hand, involve running the application and ana-
lyzing its execution for suspicious behavior, such as system calls, network access
as well as file and memory modifications. The main drawback of these techniques
is that it is difficult to determine when and under what conditions the malware
malicious code will be executed.
Both static and dynamic analysis techniques are typically implemented fol-
lowing two main approaches: signature-based approaches, which identify known
malware based on unique signatures [9], and heuristic based approaches, which
identify malicious malware behaviour based on rules developed by experts or
by employing machine learning techniques [8,12,14,20]. Even though signature-
based techniques have been successfully adopted by antivirus companies for
malware detection in desktop applications, this is not a preferred solution in
the case of mobile devices due to their limited available resources in terms of
power and memory. Additionally, signature-based techniques cannot detect zero-
day malware (not yet identified) or polymorphic malware, something that is not
an issue for heuristic based techniques. On the other hand, unlike signature-
based techniques, heuristic based techniques are prone to false positive detections
(i.e. wrongly identifying an application as malware).
Most recent research studies focus on extending the idea of heuristic-based
approaches by employing machine learning techniques. For example, Sahs and
Khan [19] use a one-class Support Vector Machine to detect malicious applica-
tions based on features extracted from Android Application Packages (APKs) of
benign applications only. Demertzis and Iliadis [6] propose a hybrid method that
combines Extreme Learning Machines with Evolving Spiking Neural Networks
using features extracted from the behaviour of applications when executed on
an emulated Android environment. In [5] the same authors propose an extension
to the Android Run Time Virtual Machine architecture that analyses the Java
classes of applications using the Biogeography-Based Optimizer (BBO) heuristic
algorithm for training a Multilayer Perceptron to classify applications as mali-
cious or benign. Abah et. al. [11] present a detection system that uses a k -Nearest
Neighbour classifier to detect malicious applications based on features extracted
Malware Detection with Confidence Guarantees on Android Devices 409

during execution. To the best of our knowledge, none of the machine learning
based methods proposed in the literature provides any reliable indication on the
likelihood of its detections being correct.
This paper proposes an approach that addresses the uncertainty arising from
the use of machine learning techniques. Since there is no way of guaranteeing
100 % accuracy with any machine learning technique, this study aims at provid-
ing a reliable indication of how probable it is for a prediction to be correct. The
provision of such an indication for applications identified as possible malware,
would be of great value for the decision of the user on whether to remove an
application or not, depending on the risk he/she is willing to take. The pro-
posed approach utilizes a novel machine learning framework, called Conformal
Prediction (CP) [21], for providing provably valid measures of confidence for
each individual prediction without assuming anything more than that the data
are generated independently from the same probability distribution (i.i.d.). The
confidence measures produced by CP have a clear probabilistic interpretation,
thus enabling informed decision making based on the likelihood of each malware
detection being correct.
Specifically, we combine the inductive version of the CP framework [16,17],
which is much more computationally efficient than the original version, with
a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), which is one of the most popular and well-
performing machine learning techniques. We evaluated the proposed approach
on a realistic malware dataset using a prototype developed for a real Android
device (LG E400). Our experimental results demonstrate the empirical validity
of our approach as well as its efficiency in terms of accuracy, informativeness
and computational time.
The rest of the paper starts with an overview of the Conformal Prediction
framework and its inductive counterpart in Sect. 2. The next section (Sect. 3)
details the proposed approach. Section 4 describes the dataset used for evaluating
our approach, while Sect. 5 presents our experiments and the obtained results.
Finally, Sect. 6 gives our conclusions.

2 Conformal Prediction

The Conformal Prediction (CP) framework extends conventional machine learn-

ing algorithms into techniques that produce reliable confidence measures with
each of their predictions. The typical classification task consists of a training
set {(x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xl , yl )} of instances xi ∈ Rd together with their associated
classifications yi ∈ {Y1 , . . . , Yc } and a new unclassified instance xl+1 . The aim
of Conformal Prediction is not only to find the most likely classification for the
unclassified instance, but to also state something about its confidence in each
possible classification.
CP does this by assigning each possible classification Yj , j = 1, . . . , c to xl+1
in turn and extending the training set with it, generating the set

{(x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xl , yl ), (xl+1 , Yj )}. (1)

410 N. Georgiou et al.

It then measures how strange, or non-conforming, each pair (xi , yi ) in (1) is for
the rest of the examples in the same set. This is done with a non-conformity
measure which is based on a conventional machine learning algorithm, called
the underlying algorithm of the CP. This measure assigns a numerical score αi
to each pair (xi , yi ) indicating how much it disagrees with all other pairs in (1).
In effect it measures the degree of disagreement between the prediction of the
underlying algorithm for xi after being trained on (1) with its actual label yi ; in
the case of xl+1 , yl+1 is assumed to be Yj .
(Y )
To convert the non-conformity score αl+1j of (xl+1 , Yj ) into something infor-
(Yj )
mative, CP compares it with all the other non-conformity scores αi ,i =
1, . . . , l. This comparison is performed with the function
(Yj ) (Y )
|{i = 1, . . . , l + 1 : αi ≥ αl+1j }|
p((x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xl , yl ), (xl+1 , Yj )) = . (2)
The output of this function, which lies between l+1 and 1, is called the p-value
of Yj , also denoted as p(Yj ), as this is the only unknown part of (1). If the data
are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.), the output p(yl+1 ) for the
true classification of xl+1 has the property that ∀δ ∈ [0, 1] and for all probability
distributions P on Z,

P l+1 {((x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xl+1 , yl+1 )) : p(yl+1 ) ≤ δ} ≤ δ; (3)

for a proof see [15]. Therefore all classifications with a p-value under some very
low threshold, say 0.05, are highly unlikely to be correct as such sets will only
be generated at most 5 % of the time by any i.i.d. process.
Based on the property (3), given a significance level δ, or confidence level
1 − δ, a CP calculates the p-value of all possible classifications Yj and outputs
the prediction set
{Yj : p(Yj ) > δ}, (4)
which has at most δ chance of not containing the true classification of the new
unclassified example. In the case where a single prediction is desired (forced pre-
diction) instead of a prediction set, CP predicts the classification with the largest
p-value, which is the most likely classification, together with a confidence and
a credibility measure for its prediction. The confidence measure is calculated as
one minus the second largest p-value, i.e. the significance level at which all but
one classifications would have been excluded. This gives an indication of how
likely the predicted classification is compared to all other classifications. The
credibility measure on the other hand, is the p-value of the predicted classifica-
tion. A very low credibility measure indicates that the particular instance seems
very strange for all possible classifications.

2.1 Inductive Conformal Prediction

The transductive nature of the original CP technique, which means that all
computations have to start from scratch for every new test example, makes it
Malware Detection with Confidence Guarantees on Android Devices 411

too computationally demanding for a mobile phone application. For this reason
the proposed approach follows the inductive version of the framework, called
Inductive Conformal Prediction (ICP), which only performs one training phase
to generate a general rule with which it can then classify new examples with
minimal processing.
Specifically, ICP divides the training set (of size l) into the proper training set
with m < l examples and the calibration set with q := l − m examples. It then
uses the proper training set for training the underlying algorithm (only once) and
the examples in the calibration set for calculating the p-value of each possible
classification of the new test example. In effect, after training the underlying
algorithm on the proper training set the non-conformity scores αm+1 , . . . , αm+q
of the calibration set examples are calculated. Then to calculate the p-value of
each possible classification Yj ∈ {Y1 , . . . , Yc } of a new test example xl+1 , ICP
only needs to calculate the non-conformity score of the pair (xl+1 , Yj ) using
the already trained underlying algorithm and compare it to the non-conformity
scores of the calibration set examples with the function
(Y )
|{i = m + 1, . . . , m + q, l + 1 : αi ≥ αl+1j }|
p(Yj ) = . (5)
Notice that the steps that need to be repeated for each test example have almost
negligible computational requirements.

3 Proposed Approach
In this study a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) was used as underlying algorithm
of the ICP. The MLP used was a 2-layer fully connected feed-forward network
with a sigmoid activation function in all units. It was implemented using the
Multilayer Perceptron class of the WEKA data mining software libraries [10].
When given an instance xi to classify, the trained MLP produces a probabilistic
value P̂ (Yj |xi ) for each classification Yj . In this work the classification task is
binary, therefore Yj ∈ {0, 1} and two probabilistic values are produced by the
MLP: P̂ (0|xi ) and P̂ (1|xi ).
The nonconformity measure used for the proposed MLP-ICP was
αi j = 1 − P̂ (yi |xm+i ), i = 1, . . . , q, (6a)
αl+1 = 1 − P̂ (Yj |xl+1 ), (6b)

where P̂ (yi |xi ) is the output of the MLP for the true classification of xi and
P̂ (Yj |xl+1 ) is the output of the MLP for the assumed class Yj ∈ {0, 1} of xl+1 .
The complete process followed by the proposed approach is detailed in
Algorithm 1. Lines 1 to 5 correspond to the training phase that needs to be
performed only once. This phase trains the MLP on the proper training set (line
1) and calculates the nonconformity score of each calibration example xm+i ,
i = 1, . . . , q, by inputing it to the trained MLP to obtain the probabilistic out-
puts P̂ (0|xm+i ) and P̂ (1|xm+i ) (line 3) and using them in (6a) to calculate
412 N. Georgiou et al.

Algorithm 1. Binary MLP-ICP

Input: proper training set {(x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xm , ym )},
calibration set {(xm+1 , ym+1 ), . . . , (xm+q , ym+q )},
test example xl+1 ,
significance level δ
1 h ← train the MLP on {(x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xm , ym )};
2 for i = 1 to q do
3 {P̂ (0|xm+i ), P̂ (1|xm+i )} ← h(xm+i );
4 αm+i ← 1 − P̂ (ym+i |xm+i );
5 end
6 {P̂ (0|xl+1 ), P̂ (1|xl+1 )} ← h(xl+1 );
7 for j = 0 to 1 do
8 αl+1 ← 1 − P̂ (j|xl+1 );
|{i=1,...,q:αm+i ≥α }|+1
9 p(j) = q+1
10 end
11 Prediction set R ← Yj : p(Yj ) > δ ∪ arg max k=1,...,c p(Yk ) .

αm+i (line 4). The testing phase, lines 6 to 11, is the only part that needs to be
repeated for every new instance. This phase obtains the probabilistic outputs of
the trained MLP for the new instance (line 6) and then for each possible class,
it calculates the corresponding nonconformity score with (6b) in line 8 and uses
it together with the nonconformity scores of the calibration examples in (5) to
calculate the p-value of the new instance belonging to that class (line 9). Finally,
in line 11, it outputs the prediction set (4).

4 Data Used

For evaluating the proposed approach a malware dataset1 created by B. Amos

[3] was used. The data was collected using a shell script to automatically record
the behavior of Android application files (.apk ) by installing and running them
on an Android emulator. After each installation the emulator simulated random
user interaction with the application using the Android “adb-monkey” tool. The
data collected for each application included Binder, Battery, Memory, CPU,
Network, and Permission information. The battery related features were removed
in our experiments since they all had the same value across all instances, as they
were collected through an emulator. Table 1 presents all the features used in our
The dataset consisted of 6832 data samples in total, with 5121 benign sam-
ples and 1711 malicious samples described by 40 features (after the removal of
the battery related data). In our experiments the data samples were divided

Available on-line at:
Malware Detection with Confidence Guarantees on Android Devices 413

Table 1. Features used in this work divided into categories.

Category Features
Binder Transaction, Reply, Acquire, Release, ActiveNodes, TotalNodes,
ActiveRef, TotalRef, ActiveDeath, TotalDeath, ActiveTransaction,
TotalTransaction, ActiveTransactionComplete,
TotalTransactionComplete, TotalNodesDiff, TotalRefDiff,
TotalDeathDiff, TotalTransactionDiff,
CPU User, System, Idle, Other
Memory Active, Inactive, Mapped, FreePages, AnonPages, FilePages,
DirtyPages, WritebackPages
Network TotalTXPackets, TotalTXBytes, TotalRXPackets, TotalRXBytes,
TotalTXPacketsDiff, TotalTXBytesDiff, TotalRXPacketsDiff,
Permissions TotalPermissions

randomly into a training set consisting of 6165 samples (4617 benign and 1548
malicious) and a test set consisting of 667 samples (504 benign and 163 mali-
cious). For MLP-ICP the training set was further divided (also randomly) into
the proper training set with 5466 samples (4097 benign and 1369 malicious) and
the calibration set with 699 samples (520 benign and 179 malicious). All exper-
iments were repeated 10 times with different random divisions of the data so as
to ensure that the obtained results are not dependent on a particular division.

5 Experimental Results
In order to evaluate the proposed approach in the environment it is intended
for, both the MLP-ICP and its underlying algorithm were implemented on the
Android OS using the WEKA data mining software libraries and all experiments
were performed on a LG E400 Android device. Before each experiment all input
features were normalized to the range [0,1], based only on the training set of
each of the 10 random divisions of the data and the resulting transformation
was applied to the test set.

5.1 Accuracy

Our first set of experiments evaluates the proposed technique in terms of the
accuracy of forced predictions. That is when the MLP-ICP predicts the most
likely classification together with a confidence and credibility measure to that
classification. We compare the accuracy of the proposed approach to that of
its underlying algorithm. Note that the aim of the proposed approach is not to
improve performance in terms of accuracy, but rather to provide probabilistically
valid additional information about the likelihood of each prediction being correct,
414 N. Georgiou et al.

Table 2. Forced prediction performance of the proposed approach compared to its

underlying algorithm. The standard deviation of each value is given in the brackets.

Accuracy (%) Mean confidence (%)

MLP-ICP 94.24 (0.0116) 98.83 (0.0020)
Conventional MLP 94.17 (0.0117) -

which will aid user decision making. Therefore our aim here is to examine if any
degree of accuracy is sacrificed by the proposed approach in order to provide
this additional information.
Table 2 reports the mean accuracy of the proposed approach and of the con-
ventional MLP over 10 experimental runs with different random divisions of the
data. For MLP-ICP we also report the mean of the confidence values produced.
The values in brackets are the standard deviation of the corresponding values
over the 10 experiments. The reported results show that there is no significant
difference in terms of the accuracy of the two approaches; in fact the MLP-ICP
gives higher accuracy, but the difference is insignificant. This shows that there
is no “price to pay” in terms of accuracy for obtaining the much more informa-
tive outputs of the proposed approach. Furthermore, the high mean confidence
produced by the proposed approach gives a first indication of the usefulness of
its outputs. Finally, the small standard deviation of both accuracy and mean
confidence over the 10 experimental runs shows that the presented mean values
are a reliable indication of performance.

5.2 Empirical Validity

Next we evaluate the empirical validity of the prediction sets, and indirectly
of the p-values and confidence measures, produced by the proposed approach.
Figure 1 plots the error percentages of these prediction sets as the significance
level changes. The left pane displays the error percentages for all significance
levels δ ∈ [0, 1], while the right pane displays the lower left corner of the first plot,
for δ ∈ [0, 0.1], which is the most important part of the plot as we are generally
interested in high confidence levels. The solid line represents the actual error
percentages observed, while the dashed line represents the diagonal, i.e. where
the error is equal to the required significance level δ. The closeness of the actual
errors to the diagonal confirms the empirical validity of the proposed approach,
i.e. the errors made are always extremely near the required significance level; the
very small deviation of about 0.01 visible in the left pane is due to statistical
fluctuations. This confirms empirically the guaranteed validity of the ICP.

5.3 Quality of p-values

To evaluate the quality of the resulting p-values we examine the percentage of

prediction sets that contained both classifications at different confidence levels.
Malware Detection with Confidence Guarantees on Android Devices 415

1 0.1

0.9 0.09

0.8 0.08

0.7 0.07

0.6 0.06

0.5 0.05

0.4 0.04

0.3 0.03

0.2 0.02

0.1 0.01

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Significance Level Significance Level

(a) δ ∈ [0, 1] (b) δ ∈ [0, 0.1]

Fig. 1. Empirical validity of the proposed approach. The error percentage of the ICP
is plotted with a solid line and the diagonal (exact validity) with a dashed line.

This is the percentage of instances for which the ICP was not able to reject one of
the two possible classes at the required confidence level, we call these uncertain
prediction sets. The lower these values are the more the instances for which the
prediction sets are informative at the given confidence level and the higher the
quality of the p-values used to compute them.
Figure 2 plots the percentage of uncertain prediction sets for the range of
significance levels δ ∈ [0, 0.1], i.e. confidence levels between 100 % and 90 %.
The plot shows that the prediction sets produced by the proposed approach
are quite informative. With a confidence level as high as 99 %, i.e. guaranteeing
only 1 % of errors, we can be certain in 63.7 % of applications on whether they
are malware or not. If we decrease the required confidence level by 1 % (to
98 %) we obtain certain predictions for 80.28 % of the cases. Further lowering
the confidence level to 95 %, which is still rather high, increases the percentage
of certain predictions to 95.53 %. While for confidence levels 93 % and 92 % the
number of certain predictions rises to more than 99 % and becomes 100 % from
91 % confidence and below. This means that we can have a certain prediction for
the large majority of applications with a very small risk, while for applications
with uncertain predictions further investigation might be the best option.
The informativeness of the obtained prediction sets also shows the quality
of the p-values used for constructing them, and as a result of the confidence
measures produced based on the same p-values in the forced prediction case.
In this case, the user can decide based on the confidence measure for a given
malware prediction and on the risk he/she is willing to take on whether to remove
it or not.
416 N. Georgiou et al.




Uncertain Predictions






0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Significance Level

Fig. 2. Percentage of uncertain prediction sets for significance levels δ ∈ [0, 0.1].

5.4 Computational Efficiency

Finally, since in a mobile device environment the amount of recourses needed

are an important consideration, we examine the execution time of the proposed
approach on a LG E400 Android device and compare it to that of its underlying
algorithm. The training time for the MLP-ICP was 21 min, while the training
time for the conventional MLP was 29 min. The reason for the lower training
time of the ICP is the removal of the calibration examples from the proper
training set. This works in favour of the proposed approach in terms of compu-
tational efficiency, while it has no negative impact on its accuracy as shown in
Subsect. 5.1. Although the training time needed seems somewhat long, it should
be kept in mind that training only needs to be performed once and this can even
be done on a desktop device. The testing time for both methods was 0.005 s,
which is very computationally efficient for a mobile device.

6 Conclusions

This work proposed a machine learning approach for Android malware detection,
which unlike traditional machine learning based malware detection techniques,
produces valid confidence measures in each of its predictions. Such measures
enable the user to take informed decisions on whether to remove an application
identified as a possible malware, knowing the risk associated with each decision.
The proposed approach is based on the Conformal Prediction framework, which
produces provably valid confidence measures that have a clear probabilistic inter-
pretation without assuming anything more than i.i.d. data.
Our experimental results on a real Android device have shown that the pro-
posed approach gives high accuracy, which is equal to (or even better than)
that of the conventional machine learning approach it is based on. Furthermore,
Malware Detection with Confidence Guarantees on Android Devices 417

they demonstrate the empirical validity and high informational efficiency of the
produced prediction sets and confidence measures. Finally in terms of computa-
tional efficiency, the training time needed by our approach is smaller than that of
the conventional MLP on which it bases its predictions. While the time needed
for classifying a new instance is adequately small for the limited resources of
mobile devices.
The particular CP used in this work is based on MLP, which is one of the
most popular machine learning techniques. However, the same general approach
proposed here can be followed with other high performing machine learning
techniques preserving the desirable properties observed in our experiments. The
evaluation and performance comparison of CPs based on different conventional
machine learning techniques for the particular task is our immediate future plan.
Additionally the collection of a dataset from actual mobile devices rather than
in an emulated environment in order to study the performance of the proposed
approach on more realistic data is another future goal.

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Auto Regressive Dynamic Bayesian Network
and Its Application in Stock Market Inference

Tiehang Duan(B)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

The State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14226, USA

Abstract. In this paper, auto regression between neighboring observed

variables is added to Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN), forming the
Auto Regressive Dynamic Bayesian Network (AR-DBN). The detailed
mechanism of AR-DBN is specified and inference method is proposed.
We take stock market index inference as example and demonstrate the
strength of AR-DBN in latent variable inference tasks. Comprehensive
experiments are performed on S&P 500 index. The results show the AR-
DBN model is capable to infer the market index and aid the prediction
of stock price fluctuation.

Keywords: Auto Regressive Dynamic Bayesian Network (AR-DBN) ·

Expectation-Maximization (EM) · Kullback–Leibler divergence · Sum-
product algorithm · Belief propagation

1 Introduction
Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) uses directed graph to model the time depen-
dent relationship in the probabilistic network. The method achieved wide appli-
cation in gesture recognition [17,20], acoustic recognition [3,22], image segmenta-
tion [9] and 3D reconstruction [6]. The temporal evolving feature also makes the
model suitable to model the stock market [7]. The classic DBN model assumes the
observed variable only depend on latent variables, and we know for the instance
of stock market, auto regression widely exists in neighboring observed stock
prices due to the momentum of market atmosphere. So we introduce explicit
auto regressive dependencies between adjacent observed variables in DBN, form-
ing the Auto Regressive Dynamic Bayesian Network (AR-DBN).
In Sect. 2, we have a brief review of previous work in related fields. In Sect. 3,
the structure of the network is formed and probability factors are derived. In
Sect. 4, we specify the parameter estimation of AR-DBN and experiments are
conducted in Sect. 5. Conclusion is reached in Sect. 6.

2 Related Work
Researchers have been using Dynamic Bayesian Networks(DBN) to model the
temporal evolution of stock market and other financial instruments [19]. In 2009,

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 419–428, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 36
420 T. Duan

Calculate posterior
Propagate belief distributions of single Estimate parameters
among the factors latent variable and also based on the EM framework
in the graph group of consecutive with auto regression involved

Hidden states is inferred

with max sum algorithm

Future hidden states and

future observed variables
is predicted with
transition matrix and
emission distribution

Fig. 1. Overview of work flow for AR-DBN model

Aditya Tayal utilized DBN to analyze the switching of regimes in high frequency
stock trading [21]. In 2013, Zheng Li et al. used DBN to explore the dependence
structure of elements that influence stock prices [10]. And in 2014, Jangmin O
built a price trend model under the DBN framework [7]. Auto regression is
an important factor that contribute to the fluctuation of stock prices and has
been studied among researchers in financial mathematics [12–14]. Auto regressive
relationships among adjacent observed variables is also used in Hidden Markov
Models(HMM). In 2009, Matt Shannon et al. illustrated Auto Regressive Hid-
den Markov Model(AR-HMM) and used it for speech synthesis [18]. In 2010,
Chris Barber et al. used AR-HMM to predict short horizon wind with incom-
plete data [2]. And in 2014, Bing Ai et al. estimated the smart building occupancy
with the method [1]. To our knowledge, there haven’t been previous investiga-
tion of auto regression applied to Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN), and in
this paper, we integrate the auto regressive property into DBN and forms the
Auto Regressive Dynamic Bayesian Network (AR-DBN) (Fig. 1).

3 The Dynamic Bayesian Network for Stock Market

The original DBN before integrating auto regression is shown in Fig. 2. For each
time slice i, it includes m observed stock price variables Y1i , ..., Ymi and hidden
variable Xi . We denote the graph of each slice as B = (G, θ), where G is the
Auto Regressive Dynamic Bayesian Network and Its Application 421

structure of Bayesian Network (BN) for the slice, whose nodes corresponds to
the variables and whose edges represent their conditional dependencies, and θ
represents the set of parameters encoding the conditional probabilities of each
node variable given its parent [11]. The distribution is represented as CPD (con-
ditional probabilistic distribution) [5]. In our case, as the observed variables are
continuous, exact inference is achieved with sum product algorithm [4], which
iterate between summation of belief in different states for each clique and com-
bining the belief of neighboring cliques. After the end of each iteration, the
marginal probability of each variable is inferred based on likelihood of the whole
graph [15].
The likelihood of the graph in Fig. 2 is

φ = P (X1 , Y11 , ..., Ym1 , X2 , Y12 , ..., Ym2 , ..., Xn , Y1n , ..., Ymn ) (1)


φ1 = P (X1 , Y11 , ..., Ym1 )

φ2 = P (X1 , Y11 , ..., Ym1 , X2 , Y12 , ..., Ym2 )
φn = P (X1 , Y11 , ..., Ym1 , X2 , Y12 , ..., Ym2 , ..., Xn , Y1n , ..., Ymn )
ψn = P (Xn , Y1n , ..., Ymn )
ψn−1 = P (Xn−1 , Y1(n−1) , ..., Ym(n−1) , Xn , Y1n , ..., Ymn )
ψ1 = P (X1 , Y11 , ..., Ym1 , X2 , Y12 , ..., Ym2 , ..., Xn , Y1n , ..., Ymn )

also define

f (Xi−1 , Xi ) = P (Xi |Xi−1 )

f (Xi , Y1i , ..., Ymi ) = P (Y1i , ..., Ymi |Xi )

Based on sum product algorithm, we have

φi = φi−1 × f (Xi−1 , Xi ) × f (Xi , Y1i , ..., Ymi ) (2)

X1 X2 X3 Xn

Ym1 Ym2 Ym3 Ymn

Y21 Y22 Y23 Y2n
Y11 Y12 Y13 Y1n

Fig. 2. Structure of Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN)

422 T. Duan
ψi = ψi+1 × f (Xi , Xi+1 ) × f (Xi , Y1i , ..., Ymi ) (3)

And after the belief completes one round bidirectional propagation through
the network, the φi and ψi can be readily used to calculate the posterior distri-
bution of each latent variable Xi
φi × ψ i
P (Xi |Y ) ∝ (4)
f (Xi , Y1i , ..., Ymi )

And we can similarly calculate the marginal probability of k consecutive

hidden units Xi , Xi+1 , ..., Xi+k

P (Xi , Xi+1 , ..., Xi+k |Y ) ∝ φi × ψi+k × f (Xi , Xi+1 ) × ... × f (Xi+k−1 , Xi+k )
× f (Xi+1 , Y1(i+1) , ..., Ym(i+1) ) × ... × f (X(i+k−1) , Y1(i+k−1) , ..., Ym(i+k−1) ) (5)

After the sum product algorithm completes, we can use the marginal probability
distribution to estimate the parameters in the network based on EM algorithm.

4 Formulation of Auto Regressive Dynamic Bayesian

As mentioned in Sect. 2, due to the ubiquitous auto regressive relationship in
stock prices, we can add directed auto regressive edges between neighboring
observed variables in the network. The resulting network is shown in Fig. 3. For
each observed variable Yki , with the new assumption, it is not only conditioned
on the latent variable, but also influenced directly by the previous observed
For each observed variable, we have

Yt = β1 Yt−1 + β2 Yt−2 + ... + βk Yt−k + αUt (6)

Where k is the depth of the regression, Yt−k to Yt−1 is the previous observed
variables and Ut is directly emitted by the latent variable Xt . The coefficients
satisfy β1 + β2 + ... + βk + α = 1.
Denote Yt = Yt − β1 Yt−1 − β2 Yt−2 − ... − βk Yt−k , we have Ut = α−1 Yt .
From which we can estimate the parameters in AR-DBN, including conditional

X1 X2 X3 Xn

Ym1 Ym2 Ym3 Ymn

Y21 Y22 Y23 Y2n
Y11 Y12 Y13 Y1n

Fig. 3. Structure of Auto Regressive Dynamic Bayesian Network (AR-DBN)

Auto Regressive Dynamic Bayesian Network and Its Application 423

probability distribution P (Xi |Xi−1 ), the initial probability distribution P (X1 )

and the emission probability P (Y1i , Y2i , ..., Yki |Xi ) which can be modeled as a
multi variable Gaussian distribution N (μ, σ).
Based on EM algorithm, we estimate the parameters with marginal proba-
bilities from (4) and (5) by maximizing the first term of KL divergence

Q(θ, θold ) = P (X|Y, θold )lnP (X, Y |θ)

= P (X|α−1 Y  , θold )ln P (X1 |π) P (Xn |Xn−1 , A) P (α−1 Yn |Xn , φ)
X n=2 n=1

= P (X|α−1 Y  , θold )lnP (X1 |π) + P (X|α−1 Y  , θold ) lnP (Xn |Xn−1 , A)
X X n=2

+ P (X|α−1 Y  , θold ) lnP (α−1 Yn |Xn , φ)
X n=1

Applying Lagrange method to fulfill the criteria k=1 πk = 1 and j=1 Aij = 1
for each i ∈ 1, ..., K, where K is the number of states for the hidden variables,
the parameters are derived by maximizing
R = Q(θ, θ ) + λ1 ( πk − 1) + λ2i ( Aij − 1) (7)
k=1 i=1 j=1

After setting the first order partial derivatives of R with respect to each
individual parameter to zero, the explicit expression of the parameters is derived
as below
P (Xk |α−1 Y  )
πk = K (8)
−1 Y  )
j=1 P (Xj |α
N −1
P (Xn = j, Xn+1 = k|α−1 Y  )
Ajk = K n=1 N −1 (9)
−1 Y  )
Xn+1 =1 n=1 P (Xn = j, Xn+1 |α
N −1 
n=1 P (Xn |α Y )Yin
μi =  N
−1 Y )
n=1 P (Xn |α
P (Xn |α−1 Y  )(Yin − μi )(Yin − μi )T
Σi = n=1 N (11)
−1 Y  )
n=1 P (Xn |α
After the training phase completed, we infer the hidden states that form
the highest likelihood path with max sum algorithm [8], similar to DBN. The
inferred result for the stock market is shown in the next section.

5 Application in Stock Market

We use the historical S&P 500 stock price dataset provided by Quantquote [16],
covering the period from Jan. 02, 1998 to Aug. 09, 2013. The individual stock
424 T. Duan

price temporal fluctuation forms each observed chain and the hidden states are
inferred from the multiple observed chains, as shown in Fig. 3. We randomly pick
k individual stocks out of the dataset, where k varies in [2,12], then we infer the
hidden states and parameters from the data. The trained CPD is visualized and
shown in Fig. 4. From which we can see for the inferring task of 6 individual
stocks (k = 6), 8 hidden state is an overkill with first 3 hidden state actually
not functioning in transition, while 4 hidden states are not enough to represent
all different positions of the market. 6 hidden states is the optimized choice for
the model.
The AR-DBN outperforms DBN both in the ultimate likelihood achieved and
also in the convergence speed, as shown in Fig. 5(a). It reveals that AR-DBN
is more suitable and efficient to apply in stock market. The likelihood is also
positive correlated with the number of latent states as shown in Fig. 5(b).
The inferred latent states with max sum algorithm is shown in Fig. 6. The
latent states plotted in temporal order form the path that produces highest likeli-
hood in the whole network. The absolute value of increase/decrease ratio in S&P
500 index is discretized into three intervals 0 < ratio < 1 %, 1 % < ratio < 2 %

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4. The visualization of learned CPD. (a) 4 hidden states for each latent variable,
(b) 6 hidden states for each latent variable, (c) 8 hidden states for each latent variable.

(a) (b)

Fig. 5. (a) The comparison of log likelihood between DBN and AR-DBN with different
number of observed chains. (b) The comparison of log likelihood between different
number of latent states in AR-DBN.
Auto Regressive Dynamic Bayesian Network and Its Application 425

(a) (b)

Fig. 6. Trend comparison of inferred latent state with S&P 500 fluctuation ratio.
(a) Inference with 2 observed individual stock chains. (b) Inferrence with 6 observed
individual stock chains.

and 2 % < ratio, then we compare it with the evolving trend of hidden states
in Fig. 6. It can be seen that with more observable chains included, the corre-
sponding relationship between the latent states and the market index is more

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 7. The micro view of correlation in stock price trends and hidden states. (a) The
ascending trend. (b) The descending trend. (c) and (d) The “V” reversal.
426 T. Duan

obvious and accurate. With 6 observed individual stock chains, the hidden states
in the model is capable to precisely capture the fluctuation of market index. Take
Fig. 6(b) for example, state 1 and state 2 capture the characteristics of the fast
changing market, while the other states reflect the time when the market is
smooth. The hidden states have a direct reflection of the individual stock prices
if we use absolute value of the price as the observed variable. Important trends in
the price movement such as ascending trend, descending trend and “V” reversal
are reflected in hidden states as shown in Fig. 7.
The AR-DBN stock market model we generated is not only useful to unveil
market rules contained in historical stock price, it can also support investment
decision making based on probabilistic prediction of the near future. In this
application, we predict price movement direction (upward/downward) of the 6
observed stocks for the first day following the end of chain based on the para-

Fig. 8. The Gaussian mixture distribution of the predicted fluctuation and the real
price fluctuation for each stock chain, from top left to bottom right corresponds to
observed stock price chain 1 to 6.
Auto Regressive Dynamic Bayesian Network and Its Application 427

meters we learned. We multiply the latent states inferred from the max sum
algorithm with the conditional probability distribution P (Xt+1 |Xt ) and turns
the future stock price Yt+1 into a Gaussian mixture distribution conditioned on
the probability distribution of future latent states Xt+1 . The prediction result
together with the real fluctuation for each of the stocks is shown in Fig. 8. For 5
out of the 6 stocks, the centroid of the probability distribution are of the same
direction (upward/downward) with the real price trend, which shows our model
can help with the prediction of fluctuation direction.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

We derived Auto Regressive Dynamic Bayesian Network (AR-DBN) by adding
auto regression among the adjacent observed variables in Dynamic Bayesian
Network (DBN). We presented a new approach to model the stock market based
on the proposed AR-DBN and comprehensive inference tasks were implemented
with the model. The results showed the latent variables in the model accurately
inferred the market index fluctuation and the stock price trends.
In this paper, we mainly focused on the inference part of the model. There
is more work to be done with quantitative prediction of future price fluctuations
and also the application of AR-DBN to other temporal analysis domains. We
leave this for future work.

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A Consumer BCI for Automated Music Evaluation
Within a Popular On-Demand Music Streaming Service
“Taking Listener’s Brainwaves to Extremes”

Fotis Kalaganis1 ✉ , Dimitrios A. Adamos2,3, and Nikos Laskaris1,3

( )

AIIA Lab, Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
54124 Thessaloniki, Greece,
School of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece,
Neuroinformatics GRoup, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece

Abstract. We investigated the possibility of a using a machine-learning scheme

in conjunction with commercial wearable EEG-devices for translating listener’s
subjective experience of music into scores that can be used for the automated
annotation of music in popular on-demand streaming services.
Based on the established -neuroscientifically sound- concepts of brainwave
frequency bands, activation asymmetry index and cross-frequency-coupling
(CFC), we introduce a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) system that automatically
assigns a rating score to the listened song.
Our research operated in two distinct stages: (i) a generic feature engineering
stage, in which features from signal-analytics were ranked and selected based on
their ability to associate music induced perturbations in brainwaves with listener’s
appraisal of music. (ii) a personalization stage, during which the efficiency of
extreme learning machines (ELMs) is exploited so as to translate the derived
patterns into a listener’s score. Encouraging experimental results, from a prag‐
matic use of the system, are presented.

Keywords: EEG · Music evaluation · Recommendation-systems · Human

machine interaction · Spotify

1 Introduction

Until recently, electroencephalography (EEG) was exclusive to doctors’ facilities and

specialists’ workplaces, where trained experts operated expensive devices. The vast
majority of the research was dedicated to the diagnosis of epilepsy, sleep disorders,
Alzheimer’s disease as well as monitoring certain clinical procedures such as anesthesia.
By the same token, the application of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) has so far been
confined to neuroprosthetics and for building communication channels for the physically
impaired people [1].

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 429–440, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_37
430 F. Kalaganis et al.

Recent advances in medical sensors offer commercial EEG headsets at affordable

prices. The procedure of recording the electrical activity of the brain via electrodes
on the human scalp is pretty simple nowadays and does not require any expertise [2].
The latter can lead to a wide variety of commercial applications in almost any aspect
of everyday life. Meanwhile, many researchers are drawn into the exploration of brain
patterns that are not related to healthcare [3]. At the same time, the manufacturing of
new portable neuroimaging devices favors innovation, as novel applications of non-
invasive BCIs are anticipated within real-life environments [4].
Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the digital revolution has radically
affected the music industry and is continuously reforming the business model of music
economy [5]. Until now, previously-established channels of music distribution have
been replaced and new industry stakeholders have emerged. Among them, on-demand
music recommendation and streaming services emerge as the “disruptive innovators”
[6] of the new digital music ecosystem.
In our previous work [7], we presented our vision for the integration of bio-person‐
alized features of musical aesthetic appreciation into modern music recommendation
systems to enhance user’s feedback and rating processes. With the current work, we
attempted the first step toward implementation with the realization of an automated
music evaluation process, that is performed in nearly real-time by decoding aesthetic
brain responses during music listening and feeding them back to a contemporary music
streaming service (i.e. Spotify) as listener’s ratings. We aimed for a flexible BCI system
that could easily adapt to new users and, after a brief training session, would reliably
predict the listener’s ratings about the listened songs.
To facilitate convenience and friendliness of the user’s experience, the recording of
brain activity was implemented using a modern commercial wireless EEG device. Thus,
we first adapted our approach to the device capabilities, investigating which combina‐
tions of available brainwave descriptors and electrode sites are reliably and consistently
reflecting the listeners’ evaluation about the music being played. Then we synthesized
these descriptors into a composite biomarker, common for all listeners. Finally, we
examined different learning machines that could incorporate this biomarker and gener‐
alize efficiently from a very small set of training examples (paired biomarker-patterns
and ratings).
The proposed music-evaluation BCI relies on standard ELMs for translating a partic‐
ular set of readily-computable signal descriptors, as extracted from our 4-channel wear‐
able EEG device, into a single numbered score expressing the appraisal of music within
the range [1–5]. It can be personalized with very limited amount of training and runs
with negligible amount of delay. In all our experimentations the passive listening para‐
digm was followed, since this is closer to the real life situation where someone enjoys
listening to music.
The preliminary results, reported in this paper, include evidence about the exis‐
tence of a robust set of brain activity characteristics that reliably reflect a listener’s
appraisal. Moreover, the effectiveness of ELMs in the particular regression task is
established, by comparing its performance with alternative learning machines.
Overall, the outcomes of this work are very encouraging for conducting experiments
A Consumer BCI for Automated Music Evaluation 431

about music perception in real-life situations and embedding brain signal analysis
within the contemporary technological universe.
The remaining paper is structured as follows. Section 2 serves as an introduction to
EEG and its role in describing and understanding the effects of music. Section 3 outlines
the essential tools that were employed during data analysis. Section 4 describes the
experimental setup and the adopted methodology for analyzing EEG data. Section 5 is
devoted to the presentation of results, while the last section includes a short discussion
about the limitations of this study and its future perspectives.

2 Electroencephalography and Music Perception Studies

Electroencephalogram is a recording of the electrical changes occurring in the brain,

produced by placing electrodes on the scalp and monitoring the developed electrical
fields. EEG reflects mainly the summation of excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic
potentials at the dendrites of ensembles of neurons with parallel geometric orientation.
While the electrical field produced by distinct neurons is too weak to be recorded with
surface EEG electrode, as neural action gets to be synchronous crosswise a huge number
of neurons, the electrical fields created by individual neurons aggregate, resulting to
effects measurable outside the skull [8].
The EEG brain signals, also known as brainwaves, are traditionally decomposed (by
means of band-pass filtering or a suitable transform) and examined within particular
frequency bands, which are denoted via greek letters and in order of increasing central
frequency are defined as follows: δ (0.5–4) Hz, θ (4–8) Hz, α (8–13) Hz, β (13–30) Hz,
γ (>30) Hz. EEG is widely recognized as an invaluable neuroimaging technique with
high temporal resolution. Considering the dynamic nature of music, EEG appears as the
ideal technique to study the interaction of music, as a continuously delivered auditory
stimulus, with the brainwaves. For more than two decades neuroscientists study the
relationship between listening to music and brain activity from the perspective of
induced emotions [9–11]. More recently, a few studies appeared which shared the goal
of uncovering patterns, lurked in brainwaves, that correspond to subjective aesthetic
pleasure caused by music [12, 13].
Regarding music perception, the literature has reported a wide spectrum of changes
in the ongoing brain activity. This includes a significant increase of power in β-band
over posterior brain regions [14]. An increase in γ band, which was confined to subjects
with musical training [15], an asymmetrical activation pattern reflecting induced
emotions [16] and an increase of frontal midline θ power when contrasting pleasant with
unpleasant musical sounds [17].
Regarding the particular task of decoding the subjective evaluation of music from
the recorded brain activity, the role of higher-frequency brainwaves has been identified
[18], and in particular the importance of γ-band brainwaves recorded over forebrain has
been reported [19]. More recently, a relevant CFC biomarker based on the concept of
nested oscillations in the brain was introduced for the assessment of spontaneous
aesthetic brain responses during music listening [7]. The reported experimental results
432 F. Kalaganis et al.

indicated that the interactions between β and γ oscillations, as reflected in the brainwaves
recorded over the left prefrontal cortex, are crucial for estimating the subjective aesthetic
appreciation of a piece of music.

3 Methods

This section presents briefly the methodological elements employed in the realization
of the proposed framework. More specifically, instantaneous signal energy, activation
asymmetry index and a CFC estimator were used to derive brainwave descriptors (i.e.
features reflecting neural activity associated with music listening). The importance of
each descriptor (or combination of descriptors) was evaluated using Distance Correla‐
tion. ELMs, an important class of artificial neural network (ANNs), were exploited to
convert the derived patterns into scores that represented the listener’s appraisal.

3.1 Signal Descriptors

Brainwaves are often characterized by their prominent frequency and their (signal)
energy content. Here, we adopted a quasi-instantaneous parameterization of Brainwaves
content, by means of Hilbert transform. The signal from each sensor x(t), was first filtered
within the range corresponding to the frequency-band of a brain rhythm (like δ-rhythm)
and the envelope of the filtered activity αrhythm(t) was considered as representing the
momentary strength of the associated oscillatory activity. Apart from the amplitude of
each brain rhythm, its relative contribution was also derived by normalizing with the
total signal strength (summed from all brain rhythms).
In neuroscience research, activation refers to the change in EEG activity in response
to a stimulus and is of great interest to investigate differences in the way the two hemi‐
spheres are activated [20]. To this end, an activation asymmetry index was formed by
combining measurements of activation strength from two symmetrically located
sensors, i.e. AI(t) = leftαrhythm(t) − rightαrhythm(t). The normalized version of this index was
also employed as an additional alternative descriptor.
A third brainwaves’ descriptor was based on the CFC concept, which refers to the
functional interactions between distinct brain rhythms [21]. A particular estimator was
employed [22] that quantified the dependence of amplitude variations of a high-
frequency brain rhythm on the instantaneous phase of a lower-frequency rhythm (a
phenomenon known as phase-amplitude coupling (PAC)). This estimator operated on
each sensor separately and used to investigate all the possible PAC couplings among
the defined brain rhythms.
It is important to notice here, that the included descriptors were selected so as to
cover different neural mechanisms and share a common algorithmic framework. Their
implementation -and mainly their integration- within a unifying system did not induce
time delays unreasonable for the purposes of our real-time application.
A Consumer BCI for Automated Music Evaluation 433

3.2 Distance Correlation

In statistics and in probability theory, distance correlation is a measure of statistical
dependence between two random variables or two random vectors of arbitrary, not
necessarily equal, dimension. Distance Correlation, denoted by R, generalizes the idea
of correlation and holds the important property that R(X, Y) = 0 if and only if X and Y
are independent. R index satisfies 0 ≤ R ≤ 1 and, contrary to Pearson’s correlation
coefficient, is suitable for revealing non-linear relationships [23]. In this work, it was
the core mechanism for identifying neural correlates of subjective music evaluation, by
detecting associations between the results of signal descriptors (or combinations of
them) and the listener’s scores.

3.3 Learning Machines

Machine learning deals with the development and implementation of algorithms that
can build models able to generalize a particular function from a set of given examples.
Regression is a supervised learning task that machine learning can handle with efficiency
of similar, or even higher, level than the standard statistical techniques, and -mainly-
without imposing hypotheses. In this work, the decoding of subjective music evaluation
was cast as a (nonlinear) regression problem. A model was then sought (i.e. learned from
the experimental data) that would perform the mapping of patterns derived from the
brain activity descriptors to the subjective music evaluation.
ELMs appeared as a suitable choice due to their documented ability to handle effi‐
ciently difficult tasks without demanding extensive training sessions [24]. They are
feedforward ANNs with a single layer of hidden nodes, where the weights connecting
inputs to hidden nodes are randomly assigned and never updated [25].

4 Implementation and Experiments

Our experimentations evolved in two different directions. First, a set of experiments

were run so as to use the experimental data for establishing the brainwave pattern that
would best reflect the music appraisal of an individual and train the learning machine
from music pieces of known subjective evaluation. Next, additional experiments were
run that implemented the real-time scoring by the trained ELM-machine so as to justify
the proposed BCI in a more naturalistic setting. In both cases, the musical pieces were
delivered through a popular on-demand music streaming service (Spotify) that facilitates
the registration of the listener’s feedback (‘like’-‘dislike’) to adapt the musical content
to his taste and make suggestions about new titles.

4.1 Participants
All 5 participants were healthy students of AUTH Informatics department. Their average
age was 23 years and music listening was among their daily habits. They signed an
informed consent after the experimental procedures had been explained to them.
434 F. Kalaganis et al.

4.2 Data Acquisition

Having in mind the user-friendliness of the proposed scheme, we adopted a modern
commercial dry-sensor wireless device (i.e. Interaxon’s Muse device - http://www.choo‐ in our implementations. This “gadget” offers a 4-channel EEG signal, with
a topological arrangement that can be seen in Fig. 1. The signals are digitized at the
sampling frequency of 220 Hz. Data are transmitted under OSC, which is a protocol for
communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices
that is optimized for modern networking technology [26].

Fig. 1. Topological arrangement of Electrodes (A) and Interaxon’s Muse headset (B).

4.3 Experimental Procedure

Prior to placing the headset, subjects sat in a comfortable armchair and volume of
speakers was set to a desirable level. They were advised to refrain from body and head
movements and enjoy the music experience. Recording was divided into sessions of
30 min duration. The music streaming service was operated in radio mode, hence
randomly selected songs (from the genre of their preference), were delivered to each
participant while his/her brain activity was registered. Among the songs there were
advertisements. That part of recordings was isolated from the rest. The recording proce‐
dure was integrated, in MATLAB, together with all necessary information from the
streaming audio signal (i.e. song id, time stamps for the beginning and termination of
each song). Participants evaluated each of the listened song, using as score one of the
integers {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, during a separate session just after the end of the recording. These
scores, together with the associate patterns extracted from the recorded brain signals,
comprised our training set. The overall procedure was repeated for every subject, in
order to build an independent testing set.

4.4 Data Analysis

The preprocessing of signal included 50 Hz component removal (by a built-in notch

filter in MuseIO - the software that connects to and streams data from Muse), DC
A Consumer BCI for Automated Music Evaluation 435

offset removal, and removal of the signal segments that corresponded to the 5 first
second of each song (in order to avoid artificial transients).
The digital processing included (i) band-pass filtering for deriving the brain‐
waves of standard brain rhythms, (ii) Hilbert Transform for deriving their instanta‐
neous amplitude and phase and (iii) computation of the descriptors described in
Sect. 3.1. To increase frequency resolution, we divided the β rhythm into βlow
(13–20 Hz), and βhigh (20–30 Hz) sub-bands and derived descriptors separately. Simi‐
larly the γ rhythm was divided into γlow (30–49 Hz) and γhigh (51–90 Hz). The
recorded brain activity was segmented into overlapping windows of fixed duration
(that during off-line experimentation had been varied between 30 and 100 s). The
overall set of descriptors associated with the segments of brain activity had been used
for selecting the best combination in a training-phase (applied collectively to all
participants). A particular subset of descriptors (treated as a composite pattern
including all the selected features) was extracted from each segment and utilized in
an additional training phase (applied individually), during which an ELM-model was
tailored to the user. In the testing phase, the subject specific ELM-model was applied
to streaming composite patterns (representing segments of brain signals), in order to
predict the listener’s evaluation.

5 Results

5.1 Selecting Features - the Synthesized Biomarker

Feature selection was based on the Distance Correlation scores R’s of all signal descrip‐
tors as averaged across all participants (Fig. 2). The descriptors were ranked in descending
order (regarding their music evaluation expressiveness) and a dynamic programming
methodology was applied. Starting with the feature of highest R, we traversed systemati‐
cally the ranked list for combinations that would eventually maximize the Distance Corre‐
lation. This procedure led to a particular combination of 5 features, the synthesized music
appraisal biomarker, which included the normalized temporal asymmetry index in βlow
band, relative energy of α band at temporal electrodes, γlow→γhigh PAC at FP1 sensor and
relative energy of θ band at TP9. The relevance of this descriptor to music evaluation
showed a dependence on the length of segment based on which it had been evaluated (using
the timecourses from all participants, the averaged trace of Fig. 3 was computed). It can be
seen that the effectiveness of the biomarker constantly increases with the duration of the
listened music. This kind of investigations can provide indications about how fast the auto‐
mated music evaluation system could operate.
436 F. Kalaganis et al.

Fig. 2. Distance Correlation R of all employed signal descriptors.

5.2 Designing the ELM

Using the common biomarker, an ELM was designed per listener. The number of
neurons in the hidden player, the only parameter to be tuned in ELMs, was selected as
the smallest number of neurons such that the training and testing error were converging
at an acceptable level, lower than 0.01.
A Consumer BCI for Automated Music Evaluation 437

Fig. 3. Distance Correlation R as a function of the segment length for the synthesized biomarker.

5.3 Evaluating the Music-Evaluation BCI

The proposed BCI was evaluated in two ways. During the first stage, the available data
(the biomarker patterns of each of the five participants along with the associated ratings)
were randomly partitioned in training and testing set, in a 60 %−40 % proportion for
cross-validation. An ELM was trained using the former set and its performance was
quantified using the latter set. The overall procedure was repeated 10 times, and averaged
results are reported. The normalized root mean squared error (RMSE), as defined for
regression tasks, was found to be 0.063 ± 0.0093 (mean ± std across participants). For
comparison purposes, we also employed Support Vector Machines (SVMs), which
performed slightly inferiorly. Although the difference was marginal, the very short
training time was another factor in favor of employing ELMs.
During the second stage, a pilot online BCI was developed in order to realize the
testing phase of the ELM in a realistic setting. Two of the previous subjects, participated
in an additional recording session during which the already tailored ELMs were
providing, based on segments of 90 s, a read-out of the subjective music evaluation. The
predicted scores were registered and compared with the ones provided by the listeners
just after the experimental session. The normalized RMSE was estimated to be 0.09 and

6 Discussion

This paper constitutes the report from a pilot study, during which we attempted to asso‐
ciate the listener’s brainwaves with the subjective aesthetic pleasure induced by music.
The main novelty of the presented proof-of-concept, is that it was realized based on a
modern consumer EEG device and in conjunction with a popular on-demand music
streaming service (Spotify). Our results indicate that signals from a restricted number
of sensors (located over frontal and temporal brain areas) can be combined in a comput‐
able biomarker reflecting the listener’s subjective music evaluation. This brainwaves’
derivative can be efficiently decoded by regression-ELM and therefore leads to a reliable
438 F. Kalaganis et al.

readout from the listener. The main advantage of the approach is that complies with idea
of employing EEG-wearables in daily activities and is readily embedded within the
contemporary on-demand music streaming services (see Fig. 4). However, the problem
of artifacts (noisy signals of biological origin) has not been addressed yet. For the
presented results, the participants had been asked to limit body/head movements and
facial expressions and as much as possible. Hence, before employing such a system to
naturalistic recordings, methodologies for real-time artifact suppression (as in [27]) have
to be incorporated.

Fig. 4. Flow chart of the proposed music evaluation BCI

Today, we live in the world of Internet of Things (IoT) where the interconnectedness
among devices has already been anticipated and supportive technologies are now being
realized [28]. However, to achieve a seamless integration of technology in people’s lives,
there is still much room for improvement. In a world beyond IoT, technology would
proactively facilitate people’s expectations and wearable devices would transparently
interface with systems and services. To enable such scenarios would require to move
from the IoT to the Internet of People (IoP) [29]. People would then participate as first-
class citizens relishing the benefits of holistic human-friendly applications. As such, we
present a pragmatic use of a consumer BCI that ideally fits in the anticipated forms of
the digital music universe and demonstrate a first series of encouraging experimental


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Information Abstraction from Crises Related
Tweets Using Recurrent Neural Network

Mehdi Ben Lazreg(B) , Morten Goodwin, and Ole-Christoffer Granmo

University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway


Abstract. Social media has become an important open communication

medium during crises. The information shared about a crisis in social
media is massive, complex, informal and heterogeneous, which makes
extracting useful information a difficult task. This paper presents a first
step towards an approach for information extraction from large Twitter
data. In brief, we propose a Recurrent Neural Network based model
for text generation able to produce a unique text capturing the general
consensus of a large collection of twitter messages. The generated text is
able to capture information about different crises from tens of thousand
of tweets summarized only in a 2000 characters text.

Keywords: Information abstraction · Recurrent neural network ·

Twitter data · Crisis management

1 Introduction
Social media has become the de facto open crises communication medium [1].
It plays a pivotal role in most crises today, from getting life signs from people
affected to communicating with responders [2]. However, processing and extract-
ing useful information and inferring valuable knowledge from such social media
messages is difficult for several reasons. The messages are typically brief, infor-
mal, and heterogeneous (mix of languages, acronyms, and misspellings) with
varying quality, and it may be required to know the context of a message to
understand its meaning. Moreover, people also post information on other mun-
dane events, which introduces additional noise into the data.
The state-of-the-art in the area of information discovery using machine learn-
ing mostly centres on supervised learning techniques. Those techniques are based
on training an algorithm on sets of text from each topic to learn a predictive
function, which in turn is used to classify new texts into a previously learnt topic
[3]. A limitation of this approach is the scope of the topics: If a new text about
an unforeseen topic is presented to the algorithm, such as a new crisis, it will
wrongly classify it as one of the existing topics. Another challenge is that crises
are diverse and the number of topics discussed in social media during a single

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 441–452, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 38
442 M. Ben Lazreg et al.

crisis is large, dynamic, and changing from crisis to crisis. Moreover, applying
a classifier trained on data from previous disasters on the next disaster may
not perform well in practise. This can be explained by the fact that the next
disaster will typically be more or less unique compared to the previous ones.
Accordingly, a loss of accuracy occurs even if the crises have many similarities.
Alternatively, unsupervised techniques try to look for co-occurrences of terms
in the text as a metric of similarity [4] or infer the word distribution of a set of
words the text contains and use it for document clustering [5]. Moreover, differ-
ent methods based on graph theory has been used to extract information from a
document. As an example, a graph based ranking model for document process-
ing was adopted to extract key words from a text document [6]. In addition,
a stochastic graph based method has also been employed to extract the most
important sentence in a text document [7].
Recurrent Neural Networks and its long-short term memory variant have
emerged as an efficient model in a variety of application involving sequential
data [8]. This includes handwriting recognition [9], speech recognition [10], and
video analysis [11]. As an example, RNN was trained on Wikipedia articles for
text generation with great success. The power of recurrent neural network comes
from their high dimensional hidden state with non-linear dynamics which has
the ability to remember and process past input information [12]. The goal of
this paper is to make a model that summarises and reproduces content from
massive Twitter streams. The model is based on recurrent neural network to
predict the next character in a stream of text. The approach allows to generate
a text that compresses the information contained in the text that the network
has been trained on.
This paper is organised as follow. Section 2 gives an overview of the state-of-
the-art twitter analysis in crises situations. Section 3 introduces recurrent neural
network and illustrates its basic features. Section 4 proposes a recurrent network
based model for topic discovery in crisis related twitter data. Section 5 presents
tests and results of the model. Finally, Sect. 6 concludes and provides pointers
to further work.

2 Twitter Analysis for Crisis Situations

There is no doubt that valuable, high throughput data is produced on social

media only seconds after a crisis occurs [1]. To cope with the complexity of
the social media data, and extract information from crisis related messages,
machine learning techniques have been applied [2]. Two main approaches were
investigated: supervised and unsupervised learning.
In a supervised approach, the goal is to classify a social media message as
part of one particular crisis event. To achieve this, the algorithm learns a predic-
tive function so that it can classify any new unknown message as part of one of
the categories of crises. A number of approaches have been investigated includ-
ing Naı̈ve Bayes, Support Vector Machine (SVM) [13], Random Forests [14],
and Logistic Regression [15]. Further, some research focus on only analysing
Information Abstraction from Crises Related Tweets 443

tweets containing certain keywords [2]. In this way, the tags can replace manual
labelling for training. As an example, SVM was used to classify tweets related to
earthquakes and landslides [3,16]. In a supervised approach, labels are necessary
for training the classifiers, but they might be highly difficult to obtain especially
in the case of multi-language messages or context knowledge [2]. To address this
problem, unsupervised learning techniques are used.
Unsupervised methods are used to identify patterns in unlabelled data. They
are most useful when the information seekers do not know specifically what infor-
mation to look for in the data –which is the case in many crises situations. An
example is grouping tweets into stories (clusters of tweets) after a keyword filter
[17]. This method reduces the number of social media messages to be handled
by humans since it groups equivalent messages together. Another application
using unsupervised learning identifies events related to public and safety using
a spatio-temporal clustering approach [18]. In addition to strictly clustering ele-
ments into groups, soft clusters have been used to allow items to simultaneously
belong to several clusters with variant degrees. In this approach, the tweets sim-
ilarity is based on words they contain and the length of the tweets [19]. The
approach was applied on the Indonesia earthquake (2009) data and detected
different aspects related to the crisis (relief, deaths, missing persons, and so on).

3 Artificial Neural Networks

An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a machine learning algorithm developed
to mimic the human brain and reach its information processing capabilities [20].
An ANN is a network of processing units (analogous to neurons) joined by
weighted connections (analogous to synapse). The network is activated by giving
an input to some or all of the units. This activation is then spread throughout
the hidden layers of the network until it reaches the output layer (see Fig. 1).
Many varieties of ANN exist all with different sets of properties [20]. One
major distinction is between networks where the connections are acyclic called
Feedforwad Neural Networks (FNN) and networks where the connections form
cycles called Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). RNN is most suited for tasks
that involve sequential input such as speech and language. A RNN processes
an input sequence one element at a time, and maintains information about the
history of the past elements in the sequence. This ability makes it suitable for
learning patterns to form text since a text is a series of correlated characters.
RNN is successfully used to predict the next word in a sequence of semanti-
cally related words [8]. It also has some success in predicting the next charac-
ter in a sequence of characters which is used to generate text, and in machine
translation [8].

3.1 Recurrent Neural Networks

A Recurrent neural network (RNN) is an ANN where the connections between
neurons are allowed to form a circle (see Fig. 1) [20]. As Fig. 1 shows, the con-
nections between units on the same layer allow mapping the history of previous
444 M. Ben Lazreg et al.

inputs to the output vectors. For each unit k in the RNN, the activation ak
of that unit depends on the inputs {x1 , x2 , ..., xn } of the unit and the weights
{w1 , w2 , ..., wn } of their respective connections as shown in Eq. 1.

ak = f ( wi xi + bk ) (1)

The most widely used activation functions are sigmoid, hyperbolic tangent
(in this case the unit is called a logistic unit) and linear functions (in this case
the unit is called linear unit) [20]. bk is a bias term that represents the expected
mean value of the activation when all the inputs are zeroes.
During the training phase of an RNN, the aim is to update the weights so that
for a given input, the output produced minimises a loss function that measures
the similarity between the output of the network and the desired output [20].
The training of a RNN goes through three major steps [20]:

1. Initialise the weights wi to a generally small value (in the range [−0.1, 0.1]).
2. Forward pass: Computes the activations ak of all the unit in the RNN.
3. Backward pass: Updates the weights of the network in a manner that min-
imises the loss function between the output of the RNN and the desired
output. This is performed using gradient descent. Backpropagation is used to
efficiently compute the gradient and update the weights.

The three steps are repeated until a minimum of the loss function is reached.
Note that the solution converged to may actually represent a local minimum.

3.2 Long-Short Term Memory

The main benefit of a RNN is its ability to use the input at previous time
steps to produce an output. Nevertheless, in a standard RNN the range of past
inputs that can influence output is quite limited because gradients can either
decay or blow up exponentially as feedback cycles around the network recurrent
connections [20]. This problem is known as the vanishing/exploding gradient
problem [21]. To address this problem, a Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM)
architecture was proposed [9]. In a LSTM architecture, the unit in the hidden
layer of a RNN is replaced by a block (see Fig. 2) analogous to a memory block.
The block is composed of:

– A linear unit “ct ”: resenting the state of the block a time t.

– A logistic input unit “it ”: analogous to a write gate that updates the value in
“ct ” when on (outputs a value close to 1)
– A logistic output unit “ot ”: analog to a read gate that retrieves the value in
“ct ” when on.
– A logistic forget unit “ft ”: analog to a keep gate that maintains the value in
“ct ” when on.
Information Abstraction from Crises Related Tweets 445

Fig. 1. Example of a RNN. Fig. 2. A block of LSTM architecture.

The state of units “it ”, “ot ” and “ft ” are updated based on the input xt , the
output of the block at the previous time step ht−1 , and the output of other blocks
in the LSTM network. This architecture is proved successful at a range of tasks
that require long range memory including text generation, speech recognition
and handwriting recognition [8].

4 Approach
Our approach aims at learning patterns from crises related tweets, and later
generate a compressed text deducing the main topic (see Fig. 3). This means
that the model learns characteristics of tweets, understands the context and is
able to reproduce similar tweets. Note that this is very different from reciting
tweets in that the model has learnt concepts. It does not copy Twitter text. It
is designed to capture the main concept even with a noisy set of tweets i.e. a
collection of tweets about different topics. However, the model does not aim at
presenting a comprehensive assessment of the crisis at this point. It only present
fragments of the crisis present in the generated text. To achieve this goal, we
train a character based LSTM architecture on crises related tweets.

Fig. 3. A hight level overview of the proposed model.

The used LSTM architecture contains multiple hidden layers, each containing
multiple LSTM blocks presented in Fig. 2. The input of the network is a vector
representing the current character xt where the character can be a letter or a
special character. The output node of the network ht is a softmax distribution
over characters [20]. The softmax function produces an output in the [0, 1] inter-
val that represents the probability of the next character given the input of the
node. For a training set {(x1 , y 1 ), (x2 , y 2 ), .., (xn , y n )}, the softmax distribution
is defined by Eq. 2.
exp(θi xi )
p(y i = k|xi ) = K (2)
j=1 exp(θj x )
446 M. Ben Lazreg et al.

Where xi ∈ INK is vector coding of the input of the softmax (note that
in our case the input of the softmax is the output of the hidden layers of the
LSTM architecture), y i = {1, 2, .., K} is the index of the output character, K
is the number of possible characters. θi is the parameter of the softmax to be
determined during the training phase to minimize the loss function in Eq. 3. The
loss function represents the sum of the negative log-likelihood of y i knowing xi .
By minimizing the loss function, the probabilities that the correct character is
predicted approaches one.
n K
J(θ) = − 1{y i = j} log(p(y i = j|xi )) (3)
n i=1 j=1

1{y i = j} = 1 if y i = j ; 0 otherwise (4)

The hypothesis is that the generated text should provide a description of the
tweets the network has been trained on. Hence, a practitioner can easily get an
overview of the underlying topics of the tweets.

5 Tests and Results

The model described in the previous section was used to learn patterns from
Twitter data related to several crises and then generate a unique text containing
information present in the initial tweets.

5.1 The Data

The crises data used to train our model is provided by CrisisLex [22] a platform
for collecting and filtering communications during a crisis. Table 1 refers to more
than fifty four thousand tweets about several crises. The data is a mix of tweets
where some are related to the respective crisis and some are not. The percentage
of unrelated tweets for each crisis ranges from 38 % to 44 % of the whole set of
Twitter messages. Moreover, in the case of the Alberta flood, only 30 % out of the
related tweets gave concrete useful information about the crisis. The remaining
tweets include other mundane topics. The percentage of informative tweets out
of the related tweets goes up to a maximum 48 % in the Queensland flood data.

Table 1. Crises related twitter data

Crisis Year Number of tweets Percentage of unrelated tweets

Boston bombing 2013 11012 40 %
Texas explosion 2013 11006 44 %
Alberta flood 2013 11036 44 %
Hurricane Sandy 2012 10008 38 %
Queensland flood 2011 11233 43 %
Information Abstraction from Crises Related Tweets 447

5.2 Experiments

The network was trained on a Twitter data collect from several crises (see
Sect. 5.1). Table 2 summarises the empirical results of the model tested with
different setups. The performance of the model can be measured with the train-
ing loss indicating the difference between the predicted and true value during the
training period (Eq. 3), and the validation loss indicating the difference between
the predicted and true value over a validation data (additional data over which
the model is applied after training).

Table 2. Experiments results

Parameter Value Training loss Validation loss

Architecture RNN 1.97 1.81
LSTM 1.48 1.50
Number of nodes 128 1.81 1.65
256 1,48 1.50
512 1.17 1.47
Number of layers 1 1.53 1.57
2 1.48 1.50
3 1.56 1.49
Dropout 0 0.80 1.90
0.50 1.48 1.50
0.90 2.00 1.90
Batch size 50 1.48 1.61
100 1.48 1.50
500 1.66 1.62
1000 1.85 1.79
Sequence length 30 1.52 1.48
50 1.48 1.50
140 1.49 1.51

The first conducted experiment was to show the improvement in training

and validation loss the LSTM brings over a simple RNN. Table 2 shows that the
validation loss drops from 1.81 for a simple RNN to 1.5 for LSTM. Similarly, by
showing the evolution of the training loss over the amount of train data for RNN
and LSTM architectures, Fig. 4 illustrates the margin in training loss between
LSTM and RNN even for small amount of training data. The training loss ends
at a value of 1.97 for RNN and 1.48 for LSTM.
The LSTM architecture possesses different parameters that can be tuned to
improve the model’s ability to learn patterns from the training set and predict
the next character in a sequence. An important parameter is the number of units
448 M. Ben Lazreg et al.

