Candidate Manual and Faq Connector Ability Us Picompany
Candidate Manual and Faq Connector Ability Us Picompany
Candidate Manual and Faq Connector Ability Us Picompany
Connector Ability
Preparation and Frequently Asked Questions
You are given an explanation prior to each part and you answer sample questions to practice.
You can go through this explanation and these sample questions in your own time and at your
own pace, with no time pressure. Once you have completed the explanation and the sample
questions, you can start answering the real questions for that part. After that you will be given
the explanation and sample questions for the next part. And then you will answer the real
questions in that part. This continues until you have completed all three parts.
The organization that invited you to take this test will decide whether you can to take this test
at home or under supervision and what will be the follow-up steps to take on the basis of the
outcome of this test. When you take this test at home, the organization may decide to check
your result by asking you to take a subsequent test under supervision.
In case you can take the test at home, you will receive an email with the test’s name as
subject: “Connector Ability for (your name and the test’s reference number)”. This e-mail
contains the link to the test. Take the test within the time period required by the organization
that invited you for the test!
The following is specifically relevant when you take the test at home:
Work alone. You are not allowed to receive help from other people. Also you are not
allowed to use any aids, except for pen and paper.
Plan when to take the test. Choose a time when you can work undisturbed for
approximately one hour and a quarter.
Make sure that you can not be disturbed while taking the test. Turn off the phone,
close the door, let other people know that you can not be disturbed.
1. 1 D o I h a ve t o pr e p a r e (a nd pr a c ti c e )?
By preparing well you give yourself the chance of doing as well as you can in the test. It is
therefore in your own interest to make sufficient time to practice.
1. 2 H ow c a n I pr e pa r e m ys e l f f or ta k i n g te s t s ? Ar e t h e r e m or e t e s ts
a va i l a bl e for p r a c ti c e ?
In principle, taking the PI Company practice test already serves as a good preparation for
taking an ability test. Of course, extra practice by taking ability tests on the internet or by
making exercises in books available on the market for this purpose, never harms. It can make
you more familiar with the type of questions a test might present you. However, take into
account that ability tests can differ in what they measure, how they measure, and in quality.
Furthermore, nothing is more important than being relaxed and having had a good rest when
being tested. And during the day itself, make sure that you read the instruction carefully so
that you are sure you really understand the instruction before starting with the test.
1. 3 Ca n I ge t th e a n sw e r s o n th e qu e s ti o ns of t he pr a c ti c e t e s t
(t o ge t he r w i th a n e x p l a na ti o n )?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to report test questions and answers. Purpose of the practice
test and the report is to offer insight in how well your results are in comparison to a particular
norm group. For the sample questions that are included in the instruction of the actual test,
you can check your answers and you receive feedback. Based on this, you can estimate
whether you correctly understand the basic principle that the particular subtest is based on.
1. 5 In c a se you t a k e t he t e st at ho me : W he n mu s t I h a ve t a k e n t h e
te s t ?
The date on which you must have taken the test is in the e-mail you received containing the
link to the test. The subject line of this e-mail is: ‘Connector Ability for (your name and the
test’s reference number)’. If there is no date mentioned in this e-mail, please contact the e-
mail address or telephone number mentioned in the same e-mail.
1. 6 In c a se you t a k e t he t e st at ho me : I c a n’ t fi nd a q ui e t m o me nt t o
ta k e t he te s t . W ha t s h ou l d I d o n ow ?
Make sure you make time to take the test before the given date. This is very important. If you
really can’t, please inform your contact as soon as possible (the person who sent you the
invitation to take the test). Remember that there is a certain timeframe within which the test
has to be taken, because there are follow-up stages in the procedure which require the test
result. It is in your own interest to do everything you can to make time for the test.
2. 1 W ha t i f I d o n’ t k n o w the a n s w e r ? I s i t b e tt e r t o ha v e a g u e s s o r
l e a v e i t b l a nk ?
If you really don’t know the answer, it’s a good idea to have a guess; it’s no use waiting until
the time for answering the question is up. If you don’t fill in anything, your answer is counted
as wrong. If you have a guess, your answer might be right. And you won’t be ‘punished’ for a
wrong answer.
2. 2 H ow l o ng d oe s th e te s t t a k e ?