(or nodes) in the network. Table 2 shows that increasing the number of nodes
in the network improves the validation loss from 1.65 with 128 nodes to 1.47
with 512 nodes. Figure 5 displays the same trend: A 512 units network reaches
a training loss of 1.17 while the loss for 128 units network remains at 1.81.
However, with 512 nodes the validation loss is significantly higher then training
loss strongly indicating that the network is over-fitting the data. Over-fitting
will cause the generated text later on to be a copy of the tweets existing in the
training set which will present no value added. Moreover, using 512 nodes will
require more processing time for little gain in validation loss over 256 nodes (1.5
for 256 units and 1.47 for 512 units). An equilibrium is reached at 265 units
where the validation loss 1.5 is slightly higher then the training loss 1.48.

Fig. 4. Training loss for RNN and Fig. 5. Training loss for different num-
LSTM architectures. ber of nodes.

Another parameter of LSTM is the number of hidden layers in the network.

Table 2 suggests that increasing the number of hidden layers slightly improves
the validation loss from 1.57 for one layer to 1.5 and 1.49 for 2 and 3 layers
respectively. Nevertheless, the validation loss barely changes between 2 and 3
hidden layer. Likewise, the training loss is not greatly influenced by the number
of layers going from 1.53 to 1.48 and 1.56 for 1, 2 and 3 layers respectively.
The dropout intends to avoid over-fitting by dropping out each node in the
network with a certain probability at each training step [23]. Table 2 shows that
0 dropout improves the training loss to 0.8 compared to 2 for a dropout of 0.9.
Nevertheless, the validation loss remains high, which again indicates over-fitting.
In contrast, a high dropout causes both losses to be high (training loss of 2 and
a validation loss of 1.9) which suggest under-fitting. Under-fitting means that
the model cannot capture data patterns and fails to fit the data well enough.
The batch size determines how many examples the model looks at before
making a weight update [24]. Lower batch sizes should intuitively improve the
validation and training loss. However, the change is no longer compelling after
reaching an batch size of 100. As Table 2 shows, the training loss goes from 1.85
to 1.48 for a change of batch size from 1000 to 100 and stays at 1.48 for a batch
size of 50. Similarly, the validation loss goes from 1.79 to 1.5 for a change of
batch size from 1000 to 100 but then increases to 1.61 for a batch size of 50.
Information Abstraction from Crises Related Tweets 449

The sequence length is the maximum number of characters that remains in

the network memory to perform a prediction. Our experiments tested 3 values:
the most frequent length of tweets (30 characters), the average length of tweets
(50 characters) and the maximum length of tweets (140 characters). The results
presented in Table 2 show an improved validation loss with shorter sequence
moving from 1.51 to 1.48 for sequence lengths of 140 and 30 respectively. The
model starts degrading in fitting the training data for shorter sequence shown by
an increase of training loss from 1.49 to 1.52. The best combination of validation
and training loss for 50 sequences.
We will in the remainder of the paper apply the configuration and para-
meters that provide the best performance above. The best setup consists of an
LSTM architecture with 2 hidden layers and 256 hidden nodes, which represents
approximately 400 thousand parameters to train. We used a dropout of 0.5, a
batch size of 100, and the network keeps a memory of last 50 characters to use
in its predictions.

5.3 Results
The model was successful in generating a 2000 character text for each crisis. A
sample of the generated text is presented in Table 3. The aim is to generate tweets
which are concise, explanatory, and extract the main topic of the big twitter data.
The generated text is unique and only generated by the model. This means that
all generated text is different and is not contained in the training data. Hence,
from a structural point of view, the model was able to learn the basic component
of a tweet: RT (retweets), hashtags, the “@” to address a specific person and the
hypertext links. It was also able to predict an open bracket following two points,
:(, for a sad smiley face in the first hurricane Sandy related text.
From a content point of view, the text contains misspelling and the sentences
are unstructured. However, they clearly present valuable information that exists
in the training data. An example is the Boston bombing, the first tweets clearly
indicates the event of a bomb at the Boston marathon and presents a name:
“Jeff Bauran”. The name is actually a misspelling of “Jeff Bauman”, a witness
who identified one of the attackers [25]. The second text indicates that the FBI
released a video about the Bombing. What actually happened, and present in
the training data, is that the FBI released pictures and videos of the attackers
[25]. An arrest was also made as the training data suggest and this was also
captured by the model in the third tweet.
For the Texas explosion in West Fertilizer Company, the model was able
to capture the number 60 surrounded by “killed” and “injured” in the first
tweet. Actually, in the training data, this number appears sometimes as the
number of killed in the explosion and other times as the number of injured. It
is worth noticing that the number of deaths declared by the authorities was
14 [26]. However, this number was not part of the training Twitter data. This
is an example of misleading information that can be present in the generated
text cause by people spreading rumors through Twitter. The second tweet is
unrelated to the crises and handles mundane topic present in the training data.
450 M. Ben Lazreg et al.

Table 3. Generated text

Crisis Generated tweets

Boston bombing 1. Jeff Bauran, was bomb at #Boston Marathon and rew for
the Boston marathon. My thoughts and prayers go out to
everyone affected by today.
2. RT @CSDiggren: Wook, suspect in Boston Marathon
bombings: FBI releases video of the #BostonMarathon
bombing: Any are peosled of sole. Same name gun...
3. RT @SportsCenter: BREAKING: An arrest has been made
in the Boston Marathon bombings, CNN reports.
Texas explosion 1. ?earcharliess killed 60 injured)
2. He’s saying we won’t knight.
3. Eeproike for ouf the texas #PrayForWest PHOTO: Fertilizer
plant explosion httexas. I gagrings! Thoughts To fertilizer
plant explosionor the mesting, #WestTXClr4MwWUp
Alberta flood 1. Now video all the stay safe. They work to help the flood
victims to help. Everyone pock the floods to my content for
calgary floods: RT @nenshi:
2. This pic of an awesome firefighter in Mission needs to go
viral. Please share! #abflood
3. #job #hiring
Hurricane Sandy 1. Nice in plays of Hurricane Sandy election to some going
hurricane sandy. Tomorrow :(
2. School destroyed
Queensland flood 1. Queensland’s flood crisis deepens - The Australian: Sydney
2. Photos: Flood water rises in Australia:

The same applies to the third tweet about Alberta flood. Moreover, the generated
tweets about the Texas explosion do not explicitly state the nature of the crises.
This might be due to the fact that the training data related the crisis present
the highest percentage of unrelated tweets which influence the generated text.
Therefore, we tried to remove the unrelated tweets from the train data related to
the Texas explosion, retrain the model and generate a new text. The last tweet
about the Texas explosion represents a sample of what we obtain. Even though
the nature of the crisis is explicitly stated in the tweet, the tweet contains much
more misspellings and unstructured. This is caused by reducing the training data
(eliminating unrelated tweets), the model had not enough data to capture the
structure and learn words.
For the remaining crises in the data, the tweets indicate the type of crisis, its
location and provide some update on it status like the school destroyed during
hurricane sandy, and the deepening of the Queensland flood. Note that some
tweets are related to the crises but do not provide value added information
Information Abstraction from Crises Related Tweets 451

about its status, like the firefighters mission in the Alberta flood second tweet.
Nevertheless, these tweets present a significant chunk of the training data (see
Sect. 5.1) linked to the crisis but not presenting useful information about it.
When we tried to generate the text anew, the information present in the new
text was similar to previously discussed text. It is also worth noticing that some
valuable information was present in the training data that was not extracted
by the generated text which could be an area of further improvement in addi-
tion to automatically displaying the text in a manner that improves situational
awareness further.

6 Conclusion
During a crises, valuable and substantial information about the crisis is shared on
social media. However, the complexity and heterogeneity of tweeted text render
extraction of useful information a difficult task for machine learning techniques.
This papers presents a first step towards an approach for information extraction
from large Twitter data collections. We propose training an LSTM architecture
on crises related tweets and then use the trained model to generate a novel text.
The model is able to capture valuable information from tens of thousands of
tweets summarized only in an adjustable 2000 character text. Work is still to be
made to filter useful crises related information and present it automatically in
a more intuitive manner. Another future direction is to adopt a diversification
mechanism that uses scores to rank the generated text based on their similarities
and the information they bring.

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Mining Humanistic Data Workshop
A Scalable Grid Computing Framework
for Extensible Phylogenetic Profile Construction

Emmanouil Stergiadis, Athanassios M. Kintsakis, Fotis E. Psomopoulos(B) ,

and Pericles A. Mitkas

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

Abstract. Current research in Life Sciences without doubt has been

established as a Big Data discipline. Beyond the expected domain-specific
requirements, this perspective has put scalability as one of the most cru-
cial aspects of any state-of-the-art bioinformatics framework. Sequence
alignment and construction of phylogenetic profiles are common tasks
evident in a wide range of life science analyses as, given an arbitrary
big volume of genomes, they can provide useful insights on the function-
ality and relationships of the involved entities. This process is often a
computational bottleneck in existing solutions, due to its inherent com-
plexity. Our proposed distributed framework manages to perform both
tasks with significant speed-up by employing Grid Computing resources
provided by EGI in an efficient and optimal manner. The overall workflow
is both fully automated, thus making it user friendly, and fully detached
from the end-users terminal, since all computations take place on Grid
worker nodes.

1 Introduction

Over the last decade, the amount of available data in the life sciences domain has
increased exponentially and is expected to keep growing at an ever accelerating
pace. This significant increase in data acquisition leads to a pressing need for
scalable methods that can be employed to interpret them; a scaling that cannot
be met by traditional systems as they cannot provide the necessary computa-
tional power and network throughput required. Several efforts are evident in
recent literature towards developing new, distributed methods for a number of
bioinformatics workflows through the use of HPC systems and paradigms, such
as MapReduce [6]. However most, if not all, of these efforts necessitate the setup
of a rather complex computing system, as well as the expertise to manage and
update an independent software project, since most implementations radically
differ from their vanilla counterparts. This is in stark contrast with the situa-
tion for most life science researchers who lack the expertise needed to use and
manage those systems. As a result, and despite the overall advantages of these
frameworks, their ultimate use is fairly limited.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 455–462, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 39
456 E. Stergiadis et al.

In order to overcome these issues, while at the same time providing the much
needed computing power for complex analyses, we developed a bioinformatics
framework on top of a Grid architecture that is able to perform common com-
parative genomics workflows at a massive scale using EGI resources. Special care
has been taken to make the framework as automated as possible, increasing the
user friendly factor in order to further facilitate wider use by the scientific com-
munity. Moreover, every major submodule in the framework utilizes the latest
vanilla version available to the community, in order to ensure that the frame-
work can always stay up-to-date through automatically consuming updates of
its individual vanilla parts.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows; Sect. 2 provides an overview
of the concepts and technologies used throughout this work. Section 3 outlines
the proposed framework, with particular focus on the requirements driving the
current implementation. Section 4 establishes the technical aspects of the imple-
mentation, including the different modes of operations and the expected input
and output. In Sect. 5, the efficiency of the framework is validated for all sup-
ported execution modes and finally, Sect. 6 provides some insights towards future
steps in this direction.

2 Background

2.1 Comparative Genomics

BLAST Algorithm. BLAST has become the industry and research standard
algorithm for sequence alignment. An open source implementation is provided
by the NCBI organization which produces all alignments, as well as a number
of parameters defining the significance of the alignment. A comprehensive list
of the available parameters, as well as an in-depth description of the algorithm
can be found in the online manual of the application. Our framework relies in
particular on one of these parameters, namely the e-value e for each match.
The e-value refers to the number of alignments expected to happen by chance.
Therefore, a low e-value indicates a high statistical significance of an alignment.

Phylogenetic Profiles. Although the BLAST algorithm has been designed

to readily identify and quantify sequence similarity, it will inherently miss any
information that is not directly tied to this aspect. In particular, given a pair
of protein sequences that may exhibit a high functional correlation (e.g. similar
domains, active sites etc.) while at the same time do not expose any significant
similarity in their composition, BLAST will fail to detect their interesting rela-
tionship. An alternative way to detect and quantify such relations, is to observe
the joint presence or absence of sequences across a common set of genomes, for
example protein sequences which only appear in the same family of genomes are
highly likely to be related to that familys distinct functionality.
Phylogenetic profiles are vectors that characterize each sequence. Specifi-
cally, they indicate the sequence’s homologs with every genome found in a given
A Scalable Grid Computing Framework 457

dataset. Each element in the vector corresponds to presence (denoted as the

number 1) or absence (denoted as the number 0) of any homologue of the
protein sequence under study in the respective genome. Beyond the standard
(binary) phylogenetic profiles, an extended version may be constructed by replac-
ing the presence/absence attribute by the actual number of homologs between
that sequence and a target genome.
An even stronger evolutionary link between two sequences can be inferred
through the use of best bidirectional hits (BBH). By definition, the best hit
of a given sequence seqA derived from genome A to a target genome B, is the
sequence seqB in genome B that represents the best match, i.e. a homologue
scoring lower e-value e than all other hits produced. This particular match is
also bidirectional if the seqA is also the best hit for seqB . A bidirectional best
hit represents a very strong similarity between two sequences, and is considered
evidence that the genes may be orthologs arising from a common ancestor [6].
A graphical representation of the two cases of phlyogenetic profiles is show in
Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Graphical overview of the general hit and bidirectional hit profiles, given a set
of example sequences.

Grid Computing. A computer Grid is a system that coordinates resources

that are not subject to centralized control using standard, open, general-purpose
protocols and interfaces to deliver non-trivial quality of service [3]. A grid com-
puting architecture can bring massive processing power to bear on a problem, as
SETI (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) and other similar projects have
shown [1,2]. An additional abstraction layer, called middleware, makes creating
and controlling grids easier.
The European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) is the result of pioneering work that
has, over the last decade, built a collaborative production infrastructure of uni-
form services through the federation of national resource providers that supports
multidisciplinary science across Europe and around the world. Our framework
is deployed on the HellasGrid infrastructure, part of EGI, which offers high
performance computing services to Greek universities and research institutes.
458 E. Stergiadis et al.

HellasGrid is also the biggest infrastructure for Grid computing in the area of
South-East Europe.

3 Framework Description
We designed and implemented a framework capable of performing sequence align-
ment and phylogenetic profiling in a time-efficient and user-friendly manner, by
utilizing EGI resources. These processes were both scaled to resources and auto-
mated due to the fact that they comprise an essential part in a plethora of biolog-
ical analysis pipelines including, but not limited to: species identification, DNA
mapping and domain localization [5,7]. The overall design and ultimate imple-
mentation of our framework has been dictated by the following requirements:
– Optimal efficiency
– Fully automated and robust against system failures
– Reusable output for building on top of previous results
– Reuse of existing, optimized and tested submodules
Workflow efficiency was maximized through an optimal use of EGI resources,
minimizing queue delays as well as potential load failures that lead to resubmis-
sion of computational jobs [8]. The workflow does not require any interaction
from the user after the initial submission phase; instead everything runs auto-
matically in the background thus releasing the end-users’ machine and allowing
for better utilization of the local resources until the analysis is finished. Possible
system errors are also handled automatically, with the possible exception of fatal
errors. The final output is presented in a simple, widely accepted format that
can be either consumed as a final output or used as an intermediate step to the
next steps of any analysis pipeline. Finally, instead of reinventing the wheel, our
framework utilizes well documented and maintained vanilla implementations of
its submodules when available in order to accommodate both updates as well as
support any further development of the framework through targeted extensions.

3.1 Program Flow

As outlined earlier in the requirements of the framework, the workflow is fully
automated. A Grid job is submitted for each file in the query directory corre-
sponding to a genome to be examined, meaning that the number of submitted
jobs is equal to the number of genomes we are interested in. Job submission is in
reverse order to the size of the query file, thus ensuring that the most computa-
tionally expensive jobs are submitted first. Given that the total time needed for
our analysis is equal to the worst time of its parallel counterparts, minimizing the
delay of the lengthier jobs results in a notable improvement in efficiency, namely
20–30 h for large queries as shown in the experiments performed (Sect. 5). In
order to minimize the uploading time from the user’s UI, as well as be able to
handle an arbitrarily large database file, we exploit the Grid’s storage services.
Specifically, we upload the database only once to a Storage Element (SE), and
A Scalable Grid Computing Framework 459

provide each worker node with its qualified name. The worker node is thus able
to retrieve the database directly downloading from the SE. Finally, each job runs
BLAST to align its specific genome file with the database (which is common for
all jobs).
The alignments produced by BLAST are then used to construct the phylo-
genetic profile of any type requested and for each sequence in the query genome.
Since the computation at each node is completely independent of other nodes,
no blocking occurs which qualifies the procedure as “embarrassingly parallel”.
Finally, the output of every job is returned to the users terminal and combined
in a way that facilitates visualization as well as post processing. An instance of
a job handler script is launched in the background for each of those jobs in order
to monitor their state and resubmit them in case of failure caused by stability
or load issues that the Grid might face at a given time (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. (A) Diagram of the workflow from the users point of view (B) Diagram of the
workflow taking place at each WN.

4 Technical Overview
4.1 Modes of Operation
The driving use case for the proposed framework is to provide users with the
means to run an independent analysis. Specifically, the user specifies both the
sequences under study as well as the set of genomes against which the sequences
are going to be aligned and consequently profiled. Beyond this information and
during the initialization phase, additional parameters can be configured such as
the type of phylogenetic profiles to be constructed (BBH or plain, extended or
binary), the type of the input sequence data type (nucleotides or aminoacid) etc.
Moreover, our framework provides support for building upon previous results;
due to the frequent appearance of such analyses in typical biological workflows,
the framework provides the ability to combine new results (i.e. new genomes)
with any previously computed results. Therefore, and instead of running the
460 E. Stergiadis et al.

whole process from scratch, the framework can expand the previous query with-
out recalculating all involved alignments and phylogenetic profiles’ elements.

4.2 Expected Input

The input for every analysis comprises of the database file, including the
sequences of every genome in our dataset, and a set of files corresponding to
the genomes under study. The former files will be referred to as query files and
should reside in a common directory, namely the query directory. It is important
to note that both the query files and the database file must comply to the FASTA
specification. The user must also supply a text file mapping each genome found
in his database with a unique identifier. Finally, the user fills in a properties file
in which the exact mode of operation and its parameters are configured.

4.3 Framework Output

The output is comprised of the BLAST alignment results and the phylogenetic
profile for each sequence. The framework also includes a library of usual post
processing utilities that the user might use to visualize the output. These include
(a) filters that are able to isolate the most significant lines of the output, such as
alignments with a top e-value score or profiles with specific matches, as well as
(b) reducers to collapse profiles at the genome level, i.e. present the phylogenetic
profile of a whole genome instead of a profile at the sequence level.

5 Experiments and Results

The framework has been implemented within a standard UNIX environment in
mind, i.e. any Debian based version of Linux. This restriction has been placed
as a requirement of the underlying Grid infrastructure. The basic workflow is
comprised of scripts to exploit the machines native calls, whereas complemen-
tary functionalities are designed in an object oriented manner using the Java
programming language. In order to validate our framework for scalability we
employed a test case, performing an all-vs-all analysis, since this is the most
computationally demanding mode of operation. The total of 30 genomes used
comprised a BLAST database including 544,538 sequences.
Our experiment involves the creation of BBH profiles for a total of 30
Genomes (all-vs-all operation). It can be seen in Fig. 3 that the total time for
each job is comprised of 3 parts. First, there is the submission delay. As explained
before, we attempt to minimize the number potential job failures, by inserting
a 1-hour delay between consecutive submissions. We take special care to ensure
that bigger jobs are scheduled first, thus minimizing the total time for the length-
ier jobs. Since the total query time equals that of its most demanding job, this
method results in a huge efficiency boost as shown above. The green part cor-
responds to the scheduling time, which is usually minimal. However, there exist
situations where a job fails and has to be resubmitted multiple times, resulting
A Scalable Grid Computing Framework 461

Fig. 3. Execution times in a 30 genome all-vs-all BBH profile construction query.

in extended waiting time such as the case of job number 17. Lastly, we can see
the running time on each WN. This demonstrates significant variance, caused
not only by input anomalies, but also by the heterogeneity of hardware resources
employed by the Grid infrastructure.
Finally, the produced phylogenetic profiles can be readily used for any further
analysis, including functional correlations, pangenome approaches and evolution-
ary studies. Figure 4 provides some preliminary results through the use of BBH
phylogenetic profiles.

Fig. 4. Visual representation of the BBH profiles produced by the all-vs-all comparison
of 30 genomes. Each cell corresponds to the number of BBH that have been identified in
the respective pair of genomes. Moreover, the matrix has been hierarchically clustered
in order to produce evolutionary meaningful clusters of genomes, as evident by the
highly intra-correlated groups (bottom left, middle and top right).

6 Discussion and Conclusions

The ever increasing biological big data that need to be processed and interpreted
in almost every modern bioinformatics workflow, require extreme computational
462 E. Stergiadis et al.

power, storage capability and network throughput that only large-scale distrib-
uted systems can offer. The proposed framework exploits the native nature of
the Grid infrastructure to achieve parallelization at the data layer instead of
the software layer, allowing us to utilize well known vanilla implementations of
comparative genomics tools. This allowed the framework to achieve significant
speed-up without requiring any user effort, or introducing additional mainte-
nance and setup concerns for the end user. This aspect, along with the fact that
the main functionality offered poses a significant role in a wide range of diverse
biological workflows, can potentially provide an easy solution to researcher in
the wider scientific community.
Finally, the modular nature of the frameworks inner workings not only allows
for the automatic updating of its submodules, but can also facilitate the addition
of new features, such as a user friendly GUI, through integration with existing
visualization platforms like Galaxy [4].

Acknowledgements. This work used the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI)

through the National Grid Infrastructure - HellasGrid.

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3. Foster, I., Kesselman, C., Tuecke, S.: What is the grid?-A three point checklist.
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4. Giardine, B., Riemer, C., Hardison, R.C., Burhans, R., Elnitski, L., Shah, P., Zhang,
Y., Blankenberg, D., Albert, I., Taylor, J., et al.: Galaxy: a platform for interactive
large-scale genome analysis. Genome Res. 15(10), 1451–1455 (2005)
5. Marcotte, E.M., Xenarios, I., Van der Bliek, A.M., Eisenberg, D.: Localizing proteins
in the cell from their phylogenetic profiles. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 97(22), 12115–
12120 (2000)
6. Overbeek, R., Fonstein, M., Dsouza, M., Pusch, G.D., Maltsev, N.: The use of gene
clusters to infer functional coupling. Proc. National Acad. Sci. 96(6), 2896–2901
7. Pellegrini, M.: Using phylogenetic profiles to predict functional relationships. Bac-
terial Molecular Networks: Methods and Protocols, pp. 167–177 (2012)
8. Vrousgou, O.T., Psomopoulos, F.E., Mitkas, P.A.: A grid-enabled modular frame-
work for efficient sequence analysis workflows. In: Iliadis, L., et al. (eds.)
EANN 2015. CCIS, vol. 517, pp. 47–56. Springer, Heidelberg (2015). doi:10.1007/
978-3-319-23983-5 5
Community Detection of Screenplay Characters

Christos Makris and Pantelis Vikatos(B)

Computer Engineering and Informatics Department,

University of Patras, Patras, Greece

Abstract. In this paper, we present a model for automatic community

detection of the characters by parsing movie screenplays. In our proce-
dure it is proposed a classification model to predict the casting by cate-
gorize each line of the script in a character or not and the co-occurrence
of the characters in the same scene constitutes the link between two
characters in the social network. We use an existing modularity based
community detection algorithm for cutting the created graph in commu-
nities. The innovation of our methodology is contained in the extraction
of the casting of the screenplay from Wikipedia pages in order to train
and build an efficient classifier to identify the characters in a screenplay.
The proposed methodology for extracting automatically the social net-
work and communities of screenplay characters can be probably used for
enhancing movie recommendations.

Keywords: Community detection · Machine learning · Social network


1 Introduction
The automatic extraction of social network from sources such as unstructured
text has gained the interest of researchers as is presented in several studies [1–6].
In some studies such as in [2,5] the extraction of social networks is by parsing
literature text which the characters of the book are the nodes and the dialogue
between a pair of character constitutes a link. This procedure is expanded also to
movie screenplays such as in [3,4,6] which can be seen as unstructured literary
works which contain interactions between characters that could be presented
as social network. In this paper we introduce an innovative scheme to extract
communities of the characters involving in the same scene by only parsing the
script of a film using an efficient classification model to predict the characters in
a screenplay.
The main challenges is this research is the lack of pre-annotated dataset which
can be used as a training and test set of a model. Also most of the screenplays
are not well-structured so as to declare a universal rule of regular expression for
automatic detection of significant information.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 463–470, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 40
464 C. Makris and P. Vikatos

An important aspect of our work is exploiting by envisaging a similarity

metric between movie screenplays that should be based on the structure of their
social network derived from the co-occurrence of characters in scenes that could
be useful for movie recommendations.

2 Related Work-Motivation

In [1] is presented a first approach in this field mapping out texts according to
geography, social connections and other variables.
A study to extract social networks from nineteenth-century British novels
and serials is presented in [2] which the networks have been constructed by
dialogue interactions.
A similar study is presented in [5] related to social event detection and social
network extraction from a literary text and particularly to the book Alice in
An expansion also to movies’ screenplay as a source of as unstructured liter-
ary works is presented in [3–6]. In [3] is proposed the extraction of social network
by parsing screenplay in order to investigate communities, hidden semantic infor-
mation and innovations to automation of story segmentation. Another study in
[4] is focused in character interaction and networks between characters from
plays and movies.
In [6] it is presented a formalization of the task of parsing movies’ screenplays
as well as a extraction of social network of all characters having a dialogue with
each other in a scene with links.

3 Methodology-Model Overview
In the following methodology the automatic detection of communities using
movie’s screenplay is described. In Fig. 1 the whole system architecture and the
separated modules is depicted. In the following sections the detailed description
of the each part of proposed model is included and in the Sect. 5 the experimental
procedure and the results are presented.

3.1 Crawling IMSDB Webisite

We collect a set of movie screenplays via crawling the Internet Movie Script
Database (IMSDB) website1 which contains a list of movies and the sceenplays
for most of them. In studies [6,8] it is mentioned that scripts are constituted by
5 elements:

1. the scene boundary which describes if the scene is to take place inside or
outside using the tags IN T. and EXT. respectively and the name of the
IMSDB website:
Community Detection of Screenplay Characters 465

Fig. 1. System architecture

2. Scene description which is below the scene boundary and declares detailed
information about the scene.
3. Character name which is the role that is involved in the scene.
4. Dialogue that the active role will act.
5. Meta-data for special information in the script.
In our case it is necessary to recognize the scene boundary element in the
script and split the scenes in order to identify the characters between them. Also
an initial test about EXT./IN T. tags in the text should be occurred in order
to check remove unstructured screenplays from our data collection.

3.2 Scrapping Wikipedia Information

In study [6] it is mentioned that regular expressions is not the appropriate way
to identify and annotate the character names from the scripts. We propose a
procedure using Wikipedia website2 as a source to extract the roles in the movie.
Wikipedia site uses a well-structured information about the cast in a certain
movie. We created a log file with the specific urls for all movie titles and we
scraped the html code. The information is between the following html tags:
Wikipedia website:
466 C. Makris and P. Vikatos

– < h2 >< span class = “mw − headline” id = “Cast” >

– < h2 >< span class = “mw − headline” id = “P roduction” >

The characters form each Wikipedia page are extracted in order to be

matched with the ones in the screenplay.

3.3 Parsing and Annotation of Screenplays

We annotate each line of the script with the tag “C” for the line which only
contains the character name and the rest lines with the tag “O”. It is noted
that in the well-structured screenplays the name of each character is between
scene boundaries, after the scene description and before dialogue in direct or
indirect speech. Also character names are capitalized, with an optional (V.O.)
or (O.S.) information for “Voice Over” or “Off-screen.” respectively. Examining
the correctness of the annotation we check if all character names are within
two scene boundaries. Parsing all the scripts from our collection all lines where
gathered in a super-text with the proposed annotation C/O for each line. The
tag is the category that will be predicted by the classification model as it is
shown in Fig. 1.

3.4 Using Linguistics to Create Feature Vector

In this section we aggregate all the scripts to one super-text and we argue each
line of the text will be transformed to a vector with linguistic and emotional
features. We used LIWC [7] as a tool to extract linguistic characteristics. As a
result, we created a vector of 80 characteristics. The linguistic and emotional
analysis of each line will provide the appropriate type of features in order to
train efficiently the classification model.

3.5 Training the Classification Model

As it is mentioned our scope is to identify the characters in the screenplay. A
classification model has been used and trained for this purpose. The first step
is the separation of our dataset in train and test set as it using K-Fold Cross-
Validation. The main advantage is that all instances in the dataset are eventually
used for both training and testing. In Sect. 5 the procedure for the separation of
the dataset in training and test set as well as the performance of the classifier is
described in detail.

4 Graph Generation and Community Detection

The social graph represents the co-occurrence of characters in the same scene.
More specifically the nodes of the graph constitute the characters and the link
the co-occurrence of the pair of nodes in the same scene. Each link contains
an attribute weight related to the frequency of the co-occurrence in the whole
Community Detection of Screenplay Characters 467

screenplay. We parse the screenplay in order to recognize the scenes. According

to the structure of the screenplay the scene are between the IN T. and EXT.
tags. The communities in the social graph are detected by a well-used community
detection approach [9] using modularity optimization as algorithmic progresses.
The density of edges inside communities and outside communities is related to a
modularity in a scale value between −1 and 1. Heuristic algorithms are used in
order to eliminate checking all possible iterations of the nodes into groups while
optimizing the modularity value. Using the Louvain Method [9,10] of community
detection, first small communities are detected by optimizing modularity locally
and then each small community is clustered into one node and the procedure is

5 Implementation and Results

We implemented the crawler of the IMSDB website in python 2.7. The total
number of files that we gathered was 1112 screenplays. In Sect. 3.1 it is noted
that a well-structured screenplay contains 5 elements and thus we checked each
file to overview it. Firstly it was checked the existence of the element EXT./IN T.
for the scene boundary and 972 screenplays had this element in their text. Also
we checked the existence of characters’ name inside the scene boundaries and
the number of files that passed this test was 501 which means that 45 % of the
initial screenplays were well-structured and appropriated to be introduced in our
methodology as it is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Instances after preprocessing

Preprocessing step Number of screenplays (% of dataset)

EXT./IN T. occurrence 972 87 %
Existence of characters between EXT./IN T. 501 45 %

Based on the films’ name a list was created with the urls that link films with
Wikipedia pages. The scrapping of html code for discovering characters’ name is
described in detail in Sect. 3.2 using regular expression to identify the appropriate
tags. We annotated each line of the screenplays with labels C/O for character
and other respectively and we gather all lines for the screenplays in a super-text
with total size 220 MB. A vector with 80 linguistic and emotional characteristics
for each line was created with LIWC [7] software forming a dataset with the
86 % and 14 % of instances in label C and O respectively as it is presented in
Table 2.
We developed a classifier to predict each label using Weka3 environment.
We used the J48 decision tree classifier in order to predict the label in the
test instances. The classifier from Weka is used with the default settings. We
Weka toolkit:
468 C. Makris and P. Vikatos

Table 2. Distribution of labels

Label Number of instances (% in dataset)

Other Line 2859281 86 %
Character 465464 14 %

separated the dataset to training and test set, using K-Fold Cross-Validation
(K = 10 Fold). We evaluated the classifier based on F-measure which is the har-
monic mean of precision and accuracy of the classification and our classification
model achieved 99.3 %.
We worked in two case studies for “X-Men” and “The Lord of the Rings:
The Fellowship of the Ring” (LOR) to present the produced social networks
and communities in our methodology. In Sect. 4 it is described the procedure for
social graph generation and the modularity optimization algorithm for commu-
nity detection. According to the predicted character list which was derived from
our classifier the pattern matching in the screenplays led to the information of
Table 3.

Table 3. Parsing screenplay and attributes extraction

Screenplay attributes X-men LOR

# Characters 28 21
# Scenes 185 111
# Characters’ co-occurrence 192 134
Mean Characters per Scene 2 3

In Fig. 2 is depicted the social networks of co-occurrence characters in screen-

play scenes. Line thickness express the weight in the link between two characters
(Fig. 3). In the social networks we calculate node centralities as it is shown in
Table 4.

Table 4. Social network centralities

Social network centralities X-men LOR

Degree Centrality 0.342 0.638
Betweenness Centrality 0.024 0.019
Closeness Centrality 0.582 0.755
Community Detection of Screenplay Characters 469

(a) X-Men (b) The Lord of the Rings

Fig. 2. Social Networks of co-occurrence characters in screenplay scenes

(a) X-Men (b) The Lord of the Rings

Fig. 3. Characters communities in screenplay scenes

6 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper there is the detailed description of the methodology for extracting
social network and communities of the characters involving in the same scene by
only parsing the movie screenplay. The proposed methodology is based on the
performance of an efficient classifier for character recognition.
We deal with the main challenge of the lack of pre-annotated dataset which
can be used as a training and test set of the classifier adopting the non use of
470 C. Makris and P. Vikatos

universal regular expressions for character recognition which is not the appro-
priate way based on previous studies. On the other hand we introduce as an
external source Wikipedia webpages in order to extract by html scraping the
appropriate information for screenplays.
As future work, we are interested in examining the temporal information of
the scenes and discovering the fluctuation of the sentiment between the char-
acters’ dialogues. Also this model could be used as a subsidiary factor for the
recommendation of similar movies based on the structure and attributes analysis
of their social network.

1. Moretti, F.: Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History. Verso,
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2. Elson, D.K., Dames, N., McKeown, K.R.: Extracting social networks from liter-
ary fiction. In: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics, pp. 138–147 (2010)
3. Weng, C.-Y., Chu, W.-T., Ja-Ling, W.: RoleNet: movie analysis from the perspec-
tive of social networks. IEEE Trans. Multimedia 11(2), 256–271 (2009)
4. Gil, S., Kuenzel, L., Caroline, S.: Extraction and analysis of character interaction
networks from plays and movies. Technical report, Stanford University (2011)
5. Agarwal, A., Kotalwar, A., Rambow, O.: Automatic extraction of social networks
from literary text: a case study on alice in wonderland. In: the Proceedings of
the 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP
2013) (2013a)
6. Agarwal, A., Balasubramanian, S., Zheng, J., Dash, S.: Parsing screenplaysfor
extracting social networks from movies. In: EACLCLFL 2014, pp. 50–58 (2014b)
7. Pennebaker, J.W., Francis, M.E., Booth, R.J.: Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count
(LIWC): LIWC2001. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey (2001)
8. Turetsky, R., Dimitrova, N.: Screenplay alignment for closed-system speakeriden-
tification and analysis of feature films. In: IEEE International Conference on Mul-
timedia and Expo, ICME 2004, vol. 3, pp. 1659–1662. IEEE (2004)
9. Blondel, V.D., Guillaume, J.-L., Lambiotte, R., Lefebvre, E.: Fast unfolding of
community hierarchies in large networks. J. Stat. Mech: Theory Exp., P10008
10. Fortunato, S.: Community detection in graphs. Phys. Rep. 486, 75–174 (2010)
Customer Behaviour Analysis
for Recommendation of Supermarket Ware

Stavros Anastasios Iakovou, Andreas Kanavos(B) , and Athanasios Tsakalidis

Computer Engineering and Informatics Department,

University of Patras, Patras, Greece

Abstract. In this paper, we present a prediction model based on the

behaviour of each customer using data mining techniques. The proposed
model utilizes a supermarket database and an additional database from
Amazon Company, both containing information about customers’ pur-
chases. Subsequently, our model analyzes these data in order to classify
customers as well as products; whereas being trained and validated with
real data. This model is targeted towards classifying customers accord-
ing to their consuming behaviour and consequently propose new prod-
ucts more likely to be purchased by them. The corresponding prediction
model is intended to be utilized as a tool for marketers so as to provide
an analytically targeted and specified consumer behavior.

Keywords: Supervised learning · Data analytics · Customer behav-

iour · Knowledge extraction · Personalization · Recommendation system

1 Introduction
During the last years, more and more companies store their data into large
data-centers so as to initially analyze them and to further understand how their
consumers behave. Every day, a large amount of information is accessed and
processed by companies in order to get a deeper knowledge about their products’
sales and consumers’ purchases. From small shops to large enterprises, owners try
to record information that probably contains useful data regarding consumers.
In addition, the rapid development of technology provides high quality net-
work services. A large percentage of users utilize the Internet for information
of each field. For this reason, companies try to take advantage of this situation
by creating systems that store information about users who entered their site
in order to provide them with personalized promotions. Companies concentrate
on their desired information and personal transactions. Businesses provide their
customers with cards so they can record every buying detail. This procedure has
led to a huge amount of data and search methods for data processing.
Historically, several analysts have been involved in the collection and process-
ing of data. In modern times, the data volume is so huge that it requires the use

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 471–480, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 41
472 S.A. Iakovou et al.

of specific methods so as to enable analysts to export correct conclusions. Due

to the increased volume for automatic data analysis, methods use complex tools;
along with the help of modern technologies, data collection can be now consid-
ered as a simple process. Analyzing a dataset is a key aspect to understanding
how customers think and behave during each specific period of the year. There
are many classification and clustering methods which can be successfully used
by analysts to aid them broach in consumers’ mind. More specifically, supervised
machine learning techniques are utilized in the present manuscript in the specific
field of supermarket.
Besides the development of web technologies, the abundance of social net-
works has created a huge number of reviews on products and services, as well
as opinions on events and individuals. Concretely, consumers are used to being
informed by other users’ reviews in order to carry out a purchase of a product,
service, etc. One other major benefit is that businesses are really interested in
the awareness of the opinions and reviews concerning all of their products or
services and thus appropriately modify their promotion along with their further
development. As a previous work on opinion clustering emerging in reviews, one
can consider the setup presented in [5].
Furthermore, the emotional attachment of ample customers to a brand name
is a topic of interest in recent years in the marketing literature; it is defined
as the degree of passion that a customer feels for the brand [13]. One of the
main reasons for examining emotional brand attachment is that an emotionally
attached person is highly probable to be loyal and pay for a product or service
[15]. In [6], authors infer details on the love bond between users and a brand
name being considered as a dynamic ever evolving relationship. More concretely,
users that have demonstrated emotional connection to the brand through their
tweets are considered. Thus, the aim is to find those users that are engaged and
rank their emotional terms accordingly.
In this paper, we present a work on modeling and predicting customer behav-
ior using information concerning supermarket ware. More specifically, we propose
a new method for product recommendation by analyzing the purchases of each
customer. With the use of category of the current dataset, we were able to clas-
sify the aforementioned data and subsequently create clusters. According to viral
marketing [9], clients influence each other by commenting on specific fields of e-
shops. Practically, this method appears in real life when people communicate in
real time and affect each other on the products they buy. The aim of this model
is to analyze every purchase and propose new products for each customer. More
to the point, we want to perform the following steps in the below mentioned
order: firstly the analysis of the sales rate is utilized, then the distances of each
customer from the corresponding supermarket is clustered and finally the pre-
diction of new products that are more likely to be purchased from each customer
separately is implemented.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2 presents the
related work. Section 3 presents our model, while in Sect. 4 we utilize our experi-
ments. Moreover, Sect. 5 presents the evaluation experiments conducted and the
Customer Behaviour Analysis for Recommendation of Supermarket Ware 473

results gathered. Ultimately, Sect. 6 presents conclusions and draws directions

for future work.

2 Related Work

In recent years, a large percentage of companies maintain an electronic sales

transaction system aiming at creating a convenient and reliable environment for
their customers. On the other hand, retailers are able to gather significant infor-
mation for the corresponding customers. Moreover, since the number of data
is significantly increasing, more and more researchers have developed efficient
methods as well as rule algorithms for market basket analysis [2]. Researchers
have also developed applications for optimal product selection on supermarket
data; one of them being the “Profset model”. Using cross-selling potential, this
model selects the most interesting products from a variety of ware. Addition-
ally, Li et al. [10] analyzed and designed a model of E-supermarket shopping
recommender. Lu et al. [12] developed a personalized recommendation system
for government to business e-services.
Furthermore, according to [8], researchers have invented a new recommenda-
tion system where supermarket customers were able to get new products. This
recommendation system was first presented as a part of “SmartPad”, which was
a system that allowed customers to prepare their shopping list in advance. In
this system, matching products and clustering methods are used so as to provide
new products to less frequent customers. The analysis of this method showed
1.8 % increase in the income of the supermarket.
In addition, since consumers started to resist to traditional methods of mar-
keting, it was necessary for companies to invent a new advertising method based
on alternative strategies. Leskovec et al. [9] presented an analysis of a person-to-
person recommendation network which included 4 million people along with 16
million recommendations. This model illustrated how effective the recommen-
dation network for both sender and receiver was. Despite the fact that average
recommendation networks are not very effective in increasing purchases, this
model had successfully managed it.
Another significant model was presented by Dickson and Sawyer [4], where
they created a model for a grocery shop so as to analyze how customers respond
to price and other point-of-purchase information. Moreover, according to [1],
consumers know exactly the price of the product they purchase; the results
of this work showed that customers did not pay attention to the price of the
products they buy. More specifically, they did not know if the price was reduced
since it was on special offer.
In addition, Yao et al. [16] created a recommendation system targeted
towards supermarket products for consumers since supermarkets are too big
to find the desirable product; using RFID technology with mobile agents, they
constructed a mobile-purchasing system. Furthermore, Kim et al. [7] presented
another recommendation system based on the past actions of individuals, where
they provided their system to an Internet shopping mall in Korea.
474 S.A. Iakovou et al.

In point of fact, in [3], authors showed a new method on personalized recom-

mendation in order to get further effectiveness and quality since collaborative
methods presented limitations such as sparsity. Regarding, they
used for each customer many attributes, including item views and subject inter-
ests, since they wanted to create an effective recommendation system. This view
is echoed throughout [11], where authors analyzed and compared traditional
collaborative filtering, cluster models and search-based methods. Also, Weng
and Liu [17] analyzed customers’ purchases according to product features and
as a result managed to recommend products that are more likely to fit with
customers’ preferences.
Finally, authors in [14] analyzed the product range effect in purchase data.
Since market society is affected by two factors (e.g. rationality and diversity in
the price system), consumers try to minimize their spending and maximize the
number of products they purchase. So, researchers invented an analytic frame-
work based on big customers’ transaction data. They observed that customers
did not always choose the closest supermarket and then they tried to answer
why consumers buy specific products.

3 Model Overview

In our model, we want to predict whether a customer will purchase a product

or not based on a supermarket ware dataset using data analytics and machine
learning algorithms. We can classify this problem as a classification one, since
the opinion class consists of specific options. Furthermore, we have gathered the
reviews of Amazon Company and in particular the reviews of each customer,
in order to analyze the affection of person-to-person influence in each product’s
The overall architecture of the proposed system is depicted in Fig. 1 while the
proposed modules and sub-modules of our model are modulated in the following

3.1 Customer Metrics Calculation

From the supermarket dataset, we randomly sampled 10000 records regarding

customers’ purchases, containing information about sales over a vast period of
4 years. More specifically, the implementation of our method goes as follows:
initially, we sample the customers as well as the products. Subsequently, the
clustering of the products based on the sales rate takes place. Then, we cluster
our customers related on the distance of their houses from the supermarket.
Furthermore, a recommendation model, with new products separately proposed
to each customer based on their consumer behavior, is utilized. Furthermore,
we sampled the customers of Amazon Company and then using the rates of the
reviews, we came up with the fraction of the satisfied customers.
Customer Behaviour Analysis for Recommendation of Supermarket Ware 475


Customer Product Behaviour Analysis

Customer Id Product Clustering
Product Sampling
based on purchases


Analysis of distance
from supermarkets Distance Vector
Distance Choice Classifier


Fig. 1. Supermarket model

The training set of the supermarket data contains 8 features, as presented in

following Table 1, including customer ID, the category of the product, the prod-
uct ID, the shop, the number of items purchased, the distance of each supermar-
ket, the price of the product as well as the choice.

3.2 Decision Analysis

In this subsection, the choice analysis based on classification and clustering tools
is described. This method gathers eight basic features of the supermarket data-
base and eleven different methods of classification in order to further analyze
our dataset, as shown in the next section. In [8], researchers used clustering to
find customers with similar spending history. Furthermore, as [18] indicate, the
loyalty of customers to a supermarket is measured in different ways. Specifically,
a person is considered as loyal to a specific supermarket if they purchase specific

Table 1. Training set features

Features Description
Customer ID The ID of the customer
Product category The category of the product
Product ID The ID of the product
Shop The shop where the customer makes the purchase
Number of items How many products he purchased
Distance cluster The cluster of the distance
Product price The price of the product
Choice Whether the customer purchases the product or not
476 S.A. Iakovou et al.

products and visit the store several times. Despite the fact that the percentage
of loyal customers seems to be less than 30 %, they purchase more than 50 % of
the total amount of products.
Since the supermarket dataset included only numbers for each category, we
created our own clusters for customers and products. More concretely, we mea-
sured the sales of each product as well as the distances and in following we
created three clusters for products and two classes for distances.

4 Implementation

The present manuscript utilizes two datasets, e.g. a supermarket database [14]
as well as a database from Amazon Company [9] which contains information
about the purchases of customers.
Initially, we based our experiments on the supermarket database [14] and we
extracted the data using C# language so as to calculate customer metrics. We
have implemented an application with which we have measured all the purchases
of the customers. In following, a sample of the customers, so as to further analyze
the corresponding dataset, was collected. The final dataset consists of 10000 ran-
domly selected purchases with all the information from the supermarket dataset
as previously mentioned.
The prediction of any new purchase is based on the assumption that cus-
tomers are affected by each other. Consumers communicate every day and
exchange reviews for products. On the other hand, since their budget is tight,
they select products that correspond better to their needs. Therefore, a model
that recommends new products to every customer from the supermarket they
mostly prefer, is proposed.
By analyzing the prediction model, information about consumers’ behavior
is extracted. We measured the total amount of products that customers pur-
chased and then categorized them accordingly. Several classifiers are trained
using the dataset of vectors. We separated the dataset and we used 10-Fold
Cross-Validation to evaluate training set and test set. The classifiers that were
chosen, are evaluated using TP (True Positive) rate, FP (False Positive) rate,
Precision, Recall, as well as F-Measure metrics. We chose classifiers from five
categories of Weka library1 including “bayes”, “functions”, “lazy”, “rules” and
“trees”. The classifiers from Weka are used with their default settings and the
results are introduced in following in Table 3.
Additionally, we evaluated a model using the results of our experiments on
Amazon Company [9] since we wanted to measure the number of contented
customers regarding five product categories, namely music, book, dvd, video
and toy. In Table 2, we show the number of delighted and on the other hand, the
number of not satisfied customers.
Next Fig. 2 illustrates the amount of customers who are satisfied with prod-
ucts of every category. We can observe that the number of satisfied customers

Weka toolkit:
Customer Behaviour Analysis for Recommendation of Supermarket Ware 477

Table 2. Measurement of satisfaction of customers

Product category Satisfied customers Not satisfied customers

Music 80149 15377
Book 235680 68152
DVD 41597 16264
Video 38903 13718
Toy 1 1

Fig. 2. Customers Reviews

is much bigger than the one of not satisfied ones in four out of five categories
(regarding category entitled toy, the number is equal to 1 for both category of
customers). With these results, one can easily figure out that Amazon customers
are loyal to the corresponding company and prefer purchasing products from the
abovementioned categories.

5 Evaluation

The reported values in the charts for the classification models are recorded as
AdaBoost, J48, JRip, Multilayer Perceptron, PART, REPTree, RotationForest
and SMO. The results for each classifier for their several values are illustrated in
Table 3. Depicted in bold, are the selected best classifiers for each value. What
is more, Fig. 3 depicts the values of F-Measure for each classifier.
We can observe that J48 achieves the highest score in every category except
FP rate. Subsequently, REPTree follows with almost 89 % TP rate and F-
Measure, whereas JRip has value of F-Measure equal to 84 %. In addition, con-
cerning F-Measure metric, the other algorithms range from 42 % of Multilayer
478 S.A. Iakovou et al.

Table 3. Classification for predicting

Classifiers TP rate FP rate Precision Recall F-Measure

AdaBoost 0.605 0.484 0.598 0.605 0.564
J48 0.922 0.095 0.924 0.922 0.921
JRip 0.847 0.187 0.854 0.847 0.843
Multilayer perceptron 0.596 0.539 0.66 0.596 0.482
PART 0.748 0.325 0.783 0.748 0.728
REPTree 0.892 0.119 0.892 0.892 0.891
RotationForest 0.785 0.285 0.83 0.785 0.768
SMO 0.574 0.574 0.33 0.574 0.419

Fig. 3. Customers classification

Perceptron to 77 % of Rotation Forest. Moreover, we see that almost all classi-

fiers achieve a TP rate value of above 60 %, while the percentages for FP rate
are relatively smaller. Precision and Recall metrics have almost the same values
for each classifier, ranging from 60 % to 92 %.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

In our work we present a methodology to model and predict the purchases of a
supermarket using machine learning techniques. More specifically, two datasets
are utilized; a supermarket database as well as a database from Amazon Com-
pany which contains information about the purchases of customers. Given the
analysis of the dataset from Amazon Company, a model that predicts new prod-
ucts for every customer based on the category and the supermarket they prefer
Customer Behaviour Analysis for Recommendation of Supermarket Ware 479

is created. We also examine the influence of person-to-person communication,

where we found that customers are greatly influenced by other customer reviews.
As future work, we plan to create a platform using the recommendation net-
work. Customers will have the opportunity to choose among many options on
new products with lower prices. Next, we can take into consideration more fea-
tures of the supermarket dataset, in order to improve classification accuracy. In
conclusion, we could use a survey to have further insights and get an alternative
verification of user’s engagement.

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Dealing with High Dimensional Sentiment Data
Using Gradient Boosting Machines

Vasileios Athanasiou(&) and Manolis Maragoudakis

Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering,

University of the Aegean, Palama 2 Street, 83200 Karlovasi, Samos, Greece

Abstract. One of the most common classification tasks that applies on textual
information is sentiment analysis, i.e. the prediction of the sentiment of a given
document. With the vast use of social media and internet applications such as
e-commerce, e-tourism and e-government, numerous comments and opinions
are broadcasted per day, thus an automatic way of analyzing them is of great
importance. The present paper focuses on sentiment analysis for Greek texts,
obtained from Web 2.0 platforms. Greek is a language that lacks an in-depth
availability of natural language processing tools in the sense that most of them
are not publicly available. The novelty of the article is that instead of utilizing
preprocessing tools such as Part-of-Speech taggers, text stemmers and
polar-word lexica, it incorporates the translation of the Greek token as provided
by the Google Translator® API. Since automatic translation of Greek sentences
often results in poor translations where the meaning of the original sentence is
severely deteriorated, the translation of each token individually is almost 100 %
correct. However, taking the translation of every Greek token poses a significant
issue to the outcome of the classification process for practically any classifier,
therefore, we introduce the use of a powerful ensemble algorithm that is highly
customizable to the particular needs of the application, such as being learned
with respect to different loss functions and thus dealing with a large number of
dimensions. This algorithm is called Gradient Boosting Machines and experi-
mental results support our claim that it surpasses other, well-known machine
learning techniques with a significant improvement for our task.

Keywords: Gradient Boosting Machines  Sentiment analysis 

High-dimensional data  Modern Greek

1 Introduction

Throughout recent years, we have witnessed a remarkable rise of the Internet and the
World Wide Web that has altered the way they communicate, seek for relevant
information, and work on the most fundamental level. The arrival of Web 2.0 tech-
nologies has resulted in a vast popularity and ubiquity of web resources built around
the ideas of social media and user-generated content (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, and
LinkedIn). In the beginning such concepts were part of more traditional web resources
such as online retailers (e.g., Amazon) or electronic media, in order to having their
products or articles enhanced with the users’ opinions. Therefore, the task of relevant

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 481–489, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_42
482 V. Athanasiou and M. Maragoudakis

information from the vast amounts of human communication information over the
Internet is of utmost importance for robust sentiment analysis modules. In fact, the
origin of opinionated data has caused the development of Web Opinion Mining
(WOM) [1], as a new concept in Web Intelligence. WOM deals with the issue of
extracting, analyzing and aggregating web data about opinions. The analysis of users’
opinions is significant because through them it is possible to determine how people feel
about a product or service and know how it was received by the market. In general,
traditional sentiment analysis mining techniques apply to social media content as well,
however, there are certain factors that make Web 2.0 data more complicated and
difficult to be parsed. An interesting study about the identification of such factors was
made by Maynard et al. [2], in which they exposed important features that pose certain
difficulties to traditional approaches when dealing with social media streams. Modern
Greek language is posing additional obstacles to sentiment analysis since the majority
of preprocessing tools for Greek such as POS tagger, stemmer and polarity lexica are
not freely available.
In the present paper, we deal with modeling a sentiment analyzer for Modern Greek
based on a simple, yet novel idea. We bypass the need for extensive preprocessing tools
and utilize a freely available translation API that is provided by Google®, in order to
augment the feature set of the training data. However, since automatic translation of
sentences often suffer from poor performance, mainly due to the large degree of
ambiguity, we decided to translate each Greek token individually, a process that rarely
makes mistakes. The resulted feature set was of course double the original size which
also poses certain difficulties to the majority of classification algorithms. Hence, we
experimented with an ensemble classification algorithm named as Gradient Boosting
Machines (GBM) which is theoretically proven of being able to cope with large
number of features [3]. According to the referenced study, “a possible explanation why
boosting performs well in the presence of high-dimensional data is that it does variable
selection (assuming the base learner does variable selection) and it assigns variable
amount of degrees of freedom to the selected predictor variables or terms”. We
experimented with numerous well-known algorithms using the initial Greek-only
feature set as well as the enhanced translated one and also some basic feature reduction
techniques such as Principal Component Analysis [4] and found that GBM are superior
to any other implementation.

2 Related Work

The nature as well as the popularity of feedback-oriented content in domains such as

news, social events, services and products is something of a duty to the human urge to
post what they feel and think online. As soon as the most common type of message on
Twitter is about ‘me now’ [5], it is evident that users talk often about their own feelings
and opinions. Bollen et al. [6] stated that users express both their own mood in tweets
about themselves and more generally in messages about other subjects. Another study
[7] estimates that approximately 19 % of microblog messages mention a brand name
and from those that do, around 20 % contain sentiment.
Dealing with High Dimensional Sentiment Data 483

There are numerous challenges in applying typical sentiment analysis and opinion
mining techniques to social media. Short texts in social media, known as micro-posts,
are, perhaps, the most challenging text type for opinion mining, given the fact that they
do not contain much contextual information and take much implicit knowledge into
account. Ambiguity is a common phenomenon since one cannot easily make use of
co-reference information: unlike the situations of blog posts and comments, tweets do
not typically follow a conversation thread, and appear much more in isolation from
other tweets. They also contain much more language variation, tend to be less struc-
tured than longer posts, contain unorthodox forms of writing such as emoticons,
abbreviations and hashtags, which can form an important part of the meaning. Typi-
cally, they contain extensive use of irony and sarcasm, which are particularly difficult
for a machine to identify. On the contrary, their shortness can also be beneficial in
focusing the topics more explicitly: it is very uncommon for a single tweet to be related
to more than one topic, which can therefore contribute in disambiguation.
The research of [8] presents a wide-ranging and detailed review of traditional
automatic sentiment detection techniques, including many sub-components, which we
shall not repeat here. In general, sentiment detection techniques can be roughly divided
into lexicon-based methods (e.g. [9]) and machine learning methods, e.g. [10].
Lexicon-based methods rely on a sentiment lexicon, a collection of known and
pre-compiled sentiment terms. Machine learning approaches make use of shallow
syntactic and/or linguistic features [11, 12], and hybrid approaches are also very com-
mon, with sentiment lexicons playing a key role in the majority of methods, e.g. [13].
Decision Trees, Naïve Bayes and SVM (Support Vector Machine) have been applied
from the supervised side [13, 14]. On the unsupervised side there is a pattern-logic
classification according to a lexicon. Combination of the above can characterized as
semi-supervised [13]. In “On Mining Opinions From Social Media” [15] the authors
confirm that Naïve Bayes outperforms a large number of other methods. Techniques that
work based on rules normally use sentiment dictionaries plus rules [16].

3 Gradient Boosting Machines

Generally, the boosting methods work by adding sequentially new models and in every
iteration every weak base-learner is re-trained [3]. The target is to reduce the total error
of the model. The GBM works by constructing new base-learners which are correlated
with the negative gradient of the loss function. The loss function can be set from the
user (Gaussian L2 loss function, Binomial etc.), this is the main reason that GBM is
highly customizable. Suppose there is a dataset ðx; yÞNi¼1 where x ¼ ðx1 ; x2 :::xd Þ are the
input variables and y the corresponding labels. The relation between x and y is
unknown, this means it is needed to reconstruct this relation in a way to minimize a loss

^f ðxÞ ¼ y; ^f ðxÞ ¼ arg min Wðy; f ðxÞÞ

f ð xÞ
484 V. Athanasiou and M. Maragoudakis

Where f ð xÞ indicates the dependence between x, y, ^f ðxÞ is the estimation function

and Wðy; f ðxÞÞ is the loss function. The same problem expressed in terms of expec-
tations concludes to

expected loss
^f ð xÞ ¼ arg min Ex ½Ey ðW½y; f ðxÞjx
f ð xÞ
expectation over the whole dataset

where Ey ðW½y; f ðxÞ is the response variable depended from x. Significant notation is
that y can became from not only one distribution provides the ability for more loss
functions W.
In machine learning, there are cases that the data set produce a vector with very
high dimensionality, for example in sentiment analysis. That means the rows of the
document term matrix have very low density because the appearance of the words in
every observation is very rare. GBM can to overcome this difficulty because is able to
create sparse models, additionally can work with different types of base learners. The
ability of use different loss functions combining the ability to use different type of
learners provides great regularization capabilities. This has impact to avoid overfitting
and achieve generalization to our model. Apart from the above advantages GBM
algorithm has drawbacks such as memory consumption and evaluation speed. The first
one has impact to the other. GBM works by doing iterations which stored in memory,
easily in hard cases for the algorithm like intrusion detection systems the number if
iteration can be tens of thousands. This problem appears to all ensemble algorithms.

4 Experimental Setup and Results

4.1 Data Collection

The corpus of data retrieved from online newspaper articles. The types of articles came
from financial domain, political, society and sports in plain text type and Greek lan-
guage. All articles have been selected under the condition to be able classified as
positive or negative only. The corpus is balanced and two datasets have been derived
from it. The first consists from the articles as gathered in Greek language (Single
Dataset), the second one from the article in Greeks plus the translation in English
(Mixed Dataset).

4.2 Data Preprocessing

The data included URLs, which have been automatically removed using an HTML tag
identifier. As mentioned before, due to lack of availability of Greek preprocessing
tools, only some base linguistic tools have been incorporated. The preprocessing phase
consists of the following steps:
• Tokenization: To extract only the words, all stop-words have been removed, all
letters lowercased.
Dealing with High Dimensional Sentiment Data 485

• Translation of each Greek token using the Google® Translation API.

• Creation of a document-term matrix that contains n rows, where n equals the
number of comments (n was 520 for our case, having 180 positive and 340 negative
ones) and m rows where m corresponds to the size of the Greek vocabulary, almost
double when applied the translation, since some tokens shared the same translation.
In each cell of the document-term table, the value of the tf-idf weight of each term is
contained, given by the following formula: 
tf  idf ðtermÞ ¼ frequencyðtermÞ  log m
NðtermÞ þ 1 , where m is the total
number of terms in the collection and N (term) is a function that returns the number
of documents the term appears in.
• Dimensionality reduction using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA): This step
applied only in cases we used Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees and Support Vector
Machines (SVM) and not in GBM since it could cope with the large number of
PCA reduces the dimensionality by performing transformation of possibly corre-
lated variables to a fully new dataset with linearly uncorrelated variables, called
principal components. Every principal component has variance starting from the first
one which has the largest value and this means the item has the biggest impact in
dataset comparing the other principal components. All the principal components are the
eigenvectors of the covariance matrix, that means are orthogonal.

4.3 Evaluation Criteria and Performance

For the experiments have been used three measures accuracy, precision and recall as
described below:

Tp þ Tn Tp Tp
Accuracy: ; Precision: ; Recall: ;
Tp þ Tn þ Fp þ Fn Tp þ Fp Tp þ Fn

where Tp , Tn (true positive, true negative) are the correct positive and correct negative
predictions respectively and Fp , Fn (false positive, false negative) are the wrongly
positive and wrongly negative predictions respectively. In order to evaluate the per-
formance for every classifier we used the 10-fold cross validation approach. Figure 1
illustrates the methodology in 3 sub-processes. The first two are preprocess the data.
The first one produce the Single dataset. The second one produce the translated dataset,
adding the Single dataset with translated dataset produces the Mixed dataset. The third
sub-process applies the classifier to the input dataset.

4.4 Classification Benchmark

In order to examine the performance of the proposed GBM method and evaluate it
against other, well-known classifiers that have previously applied in sentiment analysis
tasks with success, as explained in the related work section, the following classifiers
486 V. Athanasiou and M. Maragoudakis

Fig. 1. Methodology flowchart

that have been additionally incorporated: Decision Trees, Naïve Bayes, SVM, Gradient
Boosting Machine and Deep Neural Network Learning. In the case of Decision Trees,
Naïve Bayes and SVM we have experimented using two different data representation
techniques, namely the original tf-idf vector representation of the document-term
matrix and the reduced dataset of the PCA transformation using the first 5 principal

4.5 Experimental Results

As previously explained, we incorporated two different datasets based on the same set
of annotated documents. The first set, called as the Single dataset contained only the
Greek tokens. The second set, called as the Mixed set, contained both Greek tokens
and their translation. Finally each of the aforementioned datasets was also undertaken
the PCA data dimensionality technique. For reasons of space, we provide detailed
outcomes for the Mixed dataset and discuss what happens when considering the other
option. As regards to the Decision Tree classifier without performing PCA technique in
the Mixed Dataset the outcome is depicted on Table 1.

Table 1. Decision Trees performance on the Mixed Dataset.

Accuracy 60.62 % Positive Negative
Precision 42.00 % 64.07 %
Recall 17.80 % 85.64 %
Dealing with High Dimensional Sentiment Data 487

When applied PCA on data the performance has been decreased by 10 %. In

addition, when Decision Trees tried on the Single dataset the performance was
decreased by 6 %. The reason of this is that the Mixed dataset is has more examples
thus our model trained better. For Naïve Bayes classifier without performing PCA on
the Mixed Dataset the outcome is depicted on Table 2.

Table 2. Naïve Bayes performance on the Mixed dataset.

Accuracy 81.25 % Positive Negative
Precision 82.80 % 81.94 %
Recall 65.25 % 92.08 %

When applied PCA on data the performance in accuracy has been decreased more
than 35 %. In addition when Naïve Bayes tried on the Single dataset the performance
was decreased by 5 %. For SVM classifier without performing PCA technique on the
Mixed dataset the outcome is depicted on Table 3.

Table 3. SVM performance on the Mixed dataset

Accuracy 71.11 % Positive Negative
Precision 60.15 % 78.84 %
Recall 66.67 % 73.76 %

When applied PCA on data the performance in accuracy has been decreased by
20 %. In addition when SVM tried on the Single dataset the performance was
decreased by 5 %. For the GBM classifier in the Mixed Dataset the outcome is depicted
on Table 4.

Table 4. GBM performance on the Mixed dataset

Accuracy 87.26 % Positive Negative
Precision 83.19 % 89.66 %
Recall 82.50 % 90.10 %

In Single dataset the performance of GBM in accuracy is 7 % lower. For Deep

Learning classifier in Mixed Dataset the outcome is depicted on Table 5.

Table 5. Deep Learning performance on the Mixed dataset

Accuracy 74.69 % Positive Negative
Precision 62.34 % 85.88 %
Recall 80.00 % 71.57 %
488 V. Athanasiou and M. Maragoudakis

In Single dataset the performance in accuracy of Deep Learning is 5 % lower. The

above tables shows that GBM classifier has the best accuracy, precision and recall
comparing with the all of other classifiers we have used. The unique exception is in
Naïve Bayes classifier recall in negatives in which the Naïve Bayes is 1 % higher. The
comparison of GBM and Naïve Bayes it seems clear in the next diagrams which
Illustrates the performance of GBM, Naïve Bayes and Naïve Bayes after preprocessing
the corpus with PCA. These diagrams are separated by the performance in Positives on
the left and Negatives observations on the right (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Performance for GBM, Naïve Bayes and Naïve Bayes with PCA

In both of the cases GBM method slightly takes precedence over Naïve Bayes. In
addition GBM algorithm seems to have stable in performance in both cases positives
and Negatives on the Recall measure. That means Naïve Bayes in false negatives
performed differently. The GBA classifier performs well even in cases we have two
languages the Mixed Dataset. The difference is 7 %, in case the Naïve Bayes classifier
the difference is at the same level 6 %.

5 Conclusions

This work dealt with the issue of performing sentiment analysis on Greek texts,
obtained from Web 2.0 platforms using limited NLP resources. The novelty lied on the
fact that instead of utilizing a manual polarity lexicon for Greek, which would have
inadequate impact on social media linguistic style, we proposed a method that takes the
translation of each token as additional input features. Even though this process may
seem to bear additional effort and complexity to the majority of classification algo-
rithms, the use of GBM, a robust boosting approach that can cope with high dimen-
sional data appeared to be beneficial for the task at hand, outperforming a family of
Dealing with High Dimensional Sentiment Data 489

well-known methods for sentiment analysis. In the future we can try this methodology
on imbalanced dataset to see the performance. On this benchmark we can include more
classifiers like Recurrent Neural Networks.

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Discovering Areas of Interest
Using a Semantic Geo-Clustering Approach

Evaggelos Spyrou1,2(B) , Apostolos Psallas2 , Vasileios Charalampidis2 ,

and Phivos Mylonas3
Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications,
National Center for Scientific Research - “Demokritos”, Athens, Greece
Department of Computer Engineering,
Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece, Lamia, Greece
Department of Informatics, Ionian University Corfu, Corfu, Greece

Abstract. Living in the era of social networking, coupled together with

great advances in digital multimedia user-generated content, motivated
us to focus our research work on humanistic data generated by such activ-
ities towards new, more efficient ways of extracting semantically mean-
ingful information in the process. More specifically, the herein proposed
approach aims to extract areas of interest in urban areas, utilizing the
increasing socially-generated knowledge from social networks. A part of
the area of interest is selected, then split into “tiles” and processed with
an iterative merging approach whose goal is to extract larger, “homo-
geneous” areas which are of special (e.g., tourist) interest. In this work
generated areas of interest focus on interesting points from the human-
istic point of view, thus covering in general main touristic attractions
and places of interest. In order to achieve our goals, we exploit two types
of metadata, namely location-based information (geo-tags) geo-tags and
simple user-generated tags.

Keywords: Areas of interest · Semantics · Geo-clustering · Flickr

1 Introduction
The recent great emerge of social media and social activities, together with
advances in digital multimedia user-generated content, shifted research interest
to unprecedented domains, like the ones related to the acquisition of information
and analysis of the online “footsteps” or presence of users. The latter is often
used to produce semi-automatic knowledge about users’ whereabouts, interests
or even recommend them additional, semantically related information towards
covering their information needs. In this framework photographs accompanied
by useful metadata information, like tags and/or geo-tags, are considered to be

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 490–498, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 43
Discovering Areas of Interest Using a Semantic Geo-Clustering Approach 491

the ideal source of information for the discovery of meaningful, popular trends
with respect to users’ behavior. More specifically, location-based info mined from
such geo-tagged images offers a great opportunity to analyze users’ preferences in
their daily lives and complement the knowledge of their social activities through
the utilization of associated tags. In this paper we present a novel approach that
exploits both tags and geo-tags, towards the discovery of areas of interest.
Still, the above interpretation would be insufficient, in case it ignored the
underlying semantics. By introducing a semantic geo-clustering approach we pro-
vide a novel analysis framework to merge meaningful areas of interest. In this
manner we simultaneously take into consideration both location-based informa-
tion in the sense of user transitions and user-location relations by incorporat-
ing respective semantic knowledge. The proposed method attempts to improve
related supervised clustering approaches, by adding the inherent semantics of
user tagged images derived from Flickr social network in order to enhance the
precise establishment of the analysis classes. More specifically, the herein pre-
sented approach is evaluated using a large Flickr dataset consisting of approx.
80K geo-tagged images taken in Athens, Greece.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In next Sect. 2 we present
relevant research efforts that also exploit user-generated geodata and metadata
from Flickr. The proposed method is presented in Sect. 3. Then, in Sect. 4 we
present early experimental results, along with the dataset used. Finally, we draw
our conclusions and discuss plans for future work in Sect. 5.

2 Related Work
The motivation of this work is to ultimately “discover” large and somehow
“homogeneous” areas of interest, by merging small geographic “tiles”, based
on sets of tags that have been added spontaneously by Flickr users. We feel that
this work in novel and to the best of our knowledge there does not exist one to
be compared with in terms of the produced results. However and since the afore-
mentioned areas of interest are mainly constituted by tourist attractions (since
tags have been harvested by touristic photos), it is related to research activities
that aim to provide recommendations of places and/or trends using information
directly from geo-tagged photos of Flickr. In general, metadata extracted from
Flickr, with or without the aid of visual information have been extensively used
in the literature for various research goals. A survey may be found in [8].
Since tags form the most “primitive” type of used-generated knowledge, they
have been used in many research efforts. Tags, date information and geo-tags
have been exploited by Chen and Roy [3], who used temporal and location
distributions and photo visual similarity to extract mainly periodic events. Dis-
covering trends for tourist attractions was the goal of Van Canneyt et al. [9],
whose recommendation system adopted a probabilistic approach, ranking places
of interest according to their popularity and user–related temporal information.
Data clustering on geo-tagged photos was also the goal of Kisilevich et al. [5]
who aimed to determine urban areas of interest by analyzed spatial and tem-
poral distributions of metatdata so as to identify events and ranked places of
492 E. Spyrou et al.

interest. Cao et al. [2], proposed a tourism recommendation system. They used
mean shift clustering and built a set of representative images and tags for each
cluster. Ahern et al. [1] analyzed tags that have been collected from geo-tagged
photos of a specific area, and upon a TF-IDF-based approach extracted a set
of the most representative ones. Similarly, Serdyukov et al. [6] aimed to predict
the location photos were taken, relying solely on textual tags.

3 Geo-Clustering Algorithm
In this Section we shall present in detail the proposed algorithm. It first divides
a large region into square “tiles” (sub–regions), of small, fixed size, then adopts
a graph-based representation to model connectivity of neighboring tiles, each
described by a set of tags. Tiles are merged and upon an iterative process, a set
of larger areas is determined within the initial region. At the following we will
use “tile” and “sub-region” interchangeably.

3.1 Notation and Definitions

We first select a region from the urban area of interest. Then, we divide this
region into sub-regions. Many approaches have been proposed for this, e.g., in
our previous work [7] we used equally-sized, round, overlapping regions. However,
this would imply that overlapped tiles would share descriptions (tags), which
is not a desired property in the context of this work. Thus, herein we adopt
a simpler square grid-based approach, since we focus on the description and
merging of sub-regions, each having an empirically set, fixed width, WR .
Now, let R denote a given region containing a set of photos P . Let also Ri,j
denote its tiles, each containing a set of photos Pi,j , thus R Pi,j = P , a set of
tags Ti,j , containing all tags from photos in Pi,j and a subset Di,j of Ti,j , which
constitutes the tag-based region description. In the aforementioned grid, i and
j denote the corresponding line and column.
Since we have adopted a square grid, the most intuitive approach is to use
4–connectivity, to define the set of the initial neighboring tiles Ni,j = {Ri,j ,
right up right
Ri,j , Ri,j , Ri,j }. Obviously, Ri,j = Ri−1,j , Ri,j = Ri,j+1 , Ri,j = Ri+1,j
down left down

and Ri,jleft
= Ri,j−1 . Of course, when tiles are merged, the set of neighbors of the
resulting sub–region is the intersection of neighbors of the initial tiles.

3.2 Region Description

For each tile, we exploit Ti,j to create its semantic representation Di,j . We expect
that among the user-generated tags, we shall encounter some that describe it by
means of locality (e.g., Thiseio) or landmark(s) (e.g., Acropolis). Even though
users tend to add “personal” tags (e.g., a name), we expect that a subset of
the most “popular” tags (i.e., selected by the majority of users) will be able to
describe a tile in a discriminable way. Thus, for Ri,j the region description Di,j
is the set of the L most “popular” tags, where popularity is measured in terms
of the number of users that have used a specific tag within it.
Discovering Areas of Interest Using a Semantic Geo-Clustering Approach 493

Algorithm 1. Semantic Geo–Clustering

Input: Set of tiles R, set of Descriptions D, Similarity thres. S, Description length L
Output: Final Set of merged regions R
1: function Geo Clustering(R, S, L)
2: for each Ri,j ∈ R do
3: merge flag ← TRUE
4: best match N ← ∅
5: best match ← S
6: while merge flag = TRUE do
7: for each N ∈ Ni,j do
8: if Jaccard(Di,j , Di,j , L) > S && Jaccard(Di,j , Di,j , L) >best match then
9: best match ← Jaccard(Di,j , Di,j , L)
10: best match N ← Nij
11: end if
12: end for
13: if best match N= ∅ then
14: Rij ← Merge(Rij ,best match N)
15: merge flag← TRUE
16: else
17: merge flag← FALSE
18: end if
19: end while
20: end for
21: end function

3.3 Region Merging

One of the challenges when comparing two sets is to select an appropriate
(dis)similarity measure. Herein we use the Jaccard distance [4], which consists
a well-known measure for comparing the similarity and diversity of sample sets.
Jaccard similarity J(A, B) between two sets A, B is given by
|A ∩ B| |A ∩ B|
J(A, B) = = , (1)
|A ∪ B| |A| + |B| − |A ∩ B|
where in our case A, B are the sets of tags representing two tiles, extracted using
the methodology described in Sect. 3.2. Using the aforementioned notation, tiles
RA , RB with descriptions DA , DB are merged when (a) they are neighbors and
(b) J(DA , DB ) > S, where S ∈ [0, 1] is a user–defined similarity threshold.
The merging process starts from R1,1 and continues horizontally. The dis-
tance to all its neighbors is checked. It is merged with the tile whose similarity
is the max among all those whose similarity is greater than S, if any. For a new
tile, its description is calculated based on the union of the sets of tags and the
process continues by checking the similarities to its neighbors. In case there does
not exist a neighbor with similarity greater than S, the process continues with
the next unmerged tile. A graphical example of the tile merging process is illus-
trated in Fig. 1. Semantic geo-clustering, Jaccard similarity and region merging
are presented in pseudocode in Algorithms 1, 2 and 3, respectively.

4 Experiments
For the experimental evaluation of our approach we used an urban image dataset
which consists of a total of 79, 465 photos collected from the center of the
494 E. Spyrou et al.

Algorithm 2. Jaccard Similarity

Input: Tile Description D1 , Tile Description D2 , Tile Description Length L
Output: Jaccard Similarity Measure JS of Descriptions D1 , D2
1: function Jaccard(D1 , D2 , L)
2: D1 ← Sort(D1 ) // sort tags based on number of users
3: D1 ← Trim(D1 , L) // keep first L tags
4: D2 ← Sort(D2 )
5: D2 ← Trim(D2 , L)
6: JS ← |D1 ∩ D2 |/ (|D1 | + |D2 | − |D1 ∩ D2 |)
7: return JS
8: end function

Algorithm 3. Region Merging

Input: Sub–region R1 , Sub–region R2
Output: Merged sub–region Rnew
1: function Merge(R1 , R2 )
2: Create(Rnew ) // Create an “empty” new region
3: Dnew ← Description(T1 , T2 ) // Create description of new region, based on tags of R1 , R2
4: Nnew ← N1 + N2 − N1 ∩ N2 // Create set of neighbors of new region
5: for each N ∈ Nnew do
6: if N.Nij = R1 or N.Nij = R2 then
7: N.Nij ← Rnew
8: end if
9: end for
10: return Rnew
11: end function

city of Athens, Greece. All these photos are geo-tagged, dated between Janu-
ary 2004–December 2015 and collected from Flickr using its public API1 . More
specifically we queried Flickr for a region covering what is in general consid-
ered to be the center of the Athens, (i.e., where the main touristic attractions
are located) and retrieved all geo-tagged photos. This rectangular area is equal
to 7.7 km2 . Its Northern-Western and Southern-Eastern points have coordinates
(37.9836, 23.7153), (37.9643, 23.7541) respectively.
The collected photos have been captured by 5038 users of various nation-
alities, thus they contain tags of different languages. Although the majority of
these tags is in English, we used the Google Translate API2 , in order to translate

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Fig. 1. Merging process: For a given tile (a), at a given step, one of its neighbors is
considered as a candidate for merging (b). Their similarity is above the given threshold
S, thus they are merged (c). At another step, a neighbor of the new tile is considered
as a candidate for merging (d). Their similarity is above S, thus, they are merged (e).

Discovering Areas of Interest Using a Semantic Geo-Clustering Approach 495

non-English tags (leaving English ones unchanged). This way, tags which would
otherwise act as “noise”, became of use. Additionally, we also created a manual
stoplist, whose goal was to remove non–relevant (to our goals) tags. For example,
many cameras and smartphones automatically add brand, model and settings;
also tags such as Greece or Hellas or even Athens are both common and spread
to the whole area, thus do not provide any useful information, while also tend to
be amongst the most popular. In Fig. 2 we illustrate the sets of tags extracted
from the tiles that correspond to the Panathenaic (Kallimarmaro) Stadium3 .

'marathon' 'stadium' 'stadium'

'stadium' 'kallimarmaro' 'olympic'
'classic' 'panathenaic' 'ceremony'
'athena' 'fine marble' 'music'
'europe' 'stage' 'games'
'olympic' 'athena' 'orchestra'
'olympics' 'kallimarmaron' 'priest'
'panathenaic' 'music' 'dance'
'of' 'arena' 'princess'
'kallimarmaro' 'concert' 'arena'

'greek republic'

'marathon' 'stadium' 'marathon'

'stadium' 'attica' 'stadium'
'olympic' 'europe' 'olympic'
'panathenaicstadi 'city' 'games'
um' 'panathenaic' 'kallimarmaro'
'europe' 'olympics' ‘marble’
'kallimarmaro' 'panathenaicstadi 'mediterranean'
'attica' um' ‘concert’
'mediterranean' 'olympic' 'Athena'
'vacation' 'games' panathenaicstadi
'athena' 'marble' um'

Fig. 2. Sets of tags extracted from merged tiles that correspond to the Panathenaic
(Kallimarmaro) Stadium.

The entire region was divided into 770 square regions, of fixed width equal
to 100 m. The similarity threshold S and the number L of tags to consider
were empirically selected. More specifically, after considering several try-and-
error rounds where the algorithm failed to produce satisfactory results, either
by merging the majority of tiles into a single region, or by performing only
a few merges, resulting to small and non-meaningful areas, we identified their
optimal values. Furthermore, for the sake of fair evaluation, we constructed an
empirical “ground truth” set of areas upon discussion with residents (which
were not involved in this work). In the following we depict two early results
of our algorithm compared to the constructed ground truth in Fig. 3, where
3 Stadium.
496 E. Spyrou et al.

(a) S = 0.85, L = 10

(b) S = 0.9, L = 10

Fig. 3. Results compared to an empirically constructed ground truth set of areas.

we may observe that even a small increase in S may lead to a significantly

improved qualitative result. Also, the result of Fig. 3(a) is quite close to the
ground truth. We should note that at this early stage of research it is pointless
to provide a more quantitative result, e.g., by measuring the coverage of the
ground truth. Finally, it is also worth mentioning that the algorithm merges
also some additional regions, irrespectively to the ground truth ones; the latter
still produce a meaningful merging result, however not of touristic interest, like
the ones on the bottom right of Fig. 3(a).
Discovering Areas of Interest Using a Semantic Geo-Clustering Approach 497

5 Conclusions and Discussion

In this paper we presented an approach which aimed to extract areas of interest
in urban areas, using socially-generated knowledge from Flickr. We selected a
part of the city of Athens, split it into “tiles” and proceeded with an iterative
merging approach whose goal was to extract larger, “homogeneous” areas of
the city which are of tourist interest. We showed that our approach succeeds
when its parameters are selected appropriately. The generated areas cover in
general the main touristic attractions and places of interest of the city center,
and their boundaries often are close to those that a local resident may determine
if asked. We should emphasize that we used almost “raw” tags, i.e., we did not
use any “intelligent” technique to select/filter tags based on their relevance to
the problem at hand, apart from the process described in Sect. 4.
In future work we plan to further improve the proposed algorithm and apply
it into larger urban areas (e.g. the whole city of Athens and other major European
cities). We also aim to perform an exhaustive evaluation, regarding the sizes of
tiles, sets of tags to consider and similarity threshold and investigate whether a
set of parameters shows satisfactory performance in more cities. We also wish to
evaluate the results by real life users. A possible way is to consider the output of
our system as a set of tourist recommendations and focus on user satisfaction.
However, such an evaluation has been shown to be a difficult and expensive task,
which may involve empirical issues in the process. Thus it should not also involve
local residents but also visitors in both the construction of a “ground truth” and
the assessment of the system’s output.

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3. Chen, L., Roy, A.: Event detection from Flickr data through wavelet-based spatial
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5. Kisilevich, S., Keim, D., Andrienko, N., Andrienko, G.: Towards acquisition of
semantics of places and events by multi-perspective analysis of geotagged photo
collections. In: Moore, A., Drecki, I. (eds.) Geospatial Visualisation. Lecture Notes
in Geoinformation and Cartography, pp. 211–233, Springer, Heidelberg (2013)
6. Serdyukov, P., Murdock, V., Van Zwol, R.: Placing Flickr photos on a map. In:
Proceedings of ACM SIGIR (2009)
7. Spyrou, E., Mylonas, P.: Analyzing Flickr metadata to extract location-based infor-
mation and semantically organize its photo content. Neurocomputing 172, 114–133
(2016). Elsevier
498 E. Spyrou et al.

8. Spyrou, E., Mylonas, P.: A survey on Flickr multimedia research challenges. Eng.
Appl. Artif. Intell. 51, 71–91 (2016)
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Diversifying the Legal Order

Marios Koniaris1(B) , Ioannis Anagnostopoulos2 , and Yannis Vassiliou1

KDBS Lab, School of ECE,
National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics,
University of Thessaly, Lamia, Greece

Abstract. “Public legal information from all countries and interna-

tional institutions is part of the common heritage of humanity. Maxi-
mizing access to this information promotes justice and the rule of law.”
In accordance with the aforementioned declaration on Free Access to
Law by Legal information institutes of the world (http://www.worldlii.
org/worldlii/declaration/), a plethora of legal information is available
through the Internet, while the provision of legal information has never
before been easier. Given that law is accessed by a much wider group
of people, the majority of whom are not legally trained or qualified,
diversification techniques, should be employed in the context of legal
information retrieval, as to increase user satisfaction. We address diver-
sification of results in legal search by adopting several state of the art
methods from the web search domain. We provide an exhaustive evalu-
ation of the methods, using a standard data set from the Common Law
domain that we subjectively annotated with relevance judgments for this
purpose. Our results reveal that users receive broader insights across the
results they get from a legal information retrieval system.

1 Introduction

Nowadays, as a consequence of many open data initiatives, more and more pub-
licly available portals and datasets provide legal resources to citizens, researchers
and legislation stakeholders. Thus, legal data that was previously available only
on a specialized audience and in “closed” format is now freely available on the
internet. Portals as the EUR-Lex1 , the European Union’s database of regula-
tions, the on-line version of the United States Code2 , United Kingdom3 , and
the Australian4 , just to mention a few, serve as an endpoint to access millions
of regulations, legislation, judicial cases, or administrative decisions. Such por-
tals allow for multiple search facilities, as to assist users to find the information

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 499–509, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 44
500 M. Koniaris et al.

they need. For instance the user can perform simple search operations or utilize
predefined classificatory criteria (e.g. year, legal basis, subject matter) to find
relevant to his/her information needs legal documents.
At the same time, however, the amount of Open Legal Data makes it diffi-
cult, both for legal professionals or the citizens to find relevant and useful legal
resources. For example, it is extremely difficult to search for a relevant case law,
by using boolean queries or the references contained in the judgment. Consider,
for example, a patent lawyer who want to find patents as reference case and sub-
mits a user query to retrieve information. A diverse result, i.e. a result containing
several claims, heterogeneous statutory requirements and conventions -varying
in the numbers of inventors and other characteristics- is intuitively more infor-
mative than a set of homogeneous results that contain only patents with similar
features. In this paper, we propose a novel way to efficiently and effectively
handle similar challenges when seeking information in the legal domain.
Diversification is a method of improving user satisfaction by increasing the
variety of information shown to user. As a consequence, the number of redundant
items in a search result list should decrease, while the likelihood that a user will
be satisfied with any of the displayed results should increase. There has been
extensive work on query results diversification (see Sect. 2), where the key idea
is to select a small set of results that are sufficiently dissimilar, according to an
appropriate similarity metric.
Diversification techniques in legal information systems can be helpful not only
for citizens but also for law issuers and other legal stakeholders in companies and
large organizations. Having a big picture of diversified results, issuers can choose
or properly adapt the legal regime that better fits their firms and capital needs,
thus helping them operate more efficiently. In addition, such techniques can
also help lawmakers, since deep understanding of legal diversification promotes
evolution to better and fairer legal regulations for the society [3].
The objective of this paper is to define and evaluate the potential of results
diversification in the field of legal information retrieval. To this end, we adopt
various methods from the literature that are introduced for search result diver-
sification [MMR [5], Max-Sum [12], Max-Min [12] and MonoObjective [12]]. We
evaluate the performance of the above methods on a legal corpus subjectively
annotated with relevance judgments, using metrics employed in TREC Diversity
Tasks. To the best of our knowledge none of these methods were employed in
the context of diversification in legal information retrieval and evaluated using
diversity-aware evaluation metrics.
Our findings reveal that, diversification methods, employed in the context of
legal IR, demonstrate notable improvements in terms of enriching search results
with otherwise hidden aspects of the legal query space. Furthermore our qualita-
tive analysis can provide helpful insights for legal IR systems, wishing to balance
between reinforcing relevant documents, result set similarity, or sampling the
information space around the query, result set diversity.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 reviews previ-
ous work in query result diversification and in the field of legal text retrieval.
Diversifying the Legal Order 501

Section 3 introduces the concepts of search diversification and presents diversi-

fication algorithms, while Sect. 4 describes our experimental results and discuss
their significance. Finally, we draw our conclusions and future work aspects in
Sect. 5.

2 Related Work

In this section, we firstly present related work on query result diversification and
then we focus on same issues in legal text retrieval techniques.
In order to satisfy a wide range of users, query results diversification has
attracted a lot of attention in the field of text mining. The published literature
on search result diversification is reviewed in [8]. The maximal marginal relevance
criterion (MMR), presented in [5], is one of the earliest works on diversification
and aims at maximizing relevance while minimizing similarity to higher ranked
documents. Search results are re-ranked as the combination of two metrics, one
measuring the similarity among documents and the other the similarity between
documents and the query. In [12] a set of diversification axioms is introduced
and it is proven that it is not possible for a diversification algorithm to satisfy all
of them. Additionally, since there is no single objective function that is suitable
for every application domain, the authors propose three diversification objec-
tives, which we adopt in our work. These objectives differ in the level where the
diversity is calculated, e.g. whether it is calculated per separate document or on
the average of the currently selected documents.
In another approach, researchers utilized explicit knowledge as to diversify
search results. [18] proposed a diversification framework, where the different
aspects of a given query are represented in terms of sub-queries and documents
are ranked based on their relevance to each sub-query. [1] propose a diversifica-
tion objective that tries to maximize the likelihood of finding a relevant docu-
ment in the top-k positions given the categorical information of the queries and
documents. [14] organizes user intents in a hierarchical structure and proposes a
diversification framework to explicitly leverage the hierarchical intent. The key
difference between these works and the ones utilized in this paper is that we
do not rely on external knowledge e.g. taxonomy, query logs to generate diverse
results. Queries are rarely known in advance, thus probabilistic methods to com-
pute external information are not only expensive to compute, but also have a
specialized domain of applicability. Instead, we evaluate methods that rely only
on implicit knowledge of the legal corpus utilized and on computed values, using
similarity (relevance) and diversity functions (e.g., tf-idf cosine similarity) in the
data domain.
In respect to legal text retrieval that traditionally relies on external knowl-
edge sources, such as thesauri and classification schemes, various techniques are
presented in [17]. Several supervised learning methods that have been proposed
to classify sources of law according to legal concepts can be found in [4,13,15].
Legal document summarization techniques that scope to make the content of the
legal documents, notably cases, more easily accessible are described in [9,10,16].
502 M. Koniaris et al.

Finally, a similar approach with our work is described in [2], where the
authors utilize information retrieval approaches to determine which sections
within a bill tend to be outliers. However, our work differs in a sense that we
maximize the diversify of the result set, rather than detect section outliers within
a specific bill.

3 Legal Document Ranking Using Diversification

Here, we firstly provide an overview of general diversification processes focusing
in the problem we address. Then, we define the ranking features and describe
the diversification algorithms employed in this work.

3.1 Diversification Overview

Initially, the user submits his/her query as a way to express an information need
and receives relevant documents. Diversification aims at finding a subset of those
documents that maximize an objective function that quantifies the diversity of
documents in S. More specifically, the problem is formalized as follows:
Definition 1 (Legal document diversification). Let q be a user query and
N a set of documents relevant to the user query. Find a subset S ⊆ N of doc-
uments that maximize an objective function f that quantifies the diversity of
documents in S.
S = argmax f (N ) (1)
|S| = k

Typicaly, diversification techniques measure diversity in terms of content,

where textual similarity between items is used in order to quantify information
similarity. In the Vector Space model, each document u can be represented as a
term vector U = (isw1u , isw2u , ..., iswmu )T , where w1 , w2 , ..., wm are all the avail-
able terms, and is can be any popular indexing schema e.g. tf, tf −idf, logtf −idf .
Queries are represented in the same manner as documents.
– Document Similarity. Various well-known functions from the literature (e.g.
Jaccard, cosine similarity etc.) can be employed at computing the similarity
of legal documents. In this work, we choose cosine similarity as a similarity
measure, thus the similarity between documents u and v, with term vectors
U and V is:
U ·V
sim(u, v) = cos(u, v) = (2)
 U  V 
– Document Distance. The distance of two documents is
d(u, v) = 1 − sim(u, v) (3)
– Query Document Similarity. The relevance of a query q to a given doc-
ument u can be assigned as the initial ranking score obtained from the IR
system, or calculated using the similarity measure e.g. cosine similarity on the
corresponding term vectors
r(q, u) = cos(q, u) (4)
Diversifying the Legal Order 503

3.2 Diversification Heuristics

Diversification methods usually retrieve a set of documents based on their rele-
vance scores, and then re-rank the documents so that the top-ranked documents
are diversified to cover more query subtopics. Since the problem of finding an
optimum set of diversified documents is NP-hard, a greedy algorithm is often
used to iteratively select the diversified set S. Let N the document set, u, v ∈ N ,
r(q, u) the relevance of u to the query q, d(u, v) the distance of u and v, S ⊆ N
with |S| = k the number of documents to be collected and λ ∈ [0..1] a parame-
ter used for setting trade-off between relevance and similarity. In this paper, we
focus on the following representative diversification methods:
– MMR: Maximal Marginal Relevance [5], a greedy method to combine query
relevance and information novelty, iteratively constructs the result set S by
selecting documents that maximizes the following objective function

fM M R (u, q) = (1 − λ) r(u, q) + λ d(u, v) (5)

MMR incrementally computes the standard relevance-ranked list when the

parameter λ = 0, and computes a maximal diversity ranking among the doc-
uments in N when λ = 1. For intermediate values of λ ∈ [0..1], a linear
combination of both criteria is optimized. The set S is usually initialized with
the document that has the highest relevance to the query. Since the selection
of the first element has a high impact on the quality of the result, MMR often
fails to achieve optimum results.
– MaxSum: The Max-sum diversification objective function [12] aims at max-
imizing the sum of the relevance and diversity in the final result set. This is
achieved by a greedy approximation algorithm that selects a pair of documents
that maximizes Eq. 6 in each iteration.
fM AXSU M (u, v, q) = (1 − λ) (r(u, q) + r(v, q)) + 2λ d(u, v) (6)
where (u, v) is a pair of documents, since this objective considers document
pairs for insertion. When |S| is odd, in the final phase of the algorithm an
arbitrary element in N is chosen to be inserted in the result set S.
– MaxMin: The Max-Min diversification objective function [12] aims at max-
imizing the minimum relevance and dissimilarity of the selected set. This is
achieved by a greedy approximation algorithm that select a document that
maximizes Eq. 7 in each iteration.
fM AXM IN (u, q) = (1 − λ) r(u, q) + λ min d(u, v) (7)

where min d(u, v) is the minimum distance of u to the already selected docu-
ments in S.
– MonoObjective: MonoObjective [12] combines the relevance and the simi-
larity values into a single value for each document. It is defined as:
fM ON O (u, q) = r(u, q) + d(u, v) (8)
|N | − 1
504 M. Koniaris et al.

4 Experimental Setup
In this section, we describe the legal corpus we use, the set of query topics and
the respective methodology for subjectively annotating with relevance judgments
for each query, as well as the metrics employed for the evaluation assessment.
Finally, we provide the results along with a short discussion.

4.1 Legal Corpus

Our corpus contains 3.890 Australian legal cases from the Federal Court of
Australia5 . The cases were originally downloaded from AustLII6 and were used
in [11] to experiment with automatic summarization and citation analysis. The
legal corpus contains all cases from the Federal Court of Australia spanning from
2006 up to 2009. From the cases, we extracted all needed text for our diversi-
fication framework. Our index was built using standard stop word removal and
porter stemming, with log based tf − idf indexing technique, resulting in a total
of 3.890 documents, 9.782.911 terms and 53.791 unique terms.
Table 1 summarizes testing parameters and their corresponding ranges. To
obtain the candidate set N , for each query sample we keep the top − n elements
using cosine similarity and a log based tf −idf indexing schema. Our experimen-
tal studies are performed in a two-fold strategy: (i) qualitative analysis in terms
of diversification and precision of each employed method with respect to the
optimal result set and (ii) scalability analysis of diversification methods when
increasing the query parameters.

Table 1. Parameters tested in the experiments

Parameter Range
Tradeoff l values 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9
Candidate set size n = |N | 100
Result set size k = |S| 5, 10, 20
# of sample queries 298

4.2 Evaluation Metrics

We evaluate diversification methods using metrics employed in TREC Diversity

Tasks7 . In particular we report:

Diversifying the Legal Order 505

– a-nDCG: a-Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain [7] metric quantifies the

amount of unique aspects of the query q that are covered by the top−k ranked
documents. We use a = 0.5, as typical in TREC evaluation.
– ERR-IA: Expected Reciprocal Rank - Intent Aware [6] is based on inter-
dependent ranking. The contribution of each document is based on the rele-
vance of documents ranked above it. The discount function is therefore not
just dependent on the rank but also on the relevance of previously ranked
– S-Recall: Subtopic-Recall [19] quantifies the amount of unique aspects of the
query q that are covered by the top − k ranked documents

4.3 Relevance Judgements

As mentioned above, the evaluation of diversification requires a data corpus, a

set of query topics and a set of relevance judgments, preferably made by human
assessors for each query. In the absence of a standard dataset and since it was not
feasible to involve legal experts in this study, we have employed an subjective
way to annotate our corpus with relevance judgments for each query. To this
end, we employed the following method:
User Profiles/Queries. We used the West Law Digest Topics8 as candi-
date user queries. In other words, each topic was issued as candidate query to
our retrieval system. Outlier queries, whether too specific/rare or too general,
where removed using the interquartile range, below or above values Q1 and Q3,
sequentially in terms of number of hits in the result set and score distribution
for the hits, demanding in parallel a minimum cover of min|N | results. In total,
we kept 289 queries. Table 2 provides a sample of the topics we further consider
as user queries.

Table 2. West Law Digest Topics as user queries

1: Abandoned and lost property 3: Abortion and birth control

24: Aliens immigration and 88: Compromise and settlement
291: Privileged communications and 363: Threats stalking and harassment

Query assessments and ground-truth. For each topic/query we kept the

top − n results. An LDA topic model, using an open source implementation9 ,
was trained on the top − n results for each query. Based on the resulting topic

The West American Digest System is a taxonomy of identifying points of law from
reported cases and organizing them by topic and key number. It is used to organize
the entire body of American law.
506 M. Koniaris et al.

distribution and with an acceptance threshold of 20 %, we can infer whether a

document is relevant for an aspect. We have made available our complete dataset,
ground-truth data, queries and relevance assessments in standard qrel format,
as to enhance collaboration and contribution in respect to diversification issues
in legal IR10 .

4.4 Results

As a baseline to compare diversification methods, we consider the simple ranking

produced by cosine similarity and log based tf-idf indexing schema. The inter-
polation parameter λ ∈ [0..1] is tuned in 0.1 steps separately for each method.
Results are presented with fixed parameter n = |N |. Note that each of the diver-
sification variations, is applied in combination with each of the diversification
algorithms and for each user query.

alpha-nDCG@5 alpha-nDCG@10 alpha-nDCG@20

0.57 0.64 0.7

0.62 0.68


0.6 0.66

0.58 0.64
0.5 0.54 0.6
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

(a) alpha-nDCG@5 (b) alpha-nDCG@10 (c) alpha-nDCG@20

Fig. 1. alpha-nDCG at various levels @5, @10, @20 for baseline, MMR, MAXSUM,
MAXMIN and MONO methods [Best viewed in color]

Figure 1 shows the a-nDCG of each method for different values of λ. Inter-
estingly, all methods (MMR, MaxSum, MaxMin and Mono) outperformed the
baseline ranking, while as λ increases, preference to diversity also increases for
all methods. The trending behavior of MMR, MaxMin, and MaxSum is very
similar especially at levels @10, and @20, while at level @5 MaxMin and Max-
Sum presented nearly identical a-nDCG values in many λ values (e.g. 0.1, 0.2,
0.4, 0.6, 0.7). Finally, MMR constantly achieves better results in respect to the
rest methods, while MaxMin and MaxSum follow. MONO despite the fact that
performs better than the baseline in all λ values, still always presents the lower
performance when compared to MMR, MaxMin, and MaxSum.
Figure 2 depicts the ERR-IA plots for each method in respect to different
values of λ, while similarly Fig. 3 shows the Subtopic-Recall plots. It is clear that
all of the approaches (MMR, MaxSum, MaxMin and Mono) tend to perform
better than the selected baseline ranking method. Moreover, as λ increases,
preference to diversity as well as Subtopic-Recall accuracy increases for all tested
Diversifying the Legal Order 507

nERR-IA@5 nERR-IA@10 nERR-IA@20

0.54 0.58 0.6

0.57 0.59
0.56 0.58



0.55 0.57

0.54 0.56
MMR 0.53 MMR 0.55 MMR
0.49 0.51 0.53
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

(a) nERR-IA@5 (b) nERR-IA@10 (c) nERR-IA@20

Fig. 2. nERR-IA at various levels @5, @10, @20 for baseline, MMR, MAXSUM,
MAXMIN and MONO methods. [Best viewed in color]
strec@5 strec@10 strec@20
0.8 0.9 0.96



0.8 0.9
0.55 0.7 0.84
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

(a) S-Recall@5 (b) S-Recall@10 (c) S-Recall@20

Fig. 3. SubTopic Recall at various levels @5, @10, @20 for baseline, MMR, MAXSUM,
MAXMIN and MONO methods. [Best viewed in color]

methods. We noticed a Similar trending behavior with the one discussed for
Fig. 1. We also observed that MaxMin tends to perform better than MaxSum.
There were few cases where both methods presented nearly similar performance
especially in lower recall levels (e.g. for nERR-IA@5 when λ equals to 0.1, 0.4,
0.6, 0.7, and for S-Recall@5 when λ equals to 0.1, 0.2, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8). Once again,
MONO presents the lower performance when compared to MMR, MaxMin, and
MaxSum for both nERR-IA and S-Recall metric for all λ values applied.
In summary, among all the results, we note that the trends in the graphs look
very similar. Clearly enough, the utilized diversification methods statistically
significantly11 outperform the baseline method, offering legislation stakehold-
ers broader insights in respect to their information needs. Furthermore trends
across the evaluation metric graphs, highlight balance boundaries for legal IR
systems between reinforcing relevant documents or sampling the information
space around the legal query.

5 Conclusions
In this paper, we studied the novel problem of diversifying legal search results.
We adopted and compared the performance of several state of the art methods
Statistical significance with the paired two-sided t-test (p − value < 0.05).
508 M. Koniaris et al.

from the web search domain as to deal with the challenges in this paradigm. We
performed an exhaustive evaluation of all the methods, by using a real data set
from the Common Law domain that we subjectively annotated with relevance
judgments. Our findings (i) reveal that diversification methods offer notable
improvements and enrich search results around the legal query space and (ii)
offer balance boundaries between reinforcing relevant documents or sampling
the information space around the legal query.
A challenge we faced in this work was the lack of ground-truth. We hope on an
increase of the size of truth-labeled data set in the future, which would enable
us to draw further conclusions about the diversification techniques. We also
plan to incorporate additional features in our legal search result diversification
framework, specifically tailored across the legislation domain. Finally, we aim at
investigating the performance of heuristics provided for other domains, e.g. for
text summarization and graph diversification.

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Efficient Computation of Clustered-Clumps
in Degenerate Strings

Costas S. Iliopoulos, Ritu Kundu, and Manal Mohamed(B)

Department of Informatics, King’s College London, London WC2R 2LS, UK


Abstract. Given a finite set of patterns, a clustered-clump is a max-

imal overlapping set of occurrences of such patterns. Several solu-
tions have been presented for identifying clustered-clumps based on
statistical, probabilistic, and most recently, formal language theory
techniques. Here, motivated by applications in molecular biology and
computer vision, we present efficient algorithms, using String Algorithm
techniques, to identify clustered-clumps in a given text. The proposed
algorithms compute in O(n + m) time the occurrences of all clustered-
clumps for a given set of degenerate patterns P̃ and/or degenerate text
T̃ of total lengths m and n, respectively; such that the total number of
non-solid symbols in P̃ and T̃ is bounded by a fixed positive integer d.

Keywords: Conservative degenerate string · Pattern · Overlapping

occurrences · Clustered-clump

1 Introduction

The ability to identify and compute various repeated patterns in strings is known
to play a central role in many aspects of computer science fields including data
compression, computer vision, computer-assisted music analysis and molecular
biology. One of the most fundamental questions arising in such studies is to
locate the regions/windows of overlapping occurrences of patterns in a given
longer string named as text. This question is of particular interest in molecular
biology, e.g. finding patterns with unexpectedly high or low frequencies and gene
In this paper, we consider a recently studied problem of computing clumps
in a given text [2,10]. In particular, given a finite set of patterns P, we compute
all factors in a given text T such that each factor is composed of the maximal
overlapping occurrences of patterns from P; these will be referred to as clustered-
clumps hereafter. Such findings may be utilised, for example, for gene prediction,
that is to find genes within a genome, based on the occurrences of specific DNA
sequence motifs before or after them. Examples of such motifs include gene

This research is partially supported by The Leverhulme Trust.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 510–519, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 45
Efficient Computation of Clustered-Clumps in Degenerate Strings 511

promoters; start and stop codons; and poly(A) tails. An example of overlapping
motifs, specifically, recognition sites to which proteins bind, is presented in [6].
In molecular biology (where sequences are considered as stings over fixed
size alphabet Σ) if the specific nature of biological data is to be accommodated,
it is required to allow some positions in the sequence to contain, instead of a
single letter from Σ, a subset of Σ. Such degenerate (indeterminate) symbols
can be interpreted as information that the exact letter at the given position is
not known, but is suspected to be one of the specified letters.
Other than the aforementioned applications in genomics, identification of
clustered-clumps in degenerate data also finds applications in areas such as com-
puter vision or image processing. One such application can be the matching and
retrieval of roughly aligned images containing the same scene, except nuances
of some regions, and allowing for transformations like shifting, scaling, rotation
Several solutions have been presented for identifying clustered-clumps based
on statistical, probabilistic, and most recently, formal language theory techniques
[2,10]. To the best of our knowledge, no solution heretofore explores the problem
accounting for degeneracy in data. Here, we present efficient algorithms, using
String Algorithm techniques, to identify clustered-clumps in a given text. Our
solution considers degenerate strings arising from the nature of real data. The
proposed algorithms compute in O(n + m) time the occurrences of all clustered-
clumps for a given set of degenerate patterns P̃ and/or degenerate text T̃ of total
lengths m and n, respectively; such that the total number of non-solid symbols
in P̃ and T̃ is bounded by a fixed positive integer d.
The rest of the paper is organised in the following format: The next section
introduces the vocabulary and the notions that will be used throughout paper.
The algorithmic tools and data-structures required to build the solutions have
been described in Sect. 3. Section 4 formally defines the problem and its varia-
tions along with presenting and analysing the algorithms. Finally, Sect. 5 con-
cludes the paper.

2 Terminology and Technical Background

We begin with basic definitions and notation. We think of a string X of length

n as an array X[1 . . n], where every X[i], 1 ≤ i ≤ n, is a letter drawn from some
fixed alphabet Σ of size |Σ| = O(1). The empty string is denoted by ε. The set
of all strings over Σ (including the empty string ε) is denoted by Σ ∗ . A string Y
is a factor of a string X if there exist two strings U and V , such that X = U Y V .
Hence, we say that there is an occurrence of Y in X, or, simply, that Y occurs
in X. Consider the strings X, Y, U , and V , such that X = U Y V . If U = ε, then
Y is a prefix of X. If V = ε, then Y is a suffix of X.
A degenerate symbol σ̃ over an alphabet Σ is a non-empty subset of Σ, i.e.,
σ̃ ⊆ Σ and σ̃ = ∅. |σ̃| denotes the size of the set and we have 1 ≤ |σ̃| ≤
|Σ|. A degenerate string is built over the potential 2|Σ| − 1 non-empty sets of
letters belonging to Σ. In other words, a degenerate string X̃ = X̃[1 . . n], is a
512 C.S. Iliopoulos et al.

string such that every X̃[i] is a degenerate symbol, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. For example,

X̃ = {a,b}{a}{c}{b,c}{a}{a,b,c} is a degenerate string of length 6 over Σ =
{a,b,c}. If |X̃[i]| = 1, that is, X̃[i] is a single letter of Σ, then we say that X̃[i]
is a solid symbol and i is a solid position. Otherwise, X̃[i] and i are said to be
a non-solid symbol and a non-solid position, respectively. For convenience, we
often write X̃[i] = σ (σ ∈ Σ), instead of X̃[i] = {σ} in case of solid symbols.
Consequently, the degenerate string X̃ mentioned previously will be written
as X̃ = {a,b}ac{b,c}a{a,b,c}. A string containing only solid symbols will be
called a solid string. A conservative degenerate string is a degenerate string where
its number of non-solid symbols is upper-bounded by a fixed positive constant.
For degenerate strings, the notion of symbol equality is extended to single-
symbol match between two degenerate symbols in the following way. Two degen-
erate symbols α˜1 and α˜2 are said to match (represented as α˜1 ≈ α˜2 ) if α˜1 ∩α˜2 = ∅.
Extending this notion to degenerate strings, we say that two degenerate strings X̃
and Ỹ match (denoted as X̃ ≈ Ỹ ) if |X̃| = |Ỹ | and X̃[i] ≈ Ỹ [i], for i = 1, · · · , |X̃|.
Note that the relation ≈ is not transitive. A degenerate string Ỹ is said to
occur at position i in another degenerate (resp. solid) string X̃ (resp. X) if
Ỹ ≈ X̃[i . . i + |Ỹ | − 1] (resp. Ỹ ≈ X[i . . i + |Ỹ | − 1]). Note that for a fixed-sized
alphabet, the matching relation can be implemented in O(1) time if degenerate
symbols are represented by bit-vectors of size |Σ|.
A set of strings P = {P1 , · · · , Pr } is reduced if no Pi is factor of a Pj with
i = j. For instance, the set {aa,aba} is reduced whereas the sets {aa,aab},
{aa,baa}, and {aa,baab} are non-reduced.
In [1], a clustered-clump of a given reduced set of strings P = {P1 , · · · , Pr },
where each Pi of length at least 2, is defined as follows:

Definition 1 (Clustered-Clump). A clustered-clump of a given reduced set of

strings P = {P1 , · · · , Pr } is a string W such that any two consecutive positions
in W are covered by the same occurrence in W of a string P ∈ P. The position
i of the string W is covered by a string P if P = W [j . . j + |P | − 1] for some
j ∈ {1, · · · , |W | − |P | + 1} and j ≤ i ≤ j + |P | − 1. More formally, W is a
clustered-clump for the set P such that

∀i ∈ {1, · · · , |W |} ∃ P ∈ P, ∃ j ∈ P osW (P ) such that j ≤ i ≤ j + |P | − 1,

where P osW (P ) is the set of positions of occurrences of P in W .

For a given text (string) T , a factor W is a clustered-clump if it is maximal

in the sense that there exists no occurrence of the set P in T that overlaps W
without being a factor of it.

Example 1. Consider the set P = {aba, bba} and the text T = bbbabababababb
bbabaababb, we have the following clumps underlined:
Efficient Computation of Clustered-Clumps in Degenerate Strings 513

Notice that the factor ababa at position 6 is not a clustered-clump since it

is not maximal. Also, the factor bbabaaba at position 15 does not form a single
clustered-clump, because its two-letter factor aa is not covered by an occurrence
of either aba or bba.

3 Algorithmic Tools

In the following we present two fundamental data structures supporting a wide

variety of string matching algorithms. Both data structures are used in the pro-
posed algorithms presented in Sect. 4.
Suffix Tree:
The suffix tree S(X) of a non-empty string X of length n is a compact trie
representing all the suffixes of X such that S(X) has n leaves, labelled from 1 to
n. Additionally, each edge is labelled with a factor of X. For any i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, the
concatenation of the edges’ labels on the path from the root of S(X) to leaf i is
precisely the suffix X[i . . n]. For any two suffixes U = X[i . . n] and V = X[j . . n]
of X, if W is the longest common prefix of U and V , then the path in S(X)
corresponding to W is the same for U and V . For a general introduction of suffix
trees, see [3].
The construction of the suffix tree S(X) of the input string X takes O(n) time
and space, for string over a fixed-sized alphabet [8,11,12]. Once the suffix tree
of a given string (called text) has been constructed, it can be used to support
queries that return the occurrences of a given string (called pattern) in time
linear in the length of the pattern.
Aho-Corasick Automaton:
The Aho-Corasick automaton of a set of strings P, denoted A(P), is the minimal
partial deterministic finite automaton accepting the set of all strings having a
string of P as a suffix (see [5, Sect. 7.1] for more description and for efficient
construction); an example is given in Fig. 1. This data structure has an initial
state, denoted s0 , and a transition function represented by the edges in the figure.
A state is marked as terminal if the string it represents is in the set P; note that
all the leaves are terminal states. Let ‘goto’ denote the transition function, then
the suffix-link, represented by the dotted line; is defined as follows: For a given
non empty string X such that si = goto(s0 , X), the suffix-link of state si points
at sj = goto(s0 , X  ), where X  is the longest suffix of X such that si = sj .
The construction of the suffix automaton A(P) together with the suffix-links
can be done in linear time and space [3] independent of the alphabet size. Note
that the transition function can be implemented in O(1) time for a fixed size
Once the automaton A(P) has been constructed, searching a text T for
occurrences of the patterns in P can be realized in time linear in the length of
T ; such a problem is known as the dictionary matching problem. The matching
involves the Aho-Corasick automaton scanning the text, reading every letter
514 C.S. Iliopoulos et al.

exactly once. If the automaton is in state si and reads letter α of the text, it
moves to state sj = goto(si , α) if defined, otherwise, it moves to the nearest
sk such that sk = goto(sj , α) is defined and sj is the state identified by the
following of suffix-links starting from si . Also, if the automaton encounters a
terminal state, it outputs an occurrence(s) of one or more patterns. Note that
if P is reduced then at most one pattern from P occurs at each position of the
text. In the rest of the paper, we assume that P is a reduced set.


s0 A s1 G s2 G s4

s5 C s6 T s7


Fig. 1. Aho-Corasick automaton of set P = {AGC,AGG,GCT,GA}.

4 Clustered-Clumps Algorithms

The Clustered-Clump problem is formally defined as follows:

Finding Clustered-Clumps
text T of length n and a set of patterns P = {P1 , · · · , Pr }, such
Input: A 
that m = 1≤i≤r |Pi |.
Output: All clustered-clumps in T .

While the above problem can efficiently be solved using any standard dictio-
nary matching algorithm, extending the definition to include degenerate strings
makes the problem more interesting, challenging, and useful for practical applica-
tions. In the following, we reformulate the definition to generate three variations
of the problem - the patterns are degenerate (but the text is solid), the text is
degenerate (but the patterns are solid), and both the text and the patterns are
degenerate. Further, we assume that the number of non-solid symbols in either
the text or the set of patterns is bounded by a given constant, i.e. we will deal
with conservative degenerate strings.
Efficient Computation of Clustered-Clumps in Degenerate Strings 515

4.1 Problem 1: Solid Text and Degenerate Patterns

Problem 1: Finding Clustered-Clumps in Solid Text given Degen-

erate Patterns
Input: A text T of length n, a set of conservative degenerate patterns
P̃ = {P˜1 , · · · , P̃r }, and integers dand m, such that total number of non-
solid symbols in P̃ ≤ d, and m = 1≤i≤r |P̃i |.
Output: All clustered-clumps in T .

Example 2. Consider the text T = TTCGACTAACATAACGAAGCTAATCTTAAC and the

set of degenerate patterns P̃= {AC{T,G}AA{C,G}{A,C,G}TAA, AT{C,G}TT}, a
clustered-clump occurring at position 5 has been shown below:

The solution we propose for this problem is based on the idea used in [9].
Each degenerate pattern P̃i ∈ P̃ can be seen as consisting of solid subpatterns,
interspersed with non-solid regions. Let Pi,j be a solid subpattern of P̃i , 1 ≤ i ≤
r, 1 ≤ j ≤ sub(i), where sub(i) denotes the number of solid subpatterns in P̃i .
Additionally, let ij−1,j represents a non-solid region between the subpatterns
Pi,j−1 and Pi,j . In other words, a pattern P̃i can be viewed as:

P̃i = Pi,1 i1,2 Pi,2 i2,3 Pi,3 . . Pi,sub(i)

Note that if the pattern P̃i ends with a non-solid symbol(s), then the last
non-solid region is represented as isub(i),∞ .
The following steps outline our solution:
Step 1: Split: In this step, each degenerate pattern in P̃ is split into its com-
ponent subpatterns; we call the set of all these solid subpatterns so obtained
P. Effectively, we are breaking every degenerate pattern into subpatterns by
chopping out non-solid regions so that each of the subpatterns is solid.

Example 3. Suppose P̃= {AC{T,G}AA{C,G}{A,C,G}TAA, AT{C,G}TT} as in

Example 2. Here r = 2. Splitting P˜1 results in P1,1 = AC, P1,2 = AA, P1,3 = TAA,
while splitting P˜2 results in P2,1 = AT and P2,2 = TT. Then P = {AC,AA,TAA,
AT,TT}, sub(1) = 3, and sub(2) = 2. Here, 11,2 = {T,G}, 12,3 = {C,G}{A,C,G},
and 21,2 = {C,G}.

Step 2: Find occurrences of solid subpatterns in T : We next build the

Aho-Corasick automaton of the set P; denoted by A(P). Using the automaton,
we compute all the occurrences of the solid subpatterns in the text T .
516 C.S. Iliopoulos et al.

The occurrences of the subpatterns of the set P are maintained using a

boolean matrix Valid of size |P| × n such that we can test in constant time
whether or not a specific solid subpattern occurs at a given text position. If an
occurrence of Pi,j for which ij−1,j exists is found at a position (say k), then we
need to check:

1. Whether Pi,j−1 (if j > 1) occurs in the corresponding position (i.e. k −

(|Pi,j−1 | + | ij−1,j |) in T .
2. Whether the non-solid symbols in ij−1,j match the corresponding positions
in T . If j = sub(i), then the non-solid region isub(i),∞ is also tested for

If both conditions are true, then an occurrence of Pi,j is marked true in the
matrix Valid. Notice that proceeding in this way, an occurrence marked true
for Pi,sub(i) corresponds to an occurrence of the degenerate pattern P̃i in T .
Step 3: Compute the locations of clustered-clumps: Using the informa-
tion about the occurrences of the degenerate patterns in the text, we populate
an array LongestOcc of size n that stores the length of the longest pattern occur-
ring at each position of the text. It is easy to see that simple calculations done
in a single scan of this array can report the positions of all the clustered-clumps
in T ; see Function 1 below for more details.

Function 1 ComputeClusteredClumps(LongestOcc, n)
input : LongestOcc is the array storing the length of the longest pattern
occurring at each position of the text
integer n represents length of the text.
output: A set of all pairs (i, l) such that a maximal clustered clump of
length l occurs at position i in the text.
R ← Φ;
start ← last ← 1;
for u ← 1 to n do // Scan LongestOcc
if LongestOcc[u] = 0 then
if last < u then
start ← last ← u + 1;
else if u + LongestOcc[u] − 1 > last then
last ← u + LongestOcc[u] − 1;
if u = last then
if last − start > 0 then
Add (start, last − start + 1) to R ;
start ← last ← last + 1;
return R;
Efficient Computation of Clustered-Clumps in Degenerate Strings 517

Running Time Analysis: Computing both P and A(P) takes O(m) time,
while O(n) time is required for finding all the occurrences of all the solid subpat-
terns using the Aho-Corasick automaton. Subsequent symbol-by-symbol match-
ing of non-solid regions is bounded by O(d) in the worst case for each position in
the text, implying that overall O(dn) time is required. Computations in the last
step can be done in O(n) time. Thus, the solution finds all the clustered-clumps
in the text in O(n + m) time for constant d.

4.2 Problem 2: Degenerate Text and Solid Patterns

Problem 2: Finding Clustered-Clumps in Degenerate Text given

Solid Patterns
Input: A conservative degenerate text T̃ of length n, a set of patterns P =
{P1 , · · · , Pr }, and integers d 
and m, such that the total number of non-solid
symbols in T̃ ≤ d, and m = 1≤i≤r |Pi |.
Output: All clustered-clumps in T̃ .

Example 4. Consider the text T = CATTA{A,G}GAGC{T,G}CTTTA and the set of

patterns P̃= {AGC,AGG,GCT,GA}, a clustered-clump occurring at position 5 has
been shown below:

Our solution for Problem 2 is built using the recently developed algorithm
described in [4] that solves, in linear time, pattern matching problem in conser-
vative degenerate text (applying an adapted version of Landau and Vishkin’s [7]
algorithm for approximate pattern matching). Please refer to [4] for full details,
but for the sake of completeness, a brief description has been provided in the
following steps:
Step1: Substitute: In this step, each of the non-solid symbols occurring in the
given degenerate text is replaced by a unique symbol which is not present in Σ.
Let Λ be the set of these unique symbols i.e. Λ = {λi } such that 0 < i ≤ d. It
is to be noted that the text, Tλ , obtained by such a substitution will be a solid
string. For example, if T = CATTA{A,G}GAGC{T,G}CTTTA as in Example 4 then
Tλ = CATTAλ1 GAGCλ2 CTTTA; here Λ = {λ1 , λ2 }.
Step 2: Find occurrences of solid patterns in Tλ : We concatenate the
text Tλ and the patterns as follows:

T = Tλ P1 #1 . . Pr #r ,

where each delimiting symbol #i , 1 ≤ i ≤ r is a unique symbol that is not

present in Σ ∪ Λ. Next, the suffix tree S(T ) of T is constructed. As detailed
518 C.S. Iliopoulos et al.

in [4], checking whether a pattern Pi occurs at a certain position in T is realized

by at most d longest common ancestor (LCA) queries on S(T ).
Step 3: Compute the positions of clustered-clumps: We proceed in sim-
ilar fashion as in Step 3 of Problem 1, reporting the positions of all clustered-
clumps in T̃ using Function 1.

Running Time Analysis: The substitution and the concatenation steps to

obtain Tλ and T , and later constructing the suffix tree S(T ) can be performed
in O(n + m) time. Finding all the occurrences of all the patterns in P takes
O(dn) [4]. Thus, for constant d, the solution computes all the clustered-clumps
in the text in O(n + m) time.

4.3 Case 3: Degenerate Text and Degenerate Patterns

Problem 3: Finding Clustered-Clumps in Degenerate Text given

Degenerate Patterns
Input: A conservative degenerate text T̃ of length n, a set of conservative
degenerate patterns P̃ = {P˜1 , · · · , P̃r }, and integers d and m,
such that total
number of non-solid symbols in both T̃ and P̃ ≤ d and m = 1≤i≤r |P̃i |.
Output: All clustered-clumps in T̃ .

The solution for Problem 3 is achieved by combining the solutions for both
Problems 1 and 2. Let dT and dP be the number of non-solid symbols in T̃ and
P̃, respectively, such that d = dT + dP . In the following, we outline our solution
for this general case:
Step1: Substitute: Replace each non-solid symbol in T̃ with a unique symbol
λi ; 0 < i ≤ dT , to obtain a solid text Tλ .
Step 2: Split: Split each of the degenerate patterns in P̃ into its component
subpatterns to obtain the set of solid subpatterns P.
Step 3: Find occurrences of solid subpatterns: Construct the suffix tree
(S(T )) for T (string obtained by appending Tλ with all the subpatterns in P
delimited by unique symbols #i , 1 ≤ i ≤ dP + r). Find all the occurrences of
each of the subpatterns in P by LCA queries on S(T ) (as in Step 2 of Problem
2). Similar to Step 2 in Problem 1, maintain a boolean matrix Valid such that
an occurrence marked true for Pi,sub(i) corresponds to an occurrence of the
degenerate pattern P̃i in T̃ .
Step 4: Compute the locations of clustered-clumps: Use Function 1 to
report the positions of all clustered-clumps in T̃ .

Running Time Analysis: As the solution makes use of the steps of the solu-
tions for Problems 1 and 2, both of which have been shown to be bounded by
O(n + m) time, thus, Problem 3 can overall be solved in O(n + m) time.
Efficient Computation of Clustered-Clumps in Degenerate Strings 519

5 Conclusion
In this paper, we studied the problem of identifying clustered-clumps in conser-
vative degenerate strings and presented O(n + m)-time algorithms that compute
the occurrences of all clustered-clumps for a given set of degenerate patterns P̃
or/and a degenerate text T̃ of total lengths m and n, respectively; such that the
total number of non-solid symbols in P̃ and T̃ is bounded by a given constant d.
The presented algorithms are promising for applications in genomics and com-
puter vision. We intend to conduct larger-scale experiments, using genomic as
well as digitized-images datasets. Furthermore, other domains that involve web-
mining applications may find the presented solutions interesting and beneficial.

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Learning and Blending Harmonies
in the Context of a Melodic Harmonisation

Maximos Kaliakatsos-Papakostas1 , Dimos Makris2 , Asterios Zacharakis1 ,

Costas Tsougras1(B) , and Emilios Cambouropoulos1
Department of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Department of Informatics Studies, Ionian University, 49100 Corfu, Greece

Abstract. How can harmony in diverse idioms be represented in a

machine learning system and how can learned harmonic descriptions of
two musical idioms be blended to create new ones? This paper presents a
creative melodic harmonisation assistant that employs statistical learn-
ing to learn harmonies from human annotated data in practically any
style, blends the harmonies of two user-selected idioms and harmonises
user-input melodies. To this end, the category theory algorithmic frame-
work for conceptual blending is utilised for blending chord transition of
the input idioms, to generate an extended harmonic idiom that incorpo-
rates a creative combination of the two input ones with additional har-
monic material. The results indicate that by learning from the annotated
data, the presented harmoniser is able to express the harmonic charac-
ter of diverse idioms in a creative manner, while the blended harmonies
extrapolate the two input idioms, creating novel harmonic concepts.

1 Introduction
Machine learning allows a machine to acquire knowledge from data forming
concrete conceptual spaces, while conceptual blending [10] between two input
spaces allows new spaces to be constructed expressed as new structural relations
or even new elements, creating new and potentially unforeseen output [27]. In
music, harmony is an characteristic and well-circumscribed element of an idiom
that can be learned from human annotated musical data using techniques such
as Hidden Markov Models, N-grams, probabilistic grammars, inductive logic
programming (see [6,7,12,15,17,20–23,25,26] among others). In the context of
computational creativity in music, a challenging task tackled in the Concept
Invention Theory (COINVENT) [3,18,24] project is to blend different/diverse
input harmonic idioms learned from data to create new idioms that are creative
supersets of the input ones.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 520–527, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 46
Learning and Blending Harmonies 521

The paper at hand briefly presents the extension of a melodic harmonisation

assistant (introduced in [15]) that learns harmonic idioms by statistical learn-
ing on human data, for inventing new harmonic spaces by blending transitions
between chords. The blended transitions are created by combining the features
characterising pairs of transitions belonging to two idioms (expressed as sets of
potentially learned transitions) according to an amalgam-based algorithm [5,9]
that implements the theory presented in [10] for conceptual blending, through
the categorical-based methodology presented in [11]. The transitions are then
used in an extended harmonic space that accommodates the two initial har-
monic spaces, linked with the new blended transitions.

Fig. 1. System overview.

2 Statistical Learning of Harmonies from Human

Annotated Datasets
Before blending harmonies, the system learns different aspects of harmony
through annotated training data, while it produces new harmonisations accord-
ing to guidelines provided in a melody input file given by the user. The system
learns the available chord types within diverse dataset (according to their root
notes) based on the General Chord Type (GCT) [2] representation, which can
be used not only to represent but also to describe meaningful relations between
harmonic labels [16] – even in non-tonal music idioms [1,14]. The training data
include musical scores from many idioms (from Modal harmonisations in the
Middle Ages to harmonisations of popular music and jazz in the 20th century),
with expert annotations. Specifically, the notes of harmonic manually annotated
reductions are regarded for the harmonic learning process, where only the most
important harmonic notes are included; additional annotated layers of informa-
tion are given regarding the tonality and the metric structure of each piece.
Accordingly, the format of the user melody input file includes indications of
several desired attributes that the resulting harmonisation should have.
After the system is trained, it is able to harmonise a user-given melody that,
in this stage, includes manual annotations about harmonic rhythm, harmonically
important notes, key and phrase structure. Additionally, the user has the freedom
to choose specific chords at desired locations (constraint chords), forcing the
522 M. Kaliakatsos-Papakostas et al.

system creatively to produce chord sequences that comply with the user-provided
constraints, therefore allowing the user to ‘manually’ increase the interestingness
of the produced output.
The cHMM [17] algorithm is used for modelling/learning chord progression
probabilities for a given idiom. Then statistical information from the user-defined
melody is combined with the chord progression model to generate chord pro-
gressions that best represent the idiom. Additionally the algorithm offers the
possibility for prior determination of intermediate ‘checkpoint’ chords [4]). The
fixed intermediate chords on the one hand help towards preserving some essence
of higher level harmonic structure through the imposition of intermediate and
final cadences, while on the other hand allow interactivity by enabling the user
to place desired chord at any position. Statistics for cadences are learned dur-
ing the training process, where expert annotated files including annotations for
phrase endings are given as training material to the system. After collecting
the statistics about cadences from all idioms, the system, before employing the
cHMM algorithm, assigns cadences as fixed chords to the locations indicated by
user input. The cadence to be imported is selected based on three criteria: (a)
whether it is a final or an intermediate cadence; (b) the cadence likelihood (how
often it occurs in the training pieces); and (c) how well it fits with the melody
notes that are harmonised by the cadence’s chords. Direct human intervention
allows the user of the system to specify a harmonic ‘spinal chord’ of anchor chords
that are afterwards connected by chord sequences that give stylistic reference to
a learned idiom.
Regarding voice leading, experimental evaluation of methodologies that
utilise statistical machine learning techniques demonstrated that an efficient
way to harmonise a melody is to add the bass line first [26]. The presented
harmoniser, having defined the optimal sequence of GCT chords, uses a modu-
lar methodology for determining the bass voice leading presented in [19], which
utilises independently trained modules that include (a) a hidden Markov model
(HMM) deciding for the bass contour (hidden states), given the melody con-
tour (observations); (b) distributions on the distance between the bass and the
melody voice; and (c) statistics regarding the inversions of the chords in the
given chord sequence.
The bass voice motion provides abstract information about the motion of the
bass, however, assigning actual pitches for a given set of GCT chords requires
additional information: inversions and melody-to-bass distance distributions are
also learned from data. The inversions of a chord play an important role in
determining how eligible is each chord’s pitch class to be a bass note, while the
melody-to-bass distance captures statistics about the pitch height region that
the bass voice is allowed to move according to the melody. After obtaining the
exact bass pitch, the exact voicing layout, i.e. exact pitches for all chord notes, for
each GCT chord is defined. To this end, a simple statistical model is utilised that
finds the best combination of the intermediate voices for every chord according
to some simple criteria. These criteria include proximity to a pitch-attractor,
evenness of neighbouring notes distances and inner voice movement distances
Learning and Blending Harmonies 523

between chords. These criteria form an aggregate wighted sum that defines the
optimal setting for all the intermediate notes (between the bass and the melody)
in every GCT chord.

3 Blending Learned Harmonies

In the presented system, the harmony of an idiom is represented by first order
Markov matrices, which include one respective row and column for each chord in
the examined idiom. The probability value in the i-th row and the j-th column
exhibits the probability of the i-th chord going to the j-th—the probabilities of
each row sum to one. Figure 2(a) illustrates a grayscale interpretation of the tran-
sition in a set of major-mode Bach chorales. An important question is: Given
two input idioms as chord transition matrices, how would a blended idiom be
expressed in terms of a transition matrix? The idea examined in the present
system is to create an extended transition matrix that includes new transitions
that allow moving across chords of the initial idioms by potentially using new
chords. The examined methodology uses transition blending to create new tran-
sitions that incorporate blended characteristics for creating a smooth ‘morphing’
harmonic effect when moving from chords of one space to chords of the other.
An abstract illustration of an extended matrix is given in Fig. 2(b).

Fig. 2. Graphical description of (a) the transition matrix in a set of major-mode Bach
chorales and (b) an extended matrix that includes transition probabilities of two initial
idioms – like the ones depicted in (a) – and of several new transitions generated through
transition blending.