Be prepared to spend a maximum of one hour taking the test (including the explanation and
the sample questions). You might finish more quickly, certainly if you’ve practiced extensively
If you were working on the explanation or the sample questions when the test seized up, you
can start again from the beginning. If you had already started on the real questions, the
answers you had already given will have been saved. The test will automatically start where
you left off.
If this solution doesn’t work, contact the organization that invited you to take the test.
2. 4 In c a se you t a k e t he t e st at ho me : W ha t’ s t o s to p me a s k i ng
s o me o ne t o he l p me w i t h th e te s t ? N o on e w ou l d f i n d o u t.
In the job (the purpose) for which you are taking this test, you will have to show people what
you are capable of without any help. In any case, the organization that has invited you may
decide to ask you to take a subsequent test, which will be supervised. You won’t be able to
get any help from other people then: you will have to do it all yourself. It will be clear pretty
soon whether your score differs from the one in the first test. So it’s in your own interest to
take the test by yourself, without help.
3. 1 H ow w i l l I k now w ha t th e r e s ul t/ m y s c or e i s f or t he r e a l te s t ?
Your test results will be sent to the organization that invited you to take the test. If there has
been no appointment scheduled yet, your contact will get in touch with you to tell you the
outcome and what will happen next.
A difference in outcomes between several practice tests and/or practice test and Connector
Ability, can be related to one or more of the following aspects:
Test characteristics:
o Sometimes it happens that a person’s score on the practice test strikingly
differs from the score on the Connector Ability test.
The Connector Ability test predicts someone’s general intelligence better
than the practice test. This test was developed specifically for selection and
meets the highest criteria on reliability and validity.
The purpose of the practice test is to prepare and to give only an indication of
someone’s level. Therefore, the score on the practice test is also much more
globally defined (5 categories) than the score on the Connector Ability test.
The organization will therefore rely on the results on the Connector Ability
o Practice effect: anyone can take the practice test as often as he/she want.
Because the questions always remain the same, this means that by
practicing an ever higher score can be achieved.
Individual factors:
o Performing under pressure: Some people perform less well when they feel
under pressure, when it comes to making the real test, whether or not at the
organization’s office. In that case, someone may score lower than his/her
actual intelligence level. Conversely, someone could also perform better
under pressure, when taking the official test.
o Illness and fatigue can cause someone’s achievements to be less than
Test conditions:
o When taking the test, someone’s performance can be influenced in a
negative way in case of any kind of disturbance (noise, computer failure,
telephone when taking the test at home etc.)
o When, while taking the test at home, someone makes use of aids that are not
allowed or the help of another person, this will also influence the test
3. 5 In c a se you t a k e t he t e st at ho me: H ow m uc h ti me w i l l a p os s i b l e
s u bs e q ue n t te s t t a k e ?
The subsequent test contains fewer questions than the first test. Also, you will start on the real
questions straight away. You won’t first have to go through all the explanations and sample
questions. That means that the subsequent test will take about as long as the first test. If you
want, you can practice again beforehand. That’s up to you. Before the date of the test, come
back to this website again to practice.
4. Other questions
4. 2 I’ m d ys l e ct i c ( o r I s u f f e r fr om d ys c al cu li a) . W h at sho uld I do ?
The extent to which dyslexia (or dyscalculia) can affect the test results is not very great. This
is because the test does not measure language or arithmetical skills, but general intelligence.
Nonetheless, it is important that you mention this in advance of the test. Tell your contact.
4. 3 S o w ha t i s m y I Q - s c o r e ? W h y d o I n o t r e c e i v e a n I Q -s c or e ?
An IQ-score is no more than a specific way of measuring intelligence. The total world
population serves as a reference group. When organizations make use of an intelligence test,
most of the time this will not be an IQ-test but a test measuring general intelligence (G-factor,
as is the case with this practice test) or a test that measures intelligence focused on more
specific abilities (for example, numerical or verbal reasoning). These tests never report in IQ-
scores, but in so-called normed scores: scores that refer to how someone scores in relation to
a norm group, a comparison group. This is often a group of people who share a certain
4. 4 W hat i s P I Co mp a n y?
PI Company is the organization that developed the Connector Ability test. You can find more
information about PI Company on the website
C on tact
Do you still have questions or remarks regarding the Connector Ability and/or the practice
test? Please contact the organization that invited you to take this test. Should you be invited to
take the test at home, you will find the contact details in the e-mail you received with the link to
the test. The subject line of this e-mail is: ‘Connector Ability for (your name and the test’s
reference number)’.