In an extended matrix (Fig. 2), when using transitions in Ii only chords

of the i-th idiom are used, while (blended) transitions in Ai−j create direct
jumps from chords of the i-th to chords of the j-th idiom. Transitions in Bi−X
constitute harmonic motions from a chord of idiom i to a newly created chord
524 M. Kaliakatsos-Papakostas et al.

by blending. For moving from idiom i to idiom j using one external chord cx
that was produced by blending, a chain of two consecutive transitions is needed
(Bi−X−j ): ci → cx followed by a transition cx → cj , where ci in idiom i and cj
in idiom j respectively. Transitions in C are disregarded since they incorporate
pairs of chords that exist outside the i-th and j-th idioms.
Based on this analysis of the extended matrix, a methodology is proposed
for using blends between transitions in I1 and I2 . Thereby, transitions in I1 are
blended with ones in I2 and a number of the best blends is stored for further
investigation, creating a pool of best blends. A greater number of blends in the
pool of best blends introduces a larger number of possible commuting paths in
Ai−j or in Bi−X−j . Transition blending is performed through amalgam-based con-
ceptual blending that has already been applied to invent chord cadences [8,28]; in
this setting, cadences are considered as special cases of chord transitions—pairs
of chords, where the first chord is followed by the second one—that are described
by means of features such as the roots or types of the involved chords, or inter-
vals between voice motions, among others. For more information on transition
blending the reader is referred to [13].

4 Harmonisation Examples
To briefly demonstrate the effect that transition blending has on forming the
extended matrix that combines two initial idioms, harmonisations of the first
part of ‘Ode to Joy’ by Beethoven are illustrated in Fig. 3. Initially, one can
observe that the learned harmonic features from the Bach chorales and the jazz
sets (Fig. 3(a) and (b) respectively) are reflected in the harmonisations that the
system produces. In the case of the Bach chorales, the most convenient (yet not
so musically impressive) sequence of chords is generated, where the V-I pattern
is repeated. The jazz harmonisation includes modifications of the usual ii-V-I
pattern. By blending the transitions of the two initial idioms, the produced har-
monisation (illustrated in Fig. 3(c)) features new structural relations, incorpo-
rating chords and chord sequences that are not usual in any of the initial idioms.
However, even though the chords and chord transitions per se are unusual, their
encompassed features reflect musical attributes of the initial idioms.

5 Conclusions
This paper describes a melodic harmonisation system which receives as inputs
a melody file and two harmonic idioms and produces a melodic harmonisation
with the blended harmony of two input idioms. To this end, diverse harmonic
datasets were compiled and annotated by experts, while the harmonic description
of each idiom was based on chords extracted with the General Chord Type
(GCT) algorithm, statistical learning of chord progressions, cadences and chord
voicing over these data. Blending of harmonies is performed through blending
chord transitions (one chord leading to another) from the input idioms using an
algorithmic realisation of conceptual blending based on category theory. Chord
Learning and Blending Harmonies 525

Fig. 3. Beethoven’s Ode to joy theme harmonised by the system with learned idioms
and their blend.

transition blending combines features between pairs of transitions from the two
input harmonic idioms, producing new transitions that potentially include new
chords for both idioms and incorporate blended features. These new blended
transitions act as connection points between the two input harmonic idioms,
generating the extended idiom that is a blended harmonic superset of the two
input ones.
A thorough experimental process that evaluates the usefulness of the pro-
duced harmonisations in real-world applications (e.g. when the system is used
as an assistant for composers) is underway. Initial experimental results indi-
cate that the blended melodic harmonisations are more interesting than the
ones produced by using each input idiom separately. Additional experimental
processes are expected to provide insights into whether the blended harmonic
spaces are perceived as alterations of one of the input spaces (one-sided blends),
balanced blends or radically new harmonic idioms, as well as into the role of the
user-defined melody in the process of using blended or non-blended harmonising

Acknowledgments. This work is supported by the COINVENT project (FET-Open

grant number: 611553).
526 M. Kaliakatsos-Papakostas et al.

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Lyrics Mining for Music Meta-Data Estimation

Hasan Oğul(&) and Başar Kırmacı

Department of Computer Engineering,

Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey

Abstract. Music meta-data comprise a number of structured attributes that

provide descriptive annotations such as singer, author, genre and date of a song
deposited in a digital library. While they provide a crucial knowledge to rep-
resent music entry in current information retrieval and recommendation systems
applications, they suffer from two limitations in practice. First, they may contain
missing or wrong attributes due to incomplete submissions. Second, available
attributes may not suffice to characterize the music entry for the objective of the
retrieval or recommendation task being considered. Here, we offer an automated
way of estimating the meta-data of a song using its lyrics content. We focus on
attributing the author, genre and release date of songs solely based on the lyrics
information. To this end, we introduce a complete text classification framework
which takes raw lyrics data as input and report estimated meta-data attributes.
The performance of the system is evaluated based on its retrieval ability on a
large dataset of Turkish songs, which was gathered in this study and made
publicly available. The results promote the use of such technique as a com-
plementary tool in organizing music repositories and implementing music
information retrieval systems.

Keywords: Music information retrieval  Song classification  Author


1 Introduction

We have witnessed a drastic shift in promotion trends of music industry in response to

changes in the way of people’s music listening habits in recent years. Collective online
shops and libraries have been more popular compared to individual album records.
Consequently, the amount of music data available online has increased dramatically
over the past few years. There is a pressing need to develop intelligent tools which will
improve the usability of these data such that users can access, enjoy and communicate
the content in a more effective and flexible way. This need has been further emphasized
by the contribution of mobile devices in accessing online music content. The research
effort into music information retrieval and recommendation systems has been therefore
raised significantly to respond these challenges in the last decade (Orio 2006; Schedl
et al. 2014).
Music is a multimodal object: it comprises an audio signal, song lyrics and other
textual annotations that provide descriptive information about the entry, including e.g.
song’s singer, composer, author, genre, release date and social data. The latter is usually

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 528–539, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_47
Lyrics Mining for Music Meta-Data Estimation 529

referred as meta-data and constitutes a brief yet helpful representation of music entry for
accessing, searching or organizing the content in online media. Music information
retrieval is a fruitful effort in more enjoyable access of music content in digital libraries.
It usually requires an abstraction technique to represent the music objects and a model of
comparing them to retrieve relevant music entries in available repositories. This
abstraction task for music objects has been usually approached with meta-data or audio
content (Moutselakis and Karakos 2009; Debaecker eta al. 2011). There are two major
practical limitations with using meta-data approach. First, some attributes in the col-
lection might be missing or incorrectly entered by database administrator or submitting
user. Second, available attributes may not suffice to characterize the music entry for the
objective of the task being considered. For example, if existing meta-data structure does
not provide any attribute about the release date of a song, it is useless when a user wishes
to retrieve similar songs from a particular period of time. Employing audio content is
another widespread approach in extracting features for abstract representation of music
(Costa et al. 2004; Sarkar and Saha 2015). Even though audio is the core component of a
music entry, it has several drawbacks to serve as a feature generator to encode the music
object. It contains a variety of signal layers corresponding to for example each instru-
mental sound, voice of a singer and background noise. Therefore, mining an audio
content is a difficult task. There is indeed no well-established way of feature represen-
tation for a song from its audio content (Schedl et al. 2014).
Although general music perception is largely characterized by melodic and acoustic
components comprised by audio content, the overall perception of non-instrumental
song in fact can be elucidated only by considering all modalities including its lyrics. In
spite of its great potential to characterize several cognitive concepts, research efforts on
lyric-based music information retrieval and classification are very few. It was
hypothesized that lyrics may contain lexical components that emphasize a certain mood
and as such can be used to recognize the underlying mood (van Zaannen and Kanters
2010). In fact, the words such as “happy”, “angry”, “smile” and “dead” do not have to
be spelled with a strong emotional voice or melody. In this respect, lyrics were used to
classify the songs based on several mood categories such as “happy”, “sad”, “de-
pressed” and “desire” (Hu et al. 2009). In some studies, a similar attempt was referred
as lyric-based song sentiment classification, which seeks to assign songs appropriate
sentiment labels such as light-hearted and heavy-hearted (Xia et al. 2008). Genre of a
song was shown to be predictable by lyrics content (Mayer et al. 2008; Fell and
Sporleder 2014). A feasibility study was presented to recognize the genre of a song
from its lyrics written in Nordic language (Adriano et al. 2014), which is, to our
knowledge, the only study that considers lyrics-based song classification in a language
other than English.
In this study, we focus on estimating a set of meta-data attributes, i.e. author, genre
and release date, solely from song lyrics to address the aforementioned challenges.
There are a few attempts for genre or mood classification from lyrics in the literature.
However, this study, to our knowledge, is the first attempt to predict the author and
release date of a song from its lyrics, where some preliminary results have been
presented in Kirmaci and Ogul (2015). We offer a number of novel features that are
believed to be representative for song lyrics. We present the results of a comprehensive
analysis conducted on a large dataset of Turkish songs, which was also collected in this
530 H. Oğul and B. Kırmacı

study, on a rigorous experimental setup. Experimental results suggest the use of pro-
posed technique as a complementary tool in music information retrieval applications.

2 Approach

2.1 Classification Framework

The task is to assign unknown lyrics content into known classes of different attributes.
Here, we consider three meta-data attributes for a song: author, genre and release date.
For each attribute, classes are restricted to a set of known labels. In a supervised
approach, the framework learns a model to distinguish between classes for an attribute.
This is achieved by feeding a learning classifier by a set of numeric values that
represent the content of song objects in the training collection. Having a trained model,
the prediction stage involves feeding the learned model with the representation of query
song, which is encoded in the same way. The result is an estimation of class among the
restricted label set of that attribute. There are two issues that should be dealt with in this
framework: (1) which classification model will be learned, and (2) which features will
be used to feed that classifier. Pertaining to its prior success in similar applications, we
opted to use here a Naive Bayes classifier with a multinomial assumption in the
distribution of data (Kibriya 2004).
Naive Bayes is a supervised classification technique based on Bayesian statistics.
Bayesian statistics approach assumes an underlying probabilistic model and it allows
user to capture uncertainty about the model in a principled way by determining
probabilities of the outcomes. Parameter estimation for naive Bayes models is done
using maximum likelihood. In Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MNB), a multinomial
probability distribution of data is assumed.
Given a set of variables, X = {x1,x2,…,xd}, it is desired to construct the posterior
probability for the class Cj among a set of possible outcomes C = {c1,c2,…cd}. In our
case, X is the vector of features derived from the lyrics content and C is the set of
classes present in the meta-data attribute being studied. Using Bayes’ rule:

pðCj jx1 ; x2 ; . . .; xd Þ ¼ pðx1 ; x2 ; . . .; xd jCj ÞpðCj Þ

where p(Cj|x1,x2,…,xd) is the posterior probability of class membership, i.e., the

probability that the song X belongs to Cj. Since Naive Bayes assumes that the con-
ditional probabilities of the independent variables are statistically independent we can
decompose the likelihood to a product of terms:
pðXjCj Þ ¼ k¼1
pðxk jCj Þ

and rewrite the posterior as:

pðCj jXÞ ¼ pðCj Þ k¼1
pðxk jCj Þ
Lyrics Mining for Music Meta-Data Estimation 531

Using Bayes’ rule above, we label a new song X with a class label Cj that achieves
the highest posterior probability. Although the assumption that the variables are
independent is not always accurate, it can significantly simplify the classification task,
since it allows the class conditional densities p(xk|Cj) to be calculated separately for
each variable, i.e., it reduces a multidimensional task to a number of one-dimensional
ones. Furthermore, the assumption does not largely affect the posterior probabilities,
thus, it leaves the classification task unaffected.

2.2 Lyrics Features

A major concern in text classification is how to select the numerical features to be
derived from lyrics text to represent the category that we seek to assign the song being
queried. In fact, same representation is needed for all samples in a collection which will
be used to train a supervised model. Since a song lyrics has a different characteristic
than text content of a scientific article, a blog entry or a magazine news, typical feature
representations used in previous text classification applications formerly discussed
needs to be re-evaluated for the objective of song classification by text. Since lyrics
may exhibit certain structures due to its specific parts such as chorus, bridge and verse,
other features might be more relevant in retrieval studies.
In this study, we consider five feature sets applicable to song lyrics: bag-of-words,
word N-grams, character N-grams, global text statistics and line length statistics.
Simply concatenating some of these feature sets can provide fusion of several char-
acteristics which might be useful in associating lyrics content with meta-data attributes.
Bag-of-words. Bag-of-words method is a classical yet powerful method for numerical
representation of text objects. In this method, each unique word appeared in any
document in the collection is considered as a separate feature. To encode a text entry,
the information about the presence of each word is quantified to and used to fill out the
feature vector indexed by these words. A simple way to quantify a word is to use a
Boolean model, which only identifies whether the given word appears at least only
once in the current document. Even if it is sometimes useful, a more sophisticated
method has been used based on weighting each word and associating it with its fre-
quency in the document. The method is called as term frequency-inverse document
frequency (tf-idf), which considers both the frequency of terms in current documents
and its occurrence statistics in other documents in the collection. Although using tf-idf
has been shown to be more explanatory in pairwise comparison of documents in many
cases, we opt to use only term frequency in our framework. The reason behind this
choice is the assumption that the machine learning classifier that we use can already
handle the statistics of each feature in other samples of the collection. That is, for
example, a term will have no effect in separating hyper-plane of the trained model if it
is present with a near frequency in all documents of the collection. Another crucial
choice in implementing a bag-of-word method is whether to use a stemming for words
or not. Stemming implies the preference of the use of original words without consid-
ering suffixes and reduces the size of feature space. We hypothesize here the using the
frequencies of word roots as separate features but supporting this representation with
532 H. Oğul and B. Kırmacı

the use of suffixes will present a more descriptive representation of author preferences.
Hence, we opt to apply stemming in our bag-of-words representation. We implement
word stemming by relevant tool in Zemberek, which is an open-source NLP library
developed for Turkish language (Akin and Akin 2007).
Word N-grams. A word N-gram is the frequency of a phrase having N consecutive
words. Concatenating the frequency of N-grams for all possible such phrases creates a
word N-gram model for text representation. It is commonly used in general text
classification applications and author attribution studies. Although it usually provides a
complementary representation, it exponentially increases the size of feature space in
terms of the value of N. Moreover, use of a large value of N makes the feature vector to
have a too sparse content and pervert the learning model. Enlarging the dimension of
feature vector with a sparse content will indeed increase the need for the number of
samples in training data. Therefore, we determine to use only 2-grams to represent the
preference of word phrase uses.
Character N-grams. Use of character frequencies in the form of N-grams (Cavnar
and Trenkle 1994) has been shown to be helpful in several contexts (Iliev et al. 2014).
A character N-gram refers to the presence of a string with a length of N characters in a
text object. Similar to word N-gram model, a feature set of character N-grams contains
the frequency of all possible strings having N characters from a finite alphabet.
Character N-gram model does not entail that all such strings correspond to meaningful
words in the language. Rather than providing a semantic value, it promises to infer
lexical, grammatical or orthographic preferences without any linguistic background. In
our case, these features may indirectly help in capturing the preferences in the use of
similar rhymes in distinct genres or authors, since their frequency will be high. Another
implicit value that character N-grams model maintains is the ability to measure the
suffix composition in the text. This is particularly useful for agglutinating languages
such as Turkish. In our framework, we built a feature set comprising character 2-grams,
3-grams and 4-grams since longer strings will be resulted with sparse and high
dimensional vector content which is not usually desirable as discussed for word
Global Text Statistics. In addition to vocabulary and language preferences, some
other global indicators might be descriptive in representing lyrics content. In our
framework, we consider four features in this set: total word count, total character count,
average word length and number of unique words in the text. The first two features
measure the tendency of telling something with long or short phrases. Third feature is
related to the preference of using sophisticated and unordinary words, which are
usually longer than daily conversation terms. Last feature is about the enrichment of
vocabulary use.
Line Length Statistics. While previous feature sets are application to other text
classification studies, we offer some new features only relevant to song lyrics. Lyrics
have a certain characteristic of poetical design over a rhythm and melody. This leads to
particular layout of lines and stanzas over the entire text, which is not observed in plain
texts. Our observation is that the characteristics of this design exhibit a fronting
diversity over authors, genres and even the periods of time when the song is released.
Lyrics Mining for Music Meta-Data Estimation 533

Therefore, we include three novel features in this set: average line length, standard
deviation of line length and difference between lengths of longest and shortest lines.

3 Results

3.1 Data
We gathered 1048 Turkish song lyrics of 12 authors who have distinct styles. Each
author often writes lyrics for the songs composed in one of three different genres: pop,
rock and arabesk. The genres were selected based on their popularity in Turkey (Angi
2013). The authors included in the dataset are listed in Table 1 with the number of their
song lyrics in the collection. In the resulting set, the number of authors in each genre is
equal, and the number of samples is very close to each other in all categories. When
assigning the songs into classes based on their release dates, we concerned with the
issue of sociocultural changes in the country which are relevant to corresponding dates.
This consideration resulted with the following three classes for the songs: released
before 1993, released between 1994 and 2006, released after 2007. The number of
samples in each class then became 293, 562, 193 respectively. The year 1993 is the
date that Turkish pop music had a great explosion and highly popularized in com-
parison to arabesk music in especially urban populations. This resulted with a free-style
content in both melody and lyrics compared to more conservative and artistic trends in
older productions. In mid of 2000 s, several rock groups appeared in the country,
which significantly affect the listening styles of new generation. The popularity of rock
music affected the lyric styles in general. Instead of using words and phrases from daily
conversations, songwriters were being enforced to creative linguistic designs in their

Table 1. Data set content.

Author Genre Number of song lyrics
Sezen Aksu Pop 124
Serdar Ortaç Pop 134
Yaşar Pop 49
Mustafa Sandal Pop 58
Teoman Rock 68
Haluk Levent Rock 57
Barış Manço Rock 76
Şebnem Ferah Rock 65
Selami Şahin Arabesk 92
Yıldız Tilbe Arabesk 57
Ferdi Tayfur Arabesk 177
Hakan Altun Arabesk 91
534 H. Oğul and B. Kırmacı

3.2 Experiment Setup

We conducted classification experiments independently per meta-data category in a
ten-fold cross-validation setup. In this setup, the dataset is divided into ten equal
partitions such that each partition has a balanced number of samples from all cate-
gories. Each sample is then predicted using the classification models trained by other
nine partitions which do not have the query sample. All samples are guaranteed to go
through a prediction stage after repetition of same experiments ten times with a dif-
ferent training set in each. Proposed classification and feature selection methods were
compiled with Weka, an open source data mining tool (Hall et al. 2009). In addition to
traditional metrics such as recall, precision and F-measure, we determine the classifi-
cation performance using ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) score. The ROC
score is a metric often used to evaluate the performance of information retrieval sys-
tems. A score is computed for each category separately by the area under the corre-
sponding ROC curve. Average of these scores is reported as a general ROC score. We
used the ROC score to determine the ability of the feature representation schemes to
infer the relevance of two songs in terms of meta-data attributes defined.

3.3 Empirical Results

We first report the effect of each feature set in meta-data estimation performance. To
this end, we compiled MNB to predict author, genre, and release date with a variety of
feature set combinations. Pertaining to the ROC scores obtained from cross-validation
experiments, the combination of bag-of-words and character N-grams achieved the
greatest performance in author prediction (Table 2). In genre and release date predic-
tion, addition of global statistics and line length features improved the overall per-
formance compared with the other combinations of feature sets. According to the
results, word-N-grams are not descriptive enough for the song meta-data attributes
studied as they can not provide an improvement in ROC scores when combined with
bag-of-words features. For that reason, they were not incorporated into further feature
set combinations.

Table 2. ROC scores of MNB classifier with varying feature sets with no stemming and no
feature selection.
Feature sets ROC
Bag-of-words Word Character Global text Line length Author Genre Date
N-grams N-grams statistics statistics
√ 0,839 0,822 0,650
√ √ 0,811 0,820 0,621
√ √ 0,862 0,865 0,665
√ √ √ 0,856 0,868 0,664
√ √ √ √ 0,860 0,873 0,674
Lyrics Mining for Music Meta-Data Estimation 535

To discern the effect of word stemming, we repeated the experiments with the last
configuration in Table 2 but now using the words on which a stemming was not
applied. Table 3 shows that stemming can promote the estimation performance to some
degree. According to the results, author and date predictions can be improved by
approximately 2 % when stemming is applied, however, genre prediction is not
affected by this treatment. This slight improvement in performance indicates that
language-specific information, when available, can improve the descriptive ability of
representation scheme in retrieval task. In fact, since Turkish is an agglutinating lan-
guage, stemming can be considered as an informative attempt to characterize the
writing style of a Turkish author. On the other hand, positive contribution of character
N-grams in prediction performance argues that use of suffixes is also an importance
indicator in writing style. This justifies our hypothesis that using the frequencies of
word roots as separate features but supporting this representation with the use of
suffixes will present a more descriptive representation of author preferences.

Table 3. Effect of stemming in ROC score with best feature set and no feature selection
Category Without stemming With stemming
Author 0,841 0,860
Genre 0,875 0,873
Release date 0,654 0,674

Since the machine learning classifier used for training and prediction can some-
times significantly affect the general performance, we compared the results of multi-
nomial Naive Bayes with some other methods. To justify the assumption of
multinomial distribution of data, we repeated the experiments with Gaussian Naive
Bayes. We also compiled two different versions of Support Vector Machine
(SVM) classifier. SVM is a popular learning method, which has shown to be superior to
other algorithms in several classification contexts. A key component in the success of
SVM is the kernel function that maps the current data into a higher dimension to search
for a hyperplane that can linearly separate the training samples. We opted to use
‘linear’ and ‘radial basis function (RBF)’ kernels with their default parameters in our
comparative experiments. Table 4 illustrates that multinomial assumption is a rea-
sonable decision since Gaussian NB performed very badly in predicting all attributes.
Furthermore, multinomial NB significantly outperformed both SVM-based classifiers
in all categorization schemes.

Table 4. Comparing classifiers in terms of ROC score

Category Naive Bayes SVM SVM Naive Bayes
(Gaussian) (RBF) (Linear) (Multinomial)
Author 0,679 0,579 0,736 0,860
Genre 0,687 0,678 0,770 0,873
Release 0,578 0,514 0,610 0,674
536 H. Oğul and B. Kırmacı

Overall performance of proposed framework is discerned in Table 5. The table

demonstrates the recall, precision, F-measure and average ROC score evaluations for
the best classifier configuration for each meta-data attribute. These results suggest that
the model for genre classification from lyrics can be used in practical applications as
such, pertaining to high scores in both recall and precision. Recall and precision scores
for release date prediction are around 70 %. As the release date is actually a continuous
variable, but here it was enforced to have categorical labels using artificial boundaries,
the prediction results for these labels can be considered to be promising. A relatively
high ROC score justifies this argument. According to the results, direct prediction of
author from lyrics is not reliable enough when we base our assessment on recall and
precision scores. On the other hand, a reasonable high ROC achieved in the experi-
ments indicates that the model can successfully rank the candidate songs in relevant to
their authors. This suggests that the knowledge contained in feature representation
model can provide a good complement to music audio and other modalities in an
information retrieval setup when author is an issue of relevance.

Table 5. Estimation performance of NMB with best classification setup

Category Recall Precision F-measure ROC
Author 0,49 0,60 0,44 0,862
Genre 0,82 0,82 0,82 0,925
Release date 0,72 0,71 0,71 0,818

We further analyzed the results of best configuration for individual class labels in
corresponding meta-data attributes. The results in Table 6 indicate that the authors
writing in the same genre category have similar preferences. For example, most con-
fusing author for SA was SO, where both write songs in pop category. This observation
was same for all pop music authors. While FT had the highest recall, other authors in
Arabesk category were mostly confused with this author.

Table 6. Confusion matrix for author prediction with best classification setup
Predicted actual SA SO Y MS T HL BM ŞF SŞ YT FT HA
Sezen Aksu 78 20 0 0 2 0 5 4 2 0 12 1
Serdar Ortaç 1 110 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 19 2
Yaşar 17 10 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 18 1
M. Sandal 10 25 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 0 15 2
Teoman 9 7 0 0 47 0 0 3 0 0 2 0
Haluk Levent 17 6 0 0 2 8 4 2 2 0 15 1
Barış Manço 13 9 1 0 1 1 37 2 1 0 11 0
Ş. Ferah 16 10 0 0 5 0 0 30 1 0 3 0
Selami Şahin 6 10 0 0 0 0 1 1 20 0 50 4
Yıldız Tilbe 9 28 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 15 0
Ferdi Tayfur 4 9 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 158 0
Hakan Altun 3 21 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 43 22
Lyrics Mining for Music Meta-Data Estimation 537

According to the confusion matrix for genre classification (Table 7), arabesk is the
most distinguishable category. The recall for arabesk classification is computed as
87.5 % while it is 76.7 % and 78.6 for pop and rock respectively. It is obvious that the
lyrics in arabesk songs have special characteristics due to their dispirited emotion,
while pop and rock songs may have versatile spiritual characteristics. On the other
hand, highest precision was achieved for rock classification with 88.2 %. It can also be
inferred from the confusion matrix that pop and arabesk songs are usually confused
with each other but not with rock songs. This result might be attributable to the fact that
rock authors tend toward using an original and more sophisticated vocabulary to create
a narrative or legendary effect in their lyrics rather than putting toward a poetic sound.
While this tendency differentiates their song from the other, dissimilarity of authors
within same category makes them unrecognizable.

Table 7. Confusion matrix for genre prediction with best classification setup
Predicted actual Pop Rock Arabesk
Pop 280 23 62
Rock 31 209 26
Arabesk 47 5 365

Evaluating the release date prediction performance is not an easy task since the
determined boundaries for categorical labeling is intuitive. However, the confusion
matrix in Table 8 clearly indicates that most recognizable category is the interval
between 1993 and 2006. We can attribute this result to the free-style writing prefer-
ences of pop music authors in conjunction with the growth of pop music in popularity
in young population in those years. This trend created an unrestricted grammatical
structure and simpler vocabulary borrowed from daily conservations.

Table 8. Confusion matrix for release date prediction with best classification setup
Predicted actual 1972–1993 1994–2006 2007–2014
1972–1993 219 65 9
1994–2006 103 410 49
2007–2014 21 71 101

Table 9 lists top features selected by chi-square metric. According to the list, the
most informative features for all attribute categories are those relevant to line length
statistics. Global text statistics such as number of words, number of characters and
number of unique words, stand for the second most contributing feature set. Among
bag-of-words, the words “aşk” (the act of loving), “sevgi” (the act of liking), “vücut”
(body), “kalp” (heart), “barış” (peace), “ümit” (hope), “bir” (a or one) and “yıl” (year)
are the most representative. It seems that, in spite of their wide use, the frequencies of
some common words such as “aşk”, “sevgi” and “ümit” are effective in determining the
writing preferences. Most informative character N-grams are “lar”, “ik”, “dim”, “dü”,
538 H. Oğul and B. Kırmacı

Table 9. Most descriptive features for each category

Author Genre Release date
Difference between longest Number of characters Difference between longest
and shortest line lengths and shortest line lengths
Number of words Difference between longest Average line length
and shortest line lengths
Number of characters Number of unique words Word frequency of “Aşk”
Number of unique words Word frequency of “Bir” Average line length
Word frequency of “Barış” N-gram frequency of “he” Word frequency of “Sevgi”
Word frequency of “Bir” N-gram frequency of “da” N-gram frequency of “urb”
Average line length Average line length Word frequency of “Kalp”
Word frequency of “Vücut” N-gram frequency of “nda” Word frequency of “Ümit”
N-gram frequency of “lar” Word frequency of “Gönül N-gram frequency of “ik”
Word frequency of “Aşk” N-gram frequency of “lar” N-gram frequency of “dim”
N-gram frequency of “her” N-gram frequency of “dü” Word frequency of “Barış”
N-gram frequency of “da” N-gram frequency of “miş” Word frequency of “Yıl”

“miş” and “da”, which refer to suffix terms for making plural, past tense for first person
plural, past tense for first person singular, past tense for third person singular, past
perfect tense for third person singular, and stating location (e.g. “at”, “in” or “on” in
English) respectively. This indicates that character N-grams can essentially capture the
distribution of certain suffixes, thus, determine the grammatical preferences in writing.

4 Conclusions

Analyzing lyrics data by quantitative techniques is a promising task to provide an

effective means of organizing, accessing and manipulating music content in digital
libraries. In this article, we present a comprehensive study to infer valuable knowledge
from lyrics content using intelligent data analysis techniques. The contribution of the
study is fourfold.
First, a complete framework is introduced for music libraries to estimate three
different music meta-data attributes, i.e. author, genre, and release date, using only song
lyrics content. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt for predicting
author and release date of a song from its lyrics.
Second, a number of relevant feature sets are evaluated and incorporated into a
single feature encoding scheme to represent song lyrics. The results have shown that
some particular features proposed in this study, such as the difference between the
longest and shortest line lengths can help in predicting certain attributes. This new
representation scheme can be used in several applications such as music classification,
information retrieval and recommendation systems.
Third contribution is the large data set containing carefully annotated Turkish song
lyrics, which is gathered and made publicly available in this study. The dataset is public
accessible at*hogul/lyrics. We anticipate that researchers in
information retrieval, NLP and music analysis communities will benefit from this data
set in their future experimental studies.
Lyrics Mining for Music Meta-Data Estimation 539

Finally, lyrics classification task in general is addressed for the first time in the
context of Turkish language. We have shown that incorporation of some language-
specific pre-processing steps, such as stemming, can improve the classification and
retrieval ability. Experimental results suggest the use of proposed models as comple-
mentary tools in music information retrieval applications not only for Turkish lyrics but
also for songs from other languages.

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Mining Domain-Specific Design Patterns

Vassiliki Gkantouna1 ✉ , Giannis Tzimas2, Basil Tampakas2, and John Tsaknakis2

( )

Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Computer and Informatics Engineering Department,
Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece, Patras, Greece

Abstract. Most catalogues of web design patterns contain patterns of general

purpose, making it difficult for developers to properly apply them. This has led
to the advent of domain-specific design patterns, encapsulating design experience
which is in alignment with the natural constraints of a particular domain. Towards
this end, we have developed a methodology which when applied on a collection
of websites in a particular domain, leads to the automated identification of
domain-specific design patterns. At the level of a single website, the methodology
analyzes its conceptual model in terms of the incorporated recurrent patterns and
evaluates their consistent use. The identified design patterns are stored in a central
repository. By applying the methodology on a set of websites of the same appli‐
cation domain, we can populate a repository containing all the design patterns
identified within the various websites designs, categorized towards various
aspects such as the domain functionalities they perform. In this work, we focus
on the domain of educational websites and present our preliminary results.

Keywords: Domain-specific · Design pattern · Web application · CMS · Design

quality · Web design

1 Introduction

Web design patterns support developers facing the intrinsic complexity of web appli‐
cation development by providing them with proven solutions to recurring design prob‐
lems that can be reused in different contexts where the correspondence problem arises.
However, due to the fact that most design patterns are of general purpose (i.e., too
abstract and divorced from the context in which sites are being developed), developers
often find it difficult to properly use them. This fact has led to the advent of domain-
specific design patterns, encapsulating design experience which is in alignment with the
natural constraints of a particular application domain. They offer developers solutions
to common design problems that arise particularly in a specific application domain,
enabling them to produce quality designs.
Towards this end, we have developed a methodology which when applied on a
collection of websites in a particular domain facilitates the automated identification of
domain-specific design patterns. In the case of a single website, the methodology

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 540–551, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_48
Mining Domain-Specific Design Patterns 541

analyzes and inspects its conceptual model in terms of the incorporated design fragments
that are used repeatedly for supporting the various functionalities within the applica‐
tion’s context. At the conceptual level, we consider these fragments as recurrent patterns
occurring in the application model, consisting of a configuration of front-end interface
components that interrelate each other and interact with the end-user to achieve certain
behavior or functionality. To be able to inspect the consistent use of these patterns, we
also consider pattern variants. More specifically, we consider that a pattern consists of
a core specification, i.e., an invariant composition of front-end design elements that
characterizes the pattern and by a number of pattern variants which extend the core
specification with all the valid modalities in which the pattern composition can start
(starting variants) or terminate (termination variants). The proposed methodology auto‐
matically extracts the conceptual model of a web application and subsequently performs
a pattern-based analysis of it in order to identify the occurrences of all the incorporated
recurrent patterns. Then, to verify that the identified patterns actually perform certain
functionality, we additionally inspect their occurrences to examine whether the recur‐
rence of the design elements at the hypertext design goes with a recurrence at the data
level, i.e. the content they deliver to the end-users. This is done by utilizing a semantic
similarity measurement technique. Finally, we calculate evaluation metrics on them,
revealing whether these patterns are used consistently throughout the entire application
design and store them on a central patterns repository.
To be able to mine domain-specific design patterns, the methodology must be applied
on a collection of websites that belong to the same application domain. By applying the
methodology on the websites, we can detect and store the design patterns used in the
various websites designs in one single central repository. This way, we can identify the
most typical design patterns that are commonly used by developers in this specific
application domain for achieving certain application behavior or communication effects
such as the checkout process in e-commerce applications. Furthermore, we can also
categorize the identified patterns towards various aspect such as the application func‐
tionality they perform. In the context of this work, we focus on the domain of educational
websites and present a number of design patterns that we have identified for this domain.
These patterns can assist developers produce more consistent and predictable educa‐
tional website designs, meeting users’ expectations about the system and improving the
ease of use of the application.
In order to automate the process of analyzing the design of a web application, we
have to narrow down the methodology’s scope to the domain of Content Management
Systems (CMSs), since they provide a common base of source code which can be
systematically processed. The remaining of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2
provides an overview of the related work. Section 3 presents in detail the methodology
for analyzing and evaluating the conceptual model of a Web application, while Sect. 4
presents some examples of domain-specific design patterns for educational websites.
Finally, Sect. 5 discusses conclusions and future work.
542 V. Gkantouna et al.

2 Related Work

Research in the field of domain-specific design patterns is not mature. In [7], authors
present an ontology-based approach that allows designers and domain experts to enrich
their domain-specific patterns with semantic annotations using their domain concepts
and terms. The representation framework keeps the pattern template and the domain
specific knowledge separate, since each domain depending on its needs uses more or
less fields to describe its patterns and the later ontology changes according to the domain
knowledge that the pattern captures. In [8], authors present an approach of using design
patterns at PIM (platform independent model) level, which combines the benefits of
model-driven software engineering and design patterns directly for the domain expert.
In [9, 10], authors present an integrated pattern definition process that supports both the
top-down and bottom-up design approaches. It is distinguished from existing methods
in two ways: (i) it is based on UML-profile language that visually distinguishes between
the fundamental and variable elements of a pattern, and (ii) it defines the different steps
that must be taken to obtain a domain-specific design pattern as well as a precise set of
unification rules that identifies the commonalities and differences between applications
in the domain. In all the aforementioned works, the domain-specific design patterns are
manually devised by human experts after analyzing the designs of successful applica‐
tions. The key difference of our approach is that we provide a methodology for the
automated identification of the recurrent design patterns lying in the designs of the
websites in a specific application domain. We can detect even patterns which may be
hidden in a particular instantiation of a design problem in a specific website design,
making it hard even for experienced designers to recognize them and come up with
reusable design examples. By applying the methodology on their websites, developers
can compare their designs, the design patterns they have used for supporting certain
application functionalities, and see how their design choices differentiate from the most
common design patterns used in an application domain.

3 Methodology Overview

In this section, before presenting the design patterns that we have identified for the
educational websites domain, we present a brief overview of the methodology that we
have used to detect them. At the level of a single website, the application of the meth‐
odology results in the automated identification and evaluation (towards consistency) of
all the recurrent design patterns lying within its conceptual model. It is comprised by
three main phases (Fig. 1). First, we extract the conceptual model of the website, at
hypertext level, which is then submitted to a pattern-based analysis with the aim of (i)
identifying the occurrences of all the recurrent patterns lying within it, (ii) verifying
which of them can actually be considered as design patterns (i.e. support the realization
of a certain functionality). Then, we calculate a set of evaluation metrics to assess if they
are used consistently throughout the application model. Finally, the identified design
patterns are stored in a repository available at [1]. A detailed description of the meth‐
odology can be found in [2].
Mining Domain-Specific Design Patterns 543

Fig. 1. The tree main phases of the methodology.

3.1 Phase 1: Extracting the Conceptual Model

At the hypertext level, the conceptual model of a web application specifies its compo‐
sition and navigation, i.e. the organization of its front-end interfaces in terms of pages,
made of design elements which are linked to support the user’s navigation and interac‐
tion. Thus, the main task for automatically extracting the conceptual model of a website
is to identify the organization of the front-end design elements that compose the hyper‐
text of its HTML pages.
In the context of a Joomla!-based website, the hypertext of its pages is composed by
assembling a number of predefined structural and navigational design elements which
are called components and modules. A page is composed by one component, specifying
the organization of content in its main part, and by a set of modules, specifying the
organization of content in the peripheral positions. There is a variety of categories for
components and modules, each one providing various types for interacting with the
system (such as forms, confirmation buttons, etc.) and supporting alternative ways of
arranging the content delivered to the end-users (e.g., blogs, lists, etc.). The content that
they publish is extracted from the tables of the website’s underlying database. To specify
the hypertext organization for all the pages of a website, we have developed a set of
tools as depicted in the first phase of Fig. 1.
Given the URL of a Joomla!-based website, the Web Crawler crawls its pages which
are then parsed by the Conceptual Model Extractor to identify their organization as a
set of components and modules. In the HTML code of a page, components and modules
can be found as < div > elements having an HTML class attribute value (i.e. < div
class = “value” >) which characterizes them and specifies the exact type of the compo‐
nent-module they represent (the complete list with these values is available in [1]). Thus,
by parsing the HTML code of a page and locating the occurrences of these characteristic
values within it, we can recover the page’s organization as a set of Joomla! design
elements. For example, Fig. 2(a) presents the Joomla! design elements identified within
544 V. Gkantouna et al.

a page of the MMLAB1 educational website. As we can see, the page consists of the
“Article” component and a set of modules such as menus, footer, etc. Once this is done
for all the pages of the website, we manage to capture its composition and navigation,
i.e. its conceptual model. Then, we employ the Graph Translator for representing the
recovered model as a directed graph (Fig. 2(b)), which is going to be the input for the
graph mining algorithm of the next phase.

Fig. 2. (a) The organization of a page in terms of Joomla! design elements (component and
modules). (b) The equivalent graph representation of the page’s hypertext.

3.2 Phase 2: Identification of the Recurrent Design Patterns

After the extraction of the application’s conceptual model, the next step is to inspect and
analyze it in terms of the recurrent patterns (i.e., design fragments) that support the
various application’s functionalities for achieving certain purposes. These patterns are
configurations of Joomla! components and modules which when located in a particular
layout, they may serve a certain application purpose. To this end, we perform a pattern-
based analysis of the recovered model to identify and evaluate the occurrences of all the
incorporated recurrent patterns (Fig. 1, Phase 2).

Mining the Recurrent Patterns. To identify the recurrent patterns (their core speci‐
fications along with their starting and termination variants), we have used an approach
which is based on the subgraph isomorphism problem, synopsized into finding whether
the isomorphic image of a subgraph exists in a larger graph. As presented in detail in [2],
the identification of the isomorphic subgraphs within a graph is an alternative way to
obtain the identification of the incorporated recurrent patterns. Based on this, we applied
the gSpan algorithm [4] on the conceptual model graph G, which identifies the occur‐
rences of all the recurrent patterns lying in the conceptual model, by locating all the
isomorphic subgraphs images within it. In this way, the graph G is analyzed in terms of

Available at
Mining Domain-Specific Design Patterns 545

its frequent subgraphs (representing recurrent patterns). In this way, we manage to iden‐
tify the core specifications as well as the starting and ending variants of the recurrent

Design Patterns Selection. In order to verify that the identified recurrent patterns can
actually specify design patterns, i.e. they perform a certain functionality, we additionally
inspect their occurrences on the website to examine whether the recurrence of the design
elements occurring at the hypertext design goes with a recurrence at the data level, i.e.,
the content they deliver to the end-users. To achieve this, we have used a semantic
similarity measurement technique [5] among the patterns occurrences. The content
published by the various components and modules is extracted from the tables of the
website’s database. Thus, to examine for a given recurrent pattern whether there is a
coexisting recurrence at the data level, we have to examine from which database tables
the corresponding Joomla! components and modules (that make up the pattern) among
its occurrences extract content. If they publish content from the same tables, then there
is a high possibility of identifying a reusable design pattern for implementing a certain
task. However, in this work we assume that we do not have access to the database of a
website, since this is the common scenario in real-life websites. Based on this, we attempt
to examine if there is a recurrence at the data level, by computing the semantic closeness
of the content published by the pattern’s corresponding Joomla! design elements among
its occurrences. The rationale behind this is that the contents of the pages that come from
the same database’s table usually have a very close semantic relation. So, if the pattern’s
occurrences are semantically close, we can assume that they could probably derive
content from the same database tables, and infer that the pattern is used for certain
purpose, i.e., to provide certain information object to end-users.
To compute the semantic closeness of the published content between two occur‐
rences of a pattern, we have defined two metrics, the “SemSimScore” and the “Avera‐
geSemSimScore”. On the grounds that the main content of a page, published by compo‐
nents, is indicative of the page’s semantics, the “SemSimScore” metric addresses the
semantic similarity measurement of the content published by the Joomla! components
occurring in a pattern. This is why there are empty cells for the “SemSimScore” compu‐
tations in Table 1, when it comes to measure semantic similarity among content
published by modules. Given two contents, the “SemSimScore” metric determines how
similar the meaning of two contents is. The higher the score, the more similar the
meaning of the two contents is, increasing the possibility that there is also a recurrence
at the content displayed by the components of a pattern between its occurrences. Then,
the “AverageSemSimScore” computes the average value of the individual “SemSim‐
Score” values between the pattern occurrences. In Table 1, we can see an example of a
pattern occurring on the MMLAB website. To verify that this pattern is actually used in
the website for supporting a functionality, we inspect its occurrences to examine if there
is also a recurrence at the content that the pattern’s components deliver to the end-users.
In Table 1, we can see three occurrences of the pattern Occ.1, Occ.2 and Occ.3. By
comparing the semantic similarity of the content published by the pattern’s corre‐
sponding components for Occ.1 and Occ.2, they have an AverageSemSimScore of 85 %
which means that they are semantically very close. Similarly, the AverageSemSimScore
546 V. Gkantouna et al.

for Occ.1 and Occ.3 is 0.04 % implying that the content published in these two occur‐
rences is irrelevant. As a result, we can assume that the pattern in Table 1 is used for
supporting the user’s navigation among the various categories of a specific information
object, i.e., the various fellowships categories. In this way, we can obtain a safe esti‐
mation about the recurrence at the data level among the occurrences of the identified
patterns. We compute the AverageSemSimScore metric for all the occurrences of the
identified patterns (core specification and variants) and we select and store in a “Candi‐
date Patterns Repository” only the ones having an AverageSemSiScore over 70 %.

Table 1. Measuring semantic similarity among pattern’s occurrences.

Pattern Menu Category list Article
[Module] [Component] [Component]
Occ.1 Top menu Postgraduate Fellowship description
fellowships list
Occ.2 Top menu Undergraduate Fellowship description
fellowships list
SemSimScore Occ.1-2 90 % 80 %
AverageSemSimScore Occ1.-Occ.2 85 %
Occ.3 Top menu R&D projects Project description
SemSimScore Occ.1-3 5% 2%
AverageSemSimScore Occ1.-Occ.3 0.04 %

3.3 Evaluation of Pattern Variants Consistent Use

In this final step, we focus on evaluating the consistent use of the identified patterns for
determining their impact on the overall application’s quality. Patterns which are used
consistently throughout the conceptual model of an application result in high design
quality, facilitating end-users identify typical sequences of interactions with the system
for performing common tasks. This results in foreseeable navigation behavior, and thus
high design quality. On the other hand, patterns which are not used consistently may
cause serious design inconsistencies. To this end, we calculate some metrics to evaluate
whether the patterns stored in the “Candidate Patterns Repository” are used consistently
throughout the conceptual model. These metrics are called Start-Point Metric (SPM)
and End-Point Metric (EPM) and intuitively they compute the statistical variance of the
occurrences of the starting and termination variants of a pattern throughout the appli‐
cation model. SPM is defined as (EPM is defined in an analogous way):


is the statistical variance of the N starting variants occurrences which is calculated

according to the formula (2):

Mining Domain-Specific Design Patterns 547

where is the percentage of occurrences for the i-th pattern variant. is instead the
best case variance and it is calculated by the formula (2) assuming that only one variant
has been coherently used throughout the application. More details about the metrics
definition can be found in [2]. We have also specified a measurement scale which defines
a mapping between the numerical results obtained through the calculus method of the
SPM-EPM metrics and a set of (predefined) meaningful and discrete values, expressing
different consistency levels (Table 2).

Table 2. The measurement scale for the EPM and SPM metrics.
EPM-SPM range Measurement scale value
0 ≤ SPM < 0.2 Insufficient
0.2 ≤ SPM < 0.4 Weak
0.4 ≤ SPM < 0.6 Discrete
0.6 ≤ SPM < 0.8 Good
0.8 ≤ SPM ≤ 1 Optimum

We compute these metrics for all the occurrences of all the patterns’ starting and
ending variants and store the results in the “Design Patterns Repository”, which are also
provided in a TXT file (“Results”). By applying the methodology on a website, devel‐
opers can gain important information regarding its design quality and particularly about
the various design fragments that they have chosen to use for realizing the various tasks
in the application’s context. On one side, the methodology can detect effective reusable
design solutions consistently used throughout the application for supporting certain
functionality. Such reusable solutions facilitate the discovery of new interaction design
patterns for the CMS domain. On the other side, the methodology can also detect recur‐
rent design constructs indicating design inconsistencies lowering the application’s

4 Domain-Specific Design Patterns - a Case Study: The Educational

Websites Domain

In the context of this work, we focused on the domain of educational web-sites and we
applied the previously described methodology on a collection of such type of websites.
This way, we have identified a set of design patterns for this specific domain, stored in
a central repository available at [1], a number of which are presented in the current
section. Our dataset is composed by a number of educational websites that have been
developed by our team, such as the MMLAB website, and a set of websites from educa‐
tional websites category of the official Joomla! Community Showcase website catalogue
[6]. In the following sections, we provide a short description of this domain and a number
of the design patterns we have identified for this area.
548 V. Gkantouna et al.

4.1 Domain Description

College and university websites are part of institutions’ identity, having an important
role in their marketing practices. They provide useful information to prospective
students and they have a strong impact on forming user’s opinion during the college
search process. Thus, educational websites must be designed in such a way, that it
enables end-users to recognize typical interaction patterns with the system in order to
quickly find the information that they are looking for. In the context of educational
websites, the common types of end-users are the prospective students, the current under‐
graduate and postgraduate students, and the alumni. Furthermore, the common types of
information objects that can be found in such websites include: courses catalogues,
degree programs for graduate diplomas, master and doctoral degrees, research and
publications, admissions and financial aid, faculty, students’ life, news and events, etc.

4.2 Design Patterns for Educational Websites

In this section, we present some of the design patterns that we have identified within the
various website designs. We have classified these patterns into three main categories,
as listed below.

Layout: This category includes patterns that provide developers with solutions for
standard page types within the context of educational websites, in terms of the design
components that specify the page’s layout. These page types include:
Homepage: specifies a template for the design of the website’s homepage. For
example, Fig. 3 depicts one of the most prevalent design patterns for the design of the
homepage that we found in our websites dataset. It consists of a welcome message based
on the single article component (usually having a link to the About us page) and a number
of modules such as banners which provide quick links usually to undergraduate and
postgraduate information pages. Additionally, they use the most read module for direct
access to the available educational programs pages and the latest articles module for
publishing their news.

Fig. 3. Design patterns for the design of the Homepage.

Mining Domain-Specific Design Patterns 549

Browsing Information Object’s Categories Hierarchy: specifies a template for

supporting the user’s navigation among the various categories and subcategories of a
specific information object. In, Fig. 4, we can see two of the most common patterns for
browsing the categories hierarchy of typical object information types.

Fig. 4. The patterns for browsing the categories hierarchy of an information object type.

The top pattern is mostly used to browse the categories hierarchy of the courses
whereas the other pattern is mainly used for browsing the educational programs, since
the module Article Categories component provides a short description of each published
list item (i.e. for each educational program). Similarly, we have also identify additional
layout patterns such as the Search Results Page, the About Institution Page, the Infor‐
mation Object List Page, the Information Object Details Page, etc. The description of
these patterns is available in [1]. Generally, these patterns support the consistent use of
standard page structures, composed by a specific combination of Joomla! components
and modules, used as templates for assisting designers in the predictability of user navi‐
gation. After all, consistency across pages and page design elements enforces a coherent
design style improving the ease of use of a website while at the same time the users can
enjoy a more pleasant user experience by reducing the number of unexpected variations
in the page layout.

Navigation: This category includes patterns (such as navigation bars, menus, pagina‐
tion, module tabs) for supporting user’s navigation for locating content or accomplishing
certain task. An example can be the use of a “fat” footer (Fig. 5) for providing users with
a mechanism for quick access to specific sections of the website, bypassing the naviga‐
tional structure. An example can be found on the website of the Graduate School of Arts
and Sciences2 (GSAS) in which the footer contains links to pages frequently used by

Available at
550 V. Gkantouna et al.

Fig. 5. An example of a fat footer.

Domain Functionality: This category includes patterns that we identified to be used

for supporting basic activities within the context of educational websites domain. For
example, in Fig. 6, we can see two of the prevalent recurrent patterns that we identified
for supporting the presentation of the degree programs to the users. In Fig. 6(a), there
is a blog page displaying an overview of the various degree programs categories from
which the user can navigate to another blog page providing information about the
selected degree program category which includes a menu with links to article pages,
corresponding to its subcategories, presenting the individual degree programs belonging
to this specific category. In the other case Fig. 6(b), the second blog page with the menu
has been replaced by two other pages, an article categories page providing information
about the selected degree program category from which the user can navigate to article
category list page enlisting all the subcategories of the selected degree program category.
These are two pat-terns for supporting the user navigation to the hierarchy of categories
and subcategories of the various degree programs.

Fig. 6. An example of a domain functionality design pattern.

Miscellaneous: This category includes patterns that we have not found their main cate‐
gory yet. In this case, we have detected certain configurations of Joomla! component
and modules occurring frequently in the hypertext design of educational websites but
we can-not find a clear semantic connection with the domain’s concepts.
The benefits of using the above domain-specific design patterns will be increased
reuse in future designs. Furthermore, in this way, we can derive website design practices
and design guidelines (i.e., the prevalent design patterns) for the domain of educational
websites, and also identify commonalities and differences in the design of such kind of
Mining Domain-Specific Design Patterns 551

5 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we have illustrated a model-driven approach for mining domain-specific

design patterns. We focus on the domain of educational websites and present our
preliminary results, i.e. the design patterns which we identified for this particular
domain. Most of the work presented here can be applied also to web applications built
by using other CMSs with slight straightforward modifications. By applying the meth‐
odology on a website, developers can gain important information regarding its design
quality and submit the patterns identified in their designs to the central repository. In the
future, we plan to explore other application domains and thus, come up with useful
design guidelines for building successful Joomla!-based websites.


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2. Gkantouna, V., Tsakalidis, A., Tzimas, G.: Mining Interaction Patterns in the Design of Web
Applications for Improving User Experience, ACM Hypertext (2016)
3. Yan, X., Han, J.: gSpan: Graph-based substructure pattern mining. In: ICDM 2002, p. 721,
Washington, DC, USA. IEEE Computer Society (2002)
4. Philippsen, M.: ParSeMiS - the Parallel and Sequential Mining Suite (2011). https:// Accessed 22 Feb. 2016
5. Simpson, T., Dao, T.: WordNet-based semantic similarity measurement (2010). http://
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6. Joomla! Community Showcase website.
educational.html, Accessed 22 Feb. 2016
7. Montero, S., Díaz, P., Aedo, I.: A semantic representation for domain-specific patterns. In:
Wiil, U.K. (ed.) MIS 2004. LNCS, vol. 3511, pp. 129–140. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)
8. Herzner, W., Csertan, G., Balogh, A.: Design Patterns for Domain-specific Application
9. Rekhis, S., Bouassida, N., Duvallet, C., Bouaziz, R., Sadeg, B.: A process to derive domain-
specific patterns: application to the real time domain. Adv. Databases Inf. Syst. 51, 475–489
10. Rekhisa, S., Bouassidaa, N., Bouaziza, R., Duvalletb, C., Sadegb, B.: A new method for
constructing and reusing domain specific design patterns: Application to RT domain. J. King
Saud Univ. Comput. Inf. Sci. (2016)
Modelling Cadence Perception Via Musical
Parameter Tuning to Perceptual Data

Maximos Kaliakatsos-Papakostas(B) , Asterios Zacharakis,

Costas Tsougras, and Emilios Cambouropoulos

Department of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,

54124 Thessaloniki, Greece

Abstract. Conceptual blending when used as a creative tool combines

the features of two input spaces, generating new blended spaces that
share the common structure of the inputs, as well as different combi-
nations of their non-common parts. In the case of music, conceptual
blending has been employed creatively, among others, in generating new
cadences (pairs of chords that conclude musical phrases). Given a spe-
cific set of input cadences together with their blends, this paper addresses
the following question: are some musical features of cadences more salient
than others in defining perceived relations between input and blended
cadences? To this end, behavioural data from a pairwise dissimilarity
listening test using input and blended cadences as stimuli were collected,
thus allowing the construction of a ‘ground-truth’ human-based percep-
tual space of cadences. Afterwards, the salience of each cadence feature
was adjusted through the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm, pro-
viding a system-perceived space of cadences that optimally matched the
ground-truth space. Results in a specific example of cadence blending
indicated that some features were distinguishably more salient than oth-
ers. This pilot study was a first step towards building self-aware blending
systems and revealed that the salience of features in conceptual blending
is an essential part for producing perceptually relevant blends.

1 Introduction
The cognitive theory of conceptual blending by [9] has been extensively used
in linguistics, music composition [21], music cognition [1,2] and other domains
mainly as an analytical tool for explaining the cognitive processes that humans
undergo when engaged in creative acts. In computational creativity, conceptual
blending has been modelled by Goguen [10] as a generative mechanism, accord-
ing to which two input spaces are blended to generate novel blended spaces, using
tools of category theory. A computational framework that extends Goguen’s app-
roach has been developed in the context of the COncept INVENtion Theory1

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 552–561, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 49
Modelling Cadence Perception 553

(COINVENT) project [17] based on the notion of amalgams [8,16]. Following

this framework, systems have been developed that blend features of two input
musical cadences [7,19] (pair of ending chords) or chord transitions [13], produc-
ing novel blended ones that incorporate meaningful characteristics of the input
The paper at hand presents a pilot study for defining the salient features
of cadences in the context of a cadence blending system, based on the data
collected from perceptual experiments. The system-produced blended cadences
incorporate combinations of features from manually-made input cadences, while
the importance of each feature differs according to its perceptual salience. The
salience of features is obtained by applying the Differential Evolution (DE) algo-
rithm for optimally matching (in terms of pairwise dissimilarity) the system-
perceived cadence relations with the perceptual space extracted by the experi-
ment with humans. This study is a first step towards increasing self-awareness
in a creative system that produces cadences through conceptual blending.

2 A Formal Description of Cadences for Generative

Conceptual Blending
In this paper a cadence is considered as a special case of a transition (a chord
following another), but with the second chord is fixed. Therefore, when blending
two input cadences, the characteristics of the penultimate chords of the inputs
are combined to produce new penultimate blended chords that are paired with
the fixed final chord to constitute the blended cadence. For instance, the case
of blending, e.g., the perfect with the Phrygian cadences is described by the
transitions I1 : G7 → Cm and I2 : Bm → Cm respectively, while a blend of these
inputs is the tritone substitution cadence, C7 → Cm [7,19]. The perceptual
characteristics of the penultimate chord that are considered for describing a
cadence are the following:
1. fcRoot: Root of the first chord.
2. fcType: Type of the first chord as presented by the GCT.
3. fcPCs: Pitch classes of the penultimate chord.
4. rDiff : Root difference for the transition.
5. DIC0 : Existence of fixed pitch class.
6. DIC1 : Existence of upward semitone movement in pitch classes.
7. DIC-1 : Existence of downward semitone movement in pitch classes.
8. DIC : The compete DIC vector of the chord transition.
9. asc: Existence of ascending semitone to the tonic.
10. desc: Existence of descending semitone to the tonic.
11. semi : Existence of semitone movement towards the tonic.
For computing the root and type in a consistent manner for all utilised chords,
the General Chord Type (GCT) [5,14] has been employed, which allows the re-
arrangement of the notes of a harmonic simultaneity such that abstract types
of chords along with their root may be derived. The GCT algorithm finds the
554 M. Kaliakatsos-Papakostas et al.

maximal subset that forms the base upon which the chord type is built, while
the lowest note of the base is the root of the chord; the potentially remaining
notes are assembling the extension of the GCT, which is the set of notes that
would not be a part of the maximally consonant subset. For example, the GCT
representation of the first degree (I) chord in a major scale is [0, [0 4 7]], where
0 indicates the root note in relation to the scale (0 is the scale as first degree)
and [0 4 7] is the chord’s type (4 indicates a major third and 7 a perfect fifth).
Accordingly, a V7 chord is denoted by [7, [0 4 7], [10]], where 10 is the extension
(minor seventh), which cannot be included in the base considering that the
tritone and minor seventh intervals are dissonant.
The aforementioned properties 1–2 describe the first chord of the cadence
and the first two properties (chord root and type) are extracted from the GCT
algorithm, considering that all the examined cadences are in the key of C minor.
Property 4, the difference between the chord roots is an integer between -5 and
6, indicating the pitch class difference between the roots of the first and the
second chords of the cadence. Property 5 captures the existence of a common
note between the two chords, while properties 6 and 7 indicate the existence of
a semitone movement (upward and downward respectively) in any pitch class of
the cadence transition. These properties actually indicate if there is a 0, 1 or −1
in the Directional Interval Class (DIC) [6], flagging whether there are small pitch
class voice leading movements (repeating notes or semitone movements) in the
cadence. Property 8 incorporates the entire DIC vector of the transition/cadence.
Properties 9 to 11 are used to highlight the importance of whether there is a
semitone movement (property 11) to the tonic from the first to the second chord
of the cadence as well as whether this movement is ascending (property 9) or
descending (property 10); these properties reflect the importance of the leading
note (upwards or, even, downwards).
Table 1 illustrates a blending example, where the tritone substitution cadence
is created from the perfect and the phrygian cadences. This blend incorporates
properties from both input spaces with a good balance, i.e. many properties that
are common in both input spaces, while new properties have also been added
through completion. Specifically, this blend includes five properties of input 1,
four properties of input 2, three common properties and four new properties
that were not present in any input space. The properties of the blended space
come from either input space, or are completed by logical deduction through
axioms describing cadences, as indicated in the parentheses next to each respec-
tive property.

3 Approximating the Importance of Properties According

to the Perceptual Pairwise Distances of Cadences

As discussed in the introduction, one desirable property for a creative system is

the ability to self-evaluate its products [12]. In this respect, the cadence blend-
ing system should be able to make accurate predictions of how the blends are
perceived in relation to the inputs. To this end, a vector containing differences
Modelling Cadence Perception 555

Table 1. Example of the tritone substitution cadence invention, by blending the perfect
and the phrygian cadences.

Property name Input 1 (Perfect) Input 2 (Phrygian) Possible blend

fcRoot 7 10 1
fcType [0 4 7 10] [0 3 7] [0 4 7 10]
fcPCs {7, 11, 2, 5} {10, 1, 5} {11, 1, 5, 8}
rDiff 5 2 1
DIC0 1 0 0
DIC1 1 0 1
DIC-1 1 1 1
DIC [1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0] [1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1] [2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1]
asc 1 0 1
desc 0 1 1
semi 1 1 1

on the utilised music properties, denoted by PiC . Since it is assumed that not
all properties are of equal importance in deciding the distance between pairs
of cadences, each property (PiC ) is assumed to have a weight of importance,
denoted by wi . The overall distance between cadences can be then calculated by
summing the weight values of the properties that are different in these cadences.
Specifically, the distance between two cadences X and Y is calculated by:

D(X, Y ) = wi fi , (1)

where fi is a function related to how distance is measured for each property, as

analysed in Eqs. 2, 3 and 4.
Properties with indexes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 have a binary fi function
similar to the Kronecker delta function:

1, if PiX = PiY ,
fi = , for i ∈ {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11}. (2)
0, if PiX = PiY

Equation 2 indicates that these properties need to be equal in both cadences in

order not to be penalised by the respective wi values. The function for property
3 is computing the number of common over the number of total pitch classes in
the first chords of two cadences. Specifically,

N (∪(P3X , P3Y )) − N (∩(P3X , P3Y ))

f3 = , (3)
N (∪(P3X , P3Y ))

where N (∩(P3X , P3Y )) and N (∪(P3X , P3Y )) is the number of elements in the inter-
section and union of the pitch class sets. Equation 3 indicates that there is a pro-
portional penalty to wi for pitch classes that are not common in the first chord
of two cadences. Finally, DIC information (property 8) is measured according to
the correlation of the DIC vectors of the cadences under examination. Weaker
556 M. Kaliakatsos-Papakostas et al.

correlations are penalised proportionally with regards to w8 , according to the

following equation:
f8 = (1 − corr(P8X , P8Y ))/2. (4)
Correlation between DIC vectors conveys harmonic meaning at some extend, as
indicated by the genre categorisation results based on DIC correlation reported
in [4].
By calculating the distances between all pairs of the examined cadences
according to Eq. 1, a dissimilarity matrix that represents the pairwise differences
among the nine cadences is constructed. This dissimilarity matrix is subsequently
analysed through non-metric weighted MDS and results in a spatial configura-
tion of the cadences that from now on will be called the ‘algorithmic space’.
Therefore, in order to define the contribution (i.e. weight value) of each parame-
ter on deciding the overall distance, a differential evolution (DE) algorithm [18]
was used to optimise the fit between pairwise distances in the perceptual space
(used as ground truth) and the respective ones in the algorithmic space. An
overview of the optimisation process is schematised in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The optimisation through the Differential Evolution.

The difference between the perceptual and algorithmic spaces is quantified

through a fitness function that is estimated by taking the average of two simi-
larity metrics, namely the m2 statistic for Procrustes analysis [11] and Tucker’s
congruence coefficient [3]. For a detailed discussion on the application of these
metrics to comparison between timbre spaces please see [20].

4 Perceptual Experiment

A pairwise dissimilarity listening test was deemed appropriate to act as a ground

truth for modelling how a set of musical cadences is perceived by listeners, as
Modelling Cadence Perception 557

the dissimilarity matrices it produces allow Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)

analysis to generate geometric configurations that represent the relationships
between percepts.
Twenty listeners (age range = 18–44, mean age 24.9, 10 male) participated to
the listening experiment. Participants were students in the Department of Music
Studies at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. All of them reported normal
hearing and long term music practice (16.5 years on average, ranging from 5 to
Participants were asked to compare all the pairs among 9 cadences using
the free magnitude estimation method. Therefore, they rated the perceptual
distances of 45 pairs (same pairs included) by freely typing in a number of their
choice to represent dissimilarity of each pair (i.e., an unbounded scale) with 0
indicating a same pair. Each stimulus lasted around 4 s and interstimulus interval
was set at 0.5 s. Listeners became familiar with the range of cadences under
study during an initial presentation of the stimulus set (random order). This
was followed by a brief training stage where listeners rated the distance between
four selected pairs of cadences. For the main part of the experiment, participants
were allowed to listen to each pair of cadences as many times as needed prior to
submitting their dissimilarity rating. The pairs were presented in random order
and participants were advised to retain a consistent rating strategy throughout
the experiment. In total, the listening test sessions, including instructions and
breaks, lasted around thirty minutes for most of the participants.
The stimulus set consisted of the two input cadences (the perfect and Phry-
gian) together with seven blended cadences. The selection of cadences was made
manually after evaluating their blending elements so as to attain a theoreti-
cally valid, maximally diverse corpus. All cadences were assumed to be in C
minor tonality/modality, consisted of two chords and the final chord was kept
constant (C minor), thus variation between the stimuli resulted from altering
the penultimate chords. The nine cadential pairs of chords are described from a
music-theoretical perspective in the following list:
1. Perfect authentic cadence, featuring the full V7 dominant chord that resolves
to the i tonic chord without 5th, in order to achieve correct voice leading.
2. Phrygian cadence, with the vii chord in first inversion resolving to the i tonic
3. Tritone substitution progression, with the II7 chord (German-type
augmented-6th chord) leading to the tonic.
4. Backdoor progression, with the VII7 chord in first inversion, in order to
achieve maximum voice-leading uniformity.
5. Contrapuntal-type tonal cadence, with the viio6 resolving to the minor tonic.
6. Plagal-type cadence, with the iio6/5 progressing to the tonic.
7. Minor-dominant to minor-tonic progression, utilising chords from the natural
minor scale (Aeolian mode).
8. Altered dominant-7th chord to minor-tonic progression, with the dominant
in second inversion and with its 5th lowered (French-type augmented 6th
9. Half-diminished ‘dominant’-7th chord to minor-tonic progression.
558 M. Kaliakatsos-Papakostas et al.

5 Results
Before proceeding to the main body of the analysis for the dissimilarity data
we examined the internal consistency of the dissimilarity ratings. Cronbach’s
alpha was .94 indicating high inter-participant reliability. In the main body of
the analysis, the dissimilarity ratings within each linguistic group were analysed
through non-metric (ordinal) MDS with dimension weighting (INDSCAL within
SPSS PROXSCAL algorithm) [15]. A two-dimensional solution was deemed
optimal for data representation as the improvement of measures-of-fit when
adding a third dimension was minimal. Figure 2a and shows the configuration of
the cadences within this 2-D space.

2 1.5
3 3 4
1.5 4 1
1 8 8
2nd dimension

2nd dimension

0 1
0 1
-0.5 5
5 -1 7
-1 7
-1.5 -1.5

-2 -2 6
-2.5 -2.5
-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
1st dimension 1st dimension
(a) The perceptual space (b) The algorithmic space

Fig. 2. (a) The 2 dimensional perceptual space of the nine cadences. The perfect and
the Phrygian cadences (No. 1 & 2) are positioned far away from each other on the 1st
dimension. (b) The optimised algorithmic cadence space that resulted from modelling
the perceptual space through optimal weighting of the musical parameters.

The optimisation process presented in Sect. 3 produced combinations of

weights for each cadential feature that minimise the differences between the per-
ceptual and the algorithmic spaces, providing an optimised modelling of cadence
perception. The ideal combination should offer the highest possible fit (quantified
by the similarity metrics) with the perceptual space.
Several optimisation simulations were run with different setups for the DE
algorithm (concerning population members, number of generations etc.). Table 2
shows a property weight configuration that provided a satisfactory modelling of
the perceptual space (population members = 50, number of iterations = 30).
This configuration featured an m2 = .027, a congruence coefficient = .994 and
an RV modified coefficient = .966 indicating an excellent fit between the per-
ceptual and algorithmic configurations. Had no optimisation taken place (i.e.,
all parameters assigned importance equal to 1), the similarity metrics between
the two configurations would become: m2 = .361, congruence coefficient = .942
Modelling Cadence Perception 559

and an RV modified coefficient = .523, representing a serious divergence of the

algorithmic space in relation to the perceptual. Figure 2b shows the optimised
2-dimensional configuration of the algorithmic space. As expected, based on the
similarity measures reported above, the two spaces (perceptual and algorith-
mic) are very closely related since the obtained algorithmic space maintains the
majority of the perceptual relationships between cadences.

Table 2. Optimal weights of the musical properties for modelling cadence relationships.
A combination of four prominent parameters (in bold) and two weaker ones (in italics)
achieved an excellent model of the perceptual space.

Weights (wi values)

fcRoot fcType fcPCs rDiff DIC0 DIC1 DIC-1 DIC asc desc semi
.020 .790 .751 .000 .311 .014 .270 .760 .731 .001 .003

Based on the above, it can be concluded that the penultimate chord types,
their pitch classes, the information provided by the DIC vector and the pres-
ence or absence of a leading note account for the way listeners perceived the
relationships of cadences within this particular set. It should be also noted that
according to the DE simulations there are two additional properties of ‘moder-
ate’ importance: those that examine whether there is at least one fixed (DIC0 )
or one descending by one semitone (DIC-1 ) pitch class.

6 Conclusions

This paper presents a first pilot study towards increasing the self-evaluation abil-
ity of a creative cadence blending algorithm, by utilising data from perceptual
experiments. The listening experiment incorporated two cadences (the perfect
and the phrygian) as a starting point along with seven system-produced blends.
The blending algorithm combines characteristics of the input spaces, generat-
ing several blends that include different combinations of characteristics from the
input cadences. Aim of this paper is to identify whether any of the cadence char-
acteristics are perceptually more salient in defining pairwise cadence similarities.
The Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm was employed in order to fine-tune
the salience weight of every cadence property, so that the relative placement
of cadences obtained with system-based metrics optimally matches the user-
obtained perceptual space.
The dissimilarity rating experiment revealed a categorical perception of
cadences reflected by positioning on the 1st MDS dimension and clearly dic-
tated by the existence of an upward semitone movement to the tonic (leading
note) in the left-hand cadences in comparison to the lack of a leading note in
the right-hand cadences. This fact is also evident by the high weight of the asc
value shown in Table 2. Two major clusters of cadences were formed based on
560 M. Kaliakatsos-Papakostas et al.

this differentiation together with one outlier (the plagal cadence) that featured
neither and upward semitone nor an upward tone to the tonic but a duplication
of the tonic. It is also shown that both the intra and inter-cluster relations could
be adequately modelled mainly through four salient musical properties, namely
the penultimate chord type, its pitch classes, the DIC vector of the cadence and
the existence of the leading note.
This being a pilot study, the generalisation of these findings for a wider
range of cadences as well as a detailed mapping of musical properties to per-
ceptual dimensions is a necessary step that is left for future work. For instance,
initial findings indicate that the differentiation of cadences along the 2nd dimen-
sion could be explained by the inherent dissonance of the penultimate chords
(as expressed by the MIR Toolbox roughness calculation) together with their
distances from the final chord in Lerdahl’s Tonal Pitch Space. Identification of
such complementary measures could help towards increasing self-awareness of
a cadence blending system, according to various diverse aspects of its creative

Acknowledgments. This work is funded by the Concept Invention Theory (COIN-

VENT) project. The project COINVENT acknowledges the financial support of the
Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework
Programme for Research of the European Commission, under FET-Open grant num-
ber: 611553.

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Musical Track Popularity Mining Dataset

Ioannis Karydis1(B) , Aggelos Gkiokas2 , and Vassilis Katsouros2

Department of Informatics, Ionian University, 49132 Kerkyra, Greece
Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athena RIC, 15125 Athens, Greece

Abstract. Music Information Research requires access to real musical

content in order to test efficiency and effectiveness of its methods as
well as to compare developed methodologies on common data. Existing
datasets do not address the research direction of musical track popular-
ity that has recently received considerate attention. Existing sources of
musical popularity do not provide easily manageable data and no stan-
dardised dataset exists. Accordingly, in this paper we present the Track
Popularity Dataset (TPD) that provides different sources of popular-
ity definition ranging from 2004 to 2014, a mapping between different
track/author/album identification spaces that allows use of all different
sources, information on the remaining, non popular, tracks of an album
with a popular track, contextual similarity between tracks and ready
for MIR use extracted features for both popular and non-popular audio

1 Introduction
One of the most important requirements of Music Information Research (MIR) is
access to pertinent musical content. The experimentation on this content mostly
aims on the testing of the efficiency and effectiveness of the MIR methods, while
providing reference for comparison of new and existing methods in order to
show progress. In rare cases, the use of synthetic data can be helpful to the
aforementioned use of data in MIR experiments, though music, being highly an
artistic form of expression, does not always adhere to a set of deterministic rules
that researchers could rely on in order to avoid the requirement for access to
real musical content.
Accordingly, in MIR, as in most areas of scientific research, the collection,
distribution and use of datasets is of great importance, despite the litany of legal
issues [6] that may arise from such practices. Music data for the purposes of
MIR usually refer to audio files of recorded performed musical pieces, symbolic
representation of a piece, lyrics, metadata as well as contextual to the piece
information mainly collected through social networks pertaining to the users’
perception of or activities on the pieces. Thus, following the need for such content

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 562–572, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 50
Musical Track Popularity Mining Dataset 563

exchange and its intended use, MIR datasets additionally include commonly used
derivative transformations of all the aforementioned musical information in order
to avoid legal implications as well as to spare users of time and resources required
for these to be produced.
Numerous datasets exist in MIR [9] that cover a broad area of the domain,
though none is immediately applicable for knowledge extraction from the popu-
larity that musical pieces receive. The process of track popularity prediction prior
to or during the initial period of a track’s release has long been a requirement
of the musical industry. Interestingly enough, the gains of such a prediction go
far beyond the obvious benefits of allowing musical labels to identify financially
interesting clients, as the whole ecosystem (artists and listeners) also profits.
Despite the aforementioned benefits, it was only after the commercial applica-
tion by Polyphonic HMI1 that the issue gained significant attention as a research
direction, as early as 2005 [4].

1.1 Motivation and Contribution

Existing commonly used services, such as Spotify2 , Billboard3 and Last.fm4 that
provide popularity of musical content do not offer easily manageable data. Spo-
tify’s localised charts, although provided an Application Programming Inter-
face (API), have temporarily according to the service’s community helpdesk,
ceased to function as of approximately March 2015 and are still offline.’s
localised charts do not offer an API, though does indeed provide the
aggregated number of listeners and playcounts for all available tracks. Billboard’s
Hot 100 Chart does not offer an API but does provide the most long termed
archives, dating back to August 9th, 1958.
To add to the difficulties of collecting track popularity information, the afore-
mentioned services utilise their respective track identification space making col-
lective use of multiple popularity sources rather difficult. Moreover, collecting
just the tracks that exceed the popularity threshold, research cannot deal inte-
grally with the separation of hits from non-hits as no information on non-hits
is available, since the collected information only contains the degree of popu-
larity. Finally, having access to the content of the audio files of the popularity
chart is, among other parameters, very important in the selection of the track’s
representative features that will lead to high quality predictions.
To address these requirements, we introduce the Track Popularity Dataset
(TPD), a collection of track popularity data for the purposes of MIR, containing:

1. different sources of popularity definition ranging from 2004 to 2014,

2. information on the remaining, non popular, tracks of an album with a popular

564 I. Karydis et al.

3. a mapping between different track/author/album identification spaces that

allows use of all different sources,
4. contextual similarity information between all popular tracks,
5. ready for MIR use extracted features for popular & non-popular audio tracks,

The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Sect. 2 presents background

information on Hit Song Science and related work, while Sect. 3 discuses the
proposed dataset, its creation processes as well as a detailed analysis of its con-
tent. Next, Sect. 4 details future directions concerning the dataset that could
ameliorate is usability and further support MIR research. Finally the paper is
concluded in Sect. 5.

2 Background and Related Research

2.1 Hit Song Science
Hit Song Science (HSS) [13] refers to the MIR direction aiming in predicting
the popularity of musical tracks, as presented in top-charts. A number of sce-
narios’ parameters exist as to the prediction’s prerequisites, such as the little
or no availability of early popularity information, the granularity of popularity
definition, the type of input sources representing the musical tracks and many
Similarly, under the auspices of HSS numerous research tasks also take place:
popularity pattern modelling, binary (hit/non-hit) or otherwise granulated pop-
ularity classification, tracks’ future position on the popularity chart prediction
given current position, popularity correlation to other activities (i.e. twitter
posts, music search/download in peer-to-peer networks, etc.), prediction of the
popular track subset of an album and many more.
The ability to predict the popularity of musical tracks is of great impor-
tance to all parties involved in the musical content lifecycle. Creators can work
reversely the process of HSS and focus on characteristics that make their songs
more probable to be popular in addition to customised characteristics of listen-
ers, markets or distribution channels. The music industry, aiming at maximum
profit, could benefit by selecting the most promising of the works for publication
as well as, given that popularity predictions can be attributed to specific pro-
file candidate consumers, modify accordingly its marketing plans. Finally, music
consumers indirectly increase enjoyment of listening by receiving music that the
distribution channels have either selected to fit their profile or that is in general
more probable to be of high popularity and thus more probable widely liked.
It is widely claimed that the breadth of characteristics that lead to the pop-
ularity of a musical piece exceeds the per se track’s content i.e., the audio and
lyrics. Factors such as artist preferential attachment [1], society and culture [4],
the changing musical tastes leading to evolving popularity pattern [11], psycho-
logical parameters on the reasons for preferring a track and listening exposure
to tracks [12], the video clip of the track [3] just to name a few, play also an
important role.
Musical Track Popularity Mining Dataset 565

Nevertheless, existing research in the area agree that, beyond the very hard to
measure characteristics, quantifiable qualities of musical tracks that contribute
to a track’s popularity do exist. Accordingly, the burden remains with the trans-
formation representations of musical tracks that need to adhere to the track’s
popularity pertinent attributes.

2.2 Existing Research

In the first work on the area, Dhanaraj and Logan [4], utilise SVM and boosting
classifiers on both acoustic and lyric information for the purposes of hit songs’
separation from non-hits. Their aim is to determine if such a task is feasible or
if hit song science claims are to be deemed as impossible, arriving after experi-
mentation at the former.
Chon et al. [3] research for meaningful patterns within musical data while
also attempting to predict both how long an album will stay in chart as well
as a new album’s position in chart on a certain week in the future using with
the first few weeks’ sales data. The results presented therein indicate interesting
Pachet and Roy, in [13], and Pachet, in [12], describe a large scale experiment
aiming at the validation of current state-of-the-art methods’ capabilities to pre-
dict the popularity of musical titles based on acoustic and/or contextual features.
Both these works suggest that the commonly used features for music analysis
are not informative enough to offer judgment on notions related to subjective
In [1], Bischoff et al. propose the music pieces’ success prediction by exploita-
tion of social interactions and annotations leaving out content characteristics of
the musical tracks. Thus, their method relies on data mined from the Last.fm5
music social network and the relationship between tracks, artists and albums
while reaching promisingly improved results.
In a differentiated scenario, the work of Koenigstein et al. [8] compares peer-
to-peer file sharing information on songs to their popularity, as described on
the Billboard6 charts. Their work indicates popularity trends of songs on the
Billboard having a strong correlation to their respective popularity on peer-to-
peer network. Based on this result, Koenigstein et al. propose a methodology
that utilises the aforementioned correlation in order to to predict a songs’ suc-
cess on the popularity charts offering a 2–3 weeks prior to chart announcement
prediction with high accuracy.
Following the work [13], Ni et al. [11] on a slightly alternated research question
argue the feasibility of popularity prediction, “given a relevant feature set”.
Based on that work, the website “Score a hit”7 was also created.
The work of Kim et al. [7] proposes the collection of users’ music listening
behaviour from Twitter, based on music-related hashtags, for the purposes of pre-
566 I. Karydis et al.

Table 1. Existing HSS research dataset details.

music representation
Dataset size Hit definition Top charts time span
content-based subjective objective objective P2P album
Research lyrics
audio contextual contextual metadata queries sales data
[4] 1700 songs Billboard top Jan 1956 - Apr 2004
[3] 291 albums Billboard top Sep 2002 - Jun 2006
[12], [13] 32000 songs HiFind pop- ?
ularity label:
low, medium,
[1] 50555 songs Billboard top Aug 1958 - Apr 2008
1, 3, 5, 10, 20,
30, 40, 50
[8] 185598176 Billboard top Jan 2007 - Jul 2007
p2p queries, 10, 20, 20, 30,
200 songs 40, 50, 100
[11] 5000 songs Billboard top 1962-2011
[14] 6815 songs Billboard top 2008-2013
15, 25, 35
[7] 1806438 Billboard top Nov 2013 - Jan 2014
tweets, 168 10, 20, 30, 40,
songs 50

dicting popularity rankings. The results reported show high correlation between
users’ music listening behaviour on Twitter and general music popularity trend.
Singhi and Brown [14] propose a hit detection model based Bayesian networks
on solely lyrics’ features.
Finally, Burgoyne et al. [2] present a close to the theme of musical track pop-
ularity work studying musical content’s “catchiness”, or the “long term musical
salience” of a piece. Despite the broader scope of the musical popularity predic-
tion task, the correlation of catchiness to popularity is evident although most
probably one directional, since numerous less-memorable top-chart tracks do
The aforementioned existing research, with the exception of [12,13], have
utilised different datasets to perform experimentation. The diversity of the
utilised datasets in terms of size vary greatly as shown in Table 1.

3 The Dataset
The TPD is a collection of information revolving around the notion of track
popularity. Its aim is to provide an easy to use collection of information for the
purposes of track popularity data mining research tasks. In this Section we detail
the creation process and content of the TPD.

3.1 Creation Process

In order to create the TPD, we separated the potential information sources into
three distinct categories: the popularity sources, the metadata/content sources
and the contextual similarity source.
The selection of the popularity periods was made based on the availability of
both popularity information from the sources and access to the tracks’ content.
Thus, from popularity sources and Spotify we collected all available
Musical Track Popularity Mining Dataset 567

popularity charts at the time of collection, that is from 17 September 2006

up to 28 December 2014 and 28 April 2013 up to 18 January 2015, respectively.
From popularity source Billboard we collected the last 10 years, ranging from
03 January 2004 up to 24 January 2015.
Following the collection of the popular tracks from the popularity sources,
we utilised the metadata/content sources Apple8 , Spotify9 , 7digital10 in order
to identify and get information for albums of the collected popular tracks and
then to gather information on remaining, non-popular, tracks of each album.
Access to the content of the collection’s tracks was based on the meta-
data/content sources’ (Apple, Spotify and 7digital) 30 second previews clips as
all three web services provide an API for the purposes of searching and stream-
ing the audio clips. The collected files were converted to an appropriate format
in order to undergo feature extraction.
While performing the above mentioned information collection processes,
it was confirmed that multiple identification spaces do indeed exist for all
track/author/album entities. Accordingly, and in order to facilitate the interop-
erability of the collected information, we performed exact match searches in all
sources producing thus a mapping between different track/author/album iden-
tification spaces. As not all sources engulf information on all collected data,
the mapping is not complete, but nevertheless, far from sparse (∼55% of the
matrix cells contain values). Content for the mapping was collected from both
popularity sources and metadata/content sources.
To enrich further the TPD, we additionally included contextual informa-
tion as to the similarity of the collection’s tracks based on’s API
track.getSimilar method that provides similarity between tracks, based on lis-
tening data.
Finally, for each track of the TPD, three feature-sets extracted directly from
the audio content are included in matlab variable MAT-files. The first feature-
set, feature-set A, is based on jAudio [10] and contains only single overall aver-
age and standard deviation values performed on all values of the features over
all windows with window size 512 samples and 0 % overlap between successive
windows. The second feature-set, feature-set B, was created with MIRToolbox
offering per window feature extraction with window size 1024 samples and 50 %
overlap between successive windows. The two feature-sets provide different levels
of detail on the audio content in order to suit a broad range of applications. The
third feature-set, feature-set C is based on the periodicity function of the tempo
estimation method presented in [5].

3.2 The Content

The TPD contains 23.385 tracks of which, 9.193 are designated as popular by
appearing in any of the popularity sources charts, while 14.192 are tracks that
568 I. Karydis et al.

appear in one of the 1.843 albums of the popular tracks and are not designated
as popular by any of the popularity sources. The popularity ratings records,
contain the position of a track for a specific week, collected from Billboard are
57.800, while for and Spotify are 43.300 and 6.500, respectively. Of the
popular tracks, 1,5 % are designated in all three sources of popularity, 5,9 % in
two sources and 92,6 % in just one source. The discrepancy in proportions is due
to the range of available data by the popularity sources. As far as the contextual
similarity based on’s API track.getSimilar method is concerned, 78 % of
the popular tracks of the dataset have a degree of contextual similarity to other
popular tracks of the dataset. As not all tracks’ audio files were possible to be
found, the TPD contains audio derived features for ∼74% of the tracks.
Of the three feature-sets included in the TPD described in Sect. 3.1, feature-
set A is meant as a small, less detailed feature set for fast and simple research
applications. The features included in feature-set A are: overall standard devia-
tion & overall average of spectral centroid (dimension: 1), spectral rolloff point
(dim: 1), spectral flux (dim: 1), compactness (dim: 1), spectral variability (dim:
1), root mean square (dim: 1), fraction of low energy windows (dim: 1), zero cross-
ings (dim: 1), strongest beat (dim: 1), beat sum (dim: 1), strength of strongest
beat (dim: 1), strongest frequency via zero crossings (dim: 1), strongest fre-
quency via spectral centroid (dim: 1), strongest frequency via FFT maximum
(dim: 1), MFCCs (dim: 13), LPCs (dim: 10), method of moments (dim: 5), par-
tial based spectral centroid (dim: 1), partial based spectral flux (dim: 1), peak
based spectral smoothness (dim: 1), relative difference function (dim: 1), area
method of moments (dim: 10). The second feature-set, feature-set B, contains
windowed MFCCs (dim: 13), rolloff (dim: 1), brightness (dim: 1), flux (dim: 1),
zero crossings (dim: 1), inharmonicity (dim: 1), centroid (dim: 1), spread (dim:
1), skewness (dim: 1), kurtosis (dim: 1), flatness (dim: 1), entropy (dim: 1). The
third feature-set, feature-set C, contains 276 target tempi. For each target tempo
this feature-set contains eight energy bands and one chroma (dim: 9).
In order to provide an aggregated glimpse of the popularity records of the
dataset by contrasting the popularity sources, Fig. 1 shows the normalised prob-
ability density of next week’s rank increase/decrease (position change) given





−100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Relative increase/decrease of rank position

Fig. 1. The normalised probability density of position change.

Musical Track Popularity Mining Dataset 569

Probability 0.15 spotify



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Rank position

Fig. 2. Popularity chart entry position probability density.

0.06 spotify



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Rank position

Fig. 3. Popularity chart leave position probability density.

current position for all three sources of popularity. Moreover, Figs. 2 and 3 show
the probability density of rank position when entering and leaving respectively
the top-100 popularity chart for all three sources of popularity.

3.3 Format and Usage

The dataset is divided into two separate parts: part A includes the rela-
tions/metadata of the tracks and their popularity while part B contains the
files of the three feature-sets.
The first part is in the form of a relational database, the compact schema
of which is shown in Fig. 4. The archive of part A contains the SQL statements
that will create the TPD database and tables and subsequently load all the
information into the tables of an existing MySQL installation. Moreover, the
contents of the first part are also provided in CSV format, in order to support
fast use of the data and alleviate the necessity for a relational database. The
second part consists of compressed archives of bz2 type that contain the feature-
sets in a one file with features per track manner.
The complete TPD can be downloaded from
570 I. Karydis et al.

Fig. 4. Schema for the metadata and the popularity of the tracks.

4 Future Direction of the Dataset

The TPD is not without issues that can be ameliorated in future versions. One of
these issues pertains to the automatic selection of album including each popular
track: as more than one such albums may exist (hit collections, re-publication of
the same artist, etc.), there is no easy way to select the appropriate other than
manual filtering. Moreover, the requirement of having access to the content of
both popular and non-popular tracks elevated the complexity and timely con-
clusion of the collection process, which in order to remain within limits affected
the size of the popularity records collected from the only source, Billboard, con-
taining information not included in the TPD.
Some of the future actions that would greatly ameliorate the TPD are:

API. A documented API for the purposes of accessing from a single point,
aggregated, integrated and fully up-to-date popularity information.
Automated updates. The design and implementation of a fully automated
collection and integration web-based service that will update the dataset by
harvesting the sources using event-driven or periodical triggers.
Popularity sources. The addition of more popularity sources mostly oriented
to social networks, such as twitter based hash-tags (e.g. #nowplaying with
mention of track’s metadata) as well as directly collecting tracks’ airtime from
e-radios using common protocols (e.g. Shoutcast, Icecast, etc.).

5 Conclusion
This work introduces the Track Popularity Dataset. The dataset is, to the best
of the authors’ knowledge, the first complete attempt to create an integrated
dataset for the purposes of mining information from musical track popularity. It
includes three different sources of popularity definition with records ranging from
2004 to 2014, a mapping between different track/author/album identification
spaces, information for the remaining, non popular, tracks of an album with
popular track(s), contextual similarity between tracks and ready for MIR use
extracted features.
Despite the inherent difficulty of popularity prediction prior to or during the
initial period of a track’s release, such a process has long been a requirement of
Musical Track Popularity Mining Dataset 571

the musical industry, while interestingly enough, the gains of such a prediction
also profit artists and listeners. Thus, the availability of datasets that will allow
music information researchers to experiment and compare their methods would
greatly support the advancement of the research direction.
Future directions of the dataset include its manual filtering in order to
enhance its content, the creation of an API for the dissemination of the
dataset’s information, an automated collection of up-to-date popularity infor-
mation process and the expansion of the sources by addition of social networks
and e-radios.

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2. Burgoyne, J.A., Bountouridis, D., Balen, J.V., Honing, H.: Hooked: a game for dis-
covering what makes music catchy. In: International Society for Music Information
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3. Chon, S.H., Slaney, M., Berger, J.: Predicting success from music sales data: a
statistical and adaptive approach. In: ACM Workshop on Audio and Music Com-
puting Multimedia, pp. 83–88 (2006)
4. Dhanaraj, R., Logan, B.: Automatic prediction of hit songs. In: International Soci-
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5. Gkiokas, A., Katsouros, V., Carayannis, G., Stajylakis, T.: Music tempo estima-
tion and beat tracking by applying source separation and metrical relations. In:
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(ICASSP), pp. 421–424 (2012)
6. Karydi, D., Karydis, I., Deliyannis, I.: Legal issues in using musical content from
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7. Kim, Y., Suh, B., Lee, K.: #nowplaying the future billboard: mining music listening
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On the Computational Prediction
of miRNA Promoters

Charalampos Michail1, Aigli Korfiati1,2(&),

Konstantinos Theofilatos2, Spiros Likothanassis1,
and Seferina Mavroudi3
Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics,
University of Patras, Patra, Greece
InSyBio Ltd., London, UK
Department of Social Work,
Technological Institute of Western Greece, Patra, Greece

Abstract. MicroRNAs transcription regulation is an open topic in molecular

biology and the identification of the promoters of microRNAs would give us
relevant insights on cellular regulatory mechanisms. In the present study, we
introduce a new computational methodology for the prediction of microRNA
promoters, which is based on the hybrid combination of an adaptive genetic
algorithm with a nu-Support Vector Regression (nu-SVR) classifier. This
methodology uses genetic algorithms to locate the optimal features set and to
optimize the parameters of the nu-SVR classifier. The main advantage of the
proposed solution is that it systematically studies and calculates a vast number
of features that can be used for promoters prediction including frequency-based
properties, regulatory elements and epigenetic features. The proposed method
also handles efficiently the issues of over-fitting, feature selection, convergence
and class imbalance. Experimental results give accuracy over 87 % in the
miRNA promoter prediction.

Keywords: miRNA promoters  Classification  Computational prediction 

Feature selection  Transcription start sites

1 Introduction

One of the current trends in molecular biology is studying the various types of short
and long non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) [1]. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are the most
thoroughly characterized subclass of short RNAs in the recent literature [2]. miRNAs
are short (21–23 nt) and single stranded endogenous RNA molecules. They regulate
protein coding genes by binding to the 3’ untranslated regions (3’ UTRs) of their target
mRNAs. This binding event causes translational repression of the target gene or
stimulates rapid degradation of the target transcript [3]. miRNAs are involved in
diverse biological processes, including development, differentiation, apoptosis, cell
proliferation, and disease [3]. A growing number of studies indicate that miRNAs play

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 573–583, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_51
574 C. Michail et al.

crucial roles in human disease development, progression, prognosis, diagnosis and

evaluation of treatment response [4] and miRNAs have been linked to cancer, neu-
rodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases.
Many algorithms are able to predict miRNA genes and their targets, but their
transcription regulation is still under investigation [5]. It is generally believed that
intragenic (intronic, exonic) miRNAs (located in introns or exons of protein coding
genes) are co-transcribed with their host genes [6], but literature has indicated that
intragenic miRNA genes may be transcribed by their own promoter [7, 8]. Intergenic
miRNAs (located between protein coding genes) are independent transcription units,
with their own transcriptional regulatory elements [9]. For intergenic miRNAs the
distances between transcription initiation sites (TSSs) and miRNA-coding regions
dramatically vary, ranging from a few hundred bases to 30-kb upstream and the nature
of the primary transcript of intergenic miRNAs and promoter organization are largely
Transcription initiation is a key step in the regulation of gene expression. During
this process, transcription factors bind promoter region of a gene in a sequence-specific
manner and recruit the RNA polymerase to form an active initiation complex around
the transcription start site (TSS) [10]. The promoter is commonly referred to as the
region upstream of a gene that contains the information permitting the proper activation
or repression of the gene that it controls [11]. The promoter region is divided into three
• the core-promoter is 100 bp long, surrounds the TSS and contains binding sites for
RNA polymerase II (Pol II) and general transcription factors;
• the proximal promoter is several hundred base pairs long upstream the core pro-
moter and contains several regulatory elements;
• the distal promoter is up to thousands of base pairs long upstream of the TSS and
contains additional regulatory elements called enhancers and silencers.
As it contains primary information to control gene transcription, it is a fundamental
step to identify the core-promoter in study of gene expression patterns and constructing
gene transcription networks.
In the present study, a new computational methodology for the prediction of
miRNA promoters is introduced and it is based on the hybrid combination of an
adaptive genetic algorithm with a nu-SVR classifier. This methodology uses genetic
algorithms to locate the optimal features set and optimize the parameters of the nu-SVR
classifier. The main advantage of the proposed solution is that it systematically studies
the different features that can be used for miRNA promoters prediction. The simple
method and script provided can be used to calculate effectively most of the features that
have been correlated with promoter attributes without the need for combining different
tools. In terms of classification performance, the main advantages of the proposed
method are that it handles efficiently the issues of over-fitting, feature selection, con-
vergence and class imbalance. Experimental results give accuracy over 87 % in the
miRNA promoter prediction.
The rest of the article is organized as follows: Sect. 2 describes the existing
methods for the prediction of protein coding gene and miRNA promoters, Sect. 3
analyzes the proposed methodology and the relevant datasets and features which were
On the Computational Prediction of miRNA Promoters 575

used, Sect. 4 presents the experimental results and Sect. 5 concludes the paper and
discusses interesting future research directions.

2 Promoter Prediction Methods

The promoter of a gene is a significant region for its transcription initiation and thus,
identifying miRNA promoters would give us insights on their regulatory mechanism.
A common practice in miRNA promoters identification is to first apply a promoter
prediction method to predict their promoters, and then to verify the predictions by wet
lab experiments. Developing the promoter identification algorithm is a very challenging
problem [12]. A number of computational methods for predicting promoters of
protein-coding genes have been developed, however their performances are far from
satisfactory, because our understanding of the transcription process is incomplete.
Literature indicates that there are features of the promoter regions that differentiate
them from other parts in the genome. These features include TATA-box, GC-box,
CAAT-box, and Inr [10]. Others features include the CpG islands close to the TSS,
binding sites of typical transcription factors, chromatin modifications and statistical
properties of the core and proximal promoter. The similarities between orthologous
promoters and information from mRNA transcripts have also been used to identify
promoters [11]. Some well-known promoter prediction programs are CoreBoost_HM
[10], McPromoter [13] and EP3 [11].
Concerning miRNA promoter prediction, initial approaches trained classifiers on
protein coding genes promoters and applied them to identify miRNA promoters [9, 12,
14, 15]. These techniques provided the first indications of miRNA transcription start
site (TSS) positions on a genome-wide scale. However, they were not built based on
the promoters of microRNA genes and they exhibit high false-positive rates. Addi-
tionally, although miRNA promoters present several similarities with RNA Pol II
promoters, this is mainly true for intergenic miRNAs, as too little is still known about
intragenic miRNA promoters. For these reasons, a supervised method trained on
protein-coding genes is not the optimal choice for identifying miRNA promoters [16].
Other studies for miRNA promoter prediction are based on experimental data, such
as cap analysis of gene expression (CAGE) data, RNA Pol II data or histone modifi-
cation data. CAGE tags were used to identify miRNA TSSs by considering its pos-
sibility to capture the 5’ cap. MiRStart [15], PROmiRNA [16] and the method of Saini
et al. [9] are representative examples. However, there exist uncapped pre-miRNAs that
can’t be captured by CAGE technology. The methods of Wang et al. [10], Zhou et al.
[12] and Corcoran et al. [7] are based on RNA Pol II data. However, these studies were
limited to small amount of miRNAs due to the insufficiency of Pol II data. Chromatin
signature based methods use histone mark profiles, such as H3K4me3 [17, 18] or
nucleosome positioning patterns [8] in specific cell lines to annotate miRNA promoters
de novo. A recent method [19] combined data of H3K4me3 and DNase I hypersen-
sitive sites (DHSs) with conservation and sequence features to identify cell-specific
TSSs. Although histone mark-based methods have good results, they have been
designed for specific cell lines. Additionally, due to the nature of ChIP-seq experi-
ments, chromatin-based methods represent a valuable strategy for detecting intergenic
576 C. Michail et al.

and host gene miRNA promoters, but they might lack the sensitivity required to
identify intronic promoters [16].

3 Materials and Methods

3.1 Datasets
Exclusively experimentally validated miRNA TSSs have been used in order to con-
struct a positive dataset of high quality. For each TSS, the [−1000, 1000] bp region
around it has been used as the promoter region. Even though a rather smaller region,
[−250, 50] or [−450, 50] bp around the TSS, is usually used in other methods, we have
included 1000 bases downstream the TSS, since in [20] it is suggested that downstream
elements also regulate transcription. The experimentally validated TSSs have been
downloaded from the miRT [21] database. From the total of 670 TSSs, we have
selected only the 306 that are related to the gene assembly hg19. With these TSSs we
have then queried the UCSC DAS server [22] in order to extract the promoter
For the construction of the negative dataset, i.e. a set of sequences that do not
contain miRNA promoters, a pool of 1224 sequences was formed: the four (two
upstream and two downstream) non-overlapping consecutive segments immediately
upstream and downstream of the positive dataset, as suggested in [23].
Since we wanted to preserve a 1:1 ratio between the positive and the negative
dataset, 306 sequences from the negative pool of 1224 are selected at random in every
execution of the proposed method. This rate has been maintained because an imbal-
anced distribution could affect the performance of the classifier.

3.2 Features
Representative features are essential in order to train the proposed model for efficiently
distinguishing miRNA promoters from a negative data set. Features from several broad
categories are presented in the literature [23–25] and since the proposed method is able
to handle large numbers of features and to extract the optimal subset of them, we have
used them all as inputs. They include (i) frequency-based properties of the promoters
such as k-mers, word commonality, skew, palindromes; (ii) regulatory elements such as
CpG islands, repetitive elements; (iii) epigenetic features such as chromatin states. The
features employed are summarized in Table 1. For the features calculation we have
implemented a Python script, which is freely available at:
bioinfoceid/miRNAPromoters. Some features are calculated over the whole exam-
ined sequences, while others on sliding windows. When sliding windows are
employed, their size is 100 bp and their step is 50 bp, thus resulting in 39 windows for
an examined sequence of 2000 bp.
Concerning the k-mers, we have calculated the frequencies of mono-, di-, tri-
consecutive nucleotides (4, 16, 64 frequencies, respectively) in the upstream [−1000,
−1] and downstream [+1, +1000] regions relative to TSSs separately. This generates 2*
(4 + 16 + 64) = 168 features.
On the Computational Prediction of miRNA Promoters 577

Table 1. Number of features per category

Feature category Number of features
K-mers 2*(4 + 16 + 64) = 168
Observed/expected ratio di- and tri-nucleotides 16 + 64 = 80
Word commonality 39
AT- and CG-skews 2*39 = 78
Palindromes 39
CpG islands 2*39 = 78
Repetitive elements 39
Chromatin states 7*15 = 105
Total 626

The observed/expected ratio of di-nucleotides is

Obs # bi bj
bi bj ¼ N
Exp #bi  #bj

and of tri-nucleotides is

Obs # bi bj bk
bi bj bk ¼  N2
Exp #bi  #bj  #bk
where bi ; bj ; bk are the nucleotides A, C, G, T and #bi ; #bj ; #bk ; # bi bj ; # bi bj bk ,
are numbers of mono-, di- and tri-nucleotides and N is the total number of nucleotides
in the examined sequence. The calculation of these ratios yields 16 features for the di-
nucleotides and 64 for the tri-nucleotides.
For the word commonality feature category we have downloaded 1000 random
sequences of 1000 bp from the gene assembly hg19 and then counted the frequency of
all possible hexamers. The frequency of each hexamer has been normalized so that the
least common hexamer has the score 0 and the most common one has the score 1.
Finally, we have calculated a score in each sliding window of the examined sequence
by adding the score of all hexamers occurring in that window, resulting in 39 features.
The AT-skew:

#A  #T
ATskew ¼
#A þ #T

and CG-skew:

#C  #G
CGskew ¼
#C þ #G

where #A; #T; #C; #G represent the number of A, T, C and G have been calculated
over each of the 39 sliding windows, thus producing 78 features.
578 C. Michail et al.

In each sliding window, we have calculated the number of nucleotides overlapping

with any palindrome of length six or more, taking into account that a sequence is
considered a palindrome if it is equal to its reverse complement. This generates 39
For the CpG islands features category we have calculated the following two metrics
in each of the sliding windows:

M1 ¼  window length
#C þ #G

#C þ #G
M2 ¼  100
window length

This results in 2*39 = 78 features.

In each sliding window, we have calculated the number of nucleotides overlapping
with any repetitive element, producing 39 features.
For each examined sequence we have calculated the percentage of the total number
of positions overlapping with each of 15 different chromatin states in each of 7 cell
types (GM12878, H1-hESC, HMEC, HSMM, HUVEC, NHEK, and NHLF) [26]. The
coordinates of the states have been downloaded from the UCSC Genome Browser.
This produces 7*15 = 105 features.

3.3 Proposed Methodology

The proposed method is an embedded classification method that combines an adaptive
GA with a nu-SVR classifier. It is inspired by EnsembleGASVR, a method suggested
in [27] for classifying missense single nucleotide polymorphisms. In principle, SVR
classifiers present high classification performance and low complexity. The nu
parameter of a nu-SVR classifier allows for the tuning of the number of the support
vectors in the resulting classification model. GAs are stochastic meta-heuristic opti-
mization algorithms. One advantage of GAs is their ability to explore efficiently large
search spaces and identify possible solutions, without getting trapped in local optima,
while at the same time locating near-to-optimal solutions. In the proposed method, the
adaptive GA is used to identify the best feature subset and to tune the nu-SVR
The produced hybrid algorithm mainly consists of the iterative application of the
evaluation, selection, crossover and mutation steps in a population of candidate solu-
tions (chromosomes) which are initially randomly generated. Binary encoding has been
used to represent each chromosome. Specifically, a 680-bit string is used where 626
bits encode features and 54 bits encode parameters. The parameters are (i) classifier
parameters C (20 bits) and (ii) nu (10 bits); (iii) radial basis kernel bandwidth gamma
(14 bits); and (iv) classification threshold (10 bits).
A rank-based roulette wheel selection method controls the selection of the best
candidates in each GA generation. This selection mechanism is preferred compared
with the single roulette wheel selection to raise the selection pressure toward better
On the Computational Prediction of miRNA Promoters 579

solutions when all solutions of the population present similar fitness values. Elitism is
used to force the best solution of each population to be selected at least once in the next
generation. This selection mechanism has been suggested in [27].
The evaluation of each chromosome in the population is performed according to the
following fitness function:

Fitness ¼ a  Accuracy þ b  GeometricMean  c  102  MSE  d

1 1
 Features  e   SupportVectors
626 408
where Accuracy is the nu-SVR’s accuracy, GeometricMean is the geometric mean of
sensitivity and specificity, MSE is the mean square of errors, Features is the size of the
selected features subset and SupportVectors is the number of support vectors included
in the trained nu-SVR model.
The ranges of the examined variables in the proposed fitness function are
Accuracy 2 ½0; 1, GeometricMean 2 ½0; 1, MSE 2 ½0; 0:01, Features 2 ½1; 626,
where 626 represents the maximum number of features that can be selected by this
method, and SupportVectors 2 ½1; 408, where 408 represents the number of the
training samples. MSE; Features and SupportVectors are multiplied by constants, as
shown in the equation, to normalize their values in the range ½0; 1. The constants
a = 0.5, b = 0.5, c = 0.01, d = 0.005 and e = 0.001 are user-defined weights assigned
without experimentation and selected so as to reflect the priorities of each goal. More
specifically, the classification accuracy and the geometric mean are the most significant.
Then the MSE of the classifier follows. The number of selected features follows next
and the number of support vectors is the least significant objective. To avoid
over-fitting problems, we did not attempt to optimize these values, as suggested in [27].
The weights of the goals have been set so as to achieve high classification performance
and simultaneously generate a simple and effective model.
Then the differentiation operators, crossover and mutation are applied to the
top-ranked candidate solutions to create a new population. The crossover operator
applies 2-point crossover to obtain a new offspring from two parents. The crossover
rate is constant and set to 0.9, in order to leave some part of the population to survive
unchanged to the next generation. This property is essential when good solutions
emerge in early stages of the algorithm, as proposed in [27].
The mutation operator is very important to avoid local optima and explore a wide
area of the search space. In the first generations it is preferable to explore a wider search
space (exploration), while in the last generations it is preferable to search locally near
the most promising areas of the search space (exploitation). To balance the tradeoff
between the exploration and exploitation, the proposed method uses an adaptive
mutation probability starting with a high value, 0.2, and gradually decreasing. The
mutation rate is computed according to the following equation:

0:2  P 1 S
Pm ðnÞ ¼ 0:2  n 
580 C. Michail et al.

where n is the current generation, P S is the size of the population and MAX G is the
maximum generation specified by the termination criterion. The mean similarity of
every chromosome with the best chromosome of the population is measured at every
generation. If the mean similarity is greater than 90 % then the mutation rate is
increased by a factor of MAXP GS instead of being decreased to avoid stagnation, i.e.
getting trapped to local optima
The size of the population is set to 80 chromosomes and the termination criterion is
250 generations.

4 Experimental Results

In order to evaluate the performance of our method for predicting miRNA promoters
against other sequences, we have performed 10 5-fold external cross validation
experiments and then we took the average in order to better assess the performance. In
each fold, the 23 of the samples were used to train the SVM model and 13 of the samples
were used as validation samples to measure the performance and calculate the fitness
values. Table 2 summarizes the results which have been achieved by the proposed
method. It presents the average values of all 10 5-fold external cross validation
experiments for the classification metrics: accuracy, specificity, sensitivity and geo-
metric mean. The last column is the average value for the 10 5-fold cross validation
experiments of the number of the selected features which are used as inputs in our

Table 2. Metrics
Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity Geometric mean Number of features
0.8786 0.8447 0.9126 0.8780 307

The proposed methodology achieves on average accuracy 87.86 %, sensitivity

84.47 %, specificity 91.26 % and geometric mean 87.8 %. The average of selected
features is 307 out of the total 626. These results are comparable with those of the
better performing methods in the literature. The recent method of Hua et al. [19]
presents 84 % sensitivity and 91.3 % precision and the miRStart method [15] presents
sensitivity of 90.36 %, specificity of 90.05 %, accuracy of 90.21 % and precision of
90.08 %. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision and Matthews Correlation
Coefficient (MCC) of [25] are 92.00 %, 91.56 %, 92.15 %, 79.74 % and 0.80,

5 Conclusion

The proposed approach for the prediction of miRNA promoters is a computational

methodology based on the hybrid combination of an adaptive genetic algorithm with a
nu-SVR classifier. The adaptive genetic algorithm is responsible for locating the
On the Computational Prediction of miRNA Promoters 581

optimal features set and optimizing the parameters of the nu-SVR classifier. The main
advantage of the proposed solution is that it systematically studies a vast number of
features that can be used for miRNA promoters prediction. They include (i) fre-
quency-based properties of the promoters such as k-mers, word commonality, skew,
palindromes; (ii) regulatory elements such as CpG islands, repetitive elements;
(iii) epigenetic features such as chromatin states. The provided script can be used to
calculate effectively most of the features that have been correlated with promoter
attributes without the need for combining different tools. The proposed script is of
general usage as it can be used to structurally, sequentially and epigenetically annotate
candidate promoters not only for miRNAs but also for protein coding genes and other
non-coding RNA categories. In terms of classification performance, the proposed
method handles efficiently the issues of over-fitting, feature selection, convergence and
class imbalance. Experimental results give accuracy over 87 %, sensitivity over 84 %
and specificity over 91 % in the miRNA promoter prediction.
Our future research plans involve a more extensive study on the calculated features
in order to gain insight on miRNA promoters characteristics. Additionally, in order to
better handle the class imbalance issue, we plan to employ the Synthetic Minority
Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) [28]. Finally, we plan to compare the proposed
solution with other existing solutions in the same datasets in order to gain more fair
comparative results and to better validate the performance of the proposed solution.

Acknowledgement. Insybio participates in NBG Business Seeds Program by NBG.

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New Methods and Tools for Big Data
Wokshop (MT4BD)
Building Multi-occupancy Analysis
and Visualization Through
Data Intensive Processing

Dimosthenis Ioannidis1,2, Pantelis Tropios1, Stelios Krinidis1(&),

Dimitris Tzovaras1, and Spiridon Likothanassis2
Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research and Technology
Hellas, 6th Km Charilaou-Thermi, 57001 Thermi-Thessaloniki, Greece
Computer Engineering and Informatics,
University of Patras, Rio, Patras, Greece

Abstract. A novel Building Multi-occupancy Analysis & Visualization

through Data Intensive Processing techniques is going to be presented in this
paper. Building occupancy monitoring plays an important role in increasing
energy efficiency and provides useful semantic information about the usage of
different spaces and building performance generally. In this paper the occupancy
extraction subsystem is constituted by a collection of depth image cameras and a
multi-sensorial cloud (utilizing big data from various sensor types) in order to
extract the occupancy per space. Furthermore, a number of novel visual ana-
lytics techniques allow the end-users to process big data in different temporal
resolutions in a compact and comprehensive way taking into account properties
of human cognition and perception, assisting them to detect patterns that may be
difficult to be detected otherwise. The proposed building occupancy analysis
system has been tested and applied to various spaces of CERTH premises with
different characteristics in a real-life testbed environment.

Keywords: Big data analysis  Building occupancy  Occupancy extraction 

Human presence  Building occupancy visualization

1 Introduction

Knowing the true occupancy, the presence or the actual number of occupants of a
building at any given time is fundamental for the effective management of various
building operation functions ranging from security concerns to energy savings targets,
especially in complex buildings with different internal kind of use [1–4]. The accurate
definition of occupancy is the amount of people per building’s spaces at any given
time. Furthermore the influence that the occupants’ actions have in the indoor envi-
ronment [5], including those related to their business processes can also be added to the
definition. Occupant’s locations within the building varies throughout the day, there-
fore it is difficult to characterize the number of people that occupy a particular space

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 587–599, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_52
588 D. Ioannidis et al.

and for what duration because human behavior is considered stochastic in nature [6].
Due to the random nature of individuals’ behavior and challenges accessing accurate
data, current studies include the creation of deterministic schedules where a standard
workday profile is the same for the whole workweek and both weekend days have the
same profile [7].
There are numerous techniques to detect space occupancy and even track their
movements, which can be found in the literature. These techniques range from user
surveys, interviews or walkthrough inspections [8–13] to a more or less complex
deployment of sensors within the area of study [1, 2, 4, 14, 15]. The sensors used to this
purpose are of various kinds and in general present lack of accuracy. In most cases, a
combination of different sensors types is preferred to achieve better results [4]. Mea-
surement of occupancy is more commonly undertaken in residential environments
rather than offices or commercial buildings [14]. The most commonly used are:
• CO2 (Carbon dioxide) sensors are often deployed in commercial buildings to
obtain CO2 data that are used to automatically modulate rates of outdoor air supply.
Furthermore, CO2 sensors show very slow response to the change of the occupancy
[16]. Sometimes, more than 15 min is necessary so as to indicate a change to the
occupancy of the space [1]. An additional drawback is that the CO2 measurements
are highly influenced by the ventilation system and the open doors windows, etc.;
• Passive infrared (PIR) sensors are commonly used for non-individualized occu-
pancy detection. PIR sensors suffer from two main limitations: (i) they only give
information about whether a room is occupied or not providing no indication about
the exact number of people and (ii) they often do not detect stationary occupants,
leading in false negative signals [14]. To overcome these limitations, they are often
coupled with other sensors;
• Video Cameras: Video imaging typically uses small cameras mounted overhead of
a doorway and video analytics to count and differentiate between people entering
and exiting a building or space. The video analytics creates two lines, similar to the
infrared using two beams and detects motion as to when the line is broken. It is not
unusual to find the people counting capability as an add-on module of a video
surveillance system. However, video cameras can heavily raise privacy and ethical
issues and are sensitive to lighting levels. Video cameras if improperly installed and
configured show substantial errors [1];
• RFID System uses wireless radio communication technology to determine the
location of occupants who carry special tags. Depending on the layout of the
receivers the zones can overlap and detect occupants going from one zone to
another while they are not moving [17].
It is difficult to determine the actual number of occupants in a predefined space and
their patterns of movement with current sensing techniques [14], even more, low-cost
and non-intrusive environmental sensors to measure occupancy in commercial build-
ings are not fully explored [14]. In this paper the results of new occupancy extraction
system [18] by means of depth cameras are presented; the developed system offers data
anonymity and privacy preserving. Depth-image cameras (such as Microsoft Kinect)
are used to extract occupancy (exact number of people, location and track) within a
space or zone through the analysis of the depth-images collected. They are usually
Building Multi-occupancy Analysis and Visualization 589

installed near ceiling to cover the examined area as much as possible but can also be
installed on entrances/exits if zoning isn’t required. They are more suitable for closed
spaces but can also be used for open spaces and they need proper calibration in order to
provide proper results. The equipment needed (number of cameras, cable extensions
etc.) and the topology used depends on the current application, space layout and
limitations (e.g. wooden separators between offices), cameras limitations (maximum
distance, depth image limitations), overlapping FOV (Field of View) and
number/location of entrances (which should be inside FOV). For example, 2-3 cameras
would be adequate for a one-door closed space of 50 m2 given that there are not many
obstacles. Real-time depth-image analysis is demanding as it requires high computa-
tional power in order to detect the presence of an occupant and extract his/her location.
Moreover, occupancy detection based on depth-image cameras is sensitive to changes
in image background and requires time consuming setup and calibration for defining
the monitored area and tracking the detected occupants in the monitored space. On the
contrary, depth-image cameras provide quite high accuracy with relatively low cost and
have the capability to exhibit totally transparent properties (i.e. no colour images are
recorded for human detection). Also, they are not sensitive to the lighting levels of the
environment, although they will not work in direct sunlight conditions since they use
infrared (IR) radiation.
Real-time estimation of the number of occupants in a building’s space is a chal-
lenging task. A main challenge is to determine the method of processing the input
received by the multiple sensor types. There are two main occupancy extraction
approaches from a sensor fusion model: the rule-based approach and the probabilistic
model approach.
The use of a rule-based system results in logical inference from sensor data [21].
According to this approach, a set of rules for a set of installed sensors are defined and
applied. Rules are defined by a domain expert and knowledge about sensor charac-
teristics is required. The set of applied rules usually depends on the combination of
sensors that are used. Two studies where this method is applied for occupancy
detection is [22, 23].
The probabilistic model approach views occupancy extraction as a classification
problem. A probabilistic model is created by training a selected classifier and the target
is to infer the occupancy class based on the input from the various sensors. Different
models have been examined such as support vector machines, neural networks, hidden
Markov models, agent-based models, decision trees etc. [24, 25]. A training phase must
be performed in advance in order to learn the parameters and be able to start the
occupancy extraction process. On the contrary, a training phase is not mandatory for
the rule-based approach.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly presents the system
used to extract the building measurements (data extraction), while the data analysis
process is presented in Sect. 3. Finally the conclusions are drawn in Sect. 4.
590 D. Ioannidis et al.

2 System Overview and Data Extraction

2.1 Occupancy Extraction Approach
The subsystem utilized for the occupancy extraction is constituted by a collection of
depth image cameras and a multi-sensorial cloud (various types of simple sensors) in
order to extract the occupancy per space. The system is able to monitor multi-space
environments and it has been built based on a client-server architecture.
The proposed occupancy extraction system is a real-time system since it is able to
detect and track people and visualize the results in real-time and in high accuracy and
details. Since depth image cameras are utilized in order to extract the occupancy of
the building, issues like camera calibration, overlapping areas, error propagation, etc.
have to be dealt with [18]. Furthermore the depth image cameras provide only depth
information in order to take into account all legal and ethical issues regarding indi-
vidual privacy and provide anonymity. Finally depth information is immutable to
luminance and shadow changes [18].
As aforementioned various types of simple sensors are also utilized in order to
detect human activities and collect occupancy data which have been analysed by
S. Zikos et al. [30] using a Conditional Random Field approach. Double-Beam Sen-
sors [27] are established in specific locations, where a semantic event may occur. These
locations are the doors of the building, as well as the doors of all building spaces.
Moreover two Pressure Mats Sensors [28] are placed next to each other, separated by
a small space in order to detect movement direction and PIR Motion Sensors [29]
which were already installed through the Alarm system installation. When movement is
detected, an activation event is sent by the sensor and after a specified period (con-
figured to a few seconds) of no movement detection, a deactivation event is sent.
Finally CO2 Sensors are established in some spaces which measure the CO2 con-
centration of the air and can be very useful when combined with other sensors men-
tioned above, since it can provide information on occupancy density.

2.2 Building Installation

The proposed occupancy extraction system can operate in any type of building. An
indicative example of the physical installation of each sensor in CERTH premises is
depicted in Fig. 1. The test bed consists of eight (8) main areas with different usage
(offices, corridors, rest area, meeting room and kitchen). The most remarkable spaces of
the building are the Developers’ office which is 56.7 m2, the corridor and the rest area
which are 81.5 m2, the Meeting Room (26.4 m2) while the kitchen is 33.7 m2. The
majority of the sensors for occupancy extraction have been installed at the developers’
office, a characteristic area of the building, since it is a core element for testing the
real-time occupancy extraction system. In total six (6) Kinect Cameras were used as
depth image sensors to provide occupancy information to a sub-space level, while three
(3) Pressure Mats (2), eight (8) Active Infrared Beams (2) per door, ten (10) PIR
sensors and three (3) CO2 sensors covered the area at a space level.
Building Multi-occupancy Analysis and Visualization 591

Fig. 1. Physical configuration of sensors installed in CERTH premises

The number and the type of the sensor cloud installed in this building are shown in
Table 1.

Table 1. Sensors used in CERTH premises Test Bed (Fig. 1)

Type Measurement Period Qty
Depth cameras Occupancy flows 20 fps 6
CO2 Carbon dioxide 15 min 3
PIR sensors Occupancy Density & Presence 15 min 10
Beams Movement direction 15 min 8
Pressure mats Movement direction 15 min 3

2.3 Data Acquisition

The data acquisition is performed utilizing the sensor cloud and the system that has
been described in Sect. 2.1. The VGA resolution of the infrared depth cameras, i.e. the
pixel size, determines the point scaling of the depth data on the XY plane (perpen-
dicular to camera axis). Since each depth image contains a constant 320  240 pixels
the point density will decrease with increasing distance of the object surface from the
sensor. Considering the point density as the number of points per unit area, while the
number of points remains constant the area is proportional to the square distance from
the sensor. Therefore, the point density is inversely proportional to the square distance
from the sensor. The depth resolution is determined by the number of bits per pixel
used to store the disparity measurements. The specific cameras disparity measurements
are stored as 11-bit integers. Therefore, a disparity image contains 2048 levels of
disparity. Since depth is inversely proportional to disparity the resolution of depth is
also inversely related to the levels of disparity. That is, the depth resolution is not
constant and decreases with increasing distance to the sensor. For instance, at a range of
2 meters one level of disparity corresponds to 1 cm depth resolution, whereas at
5 meters one disparity level corresponds to about 7 cm depth resolution. Furthermore,
they have an angular field of view of 57° horizontally and 43° vertically.
592 D. Ioannidis et al.

The depth cameras monitor all the area under interest, detecting, tracking and
extracting the occupancy during the whole monitoring period. The specific cameras
capture depth images and extract real-time occupancy information at a frame of about
20 fps. The occupancy information extracted by the depth cameras carries not only the
occupancy of the areas under interest, but also the detailed occupancy trajectories in it.
The experiments show that the data extracted and stored by the system for a single
normal working day are approximately comprised by > 120.000 events/measurements.
The data acquired by the system are of different kind and they are provided at
different time instances depending on the sensor type and are stored in a central NoSQL

3 Data Analysis

The assessment of the building performance towards occupant’s comfort and energy
savings has been set as a main concern nowadays by using the required and equivalent
software. Building Occupancy Extraction and more specifically occupants’ trajectories
are really important for building performance, occupants’ work efficiency, building
usage and is directly related to occupants’ comfort, therefore occupancy statistics are
depicted per space, as well as the number of transitions from one space to another.
Based on these meaningful information, one can extract Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) related to the building occupancy.
The basic building occupancy related KPIs are: (a) average work efficiency and
(b) average building usage. The average work efficiency KPI provides a measurement
of the work efficiency and it is defined as:

avgWE ¼  100 ð1Þ

where totalActivityHours is the overall hours that the occupants are involved in any
activity in a specific space and totalOccupancyHours is the overall hours that the
building is occupied. The average building usage KPI provides the usage of the
building and it is defined as:

avgBU ¼  100 ð2Þ
Time  Nspaces

where totalOccupancyHours is the overall hours that the building is occupied, Time is
the overall is the duration (in years) of the monitoring activity and Nspaces is the total
number of building spaces.
Finally, the basic KPIs related to occupant’s comfort are: (a) average overcrowding
factor, (b) average Predicted Mean Vote (PMV), and (c) average Predicted Dissatisfied
(PPD) [31]. The average overcrowding factor is defined as:
Building Multi-occupancy Analysis and Visualization 593

X Time \occoccupancyHours
j2N i
avgOF ¼ i
100 ð3Þ
Nspaces i2SP capi

where Nspaces is the number of spaces in the building under interest, SP is the set of all
spaces, capi is the capacity of space i, Time is the duration (in hours) of the monitoring
activity, occupancyHoursi represents the hours that the space i is occupied, occHoursi
represents the hours that the space i is occupied by occupant j, and Nocc is the number
of occupants at space i. The average Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) KPI [31] is a
thermal comfort model, which is defined as:
avgPMV ¼ 0:303e0:036M þ 0:028 L ð4Þ

L ¼ qmet;heat  3:96e8 fcl ½ðtcl þ 273Þ4  ðtr þ 273Þ4 

 fcl hc ðtcl  ta Þ
 3:05ð5:73  0:007qmet;heat  pa Þ
 0:42ðqmet:heat  58:15Þ
 0:0173Mð5:87  pa Þ
 0:0014Mð34  ta Þ

where M is the rate of metabolic rate (W/m2), qmet,heat = M-w is the metabolic heat loss,
the difference between the metabolic generation converted to work (e.g., lifting, run-
ning), w is the external work (W/m2), fcl is ratio of clothed surface area to DuBois
surface area (Acl/AD), hc is the convection heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h m2 °C), tcl is
the average surface temperature of clothing (°C), ta is the air temperature (°C), tr is the
mean radiant temperature (°C), pa is the vapour pressure of air [kPa]. Since, all these
parameters are not available (e.g. the ratio of clothed surface area of a human), some
default values that have been used:

M ¼ 115
fcl ¼ 1:15
hc ¼ 4:69
tcl ¼ 30:2
hc ¼ 0:7

The average Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied (PPD) KPI [31] predicts the
percentage of occupants that will be dissatisfied with the thermal conditions, which is
defined as:
594 D. Ioannidis et al.

avgPPD ¼ 100  95  e0:3353avgPMV 0:2179avgPMV 2


All the above mentioned KPIs are calculated during the measurement extraction
procedure for a 4 month testing period of CERTH’s premises. The collected data are
over 1.15 billion of information, which is analyzed as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Events produced for a 4 month testing period of time

Type of event Number of events/data
Space occupancy events 316.921
Occupancy trajectories 41.089
Occupancy trajectory points 1.166.397.820
Total 1.166.755.830

In order to handle and process the big amount of data, which can be a very difficult
and time consuming task due to size and diverse data types, a visual analytic intuitive
user friendly application has been developed which presents a set of visualization
techniques that facilitate users to perceive readily the data extracted. The data visual-
ization application that was developed uses a coarse-to-fine approach to visualize
information. Coarse-to-fine approaches are becoming more widespread as statistical
problems grow into larger and significant domains. The coarse-to-fine approach min-
imizes the loss of accuracy, while executes the process at successively finer granu-
larities. In accordance with the coarse-to-fine approach, the user can observe the key
performance indicators for the building, which was described above in a kiviat diagram
(Fig. 2).
The space occupancy data can be displayed per day, week or month in relation to
user preferences, thus an extension of the Clock Map was utilized proposed in [19],
with the addition of a 3rd dimension encoded in the radius using concentric cycles.
Figure 3 illustrates the space occupancy in Clock-view form, where each building
space is represented by different colour. More specifically, orange colour indicates the

Fig. 2. Kiviat Diagram: Top level visualiza- Fig. 3. Occupancy Clock-view for three differ-
tion displaying key performance indicators ent building spaces (for one working hour)
for the building (Color figure online)
Building Multi-occupancy Analysis and Visualization 595

kitchen; the dark green denotes the researcher’s office and the developer’s office is
represented by light green colour. Respectively the radius of each building space
denotes the portion of the total building occupancy and occupants per building space,
where the intensity of the colour denotes the relation of the space occupancy with the
corresponding completeness space occupancy.
Except from the Clock Map, occupancy heat maps were developed to further
detect human presence and their trajectories. The system tracks occupants’ movements
and turns this information into heat maps as shown in Fig. 5. Heat maps are a popular
and intuitive visualization technique for encoding quantitative values derived from
gaze points or fixations at corresponding image or surface locations. Heat maps enabled
us to gain additional insights into temporal and spatial patterns present in the data.
More specifically, the occupants’ trajectories through the space are depicted in Fig. 5
where the colours on the floor correspond to foot traffic during a particular time period.
Pink areas are hotspots that lots of occupants walked through, while the small splotch
of blue in some regions indicates lower traffic congestion. Moreover, an alternative heat
map view is depicted in Fig. 6. It is two-dimensional graphical representation of
building occupancy data where the different values are shown as colours. The intuitive
nature of the colour scale, as it relates to the temperature minimizes the amount of
learning necessary to understand it. From experience we know that red is warmer than
orange, yellow or light green. As it is observed the Developer’s office (intense red
colour) is the most congested space of CERTH premises while distinct spaces such as
the meeting room, director’s office and long corridor are areas with the least occupants
(intense green), since they are not permanently occupied. This can be easily also
observed in Kiviat Diagram (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Average Occupancy per space in Fig. 5. Occupancy heat map to further detect
Kiviat diagram (Color figure online) occupants’ trajectories

The distribution of the occupants among the different spaces in the CERTH pilot
building is shown in Fig. 8 for a typical week. All spaces are occupied during the
working days, while during the weekends only partial part of the building (e.g.
developers, kitchen) is used for a small portion of time (Fig. 7).


5:30:00 0:15:00
10:45:00 5:30:00
16:00:00 10:45:00
D. Ioannidis et al.


second, for 4-month data.

18:15:00 18:15:00
23:30:00 23:30:00
4:45:00 4:45:00
10:00:00 10:00:00
15:15:00 15:15:00
20:30:00 20:30:00
1:45:00 1:45:00
7:00:00 7:00:00

17:30:00 17:30:00
22:45:00 22:45:00
4:00:00 4:00:00
9:15:00 9:15:00

14:30:00 14:30:00
19:45:00 19:45:00
1:00:00 1:00:00
6:15:00 6:15:00
Fig. 6. Building occupancy heat map

11:30:00 11:30:00
16:45:00 16:45:00
22:00:00 22:00:00
3:15:00 3:15:00
8:30:00 8:30:00

Fig. 7. Occupancy extraction per space for a typical week

19:00:00 19:00:00

Finally, all experimental results have been performed on an Intel I7 (8 cores with
3.5 GHz) workstation with 16 GB RAM under Windows 7 without any particular code
optimization. All visualizations can be generated in near real time, e.g. less than a
Building Multi-occupancy Analysis and Visualization 597

Aggregated Building Occupancy

Fig. 8. Occupancy distribution among building spaces for a typical week

4 Conclusions

To respond to the need for improved detection of building occupants resolved in space
and time, we developed a universal building occupancy big data analysis system in
which information collected by a network of multiple and low cost privacy preventing
depth sensors and various types of sensors including, but not limited to, CO2, double
beam sensors, pressure mats sensors and PIR Motion sensors for detecting occupants’
movement, trajectories and direction.
Finally it must be pointed out that along with the building occupancy extraction
system, visual analytics techniques have been developed in order to visualize the
collected big data through a large number of visualizations, allowing the user to
evaluate the performance of a building from a building occupancy point of view using
an intuitive graphical user interface. Also the proposed system is designed in such a
way that can deal with the big data produced by the sensor network over a long period
of time.
In future, further experimentation in other buildings is planned covering a larger
time period, in order to better explore the potential outcomes. Furthermore, it is planned
to extend the system in order to combine information from various other building
elements except from occupancy, such as environmental conditions and energy con-
sumption of equipment devices, HVACs or lights. This will allow a much more
assiduous evaluation of the building performance.

Acknowledgement. This work has been partially supported by the European Commission
598 D. Ioannidis et al.

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Discovering the Discriminating Power in Patient
Test Features Using Visual Analytics: A Case
Study in Parkinson’s Disease

Panagiotis Moschonas1(B) , Elias Kalamaras1 , Stavros Papadopoulos1 ,

Anastasios Drosou1 , Konstantinos Votis1 , Sevasti Bostantjopoulou2 ,
Zoe Katsarou2 , Charalambos Papaxanthis3 ,
Vassilia Hatzitaki4 , and Dimitrios Tzovaras1
Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Department of Neurology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Universit de Bourgogne, UFR STAPS, Campus Universitaire, Dijon, France
Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

Abstract. This paper presents a novel methodology for selecting

the most representative features for identifying the presence of the
Parkinson’s Disease (PD). The proposed methodology is based on inter-
active visual analytic based on multi-objective optimisation. The imple-
mented tool processes and visualises the information extracted via per-
forming a typical line-tracking test using a tablet device. Such out-
put information includes several modalities, such as position, velocity,
dynamics, etc. Preliminary results depict that the implemented visual
analytics technique has a very high potential in discriminating the PD
patients from healthy individuals and thus, it can be used for the iden-
tification of the best feature type which is representative of the disease

Keywords: Parkinson’s disease · Visual analytics · Multi-objective

optimisation · Feature discrimination power

1 Introduction

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous sys-

tem that is mainly affecting the motor system. Its most obvious symptoms are
movement-related, including shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement and diffi-
culty with walking and gait [8]. Tracking in a correct way the progress of the

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 600–610, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 53
A Case Study in Parkinson’s Disease 601

disease is crucial for the quality of patient’s life, thus the need of an objective
and consistent way of measuring the patient motor dexterity is essential.
There are several established scales for measuring the progress of the disease.
The Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale [16] is the most commonly used
metric for clinical study and is used as a severity rating method. An older scaling
method known as the Hoehn and Yahr scale [8], and a similar scale known as
the Modified Hoehn and Yahr scale, have also been commonly used. The later
defines five basic stages of progression. These scale measurement are derived
from qualitative questionnaires asked by doctors, thus they enclose the danger of
subjectivity in their results: different clinical examinations may produce different
answers. Additionally, the repetition period of such solutions are in the class of
several months.
Electronic devices from various domains have been also used for measuring
the PD progress. The current market offers a variety of wristbands capable of
measuring the tremor [6]. However, these are used for complimentary assessment
to the typical clinical examination. Moreover, their effectiveness is high when the
tremor is present to the patient arm, but their efficiency is not guaranteed in early
stages of the disease. An increasing set of smartphone and tablet PD applications
has arisen in the market. Despite most of them are used for scheduling, there is
a small subset which makes use of tests for tracking the progress of the disease.
In most of these tests, the user has to use his/her hand to track a line or a shape
and the software extract metrics representative of the current state. Factors
such as velocity, target deviation, reaction time, minimum jerk, are recorded and
compared to the ones measured from previous states. The results are displayed
in curves, allowing the user to track the PD progress.
However, even providing the tests, there is still the matter of how the program
is going to correlate the captured information with the disease presence on the
individual. Comparing the velocity or deviation profiles per day measurements
is not enough as it could not be representative of the specific patient symp-
toms [18]. For such reasons, proper visualisation capable of identifying which of
the extracted features encapsulate and discriminate better the examined person
status is needed. In this paper we apply a novel multi-objective visualisation
for identifying which of the measured quantities are best for discriminating the
presence of the Parkinson’s Disease.

1.1 Relevant Work

Information visualization concerns the use of interactive computer graphics to

get insight into large amounts of abstract data, such as multivariate, hierarchical
and network data [23]. Conventional visualization techniques, such as bar-charts,
pie-charts, and line-charts, are useful for the depiction of information of a higher
level, but fail to depict large and complex data sets in detail. Therefore, and
in order to enable the easy extraction of patterns, trends and outliers, a vari-
ety of novel visualization methods are continuously being developed for specific
applications, e.g. [1,4,22].
602 P. Moschonas et al.

Their ability to provide insight into large amounts of complex data make
visual analytics techniques especially useful for healthcare and biomedical appli-
cations. This has resulted in numerous existing methods and tools which utilize
various visualization types and user interaction levels [10,21]. Recent works have
employed visual properties such as color and position [15,24] or animation [17], in
order to visually encode patient information, group patients with similar charac-
teristics together and discriminate between different events. Visual queries have
also been utilized in combination with pattern mining and interactive visualiza-
tion, in order to explore large datasets more efficiently.
The continuous development in the field of information visualization has led
to a variety of new methods and techniques that enable people to understand
the phenomena behind large amounts of data, and which increasingly find their
way to Health and real-life applications. However, and due to their specialized
nature, many of these methods have limited use outside their initially targeted
application. For the majority of methods, data are considered to be homogenous
and in most cases just one or two types of data are supported. In addition, data
are assumed to come from a single source and to be clean and exact, whereas
noisy, polluted, uncertain, and missing data are rarely dealt with. Scalability
is another common issue, since it is typically limited to thousands of elements.
Therefore, if one of the above assumptions is violated, standard methods from
information visualization fall short, and a need for new representations arises.
Since several attributes are usually available for each patient, such as age,
speed of task completion, acceleration, etc., they can be combined to provide
better insights in the data. The combination of multiple sources of information
for classification, clustering, visualization, etc. has generally been handled by
multimodal fusion methods [2]. A first category of fusion methods simultaneously
combine characteristics of all modalities, e.g. through weighted sums. In [20], a
graph is constructed for each of multiple attributes and the graph Laplacians
are then fused. Graph-based techniques are also used in [13], which employs
Multiple Kernel Learning [9] for fusion. A second category are methods that
utilize information of one modality to assist learning in another modality in an
iterative manner, such as [3,14].
A different principle is followed by works such as [11,12], where visualiza-
tion of each modality is formulated as an optimisation problem and then multi-
objective optimisation techniques [5,7] are utilized to simultaneously optimize
all objectives and resulting in a set of Pareto-optimal solutions, instead of one.
Although such methods demonstrate the effectiveness of multimodal fusion, for
a wide range of applications, they have not been adopted for visualization of
healthcare data, where the combination of multiple modalities may reveal impor-
tant patient behavioural characteristics that can assist decision making. In this
respect, this paper presents an application of the techniques presented in [11,12],
in the task of clustering patients according to multiple attributes.
A Case Study in Parkinson’s Disease 603

2 Applied Methodology
A set of features is first extracted by performing a simple test on a tablet device.
During the test a vertical line appears at random position, while the subject has
to track it as fast as possible with a stylus pen. After the test, a set of features
is extracted and passed into the visual analytics engine.
The extracted features are the following: (a) deviation in x axis from tar-
get, i.e. position in pixels, (b) velocity, (c) acceleration, and (d) simulated mus-
cle activation, extracted using methodology described in [19]. These features
are normalised in the time component. This is achieved by splitting the whole
recording into events which start when the target line changes its position. Then
a representative signal of each feature type is extracted by averaging the event
signals. The resulted signals are fed to the Multi-objective visual analytics engine
in order to analyse the discriminating power of each of the feature types.

2.1 Multi-objective Visualisation

The feature extraction procedure results in feature vectors describing various
characteristics of a patient, such as age, speed of task completion, acceleration.
Each of these types of types of features determines a specific type of similarities
and dissimilarities among the users. An adequate visualisation of the patient
data should be able to visualize these similarities. A common and straightfor-
ward visualisation scheme is to consider each patient as a point on the screen
and using the relative position of the patients to denote similarity, by placing
similar patients close to each other and dissimilar ones away from each other.
However, the presence of multiple notions of similarity, due to the multiple types
of features extracted from a single patient, renders the problem of visualizing
similarities non-trivial, since many types of similarity must be visualized simul-
taneously, or some kind of compromise among the various feature types should
be considered. In this respect, the multi-objective visualisation method of [11] is
used hereby, which exactly considers multiple notions of similarity. The method
is briefly presented in this section. The method proceeds by first considering
each feature type separately, formulating visualisation as a single-objective opti-
misation problem, and then combining multiple objectives in a multi-objective
optimisation setting.

Visualisation of a Single Feature Type: Let O = {O1 , O2 , . . . , ON } denote

a set of N patients. Each patient Oi is itself a set of M feature vectors:

Oi = {oi,1 , oi,2 , . . . , oi,M }, oi,m ∈ RDm .

Each feature vector oi,m is a vector of dimension Dm , which is specific for the
m-th feature type.
Considering just a single feature type m, a distance function

dm : RDm × RDm → R
604 P. Moschonas et al.

is used to calculate the distance between the feature vectors of two patients.
Hereby, the L1 distance measure is used:

dm (oi,m , oj,m ) = |oi,m,k − oj,m,k | ,

where oi,m,k is the k-th component of vector oi,m . The distance measure is
used to construct a complete graph Gm (O, Em ), Em ⊆ O × O, of the patients,
where each patient Oi ∈ O is represented by a vertex and there is an edge
{Oi , Oj } ∈ Em between every pair of patients, weighted by the corresponding
distance between them. As a further step, the minimum spanning tree (MST),
Tm (O, Em ), Em ⊂ Em , of the graph is computed, in order to reduce the number
of edges, while keeping the similarity information.
The MST is then used to guide the positioning of the patient vertices on the
2-dimensional screen. Let pi = (xi , yi )T , xi , yi ∈ R, be the coordinates of patient
i on the screen. Let also P = (p1 , p2 , . . . , pN ) be the matrix collecting all the
2D points as its rows. Then, the placement P of the N points is calculated by
minimizing the following objective function:
Jm (P) = + k||pi − pj ||2 .
i=1 j=1,j=i
||pi − pj || 
i,j: (Oi ,Oj )∈Em

Intuitively, this function evaluates the potential energy of the tree, if each
vertex is considered as a charged particle and the edges as springs attached to
pairs of them. The first term of the sum is the energy of the charges repelling one
another, following Coulomb’s law. The second term is the energy of the attracting
springs, according to Hooke’s law. If such a system of charges and springs is let
to act freely, the particles will tend to repel one another, while the springs will
keep together particles connected by edges, thus unfolding the tree structure.
The lowest energy position is one where the tree has been completely unfolded

Fig. 1. Example of the potential objective minimization. (a) The points and their
similarities form a complete graph. The graph’s vertices are placed at random positions.
(b) The minimum spanning tree of the graph is calculated. (c) By minimizing the
potential objective, the vertices are moved so that the tree’s structure is apparent.
(Color figure online)
A Case Study in Parkinson’s Disease 605

and its structure is easily visible. In this position, the patients with similar
characteristics will be put close to each other, while dissimilar patients will be
put away from each other. An example of the overall procedure is illustrated
in Fig. 1, where the color of each point is used to visually denote the example
characteristics of each point. After the minimization of the potential objective,
in Fig. 1(c), the structure of the tree is apparent and similar colors are placed
close to each other.

Handling Multiple Feature Types: The above procedure holds for a specific
feature type m. If a different feature type is used, different distances will be
calculated among the points, resulting in a different tree, a different objective
function and a different ultimate positioning. The multiple feature types result
in a set of objective functions J (P), instead of a single one:

J (P) = {J1 (P), J2 (P)), . . . , JM (P)} ,

so that the goal is to minimize them all simultaneously:

Popt = arg min J (P).


The multiple objective Jm are conflicting, since the optimal solution for one
of them is not optimal for another, thus a single solution cannot in general be
reached. Such problems of conflicting objectives are handled by multi-objective
optimisation techniques, which result in a set of optimal trade-offs among the
objectives, namely the Pareto set. Multi-objective optimisation is based on the
notion of Pareto dominance among the feasible solutions. A solution dominates
another one if it has a smaller value for at least one objective and there is no
objective for which it has a larger value. Between two solution, the dominant
one is preferred, since it is impartially better than the other one, with respect
to all objective functions, without sacrificing any of them. Formally, a solution
P1 dominates another solution P2 , if

Jm (P1 ) ≤ Jm (P2 ), ∀m ∈ {1, . . . , M }, and

∃k ∈ {1, . . . , M } : Jk (P1 ) < Jk (P2 ).

If two solutions mutually do not dominate each other, they are said to be
incomparable, since there can be no impartial judgment as to which is better
than the other. The goal of multi-objective optimisation is to compute the set
of solutions that dominate all other feasible solutions but are mutually incom-
parable. This set is called the Pareto set and consists a set of optimal trade-offs
among the multiple objectives. In Fig. 2, the feasible and optimal solutions for
an example problem of two objectives are depicted.
The gray-shaded area represents the set of all feasible solutions, while the
bold border in the lower left of the feasible area represents the solutions of the
Pareto set. In such diagrams in the space of the objective function values, the
606 P. Moschonas et al.

Fig. 2. Example Pareto diagram illustrating the Pareto front for a problem of two
objectives, J1 and J2 . The gray area represents the set of all feasible solutions, while
the bold border is the Pareto front. Solution P2 dominates P1 , as well as all solutions
within the hatched area. Solutions P2 and P3 are incomparable.

solutions corresponding to the Pareto set are called the Pareto front. Three exam-
ple solutions are shown. Solution P2 dominates P1 since both objectives have
smaller values at P2 . Similarly, P2 dominates all solutions within the hatched
area. On the other hand, solutions P2 and P3 are incomparable, since none dom-
inates the other. All the solutions of the Pareto front are mutually incomparable,
since decreasing one objective leads to increasing the other.
Computing the Pareto front, which is the goal of multi-objective optimisa-
tion, means presenting the decision maker with a minimal set of optimal trade-
offs, from which to select. In this paper, this set of solutions corresponds to
different trade offs among the various medical and simulated features describing
the patients. By selecting among the trade-offs, through an application interface,
the doctor or any decision maker can put more focus on various characteristics
and thus view different kinds of relationships and groupings among the data.

3 Preliminary Results
A total of 42 PD patients of various ages (mean: 63, stdev: 8.1) and 10
healthy/control subjects of matching ages (mean: 64.9, stdev: 7.75) were mea-
sured. All PD subjects were tested with an on-medication treatment state. The
subjects performed the test with both hands and the extracted features were
averaged, thus resulting into one feature-set per subject. The proposed algo-
rithm computes the visualisation output of the 52 instances almost instantly
(t < 0.05 s). The interactive environment allows its user to re-adjust the objec-
tive weights and updates the dots position without any lag. In terms of scala-
bility the algorithm performs at O(N log N ), where N is the number of nodes.
Experiments in the application domain of mobile network security have shown
that a dataset of 4800 points needs less than 3 s for the output solution [12].
The aforementioned experiments were performed using a 8-threaded Intel Core
i7 processor running at 4 GHz.
A Case Study in Parkinson’s Disease 607

Fig. 3. Multi-objective result of all the feature type combined. The gathering of the
green dots representing the control subjects in the lower part is not concentrated.
(Color figure online)

Fig. 4. Testing the impact of each feature: increasing the weight of the “Muscle Acti-
vation” feature results into a robust patient-healthy separation. (Color figure online)
608 P. Moschonas et al.

The patient space of the combining all the features, using equal weighting
among them, is depicted in Fig. 3. Green coloured dots represent a control sub-
ject, while yellow (mild condition), orange (medium condition) or red (severe
condition) dots represent the PD patients. As it is shown, a combination of
all the features results into a sparse cluster of the green dots. However, it fails
to cluster three of the control subjects. This fact can be translated as that the
selected combination of the feature types does not provide enough discriminating
By adjusting the weights among the feature types, the most crucial one for
separating the healthy from the patient cohort may be found. In Fig. 4, the
feature representing the extracted Muscle Activations separates the two groups
in much more robust way, thus, defining it as the most significant for this type of
application. Other features have been tested, but none has provided such good

4 Conclusion

A visual analytics methodology based on multi-objective optimisation was

applied to a typical PD line tracking test output and managed to identify suc-
cessfully the most crucial feature able to separate the healthy from the patient
groups. In the future work, there are plans of investigating the potential of the
methodology with other neurodegenerative genetic disorders, such as the Hunt-
ington’s Disease.

Acknowledgement. Partial funding for this work was provided by the EU co-funded
project NoTremor (EC FP7 Grant agreement no 610391).

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ERMIS: Extracting Knowledge from Unstructured
Big Data for Supporting Business Decision Making

Christos Alexakos ✉ , Konstantinos Arvanitis, Andreas Papalambrou,

( )

Thomas Amorgianiotis, George Raptis, and Nikolaos Zervos

Industrial Systems Institute, ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre,
Patras Science Park Building, Platani, 265 04 Rio, Patras, Greece

Abstract. Business managers support that decisions based on data analysis are
better decisions. Nowadays, in the era of digital information, the accessible infor‐
mation sources are increasing rapidly, especially on the Internet. Also, the most
critical information for business decisions is hidden in a large amount of unstruc‐
tured data. Thus, Big Data analytics has become the cornerstone of modern Busi‐
ness Analytics providing insights for accurate decision making. ERMIS (Exten‐
sible pRoduct Monitoring by Indexing Social sources) system is able to aggregate
unstructured and semi-structured data from different sources, process them and
extracting knowledge by semantically annotating only the useful information.
ERMIS Knowledge Base that is created from this process is a tool for supporting
business decision making about a product.

Keywords: Big Data · Business Analytics · Ontologies · Data driven decision

making · Knowledge extraction

1 Introduction

During the last decade the term Big Data has the pride of place in both academia and
industry on the area of Business Analytics [1]. Big Data analytics methodologies and
technologies permit the processing of large amount of data for providing accurate
insights for a business [2]. Especially today, the century of digital information, busi‐
nesses can collect useful data from various sources such as Internet Sites, blogs, social
media and IoT infrastructure, even from their own information systems. This not only
means the need for processing of large volumes of data but also the necessity for the
analysts to face the fact that these data volumes are increasing in high rates [3]. Since,
the industry sector supports that decisions based on data analysis are better decisions,
the utilization of Big Data analytics enables managers to conclude to decisions based
on evidence rather than intuition [4].
Another immense challenge of Business Big Data analytics is the extraction of useful
knowledge from the millions of unstructured data existing in various sources on the

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 611–622, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_54
612 C. Alexakos et al.

Internet. This problem is entitled as Variety and it is one of the three major challenges
in Big Data, called the three Vs of Big Data, alongside with Velocity and Volume [5].
Big data can be characterized in three types: (a) structured, (b) semi-structured and (c)
unstructured. Structured data is provided in an already tagged and easily sorted format.
Unstructured data is random thus it is difficult to be processed. Semi-structured data has
separated data elements but they do not conform to fixed fields [6]. When analysts
undertake problems of Business Intelligence that require multi-domain and multi-source
knowledge such as the processing of crowd opinions about a product or spot consumer’s
behavior, the information data sources are usually web sites, posts in forums or social
networks, blogs, reviews and news on portals [7]. In such cases the really useful infor‐
mation is “hidden” in unstructured data among other non-critical information [8].
The main scope of this article is to introduce an intelligent integrated system – called
ERMIS (Extensible pRoduct Monitoring by Indexing Social sources) - which allows the
digital mediation to the optimum decision making, via the intelligent process of large
volume of structured and semi-unstructured data derived from various Internet sources.
The specialized technological aim is the development of an intelligent layer that will
integrate useful information from various sources in a unified Knowledge Base. The
users of this system are both the consumers as well as the decision making persons of a
business. Consumers can get information about a specific knowledge on a product by
setting a query in natural language. The business managers can monitor the information
for a specific product or service, by studying the extracted knowledge from a large
amount of sources on the Internet.
ERMIS allows users to compose a query related to a product in natural language (i.e.
“I want to buy DELL X345 laptop”, “The monitor in my iPhone 6 has been broken”).
The system processes the query and exports the main semantics that characterized it. It
tries to recognize the product, the producer and the purpose of the query (i.e. if an article
refers to damage or an intentional buy). In the background, the system collects data from
the Internet (social media, news portals, e-shops, etc.), it processes them, annotates them
based on an integrated ontology and feeds them to a unified Knowledge Base. Knowl‐
edge Base keeps only the useful information based on the semantics of the ERMIS
integrated ontology. The extraction of knowledge related to a user’s query comes with
the semantic inference to the axioms stored in the Knowledge Base. The extracted
knowledge is presented to the user through a user-friendly web interface. ERMIS system
is designed and implemented for processing text data in Greek language, a most chal‐
lenging effort due to the diversity and variety of the grammar and syntax of Greek
language. Nevertheless, the system can be easily adapted for the English language and
for any other language.
The proposed approach is presented in detail in the rest of the paper. In Sect. 2 some
significant technologies and related work in the area of Big Data analytics based decision
making are presented. Section 3 describes the basic functional components of the
proposed architecture and Sect. 4 presents in detail the ontological model of the ERMIS
Knowledge Base. Section 5 describes the data collection, processing and semantic
annotation, while Sect. 6 refers to the knowledge extraction and presentation to the users.
Finally, Sect. 7 concludes the paper.
ERMIS: Extracting Knowledge from Unstructured Big Data 613

2 Big Data and Data-driven Decision Making

A lot of decisions in the industry are based on the analysis of data. This practice is called
Data-driven decision making (DDD). Decision makers can choose between two prac‐
tices: in the first, more traditional, the managers based their decisions on their experience
and their intuition, in the second, the managers take advantage of the analysis of busi‐
ness-related data in order to interpret the market trends. The second one is based on
DDD techniques and it is supported by various Data Analytics tools. As DDD is not an
all-or-nothing practice and it can be easily combined with the practices based on manag‐
er’s experience, it is gaining the confidence of industry in the last decade [9]. A study
by Brynjolfsson, Hitt and Kim [10] shows that one standard deviation higher on the
DDD scale is associated with a 4–6 % increase in productivity and also affects higher
return on assets, return on equity, asset utilization, and market value.
Big data technologies, especially from the side of data engineering, permit analysts
to process large volume of data which leads them to more accurate decisions. It is
remarkable, that a study presented by Tambe [11] shows that utilization of Big Data
technologies correlate with productivity growth that can reach 1–3 % higher productivity
for one standard deviation higher utilization of big data. Specifically, one standard devi‐
ation higher than the average business.
In the last years a lot of Big Data Analytics tools have been proposed by the key
players in data analytics. IBM big data platform [12] and SAS Big Data Insights1 are
some paradigms of platforms that provide Big Data engineering techniques to their
customers for creating analysis processes and reports. Also, most of the cloud providers
have services for Big Data analysis such as Microsoft’s Azure HDInsight2 and Amazon
Web Services Big Data platform3. Regarding the academia, the proposed DDD
approaches are mainly driven to solve current problems as higher accuracy in data
mining and data visualization in various fields. Visual analytics for Big Data is a big
challenge as they provide users a friendly way for analysing their data. The use of visual
analytics is the center of many research works such as network bandwidth evaluation
for security vulnerabilities detection [13] and human muscles movement and forces
simulation for diagnosis purposes [14]. Also, the proposed BIG [15] is a Multi Agent
System for collecting data, unstructured text processing and decision making. BIG text
process in based on keyword extraction and it does not support natural language

3 ERMIS Architecture

The ERMIS system targets two user models. Everyone can create a Public User account,
which allows one to make queries and receive answers. Both the queries and the answers
will be visible to every user and only a single pending query is permitted for each public

614 C. Alexakos et al.

user account. Specific users can also create Industry User accounts, which allows the
Industry User to perform multiple concurrent queries and keep the query and results
private and linked to their account. In addition, Industry Users have access to Monitoring
queries (queries which continue to provide answers while they remain active), notifica‐
tions when their queries are answered or new data become available on a Monitoring
query and the ability to generate statistical reports based on their queries. In addition,
Industry User accounts are provided with access to a REST service API to allow inte‐
grating the ERMIS system with their internal software.
The ERMIS system is composed of two main subsystems the Front-End and the
Back-End, each with specific component modules as presented in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. ERMIS architecture

The Front-End components are a UI component, a user management component, a

query management component and a Web Service component. The UI component is
responsible for providing a web-based graphical User interface that allows interaction
ERMIS: Extracting Knowledge from Unstructured Big Data 615

with the ERMIS functionality. The user management component is responsible for user
authentication and authorization for the whole ERMIS system. The query management
component is responsible for accepting and handling the users’ queries, the system’s
answers to them and all the various monitoring data and reports, by scheduling tasks in
the backend subsystem and handling the back-end’s answers. The Web Service compo‐
nent provides a REST API that makes the ERMIS functionality available to third party
The Back-End components are databases for structured and unstructured data, the
Knowledge Base, a Query Processing Orchestrator and the Aggregated Data Processing
Workflow Management. The databases are used to keep track of data such as reports
and queries, as well as metadata for the various information sources and structured data
related entities in the Knowledge base. The Knowledge Base contains the knowledge
gathered through external sources, expressed in axioms composed in following RDF
format and according to the OWL ontologies that are described in the next chapter. The
Query Processing Orchestrator is a Multi-Agent System and it is responsible for sched‐
uling all tasks related to query processing, such as analysis to extract relevant terms and
periodic checks to update monitoring queries. It compiles the reports and answers that
are then made available to the Front-End. The data processing workflow provides
constant monitoring of select RSS feeds and other data sources, such as site-specific
information APIs and links located through processing of the various feeds. It utilizes
syntactic and lexicographic analysis of data from information sources and extracts rele‐
vant metadata and terms to store in the Knowledge base.
The Front-End is installed in a web server (NGINX4) and is developed on top of
Yii PHP framework. The provided screens to the users are empowered with HTML5,
CSS and JavaScript and designed following responsive design patterns utilizing the
Bootstrap6 framework. The Back-End is developed in Java, as a set of interoperating
software modules. To provide for future extension and alternative implementations,
Apache UIMA (Unstructured Information Management Architecture)7 is used to create
and manage the analysis engines used for natural language processing for both queries
and unstructured data downloaded from other information sources. Source specific
modules are used to take advantage of site-specific APIs (such as Skroutz8, Twitter9 and
YouTube10) that provide structured or semi-structured data. It uses PostgreSQL to store
structured data and BlazeGraph11 to provide the Knowledge Base functionality. Blaze‐
graph is a high performance graph database [16] platform that supports RDF/SPARQL
with scalable solutions including embedded, High Availability, scale-out, and GPU-

616 C. Alexakos et al.

4 ERMIS Knowledge Base

ERMIS’s knowledge management is accompanied by a Knowledge Base where

collected information related to products is stored in RDF graph format. The structure
of the graph along with the rules defining the interrelationships are based on an integrated
ontology model represented in OWL. This model defines the basic system ontology and
a group of secondary ontologies and taxonomies focusing on expanding the main
ontology in order to define axioms and entities which add and interrelate information
gathered from multiple internet sources.

4.1 ERMIS Ontology

ERMIS ontology is the main ontology of the Knowledge Base. It describes the concepts
of the Product, Document (information source) and Query. The concepts of ERMIS
ontology are depicted in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. ERMIS ontology

The primary classes of the ontology are:

• Product: This class defines a product, and is interrelated with other classes of the
system. The relationship isRelatedToBussinessEntity is used to correlate products
with business entities, such as suppliers and manufacturers, and the relationship
belongsToCategory is used to classify the products into categories.
• Bussiness_Entity: This class defines all the business entities which are interrelated
to a product, through its subclasses such as Person and Company. The contact infor‐
mation of each business entity, such as address, telephone and email address, is
defined by the class Contact_Information and the relationship hasContactInforma‐
ERMIS: Extracting Knowledge from Unstructured Big Data 617

• Document: This class defines the entities providing information related to products,
collected from multiple internet sources. Each instance could be an enriched text or
a multimedia object, such as image or video, as it is defined in the corresponding
subclasses. Multimedia could be part of a document and this axiom is represented in
the includedInDocument relationship. Documents’ characteristics include expressive
phrases, article polarity and referred product malfunction. Hence, each document
refers to a product and/or is interrelated to a business entity. It is collected from
different types of internet sources, such as news websites, image or video galleries,
e-government services and social networks.
• Query: This class represents the queries set by the ERMIS users. When a query is
set, a search for related documents starts based on characteristics, referred product
and referred business entity.
• DateTime: This class defines the date and time of an action and is used when a
document is published or when a query is set.

4.2 Integrated Ontology

The integrated ontology ErmisIO is a generic ontology created to combine the afore‐
mentioned ontologies of the system. All the required ontologies were imported in
ErmisIO and different namespaces were used to distinguish them. The additional ontol‐
ogies except from ERMIS ontology are:
• Dublin Core from Protégé for the description digital objects12.
• GPT Ontology derived from Google Product Taxonomy used at Google Merchant13.
• SIOC (Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities)14 ontology for social media
• Twitter Engineering Ontology for describing twitter content [17].
In particular, for the ontology DUBLIN CORE the annotation properties dc:title,
dc:creator, dc:format, dc:language and dc:description were added. To support the
ontology Google Product Taxonomy the class ermisio:GooglePT_Entity, a subclass of
the ermisonto:Product_Category class, was created. The ermisio:GooglePT_Entity
class is the superclass of all the classes on the first level of the Google Product Taxonomy
ontology, and hence the taxonomy is provided as ermisonto:Product_Category. For the
ontology SIOC the class ermisio:SIOC_Entity was created, which is the superclass of
all the classes on the first level of the SIOC. The sioc:Post class is the subclass of
ermisonto:Product, which classifies a post as document as it is defined in the ERMIS
ontology. Similarly, for the Twitter Engineering ontology, the twtronbto:Tweet class is
the subclass of ermisonto:Product. In the same way, other domain ontologies that
describe structured data from an internet source can be integrated in ERMIS Integrated

618 C. Alexakos et al.

4.3 WordNet Ontology

WordNet [18] is a lexical database of English words, which groups the words into syno‐
nyms sets, called synsets. Each synset represents a distinct lexical meaning, provides
short definitions and is connected to various lexical and semantical relationships. It was
created in 1985 by G.A. Miller [19] who was inspired by artificial intelligence experi‐
ments trying to understand the human semantic memory. Its main purpose was to provide
a combination of dictionary and thesaurus features to support the automatic text analysis
in interfacial intelligence applications.
Balkanet15 expanded the number of European languages developed by Euro‐
WordNet16. The Greek WordNet was established by the Databases Lab (DBLab) of the
University of Patras along with the participation of the University of Athens [20]. The
biggest ambition of BalkaNet is the semantic connection of the words of each language
in order to create a multilingual semantic network.
The ERMIS project requires words recognition in a gathered text and their correla‐
tion with a product malfunction or deficiency, along with the polarity of the information
(positive, negative, or neutral). For these purposes, the Greek WordNet schema was
expanded in order to annotate each synset with any related information. A brief ontology
was created for this purpose and is presented in Fig. 3 and its primary classes are the
Malfunction and Polarity classes.

Fig. 3. WordNet extension for ERMIS project

5 Process Unstructured Data Towards to Semantic Annotation

Unstructured information found on the Internet typically exists in texts that can be
formatted (containing heading, bold text etc.) or not. One of the goals of the ERMIS
system is to process these texts and correlate them semantically to the ErmisIO ontology.

ERMIS: Extracting Knowledge from Unstructured Big Data 619

In order for this process to take place, every document fetched from the Internet (web
page, forums posts etc.) is processed as depicted in Fig. 4. In more detail, the stages are
as follows:

Fig. 4. Process unstructured data towards to semantic annotation

Structured data extraction: Each retrieved document is typically accompanied by

metadata such as dates, authors, titles etc. For example, Twitter tweets can provide time
and date, user and HTML links. HTML documents typically contain metadata infor‐
mation in the HEAD section. These metadata can be directly correlated with the Dublin-
Core annotation properties.

Natural language processing (NLP): NLP involves the processing and understanding
of natural language (in our case, in written form). In order to perform the NLP, the
Apache UIMA framework is used. UIMA uses Analysis Engines to annotate documents
of unstructured information and provide metadata. The following steps are needed from
the retrieval of a document to the semantical analysis of the text.
• HTML cleanup: This involves the removal of HTML tags leaving only plain text.
However, important information that could assist in the semantic analysis (such as
bold, italics etc.) is kept in the form of UIMA annotations.
• Grammatical and syntactic processing: This involves the recognition of grammar
and syntax tokens as well as meaningful tokens in the written text. First, basic gram‐
matical processing in the form of sentence and word annotation takes place. Then
words are recognized regarding their Parts of Speech and are also stemmed in order
to correlate all possible grammatical forms to a specific semantic token. Finally,
Named entities are also recognized.
620 C. Alexakos et al.

Semantic Annotation: This stage involves the mapping of the above annotated prop‐
erties to the semantics of ERMIS knowledge base. The mapping involves the following
specific stages.
• Metadata mapping. Extracted metadata from the structured data, for example dates,
are converted to RDF triplets and mapped to the ontology.
• HTML tag mapping. Extracted HTML tags that provide useful information are
converted to RDF triplets. For example, bold (< b>) tags are mapped to expressive
• NLP results mapping. NLP annotations are mapped to entities. For example, some
nouns can be correlated to Product Categories, named entities can be correlated to
companies or places, other nouns or verbs can be semantically correlated to Wordnet
synsets such as a product malfunction or a positive/negative opinion on a product.

6 Knowledge Extraction

ERMIS system supports users to compose their query in natural language. When a query
is set to the system, the latter is processing it in the same way as described in the previous
chapter for free text information sources.
From the query the annotator is trying to extract the product, producer, product cate‐
gory, keywords, the type of the question (question for damage or general question) and
the damage of the product if it exists. With this information the appropriate SPARQL
queries are composed for getting information from the Knowledge Base. The results are
evaluated in a rank system of 1 to 3 grade (match, high match and great match) according
to their closeness to query’s initial information. Finally, the results are presented to the
user in a timeline from the most recent to the oldest one. Each answer is marked with

Fig. 5. Presentation of extracted knowledge to the user

ERMIS: Extracting Knowledge from Unstructured Big Data 621

different icon and color according to its ranking. Figure 5 depicts two screenshots from
the ERMIS system, one with the list of user’s queries and one with the timeline of the
answers for a specific query.

7 Conclusion

The adaptation of Data-driven decision making to modern businesses has been proved
to provide significant added value to business growth. When the problem comes to the
analysis of large volume of Big Data the challenges range from data engineering tasks
to data explanation and knowledge extraction. ERMIS (Extensible pRoduct Monitoring
by Indexing Social sources) system offers an integrated solution for collecting,
processing, semantically annotating structured and unstructured data accumulated from
various sources over the Internet. The main scope of ERMIS is to elaborate the natural
language processing techniques for both providing users a simple way to set their queries
and extracting valuable knowledge which is hidden in unstructured data sources such
as web sites, posts in forums or social networks, blogs, reviews and news on portals.
ERMIS system introduces an intelligent layer that integrates useful information from
various sources in a unified Knowledge Base. The users of ERMIS system, which are
both the consumers and the industry decision makers, are able to compose a query related
to a product in natural language and view the inferred knowledge in a user-friendly web
Although ERMIS supports state-of-art algorithms for Natural Language Processing,
it can be extended with methods for extracting more knowledge from text processing
such as sentiment analysis. Also, during the evaluation, we spotted a lot of mismatching
values caused by the complexity of Greek language. In a future version of ERMIS
system, we are expecting to resolve such issues. Furthermore, ERMIS is going to be
extended to more information sources with both new data processing annotators and
domain definition ontologies. Finally, the adaptation of new languages such as English
and French is in the ERMIS’ future roadmap.


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Superclusteroid 2.0: A Web Tool for Processing
Big Biological Networks

Maria Tserirzoglou-Thoma1, Konstantinos Theofilatos2 ✉ , Eleni Tsitsouli1,

( )

Georgios Panges-Tserres , Christos Alexakos , Charalampos Moschopoulos1,

1 2

Georgios Alexopoulos1, Konstantinos Giannoulis1, Spiros Likothanassis1 ✉ ,

( )

and Seferina Mavroudi3

Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
InSyBio Ltd., 109 Uxbridge Road, London, UK
Department of Social Work, Technological Institute of Western Greece, Patras, Greece

Abstract. Biological networks have been the most prevalent model to analyze
the complexity of cellular mechanisms. The expansion of the existing knowledge
on known intracellular players such as genes, RNA molecules and proteins as
long as the continued study on their interactions has increased lately the ability
to construct big biological networks of increased complexity. Many web tools
have been introduced in the last decade but they are incomplete, as they do not
provide all required features for a full research study neither they can handle the
big and complex nature of these networks and the increased needs of researchers
for fast and uninterrupted analysis. In the present paper, the new version of the
Superclusteroid tool is presented which includes among others new visualization
features, network comparison tools and new clustering algorithms. Moreover, a
new strategy is proposed to deal with the necessity of handling effectively the
increased work load of the tool as long as to improve the speed in the two most
time consuming steps: network visualization and network clustering.

Keywords: Web tool · Biological networks · Protein-protein interaction

networks · Network clustering · Network visualization

1 Introduction

Network visualization is a fundamental method that helps scientists in understanding

biological networks and important properties in underlying biochemical processes.
Molecules such as DNA, RNA, proteins, metabolites and interactions between them are
related to highly important biological networks. Whenever such molecules are
connected by physical interactions, they form molecular interaction networks that are
generally classified by the nature of the compounds involved. Many biological networks
have been characterized in detail: Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI), Gene co-expression

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 623–633, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_55
624 M. Tserirzoglou-Thoma et al.

networks (Transcript-Transcript association networks), Gene regulatory networks

(DNA-protein interaction networks), protein phosphorylation, metabolic interactions,
and genetic interaction networks [1].
The PPIs represent the interaction between proteins: e.g. the formulation of protein
complexes and the activation of one protein by another protein. These interactions are
essential to almost every process in a cell, thus understanding of them is crucial. Such
a network can be defined as an un-directed graph G = (V, E) .where V is the set of
proteins represented as nodes and E.the set of interactions represented as edges. Graphs
of a whole cell PPIs are complex and difficult to be generated. For this reason bioinfor‐
matics tools have been developed to simplify the difficult task of visualization, such as
Cytoscape [2] which is an open-source software commonly used. Large scale identifi‐
cation of PPIs generates hundreds of thousands interactions, which were collected
together in specialized biological databases, such as BIND and DIP, that are continu‐
ously updated in order to provide complete interactomes [3].
The Gene Co-expression networks represent the pairs of genes which show a similar
expression pattern across samples, since the transcript levels of two co-expressed genes
rise and fall together across samples. Gene co-expression networks are of biological
interest since co-expressed genes are controlled by the same transcriptional regulatory
program, functionally related, or members of the same pathway or protein complex.
These networks can be defined as un-directed graphs where each node corresponds to a
gene and a pair of nodes is connected with an edge when there is a significant co-
expression relationship between them. Modules or the highly connected subgraphs in
gene co-expression networks correspond to clusters of genes that have a similar function
or involve in a common biological process which causes many interactions among
themselves. Gene co-expression networks are usually constructed using datasets gener‐
ated by high throughput gene expression profiling technologies such as Micro-array or
RNA-Seq. [4].
The Gene Regulatory networks (DNA-Protein interaction networks) represent the
DNA segments in a cell which interact with each other indirectly, through their RNA
and protein expression products and with other substances in the cell to govern the gene
expression levels of mRNA and proteins. The modeling techniques for such networks
involves the use of Coupled Ordinary Differential Equations, Boolean networks, Baye‐
sian networks, Graphical Gaussian models, Stochastic Gene network et al. The Gene
Regulatory networks can be defined as graphs in which the un-directed edge connects
two genes, representing a biochemical process such as a reaction, transformation, inter‐
action, activation or inhibition [5].
The problem of analyzing biological networks is a big data problem for two reasons.
First, it is related to intensive time-consuming analysis of big datasets as for example a
PPI network can implicate more than 20000 proteins and more than 200000 interactions.
Second, this analysis is not an one off procedure. New versions of biological networks
are being available daily as new interactions are being studied and thus the tool’s work‐
load is extremely big. Additionally, if we consider the vast number of different organisms
as well as the enormous number of biological conditions we can easily understand the
“big data” nature of the problem.
Superclusteroid 2.0: A Web Tool 625

In the present paper, we introduce a new version of the Superclusteroid tool. Super‐
clusteroid is a web based tool which enables the analysis of various types of biological
networks including the aforementioned categories with the main constraint being that
only undirected networks can be used. This new version is differentiated from the
previous one by including a new more advanced algorithm for biological network clus‐
tering, providing new features for the analysis and using a new mechanism to handle
high workload of very large networks.

2 Existing Tools for the Analysis of Biological Networks

Large scale biological studies produce huge amounts of data that reveal various layers
of molecular interaction networks. As we saw graphs have been used to represent, study
and integrate such biological networks, which leads in large-scale analyses. Specialized
tools are required to extract and compare information obtained from multiple data
sources, and apply various statistical parameters treatments to describe and understand
networks properties. Following are the basic web-based or standalone tools for analyzing
biological networks, which are based on graphs and their visualization.
NETAL [6], is a new graph-based method for global alignment of protein-protein
interaction networks. It uses a greedy method, based on the alignment scoring matrix,
which is derived from both biological and topological information of input networks to
find the best global network alignment.
NeAT (Network Analysis tool) [7], is another tool which provides a user-friendly
web access to a collection of modular tools for the analysis of networks (graphs) and
clusters (e.g. microarray clusters, functional classes, etc.). This tool is designed to cope
with large datasets and provide a flexible toolbox for analyzing biological networks
stored in various databases (protein interactions, regulation and metabolism) or obtained
from high-throughput experiments (two-hybrid, mass-spectrometry and microarrays).
The web interface interconnects the programs in predefined analysis flows, enabling to
address a series of questions about networks of interest.
GraphWeb [8], is a public web server for biological network analysis and module
discovery. It provides methods to integrate heterogeneous and multispecies data for
constructing directed and undirected, weighted and un-weighted networks, to discover
network modules using a variety of algorithms and topological filters and interpret
modules using functional knowledge of the Gene Ontology and pathways, as well as
regulatory features such as binding motifs and microRNA targets.
Giba [9], is a clustering tool that offers the ability to detect important protein modules
such as protein complexes. GIBA implements a two-steps strategy, where in the first
one the whole protein – protein interaction graph is divided into clusters and in the second
step these clusters are filtered and only the ones considered important are kept.
jClust [10] is an application which provides access to a set of widely used clustering
and clique finding algorithms. The toolbox allows a range of filtering procedures to be
applied and is combined with an advanced implementation of the Medusa interactive
visualization module. These implemented algorithms are k-Means, Affinity Propaga‐
tion, Bron–Kerbosch, MULIC, Restricted neighborhood search cluster algorithm,
626 M. Tserirzoglou-Thoma et al.

Markov clustering and Spectral clustering, while the supported filtering procedures are
haircut, outside–inside, best neighbors and density control operations. The tool provides
a powerful tool for data analysis and information extraction.
Cluto [11] is a software package for clustering low- and high-dimensional datasets
and for analyzing the characteristics of the various clusters. Cluto is well-suited for
clustering data sets arising in many diverse application areas including information
retrieval, customer purchasing transactions, web, GIS, science, and biology. Cluto’s
distribution consists of both stand-alone programs and a library via which an application
program can access directly the various clustering and analysis algorithms implemented
in Cluto.
VisANT [12], is an application for integrating biomolecular interaction data into a
cohesive, graphical interface. This software features a multi-tiered architecture for data
flexibility, separating back-end modules for data retrieval from a front-end visualization
and analysis package. This system is integrated with standard databases for organized
annotation, including GenBank, KEGG and SwissProt. It provides a general tool for
mining and visualizing such data in the context of sequence, pathway, structure, and
associated annotations. Interaction and predicted association data can be combined,
overlaid, manipulated and analyzed using a variety of built-in functions.
Most of the aforementioned tools cover only a subset of the analysis related to
biological networks, while most of them are not PPI network specific and some of them
include obsolete algorithmic solutions. Superclusteroid 1.0 [13] is a web tool dedicated
to data processing of protein-protein interaction networks which was initially introduced
to cover all these caveats. The tool is implemented in the GNU/Linux environment and
is written in Perl. It supports various input file formats and provides the following serv‐
ices. First, clustering, by choosing one of the available clustering algorithms. Second,
PPI network visualization, such as the original network or other DOT files and also the
algorithms results can be automatically visualized or can be downloaded for later use.
Third, protein cluster function prediction in which the user, by choosing a specific
protein, may continue with the analysis by implementing the Majority Vote Prediction
Algorithm (MVPA) [14] or the Hypergeometric Distribution Prediction Algorithm
(HDPA) [15].

3 Superclusteroid 2.0: A Web Tool for Processing Big Protein-

Protein Interaction Networks

3.1 Superclusteroid 1.0

The Superclusteroid 1.0 [13] uploads and manipulates input of PPI data, which can have
one the following formats: tab-delimited text files, adjacency matrices in text files, DOT
files-using the DOT network description languages and SIF files, a popular tab-delimited
text file mostly used in Cytoscape.
It offers a selection of widely used clustering algorithms to process the input data.
These algorithms are the MCL-Markov Cluster [15], the Restricted Neighbourhood
Search Clustering Algorithm–RNSC [16], the Highly Connected Subgraphs Algorithm-
HCS [17] and the SideS, a variation of HCS which uses a statistical model to express
Superclusteroid 2.0: A Web Tool 627

the statistical significance of a cluster [18]. The resulting files are tab-delimited data
with two columns, one for the name of the cluster and one for the protein belonging to
that cluster.
The results from the clustering algorithm can be automatically visualized or can be
downloaded for later use. Also the original network or other DOT files can be viewed
by choosing the “visualize” tab. In either case, a java applet named “ZGRViewer” [19]
is used to support the “fdp” and “twopi” GraphViz/DOT tools for spring model and
radial layouts respectively.
The analysis of the network data can be continued, since the user can choose a specific
protein and implement the Majority Vote Prediction Algorithm (MVPA) [14] or the
Hypergeometric Distribution Prediction Algorithm (HDPA) [15]. Both methods are
applied only on PPI data with Uniprot IDs and for the S. cerevisiae organism.
A help page is available on the tool which contains explicit instructions describing
its services and a comprehensive list of the web services available, along with their
description and the access URL for each of them. Additionally, the web tool provides
demo data to help the user to understand its functionality.
Despite the success of the first version of Superclusteroid tool it lacked some extra
functionalities in order to enable its users to realize the whole analysis of PPI networks
without the need of referring to external tools. Moreover, new algorithms have emerged
for some of the tasks of analyzing PPI networks, such as new clustering algorithms for
overlapping clusters, since the initial launching of Superclusteroid 1.0 and some of them
were needed to be incorporated in it. Finally, the successful adoption of Superclusteroid
tool from the scientific community (more than 200 unique users/visitors per month)
raised some performance issues and more sophisticated solutions were required to
manage work load and improve the efficiency of the tool. For all these reasons, a new
version of Superclusteroid was essential and the new features incorporated in it are
described in the next section.

3.2 New Features Incorporated in Superclusteroid 2.0

EEMC. The Evolutionary Enhanced Markov Clustering (EEMC) [20] is a hybrid
combination of an adaptive evolutionary algorithm and a state-of-the-art clustering
algorithm. It is based on the MCL algorithm [15] which is one of the most commonly
used methods in clustering PPI graphs in order to predict protein complexes. Although
it has some strong limitations, with the most important one being its restriction to assign
each protein to only one protein complex. To overcome the above MCL’s problem,
Moschopoulos et al. (2008) [21], proposed the Enhanced Markov Clustering (EMC)
method which is an improvement of the MCL algorithm. In specific, it deploys the MCL
algorithm to make an initial clustering and then it improves it by applying 4 different
filtering methods: density filter, haircut, best neighbor and cutting edge operators. The
last method requires tuning of their parameters and it is not able to function on weighted
The EEMC is a fully unsupervised method, which is a combination of an adaptive
Genetic Algorithm and an extension of the EMC method in which, the filtering methods
of the EMC algorithm were adjusted to enable handling of weighted PPI graphs. The
628 M. Tserirzoglou-Thoma et al.

Genetic Algorithm was used to optimize on parallel the inflation rate and the parameters
of the filtering methods of EMC algorithm.
The EEMC starts with the creation of the initial population ie. the chromosomes with
binary representation. Then the adjusted filters from the EMC algorithm are applied on
the chromosomes. These filtering methods are density filter, haircut, best neighbor and
cutting edge operators. The next step is the evaluations of the chromosomes, with an
evolutionary framework using unsupervised fitness value which will produce scaled
fitness, to assign high values for high performance clustering. The selection operator is
then taking place on the algorithm. The roulette wheel selection assigns probabilities of
selection in each chromosome proportional to its performance. The variation operators
used are the two-point crossover and the binary mutation. A dynamic control of the
mutation parameter is used, to estimate the variation which is applied in the mutation
probability for each iteration of the EEMC. Finally the termination criteria of the algo‐
rithm are a combination of the maximum number of generations to be reached and a
convergence criterion.

New Functions of Version 2.0. Superclusteroid 2.0 includes a set of new features
which enable users to conduct all required biological network analysis without the need
to use other tools.
To begin with, a new way of cluster visualization is proposed, using the Cytoscape
program [22], a program for analyzing and visualizing network data. Specifically, the
users can now not only to see the nodes of a cluster but also their interactions and their
weights in the cases of weighted networks. This can enable a more detailed analysis of
the cluster and its connectivity.
Furthermore, with the new version of Superclusteroid, the users have the ability to
compare and evaluate clusters, with a collection of human core protein complexes from
the CORUM database [23] or with a dataset which the user chooses to upload. The
uploaded datasets should be in a tab delimited format, with every row representing a
cluster and including its nodes separated with tabs. The calculated metrics include the
standard metrics of sensitivity, positive predictive value, arithmetic accuracy, geometric
accuracy, separation [24].
Another newly introduced feature is the linkage of clustering results with the he Gene
Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) [25] tool. With this feature the users are able to eval‐
uate and characterize the importance of gene sets, i.e., gene groups with a common
biological function, chromosomal location or setting.
Moreover, the pipeline has been completed with a network comparison option which
allow the comparison of similar biological networks which have either be constructed
under different biological conditions or refer to different organisms. This analysis, addi‐
tionally to the standard network metrics calculation, such as clustering coefficient, also
offers a graph with the degree distributions of the networks under comparison and allow
the biomarker discovery by locating the nodes and edges which have been differentiated
between the under comparison networks.
Some other features of secondary significance which have been included in the
current version of Superclusteroid tools for the meta-analysis of protein clustering
results such as a haircut filter to discard nodes with low connectivity, a neighborhood
Superclusteroid 2.0: A Web Tool 629

analysis tool to locate nodes being connected with a specific node of interest and cluster
function prediction tool which is based on the HDPA algorithm but is only applicable
on Homo Sapiens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
The most intensive tasks for the analysis of biological networks are network clus‐
tering and network visualization. In order to satisfy the increased demands of Super‐
clusteroid’s users for these two types of analysis, Superclusteroid 2.0 introduce a
queuing mechanism presented in Fig. 1. In specific, the Superclusteroid web server,
using iteratively the min cut algorithm splits the initial network to sub-networks and
provides them to the virtual infrastructure dedicated to clustering and visualization
analysis. When the analysis is conducted then it is provided to Superclusteroid’s web
server which undertakes to assemble the results and present them to the user. File sharing
between web server and virtual infrastructure is done via a Network File System (NFS)
memory unit. RabbitMQ server [26] is utilized in order to handle efficiently the work
load of the Virtual Infrastructure while all required scripts are written in Python
programming language version 2.7.

Fig. 1. Proposed Superclusteroid 2.0 architecture for handling effectively increased work load
on time intensive biological network analysis tasks

4 Results

Superclusteroid 2.0 has been tested using as input the PPI graph of the Yeast organism as
described in [27]. The dataset contains 1430 proteins and 26531 interactions between them.
Experimental results [20] have proved the superiority of the EEMC algorithms in all exam‐
ined clustering metrics. Figures 2, 3 and 4 depict some screenshots of the analysis.
630 M. Tserirzoglou-Thoma et al.

Fig. 2. Superclusteroid’s new protein function prediction view.

Fig. 3. Newly designed view for showing clustering results and allowing algorithms evaluation
and GSEA analysis.
Superclusteroid 2.0: A Web Tool 631

Fig. 4. Superclusteroid‘s Biological Network comparison module. This figure shows the
comparison of two yeast PPI networks. This analysis allows for a network comparison using
general network metrics such as clustering coefficient as well as a comparison using the node
degree distribution figures and a more detailed analysis on the union, intersection and differences
between the two examined networks.

5 Discussion

In this paper we have presented a new version of the Superclusteroid web tool. This new
version extends significantly the previous one in order to provide to the users all the
necessary tools to perform a full analysis and meta-analysis on undirected weighted
biological networks. Moreover, a new more elaborated network clustering solution was
added to allow the discovery of overlapping clusters. This clustering solution was proved
to overcome the constraints of previous clustering solutions achieving higher clustering
Finally, in order to handle the increased traffic of the web tool, we have implemented
and incorporated in it an architecture which faces effectively the work load on the
632 M. Tserirzoglou-Thoma et al.

analysis of the time-consuming steps of graph visualization and clustering. As a future

research work, our research team has already started to work on a more elaborated
scheduling solution to manage more effectively the visualization and clustering tasks.

Acknowledgments. InSyBio participates in the NBG seeds program by the National Bank of


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Systematic Mapping Study on Performance
Scalability in Big Data on Cloud
Using VM and Container

Cansu Gokhan1 , Ziya Karakaya2(B) , and Ali Yazici2

Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey
Faculty of Engineering, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey

Abstract. In recent years, big data and cloud computing have gained
importance in IT and business. These two technologies are becoming
complementing in a way that the former requires large amount of stor-
age and computation power, which are the key enabler technologies of
Big Data; the latter, cloud computing, brings the opportunity to scale on-
demand computation power and provides massive quantities of storage
space. Until recently, the only technique used in computation resource
utilization was based on the hypervisor, which is used to create the vir-
tual machine. Nowadays, another technique, which claims better resource
utilization, called “container” is becoming popular. This technique is oth-
erwise known as “lightweight virtualization” since it creates completely
isolated virtual environments on top of underlying operating systems.
The main objective of this study is to clarify the research area concerned
with performance issues using VM and container in big data on cloud,
and to give a direction for future research.

1 Introduction

Big data applications continue to receive an ever-increasing amount of attention,

thus they become a dominant class of applications deployed over virtualized
environments [1]. On the other hand, the resource utilization feature of cloud
computing is mostly based on virtualization techniques, which is the common
way to run different services on the cloud [2]. By combining these two, most of
the big data on cloud environments are using hypervisor to provision the virtual
machines. In this technique, the VMs have their own operating systems which
run on the virtual hardware resources provided by hypervisor [3]. Although it
is proven to be a very useful technique in resource utilization, still there is an
inherent overhead because of the hypervisor [1].
In recent years, containers, which are also called “lightweight virtualization”,
are gaining popularity due to their ability to offer superior performance because
they do not have their own operating systems [2]. Instead, they use the OS
kernel underlined with the host machine and they work similar to a regular

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016
Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 634–641, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9 56
Systematic Mapping Study on Performance Scalability 635

application and are completely isolated from each other as well as from the
underlying system. This technique receives its popularity mostly in Linux OS
virtualization, since it uses the features provided by Linux OS kernel itself, such
as “cgroup”, “namespace”, etc., in order to completely isolate each container
from the rest.
In this study, along with the other research questions, the main purpose of
investigation was to identify if there is a gap in the literature and to what extend
those techniques are being studied by using experimental approach.
There are three different databases used in this study to search for rele-
vant papers. The authors found 308 papers that appeared to be relevant. After
applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, there were only 62 papers contain-
ing significant information either directly or indirectly related with the research
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: the related works on per-
formance and comparison of VM vs. containers are discussed in Sect. 2. Section 3
presents our methodology and research questions investigated. In Sect. 4, the
results are summarized and the findings together with discussion is given. Finally,
the limitations of this study is appear in Sect. 5.

2 Related Work

Readers requiring in-depth information about the technologies and techniques

used in virtual machines and containers together with their relationships to
hypervisor and underlying operating systems are offered to read the white paper
published by Intel [4].
There are many studies in the literature about big data on cloud environ-
ment. One of the Systematic Mapping (SM) studies conducted on this subject
is the work of Ibrahim and his colleagues [5]. They have analysed the scalabil-
ity issues of storage, but not the scalability issues of performance within the
cloud. They have proposed a classification for big data, a conceptual view of
big data, and a cloud services model. This model was compared with several
representative big data cloud platforms. They have discussed the background of
Hadoop technology and its core component, namely MapReduce, and Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS).
Yanzhang focuses on the scalability performance issues of Hadoop Vir-
tual Cluster with cost consideration [6]. They compared the scalability perfor-
mance with respect to scale-up and scale-out methods under different work-
loads. Hadoop benchmarks and real parallel machine learning algorithms were
used to evaluate the scalability performance. Their experimental results showed
that the scale-up method outperformed the scale-out method for CPU-bound
applications, and the opposite for I/O-bound applications. They also noted that
disk and network I/O are the main bottlenecks of cloud platform due to shared
resource contention and interference.
The most comprehensive work on performance comparison of virtual
machines and Linux containers has been done by Felter and colleagues [3].
636 C. Gokhan et al.

Their goal was to isolate and understand the overhead introduced by virtual
machines (specifically KVM) and containers (specifically Docker) relative to non-
virtualized Linux on Cloud. They have concluded that both VM and containers
are mature technologies, and that both have negligible performance overheads
with respect to CPU and Memory performance. Nevertheless, they warned about
the use of these technologies in case of I/O intensive works, which is the case in
Big Data Application on Cloud.
Yang et al. have discussed the impact of virtual machine on Hadoop [7].
They describe the effect of different virtualization technologies such as KVM,
Xen and OpenVZ on MapReduce environment. Also, they evaluate performance
and stability of HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) on KVM, Xen and
OpenVZ. Besides this, Pedro et al. have presented the performance of KVM and
OpenVZ using micro benchmarks for disk and CPU [8].
There are many other papers in the literature that have studied the perfor-
mance scalability of Big Data Applications. However, only a few of them have
focused on performance scalability comparison of Container vs. VM technologies.

3 Research Methodology

A systematic map study was performed to obtain the current research map on
the performance scalability issues in big data on cloud. The guidelines proposed
by Peterson and colleagues [9] is followed in this study. The mapping study was
conducted in three main stages, namely planning, execution and result.

3.1 Systematic Mapping Plan

In the planning stage, we defined research questions, search strategy, screening of

papers for inclusion and exclusion, classification of papers and data extraction.

Research Questions. The following research questions were identified as rel-

evant to purpose:

1. To what extend are the published papers on the performance scalability issues
in big data on cloud are based on experimental study?
2. What is the percentage of the mostly studied technologies in big data perfor-
mance scalability issues on cloud environment?
3. Which is the most investigated hypervisor in big data performance scalability
4. What types of containers are being studied in big data on cloud?
5. Which components of the resources are mostly investigated for performance
impact on big data analysis?
6. How frequent is the dominating technology being studied in the last five years
as a tool in big data on cloud?
Systematic Mapping Study on Performance Scalability 637

Table 1. Selected databases

Database Location
IEEE explore
Science direct
ACM digital library

Search Strategy. The selected databases for the study are shown in Table 1 in
order to identify potentially relevant conference articles and journal publications.
The following keywords were used in order to perform the search for the
study: Big data, Cloud Computing, Performance, Scalability, Container, Virtual
Machine, Comparision of VM vs. Containers. Search strings were applied to check
keyword, title, and abstract fields in order to perform the automatic search in
the selected digital libraries.
These strings are given as follows:
[(“Big Data”) AND (“Cloud Computing”) AND (performance OR Scalability)
AND (Container OR VM OR “Virtual Machine”)]

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria. The aim of this process is to identify the
most relevant studies for the mapping study. According to the research questions,
the inclusion and exclusion criteria given in Table 2 were applied to the selected

Table 2. Inclusion and Exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria
1 Studies addressing performance scalability issues in big data on cloud.
2 Journal and/or conference papers.
3 Studies that describe virtual machine and container types in the big
data on cloud.
4 Primary or secondary studies.
Exclusion criteria
1 Studies not accessible in full text.
2 Studies that do not address the performance scalability issues in big
data on cloud.
3 Studies not presented in English.
4 Prefaces, slides, panels, editorials or tutorials.
5 Studies that do not answer the research questions

Classification of Papers. The present work classified the papers according to

properties and categories listed in Table 3.
638 C. Gokhan et al.

Table 3. Classification scheme

Properties Categories
Research approach Theory, survey, review, experimental
Year Years between 2009 and 2016
Article title Name of the article
Container type Docker, OpenVZ, LXC, Linux-VServer
VM type Xen, KVM, Vmware (ESX, ESXi), Others
Technology MapReduce, Hadoop, Spark, Storm,
Component of hardware resource CPU, Disk I/O, Network speed, Memory
(RAM), # of VM/Container

Data Extraction. In order to extract data from the selected studies, we

designed a data extraction Excel table. Each selected paper appears as a record
item in this file. The data extraction table consist of article name, year of publi-
cation, technology, component of hardware resource, VM types and container
types. Then, the data that is specifically related to research questions were
extracted from each study.

3.2 Execution of Systematic Mapping

At the execution stage, we conducted a systematic mapping study according to

the plan stated in the previous section. The search string was modified for the
different syntax as of databases according to the search criteria, and we have
found 308 papers as candidate studies from all the selected sources. The title,
abstract, and keywords were analysed, and then, some of the articles were elim-
inated by applying the exclusion criteria. In case of uncertainties as to inclusion
of some papers, the introduction and conclusion sections of these articles were
also taken into consideration. As a result of eliminating unrelated articles, 62
relevant research papers were selected.1

3.3 Results of Mapping

RQ1 Objective: The main objective of answering this question is to identify

the proportion of experimental researches already done when compared to others.
RQ1 Results: Considering the performed study, 60 of 62 papers were based on
experimental studies making them a majority. Figure 1(a) shows the number of
experimental and non-experimental studies with respect to publication years.
RQ2 Objective: The main objective of answering this question is to identify
to what extend the mostly studied technology is dominating the research area.

List of articles:
Systematic Mapping Study on Performance Scalability 639

(a) Annual Publication count for each of (b) Distribution of Technology


(c) Distribution of VM’s (d) Distribution of Containers

Fig. 1. Distribution of Technology and VM’s

RQ2 Results: The papers were categorized as follows: Hadoop, MapReduce

and Spark. If a paper’s study could not be defined with a specific technology, it
is shown as the category called “Other/Generic”.
According to the results given in Fig. 1(b), we can conclude that the majority
of these studies are based on MapReduce, since Hadoop is itself based on the
MapReduce technique.
RQ3 Objective: The main objective of this question is to identify the most
widely used virtual machine types for big data performance scalability issues.
RQ3 Results: According to Fig. 1(c), KVM (Kernel based Virtual Machine)
and Xen are found to be the mostly investigated VM type in Big Data perfor-
mance issues. This is probably because of their open source nature.
RQ4 Objective: Our aim with this question is to find the dominating container
technology being studied.
RQ4 Results: As shown in Fig. 1(d), Docker is the most commonly stud-
ied container type in Big Data performance scalability issues, while LXC and
OpenVZ are equally distributed.
RQ5 Objective: The aim of this question is to determine most commonly
studied hardware component, to show its performance impact.
RQ5 Results: The most investigated and resulted components are CPU, Disk
I/O, Memory and Network Speed. The findings are consistent with the needs of
big data applications on cloud. Although the performance of memory intensive
640 C. Gokhan et al.

application could be influenced by existence of NUMA (Non-uniform Memeory

Architecture), or by cache hits, there is no such study found.
Figure 2(a), indicates that 56 % of the total studies are focused on CPU, 32 %
on Memory (RAM), 44 % on Network and 69 % are focused on Disk I/O compo-
nents. Also, this figure depicts the number of studies attributing the performance
impact to number of VMs and that of containers is 7 (11 %).

(a) Distribution of components that are (b) Frequency of the studies on MapRe-
impacting the performance duce

Fig. 2. Components impacting performance and frequency of studies on Hadoop

RQ6 Objective: The aim of this question is to determine the frequency of

research on the subject within the last five years.
RQ6 Results: The result shows that 50 papers out of 62 are about the MapRe-
duce based tool. According to this Fig. 2(b), it is easily seen that the number
of papers which used MapReduce as a tool increased suddenly in 2013, and the
frequency of papers has decreases after 2014.

4 Conclusion
In this paper, we used systematic mapping technique, to obtain a current research
map on performance scalability issues in big data on cloud. The guidelines pro-
posed by Peterson and colleagues [9] is followed. Of the 308 papers found in
three popular databases according to our search string, 62 papers were found to
be related either directly or indirectly with the research subject and questions.
The papers are then analysed with respect to the research questions.
The following conclusions are deduced from the analysis of those related
papers; (i) considering the performed study, 61 of 62 papers were based on
experimental studies achieving a majority of the papers; (ii) the mostly studied
technologies are Hadoop and MapReduce; (iii) KVM and Xen are the dominant
hypervisor technology used in these studies; (iv) Docker is the mostly stud-
ied container type, and LXC and OpenVZ are the technologies that are used
equally; and (v) CPU and Disk I/O are the two issues that are mostly handled
when comparing these technologies. It is better to state that KVM and Xen are
opensource, and Spark is relatively newer than Hadoop.
Systematic Mapping Study on Performance Scalability 641

The most important finding of this research is that there are only a handful
academic papers which compare the performance scalability of hypervisor-based
virtual machines vs. containers for the big data applications on cloud. On the
other hand, although there are many researches about the comparison of either
VM vs. “bare metal” (physical) on cloud, only three of them compares the
performance in Big Data on Cloud. This was the second gap found during this
Another most important implication of this study shows that there is a lack
of empirical study conducted on the other popular Big Data analysis frameworks,
such as Spark, Storm, FLink, etc.

5 Limitations
In this study, only three databases are searched for relevant papers. These tech-
nologies have gained popularity over the past few years, and journal/conference
papers may contain more than those of found in these databases. We believe
that other databases should also be considered in such analysis, and we plan to
further analyse those papers.

1. Mytilinis, I., Tsoumakos, D., Kantere, V., Nanos, A., Koziris, N.: I/O performance
modeling for big data applications over cloud infrastructures. In: Proceeding of 2015
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, pp. 201–206 (2015)
2. Morabito, R., Kjllman, J., Komu, M.: Hypervisors vs. lightweight virtualization: a
performance comparison. In: Proceeding of 2015 IEEE International Conference on
Cloud Engineering, pp. 386–393 (2015)
3. Felter, W., Ferreira, A., Rajamony, R., Rubio, J.: An updated performance com-
parison of virtual machines and linux containers. In: 2015 IEEE International Sym-
posium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS). IEEE (2015)
4. Intel White Paper: Linux Containers Streamline Virtualization and Complement
Hypervisor-Based Virtual Machines (2014).
5. Abaker, I., Hashem, T., Yaqoob, I., Anuar, N.B., Mokhtar, S., Gani, A., Khan, S.U.:
The rise of ‘big data’ on cloud computing: review and open research issues. J. Inf.
Syst. 47, 98–115 (2015)
6. He, Y., Jiang, X., Wu, Z., Ye, K., Chen, Z.: Scalability analysis and improvement
of hadoop virtual cluster with cost consideration. In: 2014 IEEE 7th International
Conference on Proceeding of the Cloud Computing (CLOUD), pp. 594–601 (2014)
7. Yang, Y., Long, X., Dou, X., Wen, C.: Impacts of virtualization technologies on
hadoop. In: 2013 Third International Conference Proceeding of Intelligent System
Design and Engineering Applications (ISDEA), pp. 846–849 (2013)
8. Vasconcelos, P.R.M., de Araújo Freitas, G.A.: Performance analysis of hadoop
MapReduce on an OpenNebula cloud with KVM and OpenVZ virtualizations. In:
Proceeding 9th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Trans-
actions, ICITST (2014)
9. Kai, P., Vakkalanka, S., Kuzniarz, L.: Guidelines for conducting systematic mapping
studies in software engineering: an update. Inf. Softw. Technol. 64, 1–18 (2015)
Ineffective Efforts in ICU Assisted Ventilation:
Feature Extraction and Analysis Platform

Achilleas Chytas1,2, Katerina Vaporidi3, Dimitris Babalis3,

Dimitris Georgopoulos3, Nicos Maglaveras1,2,
and Ioanna Chouvarda1,2(&)
Lab of Computing and Medical Informatics,
PB 323 Medical School, AUTH, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Institute of Applied Biosciences, CERTH, 57001 Thessaloniki, Greece
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, School of Medicine,
University of Crete, 71500 Heraklion, Greece

Abstract. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a challenging environment, requiring

continuous monitoring and treatment adaptations, raising the need for tools and
platforms to support medical decisions. In this context, the focus of this work is
in supporting clinicians in managing assisted ventilation intervention (AVI).
In AVI the need for patient-ventilator coupling exists. Attention may be required
in cases when patient’s effort doesn’t trigger the ventilator at all, and the assisted
ventilation event is lost, i.e. when an ineffective effort (IE) event takes place.
A high exposure to IEs has been related to adverse clinical outcomes. The
purpose of this work is to create new features that complement the already
existing IE index in terms of estimating the adverse effects of ventilation
exposure. A series of tools varying from raw data handling to the creation of
predictive models are created and implemented in a custom platform, utilizing
open-source software.

1 Introduction

In an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) context, patient bio-signals are continuously monitored
and displayed towards recognizing alerting events. These recordings of physiologic
waveforms along with data coming from laboratory examinations and patient inter-
action (medications, medical procedures) can be difficult to be interpreted especially in
an environment as demanding as the ICU. Thus there is a need for analysing and
displaying the data in an easy-to-understand manner. Real-time analysis of patients’
bio-signals can be used to detect conditions that precede medical complications using
both domain expert knowledge and knowledge obtained by automated procedures [1].
The ventilation dy-synchronization is a known issue; a prime example are the
incidences of ineffective triggering [2]. Ineffective triggering, (IT) is common, but
factors affecting IT vary considerably and can be contributed to patient condition and
factors related to the ventilation system. As a result, the IT frequency of appearances
and overall distribution varies as well.

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 642–650, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_57
Ineffective Efforts in ICU Assisted Ventilation 643

In the medical literature, the total time spent under ineffective effort has been
proposed as an index related to adverse clinical events. However, these events are
sometimes not equally distributed in time. Ineffective triggering of the ventilator is
frequent but highly variable among patients and during the course of mechanical
support for each patient. As previously reported [3], most patients have small (5 min)
periods with high intensity of ineffective synchronization, i.e. ineffective efforts (IEs). It
is still an open issue whether the cumulative effect of IE exposure during the total time
in ventilation or the temporal patterns of IEs relate to patient deterioration.
The AEGLE [4] project was created by the need to provide the tools and the
necessary data for physicians and researchers to explore new data and answer research
questions. The datasets and tools described in this paper will enable clinicians to
explore these new features and gain new insight in the related phenomena. In this work
we propose a set of features that describe the morphology of IE event time-series and
complement the IE index that might be proved helpful in better describing patients and
estimating their hospital prognosis, and a web-based platform that is used to perform
the analysis and evaluate the outcomes.

2 The AEGLE Project Approach

The design and implementation of the 1st AEGLE platform prototype is currently
underway, parallel to that, analytic tools such as the ones presented in this paper, are also
being designed. Having the data providers, domain experts and analytics developers in
different sites can be a hindrance in the design of novel analytics, since direct com-
munication and information flow is of outmost importance especially in the early stages.
The solution was to expose directly to the domain experts the in-development
analytics via a web-based platform, so that a feedback loop between the involved
parties will be created having as a result a more efficient designing phase.
For the purpose of developing the PVI analytics we chose R, an open source and
powerful scripting language. For the last few years it has been among the most
common used software packages in scholarly articles, and in 2015 it became the 2nd
most used, while also being in fourth position in terms of usage growth in the same
domain [5]. That makes R the most popular free analytic software, having as an added
bonus its’ high flexibility in that it provides the users the ability to create custom
analytics. At the same time, it benefits greatly from a large and active community that
contributes to analytics and visualization libraries, and frameworks.

3 Methodology

3.1 Data Collection

For the purposes of this study recordings from 108 patients for multiple days were
obtained from the ICU clinic of the University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete (PAGNI)
using an experimental protocol; Patient-Ventilator Interaction (PVI) Monitor [6], as
well as a selection of fields from the hospital Electronic Health Records (EHR). The
raw data produced is approximately 12 Mb per patient per day as an average.
644 A. Chytas et al.

The data providers uploaded pseudo-anonymized data as files on a secure location.

Later a more appropriate solution for datasets containing time-series was used by
utilizing the NoSQL Apache Cassandra, although at this point it is implemented over
workstation level resources.

3.2 Preprocessing
The main problem with the dataset that hinders a frequency based analysis is that the
recordings are event driven, and thus the time difference between consecutives
recordings varies, and in several cases significant. We applied a pre-processing tool that
first utilizes general data cleaning methods and case specific rules (e.g. no breaths or
attempts in breathing for 3 min is considered an artefact), and afterwards resamples the
data to a fixed sampling rate of 30 s [7, 8].
Ineffective effort for more than 10 % of total breath count is believed to cause
problems and prolong hospitalization time [2, 9]. We focused on the examination of
periods in which the patient was experiencing serious troubles in breathing. We call
such incidents IE events [7].

3.3 Feature Extraction for IE

A common used feature for the patient-ventilator interaction is the IE index.

Ineffective Efforts
: ð1Þ
Ineffective Efforts þ Breaths

It is defined as the sum of IE to the combined sum of IE and breaths over a course
of period, be it the totality of the recording, or smaller time segments (e.g. 1 h to
5 min). It gives us a general idea on how the patient faired over a period of time. It is
reported that it IEs can lead to extended ventilation time, prolonged hospitalization and
that it has an impact on mortality for patients with high IE index (>10 %) [2, 9].
A question that arises is whether or not a patient that might have a low overall IE index
over the course of hours, has increased health risks because he is subject to short
periods of intense IT activity. In such cases, even a much lower IE index might be
related to patient deterioration. Also, a single feature might not be enough to sufficient
describe the complexity of a signal distribution.
In order to address this issue, this paper suggests a set of indices that better describe
the IE signal morphology. They can be divided into two categories:
1. Indices that are calculated based on IE signal morphology and are independent from
the IE even definition (Table 1).
2. Indices that are calculated based on the IE event definition (Table 2), and thus can
vary depending on the researcher’s input.
Ineffective Efforts in ICU Assisted Ventilation 645

Table 1. Indices of 1st category

Name and description Equation
Power: The sum of all IE, this is a helping Powtot ¼ IE
index used to describe others
Mean: The average of the IE. Also descriptive Powm ¼ 1n IE
index for others

Density: The percentage of samples in which PN 1; IEi [ 0
Density ¼ 1=N ;
the patient is experiencing at least one IE. i¼1 0; IEi ¼¼ 0
where i ¼ 1; . . .; N the samples of the IE
Mean to Density: Utilizing the previous M2D ¼ Density

indices we define this new one. For two

patients having the same Mean score, the
patient with the lowest Density score (same
percentage of IE but more concentrated) will
end up with a higher Mean to Density score,
thus differentiating between those two.

Area over x: This index is based on Density P
N 1; IEi [ x
AreaOverx ¼ N1
and represents the percentage of samples i¼1 0; IEi ¼¼ x
where the patient is experiencing at least x
amount of IE.
Variation: Coefficient of variation for the IE VarCof ¼ 100 SDðIEÞ
IE distance: Median time distance between
consecutives IE
Max clean Area: Percentage of the maximum
IE free time period in reference to the total
recording period.

3.4 Exposing ICU Analytics via Web-Based Platform

In order to make the developed tools accessible to physicians a custom web based ICU
platform was created. The main goal was to present the analytic tools in a simplified
way, hiding functionality from the user when the steps were already predefined while
giving them the ability to parameterize tools when required. The platform supports two
major functionalities (Fig. 1).
The first functionality is a module regarding data pre-processing and processing.
Currently only a PVI dataset module is in place. The physicians can upload to the
database pseudo-anonymized raw data as extracted by the PVI monitor, then query raw
datasets to be pre-processed as previously defined. Afterwards, the user can select
either of the two analysis pipelines currently in place, the feature extraction and/or the
correlation between the ventilator recorded signals and their phase delay with
each-other estimation, based on wavelet coherence [7]. The wavelet coherence analysis
explores the time-series correlation with each other and produces a set of features that
are expected to give insight regarding the physiological phenomena that take place at
the vicinity of an IE event, either preceding it (potential causes) or following it
646 A. Chytas et al.

Table 2. Indices of 2nd category

Name and Description Equation
Event Power: The sum of IE that belong to event Powe ¼ nn¼1 Powei
period, this is also an index with limited where n the number of events
predictive capabilities that is used to better
describe other indices.
Event Duration: The total duration of all IE P
Dure ¼ Durei;
events combined. i¼1
where n the number of events
Median Event Power: The median power of the Powem ¼ Powe =n
IE events
Median Event duration: The median duration of Durem ¼ Dure =n
the event
Event distance: Median time distance between 2  Dure
consecutives IE events, for recordings that did
not have an event this value was the total
recording time, for recordings that had a single
event this value is
Area concentrating power (x%): In this case the di ¼ Powei =Durei ,
IE event, the percentage of time in which the x Local event density
% percentage of power is concentrated. This P
requires to (a) Locate the i = 1,…,n events, with ACPowx ¼ Dur1 tot Dure0i ,
Powei, Durei, (b) Sort them by descending ACPowx0 x

density di, (c) Sum the m more dense events till ACPowx ¼ x ,
we reach the desired x%, the index is calculated
as the sum of their duration to the total
recording duration. In most cases the desired x
percentage is either not reached or is surpassed,
so the index is scaled to the desired value.
Concentrated density (x%): In an effort to ConDensityx ¼ AreaConPowx =Density
differentiate between patients that have low
AreaConPowx because they have several IE and
most of them are concentrated in small places,
or they have almost zero IE.

(potential consequences). On each case, the user has the option to experiment using
different thresholds regarding the IE events, thus affecting the outcome of the analysis.
The features extracted by the ventilator dataset are combined with a segment of the
patients’ clinical data that was retrieved offline from the hospital database.
The second functionality is to provide a set of analytics and exploratory visual-
ization, offering a set of commonly used analytics. The platform is designed agnostic of
the data type it is provided, although it requires them to be on a tabular format. The user
can apply data cleaning methods (out of bound, missing values, etc.) either automat-
ically or manually by the use of UI elements. There, the physicians can run the
statistical analytic functions they select among the available ones and evaluate the
Ineffective Efforts in ICU Assisted Ventilation 647

Fig. 1. Overview of platform architecture

clinical outcomes they choose. For this segment, R packages that implement well
known and established algorithms were utilized.

3.5 Web-Based Platform Implementation

The web based platform was developed with Shiny, an R framework focused on
creating web applications. An important part of the platform was the data visualization.
In order to convey the information in a meaningful way based on the user
ever-changing needs, we decided to focus on interactive visualization tools. Thus, we
examined tools that are available as R packages. As it turned out there wasn’t a single
package that could cover the entirety of our needs, so we choose the packages
described in Table 3.
Specifically, for the Google charts, a custom function was created for the visual-
ization of an entire column based data frame, as individual columns and the relation
with each other (Fig. 1). For an N column data frame, a single mega-chart was created
that consists of N  N individual charts. Each sub-chart Cij ði; j1; . . .; N Þ depicts the
relationship between the variables residing in column i and column j of the data frame,

Table 3. Visualization Packages

Visualization Description
GoogleVis R interface to Google Charts API, a great collection of charts, but the
time-series libraries were somewhat lacking [10]
Dygraphs R interface to the ‘dygraphs’ JavaScript charting library. It focus on
depicting time-series on highly costumizable charts [11]
D3Heatmap A single type of chart (Heatmap) that is highly customizable [12]
648 A. Chytas et al.

with appropriate visualization that depends on the combination of the variable types. In
the cases where i ¼¼ j, a single variable is depicted.

4 Results

Both the platform and the algorithms are currently used by physicians at PAGNI, the
functionality and the interface was evolved based on their input. The following two
figures show instances of the platform running an exploratory statistical analysis
(Fig. 2) and a data processing pipeline.

Fig. 2. Mass visualization of 5 variable and their combinations (3 numerical and 2 categorical).
Red colored charts represent the diagonal (a single-variable chart) (Color figure online).

Based on analysis enabled by the platform, the optimal threshold for defining
respiratory events that relate to adverse outcomes is found to be 10 IE per minute for a
time span of at least 3 min. On the current state of this research, performing multi-
variate analysis, adjusting for age and severity while setting the significance levels at
.05 had as results that:
• three indices are found to be related to ICU mortality
• four indices are found to be related to hospital mortality
• two indices are found to be related to the number of days’ spent ventilation.
Ineffective Efforts in ICU Assisted Ventilation 649

5 Discussion

As the data collection phase proceeds, there will be an increase to the amount of data
available (Volume), by including additional equipment recordings such as ICU mon-
itors (recording bio-signals such us Electrocardiogram with a much higher sampling
rate than the PVI) and also by increasing the amount of patients whose data are
recorded. Provided that the research questions answered by the AEGLE platform yields
useful results regarding patient clinical outcome, our goal is to support streaming data
and combine them with the acquired knowledge in order to build a decision support
system that will require constant processing (the wavelet-based analysis previously
described requires 2 to 10 s on workstation level resources depending on IE event
duration) of live streaming data (Velocity). Either way, we are gradually stepping into
Big Data territory and performance will be an issue.
In order to address this, and as the AEGLE project moves towards the integrated
platform, we are shifting our focus on the analytic integration and optimisation, so we
can take advantage of the distributed storage and distributed processing that the
combination of RHadoop and SparkR frameworks provide.
The knowledge acquired from this analysis, powered by the platform, can generate
alarms thresholds that might be eventually applied on a clinical level.

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7. Chytas, A., et al.: Ineffective efforts in ICU assisted ventilation: exploring causalities via
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8. Chouvarda, I., Babalis, D., Papaioannou, V., et al.: Multiparametric modeling of the
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9. De Wit, M., et al.: Ineffective triggering predicts increased duration of mechanical
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10. Gesmann, M., de Castillo, D.: Using the Google visualisation API with R. R J. 3(2), 40–44
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R package version 0.6.1. (2015)
5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network
Edge (5G-PINE)
Security Analysis of Mobile Edge Computing
in Virtualized Small Cell Networks

Vassilios Vassilakis1, Ioannis P. Chochliouros2 ✉ , Anastasia S. Spiliopoulou2,

( )

Evangelos Sfakianakis , Maria Belesioti , Nikolaos Bompetsis2, Mick Wilson3,

2 2

Charles Turyagyenda3, and Athanassios Dardamanis4

School of Computing and Engineering, University of West London, London, W5 5RF, UK
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE) S.A., 99, Kifissias Avenue,
151 24 Athens, Greece
Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe Ltd., Hayes Park Central, Hayes End Road,
Hayes, Middlesex, UB4 8FE, UK
SmartNET S.A., 2, Lakonias Street, Agios Dimitrios, 173 42 Attica, Greece

Abstract. Based upon the context of Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) actual
research and within the innovative scope of the SESAME EU-funded research
project, we propose and assess a framework for security analysis applied in
virtualised Small Cell Networks, with the aim of further extending MEC in the
broader 5G environment. More specifically, by applying the fundamental
concepts of the SESAME original architecture that aims at providing enhanced
multi-tenant MEC services through Small Cells coordination and virtualization,
we focus on a realistic 5G-oriented scenario enabling the provision of large multi-
tenant enterprise services by using MEC. Then we evaluate several security issues
by using a formal methodology, known as the Secure Tropos.

Keywords: 5G · Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) · Network Functions

Virtualization (NFV) · Security · Software Defined Networking (SDN) · Small
Cell (SC) · Virtual Network Function (VNF)

1 Introduction

In the recent years we are witnessing a widespread use of end user devices with advanced
capabilities, such as smart-phones and tablet computers, and the emergence of new
services and communication technologies. Modern devices implicate for powerful
multimedia capabilities and they are increasingly penetrating the global e-communica‐
tions market, thus creating new demands on broadband (wireless or mobile) access. The
challenge becomes greater as devices are also expected to actively communicate with a
multiplicity of equipment (such as sensors, smart meters, actuators, etc.) within a fully
converged framework of heterogeneous (underlying) network infrastructure(s). This

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 653–665, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_58
654 V. Vassilakis et al.

results to the emergence of new data services and/or related applications that can dras‐
tically “reshape” the network usage and all associated demands; these are also “key
success factors” in order to realize an effective mobile broadband experience for the
benefit of our modern societies and economies. This new evolved ecosystem, however,
imposes very strict requirements on the network architecture and its functionality.
Enabling low end-to-end (E2E) latency and supporting a large number of connections
at the fitting level, is not possible to be accomplished in current Long-Term Evolution
(LTE) networks. In fact, the fundamental limitations of current approaches lie in their
centralized mobility management and data forwarding, as well as in insufficient support
for multiple co-existing Radio Access Technologies (RATs) [1] and for suitable adapt‐
ability to new architectural schemes. Today, a large variety of RATs and heterogeneous
wireless networks have been successfully deployed and used. However, under the
current architectural framework, it is not easy to integrate -or to “enable”- a way of a
suitable coordination of these technologies. Despite the fact that the coverage of such
wireless and cellular networks has increased by deploying more Base Stations (BSs)
and Access Points (APs), the Quality-of-Experience (QoE) of End-Users (EUs) does
not increase, accordingly. For example, the current architectural approach does not
enable a Mobile User (MU) selecting the “best available network” in a dynamic and
efficient way. It also does not enable simultaneous and coordinated use of radio
resources, from different RATs. This leads to highly inefficient use of hardware
resources (wireless infrastructure) and spectrum, which is worsened even more with
almost uncontrollable inter-RAT interference [2]. In this paper, we build a novel archi‐
tecture, proposed for next-generation cellular networks. This architecture benefits from
the recent advances in Software Defined Networking (SDN) [3] and Network Function
Virtualization (NFV) [4], which are natively integrated into the new and novel archi‐
tecture. Traditionally, SDN and NFV although not dependent on each other, are seen as
“closely related” and as “complementary” concepts [5]. This integration enables good
scalability in terms of supporting a large number of connections as well as heavy mobi‐
lity scenarios. Also, the introduction of new services and applications becomes much
easier. Decoupling control and data planes, and abstracting network functions from the
underlying physical infrastructure, brings much greater flexibility to efficiently utilize
radio and computing resources both in the Radio Access Network (RAN) [6] as well as
in the Mobile Core Network (MCN). Furthermore, the new approach enables the incor‐
poration of Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) services in an easy and straightforward
MEC, also known as “Fog computing”, is a novel concept that extends the services,
typically provided by the Cloud, to the network edge [7, 8]. In case of 5G wireless
networks, by the term “edge” we usually mean the RAN and some part of the Cloud
services is provided by cognitive BSs. The provided services may include storage,
computing, data, and application services. The available MEC infrastructure allows
applications to run closer to the end user. This is expected to reduce the E2E network
latency and to reduce the backhaul capacity requirements. Moreover, it enables better
QoE of fast moving EUs, facilitates highly-interactive real-time applications, and even
the emergence of novel applications, such as the Tactile Internet [9]. In this work, we
focus on Small Cell (SC) BSs, which include both physical BSs as well as BSs that are
Security Analysis of Mobile Edge Computing 655

virtualized via NFV and SDN technologies. Our architectural assumptions are based
upon the SESAME architecture, which derives from an ongoing European 5G-PPP
funded research project that aims at providing enhanced multi-tenant MEC services
though Small Cells coordination and virtualization [10]. However, our analysis can be
easily extended to alternative network architectures and even in the cases of Macro-Cells
or combinations of Macro- and Small-Cells. Thus, in the present work we perform anal‐
ysis of MEC when the latter is applied upon a selective and realistic 5G scenario,
enabling large multi-tenant enterprise services, from the security and privacy viewpoint.

2 Previous Relevant Works

In this section we review the most important and recent works on security and privacy
for MEC. The fact that MEC is still at its infancy explains the very limited number of
relevant works. These works mainly just touch the security and privacy implications of
MEC and no adequate solutions have been proposed to address all the challenges, espe‐
cially when considering the interaction of MEC with other technologies, such as SDN,
and NFV, within the 5G networks context. In [11], a number of security and privacy
challenges of MEC have been discussed. The considered security threats are mainly in
the context of a cloud-enabled IoT (Internet of Things) environment. The study makes
a classification of the available security technologies according to the involved network
elements, such as technologies to secure a fog node (i.e., the MEC server) and an IoT
node, as well as techniques to protect the communication. Next, two threats on the
existing security mechanisms have been described, namely the man-in-the-middle
(MitM) attack and malicious fog node problem. Finally, a number of high-level sugges‐
tions have been proposed to address the security concerns, such as intrusion detection;
malicious node detection; data protection; and secure data management. In [12], the
security issues of MEC have been discussed in the context of smart grids, smart traffic
lights, wireless sensor networks, and SDN. The focus of this study is the MitM attack
and, in particular, the stealthy features of this attack that could be addressed by exam‐
ining the Customer Premises Unit (CPU) and memory consumption of the fog node.
This also addresses the assessment of authentication and authorization techniques for
connecting the fog with the cloud. The applicability of existing techniques, such as
signature- and anomaly-based intrusion detection has been studied.
In [13], the challenges of MEC with respect to digital forensics have been discussed.
This work mainly considers sensors and various types of smart objects that require
connectivity to the cloud and to each other. The focus of this work is to study processes
and events that would allow reconstructing past activity for providing digital evidence.
Various existing solutions, such as Virtual Machine (VM) introspection and Trusted
Platform Module (TPM), have been discussed and analysed. This paper also makes a
distinction between the techniques that can be applied in both fog and cloud, and between
those that are only applicable in one of them. In [14], the existing data protection tech‐
niques have been studied with respect to their suitability in MEC. The conferred data
theft attacks include both external intrusion as well as insider attacks. The paper has
proposed a novel approach for data protection, using offensive decoy technology.
656 V. Vassilakis et al.

According to this approach, the data access is initially monitored to detect any abnormal
access patterns. Next, when unauthorized access in suspected, large amounts of decoy
information is returned to the attacker. Experiments in realistic scenarios indicate that
such kind of approach could provide sufficient levels of data protection in MEC envi‐
ronments. In [15], a number of research and security challenges towards realization of
MEC have been identified and analysed. One important conclusion drawn is that the
MEC paradigm would need to develop security and privacy solutions to explicitly
consider coexistence of trusted nodes with malicious ones in distributed edge settings.
This will require the enforcement of secure and redundant routing, and trust topologies.
Another implication of shifting the computation from the cloud to the edge is that the
concentration of information is prevented in comparison to the centralised cloud
computing approach. Hence, novel techniques are required to deal with fragmented
information that is distributed over a potentially large/heterogeneous set of edge nodes.
We observe that the existing works on security analysis of MEC mainly consider M2M-
like scenarios while lacking of a formal methodological analysis approach and/or of
security/privacy study in MEC, related to other coexisting technologies. In this work,
we are trying to “fill” this gap.

3 SESAME-Based Essential Architecture

In this section, we describe the cellular network architecture developed in the context
of the SESAME project [4]. In the following, this architecture is referred to as the
“SESAME architecture”. One of its key elements is the incorporation of MEC concepts
at the RAN level, i.e. by enhancing the BSs with MEC servers. Other important char‐
acteristic of the architecture is the support of multi-tenancy feature through cellular
infrastructure virtualization and NFV. Below we describe the involved actors and their
inter-relations (as schematic representation is also given in Fig. 1); afterwards, we
describe the functional architecture and its essential elements.

Fig. 1. Actors and their relationships

Security Analysis of Mobile Edge Computing 657

We distinguish the following essential definitions: (i) End User (EU): It can be a
mobile device (such as a smart-phone or a laptop) that consumes communication serv‐
ices via the cellular network; (ii) Infrastructure Owner (IO): This is the owner of the
cellular infrastructure, such as SCs and macro BS. An IO could be, for example, a Venue
Owner (VO) (such as mall, stadium, enterprise or municipality) or the traditional network
operator; (iii) IT Equipment Vendor (ITEV): It is a legal entity/company that develops,
manufactures, and/or sells IT equipment, such as BSs and servers; (iv) Small Cell
Network Operator (SCNO): It is a legal entity/company that possesses the equipment
so as to provide radio communications services and provides radio access to end users
locally, by using SCs; (v) Virtual Small Cell Network Operator (VSCNO): It is a legal
entity/company that does not possess the equipment but lease it from another one, so as
to provide radio communications services and deliver services to EUs; (vi) Macro- Cell
Network Operator (MCNO): It is a legal entity/company that possesses the equipment
so as to provide radio communications services and provides radio access to EUs in wide
areas at the macro cell level; (vii) Backhaul Provider (BP): A legal entity/company that
provides the backhaul connection (either wired or wireless) of the Small Cells and Macro
Cells. This could be an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or the traditional Mobile Network
Operator (MNO); (viii) Service Provider (SP): This is a legal entity that produces,
controls and distributes services over the MNO/VMNO. (This could include, for
example, the traditional Over-the-Top (OTT) players); (ix) Virtual Function Provider
(VFP): This is a legal entity/company that supplies virtual network functions and other
appliances, such as gateways, proxies, firewalls and transcoders. In this way, the need
for the customer to acquire, install, and maintain specialised hardware is essentially
eliminated, and; (x) Spectrum Owner (SO): This is a legal entity/company that owes a
particular piece of spectrum in a given geographical area. Nowadays, the SO is essen‐
tially the MNO who leases the spectrum from the relevant national authority. However,
it is envisioned that in the future an independent player may owe the spectrum and lease
it to an operator (such as MCNO, SCNO, VSCNO).
As shown in Fig. 1, the EU is dependent on the SP for receiving one or more services
(such as the video streaming service). To provide that, the SP depends on the SCNO or
the VSCNO who provide the SC connectivity, and also on the VFP who provides the
required (virtual) network functions. Both, SCNO and VSCNO are dependent on the IO
who owes the SC infrastructure. Finally, the VSCNO is also dependent on the BP (e.g.,
an ISP) who provides backhaul connectivity as well as on the MCNO who provides the
macro-cell connectivity. We describe, in brief, the SESAME functional architecture,
which is also illustrated in Fig. 2. Firstly, we provide the basic component definitions
and afterwards we describe “how these components interact with each other”. In fact,
we identify the following fundamental components: (i) MEC server: It is specialised
hardware that is placed inside the SC and provides processing power, memory and
storage capabilities, and networking resources; (ii) Cloud Enabled Small Cell
(CESC): This is the SC device which has been enriched with a MEC server; (iii) CESC
cluster: A group of CESCs that are collocated, able to exchange information and prop‐
erly coordinated; as a trivial case, a CESC cluster could comprise one CESC; (iv) Light
Data Center (Light DC): It is a cluster of MEC servers. In particular, the Light DC is a
logical entity consisting of a set of distributed MEC servers of the same CESC cluster;
658 V. Vassilakis et al.

(v) Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM): This is an entity responsible for manage‐
ment of the virtual hardware (i.e., VMs) and networking resources of a single Light DC;
in particular, the VIM manages the lifecycle, provision, placement, and operation of
VMs. The VIM is also responsible for the allocation of Virtual Network Functions
(VNFs) over the hardware it manages and offers functionalities to control virtual
networks across VNF instances and associate storage to them. The VIM offers an aggre‐
gated view of compute, network and storage resources of the Light DC; (vi) CESC
Manager (CESCM): The architectural component in charge of managing and orches‐
trating the cloud environment of the Light DC; it can simultaneously manage multiple
clusters, a cluster or a single CESC. The CESC Manager also manages the radio access
and “self-x” functionalities, e.g., self-optimising, self-healing and self-configuring of
the Small Cells contained in each CESC cluster, in order to guarantee the service
continuity and the required performance of services.

Fig. 2. SESAME functional architecture

The CESCM orchestrates services and, consequently, manages the VIM to compose
them with virtual resources. A CESCM is actually a functionality that will be “mapped”
on to the distributed physical elements. As mentioned before, one important feature of
this architecture is the distributed set of MEC servers which can logically “be grouped
into clusters”, thus effectively forming a Light DC at the network edge. Clusters are able
to communicate with each other as well as with the mobile core network (i.e., Evolved
Packet Core (EPC) in the LTE terminology). The distributed deployment of MEC
servers facilitates flexible and dynamic allocation of resources in cases of flash crowd
events and fast EU mobility.

4 Security and Privacy Considerations

Network and system security is a very critical issue because the SESAME system is
expected to support both customer enterprises and end users, who cannot tolerate
Security Analysis of Mobile Edge Computing 659

financial losses or data privacy violations and, therefore, they seek the highest possible
security guarantees. In the present section, the considered SESAME scenario and func‐
tional components are evaluated by using a formal methodology known as the Secure
Tropos (SecTro) [16]. Our goal is to identify, model and analyse security issues from
the early stages of system design and software development as well as to model and
analyse threats and vulnerabilities in existing software and protocols that will be used
in the SESAME system. We aim at preventing a wide range of attacks, such as control
hijacking, reverse engineering, malware injection, eavesdropping, just to name a few.
At the same time, the SESAME concepts can provide invaluable opportunities of devel‐
oping solutions for attack prevention, management & recovery.
Initially, the physical security of CESC infrastructure and hardware integrity has to
be ensured. Hence, appropriate security controls (such as in [17]) should be deployed
by the CESC infrastructure owner, to prevent hardware tampering. Likewise, it is
important to consider attacks that are initiated from the cloud side. This is particularly
relevant in scenarios where multiple enterprises using private clouds are hosted. Espe‐
cially in the multi-tenant environment of SESAME, the adversary per se could be a
legitimate tenant interacting with network entities by using valid credentials and having
privileged access to virtualised resources. Also, the emerging Bring Your Own Device
(BYOD) trend [18] in many enterprises constitutes many conventional security solutions
incapable of protecting the private network; for example, a Trojan horse, that infected
an employee’s device, can bypass the security of the corporate firewall. Hence, the cloud
provider must ensure the physical security of the cloud infrastructure and of the data
centres. This can be done, e.g., by following the recommendations from the Cloud
Security Alliance [19]. Moreover, the selection of suitable cloud provider can be based
on formal methodologies to ensure that the security and privacy requirements are prop‐
erly met [20]. This effectively means that services offered by cloud providers who do
not meet the specified requirements and have not implemented the mandatory security
controls, could so be restricted or even could be blocked. To ensure confidentiality and
integrity of the User Equipment (UE) data, cryptographic security controls must be in
place. This implicates that any adopted Public-Key scheme that enables the encryption
of the communications among CESC, UE and the cloud, must be sufficiently secure.
Cryptographic and privacy protection techniques are particularly important in cases
where an EU receives service from multiple service or network providers, due to mobi‐
lity or QoE considerations.
An important category of attacks could potentially “target” the management system
(for example, if initiated inside virtualised environments and aims at taking control of
the Hypervisor shown in Fig. 2). Also, the NFV Orchestrator is an attractive “attack
target” due to being in the “middle” of the system model architecture; the same can be
for other components of the management layer, such as the VNF Manager. Also, imper‐
sonation by the adversary of one of the VNFs or the MEC server when communicating
with the management layer could be a potential threat. Considering again the virtualised
environment, both host and guest Operating Systems (OSs) may be targeted, and to
alleviate the impact of such an attack, adequate isolation must be enforced between guest
VMs, as well as between the host and guest VMs. The adversary could attempt to break
the isolation by exploiting, e.g., some flaws of the used virtualisation platform [12].
660 V. Vassilakis et al.

Therefore, appropriate choice of the virtualisation platform that meets security and
privacy requirements is of major importance.
In some cases, to launch an attack against a component, the adversary requires that
this component has specific exploitable configuration or runs specific software. For
example, a precondition for a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack can be specific configu‐
ration of the CESCM with regard to the allocation of resources to tenants. Yet, some
flaws in the resource allocation algorithm can allow the adversary to prevent a tenant
from accessing its portion of virtual resources. The introduction of the MEC paradigm
has also implications on the E2E security in 5G networks. A potential solution to deal
with this problem is to facilitate the network slicing concept, according to which each
application or network flow “gets” its own slide of the network. This allows the end-to-
end security to be enforced within each slice by each application individually and any
security breaches would not affect other applications. As security will be a fundamental
enabling factor of future 5G networks, we are concerned with identifying and mitigating
security threats and vulnerabilities against a broad range of targets at the intersection of
MEC with “Small Cells-as a-Service” (SCaaS), SDN, and NFV. These can have crucial
effect on legal and regulatory frameworks as well as on decisions of businesses, govern‐
ments and end-users.

4.1 Scenario: Enabling Large Multi-tenant Enterprise Services by Using MEC

To further emphasize, we consider an SCNO who is providing a radio interface to a
number of distinct mobile operators, virtual mobile network operators (VMNOs) and
VSCNOs. The SCNO may transmit by using licensed or unlicensed spectrum over the
air interface. In addition to the provision of radio coverage in the business centre and
orchestration of multi-tenancy, the SCNO offers a platform for MEC for low latency
and compute intensive applications/services. The MOs, VMNOs and VSCNOs provide
both in-house and third party services from OTT players or the SPs. The offered services
can include inter-alia: multi-person real-time video-conferencing, virtual presence 360°
video communications with meetings using virtual presence glasses/devices, and
assisted reality to actively inform users of ambient interests such as danger warnings to
support people with disabilities and improve interactions with their surroundings. The
EUs can benefit from fast and cost-effective access to a wide variety of innovative serv‐
ices from third party players. MOs, VMNOs and VSCNOs can benefit from extra market
share. VOs can benefit from having a single set of radio and IT equipment installed on
the premises, instead of multiple installations from multiple network operators. The
CESC is made up of: hardware resources, virtualisation layer, VNFs, and an Element
Management System (EMS). The virtualisation layer abstracts the hardware resources
and decouples the VNF software from the underlying hardware. A VNF is a virtualisa‐
tion of a network function in a legacy non-virtualised network. The EMS performs
management of one or more VNFs. A cluster of CESCs is managed by the CESCM that
constitutes of: VIM, VNF manager and the network functions virtualisation orchestrator
(NFVO). The VIM manages the interaction of a VNF with the compute, storage and
network resources under its specific authority. The VNF manager is responsible for VNF
Security Analysis of Mobile Edge Computing 661

lifecycle management. The orchestrator is in charge of orchestration, of management

NFV infrastructure and software resources and of realising network services.
In Fig. 3 we demonstrate how this scenario can be supported by the specific SESAME
system. In particular, we see a CESC infrastructure provider who owns, deploys and main‐
tains the network of CESCs inside the premises where different enterprises are hosted. The
CESC provider has a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with each customer enterprise and
SLAs are to enable enterprise users to a number of services offered by the CESC network;
the SLA shall cover the target performance metrics for any service (or service category)
required by each enterprise, supporting different tenants’ requirements. Such sort of serv‐
ices can be categorised in data services and real-time services: these can include, inter-alia,
Internet access for enterprise users, web browsing, file sharing, electronic mail service,
voice communications and video conferencing. The deployment of MEC servers with high
processing capabilities can enable close-to-zero latency and enhanced QoE of the enter‐
prise users (i.e., an enhanced handling of the media flows and, consequently, an optimal
QoE). In addition to the computing resources, MEC servers can provide storage resources
and support content caching at the network edge. The reality is that different hosted enter‐
prises may have different traffic patterns which may fluctuate greatly, depending on the
time of the day or on special occasions, such as popular events. This leads to the require‐
ment of a “flexible” system which can be scaled up and down, on demand. For example,
most enterprises may need a higher capacity and higher quality of service (QoS) during the
office hours, while a security firm providing security to the building would need a low
capacity and the same service quality throughout the day. The main issues may arise from
possible service disruptions and from the dynamicity of the enterprise activity. The service
quality levels can be dynamic (time variant) as well. In some instants, the total capacity
and the number of connected devices for a certain enterprise could rise significantly. This
can be an event like an Annual General Meeting or a conference/exhibition organised by
the enterprise. This extra capacity/connections may not need the same QoS and may not
access the internal enterprise data, so may not need the same level of security. The main
requirements are for the available capacity to be rapidly scaled up and other virtual
network(s) created mainly for open access. Also in some cases, certain enterprises may
downsize their operations or move out of the premise, which requires scaling down. This
kind of scalability and flexibility needs to be incorporated into the design of particular use
cases for this representative scenario. The enterprise scenario shown in Fig. 3 will leverage
on SESAME features such as intrinsic support of multi-tenancy by enabling multiple SC
operators since Small Cells operators to provide network services and connectivity over
the network owned by a single CESC infrastructure provider. Furthermore, the SESAME
system allows native incorporation of self-organizing network techniques, which can be
adapted to network behaviour and can optimize service delivery to the enterprise users. In
any case, the high level of network security as demanded by the enterprise customers will
be an inherent feature of the respective SESAME solutions. We present the actors involved
in the scenario, their corresponding goals as well as their dependencies. We identify four
major actors involved in the scenario, namely CESC infrastructure provider, Virtual
SCNO, ISP and enterprise. The enterprise depends on the SC operator which provides the
wireless connectivity. The SC operator requires backhaul connectivity and access to
external networks, such as Internet. This can be provided by an ISP. Finally, the SC
662 V. Vassilakis et al.

operator aiming to provide its services to multiple enterprises depends on the CESC infra‐
structure which is owned and maintained by the CESC provider.

Fig. 3. Scenario: enterprise services in multi-tenant large businesses

In Figs. 4 and 5 we present the Security Components View for two main actors of
this scenario: the CESC provider and the virtual SCNO. The security component view
of the CESC provider, depicted in Fig. 4, contains two “resources” that need to be
protected: the Hypervisor and the Tenant’s Data. A resource in the Secure Tropos
terminology could be a physical or an informational entity, and in the SecTro tool is
depicted as a yellow, rectangular box. A resource is required to achieve a specific “goal”
of an actor (the CESC provider in this example). A goal represents an actor’s strategic
interests. In this example, we consider two primary goals (depicted as green ovals):
operating the CESC infrastructure and enabling multi-tenancy. Both these goals require
the Hypervisor as a primary resource. Also, to enable multi-tenancy, the Tenant’s Data
resource has to be created. A goal could be restricted by a “security constraint” (depicted
as a red octagon). In this example, the CESC infrastructure operation is restricted by the
requirement to protect the control plane, whereas the multi-tenancy goal is restricted by
the requirement to prevent unauthorized access to another tenant’s VM. Various security
constraints must satisfy a number of “security objectives” (depicted as blue hexagons).
In this example, the security constraints are satisfied by the two objectives: Protect the
Control Plane and Prevent Access to another Tenant’s VM. These objectives are imple‐
mented by using a number of “security mechanisms” (green hexagons), such as VM
isolation, Data Encryption, and Server Replication. We also consider a number of
“threats” (depicted as pentagons) that impact some of the resources. In this example, the
Hypervisor can be impacted by the two threats: Control Hijacking and Denial of
Service. The Tenant’s Data resource can be impacted by the Eavesdropping threat. The
security component view of the Virtual SCNO, depicted in Fig. 5, contains three
resources that need to be protected: the Radio Resources, the Radio Spectrum and the
Security Analysis of Mobile Edge Computing 663

Fig. 4. Security components view for the CESC provider (Color figure online)

Fig. 5. Security components view for the virtual SC network operator (SCNO) (Color figure
664 V. Vassilakis et al.

In this example, the actor’s primary goals (that require the above resources) are to
provide wireless capacity and spectrum to the tenants. The corresponding security
constraints that restrict these goals are to protect the management plane, to prevent
unauthorized access to the wireless spectrum and to protect user data. These constraints
must be satisfied by two security objectives: Ensure service availability and ensure data
confidentiality. The corresponding security mechanisms to implement these objectives
are using firewalls and access control mechanisms. Finally, a number of threats could
impact the considered resources, such as DoS, control hijacking and radio jamming

Acknowledgments. This work has been performed in the scope of the SESAME European
Research Project and has been supported by the Commission of the European Communities (5G-
PPP/H2020, Grant Agreement No. 671596).


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A Model for an Innovative 5G-Oriented Architecture,
Based on Small Cells Coordination for Multi-tenancy
and Edge Services

Ioannis P. Chochliouros1 ✉ , Ioannis Giannoulakis2, Tassos Kourtis2, Maria Belesioti1,

( )

Evangelos Sfakianakis1, Anastasia S. Spiliopoulou3, Nikolaos Bompetsis1,

Emmanouil Kafetzakis4, Leonardo Goratti5, and Athanassios Dardamanis6
Research Programs Section Fixed, Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE) S.A.,
1, Pelika & Spartis Street, 151 22 Athens, Greece
National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”,
Patriarchou Georgiou Street, Aghia Paraskevi, 153 10 Athens, Attica, Greece
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE) S.A., 99 Kifissias Avenue,
151 24 Athens, Greece
ORION Innovations Private Company, 56, Ioulianou Street, 104 39 Athens, Greece
CREATE-NET (Centre for Research and Telecommunication Experimentation
for Networked Communities), Via alla Cascata 56D, Trento, Italy
SmartNET S.A., 2, Lakonias Street, 173 42 Agios Dimitrios, Attica, Greece

Abstract. The “core” aim of the SESAME EU-funded research project is to

design and develop a novel 5G platform based on the use of Small Cells, featuring
multi-tenancy between network operators and also attach to them edge cloud
capabilities to be offered to both the network operators and the mobile users.
SESAME aims at providing a fresh 5G mobile network architecture so as to
support the ambitious goal of small cell virtualization, multitenancy and edge
cloud services. In the present work we assess the fundamental SESAME compo‐
nents and their role in the respective systems, while analysing the initial frame‐
work of the essential relevant architecture to implement the critical targets of the
respective approach. Finally we identify future potential extensions.

Keywords: Fifth generation mobile technology (5G) · Mobile edge computing

(MEC) · Multi-tenancy · Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) · Software
Defined Networking (SDN) · Small cell (SC) · Virtualised network function

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 666–675, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_59
A Model for an Innovative 5G-Oriented Architecture 667

1 Introduction

Internet and electronic communication networks are fundamental “enablers” of our

modern economy as they promote, support and disperse an extended variety of digital
applications and enhanced facilities, satisfying both residential and corporate customers’
various needs. In particular, the immense penetration and the continuous growth of
wireless data services driven by mobile Internet and smart devices has further promoted
the investigation effort of the fifth generation mobile technology (5G), which is expected
to “fulfill” the demands and business contexts of the year 2020 and beyond. 5G is
expected to assist an entirely mobile and fully connected and converged society as well
as to endow a diversity of socio-economic transformations in immeasurable ways, many
of which are unimagined today, including those for productivity, sustainability and well-
being [1]. The claims of a modern society where both mobility and connectivity are
among the “core” features are characterized by the incredible growth in connectivity
and density/volume of traffic, the required multi-layer densification in enabling this, and
the broad range of use cases and business models expected to assist any relevant process
[2]. Therefore, in 5G there is a need to “push” the envelope of performance to provide,
where necessary, much greater throughput, much lower latency, ultra-high reliability,
much higher connectivity density, and higher mobility range. This enhanced way of
performance is expected to be provided along with the capability to “control” a highly
heterogeneous environment with the aim, among others, to ensure security and trust,
identity and privacy [3]. 5G is to become the fundamental means to realize the full
potential of the global “networked society”. The new capabilities of 5G span several
dimensions, including tremendous flexibility, lower energy requirements and improved
energy efficiency, greater capacity, bandwidth, security, reliability and data rates, as well
as enhanced indoor coverage lower latency and device costs [4].
Technology advancements of the recent years (e.g., SDN [5], NFV [6, 7], big data,
All-IP) can drastically modify the way networks are being constructed and managed.
These changes “enable” the development of a highly flexible infrastructure that allows
cost-efficient development of networks and of associated services. The 5G architecture
should comprise modular network functions that could be further expanded and scaled
on demand, to accommodate several use cases in an agile and cost-efficient manner [8].
As a consequence, future networks are becoming highly dynamic and distributed, typi‐
cally consisting of various multi-operator heterogeneous networks and a huge number
of network elements and users’ devices/equipment.
In order to efficiently deal with automated network management solutions able to
“address” resource utilization, one current trend is to “move functionality at the network
edge”, thus reducing complexity at the network core, leveraging on the increasing
computing and processing power of the end-user devices [9]. Network virtualization
and Software Defined Networking (SDN) compose a much promising solution for
orchestrating the allocation of physical and virtual resources that can be instrumental in
this direction. Network Functions Virtualization (NVF) distinguishes logical services
from physical resources, also allowing for moving resources to other network locations
[10]. This concept is different from the notion of SDN networks which proposes the full
decoupling of the network control and data planes, moving the control of the network
668 I.P. Chochliouros et al.

behavior to third party software running in external dedicated or distributed servers [9].
Delivering services at the edge of the modern network enables service providers to offer
services and a user experience that cannot be surpassed in terms of responsiveness and
Future networks will also have to be expanded much more densely than today’s
networks and will become significantly more heterogeneous than today, especially in
terms of: transmit power, antenna configuration, supported frequency bands, transmis‐
sion bandwidths, directional blindness, multi-hop architecture and duplex arrangements.
The radio-network architectures of the nodes are expected to vary from stand-alone base
stations (BSs) to systems with different degrees of centralized processing, depending on
the sort of the available backhaul technology [1]. One major venue in future 5G networks
is dense deployment of Small Cells (SCs) coexisting with micro- and macro-cells as
well as other systems (such as WiFi, 4G and 3G), thus comprising a Heterogeneous
Network (HetNet) [11]. As the number of mobile devices and data traffic increases
following a clear exponential growth, the installation of SCs appears to be a “suitable
and efficient way” so that to achieve enhanced performance and capacity to both indoor
and outdoor places/locations, with significant impact upon all any of the corresponding
market-related scenarios. Small Cells are radio transmitters [12] whose complexity
range from just antennas and radio circuits (i.e. remote radio head) up to a full func‐
tioning evolved Node B (eNodeB) base station. Small cells are increasingly recognised
by the global telecom operators as “playing an essential role” in future broadband
networks. They address - quite satisfactorily- [13] many of the key challenges faced by
market actors such as: (i) increasing capacity (which actually appears to be the most
critical challenge); (ii) improving depth of coverage, especially inside buildings; (iii)
improving user experience, especially the typical available data rates, and; (iv) deliv‐
ering value added services, especially those enabled by high-precision location infor‐
mation. Future 5G networks will be “denser” to realize the capacity increase offered by
the deployment of SCs. In that sort of considered scenario, reducing the overall costs
becomes an issue of major importance. One option of realizing this is by enabling an
effective “sharing” of the network infrastructure. To this aim, Radio Access Networks
(RAN) virtualization techniques are ultimately to provide logical isolated pieces
(“slices”) of the access infrastructure to individual tenants, so they can operate them as
“if each virtual slice were a single real physical infrastructure”. A well-coordinated
sharing of the access infrastructure yields a higher throughput per area.
The target of the SESAME EU-funded H2020 5G-PPP project (Grant Agreement
No. 671596) [14] is to design and develop a novel 5G platform based on small cells,
featuring multi-tenancy between network operators and also attach to them edge cloud
capabilities to be offered to both the network operators and the mobile users. Thus, the
key innovations proposed by SESAME focus on the novel concepts of a multi-operator
(multi-tenancy) enabling framework and also on providing an edge-based, virtualised
execution environment. SESAME aims at providing a fresh 5G mobile network archi‐
tecture so as to support the ambitious goal of small cell virtualization, multitenancy and
edge cloud services. The present work discusses a model for architecture able to fulfil
multi-tenancy purposes within a small cell-based concept as developed by the actual
SESAME effort, still being in dynamic progress. In Sect. 2 we identify several essential
A Model for an Innovative 5G-Oriented Architecture 669

definitions, as well as the fundamental SESAME components and their roles. In Sect. 3
we focus upon the proposed architectural approach and we discuss the corresponding
“key features” affecting the entire scope. Finally, in Sect. 4 we summarize and we also
propose some potential extensions, in parallel with options for future work in more
enhanced environments.

2 The SESAME-Based Conceptual Approach

In reference to the fundamental SESAME approach, the Small Cell concept is evolved
so that not only be able to provide multi-operator radio access capacity with virtualised
Small Cells that can be integrated within the operator (tenant) infrastructures, but also
to be capable of providing a virtualised implementation environment for delivering
Cloud services at the network’s edge. In order to achieve this, however, the Small Cell
needs to offer mobile-edge computing (MEC) capabilities which, sequentially, will
allow the virtual or mobile operators to increase the capacity of their own 4G/5G RAN
infrastructures or to spread the range of their provided services, while preserving the
essential agility to be able to offer these extensions, on demand.
In order to achieve the previously mentioned essential aims, some further consider‐
ations need to be made on “how to separate-or combine - the network and the computing
resources”, and also, “which small cell functions should be physical network func‐
tions” and “which ones should be virtual”. The SESAME approach to this challenge is
performed by enhancing the Small Cells with Micro-Servers that are able to deliver
virtualized computing and networking resources and by being able to “form” clusters,
thus creating a kind of Light Data Centre (DC) at the edge. This Light DC is further
complemented by supplementary components that reside either close to the edge or to
the backbone, such as the VIM or the CESCM, in order to provide the proper reference
points - or the scope - for the whole network (as depicted in Fig. 1). In order to “translate”
the concept of that figure, we consider the following definitions that are also fundamental
for the wider SESAME-based scope:
• Execution infrastructure, micro-server (μS): Specific hardware that is placed inside
the Small Cell and provides processing power (also can potentially include some
memory and storage capabilities).
• Small Cell Network Operator (SCNO): A legal entity that provides the physical
connection to Virtual Small Cells and CESCs.
• Virtual Small Cell Network Operator (VSCNO): This implicates companies/legal
entities that do not possess the equipment but lease it (through appropriate Service
Level Agreements (SLAs) from another company), so as to provide wireless commu‐
nications services and deliver services to end users.
• Cloud Enabled Small Cell (CESC): The Small Cell device which includes a micro-
server in hardware form.
• Cluster of CESCs: A group of CESCs that are collocated, exchange information and
are properly coordinated. As a trivial case, one CESC can be called CESC cluster.
• Light Data Centre (Light DC): The hardware entity composed by the micro-servers
of the CESCs forming a cluster (see Fig. 3).
670 I.P. Chochliouros et al.

• CESC Manager (CESCM): The architectural component in charge of managing and

orchestrating the cloud environment of the Light DC, as well as management of small
cell functions. It can manage, at the same time, multiple clusters, a cluster or a single
• Virtualised Infrastructure Management (VIM): Manager of the HW and networking
resources (i.e., lifecycle, provision, placement and operation) constituting of a cluster
of micro-servers, namely the Light DC, and the networking nodes and links (i.e., both
virtual and physical).
• Backhaul Provider (BP): A legal entity/company that provides the backhaul connec‐
tion (either wired or wireless) of the Small Cells and Macro Cells. This could be an
Internet Service Provider (ISP) or the traditional Mobile Network Operator;
• “NMS” stands for the respective Network Management System and “EPC” for the
Evolved Packet Core (also known as the System Architecture Evolution (SAE)
Core) which is amongst the main components of the SAE architecture and will serve
as the “equivalent” of GPRS networks1.

Fig. 1. Scope of SESAME components (physical view)

3 Key Features of the SESAME-Based Architecture

The key innovations proposed in the SESAME architecture do emphasize on the novel
concepts of virtualising Small Cell networks by leveraging the paradigms of a multi-
operator (multi-tenancy) enabling framework coupled with an edge-based, virtualised
execution environment. SESAME falls in the scope of these two principles and
“promotes” the adoption of Small Cell multitenancy - i.e., multiple network operators

More information about the detailed specific concept of the EPC can be found at: http:// (Additional
supportive information is given in the references therein).
A Model for an Innovative 5G-Oriented Architecture 671

will be able to use the SESAME platform, each one using his own network “slice”.
Moreover, the principal idea is to “endorse” the deployment of Small Cells with some
virtualized functions, with each Small Cell containing also a micro-server through
appropriate fronthaul technology. A micro-server is based on a non-x86 architecture2
using 64-bit ARMv8 technology3. Together with the SC, they form the Cloud- Enabled
Small Cell (CESC), while a number of CESCs compose the “CESC cluster” capable to
provide access to a geographical area with one or more operators. At this point, we
illustrate a brief description of the two main technological fields that constitute the core
innovative fields of the SESAME framework. This targeted way of “decomposition”
has been the “starting point” for building, in the continuity, an accurate framework for
the intended SESAME architecture. To that end, the NFV technology is going to be used
as a fundamental enabler that will offer a virtualisation platform and “meet” the
SESAME requirements, namely NFV-driven small cell functions and NFV-based
network services. The left-hand side of Fig. 2 presents the Management and Orchestra‐
tion (MANO) framework for the NFV part.

Fig. 2. Scope of SESAME components (physical view)

On the other hand, a Small Cell network capable to support more than one network
operator is also envisaged (Fig. 2 – right-hand side). Relevant 3GPP specifications have
already added some support for Radio Access Network (RAN) sharing [15]. Although
two main architectures are identified, namely Multi-Operator Core Network (MOCN),
where the shared RAN is directly connected to each of the multiple operator’s core
networks, and Gateway Core Network (GWCN), where a shared core network is
deployed so that the interconnection of the multiple operator’s core networks is done at

The x86 is a family of backward compatible instruction set architectures based on the Intel
8086 CPU and its Intel 8088 variant. More related -and indicative- information for this case
can be found, for example, at:
More relevant information about the corresponding technology can be found, for example, at:
672 I.P. Chochliouros et al.

core network level, the MOCN case has been identified as the exclusive enabler for
multitenancy features in SESAME platform. The related infrastructure consists of a
number of Small Cells and the corresponding SC network functions such as gateways
and management systems. The adopted architecture is based on the current 3GPP frame‐
work for network management in RAN sharing scenarios [16, 17]. Assuming LTE (Long
Term Evolution) technology as the contextual framework of basis, the interconnection
of the SCs of the SCaaS provider to the Evolved Packet Core of the tenant is done through
the S1 interface, delivering both data (e.g., transfer of end-users traffic) and control (e.g.,
activation of radio bearers) plane functions.
Based on the required functionalities as well as to the architectural principles that
have been mentioned above, it is possible to derive an overall, high-level view of the
SESAME system, as the one proposed by Fig. 3, below. To that end, the CESC offers
computing, storage and radio resources. Through virtualization, the CESC cluster can
be seen - or assessed - as a cloud of resources which can be “sliced” to enable multi-
tenancy. Therefore, the CESC cluster becomes a neutral host for mobile Small Cell
Network Operators (SCNO) or Virtual SCNO (VSCNO) who desire to share IT- and
network-resources at the edge of the mobile network. In addition, cloud-based compu‐
tation resources can be provided through a virtualised execution platform. This execu‐
tion platform is used to support the required Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs) that
implement the different features/capabilities of the SCs (and eventually of the core
network), the cognitive management and “self-x” operations [18] (e.g. self-planning,
self-optimising and self-healing)4, as well as the computing support for the mobile edge
applications of the involved end-users.
The CESC clustering enables the achievement of a micro-scale virtualised execution
infrastructure in the form of a distributed data centre (i.e., the Light DC), enhancing the
virtualisation capabilities and process power at the network edge. Network Services
(NSs) are supported by VNFs hosted in the Light DC -constituted by one or more CESC-,
leveraging on SDN and NFV functionalities that allow achieving a satisfactory level of
flexibility and scalability at the cloud infrastructure edge. More specifically, VNFs are
executed as Virtual Machines (VMs) inside the Light DC, which is provided with a
hypervisor (based on the concept of a Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM)) specifi‐
cally extended to support carrier grade computing and networking performance.
Over the provided virtualised execution environment (i.e., the Light DC), it is
possible to chain different VNFs to meet/fulfil a requested NS by a tenant (i.e., a mobile
network operator). Note that, in the context of SESAME, a NS is conceived as a “collec‐
tion” of VNFs that jointly supports data transmission between User Equipment (UE)

Self-Organizing Networks (SON), also referred to as “self-x” features, include several tech‐
niques for automating the operation of the network, by automatically tuning different network
settings; these can be implemented either as physical or as virtual network functions instanti‐
ated and executed in the micro server. Typical examples of self-x features include: Inter-Cell
Interference Coordination (ICIC) to configure the power; time and frequency resources to
minimize inter-cell interference; Coverage and Capacity Optimization (CCO) to adjust RF
parameters; Automatic Neighbour Relationships (ANR) to manage neighbour lists; Mobility
Load Balancing (MLB) to manage traffic loads between cells, and; Mobility Robustness Opti‐
misation (MRO) to optimize the operation of handover procedures.
A Model for an Innovative 5G-Oriented Architecture 673

Fig. 3. SESAME overall architecture

and operators’ Evolved Packet Core, with the possibility to involve one or several service
VNFs in the data path. Therefore, each NS is deployed as a chain of SC VNFs and
Service VNFs.
Finally, the CESC Manager (CESCM) is the central service management and orches‐
tration component in the overall architecture figure. Generally speaking, it integrates all
the necessary network management elements, traditionally suggested in 3GPP, and the
novel recommended functional blocks of NFV MANO [19]. A single instance of
CESCM is able to operate over several CESC clusters, each constituting a Light DC,
through the use of a dedicated Virtual Infrastructure Manager per cluster. With regard
to interfaces, it must be noted that Fig. 3 mostly depicts reference points -which may
contain one or more actual interfaces- between architectural layers. Each reference point
label starts with “S-”to differentiate it from interfaces defined in ETSI NFV ISG docu‐
ments5 (and in specific Vi-Vnfm, Or-Vi, Ve-Vnfm, Nf-Vi) – although in several cases
the functionality of the reference point will be almost “aligned” to the actual ETSI

More relevant information about the respective ETSI documentation can be found at: http://
674 I.P. Chochliouros et al.

4 Concluding Remarks and Future Aspects

In order to suitably “address” the needs and requirements of a vigorous and agile network
management in the forthcoming -purely innovative- 5G era, and though a proper
building effort upon the pillars of NFV, mobile edge computing and cognitive manage‐
ment, SESAME’s main goal is both the development/expansion and the demonstration
of an innovative architectural model, capable of providing Small Cell coverage to
multiple operators “as a Service”, so that to strongly support multi-tenancy. To this
fundamental aim which implicates an enormous business potential, SESAME envisages
not only to “virtualise” but also to “partition” Small Cell capacity, while simultaneously
aims to support enhanced edge cloud services by enriching Small Cells with dedicated
micro-servers. This work has thus presented a “first conceptual approach” to the high-
level overall architecture of the broader SESAME system. The SESAME architecture
discussed in the present paper can be further extended based on several current trends
towards 5G, in particular those already identified by the ETSI MEC standardization
group. Recent virtualization technologies permit bringing mobile core functions “close”
to the mobile edge, hence enabling the deployment of the respective service platform
alongside the components of the EPC while still being in proximity to the involved users.
There are several benefits coming from this way of deployment, since platform(s) can
leverage on many tasks performed by legacy core components (e.g., the PDN Gateway),
thus without the requirement of implementing them. Such tasks are related to, inter-
alia, gating, GTP (GPRS Tunneling Protocol) encapsulation, QoS enforcement,
charging, lawful interception and mobility support. The direct influence upon the current
SESAME architecture would be to install/deploy the virtual EPC (vEPC) [20], alongside
with the virtual small cell and allow the NFV components executing their tasks at the
egress point of the core (i.e., the SGi interface6), instead of the ingress point (i.e., the S1
interface). In this manner, as aforementioned, NFVs can take actions directly on IP
packet flows without the need for implementing GTP encapsulation/decapsulation
mechanisms, as currently required in the SESAME architecture.

Acknowledgments. The present work has been performed in the scope of the SESAME (“Small
cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services”) European Research Project and has
been supported by the Commission of the European Communities (5G-PPP/H2020, Grant
Agreement No. 671596).


1. El Hattachi, R., Erfanian, J.: Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance: 5G White
paper, NGMN Alliance Ltd. (2015).

More informative data about this interface can be found at:
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2. European Commission: Communication on a European Strategy for Key-Enabling

Technologies – A Bridge to Growth and Jobs (COM (2012) 341 final, 26.06.2012). European
Commission (2012)
3. Zakrzewska, A., Ruepp, S., Berger, M.: Towards converged 5G mobile networks - challenges
and current trends. In: Proceedings of the 2014 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference, pp.
39–45. IEEE, June 2014
4. 5G Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP): 5G Vision: The 5G-PPP Infrastructure Private
Public Partnership: The Next Generation of Communication Network and Services. European
Commission (2015).
5. Nadeau, T.D., Gray, K.: SDN: Software Defined Networks, 1st edn. O’Reilly, Sebastopol
6. Liang, C., Yu, F.-R.: Wireless network virtualization: a survey, some research issues and
challenges. IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials 17(1), 358–380 (2014)
7. Patouni, E., Merentitis, A., Panagiotopoulos, P., Glentis, A., Alonistioti, N.: Network
virtualisation trends: virtually anything is possible by connecting the unconnected. In:
Proceedings of the IEEE 2013 SDN Conference for Future Networks and Services
(SDN4FNS), pp. 1–7. IEEE (2013)
8. Thompson, J., Ge, X., Wu, H.-C., Irmer, R., et al.: 5G wireless communication systems:
prospects and challenges. IEEE Commun. Mag. 52(2), 62–64 (2014)
9. Manzalini, A., Minerva, R., Callegati, F., Cerroni, W., Campi, A.: Clouds of virtual machines
in edge networks. IEEE Commun. Mag. 51(7), 63–70 (2013). IEEE
10. European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI): Network Functions Virtualisation
- Introductory White paper, ETSI-NFV (2012)
11. Andrews, J.G.: Seven ways that HetNets are a cellular paradigm shift. IEEE Commun. Mag.
51(3), 136–144 (2013)
12. European Commission: 5G: Challenges, Research Priorities, and Recommendations – Joint
White paper, European Commission, Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (2014)
13. Real Wireless Ltd.: An Assessment of the Value of Small Cell Services to Operators (Based
on Virgin Media Trials) - Version 3.1. Real Wireless Ltd., October 2012
14. SESAME H2020 5G-PPP Project (Grant Agreement No. 671596). http://www.sesame-
15. 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP): 3GPP TS 23.251 v13.1.0 - Network Sharing;
Architecture and Functional Description (Release 13). 3GPP, March 2015
16. 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP): 3GPP TS 36.300 v13.2.0 - Evolved Universal
Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) and Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
Network (EUTRAN); Overall Description; Stage 2 Release 13, 3GPP, December 2015
17. 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP): 3GPP TS 32.130 v13.0.0 - Telecommunication
Management; Network Sharing; Concepts and Requirements (Release 13), 3GPP, January
18. SESAME H2020 5G-PPP Project: Deliverable D2.4 - Specification of the Infrastructure
Virtualisation, Orchestration and Management – First Iteration, April 2016
19. European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI): NFV Management and
Orchestration - An Overview, GS NFV-MAN 001 v1.1.1. ETSI (2014)
20. Basta, A., Kellerer, W., Hoffmann, M., Hoffmann, K., Schmidt, E.-D.: A virtual SDN-enabled
LTE EPC architecture: a case study for S-/P-Gateways functions. In: Proceedings of the 2013
IEEE SDN Conference for Future Networks and Services (SDN4FNS), pp. 1–7. IEEE,
November 2013
Network Architecture and Essential Features
for 5G: The SESAME Project Approach

Leonardo Goratti1, Cristina E. Costa1 ✉ , Jordi Perez-Romano2,

( )

Oriol Sallent , Cristina Ruiz , August Betzler3, Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas3,

2 3

Seiamak Vahid4, Karim M. Nasr4, Babangida Abubakar5, Alan Whitehead6,

Maria Belesioti7, and Ioannis Chochliouros7
CREATE-NET, Via alla Cascata 56/D, Povo, Italy
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
i2CAT, Barcelona, Spain
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
University of Brighton, Brighton, UK
ip.access, Cambridge, UK
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization, Marousi, Greece

Abstract. The outstanding and continuous growth of the request of mobile

broadband Internet access is creating the unprecedented need to rethink most of
the design paradigms of the mobile network. Such trend is accompanied by
remarkable progresses of miniaturised electronics, together with the proliferation
of social services and computation intensive applications such as high definition
video. On one hand, the current mobile network is unable to deliver sufficiently
high data rates per user in order to support this growth, and a possible solution is
provided by the dense deployment of small cell devices. On the other, mobile
operators are struggling to lower costs of deployment and maintenance while
keeping profitable revenues. This paper aims to provide overview of the solution
developed by the 5G-PPP SESAME project. SESAME proposes to leverage on
the concept of Small Cell-as-a-service (SCaaS), providing the complete archi‐
tectural solution to deploy cloud-enabled small cells. The key innovations devel‐
oped by SESAME include the deployment of computation capabilities at the
mobile network edge, and to exploit virtualisation techniques to manage and
orchestrate dense small cell scenarios and different use cases.

Keywords: 5G · SCaaS · Mobile edge computing · Self-organising networks ·

Small cell virtualisation

1 Introduction

In recent years the way mobile users access and consume contents has dramatically
changed due to remarkable progresses of miniaturised electronics and the proliferation
of portable and user friendly devices including smartphones and tablets [1]. As shown
in [2], during the third quarter of 2015, almost 3.4 billion subscriptions were registered

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 676–685, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_60
Network Architecture and Essential Features for 5G 677

worldwide. At the same time new social services and applications have become so
popular that mobile connectivity is a preferred way for users. It is evident that with the
current pace of growth even LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) will fail to support such high
Recently the 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) [3] has started
its activities to create the next generation of mobile network. The SESAME project [4]
is one amid the nineteen projects which were recently funded. As mentioned above, the
emergence of innovative services and increased network availability motivate and drive
further mobile user’s engagement, creating a loop of increasing expectations and
demand [5]. It is worth registering that mobile broadband penetration has indeed risen
to 85.5 % in the OECD area, meaning more than four wireless subscriptions for every
five inhabitants, while the penetration rate in June 2014 was just 76 % [6]. To cope with
this large growth, METIS project [7] has defined a large number of use cases that 5G
technology shall serve with superior performance over previous generations of cellular
To meet growing users’ demand the solution is offered by denser networks in which
small form factor small cell (SC) devices can be deployed in large amounts and operate
over licensed spectrum. This trend is also regarded to as network densification. Several
approaches and technologies are currently converging in the new 5G mobile network as
generally discussed in [8]. In particular, besides new physical layer solutions, Software-
Defined Networking (SDN) [9], and Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) [10, 11]
are making their way toward a programmable network solution. Borrowing from cloud
computing concepts such as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and more recently XaaS
(anything-as-a-Service) have been adopted also in the mobile network domain. These
approaches facilitate the decoupling between service provider, infrastructure provider
and network provider. As a consequence, besides traditional Mobile Network Operators
(MNO), new types of Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) and Over-The-Top (OTT)
service providers can find unprecedented opportunities in 5G.
The SESAME project develops the concept of Small Cell-as-a-Service (SCaaS),
which leverages on the separation between traditional market roles, with the aim to make
resources available through network virtualisation. In this context, SESAME will maxi‐
mise the opportunities offered by opening small cells to multi-tenancy. This latter
concept, in opposition to typical mobile operators which deploy their own network
infrastructure in competition with others, encourages both traditional and new market
entrants to share the infrastructure. In this case operators can differentiate based on their
service offers rather than on network connectivity. To manage the dense SC network,
including mitigating interference and assign resources dynamically, the ETSI NFV
Industry Specification Group (ISG) has developed the Management and Orchestration
(MANO) framework that constitutes a solution for managing virtualised small cells [12].
This flexible and dynamic system allows operators to reduce CAPEX and OPEX as
required in the next generation of mobile networks.
678 L. Goratti et al.

1.1 SESAME Enabling Technologies

Small Cells. Small Cells have become pivotal in today’s 4G access. Small cells instal‐
lation is an effective way to achieve greater performance and capacity to both indoor
and outdoor places: they provide improved cellular coverage, higher capacity and appli‐
cations for homes and enterprises, as well as in dense metropolitan and rural areas [13].
Their role is crucial for providing services in specific high traffic places such as office
areas, dense urban areas, stadiums, shopping malls, concert venues, and generally,
places with (tactic or sporadic) high end-users density [14].

Mobile-Edge Computing. ETSI Mobile-Edge Computing (MEC) offers computing

capabilities at the network edge and bring different services near to the mobile
subscribers. Providing edge cloud capabilities allows to enable accelerated services,
content and application thanks to increased network responsiveness. The approach
proposed is to deploy a MEC server between the mobile core and the Radio Access
Network (RAN). Typical services which can benefit from mobile-edge computing
include Internet-of-Things, augmented reality and data caching.

Virtualisation. Virtualisation of the communication infrastructure, such as core/edge

network elements and access points/macrocells, has been extensively studied by several
industry and research initiatives up to now. Recently, its applicability to the small cell
infrastructure has now started to receive increasing attention. The remainder of this paper
is organised as follows. In Sect. 2 we describe the general principles behind the SESAME
project. In Sect. 3 we provide detailed description of the SESAME system and conclu‐
sions are drawn in Sect. 5.

2 SESAME: Small Cell Coordination for Multi-tenancy and Edge


The SESAME project targets innovations around the placement of network intelligence
and services in the network edge through NFV and cloud computing. Through the
evolution of the SC concept, already mainstream in 4G, SESAME expects to exploit its
full potential in challenging highly dense 5G scenarios. SESAME targets providing
SCaaS and to consolidate multi-tenancy in communication infrastructures, allowing
several operators/service providers to engage in new sharing models, obtaining higher
capacity on the access side and exploiting edge computing capabilities.
The key innovations proposed by SESAME focus on the novel concepts of virtual‐
ising SC networks by substantially evolving the SC concept under the paradigms of a
multi-operator (i.e. multi-tenancy) enabling framework and an edge-based, virtualised
execution environment. SESAME leverages on the capability to deliver intelligence
directly to the network’s edge, in the form of virtual network appliances. The provi‐
sioning of multi-operator SC networks is optimized for the most promising scenarios
and use cases.
SESAME develops and will demonstrate an innovative architecture, capable of
providing SC networks to multiple operators. SESAME fosters the concept of logical
Network Architecture and Essential Features for 5G 679

partitioning of the SC network in multiple isolated slices, virtualising and partitioning

small cells capacity to multiple tenants. SESAME supports enhanced multi-tenant edge
cloud services combining SCs with micro-server facilities. The unique characteristics
of the SESAME approach allows new SC operators (real estate companies, municipal‐
ities, etc.) to enter the value chain deploying access infrastructure in specific high traffic
demanding areas, and acting as neutral host providers, offering to existing mobile oper‐
ators on-demand access to network resources.

2.1 SESAME Design Principles

The SESAME architecture was driven by design principles extracted from the identifi‐
cation and analysis of high-impact use cases and stakeholders’ requirements. Each
stakeholder involved in the process behaves according to different objectives. MNOs
can achieve lower total cost of ownership combining own resources with outsourced
access capacity and computing; VMNOs benefit of wireless services without owing the
physical infrastructure; Venue Owners as new market entrants can benefit from
becoming local network operators; End Users can enjoy personalised services with
superior quality of experience.
In order to maximise user experience, the architecture should take into account
various user requirements such as per-user data rate and latency, robustness and resil‐
iency, mobility, seamless user experience and context-awareness. On the other hand,
network requirements must be met in order to allow efficient operation and management.
The latter include scalability, network capacity, automated system management and
configuration, advanced Self-Organizing Network (SON) features, network flexibility,
improved coverage, security and flexible spectrum management.
The set of design principles that drives the SESAME architecture is described below.
These are derived from both the analysis of use cases and underlying requirements, as
well as considering the state-of-the-art in the technological fields relevant to SESAME
(e.g. SCs, NFV, cloud computing), and the most prominent standardisation trends.
Principle 1: The SESAME system is sustainable and reconfigurable; Principle 2:
SESAME offers an infrastructure shared between operators, transparent and neutral;
Principle 3: SESAME accelerates the creation of innovative services with superior
quality of experience through mobile edge computing; Principle 4: SESAME develops
a system which is capable of optimising the usage of radio, storage and computing

3 The SESAME System

SESAME proposes a novel 5G platform based on small cells, featuring multi-tenancy

and edge cloud capabilities, offered to both network operators and mobile users. In the
SESAME system shown in Fig. 1, one key design principle is to support the innovative
concept of Virtual Small Cell Network Operators (VSCNO). In particular, VSCNOs use
the infrastructure deployed by a SCNO.
680 L. Goratti et al.

Fig. 1. SESAME system architecture.

The SESAME approach enhances the SC with micro-servers, which together form
the Light DC execution environment. Micro-servers in the Light DC are connected
whereby a dedicated internal network.

3.1 High-Level Architecture

The SESAME system in Fig. 1 bases its architecture on the concept of the Cloud-Enabled
Small Cell (CESC), a new multi-operator enabled SC that integrates a virtualised execu‐
tion platform (i.e. the Light DC) for deploying VNFs, supporting automated network
management and executing novel applications and services inside the access network
infrastructure. The Light DC features low-power processors and hardware accelerators
for time critical operations and provides a highly manageable clustered edge computing
infrastructure. SESAMEs Light DC is based on low-power 64-bit processors supported
by hardware accelerators (e.g. GPU, DSPs and FPGAs). In addition to the internal
network connecting the micro-servers, a suitable backhaul connection provides connec‐
tivity for the SESAME system to external packet data networks.
The CESC Manager (CESCM) provides optimized management of the CESC
deployment and is a key element of the SESAME architecture. It implements orches‐
tration, NFV management, virtualisation of management views per tenant, Self-x
features and radio access management techniques. The Portal is used by externals to
request resources or apply (re)configuration of parameters. The NorthBound Interface
(NBI) is the connecting point between orchestration, Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
and VSCNOs. The SLA Monitoring module provides inputs to both VSCNOs and infra‐
structure providers about correct execution of the environment, and it enables the
orchestration subsystem to react accordingly to possible changes in the network.
Small cells connect to the operator’s domain and in particular to the Evolved Packet
Core (EPC) and the Network Management System (NMS). The NMS is responsible for
communicating with the typical Element Management System (EMS) in the small cells
Network Architecture and Essential Features for 5G 681

domain, in charge of Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance and Security

(FCAPS) for physical and virtual functions, as will be clarified shortly. As shown in
Fig. 1, SDN is used to configure the forwarding behaviour of traffic inside the Light DC
and the chain of VNFs.

3.2 Essential Features

The essential innovations brought by the SESAME architecture (Fig. 1) delve into
virtualising small cells, as well as leveraging on the paradigm of multi-tenancy (i.e.
multi-operator) coupled with a virtualised computation environment at the mobile
network edge. Multiple network operators will be able to use the SESAME system, each
one through its own slice of network resources. The idea is to deploy small cells in which
functions are virtualised, and each small cell is also connected to a micro-server through
appropriate fronthaul technology. A micro-server is based on a non-×86 architecture
using 64-bit ARMv8 technology. As anticipated, micro-servers together with the SCs
form the CESC, and a number of CESCs form the CESC cluster, which can be shared
by multiple operators within a geographical area. SESAME will develop important
advances also in network management developing a novel edge-computing architecture
and deploying Self-x procedures directly to the network edge. To that end, SESAME
will support multi-tenancy through Multi-Operator Core Network (MOCN).

3.3 Functional Split in Small Cells

SESAME fully embraces network virtualisation, which allows small cell functions to
be decoupled from the physical hardware. Indeed, SC functions can be split between
Physical Network Function (SC PNF) and virtual (SC VNF), with one SC VNF which
can be connected to multiple SC PNF through the fronthaul. Several studies are currently
carried forward by the Small Cell Forum to evaluate the implications of different func‐
tional splits between physical and virtual [15]. The fact that one SC VNF can connect
to several SC PNF offers several advantages: (1) improved coordination of the radio
functions (coordinated scheduling, inter-cell interference coordination, etc.), (2)
enhanced scalability of small cell deployments with simplified management, (3) accel‐
erated life-cycle upgrade enabling new features and (4) flexibility to optimally make the
workload placement.

3.4 Cloud-Enabled SESAME Environment

SESAME relies on SDN and NFV to use general-purpose computing and storage hard‐
ware at the mobile network edge. Along this direction a micro-scale virtualised execu‐
tion environment proposed by SESAME consists in the Light DC, which offers the cloud
execution environment of SESAME. The Light DC is designed to build a clustered
infrastructure with high manageability and optimised to reduce power consumption,
cabling, space and costs. This execution platform is used to support the required VNFs
that implement the different SC features and the cognitive Self-x management opera‐
tions. In addition, SESAME will develop several service VNFs, which include virtual
682 L. Goratti et al.

video transcoding, virtual caching and virtual load balancer, just to name a few. Both
SC and service VNFs shall be described by appropriate descriptor files using either
TOSCA, JSON or YAML files.
As shown in Fig. 1, the CESCM includes the SESAME MANO amongst other
components. The MANO include the NFV Orchestrator (NFVO), the VNF Manager
(VNFM) and the Virtualised Infrastructure Manager (VIM) [12]. The SESAME NFVO
provides the automated execution environment for VNFs and Network Services (NSs).
The NFVO can deploy a new VNF or NS upon receiving the request through the portal
or in reaction to the information supplied by SLA Monitoring module through the NBI.
The NFVO shall look at the local catalog, solve the VNF placement problem and interact
with the VIM to make an effective deployment of Virtual Machines (VMs) over the
hardware substrate. Further the VIM is connected to and SDN controller (e.g. Open‐
Daylight) to make the chain of VNFs. The VNFM is hence in control of the service life-
cycle (migration, rescaling, termination etc.).

3.5 Network Slicing Through Virtualisation

A fundamental feature of SESAME will be the virtualisation of small cells and their
utilisation and partitioning into logically isolated slices, offered to multiple operators/
tenants. A hypervisor software is used to create the Network Functions Virtualization
Infrastructure (NFVI) on top of the bare hardware where VMs are executed under the
control of the SESAME MANO. The main aspect of this innovation will be the capability
to accommodate multiple operators within the same infrastructure, satisfying the SLA
and requirements of each operator separately. This significantly reduces the costs of the
deployed infrastructure (cost of ownership, maintenance, etc.), since hosted SCs can be
treated as an operating resource instead of a capital expenditure. Under this perspective,
the creation of neutral host solutions comes to address also the economic viability of
investments done by telecommunications operators.

3.6 SLA

The SLA Monitoring module is responsible for gathering information on the use,
performance and delivery of network services. It monitors the performance of a tenant
network, as well as of the whole SESAME infrastructure. Accordingly, the SLA nego‐
tiation (encompassing billing issues, accounting and so forth), which lead to liaisons
between virtual and physical operators, must be part of an interactive process with the
existing support system of the telecommunications operator through appropriate open
software. Furthermore, SLA Monitoring will encompass monitoring and analytics as
fundamental tools for efficient virtualized network management.

4 Self-organising Network Features

In a multi-tenant scenario like the one considered in SESAME, it should be distinguished

between Self-x functions that are tenant-specific (i.e. the configuration of parameters
Network Architecture and Essential Features for 5G 683

can differ from tenant to tenant) and those that are common to all the tenants. In the
following, selected Self-x functions are discussed to illustrate the perspective of tenants
and the relation to the SESAME architecture.

4.1 Self-planning Functions

Self-planning is the automation of the decision process to roll out new network nodes
in specific areas, identifying adequate configurations and settings of radio parameters,
as well as proposing capacity extension for those already deployed (e.g. increasing
bandwidth and/or adding new carriers). In SESAME planning of a new cell shall consist
of the automatic decision that a new SC has to be deployed in a certain geographical
position and the RF planning of such new cell (i.e. transmit power and antenna param‐
eters). The decision is one inherent function to the SCNO, which is responsible to
manage the infrastructure to satisfy the capacity demand of different VSCNOs. On the
other hand, the spectrum planning function specifies the amount of bandwidth required
by a SC (either a new cell or one already deployed), the type of spectrum (e.g. licensed/
unlicensed, etc.) and carries out the automatic assignment of the spectrum. In SESAME
this function can be tenant-specific if slicing of the resources is implemented assigning
separate carriers to each tenant.

4.2 Self-optimisation Functions

Once the network is in operational state, self-optimization includes the set of functions
to improve or maintain the network performance in terms of coverage, capacity and
service quality by tuning the different network settings. In SESAME the Coverage and
Capacity Optimization (CCO) function is used to adjust RF parameters based on
coverage and capacity targets. This task is accomplished by the SCNO and it cannot be
left to a single tenant since these parameters affect all the tenants sharing the same
physical SC.
Automatic Neighbor Relations (ANR) is responsible for automatically building the
Neighbor Relation Table (NRT) of each small cell. This is fundamental for mobility
purposes because handovers can only be executed between neighbor cells. In SESAME,
to manage mobility in a multi-tenant scenario, the NRT of each SC has to include the
relation between the SCs of the SCNO and the cells that belong to a specific tenant.
Mobility Load Balancing (MLB) addresses the problem of uneven traffic distribution
in mobile networks. The main target of MLB and traffic steering algorithms is to enable
overloaded cells to re-direct part of their traffic to neighbouring less loaded cells, hence
alleviating congestion problems. This suits particularly well the deployment proposed
by SESAME within the CESC cluster, in which the central decision of the CESCM can
provide optimisation of the cluster as a whole. The resulting increased network efficiency
using MLB postpones the deployment of additional network capacity, in turn reducing
costs. This is usually done through range-expansion [16], achieved by either cell
coverage parameter adjustments or mobility parameter adjustments. However, in 4G
LTE networks, MLB is known to lead to network performance degradation due to the
684 L. Goratti et al.

frequency reuse-1 in this technology [17]. SESAME will develop solutions to remedy
this inefficiency.
Admission and congestion control are integral parts of any Quality of Service (QoS)
mechanism for networks that support different types of traffic. This is the case in
SESAME where a variety of different applications are delivered to the tenants of a CESC.
SESAME will utilise admission and congestion control algorithms to deliver in effective
manner the SLA agreed between VSCNOs and the SCNO. In traditional networks where
the infrastructure is owned by a single tenant, admission and congestion control mech‐
anisms utilise resources (e.g. multi-service packet traffic) that this tenant provides to the
end-users. SESAME constitutes a more challenging environment since admission and
congestion control mechanisms have to take into account the particular features of the
tenants to ensure that services which have specific QoS characteristics can be delivered.

4.3 Self-healing Functions

This is the automation of the processes related to fault management and fault correction,
usually associated to hardware and/or software problems, in order to keep the network
operational while awaiting a more permanent solution to fix it and/or prevent disruptive
problems from arising. In SESAME the concept of cell outage can be extended to both
the CESC and CESC cluster. Specifically, CESC outage occurs in case of failure of the
small cells, the micro-server or VNFs. Cell outage detection is done first collecting
information such as alarms, alters, error messages and key performance indicators at
both CESC and CESC cluster levels. Afterward, cell outage detection can be done
applying different methods, including data mining (e.g. for large small cells deployment)
in order to identify possible misbehaviours [18].

5 Conclusion

In this paper we have illustrated the system architecture developed by the 5G-PPP
SESAME project, as well features and peculiarities of this system, in the scope of the
future 5G mobile network. We have discussed the essential features of the different
modules present in the system and we have clearly highlighted the suitability of
SESAME to leverage an accrued virtualised network environment. Moreover, we have
showed that SESAME incorporates guidelines from standard bodies such as the ETSI
NFV ISG. SESAME shall leverage on a cloud-enabled small cell environment at the
mobile network edge materialised by the Light DC. Network virtualisation shall allow
SESAME to decouple network services from the bare hardware in unprecedented
manner, and Self-x features render the system a suitable host for multi-tenant operators.

Acknowledgments. The research leading to these results has been supported by the EU funded
H2020 5G-PPP project SESAME under the grant agreement no. 671596.
Network Architecture and Essential Features for 5G 685


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On Learning Mobility Patterns
in Cellular Networks

Juan Sánchez-González(&), Jordi Pérez-Romero, Ramon Agustí,

and Oriol Sallent

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain


Abstract. This paper considers the use of clustering techniques to learn the
mobility patterns existing in a cellular network. These patterns are materialized
in a database of prototype trajectories obtained after having observed multiple
trajectories of mobile users. Both K-means and Self-Organizing Maps
(SOM) techniques are assessed. Different applicability areas in the context of
Self-Organizing Networks (SON) for 5G are discussed and, in particular, a
methodology is proposed for predicting the trajectory of a mobile user.

Keywords: Clustering  Cellular networks  Mobility patterns

1 Introduction

The new generation of mobile and wireless systems, known as 5th Generation (5G),
intends to provide solutions to the continuously increasing demand for mobile
broadband services associated with the massive penetration of wireless equipment
while at the same time supporting new use cases associated to customers of new market
segments and vertical industries (e.g., e-health, automotive, energy). As a result, the
vision of the future 5G Radio Access Network (RAN) corresponds to a highly
heterogeneous network with unprecedented requirements in terms of capacity, latency
or data rates, as identified in different fora [1, 2]. To cope with this heterogeneity and
complexity, the RAN planning and optimization processes can benefit at a large extent
from exploiting cognitive capabilities that embrace knowledge and intelligence.
In this direction, legacy systems already started the automation in the planning and
optimization processes through Self-Organizing Network (SON) functionalities [3]. In
5G, considering also the advent of big data technologies [4], it is envisioned that SON
can be further evolved towards a more proactive approach able to exploit the huge
amount of data available by a Mobile Network Operator (MNO) and to incorporate
additional dimensions coming from the characterization of end-user experience and
end-user behavior [5]. Then, SON can be enhanced through Artificial Intelligence (AI)-
based tools, able to smartly process input data from the environment and come up with
knowledge that can be formalized in terms of models and/or structured metrics that
represent the network behavior. This will allow gaining in-depth and detailed knowl-
edge about the whole 5G ecosystem, understanding hidden patterns, data structures and
relationships, and using them for a more efficient network management [6].

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 686–696, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_61
On Learning Mobility Patterns in Cellular Networks 687

AI-based SON involves three main stages [6]: (i) the acquisition and pre-processing
of input data exploiting the wide variety of available data sources; (ii) the knowledge
discovery that smartly processes the input data to come up with exploitable knowledge
models that represent the network/user behavior; and (iii) the knowledge exploitation
stage that applies the obtained models to drive the decision-making of the SON
functions. This paper focuses on the knowledge discovery stage and, in particular, on
automatically learning the mobility patterns of the mobile users, trying to identify if the
traffic across the cells in a scenario follows specific patterns that can be characterized in
terms of prototype trajectories followed by many users.
Different works of the literature have addressed the analysis of trajectories in
different contexts such as hurricane trajectories, animal movements, public trans-
portation, etc. Various tools have been considered, such as Self-Organizing Maps
(SOM) together with visual analysis [7], density-based clustering [8, 9] or Principal
Component Analysis [10]. In wireless networks, [11] proposed a trajectory prediction
strategy to deal with routing in mesh sensor networks. It is based on clustering similar
trajectories followed by wireless nodes and using them for making predictions of other
nodes. However, the concept of trajectory in [11] is defined by the set of nodes that a
mobile node would associate with to send or receive data along a path, but not by the
geographical locations. Instead, in our work we intend to derive a deeper knowledge
about trajectories based on analyzing the geographical coordinates. In turn, [12, 13]
address the problem of classifying the trajectory followed by a mobile terminal based
on a set of reference trajectories in order to optimize the handover process in LTE.
However, while [12, 13] use a simple method for building the set of reference tra-
jectories, based on monitoring certain users with a given probability and adding their
trajectories to the set, in our approach we propose the use of clustering techniques,
which are more powerful for identifying the most representative trajectories.
In this context, the approach proposed in this paper considers the use of clustering
techniques, namely K-means and SOM, to learn the mobility patterns existing in a
cellular network. These patterns are materialized in a database of prototype trajectories
obtained after having observed multiple trajectories of mobile users. Different appli-
cability areas for these patterns in the context of 5G-SON are discussed and, in par-
ticular, a methodology is proposed for predicting the trajectory of a mobile user.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the proposed
methodology based on clustering tools for learning mobility patterns. Section 3 dis-
cusses the applicability areas and describes the approach for identifying the trajectory
of a mobile user. Proposed approach is evaluated in Sect. 4, while Sect. 5 summarizes
the concluding remarks.

2 Mobility Pattern Knowledge Discovery

Current cellular networks like 4G already include the capability that the User Equip-
ments (UEs) provide geolocation information, including both geographical coordinates
and altitude, as part of the radio measurement reporting processes [14]. Location
information can be obtained from UEs in connected mode, who periodically transmit
measurement reports to the network. Furthermore, thanks to the use of Minimization of
688 J. Sánchez-González et al.

Drive Tests (MDT) feature [15], UEs in idle mode can log measurements and transmit
them later on when the UE enters in connected mode. These capabilities enable MNOs
to collect large amounts of data that include valuable knowledge about the
spatio-temporal traffic distribution across the cells. This paper proposes a methodology
to analyze this data and identify the existing mobility patterns of the UEs.
The approach for learning mobility patterns is graphically illustrated in Fig. 1. It
operates on a long-term basis after having observed a large amount of connected and
idle mode UEs in different time periods of a certain geographical area and analyzes the
collected location information from these UEs to identify the existence of prototype
trajectories. As shown in Fig. 1 the first step is the pre-processing, which analyzes
consecutive reports for each UE and extracts the geolocation information in order to
build a trajectory for this UE. A trajectory is defined here as the concatenation of N
coordinates at consecutive time instants t1, …, tN. Then, assuming for simplicity
two-dimensional (2D) coordinates (x, y), the trajectory for the j-th UE is given by the
vector of dimension B = 2N denoted as rj = [xj(t1), yj(t1), …, xj(tN), yj(tN)]. The result
of the pre-processing task will be a total of J trajectories rj, j = 1, …, J.

Fig. 1. Procedure for learning mobility patterns

The second step is the clustering, which processes the set of J trajectories by
grouping them in K clusters in a way that trajectories of the same cluster are similar
among them and different from the trajectories of the rest of the clusters. Two alter-
native clustering techniques are considered in this work:
• K-means: This strategy belongs to the family of partitioning methods. It groups the
J input trajectories in K clusters by trying to maximize the similarity between
trajectories of the same cluster and to minimize the similarity between trajectories of
different clusters, using the Euclidean distance as a metric of similarity. The process
can be summarized as follows (see [16] for further details): (a) The algorithm starts
by selecting randomly K out of the J input trajectories. Each of these K trajectories
represents an initial cluster. For each cluster k, the algorithm computes the centroid
sk. At this initial stage, where each cluster contains only one trajectory, the centroid
sk equals the selected trajectory for the k-th cluster. (b) Each of the remaining J − K
trajectories is assigned to the cluster to which it is the most similar, based on
Euclidean distance between the trajectory and the centroid of each cluster |rj − sk|.
Once all the J trajectories have been clustered, the new values of the centroids sk are
recomputed. In particular, the i-th component of sk is the average of the i-th
components of all the trajectories belonging to the k-th cluster. (c) Using the new
On Learning Mobility Patterns in Cellular Networks 689

values of the centroids sk, each of the J trajectories rj is reassigned to the cluster
with lowest distance |rj − sk|. The new centroids are recomputed and this step is
iteratively repeated until convergence (i.e. until there are no changes in the obtained
clusters after two consecutive iterations). (d) At the end of the process, each cluster
k = 1, …, K will contain a number of input trajectories Nk and its centroid sk will
be the so-called prototype trajectory that is taken as a representative of all the
trajectories belonging to this cluster.
• Self-Organizing Map (SOM): This clustering strategy relies on a neural network
model with a total of K neurons and where each neuron is characterized by a
B-dimensional weight vector sk. The process can be summarized as follows (see
[17] for details): (a) The weight vectors sk are initialized. This can be done ran-
domly or through the linear initialization method described in [17]. (b) An iterative
unsupervised learning process is used to update the values of the weight vectors sk
of the different neurons according to the Kohonen’s algorithm [17] based on the
input trajectories rj. In essence, at iteration t the algorithm identifies, for each
trajectory rj the winning neuron as the one with the lowest Euclidean distance
|rj − sk|. Then, the algorithm updates the weight vector of this winning neuron k as
sk(t + 1) = sk(t) + a(t)(rj − sk(t)) where a(t) is a scalar-valued adaptation gain that
decreases with successive iterations. A similar update is performed for the weight
vectors of the rest of neurons k′ 6¼ k but in this case the adaptation gain a(t) is
multiplied by a neighborhood function that decreases with the distance between
neurons k′ and k. The process is repeated for a certain number of iterations. (c) At
the end of the process, all the input trajectories that have neuron k as winning
neuron form the k-th cluster. The number of trajectories in the k-th cluster is Nk, and
the prototype trajectory of this cluster is the weight vector sk.
As shown in Fig. 1, the prototype trajectories obtained as a result of the clustering
will be stored in the database. In addition, two statistical indicators are also included for
each cluster to assess how representative this cluster is:
• Percentage of hits (Ak = Nk/J): It is the percentage of input trajectories that belong
to the cluster k. The prototype trajectories of clusters with a high value of Ak will be
more frequent and representative of the scenario.
• Average squared Euclidean distance of the trajectories in k-th cluster (Ek): It is a
metric that captures the degree of similarity between trajectories of the same cluster
with respect to the prototype trajectory sk of the cluster. A high value of Ek reflects a
higher dispersion in the cluster, meaning that the prototype trajectory is less rep-
resentative of the clustered trajectories. It is defined as:

Ek ¼  rj  s k  2 ð1Þ
j2Cluster k
690 J. Sánchez-González et al.

3 Exploitation of Mobility Patterns

It is envisaged that the identification of prototype trajectories as explained in previous

section can have applicability for different 5G-SON functions.
For example, prototype trajectories can be used in the context of self-planning to
decide appropriate cell locations and antenna settings. For example, if there is a well
identified representative trajectory, a sector of a cell site can be pointed in the direction
of this trajectory. Typically, this can be the case of a cell site providing coverage over a
main street. Despite one could argue that a radio engineer could easily identify such a
situation and take such a common sense decision, the interest of the proposed use case
remains in the fact that SON involves automatization. That is, self-planning and
self-configuration means the capability for the system to automatically identify the
trajectories and propose the adequate values for the parameters of a new cell.
Similarly, the learnt mobility patterns can also have applicability in the self-
optimization of several functions such as handover, load balancing or admission
control. For example, by identifying the trajectory of a UE or group of UEs in relation
to a known prototype trajectory it is possible to anticipate the cell that the UEs are
heading to and configure these functions so as to avoid call droppings and overload
situations. In the following, we focus on proposing a methodology to predict the future
positions of a certain UE based on analyzing the actual locations reported by the UE in
relation to the learnt prototype trajectories.

3.1 Mobility Prediction

The proposed approach is illustrated in Fig. 2 and is executed on an individual UE
basis. The criterion to decide which specific UEs are analyzed is out of the scope of this
paper and it will depend on the specific self-optimization function under consideration.
For example, the optimization of load balancing may predict the trajectory of UEs that
demand a high bit rate in order to anticipate the arrival of these UEs to a cell and take
the appropriate actions to ensure there are sufficient resources for these UEs in the cell.
Similarly, it is also possible to predict the trajectory of high priority UEs to ensure that
they will not experience problems in handovers, etc.

Fig. 2. Exploitation of learnt patterns for predicting the trajectory of a UE

On Learning Mobility Patterns in Cellular Networks 691

The process of Fig. 2 starts from the measurement reports provided by the UE
whose trajectory is being predicted. First, pre-processing stage is carried out to extract
the geolocation information and build the trajectory u that is currently being observed
for this UE. The trajectory u is a vector of dimension C = 2M composed by the
concatenation of M pairs of coordinates followed by the UE at consecutive time
instants u = [x(t1), y(t1), …, x(tM), y(tM)]. Without loss of generality, let us consider
that the dimension of u is lower than the number of elements of the prototype tra-
jectories sk (i.e. C  B). This reflects that, in case that the UE was following a
prototype trajectory, the actual location of the UE is somewhere within the prototype
The mobility prediction process of Fig. 2 intends to determine the likelihood that
the UE is following one of the learnt prototype trajectories. This is done by assessing
the similarity between the trajectory u followed by the UE and the prototype trajec-
tories sk according to the Euclidean distance. Given that C  B, all the possible
portions of C consecutive elements of the vectors sk (k = 1, …, K) need to be con-
sidered when assessing this similarity. The a-th portion of sk is then defined as the
vector [sk(1 + a),…, sk(C + a)] with a = 0, …, B − C, where sk(i) denotes the i-th
component of sk. Then, the squared Euclidean distance between the a-th portion of sk
and trajectory u is computed as:
du;k ðaÞ ¼ c¼1
½uðcÞ  sk ðc þ aÞ2 with a ¼ 0; . . .; B  C ð2Þ

Then, the similarity between u and sk is computed as the minimum Euclidean

distance between u and the possible portions of the prototype trajectory sk, that is:

mk ¼ min du;k ðaÞ ð3Þ


A low value of mk indicates that the trajectory u is very similar to some portion of
vector sk. Then, the likelihood Lk that the UE is following the prototype trajectory sk is
defined here as:

Lk ¼ PK ð4Þ
k¼1 ð1=mk Þ

A high value of Lk reflects that the UE is following a trajectory very similar to a

portion of sk. Therefore, sk provides information about the positions that the UE may
likely follow in the future.

4 Results

This section provides some results to illustrate the performance of the proposed
approach. The considered scenario is shown in Fig. 3 and represents an urban area in
the intersection between two main streets. The mobility of multiple UEs has been
considered including a wide variety of situations as shown Fig. 3a. For example, some
692 J. Sánchez-González et al.

UEs move straight along a street, others move straight and turn right, left or move back.
For each kind of trajectory, 100 realizations have been generated by considering UE
trajectories that are not perfectly straight but they have lateral movements simulating
e.g. cars changing the lane in the road. It is assumed that the distance between two
consecutive positions of the trajectory is a random value (simulating that the user speed
may be variable). Moreover, 100 realizations of users that move a short distance and
stop at a particular position (represented by black arrows in Fig. 3a) have been also
generated. Finally, a group of 100 static users (represented by black dots in Fig. 3a)
have also been placed randomly in each of the four corners of the scenario. After the
preprocessing of the UE measurements, there are a total of J = 2100 trajectories. Each
trajectory rj consists on N = 40 positions.

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. (a) Illustration of the considered scenario. Distances are normalized between 0 and 1.
(b) Davies-Bouldin index for different numbers of clusters.

4.1 Clustering Process

The K-means and SOM clustering techniques have been implemented by means of
RapidMiner Studio [18]. The K-means algorithm is configured with 1000 runs and a
maximum of 100 iterations for each run (i.e. the process explained in Sect. 2 is
repeated 1000 times with different initial random selections, and the best result among
all runs is kept). In turn, a SOM with one dimension is configured with 10000 itera-
tions, initial adaptation rate equal to 0.1 and final adaptation rate 0.01. The neigh-
borhood function is defined by an initial adaptation radius of 2 and a final adaptation
radius equal to 0.01.
First, the impact of the number of clusters K has been analyzed for both K-means
and SOM techniques. The Davies-Bouldin index [19] is considered as a relevant metric
to assess the quality of the clustering process. This index takes into account how similar
are all the trajectories that belong to the same cluster and how different are the prototype
trajectories of the different clusters. Low values of the Davies-Bouldin index reflect a
better quality of the clustering process. Figure 3b presents the Davies-Bouldin index as a
function of the number of clusters for both K-means and SOM methodologies. As
On Learning Mobility Patterns in Cellular Networks 693

shown, for the considered use case, the minimum value of the Davies-Bouldin index is
observed with K = 20 clusters for both methodologies. For this case, Fig. 4 illustrates
the prototype trajectories sk obtained by the K-means methodology. The same proto-
types are obtained by the SOM methodology with K = 20. The red point marked in each
prototype trajectory in Fig. 4 indicates the initial position of the trajectory while the
black point indicates its final position (e.g. the prototype trajectory 1 represents a user
moving from the left to the right while the prototype trajectory 2 represents a user
moving from the right to the left). Note that some shorter prototype trajectories represent
users who move on a specific direction and then go back (e.g. prototype trajectory 13
represents to users who move from the left to the right in the scenario, and then go back
from the right to the left). Other prototype trajectories, such as prototype 17, represent
the centroid of some static users located around this area.

Fig. 4. Prototype trajectories obtained with K-means (K = 20). Horizontal and vertical axes
represent normalized distances between 0 and 1.

Figure 5a illustrates the percentage of hits Ak for each cluster with both K-means
and SOM, while Fig. 5b represents the average squared Euclidean distance Ek. All the
clusters corresponding to long trajectories (i.e. clusters 1 to 12 of Fig. 4) exhibit low
Ek. This indicates that these trajectories are well-clustered and their corresponding
prototype trajectories are good representatives of the cluster. In turn, clusters 13, 14, 15
and 16 of Fig. 4 include users that move straight and go back, users that move short
distances and even some static users. As a consequence, higher percentage of hits Ak
and higher values of Ek are observed. Finally, clusters 17, 18, 19 and 20 of Fig. 4 are
formed by static users scattered around the four corners of the scenario. These are
694 J. Sánchez-González et al.

characterized by high values of Ek, meaning that some static users of these clusters may
be located at a relatively high distance of the centroid. A very similar clustering is done
by both K-means and SOM methodologies as shown in Fig. 5a and b.

(a) (b)

Fig. 5. (a) Percentage of hits Ak for the different clusters; (b) Average square Euclidean distance
to the centroid Ek for the different clusters.

4.2 Mobility Prediction

This section presents several examples to illustrate the behavior of proposed mobility
prediction approach. Figure 6 presents the trajectories followed by four different UEs.
UE A has a trajectory that consists of 20 positions representing a movement from the
left of the scenario to the right. UE B has a trajectory of 20 positions moving straight
and then turning in the intersection. UE C has a shorter trajectory of 10 positions while
UE D is static and contains 10 samples of the same position.

Fig. 6. Example of UEs’ trajectories. Horizontal and vertical axes represent normalized
distances between 0 and 1.

Figure 7 shows the likelihood Lk that each of the four UEs is following each
prototype trajectory. As shown, the likelihood that UE A is following prototype tra-
jectory 1 is almost 100 %. As seen in Fig. 5, this prototype trajectory corresponds to
the users that move from the left to the right. Similarly, for UE B there is also a very
high likelihood that it is following prototype trajectory 5. For UE C, the likelihood L1,
L5 and L6 are similar, because, with the trajectory followed by UE C so far, it may
correspond to either trajectories 1, 5 or 6. Finally, trajectory D is not similar to any of
On Learning Mobility Patterns in Cellular Networks 695

Fig. 7. Likelihood Lk that the UEs are following the learnt prototype trajectories.

the prototypes obtained in the clustering process (see Fig. 4). For this reason, the
prediction process provides a very low likelihood for all the clusters.

5 Concluding Remarks

The paper has proposed a methodology for learning mobility patterns in wireless
networks based on clustering techniques such as K-means and SOM. Learnt trajectories
present applicability in different areas, such as self-planning and self-optimization. In
this respect, the paper has proposed a strategy for predicting the mobility of specific
users based on the obtained prototype trajectories. Results reflect that both K-means
and SOM techniques are able to properly identify the different trajectories existing in
the considered scenario.

Acknowledgements. This work has been supported by the EU funded H2020 5G-PPP project
SESAME under the grant agreement no 671596 and by the Spanish Research Council and
FEDER funds under RAMSES grant (ref. TEC2013-41698-R).

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Design of Cognitive Cycles in 5G Networks

Bego Blanco ✉ , Jose Oscar Fajardo, and Fidel Liberal

( )

School of Engineering of Bilbao, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU),

Alda. Urquijo S/N, 48012 Bilbao, Spain

Abstract. Adding cognitive capabilities to the wireless networks makes it

possible to leverage the control and management information used in the network
operation to infer information about the local state and exploit it to improve the
overall performance. This paper deals with the combined use of centralized and
distributed cognitive cycles integrated at different planes in 5G networks: an
integrated data plane, a unified control plane and a cross-layer management plane.
This context-aware cognitive schema acts on the decision making modules
depending on the monitored environment to prevent failures, balance the virtual‐
ized execution and get a global enhancement in the provision of mobile services.
The multi-level cognitive cycle supports the interaction between the edge and the
cloud blurring the line that separates two paradigms: centralized radio operation
and mobile edge services.

Keywords: 5G · Cognitive cycle · Glocal · Blurring edge

1 Introduction

The challenging requirements of 5G demand an evolution of the existing mobile network

architecture. A defining characteristic of 4G networks is the coupling of data and control
planes at the network level that interact with a separate service plane. This architecture
forces to an adaptive operation: the service layer declares its requirements to the network
layer; then the network accommodates the new service together with the other service
requests and communicates the service plane the Quality of Service (QoS) levels that
can be provided; finally, the service plane rearranges its requirements adapting them to
the QoS offer. This iterative process is performed in isolation at both service and network
planes without complete information of the other side, leading to non-optimal adaptation
of services to network performance and of networks to service requirements.
In order to overcome these drawbacks, an innovative feature of 5G networks against
the previous architectures is the clear decoupling of data and control planes and the
integration of service management elements in the control plane, while service instan‐
tiations are allocated in the data plane. In this context, Software Defined Networking
(SDN) provides the abstraction tool needed to split control and data planes in data
forwarding. The control plane is now centralized and has the complete picture of the
network, even considering different access technologies. Eventually, this plane is
capable of driving the different traffic flows along the most suitable paths and, thus,

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2016

Published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. All Rights Reserved
L. Iliadis and I. Maglogiannis (Eds.): AIAI 2016, IFIP AICT 475, pp. 697–708, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44944-9_62
698 B. Blanco et al.

optimizing the use of the available resources in a service/network cross-layered way. At

this point, context-aware cognitive techniques can become a useful tool to support this
optimization process.
In this context, the data and control plane decoupling of 5G is aligned with the Mobile
Edge Computing (MEC) principles. The application of MEC to 5G systems allows the
physical separation of the planes, leaving the data plane close to the user in the network
edge and uploading the centralized control plane to the cloud servers.
Another evolution step of 5G systems is provided by Network Function Virtualiza‐
tion (NFV) technology. NFV decouples the network functions from proprietary hard‐
ware appliances so they can run in software on a data center and can be instantiated in
various locations in the network as required. Combining NFV with cloud computing
concepts, a centralized orchestrator is responsible for the on-boarding of new network
services and VNF packages together with the management of network service lifecycle.
Again, at this stage, a second level of cognitive cycle can support the decision making
process of the NFV Orchestrator (NFVO).
This paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 makes a brief introduction of 5G overall
architecture and its enabling technologies, i.e. SDN, MEC and NFV. Then, Sect. 3
reviews relevant literature about the integration of cognitive capabilities in network
systems. Next, Sect. 4 shows an application proposal of a cloud-based multi-level
cognitive cycle to the control and management planes of H2020 SESAME architecture
[1]. Finally, Sect. 5 ends summarizing the main conclusions.

2 5G Overview

Although the development of 5G is still in its early steps, the research effort in this area
is oriented to achieve to main overall objectives: meet the requirements of the biggest
mobile traffic growth ever known in a sustainable way, and provide a consistent end-to-
end experience under diverse scenarios with ultra-high data rate, ultra-low latency and
massive connections. Based on the analysis of these requirements, the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) [2] proposes the high-level network architecture
depicted in Fig. 1.
An innovative feature of 5G systems against previous architectures is the clear sepa‐
ration of control and data plane functions, with open interfaces defined between them
in according with SDN principles [3]. The decoupling of hardware and software func‐
tions of network elements in all network domains fosters a cost efficient deployment and
upgrade possibilities. Other inherent benefits are real-time and on-demand network
configuration and automated optimization, flexible and cost efficient network operation,
maximization of utilization efficiency of available network resources and dynamic relo‐
cation of network resources, fully controlled by the operator. The disengagement of the
network control logic and its centralization in an upper level provides a comprehensive
view of the network state, so that the Network and Service Orchestration module is
capable of configuring and managing the network service (NS) lifecycle (including
instantiation, maintenance and termination), while the data plane allocates the NS
Design of Cognitive Cycles in 5G Networks 699

Fig. 1. High level network architecture of 5G based on [2].

This decoupling of control/management planes from the data plane is aligned with
the concept of Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). MEC provides IT and cloud computing
capabilities within the Radio Access Network (RAN) close to the end user [4]. Tradi‐
tionally, all data traffic originated at the data centers is forwarded up to the mobile core
network and down again to a base station which delivers the content to the mobile
devices. In the MEC scenario, cloud servers take some or even all of the tasks originally
performed in the data centre and eliminate the need of routing these data flows through
the core network. This way, the RAN edge offers a low-latency high-bandwidth service
environment as well as direct access to real-time radio network information that can be
used by the upper plane to provide context-aware services.
Furthermore, the combination of SDN and MEC techniques over 5G architecture
enables the application of Self Organizing Network (SON) principles to replace the
classic manual configuration, post deployment optimization, and maintenance in cellular
networks with self-configuration, self-optimization, and self-healing functionalities [5].
SON technology constitutes a fundamental change in the way networks are managed,
bringing automation and dynamic, predictive resource allocation to the forefront.
Finally, the integration of a NFV framework takes another step forward in the opti‐
mization of the system performance. Figure 2 shows the NFV architecture proposed by
700 B. Blanco et al.

Fig. 2. ETSI NFV architectural framework based on [6].

The NFV concept envisages the implementation of Network Functions as software-

only entities that run over the NFV Infrastructure (NFVI). As part of the NFV MANO,
the NFV Orchestrator manages the incorporation of the Network Services through the
chaining of VNFs and global resource arrangement. The VNF Manager oversees life‐
cycle management of VNF instances and coordinates the configuration and event
reporting between NFVI and E/NMS. Finally, the Virtualized Infrastructure Manager
(VIM) controls and manages the NFVI compute, storage, and network resources.
Next section analyzes the existing literature on cognitive cycles in order to insert
intelligence into the different decision making elements in the network-service

3 Cognitive Networks

The philosophy of a cognitive network is a generalization of the renowned Cognitive

Radio model [7]. This concept is proposed to make a more efficient use of the electro‐
magnetic spectrum in wireless networks. The main idea consists in the variation of
transmission and reception parameters according to the observed internal and external
factors. Cognitive radio, built over software defined radio, is described as an intelligent
wireless communication system that is environment aware and learns from it, adapting
to the statistical variations of a set of indicators.
The cognitive network [8] extrapolates the concept of cognitive radio to other levels
of the communications reference model, minimizing the dependence on human inter‐
vention and adapting to the continuous changes of the network conditions and user
requirements fast, precise and automatically. The key characteristic of this kind of
Design of Cognitive Cycles in 5G Networks 701

network is the cognitive process that monitors the current state of the network, plans a
future action, makes a decision and acts in consequence. With this objective, a cognitive
network must identify the network conditions and predict future situations, constantly
adapt to the dynamic state of the network, learn from previous experiences and balance
the requirements of all the participants according to service agreements [9].
These characteristics lead to the cognitive cycle proposed in OOPDAL (Observe,
Orient, Plan, Decide, Act, Learn) model [10] depicted in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. OOPDAL cognitive cycle model based on [10].

The observation phase collects raw data to feed the orientation phase. The planning
phase must identify the goals to achieve and arrange possible actions depending on the
current situation to get closer to those goals. The decision phase assesses the available
action plan and chooses the most appropriate. The action phase executes the selected
plan, which may consist in a reconfiguration of parameters or a replacement of operative
modules. Finally, the learning phase receives the feedback from all the previous phases
and uses that experience to update the models employed in prevision, orientation, plan‐
ning and decision processes.
On the other hand, Motorola-IBM proposes a simplified cognitive model within their
FOCALE (Foundation-Observation-Comparison-Action-Learn-rEason) architecture
for the autonomous network management [11]. Although this framework does not
explicitly include a cognitive cycle, the description of its control cycles contains the
necessary elements to recognize a cognitive process that involves monitoring, analysis,
planning and execution tasks linked by a learning process. While it is a simpler cycle
than OOPDAL, it adds the novelty of associating the learning with business goals,
something that is not considered in OOPDAL.
CME (Cognitive Management Entity) architecture [12] also suggests a 5 phase
cognitive model (as in Fig. 4).
The first phase is perception, responsible for collecting, measure, monitoring, pre-
processing and approaching the context or environment information. Then, the analysis
phase takes charge of the interpretation and abstraction, the consistence check, the
prediction, the information fusion, the reasoning, the model management and update
and the learning. The decision state is composed of elements such as the selection of
alternatives, its evaluation and optimization and the decision-making. The
702 B. Blanco et al.

Fig. 4. Cognitive cycle of CME architecture based on [12].

Fig. 5. Fortuna-Mohorcic reference cognitive cycle based on [13].

reconfiguration phase implements the decisions, selects the components and throws
warnings and alarms. Finally, the communication phase is responsible for the command
and data exchange between the several cognitive motors distributed along the network.
Inspired by the previous models, the cognitive cycle introduced in [13] is composed
of the six phases shown in Fig. 5.
In this self-aware model, the nodes of the network have sensors to perceive the
information of the environment. The captured observations are employed in the plan‐
ning, but also to feed the learning module that builds and updates the model that remem‐
bers those observations. These models are used in the decision phase to choose the most
adequate alternative according to the past experience. The planning module determines
the potential strategies to follow based on the stored observations and policies. At last,
the actions/reconfigurations related to the taken decision are accomplished. In this
model, the learning module is connected to those others from which useful information
can be extracted. This way, it can correlate and infer its own knowledge.
Design of Cognitive Cycles in 5G Networks 703

Besides the selected model, once the cognitive cycle and the techniques used in each
phase are designed, it can be implemented in several ways. The cognitive capability may
remain highly centralized or be absolutely distributed according to the design specifi‐
cations. An example of cognitive cycle decentralization is the reconfigurable node model
introduced in [14]. This model splits the phases into two entities (Fig. 6): the cognitive
motor, which encompasses reasoning, learning and decision capabilities, and the recon‐
figurable node, which focuses on observation and action. The reconfigurable node is a
structure composed of a set of hardware and software elements that are assembled by
the cognitive motor according to the conclusions obtained from the information
processing, and can be modified at convenience.

Fig. 6. Reconfigurable node architecture based on [14].

4 Application Example of Cognitive Cycles to SESAME


The SESAME EU-funded project contributes to the development of 5G focusing on

three technological pillars: (i) the use of NFV and MEC to move network intelligence
to the edge, (ii) the evolution of the Small Cell concept, and (iii) the promotion of multi-
tenancy in communications infrastructures and services.
Based on these structural principles, SESAME suggests the architecture shown in
Fig. 7. This architecture proposes the virtualization of small cell networks introducing
the concept of Cloud Enabled Small Cell (CESC), a complete small cell that also contains
a microserver offering, thus, computing, storage and radio resources. A number of
CESCs form a cluster whose virtualized physical resources are shared and controlled
by the VIM.
The CESC Manager (CESCM) is the central service management and orchestration
component. A single instance of CESCM is able to operate over several CESC clusters,
through the use of a dedicated VIM per cluster. Through virtualization, a Small Cell
Network Operator (SCNO) can offer a cloud of resources that can be sliced to provide
704 B. Blanco et al.

Fig. 7. SESAME overall architecture based on [1].

a logical instantiation of the network and, therefore, to enable multi-tenant services. The
virtualized execution platform provided by the Light DC supports the VNF chains that
implement the capabilities demanded to serve a requested network service (NS) by a
In summary, the Network Management System (NMS) arranges the logical network
slices which enable SCNOs to provide Network-as-a-Service to the VSCNOs. Network
slicing is supported by cloud edge-computing and NFV. The NFV Orchestrator (NFVO)
provides management of those NFV services and is responsible for on-boarding of new
network services and VNFs packages; NS lifecycle management; global resource
management; validation and authorization of network functions virtualization infra‐
structure resource requests [6]. Finally, the VIM is responsible for controlling and
managing the compute, storage, and network resources to allocate the VNFs within the
CESC cluster.
At this point, the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques makes sense in
those elements of the architecture where decisions are taken. In the context of SESAME
platform, the decision-makers should be placed in the control plane (VIM,VNFs and
NFVO) and/or the NMS in the management plane, as highlighted in Fig. 7. In particular,
the concept of cognitive cycle can be applied to implement learning processes fed by
the data generated during system operation.
In principle, the philosophy of MEC combines better with a distributed cognitive
model, like the aforementioned OOPDAL, CME or Fortuna-Mohorcic. Such a model
observes and collects the local operation data generated in the edge and processes it
Design of Cognitive Cycles in 5G Networks 705

heuristically to extract new knowledge in the form of enhanced local decision rules. This
operation way reinforces the distinctive features of the MEC architecture, i.e. low
latency, context awareness, minimized data transit and reduced network congestion.
On the other hand, a centralized cognitive model such as the reconfigurable node
can gather all the information about the network operation in the cloud servers and take
advantage of higher computational and storage resources. At this point, Big Data tech‐
niques can also be useful to process high volume of raw data, in order to achieve opti‐
mized decision rules that are later communicated to the edge.
As a result of these considerations, we propose a combination of distributed and
centralized model through a cloud-based multi-level cognitive cycle depicted in Fig. 8.
The figure represents the four aforementioned decision points of the architecture.

Fig. 8. Cloud-based multi-level cognitive cycle.

At the lower level of this model, on the left, the Distributed SON (D-SON) module
applies a simplified version of the OOPDAL cognitive module to manage the VNFs
running in the CESC. The NS (VNFs) themselves observe their own environment and
self-adapt their operation. On the right side of Fig. 8, the VIM applies the same cognitive
cycle to support the arrangement of the physical resources of the Light DC. The indi‐
cators that feed the monitoring phase of the cognitive cycle are just those generated in
each CESC cluster. In this context, the planning phase analyzes the possible alternatives
to allocate and distribute the VNFs in the available resources to later apply a decision
rule that will lead to an operation action. All these steps give feedback to the learning
module that heuristically analyses the results and infers enhanced decision rules. This
way, these actions are entirely performed in the CESC cluster, maintaining all the logic
in the edge. In addition, the VNFM can request VNF scaling to the VIM according to
pre-established rules, defining, thus, the Distributed NFV Management.
706 B. Blanco et al.

In the upper level, the decision points identified as Centralized SON and Network
and Service Orchestration implement a version of the Reconfigurable Node Model. This
version consists of the same simplified OOPDAL cycle acting as the cognitive motor
and the reconfigurable node that includes in its observation phase the information from
the lower levels that is uploaded through the cloud.
In the Network and Service Orchestration, the cognitive cycle supports the tasks of
the NVFO aimed at composing service chains (constituted by two or more VNFs located
either in one or more CESCs) and managing the deployment of VNFs over the Light
DC. The NFVO monitors the performance level of the NSs for all the VSCNOs through
the SLA Monitoring, and is able to change the capabilities of the network elements
(eventually, VNFs). It must be remarked that the CESC Manager that allocates the
NVFO can manage one or more CESC cluster, with the increment of sample data to
process that it entails. In this context, this high volume of data may require the Big Data
processing techniques that can be implemented in the big cloud servers.
Finally, this structure is repeated in the management plane, at the C-SON decision
point. Here, the cognitive motor is implemented in the NMS-EMS, which are responsible
for the management of the network slices that serve the NSs. Following the same
rationale, the interaction with the lower level is bidirectional. The learning module of
the cognitive cycle implemented in the NVFO acts as the reconfigurable node, providing
an additional source of observations to feed the learning process and also receiving
knowledge updates to enrich its operation with high level decision rules. Thus, the
network slicing activity is refined complementing the OSS/BSS requirements with the
NFV managing state for an optimized performance.
The proposed variation of the Reconfigurable Node Model supposes that the cogni‐
tive cycle at the lower levels can operate independently in a distributed way, but its
operation can be uplifted when appropriate incorporating valuable knowledge from the
upper levels. The consequence is a blurring-edge effect: the low-level distributed cogni‐
tive cycle reinforces the edge-computing concept maintaining the decision logic close
to the user, but at the same time, the reconfigurable node model adaptation moves the
valuable operation information up to the cloud servers. This way, a bidirectional glocal
effect is obtained. First, the cognitive cycle implemented within the distributed decision
points can operate just with local information, but the generated knowledge feeds the
cognitive motor at the centralized points leading to a global improvement over the
performance of the network. In contrast, the knowledge results of the motor reconfigures
as well the learning schema of the lower level, providing more accurate decision rules
for future samples.

5 Conclusions

The application of cognitive models in the management of networked services has

attracted significant effort for long time. This paradigm is especially relevant in mobile
networks, where the dynamically variable context of use imposes more stringent require‐
ments to the accurate management. Traditionally, the service and network management
planes have been implemented in a rather isolated way, leading to non-optimal
Design of Cognitive Cycles in 5G Networks 707

adaptation of services to network performance and of networks to service requirements.

The evolution of different network softwarization techniques and its introduction into
the design of future 5G mobile networks anticipates a revolution in the dynamic manage‐
ment of mobile services.
First, the SDN paradigm splits the control and data planes in data forwarding tech‐
niques. In this way, a centralized intelligent element is now capable of determining the
most appropriate data paths for the different traffic flows. Additionally, the unification
of different radio technologies in the framework of 5G networks introduces new capa‐
bilities and challenges in the cognitive management.
Second, the integration of service and network management endows the intelligent
element with capabilities to perform consolidated cross-layer decisions. The advance‐
ment of mobile edge service technologies also brings new possibilities for an optimized
coordination of the network and service data planes.
The use of cognitive cycles in this centralized unified service and network manage‐
ment system anticipates an enhanced performance of mobile services beyond the current
capabilities of self organizing networks. However, the nature of end to end network
services and the consideration of different network domains require also the inclusion
of distributed cognitive cycles that locally work towards the overall enhancement.
The third technological building block analyzed in this paper is the inclusion of NFV
techniques in the deployment of future 5G networks. The virtualization of network and
service elements breaks the traditional limits of network-service performance maximi‐
zation in each administrative domain, allowing the network provider to dynamically
allocate the hardware resources where they are needed. Therefore, the paper analyses
the possibility of building a higher-level cognitive cycle for the adaptive orchestration
of virtualized resources, which in turn has an impact on the context information of the
local cognitive management processes.
Different cognitive models have been presented and analyzed in the scope of 5G
networks and specifically in the framework of dense cloud-enabled small cell deploy‐
ments. As a result, the most appropriate cognitive schemes are discussed for the different
decision making elements in the network-service provisioning.

Acknowledgements. This research received funding from the European Unions H2020 Research
and Innovation Action under Grant Agreement No. 671596 (SESAME project).


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Author Index

Abubakar, Babangida 676 Demertzis, Konstantinos 191

Adamatzky, Andrew 396 Diamantaras, Konstantinos I. 328
Adamos, Dimitrios A. 429 Dondio, Pierpaolo 215
Agustí, Ramon 686 Dourvas, Nikolaos I. 396
Akbari, Zohreh 280 Drosou, Anastasios 600
Alexakos, Christos 611, 623 Duan, Tiehang 419
Alexopoulos, Georgios 623
Amorgianiotis, Thomas 611 Evangelidis, Georgios 328
Anagnostopoulos, Ioannis 119, 499
Anastassopoulos, George 27, 53 Fajardo, Jose Oscar 697
Anezakis, Vardis-Dimitris 191 Filchenkov, Andrey 348
Aridas, Christos K. 75, 94 Fournier-Viger, Philippe 63
Arvanitakis, Kostantinos 87 Frangia-Tsivou, Konstantina 39
Arvanitis, Konstantinos 611 Fusco, Terence 3
Assimakopoulos, Konstantinos 53
Athanasiou, Vasileios 481 Galanos, Eleftherios 119
Avlonitis, Markos 87, 180 Galiatsatos, Dimitrios 53
Gelenbe, Erol 141
Babalis, Dimitris 642 Georgakopoulos, S.V. 106
Babani, Lochan 384 Georgiou, Nestoras 407
Belesioti, Maria 653, 666, 676 Georgopoulos, Dimitris 642
Ben Lazreg, Mehdi 441 Ghafari, S. Mohssen 242
Betzler, August 676 Giannoulakis, Ioannis 666
Bi, Yaxin 3 Giannoulis, Konstantinos 623
Blanco, Bego 697 Gkantouna, Vassiliki 540
Bompetsis, Nikolaos 653, 666 Gkiokas, Aggelos 562
Boril, Jan 255 Glykos, Konstantinos 119
Bostantjopoulou, Sevasti 600 Gogar, Tomas 154
Gokhan, Cansu 634
Cambouropoulos, Emilios 520, 552 Goodwin, Morten 441
Charalampidis, Vasileios 490 Goratti, Leonardo 666, 676
Chatziioannou, Aristotelis 39 Granmo, Ole-Christoffer 441
Chatzipavlis, Antonios 167
Chaudhari, Bhalchandra 384 Hatzitaki, Vassilia 600
Cherman, Everton Alvares 267 Hubacek, Ondrej 154
Chochliouros, Ioannis P. 653, 666, 676
Chouvarda, Ioanna 642 Iakovou, Stavros Anastasios 471
Chytas, Achilleas 642 Iliadis, Lazaros 191
Costa, Cristina E. 676 Iliopoulos, Costas S. 510
Iliou, Theodoros 53
Dardamanis, Athanassios 653, 666 Ioannidis, Dimosthenis 587
Delany, Sarah Jane 215 Ionașcu, Costel 305
Delibasis, K. 106 Isaev, Ilya 341
710 Author Index

Jadhav, Sadhana 384 Michail, Charalampos 573

Jalovecky, Rudolf 255 Mihăescu, Marian Cristian 305
Jirgl, Miroslav 255 Mihalache, Sanda Florentina 204
Julian, Vicente 14 Mitianoudis, Nikolaos 230
Mitkas, Pericles A. 455
Kafetzakis, Emmanouil 666 Mocanu, Mihai 305
Kalaganis, Fotis 429 Moghrabi, Chadia 63
Kalamaras, Elias 600 Mohamed, Manal 510
Kalamatianos, Romanos 180 Monard, Maria-Carolina 267
Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, Maximos 520, 552 Moschonas, Panagiotis 600
Kanavos, Andreas 471 Moschopoulos, Charalampos 623
Karakaya, Ziya 634 Moshou, Dimitrios 319
Karydis, Ioannis 180, 562 Mylonas, Phivos 490
Kasderidis, Stathis 319
Katsarou, Zoe 600 Nasr, Karim M. 676
Katsouros, Vassilis 562 Negkas, Dimitrios 119
Kefalas, Petros 359 Neves, José 14
Kermanidis, Katia 180 Novais, Paulo 14
Khodashenas, Pouria Sayyad 676 Ntekouli, Mandani 27, 53
Kintsakis, Athanassios M. 455 Ntika, Marina 359
Kırmacı, Başar 528
Kokkinos, Yiannis 292 Oğul, Hasan 528
Koniaris, Marios 499 Oliveira, Tiago 14
Konstantinidis, Andreas 407 Oprea, Mihaela 204
Konstantopoulou, Georgia 27, 53 Ougiaroglou, Stefanos 328
Kontogianni, Georgia 39
Korfiati, Aigli 573 Panges-Tserres, Georgios 623
Kotsiantis, Sotiris B. 75, 94 Pantazi, Xanthoula Eirini 319
Kottari, K. 106 Papadodima, Olga 39
Kourtis, Tassos 666 Papadopoulos, Harris 407
Krinidis, Stelios 587 Papadopoulos, Stavros 600
Kundu, Ritu 510 Papalambrou, Andreas 611
Papaxanthis, Charalambos 600
Laskaris, Nikos 429 Pérez-Romero, Jordi 676, 686
Liberal, Fidel 697 Plagianakos, V.P. 106
Likothanassis, Spiridon 587 Pokou, Yao Jean Marc 63
Likothanassis, Spiros 573, 623 Popescu, Marian 204
Longo, Luca 215 Popescu, Paul Ștefan 305
Lymberopoulos, Dimitrios 53 Psallas, Apostolos 490
Lymperopoulos, Dimitrios 27 Psomopoulos, Fotis E. 455

Maglaveras, Nicos 642 Raptis, George 611

Maglogiannis, Ilias 39, 106 Razis, Gerasimos 119
Makris, Christos 463 Rigos, Anastasios 167
Makris, Dimos 520 Rizzo, Lucas 215
Mallis, Dimitrios 230 Roos, Nico 371
Maragoudakis, Manolis 481 Ruiz, Cristina 676
Margaritis, Konstantinos G. 292
Marouli, Maria 27 Sakellariou, Ilias 359
Mavroudi, Seferina 573, 623 Sallent, Oriol 676, 686
Author Index 711

Sánchez-González, Juan 686 Tsitsouli, Eleni 623

Savvidou, Suzie 359 Tsompanas, Michail-Antisthenis 396
Sedivy, Jan 154 Tsougras, Costas 520, 552
Semertzidou, Christina 396 Tsoumakas, Grigorios 267
Serrano, Will 141 Turyagyenda, Charles 653
Sfakianakis, Evangelos 653, 666 Tzani, Aggelos 119
Sgouros, Thomas 230 Tzimas, Giannis 540
Shalamov, Viacheslav 348 Tzovaras, Dimitrios 600
Shalyto, Anatoly 348 Tzovaras, Dimitris 587
Silva, Ana 14
Sirakoulis, Georgios Ch. 396 Unland, Rainer 280
Skaros, Ilias 119
Smetannikov, Ivan 341 Vafeiadis, Georgios 119
Spartalis, Stefanos 191 Vafopoulos, Michalis 119
Spiliopoulou, Anastasia S. 653, 666 Vahid, Seiamak 676
Spyrou, Evaggelos 490 Vaporidi, Katerina 642
Stamatopoulou, Ioanna 359 Vassilakis, Vassilios 653
Stergiadis, Emmanouil 455 Vassiliou, Yannis 499
Sun, Zhenglong 371 Velegrakis, Adonis F. 167
Vikatos, Pantelis 463
Tamouridou, Alexandra A. 319 Votis, Konstantinos 600
Tampakas, Basil 540 Vrahatis, Michael N. 75, 94
Theofilatos, Konstantinos 573, 623
Tjortjis, Christos 242 Whitehead, Alan 676
Tropios, Pantelis 587 Wilson, Mick 653
Tsakalidis, Athanasios 471
Tsaknakis, John 540 Yazici, Ali 634
Tsapatsoulis, Nicolas 131
Tsekouras, George E. 167 Zacharakis, Asterios 520, 552
Tserirzoglou-Thoma, Maria 623 Zervos, Nikolaos 611

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